OCR Interpretation

The Paducah evening sun. [volume] (Paducah, Ky.) 1906-1929, June 15, 1906, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85052114/1906-06-15/ed-1/seq-8/

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1I TT7g i EVfl4 ttt1t11tF pA u w
l1li9 PIPNws use
as owy
t This summer and you will need at least one
itof our offerings below and nowii i the chance
for you to buy it
Long Klmona made of good lawn
from S 100 to 400
Dressing Sacques made cf good quality law V
lor750to S2OO
White Lingerie Waists a complete line
for S100 to S 1000
Wool Traveling Skirts made of sage Panama aud
voiles forS500 to S1OOO
White Linen Skirt
for S150 200 S250 to S400
Light weight tau Covert Jackets
for500 to S 10OO
I White Wool Skirts
fOTS500to S850
Muslin Underwear to replenish your
< summer wardrobe
Cliiiutunqna Visitors Welcome
j4 S
doled by Frank Gllston Who Itovlvnl
the anquMUo1
Frank Gllaton the well known car
man employed by the Illinois Central
probably will be made honorary mem
ber of the toumane society Any way
he deserves a medal of come kind for
hli first aid to tho Injured prac
tked Two sparrows were fighting In
midair They were flying fast and am
struck a trolley wire It fell to the
ground Its neck appearing to have
been broken Qlliton picked It up
went to a neighboring hydrant ana
dashed cold water on the sparrow
head After administering a few cold
dashes of water the bird showed some
signs of life and In a short time wa
able to flutter about The carman
placed It on a fence and had the sat
Isfactlon of seeing It fly away a few
minutes later
rlca for Good English
Indianapolis Ind June 15ln his
annual address delivered today to the
members of the National > M lot rial
aHoclatlon President Diamond of
the New Orleans Planter made a plea
for the use ot good English In the
newspapers of the country Tho lesIon
sion was held In the assembly room
of the Claypool hotel It opened the
n business meetings ott the association
About sea editors from all parts of
t the country are here The meeting
will continue until Friday night
The delegates will leave Saturday
o morning In a special train for a four
days tour of Indiana which will end
at Chicago They will be entertained
at breakfast by the Chicago Press club
and will be taken on a tour of Inspec
I Hon of the Chicago stock yards and
4packing plants
Must Cut Out Profanity
Chicago June 1C The members
of the Waitress Union held an In
dignation meeting yesterday at
which their sentiments were crystal
r tied unanimously In the following
maxim for the benefit of the man
C avers Employers shall not use pro
fane language to waitresses This
dictum was carefully typewritten
and laid on the desk of the manager
of ever downtown restaurant
where girls are employed The Indlg
nation of the young women Is sale
to have been aroused when a manag
R er 4n a restaurant discharged a wai
ks tress for taking offenso at a rtvrt
What Ho Could Do
Jackson Ky Juno 16 Judge
t6largis r said to tho correspondent this
morning that he could fake D J
Ewen Mose Feltner Asbury SpIcer
and Anse White and convict Jesus
Christ for the murder of Abraham
Lincoln If he would give them a
IIpallrr sum to t testify Hargls case
was set for the first day ot the Oc
r tober term of court
Third Victim Identified
Louisville June 1C James
Blackberry of 333 Nineteenth street
was the third victim of Clarence
Sturgeons pistol In the fatal encoun
h ttel t In front of 431 Eleventh street
Blackberrys remains were Identl
fied at Baxs undertaking establish
ment this afternoon by his son lIen
ry Blackberby
Two Train Collide
Des Moines Ia June 1C The
A DM Moines Flyer westbound and
Jhe f Iowa Limited eastbound on the
hock Island rallroadcolllded tonight
at llarlnet Iowa through a misun
derstanding of orders
Mr H O Hoover went to Prince
t 7 ton today on business i
i i
American Citizen Grin Damage
Against Ilrlllsh Vessel
New Orleans June 1C An echo
of the Doer war was heard In the
United States court In New Orleans
today when Judge Parlange render
ed Judgment In favor of Peter Kent
zel against the British steamer Mont
