The-Circulation of THE TIMES-Yesterday WEATHER PROBABILITIES." WAS Pair loathe jnorning, probably rain dur ing the evening- or night north to cast winds. IWI''. 3STO. 1,115. WASHINGTON, THUBSDAY MOTRIN G, ATltlL 8, 1S97-EIGHT PAG-EB. ONE CENT. J 9Qb COPIES. "THE Tiy BMTHE HOUSE An Editorial Which .Made the Autocratic Speaker Wince. IIE REPLIED FROM THE FLOOR Jerry Si Hilton Stirred tlie House Up by Heading- the Editorial and Commenting T'iiou the Abuse of l'uwor on the Sneultei's l'nrt It Pointed Out. Speaker Reed, who was characterized as -a "political cannibal autocrat" in a Times editorial of the -Jth inst., which dealt with Ids refusal to organize tiie House committees as constitutional revolu tion, availed himself of ;m extraordinary privilege yesteiday to reply by indirection to Tiie Times. The article of offense w as read to the House and produced a breezy debate, ab was also an extract from a recent article by .Senator Hoar In the forimi, taking somewhat the bnme posi tion as that hebl by The Times. The debate on the question came up on a question or highest privilege raised by Jlr. Simpson, or Kansas who asked that the clerk read the following from The 'Washington Times, of Sunday, April, -1, 1897: i CONSTITUTIONAL. REVOLUTION. "The country appears to be undergoing a quiet but, effective constitutional revolution. Nothing much is t icing said about it, be cause effective speech, a? far as the people or their legitimate lepiesentatives are con cerned, has been abolished equally with jVfricau slavery. All the same, it is poing on instructively, harmoniously, and omin ously. We used to have a House of Repre sentatives. Without any formal change in the Constitution, that body has practically ceased to exist, and in its place we have been supplied with a more concrete, simple, and unanimous Institution. The body and other personalis aic one Reed. "A dnj ago we were inclined to believe that gieat as was the power of this po litical rannil alautociat, who poses before the coimtiy as the great altogether or what once was the popular branch of the National Legislating it was confined to control of legislation within the precincts or the chambei now occupied by him and formerly known as the home of the House or Representatives. We discover our error and hasten to apologize foi it. "As now constituted, the House of Heed exeits autocratic power over the Treasury Department. It. 01 he, enacts legislation of a ictroactiveor, in his own flowery lan guage, "retrospective character, and, al though it no.ininaly is not law " "Mr. Dlngley interrupted the reading and the Speaker asked Mr. Simpson to state the question ..f privilege. Air. Simpson Mr. Speaker, in the Tirty second Congress, as you will remember, when a member or this House had put into a campaign book a statement Hint Mem bers of Congress were seen drunk m the House, that was -considered at that time as involving a question of privilege; and a committee was appointed to investi gate, and make its report. This is, I think, a greater, graver, and more serious reflection on the character of the members or this body; and I think the Speaker will icalise that Tact before I get through. Mr. Simpson here read the extract from Senator Hoax's article, the point of which was that free government would not long endure if both Houses or Congress acted on methods prevailing in the Lower House. Proceeding, Mr. Simpson said: Mr. Speaker, 1 represent a verj-large dis trictone of the largest in the United Slates, both in territory and in popula tion. We have here this condition: By the refusal of the Speaker to appoint the com mittees we can carry on no legislation whatever except by unanimous consent. Therefore every member of this House is practi&dly disfranchised, along with his constituents. This is an autocratic and despotic powei granted to the Speaker, that deprives the people of the United States oJ their representation in this body Jt has been so charged by the public press, and in the Forum, one of the great maga zines of the country I rise here today to enter my protest against Tills mode of procedure. Ab a member or tins House I do not propose to sit here quietly and sub mit to this autocratic dictation The right, of my people shall at least have voice through me in the form of a protest. It is reported in the newspapers thatthc honorable Speaker says that where there is one just claim knocking at the door for passage, there are ten unjust claims; and if we appoint committee and allow general legislation, the danger is that these unjust claims will get through. Is not that a reflection upon this House, 1 ask the Speaker? The Speaker well knows, and so do members of this House, that there always is a respectable minority here who have the interests of the coun try at heart, and are always ready to tee to it that improper measures do not pass, and always ready to protect the Intereslb of the State; and it is onlj sin.