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The times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1897-1901, January 30, 1900, Image 1

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Numdir 2104
General Bnllci Reports an Appall
ing Loss of Life
K Pnrlliil Il tif Cniinllles Vinmic
the Officer liielinlc Trnl cvcii
enil Thlrt Tliree x otiinloil nnil
My MU Inc lnr ornp Tlmn the
Pelent lit CuIciimi The Ilocr Ac
riunt of Thrlr Fire Inrll Cnr
mliornlrl Mii irnc Tlmt An
IliiKlliili Wrre Left Alixlelj for Ule
MiTi lj of I Melon mill Danilounlil
vinj Have ltccrocil the Tnjrcln
LONDON Jan 23 The AVar Offlce an
nounced at midnight that it had rccehed
no news from South Africa beyond a mes
sage from Gcnctal Lord Roberts declaring
that the situation was unchanged and
there is nothing of importance from the
other sources Evrjbody Is still in the
dark concerning the whereabouts of Gen
eral L Melons brigade and Lord Dun-
donaids mounted troops and although
there is no apparent reason to suppose
that they did not rocross the Tugcla sale
ly there Is a certain amount of anxiety
for tidings from them Meanwhile the only
intelligence is that conveyed in the casual
ty lists These arc cs yet Incomplete hut
they alread Indicate the probability that
General Bulkrs attempt to And a way
round has cost dcatcr than his frontal at
tack upon the Boers at Colcnso
In the loss or officers indeed the Colcnso
action was far exceeded The assault on
Spion Kop resulted in the death of twenty-seven
officers exclusive of three
wounded and six missing while General
Lytton previously lost nineteen killed or
Additional accounts of the fighting on
Spion Kop though they do not confirm
the story received yesterday from Boer
sources that the position was taken by
storm wholly corroborate Uie enemys
version of the sccrity of the fire One
report from Frere states that the Boers
had the xange of the trench they had prc
vlously occupied so accurately that while
the British held it the guns of the burgh
ers often dropped sixteen shells a minute
into it while the whole summit of the
hill was raked by machine guns and an
appalling rifle Ere delivered from rifle
Tltinnwhlrh the Bncrs ww rrtmnletnlr
hidden If this account Is not exarcerated I
the wonder is that any of the British were
left to abandon the position which
novertbe ss thcr held tenaciously for
twenty four hours
The latest advices strensthen the
probability that the whole Spion Kop af
fair was a ruse of the Boers who it
xclclit teem made General Warrens
ecizure of the position easy in order to
enable them to destroy his men at a
marked range
General Bullcr has apparently nore
moved his headquarters from Spearmans
Camp - The latest casualty list Is dated
from there
Kincn Itojnl Illfle anil Second
CnmeronlniiH utTur llvm II
LONDON Jan 29 The AVar Office has
Issued a partial liet of casualties in tli
fighting on January 21 Major Strong ot land
Mic fnj the Time for the Iilnli
Gcnriul llnllr Iurllnl IIh of splim
Koji sifimillli K
LONDON Jan 30 4 a m Following
Is the list of the British officers killed and
wounded in the all day fighting on the
summit of Spion Hop cabled by General
Duller jcslcrdaj
Killed Staff dpi M II Virtue Capt S
M Stewart Lieuts p RMallock and E
Prascr Second Lancashire 1uslllcrs Capt
C Muriel Lieuts Larley and II A
Wilson Second Middlesex Major A J
Boss Capt M W Kirk and Lieut A
II Wade Second Lancaster Regiment
Lieutenant Pipe - Wolferstan Second
Kings Scottish Borderers Capt C G
Birch and Lieut P M Kacbael Tirst
South Lancaihlros Lieut H V Carve
First Borderers Captains Hon W II
Pctre and C S N Knox Gore and Lieu
tenants C G Grenfell P P Xcwrntn r
S McCorquodale and Hill Trevor Thorn
ejerofts Mounted Infantry Lieutenants
lvnochscband and Randall Imperial Light
Wounded General Woodgate dangcr
ouslj Capt P M Carlton and Llcuts
A Y Forester and J W Baldwin of the
staff Colonel Bloomfield taken prisoner
Major AV P Waller Lieuts IL S Wilson
and Le Charton Second Lancashire Fusil
iers Major E W Scott Moncrleff Capts
G M Saville R De II Burton and G W
Bently Second Middlesex Capt W N
Sandbach Lieut A Djkes J A Nixon
and G R Stephen1 Second ancashlrcs
CapL R A Bettlngton and Lieutenant
Howard of Thorncrofl Mounted In-
fantrj Captain Coleman Imperial Light I
Missing Capts XT P Elsmllc Hicki
aI G B French Second Lancashire Pu
siftrs Major G A Carton Second Royal
Lancashire Lieutenant Power Ellis
Thorn crofts Mounted Infantry
Hi- llrKlh Pall 1 1 lriv I lie I r
Iiirni Pin- nt Arlitcrtan
LONDON Jan 2 A despatch from
Rensburg Caiw Colony states that the
cavalry with five guns -from Pletfonteln
shelled the Boer laager at Achtertang but
elicited no response Another demonstra
tion was made simultaneously from Sling
crsfonleln toward the northeast drawing
the Boer fire from the hills whereupon
the infantry Tell back -The Boers pursu
ed them until the ran into an ambush
The Worccsters kuddenly fired on the
Bocrc killing several The burghers im
mediately retreated The British
were one killed and two woundeu
General French did not press the attack
hut retired to his camp as the Boers were
strongly re enforced near Plassis Ioort
