OCR Interpretation

The Salt Lake herald-Republican. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1909-1918, December 15, 1909, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058140/1909-12-15/ed-1/seq-1/

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32 i THE METALS Answering want ads is i WeathW I
I Silver 52 i8 wisest use for spare time
Pages Copper oath 13i8c and the thing for which Today I
lead per 100 Ibs 443 1IETRL4EiIJD it it wisest to spare Fair
time II I I
Vol 1ter11ountajn I 1 No IS Republican SALT LAKE CITY UTAH WEDNESDAY DEC 15 1909 Price 5 Cent The Salt Lake Herald
Vo UVi Nc 1
Also to Senators and Represen
tatives and Governors of
Sttas in Which the United
States Steel Co Has Plants
All National and International
1ions l i in America Called I
Ipon to Lend Assistance in I
the Great Struggle at Hand
Pittitaf Dee 14War was for
mally declared upon the United States
Steel oorporation by leaders of organ
ized labor throughout the United
States and Canada at the close of a
two days conference today The de
cision to battle against the stand tak
en by the steel corporation in its
policy of open shop was reached by
the labor conferees after hews af de
At ilip Conference Pamuel Gompero
jjivsidiit of the American Federation
uf Labor I presided and through him
the measure was put upon the record
hook < > t the executive council of the
1 dfr linll
Th < grievance of organized labor
i niiist = the steel Miration as set
Iurth 1 in tii > resolution have been tvi
vtrlfu 1 to President Taft to the Unit
i 1 SiaU senate and to the lioaae of
< I revinativts Governor of the states
in which tin Inited States Strvl 1 cor
p 1 > ratii onus plants or has irtorests
Iso v i r II i h i upi The resolution
1 Li 1 1 > iliovs
Resolution Adopted
A i MN ill the Ttiis i lauur h
M I = flu giganti trust the United
Sit i sr l corporation is using Us
j iH Y aith and power in an effort to
job ti toilers of their right of Amri
tni l iiimhond und of the opportunity lo
i > sxt iL > lurther ruachmen Grown
rich > ih I I consent iif the peo i of eur
couiKy this corporation in its nui I
jiced ior till greater riches Hq i <
inside makes and unmakes law it > < n
o tor Hint executois and is i now ei
iee < i ill an effort to uestroy the only I
iictoi tin organizations of Its tIl
jiiye ti ding between it and < tdni
itid iiiiheiked and unbridled indu
niai I political I J social and inoval rar
iag I it r tlieiv exists ny virile ovr
in OUr Ihw and 1 life to check the abo
lute i itocrrttie I domina lion of civic in
I oltr l Hid political life of our people
< l 11 n i public it must be found in
v k iinaable I will and mission of the
ir iiih ii > uinlfr lood an rnisrepresiH I
eii iiptmzaiionp of labor
AJlege War on Labor
TI iiited States Hteei corporal i
1n d I Li I t d 1 war on labor I In its <
i rt t ioui is this corporation ha iie i
t fed thai i he only obstacle to its 0011
IJI etc ¼ v < y rgtmiJHd labor shall be I
< Tushd I The labor organizations con
sist its mploves till workers their
> ivet 1101 l little oneiM human flesh and 1
blood It I t is i by then labor that they
live I Uit have no purpose other than
> tItgii e dig their lives their charac i
ter f ir I uture I th < safety of the ri i
piibM nd humanity
TL iaitors niv confront each
other Ky I heir i purpose attitude and
action ut they be judged I
Oi I u i t 1 l lo9 the I United i States
Steel i I ritii i n proclaimed its decree
of hnMtv I tuvard t labor The right of
110 v M to associate for their com
mon j i t > n was no longer to be
i cog tolerated Accompanying I
Continued on page six
Who will lead the fight against the
open shop order of the Steel cor j i
c +
Head of the United States Steel cor
Belgian Monarch Survives
Operation and Is Both
Cheerful and Hopeful
Brussels Dec 14King leopold today underwent a most serious
operation and astounded science by the manner in which he withstood it
His remarkable recuperative powers manifested thamselves dirwtly he
r eonsoiousness and the optimistic spirit which he has shown
fltrrognoHt his illness Turned tohfi1He expressed satisfoTfoii VTieh
tefemed of deteik of the operation which was for relief of simple ob
I tICti ft of the intestines <
Tonight the king is making a phuy
fight for life He was even strong
enough to sign the new military law just
passed by the senate But the battle has
not been completely won It is under
stood that the real feeling of his physi
cians and household is not so hopeful an
