OCR Interpretation

The Hickman courier. [volume] (Hickman, Ky.) 1859-current, April 14, 1910, Image 10

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85052141/1910-04-14/ed-1/seq-10/

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Paint Lick Lady
Writes Thanks
Ferthc Great Benefit That Cards,,
the Womaa Tonic, Wa to
Her When Sick
Paint Lick, ICy. "I Buffered 10 much
from womanly trouble," writes Mrs.
Mary Freeman, of Talnl Lick, Kjr.,
"before I commenced to toko Cardui
"I was so weak from It, that I was
down oa my back nearly all tho time.
"I bare taken thrco bottles of Cardui
and It has dono mo more Rood than
any tncdlclno 1 ever took In my life.
"I can't possibly pralso It too highly,
It has dono so much for mo and I will
do all I can to help you for I think It
Is the only tncdlclno on earth that will
euro female troubles."
You need not bo afraid to try Cardui,
for In doing so you nro making no now
experiment In drug dosing or In tablets
of concentrated mineral Ingredients.
Cardui as a mcdlclno, as a tonic for
weak, tired, worn-out women, Is tlmo
tcstcd, safe, reliable It has helped
others and should certainly help you.
Composed of gentle-acting, herb In
gredients, Its action Is mild and nat
ural and It has no bad after-effects, as
have many of the powerful drugs,
sometimes recommended.
Try It.
X. 11 Vrl- lot I.adlra Adrlaorr
Dept Challnnoocn Medicine Co Chat
tanooRn, Trim, fur Special Inalrucilona,
and 04-pase tinalc,"ltomr Treatment tot
Women," aent la plain rr rapper, m l
Landlady I had to pay 25 cents a
pound for this steak.
Star Boarder That's tough.
Awful Tale of Suffering prom Kidney
Alfred J. O'Brien, Second St, Ster
ling, Colo., says: "I was Jn tho Balti
more Marino Hos
pital for' nine
months. I- had- a
dull pain in tha
small of -my back
that completely
wore me out. The
urine was in a tei
rible state, an
somo days I would
pass half a gallon
of blood. I left
the hospital because they wanted tc
operate on me. I went to St. Joseph's
Hospital at Omaha and pufln three
months there without any gain. I was
pretty well discouraged when I was
advised to use Doan's Kidney Pills, 1
did so and by the time I had taken
one box, tho pain in the back left ma
I kept right on" and a perfect curt
was 'the result."
Remember the narao Doan's. M
For oalo by all dealers? 60 cents a
box. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo., N.;T.
In Demand,
An infant in a Pullman car set up a
loud wall, and would not bo com
forted," narrates a high railroad of
ficial, "and I camo forward and told
the young mother that I had helped
to ralso five, and that I thought 1
could secure a quietus. I put the little
turn turn across my knees, and with a
gentlo jogging achieved beautiful re
sults. "Instead of giving mo tha credit )
deserved somo drummers In tho cat
showed stern disapproval of my 'but
ting In.'
"At two a. m. the baby woke up and
staid awake, and kept every one els
In the car awake. Finally a grufl
voice asked:
"'Whore's that fool that put it tt
sleep this afternoon, I wondert' "
Absolute Equality,
The Woman Tho tax offlco Is on
which I simply lovo to go to.
The Man Very few people do. Why
do you like itT ,
The Woman Becauseit Is absolute
ly the only place where no discrimina
tion is mode against me becnuse'I an
a woman. They lot me there paj
Just as much as if I wero a man.
Studies In Still Llff,
"I want a few colored Illustration!
of beets and tomatoes,"
"Life, sire!" Inquired tho artist
"Catalogue size," replied the seeds
man, with a significant smile. Louis
rllle Courier-Journal.
For Headache Try Hicks' Caputrlna
Whtthar from' Colds, Haat. Stomach" ot
Narvoua Iroublea. the arhea are apeeAllj
reWtvad by Capudln. It's IJiuld-jlM
ant tp Uke-Effecta Immediately. 10. 3
aaA W at Drue moras
Of eotirfe. women are a' trifle -vain
but did you ever see a man pass it)
a opportunity to look In a mirror?
