OCR Interpretation

Iron County record. [volume] (Cedar City, Utah) 1893-1982, December 29, 1922, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058259/1922-12-29/ed-1/seq-7/

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I The Case and The Girl
I I By Randall Parrish
I j Copyright 1922 by Alfred A. Knopf.Inc. i
8YNOPS18-AnworlnK an adver
tlsemont catling for a young man
willing to enBogfl In service of dan
ger, Matthew West, ex-service man
Just returned from France, where
ho had been captain of engineers,
meets Natallo Ooolldge, writer of
I the advertisement, and without bo
I Ing Instructed as to his probable
. duties. Is engaged by her, and that
same evening Introduced to her
I friends as her nance. That nWht,
in tho Coolldgo home, West Is star
tled by the appearance In his room
J of a young woman whom ho takes
to be Natallo. Nest morning Na
tallo tells West she has been trou
I bled by some woman, apparently
, i her. double, who has been Imper-
Donating her. Pcrclval Coolldgo,
I Natalie's undo and guardian, Is
disgruntled by West's nppcaranco
aa Natallo's fiance. Natallo, Cool
ldgo nnd West plan n visit of char
ity. Leaving West In tho car, Na
tallo and Coolldge enter a Bmall
cottage. Dcforo they return, West
i secures Information which leads
1 him to bcllevo Coolldge Is deceiving
I Natalie for a purpose. Natallo In
j forma West she has been mistaken
In her suspicions and that she has
no furthrr need for his services.
I West Is astounded, but leaves. On
his way out of tho grounds. West
hoars a revolver shot, nnd finds
Perclval Coolldgo dead, apparently
a suicide. In the city West Is vis
ited by Kcxton, an old scrvnnt of
tho Coolldgcs. Srxton tells him ho
ban been abruptly dismissed, for
no npparcnt reason Ho thinks
Coolldgo was murdered. Sexton
haa overheard a telephone conver
sation In the Coolldgo home. In
which a man demands Natalie's
presence Immediately. He gives
an address, and with Sexton, West.
I his suspicions of things not being
j right strengthened by his learning
I that Coolldgo had lied about the
reason for tho trip to tho cottago,
J visits the place. It Is a dlsrcput
' ablo saloon.
j -7-
"Sure; but Hint Is the wny you not
j ;to know tliem host. Ueen a soldier,
l ;linven't you?"
I "Ych, but whnt made you think
I Mint?" In some surprise nt the unex-
I jpected query. The innn laughed,
'lighting n elgnr cnrelessly.
y "Oh, It tins not been so long since,
f , tlint the evidence Is tbllterated. I've
' 'got n bnblt of noticing things. The
wny you sit, nnd square your shout
Iidera told me you'd been In uniform;
besides, you're the right age. Get
ncross to France?"
"Hnd over n yenr there," wonder
ing whet the fellow could be angling
after. "Fou didn't get In?"
"No; I wiib over the limit. I was
thinking you might be Interested in
looking over n collection of war relics
MIko hiis got stowed nwny here some
where, lie hnd two boys over there,
nnd I .reckon they must have put In
'most of their time gathering up sou
venire. Anyhow they brought bnck
'the greatest collection of wnr Junk
I've ever seen. Say, Mike, whnt did
yon do with those wnr relics tho boys
sent home?"
The fellow addressed leaned over
the bar, his face glowing with sudden
"They vns In the back-room, nil
sprend out. Why you nsk? The gen
tlemen would see them, whnt?"
"Yes; this one was a soldier him
self. How Is It? You fellows like to
see the things?"
West hesitated for Just nn Instant,
his eyes turning unconsciously townrd
Sexto)), who hnd not spoken. He felt
no suspicion, merely a vague doubt as
to what this luvltntlon might conceal.
Yet It hnd all been natural enough,
nnd promised nn opportunity for him
to learn something more of the plncc.
Besides, there could he no dnnger;
both bo nnd Sexton were nrmed, and
apparently the Invitation was Inno
cently extended. To refuse to accept
would, bo churlish.
''Certainly," he said nt last, quailing
the Inst of his beer nnd rising to his
, feet. "It will be nothing new to me,
I Imagine, but we'll have a look."
The other man, who hod been lean
ing agnlnst the iar, had disappeared,
while the fellow at the table had seem
I Ingly fnllen asleep. Mike camo for-
I wnrd with n buuch of keys In his
I hnnd.
