1 Mktcrtbe for Th Republican II 1 4? 3 4 d 4' 2B f rf'f 'fcW 1 I '. The P' of the value :H -30c a month In Logan; Z&o CI1 II, HIIIIII vlllllllll II II II Republican advertl.lnB lie. in ,M month in Cache County. B 7 i 'W'W' ? JHr U r6u " ' M M EIHT PAGES LOOAN, CACHE COUNTY, UTAH, TUESDAY FEDRUARY 25 1913 " 'H - , TENTH YEAR M , MADERO AND SUAREZ ARE ,J SLAIN IN NIGHT ATTACK . x Hucrta's Explanation Unsatisfactory to The Ambassadors. Prisoners Made Attempt to Get Free, Is Story. Officials say Escore Was Assailed. : Mexico City, Feb. 23. -Francisco i I. Madero and Joao Pino Suarez nro dead, killed In a midnight rldo under guard from tho national l'alaco to ( tho penitentiary. I Tho circumstances surrounding the deaths of tho deposed president and vlco president of tho republic aro uu-1 known except as given In offlclal ac-1 counts, which do not conform In all cases. Tho only witnesses wero thoso actually concerned in tho kill ing. Tho provisional president, Gen. VIctorlano Huerta, says tho killing of tho two men was Incidental to a light between tholr guard and a par ty attempting to llbornto them. Tho minister of foreign rolatlons Francis co do la Harra adds that tho prison ers attempted to escape. Neither makes a definite statemont as to which nliln flrnd tho fatal fill ota. It I is not Impossible that neither knows Solemn Promises Are Made Tho tragedy occurred shortly after midnight. Madero and Suarez, who had been prisoners in tho national palaco slnco their nrrest on Tuesday last, wero placed in an automobile which was accompanied by another car and escorted by 100 ruraies un der tho orders of Commandant Fran cisco Cardenas and Col. Itafael PI mlcnto. LWith instructions not to outdis tance tho escort tho cars moved slow ly. No incident occurred until they had reached a point near tho peniten tiary whe'ro In an open place tho guards attention wns attracted according to tho official version to a group of persons following. Shots wero fired at tho escort out of tho darkness. Tho ruraies closed In nnd ordered tho prisoners out of tho car Thirty of tho guards surrounded tho prisoners, while tho remainder disposed themselves to resist an at tack. About fifty men, somo afoot and Bomo mounted, throw themselves upon tho detachment guarding tho cars and tho exchange of shots last ed twenty minutes, when tho attack ing party fled. Tho dead bodies of Madero and Suarez then wero found Madero Died Instantly Tho body of Madoro shows only ono wound. A bullet entered tho back of the head and emerged at tho forehead. The body of Suarez shows many wounds entering from in front. TEETZEL'S MEN LOSE TOJ, Y. C. Coach Jensen's Basketball Team Win In a Clotely Fougnt Con test By a Scoro of 1 16 to 14 Tho Utah Aggies wero defeated by the B. Y. Collego basketball team Saturday afternoon on the B. Y. gymnasium floor by tho closo score of 1G to 1.4. Tho contest was ub closo a one as has ever been played on a local fioor. Doth teams wero In the best of condition. They played good ball throughout the entlro gamo. Collego spirit ran high from tho first whlstlo and continued until tho last gun announced tho closo of tho sec ond half. Tho cheering, possibly added much to tho Interest manifest in thu game, yet It is a question It such a nolso did much to assist tho players In following tho ball. In (f fact, tho crowd was so noisy that at '" times the referee would sound his whlstlo and tho gamo would coutlnuo for several seconds beforo tho play ers would learn that tho ball was not in play. I3oth teams wero deter mined to win. Tho Aggies captured tho first gamo in tho season with tho Crimson team and It was sweet re- 8vengo to turn tho tables at tho Sat urday contost. Tho D. Y. C. boys took tho lead n In tbo scoring. Tho first froo throw from foul lino was awarded tho Ag B gles but Owen missed. This was E soon followed by a foul being called jgj nnd Barron tried for goal which was H Continued on Pago Eight c