OCR Interpretation

The Salt Lake herald-Republican. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1909-1918, October 05, 1909, Image 10

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058140/1909-10-05/ed-1/seq-10/

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Supreme Court Docket Is Out Outand Outand Outand
and includes Important ImportantCases ImportantCases Importantt
t Cases CasesThe
The docket for tho October term of the theeuprema thesupreme thej
j supreme oourt is out and shows fortysixcases fortysix
cases to be tried between OcL 11 nand nandNov and andNov andNov
Nov 1 Inclusive InelmdveThomas InclusiveThomas InclusiveThomas
Thomas Vances appeal from tho Third Thirddistrict Thirddstrlct Thirddstrict
district court where he was found guilty guiltyof gun gunot
J of murder In the first degree and sen sentenced sentrnced sentned ¬
tenced to be hanged i 18 the only onl capital capitalcaco
caco ca The appeal stay the execution un until until untI ¬
til his application for a new trial has hasben hlisbEfi
1 ben decided Vance was convicted of ofpoisoning ofpl1sonlng ofpPSOflIflg
poisoning his wife wifeThe wifeThe wifeTAe
The docket shows the following cases caseso caseskt casesOt
o Ot kt > t 11 nState State appellant vs Joseph JosephBarker JosephBarker JosephBarker
Barker state vs Webster Green appel appellant appel1Jn appelLint ¬
Lint lanto o Od tOd t < t 18 aState State In relation to Joseph JosephBranJl JosephBrariii Jo eph ephBrandl
BranJl appellant vs v Silver King I Ing Con Consolidated Consolidated Con1idated ¬
solidated Mining company and others others6ate others6at othersate
6ate ate vs Henry H Blake appellant appellantEtato
state > VS Elizabeth Moore appellant appellantOit appellantII
Out 0 < 1 13 l3George George C Whltmore appellant appellants
s run Fuel company and the D B BG RG BG
II G Railway company Joseph H Roberts Robertsand Robertsand Robertsand
and others appellants vs Tuttle Bros BroeWilliam BrosWillIam BrosWilliam
William Brown jr appellant vs Wll WUbJm VIL1am
1 bJm am T Owen Owenet Owenopt
opt et 14 ItWllIlam William II Pool appellant vs vsTth vs1t111 vsi
i Tth County Light Power company companyad companyin
ad in others F A Neuberger vs David DavidBobbins DavidRobbins DavidRobbins
Robbins Co appellants W V S Me Met lIcrnlCk
I t irniok vs Marie Levy appellant appellantt
It t 15 15George George W V Moyer vs James JamesI JamesL1gton JamesLatgton
I L1gton npton appellant J W Cromeenes vs vsSir vsR vsSir
Sir R P PooiIrn w1rn Tn Ant g Salt Saltcompany Lake Lakeflaiway
njhvay company ml8n appellant p Klla t E EP P Fer Ferr loerr FerII
II r by W V M and E S Ferry general generalL
L L b t 11 irdians vs S R E Fowler appellant aIlf appellantut > lIant lIantot
0 ot t 18 18JOMph Joseph T Young appellant vs vsLI VBhjja vsLiia
Liia LI hjja i a Hyland Dennis Fee F vs v > National NationalPik NationalPrk ationalPiK
Pik of the Republic appellant Salt SaltI SaltIIk
1 I IIk i fa City vs H L Howey appellant appellantot
ot 1 ItN N G Sowards and J L Glb Glbs GlbJn Gibappellants
s Jn r appellants vs X J Measlier and andDry andt
t1 t Dry Gulch Irrigation company and andthers andntfors andtrs
thers < John Rydalch appellant vs C CL CLRoy CLiRy
L LRoy Ro Anderson administrator of estate estateo
o > r l L Anderson John McCullough ap apI apllLnt
111 I Ihnt mt vs William imam McCullough admin adminuJtor aclmlntrJ admin1r3tor
+ uJtor uJtoro trJ tor torkt
o kt < t 20Charles Tyng vs S National Bank Bankt Banktu Bankte
t t tu if Republic and the Constant Lor LorI
T in n Investment company appellants appellantsGorge appellantsG
Gorge G 3 urge J Gibson vs Frank E MeGurrln MeGurrlni
i Id d others appellants Thomas Tadd vs vst vsP
t 8 > P L I A S L Railway company companyc companytflant
c 1Jlant 1Jlantt > i llant tflantP llantci
ci ht t 21 21A A O Smith Jr v vs H G GC Grkt Gtrk
C uk > and others oth rs and D Barry appel appellirts appelhfts appelLirts
P lirts J H Arnold appellant vs Rich RichLi
Li A Pope sheriff James Gibson GU > > 8on appel appelInt appelF
7 Int nt vs s George G Doyle Plumbing com comol comq comot
3 F ol ot q V 22 Catherine E LeVine Lt > Ylne and oth othf OUlappeJianta
f appellants vs J W V Wnttehouae and andirs andm andir3
ir3 irs m Ott t S Grow appellant vs Utah UtahT
T slt it t Railway company Israel Hun Hunkfr Hunf Hunkcr
f kfr kp appellant vs Adolph Harris Harrisi
i n hr t K itL L H Erickson Erick on vs Moron Moroniilds Morontlis IoronlC
C ilds appellant Michael Pulo vs D DR Dn Dc
R G appellant C E Murphy vs C Clauinie Claumie CI
lauinie I appellant appellantt
c t as 26Alvln Alvln E Horton appellant vs vslris vsdrs tJ tJdrits
lris Roghaar Ann R Gay VB Young YoungMfiis YoungIrns YoungLns
Mfiis Coop Mercantile Institution and andA
A u I Rockhill appellants IIppeJlantsSierra Sierra Nevada NevadaT
T mlor company appellants vs John JonnM JohnlY
M i ormlck and others othersort otherstt ther therort
ort 27 27A A V Hague vs Juab County CountMl CountyMi
31 Ml 1 Elevator company appellants appellantsF appellantsPritham
F nsham Frl ham LIver Transfer company vs vsR VIIIt vsL
R D McDonald appellant Neal McMll McMilI
Charles E Durand Durandt
1 r n appellant va
t UC e of the peace peacel11t peacet
1 l11t t sj > H Kurtz vs Ogden Canyon CanyonS CanyonfLnilarlum CanyonnitariUnl
S rutarium company and H D Clarke Clarkef Clarkefindants Clarkefindantz
f f idantz and nd t Utah tah A Oregon Lumber LumberPny Lumbernpmy Lumbern
< Pny n J II Winslow Inslow Jr r and the theS
I S i ipWilIiams n Williams Candy company appel
1 1 1t if vs 8 C Frank Emery county sner sneriVf aherHi sherI
iVf tf M I Kimball appellant vs s Success Successd
oth othe othJt oth29Fred
L d < 1 Colorado Mining companies and
Jt t aFred Halvorsen vs David F FV Flker Fs
V ker appellant Joseph E Calae and andc andr
c rs vs s PV F J Hagenbarth appellant appellantN
r N Nv itD ID A Snlyth Smth v WI T A Butters Buttersothers Buttersothers Buttersothers
others and commissioners comml toners of Morgan Morganc
c dlt urtv rt appellants state vs Thomas ThomasAH Thomasappellant
AH 1I1t e appellant
APPROXIMATELY 16000 00 in taxes were wereh werekn wereF
h kn n In by the county treasurer yes yest yestrday es estrcla
t trcla rday the first big day before the rush rushw
F w ill II come eary next month Already Alreadyabout Alreadyjtllut Alreadyiut
about 60000 oei has been received by b the theunty theunty theg
unty from taxpayers since notice noticex noUceawr
g wr x TP sent out Sept 7 Taxes become becomeilclmquent becomedlinquent becomeT
T I ilclmquent after the middle of Novem NovemJVMES Noembr
