OCR Interpretation

The times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1897-1901, August 21, 1897, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

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p JiMij!r 3,3f
? s ?
for choice of all small
lots of Children's Short
Pants Suits and Separate
Pants. All Styles. All
grades. All sizes. Many of
them are this season's best
sellers, hut the sizes are
broken ancL they must go.
Half-price takes them.
RoMnson & Chery Co.,
12th and F Streets N. W.
Clotuo. Furnishing. Hats, Shoes.
City Brevities.
Dr. Helser, of Thirteenth street, lias gone
an tile vacation.
The I A. W- urn tomorrow -will be to
MarltKro. Tlie start is f rem Thirteenth and
EI at 9 a. m.
The Provident Life Insurance Company,
of Wheeling. W. Va-, has been granted
permission to do business iu the District.
Susie G. Tan Horn yesterday filed suit
for dUcrce against her hubband, George
W. H Van Horn. The ground for action
is desertion.
James Slsson, a colored bicyclist, "was
fcliBlitly Injured by colliding with a Ninth
fctrect car at the corner of 11 street e&
tfrday afternoon.
Charles C Lewis, the colored boy who
-was coiiiictvd of stealing money from
his employer, Karl von Ilodcnstelu, "Was
fcctenced to isixty days in jjail.
The fcecond excursion of the Washington
Athletic Club to River View today bid&
fair to bp a tuccess, at, an unusually lan;e
number of ticket have beea sold.
A thirty-foot alley 1& being excavated
between Tenth and Eleventh and I) and E
t-trects northeast by the workhoube gang
under charge of Supt. Stouteuuursdi.
James PrathtT.acoloredman aboutslxty
years of age, was taken siofc at the comer
or Seventeenth and K (street s northwest
End removed to Freedmau't llospital inNo.
3 patrol wagon -
Mr. Elkert S. Maloney will leave this
morning on a ten dayp'cj cling trip through
northern Virginia. He will visit Warren
ton, Round Hill, Leefcburg, and will return
via Jlanahsas
Anton Karl, who was arrested on Thurs
day night on his own confession of mur
der, was released yesterday. Karl's mur
der story, while interesting reading, was
not founded on fact.
The Commissioners have under considera
tion an addition to the building regula
tions regarding bill posting boards which
will confine these somewhat unsightly
cOHfctrnctions for the most part to the
business section of the city.
The meeting of the local executive com
mittee of the National Educational Associa
tion, called for this afternoon, lias been
postpoued lor ono week at the request of
the finance committee who are not as
yet prepan-d to male a final report.
Bufldiug Inspector Brady was yesterday
inbtructed by the Commissioners to at
tend the eighth annual convention of the
National AbKjciatlon of Building Inspectors,
to be held in Detroit oa the 14th of
next month, provided that it does not
interfere with the proper discharge of" hib
TheCommissioners bare declined to grant
permission asked for by Mr. F. Crocker,
of No. 939 Pennsylvania -avenue, to place
a bicycle rack in front of hib store, on
the jrround that if they gave him the
privilege it would result in great annoy
ance and embarrassment to the authorities.
Certificates of indebtedness have been
issued by the District against the Ana
cobtia and Potomac Railroad Company fur
"worl: doue adjacent to its track bv the
Cranford Paving Company as follows:
D street southwest, at the intersection of
Carroll and Second street, $208.38: Scc
3nd street, from C to Virginia avenue
loutliweit, $22.65.
Atlantic Oityand return $3 today- Royal
Blue, shortest and best route.
Buffalo and return $11.20, best and
most picturesque route. Tickets sold for
all tralus August 21 to 21, good to fe
turn until 31bt and may be further ex
tended to Spetember 20.
Niagara Falls ten-day tour, Thursday,
26th; special with parlor cars from Wash
ington at fi:10 a. rn.
Bay Ridge 50 cents. 9:15 and 4:30
p. m., today; 9:35 a. m., 1:30 and 3:35 p.
m., tomorrow. It
tuir Carriers' Claims Settled.
The accounting officers of the Treasury
have taken up for examination and bettle
nbout seventy judgment of the Court of
Clatnib in favor of letter-carriers in In
dlana and Illinois, which became due Au
gust IS, under the provisionsof tbelast de
ficiency act.