THE TABERNACLE Gives Audience Treat By Reading "The Melting Pot" and Short Irish Story A largo and appreciate e audlenco was In attendance at tho Clark lee turo given Saturday evening nt the tabernaclo "under tho auspices of tho U. A. C. B. Y. C. Lyceum course. Prof. Clark did not read tho "Pass ing of tho Third Door Hack. bb wns announced, but Instead read "Tho Molting Pot." Tho change of pro gram camo on tho recommendation of tho rcador, although ho gave tho audience tho prlvllego of choosing tho selection It preferred. His Judg ment In this matter, howover, wns taken to bo sound nnd very graceful ly did tho listeners change their de sires for hearing the program as was announced. Tho reader's Judgment In tho matter was found to bo good nnd tho sanio nttentlveness as is al ways characteristic of tho Clark lee utre3 prevailed. Ho also read a short Irish story to good advantage. STUDENTS HAVE . CELEBRATION Yesterday was a gala day for tho students of tho II. Y. Collego. They diverted their attention from boons and spent a day In fun. Except for a class or two in tho early morning, ..there was nothing doing in tho book line. About 9:30 uu announcement was hurried through tho halls of tho college to tho effect that tho faculty had granted a holiday and in a few minutes tho ontlro student body had gathered in the chapel ball, where a spirited program was given. Prof. J. V. Gardnor was called upon to give a speech, ho was followed by Coach Joseph Jensen. Captain Pet erson spoko on behalf of tho basket ball team and E. M. Barrus spoke In behalf of tho team on the side lines. Hochstrausser mado a bow and Issued a challenge to Barron Merrill, of fistic tendencies to a four round boxing contest to show the studonts that ho was capable of tak ing caro of himself oven it ho did desist from a little friendly Jostlo upon threats Issued at tho point of a billy club. From tho chapel tho crowd assem bled in tbo gymnasium. Hero tbo faculty and first year students enter ed in a tug-ofwar contest. Tho first year's dragged them about with per fect easo. Tho faculty took roveugo on tho third year students. Tho third and fourth years wou easily from tho school In a basketball gamo, as did tho faculty from tho school in a similar contest. Tho official of tho gamo was rather Bullenesquo In his decisions. Tho Hochstrausser-Merrlll bout was then staged. Tho llttlo Gorman who took tho honors from tho town officers gavo Merrill an ox porienco similar to tbo ono ho gave Cranney on Saturday. Tho celebra tion wns concluded by a parade- of the city and a dance In tho gym In tho nfternoon. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our slncoro and heartfelt thanks to all our friends, neighbors and relatives for (ho kind ness and sympathy shown us in our sad boreavoment In tho loss of our beloved husband and father. Wo wish to thank nil for tho beautiful floral offerings and all thoso who took part In tho funornl services. Mrs James Cowley and Family. Mrs. Kato Wakley of Downey, Idaho 1b visiting In Logan I W. C. Eustis, Head of Inaugural Committee, and View Of Big Grandstand In Front of Treasury Building. Photos by American Press Association Almost ns weighty as the mapping of nliuliilt ritlou policies foi the next four )t'"i's. which It Piesldcut Elect Wilson's Job, nro the vailed duties of William Curcoirm Eustlt, chairman of the Inaugural committee Mr. Eustlu Is plnnnlng and directing all details of the lii:itn;iiriitloii parade, actual inaugural ceremony and wUatuwr social func tions occiii to mark that event. Above Is a picture of Mr Eiistls and of thuxreat grand stnud In front of the treas ury building, upon which sevornl thousand school children will sit to watch I ho parade. COLLEGE PEOPLE GIVE TALKS WHICH MEAN MUCH TO THE FARMER X Southern Utah Looks For Better Agriculture As Result of U. A. C. Visit. K The Housekeepers' Conference a Record Breaker. Agricultural College Preaches a New and Great