br brJUlES
r JUlES F SMITH an attorney te ter 18harged isI
I r barged with embezzlement of 18 8 In a acomplaint it itnlplalnt amplaint
complaint issued from the county at attomeys attorneY8
1 tomeys office yesterday Christian Christianavers ChristianIdle ChristianIeile
Idle avers he gave Smith 8 to file filefor melapeors filer
lapeors r Pr for a divorce and no suit was wasTTIE wallfIl1l wasTTIE
fIl1l fIl1lTIE
TTIE TIE smOOO MIEh DAMAGE SUIT of Annie E EPratt EPratt EPratt
Pratt against the Utah Light Rail Rallav Railway Railwty
way av company for injuries when struck strucka
t Ly a car on Aug 19 1908 was dismissed dismissedbi
L bi by Judge George G Armstrong Armstr mg yester yesterdai yeaterd yesterday
day d < J It was shown she was careless carelessON carelessO carelessON
ON O ACCOUNT ACCO T of ofthebench the bench show at the thefair th thfair thefair
fair grounds grounIs the Utah Light Railway Railwaycompany RailwaynlJ Railwayr
company nlJ 8n announce that dogs will be berried berrled berried
rried on the front platforms of the theOT theaU thears
r OT aU < J OB th the payment of X cents from tromct
1 1 ct < i 5 to 10 inclusive Lap dogs will willr
r J carried free
T WITH ITH A VIEW VIEoM toward turning the pro procf profds profr
cf pfls into the building fund for the new newhurch newhurch newI
I hurch edifice in East Second South Southr Southtrd
trd tr r ct the local Baptists are to sell the the1irst theFirst theFirst
First South street property owned by byt bybm bytm
t bm m The building b ldlng can be enclosed enclosedtMth enclo encloseditti ed edth
tMth th the Sunday school section finished finishedfr finIshed1ITH
fr 30000 30000TKTER 3OOOFTTER ooo oooFBTER
TKTER WHITE aged 4G years charged chargedwith chargedwith chargedwith
with entering the tailor hop of H F Friark i iI o olark
lark I at 115 West South Temple street streetentered streetffltered streettritered
entered a plea of guilty In police court courtsterday courtst courtsterday
sterday st < rday and was bound over to the thedistrict thetlitrict thedistrict
district court under 1500 Si 5OO OO bondstTAH bondsITAH bonds bondsT
T tTAH TAH BEE BE KEEPERS will hold a meet meetI
I g 1 this morning in the city ctt council councilh couoclttamber councIltamber
h tamber at which some Important and andinteresting andInteresting andthterestblg
interesting matters will be discussed discussedMl
All persons interested are invited to at att attpnd attnd
t tpnd tpndPERSONS tndPIRSONS nd ndPERSONS
PERSONS GATHERING autumn tumn leaves leaveswill leaveswill leavesw
will w t I do well eli to exercise care as many manyI
I ivc i e been severely poisoned during the thei thetit
i < tit t few days by handling the beauti beautifully beauUfullY beautifully ¬
fully colored poison oak leaves which whichare
are found in the nearby canyons canyonsLODGE canyonAniE canyonsAflXENTA
AniE AflXENTA TA LODGE NO NO3 3 F and A M Mwill 1 1in
will in hold its tegular monthly monthl meeting meetingi
i is < Tuesday evening Oct 5 at 8 8o gJcwk
Jcwk o k
6 600 With Security SecurityIf
If you desire an investment investmentthat
I that is always worth its full fullface fullface fullr
r face value yields as substantial substantiala
a rate of income as Is consistent consistentwith consistentwith consistentr
r with safety safety6 6 per cent payable payablesemiannually payablesemlannuallyand payablesemiannuallyand
semiannually and which is iseafeguardsd Istafeguard IsI
I eafeguardsd d by the soundest se security securlty Security ¬
curity obtainable obtainableFirst First Mort Mortgage Mortgage Mortgage ¬
gage on improved real estate estatewe
U we invite you to invest your yourmoney yourmoney yourmoney
money in our Secured Certifi Certificates Certificates Certificates ¬
cates of Deposit which em embrace embrace embrace ¬
brace all these desirable fea features features feaI feaSb1t ¬
I tures
SIt Lake LakeSecurity LakeSecurity LekeJ
J Security Trust TrustCompany TrustCompany TrustCompiiny
52 Up Main M aiD Street StreetCapital StreetCapital StreetCapital
Capital 30000000 30000000Surplus 300000006urplu 30000000u5
Surplus u5 I 10000000 lOOt000 0 °
The only stationery and office officesupply officesupply officesupply
supply store In Salt Lake oper operating operating operating ¬
ating their own printing office oftlct1
71 1 E 3rd So Both phones phonesKodak phonesKocak ahonesS ahonesKodak
Kodak Finishing FinishingSalt
Salt Lake Pjto P 1to Supniy SUDD Y Co 142 I4 Main MainEXCELLENT MainI MainEXCELLENT YalnEXCELLENTFOOD
Moxum Cafe aff Fourth South aid State StateTribuneReporter StatlTrlbuneReporter StateS StateTrIbuneReporter
TribuneReporter Printing Co
66 6 West Second South Phones 715 13 s
HeraldRepublican HeraldRepu licanLeads Leads as Usual UsualAdvertising UsualAdvertising UsualAdvertising
Advertising carried by Salt Lakes daily newspapers newspapersfrom newspapersfrom newspapersfrom
from September 15 to 30 inc
0 Daily DailyTotal DailyTotal DailyTotal
HERALDREPUBLICAN 1009 cols 63 cols colsTribnne c cOlsTribune ls lsTribune
Tribune n 871 cols 54 cols colsNews colsNews colsNews
News n 711 cols 50 cols colsTelegram colsTelegram colsTelegram
Telegram 397 cols 28 cols colsHeraldRepublican colsHeraldRepublican colsHeraldRepublican
HeraldRepublican Excess ExcessOver ExcessOver
Over 0 ver Tribune 138 cols colsOver colsOver
Over 0 ver News esvs 298 cols colsOver colsOver colsOverTelegram
Over OverTelegram Telegram 612 6l2cols 6l2colsThe cols colsThe colsTh
The Herald Republican RepublicanUtahs
Utahs Greatest Newspaper NewspaperHas
Has more circulation carries more advertising and andbrings andbrings andbrings
brings greater results than any competitor
A streak of fat a streak of lean leanWith leanVfth leanVith
With lots of fcoolness lI lnE in between between1Mark betweenMark
11 I
Mark MarkCross MarkCr MarkCross
Cr Cross CrossGloves
j jFor
Gloves GlovesFor ves
For men and women selling sellingat
at 150 the pair Theres Theresno
no sacrifice of style or qual quality quality quality ¬
ity because the price is low lowWHERE lowSCHRAMMS lowSCHRAMM
Theres nothing nothln like sham In famed tam d
Wasatch ham hamIts hamIts hamIts
Its rich and Its all to the good soodTheres goodTheres goodTheres
Theres lean round the bone and fat fatround fatround fatround
round the lean leanAnd loonAnd LeanAnd
And Its packed too the way that It Itshould Itshould itshould
should shouldOffice shouldOffice shouldOffice
Office Desks and Chairs ChairsThe ChairsThe ChairsThe
The best line at cheapest prices pricesBREEDEN prIcesBREEDEN pricesBREEDEN
The merit of the Wasatch Brands
