OCR Interpretation

The Logan Republican. [volume] (Logan, Utah) 1902-1924, December 07, 1912, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058246/1912-12-07/ed-1/seq-1/

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Has Been Empire Builder. Was Connected With Many
w Paying Institutions Throughout The Intcr-mountain
f Region. Funeral Services Will he Held
At Ogden Tuesday
J i - ' i
Salt Lake City, Dec. 6. David Ec
cies, banker railway builder, sugar
magnate and lumber king, reputed to
be one of the wealthiest men In tho
Inter-mountain west, received a 'fatal
stroko of heart failure in front of
. 132 1-2 W south Temple street at
about 9:15 o'clock lost night. Ho
died In tho emergency hospital at
police headquarters ten minutes later
When the financier grasped at his
throat and stumbling backward, fell
into the arms of F. II. Hydo, a Wyo-
Iming stockman, ho was not recogniz
ed as tho Ogden capitalist. Still
gasping for breath ho was taken to
tho emergency hopsltal In tho police
ambulance, Dr. H. D. Sprague, po-
Hco surgeon, leaned over his breast
he was placed on tho operating
cable, catching the sound of the last
flutters of the heart.
Tho Identity of the dying patient
was called to tho attention of tho
surgeons and police officials by a
newspaper man. Hasty examination
ot papers, including a bank book on
his person, verified this.
rWas Walking At Rapid Rate
V. According to Mr. Hyde, Into whoso
arms tho millionaire fell, Mr. Ec
cles was walking east on South Tem
ple street at a rapid paco. Suddenly
ho stumbled. This attracted tho at
tention of Mr. Hydo who stood ready
to catch him as ho reeled backward.
Patrolmen Ernest Lessor and Henry
Schranz also rushed to tho side of
tho dying man. They carried him in
to a nearby store and called the po
lice ambulance.
Shortly before tho ambulance
wheeled Into tho Jail yard, Dr. Spra
gue appeared at police headquarters,
Immediately ordered tho patient to
the operating table and unbuttoning
his vest, listened for signs of heart
action. Tho surgeon heard tho last
flutter of the' heart and soon pro
nounced Mr. Eccles dead.
Tho police chief and Captain ot
7'ollce John Hempel learning of tho
prominence of tho man who died,
imbed Into the hospital to glvo as
sistance. Tho chief took possession
Iot all tho papers found on Mr. Ec
cles, Including tho bank book and n
quantity of checks ranging from ?C00
to $10,000.
During tho aftornoon Mr. Eccles
had attended a meeting of directors
of tho Deseret Savings bank. Short
ly aftor C o'clock last night ho chat
ted with H. O. Whltnoy on tho
street near tho Hotel Utah.
Born May 12, 1849, Palsloy Scot-
Camo to Utah 1853.
Moved to Oregon City, Ore., 1867.
Returned to Ogdon, 1809, and en
gaged In tho lumber business.
In 1873 ho becamo associated with
V K. Gibson and W. T. Van Noy
I n lumber business.
I Mayor ot Ogdon, 1887-1889.
I Organized Oregon Lumber com
I pany in 188? and becamo associated
Wo would not have you forgot tho
harity Hall which will bo given on
londn'y evening nt tho auditorium by
no U. A. C. Womon's Club. Tho
ood women of this club havo under
ikon many things In tho past In
ho interests of tho community at
wgo and hnvo had success in tholr
mdortaklngs. Tho Ball Monday eve
"db Is very deserving and should ho
oll patronized. Wo havo no doubt
;nftt It will rocolvo tho patronago of
rtl Bood citizens.
with numerous banking and devel
oping organizations In Utah.
In 1898 organized Ogden Sugar
company and La Grande, Oregon, Su
ra r compnny.
In 1890 purchased Ogden strcot
railway station.
In 1891 built sugar factory at Lo
In 1902 ho consolidated sugar in
terests forming tho Amalgamate 1
Sugar company.
