OCR Interpretation

The times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1897-1901, March 12, 1897, Image 6

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Amusing Stories of the Private Menagerie of
Herr Mann, the Magician.
Perhaps in no way was. the great anij
onlv Ileum inn more trulj the wizanl
than in his absolute power over everj
kind of animal He w.ib neer known to
nppio.ich one that did not instantlj lec
ogufre ard loje him ah a fiicnd; and &o
devoted was lie to "pets" tli.it lie never
traveled without a leUnue or doss birds,
monkeys, etc. Mih. Heirmanu was not a
whit behind the great magician in her
fondness for and power over animals,
and if there v, as loom in their puvatc
car lor General, Sandow and Lola (Mr.
Jlenmann'h Danisli hound, munkej and
inaiaw) it was onlv upon condition that
the jenidincd uio n good terms with
Fidget, a black and tan; Chappie, allock
ing bud, and Ii.il tie, a parroquct, the
tla' especial pelb of Mr Heir'nnnn.
It is not to lie wotulereil at, therefore,
that the magnificent Herrmann minor m
IVhi'estone, L. I., with its broud acres,
lias lo-ig been the home, i.ot onlj of
home of ilie finest bred horses and dogs
in Aiiicnca, but of deer, goats, pander,
ducks doves, monkev, magpies par
rots m fact, every manner of living
thing. When Mr Herrmann wns.tt home
it was alwavs hih custom to have his
morning effee and roll m bed, and tins
was a. grand liour for tiie dogs, as one
and ail were allowed to go to his room
and a-i-t at the function; and it war
thus, surrounded by a dozen 01 more of
huge bounds and St. Bernards, eacli ea
gerly clamoring for a friendly word, that
tins almost Miperualiirnll) delicate man
best enjojed his breakfast
Pme of thee great St Bemnids, by
the wnv, enjoyed a. very uuniue sort
of protection during tlieir puppvhood,
tliouirli thev lia e doulitless forgotten
all about it bv this time Thirteen of
them were born at one Utter a quite
unusual tiling and foimul, of course, a
most picturesque and interesting group
It chained ttiat Mr Hermann's favorite
pit at tins time was a brilliant macaw
tliat iif had brought from Central Amer
ica These buds are sometimes a Miiin
inttiug cidet blue with golden wines,
bur tnie one was a bright scarlet with
black lwak that onlv seemed the blacker
frcm its striking setting of snow-white
featl re Tins gorgeous bird measured
one and a half v arils from beak to tip of
tail, and In addition to its great beauty
was a vcrv clever talker One day Mr
Herrmann put this beautiful macaw into
the mopkev cage, which he placed on
top of the keimel containing the thirteen
young Pt Bernards Later in the day
the fanulv .vere aghast at discovering that
Hiss Loli had used her sharp bill to good
purpose, for she had bitten a gieat hole
In the cage, theiebv obtaining her free
dom fccareh was made for her every
where, but .ill in vain
Sad at heart, Mr und Mrs Hermann
rtrollcd out to take a look at the puppiet,
i iV
! J
Au Unhappy Pig;.
bj way of consolation, when, to their
great surprise, tliere in their midst stood
Miss Lola, having the most beautiful time
in the world She had evidently gotten
upon the most intimate terms with her
four-legged neighlwrs. one w as licking hci
beak, another her wing, still others con
tented themselves with her back and
leautilul tail feathers, each and all doing
her homage in their own clumsj puppj
Tasbion, tmd Miss Lola, a trulv feminine
creatuie, was enjoying all tni6 devotion
Z 2 -
(Copju,:ht, 1S7, bj 3 L Hcatnn )
Becauf-e of mj Jourteen vcais in Egjpt,
I wasted no btcMth in sweating viciously at
the fl'es a-1 bru.hed them fioin my face,
nor did 1 look with such loiror as 1 would
once have felt, m perhaps with a little
envy, at a native I oj of Jive or six, lving
perfcctlj naked in tl e sun and making no
movement of discomfort as the swarming
pests buzzed about his bare skin or even
dragged their dampened feet over his
Etaringejeballs But for mj mere scum
tivc nerves, I was as happj as he, for the
Inundation ivas over for the yeai, there
had been no breaks or bungling in mj
district uron the canals of His Highness the
Khedive, my ropoit wasrendj lo file with
the chief engineer, and I was thinking of a
Christmas at heme, the first in four jears,
not as one thinks in Europe, the blood
coursing quicker at fancj'b call, but idlj
and dreamily.
