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The Garland globe. [volume] (Garland, Utah) 1906-191?, May 14, 1910, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

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B The Garland Globe
HH ,1 a Wlxom, Kilitor & Manager.
m The county assessor reports that
U the assessed valiiMtlon of S;ili I .alto
H Cty la fifty-six million dollars.
H A Salt hake druggist, convicted of
r.i'iliiii', beer without a license, has
U hi imi sentenced to ninety days in jail.
H KM Kendall, justice of the peace at
U I.etii for many years, was run down
9 by a frightened horse a few days ago,
H sustaining serious Internal InjurieH.
W The coniinercial travelers of (Mali
Bffl are making great preparations for thn
J annual II. C. T. outing to he held at
Provo for two days, beginning July 1.
LM 'lln Denver & Id" lirande Kallroad
PH eompany lias commenced unloading
H 20,000 tons of coal at Green River for
PH storage to have on hand In raw of
PH emergency.
PH On the new Western Pacific he
PH twecn Salt Utke City and Oakland
PH there are forty-three tunnels, the ng-
PH gregate length of which figure close
PH to nine miles.
PH The supervisor of census for Utah
PH has been authorized by Director Dil-
PH rand to extend Indefinitely the time
PH of taking tlie census in Sail Lake City
PH and other parts of Utah.
PPH Farmers and orchardlsts in thn
PH northern part of the state are jubilant
PH over the recent storms which havo
PH visited these parts. Ilefore the stirm
U everything was drying up.
PH Inasmuch as all debts on the mag-
PjH nlflcent new iabernacle erected in
PjTfl Lehi at a cost of $fi(),000 have been
PjbB paid, and the building completed, the
Pjffl edifice will be formally dedicated
1H May
PjbB Kugene Thaygarson, a structural
PjaH Iron worker, :!2 years old, fell head
PjaB foremost from the third floor of the
H Utah hotel structure In Salt Lake to
PjkH the basemeut and received injuries
PjbH that are likely to prove fatal.
PjaH Krnest l-oke. 35 years old. a fireman
PjbH In the employ of the Denver & Hlo
PjbH Orande railway at Bingham, while In
PjkH the act of oiling his engine, slipped
PjkH and fell beneath the wheels, sustain-
PjbH Ing Injuries which resulted In his
PjVXVJ death.
PjVXVJ Considerable opposition Is develop-
PjbB Ing against the merchants' license or-
PjbB dlnance passed by the city council
PjH several weeks ago by certain classes
PjH of business men of Ogden, and the
PjbH constitutionality of the ordinance will
PjVXVJ be tested.
PjkH To celebrate the raise In wages from
Pjlfl $4.50 to $5.00 a day, the Salt Lake
PjB union carpenters held a jollification
PjB meeting Wednesday night. The car
PyAfJ penters gave notice some time ago of
PjH the expected increase, and the con-
PjgH tractors granted the request.
PjVB Seventy-six thousand acres of land
PjVXVJ will presently be reclaimed in the fa-
PjkH inoiis Beaver district This laud will
PjVB be put on the market by the Beaver
PjVS Irrigation, Land and Power company.
PjVB It is situated south and southeast of
PjH Mllford, in Minersvllle canyon.
Pj-H There have been 202,000 acres o!
PjVXV arid land taken up in the state ol
PjH Utah, under section 6 of the enlarged
PjbH homestead act of February 1'.). L90s
PjVXW according to a report made by the
Pj-H United States land office In Salt Lake
PjVH to the general land office at Washing
PjkH Kay Leavltt. aged !, had a narrow
PjVXS escape fiom death at Provo, when he
PjVXS was thrown from a horse. Ah he feil.
PjmH his foot caught in the reins and the
PPH hoy was dragged over the rough road
PH for more than a block. His clothing
PPH was torn from his body and he was
PH considerably bruised.
PH A force of men is busy tearing down
PH the slicing station at Springvllle of
PH the Utah Sugar company. Part of the
PPH plant will be shipped to Eichflchl.
PPB where it will lie used in the new fac-
PH tory to he built there, and part will
PPH be taken to Provo and used In the sllc
PPH ing plant, which will be enlarged.
PPH To i-arc for employees on the Lucln
PPB cut-off who may become injured while
PBV at work, the Southern Pacific Railroad
PjVXV company Is ai ranging for an euier
PjVXa gency hospital ou wheels to be main
PjVXV tallied in Lakeside, under the direr
PBV n"" of a competent trained nurse.