calm for 10000 damages Kentzel
who Is an American citizen was em
ployed by the British government as
a muleteer on board the transport
Montcalm During a voyage from
New Orleans to Cape Town Kcntzei
was seriously Injured and upon his
return to the United States he li
beled tho British transport for dam
Klrrtric IdRlilliiK Plant mid Fire Pro
Kingwood W Va June lFire
this morning destroyed the electric
lighting plant and several other build
lags The town Is without fire pro
tection and now will bo In darkness
Split bothers Ilroil
Bucyrus 0 Juno 15 Arthur
Gardner 12 of Monett station split
his brothers head open with an axe
today while breaking up a box The
child will probably die
Lurn L il 1
River Stages
Cairo 218 03 rail
Chattanooga C4 10 rise
Cincinnati 155 13 rail
Evansvllla 94 OC rise
Florence 17 01 rail
Johnsonvllle 35 02 fall
Louisville C5 03 rise
Mt Carmel 45 02 rail
Nashvllla 80 01 Call
Plttsburg CC < 02 rlso
Davis Island Dam 42 05 Call
St Louis IPO 01 rail
w Vernon 8C 08 rise
Paducah 92 02 rail
The gauge registered a stage of 92
this morning a rail or 2 In the last 24
hours Weather clear Business
TIle City of Saltlllo arrived from St
Louis last night at S oclock and left
Immediately for the Tennessee river I
The Georgia Lee arrived yesterday <
evening at C oclock with a large pas i
senger list and took on about 25
more passengers here the larger part
or whom will make the round trip to
CIncinnatiI I
The Kentucky arrived last nightJ j
from the Tennessee river with a largo
load of peanuts and other freight j
The Kentucky will leave Saturday arI I
tcrnoon at G oclock for the round i
trip to the Tennessee riverI I
Capt James Roger received a tele
gram last night stating that Pat Cox
second engineer on the steamer Ctydfl
was disabled by having several finger
cut off In an accident Hugh Edwards
was sent up on the Saltlllo last night
to take his place
A wagon load ot watermelons was
a eaturo or the freight business onJ J
the Dick Fowlers trip to Cairo this
Tho passengers on the Dick Fowler
enjoy the music which Is a feature of
tho dally trips ° I
The Mary N and the Margaret
were Inspected yesterday by Messrs
MacDonald and Green government
Inspectors and both boats passed 1 I
The Peters Lee will pass down 1
from Cincinnati Saturday for Mem t
phis probably In the latter part or the t
Tho Joe Fowler was th Uvansvllle
packet today
Capt crown wharfmaster has
turned detective to recover several
lost trucks which belong about the
wharfboat Ilouts use these trucks to
load the freight and sometimes format
to put them back on tho wharfbont
Of course that Is always unlnten
Ofllrlal Forecasts
The Ohio at Rvansvllle will con
tinuo rising during the next two or
three days At Mt Vernon will com
mence rising tonight drFrlday At
Paducah and Cairo will continue to
tall slowly during the next 24 to 36
The Tennessee froin Florence to
below Johntouvllle will rlxo today
The Mississippi from below St
Louis to Cairo no material change
during the next 24 hours
Hound Trip to Cairo
TK < following party made the
round trip to Cairo on the Fowler
yesterday Misses Branch May lIar
lan Anna Harlan Rita liecken
bough May Lander Mesdames Dun
WE offer you a complete assortment of Mens
T T and Boys Suits new and uptodate in styleIh
and patterns right in the heart of the season at ONE
FOURTH OFF the regular price which means 25R
cents saved on each dollar spent with us
20 Suits cut too = = 1500 1250 Suits cut to = 998
18 Suits o J 1350 1000 Suits U 750
15 Suits u II 1125 750 Suits U U II 563
t t
Dont delay but come at once while we have yourt
1size 1
L = = C = = cO = u = =
Including all of our fine lisle thread
and French Balbriggan
100 Garments t cut 7
tOj k u 7 5 C
SOc Garments cut
to M ini
50c Elastic i Seam Drawers cut
25c Garments cut
I to U
We are going out of the shoe business andoffe our entire line of Mens and Boys Shoes in Pat
Colt Vici Kid and Calf including all new Spring Oxfords at manufacturers prices Dont miss NT f r
this opportunity to shoe yourself They are all first qualityI I H
350 Keiths < Konqueror = = 263 250 Beacon Light = = = 188 If
