OCR Interpretation

American Fork citizen. [volume] (American Fork, Utah) 1912-1979, November 07, 1914, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058027/1914-11-07/ed-1/seq-3/

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' - I HK It .H
I Mr. Julian King loft Friday for a
I brief stay In Gnrflold.
I l . Oord i, Hanson left Thursday
lew days In Tooolo.
B Miss Fay Chlpmun was In I'rovo
I Sunday, visiting friends.
Attorney J. Tracey Wootton was In
I I'rovo on business Thursday.
I Prof. Karl Hopkins spent tho latter
part of tho weefc In Provo.
I Mr. E, J. Scnstrand was In Salt
' Lake Thursday on business.
I Mr. Angus Cunningham has been
very sick this week with lagrippc.
I UUliop Jos. H. Storrs made u busl-
I iiess trip to Sprlngvllle Thursday.
I Mrs. N. A. Wing spent Wednesday
I In Lehl, guest of Mrs. Robert Hall.
I Mr. Lew Herbert is in from the A.
I It Adamson sheep herd for n ten
I day's visit.
I Mrs. Jcsao Crookston was a Provo
I visitor Sunday, 'guest of her sister,
I Mrs. J. Jensen.
I Mr. Marlon lloblnson was In Salt
I Lake Sunday, guest of Miss Slgrld
I Peterson.
I Mr. A. A. Rhodes, who has spent
H the suuimor In Colton, Is home for
H a few months.
Mr. Dill Osterloe and Mr. Olen
Crabb of Lehl, were American Fork
I tailors Thursday.
I Mrs. James H. Pulley spent Thurs-
I day In Salt Lake, guest of her duugh-
I ter, Mrs. M. 0. Randolph.
I Mr. Joe Drown of Salt Lake, spent
I tliu week In American Fork visiting
I with his mother, Mrs. J, Drown.
I Mrs. Jos. King returned Thursday
I from a two week's visit In Salt Lake,
I with her daughters. ,
Mr. Leslie Hanson of Dlngham,
M spent the first of the week here with
his father, Mr. Parley Hanson.
I Mr. Lew Pcet of Dlngham, spent a
I few days this week here with his par.
I euts, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Peet.
, Mrs. Win. Kelbard returned to her
home In Provo Thursday, after spend
ing n few days with her parents, Mr.
' and Mrs. C. D. Hanks.
' Mrs. Angus Cunningham entcrtnln-
t ed nt supper Tuecday evening for a,
number of her friends. Covers were
laid for sixteen.
; Mrs. C. Q. Purrlngton and tho
Misses Ethel and May Dawson wore
In Pleasant Grovo Thursday, visiting
with Mrs. Jennie Steele.
Stato Senator -Elect, Win. Wing of
l Lehl, wns In American Fork Thurs
day roceUjng congratulations from
his many friends.
Mrs. Oscar and Mrs. Olaf Holm
stead of Lehl, spent Thursday In Am
1 orlcan Fork, guests of Mrs. Jesse
I Crookston.
I Mr. mid Mrs. Jack Rosoll returned
I to their homo In Salt Lake, Saturday,
1 after spending n few days with MrB.
I E. H. Doloy.
,1 Tho county attorney was directed
by tho county .commissioners Monday
I to commenco suit to condemn land
I near Amerlcun Fork for county road
purposes agnliiBt Barbara D. Grcen.
H wood.
H b w
I Tho Joe Kelly lestdciico on Mor-
B chant Street changed hands this week.
H Thomas Waltors Is tho new owner.
H It Is Mr. Walter's Intention next
H spring to utlllzo the barns for n llv-
H cry stable.
H With tho lino cument steps leading
H up to tho Tabernacle and tho cement
'H w.iIkH around thu building, certainly
' Rlea that Bplendld edlflco a much
H Improvod nppcaranco. Now when
luwii surrounds It no place In the
'H ruuuty can compare with It
B Next Wednesday ovonlng, Novomber
B 11. 1014, In tho City Hall, Dr. George (
B H Hilnihall will deliver a lecture on
B "The I!oy and Ills Gang" This Is tho
B second lecture of n series of twelvo to
B be given this wlntor undor tho nuspl-
cca of the Clvic-Hcttorment League
t B The ltcturo is free and tho public Is
t M bulled
Something new In banquets wns In-
nuRurntcd by tho Progroaslvo party
' glun "ullowo'en ovonlng. Courses
being served at live different homes.