-'e the Fifty-rirst Congress, when the power was taken out of the hands of the . minority, that these corrupt impositions and claims have been passed through the House. Gentlemen must see how giadually and bitrely we have been approaching the pi cs enc condition, when wemheiK elected by the people to exeieisc the power of legis lation aie willing to delegate away their power to the Speaker, thus tying their own hands, and have by slow but sure means taken steps towaid the destruction of free institutions Now, the long course or the history of the human race has proved one thing, if it has piovcd anything at all. and that is that it is unsafe to tiust to one niauarbilrary and autociatic power. Outof a thousand despots probably one may be a just and good man? but the experience of the human race has proved that the ninety-nine who have been intrusted with despotic power have turned that against hutnanlibeity. Theiefore,lpioieM:against this procedure, and 1 call the attention of the Chair to the fact that Rule X of this House, under which, 1 piebume, we are acting today, sajs: "Unless otherwise specially ordered by the House, the Speaker shall appoint, at the commencement of each Congress, the following standing committees:" Therefore I want to say here and now that I insist that these committees shall be appointed. The Speaker came Into my district last fall in the campaign and made a speech in the interest of Mr. Long, the Republican candidate, and in his opening remarks he took occasion to say and I hope the Speaker will excuse me If I quote himself agalust himself: Mr. Steele interrupted. Mr Simpson (continuing) The Speaker of this House, in hie cpenlng remarks in I my district, took occasion to say that for four years the Seventh dlstricu of Kansas was represented by chaos. (Laughter i Chaos means lack of oiganlzution, IT it means anything, gentlemen. It means an archy, ir it means anything, and tin ill those committees are appointed tills House and its members are in a state or chaos. Not tiie Seenth district of Kansas, alone, is represented by chaos, but all the dis tricts in the United States. Therefore, gentlemen, I want to say that as long as 1 am here, from this on, no legislation shall pats this House by unanimous consent it I can prevent it. I shall insist, on the appointment .r, the committees, and going through the legu lur rorm of passing legislation President McKinlcy in his inaugural ad dress said that the lirst thing that 'was necessary was for Congress to pass ,i measure to secure ample revenue. We have already done that, gentlemen. We have got ample leveuue. There is more than $120,000,000 of surplus revenue in the Ticasury, and the income of the Gov ernment 1b greater than the outgo. The next step he suggested is to put our linan cial system on a liriucr basis. We should have, he suggests, legislation to correct our linancial system. This is naturally the next step. Now, let us go to work. The returns fioni Chicago, Cincinnati and De troit indicate that the people are anxious for financial legislation. (Applause and laughter on the Demociatic side.) Theie fore, I insist that it is the duty of the Speaker to appoint these committees and let us go on and legislate for the people. Only the other day some Democratic brother was washing some Democratic linen out in the front yard, and I sug gested perhaps that was a useless waste of time, while the country is suffering for tiie want of Just legislation, and the Speaker suggested that that, all depended uion how much suffeiing there wjls in the country. Youcannot.Mr. Speaker.incnsure the buffeting that is in the country by newspaper reports. The Speaker The gentleman ought to confine himself to t he question of privilege. Mr. Simpson 1 will try and do so, Mr. Speaker. The question of privilege, then, briefly stated, is this; in the first place, the members or this House, by the election of the Speaker and the adoption of the present rules, have given to the Speaker the power to control all legislation, for his refusal to appoint committees is practically a veto on all legislation, except by unani mous consent. Theiefore it would have been as well if the people of this country had baved themselves the expense of electing 357 members of Congress and had delegated that power to the Speaker alone. 