350 Just Wright now = 11 263 200 Our Special c = = = 150 j
W i
Gllberto Dumont P JUcckenliaushj
Frank Hartan ODonnel Laveil Ha
Low Iliilcs fo the liens Coming
On account ot tho homo coming for
Kentuckians Louisville Ky the
Southern railway will sell tickets from
all of Its statlonVto Louisville at rate
of one firstclass rare plus 25 cent
for tho round trip on June 10 11
112 and 13 with return limit of June
23 190C An extension of this limit
I may bo obtained to leave Louisville
I not later than thirty days from date
of sale by depositing ticket with the
Joint agent and making payment of
arty cent fee I
An elaborate program has been ar
ranged and the occasion will prove an i
exceedingly Interesting one to all Kcn
tucklans A number of special trains I
have been arranged t for from St Louis
Kansas City Denver Texas and other
points In the west southwest and
southeast and a Urge number of ex
Kentuckians will return to their
native state to visit old friends and
relatives Homo coming will b held I
at a number of points throughout tho i
state In order to enable those who
e jo
a t
Now for Your Straw Hat
Weve all the seasons newest and will
every Straw Hat in the house
85 oo Panamas cut tfJO 7R
to 375
1300 Spilt braid cut
IJiSP 225
Si roo Straws cut
In cul75e
f 2 oo Split llrntd cut
to 15O
Ir50 t Split Braid cut 113
500 o Straws cut 38e
desire to attend these celebrations
tickets will bo sold from Louisville to
points In Kentucky on June 1C 17
and 18 to original purchasers of
round trip tlckfcts tp > Louisville ac
count of the homo coming at rate of
one firstclass faro plus twentyfive
cents round trip minimum fifty cents
with return limit of July 23 190G
For schedules and additional Infor
mellon call on any agent of tho South
ern Hallway or
234 Fourth Ave Loulsvllo
That Timl Feeling
It you nro languid depressed In
capable for work It Indicates that
your liver Is out ot order Hcrblno
will assist nature to throw off head
aches rheumatism and ailments akin
to nervousness and restore tjiq t afar
gins and vitality of sound and
anrlI I
Temple of Texas writes t have used j
Herblna Tortha past two years It1
has done mo more cool than all the
doctors It Is the best medicine
ever made for chills and fever GOt
I Sold by Alvey k List
Babortee For The Baa
t Y 1 rr
HInnlr1I nrul Mnniiiiirnt UuvrllliiK
Louisville Juno 1iTho flower
parade was the feature r Home
Coming week today The reunion
ot the desccmlenta of Daniel Iloono
was hold and a fine statue of the lam
ous pioneer was unveiled In Cherokee
Westmoreland Kan Way G 1902
Ballard Snow Liniment Co Yoin
Snow Llnlmrnt cured nn old soro 03
the wide of my chin that was sup
posed to bo n dancer Tho soro Vat
stubborn and would not yield to
ticntmtnt until I triad Snow Llnl
ascot which did the work In short
ordur My sister Mrs Sophia J
Carson Allcnsvllle Mlflln Co Pa
has a sore and mistrusts that It Is a
cancer Please send her a 50c Mttle
Sold by Alvcy List
A IOJllmx limn Fem HAM
Hit tetras luilli fmiuif haul
wood lluurx 111011111 tit very par
Iliular 111un priinbOH at 110
Xorlh Fifth street
Straw Hat
Tt t N
ImeI I
5II sQl
Q VI 1
d PTl
sMt s i
iioooim HOTKI I
Chlcajo Ill Juno 13a thin rt
Chicago is Insured tho finest hotel In
the country n hold which will colt
50VOOOO and ecllpye Xpw YW
citys finest hostelry It wlli bo erect
ul next fail on Otto Young IIOIf
on Michigan avenue between Habbard
and Peck courts
1rllitt 1
Deep tearing or wrenching Loin
occasioned lit getting wet through
worse when at rest or on first mov
ing the limbs end In cold or damp 1r
lards Snow Liniment Oscar Olesou
Gibson City III writes Fob 1C 190 i
A year ago I was troubled with a
pain In my back It soon rot so bad I
could not bend over Ono bottle of
Uallards Snow met
Liniment cured me
alit by Alvey List
To Kluit Thesis Out
San Francisco pal June 15
State officials have decided Insurance
companies refusing to pay In full
claims for losses In San Francisco
will bo shut out of the atateTho
attorney general says there Is amplefirf
authority under the law ° to do this

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