Gospel of the Home Instructors Make Many Friends A crowded houso at IMchflold greeted tho first Farmers' Roundup and Housckccpcro' Conferenco of tho Extension Division of tho Utah Agri cultural Collego held in Southern Utah. Nearly fodr hundred people wero in attendance, many traveling over fifty miles to bo at tho first day's session. Simon Chrlstensen of I nichfiold was chairman of tho moot ing and was assisted In arrangement by James Bolitho, W. C. II, Orrock, John W. Hoss and John E. Heppler, secretary and treasurer. Dr. E, G. Peterson of tho Extension Division of tho collego opened tho convention with a discussion of tho agricultural outlook. Dr. Peterson anallzed tho "Now Movement" in agriculture. High trlbuto was paid tho pioneers of Utah for tho great Ideas in agriculture hold in which, only now, Utah is coming to fully realize. "Co-operation Is tho basis of successful farm ing," said tho speaker. Utah Is a beginner in cooperation, but has much to learn In business details from such states as California. Utah solved irrigation and dry forming problems and must now face and solve tbo problem of effective co-operation in agriculture Tho Panama canal will nmko new markets for Utah farmers nnd in flvo years will doublo our markets. Panning must quickly become tho profession which claims tho beet brains of tho stnto. Prof. John T. Calne, III, discussed tbo ltvo stock business. Ho laid stress upon tho fact that tho present high prlco paid for llvo stock was not a local, but a gonoral condition nnd would continuo for years. Ho stnted that it should bq mado a crim innl offenso for a llvo stock man to sell extenslvoly his young stock oven under present market conditions. Every feedor of tho llvo stock in tho stato should demnnd that Utah breed ers hold their young animals. Ho stated that already tbo Industry In Southern Utah was threatened duo to tho practical depletion of tho oung herds In somo sections. Prof. Calno stated that any systom of di versified farming demanded animals and especially dairying. Ono of tho best ways to keep Utah boys on tho farm and to build up our rural population is to havo a high class of animals In tho state Prof. W. E. Carroll discussed feed Ing farm animals recommending a careful study of tho food valuos of different Utah foods. Ho was follow ed by John K. Olson of Ephrnlra, who talked on breeding for tho range and by Prof. J. T. Calne, on the breed question. Tho discussion wob led by James Bolitho of Rlchflold, af ter which a Judging of feoders and fat cattlo occurred at tho fair grounds. Tho evening program consisted of a lecturo on education for all tho pooplo b Dr. E. G. Peterson nnd "Farm Management" by Prof. D. V W. Working of tho United Stntcs department of agriculture. Tho second day recorded a large Increase in attendance, many com- I ing from other counties who wero nimble to bo present tho first day. Tho enrollment reached over flvo . hundred Friday. i Tho day's session was opened with a discussion by Prof. Calne on tho futuro of tho sheepmen. Ho stated that tho sheep Industry was In a prosperous condition and oxpressed tho opinion that tho political read justment would effect very llttlo tho wolf aro of tbo wool growors. Prof. Calno recommended organization of tho sheopmon to protect themselves against unscrupulous buyers. Ho stated that tbo basis of successful wool marketing was careful sorting of tho lleoco and offectlvo organiza tion of tho growers to inarkot tholr wool at tho best time. Ho ndtlsed tho storing of wool under certain conditions to bo worked out by tho local organization. Ho gavo detailed Continued on Pago Eight BILL BOARDS TO BE REMOVED Mayor II. Q, Hayball, ln an effort to destroy old land marks of long years of standing, has Issued an or der to tho city bill postor to removo tho board walls which now adorn tho old Peacock property on Center sticet, Just west of tho Lincoln ho tel. No ono, It is to bo hoped, will