OCR Interpretation

The Spanish Fork press. [volume] (Spanish Fork, Utah) 1902-current, December 22, 1910, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058245/1910-12-22/ed-1/seq-5/

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JI ritmnt47 o a
f t ry t Y the 1W tivit
4 if r r JIIIIL IIU d
T was early
of our Lord morning 1473 There ot the sixteenth of December In the year
yet n touch of was a sprightly freshness In tho nlr
ns In tho neighborhood ardor too or Franco even In Us northern parts
ti favored with Sin of Houen whero this Bcone II K lald Is
L curly months of sunshine the and Pleasant warm breezes until tho
< > of tho mason and the new year Shops were closed tho tools
they had fallen from shoemaker and the carpenter lay where
y the
been put the hand of the owner or where they had
night before
way from tho lIut every square of Iloucn all tho
of St Mnclou massive portal l of lll ° Cathedral to tho cloisters
Wns througed wtthreatenedeto
burst outward and every window rcntonod to
jpoult of from the press of heads and shoulders
vantage In tho streets V seeking a
J la little way clear and were forced the oval archers had difficulty In keeping
Into order the crowding often to threaten and sometimes to prod
S masses
I I toward > Something of unusual nature was evidently
jt TOinptly at eight
I oclock n herald
and sounded long and loudly stepped from the arch ot tho cathedral
on bls
standing there as though wnltl trumpet For some momeutu ho remained
slowly to pace forward With waiting for a signal from behind Then ho began
life from the darkness of the grotesque capor another flBUro sprang lnto
It carried a horrid archway On Its head were horns In Its hand
covered and sharp with Implements long hair spear like and in the tho tool girdle of at a tinsmith Hs waist while hung smoking Its entire firebrlUlds body wns
doubt of Its Identity could be talons armed Its long black fingers No
lert It
emerged IUld Lucler Hailidly others o hlB band
surroundcll him merry devlls with
10rlted tongues serene devils playing pranks raging devils with
trates yet aU as vintagers as artisans ns magis
displaying in
Borne fashion the cloven hoof or spiked taU Close
pressing on the heels of this boisterous
mounted crow came a long bearded patriarch
on an ass From time
to time
a celestial figure clothed In white
a shining long sword
stepped from beside hIm
and blocked the
The chronicles of the time fall to mention way
the whether the ass spoke or not but
spectacle made 1t Plain beyond
peradventure to every onlooker that thIs
Was Balaam who was riding In review before them
After llallu1m opine other of the
Dan1olCanda5rBnlT ° prophets DavW Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel
Daniel and the
Sibyl These were
they who had foretold tho
o corning of the
Shepherds followed them
lustily playing upon bagpipes and singing
I r t fi tr ° II
< t 1
ss A
wore a flowing gown of richest silk borrowed
from the bishop On his feet wero long pointed
toed shoes of doeskin turned up and fastened to
tie knees with fine chains Ills neck was en
t ded with a piece of costly lace and to give a
jch of the Oriental a turban was wound about
I his fifteenth century hat and about the turban
was festooned a necklace borrowtvl 1 for tho occa
sion rom the goodwife
t The shepherds were attired quite an sump
tuously They wore slashed doublets and gor
geous colored trunks and the pipes upon which
they played were of the latest fashion in French
Instrumentation But the magi who Journeyed
In tho shepherds company far outshone their
pastoral companions Beneath their gowns they
+ gleamed resplendent In bright armor From top
to toe were they encased In mall and since they
could find no camels In Rouen they rode on
donkeys that groaned beneath the burden Each
magus was accompanied by a page
And so the procession wound on and on out of
the portal of tho cathedral of Rouen Joseph and
Mary the surly Innkeeper bearing a lantern to
designate that his part was played in the night
S Herod the Roman emperor and lastly God
the Father God the Son nnd a numerous band
distributed amongst themselves
angels who
of insc and
costliest of the albs stoles dalmatlcas
the of thai
loaned for the occasion by the clergy
entliedral and the cloister of St tfaclou Seventy
In this
i actors there were
eight of these attendant squires and the
l and their
drama numbered a hundred
I lesser l figures In
B > the time they had passed
and fifty cathedral and arrived at the f cloister
from out Mm of this sixteenth
ieU thowatoward noon
It was wen on the way
December 1473
teonth of
during the course of tho parade
