e i i I 9 TiiiimtV Atittfi rt TIIJ3 IADUOAH EVENING SUNerArn BRVKtf u c 1NlltwAel M tl v t1 I i i 1 t s LIII 1111 t i i l f wl 1 LII t II II I JvM I l < r 1 1 I t I 1 t i l r Lf t del I11 tI 1j 1 t 11 l 11W r 1I ° f I 1 JrJr S Vmo lW 1 logs o the JWI f f 1 i I I Sri Morning fttli 1 4 11 0 JI I > I Jti Jt i 11 rI vIQgl 1 h gl iIlI 1 111hr1t I i 1 1 i 1 l I dd cn1u rent IX Hfo Mllor went utter those neon Tfill I In n mood of rehutk i I M tt > rlty I f Thtis fur the nwilnr J denUdi of Hrtlnbow Isjnnd 1 imil dwelt tOKothor In pcnco nnil nut tunl goal will but each itlintiiutlvo wollWoii itnixt liO I tntight not to pull nay Btrlnca lie found Uid promiscu ously to trees or Makes All it pro Iliulimry cwiy Jeiikn resolved l t to try fomi combined vlth nrllllce Pnlllnit complelo HUCCOBH Imo would oinlciivor to kill every monkey In tlio place thotiKli lie land In full inutHuru mho In hmMl dlallku of AngloIndia to the Hlnylng of Iliu treu people flats then UWlmt he did After filling n blHitilt tin with good Hired pebbles ho doimod a Dynk lint Mouse mid hell rubbed enrtli I over his nci t mid hand nod proceeded to twit I the WOUWQUII uierdl itly For more than nn hour he undo their live misera ble until nt the more night of him they lied Hhrluklng nnd gurgling like n thousand vntur InittlcH Finally lit coimtrncted several I Dynk scarecrows mid revtfil one to guard each of lili ahirm gnus The devlco was thor oughly Directive ThentTforth when BOIIIO adventurous monkey swinging with bonds or tnll among the tree Imps In the morning ncntvh for nppetlz lug nut or lusiJotu plantain IInw one of those fennioiiio bogies liu mined I snob a hubbub that t t all bin eompauloiu Hcampereil Imntlly from the eonllupa of the wood to thl Inner fafttnetwefl During each of time two daily exami nation of tlio horizon which lie never omitted Jenkn niluutely ocrutlnlzed tlio sea between Italnbow Island and time distant group It wan perhaps n needle t precaution The DynUrt would come nt nlsht With n favorablo rind they need not set Mall until dusk nUll their lleet minipiiiw would eaully rover the Intervening forty miles In live hours He could not bo positive that they wero nrtnal Inlmbltantn of the Islands to the Kouth The China wit awarniH with Wiindorlng pirates and the tribe vhjHo animosity he had earned might bo diually noxious to some peaceable Jailing community on limo coast Again mid again ho debuted the ndvlaablllly of constructing 11 seaworthy raft anil endeavoring to make the pnsBage Hut Ibis would ho risking all on a fright ful jtuertalnty and the accidental Ills covery of the wtglos nest bad given him new hope Hero ho could make n determined and prolonged Htand aunt In tlio mum help must come SO ho dis missed the navigation project and de voted 1 lilniMCif wholly to the perfecting of the natural fortress In tho rock That night they llnlahctl tho type lad der indeed Jcnku was dctenulncd not to retire to rest until It was placed IK did not care to try n second time to carry Iris to that elovated perch Ono of the first thing t he contem I plated was tho destruction If possible of tho point on tho opposite elite which commanded tho ledge This however was utterly Impracticable with tho ap pliances at his command The top of the rock sloped slightly towanl the west sad nothing short of dynamite or regular quarrying operations vould render It untenable by hostllo marks men During tho day bis rifles nt ninety yards nnigo might bo trusted to keep tho place clear of Intruders Hut at night m that wan limo dlillculty Ho i partially nolred It by fixing two rests on tho Icdno to support a rltlo In exact lino with tho center of time enemys mtpposed position and as n variant bn the outer rest ho marked lilts which corresponded with other sections of tho entire front available to tho foe liven then ho was not satisfied When time pormlttod Jio made many experi meats with ropes reeved through the pulley mid attached to a rUle action Ho might Invo succeeded In his IIInlnI I object had not bla thought taken n new hue HU aim was to achlcvn snow nullwd of opening mill closing the breech block by moans of twp roper The dltUcully