Did bring them Into fame fameThe fameThe fameThe
The good housewife this brand de demands demands demands ¬
mands mandsThere mandsThero mandsThere
There are none just the same sameBreeden samec sameBreeden sameBreeden
Breeden Office OfficeSupply Supply Co CoBest CoBest CoBest
Best I place for stationery 60 W 2d So SoRoyal SoRoyal
0 0Royal
Royal Stale Bread Depot DepotOpen DepotOpen DepotOpen
Open 3 to 5 p m daily Entrance on onThird onThird onThird
Third South Good bread very cheap cheapS
S D Evans EvansUndertaker EvansUndertaker I IUndertaker
Undertaker and embalmer removed to tonew tDnew tenew
new I location tS South State street streetHighest StreetS streetIIlghest StreetHighest
Highest price paid tor strictly fresh treabeggs fresheggs rre h heggs
McCoys livery ltv1 > carriage and light lightlivery lIg 1lgttliven t I
livery liven Both phones 81
It Is of Interest Interestto
to Ladies Ladiesto
to know that bracelets are arein arein arein
in vogue this year yearWe yearWe yearWe
We are proud of our se selection selection selection ¬
lection which includes the thelatest thelatest thelatest
latest Parisian effects as aswell aswell aswell
well as the plainer styles stylesReliable stylesReliable stylesReliable
Reliable and Reasonable Reasonable17O ReasonableVi1I
i I I
I s
OutofTown OutofTownAre Outof OutoflownFoIks Town TownI
I Folks FolksAre
Are always welcome at atour atour atour
our store You will rill be bedoubly bedoubly bedouMy
doubly welcome wel onte f Ji his hisweek i s sweek 1 1week
week because we are areanxious areanxious re reanxious
anxious to have you visit visittbe visitthe ffiL1 ffiL1the
the S
New York YorkStyle YarkStyle YorkStyle
Style Show ShowWe
We have on display a acomplete acomplete j jJ jJcomplete
complete line of ofBenjamin ofBenjamin ofBenjamin
BenjaminCI Benjamin BenjaminClothes 4
9 L Pehjamln JMntnCIQh ADiiLa2ihgIoLaAes Clothes ClothesOur
Clothes ClothesAnd CI th
IoLaAes o es Jlfte8enJtiut Jlfte8enJtiut1nd > =
And the New N ev York styles in hats and andfurnishings andfurnishings andfurnishings
furnishings furnishingsGlad
Glad to Show You the Newest Styles StylesPehjamln StJ StylesOur les lesl lesOur
Our Elegant New Store Is at
245 So Main Street StreetA Streetrake
4s rake Some SomeAcme SomeAcme
Acme Quality QualityltfOr
A APaintfoi Paint ltfOr for forEvery fl ° TI TIIEveiy
Paint Home HomePmlJose
Every EveryPurpose nome nomePurpose
Purpose PurposeI
With WithYou e Y on
j jThis eThis
This is the best time of the tbeyear theyear theyear
year to paint The paint sinks sinksdeeper sinlsdeeper sinksdeeper
deeper and sets better betterthat betterthat letterthat
that makes it last longer longerWell longerWell longerWell
I Well Pay the theFreight theFreight theFreight
Freight to Your YourHome YourW YourHome YourHome W
Home on Any AnyAmount AnyAmount AnyAmount
Amount Up to t
100 Pounds PoundsAcme
Acme Quality Paint is the tbekind thef thekind
f kind that looks best and andwears andvealS andf
f wears best No matter what whatyou whatyou yhatyou
you want paint for we re have havethe havethe havethe
the kind you need needCulmer needCulmer needCulmer
I Culmer Paint Glass Co CoThe CoThe CoThe
I The Finest Paint Store in the West
I 37 East First South I
Typewriters Repaired RepairedThree RepairedThree
Three expert mechanics on all ma mahines mahines mahines
hines hinesBREEDEN hinesBREEDEN hinesDREEDEN
cA I
iJ I
Ji Jiif
0 0jI
fiP fiPOne
One of the new Fall styles in inThis inLADIES inLADIES
3 3L 3LWalkmOvers
Walk WalkmOvers WalkmOversThis Overs OversThis
This one is a patent leather leatherblack 1etherblack aotherblack
black clothtop shoe in a aveiy avery aveIy
veiy easy swing swingshape shape up
to the minute in every line lineOther lineOther lineOther
Other ladies shoes in all aUva aUvarieties alLvarieties va varieties ¬
rieties at 300 to 500VALKOTER 500WALKOvElit 500 500WALKOVER
214 1 Main MnlnDont Mainflofl t tDont
Dont flofl Overlook the th New Location
Opposite Kenyon
Supreme Court Will Hear Two TwoImportant TwoImportant TwoImportant
Important Appeals at the theOctober theOctober theOctober
October Term TermAmong TermAmong TermAmong
Among the cases set for the October Octoberterm Octoberterm Octoberterm
term of the supreme court beginning Oct OctB
11 Is that of the state of Utah against againstJoseph againstJoserh againstJoseph
Joseph Barker In which a decision was wasgiven wasgl1n wasgiven
given against the state by Judge J A AHowell AHoweIl AHowell
Howell of the Second district court in inWeber InVeber inWeber
Weber county an appeal being taken by byI
A I R Barnes attorney general generalParker generalBarker general3arker
Parker owns land through which Hunts Huntsvilla HuntsvllJs Huntsvile
villa Spring creek flows and he changed changedthe
the course of the stream and used the theold theold theold
old channel for private fish ponds This Thisthe ThIsthe Thisthe
the state declared was a nuisance It Itwae Itwas Itwas
was asked a ked that he be enjoined from main maintaining maintaining maintaming ¬
taining screens and a hatchery Judge JudgeHowell JUdgeHowell JudgeHowell
Howell decided Barker was within his hisrights hl5rIghts hisrights
rights and that a qualified person should shouldbe houldbe
be named as commissioner to superin superintend superintend superintend ¬
tend construction of screens screensD
D A Smyths case In which he seeks seeksto
to compel the county count commissioners of ofMorgan ofIorgan ofMorgan
Morgan county count and the county clerk to toissue toluue toissue
issue a liquor license will also come up
Judge Howell decided against the offi officials oft1clals 0111dais ¬
dais who appealed appealedThe
The questions to be decided are What Whatconstitutes Whatconstitutes Whatconstitutes
constitutes a good cause for refusal of oflicense oflicense oflicense
license under section 1245 Compiled Laws Lawsof
of Utah 1907 Can the county commis commissioners commissIoners commisSioners ¬
sioners arbitrarily refuse a license with without without without ¬
out cause Such power is given a city cityor
or town but Smyth contends commis commissioners commissioners commisatoners ¬
sioners do not have it
Utah Hotel Men Will Deliver Ad Addresses Addresses Addresses ¬
dresses at the Big Convention Conventionin
in San Francisco FranciscoThree FranciscoThree
Three special cars have been chartered charteredby
by hotel men for the trip from Denver Denverand Denverand Denverand
and intermediate points to San Francisco Franciscofor
for the hotel mens convention Oct 14 14Delegates 14Delegates 14Delegates
Delegates from Missouri Texas Okla Oklahoma Oklahoma Okiahoma ¬