I "I keep dot room locked," he ex
I claimed gruffly, "for some hcoples run
I off with ull dings they get their fingers
I ,on. Hey, you, Cnrl," and he roughly
I ifihook the sleeper Into semi-conscious
I mors, "wake up, nnd see to the bar
I iiiwhlle. I've got some business. Who-
I icver comes, you keep them here un
I derstand, All right, gents."
I flfc?''10 t,,rce stood close behind him
H ' . iwh MIko. Inserted tho key, and opened
I the door. The tightly closed room,
I " twltli shades drawn at the single win
I f dow, was so dark that West could
I '; , senrccly discern Its shape and con
tents, Mike, without hesitation,
.' ' 'Stepped within, his great hulk blotting
I ; out whatever view ther wns.
I ', "Come right In, gents," he Insisted.
I "Von minute, nn' I turn on tho light."
West never understood why ho re-
i epomled no recklessly to this Invltn
I ( Hon, nnd advanced without hesitation.
I Ho had no suspMou of nny trick, no
I conception of being In nny danger.
Ito stepped In olrectly behind the
I loader, mH Sexton followed. An In
I Mnnt Inter, llio door dosed, with the
ehnrp click of n night latch, nnd Mike
- . i m -, viw mhijpi
Unshed on tho light. Ab he did so.
he wheeled nbout, nnd shot one mighty
clenchejl fist straight Into West's fnce.
This was done so suddenly, so unex
pectedly, tho man attacked found no
opportunity to even throw up n hand
in self-defense. The giant Polo flung
hl8 whole weight Into the crashing
blow, nnd the exsoldlor went down
as though struck by n polc-nx. For
an Instant, he realized that Sexton
wns In a fierce struggle; Hint his as
sallant stood poised above him .ready
to land agnln If he moved; then con
sciousness left him entirely.
He woke up, sitting In a chair, his
bands bound to the arms with strips
of cloth. For a moment everything
about seemed tinged with yellow, the
various objects In sight vague nnd
shapeless. It hurt him to move his
head, nnd his mind functioned dully.
He could not think, or bring back
to memory a recollection of what had
occurred. Yet slowly the mist cleared
nnd the objects nbout him assumed
nntural form. He wns in n room of
some size not the one In which he
had been attacked, he felt sure fitted
up with a long table, and n number
of clinlrs. There wns no other fur.
nlture; tho walls were bare, and only
n small rng rug partially covered the
lloor. At first ho perceived no other
occupants; only as, painfully, he
Anally twisted his head to the right,
bis eyes distinguished two men seated
against the wall. The sight of their
faces restored Instantly his memory
of whnt hnd occurred. The Pole rested
bnck, with feet on the tnble nnd eyes
closed, but the other the younger
mnn wns watching him cldsely, nn
unllglited cigar gripped In his teeth.
"So, you've come out of It," the lat
ter said unpleasantly. "I'd begun to
think Mike had hande you a real
knock-out that time. Heady to answer
n few questions?"
West, his brain clearing rapidly, sat
up stralghter In the chair, determined
to play out his part the best he could
"Perfectly ready," he replied smug
gling to control his voice. "Only 1
should like to know what all this
means? Why attack me?"
"You'll find that out soon enough,
Cnplnln; but first I'll do the ques
tioning." "Not until I know one thing, nt least
whnt has become of the mnn who
vus with me?"
"Well, I might ns well tell you,"
cnrelessly. "He got hurt ; the fool com
pelled me to hit him with a gat; so
he's out of It, and you might as well
come through clean that guy Isn't
going to help you nny."
"You menu you killed him?"
"Well, he's out of the game; that's
enough. And as for you, your best play
right now Is to tnlk up straight." He
Inughed sneeriugly, "Unless you want
to call up your friend Karvan, at the
City hall, you know. II 1, but you wus
easy I"
"That's what I said. I knew you all
right when you first blew In, only I
wasn't quite sure. I naturally guessed
your smoke-inspector stunt was a
id- ?F
The Qlant Pols Flung His Whole
Weight Into the Crashing Blow.
sham. So I ran tlint Fred Karvan stuff
In on you. You nte It up, which gnve
you clenn uwny, for I nevor knew nny
guy of that nnme. Do you see the
point, Captain West?"
"Yes, I see all tlint plainly, but It
docs not explain the attack un me.
You evidently know my name, nnd this
assault has been deliberately made
Why? What have you against me?'
"Perhnps I'll tell you when you ex
plain. What brought you into-- this
neighborhood. Hunting some one,
wasn't you?"
"Not exactly."