1 say that until that power is restoied to tiie members of this House we are not a deliberative and a legislative liody. Therefore, I insist that the committees lie appointed, and that we go on in the regular and legitimate way to pass legis lation in the interest of all the people. it was at tills iwint that the Speaker tookoccasioa to reply to The Times and Mr. Simpson in tills fashion: Mr. Heed -The House will perceive that the gentleman from Kansas has made no proposition whatever upon the subject. He has simply stated his own views, and the chair has thought perhaps It was best that the matter should be stated and that the House should consider it. So far as the power or the Speaker is concerned, everyone who has made the subject a matter of consideration under stands that his power is folcly the power of ttic House, a-id the House can at any moment change the action which its repre sentatives sees fit to iudulgein. The Home has the power at all times. And while the rules of the House require certain com mittees to be appointed, there has always been allowed to the chair a icasnnable amount of discretion as to the time when they should be appointed. Opportunity is always allowed the chair to find out something about members, so he may do the duties which are imposed .ipou him in the most intelligent way of which lie Is capable. It is not a rare case that the Speaker has not appointed committee at once. A Congress which was called together under circumstances something like the present, the Kortj-econd, was presided over by a very eminent man, Mr Blaine, and lie declined not declined, but did not see fit to appoint committees. Tiie matter was brought up in the House, and he gave his reasons therefor; and those reasons were approved by the House at least no action was taken by the House on the sub ject. There are about 150 new members in the House. Under ordinary ciicum stances the occupant of ttie chair has time from the 4th day of March until the rirst Monday in December to obtain informa tion m regard to his fellow-members; but under tiie present, circumstances there has been no opportunity. Wo have been called together in extraordinary session, and the question was, What was the best course for us to pursue, whether we should wait in appointing the committees until such times as would make the appointments more suitable, or whether the public ser vice was in such a condition thatthatought to be done? Now, the chair has had full consultation with the various members as he has met them upon the subject, and until this morn ing he supposed thatit was the unanimous feeling or the House thut it was not cbsary to appoint the committees in haste, because the public service did notiequirc it. Tne chair is sorry to see that any gen tleman in tiie House has lent himself to the suggestions which are .sometimes m ide outside the House with regard to the power of the occupant of the chair. His a power that is given to him by tiie House Tor its purposes, and its imposes alone; not for any selfish purposes; not for him to carry out any personal desires or designs of his own, but to carry out ttie wishes of the House as he understands them after a faithful and conscientious examination of the subject. If the House thinks thatany occupant of ttie chair is not carrying out its wishes, is not acting as its representa tive, the Tcmedy is in the hands of the House at any time. And tiie chair cheer fully welcomes any action on the part of the House, whose representative lie is. (Prolonged applause on the Republican side.) Before the debate took place, on motion of Mr. Catchingsof Mississippi, unanimous consent was had to pass the joint, lesoltt lion appropriating $200,000 for the le lief of the Mississippi flood sufferers. It was passed also by the Senate and im mediately signed by Mr. Reed. The House adjourned at 1 p. in. till Saturday. Bicycles for All. The American League Bicycles, at 602 0th st. nw., are the talk of the town. They are great, and the price is within the reach of all. Each wheel guaranteed, cleaned, and polished once each month, free. League Club Cycle Co. Empire Carpet Cleaning; C. 631 Mass. avc.; right kind of work: mat tresses remade; storage, fireproof. Mnxit&Is. Any Size, S1.0U Apiece. Llbbey&Co.,Gth st and New Tort avc. tf Ivy Institute Business College, Sth andK None better $25 a year, day or night. 