At intervals headed it stopped nnd blew a
the crier who procession halted and from
blast The Pits
prolonged emerged a loug vlagetl man In the
its midst doctor In his hand ho hold
univers y
dross of a this aloft ho made procla
a fat scroll Waving
sllete Sllentlum emafactalis
Bllete nliumrupa
SlletEtepeCeDel tlllum pacem faclatla
finished his peroration in Latin
i And when he had In tho vcrnacullU tUe purport of
ho 1 announced It was 10 be 1 great mystery
I the celebration l ot the nativIty of thc Savior In
I play I in honor nftiJto do nostro saulreur et re
carnac l lOll ° t nK Tho sheriffs I of the town
dompour Jcs ntiiedral and St Miciou many
Ulocl0rlVbSnes and the bishop himself had
of the rich Llr burghers tlmc and money without stint in
of rorrcBl
given I dear townsp < oplo might
j order bat with the a spectacle of holy events And
their I I scale had composed a myctery play of
f 00lrtc doctor
tr p q t1 t
r t
° FR tlty
t f r puX
i s 1 t a x
r r n
i i >
i Donnp from heaven from heaven so hie wwt J
Of angels there came a great eompanle
With mlrtlic and Joy anti great eolcmnltye
They singe tprly tcrlow O PTll OfROEY CTHEOAL 010
< So mcrpll the slicppards titer pipes can
Queerest of all was the manner In which these C m 0 +
various personages were accoutered Balaam
envnn + m
U east ss
I r v 0
r F I rr1 i
11 1
n11 1
some 10000 verses and had rehearsed tho actors
in their ports so that all was In readiness On
the morning of the twentyfourth the play would
begin In the market place of tho city and by
the grace of God It would bo finished by even
Ing of tho day following Let all attend The
crier then made proclamation for the mayor that
all shops save those of the vlctualers should be
closed on those two days Citizens need have no
fear at leaving their houses unguarded for spe
cial troops of the archers would patrol the city
and furthermore tho gates of the town would bo
closed against either Ingress or egress Let all
Now let us turn our attention to the market
place It is a largo square In the center of Rouen
Into which the principal thoroughfares of tho
city debouch On all of its four sides Is confu
sion Along one entire dimension is being erect
ed a row of private boxes for the mayor and
other dignitaries of the town and for such of tho
clergy as are not Impersonating parts In the mys
tery The two abutting sides are given over to
the vlctualers whose booths will feed the hungry
throngs during tho entronctes of tho play And
the fourth side that facing tho private boxes Is
allotted for the stage In all this structure com
passes some 10000 square feet but this small
space for the time represents two countries Pal
estine and Italyto say nothing of two realms
not to be located with so much geographical cer
tainty paradise and hell
On its extreme left Is Nazareth and the house
of Joseph and Mary In fad the house Is all
there is to the town except a sign board In
scribed with the name of the place Next Is
Bethlehem typified by nn Inn and a stable and
Just beyond Bethlehem lies a mansion or cur
tamedoff square At tho appropriate moment
the screen here will bo withdrawn disclosing to
the eyes of tho onlookers the band of shepherds
watching their Hocks by night and Incidentally
making tho welkin ring with the sound of song
and BhrlllliiK of the pipes The field of the shep
herds lies betwixt Bethlehem and Jerusalem that
Is to say betwixt the inn and stable and the
house of Herod which stands for tho holy city
Tho next few feet leap oceans for at the side of
Herods house stands the temple of Apollo In
Rome the chamber of the Roman emperor and
the capitol besides the haunt of the Sibyl that
strange figure of medieval church lore who pa
gan though she was ranked with the Hebrew
prophets and was celebrated In the greatest of
church songs the Dies Irae along with David
Dies Irae dies llln
Snivel saeclum In fuvllla
Teato David cum Sibylla
Adjoining the hoi of the Sibyl is limbo So
close are they that < i tho course of the play
their Inmates can 1 r < across the Intervening
space and exchange tilo courtesy of n sip of wine
from tho flask Limbo Is merely a square tower
with a front strongly grated It serves to hold
the materialized souls of such of tho worthy de
parted as dwelt on earth during the old dispensa
tion Hero will reside during the two days of
tho representation the prophets the patriarchs
and a select few of the pagans Their lot Is not
an unhappy one they live only In unsatisfied
hope They may well bo content with their fate
when they look upon their neighbors to the right
at tho end of the row of spectacles For here Is