wan to secure the prtllmlimry and tlnal lateral movement of tho lover bolt but It suddenly oc I inured to him that It ho could mtinuco to convey the Impression that Iris and ho bad mutt limo Islujul tho Dyaks woul1I I BJ away iifttT n fruitless IIIIIICh Tlio xutenco of ropes along tho taco of tho rack an Isacntlal to his niccliiuileal iivhonw would betray their whorlI I about or ut any ruto excite dangerous 1 curiosity t1 < j ho reluctantly abandoned hid oniiliuil design though mt whollI I aa will bo Bitw In ilno course In pursuance of his liitpjt Idea ho sedulously removed from the foot of time clllt nil tniccH of the clearance effected I on tho ledge and although Jio pruvMcd mipports for thin tarpaulin ovorlng ho did not iidjuot It Iris I mid ho might he perdu thvro for days with out thulr rp rant being found out ibis 110IJollIlell IJIIGGOdl011 time U m cuBslly ot hllliin their Buiplus i stares and am m iiiliion mill wjiat spot could lea more sultub o thiii tho cave lit 1 Jviiks begun auig once morp In Ilea Jntcror luborlua manfully wllh pick nml pspvel in tlia lociility of the I fault w Ut his Yell of antimony jWnbjw Utund had 1 KVW l him I the mitt llIiJl u114 1111l1li abQtt all Vc 7 H J 81 LOUIS t tlG l TRACYt t tr G Htjtdd + I 1I 1 I I a I I t tlo 1 tIlI I w 1 9tIlI w f 1 < i M 1 n pure yet iinvslorihlb love for n woinnn beiiiitlfnliillko In body nnd mind And now It l was to endow him with riches that tnlf ht stir tho pulse of oven n 1Snulh African magnate for tho Bail or unmindful of purpose other than providing the re < inlglto cache shovel Itiff and dolfbiR with the energy pecul Inv to all his actions Biiddonly struck n deep vein of almost virgin gold To facilitate tho disposal nt a dis Inane of tho disturbed debris ho threw threwn which ho subsequently dragged among thin trees In order to dislodge Hit con tents After doing this four Milieu ho noticed certain metallic specks In the fifth load which recalled tho presence of tho antimony Hut the appearance of tho sixth cargo was so remarkable sunllglitt that It Invited closer Inspection Though his knowledge of geology was Blight ho won forced to believe that tho oneclmeuri ho handled so dubiously contained neither copper nor Iron pyrites but glittering yellow gold Their weight the distribution of till metal through quartz In n transition state between ah oxide amid n tellurlde compelled recognition Somewhat excited yet half skeptical be returned 1 to thu excavation and 8eooMHl out yet another collection This time hero could bo no mistake Natures own alchemy had fashioned n veritable Ingot Thcro were small lumps hi tho oro which would only need alloy at tho mint before they could bo Issued as sovereigns so free from dross were they Iris had gone to Venus bath mid would bo absent for Home time Jcnks nat down on II hull Plump Ho held In his band n snail tilt of oro worth per haps L20 Slowly tho conjectures nl ready pieced together In his mind dur lug early days on tho Island caino back to him Tho skeleton of nn Englishman 1 ly I lag there among the bushes near tho well l tho Golgotha of tho poison filled hollow tho mining tools both Chinese and European 1 the plan on tho piece of tliiah tho piece of tint Mechan ically the tailor produced It from the breast pocket of his Jersey At last tho mysterious sign 3U divided by 1 revealed Its significance Measure thir tytwo feet from tho mouth of the tun lid dig ono foot In depth and you auto upon the mother lode of this gold ttcurlUK rock This then was tho se cret of tho cave rime Chinese knew the richness of the deposit and exploited Its treasures by I quarrying from tho outer side of the hill Hut their crass Ignorance of inod era science led to their undoing The accumulation of liberated carbonic ncld gas In the workings killed them In scores They probably fought this un seen demon with tho tenacity of their race until time place Became accursed and banned of all living things Yet had they dug n little ditch nnd per muted tho Invisible terror to How quiet ly I downward until Its potency was dis sipated by sea nnd air they might have mined tho whole cliff with iui punlty The