It Is always gratifying to recdie testi
monials for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy, and when the in
dorsoment Is from a physician It in espe
cially so "There is no more satisfactory or
erfeotUe remedy then Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy," writes Dr.
R E. Robey, phyririan and pharmacist, of
Olney, Mo , and as he has used the Remedy
in hiE own family and sold It in his drug
store for six years, he should certainly
know Tor sale by Hcnrv Evans, Wholesale
and Retail Druggist, 93S F street; Con
ncotlfut arenas and S street nortbwest,aud
142S Maryland avenue northeast.
M JC2Caso at 24 botllrR, only SI-
a Case
for Sunday.
Drop us a postal or tele-
pnone aud we'll deliver
you a case of our famous
''Chainpague" or "Ruby"
Lager promptly. Both
are pure aud satisfying.
...... and. .....
are made of pure Hops
and Malt, properly aged,
and are famous for their
brilliancy and delilitful
flavor. The former is
light, the latter is dark.
Jt3Gase or 24 bottles delivered In
unlettered Wacom for only S1.O0.
Write or telephone
Washington Brewery Co.,
4 ta ana F Sts. H. E. 'Pfceae 1293.
Oar Great Death Rate Attributed
to Germs in the RiYer.
WnshlngUmiuns Die at tho Rate of
20.00 Per Thousand STenrly, tho
Third Highest Unto in Large
Cities Golored Population and
Itefase From Cumberland Do It.
The somewhat remarkable fact is de
veloped in the death rate records of the
twenty-fie largest cltieb in the United
States for the -past year that Washington,
with a'l its Advantages of wide, clean
streets, excellent sewerage system and
freedom from the tcnemeut-houbc curse,
ih still the third highest in mortality rate.
Th death rate per 1,000 of the esti
mated population of Uie largest cities out
of 1,332 which have been reported to
Surgeon General Wyman, of tin; Marine
Hospital Jscrvlce, for the ear ending June
30, 1897. is as rollows:
Allegheny. Ta., 14.S7; Baltimore, Md.,
19.5S; Boston, Mass.. 22.53; Brooklyn, N.
Y., 20.32; Buffalo, N. Y., 13.2G; Chicago,
111., 1-U36; Cincinnati. Ohio, 16.90; Cleve
land, Ohio. 13.72; Denver, Col., 10.48;
Detroit, Mich. 14.28; Indianapolis, Iud..
12.46; LoulSMlle, Ky., 15.60; Milwaukee,
Wis., 15.00; Minneapolis, Minn., 9.13:
New Orleans, La.. 27.25; New York, N. Y.,
20.S6; Omaha,. Neb.. 6.01; Rochester, N.
Y., 13.5!; St. Louis, Mo., 17.36; St. Paul.
Minn., 9.25: San Francisco, Cal., 1G"G;
Syracuse, N. Y.. 15.76; Washington, D. C,
This makes New Orleans, with 27.25
deathb per year per thousand, the banner
deatli ity. Ikton Is second with 22 53
and Washington third with 20.96 per
thousand. Denver, Colo., the high-altitude
home lor consumptives, is near the bottom
of the list ith 10.48, though Minueap
olis with 9.13 and Omaha with only 6.61
deaths per thousand are even healthier,
The flat New Orleans, with its marshes
all alut, has always been high on the list.
Boston has its back bay, its consump
tion anu Its tenements, besides the btraln
of its Intellectual overwork, and always
has a high rale. But N'cw York and Balti
more and Chicago and many other cities
wheie the condition of overcrowding has
always been considered one of the great
est breeders of diseases, are all behind
Washington's sewerage system is con
sidered one of the fiucst, If not the very
best In the country The street, of the
Capital City are wide, shaded and concreted.
There is an immense park area which has
always been considered a most desirable
and healthful feature. We boast of the
parks as our "lung" and say tuat our
lung development is one of the largest
In the country The poor children
plaj in the parks and are thought to be
almost as well off as thoe which are spnt
to the mountains or the beasnore Our
terupt'rature rate compares very favorably
both as to its extremes aud Its mean rate
with other cities.
