lll t l VOL IX NO 234 PADUCAH KENTUCKY MONDAY OCTOBER 61902 10 CENTS PER WEEK SHE HANGED HERSELF 1 s Inmate of the Hopklnsvilla Asylum tiCommitted Suicide Today Toll Gate Near Harrodibnrg Dynamic ed and Woman Badly Hurt Nighti i STRIKE OVER AT EVANSVILLK I COMMITTED SUICIDE IN ASYLUM k Hopkinivllle Ky October SMrs Oman Wolfe an Inmate of the West ern Insane Asylum committed enfold by banging herself with a rope made from ribbons STRIKE AT EVANS EVANSVILLE VILLE SETTLED Evansville Iud Oct 8Tbe strike I at the Glass Work bal been Milled by 1 t arbitration nJ one hundred men have I returned to wad at higher wage 4NO OTHER OPERA TION NECESSARY Washington Oct 8 Preildent HooMvelts physicians report that an other operation will not be necessary DEATH AT BOWLING GREEN Bowling Cisco Ky Oct 6War ten Hlnei Clark member of ODe of the malt prominent famlllei In IenI I tucky died at the Marshall betel here this morning DYNAMITEED TOLLGATE Harrodibnrg Oct 6The tailgate home at Brooklyn bridge was dyne salted by raiders last night about 19 oclock and Mri Richard Rue wife k of the gate keeper wn badly injured a MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION NO BUSINESS OF IMPORTANCE BROUGHT UP TODAY The Ministerial association met this morning but nothing of importance was done The regular report were read and received and the report of the First Baptist church for the past year was read to tho association The following are a few of the Itemaot In terest In the church Addltlrni toi I toI I the church number 83 for the put year 170135 hat been given to the j missions and the membership ai jtrci ent li COtI llrell I I Rev Sam JaDe writes that he will be here on Wednesday afternoon Willi I I I time for the evening services The I j committee reported the work on the I I warihonse where the meeting willI I bi heldj progressing rapidly and I the wiring will have been completed I by tomorrow at noon The seat ommltteo reported that the seats were all ready and that the seating j capacity will be larger than expected 1 TROOPS AGAIN Ufl i GUARD I RENEWED ACTIVITY OF 8TRIK 4 II IVRS + AT OLENS FALLS OAUS c V f ING AN UNEASY FEELING I II I Ulem Fall N Y Oct 8AI a I result of renewed activity by the strik ing motormen of the Hudson Valley I Electric Railway company soldiers ofI Ibe national guard are again guarding t the peace of this town and though I I i today hat teen no rioting an uneasy 1 i feeling prevails The militia compa 1 ny Is I now protecting the power house t ud other property of the railway f cot pany in Glees Falli A squad ii r also guarding the bridge at Sand Hill I j oil account of a report that one of the t canal bridge was to be blown up THE MARKETSJ 1 I I nnliotd bjr Areas It IGllbtrt ot roe rad4b 1 1Coaim1oJOIJ Coaim1oJOIJI I ayr Coaim1oJOIJU YI f LCtOU j r p t I F II N 11 0e11 llber So c od 10 br iH I yIT J1 1fta tseti filar naq y ti t I tt4 It II IOcI I JIJH arM43 0 alBS I Alasat yRt1l a r to I s t rMtpnuuup 5 II Nyt i NOTHING GIVEN OUT Secret Conference Held at the White House Yesterday Morning Supposed to Have Been Looking Towards ward a Settlement of the Goal Strike i PPEAIi TO MINERS PROBABLE Washington Oct 8In an earnest effort to expedite the adjustment of the coal strike problem another can ference over the situation was held at the White Homo yesterday and ad journed after three hours cf delibera tion No statement was given out ai to the conclusions reached and every participant absolutely refused to did cuts what had taken place during the meeting The conference was called although it Will Sunday In view of the extraordinary Importance to the American people of a speedy solution of the question Besides the president there were present at the conference Secretary of War Root Secretary of tne Nary Moody Attorney General Knox Post waster General Payne and Carroll D Wright United States commissioner of labor The lat named was um mOD d to attend the conference on no count of nil expert knowledge of the situation In the anthracite coal fields and became of fall personal investiga tion of the conditions there which he made some months ago at the instance ot the president Tile conference began shortly af ter 10 oclock the time Bexd by the president When thono who were to participate arrived at the White Home In a drizzling rain they found Bur geon General Alley of the nary and Dr Lung the presidents physician already there making the morning call on the dlitlngnliheil I aUentThl caused a delay of a few minutes When the two physicians left It