OCR Interpretation

The Coalville times. [volume] (Coalville, Utah) 1894-1923, August 15, 1902, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058217/1902-08-15/ed-1/seq-7/

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From tho Treasurer of tho
1 oung Icoplos Christian Tern
tternnco Association Elizabeth I
t tolnc Fond du Lac His
nSLR MM VU UUolnt la
tell you and all the voting ladle of the
7iJnt grateful I am to you for
all the brneflti I have received from
using Lydln 12 IluUlmma Vegetable
fo 11l U JIl re1
table LompoUUd 1 suffered far
f II
d l r
eight months from Rupprcnaed own
struatlpn mid It efTtcUd my entire
syateed until I became weak and debit I
ilaled and at tlnica felt that I had a
hundred aches In 1 as many places I
only itfH the Compound for a few
weeks Ibf tt It wrought a change In ens
ji t rCb rrnlI
which I felt from the very beginning
I hate beta very1 regular fneo lease no
pains and Und that my entire body It
M If It web rcnevrr Lm I gladly rreom >
bro Lydia i Iliiklintud I VeRO
tablo compound to everybody
MiasKu lOITII Caner COW Division
bt tend du lac Win HOOO Mill If
tort tlltliomltl It Ml gawna
At such a time the created aid to
nature In Lydia I s 1liiklmmn
Vegetable Compound luprepatea
the voting ajutcra for the comlnr
change and la I the surest reliance for
woman s Ilia of every nature
Mrs rinklmm Invites alt
young women vtho fro ill to
vrrlto lice fur frco advice AU
dress LyWl Mesa
ire nose from IB
etlW M rf dl
N nNe AI IOf
aa r ifr =
wa kern prod oat
eta 0 w lnoau klllUnriMalllbrmla
tBOaftanoiof voluntary trtUn el nUUcr c maw paw
pee itflpfl nama pic tln and war a
Waontpiik ib r cum la tense HIM4HI
MeN H would Utt r
toed0a ate wt
b oprat owalll In
tr tat 01 troa0t la I
anaarway Tlooo
W csro or ant tad
hI aa na0 a
ekes tea whan con aia i
aataa Ton can aa >
I redwa or worth tor
Peen Is Via 1140
III tboopo of pallrnti
tier neonaf I law e
w won 1 10 Oar
yetlw11A lb cleaner
on4nOl tea
will ao em ee fat eta 1 sot
call ran oa re
= ton = Wwrt IwNaeen 0 Mrtela
Metro srar fruwrrAO cantle ew ill
toteormina < > nIIllo e 004 WnN 1 era
OI Niter or to person fall ur win
04 all dint of she Ioe IIars
hunitb Llrar KMnr llltddr arns rain
mats aD4aUlbnalgitli aMiofu ii woman and
t m to It m
00aalloarillitann > ui w
e eLeO 11011410 to It
LYON BLOCK 36 W 5oneS5051
UTAH JUNK GOI y Ibrel trees car
J t Aide t r
WraopeerArnerte Vail uVaCIln LUh
Young Lawyer Convinced Doorkeeper
of His Error
Julius H Wyasn a young corpora
tlon attorney of llaltlmorn has so
much the ap aranco of a minister of
the Gospel that at the nUnMhius eon
mentions ho Is called to attend he Is I
Invariably a ked tq offer 3So open
Ins prayer Only onco Jlrtiili elect
cal appearance threaten to debar
Tho antipathy that tho philanthro
pist Olrard had to the ministerial pro
fession Is I well known and members
of that holy calling are Men now e
eluded from the university that bears
hto name A short time BRO Mr Wr
man tlsltcd tho college He was met
at Ibo door by the guardian who
supposing him to bo a preacher said
No ministers aflbveil sir
The young < lingo surprised grub
bed + l him by the arm and cried
Who In h said I was n preach
Walk right In sir walk right In
was the cood natured remark of the
doorkeeper who smiled ri broad
apologetic smile
Mother Clrj sestet Powder forCIIMr
HaoraMfally used by Mother Orsy nun
In tho Chldresliorneis7fewYorh Cure
rT i > bnMS Dad Stomach TMthluK Ill
onltn more and regulate the lIowl aDd
Destroy Worm Our 80 Ono tMtlmoolali
At all drnKlah SJo Sample FIIKK Ad
Stet Allen H Olimtod L ltpy N Y
A Prstty bight
On of the molt beautiful sight In
the world Is I the annual migration of
butterflies across the Isthmus rt
Panama Toward the end of June a
few scattered specimens are disco
ered flitting out to ten and as the
days to by tho number Increases un
til auout July M or 15 tho sky Is I
occasionally almost obscured by
myriad of hire frail Insects I