official bulletins would indicate The
crisis probably will last three days There
is a possibility that the intestine wUl be
gripped by paralysis danger that al
ways couses anxiety on the part of sur
geons and in that event a recurrerbe
of the obstruct is likely and another
operation necessary
l opold emerged from the operation
with a regular pulse and cheerful He
was so talkative that the doctors were
obliged to warn him after which the pa
tient fell into a light refreshing slumber
The condition of his majesty tonight is
stated to be satisfactory
Minister Wilsons Audience
The last member of the diplomatic corps
in see King Lcopold was the American
minister Henry Lune Wilson who was
received u fortnight ago on a farewell
visit preparatory to his departure to hit
IKW post in Mexico
The audienc was most interesting The
king was in thiS gaytst of spirits greet
ing Mr Wilson and his wife with great
cordiality Following his habit when In
good humor he conversed in English in
which he is an adept and expressed re
jrret that the minister was leaving He
spoke in admiration of Mr Taft refer
ring to him as a great leader and a great
He asked the minister to convey bin
respects to the President with wishes of
a continued successful administration I
Then he added laughingly
But I do hope the Inited States will i
change from her drastic attitude on I
Complained of Rheumatism
The king complained that he was both I
ered l with rheumatism but he looked well
When alluding to Leopolds bed foot
Mis Wilson suggested like AchlJlea you
are vulnerable only in your heel the
king laughed heartily He said he was
eager to return to Paris to resume etc
trical treatment in which be had the ut
most confidence
The gravity of the kings illness be
came apparent only a few day ago and
whils an operation was finally decided
upon as Imperative the fact that the king
was unable to retain nourishment and
thereby lost strength rapidly gave rise
to serious doubts as to his ability to with
stand the shock
The Heir Presumptive
In view of the condition of the king In
terest is concentrated upon Prinee Albert
Leopold heirpresumptive sou of the late
Count of Elandera King Leopolds bro
ther Prince Albert Is a striking contrast
Continued on Page Two
Tilt Between Messrs Payne and
Fitzgerald and a Speech by
Captain Hobson
Washington Dec 14 Taking up the Presidents annual massage to
congress the house at TepreteataJtives today went through the formality
of referring it and iistritating it among the various committees
Mr I > I vno brought in the resolu
tion fr ri 11 icc offered an amendment
I ruvMiiiw t it those t paragraphs < relating
to ap 1 1IiS be r terred to what hv
< is the sleiig committees j
t Xi < li > I uII oxpeudiiurfs of which I
iliere i on iir I cuh department j i
Kxplaiiii his i ameiiiaent Mr Payne j I
lo 1 the ist time in ny recollection I
a President III wise and well chosn
word 1 < d > j > iiitd our the necessity I
fconon in exptnditniv in the varicis I
KcveriKiH in I liiarnncci
lKi I M 1 itZKiait I New York n I
1rIIPI I Mr I Paym t < iucstion him
a Iut ii i anifiidnieni tf Republican i
I adoI Ktiary exilaili < 1 I
TIll Ktinliiiuii fn i NV yrk can
licve Kiel d I of I the I Lit iiiiecnt is i
trying t Imodwink f 1y 1
I inn Mciy I my c an ir vcr
pt rid if tn idea of f MK in < Zl
Kiineboiy viiii his resolutions was Mr
FilZAdd i UII i 1 Tin amendment and
the n olut were adopted
Val 1 i > utijireparediioHS
fr W liy Representative
liobs ii extended si ceil
Ilo f av I naxal i h >
JiS I C i L 11l I a
Pt 01 a
Ul advQ 1 I
icy particularly affecting the Mississippi
rive and Its tributaries
Representative McDermott Illinois
spoke briefly in favor of free wood pulp
The District of Columbia appropriation
F 1 iIi carrying an appropriation of more
than SluuOOOOO for expenses of the district
in the I fiscal year of 1911 was reported as
vtre also several invalid pension bills
Tist latter were read and passed
Tie 1 house today agreed to tak recess
i ext Tuesday over the holidays voting
to reconvene on Tuesday January 4 I
At 17 II i m the house adjourned until
Special to The HeraldRepublican
Wasliintiton Dec HMr and Mrs
Caleb Sunmierhayfc of Salt Lake are visit
ing in Washington Mr Sumnisrhays 19
icturiiing i ftan Kitliiiid aiol was met m
New York by his wife
Representative How1 has introduced a
bill providing for pensions for soldiers of
tip Klackhdwk Indian wars and for the
widows of these veterans A scale is pro