During an electrical storm at Ply
HHj mouth, in Hox Klder county, eight
PjBV head of horses were killed by light-
PjVXVJ ning. The animals were feeding along
PjVH the country road near Mound Springs,
PHPJ when the heavy bolt struck right in
PH9 the middle of the bunch, instantly kill
PJB lug seven and fatally Injuring one
B Dan H. llarrtgan, 54 years of age,
PjkB and a section foreman, died In a Salt
PBV Lake hospital on Sunday as the result
PjbBj of a peculiar accident, fie had, while
PjBh Id a tool house, overturned a can of
PjBB gasoline, and breathing the fumes of
Uffl the gasoline was responsible for his
H death.
PH Falling head first over the railing of
M the stairway on the third floor to the
HI second floor, Gus Miller, 45 years of
H age and employed as a shoemaker,
H was Instantly killed In a rooming
PH bouse In Salt Lake City. Miller was
PjH Intoxicated when the accident M
Eight Hundred Bodies Have Been
Taken From the Ruins, and It Is
Believed the Loss of Life May
Exceed Fifteen Hundred.
San .Tose, Costa Rica. Klght hun
died bodies have been recovered from
the ruins of Cartago, which was visit
ed by severe earthquake shocks on
May 4 and I, The estimate of the
dead Is placed at 1,500, but It Is pos
sible tills may lie exceeded. The mini
her of sick and Injured cannoi he
counted, many of them having lnen
removed to adjoining towns and vil
lages, and since the disaster icores
have died from their Injuries.
San .lose was also shaken, some
of the buildings being damaged, but
no deaths occurred here. Some
persons were slightly Injured. Shocks
also were felt at several points in Nic
aragua near the Costa Hlca frontier.
Cartago, capital of Cartago prov
ince, lies at the foot of Irazu volcano,
about fourteen miles from San .lose.
It has an estimated population of 10,
000, and Is the seat of the Central
American peace court. Cartago was
(he capital of the country until 182.').
It has suffered frequently from earth
quakes and was partly destroyed In
1801, 1825, 1841. 1851. and 1854.
The ceremony attending the inangu
ration of Hlcardo .limine, as president
of Costa Rica took place on Sunday
on one of the plazas In San Jose, ow
ing to the fact that the people feared
to enter the government building.
Large forces, which have gone to
Cartago from San .lose and other
points, are now engaged in the work
of rescue, and even on Sunday several
living persons were taken from under
the piles of stones and timbers where
dwellings once stood.
Paralso, a village of 2,000 people
about eighteen miles east of San Jose,
also suffered severely from the earth
shocks, reports reaching here indicat
ing that nearly 100 persons were
killed. Large fissures that have opened
up in Cartago province have given ad
ditional cause for alarm. Ten thou
sand persons are homeless, and severe
rains and lack of food and drinking
water are responsible for much suf
fering. It is impossible to provide
shelter for the people who are hud
dled together in a pitiable condition.
Frightful Explosion Brings Sudden
Death to Many Workers.
Birmingham, Ala. Forty-five white
men and between 130 and 140 negroes
were entombed In No. I! coal mine at
Palos Thursday night as the result of
a terrific explosion. It is believed all
are dead.
Palos is forty miles west of Birm
ingham anil the mines are owned by
the Palos Coal and Coke company of
this city. 'Ihe flames shot 200 feet
into the air from the mouth of the
slope when the explosion occurred and
the shock was felt for miles. Timbers
from the slope were hurled several
hundred feet from its mouth. Rocks
from the roof caved In and made ac
cess to tlie mine very difficult. The
first rescuers who went into the mine
after the explosion were overcome by
fire damp and had to be carried out.
The explosion is supposed to have
been caused by an uncovered lamp.
No Report on Census.
Washington. "Any report appear
ing in any newspaper to the effect
that the census bureau has received
any advance returns of the census of
lHln, or has given out any Information
ou the returns of enumerators, is
wholly without foundation." This was
the formal declaration made on Thurs
day by Dana C. Duraud, director of
the census.
Photographs Halley's Comet.
San Jose, Cal. Halley's comet was
a magnificent object at Lick observa
tory Thursday morning. Dr. Curtis
photographed eighteen degrees of the
tall. At the present distance of the
comet from the '"arth this corresponds
to a length of 20,000,000 miles. A con
siderably greater length could have
been photographed, but eighteen de
grees was the capacity of the insttu-ment.
Offers Thousand Dollars for Wife.
lxs Angeles. W. H. Pitman of this
city Increased to $1,000 on Thursday
the reward he had offered for the re
turn of his wife, who left home on
April 26, while temporarily insane. As
Mrs. Pitman carried $15,000 worth of
diamonds and $1,800 In currency,
grave fears for her safety are enter
Cop) rlsbt.
Regular Republicans Start Movement
Which Means Trouble for Members
Who Deserted Their Leaders.
