II J S PICKED OUT THE WRONG EYE I I Physician Meant Well Enough but He Had Left the Motorman Serious I ly Handicapped rank I Payne n member of the Mali tnllroncl cumml lon said when i investigating n troll accident n > irntl In1 was told of n molornmn on I n work car slur was running at high peed alien tin trucks loft the rails I I beaus I of snow and sleet mid l the ear was thrown to HIP side of the right I of way bringing up ngnlntl n tile I lionTin put Tin molorman was not mloiifdy hurt Inn was cut and bruised about the head and face lip II Inn glare Hi was carried to n ploftlcmnit olllci1 when hits wound were sinned nnd biitnlUKid When tin phflelan mil placed HIII last tn tin asked the swiiided ninn If ho Mi like lie could walk Sure I eat walk all right re turned the pntldil lint 1 wish > uu would IU limn bandages BO I ran KO Why man returned the Ihal > l tint 11ft I ino of > our e es uncovered for ihn purpose Hut doc Hint ejo Jnu left tinror trl d In I n glass om Indianapolis Sows ECZEMA IN RED BLOTCHES 105 Kanter I Ao IVtrolt lIch Komo lime Ian summer I wan taken I with eczema It began In my hair first with red blotches then scaly spreading to my face The blotches were red on my face dry nnd scaly tint large on my scalp they were larger somo srnhhy They come on my hands The inside of my hand were all lltllo lump na though full of I hot about one sixteenth of an Inch under the skin Then they went to the outside and between and all over my finger It also began on tho bot toms of my fret and tlm cahes of my legs J and Itch oh my I never had anything like It mid hope I never will again The Itching was terrible My hands got an I routd scarcely work I tried different eczema ointment hut without results I olIo look modi elno for It hut It did no good I raw Ibo advertisement for n sample of Cutlciirn Ointment and Soap and sent for ono They did ma to much goal I bought sumo more using them as per directions and In about Ihrco weeks I was well ngaln Cutlciirn Soap and Ointment entirely cured me Signed Tlenl Passage Apr 8 1912 Cutlciirn Sony and Ointment sold throughout world Sample of each I true with 32 n Hkln Hook Address I posttan Cutlcura Dept U Uoston Always a Safe Remark Amateur Ned Kelly lotto toco lly Jove 1vo forgotten my Jolly lines loudness gracious whatever shall I do2 Profcuslonal Din Kelly 1 equal to the occasion Shoot the nearest po I liceman and beef out To tow bush boys In lie I bimlil Sydney llulletln Proof Mr I Casey sitting up In bed Malke did > 11 put out thin cat Mr I Casey Ol did Mrs I Cnsey OI dont behave It Mr Casey Well If yea think Olm i liar get up and put er out > er ilf A very successful remedy for pelt Ic catarrh Is hot douches of 1nxtlnu An tlneptlc at druggists 25o n box or sent postpaid on receipt of prlco by The Paxton Toilet Co llostun Mass livery limn a moo makes u bluff nl piilng iillentloti to n woman oh bo gins to look for something In him lo reform NERVOUS 1 DESPONDENT WOMEN Find Relief in Lydia E Pink hams Vegetable Compound Their Own Statements So Testify Platen roWh1I 1 wroto to you first I was troubled with female weak flees and backache i 4 Irt and was so nervous tr that Ilea would cry at tUI i V k I oho least noise I It f r would startlo mo BO tew qo f I nIWn take Ly u Aai 1 din 1 E IMnKliami remedies and dont hat o any more cry 1 r ffT Ing spells I sleep sound and mle ner vousness Is better I will roeommand your medicines to all sintering women Mrs MAny IULSTIUD Ilaten Pa flax Os Hero Is tho report of another genuine case which still further shows that Ly dia E rinkhuni VegeUblo Compound may be relied upon WAlcott N DakotaI had Inl1nm motion which cnujwl pain In my lido and my bade ached all Lhu time I Will to blue that I felt like crying If any ono even spoke to me I took Iydia C Hnkhams Vegetable Compound anti I began to gain right away I continued IU use and now I am a well woman Mrs AUEUA DAHL Wulcott N Dakota If TOO want special aJilce rrrlle to Lydia 1lnkham Medicine Co cokll dtntlal 1jiiii