To dim n Cold In Onn ilny
Take Laxative Urorao Oulnlin Tablet All
lrusUtir fuulmoii ylfltfaUitocursiSa
Turned Farce Into Tragedy
Arthur Sharply a member of an
English theatrical company stood In
the wings waiting for his cuo to ont
a farcical scene I think I will make
It a tragedy he remarked and awal
lowed some poison Trouble In his
family mad him wish to die but a
physician compelled him to live and
a magistrate put him under bonds not I
to attempt suicide again
Now ready for distribution Rend for
free ropy Add SI1IIIlIko Uuslness
College Tcmpleton
non to suspect
Sometimes said Uncle Eben a
boy has reason to suspeck dat he s be
in scolded fob doln what his falhuh
would do hlsse If he wcren t too busy
or hsdnt the rheumatic Washlne
ton Star
Hows TliUT
Wo oiler One l l undrnl Dollars reward for sey
eua or Oltrrh bat cauoot In cured by Hall
Catarro Cora
wt tASnnd nlfo h r Mewnd0ppJ
Cheney tor the Ia w ei and I pone
wino rl I lat n of I o Waere
anti a adetby able to carry ass ear oalee
lone made by their arm
Vholaale I nretlat Toledo
fit YeV uldlnir JCInntn Marrln l6oleaa
I > rail > i TolMo onto
luilmnarrbCiira l > taken Internallraet
tat dlrcellr upon tho blood and raucom turl4cc I
ot iba riim TNllmonliU nnl rta 1 riot
t flo pfr botlla Hold by all druvKUls
llallelamlie Title ire the Lead
ililLlimll I llUara tba bVL
A Little Qlrla Prayer
little Alice bad been put to bed
and was saying her prayers This
was part of her petition Oh Ood
make nil the bad people good and
make all the good people all the
good pletho good people nice
Dla k an Unpopular Color Among
No one has the courage to fly a
black flag as a private yacht signal
and even black ID combination with
other colors Is I extremely core Orange
and black arc occasionally len to
gether tho owners being Ijlnecton
men A grevsumo flag la I on the
tedalma the steam yacht of Augustus I
C Tyler of Now London apointed
black flag with a r f Maltiao cross In I
tho center New Workers arc familiar
with William K anderblll colors
white with a black strlpo too same
on tho turf as on the water II 0
loomo a flag Is I more than half black
with n 1 blue cross In the center Bee
rctary Cormacki pennant Is I Ip equal
pqrllons white and black vertically
divided The DOlt striking combine
Ion of black and whltd Is i John Taylor
Lords pennant Ion hate seen It at
he rgaln truck of the Queen Mab
black ground with a perforated white
Maltese cross In the center Hero Is
the cross without the skull and bones
Now York 1ross
Used by Egyptian Musicians
The klssar U and of the most an
dent of Egyptian Instruments It Is I
found represented In monuments an
locating the dato of Christ by 000
rears It consists of a circular body
with a large triangular frame above
from the crossbar of which five
strings pass to the bottom of th <
game It Is I tuned to the pentatonic
Csnvasilng by Proxy
A company has Just been formed In
France to relieve parliamentary can
dldates of all tbo worries of a general
election Posters agents orators au
dlcnccs all aro found Voters how
ever are not supplied but If the can
dldnto Is I not elected the company
guarantees to return a third of what
ever ho may liuvo paid to secure his
Children Overdressed
There was a time when the small
boys greatest happiness consisted In
going about In his bare feet The
presentday boy wears shoos and It
Is I quite a novelty to ace a shoeless
lad Whereas In former times the
average boy underdressed today be
Is I overdressed Tbo former grew up
Into a sturdy lad tho latter Is I tall
I and rcrawny How times change
Chester Ia Ilopubllcan
Made Mule In Olden Times
Tbo cabal of Palestine Is I a sort of
violin The body Is I a square frame
covered with parchment The Instru
ment Is played with a bow There Is I
but one string a thick coarse horse
hair but expert performers CAn It Is
said get considerable variety of tone
from this primitive Instrument
W N U Salt I LakeNo 33 1OO2 I I
tr lasb Tow Loos
Ilat ejup IIw