"Oh, don't Ho; Hint will bring you
nothing, West. You were sticking your
noso Into a private matter which does
not concern you In nny wny. 'Hint's
right, Isn't li? Very well, you've nnd
your lesson, nnd now It Is simply up
to you to cither drop this thing, or else
tnke another. It's up to you how far
wo go. Now listen. I believe It was
merely curiosity that brought you here.
That's true. Isn't It?"
"Largely, yes."
"You suspected something, and want
ed to find out If It was so. Well, you
camo Into n bad neighborhood. Wo nrc
not nice to jour kind around here.
Whnt renlly caused your seeking me?"
"I do not know tlint I did," West
nnswered honestly. "In fact I haven't
the slightest Idea who you nrc."
The other laughed.
"So you are as green ns Hint. Then
I'll give you the Information. My
nnmc Is Hobart, Jim Hobart. I am the
guy you were looking for?"
"Yes," West admitted, seeing no
renson to refuse nn answer.
"I thought so, although dnrncd If I
know how you ever located me here.
However, the sooner we come to some
understanding, the better. What do
you know nbout me?"
"Is tlint roI You knew my name
when I spoke it. It wns the Coolldgo
matter Hint sent you hunting me. You
thought the girl" wns here, didn't you?"
"I bad reason to believe she came
"I see; how did you gain Hint news?"
"A conversation by telephone was
"Now we aro getting down to farts.
And this comprises youi entire Infor
mation, doesn't It? Let's check up. You
connected me with tho caso because
you were with the uncle and her on
their call Sunday. You discovered In
some way that I had since disappeared
from that neighborhood. Then you ac
cidentally got on to thlR telephone call,
and decided to run me down. Some
cute little detective, I'll say. But what's
the object? What Is It you ore trying
to connect mo up with. What possible
cause can you have for butting In on
this affair?"
"I told you before; merely curiosity."
"And who was the guy with you?"
"An old servant of the Coolldge fam
ily." "It was mere curiosity In his case
also, I presume?"
"So far as I know, yes."
Hobart smiled, showing his teetli
"West," he snld slowly, "you nre a
d d good liar, but I am nbout to pplke
your gun. do on out, Mike, nnd send
In the first witness."
The two sat silently watching each
other, Hobart pretending n careless
ness he was far from feeling, uncertain
as to West's real purpose. The latter
realized now the true serloiihiiess of
his position, yet this only increased
his belief In the reality of the crime.
Previously his mind had harbored
doubts, but the very fact that Hobart
would resort to such desperate meth
ods was ample proof of his apprehen
sion o'f danger. If Perclval Coolldge
had committed suicide, this fellow
would surely have nothing to fear; he
could safely Ignore any efforts to trap
him; Indeed would possess no suspi
cions along that line. It was nls own
guilty conscience which drove him to
desperation. Coolldge hnd been mur
dered, and this man was either guilty
of the crime, or else knew the one who
was, and had personal reasons for pro
tectlug the party.
The&o thoughts took possession of
his mind nnd were convincing. He no
longer questioned hut that he was on
the track of crime, yet his thought ot
that moment concentrated more vivid
ly on his 'own personal peril. How
could he escnpe? Whnt wns he nbout
to be confronted with? Nothing around
him afforded inspiration. Ho was hound
helplessly; Sexton had disappeared,
whether dead or a prisoner, he did
not know; the wnlls of the room ex
hibited no signs of weakness, while
Hobart eyed his oery movement cold
ly, evidently enlovim; Ills nt-oillrnuiont
Apparently the mnn comprehended the
nature of his thought.
"Perfectly, useless, West," lie said
carelessly. "This place was construct
cd for the purpose, and you are not
tho only one who lias tested Its
strength. You will get out when I say
so, and not before,"
"Do you Intend to sny so?"
"Well, that depends." shrewdly. "Not
If your release means my taking any
chances. But frankly, I do not believe
It will. So far as I can see you pos
sess no particular Interest In this mat
ter only the attraction a young fellow
always feels In n pretty woman. Have
I got Hint doped out right?"
"To nn extent, nt least"
"Yes, to a very large extent. Of
course, curiosity nlHo played n part,
while everybody possesses a snenklng
desire to do n detective net. Mlbs
Coolldge filled you up with n lot of
bunk; she was good looking, nnd you
fell for It. Certain things happened
that you failed to understand, so you
rather naturally Jumped to the conclu
sion that homo crime was being con
cocked. That was whnt brought you
here. Now I tnke It that, ordinarily,
you are n man of some sense. Conse
quently I mean to try to get you to
drop the whole nlTnlr, as being none of
your huslnesH, If you agree to this, I
accept your pt?dgi tho door opens, and
you go free; otherwise" ho waved
Ills hand expressively.