ided by which a suldiir Oi years old will
gt M 1 per month eurs old n 1 and
7 c > < > li 1 tJt Any 1 veteran may be
I i rH I II ti t1 Pl Ir it l
i 10 ii iw l lesre it
Senator Smoot Favors Plan to En
large Forest Reserve Suggested by
the Weber Club of Ogden
Special to The raldRepublks
Ogden Dec 14 Senator lived Smoot
favors the plan of the Ogden Weber
club to annex portions of the ranges
at the headwatera of the Olden river I
to the Cache valley forest reserve In
a letter addressed to A R Heywood
president of the club Senator Smuot j
says that It there are no serious ob j I
jections presented by sheep and cattle j
Interests the recommendation will be j I
made to President Taft in the near J
future j
At a recent meeting of the Weber i
club members at which Chief Forester
Clyde LAVitt of dUUtct pelnUd out
the advantages of such action the club
appointed Mr leaitt to tMfce the mat J I
ter up with the ltab representatives I i
in Washington The purpose of includ j
ing toe proposed area under the for
estry supervision is I to prntect further
the watershed from which Qgdens wa i
ter supply is taken The new area IH
that known as the Moms CrJsto coun II
try it is one of the ettole t jpraxtnft
tracts in the state and beretiifttre ha 1
been free from forestry restriction to
the cheep and cattle interests Horn
objection from these anticipated 1
Legislature of Illinois in Special Ses
sion Gorernor Sends Message
Stating Objeot of Call
Springfield Ill Dec UIn bis message
at the opening of the special session of
the Illinois general assembly today Gov I
ernor Deneyn expressed satisfaction with
the prospects of enactment of deep water
way and direct primary legislation
Senator Schmitt had a deep waterway
bill it readiness for immediate pres
entation in the upper house It IB almost
identical with the Schmitt bill which
i passed the senate at the last session and
carries out the governors proposition for I
Immediate work on the dltoh from Lock
port to Itica and development of water
power which th executivt believes will
pay official interf and ulAnately float I
the 2iWiiii s bund issue i
iidincnts to mining laws to pre
vent if possible a repetition of Ut
Cherry disaster an appropriation for re
lief of the sufferers at Cherry a com
mission tn study the subject of employ
ers llahiliiits legislation conferring on
cities PI I > WT to adopt the commtclil
form of govrnniiit und the adoption of
th mcrdiifm t th federal constitu
tion in mi in I F ihe I imposition if ai j
c ne I t i a i immcjjdta by 1 GV
ernor Deneen
Indications That the Trouble i
in Nicaragua Will Be
Straightened Out With a
Jerk by Force From Ships
This Country Being Urged to
Establish a Protectorate
Either Singly or in Conjunc
tion With Mexican Republic
Vashirston Del 140ne of the
projects for the solution of the Nica
aguan situation that hats been strong
ly urged upon the state department ia
the establishment of a protectorate
either singly by the United States or
jointly with Mexico
This may be regarded as necessary in
the event that the insurgents fall 10
displace Zelaya by thsir own efforts
and it may follow an insurgent triumph
that would leave the country with re
sponsible leaders
It is said precedent for ucb action
could be found in the cases of Santo
Domingo and Cuba In the first in
stance large sums of money due
American citizens could not be collect
ed from the Domingan government
then in a state of chaos by diplomatic
means In the case of Nicaragua the
government has defaulted in payment
in agreed allotments on the Emery
claim In the case of Cuba a state of
disorder that threatened lives and prop
erty of Americans and other foreign
ers was the warrant for intervention
Movement Expected Soon
There is reason to believe that a for
ward movement will be adopted by the
government perhaps as soon as a suf
ficient number of marines have been
gathered off the Nicaraguan coast To
days news from Managua indicating
the imminence of rioting beyond the
ability of the local governmdnt forces
to suppress might serve as ft btuis for
landing the marines and their dIspatch
to Managua if necessary ia Mtbitain
order just as was done oft Up Isthmus
of Panama a few yean agt It to not
part of the pfftft to maintiu such a
force 14 Ni 1caMwi BeroJbjktJy but 1
only long enough to permit of A mar
and free general election and the estab
lishment of a president pledged to ob
serve constitutional obligation
Attitude of McKtoo
The attitude of the government of