1 .B Leaves the City on the West Indian Mail Flyer. A DINNER WITH MR. BAILEY The Deniocrutie Lender Gives tin Impromptu Iteeeptlon to Huston Teachers Talks Polities, Does Business, and Gocm to the Land of Flowers, Will Iteturu Monday. Mr Bryan left the city on the Florida special at 6:20 p. m yesterday, having had a very busy day both from the social and business points of view. The Boston school mistress was abroad in tills land bright and early yesterday to the number or 100. These ladles had the good fortune to have their outing at a time when they could meet Mr. Biyan, and they met him enthusiastically in the pailorof the Metro politan Hotel. There was a good deal said by the teachers, Mr. Bryan only getting in a word or two edgewise during this 'iitei estlng "function,'' as they say In Rcslon. One of the most interesting conferences had with Mr. Bryan yesterday was that in which Mr. Lawrence Gardner was the other parly. The Jeffersonian banquet is drawing very near, and Mr. Bryan and Mr. Gaidner, both at the Metropolitan Hotel and in the room of the Ways and Means Committee, discussed the anange ments for the speaker to the toast of the day, which were evidently very satisfactory to Mr. Bryan. In the morning Mr. Bailey called on Mr. Bryan and invited him to dinner at the Riggs House. Mr. Bryan accepted this 'nvilation, and called on Mr. Bailey later in the day at the House, where they had some conversation, which was made the subject of several varieties of conjecture as to what it was about. A great many and perhaps the mnojrity of those who talked of the incident of the dinner said that it wus to remove an impression which has grown up that there was somerestraint of feeling between Mr. Bailey and the leader of the Democratic party. Whatever was the reason for the invita tion, other than the most natural one of a social courtesy extended by Mr. Bailey, no one received any further explanation of the little affair. Mr. Bailey went with Air. Bryan to the Riggs House at about 4 p. m., where the dinner party was composed otMr.Balleyandhisfamily and Mr. Bryan. Mr. Bailey accompanied his guest to the B. & P. station, where the latter, as stated, took the train for Florida. He will speak before the Florida legislature tomorrow by Invitation. Mr. Bryan put in an hour listening to the argument of the railroads in the Ne braska case, and about 1 p. m., went over to the Houte, where he took lunch with . A POOR ;SHOW. Congressmen McMillin nnd-McLaurln," Dis trict Attorney Davis and .Mr. Lawrence Gardner. He will return to Washington on Mon day next and will respond to" the toust or Thomas Jefferson at the banquet on the 13th. Til 12 KENTUCKY DEADLOCK. One Formal Bnllqtjfor United States Senator Without Result. Frankrort, Ky., April 7. The silver and gold Democrats and the anti-Hunter Re publicans refused to answer to their names at the. roll call of today's joint session and prevented a quorum, the Hunter Re publicans and the three Hunter Democrats answered, making sixty-one in all. The president ordered the taking or a formal ballot, and sixty votes were cast for Hunter, there being-one pair, after which the joint session adjourned. The senate thin morning refused to adopl the Brpnston resolution to adjourn sine die April lo, this being a Blackburn scheme to prevent an election. The gold Democrats joined with silver Democrats to prevent a quorum, because the Hunter Republicans refused ttf pair with two of their number. -'. PHILIPPINE REBELS ROUTED. S punish Troops Inflict Severe Losses Upon Them. Madrid, April 7. A dl watch received to day from Manila saysfthat the Spanish troops have captured the town of dan Francisco, Malabong, where neatly all the insurgents vho are continuing their resis tance to the government Have taken refuge. The rebels fought desperately to main tain their position, but-verc finally touted with enormous losses. Large numbers of the insurgents who were1 not wounded es caped into the interior In' an utterly de moralized condition. Fireman and Conductor Killed. Charlotte, N. C, April 7. The engine of the regular rreight, on the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Hallway, which lelt Mount Airy .today at 2:30 p. m., was derailed near Pilot Mountain, and Fireman Walter Chaf fin and Conductor Fred; Foushee, the lat ter riding on the engine at the time, were caught under It and killed. Engineer Powers was badly injured. Cincinnati' Firm Assigns. Cincinnati, April 7. Charles F- Stiles, doing business as Stiles & Co., manufactur ers or iron measures,, and packages, have assigned, with StJCfcQOOisscts and $45,000 liabilities. . -- , Lieut. EI off to Be Tried. Pretoria, .nril 7. President Knigcr has ordered the forxnation of u special court to try Lieut. Eloff, his grandson, who was recently suspended from duty for using language that was Insulting to Queen Victoria. TCcl Ceilincr,Headecl,M,25 per 100 ft. Iiibbey&Co.,6th st. and New York avc- tf BestNnils. per Heir, TOO lbs., Sl.OO. Libbej & Co.,Gch at. and New Yorkavc. t TURKS GETTING DISGUSTED Small Hope That the Powers Will Help the Situation. SUFFERING OF CHRISTIANS The Scarcity of Provisions in the Interior Becoming Greuter Daily. Notwithstanding the Bloclmde, Greek Sailors Occasionally Land Provisions on the Const. Canca, April 7. With the