homa and New Mexico will assemble at atDenver atDenver atDenver
Denver the starting point of o the party
The special cars will leave Denver Oct
10 When hen they arrive in Salt Lake and
Ogden they will be joined by delegates delegatesfrom delegatesfrom delegatesfrom
from Pocatello Butte Anaconda and
Sheridan SheridanA
A Fred Wey ey vice president of the theestern
Western estern Hotel Mens Protective associa association association assoclatiofi ¬
tion will make one of the principal ad ¬
dresses M C Dickerson president of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Ogden Hotel Mens association Rome
Miller president pr sldent of the Northwestern
Hotel Mens association Kink Harris of
San Francisco Hugo Berg of Raton J
M Kelley Denver and Frank Ewlns
formerly president pre k1ent of the National Hotel
Mens association a880 Iatioo are among the speak speakers ¬
ers on the program
Delighted Audience Listens to Play ¬ i iiug
ing of Louis Siegel and Francis FrancisHendriks FrancisHendriks FrancisHendriks
Hendriks HendriksAt
At the First Congregational church last lastnight lastnight lastnight
night a delighted audience listened to the theplaying theplaJ1ng theplaying
playing of an artist Louis Slegel JIegelhose Slegelwhose legelwhose
whose hose selections upon the violin violinwon violinwon Iollnwon
won enthusiastic applause His mas ¬
tery of his Instrument was shown shownIn
In the first number a Grieg Griegsonata Grlegsonata Orlegsonata
sonata for the violin and piano with withthree withthree withthree
three characteristic movements that were weremost weremost weremost
most effectively rendered The second secondnumber secondnumber secondnumber
number was a most pleasing one and andproved andproVEd andproved
proved Mr Siegel to be a master of tech technique technique technlque ¬
nique niqueThe niqueThe nlqueThe
The etudes played by b Francis Hen Hendrlks Hendriks Hendriks
driks pianist as the third number were wererendered wererendered wererendered
rendered with exquisite feeling and a per perfection perfection perfection ¬
fection of technique that easily ranks him himamong himamong himamong
among the leading pianists of the time timeIn timeIn timeIn
In his second appearance as a soloist all allof aUof allof
of the numbers were delightfully given giventhe giventhe giventhe
the etude in thirds for the left hand being beingespecially beingespeclaUJ beingespecially
especially effective effectiveIn
In the fourth number on the program programMr
Mr Siegel Sle el was accompanied by his cous cousin cousin cousin ¬
in Miss Pearl Rothschild a local mu musician muBlclan musiclan ¬
sician of note Her excellent work as an anaccompanist anaccompanist anaccompanist
accompanist was of the same high order orderas
as her solo work has been The program programclosed promamclo programclosed
closed clo ed with a difficult concerto in E ma major major major ¬
jor in which Mr Siegel proved himself himselfworthy himselfworthy himselfworthy
worthy of the praise bestowed upon him himby himby himby
by his teacher Ysaye
An audit of the books of the Stae StaeBoard StaeBoard StaeBoard
Board of Land Commissioners is now be being beIng being ¬
ing made by J A Edwards former state stateauditor stateauditor stateauditor
auditor under und the direction of Will H HFarnsworth HFarnsworth HFarnsworth
Farnsworth secretary of the land board boardIt
It is the first time these books have ever everbeen everbeen everbeen
been audited auditedThere auditedThere iuditedThpre
There is nothing wrong with the books booksso
so far as I know said Mr Farnsworth Farnsworthyesterday Farnsworthye Farnsworthyesterday
yesterday ye terday We want to have them all allstraightened aUstral allstraightened
straightened stral htene out and to start the new newsystem newsystem newsystem
system I inaugurated It is done more to toprotect toprotect toprotect
protect me than anyone else elseThe elseThe elseThe
The work will probably keep Mr Ed Edwards Edwards Edwards ¬
wards for a month or more but when whencompleted whencompleted whencompleted
completed there will be a complete audit auditof
of the books from 1S96 1 6 to the present presenttime presenttime presenttime
time Hereafter the books will be audited auditedevery auditedevery auditedevery
every year ye r
As a means of awakening interest in inthe inthe Inthe
the library and gymnasium movement in inUtah InUtah inUtah
Utah a meeting m ettng will be neld at the Uni University University Univeralty ¬
versity of Utah Thursday at 2 oclock oclockGovernor oclockGovernor oclockGovernor
Governor William Spry will lll talk about aboutthe aboutthe aboutthe
the hopes of the Utah Library Llbrar and Gym Gymnasium Gmnaslum Gymnasium ¬
nasium commission appointed by the last laststate laststate laststate
state legislature lc > Howard R Driggs Is Issecretary Issecretary issecretary
secretary of the commission commh slon and is one oneof oneof oneof
of the leaders in the movement for libra libraries libraries libraries ¬
ries and gymnisiuins in the schools of ofUtah ofUtah ofUtah
Utah Many of the smaller cities have havebecome haebecome havebecome
become interested The commission is iscomposed iscompo iscomposed
composed compo td of Prof W V M Stewart presi president president president ¬
dent Prof George H Thomas vice ice pros president pre3khmt proskient ¬
ident Dr E G Gowans John S Welch Welchand Welchand Yelchand
and John M Mills
Only one bid was received by b the state stateland stateland stateland
land board for land under the Hatch Hatchtown Hatchtown Hatchtown
town reservoir project in Garfield county countylast countyIlIst countylast
last week and that one was turned down downby downby downby
by the board The board ruled that as
6000 6 o acres of land are to be fed by canals canalsfrom canalsfrom canalsfrom
from the reservoir zothing less than than3UO thanacres than2U0
3UO acres will 111 be sold at one time Secre Secretary Secretary Secretary ¬
tary Will H Farnsworth believes there therewill therewill therewill
will be a great demand for It ItThe ItThe itThe
The board today will probably decide decideto
to advertise the land in the east and have havea
a sale later laterM
M M Stsele St le and Secretary Farnsworth Farnsworthbrought Farnsworthbrought Farnsworthbrought
brought back from the Panguitch fair fairsome fairsome fairsome
some fine fruit
The Indian war veterans commission commissionmet
met In the office of the secretary of state stateyeterday stateye stateyesterday
yesterday ye terda and will remain in Salt Lake Lakeduring