e r
The World Nat Pn > 9rm d x
Cast IroR plows were pal educed
about tp years s1 and mac ob
JfetcJ to epon he round tht they
rkilsonc 1 th land
0 °
WHY tom i4
J ir lo
THl tJDllD ntI 01
you tfjA1wAYS OUQI
M AEackoryellow
of tltbett lnterlals aced
sold tt our rvarrant fy h
rtlaaedeokra everywhere
n TIlLUHl > land l
in a dlnl Ii111ahbirt IS out 01 flan3sna
liljl boy till In hit own wry JI how they
hate made a iu < oi 1I1I1e
Iura Ielileg hoeary
belle op a nIs4 3
ore oohedpee r atsoi w
knife I ntouUOI
attics 01 teal bbnt
W will lomA you wilts
Toll Coptee lla nee seek ern
ofCbarge 10 too 140 t Nlr
Cents a Cepyl N ran hoe I
peed uslbew pries tor
s mey II 001 End IU en
ell the nut ord II youwant
to icy IIddrru
lion Ueeunet
Tb CarU TuiNIa cempsy nlldIMa
Why Becuse I k
S OT nds lls component parts arc all wholesome
Syripof I s
Syr + ip 1 It acts gently without unpleasant aftereffects I
IA 0 It Is wholly free from objectionable substaaces
a Ithe Jb S1 1t y kmiIy Yaxatlv I r r1 It contains cIt ntc principles of plant y
1 It contains the carminative principles of plants p
It Is pure Itcontnjjas wholesome aromatic liquids which are
agreeable and refreshing to the taste
I It is gentle
1 L 4 All arc pure
It Is pleasant 1 < blended 4
i All arc delicately
j 0
I 1 It Is cflicaclous1rr f e1 1 All ore skillfully and scientifically compounded d T J
x t t
f a
K j I It is not expensive Cs r Its > olue U 1 due 16 our method manufacture one to f
r r i 41t Is good for chlldrcnS r1 the originality and simplicity of the combination ° e
i s J J 2 I I
I It Is excellent for ladles To get its beneficial effectsbuy the gcnuise I i
i I It Is convenient for business inert r Manufactured by II
i i It It is Is perfectly used by millions underYil of families circumstances the world over tMlfODNIA 116 pC I
f 1 A Ji5YR1P
I II It stands highest as a laxative with physicians 0 A ° J IU 11 I f i
If you use it you have the best laxative the world x
San Francisco Cal 11I
produces Louisville Uy New York N Ye
i j J FOR SALE llJ ALL UHDIIO oaeaeisra <
ji i p r J
j WHY UVE ALONE r arAle o a w t ° t t 0
e 7rLpAlnrorw unsuaaawlaly
II eWd w OoAt ne T
l t t1Hi I w
5J L ° PRONI1jtLTUIt M U rlat1114 vetezst
WARTEDAONTa N ill ear nr 1
true lI l0 terfmaa
lllr nrollli ants Tfoe ice C A I I All
Bll ltlU03 vIqut 1 l Uf > lolaraluwit
u smkted ere with a f Thompsons Eye Water
When flnsvitrlno Aditrtlsenicnls Kindly
Mention This Paper
In ITIntlnir Nooll Inr Hjmp
Tor rklUKa Iwlblnil e I0 ma immi nrlernlso I
lias UUJHIH c rt tlaJ OWN JMabulUa
rlos Cur for Comomptlon U m tafatltbla
I modlcioa lor ooutbi anil ooldN WBinou
Ooou 0 role M J Feb IT ii t XX
Ladle Cao Vftmr ftho l
One sloe smaller after ulag A Ilrna Foot
Ia ae a powder It makes tight or new
sho aeai > y Curesawnlltn hotsneatlng
aching feet Ingrowlnffnalla i corns anal
bunions All AlUlrugirliitaamlaboe stores
Ke Trial package UKB by tacit Ad
dress Allen B Oimited t alloy N Y
Many Shared In Small Estate
An unmarried woman s estate of
CS75 was lately distributed by the
Probate Court of Indiana among
thirty nine heirs The largest amount
any one received was 176 which went
to surviving brothers and sisters The
smallest amount was J303 the por
tion grandnephew and grand nieces
In C
Full COUUES IN CUMUl Utttra tca
anlca ami niece JaurmlUm Art 3cin
PtaraiKr Ln Cl ll Mwliialnl end like
ideal Lnlni f ArchllKtyra
l krsuea > n ralary aait Cemmrtlal
Prat la all atudnta who ban aom
std t fred for l
kin JaI or eeliaK l r al soy od the COllegi
ate Donee
arse is lab modc oMree towdat
nearae tin tor bursa
AllmWl ais Tends
ilaattrtl at alll ba received al sped
VLCSwarfftlalt for boja und r IS yaaja it
nlaua la lt > nml > l ntat ot Us rqulpmenv
taaPs 2 To well a < Mptambar P IMI
ora f Add
Isle A MOKRISMIY C B C Prtaldtnt
teadt w f Culnnllf at ttotrt Pmsl
Thonxiili Enjllh and CIa deal I edseatlon
licluilliifUrr < ki un I rnnibu Dermas 0
cotnplfllci lh lnllrour ol iluitlei > 40