A reporter for the Times poK to
Dr. Woodward, the health ofneer, yester
day on the subject. It appears that Wash
ington has really a high dpata rate,
but there Ib much more than appears
en the surface of vital statibtlcs to bo
taken into consideration, and that Washing
ton's real rate, especially as to her white
populntio'i, Is not so bad as it lool.s com
paraHvely. "The people who estimate the popula
tion of cities are frequently wrong for
one tning," said Dr. Woodward. "In 189i
and 1S95 the estimated population on
which our death rate was figured was
185,000. When the police census wad
taken it was found that we really had
only 171,000 reople in the city. Thebe
cuies that have lower death rates accord
ing to estimated population may have
really higher rates, many of them.
"Another factor in our high death rate
Is our very large colored population. Every
Southern city with comparatively Large
colored population has, a large number
of death relatively. The death rate
among tne negroes Is always high.
"One other factor that must lie taken
Into consideration is that we are not a
boom town. Denver and other compara
tlvely new cities increase very rapidly
In population, and this increase is an
increase of adult& and not of Infants, like
Washington. This pulls down their death
rate very much necessarily, for by far
the largest part of any old cltj's mor
tality is among its infants.
"However, after taking all these facts into
consideiatiou we are pretty well upon the
list wilhc.ut a doubt and have a really
high rate. Some of the reasons for thi-
aTe easy to discover. The rates of typhoid
fever aud diarrheal deaths aw very high in
Washington and pull up the general rate
excessively Thexs are due firat to the
water supply, which is unquestionably v5ry
bad, and becund to the large number of
surface closetb, especially among the col
ored people, In the outlying sections.
"We have no longer any right to con
sider the Potomac water healthy. It is
far from it. Typhoid fever ts contracted
by eating or drinking the germs from some
other typhoid patient, and not by breathing
them. WIh regard-to the Potomac river
we in WaMilngton see the unpleasant con
dition of mlng that Cumberland, above
us, has filter beds for her water supply, bub
drains her bevverti in the river below the
city. We get the benefit of her sewage.
The distance a river flows has very little
to do with the purlfyiugofthe water. The
soluble vegetable matters containing dis
ease germs from Cumberland reach u& In
a very patent state.
"The diarrhael deaths amongRt us are
largely among the colored people Diarrheal
troubles coma largely from lack of cleanli
ness, not especially personal, but neigh
borhood cleanhness. The water supply
affects this class of diseases also.
"As for the general healthfulness of the
city's locality aside from thebe conditions
I believe that it is good. The presence
of the Eistcrn Branch and the flats un
questionably affects our death rate, but
not largely, I believe. The deaths from
malarial troubles, directly, Is small, though
loan extent, a person's vitality Is lowered
by malaria As far as location Is concerned
this factor of the flats is our only disad
vantage." Dr. Woodward believes very strongly
that the city should filter its watersupply.
In hib opinion filter bp ds would undoubted
ly largely reduce our deatli rate. He ex
presses himself very forcibly on the sub
ject. It la a matter for congratulation that
despite the Potomac and our relatively
high rate -sve are improviug steadily and
rapidly all the time. The city health now
compares most favorably with that of
twenty year a ago. Hardly another large
city in the country makes a better showing
In this way.
The first vital statistics taken were those
of 1870. In that year the deaths per
thousand among the colored population
were 40.78, among the whites 19.54, and
for the total population 26.40. The recent
EtatJ&Ucs of 1897 make the rate 28.59 for
thecolored people, 17-.il among the whites,
aad20.71for the total population.
.90j for suits that
Here's a right-iu-the-nick-of-time
suit sale that means
money and comfort to the
wise buyer. We've just 200
men's fine cheviot and cassi
mere suits in fancy plaids
aud mixtures which we cut
below cost rather than carry
over to next year. They're
our very finest suits were
made by us are guaranteed
by us and couldn't be ex
celled even at first-of-the-sea-son
prices. It's easily the
banner bargain of the year
you'll say so when you see
them. Be an "early bird"
and get in first thing today.
$3.5o to $5.00 Pants,
A large tableful of handsome
.tngli'jU Plaid Cheviots, Scotch
i'lald Uassimeres, neat striped
worsteds, liiaok Clay Worstcdh--tweivc
airrerent patterns and
every one a ouhlrable one made
up and trimmed ab a oustom
laiicr makes tliem have nap
pockets at tlie hip, and the legs
are the Mze which the prevailing
biyie deems proper. They bold
up to $5, and Hundreds bought
them Thousands ought to grasp
them at $1.98 pair.