about seven miles from Colesbcrg
lnclniifl Driifiiiiic fit Sir TIioiimiihI
Citizen In Neil VorL
NEW YORK Jan 19 Some COflO citi
zens cnthuslastlcall friendly to the Boers
and still more unfriendly to Great Britain
packed the Grand Central Palace tonight
At the preliminary meeting of the commit
tee to aid the united Republics of Sojth
Africa It was decided that hostility to
England would bo out of place at the mass
meeting Nevertheless such hcsulit lost
Io chance of making Itself known and It
was evident from the first that alihojgh
most of the speakers were Dutch the great
mass of the audience was Irish
Chairman George M Van Ilocsen intro
duced Representative David A De Armond
of Missouri who said Much has been
said lately about the necessity of our hav
ing an understanding with England Here
the speaker was interrupted by groans
h6wls and shouts of Down with Eng-
vve need no understanding con-
the Second Cameronians and sixteen men Unued Mr De Annond with any nation
were Hilled fifty nlno wounded and one lne undemanding mat we arc en in
Is missing
The Kings lloyal Rifles had sixteen
killed slxty onc were wounded and one Is
Ueutrnnnt Iruewlr n Crrmnn
ATtiotiR ttic Mnln nt ptoii ICnji
Marcuil de Vlllcbols the French officer
serving with the Boers Is leaving Colcnso
for Colesbcrg
The Standard and Digger News of
Johannesburg states that the British pris
oners taken at the Tugela River number
210 Among the Boer slain is Lieutenant
Bruscwise a German who Joined the Boer
forces two months ago
One Clilld Killed nml lunr Icrfioun
Injured Iiy Boer Slielln
LONDON Jan 23 A despatch to the
Times from IClmberley dated January
2i says
The bombardment continues though
jesterday it was less severe The firing
was maintained throughout the previous
night It was net directed at the fortifica
tions but at the inhabited parts of the
town One child war tilled and four per
sons were wounded
The JJoer Will Dcmuiiil Trrrltiiry
niitl 1oxilul H Ilnrlior
BERLIN Jan 29 According to an In
terview published In the Tagcblatt Dr
Leyds the diplomatic representative of
the Transvaal said the terms of peace be
tween the South African Republic and
Great Britain would include the recognition
of the sovereignty of the Transvaal and
the restitution of territories that Great
Britain formerly stole from the Orange
Tree Slate
Dr Leyds added that Le was personally
convinced that the Republics ought to be
conceded a harbor In British territory
Dr Xejiln Ilrrelvr itrnordlnnry
Aflctitlun nf lie Grrimin Cnplfnl
BERLIN Jan 23 The flag of the
Transvaal Is floating over the hotel at
vblch Dr Lejdf the diplomatic agent of
that country Is patronizing here The
papers state that the lobbies ot the hotel
are thronged all day vltli engineers and
manufacturers keeking appointments and
Journalists professors and ladles seeking
dependent nation and will make our own
way No British alliances for us Loud
and long cheering and cries of Down v ith
the British
Three cheers were given Tor Represen
tative De Annond after which Chairman
Van Hoesen introduce d Representative
Cochran of Missouri
The history of England Is the history
of persecutions said Air Cochran This
war against the Boers is only one of many
attacks upon the spirit of liberty Why
wherever England scents gold she will try
to extend her lioundary lines Look at the
situation in Alaska Gold is found nere
and the British Empire extends its bounds
polices what it calls the frontier and com
ix s American miners to pay big prices to
mine there and now this Administration
Eajs that sometime somehow it will do
something about IL Groaus And now
this gold lhlef nation is reaching out for
the Transvaal gold fields I hope the Doers
will carry on this war until the price of
crape shall rite in the London market
The chairman then lntrodueed Robert
B Roosevelt who spoke more conserva
tively of the cause ot the war The Hon
John Van Voorhces of Rochester was the
next speaker He said
Because England sympathized with us
In a good cause during our war with
Spain is no reason why we should sym
pathize with them in a bad cause I be
lieve that fully SO per cent if the people
of these United States arc In sympathy
with the Boers Applause No Braver
people ever trod the field ot battle than
the Boers They have written their char
acters on the crests of the British on tho
bloodstained kopjes of the Transvaal
Applause Those Dutohmen of South
Africa arc the cousins of the Dutch of
New York Are the British going to beat
them I think not But can Great Brit
ain withdraw Certainly she can It
would be easier for her If she could win a
battle but sooner or later she has got
to withdraw and she might as well do It
now Shes lost ten or twelve thousand
MrlLe KitKlmtil Ilns Come
NEW YORK Jan 29 Miss Maude
Connc the joung Jribli woman who will
lecture In this country for the bcnifit of
the fund for tb widows of tho Boers kill
ed In the war arrived today on the French
Line slcamer La Normandlo She was sea
sick on the trip which was one of the
most tumultous the Normandlo ever made
She said the bdlercd that it would be
Iinpostlblc for England to get more than
a corporals guard of recruits from among