Those enjoying tho supper woro. The
- , Misses Florence Chlpman, Sarah Pnr.
5(T Her, Myryo King Mnrgret lyar-WiurHl,
Oo , l-lwi lllndloy, mimcli Crnndall, Luuu
- R c,,1M'aii. Krfna 'Sirmnfl, Florofico Uob
p liiBon. Jeaslo Green and Mr. John
at fl 'Mliews Messrs Iloraco Deck, P. II
h' I , rnvcn- K,l8l'ii Holey, Milton Chlpuinn,
fir B Uu' ,I('ver llaymond Chlpman, Tru
tor B ',y Wuotlon. Gronwuy Porry, Mr, mid
B f , . J(0 WnUon, und Mr. nud Mrs,
LJLilgT'" Taylor
Mr. R. L. Hamilton was n Provo
visitor Tuesday.
A Douglass of Lehl, was in Ameri
can Fork on business Wedneodny.
Mr. J, L. FIrmage was In Hcbor
Thursday and Friday on business.
Mr. Lou Shelley went to Salt Lake
Sunday and spent the day with his
Mr. und Mrs. Lon Raymond of
Provo, spent the week with frlneds
and relatives.
Mrs. J. F. Kirk of Salt Lake, Is
hero visiting with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. E. King.
Mr. Roy Woods of Eureka, spent n
few days In Amcrlcnn Fork this week
visiting his folks.
Ralph Ilullock and Clnronco Peler
boii of Provo, were American Fork
visitors Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Woods autood
to Salt Lake Sunday, returning Mon
day evening.
Messrs M. H. Drown and D. R.
Tracey of Salt Lake, were American
Fork visitors Friday,
Miss Erma Clark of Salt Lake,
spent Hallowe'en lu Amcrlcnn Fork,
guest of Mrs. Steve Woods.
Mr. Win. Loolcss of Payson, Is
hore viulllng with his sou and family,
Mr. W. D. Loveless.
Tho Misses Rueda and Grace Pax
man of Provo, spent pnrt of the week
with Mrs. Wm. Preston.
The Misses May Hutchliigs and
Hazel Chaso leave today for a week's
visit with Miss Lorino Chase In Provo.
Messrs Clifton and Leo Sutherland
and Emmett duff of Provo, were In
American Fork Saturday visiting
Mr. and Mrs. L. Raymond nud sous,
Dewey and Lclnnd, of McCnmeron,
Idaho, were visiting Mr. mid Mrs. Mar
tin Nielsen Wednesday and Thum
day. n
Regular Session
Of City Council
Streets to lie Cleared of Standing Im
plonionts City Cemetery To He
Cleaned Up.
Tho City Council held n postponed
session last Saturday night. Only
matters of regular business wore
transacted. Jasper Yancey asked for
a reduction in wuter rntes on the
ground of not using as much as some
of his neighbors. As this would let
down tho bars for all kinds of trouble
tho request was denied.
E. M. Parker ct. nl who desired
an extension of tho water works to
their property, reported the advance
required by the city to bo too high.
As tho city la not spending much
money In extending Its wntor mains,
Mr. Parker mid his neighbors will be
without water.
Alex Crystal desires to build n now
addition to his homo, but first
wants tho city to remove Ills neigh
bor's barn, which would bo In too
close promlmlty to tho new addition.
As tho barn was there first mid Is
the required distance buck from the
street, tho bnrn will probably remnln.
Councllmnn Hawkins asked for
more help In cleaning up tho city
cemetory. Two men for threo days
ench woro voted hlin, mid will
work undor tho dli'ectlon of the city
Councllmnn Thornton reported that
tho county hod repulred tho County
road up tho eastern city limits, and
suggested that tho city contlnuo the
Improvement. Councllinun Seely re
ported thut tho city Street Suporvls,
or had already been authorized to
make tho necessary repairs.
Another street light was authoriz
ed to bo placed on First West Street,
between Main and First North Streets.