Most Iniportnnt News Gnthervd from
All Paris of Ihft Mate.
McNsmee Exonerated and Brother of
Victim Shakes Him by the Hand.
Lexington, Ky. Robert McKamec,
Who ahot and killed Thomas W. Mo
Namnra In tho home of Blancho Pat
tenon, March 23, was dismissed of the
charge of murder at his examining
trial before County Judgo Scott. By
the testimony of Blancho Patterson,
Kmma ,Morjtanon and hlnu-elf, Mc
Nameo proved a case of self-defense,
end Night Chief of Police William
.Tpnklna toitlfW that McN'amnra nn
his deathbed had requested that Mc-
Nameo bo neither arrestee or prow
rut! fnr fihootlntr him. McNameo to-
tlflivl that he ran from tho house
naked after the shooting, sont bark
for his clothes, dreweu, got out on an
early morning train for Columbus, O.,
remained there until after McNamara's
funeral and surrendered at the county
Jail here.
Edward McNaraara, brother of tho
dead man, who was the only mombe.
of the family actlvo In tho prosecu
tion, walked over to MoNameo nna
trnvi him bv the hand ami said he
wanted to show him that ho bore no
111 foollnc acainst him. MoNamara
also shook hands with the father,
mnihpr nml uncle of McNamce, os
well as the attorney for the defenso
and friends of tho young man.
Panama Canal Zone Patronage Is De
ferred. Frankfort Kr. M. H. Thatcher, who
has been appointed a member of the
Panama Canal Commission, returned
her from Lasrance. whero he had
been In conference with Scnntor W O.
Bradley. He made tho following stale
merit: "I have not vet secured my
bearings. I do not know what patron
age attaches' lo the- nppo'ntmcnt nor
will I undertako to mako any promises
of positions. Tho present law pro
vides for ihn 'Isthmian Canal Commis
sion,' and I have bren named as one
of Its members. Tho commission Is in
charge of tho canal zono and canal
construction. The commission. I take
It, acts as a body. I do not know wtun
I will leave (or Panama. It may bo
fpvernl weeka ret. I have a number
of official and, business matters to ad
just beforuT iodring and I hope to be
given time tnerorore.
Says the Kentucky National Guard Is
In Fine Condition.
Frankfort, Ky. According to tho
annual report of Adjt Gen. P. P.John
ston, submitted to Gov, Wlllson, tho
national guard of Kentucky was nev
er In a better condition than at pres
ent. Under Adjt. Gen. Johnston are
Lieut. Col. Thomas W. Woodyard, on
duty in the quartermaster's depart
ment: Judge W. I. Jett, who has
charge of the Confederate Veterans:
Lieut. Col. A. McLean Moffott, who
Is in charge of tho inspector general's
department Col. Woodyard reports
that there was on deposit Dec. 10,
1907, to tho credit of tho governor
claims for services of Kentucky
troops in the Spanish-American war
J22.340.56, and that the outgoing gov
ernor disbursed 113,001.73, leaving a
balance of 19,882.41 to be disbursed.'
Cuiley Is Freed on Charge of Staying
IjOuIsvIIIc, Ky. "Not guilty on ac
count of temporary Insanity," read the
verdict returned by tho Jury In the
case of Robert M. Cuiley, who wa&
freed. Cuiley was tried for the mur
der cf W. E. Proctor. Tho verdict of
the Jury caused confusion on account
of Its wording. A hi? crowd remained
about the courthouse until tho verdict
was brought in. Culloy shot Proctor
after his wife told of an alleged as
sault at tho hands of tho latter.
Louisville, Ky. Within tho next
few weeks the Louisville Hallway Co.
will begin the work of extending tho
Fern Creek Interurban lino to Mt.
Washington. Tho new line will bring
Louisville in cjoso communication
with a rich and populous part of the
I-awrcnceburg, Ky. Two hundred
thousand pounds of tcbaoco owned by
tho Burley -Tobacco Co., the Lawrence-
burg Supply Co., tho poultry house of
A. Hawkins & Co., and the Ixlngton
Brewery agency were destroyed by
flro here, entailing a loss of 7j,u00.
Origin of the flje U a mystery.