In 1909 built Logan Rapid Transit
In 1911 extended traction Una Irom
Ogden to Drlgham City.
Died December 5, 1912.
From hard poverty to wealth that
made htm one of the richest men In
Utah Is the life story of David Ec
cles. He was born at Palsloy, Scot
land, May 12, 1849, the son of Wll
llnm and Sarah Hutchinson E"cles
Ills father was a woodturner by oc
cupation. David, tho sero.id eldest ot the
boys, early showed initiative and
other traits that made the family, in
a way, dopcud on'hlm oven when ho
was young. His father was blind.
This made tho support of his large
family an almost Insuperable burden.
David and his brothers gathered
wood which his father turned into
potato mashers, wooden spoonB,
bowls and othor appliances.
David, between times, received a
common school education. His father
becamo interested In the teachings
of the Mormon church and In tho
spring ot 1853 ho decided to emigrate
to America with his family. They ar
rived at Ogden In October 1853.
In 18C7 Mr. Eccles decided to go
to Oregon and'.settled In Oregon City
For two years he worked in the tim
ber camps. Then ho returned to Og
den working whorover employment
could bo found. Dy 1873 by arduous
toll and careful saving, ho found him
self with enough to buy a small saW
mill. Entering Into partnership with
H. E. Gibson and W. T. Van Noy
undor the firm namo of Gibson, Ec
cles & Van Noy, ho opened a lumber
yard in 1874 on tho site of tho pres
ent big Eccles establishment. In 1880
Mr. Eccles bought out his partnors
and continued tho business till 1889
when tho presont Eccles L umbor
compnny wob organized.
Takes 8tart In Small Way
A yoke ot oxen and n lumber con
tract was tho start ot tho Eccles
fortuno In tho lumber business. Tho
oxen wero borrowed. Tho contract
gave him enough money to buy Into
tho Gibson-Van Noy combine
Tho Ogdon business was profitable.
Seeing n chanco to expand, ho in
vested In two moro saw m'l'g to food
tho coal mines at Scofleld. Theso In
turn wero profitable.
With money for Investment, Ecclos
thought ngaln of tho forests of Oro
gon. Ho wont thero in 1SSG and
bought timber lands, foreseeing fu
turo ovonts. In 1889 ho wns ono of
tho organizers of tho Oregon Lumbor
company of which ho h.iS remained
prosldont nun general manager. Hut
this was not nil. Ho saw lumbor
camps need railroads. C. W. Nlbloy,
now presiding bishop of tho Mormon
church, Joined him In tho building of
tho Sumptor Valley railroad running
from nakor City to tho John Dav
company. A second road, tho Mount
Hood railroad, running from Hood
Hlver City to Mount Rood, was also
begun. Numerous Eccles m'l's began
to spring up amid Oregon forohts.
Profits increasing ho bo-amo In
1892 a stockholder and director in
tho Commercial Natlonnl bank of Of;
den then with tho Ogdon Savings
bank. Ho was later made president
of tho latter two organizations He
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David Eccles
was also a director In Thatcher Dros.
Banking Company.
Tho Ogden street railway system
was found In 1900 to bo in a badly
demoralized condition. Mr. Eccles
l-.iught it and reorganized it, ouylnp
new equipment and breathing llfo In
to its waning arteries. In 1901 he
bought the Ogden Hot Springs and
tho Hot Springs railroad opening up
the springs as a health resort.
Turns To Sugar Industry
Among all tho other Interests, ho
turned to sugar and, In 1901 ho built
n sugar factory at Logan after tho
promotion of tho Ogden Sugar com
pany In 1898 by himself and asso
ciates. Ho also organized a sugar
company at La Orande, Ore., Later.