exception of a fight outside of Candia, in which the Christians were repulsed with a heavier loss than they inflicted on the Moslems, there has been little or no prospect of the impasse being overcome by the powers, and even the Turks are becoming dis gusted with the situation. Reports from the interior show that the scarcity or provisions is becoming greater daily and that there is much suffering among the Christians, who are now prac tically the only residents outside the coast towns. The blockade is maintained with se verity, but despite this fact Greek sailors manage occasionally to run In a cargo of ammunition and food supplies. Of course no surricienfc supply from this source can be received, and unless the jiowers speedily come to some arrange ment and the blockade be raised the suf fering will become acute. FIGHTING OUTSIDE CANDIA. Insurgents Were Repulsed by Turks and Lost Eleven Men. Canea, April 7. Fighting of a some what serious nature occurred today be tween the Christians and Turks outside of Candia. The Insurgents, who were numerically stronger than the Turics, at tacked the outposts of the latter from four points at once. The Turks made a strong fight, and succeeded in holding their po sitions. Their loss was only two lulled, while the loss of tl.e insurgents was eleven killed. " " The insurgents afc Kissamo have se'ntTa letter to the foreign admirals warning them of their intention to attack the forts at the place- It is likely that In view of the cir cumstances a strong force will be placed in the, fort, and ills not beyond probability that international troops will be dis patched to garrison the place. SHOT AT THE liRITISII CONSUL. Third Attempt That Das Been Made on His Life. London, April 7. The Canea correspon dent of the Bally. 1'ews telegraphs that the commission appointed to inquire into the arming of the Moslem refugees who made the attack Saturday upon the Chris tians on tiie peninsular of Akrotiri, has completed its investigation. It finds that the Turkish orficiuls acted in a straight forward manner, and had not distributed arms to the populace since Februarj '-!. The charged made by Col. Vassos, the com mander of the Greek army or occupation, thut arms had been furnished to the refugees from Seliuo and Kandamos was disproved. The Standard's Canea correspondent says that while Admiral Harris, the commander of the British fleet in Cretan waters, was walking-in the rields near Suda he was shot at by a Baslii Bazouk. The bullet from the rifle of the .Moslem plowed the ground at the feet of the admiral. This is the third time an attack has: been made upon the life of the British admiral. Once he wiis shot while in a boat. aiiliturj Governor for Crete. Berlin, April 7. A dispatch to the Co logne Gazette from Constantinople says that the powers have instructed their dip lomatic representatives there to decide among themselves in regard to the ap point mentofa temporary military governor for Crete. Ciinevnro's Rumored Recall Denied. Home, April 7. Therejiort that Admiral Canevaro, commanding the Italian squad ron, and, by ru"u of oeniorltv, in com mand of the joint fleet of foreign war shipsin Cretan waters, has been recalled, or is to be relieved of command of he com bined fleet, is denied in official quarters here, though it is known that he has asked that some other officer be assigned to the chief command. No More Men From Italy. Rome, April 7. The Italian govern ment is disinclined to send reinforce ments of troops to Crete, and itnow-seems probable that no more men will ;e senU Cunevare Not KeeuIIed. Rome, April 7. It is semi-oflicinlly de nied that Admiral Caaevarc lias resigned or that he has been recalled from com mandof the international squadron in Cretan waters. Reports on the Blockade Differ. London, April 7. Several reports concur that ttie intention of the powers to es tablish a blockade or Greece has been abandoned,, while other reports have it that the blockade has only been further deferred. Call for Turkish Volunteers. Constantinople, April 7. The Porte has derided to request the lowers to hapten the appointment of a governor of the island of Crete and put an end to the present, situation in that territory. The Turkish orficiais at Salonica have made a call for volunteers in the event of the out break of war between Turkey and Greco. ITATHIOTIC LOCAL GREEKS. Twenty-uue of Ttieiu Depart to Fight for Their Country. Fired by the story or their country's danger and awakened to increased patriot ism by the celebiatiin of the aimiverary of Grecian independence last Tuesday, twenty-one Washington Greeks left this city yesterday for Greece, to light, if need be, in their country's cause, and moie are preparing to follow. The leader