bell nlouth Of all tho grotesquo and Impressive
spectacles of tho mystery play liell mouth took
precedence Tho most skillful carpenters anti
mechanicians were employed In its fabrication
and tho art of the most expensive painter was
none too good for Its adornment When complet
ed hellmouth stood 12 or 15 feet high and as
many broad grlnnlns
like tho head of St
Georges dragon Its
Jaws opened cavernous
ly when proper levers
were put In operation at
the back and from its
eyes and throat issue
flames and gusts of
smoke from braziers
filled with pftoh and
blown upon with bellows
Through this smoke sal
lied out the devil and
his aides to drag In tho
souls of tho lost and
tho agonized screams at
tho damned punctuated
by t h 0 roar u f ennn on
uy niu iuiii ui uuuiivju
the crashing of stones In the thunder barrel and
tho shrieking of pipes was calculated to Instil Into
the most obdurate heart a wholesome fear of what
tho hereafter might have in store for tho unro
The final spectacle of the stage the carpenters
were erecting was paradise High placed above
I everything else It dominated all the scene Its
occupants God the Father God tho Son and the
blessed angels were hoisted up Into It by mechan
ical lifts and when the angels wished to descend
as for Instance on the night of the nativity over
tho fields near Bethlehem they did so suspended
on ropes It was hard being God or an angel for
there was little chance to get down and stretch
ones legs With these heavenly characters abode
four others Ponce Mercy Justice and Truth in
Imitation of Aristotles four cardinal virtues
Such were In the main the mansions and
the characters for which the carpenters had to
provide and the eight days succeeding the mon
sire or grand parade were especially busy ones
for these artisans
Early on the morning of December 24 tho long
awaited representation began The vast market
place was thronged Every box was filled with the
gentry the rope < lln space in front out to within
some yards of tho stage front had been covered
thickly with straw and hero on the ground sat thou
sands while tho open stretch Immediately In front
of nnd rather below the level of tho stage was
filled with crowds parading back and forth Alto
gether It was a glorious and eager gathering
rho learned doctor whose midnight toil had
prepared the doggerel and whoso weeks of labor
had rehearsed the players in their parts appeared
first In a short prologue After exhorting his
listeners to silence he described for them briefly
tho substance of what was about to bo presented
on tjio stage and admonished them to take to
heart the lessons of tho mystery As ho retired
to a convenient angle of the wall of Herods house
whence hu might advantageously be in position for
prompting tho actors n deep lamentation broke
out within hell It was Adam grieving over tho sad
and fallen state of man
Thus tho play goes on for two days passing I
now to limbo whence the prophets Issue to foretell
to mankind the coming salvation to Nazareth lo I
Bethlehem and throughout the whole cycle of tho o
nativity When Christ is born In Bethlehem hoi
redoubles its efforts nnd Lucifer rolls about the
stage in a mighty orgy of blind fury Tho Images
of the Idols In tho temple at Rome fall crashing
from their pedestals and high above all the an
gels In paradise or hovering on their ropes above
the fields of Palestine chant majestically the
praises of tho Creator and proclaim tho Pax in
Curlou is the final scene It is placed In Rome
in the chamber of Augustus The emperor dressed
like a French duke is seated on a fancy chair I
loaned by tho mayor of Rouen Evidently ho is III
at ease He Is reading a scroll of the Sibylline
writings wherein ho finds n distinct prophecy to I
the effect that a Messiah Is to be born in Palestine
in Bethlehem of Judea More and more disturbed J
ho becomes and as ho paces tho floor of his cham
ber ho recites his In
woes doggerel French ac
companied by a wealth of gesticulations Tho sun
Is already down beyond tho gables to the west of
tho market place ero his
monologue comes to an
end With a sudden inspiration ho falls to hIs
knees and worships a figure of the virgin that mi
raculously appears on the wall Satan and his
crsw give a final salvo and tho crowd rises stiffly
to its feet and wends its way back to the homes
and taverns of tho city much moved by the spec I
tacle it has been a witness of for two wholo dare
Tho boy scout movement has been
launched nt Provo
There were fortyeight births and i
hlrtyflve deaths In Salt Lake during
the past week
The CommercialBoosters club has
loclded that It will procure the long