the Irleb people to fight against the Boers
and if the Irish ever Intended to rlso
against EnglUh rule this was the time as
there were now only 6000 troops In Ire
land which is usually garrisoned by 20000
Norfolk Wnnliliifrtou Stcoiutiont Co
Deliliklful ripi daily lit C30 p m to Old 1llnt
Comfoil Newport ciri No tolc and UixJa
IlMch For ctkciliJe tec ujc 7
thlete Cnreer nt Ynle KiiiIn
Willi Ilia iiiriiif if
NEW HAVEN Jan 29 The romantic
marriage of Miss Mina Field stepdaugh
ter of Thomas Nelson Page the author
and Preston J Gibson a Yale student
terminates that joung mans connection
with the university as the rules forbid
students to wed
News of the affair reached here in a
telegram to Gibsons roommate today and
created something ot a sensation Gibson
is one of the most promlntnt athletes in
Yale For two years he has been one of
the pitchers on the ball team and last fall
be played end rush on the varsity foot
ball eleven He took his sni unnual ex
amination In his studies at Christmas and
left here for his Christinas vacation He
did not return when college resumed its
winter term after Christmas but stayed
in New lork
Gibson returned tn this city last Wed
nesday and attended The Children of the
Ghetto He is a member of the BcrzIIius
Society of the Sheffield Scientific School
but he did not appear nt his rooms In
BcrzIIius during his slay He wont back
to New York Thursday and nothing more
was heard from him until the receipt of
the telegram -announcing his marriage
His close friend knew nf his love for
Miss Mlna Field but they had no idea of
his Intentions The Yalu athletic lead
ers are keenly chagrined nt Gibson
Captain Camp of the Yale baseball nine
wanted him for one of Yalos pitchers dur
ing the coming season
A Pnrllnl Jiiviilor Shows Proper
Vnlnel nt Iil 2tr Id
NEW HAVEN Conn Jan 29 In the
probate court late this nflcrnoon Lynde
Harrison one of the executors of the will
ot the late railroad matnite Henry I
Plant filed an Invento of tho estate
which Is valued at JIGSVSM These fig
ures do not include tie real estate onnVd
by Mr Plant in Florida which Is to be
inventoried in tho Florida courts It is
believed that the estate Is tho largest ever
recorded In New Haven If not In Connec
Tho Inventory shows that tho Pnnt
estato was practtfally included in the Hen
ry Bradley Plant Company which was le
gally empowered to operate all tho variojs
enterprises with which Mr Plant was
Identified during his business career He
owned SG0 of the 0000 hares of stock
In this compsn The valuation placed en
Mr Plants shares was tlC12723 These
additional amounts were mentioned In tho
Inventor Household furniture t000
horses and carriages 1000 personal ef
fects J25M0 csth oa band J325222
- a t
J f iUJL
fc5sriss TrniinaL a
Tins Country lie Natural Mediator
in the Transvaal Struggle
Condition I inter Which the t ulteil
Mitten MlKit Ito Put Inrvvnnl ns
mi Impnrliiiit Pnclur In lhe Con
lllet Hetvveeii KiiKlnml nml the
lloer Interference Incv Itahle
No surprise need be felt throughout the
country if the United States Government
is suddenly put forward as an Important
factor In tho South African war Such a
contingency is now regarded as extremely
probable although it Is quite clear that the
Government would like to keep out of the
matter at this stage of the conflict Of
all the great nations the United States is
probably the most disinterested In the
struggle from a selfish point of view Tills
docs not mean that the Government is In
different to the outcome of the war but
mai n nas no desire to participate In tnc
division of any spoils which may come from
international mediation
That Great Britains position is Jeopar
dized not only by the success of the Boers
but by the selflsh ambitions of continental
nations Is known here to be true and it Is
from this last condition that the greatest
danger to British prestige Is likely to de
vtlop A complete British revcree such
as would demonstrate her military ineffi
ciency as a world poncr would result it
Is believed in the Intervention or media
tion of some of the great nations of Eu
rope to put an end to the struggle That
this will not be done until the chance of
success is practically assured through
Great Britains apparent inability to cope
with allied foreign armies and navies Is
believed to be true but a continuation of
the Boer victories will It Is confidently
asserted In official circles cause the con
tinental powers to show their hand
The officials In Washington who are
keenly alive to the importance of the pres
ent situation hold that Intervention or
mediation will come from purely selfish
teasons and not from any humanitarian
desire to put an end to a bloody eonHIt
That the Boers will be obliged to make
territorial ronccKsIons In return for the
assistance rendered Is believed here to be
a certain outcome of European Interfer
The direct Interest of the United Stales
in the existing conditions lies in the fact
that s Joint request from Great Britain
and the Transvaal for mediation In their
struggle will be almost certainly directed
to this Government It is absolutely ccr
tain that if Great Britain were to deefd
that it is useless to continue the wa