"Otherwise what?" naked West
"I will seo Hint yon nre removed
from nit temptation ; my plans nre too
Importnnt to be Interfered wIHi by a
meddlesome- fool."
"But you can senrccly expect mo
to glvo such n promise?"
"Well. 1 don't know about that. It
doesn't pay to be too obstinate. You
have been In the nrmy, I understand;
then you pre nwnre there Is a harsh
tide to life, n wuy to make or break
men. All right, now I've got Hie pow
er; I can keep you locked up here; I
could even kill you If necessary. You
nrc utterly helpless. There Is an argu
ment worth your consideration. But I
will give you yet nnotlicr which may
have even more weight."
The door opened quietly, and then
closed, leaving Nntnlle Coolldge stand
ing there In the light, her eyes slightly
frowning as sho looked Rllently nt
the two men.
"The lady, of course," explnlncd Ho
bnrt. rising to bis feet, "you will, nt
least, be gentleman euough to accept
her word I"
She waited, seemingly unablo to
grasp the situation, or rcnllze the part
"You Recognize This Man7"
she wns called upon to perforin, but ns
West failed to respond, finnlly iiRkcd
n question.
"Whnt Is It, Jim? You sent for me?"
"Yes, ns n lust resort. You recognlzo
this miuiV"
"Of course." Indifferently; "whnt 13
he doing here?"
Hobnrt Inughed.
"It seems the fellow hnsn't taken his
dismissal very seriously, Natnlle," ho
explained, "nnd remains very much In
terested In your affairs."
"You mean be followed mo here?"
"He was on the trail, but Just for
what particular purpose I have failed
to learn ; the lad Is n bit close mouthed,
but It looks to me as though ho was hi
love with you."
The girl smiled, tossing her head aa
she stepped forward.
"In love with me," she echoed. "Tlint
Is n Joke, yet I had some such suspi
cion when I told him to quit the Job.
He acted like a fool then, nnd began
to question me as though he hnd n
right. It wns thut being engaged busi
ness, most llkelv."
"Sure ; he thought he hnd you copped,
fortune and all, nnd It looks to mo
like he needs nnotlicr Jolt to put tho
Idea entirely out of his bead. Tlint
Is what I brought you In for. I'll ex
plain first Just how It happened. This
army guy blew In hero before dark,
along with another fellow, Sexton.
"I wns standing by tho bur talking
with Issy, nnd I was sure I knew tills
lad's face. I was stumped a bit at first
where I had seen him; then all at once
It come to mo he was the guy sitting
out there alone In Hkj automobile over
on Arch street. I knew then what ho
was over here for, and got to talking
with him. He give himself away tho
II rM thing, and that Is why we got him
up in this dump."
"How did he know I wns here?"
"Some of your piecious help out
there heard you talk to me oxer tho
'phone, nnd passed It on."
"And what does he want? What do
these men want?"
"Well Sexton don't wnnt much of
nnythlug lie's knocked out ; the fool
made a fight, and hnd to be lilt ; nod,
as to this bird. 1 rather think he wns
Just naturally nosing nrmind out of
curiosity, mid beniiiM' he wns stuck
on you. I don't figure be Is anything
to he nfrnld of, but I am not going to
have the fellow guni-sboelng around.
I'll take his word to get out nnd stay
out; otherwise lie and I are going to
hnve a little seance of our own. That's
nil there Is about it."
West makes hie choice. Watch
for next installment.
PlgeonFlylng Great Belgian Sport.
Plgeon-fiying Is the great cport of
the working classes of Belgium. The
high value set upon well-trained racing
pigeons among Belgian amateurs was
in'nde evident Homo years ago In a
case hi tho law courts, where tho
plaintiff, whose house had been taken
from hliu for public purposes, sued for
damages on account of the reduction
In alue of his pigeons due to the
fact Hint they lind been trained to re
turn to the old pigeons' cote and wotilJ
now have to he trained to "home" to
a new one, Tin couit found that each
bird was oilglnnlly worth $2o and bad
lost one-third of Its valuo, awuuliug
$450 In uIL
a Hundred Calories j I
in About 9? I
EAT a be of little raisins when jH
you feel hungry, lazy, tired or ' H
famt. M
In about 9 seconds n hundred H
calorics r mere ef energizing nutri A9
xnent rrill put you on your toes again. I H
For Little Sun-Maids nre 75! M
fruit sugar in'practically predigested H
form levulose, the scientists call it. , H
And lcvulesc is real body fuel. H
Needing practically no digestion, it H
gets to work and revives you quick. H
Full of energy nnd iron both good H
and good for you. Just try a box. H
Little Sun-Maids I
"Retween-Meal" Raisins H
MMug 5c Everywhere H
I I Mill , jl . H
fH ft Changes Last Year's Frock to Hew I
I V 10 Putnam Fadeless Dyes dyes or tints as you wish H
Must Brace Up.