of the party yesterday was John Harlekas, who sold out a pros perous fruit business to Join the expedi tion. Many of the others leave wives and children in the land of their adop tion to wait until their return from fight ing for the Fatherland. Tlie funds for the passage were secured last Tuesday during the celebration. About seventy-live of the local Greek colony had assembled in a house in Jackson Hall alley, when one of their number, Charles Pope, arose and made a fiery speech, calling for subscriptions and volunteers to aid Greece- A collection was immcdiately taken, which yielded if'J"0, and almost all of those present wished to volunteer. Only those who were able to paj part of their passage back and who, in addition, were strong and hearty were selected by the committee, which was given control of the funds. The party left on the 5:40 train ror New York. There they will engage pastage ror Marseilles on the next steamer, and from Marseilles they will proceed to Piraeus to enlistin the Grecian army. The party was escorted to the depot last evening by a large uumlier ot friends and relatives, who shouted Godspeeds and mes sages to friends at home to them until tlie train pulled out. Another meeting will be held next Satur day night, which will probably result in the sending of about forty more Greeks across the water.. By that time 1 1 is ex pected that an answer will be received to the letter which was sent to the Gre cian government asking if they could use volunteers Trom the District of Columbia, and largely upon thU all future action will depend. If the reply is affirmative it Is within the range or possibility that Wash ington will lose most of Its Greek popu lation. Among those who left jesteiday were Peter Jangos, Nicholas Agnostis. John Cutros, Nicholas Veitcs. and James Lya kas, all well known and highly respected among their countrymen here. THE RnODE ISLAND ELECTIONS. Healthy Republican Pluralities Are Reported Over the State. rr.ividi.nce, R- I-, April 7. In the Rhode Island election today the Republicans easily elected their State ticket and retained their large majority in tlie general assem bly, but were unsuccessful in electing their legislative ticket in this city. Gen. Elislia Dyer was elected governor by a plurality or not less than 1",000, the largest ever obtained by a gubernatorial candidate. In this city a good Government legis lative ticket Indorsed by tle Bemtcrats was nominated and was elected by good pluralities, although the Republican State ticket carried the city easily. The vote was light throughout the State, the Demo crats sufreting the greatest loss. Assignment of Flour Commissioners. New York, April 7.-F. I). Ncustadt & Co., Hour commission dealers, at No. :i3(J Produce Exchange, assigned today. The firm was rated at $UoO,000. Liabilities' estimated at $60,000. A Democratic Owens Xlcld. The Democratic Senators held a caucus yesterday arterroon to consider the sub ject of filling the committee vacancies. No conclusion was reached, although the new Senators urged that something be done so that they might be assigned to committees. The caucus decided to wait until the Republicans submitted their plan to Mr. Gorman, chairman of the Democratic steering comruittee- KOBR D THETiBIFF BILL It Will Be Reported to the Sen ate About April 26. THE REPUBLICAN POLICY The Sugar and Wool Schedules "Will Probably He Left Open tor "Trad ing" I'urnuKi'H in Order to Secure the Votes Necessary to Pass tho Measure. The Republican members of the Senate Finance Committee are making rapid prog ress with the analysis of the Dingley bill, and have completed the examination of its provisions with reference to the raising of revenue, with the exception of the woolen schedule, which is so complicated that it will require the close examination of a special expert. Senator Allison is authority for the state ment that the bill will be reported to the Senate two weeks from next Monday, anil, while this is at least a week curlier than had been expected, there la reason to te lievethe committee will bring the measure into the Senate before the final revision of certain schedules, notably sugar and wool, which will be left open for ""tratbiig purposes in order to secure the votes neces sary to pass the measure. The Republicans now control forty-two votes in the Senate, and, as Senator Kyle is expected to sun port the Dingley bill, they lack hut two ,f a majority, and these they confidently hope to secure from among the silver K publicans. It Is to capture these votes that it lj proposed to bring In the bill with certain amendments not acted upon, and the shrewdness of this policy is very generally conceded. It is now well understood thac the recent attempt to