unfortunate unknown J She of tho whitened bones might have done this thing too Hut ho only pos sessed tho half knowledge of time work log miner and while shunning the phtgno stricken quarry adopted the more laborious method of making an malt to strike tho deposit lie wtecccd ed to perish miserably In the hour when ho saw himself n millionaire Was this a portent of tho fate about to overtake the latest comersY Jcnks of course stood up Ho always stood square on his feet when the volcano within him fired his blood VW ho almost shouted I will break the npell I am sent hero by Providence not to nearcli for gold but to save u womans life and If nil tho devils of China and Malay are In league against mo I will beat them The sound of his own voice startled him Whnt was nil till fuss about With n harrow load of gold bo could not buy nn Ilistants safety for Iris nut to mention himself the language UUUcitlly was Insuperable Were It othenvlso the Dyuka would simply linnlbng him uutll ho revealed the Bourse of bis wealth and then murder him ns mi effective safeguard against foreign Interference UU Not Puce since oho was hurled ashore In bin arms had conks so t hill forgotten her existence should Im ten her They were partners In everything appertaining to Ihu Bland Why keep this mflrviloils Intelligence from her 11hilt 1 but by L reason of bin love for her Once years ago when his arduous pro fessional studios were dUtracfcd by n momentary Infatuation for n fair face n woman had proved fickle yhcn tempted by greater wealth 111111 possessed For long Uo wag n con tinued misogynist to isle gront and lasting gain nn n leader of men UutI I with more equable judgment iumo a fixed resolution hot to t marry unless hid prospective bride cared only for him altl not for hats position To a staff corp < pflcori even one with q small private Income this was no unattainable ideal 1IJtfll he I met wHI tint t tmlww e lied liOllT of tkrf court IUllr 1 tint tVlillO his noiil Hlllt riulrcmt I under the lash of that crrlbto down fall Iris fatnd Ititd his life ltd knew list t what llllhtht l JiajjiicnK they Word rescued Tlib timid wotllti illicitly pass until time old order was resumed she to no biick to her position In society ho to t become again it disgraced ex ofllcer apparently working out n mere existence before tho hint or hamllnrf platen In it saloon Would It not bo n sweet dcllntice of advcrnlty were ho able even under niicb rondltlotifl II win her lore JlIIII then illscbxo lo hoY the pjtenllallllei of the Island 1orchancc 1 he mlttht fall Though rich an tVoisiia ho would fctlll bo tinder the Racial ball inched out to n cashiered 1 ofllcer She was n girl who eosin command the gift of coro nets With restoration to her father and home gratitude to hpr preserver would r assuredly remain but alas love might vanish like n mlragcl Then he would net honorably lialf of the stored wealth would be bent to do M oho chose with It Yes this was n possible alternative In case of accident to himself mid her ultimate escape he must Immediately write full details of his discovery and Intrust tho document to her to he opened only after his death or nix months after their release Tho m Idca possessed t l him BO thorough ly I that he could brook no delay Ho nodrclicd for one of the notebooks laic en from tho dead olllcent of tho Sir dar mid scribbled thu following letter Door MIA Dcan Whether I am living or cloud when you reml these linos you will know that 1 lovo you Colds Ire pent that avowal n million times In at many varied formi t should fad no better phrase to express the dream I have cher ished since n happy tale permitted mo to snatch you from death Bo I simply cay I lovo you 1 will continue to lave you whllo lire lUll and It Is my dcarcit hopo that In the life beyond tho grave I may lUll be nbio to voice my lovo for you nut twrhapi I am not destined to be loved by you Therefore In the event of my douth before you leave thoMslaml I wish to clvo you Instructions how to nnd n told mlno of Brent value which Is I hidden In tho rock containing the cave You re member the sign on the piece of tin which wo could not understand