Mexico In the Nicaraguan situation ill
set forth in a document that today wa
placed in the hands of Secretary Knox
by Governor Creel of Chihuahua
Governor Creel who recently arrived
in Washington had an interview with
Secretary Knox this afternoon Gov
ernor Creel presented a statement from
President Diaz containing his views
At the state department this after
noon it was announced no statement
could be made with respect to the Mex
ican note for the resent at least or
until department officials had an oppor
tunity to give it thorough considera
tion It is expected however that this
governments reply may be ready for
delivery to Governor Creel within the
next day or two
Revolt Again Zelaya
Managua Dec HThe people of
Managua are in open revolt against Ze
laya without check from the police They
are crowding the streets and giving vent
to unrestrained denunciation of the ad
ministration Shouta of Long live lib
erty Long live the United States
Long live Mexico and Long live Es
trada are heard on every side
The street demonstrations began last
night following denunciatory speeches in
congress and the temper of the people
was madly excited by the report that a
battle had been fought and won by Vas
quez commanding the Zelayan forces
around Kama and that Vasques has mas
sacred u large number of revolutionists
With this report cams tho additional
minor that Va nr1 1 l is < violated th
armistice aid it vas I cuiiid red ii rob
< iL > lt uai ii > would do fco unless uiiUcr
Instructions from Zelaya These reports
lost nothing in j passing from mouth to
mouth As the Mexican minister was the
guarantor of the armistice < < it Is stated
that that official I will ask for his pass
ports unless 1 satisfactory explanations
are mud
Denounced by All
Tin whole country is III a ferment Ze
laya is denounced on every hand but he
Is master of the situation and the peo
pie fear a wholesale execuAon of politi II
cal I prisoner The prisons are full of
men most of whom are half starved and
doubtless would welcome death
The people openly demand American in
tervention and vigilaiites have been or
10 re it te escape of tho
A seri UB danger threatens for the
American concessionaire of the electric
lighting plant declares that he will put
v > whole city In dark
rnr > rev 1 is r t ruM I r r
morrow This bill amounts to l < jr
pesos and it is hardly probable that the
demand will le met
Ths American viceconsul Mr Calder
hal stuck to his post and conducted his
office under conditions of much danger
Edward H Stubley Used the United
States Mails to Defraud Ten i
derHearted Girls
i i
Seattle Wash Dee 14 Edward HI I
Stublf was placed on trial today in the i
federal court charged with using the
United Stats mails to defraud tender
hearted girls who snt money to him I
when he wrote to them that relatives in
Seattle were sick and In want I
gtiibl the nitpd States attorney al
lig I < s frequented hotels patronized hy log
geis aid Ium > M rmcn gained their ac i
till irtan ioarnMl the names of their i
friI1 < i pi i relatives in distant places
imlVtulHy young women and then wrote
to the latter saying their friends or kins
men were sick here and desired them to
send IK to 20 11 tonI
Tru recipient of the letter generally
sent the money Four gill have loen l I
h Ta 10 testify aginst Stubic
J V ar Sir > h Wall Ii Minneapolis I
IF I F t t a I 1tit
H 11 FL i J1 ASIa s Hair
Pang Alt
4 1
¼ n
I te
tef t
Collector of internal revenue for Utah Idaho and Montana who will col I
lect the corporation tax imposed by congress
Of MilliONS
E H Oalliator Internal Reve
nue Collector for Utah Ida
ho and Montana Charged
With Moet Important Duty
Corporations to Pay 1 Per
Cent of Their Net Income
Over and Above 5000
Required to Report at Once
Corporation in Utah Idaho and
Montana will pay a million dollars
ac special excise tax for the coming
year u a result of the law parsed
by congress and the money will be
handled by the office of E H Cailis
ter the internal revenue collector for
Utah Montana and Idaho Notices
I are being sent to the 15000 corpora
tions in these three states and they
will be compelled to report at once
and pay 1 per cent of their net in
come over and above 5000
This moiiry which goes to the KO s
ernment win affect corporations joint
stock und Insurance companies and a
sociations in the three elates and w I
hit th > Inioii I Pacific Oregon Slit t
Line yqIIl Pacific the Halt Lake v
Lot Angflex railroad and all other tnt
frt lines rih have their home offlres