Frankfort, Ky( CeclJ Phaser, aged
C8 years, park engineer for lxi!svlllo
and assistant landscaper on tho capltol
grounds, died hero from paralysl. with
which he was stricken In Gov. Will
son's efflce when attending a meeting;
of .the Capltol Commission.
UllchfleM. Ky Charles Carroll, a
10 year-old son of a prominent fanner,
was assassinated at Ills homo at Goffs,
Kdmondson county, ly a bind of 12
'ninsked men. kCarro'l was called- to
(he door of bis h.oui and ahot la the
Superintendent Crabbe Desires to As
sume New Duties.
Frankfort, Ky. Gov. Wlllson Is the
busiest man In Kentucky now, pro
paring to slice same moro republican
pie. Ho has sovcrat very Iniportnnt
places that ho must (111. Tho most
Important Is that of tho ofllco of stnto
superintendent of public Instruction.
Superintendent Crnbbe would llko
to have the governor act on his res
ignation ns soon as possible, for ho
desires to tnko part In the commence
ment exercises of tho Eastern Nor
mal school ns tho president of the In
stitution. Prof. Ellsworth Itegestlne,
of Newport, Is mentioned as Crabbo's
successor. Gov. Wlllson has hla name
under consideration, but thoro Is no
telling, for It Is understood that Gov.
Wlllson has a great admiration for
former County Superintendent Tay
lor, of Pulaski county, who was sac
rificed by tho new school law.
There Thatcher's Old Job.
Tho office of Stato Inspector and
Examiner M. H. Thatcher will be
come vacant as soon as bo receives
his commission as a member of the
Panama Canal Zono Commission.
W. E. Bldwcll. formerly the head
of tho banking department under
Secretary of Stato Bruner. Is tipped
for the Job, for he Is one of Gov. Will
son's favorites. This position pays
$2,500 a year.
By June 1 tho printing commission,
of which Gov. Wlllson is a member
and chairman, must appoint a suc
cessor to J. W. Keddcn. the present
superintendent of public printing.
Another good Job to bo given out is
that of the clerk to look after the
stamping and recording of the Interest-bearing
warrants. This place was
created bv tho recent leelaUtiire, and
. i 1 1 t r . i i '
me cicrn win uc nppoinieu oj t reaa
urcr Farley It Is probable that for
a while at least tho clerks in the
treasurer's office will do the work and
split the salary.
Governor Wlllson may also havo
tho appointment of tho appellate
judge from the Fourth district to suc
ceed Judge Henry 8. Barker, who
will become tho president of tho Stato
university in September.
It Is understood, too, that Floyd
Thatcher, secretary to Commissioner
Ifankln, Is going to Panama as the
secretary to his uncle, M. II. Thatch
er, and this will leave a job open for
a young man or a young woman'ln
that department All of these places
pay from $100 a month on up.
Said Boy to Physician After Left Foot
was crusnea.
Louisville, Ky. "Say, Mop this ele
vator: you've torn my foot off," waa
tho startling statement mado to the
hoy running tho elevator at tha Louis
vllle & Nashville office building hero
by Heron Stanley, agvtl 15, when his
left fcot was caught between tho ele
vator and the second floor landing.
The boy waa game to tho core and
When the elevator had been taken to
the lower floor he hopped over Into
Iho surgeon's office and said without
the suggestion of a tremor: "Say, doe,
ray foot has been iimhrd off. Won't
you trim It up a little?" Dr. George
Robertson, the surgeon who attended
the boy. said that he had tho most
wonderful ncrvo of anybody he had
over seen.
Lancaster, Ky. Edward H. Walker
died at his homo In this county after
a llngcr ng illness of blood poisoning.
Mr. Walker was tho oldot of the fa
mous Walker brothers, end was him
self a man of national note aa a fox
hunter. Several time he han been
president of tho National Fox Hunt
ers' association. He will bo burled
at Paint Lick. Ky. .
Covington. Ky. Warrants were
hwprn out by John P. K'ggs, Jr. and
John T. Vest for the arrest pf W T.