hopetl for cutoff from Logan to tho
Friday < December 1C was a gala day
for tho old folks of Monroe All over
10 wero royally entertained at tho
North ward meeting house
John C ialrweathcr aged 58 years
former cashier at tho State bank at
Oasis died at his homo In Salt Laka
City Friday from Brlghts disease
Efforts are being made to have the
woolen mills at Provo reopen and It
s generally understood tho mills will
again bo running within tho next two
An Improved raco track to cost 18
000 and a cattle coliseum to cost 10
000 nro tho chief Improvements In time
plans of tho Utah State Fair associa
tion for the coming year
A fire broke out In tho rear of tho
Union nesort building In BIngham and
before It could be controlled did fully
700 worth of damage The lire start
ed from an overheated Btove
Legislation tending to adjust tho re
lations of power companies and Irriga
tors In the use of tho states water
rights will be sought by tho Utah con
servation commission of the coming
Tho Illicit sale of morphine and co
calno to victims of tho drug habit Is an
Important problem worthy of conshl
oration by tho coming legislature says
tho ninth biennial report of tho state
board of pharmacy
That Brigham City Is not alone
famous for her largo poaches but can
also if iso hogs was shown last wee k
when John L Chrlstonson of tho First
ward turned looso in his corral a hog
weighing 500 pounds
Samuel Wing had a narrow escape
from death at Tucker when ho step
lIed from between two cars In tho local
yards and was struck by a light engine
of tho Rio Grando Ho escaped with
a few severe bruises
Nathan Tanner for years the las
surviving member of the famous
Klons Camp historic In tho early day
of tho Mormon church died Saturda
night at tho homo of his son III
Granger Salt Lake county at the age
nf or
Finding that tho land was not suit 1
able for power sites through tho in
vestlgatlons of the United States geo
logical survey 8020 acres of land 111 1
Emery county along tho Price river
near Woodslde has been restored to
II II Henrlchsen son of a prom
float merchant of Provo charged with
using the United States malls to de
fraud has been sentenced to Hire
months in jail The young man wa
convicted of conducting a fake pro
duce company
Dairying and dry farming will be dis
cussed by experts who will lecture on
those subjects when the special den
onstratlon train makes Its way through
Utah and Idaho counties Tho special
train will lenvq Salt Lake on the morn
Ing of January 9
Tho opening of the state bridge
across tho river at Green River pract
cally completes the last link of a great
Interstate and transcontinental auto
highway Tho road through Colorado
now gives promise of being completed
by legislative help
Vacos a Greek candy dealer con
victed of shooting John Contos an
other candy merchant of the same na
tionality through the heart April 3
1909 at Ogden may get a new trial
Vacos wns sentenced to thlrtythrc
years imprisonment
There have been received by the
stato engineer during tho past two
years 809 applications for water for lr
rigatlng purposes which will reclaim
439538996 acres and 21C applications
for water for power purposes have
been Hind calling for tho use of 28591
second feet
Amendments offered by Senator
Sutherland and Incorporated In the In
dian appropriation bill carry 10000
for tho benefit of tho scattered bands
of Indians In Skull valley Deep Creek
and southern Utah and 75000 for the
completion of tho irrigation system of
the former Ulntah reservation
In its now ticket agents manual re
cently Issued the Western Pacific
Railroad company has placed Ogden
among tho list of principal ticket of
flees with equal prominence to San
Francisco Oakland and Salt Lake
Lydo Dean an American Fork ped
dler who has been making tho rounds
to Bingham for a number of years was
knocked down and robbed of between
f3n and 40 In Blngham the thugs
making good their escape
According to tho annual report of
JUdge V C Gunnell magistrate of the
Ogden juvenile court over COO cases
have been acted on by tho court dur
Ing tho past year Out of this number
pnly flvo boys and one girl wore com
mltted to tho stato Industrial school
Believing that her condition can be
remedied by careful treatment a Salt
Lake Judge has ordered Miss Kather
Ino McGovern the widely known pro
fessional nurse who attempted suicide
by Jumping from a fourstory building
at Long Beach Cal rently to be
sent to a hospital
Edward Wilbur the counterfeiter
captured near Price has been sen
tenced to six years Imprisonment I
while his young confederate who Wil
bur declares had been Induced to
pass tho worthless money was let off