rtrrlr tbt tgstr toHrcUt I ll tnoc
Tha OoiMrtXorr of Neela l UfonduciM Oil
lbs plan 01 U Ut dxilcil OoniirTiiorlii
Th Art > r mt 1s moJcllM after tb a
best Art Stboolf ot rurop
1TI rmlirjtirt Minim l > > p rln nta Put
DUa t here Mrftally prepared Iha A
dtmlo Uf o Counri t Irmniiliiiau
An dlnctlon of araduttt rt lloton Nora
Sihool ot Urn ltl a llmkkfplnf hooo
ripbf n4 Trpewrltlnj ftt fftn r honoeh
r > norNo4lenTl audit oadogtle V
fclUrTAuJauT Nate Dam T a UUM
Attend School Chjaper o t u JJS rtfo
uo Aa rinS > W c lll liiy Ob oago
cortrwbstiltesre1nloea t J lareu
buy oboes wenNa Nden loo s too
oWL Near al Nr srbat Adne bO
I 2 V i
du KKr nr
t t ii t
The Orioles Nest
ininir Mid awing low I
where tba trlhre in
On IhHr twniillrtil rrraml to and fo
raillail in felr
In the summer sir
nrirro lbe srrtfl ie throng
Amid ttifn aiM Mittf t
toj hull not Dpi hte JfnMV 1 quest
rcrl rtrraa itVonmr ltt InValltr naA
AXHttt r i a d t ft nniv It 1 i I
odrr1 from ttnrltn rhlpltn iahroft
The Oriole silo
At 111 dour nr ttlli
Ithrr mil y < mrr In 1 nrpent nf 1
cm bring for his elfe on I II h d I twrovi
The mnrrrls they uk
Tin a ymirmn leek
Hut a bird ot lata
May tall far hts mala
tad thrrc t womlrlful lava n1 ace un
n that wro llllle boma In IIt i rIM big
world I
Awing high wttt low o A I
tthrethe bnrseh blow I
ant the rAin so ilantliuc to a01troy
radla of melody
Ilorket like a aummrr pa j
Tp whore the ripples 01 nlr nn t run
IW IA I and crU < croe Anti I met AI nn
Ana Sir hall nttiintid In aArehlnes
A tmllisr aUnt lliatt an Orlolia nest
Marxartl 1 Hnntifr In W III tarlttoi
Uaia > ln > Esery Wlfra
Spiders of uie Walls
The water epldef runt about on
the leaves of aquatic Plants and
catches the Insects that llxo among
them but the lust In which this
spider lives Is I a silk bag riled with
air and It fs l anchored beneath the
water Us opening polntil directly
Carrying Air Home
downward so that no air can escape
when Iho spider enters It
After the nest has Leon mallo largo
I enough the spider PIT coods to Oil It I
with air In tho most remarkable way
She carries It In Just as human peo
pie might carry coal or wood or wetter
Into their houses Doing nearly to
the surface she puts tho end ot her
body out of the water for an latUn
then jerks It quickly under with a
bubble attached crosses her hind
legs over It and descends to the neal
Into which she then allows the burr
ble to escape
This In repeated until the nest Is I
lilted with beautiful shining silver
bubbles of air
Tho spider has chosen this slngula
Abode to escape destruction by water
fowl Tho leaves of must squat
plants lie Hat upon the water and
offer only few places where the spider
could hldo from enemies
Tho thought of a homo of silk fllc
with air and anchored In crystallln
sparkling liquid would do for fairy
land story but hero It Is I In real lICe
Many a Slip
ThereB many a slip twine the cup
and the Up has a classical origin
Anccos the hOroiman it the t jlhlp
Argo was old by a t seer that1 he I
would not llvp to drink his own wino
Anccos immodlotulyordecrtt 1 J bbirOitln
lit wino from his own vneyanl I to be I
placed Loforo him and called foe tllO
seer In order tliat llo mlKlrt laugh ht
Jt i fl
the refutation of his prnRtiosllcatlon
when the latter romnrNid There
many a slip twlxt the cup audits
lip At that moment A news wa
Informed that a wild briar Vas ram
Ing his VIneyards whereupon lio IIn l
mediately sit down bin cup and s et
out to dd penwnrfl Battle With UII
boar and was killed In tho conflict
To Build a Rustic l Stair i
Tho treo around which yon Inton
to build your 1IIIIIr should bo at I art
iwg fcct In dlamatcr The lamer the i
t rr 1
f TMt I r1a1Y
Thu atpllngs Sent
tree tbo easier It la to wrap the sap
lings Into place i
These should bo cut from the near
est forest and can be of beech or
maple Get them as long as possible
and not moro than two Inches In dl
Nail the cad of ono of your saplings
fast to the tree at Its bottom letting