longer or should become convinced that
the continental powers were contcmDlat
ing taking a hand In the settlement of the
South African situation she would turn
first to tho United States The United
Mates Government has however an
nounced that It will decline to act as
mediator unless requested to do so by bottl
belligerents and under a strict interpre
tation of this policy an appeal from Great
Britain would appear to be usclcsr But
the ways of diplomacy are various and far
reaching and It Is not improbable that It
the government believed that its oan
standing and the peace of the world de
manded an ending of the South African
war means would be found to draw forth a
similar Invitation from the Transvaal au
There Is reason lo believe that the Boers
despite their continued military successes
are seekjfig to bring tbout an ending of
the struggle tbrojgh foreign Interference
A pretty strong hint has alread been con
veyed to the United States from an un
official source and one whose authority In
the matter appears to he without question
says that the Boers would be glad to be
the subject cf the first application of that
provision of The Hague Peace Conf
which suggests peaccabl Intervention to
end a bloody war
No relief may be expected from Tho
Hague treaty not having been ratified by
the United States Senate is not binding
ou the United States and the second that
the treaty contains an express stipulation
of the American signatories that the
United States Governnunt is not a party
to that provision
The Government is watching the diplo
matic situation closely and it would not
surprise those highest In authority to see
rii i -
Intense Excitement tlirr the VlliReil
Kltitiiir nf -Iv ieriiiiiH
EL IASO Tex Jan 29 Aun jncjmcnt
ot the killing of six Americans In Sonora
Mexico by Torres troors haa created In
tense excitement all over this section
Francisco Malen Mexican Consul of this
city today received a despatch from Gen
eral Luis Torres commander of the Mexi
can Army and Governor of Sonora saying
there has been no execution of Americans
or foreigners in Sonora
ti rntlf ntlon nt tic- Hrporlril
Mnnlrr nf Amrrlmn
United States Conml Keudrlck at
Juarez Mexico telegraphed Secretary Hay
jesterday that six Americans had been re
ported shot by General Torres near Guay
mas because they were found with the
Vaqul Indians The nams of tho men shot
were Jack Eldrldge George Lunt Dan
Cusjck Chsrlcs Burncs Henry Williams
and Lou Websti r The report had not
been confirmed when the telegram was
sent Secretary Hay immediately tele
graphed United States Ambassador Powell
Clayton nt the City of Mexico to enquire
into the report and to tube such steps as
he thought necessary Consul Kcndrick
was also Instructed to get all the Infor
mation possible on the subject and to for
ward It to Ambassador Clayton
An OIHeer nml ISto lieu Wnnntlril li
Hie InNiirgrntn
MANILA Jan CO bVl a m Re
connolssances in the vicinity of Taal de
veloped into skirmishes with the rebels
and an officer and two men of the Thirty
eighth Infantry were wounded
The President III Innue n
nntlon V Ittiln Tlilrt Il is
It was learned jestery frooi ofiklil
sources that the President Intends to Issue
within the next thirty i11h his PnlUrplne
proclamation extending amnesty to the
Ireurgents and denouncing as outlaws anj
bandits all who do not avail themselves of
its terms This detcrmlnnton was reachet
after several conferences wlthXhe Secretary
of War and other members of the Cabinet
The proclamation has not yet liecn dia td
but the general terms of its provisions
nave been fully discussed and it is an
nounced that it will contain a OeCaruLon
of the end of the Insurrection in the
islands This will be followed iby a grant
of amnesty to il insurgents who Iiy dawn
their arms within a tpeclCcd time Tie
time has not yet been decided upon bit
the President believes sixty days suflitbnt
and this meets the approval of the Secre
tary of War
The proclamation wilt declare that owing
to the termination of the Inturrectloa all
persons who do not avail ibeuitctvcs of its
terms within the time glvi u will Le treated
as outlaws and bandits
AV itcprriul DlNnlfrrf Ion nt
Ilemninl nf Kirnnfr il
SHANGHAI Jan 29 The deposition of
the Emperor Kwang Su creates great dls
saHfactlon among the Chinese officials in
the Yang Tse Valley and natlvo mercan
tile circles- are dlsturled fearing trouble
It is rumored the Emperor will bo re
Instated In one yc r
ST PETERSBURG Jan t9 The nsws
papers here are pa ing considerable atten
tion tn the events in Phlifl Tho Vninat
China will never be restored to her former
condition and that the unavoidable wok
of iiartition will be accomplished peaceful
ly though perhaps In the dsUnt future
The HossIJa asserts that It was not
necessary for Russia to take ji hand In
the coup detat and adds A Russo
Japanese alliance Is Inevitable It is only
a question or time In tho meanwhile it
Is Important that the control of the naval
and military forces of China does not fail
into the hands of tho Americans British
or Germans
The paper concludes -We must keep
on the alert and sec hovr the new- situa
tion affects the interests of western Eu