wan reported that the presidents condl tion was progressing satisfactorily and that there were no untoward develop ment mentsThe The president expressing his views at the outlet of Ibo conference talked earnestly and hewed a deep feeling till voice at times could be heard downstairs Several times during the conference Secretary Cortleyon was summoned into the room and directed I to certain matters for the prepare can liberation of the president and of his I advisers This was taken to Indicate that some action of one nature or al olber was about to be consummat ed When the conference adjourned a few minutes before t oclock all those who had joined In It declined to talk Every member of the cabl net and Colonel Wright the only outsider who was preientwai pledg ed by the president to absolute se Crecy ni to what had occurred with in the conference room The utmost efforts ware made to guard against pub tyUnder Under the circumstances It li almost Impossible to do more than draw the molt general conclusions ai to the na ture of the proceeding baaed upon uponI what preceded the meeting The known facts are that the president has reached the conclusion that he bAl nothing to expect lave refusal from a farther appeal to the coal ope rator and therefore has decided to look for relief from the situation to the miners lido He feels that he hardly can expect them to make the sacrifice of all their contentions without holding out at lout u promise of the ohms return and the question before him li es to his ability to do thlt Ha can ledge himself to appeal to congress pto Into to examine Into the justice of the miners complaint and remedy them o far ai He in the power of the leg Illative brancbbacked by the earnest good will of the executive Aha he can suggest to Governor Stone of Pennsylvania that became the Penn sylvania legislature likewise to make ap Inquiry perhaps battening the uiu il methods by calling an extra session But these pledge would be given anI on condition that the men go at once oDr81Into into the mines and get out with alli i treed at Coca the coal for which the i Interest in The Suns Box Party Is Growing Lively Interest In the box party to be given urged to out out the coupons each by The Ban to the teachers of the dar and tend them In Left lea mod popular school at the perform which p pllaro the molt loyal to their school once of the liar Lord and Master FrITb The vote laD d III day night increases with each day No Longfellow 688 I announcement of the Tote baa here Jefferson 317 tofore been made but will be pub Washington ttt i llihed each day hereafter franklin 139 fl I The performance li a splendid one Lee 187l and will prove entertaining for the Langitaff 87 < teachers and the school children are Frontier 47 MORE TROUBLE THE DEBTS OF THE OASTEL LANES COME UP FOR AN OTHER AIRING New York Oct 8A conference WH held In the chamber of Judge Lacombe of the United State circuit court by the lawyers interested in the affairs of Countess de Oaitellane Exactly what occurred none of the lawyer present would state further than that several phases of the cue brought against George J Gould and I Allis Helen M Gould ai receiver of the countess by the various creditors were discussed after which an ad journment was taken until lomn fu ture date to be determined by the ar rival of certain paper from Paris It li I said that Asher Werthelmer who claims the Uaitellanes owe him In the neighborhood of 1800000 hal offered to withdraw his case providing hit claim li paid In monthly install ments HA olio asks that tho countess Insure her life In his favor for the amount due him The other creditor protest however against this union a ilmllar provision ii made In their caseEXTENSION EXTENSION OF TilE TELEGRAPH Washington Oct CTbo postofllcei department for the first time ti able to telegraph ai far north ai Eagle Alaska The telegram stated that a I contract had been awarded for carry Ing the malls from Fort Yukon to Be attics above the Arotlo Circle for I f 50C a round trip of COO miles I Dr Delia Caldwell has returned from New York OUT where she ac companied Mrs Joseph L Friedman people are suffering To adopt this course meant the con tinuance of the policy ot exerting moral suasion to the end of the strike It li I certain that thus far tbo presi dent hal not found a single one of hit constitutional advisers who would suggest gest any departure from this policy no one could find a method sanctioned by law or constitution which promised relief and Involved the me of