Washington Through the formation
on Wednesday of an organization
which Its leaders claim represents a
clear majority of the entire senate,
and to he made up wholly of regular
Republicans, a movement was started
to settle whether the senate shall re
main conservative, become radical, or
be thrown Into political chaos as far
as concerns any coherent policy on the
administration programme. To Sena
tor Aldrlch was given Ihe leadership
of the movement. Senator Aldrlch
called the regular Republicans to
gether and confronted them with a
grim description of the possible politi
cal effect of their apparent defeat at
the hands of the Insurgent Republicans
and Democrats in the fight over the
traffic agreement section of the ad
ministration railroad bill. He asked
his associates whether they were
ready to submit to domination by such
a combination. Any such surrender,
he warned them, meant the failure of
the Taft policies and the downfall of
conservative control, not only in con
gress, but lu the Republican party gen
erally. The entire tone of this conference
was belligerent toward the Insurgents.
This was the dominant note: "Let us
get together and stand as a unit
against every Insurgent proposition. If
the Insurgents propose anything good,
we'll take It over bodily and put It
through as our own; if they propose
anything bad, we'll stamp it out."
It was stated President Taft had
been kept fully advised of the situa
tion and was entirely In sympathy
with the plan and virtually pledged
to It. The Inability of the two fac
tions of the Republican party to get
together Is the Immediate cause of
danger to the legislative programme.
Kach side blames the other. The in
surgents soy the fault lies in the arro
gance and intolerance of the longtime
leaders of the majority toward the pro
gressive policies represented by most
of the Republicans of the middle
west. The regulars charge the insur
gents are simply trying to destroy the
Republican party by attempting to dis
credit Its time honored leadership and
principles and to ride over the ruins
to power.
Outlaw Killed in Fight.
North Yakima, Wash George Carl,
an outlaw, was killed by a posse on
Monday near Granger, after a run
ning fight. Carl Is supposed to have
entered the home of J. W. Fra.er.
When followed by Frazer, Carl drove
him back with a revolver. Deputy
Sheriff Dekraay organized a posse,
which followed Carl to the river. The
latter emptied his revolver at his pur
suers, who fired in return, mortally
wounding tlie man.
Sad Blow to Racing Men.
Albany, N. Y. By a decisive vote
the senate on Wednesday passed the
Agnew Perkins anti-oral bookmaklng
bill, which makes the present law pro
hibiting bookmaklng on race tracks
apply to such offenses when practiced
"with or without writing," and also the
bill repealing that section of the law
which excepts trustees or directors of
race tracks from liability for permit
ting gambling at their tracks.
Tests Primary Law.
Cleveland. To test the constitution
B"ty of the primary law In this state,
i R. Mathews former county com
mi doner, filed suit here on Thursday
to restrain the board of elections from
placing the name of United States
Senator Charles Dick on the Repuh
! Ucan ballot. Senator Dick Is the only
Republican who circulated a petition
I to have his name voted on.
Such is Statement Made by Secretary
of Agriculture Wilson in Address
to Farmers, Who He Says Have
Not Put Up Prices.
St. Ixiuls. That the farms of the
United States are not producing half
what they should because of a lack
of practical education among fanners
was the statement made by Secretary
of Agriculture Wilson, In an address
Tuesday night at the Farmers Union.
"I believe the solution of the cost of
living problem lies in good hands,"
said Mr. Wilson. "The farmers are
awake, and no country is in danger
when that is the case. I have Inves
tigated charges that the farmers have
combined to put up prices and rob the
community and have found they are
not true. Of the fourteen states of
the Mississippi valley not one Is pro
ducing half the crops It should, be
cause the farmers have not been
taught scientific farming. We can and
will, ultimately, double every crop wo
are growing, and at the same time
care for a population of 200,000. When
we've done that the agriculturists of
that day will show how to double the
crops again. The farmer must be ed
ucated. We need a countrywide uni
versity. If I had nothing else to do
I should become a lobbyist in my stato
of Iowa to demand that agriculture
be taught In every one of the thirty
or more colleges there. If we teach
the young farmers, the old farmers
will soon take Interest. We must keep
our young farmers on the farm, im
migrants who have lived on farms
should be placed on farms when they
come to this country."
Starr J. Murphy Declares Standard Oil
President Has Not Abandoned
Foundation Plans.
New York. A press dispatch from
Washington announced that John D.
Rockefeller had abandoned the idea ol
securing a national charter for his
proposed foundation. Starr J. Murphy,
personal counsel for the Standard Oil
president, said the statement was en
tirely without foundation. Mr. Murphy
also su:d that Mr. Rockefeller had
nothing to do with the "Kconomic and
General Foundation," for which a
charter Is being sought from the New
York legislature for "an aged man of
wealth," said to have $2,500,000 to
spend on charity.
Treaty With Great Britain.