Man Your letter will be opened read and anirrrrrd hj s iromin and held In klrlct cunlldfuco OO MORGAN IS A CLOU ER i Washingtons Second Baseman Taught How to Hit Manager Qrlffith Takes Danville flop In Hand and Teaches Him to Oat Shows Great Improvement In His Stick Work Tbo Improvement of liny Morgan a butter Is Olio ol the greatest things connected 1 with the piiformnnctts of the Nntlonuls of 1912 lant jear Ito little lad from Dan Mile Va wns a llRlit ticker Jim my McAleer I denpnlrwl his ever uhln hug In Ibo big league on that nc count Hut Jimmy illilnt know lion to tench the boy better form nt the bat It remained for Clark Irimth to do that At riiarlotlostlllo Morgan wn gUcu long mill rnrcful Instruction on liar to stniid how 10 suvlng how tc Cut away from tlio plate end the kind of n bat he should else It wn nl new to the lad Never before had any one tried to tench him Ho had always lilt In his own natural slI < cool enough In Its way too but nol Rood enough for the bit show Vhcn the mall started Morgnr tone only learning how to use nil hit weight against Iho ball how to pick out the good ones and how to gel puny from the plate Ho was learn I ing rapidly however ami when the opportunity came for him to tube hit place In Iho regular lineup day aftci duty he was ready Morgan should be one of the tcnml lending bittern If he continue hit invent work with the willow Ihor I Highly Impregnated with Ihn doctrine being taught this team hy Irlllllh ho believes ho can hit any pitching irrv < M up lo him nirlherinore he In doing II and has been doing It nil along Thin llaltlmoro boy I II tiMng ho proper site of stick non lie HWIIKI with all bin ttrcnglh and weight nod la ono of limo longest bittern on the If t wtY M Ray Morgan team Ills great speed enabled him to get the tow out of his long drivel to tha garden nnd ns n rlldlng run ner otil Mocller 1 and Mllnn begin tc < ompnre with him Morgan Is n miturnl hitler thats nil smiles Irimth when talking 01 lute young second buscmun Ho li using nil his nblllty now nnd hnuld be I n ruceeKK all iiloug As noon aa he I learns Iho flue polntn about plajlng l the bag he will be ono of tow best ijComl baremtii In thu giimi1 murk me onu of lies hot In thu game I TO RETAIN MANAGER DAHLEN I President Ebbed of Drooklyn Sets at Rest Humors Concerning Leader of His Team I To tet nt lest irlotm rumors In volving tlie munnguncnt of tho IlrooV Ito next > enr President Kbbcts mode this positive slalcmciit Dahlni vslll not bo supplanted He linn doDo excellent work vo11h limo ma terial In hand In thrco years ho luau r j I sI I Dill Dihlen ripped out tho deadwood limo drinkers and oho trouble maker and has built up an entirely new orgunlzutlon He IIIOWB every nngla of oho gamo und Ibo Hrooklyns arc bound to Improve It would < be an Injustice to remove Dahlen from tho management Just at i limo when It teems certain that be Kill get good results Dahlen Is not to blame for tho accidents and Illness that 1mvo crippled us from limo to time Ho has been patient and pains taking and I Intent to place Increased tonfldince In bit ability J t HUGH JENNINGS TO RECEIVE TOP SALARY S I r IJ I Xa 0 r I r e S I i I j I III II I Q IIi i I I Manager Jennings of Detroit I Hugh Jennings Imo signed n contiuct 10 conlliiuo his service as man ager nf the Detroit American league baseball Irani for limo next two yours Ills salary Is said lo be the highest paid any malinger In oho American league WILLIS PITCHES FINE GAME GAMEI Old Tlms National League Star Lets Port Deposit Team Down With out One Safe Hit I Via Willis for 13 years ono of tho star pllchcm In limo National vague thawed his old tlmo form when pitch ing for tho Trl County league ha lot v Apt f t L r a s I u ti a r k y t r r Vic Willis Port Deposit down without n lilt and thru lust time camo 1 to 0 Two error 1ava Port Deposit the winning ruu In tho ninth Inning Senates Awakening Frank Hcbulio of the Culm has re covered his bulling eye Hclulie was the batting uciiEntlmi of lust year