In 1902 he consolidated these three
The sympathy ot the entire com
munity goes out to tho bereaved fam
ily of Mr. Eccles. Resolutions of
sorrow wero passod yesterday by tho
Commercial Boosters Club nnd the
Logan City Commissioners. Tho reso
lution of tho commlslonors Is here
with given:
WHEREAS, this Commission has
learned with profound sorrow and
regret, of tho sudden death ot Its
follow townsman and distinguished
citizen, Hon. David Eccles, and
WHEREAS, his llfo and labors
wero bo linked with tho growth,
progress and development of our
city nnd county, to tho oxtont that
his passing will ba felt with ex
tromo feelings of regrat.
That we, In behalf of the cltlzons ot
Logan City, oxpress our sorrow at
his sudden departure, nnd extend the
sympathy of tho community to the
berenved family. In his death Logan
City has lost a friend, a tlroloss, en
otgotlc, progressive citizen, ono who
Is and In years to come will bo look
ed upon ns a great bonefnetor to this
In respect to his memory this meet
'ng Is now ndjourned whllo wo unlto
in extendi ' to his family our sin
rcio sympathy, profound sorrow and
deep mourning.
RESOLVED, That tho Mayor and
Commissioners represent Loran City
nt tho funeral In a body and In recog
nition of his worth theso Resolutions
nro spread upon tho minutes of Tho
City Commission and nn engrossed
copy is ordered sent to his family.
Passed In Regular Session this Cth
day of Decetnbor, 1912.
companies and organized tho Amal
gamated Sugar company with a cap
ital of $4,000,000. He was president
of this company.
In the past decade, his activities
and Influence, especially In the rail
road Industry, were enormous. Ho nc
qulrod stock or bonds, In practically
every lino In tho northern part ot
this stnto, including tho Bamberger
Mr. Eccles wns an officer In 'Lo
Ogden M 'lng & Elevator compi..'-,
tho Utah-Idaho Sugar company, the
Desoret National, bank, the Homo
Fire Insurance company, tho Consol
idated Wagon & Machine qompany
and tho Utah Construction company,
tho most powerful contracting firm
(Continued on page eight)
The following was taken from
Thursday's Issue of Tho Journal:
"Editor Journal: It there Is a law
against combinations detrimental to
tho public interest, why is It not In
voked against tho theatrical trust of
this city? Tho moving plcturo hous
es havo consolidated, and having
ceeded to shorten tho performances
ceeded to sthortcn tho performances
to eliminate tho singing and thrust
In a lot of advertising pictures that
peoplo genorally do not caro to see.
When thoro was competition hero be
tween th('Ho houses, tho public got a
good dcnl moro for Its pionoy.
Is a moving picture trust, such as
this one, any better than any othor
kind of n trust? Why is It permitted
to exist?
Yours respectfully,
Tho abovo thrust at tho theatrical
Interests of our city, cortalnly bears
tho land marks of having como from
somo ono who has a personal grudgo
against Tho Consolidated Thoator
Company or Is nursing somo soro,
spot becnuse of not being as frooly
patronized by said company, ns ho
feels ho should bo, as thero Is ab
solutely no grounds for a complaint
such as tho above, as tho shows giv
en now arc fully ns good, nnd In
Bonfe ways suporlor to nny porform
nncos given previous to tho consoli
dation. Tho porson who seems to feol so
badly about not gottlng his money's
wdrth, when spending 10 cents at tho
plcturo show, accuses tho "TRUST"
of eliminating tho singing nnd shoit
onlng tho show
If he will hut don his thinking cap
(or It ho has none, borrow his neigh
bors for a few minutes) ho will ro
mombcr that tho singing fcaturo was
eliminated somo six months before
tho theaters consolidated, and that,
at tho solicitation of many of tho
best pntronB of tho business.
Ho will also bear in mind that
when tho singing was dlsponsed with
another reel of pictures wns added to
tho performance nnd where formerly
only a piano was used, an orchestra
of several pieces w-as Installed nnd
wo nro satisfied thnt tho public will
bear us out In saying thnt tho change
wnB extremely ngroeablo.