A queer bit of stone with heathen
carvings traced upon it I held in my
hand, as I hat m the shade or mj tent
flap, had led my idle thoughts across
all "thoe miles or sea and laud to green
"1 wonder if Arthur will care for this
scarab," I was thinking; he must be
es big as I am by this time. Four years
ago he was mightily interested in all
that I could tell him of ancient Egjpt.
And that wa.s little enough, poor fellow I
How disgusted he was when I confessed
that, after tmn jears in Egypt and many
months in Cairo, I had ncvergone a
mile out of my way to see the Pyramids!"
For my concern has always been with
the land of today and not of yesterday.
Of Arabic I know enough to direct my
men and even to write a tolerable letter.
But of the tombs and temples and the
strange characters chiseled on them to
record the lying boasts of crowned clave-
in everj feather of her being Presently
the mother appeared, and the hungry and
ungrateful puppies one by one deserted
their brilliant guest, w ho was bj no
means jileased at the tuin affairs had
taken Now , Lola could lie very vicious if
she chose, and when she marched in a
dignified manner over to Mrs Si Bernard,
planted herself firmly in fiont of her, and
began to wink at her In a very wicked
wav , both Mr. and Mrs Hermann were on
the alert to see that she didn't pick out
her rival's ejes However, after winking
and deliberating delibciating anil winking,
she looked squat ely in the eyes of the
mother dog, and in a coarse, gruff voice
ejaculated: Hullo"
From tins time on bhc constituted hei-cir
iiiw 1 "7i
the mistress of the dog kennel, grudgingly
allow ing the mother to come ti v. hen occa
sion required, but never ceased to be
fiercely jealous of hei. Sometimes Lola
would fly mtoatreeandrifii'-callentreatif s
to come down, until some one would 6tanil
under the tree with a puppy m his arrn3,
when he would flv down at once. Unfor
tunatelv, this beautiful pt t developed suih
a habit of biting or nibbhngat evcrv thing
within sight, especially wood, that Mr.
Hermann could not take in i on hislast trip,
fearing that m time she might eat up the
car. He therefore placed her in Ccntial
Park, and, curiously enough, she dropped
dead from herperch on thev cry day that hei
beloved master so suddenlv expired.
Nearly overs one ib familiar with Her
mann's "Noah's Ark" tnck, whue he
shows the audience an empty box, and
for further verification of its emptiness
has buckets of water pouted into it.
Then he begins to take out animals bj
the wholesale Tirst comes a squealing
pig, then a pet gander, and f o u. Now,
for some reason or other, the gander
suddenly developed a strange jealously of
the pig, and every night would seize its
poor little tail in its sharp beak, rausing
it to run about the stage squealing furi
ously, to the great amusement of the
audience Mrs nermann, however, had
mush too soft a heart to let this go on
and one daj clevcrlj fitted a piece of
kid glove over piggie's tail That even
ing the gander, discovering this device,
and not w illing to let the little beast go
Ecot free, caught him bv the ear, and
the audience was as much amused as
ever The next day Mrs Hermann made
a red flannel cap, tying under the dim
and perfectly fitting the cais of the 'lttle
victim. "When Mr Hermann drew him
out of the ark that night -o attired 1 e
was almost more paialjzed than the
gander, who, however, never molested
plggie again All the tiick animals were
as tame as possible, and seemed to
gnaOv enjoy tnen public appearances
A tnck duik in paiticular was o de
voted to one of the maids that it would
persist in following her all rver the
drivers or the past, I knew and jet know
Still, even my eyes were shiewd enough
to see that it was no ordinary pebble my
donkey's hoof had unearthed fiom a clay
bnnk that morning. It was an oval bit of
black Tanls granite, loundcd to an ev
quisite Miiootlines- It was as nearly as I
can remember, about two inches in. length,
an inch and a half wide, and arrfich or
less in tli'ckness Across each of the flat
tened sides were draw n lines, and between
the lines were cut rows of hieroglyphic
characters Their meaning I could not
guess, but I saw that there were repre
sented a dog or some other beast, a metal
mirror, such as my men orten dug up in
'the ruins of great cities now clothed with
wheat stalks a bit of bonrd with seven
pegs in It, an eye with its eyeball rudely
traced, and other designb less suggestive
of any forms in nature.