Tho figure 32 donates tho utmost depth of the excava lion and the 1 signifies that ono toot be low mho surface on reaching limo taco of tho rock there tA a rich vein of gold The hollow on the other lido of tho cliff be came tilled with nnhydralo gas nnd lima stopped thy operations of tho Chinese Who evidently know of the existence nt the mine This Is all the Information the experts employed by Blr Arthur Dcane will need Tho facts are unquestionable Assuming that I am alive we will of courtc be copartners In tho mine If I am dead I wish oticsixth share to bo given to my uncle WlllUm Anstruthcr Crossthwaltc Manor Northallcrtun York shire as a recompense for his kindness to ma during my curly life Tho remain der Is to bo yours absolutely IIO1JUKT AK8TUUTI1ISR lie read this remarkable document twice through to make sure that It ex actly recorded his Kcutlments lie even smiled sarcastically nt tho endowment of the undo who disinherited him Backache Pain in the Hips and Groins In most cases are direct results of WEAK KIDNEYS nnd INFIRM MATIOX OF THE BLADDER The strain on the Kidneys and In flamed membranes lining the neck of the llladJcr producing these LARKS pains LARKSKIDNEY KIDNEYGLOBES WILL CURE IF I Two doses give relief and one box vlll euro any ordinary case of Kid ney or Bladder trouble Hcrnovca Gravel cures Diabetes Seminal Kmiulgns Weak and Lame Back HlioumntUm and nil irregularities of lima m lllosnnd Bladder in both men and women Sold at 60 cents a box on the No Cure No Pay baits by Mdhercons drug store Fourth and Broadway solo agents for Pa dumb or lent by mall upon receipt of price to Lark Medicine Co Lou j Jivllle Ky 1 BAD BLOOD I ps4 trouble with nr bowel which 1111 l nr Llixhl impure I > I7 l fto wm e vre4 with rlinplti wlilen I nnMUrotl Mineilir couM rtmori I lrU4 PmPisllappear wrM we mr Tub nlr tkt iiluiliUi dliipptiri + utter ft mouths lad t at i ibar I I o t iNiui mlcl Ihem to al l uiy Irltoal end suits a f x1avw ouad row < ft Ufol lHieli W iark Av Kw Yotk Cllf N Y I Beat for The Dowels crmDYCATARTiC PlttiinlPaUUbl FoUnlTMltaood noOoo4 II HT r III a lQ Wahn or mrip TaoondtOB0n4II l 1014 In h u lk The IrODllln blt Um > 4 CUO UOual4 t Uu > itDi < 4 ia curt 01 tour wo 7 u a1I Bttrllag Rtmtdy Co Chlcsgo or NY 600 ANNUAL SALE TEN MILLION IOXEI ABRAM iiviii i CO I CAMPBELL BLOCK Telephoned Office 6y Re IJene j a INSURANCE e 1 henry Mammen Jr Rewound I nit and lhKkl nook UMIng Uauk Work tell t and Library Work a ltIClalty tlmtl 5ghI fl sit vvltli this perttAitl lie lord but the 1 two leave covered by time Idler I and bewail to devise n ineahi of pro ecilHft It securely wfdlc In IHs1 poj kesaiofl At that moment bo looked up and i sate her touting toward t him across the beach brightly flushed ttftei her bath tvalkln t like tl hjlnpli clothed hI tat tereil Karnleulil IcrrelvliiS fiat he wan watchliiit her silt wnvetl her hand find ltittlnclvtly tiulckutitd her pace Even I mow vhcil they were thrown to Bother by the exlKcncles of catch hour she disliked to bo long separated from I I himInMantly InMantly ibo Bcalea fell from bla I mental I vision What Dlstruit Irlsl I I I IiniiRlnc for ono second that riches or poverty Rood repute or III would affect that loyal heart when lea virginal font t was tilled with tho lute that once In her life comes to every truo woman 1erlSh time thoughtl Laughing at his fantastic folly Jciika I tore the letter Into little pieces It might have been wiser to throw the sheets Into time embers of the Ore closo at Jiand but for tho nonce ho wan over powered by the great awakening that had come to him Clued gracloilsl Dont gaze at mo In I I that fashion I dont look like a ghost do IV cried Iris when near enough to t note his rapt expression You would not object If I catledyou I n vision ho Inquired quietly averting hU eyes lest they should speak more plainly than his tongue Not If you meant It nicely lint i fear that specter would be a moro ap propriate word Just look at my beat t gown I gownSuo Silo spread out the front widths of her skirt and certainly the prospect was lamentable The dress was BO patched and mended yet so full of fresh rents that