The City Marshal was Instructed to
Imvo standing vehicles, farm impie
inonts and other obstructions remov
ed from tho itreots.
Tho Supt. of Water Works was In
structed to repair sovoral leaking lire
Tho Mayor and Recorder woro auth
orized to borrow somo monoy for
current oxpouses till tuxes come In.
Tho regular budget of bill was nl-lowed.
Georgo Nlcholps came In from tho
Lchl-Tlntl'' mlno Monday to vote He
any .that iho tunue' is now In tho hill
oyor 1,700 feet, and is In u lino look
ing iron vein which he expects will
lead to mi ore body lu a few more
feet, ns they uro now nearing the I
point whoro Indications nud exports
say tho oro Ilea.
A short tlmo ago Hie directors had
J. FowBonio Smith expert the pro-
wldo cxperlenco and ho pronounced'
It ono of tho most promising proper-
ties In tho North Tlntlc district, and'
strongly advised n continuance of tho"
present work.
rt .
Schools Will Exhibit
At Panama Exposition ,
At n meeting of tho American Fork
School Doard this week, it was
agreed to arrange for a school exhibit
at tho World's Fair to bo held nt San
FranclBco next year. Just what will
be the naturo of the exhibit has not
yet been determined, but It will prob
ably include a series of photographs
showing the unsurpassed school
buildings of Am. Fotk, tho activ
ities of tho students on tho grounds,
in tho mnnunl training shop, tho do
mestic arts room, etc.
A committee appointed to work out
tho detnlls consists of Messrs J. D.
Forbes, C. W. Whltakor, I. L. Pratt
and Miss Romney.
Alpine went moro than two to ono
Republican. Following Is tho vote: ,
Republican Vote Democratic Vote
Smoot 119 Moylo CI
Lcathorwood 122 Mays G9
McCarty 121 Stephens 50
Matheson 121 Cowans 01
Gardner 117 Reynolds 03
Wootton 117 Tnnnor 02
Wnrnlck 124 Wadloy 57
Taylor 121 Openshnw 68
Wing 123 Deck 67
Stewart 121 McKcll 09
Gardner 118 F. A. Hulsli 03
Dringhurat 12C Chrlstenscn 04
Pnlfroyman 121 Roblson 00
Nelson 121 R. T. Hulsh 01
dinger 121 East 01
Johnson 122 Amos 08
Parker 122 Dagloy 00
J. R Stowart 120 Twelves 05
ChrlstciiBcn 121 Garff 00
Creor 124 Walker 55
Precinct Justice Precinct Justlco
J. D. Smith 124 G. E. Durgcss 57
Constable Constnbjo
Will Healey 120 Homer Hall 55
There was ono Socialist vote cast
In Alpine.
Tho commltteo on lectures and
nmusomonts has outlined u dcRunti
policy for tho year with respect to
dances and BoclnlB. All class parties
will bo hold at tho High Sohool, and
all school parties unless otherwise
" In tho chapol program last Tues
day Miss Mary Dlackhurst told tho
story, "In tho Desert of Waiting."
Tho High School double quartette
sang two selections.
Arrangements arc being mado for
tho publication of a year book. Vern
McNIol has been appointed business
manager with Loland Walker as as
sistant mnnnger. Mary Dlackhurst
will bo editor lu chief, with Denn
Shaftor as assistant editor.