It was while I sat examining the
stone, which I purposed adding to the
little .stor of bucli trifles I had saved
for my son, that I saw Ah, son of Hasan,
my dragoman, cving me with a stiange
gaze I had never seen in his ejes be
fore, "and which made me uneasy in a
way that I could not quite explain. T welv e
years AH Hasan had been with me, and
that he loved me like a brother I knew
then as well as I know now. For it is
a strange thing, this life in the Eat,
where men live side by side for jean
and nev er speak of that w Inch both know.
I would have trusted Ali Hasan with my
life had done so, indeed, many a time.
I would have trusted him with the little
money I- was saving year by year that I
-night one day live again in the old home.
I -nould have trusted linn with my
And yet my trust was to be sorely
tried, for even as I noted that look in
All's eyes, 1 taw him Epring suddenly 1
What has been icgarded bj some as the
bnthdav of the raiiwaj locomotive occurred
on September 27, 1S25, with Stephenson
as the father ol the event The htocklon
& Dailington Railway had been built, and,
through his persistent importunities, laid
with iron, instead of wooden rails. It hail
been intended merclj for horse draught,
butthe inventoi prevailed upon the ovvneis
toallow him atrial of his bteam locomotive
Stephenson himself was the dilver on
that occasion, and before a tremendous
crowd of cm ions and for the most pait In
credulous people, he drew a tiuin of
neail thirty wagons, loaded with pis
sengcis and coal, at a speed or twelve or
fifteen miles per houi. Thus the fii t
train that ever earned pnssengeib made
its Journey in safety, and the enthusi ism
of the multitude was indescribable
But, notwithstanding this demon stiatiou.
the locomotiv c w as still unmercifully rldi
euled l.j the majority. Nor w as thib ridi
cule confined to the ignorant cla-sses The
ublcst engineers contended that it was
ridiculous to suppose that steam could
eci be piacticallv employed incompiti-
BieuTkfnM. Guests.
tionwith horse power for trnnspoitatlon.
.lmo-t incredible as it inn now seem, it
is a rnct that political economists inv eight d
against the r.iilvv ay and the engine ab con
stituting an imaginary reform, which, even
if successful w hich was ver.v doubtful
would deprive stage drivers, teamsters,
and innkeepers of their livelihood! It was
in the face of an almost univerbal opposi
tion, or the wild, unrcaonablc kind, that
a few men, led bj the gieat Stephenson,
labored steadilv onward and finallj es
tablished the inilroad and locomotive ab
institutions of the land North American
Rev iew .
2s"o Clothes Pins. Needed.
A pinless (lothch line is some thing winch
attracts the attention of eveiv housewife
There never was a pin invented which
would held the clothes on the line, espe
ciallv in a strong wind.
This new clothes line is made of galvan
ized steel spring vvire.and is therefore non
rusting, and is made in links one foot long,
and when taken down can be folded to
gether into a small -pace.