when ho mado 21 homo runs Now Ilvlnlo Zimmerman Is oho candy kid with the stick Hchullo undoubted ly bo heard from this limo forward Chance to Undergo Operation Frank Chnnco will bo operated on at the cud of the present season Tho doctors believe thoy can relievo his ricesitlvo nervousness with an opera tion and Chance has consented to this attempt t MODERN GAME SA SCIENCE I MODERN Ancient Fans mud at Present Day Dattlng and Pitching Sport la 1 In Its Infancy Dam ball today Is a scheme and wo ancient faun Ltaud nmand at tho pres I ent day pitching I and halting I I work at thus phenomenally clever bow run ning and oho hold Hie lutlonul guinu has gained on limn public funry Wa I are univvliiK old with tint ginue hut Iho latter la I IIIIVH Improving while vvo mo getting smear nUhteil 1 and stiff In oho joints caps u writer In Ie llus Thu glories I of tho putt inn being dimmed by tha necoinpllnliiniiils t of the prusont und the Infant I fans will llvo to see thing Bono Unit Ne cannot even Imuglni That why I invy them Wo used to think wo had teen ovor > lhltm that woe In h Ibo game Now sun rrnllin that Ilia sport Is still In hit childhood Tim Cobhs II iII i the MnrquaidH and Iho Jidiiisons are teaching us this and doublet clinching Ibo fact I iMf 1 BM Klsher tho nun lliooKI shurlslop looks very promUInt long Cantllloii U claiming anoth er pinnnnt for Ihn Mlllern Umplrn 1111 Sill t mtu U out with thu theory that Ty Cobb lent human llarnoy lru > fni of thu IMrntv Is I filler Iced Corrldon of thu Kuimas City team lltorge fllbton menu lo ho In a clams with Jimmy rchnr In giurdlng tho racks Kdillo Menior lime outfleldfr of the Pirate team ls a prize Irhl r in Iho ol season Russell ford and IM WnUh liotli rpltbillurH hum allowed more hit Ihan lilY n her pltttnrs In thin Anier Icon Hiaguf Apinrenlly Manager Cullalmn In I coming to liellevu hat joungstern till niili iiecdcj Charley Dooln rpiltiK n nsv on < In askliiK thul a disinfectant ho used on the splllmll Cincinnati Nos released Thom Mat limn WatliUinlonIx < e university illtlur to Toronto As ueuil In n detest tlm op > oslng pitcher didnt eeeij to hUll nnylhlng oxofpt n gluIo nnd a 1 prayer Tbo KUCCMII or Iho Senators Is t said to to duo to Ihn nblllly of thin pitch ers lo hold the runners on flint Ducky Inlninn mamner of Ihn grand Haplda tcnm U boantlng that ho Jovolopt1 lddi Itnbe Muniuard and Dlxla Nvnlker Thin Cleveland club Is fcourlng limn remotest cowers of the country fur nn > thlng nnd eer > thlng that looks like n player Columbia of the South Atlantic league has traded Phil Union tu I Spartanhurg of tho Carolina anocls lion for Catcher Mencfeo i 1 < tJ 1 7 A I V A Picture of Contentment All men look pleased when they smoke I 4 this clu > iru tobacco for all men like the rich 1 > quality and true imlund llavor of t fflffd f K i 9 3J P A iA d I Smoked In pipes liy thoiiiamli of men everywhere known cigarette smokers as the maklngi i We take limnuil pride In Ijgcrll tf Mytn Dukes 1 Mlxtnrr It Is our leading brand of crniiulalnl tnlwcco and emery sack we mnlec lea I liullriiu tu all other tobacco s 1 manufacturers Ivcry Sv wick nf Hill fimnus tnliAcco ontalni line and a half miners of rhnlce KriitiiiUtril r tiituecu In every way equal In the lirit yon tan huy at any Price mill with each suck nu get a lunik nf cigarette IMPCM ntrr I I If you have not tmnked the Dukes Mltlura madn by Ilia Llffill i Jyiri liilMiiu Co al Durh in N t try It now 8 I Get n Camera with tho Coupon t File flue roupuni With them ou run get all KiiHof Yalu able preienli rlk Imuitsble fur l Jounlf and P b oJ1 1 olJ 1 men Ollln buys and gnh You III Ira DI ilcllghte1 In Ire nlut > OU nugrtfrra with nut one real of rut tu uu ict our now t j j ti Illutlrh + lcnl + InK Asaspciafir ore rf fi wilnd It tee JaHng Stplimkir and se i O faber only four name mid cddreit r t i UII a Iallal will bring Itlu you I CoMI Law lhlil AJ11 war L w vd rIMl I w1lUltaEalU4J k GIV TlNUYS oTUIIA PLAY CKAN m1I TW11T nMw IM IHUR tU3G11ar na Awli