n respectable house maid would hesitate before using It I to clean lire Irons Is that really your beat dress ho saidYes Yes This Is my blue serge The brown cloth did uot survive tho soak big It received In salt water After a few days It nluiply crumbled Tho oth ers arc muslin or cotton and have been cr adapted Theta U plenty of tneua clothinG ho began beganUnfortunately Unfortunately there Isnt another Is land she said severely Xo I meant that It might bo possi halo to or contrive some sort of rig that will servo all purposes nut nil my thread Is gone I have barely n needleful left In that ease we must fall back on our supply Of hemp I suppose that might be mado to serve she said You are never nt n loss for an expedient It will bo a poor one I fear But you can make up for It by buying some nice gowns nt Doueets or Worths Sho laUghed delightedly Perhaps In his joy at my rea peuraucu uiy dear Is that milly totir belt drcttt old dad may let mo run riot In Paris on our way homo But that will not last Wo are fairly well off but I can not afford ton thousand a year for dress alone If I any woman can afford catch n sum for Ibo purpose you nro at least her equal Iris looked puzzled ils that your way of telling mo that flue feathers would milk mo a fine bird she asked askedNo No I Intend I t my words to bo under stood In their ordinary sense You aro very very deli Miss Dense rin ex travagantly wealthy young person Of course you know you oro talking liouuoiiBo Wby only tho oilier day my father said ratltcllIaWI Excuso mo What Is tho average price of u walking dress from n load lug Paris housoV Thirty pounds And nil evening drcssV Oh anything from fifty upward t lit picked up n few pieces of quartz from tlC canvas sheet Hero Is your walking dres ho said handing her n Jump weighing about a pound With the bnlnnco InI I tho heap there you curt stagger the best dressed woman you nivt at your first dinner In England Po yon mean by pelting l1etsho liiUlrohiisclilovou l Fur worse By wearing a moro ex pensive costume hits mniincr + was so earnest that bo conipillcd seriousness Jrls took flaw prolTtireil specimen nud looked at ItI I From tho cave J supiMJsol 1 thought yeti said nntlmony tvas not very raid able nblciThat That la I hot nnlltildny U t la gold By cbitnto 111011 t bit Upon nn extreme ly I rich lodo of gold At the moat ntod itst compulation It Is worth bltndreda of thousand of pounds Yeti and 1 ore quite < wealthy people Mss Deane Iris opened her blue eyes very wldo nt Hits Intelligence U took her breath 1anny But her Ural words betokened her Ilitmtc nenso of fair dertllng Yott and 11 Wcnllhyl elm gaiipcd 11I t nit pray Mf Jcnka what Imvo I got to do with IU lIotI partners III this island By squatters right if I by no better title wo own land Rucht weird belongings M ancient lights and nshlng privileges u I dont FCC that at ash You flint n nuts I n Half owner of It because you dragged mo out of the sea fed me housed me Hitvcd uiy llfo from pirate and general ly nand like n devoted nursemaid In chargo of n baby Iteolly Mr Jenks licitly Miss Dcane you will annoy mo seriously It you say another wont I absolutely refuse to listen to such an argument t argumentPop Pop come lima they stood In silence uutll the sailor commenced to reproach himself for his rough protest Perhaps bo had hurt her sensitive feelings What u brute he was to be mircl Sho was only a child In ordinary affairs and he ought to hate explained things thingst mand over hIs temper And nil thin time Iris face was dimpling with amusement for site understood him so well that had ho threatened to kill her she would have laughed at him Would you mind getting tho lamp ho said softly surprised to catch her expression of saucy humor Oh please may I speak she In quired I dont want to annoy you talke lie had forgotten his own Injunction hoa Bald If you bring the lamp wo can nClose good look at It Closo scrutiny of the work already done merely confirmed tho accuracy of his first Impression Whllo Iris held the light ho opened up the scam with a few strokes of the pick Each few Inches It broadened Into a noteworthy volcanic dike now