The clothes arc fastened on by drawing
a small corner through the slot of the link
about hair an inch The link holds It fast,
and the hardei the w ind blows the faster
the link holds The clothes .ire taken out
as easil as put in The entire surface of
the line is very smooth, so that garments
do not adhere to it, even being easilv slip
ped off when frozen If each gaiment is
fastened in two places in such a manner
that tin draw towaid each other, the
weight of the garment will hold ltfirmlv
In the long run this line is the cheapest,
being a combination tliere are no pins to
buy, and being or steel will last muiiv
years and will not rust Tor winter use it
is far superior to an othei line. Chicago
Sent 5 for the Poor.
Isaac Keenan, a colored man under a
life sentence in the Baltimore peutten
tiao , sent 55 to the city maishal to be
used in aiding t.e distressed poor of the
toward me and poise a huge ebouv club
above my head, saw it descending swiftlj,
vet seemingly an eternity of time m itb
fall-, and then I saw no more, but even
as I fell I was conscious of gripping
the stiange stone rinnlj in mj right hand,
which seemed all at once throbbing with
such pain that I vv as glad enough to glide
into inseAsibility.
1 have alwavs rather prided myself on
mv lack oflinagination, but All Hasan' sclub
seemed to have let as much nonsense into
my head as the sense it knocked out, for
here was I In mv sleep, which lasted for I,
know not how long, thinking and babbling
about IcamescN and Halithoi, and Anubib
and other old Egvptian kings and gods,
about whom, in mv right mind, I had never
caied tuppence For when the scientific
men had said to me that the old kings vv ere
at least good engineers anil 'killed in stone
woiklng, 1 had alwavs replied that it was
not good e ngiueering to vv aste material and
laboi , and that I careii'nnughfcfor them, be
ing but a plain engineer.
I must ask pardon roi talking 'hop again
I Saw Hi in Spring Suddenly TV
ward 3Ie.
and get back to ni tale, and at that part
of It where, after manv profitless imagin
ings, I one day woke, asif fiom asleep, and
bavv bending over nie a face which 1 knew
and jet did not know.
Is tins Mr. MacDougall."' I asked,
making use of the name of a jouug Scotch
gO'p3'5(giir! l?yf5B5lK3,!lt'
1 Ttie opal
Gwendolen Overton in
Or all places to oppress one with the fruit
lessness of life, there Is none like unto the
southern portion or the Colorado River.
Other livers notably Hiich a one as the
Gild ma flow through asbarren acountry,
but the desolation is different: it is sug
gestive of what is ot to be, while the
Colorado, at the south, rolls lifelessly
through a land that i of a pnst so liope-
Iessl dead, 6o far away, that there is I
neither menioi of it remaining norchanee
of rpsurrection of its vanished bones There
seems always to be visible from its banks, if
banks they can be called, borne taint blue
gray mountain peak.orr in the distance,
be ond the plain with its rare gioups
of cottonvvoods and its occasional lonely
adobe. And there is boniething that makes
one s.ttl an I restlesi in the sight of I hose
mist lines of mountains, bomething u
thousand Told more depressing than in a
prairie thatmoetsitsown unbroken hoiion
Evening which seems the only time
thatbhoiild ever be there was coming upon
this country or "forgotten aeons There
was no color jn where The ellow of
the sky w.is onl a pale glimmer over
the whitening blue, the green of the trees
was dulled b the dust and the twilight,
the eoutitr wab a Uvel dun stretch, and
the mountains r.ir, far aw a were only
a hh.idmg of uncertain blue. Tliere was
but one house In bight, an adobe 100 ards
or less from the riv ei , but there was no sign
or found of hie except the quiet rattling
or the cottonwood leaves in the evening
w ind.
Tot in nmong the willows b the river
wab a small, canvas covered wagon Two
thin bronchos w ere hobbled near by, and
a man was gathering sticks for u Jire.
There was little dry wood so near the
btrcam, and he went out into the open in
front of the abode He was in no hurr.