during conference confr < 1ce week w ek to gain more morename mOfnamea morenames
name for their records The committee committeebag committefinished
bag finished its work in Salt Lake
Utah Sanpete San J > f te Wasatch and Juab coun counties counties counties ¬
ties and will leave the first of next week weekfor weeefor weekfor
for Huntington Emery county count Already Al read
1100 names have h ve b bt beer en T placed upon the thebacks thohook thebooks
backs and at least 500 more are expected
Lecturer of American Institute Instituteof
of Archaeology Delivers an anInteresting anInteresting anInteresting
Interesting Address AddressDr
Dr Edgar L Hewett director of the theAmerican th thAmerican theAmerican
American Institute of Archaeology de delivered delivered delivered ¬
livered an interesting lecture Monday Mondaynight Mondaynight Mondaynight
night at Barratt hall on the subject of ofThe orThe ofThe
The Excavations at Puye giving in indetail Inc1etAll indetail
detail the results of the explorations car carried carried carned ¬
ried on by theinstitute during the last lastsummer lastsummer lastsummer
summer in the region formerly peopled peopledby
by the cliff dwellers in New Mexico The Thelecture Thelectire lhelect
lecture lect re was illustrated by many views viewstaken viewstaken viewstaken
taken on the field and showed d the dwell dwellings dwenInSS dwellIngs ¬
ings of this ancient people as uncovered uncoveredby
by b tho exploring parties partiesThe partiesThe partiesThe
The lecture was given under the aus auspices auspices aimpices ¬
pices of the Utah Archaeological society societywhich societywhioh societywhich
which Is a branch of the institute There Therewas Therewas Therewas
was a large audience present the room roombeing roombeing roombeing
being well filled when the lecturer began beganhis
his address shortly after 830 p m Dr DrHewett DIHwett DrIhwett
Hewett was introduced by b Professor ProfessorByron ProfessorByron ProfessorByron
Byron Cummmgs of the university who whocalled whocalled whocalled
called attention to the fact that the lec lecturer lecturer iccturer ¬
turer was not a stranger in Salt Lake Lakehaving Lakehaving Lakehaving
having been here on two or three pre previous previous previous ¬
vious occasions to lecture lectureDr
Dr Hewett Introduced his lecture by byreferring byreCerring byreferring
referring to the researches which had hadbeen hadbeen hadbeen
been carried on in former years by b the theInstitute theInstitute theinstitute
Institute In foreign lands followed by bythe bythe bythe
the explorations of the American School Schoolof
of Archaeology embracing researches on onthe onthe onthe
the American continent He spoke of the theexplorations theexploraUons theexplorations
explorations in Mexico and Central Amer America America America ¬
ica and mentioned the fact that it is in intended intended intended ¬
tended to take up the study of the north northwest northwest northwest ¬
west including Alaska and the Aleutian Aleutianislands Aleutianislands AleutianIslands
islands H3 H then referred to the work in inthe Inthe inthe
the southwestern part of the United UnitedStates UnitedStates UnitedStates
States and to the importance of the ex expedition expedition cxpedition ¬
pedition conducted by Professor Cum Cummlngs Cummings Cummings
mings this year paying ylng that the Utah Utahbranch Utahbranch Utahbranch
branch of the institute has been one of ofthe otthe ofthe
the most active in field work workDr workDr workDr
Dr Hewett then took up his main sub subject subject subject ¬
ject and told of the excavations made on onthe onthe onthe
the Puye mesa near Santa Fe N M 1 The Thelecturer Thelecturer Thelecturer
lecturer had a large number of Interest Interesting Interesting interesting ¬
ing pictures of the work and explained explainedthe
the details in an Interesting Int resUng manner
The First battalion of the Fifteenth Fifteenthregiment Fifteenthregiment Fifteenthregiment
regiment at Fort Douglas left Monday Mondayfor
for a three days practice march to Warm WarmSprings WarmSprlng WarmSprings
Springs The Second battalion will fol follow follow follow ¬
low Thursday Colonel Scott Major May MayMajor MayMajor IayMajor
Major Arrowsmith Major Purviance and andMajor andIajor andMajor
Major Rowan left Monday to participate participatein
in the ninetymile endurance test ordered orderedby
by the government The trip will Include IncludeNephi IncludeNephl includeNephi
Nephi Lehi and other points in that thatneighborhood thatneighborhood thatneighborhood
neighborhood neighborhoodLieutenant neighborhoodLieutenant neighborhoodLieutenant
Lieutenant Adams on Monday succeed succeeded ¬
ed Lieutenant Elliott in command of ofcompany ofcompany ofcompany
company H Lieutenant Elliott having havingbeen havingbecn havingbeen
been transferred to another company
Mary Dorr thought she had found a aneat aneat aneat
neat little windfall when she discovered discovereda
a trunkful of valuable Haviland china chinasilverware chinasilverware chinasilverware
silverware and silks in the attic of a ahouse ahouse ahouse
house she had rented from Mrs Mabel MabelLong MabelLong MabelLong
Long who is now the complaining wit witness witness witness ¬
ness in a larceny charge under which whichMary whichMary whichMary
Mary Dorr was arrested yesterday Mrs MrsLong MrsLong MrsLong
Long alleges that the goods had been beenleft beenleft beenleft
left In the attic as a place of storage storageand
and that Mrs Irs Dorr was well aware of ofthis ofthis ofthis
Because Georgia Kid and George Al Aldrich Aldrich Aldrich
drich well known character In police policecourt poUcecourt policecourtf
court were found sleeping off the re results resulls resuits ¬
suits of drink in the rear of the La Lagoon Lagoon Lagoon ¬
goon bar Sunday morning they were wereheld wereheld wereheld
held at the police station under suspi suspicion suspicion suspicion ¬
cion of having participated in the rob robbery robbery robbery ¬
bery of that place Saturday night The Thepolice Thepolice Thepolice
police court judge gave them ten days dayseach dayseach dayseach
each in the city jail during which time timethe timethe timethe
the police will attempt to bring charges chargesof
of burglary against them
WORKERS MEET MEHMissionaries MEETMissionaries
Missionaries Enjoy Social Pro Program Program Program ¬
gram and Music in Pioneer PioneerStake PioneerStake PioneerStake
Stake Hall HallOne
One of the Interesting features connect connected ¬
ed with the conference session in this city citywas citywas citywas