yellow In its abso > glute purity at times a bluish black when fused with other metals Ibo ad ditional labor Involved caused him to Sudn denly the Homo of tho latnp began to airo passage between cave and ledge They camo back Into the external glare Iris was now so serious that she forgot to extinguish the little lamp She stood with outstretched baud There Is a lot of money in there she said saidTons Tons of It Nt > need to quarrel about division There Is enough for both of us Quito enough We can even spare some for our friends Time hour drew near when Jcuks climbed to the Summit rock lie shoul dered ax and rlflo amid set forth Iris heard him rustling upward through the trees Sho set some water to boll for tea and while bringing a fresh supply of fuel passed the spot whero the torn scraps of 1IIIIIer littered the sand She was the soul of honor for n wo man but there was never a woman yet who could take her eyes off n written document which confronted her Sho could not help seeing that one small morsel l contained her own name Though mutilated It had clearly read Dear Miss Deaue So It was Intended for much she cried throwing down her bundle and dropping to her knees She secured that particular slp and examined It earnestly Not for worlds would she pick up nil the scraps and endeavor to sort them Yet they had a fascination for her nnd at this closer range she saw another which boro the Ilgenl1I love youl I Somehow the two seemed to fit to gether very nicely Yet a third carried tho same words I lovo you They were still quite coherent She did not want to look any further She did not oven turn over such of the torn pieces as had fluttered to earth taco downward Opening tho front of her bodice sho brought to Ihht n muall gold locket containing miniatures of her father and mother Inaldo this receptacle alto carefully placed the three really mate rill portions of the sailors letter When Jcnks walked down tho Ml again ho heard her singing long before ho caught night ° f her sedulously tpud lag the are As ho camo near ho perceived tho re < mains of Ids useless document Ho stooped and gathered them up forth with throwing them among tits glow tug logs logsBy By the way what were you writing while I had my bath Inquired Iris lIlt purely inurclySome Information nbout time mine aft second thoughts however I sale It nua unnecessary 1 Quit was that nil Practically all Then eoino part was Impractlca blot bioHo Ho glanced sharply at her but Bho was merely talking at random Well you see ho explained QUO r can do BO little without tho requlslta plant ride sort of oro requires A crushing mill a smelting furnace per Imps big tanks flllod with cyanide of potassium And of course although you can da wonders you cannot provide all thoso h1l11J81 calf you f Junks deeme hula query to bo tawn HwerobloTbcy Tbcy were busy pgaln until night fell 8Utlt > g < o wa JOt ia lulls I wimps be I I 1 Use Shoffners Sure Cure Me The Great full M imi hrlflir ifti l liitlfcullon fntltuUonD1sepslaan Nowhet I where does the blood come from Everybody known or should know that t it cotitesi from the nutritive eletiieuto extracted t by the stomach from the food f we cat If the digestive organs do not perform their functions by reason of disease germs there is no nutrition extracted I aunt the food might better be thrown lit the dump to decay ohd breed I germs In the open air than to remain In the stomach and become a r I rotten putrid mass as It naturally does If there is no digestion No disease germ can live anti find lodgment IM n human body that uses the Shoffncrs Sure Cure Price too What Pcopld Say of the Sholfncr Sure Cure PABUCAH Ky March 5 1903 Sro To Whom It May Concern MayThis Concernthat This le I to certify that I was a luffcret wit It Indigestion for five yearsand could Crt no relief until I bought one bottle of 5hofnera Sure Cureamd It helped ofI I so mink that I took tix bottle nud It hit ctred me sound and well thanks to Ibo ShoWners Sure Cure 110 Mss JOHN SMKOLKV 806 S Third 9t I IFTERUSINfl HEALTH STEAMER CLYDE Leaves Paducah for Tennessee River Every Wednesday at 4 p m tHOMAS H ARMSTRONG Muter EUGENE ROBINSON