All the night wab before him, so he stood,
with his thumbs ) ooked in his cartridge
belt, looking at the house He wondered
If it w ould be worth hisw hile to make the
acquaintance or the "greasers" who un
doubted! Inhabited it Hie might offei
him hospitalit for the night; but he li.ifl
learned b experience that Mexican hos
pitality usuallv implieb dirt, and lie dis
liked dirt It was a question in his mind
whether a blanket under the wagon would
not be preferable Anil while he "debated,
the flat I oard door of the adboe opened,
and a w oman came out. She w as slender,
then fore she was voung so reasoned the
man, who knew Mexicans More than
that he could not see After a time she
went hick 'nto the house, and he fell to
gathering stlck6.
"When the moon lose, and he, having fin
ished his supper, was sluing beside the
djlng campfire, peifcefiillj smoking, thet
low willuvvs parted,' and the girl of the
adobe stood near him. She was pretty
in the Ideal Mexican way red and full
lipped, brightlv eolored, large-evod, "with
two great braids of purple-black haii, .ind
she was dressed with surpiising neatness
in a frech, white fiotk and crude pink
"Ah I beg our pardon, senor, I knew
i ove 7a t ou v ar hicr," she ciied, start
ing ba k.
The man arose He was aware that
It was totally improbable that she had not
Eeen him when she had been standing in
thedoorwa, he was alo w are that she
mubt have observed the moke or hlb lire,
nevi rtheless, he spoTvC and said "Se
lorila, I will go nwu.1 And he stood
quite htill
".li' i o Tet must be me to go," and
she, too, stoirtl still "Let ces zat I come
each night hicr to sect, an' I Inew note
at on w ear hicr," she repeated
"It gives me much pliasure to see ou.
Will on not sit here with me?" nospread
a blanket on the ground near the blight
coals, and motioned to her, with a deep
Low, to be seated blie took her place,
and he, stretching himself at her feet,
leaning iq on one elbow, offered her a ci
garette. Her name, it transpired very soon, was
Anita Anita Mnnnra, his, he told her wa;
.Richard Lovell The fell a talking, and
he did what was cxpectetl of him made
desperate love instantl, while bhe did
what lie had expected her to do.iesponded
with onl enough reserve to keep up the
illusion of nutation Principles of se
verltv mav flourish upon mountain heights,
may withstand great temptation, but on
the southern prairies of a suinmci night,
vvhen the moon is full and shedding gold
light through the willows, and a blow
river trickles b, and the only voices are
tho-e of the crickets and of a Mexican
woman, and the woman Is beautiful,
morality is at ebb tide, and pilnciplcs melt
like hard, white pearls in wine Here in
the half-tropic Southwest, with an unwise
child or sixteen, or an amorous race, the
rather lax code or honor of Richaid Lovell
engineer who had Lcen expected in camp
about the time 1 found the dark scarab.
But mj voice sounded strangely weak,
and my tongue had a way of falling
about in mj mouth that was new to me.
"It's a shocking old dad not to know
his own son," said a, fresh joung voice;
"but never jou mind. You've been jolly
well knocked out, jou know, but you're
as right as need be now. So be orr with
jou to sleep again "
And I ouejed and dreamed that Arthur
wore upon his brow the globe nnd serpent
and held in his hand the vv hip and scepter
or Amnion Ra, who must be obeved.