Adding fuel to the flame.
i'ou may take the Men's White
and fancy-stnped Duck Pants
large sizes, that usually cost adol
lui for only 25 cents pair. And
what a difference betvveen these
anu tlie 'skimpy, ' pooriy-juade
sort you see around town! Ours
are well made -have deep hems
generously full. Nothing poor
about 'em. Only 50 pair left bo
you mubt hurry.
Goodness how we've cut Into
the prices of ihe summer cloth
lag. You can buy theSien'sThree
piece Covert Cloth SinUs which
were ?3.50-for only $1.98.
You bicyclists may have tno
choiceof the balanceotthc Covert
ciotti "Hike' I'ants winch sold
for $1.25 for 49 cents pair.
Ask for credit if you de-
it we'll let you have
whatever you want and you
. -
can pay the bill on easy in
stallments. HECHT & COMPART,
5I5 Seventh Street.
Snpt. MncKeozie Snj-s That ?10,000
aioie 3t Needed.
Superintendent of Street Cleaning Mac
Kcnle yesterday submitted to the Com
mibsloners an addition to ills annual re
port, wuich appeared in yesterday morn
ing's Times, in which he asks for an ad'
ditional appropriation of 510,000, ncces
bary. he thinks, to keep the city's streets
piopeily cleaned. He says:
"In connection with the foregoing re
port I icspcctrully submit the following
tor the consideration of the Commissioners
and mice .mion as they may deem proper.
Iu my opinion it Is Imperatively necessary
that Congress should increase the appro
priation Cor sprinkling sweeping and clean
ing the Rtreets, and avenues, etc. for the
ptcscnt fiscal jcar. This Is made ncceb
t-ary by the increased price for machine
sweeping and the inauguration of the
band oleanlug method in parts of the
city. The action of the Commissioners In
this direction has met with tlie unanimous
approval of the press aud people, and there
Is no disputing the fact, successfully, that
the streets which are cleaned by hand
are much better cleaned than they have
ever been before.
"In many of the cities of the country
the hand sstem has been introduced, to
a greater or less extent, and has In all
cases commended Itself to the public.
In New York the entire city Is being hand
cleaned daily, and with the most gratifying
results, the death rate has been reduced
materially, and the city, from being almost
one of the dirtiest in the world, has be
come one of the cleanest and healthiest.
The increase in the number of men taken
from the ranks of the unemployed and put
to work is another subject for congratu
lation. I am of the opinion that the
amount required to continue the work on
the present scale for the entire 3 ear will
require aloub $10,000 additional to the
present appropriation."
If the appropriation asked for ohould be
granted It would mean that Mr. Daggett,
who holds the contract for street sweep
ing, will be authorized to extend the terri
tory now covered by his men and receive
pay for the extra work at the agreed rate
A Begnlntion Regarding Their Prox
imity to Dwellings.
There will be Introduced into the new
building regulations an ordinance govar
ing cow stables, as follows:
"It shall not be lawful hereafter for any
per-o or persons to keep, provide for or
maintain, within the city of Washingtonor
the more densely populated suburbs there
of, a cow yard, pen or btablc for dairy or
other purposes, nearer than 200 feetto any
dwelling house, other than the dwelling
houbeof the owner or keeper of such ard,
pen 01 stable; provided, however, thatnoth
ing heieln contained shall apply to persona
keeping but one or two cows for their own
use; nor be so construed as to prevent the
selling or milk by persons who keep oneor
two cows.
"Any person violating the provisions of
this regulation shall, upon conviction there
of In the police court, be punished by a
fine of not more than ?5 for each day dur
ing which such violation has continued."
Home for u Child.
Humane Officer Wilson Is looking for
Mary Bartlett, a sK-year-old girl who was
living in the family of William Lucas at
the time of his alleged indecent assault on
Bessie Gladmon, for which he Is now serv
ing a term in dall. The Bartlett child
had been placed with Lucas by her father,-
who Is a canal boatman. Since Lucas has
been In jail Mr. Bartlett has taken hib
child away, but the humane officer thinks
that he cau hecure a home for her and is
therefore anxious to find the father.