Clerk This company li not responsible for Invoice charges unless collected by the clerk of the boat PADUCAH UNDERTAKING COMPANY S P POOL Manager GUY 1JANCH Asst t 705 South Third StreetReildence Reildence oyer ore Both Planes no Prices Reasonable DR LaD SANDERS PKOIAUST ON OIIUUI Of EYE EAR NOSE AND THROAT KVKS TESTED QLASa B FITTED Office HQUTI 609 Broadway 8 AoIU to 4 pta Paducah Kj NEW STATE hOTEL De A salk 7 t Prop METROPOLIS ILLI I Newest best hotel t In the city Rates 300 Two large sampl rooms Bath rooms 13lectrit lights The only centrally located hotel In the city I Clal rrfUll StUcitM I + < a U Ree4 J T Gillie REED 4 GILBERT s s Oseepattllic fhyjjciam Phanw 196 I rook 1111 Hjdg I + gtlpm tad 1rostwa y This is l to certify that I bellete the Shotfuer Sure Cure Bayed tny literI was not able to lit up In bed when I began taking the remedy I had inch a severe CouRts 1 thought I tad con aunt tlor lhlIlclull had given 1IIe up 1 lunllllloM tn die After taking one bottle I wall able to alt up some After using five bottles I was fully restored to health t yyderfut derfut remedy for Indigestion lea aUK ORAHAM Moscow Ky If after using one bottle according to directions you arc not bene filM your money will be refunded SHOFFNEHHflYES MEDICINE E o S COMPANY INCORPORATED For Safe by All Druggists PJDMAH J KENTUCKY IAND 1 ixt MO zlttI UmliCr3mleZNS7 2 ZLZB Tbo groat rcmeo > tor nertom erosuation nrt f ni diwntitr ot Iho rencratini organsof eltbep cr such Ai Henoull Irntretlon Pdmtnq or ton Manboo1 InnpatencrNIghtlyLmlssionsYouthful Errors MutaiWorry exeesttrouse exeesttrouseof or Tobacco or Opium nblch lead to Connutniulon sue lotauity With iGtlfflI t > 3 order ws uuuranleo o nu e or rnuu > l the Money Hold IU alOU per hot 0bees rOt esoo JJUllJorH cnJI 1LCO ciovoiauu UbI BOLD BY DUBOIS KOIH A CO PADUOAU JO CITY TRANER CO CT VAN METER Manager ill KINDS UP IHANSFERIN6 MOVING AND HEAVY HAULING MACHINERY A SPECIALTY fflCK River front between Ctnrt and Wash tixton streets liltpbcuf fit 400 All niters iirce or malt IIFtc ivc I omnt nttentlnri foro retiring to rest they discussed for the Hundredth time tho probabilities oi speedy succor This led them to the topic of available mipjillra amid the sullor told Ida the dlsposltlous he had nlade To Be Qontlnufd Cures Coughs and Colds Mrs C Peterson C25 Lake street Topeka Kan says Of all cough remedies Dallards Horehound Syrup Is my favorite It has done and will do all that Is claimed for Ittu speedily cure all coughs and colds and U Is so sweet and pleasant to the taste 26C50C 1 bottle Sold by DuBois Kolb Co Pa tlunah Ky St Louis and Tennessee liver Packet Company FOX TFNNESSEE RIVER Tho total number of all known va + littles of postage stamps not Includ + Ills errors Issued by all the got ernments of the world up to the pres ent Is 10242 aCWA w WHirTsawutmt t REAL STATU AOeNCV r PADUCAH HftAI altos w + tnucntav PARK OLD BOUQtrr PCHANaCDCARCD FOR CAN w DO TOUR iui IITAII KuxttH I lwrwsrsyIWaAMbwwyew YMrmww WA nswuIsY l t A PAIN IN THE SIDE irreter them li I I paiR i ilatorshoei4 baapplle ° heWMtltm Colds occh Weak Ckeett Weak Back Urn bare Selatloat 1 r ji sticgtatcr I Fear pains In the region of tho Shoulders or for t Weak Back tho p aster nhould be nplillril All shown In illustration Tlila painful troulilo can bo reo fft Ii IiUeVetl lyu lnf nn HQ Lr cUtloPortutPliiir j ter Vrm tho plaster before up plyinalf not re l deist b bedtime I place ft not water ball agaliut tlie f planter out tie + 1 boulder a C C GRASSHAM t Formerly of Suilthland LAWYER ROOM 4 TRUCHEART RUILDINQ OLD PHONCSOTA NFW TELEPHONE SUBSCKIIEIS List of new subscribes added by the Hast TeaHtMce Telephone company todayx1 1857 arolf A W illacksullthY shop 823 Ky 1 aye 1879 Tllley Ellen Hctfdance 711 t N Blghth 1 l882 llron R Jf I IlnslihVf 737 flooboj aye pHa 723 8 Thirteenth 1870 Perryinan Itlll p 13 HOB Idoncp 1S40 t 8 Sixth 1877 WnlHar danli Realdejiqe < 80Q Uockman ave Remember we Hire tree country service complete long distance con nettlons and a Hit of over 3ldO w j Borlbera for tAe ttrae price oijr aQqJ J petltora charge for less thaa bait ha lofal utYl + + t 9JtjR9 1ID VwTi