Stephens and I. N. Jackson, of Plner,
Ky., who are charged with selling
4,000 rounds of ooled tobacco, nnd
Richard Thomas and Emmet Wilson,
of Nloholson. Ky.. for selling S,000
jiounds of pooled tobacco,
Glasgow, Ky. Tho logs of the old
Lincoln cab'n. which havo been stored
In LouUvlllo since the 18th day or May
last, wero carried to Hodgenvllle and
nrq being hauled to tho Lincoln farm.'
where they will be, placed In the n,ow,
Memorial Hall and stay until tlmo Is.
no more.
Ixuilsvlllc, Ky. James P. Helm, 68
years old, one of IoulsvIlle's beat
known attorneys, is dead.
Hopklnsvllle, Ky. Eugono Poole,
mall clerk on the L. & N-, was arrest
ed at Nashvillo by Special Postal
Agent C I Patterson' and brought
here, charged with robbing malls. He
waived examination und bond was
lllcd at 2,000.
Nowport. Ky. Former Sheriff John
P. Nngel entered a plea of guilty in
thq circuit court to an Indtctuunt,
charging him with failing to perform
on olHclal duty In the suppression ol
n poolroom, and an agreed Que ot 2)C
and coats was entered
Young Man Unnecessarily Alarmed
Over Question Put to Him by
Old Gentleman.
A quiet, bnshful sort of n young fel
low waa making n call on a Capltol
hill girl ono evening not so very long
ago, when hor father came Into the
parlor with hi watch In his hand It
was about half past nlno o'clock. At
the moment the young man waa stand
ing on a chair, straightening a pic
turo over tho piano. Tho girl hnd
asked him to fix It. As he turned tho
old gcntlcmnn, a gruff, stout fellow,
said: .
"Young mnn, do yon know what
llmo It III" f
The bnshful youth got off tho chnlr
nervously. "Yes, sir," h replied. "I
was Just going."
Ho went Into tho hall without nny
dolay and took his hat and coat The
girl's father followed him. As lb
caller reached for tho doorknob the
old gentleman again asked him If he
know what time It was.
"Yes, sir," waa tho youth's reply.
"Goodnight!" And ho left without
waiting to put his coat on.
After tho door had closed tho old
gcntlcmnn turned to the girl.
"What's the matter with that fel
low V ho asked. "My watch ran down
this aftcr'noon nnd I wanted him to
tell me the tlmo so that I could set It"
Denver Post
Money and expend are not ewnlUl to
ailulie lintnei and altracthe rtxmx. Onn
dollar and fifty rent' worth of material
will completely transform a crude. Uir
tittle room into a graceful, dimly apart
Really It if goml and '
make the homo homelike. That dainty
touch U worth twice aa mueh a roonrr
Wall par la ripen"!"- It "U money
to buy it. to lung It ami again to re
mora it. With the uaa of the aUbatined
wall there It only the aliclit cot of the
nulcri! -any one ran liruali It on -and it
U not necrwiry to waih It off the wall
when a frwh coat la required.
It it rry eaijr to mix, very limple to
apply, but the roulta are simply beautl
lul. A whole houM ran l done at juat
a little more than the hut of a mil
renin when ordinary matcrula are urj
And thu U true, that now that no hare
to rmirh belter material for um In the
decor w Ion of our home, that wall paper,
common Lalonnne and paint are now aa
much out of dale aa the ok! time white
wii.li, tallow candles and much hewn
tloora. Mete mmey U no looser an e
cnttal In pool houwfurnUhti( in artlatie
home makinj.
The new inateriala and labor-vine, ma
chines are mt welcome to u all and
every tlioutbttal woman, every woman
lm carts for her home, U qofek to utillre
ChollyChumplelgh I'm not afraid,
dontcherknow, to say what I think.
Miss Cutting Hints You may not
be afraid but you ought to be
. Tho prisoner at the bar was of
'swarthy complexion nnd was chnrged
with peddling without a license.
"What Is your name?" asked the mag
istrate. "He says his nnme la Murphy," re
peated tho policeman on the bridge.
"An Irishman peddling bananas, eh 7
What part of Iroland do you come
"Ho says ho was born Id Italy,"
again repeated tho brldgo policeman.