with a six months sentence
1 rlt =
Accident Causes Death of Ten Per
sons the Injury of One Hundred
and Twentyfive Others and
Heavy Property Loss
Now YorkA terrific explosion of
Humiliating gnu In tho auxiliary pow I
er house at tho Grand Central station
which sent a tremor along tho enIre
rock backbone of Manhattan Monday I s
morning caused tho deaths of ten per l
sons two of them women tho Injury P
of 125 others and property damngo V
estimated at from 2000000 to 3000 P
000 TOn
On a technical charge of homicide U
the police took Into custody Albert
Segarrat motorman of a train which d
bumped into and broke one of the gas h
pipes near tho substation Segarrat y
said ho tried to stop tho train but it
said tho collision t
could not do so Ho If t
with tho buffer and gas pipes occurred r
at 753 and that ho notified tho com
pany at that time of the accident Tho y
explosion camo exactly twenty min I r
utes Inter
Tho force of the explosion ran north IP
and south from one to two miles along r
the rocky ridge that Is tho backbone b
of the Island find cast and west lat 10
erally for a mile lin
Foundations were Jarred walli its
were shaken out of plumb windows 10
wore blown In by tho thousands cell
lugs came crashing down on tho heads hit
of those beneath and tho pavements n
were littered with pulverized glass at
Troubles Martinique tb
Political Troubles In Martinique
Fort do Franco Martinique
Charges of gross frauds In tho elec
tions in the several cantons are made J
After the polls were closed the ballot
boxes wore brought here by the gov JT
ernment officials and placed under
protection In the night tho office In et
which they wero locked up was en igh
tered and tho boxes wore rifled Dep tl
uty Lagroslllloro and his friends have thO
Issued a call to aims as It is alleged tit j
tho destruction of or tampering with nd
tho ballots will result In an election tnd i
victory for the minority 1 ft
Senate Vetoes Shermans Rule rhe
Washington Uy a vote of 37 to 17
tho senate on Monday again cniplialN nd
cally announced Its determination to cf
resist all efforts to alter Its rules In I
any way looking to tho establishment eel
of cloture In that body Tho question a
arose over the ruling Satur
day by VicePresident Sherman hold
Ing that an announcement of a pair + t
by a senator in an nyc and nay vote Is 0
sufficient to Justify tho chair la In nin
eluding him to mako a quorum fl 1
Cudahy Left Eleven Millions v
Chicago Michael J Cudahy foun 1
der of the firm of meat packers left sit
nn estate worth 11000000 according j in
to the will which was made public
Monday Of this sum 9000000 is In daY
personal property and the remainder beet
In real estate A number of charity l td
Institutions arc among the bene liS
ficiaries Itu
Fight Fatal to Three
Bluefields W Vafwo men are b
dead and one is dying as a result of t
a fight between Emmett and Lafayette r
Easterburg brothers and Urban Nash j I
of Tacoma Va After being shot be
low tho heart by Lafayette Easter
burg Nash returned tho tire and t
killed the brothers fl J
Aid for Prospectors i
Washington bill relieving from
annual assessment work all pros f
pectors whoso work was hindered by
tho forest fires of last summer and fall I
was passed Monday by the senate Tho
bill was hurried to the house in the
hope of procuring action before the I
Christmas recess
Rainey Wants Investigation
Washington congressional Inves
tigation of Theodore Roosevelts rail
road transportation expenses while he
Vas president of the United States Is j
called for In a resolution Introduced
by Representative Rainey of Illinois a
Democrat It was referred to tho com
mittee on rules t I
Coal Prices Reduced
Salt Lake CltyAs the result of a
vigorous campaign by the Commercial r
club and newspapers of this city the
price of coal is to be reduced from
025 to 575 a ton the price that pre
vailed previous to tho ralso of a month
ago I
Killed His MotherlnLaw
Dlmmltt Texas Following a trivial
quarrel Sunday night J A Brashoar
shot and killed his mot erlnlaw Mrs I
P E Rnmoy and then fired a bullet
Into his own head dying Instantly
Attacked by Wolf In Theatre
New YorltIn a Brooklyn theatre r
u wolf in a two Inclosuro on tho stage J
Jumped out from tho footlights and at
tacked Sirs Florence Baumgurtnor
and Miss Tesslo Vorualter Both were
bitten on tho hands i
No Comment on Committee Report
Washington Tho majority and
minority reports of tho special Balling
erPlnchot Investigating committee
will be reported out PI the house com
mittee on agricultural back to the
house without comment I
Ii i

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