rope above ail those of England
TLc State Department anil the Chinese
Legation are without confirmation of the
a acciaraiion oy J uropcan nations tnat reporleu dcatn r nmperor Kwang Su A
the war must end follow the vis t to leepatd frola JIr Conger -the United
jiu ui Lir ijiip inv jiausiaai uipiomaiic
representative on the Continent
States Minister at Pekiu announcing that
thG Chinese Government has assented to
the International potal conventions was
received at the State Department yester
day and te officials arc confident that he
would not have omitted mention of the
dealt of the Emperor from the despatch
if It ruil become known to him
Albert Sunn nu Atleceit IZmhrr
zlrr Will Iicht itrnilltliiiir
MONTREAL Jan 29 Albert J Snow
of New York was charged before Judge
Lfifjiitalno today with embezzling a sum
of money from Wells Pargo Co Snow
worked In the company New York ex
press office Ilo left New York last No
v ember and came to Canada where he
found work as a traveling salesman Ho
was arrested In Montreal Snow who is
sdoui tuiriy vcars old pleaded not guilty
and was remanded for examination He In
tends to fight extradition and says that
If he Is sent bick to Nci York there will
be seme sensational revelations
lhe Helm nf Illtrlik Miirliln n Brit
ish Senmnil Will llcei Ite MZtSOO
NEW YORK Jan 20 The representa
tives of the estate of Tatrlclc Shields have
been notified by Secretary of State Hay
that the Government has received 3f00
from tho Chilean Government In payment
of dainajcs for Injuries received by Shields
during the riots in Valparaiso In the fall
of 1S91 Shields was n British subject but
was employed as a sailor on the American
steamship Leewecnaw bound from New
York to San Francisco Ho obtained a
furlough to go aehore He was there ar
rested put to work as a street scavenger
and was beaten with brooms
Mty llnrreli of Whisk Ilctro eil
the PlnmcK
HAGERSTOWN Md Jan 29 Roxbury
Distillery situated at Rnxbury Frederick
county and owncdby George T nmbrlll
of Baltimore was destrojed by fire at 3
oclock this morning causing a loss of 12
000 partly covered byi Insurance The dis
tillery property and several frame build
ings connected with the plant burned to
gether with sixty barrtlii of now Roxbury
Three warehouses in which arc stored
between CO00 and S000 liarrels of whisky
In bond were saved by the wind blowing
tho flames and sparks In the opposite dlrcc
A esr Ctosernor of Ilnliln
RIO JANEIRO Jan 29 Scnhor Scver
lno Vlclra until recontly Minister of In
dustry was elected Governor of Bahla jes
terday without opposition
Two of lie Union Pacific Train
Robbers Killed by a Iossc
A Clitvse Coverlnc Tlmn Tito
TImmiiiiiiI Mllm Her VVIIt lluini
tnlnmiH Cnmitr V Pierce FIrlit
nt the Lnli
mill sum Curry Put t Dentil
CASPAR Wyo Jan 29 After a des
perate conflict lasting all day a chase ever
the Lkindlts who robbed the Union Pacific
overland last May after wrecking the train
with dynamite were shot to death Bab
and Sam Curry were killed the other
George Curry the leader of tho band es
caping The fight was provoked by the
Currys when they -found that a posse of
five Union Pacific detectives led by James
Hazen of this place brother ot Sheriff
Hazcn whom the robbers killed a day cr
so after the robbery had followed them
into their lair in the depths of the
The detectives found the Currys In Mon
tana two weeks ago when they thought
at once made for the by
vay of the northern route when they
learned they were being followed De
tective Hrzen arrived here today He had
a bullet in his arm and two of his men are
slightly hurt Two of their horses were
killed They came upon the Currjs as
they were fixing up an old log hut and the
fight became general at once Both sides
used Winchesters at close quarters the
bandits taking refuge behind the log3 nt
their camp vhlle the officers screened
themselves behind nearby bouIder3
They were within one hundred yards of
each other The officers shot straight at
the cottouwood logs which screened the
bandits One of the road agents sprang
up wounlcd by a bullet that passed
through the log After several hours light
ing the remaining two attempted to run
up the mountain side One was killed but
the othe got away though he is being
followed by two offices These men secured
o000 in the robbery but much of it was
in unsigned currency Eighteen thousand
dollars was offered for their capture dead
or alive The officers will divide 12000
for the two dead b ndits The bodies
are still in the hut
The 3Inrstnn 3Intir Strnniled on the
Vorfli CnroIIiin Cunsf
NORFOLK Va Jan 29 The British
tramp steamer Marston Moor CapL J A
Gnait Her r8nded tonight at New Inlet
on the North Carolina coast some forty
miles north of Cape llatteras She was
bound from Bermuda for Hamoton Road
not disclosed for many hours
The life savers could notIaunch a boat
as the 3urf was high and the stcancrs
boats for the same reason could not safely
be put over the side After many trials
the life savers put a line over the steamer
vhich lay about SCO yards off shore This
nccomplKied they sent the breeches buoy
over the ea to the ship and signalled the
crew to ome ashore Not n man would