"Uraph! Tho Murpbya aro numer
ous, but I didn't think they had spread
to Italy," said tho Judge ns ho made
the flno l nnd asked tbo man to spell
his name.
Tho prisoner wroto on a ploco ot
paper "Giuseppe Mucrfee." Now
York Sun.
Produced by Poitum.
"When a person rises from each
meal with a ringing In the ears and n
general senso of nervousness, It Is
a common habit to cbargo It to a do
ranged stomach.
"I found It was caused from drink
ing coffeo, wbch I never suspected for
a long tlmo, but round by leaving off
coffeo that thu disagreeable footings
went away.
"I was brought to think of tha sub
ject by getting somo Postum and this
brought mo out of trouble.
"It Is a most appetizing and Invig
orating beverage and has been of
such great benefit to mo thnt I natu
rally speak of It from time to time
as opportunity offers.
"A lady friend complained to mo
that she bad tried Postuin, but It did
not tasto good. In reply to my ques
tion she said she gucsed sbo boiled It
about ten minutes. I advised her to
follow directions nnd know that sho
bollod It ilftoon or twenty minutes, and
sho would bavo something worth talk
ing about A short time ago I heard
one of hor children say that they wero
drinking Postum now-a-days, so I
judgo sho succeeded in making It
good, which Is by no weans a difficult
"TM son of one ot my frlenus was
formerly a pulo lad, but sluco ho has
been drinking I'oatum, has a lino color,
Thuro is plenty of evldeuce that
Postum actually dews 'mako red blood,'
as tho famous trade-mark says."
Head "Tho Hoad to Wellylle," found
Jn pkgs. "Thore'a u Ilenson."
liver read the abur leitrrt A uav
oae auprara frvui lima to lima. 'I'ber
are Krnalor. true, and full at kuuu
Very few men know how to keep
still. The Italians havo a proverb,
"Hear, seo, and say nothing, if ytl
wish to live In pcaco." Tho man who
Is bent on telling all he knows, gen
erally ends In telling a good deal morn
than he knows. Tho tnnguo Is hnrder
to brldlo than the wildest horso thnt
ever roamed the prairie. The Ger
mans say truly that talking comes by
nature, while silence cornea of the understanding.
blc Compound Cured Her
Knoivlllo, lown. "I sufToml with
pains low down In my light side for a
year or moro and wns so weak nml ner
vous that I could not do ray work. I
wroto to Mrs. link,
hum and took Lydla
I- l'lnkhata's Vege
talilo Compound
nnd Mvcr Mils, nnd
am glad to say that
your medicines and
kind letters of di
rections havo dono
mom for mo than
anything else and I
had tho best physi
cians here. I can
hi inr work and rest
well at night, I lelicvo there Is noth.
Ing like tho I'lnkham remedies."
Mrs. Cl.hu Fiunk. H.F.D.. Xo.8,
Knoxvllle, Jowa.
Tho success of Lylla Y- Tinkliam's
Vepetiblo Compound, mado from roota
and herbs, is unparalleled. It may bo
used with perfect confidence by women
who suffer from displacements. Inflam
mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors. Ir
regularities, periodlo pain, backache,
bearing-down feeling, flatulency. Indi
gestion, dizziness, or nervous prostra
tion. For thirty Tears Lydla E. IMnkliam's
Vcgetibld Compound lias been tho
standard remedy for female Ills, and
suffering women owo It to themselves
to at least give this medicine a trial
I'roof Is abundant that it has cured
thousands of others, nnd why should It
not euro you?
If you Avnnt special mlrlco write
Mr.I,Jnk!iatn, Lynii.Mn.n.,for It.
It Jji free and nhvuya liclpf uL
Cured by the Marvel of the Century,
B, B, B. Tested for 30 Years,
wiitkotd-44tv sMtrurr wtita oar lktuIJ laui-
if jnm hat l"tor. Ratlaa Hort. liralaf Humor.
i-iMpi tr israxi, lata ll ll, 11, lllolalil
IIIi-hI llalnii A liiairfai UolgaKlli llk-al
IimiIi Darvand nk niailtlr chftlfuf lb n
virtr MaM Mnvptiiatlari. ioMlul.in
of r i-kh iitiiK iiin ri.t indirrc
Uoot fur asm car. atMI'I.Kn Hi:. NT rllKK br ,
wmin iiummi iiaim I'm, .mania, iia.
atrlba roar Irvabia a4 fro at4ioal a4f U fit to.