was the semiannual reunion of the theSwedish theSwedish theSwedish
Swedish missionaries and Saints of the theMormon theMOrmon theMormon
Mormon church which took place pla e Mon Monday Monday Monday ¬
day night at Pioneer Stake hall In Fifth FifthSouth FIfthSouth FifthSouth
South street The hall was well filled filledwhen Olledwhen filledwhen
when the exercises began last evening eveningabout eveningabout eveningabout
about 500 persons being In attendance attendanceThe
The musical portion of the program was wasfurnished wasfurnl wasfurnished
furnished furnl hed chiefly by the choir from the theSwedish thoSwedish theSwedish
Swedish meeting house of Ensign stake stakeunder stakeunder stakeunder
under the leadership of Director Johnson Johnsonthe
the members of Jhe he choir having been beencalled beencalted beencalled
called in for the occasion I The program programincluded programIncluded programincluded
included an address by A F Rundquist Rundquistof
of West Jordan a piano solo sol > by A B C COlsen COlsen COlsen
Olsen a humorous recitation by Oscar W WSoderberg WI WSoderberg
Soderberg and a reading by Miss Hannah HannahLundquist HannahLundquist HannahLundquist
I Lundquist LundquistThe
The formal program was followed by bythe bythe bythe
the serving of ice cream and cake and andthose andthose andthose
those present then spent a portion of the theevening theevening theevening
evening in a social way wa The officers of oftho ofthe ofthe
the organization who were elected last lastspring lastspring lastspring
spring to serve one year ear are as follows followsCharles followsCharles followsCharles
Charles E Forsberg president L LDahlqulst LDahlquist LDahiquist
Dahlqulst vice ice president G L Larsen Larsentreasurer Larsentrlasurer Larsentreasurer
treasurer John Runswlck assistant assistanttreasurer assistanttreasurer assistanttreasurer
treasurer A N Nordvall secretary El Elmer EImer Elmer ¬
mer Johnson assistant secretary
4 While Frank Henderson was work workf workIng working +
+ f ing on the roof of a new house at ati atSeventh + fSeventh
+ Seventh East and Tenth South Southstreets Southstreets Southstreets +
i + streets yesterday he slipped on the thesteep thesteep + fII
II + steep slope and slid earthward earthwardshouting 4 4shouting f
4 shouting for help as he neared the theedge theedge theedge +
+ edge edgeGeorge edgeGeorge + f
+ George Hansen who was at work workIn workI +
+ In the second floor hearing the theshouts theshouts + f fshouts
+ < > shouts ran ra to a window in time to tosee tosee tosee +
I + see Hendersons body dropping from fromthe fromthe fromthe +
+ < > the roof Seizing a support with one onehand 4 f
4 hand Hansen leaned out of the win wlndow window +
4 + dow and threw his arm about Hen Henderson 4
4 derson as he was falling failinglhe + f
4 + The strain was terrible but Han Hansen lienson
4 sen finally pulled Henderson through throughthe f
4 the window anl to safety > Hansen Hansenthas Hanflenhas
thas + 4 has a badly wrenched shoulder and andarm andm andu andarm
+ arm m + t tM
M + t + + M + M M + M t + M M + + H444 + + + + + 44 t + + 4
SixtyFive Prominent Lumbermen LumbermenEnjoy LumbermenEnjoy LumbermenEnjoy
Enjoy Annual Feast FeastSixtyfive FeastSixtyfive FeastSixtyfive
Sixtyfive members of the order of ofHooHoos ofHooHoos ofHooHoos
HooHoos which is composed of lumber lumbermen Jumbermen lumbermen ¬
men of the state enjoyed their annual annualbanquet annualbanquet annualbanquet
banquet at the Commercial club last lastnight lastnight lastnight
night There were present representatives representativesof
of the big lumber companies of Salt Lake LakeOgden LakeOgden LakeOgden
Ogden Logan Provo and other cities of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the state stateIn atateIn stateIn
In order that the outoftown members membersof
of the HooHoos organization might be beable beable beable
able to leave their home towns after the thedays theclays thedays
days work was over and still be in time timefor timefor timefor
for the big banquet the hour for their theirconvening theirconenlng theirconvening
convening at the club was set for 1030 1030oclock 1030oclock 1030oclock
oclock oclockThe oclockThe oclockThe
The tables were arranged in the form formof
of a square taking up the entire space of
the large dining room in the Commercial Commercialclub
club During the serving of the banquet banquetthe
the Philharmonic orchestra seated in the thesmall thesmall thesmall
small banquet raom adjoining rendered renderedpleasing remlerelpleasing renderedpleasing
pleasing selections Irele tI1s
GETS TEN YEARS FOR OR 4 4Ambrose 4Ambrose 4Ambrose
Ambrose Donellan Who Robbed Cui Cullen Cuilen CuiS
S len Hotel Clerk Is Sentenced SentencedAmbrose ScntencedAmbrose SentencedAmbrose
Ambrose Donellan convicted of robbery robber robberlast
last Thursday was yesterday sentenced sentencedto
to ten years in the penitentiary by Judge
T D Lewis Donellan held up Frank B BCrocker BCrocker BCrocker
Crocker a cook at the Cullen hotel on
March 20 O last and got 31 1 Another rob ¬
bery complaint against him was dis dismissed dismissed dismissed ¬
missed Donellan once served three years
In the Industrial school 5 < hool In California
The attendanpe at the classes study ¬
ing the Ancient Wisdom and A
Primer of Theosophy keeps up In a avery avery avery
very satisfactory manner There were werenearly werenearly werenearly
nearly as many present on last Mon Monday Monday Monday ¬
day evening as attended the first night
These classes meet on Monday oven
ings at 8 sharp In the basement basementof
of Unity hall and those attending Incur Incurno
no expense or obligation of any sort
What shall be said of The Third De Degree Degree Dcgree ¬
gree To sum it up in a few words it itis ItIs itIs
is superb It is a play woven around pos possible possible possible ¬
sible characters and in the hands of a acapable acapable acapable
capable company companysuch such as appeared at the theSalt theSalt theSalt
Salt Lake theatre last night nightIt It is filled filledwith tIl1tdwith filledwith
with interest from the first act to the thelast thelast thelast
last four acts of splendid situations The Theplay Theplay Theplay
play is as strong as The Lion and the theMouse th thMouse theMouse
Mouse by the same author and allows allowsthe sllOWSthe showsthe
the versatility of Charles Klein as a dra dramatic dramatic dciimatic ¬
matic writer i Through it all there stands standsout standsout standsout
out prominently the story of a womans womansdevotion womansdevotion womansdevotion