G. A. R. to Bnffnlo via 11. & O.
Join Bufralo Club, No. 1, leaving Wash
ington 10 p. m. Sunday, 22d, via B. & O.,
and beautiful Lehigh Valley route, arriv
ing Buffalo 2 p. m. Monday. Secure
tlcketsot the committee, aul6,17,19,21-em
Children's Bicycle Contest Or
phnob Bazaar.
Children's bicycle contest will close Sat
urday. Those engaged should make re
turns to St. Ann's Asylum befoie that
date. aul9-2t-em
JOHNSTONS, 729 7!h St.
Today we will give a magnifi
cent Watcti on one premium card.
Bring your completed cards and get
the watches.
Watches Free.
Lvefy watch is accompanied with
a guarantee from the manufacturing
Clocks Free.
TDe handbome Porcelain Clocks
are decorated In beautirul colors
Decorated China
Dinner Sets Free.
iuo pieces or handsome necorated
China Ware contained in. a set.
Bring your completed premium cards
and get tlie premiums UeC new
cards at our orrice.
You cannot do better than invest
a rew dollars more than usual In
uranulnted Sugar at this price,
21 lbs. for 11.00.
Absolutely no restrictions as to
quantity, bet all you want before
advance in price.
1 Cr
lbs Sngar Free.
You will bo entitled to 5 lbs or
Uranulated Sugar with each pound
of 60c Tea, Otic Tea, 8O0 Tea, or
with aios. of JavaanoMochaCoIfee
Arbuckle's Catfceat 11 and a half
cents per package in lots of 10
'packages or over.
Laundry Soap, cake ljo
Peerless Laundry 2c
Lion Standard 2o
Star Soap 2c
Borax Soap 2c
Uurlng our special Soap Sale vou
may also order large bottles Lln'uid
Blue, 5 cts each; large 10-cent Lot
ties Ammonia, 6 cts.
lOo Sweet Chocolate 3o
15c Scrub Brushes 7o
Large Cans Baked Beans.. 8c
Baby Condensed Milk 10c
Sugar Cakes 8c lb
Coffee Cakes 8c lb
Nicnacs 8c lb
Imperial Cakes 8c lb
Cream Crackers 5c lb
Special prices In all departments
or our stores.
JOHNSTONS, 729 7th St.
He Becinenths Tlis House and Its
Contents to His Cousin.
The record of the last wishes of the
diitlnguisned Korean. Pom-K. Soh, who
died recently, was filed in the office of
the register of wills today in the form ot
an affidavit, feigned by three witnesses,
who F,vear that befoni dying he expressed
tlie deire to leave his house, No. 2819
Fourteenth street, and all it contains, to
Boug Sun Pok, a couKn. -
The affidavit is attested hy "Royal E.
Whitman, U. S A.; Sun JC. Sun, secretary
of the Iforean legation; and Kin B.Sueh.
former attache of the legation, and states
that the deceased made declaration as
aforesaid on Auguit'1.1, 1897, at 11 o'clock
at night, being then in his last sickness
and nigh unto death.
Fees o District Sealer.
The attorney for the District has ren
dered to the Commissioners an opinion in
which he holds that the sealer of weights
and meacircs has the authority to estab
lish a reduced schedule of fees for weights
and measures in the hands of the dealers
He dopgnot believe, however, th.it the Com
missioners liave.the power to past an ordi
nance requiring that all dry measures used
in handling oysters shall have .wire or
grated bottoms.
Combination Tickets for Orphans'
Persons holding the same are requested
to make returns before Saturday to St.
Ann's Asylum so tbat prizes can be
awarded. aul9-2t-em
SI To Frederick and Return via
IB. & O.
Special excursion Sunday, August 22!
Leave Washington 7:30 a. m. Return
ing, leave Fieclenck 7:30 p. m. $1.00
for the round trip. " au20-2t"
$1.25 to Baltimore and Itetnrn $1.25
viaT?ennsylvauia Railroad.
-Tickets on sale Saturday anil Sunday,
August 21 and 22, good to 'retain until
Monday, Augas.tr 23 , on any train.
We're going to cut prices to a point that they Dave never touched be
rore aim will never touch again.