Truo1 somo advertising Blldes nro
run In connection with tho motion
pictures but this hns nlways been
dono by tho electric theaters nnd wo
ennnot seo why thnt Is particularly
objectlonablo as It does not tnkjTup
moro than from threo to five minutes
and Is a diversion between pictures
which ninny times Is profltnblo to tho
person in attendance.
That tho number of shows In ac
tive operation in our city, has been
decreased, wo will admit, but that
tho quality, or quantity ot tho per
formance Is Inferior wo firmly deny,
nnd would suggest that tho "AMUSE
MENT LOVER" who seems so active
ly interested open up his heart and
spend a dlmo (or It ho has not tho
price, it may bo possible that by ap
pealing to tho manager, ho may got
a pass) and visit tho theaters, and
he will find that four reels of splen
did pictures, accompanied by excel
lent music, aro still in ovidenco.
Tho theater interests of this city
consolidated, not to form a trust nnd
rob tho public, but becauso It wns
uttorly imposslblo for so many hous
es to do business, without serious
loss financially, and It was about tho
only way out of tho trouble.
Tho theatrical management horo
h-vo a good round sum Invostcd and
in order to get tho patronago ot tho
peoplo, aro exerting every effort to
present only tho very best In tho lino
ot amusoment, wero it otherwlso tho
result" would bo disastrous to thorn,
from a monetary standpoint, as tho
expense ot operating tho thoators is
such that it takes a great many
dimes to meet It.
In Society
Miss Lettlo Colo and Mr. Charles
II . Sorensen ot Salt Lako wero mar
ried last Wednesday morning In tho
Logan tcmplo. After tho ceremony
n wedding breakfast was given nt
tho homo of tho brldo's parents Mr.
and Mrs. Gcorgo Cole. The long
table was decorated with threo crys
tal baskets tilled with pink and whtto
La Franco roses; streamers of pink
satin ribbon hung from the chando
Hers to the four corners of tho ta
,ble. Covers wero laid for twenty
five. Tho newly married pair left In
tho afternoon for tho coast for a two
weeks stay, after which thoywilt lo
cato on Fifth South street In Salt
Lako City.
Mr. and Mrs. C. G, Smith enter
tained with n delightful bridge par
ty last Saturday afternoon., Tho la
dles wero taken to Smlthflold on tho
car and spoilt tho nfternoon playing
brldgo nt tho Griffin Hotel. In the
evening tho men Joined thorn and a
delicious suppor was sorved. Tho ta
bio was decprntcd with geranium bios
soms. After supper and tho rldo
homo, tho party ropalied to tho au
ditorium whoro dancing wns enjoyed.
Thoso present wore: Mr. nnd Mrs.
Sidney O. Stevens, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lu
thor Howoll, Dr. nnd Mrs. E. D.
Bull, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. T. Teetzel,
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. G. Noboker, Mr.
nfid Mrs. A. L. Colo, Mr. nnd Mrs.
A II. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. E.
P. Bacon, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Slmls, Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo Torgo
son, Mr. nna Mrs. Moses Cnrdon, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Held Shnmhart, Miss Eliza
belli Smith.
m v
Tho M. E. Churcli gave tholr mi
nimi church suppor Friday ovonlng.
Tho supper wus well patronized nnd
tho proceeds will go to tho church
The Charity Ball which will bo giv
en Monday evening is looked forward
to as ono of tho soclnl ovonts of tho
Mr. mid Mrs. U, W. Robinson nro
back from tholr Salt Lake trip.
Miss Ida Sacago returned from Salt
Like Monday evening whtre nho wen1
'.o spend the Thanksgiving holidays.