Tho election pnssed of vory qultly
lu Alplno,
There wns a big attendniico of
Mutual workers at tho convention
Mr. Wlirord Wamlck of Manila mid
Mrs. R. C. Rowlnnds of Alpine, mem
bers or tho M. 1. A. Stake Doard, wero
In nttendanco nt Mutual last week,
S'h! Tho spooks wore out Satur
day night, nml thoro wero tnll and
short ones, lean nnd fat ones, whlto,
black and brown ones, all in their
ghostly robes, with Jack-o-lantoni'
of every description, mid oh, they
.it iTvmiT"1 T
I Theso druggists will toll V
you they could not rccom- I
H mend a moro satisfactory fl
1 remedy for rheumatism than fl
J Rheumatism Powders
Tho manufacturers have so
much confidence In this pro- '
f paration that they authorize
n It to bo sold on a positive
V guarauteo to give you relief 1
or your money will bo re- fl
fl funded. This Is certainly a 'U
i fair proposition Let us ex- W
5 plain this remedy to you, I
; Prleo 5Uc For sale by J
FxcluBlve Agency R
A Directory of Reliable Firms who Are llEI
Worthy uof Your Patronage. IHI
Attorney Lunch Stand iBBRHI
ATJn ixmrTJ Associated with GubUh, Gollolto & Hot Pics mid Coffeo HRHH
AND WHEN Urnyton, 1301-7 Walker Dank Dldg., Vmr , st AmwI F fc H
ii YYixu your omce Ohipmau Bank Bldg. HHH
WATCH TINKERED Homo Insurance Agoncy IHiH
A. ltroun, lauagcr tHHH
(JET IT riXED IIIC1I1T. .,..., t The Home of Sure Insurance HHH
Tho Old Reliable Store oi Wo vnt go on jour bond 'HBI
MARTIN ,... Ulnli Coimlr Agents "iflflHHH
America., Fork W 6RANT Vlw"c ao vJfVW CV",cr HH
Wlioles'iile mid Relall dealer in PL ' lM0' u,n" IH
iitiox, Organs mid Musical (Joods Bl
of nil kind". Wnll Paper, ,
iMIM CliliiniMire, (JlassMnic, Axel Dloomqulst K. R. T. Dloomqulst '1
LAWYER iiloojkjulst iirothers HH
Practices ill any court " l'iUiis of AH Kinds, Oils mid Varnish HHI
Chlpman Dank Rnlldlng, Room 1 THE LOGIE HOUSE "'Ud'T'litSto'me?1118" HPI
Rates Rcasomiblo tV ,.., ,.. , ,. , HlffiriH
------------------------ ,.,r. tt. . no Put In Window Panes BH
.uerclimit Street American Fork , Ri
Phono -V i fi HHkH
AM. FORK BAKERY American Fork Livery and RHH
Fresh llread nnd Pastry Transfer Stable HPH
PIioiioSLU American Fork Next door to Dank of Am. Fork. VEInCLK?n3AilgBAUTIPUL HkH
T J. L. DuiiMey, Prop. Coniinodioiis Hack Meets All Trains IHBil
-. Phono 01. L. W. NIELSEN. Prop. vWKHR
Luxury Shop Confections, Fruits, - HHH
Wo may not bo tho nearest DRUG- Hot and Cold Drinks, Ico Crenm, i
GIST to you, but wo will try to JIot 1ics Tnmnlcs, Chill, Fresh GRANT ELECTRIC COMPANY i' HHH
como the nearest to pleasing you. llr(-n(1 nlul Cnkca. i,ct Us Do It If It's ''tHII
P. JL DROWN, Plinrmacist Qun,,ty and CM" ' Joe's aim. Electrical i SSH
American Fork, Utah AB"cy for mmn Mnzdft I'nmI,- 1'HONE Sfi.1V I Hi
t - - ffiH
Capital and Surplus - $90,000.00
This Is tho powerful combination wo oflcryou. B
Qtrnnivth 0ur 8trcI1Bl'' ,,cs ln our nmplo capital, our I
WllBnin lnr reserve, and lu tho staunch Integrity I
of our Offlcors nnd Directors. I
nfl In point of service, w.o oxtond every facility I
flIIU nn(I convcnlenco required In tho trnnsactlou I
of modern business. I
OnmifiA I ew depositors mid old allku receive every I
OClVlUC J Consldernllon. I
1 Bank of Am. Fork I
took posesslou of our homes at uu
secmlnly hours, silently, stealthily,
filling our hearts with owo and fear,
robbing us of tho sweets of dream
land, mid carrying away with them
tho spoils of our disturbed tranquil
ity, far out into tho night. Never
mind spooks, wq will bo ready for
you a year bonce.
Mrs. Christina Johnson of Manila Is
tho guost of hor daughter, Mrs.
Arthur McDnnlel.
Mr. Ilubor mid Co., with tho won.
derfu' performing bears, gavo a very
crcdltablo performance In tho Amuse
ment Hall, Monday Night.