Not only will be cut prices umieicifully on Summer Clothing but also on
shirts, neckwear, hosiery,
because the day of
n caic jcuuj iui iiicgrBaieaDcruwu m me misiurjr ui hub siuiu. iiiey
will come they've GOT to come and these prices will BU1KG them. Wo
piomise you the gieatest bargains of jour life.
lien's Alpaca Coats 80c
Men's English Clay Blagonal
Suits, silk lined throughout,
and were $25, All sizes.. 10.00
Men's BrebS Suits $4.00
Men's Iancn Suits ij2.00
Very fine SergoSults S5.90
Men's Ilusinebs Suits $2.75
Men's Crash Sultb Sl.oo
Men'ti Jfaucy Vests qoc
Children's Wash Suits 20o
g H. Friedlander
The Great South American Balsam,
Colighs, Colds, Croup and LaGrippe
la acuto inflammation and swelling of the
Olfactory organ which contains tho
Nerves of SaielL Taia orpan is a long
ribbon-like membrano ana hanpra from
tho roof of tho Nasal passage in foldsi, as
seen in Fiff. 3. When this condition do
comes chrontCtpr permanent, it is called
CATARRH. Tho folds become swollen
into a solid mass, so the air in breathing
cannot circulate between them ; henco
thelosaofsmelL Tho Catarrhal microbo
soon makes its appearance, causing a
multitude of small ulcers between these
folds. The pus from these ulcere is very
poisonous and soon impregnates the
whelo mucous surfaco of tho nose, head
and throat with tho disease. Medical
works show case3Whero the tonsils havo
become a corrupt mass of ulcere. It not
infrequently involves thowhola bronchial
passage to tho lungs, causing consump.
tioR and death. It will bo seen that
nothing can radical! y cure Catarrh wb ich
does not reach to tho seat of tho disease
between theso fold3 of tho Olfactory
organ, and cleanse and heal theso ulcers.
URAZILIAN BALM istbaonly known remedy
in nature thafewill accomplish this result.
It will heal any old sore. SuniE a solu
Ks Healing Power Is
tion ot tno uaira
Btrone aa iou can bear.nn tho
tho hand or through a Nasal Douche, 03
in Fig. 1 . Then, as water will not run up
hillhold tho head down, as in Fig.2, giv
ing it time to work in between tho folds.
Do this throo or four times a day. You
will soon experience relief, and if faith
ful, in a few weeks tho folds will bo open
ed, tho swelling gone, the ulcers will bo
healed and tho sensoof smell andtasto
restored. A DO cent bottle contains two
weeks treatment, and tho $1.00 bottlo sis
weeks treatment. Catarrh never cures
itself. Brazilian Balm is guaranteed to
euro Hay Fever. Give3 surprising relief
in Consump tioa and of ten cures.
Fig. 2.
Price Flfty Cents and
The Fifty Cent Bottle contains One Hundred Doses.
HOK33 TESTIMONIALS. "I wa3 near a consumptive's gravo from Catarrh. It had
caton holes into tho flesh above my palate. Brazdian Balm made a sound, well man of me."
Chas. White, Wilmington, DeL "Brazdian 3alm ouickly cured my dauchter of a violent attack
of Grippe. It is a blessing in the home." TV. E. Morrow, Merchant. "Brazilian Balm cured ma
over night of oaoof tho worst colds I over had." Chas. Connolleo, Lawyer, York, Pa. "Onr
child had a severe attack of Croup. The Balrr cured her in 10 minutes. W onderful." Thomp-
3 children in 4 days with ScarlctFeTer. Tho fourth chdd was taken the same way but wo gavo
fi xx jtuais. xJLa.uiiixx a.xiLi uo
her Brazilian Balm and sho qnickly recovered."
omeklv r
druggist for circular. Sold by Druggists and
B. F. JACKSON &. COMPANY. Propr's.
s jr4 Wiej naa fio,
it"s iii?i
8 8
g In Oak or Mahogany g
g finish, ornamented, well g
ff finished, 6 pins, the kind g
g sold elsewhere for $1. g
si Our price for three 9
8 days
Furniture and Carpet Co.
6 1226 F Street Jtf. W. g
rt auir-Jtciu
W 48 A St , K. Y.