come The life savers did not understand
It and after hours ot parleying they sent
the life car out on the line and when this
reached the ship five men got Into It and
were hauled ashore eafely Late tonight
word came that the twenty others aboard
the ship mean to take their chances aboard
The probabilities are that unless the
storm breaks tonight the steamer will be
She will probably be saved although hl
Is b no means certain
A Mother Ilrnv e Attempt to
liifnnt tlillil
ABERDEEN Md Jan 29 A mother
and child were burned to death In their
home near here today A tenement house
on tho farm of Augustus P Brown was
destroyed by fire this morning The house
waB occupied by Sarah Brown colored
with her husband and children
Tho woman returned to the burning
building In an effort to rescue her
child She was too late how
ever as the roof fell while sho was in tho
building nnd both were burned to a crisp
rl lie Olil Chnfte HnmeMtenil Hold
A deed was filed yesterday In tho cilice
of the Recorder of Deeds transferring
Edgewold the old homestead of Salmon
P Chase nnd for many ears the home ot
Kate Chase Sprague to William Ledyard
Ellsworth as agent for St Vincents
Orphan Alum the consideration being
V Street Cnr PhIIk Tvsrent j PI r Feet
SARATOGA N Y Jan 29 A motor cir
on the Ballston Terminal Trolley Com
panys line became uncontrollable this
morning at the end of the Y In the tracks
and ran across the street and plunged donn
twenty fivo feet to the raceway of BIuo
Mill pond The crew and passengers
Jumped ust as the lar left the rreclpK c
and escaped without severe Injuries
McGraw rnd certain members of the West
Virginia Legislature Is not to ba d sturb
ed Legal arguments were heard by the
Senate Committee on Privileges and Elec
tions Saturday Yesterday In executive
session the committee reached the conclu
sion that tire only questions involved were
matters of law and that evidence as to
the facts were not essential The com
mittee also reached the conclusion that In
conformity with tho established preced
ent of the Senate it would not go behind
the returns of a legislature regularly or-
sanlzc1 an hose tborUr In the State
mountain territory came to an end in the
Saturday and two of
The Semite Elections Committee Will
- i Ilrlilmt he Iletarim
Senator Nathan B Scott of West Vir
ginia whose seat Is contested by1 John T
was ccognized as that of the only legis
Although no conclusion was formally
reached It was apparent from the discus
sion In the committee that Senator Scotts
title to hl3 seat would not be clouded by
the committee report and that he by a
practically unanimous committee report
bo relieved of the effect of the memorial of
the proteitants The report will be made
this week
flnlls llr inn Before
llnnse Pensions Committee
Corporal Tanner was before the House
they were living In safety The robbera Committee on Invalid Pensions yesterday
and made a sensational attack on the Com
missioner of Pensions He accused Mr
Evans of ail sorts of Iniquitous conduct
In connection with the withholding ot pen
sions and said he was responsible for all
the trouble which had aristn over the man
agement of the olflce When the Commis
sioner was inclined to a liberal policy the
whole ofllce acted on liberal lines but when
he wa3 close and illiberal the clerks and
ether officials were like him Corporal
Tanner said the old soldiers were at last
seeing that they were useful once every
four years Before election you go around
patting them on the back be said and
telling them they must vote the Republi
can ticket but after tho election Is over
jou have no use for them
Representative Gibson of Tennessee de
fended Commissioner Evans
Corporal Tanner was formerly Commis
sioner of Pensions but Is now a pension
attorney Jn this city The pension at
torneys arc complaining that their fees
have been cut down because so many appli
cations for pensions have been refused
opponent of the Snmoan Trenty Ad
mlulHtereit a Uuletus
The opponents of the ratification of the
Samojn treaty in the Senate met their
final defeat yesterday whei the motion to
reconsider the voo by which the treaty
was ratified made several days ago by Sen
ator Jones of Arkansas was defeated by a
vote of IS lo 21
Senator Davis Chairman of the
for orders and in ballast At midnight tee on Foreign Relations wa3 anxlojs to
last night she missed her port- by many tsTe lhe natter definitely settled and ho
miles and went head onupon the North saw to it yesterday that there was a quo
Carolina shore When daylight came this rum ia the Senate when he moved an exec
morning the life saving crew of New Inlet j UiTe eslon
station who sighted the steamer when scna0V Jon VTOmvt1y caIed up the
she struck began preparations to take I
treaty am again pressed his fear that
off her crew at the same time lbofe opp03ea to the policy ot expansion
jr o iK iaI to0 misled not he said by fase la
expresses the opinion that be dynasty will I crnmenUelegraph lice Great anxiety wns formation but through the zeal of some
last tor a long time to come out auus that J u l I Senators to have tms treaty ratified In short
vi me vcci mo incniiiy oi wnicn was
The motion to reconsider was put and