in Utah as well as those whit h l hay
I home offices in the other states =
l The act ot congress of August IHnii
relattriK to the assessment and irollc
tion of special taxes imposed ui > un vir
ious corporations is now in efttct lr I
will be contested by the corporations
aid carried as hip U the supreui
4urt of the United State a < ordln
to the statements of leading < rpmi
tion attorneys but until that action k i
taken it will be operative
Some Corporations Exempt
The law provides that Corprat ins
organized for profit and having 1 capi
tal stock represented by slmrss in
cluding insurance companies and kin
dred organizations shall pay annualiv
a special exrise tax equivalent t 1 per
cent upon the entire net income over
and above 6000 received from nil I
sources during the year This is ex
clusive of amounts received by it from
dividends paid by other corporations
The law does not apply to lodge anti
fraternal organizations paying sick and >
death benefits nor to domestic buiMtag
and loan associations nor to religious
or charitable organizations
Every corporation not specifically
enumerated us exempt shall rnak
proper returns required by law wheth
er It may have a net Income liable to
tax or not These returns showing tho
gross am net income shall be made t a
the internal revenue collector and by
him treated in confidence and forward
ed to the department at Washingtci
after which they become public rcords
Ascertaining Net Incomes
Net income is ascertained by Deduct
ing from the gross amount of the in 1
come received within the year from all
sources first all the ordinary ar1
necessary expenses actually paid with
in the year out of income In th < main
tenance and operation of Its husinepn
and properties including all charge
such as rentals and franchise pay
monte required to be made aa a < > on < 11
tidh to the continued use or pti essinn
of property second all tomes artuallv
sustained within the year and IIt > com
pensated by insurance or I otherwise in
eluding a l < > nhl 11 for d 1
Continued on Page Two
Peter Etzel Perishes Before Ava
lanche He Unloosened in Aban I
d ned Stop < rJfDalyJudff
Special to The HeraldRepublic
Park City DM 14 Beneath an avalanche of water eanying in its
torrential rash tons of earth and hurling out flying timbers Peter Etsel
an employe in the DalyJudge mine met almost instant death yesterday
while two of his working companions Michael Smith and Prank huh
vin barely escaped with their lives 1
The accident was caused by the acci
dental opening up of an old unused and I
almost orgoin topo which in its d Pa
use had filled with water I The three I
men all Austrians w He working on the
l2ufoot level Etsel was working at the
upper end of the raise with his compan
ions some distance in the rear With the
driving of n1 jjk inj 113 wall of the
forgoiiii tp the so1den I wtoisoaked
walls BIC vay ilrll 1 in an instnt came I
the rush nf 11 water c t rxinq Ethel be
fore and hurling him ticatlg cr the
raise until he was itniicl aid ilintst
hurled beneath iho rilin Jinijers and
So tuddoo was the man cf till vaer
that Smith and RuWivan athoogh 1 seme I
distance down the raise had IittU time
to seek safety and wore hurled don by
the timbers thrown aside h the rushing
Immediately after the accident a resci
crew was hurried into the mine and the
Injured men taken out Etzel when
reached was found dead Ills head was
crushed into an almost unrecognizable
mass and both legs broken Smith and
Rukavin were hurried to the Miners
Union hospital They were found to be
suffering from a number of severe body
I and scalp wounds with thi probability
of internal irjnries
i I The three victims of th accident were
cent arrivals in the DalyJudge mine
coning here from Bingham Etsei was
aged abut 27 years and is survived JY a
I wife
San Iraneisoo Robber Continues
Depredations in Spite of
Police Vigilance
San Francisco Dec 14 Evading the
vigilance of the police department and
almost brushing shoulders with two de
tectives SPt to watch for his reappear
ance the lone bandit who has killed one
man in cold 1 blond and robbed four stores I
since a week ago last Saturday night j
hId up tonight a candy store located j i
within twenty feet of the scene of two
of his formr crimes and escaped
That he secured nothing was due to the
fact that thre was littl money In the 11
cash drawer und the boldness of his ac
tion indicates that it was inep ed by a
spirit of bravado and a dir to flout