Itrbrlco J e ri no curl 11lfll1UNl U OAR I tVl LTIU eels I hhla r iJ NArr rtl n re ยต nral 11 r I v i Tremlum Deft a clI ij Jlfl M4I ST LOUIS MO re ib tl Domestic Combat < I Trim bridge 11111 I Rianilxin nf the Kiel ongfellawSvho to nn Ilellllr married In Ciiinbrltlgn out lIh n beintl 1 ful rlluul of hits own lompoidilon tuld HID oilier day 10 n repniler If I all t nuplen I giivn In niarrliiKe Iho 1 pralnund l thought mid re V rriin > luau 1 my wlfn nnd I KHVK lo It I 1111 111 wuiid bu fewer inlnmallngii The average mariltil heir It nome lime seenm to me inn like Ihe 1I1I11a Pa 1 salt Illlle Tom my IHnU etc slay whnlp n wrkiHinT A wiapou my ton lilnlm un svvind U MimelliliiK In llKln Nub I Thin pu raid Illlle Touim > Is inn jour wen poll T I I Keeping Water Cold If ou urn In the hnbll IIr luUiix a pllihir of lied wiilir to Jour loom on 1 renting Icy Ihln Iroiuic n square pimlibonril box Iwlih lid sulllilentl purge I In hold > our pllclfr and live II leo or HIIK Odls of tarnlili nil HID I imiilde ntlonlng such nun lo sir ihorouiihl I 11 late mot pllilur of wu n r In Ihlr box I mi nHrlM pulling ilio lid un U tulip lad > mi site lulu iif iII i bathiK i uld drlnklim wu er any hour of U i > nlKhi Important to MottiorH CiMiuliiH cart fully uitry iidiilt I it CA4TUIIIA safe hud mre unity fits liifalk nut ihlldrpii Mid ciu hid It Downs Ihn A fl inituroof Mhli r 13S In Vm Far Over ao YM Lliililron Cry for JMillers Cniloriu No Chance im < er Wlistn llui iroiililc lcii I Jim thorny = lura IIn nimble 1 Mn fluid nmn noileil In lo try unit I maki Mime but Im 101110 I Ie I iiiiild nut do Ill lien 1 ttiWw rLbslhina Nerii r r u Iln n Lelauaeeaarn thepaala rwnho 1 now ilea ale push 1 some n uWloh f a a Many n mans good nnumilon Ua I bin bush blllcn b the p11u1II bur A OIIDERFUL DISCOYERYf Ialhl Yn of rrnhaw rY5ww + 1 IIaa1 I 1 b1 n Lnll n ran rruwtnn uw h W 1Nrwnl Yua Mlaw h InIwrJ bJw titIIIJN Aa I verist ad Ihw Yr M 1NNN Iaa nIrw1 n fa hlrhA > < wl wpyM MWniMnHhl < li lMVh i H Nl itiftNitw + ln lr wa hll irtul n11M111 Uvorlbr llHitf rmhii Mwr wow we r fmw hJnwr e JJrf nw u II 1MM fhnMl wrlanN Ylaf ae r1Y M h lit In 1 A i tlti M iIMId tyM In i farllUr msrtldrlit n it MMIfJr In a far l l ni rnnat I Iw y Yr1Y w ru 1 1 t h1 wfH f nIYMIt 1 IN rJt1 Yr w Iw r wY Il Y 1tl r b 151w lu suit Y ern will w iA ntl how lill lu I a a IhlIw rnrlw La W w W sun IA I tmw l war LYI i ni Iwarl lb ha e nl rn I w w I of a 1 w w ura n Ln r I ffi If Jij r Vnit > fYl ikI i lit I IM Hi I Tl tHk II A4 1I fpl < IWII I l j nd Kn ll yU II iin 1 l Wti I flii ioritrw ir 1 1 n i eiliriillLiiti JI IJlirfcSt UMD r f N r 7 1 1 wl Iw r wa naw M n rrI t noneIlt ut plr Ynnn il h h n M w + a 7T r 1a hrIrna r t 1 ui 1 jnTi H iS VU 111 + Virk = wa 1 < u IIVIMOCK AM n HISCIILAMOUS tj Electrotypes 1M IN ORIIoT VIoRIICTY I POP ALK sAl TIK LOWIlaT RICIUI UY I N + lscsu IYNVYArta 101 I i AHJI WAd et Ch e 0 t FOR OLD AND YOUNG rule lltrrlllli rels IIIJlrho hUJ 1n JeUt leant ur unrurn YIJ se neon III n J c9 Pil3 < holno nJ riven lolh week lima cliMJntVs aoJ IJJJrr 1 11 uf this paper Jre21Ule1lS drslhK 10 ndveitlMd in Its column buyanytldng ahould lusUt upon having what they ask for I ref uningall wbutituteroorinuitanuns Iwikuut uu II II tilt 1 rl Libra WK tALIt NA ikr t L + run 1t h rnmrtmD QUICK SORC REIIf EYES W N U Sill Like City No 33 1912 I We La DOUClAS j I SHOES t II 300 350 400 450 AND SBOOL J i fOrt MN AND WOMCN Wf7 Tf > Ooytt all wosi W 1n lioutjlna SSOO S3OO I and 3OO SaltaoSStiootit Cutt fishy nora I I WLDouclainit1iei mid sell 1 more J3 00 330 und tOO I I IbMO thin any other manufacturer In the world because pIc i they look better fit better and wear longer than scull nary shoes N CAUTIONWhen you buy shines b < lure W L Douglas name It stamped on thus toll om It gunnntuet prolecllon to you Acolnt Inferior iliac neo of lubititulet W1 Douglas shoes are sold In 78 own dares In largo cilia i and retail hue dealer > evrrywhar Iai cow l wear Writ for Catalog W U DOUGLAS UrocUltn Mess t w < r of a