devotion and selfsacrifice for the love of ofa ofa ofa
a man In the hands of such a capable capableartist capableartist capableartist
artist as Fernande Eltscu the character characterof
of Annie Jeffries loses nothing She has hasthe hasthe hasthe
the audience with her from the start and andwas andwas andwas
was compelled to respond to several cur curtain curtain curtam ¬
tain tam calls Nor was she alone in her act actIng actIng acting
Ing The company is a wellbalanced on onand onand one oneand
and each member is worthy the highest highestpraise highestpraise highestpraise
praise It is well to particularise in the thecase thecase thecase
case of Miss Mi s EIlscu because around the thecharacter thecharacter thecharacter
character she sustains is woven almost the theentire theentire theentire
entire story storya a womans devotion a love lovethat lovethat lovethat
that is pure and holy holyeven even in the face faceof faceof faceof
of seeming insurmountable obstacles obstaclesThe
The house was a splendid tribute to the thecompany tilecompany thecompany
company the public seeming to under understand understand understand ¬
stand that what comes from the pen of ofCharles ofCharles ofCharles
Charles Klein must be of the best and in inthis Inthis inthis
this instance they the w were re not disappointed disappointedThe
The play runs the entire week with mat matinees matinees matinees ¬
inees on Wednesday and Saturday SaturdayIN
From a vaudeville sketch to a comedy comedyfantasy oomedyfantasy comedyfantasy
fantasy In Dreamland has developed developedsince developedsince developedsince
since last season Emmet Devoy au author author author ¬
thor and star has originality and an un unusual unusual Unusual ¬
usual bump of humor and his present presentproduction presentproduction presentproduction
production is quite out of the ordinary ordinaryOriginality ordinaryOriginality ordinaryOriginality
Originality is not rare in vaudeville and andthe andthe andthe
the course taken by Mr Devoy in giving givingan
an elaborate setting for a former vaude vaudeville vaudeville vaudeyule ¬
ville success might m ht if followed oftener oftenerlessen oCtenerlessen oftenerlessen
lessen the number of frightful stupidities stupiditiesthat
that crowd the stage today The piece piecehas piecehas piecehas
has a new sort of wit and Is not only onlyclever onlycleer onlyclever
clever but Is cleverly presented presentedIt
It has a plot or at least a connected connectedpurpose connectedpUrpose connectedpUrpose
purpose not conmon to this sort Of Ofcomedy ofcomedy ofcomedy
comedy Clever lines are not lost In a aserious aserious aSerious
serious setting though that seems to be bethe bethe bethe
the popular Idea To teach Bob Ham Hammond Hammonc1 Hammond ¬
mond to love his wife unselfishly unself1 hly he is ispersonally ispersonal1y Ispersonally
personally conducted by Venus on a tour tourthrough tourthrough tourthrough
through Hades The underworld Is fea featured featured featured ¬
tured in a wholly new way black art artand artand artand
and the magic of Hermann contributing contributinto
to the mysterious effects Cloudland Cloudlandpresents Cloudlandpresenb Cioudlanpresents
presents an exquisite picture of a sort of ofevening ofevening ofevening
evening goddess seated in the horns of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the new moon The goddess s who is Miss MissataiIe
Natalie ataiIe Jerome sings in The Evening
Star in a charming manner Her voice
Is sweet and she is herself enchantingly
prtty pr tt In the less fantastic scenes she sheplays sheplas sheplays
plays the part of Mrs 18 Hammond and
is a serious little wife to her scapegrace scapegraceof
of a husband Another remarkably hand handsome handsome handsome ¬
some woman is Miss Hermlne Stone St ne As
Venus she is capital When she becomes becomesmortal becomesmortal becomesmortal
mortal she Is more feminine than the themortals themortals themortals
mortals themselves and her initiation
into the ways of women woinen Is a funmaking
episode that is particularly enjoyed enjo d Re Resuming Resumin Resuming ¬
suming sumin the role of goddess she unites
the unhappy lovers and disappears Some Somestartling Somestartling Somestartling
startling scenic nlc and electrical effects are arealone ar aralone arealone
alone worth the price of admission and
the production is on a moet elaborate elaboratescale elaboratescale Iaboratescale
scale scaleMr scalellr scaleMr
Mr Devoy is as excellent In his part
as star as he was in originating the play
He is intelligent and possesses real hu humor humor bumor ¬
mor which Is wholly different from the
horseplay of many of the socalled come ¬
dies This is Mr Devoys first appear ¬
ance in the stellar roles outside of vaude ¬
ville and it is to be hoped that he has
come into his own He was ablv sup ¬
ported by a capable capa le company His clever cleveriun
fun was seconded by b William Hurst who
played pla ed Tommy Hammonds valet valetMRS va valetMRS Jet JetMRS
J S Hammond the th New York the theatrical ¬
atrical agent air en t who has been ornnlnir t tSalt tn tnSalt tnSalt
Salt Lake for several severalye8nll years yea yeaof in advance d dof
of leading firstclass attractions arrived
in town yesterday Mr Hammond to now
Mrs Leslie Carters representative and
is here to attend to the preliminary de ¬
tails of the great American stars en engagement ensa engagement ¬
gagement sa ement at the Salt LaKe theatre next nextweek nextweek nextweek
week He was ahead of The Alaskan
two years ago alO and ushered in The
Clansman last year two productions productionswhich productionwhloh productionswhich
which made good ood strongly with local
theatregoers Mr Ira Carters opening bill billwill bUiwill billwill
will be Vasta Herne the new fouract fouractplay fourtictpJa fouractplay
play pJa of presentday life In New York
City CIt which Edward Peple wrote special ¬
ly I for her Mr Peple will m be remem remembered remembered remembored ¬
bered as the author of The Prince PrinceChap PrinceChap
Another large audience filled the Or Orpheum Orpheum Orpheum
pheum theatre last night and with the thenumber thenumber thenumber
number of visitors who are In the city citythe citythe citythe
the house will probably be packed at ev every every every ¬
ery performance p < throughout the week weekWorld weekVorld weekWorld
World and Kingston are keeping the theopinions theopinions theopinions
opinions that were formed about them themSunday themSunday themSunday
Sunday night and their operatic selec selection seeclion selection ¬