duress against either the operator or the miners It ii I believed hen that the presi dent baa written Mitchell asking him to abandon the trite It ii I possible that he may have a conference with Governor Stone hero and is also reo ported that he has written Governor Stone advising a special session of the legislature QUARTERLY COURT NO OASES TRIED TOl A YFIS OAL COURT CONVENES TOMORROW County Judge R T Llghtfoot convened quarterly court this morn ing but no caM were tried He set all cases for trial the first bearing next Monday Fiscal court will convene tomorrow and there will be much business to transact Nothing of nnniual Impor tance will be presented however There are several report on new roads that will be of interest to the farmers one being the Husbands road from the Mayfield gravel road to the Benton road a road that has long been needed The committee will bring in a report tomorrow tomorrowTHE THE NEW CAPITOL THE CORNER STONE TO BE LAID JEFF DAVIS BIRTHDAY Jackson Miss Oct 6Tbo gover non of all the states In the union and other stale officials will be invited to attend the ceremony of laylrg the cor ner stone of Miiilntppii few capitol building on June 3 1003 The date named by the capitol commission at its session ii the birthday of Jefferson Davis The commission will make extensive i arrangements for the ceremony and expects to make It the mOlt potable overt of the kind In the history of the commonwealth Distinguished per sons from all parts of the country will be Invited OUT ON BOND EDGAR SEAY RELEASED FROM THE COUNTY JAIL TODAY Edgar Seay who hal been In the county jail for leveral months await ing the action of the court on a charge of anon was this afternoon released on bond Messrs Bud Elrod and wife and Jake Sanderson of Lone Oak be coming his bondsmen Seay burned his home one night while no one was at home and took a gun and started out to look for his wife laying that ha Intended to boot her He came upon his wife and ion and the latter was forced to shoot him In the arm to pro tect his mother The bond was 1500 Go out and register tomorrow It may be the only chance Harts Hot Air CONCENTRATED IN THE RADIANT AIR BLAST I THE I best stove made for all kinds of heating ALMOST indestructible no gas no puffing no smoky walls ALL inside castings built to lastConstruction of fire bowl prevents its burning out 5CENTS per day will heat the house nicelyCheap Isnt it Yet tis trutfl It has been done and is still adoingPrices Prices in Reason J GEO 0 HART SONS CO IU di4J WORK BEGINS AT ONCE Contract for the Steam Excavations s Has Been Let The New Company Will Be Ready to I Furnish Heat By December 1 In Paducah POWER HOUSE NEXT YEAR The pipe for the new iteam heating company will be laid at once The contract for the excavation s has been let by Mr H D Fitch ot Bowling Ureen the promoter of the I enterprise to the American Steam Beating company of Chicago and It U understood the price U 188000 for the excavation and other work neces sary before the plant can be put In i I operation Work will begin within ten days or two weeks Mr Fitch was here last week with Mr Eddy the engineer and they went over the city securing grants and rights of way from vari ous property owners No power houie will be built this year owing to the delay in telling the franchise the steam for heating put poses to be secured from the exhaust pipes of the Paducah Railway and Light plant on Second street The pipes that are to convey the heat are to ba laid three feet deep and the pipes will be enclosed in pine box ei sealed with tar and covered with tinThe The company will be ready to fur nish beat by December 1 Next spring the power home will be built It ii understood that the build ing for the various purpose it ii to be mod will cost somewhere between 75000 and 190000 The pipe will be extended to the I residence portion next year I JAIL BREAKER CAUGHT GOOD WORK OF OAPT BAILEY AND A MAYFIELD OFFICER Hugh Kirk age 18 who broke jail at Camden Tona about eight weeks ago was arrested at Oakes yesterday afternoon by Captain Henry Bailey of the city and Marshal Charles MoNntt of Mayfield They had been working on the case for tome time and finally suc ceeded in locating their mane NEW FURNACE TO BE BUILT Chattanooga Oct 8A tract of land just onstlde of the city limits at the base of Lookout Mountain has been purchased by representatives of the Alabama Steel and Wire Co upon which a large furnace will be built at once It 11 thought that a steel mill will be built later Joseph L Schwab