the police who hsivc dragged th city In i
all directions for more than a wek with I
out finding a trace of him The robber j
contented himself with questioning the II
terrified girl behind the counter as to the
mission of the two detectives stationed in f
front of Dr Gibsons drug store twenty i
tt < > 1 jwav His description tallies closely
with that of the man for whom they were
on watch and i is possible that only the
fact that th drug sfor i > was closed be i
caus of tho t > lent of Mr Gjason th < >
proprietors mother revr led a third
visitation there I
Tonights robbery followed closely upon I
the receipt of letters by the policy from
the supposed robter that he would sliov I
them that he WHS rot a cur and a i
coward as SVIT polk officials have I
declared iii i i < Wopp r interviews
New York Dec HAn unexpected j
banking melon was sliced ii In Wall j
street today in time for lfw Christmas
holiday when the First Xmicnal i bank i
declared nn extra ificHcid of i > poor < nt
fr he ijuarter iraklnfr t rrtal dis
liu > ciniit f 4 < i pr c lit in di vLiH1 for I
1 r i F 1lIlk F I
of kt1O ° iF J > 1 t L
000000 in dividends I
Young Woman Killed and Man Fa
tally Injured in Automobile Acci
dent tfear IM Angeles Gal l
Pasadena Cal Dec 14Miss Agnes
Claypoie 18 years old the daughter of
a wealthy resident of this city was In
stantly killed and Harvey Bissell M years
old a son of a Grand Rapids Mich mil I
lionaire manufacturer was perhaps fa
tally injured this afternoon when the rac
ing automobile in wkich they were riding
went over the grade on the Eagle Rock
Valley road and fell MO feet down the
steep Incline
Miss Claypole body was found under
the machine Death was caused by a
broken rib puncturing the lungs Bissell
wa > lying near tv and still conscious His
collarbone and right leg were broken and
his spine injured severely He is still
conscious but unable to move his lower
extremities Bissell said that after leav
ing the top of the steep incline the ma
chine became unmanageable and he was
unable to check its wild flight with the
brake He called to Miss Olnvpole to
jrmp but it was too late and the heavy I
machine plunged down the embankment
before either of its occupants could free
themselves It is said here that young
BUsell and Miss Claypole wen engaged j I
to be married during the winter
Would Probably Have Been CoRe
spondent If Husband Had
0 Started the Action
Hew York Dec 14It developed today in the trial of tbs itorce suit
of Mrs W Gould Brokaw that it was her husband who lint threatened
to sue
A telegram from him to Mrs Blair
his motherinlaw wa tho medium of
this Information and it also containI
his version of tilE i Inciileiit that l
cutnej the greatest importance in to
day session of the trial The tele
gram follows
I have closed my Iiotse and am
sorry vo say I must sue Mary ior i a
separation Her act culminating in
a house parly last Sunday night
forced me to this step She entr
Lined three ladies and three i a LI
lay Two of the ladles 1 dont in
i > rotc of and llic third I lout krciv
at all I do not know the men r ha
allowed one man to occupy my oed
ifuin over nlglit after putting iiiy
liUrst and one lad in bachelors qu ir
ttr Hhe rtfuaed to give me tie
names of the men in spite of my re
iiest I
John F Mil ityre Mr Hrokaw s law
yer began drilling irjui all 1 ti II
ant circumstances of this culminating i
house party with great circumstan
tiality Mrs Brokaw parried his ques
tions 1 as skilfully as ever but howfl l
ume agiatior over tin lnsiHii t IM F
on the pertonnlity of FVjiuii f Vii
MM of tin tai5
Mrs llrikaw i Ustifj1 t F j i i 1
first uiei MI 1 Vils in J
years before his visit to net uuoUaia t
e d
home in company with Miss Jean Den
rson of Syracuse N Y Mrs Frank
I ijuld and another man whom Mrs
lrokaw only remembered as a Mr
Mr McIntyre was desirous to know
IMW l the upsiairs rooms of tii > house J
wro arranged and what roois ilm
uco u Jed on the night of the p rty
0 VasnH Mr
Hrokawg room cjn
tecTti I with yours he asked
V the door from Mr lirokaws
IT opened in the hall
And did It not open so near ihe
door of you room that from your hur
you rouid have shaken hand with a
person standing in the other
I n < ver trid Mr Mclntyre
Well nov wer did you afign
Miss I > < < lop7
in i Mr i Hrikaw uom
Wn Il tlf C > change Wasnt
Mr Weils fin Ii U > m cU that room1
Lid Jkii V > vJg come prepared P tay
all night
t hunk lie did
Mr 1 Crukaw was ex i fr F the
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