reorganize the Sen ate committees by f dling all vacancies, and removing silver Republicans from important; chairmanships was abandoned because C the fact that so radical a iihv promised to Jeopardize the passage of the Dingley bill. Senators Aldnch and Allison are strong ly inclined to reduce the rate on mtnatra wrappers, and it is stated that Senator Aldrich Is in favor of a uniform rate on. both wrappers and filler, as has been recommended by an overwhebningmajonty of the trade. Senator Piatt is supposed to sympathize with the Connecticut to bacco growers, but it is intimated that he appreciates the fallacy of their posi tion, and is confident that a greater de mand for Connecticut grown tobacco would be caused by reducing the price to the manufacturer of Sumatra wnppers. The Bepublioan members at tfia Blnanee Oon.. rnRtee.hAvC been, much .Impressed -xi-h the numerous protests from the tobacco Irnde, which they have received slmo the Dingley schedule was first and the fact that the duty sought to be imposed on Sumatra leaf is so exorbitant an ad valorem, has also had its effect; upon the committee's tariff experts. Within the next week the tobacco trade may possibly have an opportunity of pre senting its case to the Republican tari'f. leaders, and, if so, no time will be lost by them in doing so, for hearings are few in these piping tariff times. The Secretary of the Treasnry is deter mined to aid Congress in keeping up tho "bluff regarding the retroactive assess ment of duties under tlie Dingley bill, as shown by his much-discussed circular, which is in the following language: "Under the authoritj conferred upon tl.o Secretary of the Treasury by section 24!, Revised Statutes, chief officers of cus toms are hereby instructed to delay, until further orders, final liquidation of entries made at the respective ports or any mer chandise arriving thereat after April 1, 1S97. But liquidations may be tentatively made, and such liquidations shall not be closed and stamped, but shall be held open during the pendency of this order so as to be amended or corrected, if necessary. These directions shall not be applied, however, to any entries made after Apnl 1, 1897. of merchandise which was pur chased and directed by tlie owner to bo shipped for import Into the United States by anj peison prior to lpiil 1, 3SU7 "Herenter all entries for consumption, except thoe specified in the preceding paragraph," shall be stamped in red ink by the clerks respectively passing the same, under the direction of the collector, with the following words: Subject to change of rates if required by law. , Collector. "A ppraising oriicers will, whenever prac ticable, retain such samples of imported merchandise as may be necessary to de termine any question hereafter arising relative to the proper identification ar.d classification for duty of such m erchandise " It is believed that Secretary Gage has made a serious blunder in the preparation of this circular, which will enable the business community to test the force of tho retrospective'' provisions of section ST. It was expected that in postponing liqui dations the department would instruct col lectors to hold all invoices open covering goods arriving after April 15. Instruc tions to this effect might easily have been issued under th,e general autliority granted the Secretary by section 240. Such action would have been within the power of the Secretary, and could not be resisted on tho ground that it was based upon certain proposed legislation not yet enacted The Secretary, however, bases his instructions clearly upon the retrospective clause of the Dingley bill and confines them to goods purchased since April 1. Customs experts declare without hesi tation that importers will have no diffi culty in bringing action against collectors who refuse to make final liquidations within a reasonable time; that in such actions the legality as well as the con stitutionality ot the proposed ex post facto legislation will be fully tested. In the meantime advices received at the depart ment show that prominent importers are paying no attention to the retroactive clause, but are counting upon its being thrown out by tlie Senate, or declared null and void by the courts. There is every in dication that the Senate will leave tho clause In the bill until the last minute, with a view to preventing Inrgfr antici patory importations, but will strike it out before the final vote is taken on the measure. Go To C02 9tli street store or Standard Sewing Machine Co. ror bicycles, and save iuodcv. League Club Cycle Co. 12-Inch Stools Board-. $51 r ltjo ru Libbcy & Co., Cth st. and New York ave. Blind. Si: "nil Sizes, 75e a Pulr. Libbey & Co.,Cth st. andNew York ave. tf -f J.