It slant la the dlrecllon you are 10
tend U fey tho stair Belt slowly
around fastening with nails as you
proceed until you reach the first limb
whero It un bo cither tlod or pallol I
When you have fastened this I le
I curoly you must next beuiJ the outer
I 101
support for your steps IMoe jott
sheet till however go to Iho If jxiM
sad ecltne several piece I of sapllnx
liteen Inches long and with if fist
urnl befit like a bow Trim flat on
tub hark and front of tlio hoe with
n harp hatchet 1nkWtlil rlll I
an l to another ploon of aplln
hour twenty IncJiwi long t
Opposite the mil of tie faplliiR
whirl IIO you first tiunto the trd kn 1
Abnut two feet nwny from It drive n
Wilt pout To till fdslctl Iho sbccnl l
npllng wile n Mrdnff rape iou grin
IIVI ready to bend It and you had
t I
1 w f I
4 1
The Corset Joint
better get your chum to help yon alIt
It require considerable strength
As yen start to bend the sapling
ia > a It over tho curved piece you
hive made which resembles a pick
ax In elope the enlt of tho handlo
being placed aralniit Ibo trco Thn
object of thU pack nx shape la I to
llstrlbuto the strain over a greater
surface on the sapling than would
1e the cane If ypu simply mqd a dell
without the curved place on the end
You will need snural of thota shipon
and biter your sapling Is beht you
can fallen It to thcio plociw by
After your sapling Is I properly bent
fall mitt fasten the cod securely to
the limb Unless you want to BO to
the trouble of selecting pieces of
sapling with a very decided bow
shape to act ai support to your stair
It will ho much ruler to uso upright
supports The former support Is
much prettier of course
Tin supports fur Ibo stops cnn he
made of two pieces of sapling fan
tuned together been drawing and
then nailed to tho sapling you have
Just bent The treads of step can
he made of any sound I wenther beatcm
boards but chestnut stands tho wcath
or host Tho handrail should bo bent
la the name way as the second sin
ling Tho space between tho rail and
the steps can bo filled with any ahap
of rustic work ypn choose either
grapevine or sapling 4
Properly built this rustic stairway
Is I very pretty and graceful and If
your summer house which It Is I pre
mimoil you will build In a rot tho
head of tho stairs Is I la artistic you
oIIoI < iaut n e
r7tio Rustla Stair Complete
and your friends will enJoy your
handiwork e nor6 than you Pout any
Ferocious Dengsl Tigers
Ttio man cater Is usually an older
tlrt11 whoso Ircnsth Is I fulllun and
f i1 rll fi
whom teeth haVu party lust their I
sharpness HgcH a beast fade It
easier to lurkln Ihv vicinity of settle
ments and td filch up ah occasional
man Woman OP o111d I linn Id run
down vlld cattjc iayn St Nicholas
Tbo largest Hereout ainl moot
brightly colon tgit are farad In
the Province of Ilengal nur1 the
mouths of Iho Oancos hirer aDd not
far from Calcutta A full crowa Hen
gal tlEir I onititlmoi mrnaiircs trnifoot I
from itbso Id tip pf tall I Such n mon
tier mak < i > no more account of sprint
Ing upon a mars than a catMncs of
solilnc njnptuo Ho lurpaptleq the
il i g J rj
Ifoli In strrriKth ind toriiclly I lied has
no rival Jiniouj beasts of ttrcy Aicopt
Krlttiyibfar n1llt rpqfflJy dl n
covered giant bear I of AjniXn
Frozen Soap Bubble
Stony Inter slibi oxpcrlniintfi1 tun
b4 mnde with a step ljvtht blow
frqm yi njlxturo of atUlu scan
glue ft is l not RerithitfgYinotbllt I L a
over that buhblttf CJIn tide frolut
though It Is I jtry rujitly done Blow a
bubble I of rooikralo lsq I f carry n t
to thl door or put It oUt ot Un dpo
window on a wlnlcr tlajf Tho unbblu
will freoip instantly ralaloln ItIt
shape but forming I rnott beautiful
I la If you try this little exoarl
n nt on a cluar day where than Is i
little wind you will bo delighted slut
tbo reauL n
An up to date liver that tttrnfls
strictly to business Is A nu ropuly that
the haul of a BllDt trust scow to

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