Washington. The exchange of rati
fications of the treaty of .lunuary 11,
1909, between the United States and
Great Britain, known as the Interna
tional waterways treaty, was an
nounced by the state department on
Thursday. This treaty was approved
by the United States senate March 3,
190!t. Its declared purpose is to "pre
vent disputes regarding the use of
boundary waters and settle all ques
tions now pending between the United
States and the Dominion of Canada."
Falls Into Own Trap.
Memphis, Teun. Mayor Edward
Crump was arrested Thursday, charg
ed with expectorating on the floor of
the new $2,000,000 court house. Mayor
Crump, who was inaugrated In Janu
ary last, recently started an antl-splt-tlng
crusade and ordered police of
ficers to arrest any one expectorating
on the streets and on the floors of
street cars and public buildings. The
mavor was fined $5, which he nald.
Rev. Lapley Suffered Twelve Year
From It How He Conquered It;
You Also Can, Free.
Through an announcement that he saw
In bis local paper ths Rev. J. D, LapleD
of Avonilule Station, Hirniingbam, Ala..
learned thai he could obtain a free trial
bottle of a remedy nasksw
r'aiii- r mBEJL
who Is a minister ot fa L
the Methodist Kpis- r lLv
copal Church, and a v tL
ii.il Alabama Cue- Bk 4m&P, ft
S'i3llyh"elSC Hr Allc. NorthruB
Vnu or anv other suTerer from conotl
patlon, Indigestion and dyspepsia, side
headache ana such digestive troubles can
have n free trial bottle seat to your home
prepaid by forwarding your none and
address, ft is the gentlest, mildest, host
tnslinR. must effei the laxative tonic you
ever tried. Druggists will sell you the
rrculnr bottles at r.n cents or $1. nnd re
Biilti are guaranteed. A picture of Mrs.
Norlhrup. of Qulncv. Til., a cured patient,
Is presented herewith. Tf there II any
thing about vour ease tbnt you don't un
derstand wr'te the doctor and lie will nd
vlie you. The address is Dr. W. K Cald
well. '201 Caldwell nidg., Monticello, 111.
How Careless!
Smith Why did your pretty cook
leave you?
Jones Got mad.
Smith At what?
Jones She caught me kissing my
Wife. Cleveland header.
Had Rheumatism Couldn't Sleep.
A lady from Oklahoma City writes:
"I was sick in bed with Rheumatism,
ankles swollen, couldn't sleep. Elec
tropodes cured me. They are great."
At Drug Stores $1.00. No cure, no
pay. Write for free trial offer. West
ern Elect ropode Co., Dept. A., Los An
geles, Cal.
Personal Knowledge.
Teacher Give me an example of a
transparent object.
Hoy A keyhole. Rlre.
BORE EYES, weak. Inflamed, red, watery
and swollen eyes, use l'KTTrrs BYl
BALVE, SSe. Ml druggists or Howard
Bros., iiuflalo, N. Y.
Many a man tries to stand on his
rights when he hasn't any.
IB!! -
HTML ss4i niLf m 1 CATf la Ur
urn sea bb Send postal for 1
( mm k Free Package 1
I IILLof Paxtine. I
Better and more economical I
than liquid antiseptics I
Gives one a sweet breath ; clean, white,
germ-free teeth antiieptically clean
mouth and throat purifies the breath
after smoking dispel all disagreeable
perspiration and body odors much ap
preciated by dainty women. A quick
remedy for sore eyes and catarrh.
P-t A little Paxtine powder dis
ffjg3 solved in s glau of hot water
FITIM8 mokes a delightful antiteptic ao
LJqmhM I lution, possessing extraordinary
jSkTIa cleansing, germicidal and heal
I fa Wm 'nK power, and absolutely Imrru-
M1 'ess. Try a Sample. Otic, s
mr Urge box st druggiita or by mail.
Is Your Health
Worth 10c?
That's what it costs to Ret a week'
treatment-.of CASCARETS. They
do more for you than any medicine s
on Earth. Sickness generally shows (
and starts first in the Bowels ana f
Liver; CASCARETS cure these ills.
It's so easy to try why not start to
night and have help in the morning?
CASCARBT8 ice a box for a week'a go
treatment, all druggista. niggest aeller
la Uie world. Million boxes a month.
Kuurunitu'd or money refunded. Send J1.5U. ur pay O.
0. 1). at your eiirew,nii'e uflcr iiiiinhiiiUiin. rre
li.illi. ..I.i, I,, ,,t, ,,,, K,,,l., , -.n.r lll.ln., lilr.,.
RflY-RIRI t ' " worth of i . .el., from oar
UUIO UII1LO lalalnauealvcn r'Kr.K for selling
nuii'-M iKickiiKi'iuif coun pBatSf at lOonach Addrnaa
A usui. WuhiConOaal Uiuju.iIUA v..t lil. .((

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