Mr. CIovo Drown of Provo was a
recent (vIsItor to Alpine.
Tho Am. Fork trustees visited tho
dlstijct laEt week.
Mrs. Wm. Datcmnn und Mrs. Claud
Strong lmvo baby girls, and Mrs.
Erma Hauscn a baby boy.
Tho local pcdlcrs are In strong
ovldonco" these dnya taking euro of
the abundant hnrvest that has blessed
tho offorta of tho peoplo this year.
Meat Cause of
Kidney Trouble
Tale .Salts to Flush Klilucjs If Hack
Hurts or Bladder llothers.
If you must have your meat every
day, eat It, but flush jiour kidneys
with salts occasionally, vays a noted
authority who tolls ub moatH forms
uric acid which almost paralyzes the
kidneys lu their efforts to cxpol it
from tho blood. Thoy become slugg
ish and weaken, titer you suffer with
a dull misery lu t'ao Kidney region,
.ilinrp pains in tho back or Rick head
ache, dlzzlnoBB, your stomach sours,
tonguo is contort and when tho wo
.ither Is bad you unVo rhoumatle
twinges. Thourlno gets cloudy, full
af Bcdlmont.tho chnunols often gel
ioro and Lrrltatcd, obliging you to
seek relloftwo or threo times dur
ing tho night.
To iiiiutrullzo theso Irritating acids,
io cloynso tho kiOnoys a Ml Hush oft
tho jodyH urinous wasto get four
ounces of.Jud Salts from nuy phar
macy hcra; tako a tablcspoonful In
.1 glass of i water before breakfast for
a' fow (iaya and your kldnoys will
then iid fine. TJils famous salts is
inado from tho acid of grapes a id
loi'ion 'julco, combined with lltiiui,
t'.d has been used for generations
I o flush mid stlmulato sluggish kll
noyH. also to neutralize tho adds lu
urine, so it no longer irritates, thus
I ndlug b'mdder weakness.
Ja.l S ilts is inexpensive J
IVo Print IliiHer Wraniiers. If
n '
Answer the Call '
Cjali County Peoplo Hint Foimil
Thai This Is Necessary.
A cold, n strain, a sudden wrench,
A llttlo causa may hurt tho kidneys.
Spells of backncho often follow,
Or somo Irregularity of tho urine.
A splendid remedy for such
A medicine that has uatlsflcd thou
sands Is Doiui'h Kidney Pills, a speclnl
kidney remedy.
Many Utah County peoplo rely on
Hero Is American Fork proof.
Mrs. James Crooks, West First St.,
North, American Fork, Utah, says:
"I had kidney complnlnt for ton years
or more. Somotlmou sharp pains
caught mo in my back nr.il INvould
almost fnll to tho floor. I was ofton
so hoIploBB that I couldn't undress.
Tho attacks lasted for dayo at a tlmo.
Tho kldnoy secretions caused mo ter
rlblo Biifforlng. My condition wns
alarming. Uoan's Kldnoy Pills cured
mo of n bad nttack and I can say that
thoy do Just as thoy aro claimed to
do, Donn's Kidney PIHb not only
euro backache, but mako onos kld
noys normal. I etlll tako this remedy
frequently and It keeps my kidneys
lu tho best condition possible Tho
ondorscmotit I gavo Donn's Kldnoy
Pills sovernl years ago still holds
Prlco COc, nt nil dealers. Don't
Bimply iibIc for a kldnoy remedy got
Donn's Kldnoy Pills tho samo that
Mrs, Crooks had. FoBtor-Mllburn
I Co., Prop., Duffalo, N. V. (Adv.)