Don't Persecute
your Bowels
Ctrl Mt MliftHsV. ft! nu piljlH. TW W 1 1 I
htwh- SJamalaa-Sasary. JlT
iVilrnrklk. Aa
hwiim hla, aa
ft! n) m
Cr Cm
Skk tUaiwU aal I r i al i u avZt lam.
Small PilL Small Dot. Small Pric
Utriuirit. muil bear ainaturel
7 V
Hav s Hair-Health
Naaar falla lo laalora (Jrar Hair lo lla
Natural Color anal llaaatr. Sloia III fatHnf
vai. man roaiiivvir ivraoTva iaaaiuu. aa nut m
ll. Ktfma all lubtlllaiaa, tlx ami or
Deiilii b( Mill or ai Urmflaia. CDCC
Sand oe lor laria laoipla llollla allaCaBai
1'bllo liar Seaa. Co- Nttraik. N. J.. U S. A. !
-i.ifSSSSHBaa wmi uiwi
.afaMaDn tHITTLC
aiaaaKai . 11 1 L n I
ft- BMSBBBBBBr 1 1 u rv I
finest o( homes nnd hotels. ., ,.. ,rd it tell -
t. . i uiiili nf ideas. "ru '
ll suKKesis color scncniua uutia
what has brought olabastinc into universal vogue.
The Sanitaiy WU1 Coating
Koo '
Alabaslior, is ll.a only wall coalioR that Please know '"n t Wf
l .1 ..-,,. 'n I,,. wi fur enil ess color ' "m'... -nrl ll. ,el
w-aaa S.VIHM S aaaavai (v-an - " . . .-ill I JU "j '
i y. Know how ea i y )J
lu thu past few year. It das become the on pirt-d w ! rap'-B
rage. I'iihlon now demaoiU ll. I'eop'e You. nl ' .Iter y" kM
of IMte bolh rich and poor now have use kaUomme
.1 ...:..!... .11. f .actl.
Ateboth rich and poor now have use aaiwiu.u
istined walla. ts. .
Alabastine ,Co. Grand Rapids
atVaAIUia. VfaavliSaa
Low One-Way
to the
In effect duly
March 1
April 15
Good on tlx comfnrtabla
tourist slecivrs i the
Union Pacific
"The Safe Hoad to Travel'
D listless, perfect
track - electric
block signal pro
taction dining
car meals and
sorvicc " Uest in
the World"
For further mfotnuti m
call on or addi i
E. I- LO.MAX. (icn. IWr Ast
Union I'iciIh. H R. to.
Ofiuhi, Neb
. . w-a tU .m
Ut UI'U VAIil' xl h
Vl'li-AS Iba tm,.rmpi:
Jt 7 turn wimm'.rw - w' . - .
' ,..li.laafora t p pjM
imunialuouiaiK- - - .LVuii,,
aiUon ur Worl4 ratr m lX anaaua
Jaa V4fa la lb. r IT' T mKS'St
MMtuaaralaiaui laic n i r'r
l .1 a ao4r ! lb. kr ' l ' 7,i,
' llan it l bo l..r .nil n VST1-
all tha (labia mi kSia 1 1 " .Vilrtl
' UM aarlMil lilr ro itl I
ai-i lbMi b)ma. a n-a-i -
SXtJCAU ai4aibfB. ' "
' . ... . V
I llox l
t iiui-- -
FOR Wisilli".eliealEMiJ
at. i AlUinONEOOIi.J
J) f ?rl".-.?..-r,
T llonrrr If " J Tw
Lao.lx-ar- h' J, TVi
,p,r will Ju l. pr- J-M
31 Ta b. Mdlr i r l-t l I
M .ttlu4- -r II JMAMJ
Mil 4 ' r-t XM
ITvV Lsuia OdanaaSCo. I
73J la lualLininet Jsr I
A Free Book About
Beautiful Walls
We havo just issued a book about houso decoration. My
I aaiarcM,

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