(Continued on pago eight)
"Non-Partisan" Would Like to
Know a Number of Things H
Regarding Street Paving H
In Logan City H
Logan, Utah, Dec. 5, 1912.- H
Logan Republican: I undorstand H
that threo ot our citizens ot Logan H
have recently returned from a trip H
through tho northwest nnd Canada, H
whoro they were sent by tho officials H
of Logan City nnd tho Commercial B
Boosters Club, to lnvcstlgato various B
matorlals nnd methods of city strcot HBVBV
paving, with n vlow of dotormtnlng
what will bo tho best kind ot pave-
ment ndaptnblo to tho strcots ot this
city. H
In this connoctlon sovoral qucs-
tions havo nrlsan in my mind, which H
nro In substanc ns follows:
I. Has a street paving district H
boon established in our city? Havo H
tho rcquislto number of peoplo own- H
lng tho nbutting property glvon tholr H
consent to pave? Or has tho city H
arranged to float a bond lssuo? In
other words, has tho monoy booh ar- H
rnngod for, to pay for street paving? H
In othor words Is thoro ono dollar In H
sight for paving purposes? Slnco no H
publicity hns been mado ot any such B
nrrnngement it would appear that tho HHVH
monoy necessary has not been pro- HBVH
II. Docs not tho questions ot street ;HBVJ
paving materials proporly como un- iHHVJ
der tho engineering deparmont ot HBVI
tho city. It would seen that with- flBVfl
out doubt, this question would bo re- HBVJ
ferrcd to tbq City Engineer. Ho Is BBVJ
paid a salary by the city for tsklns HBVJ
caro of any cty work which may. IHBVJ
como up. ho should be, and no jHHVJ
doubt is, Informed upon tho subject jHHVJ
of street paving, It being a part ot iH
his profession as a civil engineer. H
HI. Who paid for tho trip recontly 1
mado by tho threo persons? jH
Slnco theso parties wore sent ;H
by tho city officials nnd tho H
Commercial Boosters Club, I pro-
sumo that tho city and tho club will
defray tho oxpenso of tho trip. i
In the first place does It not look B
Uko "gottlng tho enrt before tho HHVj
horso," to spend monoy Investigating HBV
paving material beforo tho monoy ts HBV
provided to buy tho material. jBBSJ
But most lmportnnt ot all. If tho 'BBV
city and the ciub have a little money HBV
to spend on preliminary investlga- jHBV
tlono regarding tho best kind of pave- ' H
ment adaptable to Our streets, would , H
not the most plausablo method ot llH
getting that knowledge be to acquire ?l
tho services ot somo competent muni- H
clpnl engineer in a consulting capac- H
Ity, to confer with out city engineer. H
Such a person would look our streots H
over, and advlso us In writing Just H
what wo need. Tho city engineering H
department ot Salt Lako for example M
has an engineer who dovotes his M
wholo tlmo to street paving. Ho has ' M
spont many months nnd much monoy M
studying tho pavements of various M
cities of tho United States. Ho has H
had besides his theoretical knowl- ,H
edge a great deal of prnctlcnl knowl- !H
edgo with strcot paving which ron- ' H
ders him ontlroly compotcnt. His ser 'H
vices could no doubt, be procured in '
n community capacity for nt loast
tho amount that It cost to send the 'H
threo parties nwny on tho trip. '"H
Thero's no perbonal grudgo against !
the threo parties who recently mndo till
tho trip. Tlioy nro nil flrst class men i
In their line, but to leao It to tho M
public to dccldo whether or not It ij
looks Uko good Judgment, for tho H
city nnd the club to spend monoy nt- MK9
tomptlng to cducnto nn architect and iK
two builders In street paving by glv- . H
lng them n ten dnys' trip, whon for Wk4
nbout tho cost ot tho trip thoy could 31
ncqulro tho scivlco of a professional Ol
strcot paving onglncor, who has spent Efl
yonrs nt such work. Yours truly, fl
Tho Jury In tho enso of tho Stato M
against M. M. Rceso brought In a M
vordlct of guilty ntter threo hours 'H
of deliberation, Thursday ovonlng. JH
Judgo Mnughan will pass Judgment nH
Monday nt 2 o'clock. iM
Miss .Ethel Jenson returned home M
from Salt Lake Mouday. H

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