Wo Print Duller Wrappers. If
Insliintly Clems Air Pnssngesj
llrcntliu rreebi 1"H llfiiilnrlio
(.'lies; Nnsly Cntnrrhal DNchnige
Try "Ely's Cream Halm."
cot a iinuill bottlo anyway, Just to
tty It-Apply a llttlo In tho nostrils
n.l instantly your clogged no J
sonped-up air pnssagoB of tho lioiu
"ill open; you will breathe freely;
dul nesa and headache disappear, Dy
oriing! tl " foW-lii-Uond
or cSr hnl soro throat will bo , gone
End such misery no yl Get t no
UmaH bottlo of "Ely's Cmim Balm
,. ..,.v .ii-iii store -i-i'1'.HjmiMk
Penny Bavcrs aro dollar raisers. 1 HRHbI
People who Bavo tho pennies have B
Dut to have tho dollars you must hHII
1 savo tho pennies and to snvo tho pen- "
ties you must know how to Bhop. '
Soiiiq shoppcrB aro not shoppers. i u
Thoy aro just spenders. i Hl
Monoy comes ensy and goes easier. M
Thoy mako plenty of monoy, yet nHI
live from hand to mouth. Somo times rH
tho hnnd docs not reach tho mouth. 'llH
Their pockets aro. largo but havo iUII
no bottoinB. Somo times tho monoy 'Xl
does not reach their pockets at all. JH
It la pcnt beforo it Is mndc. H
They don't know how to shon. how '5 HH
o mako n dollar buy a hundred cents f B
ivorlh of goods. Tljcy know nothing HH
3f whnt they arn getting until nftcr .1
There la one great remedy for this HlH
nil careful shoplug. HH
Dut careful nhopplng Is a problem ' KM
Io somo peoplo. They begin nt tho HHIH
cud nud quit beforo they reach tho 'HHI
Thoy should turn to tho local pa- . H
per. It Is tho Bhoppor's host friend. 1
It faithfully portrnyB tho entorprlso ' 1
of tho community, llBts lu Its ndver- ..i-l
tlslng columns tho offerings of live " HH
uicrchautR, nud blazes the path to tho
stores of best values. 1
It gives thorn shopping information ' fl
which othcrwtso It would tako tlmo , H
to acquire, and much which ofton thoy 7) H
would novcr know. H
As n commercial encyclopaedia It HH
Is tho first stop to cconomlcnl shop- ' H
plug, for when n storo has offorings H
of especial value they aro suro to bo , I H
found in tho pnper. H
To shop economically thoy BhouM , H
study tho advertisements with enro H
every one of them nt overy appear- I H
mice of tho pnper, for to ovor look it , H
once might menu tho missing of tho : H
vory articles thoy nro looking for. H
Economical shopping Is easy, If you H
know how; but if you nro a derelict H
in tho Ben tho shopping tho paper will 1
tow you to a savo port. ' H
Tho papor guides you to tho wayu '-il
of cconomlcnl shopping; economy H
lifts you to gronter allluonco, mid nf- IH
tlueuco brings contentment nud Imp- H
Do n filiopper not a spender. Hl
Excursion In Salt Lake City ' jH
Via .Salt Lake Route H
Account Natlonnl Wool Growers' jH
AsBoelatlou and Utah Wool Growers' H
Association, Novcmbor Oth to 13th,
Inclusive. Return .limit November jH
10th. Ask for tickets via Salt Lake H
o- H
Merltol Whlto Liniment Is u H
sploudld application for soro throat, I H
Cold on the Lungs, Croup nnd Pains H
In the Chest. Saturate a ptcco of H
flu unci cloth with the Liniment and H
uho as a pliibtcr. Jt is very pen- H
(Uniting, and effective. Prlcos 25o H
GOc and $1.00. F. M. Drown, Anier- M
lean Fork, Utah., ExcIubIvo Agents B
Nostrils and Head Stopped Up
From Cold? Try My Catarrh Balm f
of tho nostrils; pouctrntcB and heals 1
tho Inflamed, swollon mombrnne H
which lines tho nose, head and jH
throat; clears tho air paBBagoa; stops H
nasty discharges and a feeling of t H
clonuBing, soothing relief comes ,H
Immediately ,. MH
Don't Iny nwako tonight struggling HH
for breath, with head stuffed; no- tH
trlls closed, hawking and .blowing. tf, 'H
Catarrh or a cold, with Its running JjBL M
nose, foul mucous dropping Into tho HkH
throat, nnd raw dryness Is dlttrcssing HkHnH
but truly uocdloBB, KH 1
Put your faith-just once-lu HHjH
"Flv'a Croam DqlnVlnnd,jiiISMBBM .ILM

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