Apportionment of It Made D3- the
The appropriation for the relief of the
poor for the fiscal year was yefeterday or
dered by the Commissioners apportioned as
For twenty-two physlciansto thepoor.at
$300 per annum, $7,920.
For medicines and printing prescriptions
for tho physicians to the poor, $2,9S0.
For the "Women's Dispensary, $300.
For the Aged Women's Borne, $300.
Corfins to be furnished upon order of the
health department, $300.
Total, $12,000.
Tlie remaining $1,000 they order kept to
be u'-ed to meet future emergencies.
Cnke Walk Orphans' Bazaar. '
Don't forget to witness the cake walk
Friday evening at Orphans' Bazaar, North
Capitol and 1 streets northwest.
69 cents-
We are forced to do this
Children's Wash Pants 7o
Children' Crash Suits $1.20
Ages 0 to 10 j ears.)
ChlidiuTs Plannel House
Suits $1.00
ChiIdrea's$1.00KneePants.. 25o
lialbriggan Shirts and Draw
ers. .Each 22o
All-wool Golf Hose 40c
Fine SeamlesH Hose 7o
75C Taucy Shirts 42c
& Bro.,
8 B5I&SS2SS& 5&iS&?3&
A prompt and reliable
remedy in Inflammation
of the Stomach and Bow
els, Scarlet and Typhoid
Fever, Constipation and
Female Troubles.
All these diseases are
Inflammations, and Bra
zilian Bauj cures in
flammation Fever and
Congestion in any part of
tho system.
anu warm water, aa
nose, from
Fig. a
Dollar pep
ray bul
Burton B. Deputy, Milford,
Dealers, or seat oa receipt of price.
n '. &.- m,-,. -..-. o
It will be money in
your pocket to buy from
us now what you will
need later in the sea
son, for we are quoting
special prices at this
Great Midsummer
Clearance Sale of ours.
$18.00 Oak Chamber
Suites $10.00
$25-00 5-pieee Parlor
Suites 14-00
$3.00 Large Oak
Porch Rockers
$6.00 Baby Carriages
$14.00 Refrigerators,
J Cash or Credit. I
Liberal Furnishers, 9
7th and I Sts. N. W. J
o a- --. -imk o
For your choice ot our $12.
551 f nnrl S1R cnnima, cilfa
J This is the last and deepest
J cut of the season. See the
J styles in our windows.
U23 X'a. Ave. 21. W.
j B. & 0.
STORAGE CO., 10 to 10 Est.
uc. SI to SI per month.
NEKVOUH TKOUBLEB. all kinds, cured
with Animal Extracts. Free book tells
how. Wash'n Chemical Co., Washington,!)
C. For 6olo by W. 8. Thompson, 703 15th
t. aw, jc30-tr
Do It Now!
!$ nil 8 PHqo
. w w i
The Busy Corner,
8th and Market Space.
And After Inventory
It's a Good Thing to
How We Beach the Teople.
Oar houe Is old ia the business,
although we may be young: ha
years, and comparatively new
in this city ol munnifieence and
distances. Oar liberal policy
to 3-011 hits made you liberal to
ns. "We believe In ending euch
Kensun with a clean sweep a few
losses twice a year does a Bight
of jrood for the masses.
Our Stitnrduy'd aelling will bo ia
that class.
2.QC for Underwear which sold up to
75c. The sizes of shirts are 36 to 44
and drawers from 38 to 44. They in
clude tans, browns, blues, sahnon and
mixed colors. They are made In the best
manner and represent a great many medium,
weights, wliich can be worn in early fall.
Genuine Pepperell Bleached Jean Drawers,
made with double-stitched seams, re-enforced
seats, jersey ribbed and string
bottoms, suspender straps and pearl but
tons; only large sizes, 40 to 48 390
Check Xalubook Drawer,, sheer and cool
for hot weather our 30c grade at 39cand
our 75c kind at 50c. Allsizcs.
llen'b Extra Heavy Crash Pants, with
golf bottoms and double seats, two back
pockets with lap tops and beltatraps. They
were one of our Lest cards at $1.19.
Eedueed to - TSO
Our line of Laundered Negligee Percale
Shirts, with attached collars and cuffs, la
neat stripes and figures. All sizes.