My big hands h.vve a firm grip, and, once
thev had taken hold on life again, mj re
covery was rapid A pleasant daj it was
for me w hen 1 was judged strong enough
to talk it all over with mj son. A fine,
well-grown lad he was, and quick and
"Awfullv obliging of you, dad," said he,
as he sat by the bedside, holding inj gaunt
hand in his "I've jvibhcd to come to
Egjpb for a long time, .md jour sore head
gave me such a jollj oxesse Sorrj jou
can't smoke, too, but jou'U be up to it in
no time And jou haven't read the papers
much while the crocodiles were chasing
jou, so I'll construe a few lines out of
the Egvptian Times, of date a month or
eo ago 'The particulars of a sad arfair
have jut reached us from the province of
Beni Suef Thu eminent engineer, Besvvlck
Bej' that's vou, gov'nor 'eminent en
gineer' isn't so bad, eh.' 'was on Thurs
day last struck down id his tent bj a
nitive servant named Ali II.i6an, whose
motive is supposed to tunc been robberj-,
and who succeeded in making his escape
Some native cmplojes of the engineering
department found BebWick Bev surferiug
from two bad scalp wounds His right
hand w?s also bruised and lacerated,
probablv in an effort to "wrench awaj his
keys, though no connected account of the
afrair Is possible, as the Bev-, owing to
the hcab and the impossibilitj of se
curing propei care, bo far from anj town,
lies in a fever from which he is not ex
pected to recover. Casaldi Ecj is in at
tendance as phjsician, by his highness the
khedive's special iiutiuction. Eesw iek,
Eej's only son, a recent Oxonian gradu
ate, has been notified ' There, pater That's
the w hole affair in a nutshell, bo far as I
know an v thing 'about it If that ravcal
of an Ah were here, he might tell jou
more "
"Ali Hasan is no rascil. but (is true a.
man ab ev cr drew breath," said I, as -toutljr
as I might
"Mattold, perhaps" rnd Aithur, in his
Jesting vvaj, "epileptoid, an egomaniac
San Francisco Argonaut
fell from him She told him abo't her
"I was born hicr," she said, "een zat
house But w'en I tweir cars am, I to
San Diego go to school, an' ere I English
learn I speak note much Eenghsh now,
Tor zat I have only my mu7er an' my
bruzzei, who ze speake but Spanish",
an' Cailos he can Eenghsh speake, but he
like eet note"
"AVI o is Carlos, swecthe.ut?"
"He ees my sweetheart, w'at I to n arr.
him am "
"Where is Ik?" The oung man drew
a little awa and sat erect
" He ees at ze mines in Corccption. He
liar one mine for him, aii'lie weed be some
time reech He come to see me e feund.i.
Ho jou note Spanish speake talk, sarc?"
'o Just a few words .And where is
0ur brother?"
"He ees zib night rar awa. He weel
tonionow wceih Cailos come back"
Lovell understood He resumed grad
ually his posture or adoration When
the cigaictteh were finished, he held her
hands, and in time he put his arm a! out
herandkisscdlu i, and foigotall the maxims
or wisdom that had ever been taught to
So they sat to all purposes alone in the
prairie she with her black head upon his
srouldcr, he canning the sort waun fin
gers "What is that ring?" he asked, turning
and tolng with the onlv one she wore
"Eet ees Carlos. Ho geer eet to me.
Weel ou see.'" She drew it orr "Eef
ou weel one match light."
He struck a wax one, and held it to the
ring It was an opal set in silver, and
carved in the shape or a bkull Lovell
knew enough of stones to unelerstand the
difficult or e utting an opal He knew the
skill and patience it must require to shape
it like this one There was probably not
another like it in the world; certainly, he
had never seen it, ir there were. In the
flickering light it gleamed and sparkled
blue and red and CIlovv fires, and the
jaws seemed to contort themselves into a
"How wonderful'" he ejaculated.
"Yes," anbvv creel Anita
He was seized w Itli a w lid desire to obtain
it, and he jihued boldl Tor it. "Do vou
love me, Anita, sweetheart, beautiful?"
he whispered, taking her face in his hands
and looking into her eves
She uttered a Taint but sincere "Yeb"
He kissed her again, not once, but many
times "IT vou love nic, Anita, you should
give me the ring to remember jou b a
keepsake, as we call it "
She slipped it into his hand.
"Ah! No! Geer eet to me!" she cried
of a sudden.
"Carlos, he ti II me 7at eet ees ver w'at
you .i .'note nice lucky."
"Then w h did he give it to vou?'
"He say eet ees Tor a man, not tor a
woman, at eet ees like 7nt.'
"I evpeet Carlos wanteiltokeep you from
giving it awa."
"No He say at one man w'at keep eet
for fife cir, he die suie '
"I am not afraid I would be glael to die
to have our ring foi even a vear."