The motion to reconsider after being
voted down was laid on the table and
cjjc be mde again This ends the op
position and the treaty i ratified
The President was at once notified and
it will now be perfectly proper for him the
German Government having already rat
ified the convention to exchange the rati
fications promptly and issue the proclama
tion which will give the Islands to the
United States
Iniliiileliililn Ileiiulilieiiiis Appenl to
the Cltlieiis fur the 1
The Merrltt tile Rescue reached th bridge tonight sent letters to one hundred
side of the Marstcn Moor at dusk and the Bell known citizens requesting them to
The Southern ItnlliTnjN TeleBrnpU
Oueruforo Hate H Grletnncr
agents and operators on every division of
the Southern Railway threaten to go out
on a strike They have organized and af
filiated with the Order of Railroad Teleg
raphers and have appointed a general com
mittee to consult with the officials and
state their grievances The local superin
tendents have refused to recognize them
and they have appealed to General Superin
tendent J II Barrett at Washington It
Is said he has refused to receive the com
mittee and that they have now appealed
to General Manager Frank S Gannon
It unsuccessful here all railway organiza
tlons will be asked to Join the agents and
operators in enforcing their demands
General Superintendent Barrett when
seen yesterday denied that he had refused
any request of the men and said no com
mittee had appeared before him If there
was any discontent among employes ot
the roml not more than 10 per cent were
involve J and he did not anticipate r
Thirteen Oilier Injured In nil AriI
ileut nt Uiiluii Ohio
DAYTON Ohio Jan 2 A Dayton and
Nenla runaway trolley car plunged down
a steep grade turning over once killing
two nnd Injuring the other thirteen The
dead nre Miss Halite Klump Alpha Ohio
aged twenty one and John Hawker aged
forty five Shakertown
pilss Helen Gutilil Gives iOOO
NEW YORK Jan 29 The Mumnl Club
of tho Union Theological Seminary held a
meeting today at the Hotel St Denis at
which tho Rev William Goodell Forest
President of Berea College Kentucky was
the principal speaker He announced that
Miss Helen Gould had contributed JJOOu
toward the fund ot JSOOOuO v hich he Is
raising for the Institution Half of the fund
has already been subscribed
rlyunM limine ColleKC Mil nutl K
Si Ccans Office Examination 43
Price One Cent
affllilNT OF GAGE
Richardson and Snlzer Denonnce
the Cusiom IIonse Transaction
The Democratic Lender Anaerlx Thnt
InTesllentlon Ik an Iitipcrntlvv
Necessity The Gentleman From
New YorU Derlnlnm Affnlnut What
lie Alleces fo Hove Been ScnnIaI
on- Mnlnilmlnlstrndon Tntlf ot
Imiienehnient The of tlm
Treoanry Aecust it of 1 lelillnc tu
Itnndnnl OU Influence Mr Ilop
UIiih Attempts n Stltit Defence
Jiiat after the reading ot the Journal In
the Houso yesterday Mr Dalzell from tho
Committee on Rules reported Mr Sulzers
resolution authorizing the appointment ot
a special committee of nine to investigate
the Oeposlt of public funds by the Secre
tarj of the Treasuiy In New York banks
and all the transactions relating to the
sale of the New York custom house This
action on tho part of Mr Dalzell gave Mr
Richardson the Democratic leader and
Mr Sulrer the author of the resolution
an opportunity to make soma observations
that brought Messrs Hopkins ot Illinois
and Hill ot Connecticut to their feet la
defence of the Secretary The arraign
ment of the Secretary of the Treasury by
Messrs Richardson and Sulzcr was dig
nified and severe And although they wera
limited to five minute speeches their re-
marks were of a nature to evoke much -
When the resolution had been read and
Mr Dalzell began to make a statement Mr-
Richardson suggested that the previous
question bo ordered so that twenty min
utes a side might be allowed for debate
Without demanding the previous question
Mr Dalzell yiejded five minutes each to
Mr Richardson and Mr Sulzcr
Mr Hlelinrilsnns Itriunrks
Mr Richardson rco ly took occasion to
severely criticise Secretary Cage during
the debate on tho Urgent Deficiency Ap
propriation bill and yesterday he contin
ued bis interrupted arraignment of tha
Cabinet officer in the following words
Mr Speaker I im not gong to antag
onize this matter becauso there is some
things fa the suggestion made by the gen
tleman from Pennsylvania that the Com
mittee on Ways and Means ought to make
thU Investigation it there is to bo one I
am decidedly ot the cplnlca that there
ought to be an Investigation of this mat
ter la speaking ot thU matter a lew days
cs IsInsisted that there mutt have been
some motive fume reason why the Secre
tary of tha Treasury when h sold this
custom house property In New Ycrk to the
National City Bank did not complete tho
title by conveying the propel ty to that
bank I at that time called attention to tho
fact that the Secretary of the Treasury took
a paper credit with that tank for a cpn
ilderable part of tho purchase meney
J2215oOO the total amount being
00 leaving the pltlfui sum of 130000
unpaid or uncrcdited
Now I ask Mr Speaker why that was
done Not a dollar ot money it teems was