consuro tho Mayor for this llttlo act of kindness toward tbo pooplo who rosldo in this neighborhood. Ho would do an act of kindness and ono that vould bo recolved with much commendation wore ho to procood along tho samo lino and ask that tho boards Just across tho streot south of tho Llncol hotel bo re moved also. Tho first matter men tlonod will bo removed aa soon as tho contract oxplres for tho adver tisements which aro at tho pre&ent tlmo, thereon posted, lislBtf I MEETS DEATH I Was Killed In Run-away Near His H Home In Benson Ward Yester- H 'day Afternoon H Thomas Tarbctt aged 32 years of H Benson ward was killed yestorday afternoon near his homo ns tho ro- suit of a run-away. Mr. Tarbctt had been to Smlthlleld on business nnd H as ho letumed homo anil was enter- Ing the lnuo which leads to his houso H ho reached for an empty milk can. At this Juncture tho horses becamo H f lightened and proceeded to run. Tbo H 1 unfortunate man It appears was sue- I ccHsful in getting hold of ono lino In H which ho became entangled nnd was H dragged for considerable dlstanco H his head bumping tho fenco posts. H When picked up n few minutes lator H , h) a member of thn family, llfo was H I nlmost gone. Tho first thought wns H to bring lilm to Logan but death H camo before any action could bo ta- H ken Deceased is tho son of Mrs. H Debora Tarbctt o! this city and his H wife wnB formerly Miss Esther H Johnson of Smlthfleld. Ho Is sur- H vlwd by a widow and two smnll H children H JUVENILE CLERK I IS APPOINTED I The county commissioners havo H appointed C. K. Olson iiB clerk of H tho Juvenile court. Ho succeeds C. H W. Dunn who has acted ln this ca- H paclty for several -yeais and who has H mado n very capable ulllclal. At tho H Bnuio meeting they decided to cull ft H mass meeting at Collego ward to got an expression from tho people of H that plnco on tho advisability of open lug up a new- county rond which somo of tho cltbens nro nsklng for. Tho number of names were discussed for load HiiponlHoiH of tho various pro- H ducts. Each commissioner submitted H tho names of porsons ho wanted to B act In this capacity in Ills district. H While nil tho names wero not acted upon thoso who wero suggested by tho commissioners wero ns follows: ,H Mondon A. II. Hlchnrds; Cotlogo and Young C. L. Olsen; Wollsvlllo fl William Painter; Mlllvllle II. C. fl Hennoger; Hyrum Wells McBrido; M Paradise John T. Iloberts; Avon H P. A. Johnson; Mt. Sterling Wll- M lard Ilaxtor; Logan William Peter- son; Hydo Park Roubcn Porks; RIv- orsldo Andrew Munk; Potersboro Peter Petorson; Providence A. B. Crabtreo; Smlthfleld Oeorgo P. Tool- sen; Newton David Clark; Clark- ston Henry M. Godfrey; Trenton Dolbort Winn; Cornish J. W. Pitch- er. Tho precincts not mentioned havo not received consldorntlon beforo tho board as yet. MUTT AND JEFF I AT NIBJVEY HALL I .Mutt and Jeff conies to Nlbiey Hall next Friday night. A company of CO peoplo is carried with a carload of magnificent scenic and electrical M effects. Also now music, songs nnd M dances not oterlooklug tho Inevitable M cargo of petitlto feminine beauty without which iio real show Is com- M pleto. Mr. lll.l holds tho enviable retord of having put over tho great- M est financial and artistic musical M comedy success of a quarter century M in his production of bud Fisher's cle- H ver curtoon concoct Mutt and Jeff. It is almost ImpoBslblo to concolvo tho amount of publicity tho play has H received through tho publication of H tho Fisher cartoon in moro than flvo M hundred dally newspapers In every Wm part of tho Unltod States and jfl Europo. 3H Thoro Is hardly a man, woman or rO child ln tho country who has not H seen and laughod at Mutt and Joff H In tho pictures. Mutt and Jeff will ln H vado London during tho current soa- M Tho Relict Society olllcora meet- H Ing of tbo Cache stako will bo hold M on Saturday March first at tho usual H tlmo and placo. M LUCY S. CARDON, President.