"No Geef eet back to me."
"Then ou do not love me," he said, de
jeetedl. "Ton are like all women, vou
are glad to break a man's heart."
"No, no I lore jou Ton can keep eet.
I weel tell Carlos I loose eet."
At the mnnn nt her mother called to her
rrom the adobe. She threw her plump arms
about the American's neck and said a cling
ing goodb, .is ir her heart were sadly
w rung And for the time being she wab m
desperate earnest
At dav break he saw two horsemen, Iwth
Meic ins, ride up to the house He guessed
that they were the man Manara and Carlos:
and he hitched up the team quickl and
went, in a fashion that suggetted flight,
taking the ring with him
Now it happened as such things will
happen In the new West thatCarlos ,.dera
grew ver rich within a few months and
went to live in San Diego with his wife,
and that the were much courted and sought
after, for V.ilera was generous and well
mannered and rot ill looking, and Senora
Valera wab bewitching, a tpv, more
than locall famous for her beaut, and
possessed of a charm that is peculiar
to vv omen of lief race who have learned
the usages of the world Thev kept open
house, in the grand way of the wealthy
Spanlsh-Ameiicans of not so long ago
Never a da passed that more than one
total stranger was not entertained Thus
it came aLoutthat, upon a spring evening
tome jears after her marriage, Senora
Valera greeted with lovely ease and race
a guest w hoin her husband brought home
with him, a Mr. Richard Lovell, of Los
Angeles But as she greeted him bhe
clubomaniac No matter what jou do,
if jer 'art be true, and Ali's 'art was
true to dad. Right jou aie, go.'nor, no
doubt '
"Crazj he maj have been, but a inscal,
never," said I, when at length I gathered
Arthur's meaning For the fashions of
The New Diagomnn Unetiithed tho Alystic Stone.
speech change as do the fashions of dress,
and I, having for so many jeais spoken
little save Aiabie.and learned mj English
onlj from piinted pages, found mjself
aluios- unable to uiideistand the words of
an educated gentleman of todaj. Also,
it nettled me not a little to see that Arthur
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glanced down at his hands and saw that
he wore the opal skull She turned to tier
husband and said in English that was per
fect now, though made dainty by n blight
lisp "Carlos, dear, will ou see if I left
in opal and-diamond pin on rn dressing
stand? I think I took It out to wear, and
forgot it. I don't want it to get lost like
tliatotherop.il ou gave me before we were
married. I'm afraid they are really un
luck stones, doutOii thinkso, Mr Lovell?
Would vou mind going for it, Carlos?"
Valera left the room.
"Mr. Lovell, take off that ring while you
are here," she said, calmly
"I have never taken it off; and I'm sorry
that I can't do so now."
"ir Mr. Valera sees it, he will be as apt
to kill OU as not. He is "very jealous."
"I fancy he has good reason."
"Kindly keep our opinions where such
unpleasant ones properly belong In cur
own consciousness. You will be wise to
do as I say, and to be quick. Bo ou
know that the five ears is up tonight?"
"I doubt that sort of superstition. As I
told 0u before, I'm not afraid. Perhaps
vou are, though? It is natural jou should
be. I w ill tell ou what I will do . I'll take
the ring and put it in my pocket" he
slipped it ofr and held it between his thumb
and finger "If ou will kiss me again its
vou did on that night."
"I will not. Tou would hae forgotten
that silliness of mine by now, if joubad
been fortunate enough to be a gentle
man." "Never! not all thoe caresses anil pro
testations. Come, kiss me again, and I'll
hide the ring."
"No. Mr Valera will finish hunting for
a pin that isn't there in a moment more,
and if he comes back it may go ill with
jou it certainly will if he sees the ring."
"Then kis me."
I will not Be quick I hear him com
ing Quick!"
"Kiss me. You'd better, for vour own
"No "
"llien don't "
"Oh, hide that ring do, for me."
"Kiss me."