tion is Isa a big hit Miss Kingston is the thepossessor thepossessor thepossessor
possessor of an excellent voice which she sheIs sheIs sheis
Is using to good ood advantage every per performance performance performance ¬
formance The Curzon Sisters St te18 have the thesensational thetensatlonal thesensational
sensational act of the bill and their won wonderful wonderful wonderful ¬
derful and charming act will prove one oneof oneor oneof
of the biggest drawing cards the Orpheum Orpheumhas
has had this season There will be a amatinee amaUnee amatinee
matinee today at 215 15 and daily during duringthe
the week
Seats go on sale Thursday morning morningOct
Oct 7 at the Colonial theatre for sub subscribers subscribers subscribers ¬
scribers to two or more of the operas to tobe tobe tobe
be given by the International Grand GrandOpera GrandOlHrR GrandOpera
Opera company Fedora will be sung sungon
on Thursday Oct 14 Lucia on Friday FridayCarmen IorldayCarmen FridayCarmen
Carmen for the t e matinee Saturday an and a01La andLa J JLa
La Travlata Camllle for the fare farewell farewell ¬
well performance Saturday evening eveningIt
It is not often that the th lesser cities citiesare cltIoare citiesare
are favored with a complete production productionof
of the master works in grand opera Mr MrEdwards llrEdwards MrEdwards
Edwards however seems to be delivering deliveringexceptional deliveringexceptional
exceptional grand opera at rasonabl rasonablprices rfasonablprices riasonableprices
prices Judging Ju ng from the criticism of ofnewspapers ofnewspapers ofnewspapers
newspapers In < n other cities he has suc succeeded succeeded succeeded ¬
ceeded In delivering d grand opera in a amanner amaniter
manner which has not only delighted delightedaudiences dellphtedaudien delightedaudiences
audiences audien < < s but ho called forth the high highest highest higheat ¬
est praise from those who krow in inthings Inthinll8 inthings
things musical musl 1 The engagement of thic thicorganisation thI4organlastion
organization here ll > re shortly Is one on which whichthe whichthe whichthe
the local management is to be congratu congratulated congratulated congratulated ¬
lated as it w VU < ll give music lovers an op opportunity opportunity opportunity ¬
portunity to hear a number of grand grandoperas crandoperas grandoperas
operas sung In their entirety and by art artists artIsts artists ¬
ists of more than ordinary ability Mall Mallorders MaUorders Mailorders
orders ar now being heln received
John B Campbell reached Salt Lake Lakelast LakeJast Lakelast
last night to arrange for the appearance appearanceof
of The Girl from Rectors at the Colo Colonial Colonial Cobnial ¬
nial th theatre atrn beginning Sunday night nightnext nightnext nightnext
next Mr Campbell is a son of Bartley
Campbell the famous playwright playwrightBUNGALOW playwrightBUNGALOW playwrightBUNGALOW
That Salt Lake really reall has a stock com company compan cornpany ¬
pany pan of which It may be proud is being beingdemonstrated beingdemonstrated beingdemonstrated
demonstrated every e ry day at the Bungalow Bungalowtheatre Bungalowtheatre Bungalowtheatro
theatre Clyde > Fitchs only true western westernplav WE8ternvIa westernplay
play vIa The Cowboy and th ° Lady Is a
roverfailing source of delight and al always always always ¬
ways attracts large audiences The Bqn Bungalow Bqngalow Bqngalow ¬
galow Stock company com pan is giving a splendid splendidpresentation splendidpresentation splendidpresentation
presentation of it with everything that thatcould thatcould thatcould
could be desired In the way of scenic ef effects effects effects ¬
fects and with a full cast which is ad admirably admirably admirably ¬
mirably suited to the play There was wasanother wuanother wasanother
another large audience last evening with witha
a good advance sale for the remainder of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the week There will be matinees on onThursday 011i onThursday
i Thursday and Saturday
The concert to be given in the taber tabernacle tabernacl tabernacle ¬
nacle tonight by Alfred Beat and assist assisting assisting t tIng ¬
ing artists promises to be well attended attendedand attendedand
and a success in every way wa This will be boMr beMr beMr
Mr Bests only Salt Lake appearance appearanceas
as he leaves in a few days with a con concert concert concart ¬
cert party on a tour of the northwest northwestand
and upon his return will 111 go direct to Ger Germany Germany Germany ¬
many to take up his work under his man manager manager manager ¬
ager there with whom he has a contract contractfor
for the next three seasons seasonsAt
At the concert tonight Mr Best will be beassisted bPassisted beassisted
assisted by Professor J J McClellan at atthe atthe atthe
the organ and Wlllard Welhe In two yio yiolln vio violin yb ybun
lln solos The tabernacle choir will sing singthe singthe singthe
the two numbers prepared for the Seattle Seattleeisteddfod SeattJelitteddfod Seattleeiteddfod
Returned Missionaries and Friends FriendsFrom FriendsFrom FriendsFrom
From England Spend Profitable Profitableand
and Enjoyable Evening EveningThe
The meeting of the London conference conferencein Ii I
in the basement of the Fourteenth wari warichapel war warchapel warichapel i
chapel last night was attended by several severalhundred seeralhundred severalhundred
hundred English persons and returned returnedmissionaries rpturnedmissionaries returnedmissionaries
missionaries who have labored In London Londonand Londonand Londonand
and vicinity The evening was entirely entirelyInformal entirelyIn entirelyinformal
In Informal niusical programs refreshments refreshmentsand
and short talks in the nature of toasts toastsbeing toastsbeing toastsbeing
being mingled haphazardly haphazardlyReminiscence baphazardlyReminiscence haphazardlyReminiScence
Reminiscence of the old country and andmissionary andmissionary andmissionary
missionary experiences were ere In ord order ordrdu orderduring r rduring
during du lng the evening eveningLatest eeningLatest eveningLatest
Latest reports from the London mission missionfields mls missionfields ion ionfleJds
fields were touched upon as indicative of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the continued progress of the Mormon Mormonchurch Mormonchurch Mormonchurch
church In foreign fields and several rr rrcently recently cccently
cently returned r missionaries told of the thework thework thework
work in London as It is now being car carried carried carclod ¬
ried on

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