Tho reason n bachelor enjoys let
ter health la because ho has no one
to pity and scaro him when he is all
lug. -San FroflcLsco Chronicle.
Yon naturally fel secure when yon
know that tho medicine you are abont to
tako is absolutely pure nnd contains bo
linrmful or iinblt producing drugs.
Such a medicine is Dr. Kilnwr's Siranp
Hoot, kidney, liver and bladder rcmeiy.
Tho Bnmc standard of parity, strength
and excellence Is maintained in every be-t
tla of Swamp-Root.
It is scientifically compounded fro
vegetable herbs.
It is not a stimulant and is takes iu
tearpoonfu doses.
It is not recommended for everything.
It is nature's gredt helper is relieving
tnd overcoming kidney, liver and bhddti
A sworn statement of purity is with
every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's fiwanip
Hoot. , f
If you need liynicdicino, you should
have the best. Onale at all drug store
in bottles of two sires, medium and large
However, If you wish first to try thi
treat preparation Bend ten cents to I)r
Kilmer & Co., DinRhamton, N. Y., for u
sample bottle. When writmB be sun
ind mention this paper. Advertisement
Slalno Him Up.
The Ilou8--"Hut how about the
youiiK innniH iirKUtnentH? .Are they
sound?" IIIh Iloulckeeper "Very little
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CAS'-POlUA, that famous old remedy
for Infants and children, and hu that It
Hears the ytf yfT
Slgnnturc of CfraJyft&&&W,
In Use for Over BO Years.
Children Cry for Fletchers Oastonu
Juat Think of It.
"J'vo heard she walftn In her Hleep."
Timey-i-and they with two automo-lilies!"
Watch Cutlcura Improve Your Skin.
On rising and retiring gently .smear
ho face with hitlcurn Ointment.
Wnsh off Ointment In fjvo minute,
with Cutleum &oap nnd, hot water. I'
19 wonderful what "Ciitlcnrn will b
for poor complexions, dandruff, Itcl'ilin
ami red roiiKh hnnds. rAdvertlfloment
Art Is long and time t flouting--omI
wimu nrtlfttri' time la uh valueless n'
their art.
Host women nre us tuodehl a. ri
styles will permit,
r- .u .a
Loot: to Your Eyes ir .. n
Beautiful Eyes, like fine fltfCd
Telh, nrethe.reiuttofConJt.tnt IrJL. TSeJ
Care, 1 ho ihlly uie of Murine U tpjj) '"El
nuVr Le. Cleir tnd Radiant. WY &&F.l
V.nifiMc, tlirnilen. 'Sol J and livflR
tUcommcrulcd by All Druzzhct. kjuc' v
Jury Duty. H
"Did Wombat make un Intelligent Ju- t H
"fie must have. Unth shies seemed H
anxious to excuse him," Lonlsvlltoj H
Courier-Journal. H
5$6$7&$3 SHOES n
XV. Ij. DoujjIiuj dIioch aro actually Je-
innmled year utter year by moretpcopto
than any otlirrelio In the world ' H
BECAUSE w.i Dout.. xix H
. . . Iim been malt- ! V H
Inir urpMolnsly good thowi ByX la , H
for forty -l x yer. TMsvx- m.yt. WA' sLH
perlence of nearly half cen- KUSOhta. iCTi H
'tnryln maklncihoM suitable WHT WRS- Wk ssfl
for Man and Wcmen In all rwn $, M BH
walks of Ufa thcuM maan Vti)i W BH
tamtihlng to yeu when yoq f-,Kjv,, ftJ BHJ
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No Matter Where You Live I w uomiaiinamil saBB
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quick tttHHiquitkiumoirrllnr, Jirttiitn, Mutt.
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ItfWM letA.jprpunBke" H
m air oUiera plea-K
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K rafl Will reduce Inflamed, M
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BV? CkI Sldltt 1Ione 0? Bono Spavla. afsfj
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Wj-'jH horaeeanBeused. $2.50 bot- H
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jBgaM structlona unfd Interestlnff hens ftBJ
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W. N. U. Salt Lale City, No, 52-1922: fKk

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