Are no more than 500
"We are selling the Lebt Unlaundered
"White Shirt ever made for..... 390
The bosom, neck and cuff bands are
made of pure linen, f lonts and backs re
enforced, the seams are double stitched,
patent stays, and gussets and hand-vrorkea
buttonholes. All sizes.
Men's. Suspeuders, with cord rubber,
rolling ends, patent buckles and drawcr
clasp attachments -no
Boys I'ercale Blouse Waists, with large
bailor collars, finished with one-inch ruf-flearoundcollarandfront-reducedtrom
oc to 48Q
Boys Laundered Percale Waists, pleated
back and f iont, with two styles of col
lars, round and square cuffs, large pearl
buttons, all sizes up to 14 years... .450
Ono lot of Boys' Unlaundered Percale
Waists, sizes 4,5,6 and 7 years XQe
First floor. Main Building. Open until
0 p. in. tonight.
8th and Market Space.
7th st. entrance. Family Shoo .Store.
rteutb reduced to 10 per inontn.
Only Two ILefr.
rnese nouses are bunt of tno bert
material by day labor; have eight room
and batb: verandas. Eanitary plumblngy
city water, gas. sewers, porceialn-ilaea
roU-rlm bathtub3, electric bells, range,
not and cold water, also e-scellent artesian
well water directly In front of theso
houses; speaking tubes, bouthem edge
grain pine ricora. tiled hearths and
rire places, hanasome mantels, and
beautifully papered. They are erect
ed on terraced lots, with substantial
copingF. steps and walks, shaded by a
beautiful grove. They are near the Sol
dlers Home and not farf rom lit. Pleasant;
on the Brigbtwood Electric Car Line. For
particulars apply on premises or to
611 Seventh Street N. W.
Booms 5 & 7, -172 La.ave.nw.
This company will purchase Real Estate,
the title to which is defective or in dis
pute, or will clear up said titles for tha
owners. Will pay back taxes at a dls'count.
Will furnish bonds in criminal and civil
cases. Will act as receiver, assignee,
guardian, or trustee. Will prosecute claims
of all kinds aud will BOY aSl) SELLsuca
as arc assignable.
Street and Steam Railroad Accident:
Cases a Specialty. Ko charge for Consul
tation, r inauuiiu .Assistance -rurnisnea to
Lltigauts on Reasonable Terms.
Telephone N'o. Ill 8. JOH.VU SLATER,
Jyl-tt President
Get ready
I for fall trade.
$ Substitute electric lights in your
fashioned gas hgnts before the busy
season or Tall sets m. See ue about
supplying the current.
U. S. Elecfcrio Lighting Co.,
213 14th st. nw. 'Phone 77.
La Rues Female Pills.
feafe and Sum Price. 1 1. 50.
At all lrrug4l-,ta.
To one need surrer.
cialiM;), h04 Ninth
ec. nw. Plies of
whatever rorm, no
matter ot how long
standing, promptly
cured, without cut
ting, tying or detention fronj business.
Consultation rree aulU-16t-em
(t can bo civen without the JnoMrredjfe ot
he patient in coffee, tea or ankles of food; will
'Ctct a permanent arifl (pcl- cure, whether th
patient is a mtFlcrue drinker or an alcoholic wreck.
Book of p'micHl irs free, to be h nl of
?. . William .t Co 0th Jfc V St-,1. W Wa.M:.siOT. D.C.
GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO.. Proa's. Cincinnati. 0.
JT8 Write Sir thtlr Boole on Morohinc HaMt." culied trse.
0 Chicheitcr's ErxIUH Diamond BraaS.
9 aSk OrisinalaadOnlj-ecnnlBC.
J .Cl mrw .Iv... .I.fil. .ntrj. ,i
DrsjgUt for CMehuttr't Bitfluxt Dto-,
raonJ JJrana is km m mu mciuua
paxtt, Ied -witfi ttuo ribbon. TnLa
tiom and fauXotfcmJ. AtDrasjll.rt4,
In ltampa lor p&rticul&ri. tesluae&Ul u
" RdleT for indie," in UXUr bj- ntorm
ItidtyaU Local Dralu, VMUxAOXtA
jR Ss&l8$
Vv a
feg .allg

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