ever decked out of that money The en
tile 1213000 remained credited by him
not a dollar ot the money hav ng ever been
tised Now there was some reason for that
What was it I insist that the reason hs
been developed
The following letter was sent by the
Secretary of the Treasury on this subject
to tho United States Senate amNshows
that the Government has agreed to pa
rent for the property
Treasury fpjrtmeat
Office it the Secretary
Washington January 22 1900
To the President of the Senate
Mr I ha e the honor to recommend that
there be nclud d in the Urgent Deficiency bill
now under consideration the following item of
approp talon
To enable lhe Secretary of the Treary to pay
rent for use of proprty known as the old ens
toni toit c in New jre city farmer belonging
to the United btatrs from Viurust 1S9 to
June 1910 both inclusive 207 dJjs at the
rate ot t per cit per annum on the purchasing
rrie as rrorided in the act ot Coasrros 3d
proved March 2 ls99 S slat 91 ilB3l7L
Repretfully L J VrB Secretary -
The Secretary of the Treasury made i
this special request to Congress to alioit
hlm 109000 for the purpose of payiug
tug William Colcy from Norfolk Is duo meet him to discuss the question of I rent upon property sold in the manner I
there now They cannot approach the have described The bank has kept back
th tand nooooo nrnmUe1
g the guarantee fund of Jiooooo promised
steamer at present but will If the sea he j5W0J The SecreIary fla3 not de-
goes dovn try to haul her off tomorrow
IVeknlUI 1 Property Ownrtl laj
the eiiutur Dcstroj eil
PEEKSKILL N Y Jan 29 Peekskill
had a destructive firo this morning when
the Dcpcw Opera House owned by Sena
tor Chauncey M Depcw was destrojed
The fire was discovered about 7 oclock
The building was built some five jeara
ago at a cost of 75000 and was insured
for J OOOO The Peekskill Gas Light Com
panys office was on the ground floor The
Ladles Musical Club and tho L O
Club a snIal organization hail rooms in
the second story of the building Their
loss Is estimated nt about 1 00 The
origin of the fire is unknown The Elroy
Slock Company had Just ended a weeks
engagement at the house their sccnerj
having been forwarded jesterday The ltl
Hubbard Comedy Company were booked to
begin an engagement at tho house to
to the National Republican Committee for
the convention
President Burke ot the Original Con
vention Assochtion has acknowledged that
his committee is unable to get the money
and asked that the mayor assist him in
getting the funds
manded that credit upon the books of tha
bank I Insist that thU was for some pur
pose What was It Simply to prevent
the bank from being liable to tho city am
State of New York for something like flft7
or a hundred thousand dollars whatever
the amount may be ot taxation which
would have been collectable upon that
property AVhat other motive could thera
have been
A Ienonnl Partnership
What other motive could possibly ex
1st If it be true that the Secretary of tha
Treasury has In his official capacity ex
ercising the great powers of the office con
ferred upon him entered Into a personal
partnership with a favored bank in ho
city of New York to prevent the city ami
State from collecting taxes no man
on this floor I take It will con
tend that he does not deserve censure
and condemnation If In the exerclso of
hU official Dowers he has enabled a favored
national bank to escape taxation due to
the city and State of New York to tho
amount of J730CO It his action was taken
with that object then certainly some cog
nizance should be taken of the fact The
statement made shows that a largo amounts
of mot 2y has boerr made by this bank by
reason ot his action It shows that tha
Government of the United States did not
receive the purchase money for a largo
amount was retained In the bank and at
the same time the State and city of New
York were not allowed the opportunity of
taxing this property The whole amount
as I am informed reaches something Iiko
tho sum of J357C00 that this Juggling oa
the part of the Secretary of tho Treasury
has enabled this bank to make
But I am content to let this resolution
go to the Committee on Ways and Means
The Secretary of the Treasury himself
ought to come aud ask or permission to
appear before some committee of ths
Houso to make explanation why ho left
the 0000 unpaid In this transaction
Vlr suIiith Speeeli
Mr Richardson having exhausted his
five minutes Mr Sulzcr took the floor and
spoke as follows
Tho Soeakcr Is to be congratulated 01
his determination to take actloa on my
resolution for an Investigation of the Sec
retary of the Treasury and the Treasury
Department in relation to its transactions
with the Standard Oil Trust I Introduced
this resolution on tha 12th diy of this
month becauso the answer of the Secre
tary of tho Treasury to the original reso
lution ot enquiry was Incomplete unsatis
factory and on Its face clearly demon
strated that an Investigation was Impera
tive A few days ago I nsked the Speak
er for a hearing for myself and others
and demanded that the Committee oit
Rurj3 take action All the facts and cir
cumstances ot tho case made this

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