"Well, kiss me. then " -,
He put his: hands" on her shoulders and
bent his head He did not see Valera step
into the French window, but he knew that
the woman pulled away from him with a
loud "How darejou?" and a scream, "Car
los, Carlos, help me!"
And then he felt something sharp driven
deep between the shoulders, and as he fell
backward Senora Valera graspeil at the
ring and caught it from his hand She put
her own hand to her throat in the ac
cepted fashion or the conventional feintt
and as she did so dropjied the jewel Into
the bosom or her gown. Then she 1 st con
sciousness. &
The story she told her husband was one
of unprovoked Impertinence on the part of
an utter stranger, a man she had never
seen before, and the story he told the
world was much the same, but slightly em
bellished. It was not plausible, yet it
passed It excused the murder without any
great difficul'y. ami it was something or
a feather in the cap of the beauteful Mexi
can fortius was in the early days.
Senora Valera ground the opal bkull to
bits with a heavy stone, and kept the chips
in a locket, until one day she found an
excuse to drive to the cemetery and scat
ter them upon Lov ell's grave.
ThG Morning and Sunday Time-,
33 cents per month.
was bj way of thinking me more daft
than All.
"But what was that about the kejs?"
said I, to change the subject. And when
he had again read the passage from the
new spaper "But I held no kejs," I cried,
"and I had little money with me, and to
that little Ali knew he was as welCw .c us
jou are I had naught in my hand but a
fine black stone scarab I had picked up
for jou"
"Here's a rum go," muttered Arthur,
whence I perceived that he was puzzled
Then he raiscdhis voice, and I was pleased
Regular Matinee Prices.
Great Romantic Drama,
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Admission.. . "r,n
to see that he couhl already give the words
of command in the Arabian tongue "Ta
turgeman, ta "ala beneh!"
"Ana gai. ta Sidi," said the new drago
man, who had taken All's place, as he en
tered the room And presently, when ho
knew what was required, he unearthed
from beneath some litter of the camp the
mystic .ton- which had lain forgotten
since the day I was struck down.
"Aye. lad," said I, as I vaw it. "it was
that I held when All Ilasin felled me. and
it was to that I clung while he beat and
battered my righthand until he w.b elrivea
away And it i that which, if I know
him, he Is still in wait near here to&ecnre.
If you value it as little, as I, nebt set it
up on a mud wall where he can come and
get it, and be at peace with in-, folly."
"Not 1," cried Arthur, with a proud
movement if the head that all at once
minded me of his mother "I it for'Eng
lishmen to give up beaten so easily?"
"You are right, mj boy,'' I said, not
ill pleased. "I spoke tco hastily and am
llever corrected by you than by any other
man hvimr. Keep it, and guard xwell
your own kull. And tell me its meaning
if you can.'
"Why, that should be easy,' baiel Ar
thur, in his old careless way "It's a
heart scarab, dad. . You know when tho-o
old dnfrers er Egyptians prepared a body
for mummying they used sometimes to
take out the heart" and pat in it place
a mooth stone like this, about the same
size. These hieroglyphics, now, must he
the name and qualities ot the gay and
festive old bounder who iwoie it H'ral
My Egyptian is a little rusty, but tbat
feather sign is 'a' and the chessboard
with the drunken sailor's line of march
under it Is Tnen some name beginning
with Amen;' and the queer animal is
the sign of the god Set Oh, I can dig;
it all out with the help ef a pony. -
And there, my word Tor it, was tAat
slip of a boy I had dandled on ray knees
reading off the syllables from a stone
thousands of years old, as if it were
yesterday's paper I almost regretted
that I was not myself more of a scholar
as I laj propped up on ray pillows watch
ing him.
Then all at once I saw his face take-
on a queer look that I did not like,
having seen it worn by many a bright
young fellow offered up like a sacrifice
to the East And, with a muttereil ex
cuse, which I elid not eaten, he lert the
Nor couhl I anywhere see- tlie lt&xl
scarab after he hail gone
To be concluded.

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