brother of Charles M Schwab ii in terested in the deal BLOOLDESS DUEL Madrid Oct 8A s an outcome of newspaper attacks Gen Barges cap tain general of Catalonia fought a duel with pistols with the director of the newspaper El InparcUl of Mad rid Neither of the combatant was InjuredCONFLAGRATION CONFLAGRATION AT AMOY i Shanghai Oct 6New received here from Amoy says a fire which had I done great damage In the native sec I tion had spread to the British roncei lion Three foreign warehouse and I the custom home arc burning LA SOUFR1ERE IN ERUPTION i Kingston at Vincent Oct 8Afler a week of tranquility La Sonfrlere J showed signs of disturbance again yes terday There was a slight eruption I at 6 p m yesterday Today the vol I cano resumed its quiet BIO FAILURE IN RUSSIA Odessa Rniiia Oct 8Tbe failure J of the great metallurgical works at Kertih for 19000000 hag caused a i I flutter on the stock markets and hatI I resulted in making idle 8000 menI Mill Mary Belle Maxwell returned to Marion today at noon after a short 1 visit to friends in the city I I Republicans who desire to vote I In November should register to 1 morrow + I CUPID GETS BUSY i tMr Mr Robert Rudolph and Miss Emma Rottgerlng Marry at Golconda rIi if A Couple from Paris Tenn Wed ata t the Court Home and a Paducah Boy Wins Bride at Clinton EARLY MARRIAGE ATMAYFIELD A inrpriie marriage was that yes terday of Mr Robert Rudolph the r well known floriit and Mill Emma Rottgerlng daughter of Mr H W Rottgertng the Rowlandtown dairy man at the residence of the brides aunt Mrs Rodman In Golconda 111 when the bride was visiting Mr Rudolph went up on the packet Satur day afternoon and they have gone to St LoDI and other point on a bridal tour Mr Rudolph ii a member of the firm of Mattlion and Rudolph and li a Paducah boy with a boat of friend Mr James Nagel a Paducah boy but now In the drug business In Clio ton Ky and Hiss Floy Lowe a beau tiful and attractive young lady of Clinton were married yesterday at isd a ion of Mr Henry Nagel the butcn er formerly of the city but now of Loniivlllu and after graduating at the college of pharmacy at Louisville be went to Clinton and accepted n po sition In the Craig drug store The bride hal quite II number of friend j here Mr arid Mri1 Nigel have gone tq St Louis on a bridal tour AnDoui uc ntIiilimade of the mar riage of Mr Cornelius G Rice to Mill Pauline Levy at the Tenth street Christian church Wednesday evening at 8 oclock Rev W T Boaz officiat ing The brlJotobo ii a daughter of Mri Roio Levy and hal been sten ographer for the Kentucky and Ten nesieoDlitllllng Co Mr Rico Ii I con nected with the Star laundry and the couple will reside at ISpS Jackson street R L Mahan and wife of Mayfield are at the Palmer Mr Mahan and lllss Debbie Morrow both prominent young people of Mayfield were mar ried this morning at 8 oclock and took the first train out for here and from here they left for St Louis en a bridal trip Mr Mahan ii a drummer for the Merritt Pants Co and his bride li the daughter of Mr J D Morrow a bookkeeper for the firm of Carter Bros wholesale grocer The marriage of Mill Kate Pendle ton Overton of Frankfort and Mr Clarence Crlttenden Calhoun of Los ington ii announced to tats place November 19 at the home of the brldo In Frankfort They are prom neat young people of that section of the state and Miss Overton li pleas antly remembered in Paducah where she has visited a time or two Mr 0 O Neese and Mill Anna Nunn of Paris Tenn arrived yester day afternoon and were married at the county court home by Rev J W Irion of the Trimble street Meth odist church They were at the Palmer today and left for Memphis to spend a few days Mill Gertrude Ron ot the city bad gone to Fort Worth Tex where the will be married on her arrival to Mr Louis Bailey formerly of the II linoli Central here and a nephew of Mr Wm Halley of the city Tho young lady was for several yean cash ier at Poagei Mill Lute Hobson of Mayfield and Mr James Oovlngton ion of Mr J A Oovlngton of Mayfield were mar rled Saturday at Trimble Tenn Tho bride li 16 and the groom 19 MYSTERIOUS GRAVE Clarkivllle Oct 8A mysterious grave has been found near Half Pone Tenn which Ii believed to have covered an unknown crime The grave was discovered in a thicket and Ii only eighteen Inches deep It ii lined with slate rock and con tained the human being Who from the position of the bone must have I been burled In a doubledup position The grave li too well preserved to ba that of an Indian There li no clue to the mystery r r c