OCR Interpretation

The Mercur miner. [volume] (Mercur, Utah) 1895-1913, January 06, 1904, Image 3

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Costume Shocked South Sea Ulander'o
Sense of Modesty.
When tlio Into Ulshop Solwyn flrat
wont as a missionary to tho South
Sea Islands ho found tho natives In
various Islands very tractable. Tho fact
however, that tho Islanders wont nb
. aolutoly united caused the Rood bishop
soma anxiety and ho resolved to direct
part of his eflorts to get them to wear
at least tho minimum of clothing.
Ho therefore obtained some bright'
ly colored calico anil lett It lying care
lessly about his hut, knowing well that
tho bright colors would soon attract
tho attention of tho natives.
An old natlvo lady soon afterwards
called and "bishopy" allowed her to
oyo tho cloth for somo time. At last
ho picked up a piece, and, offering It to
tho natlvo, said that ho would give
it to her If she would wear it.
Sho departed In great glee, but re
turned tho following day with a down
cast look, and tho cloth neatly rolled
Handing It back to tho astonished
missionary, sho said, "Mo no wear
that, bishopy; me too shy!" Stray
Good News From Minnesota. I
Lakcilold, Minn., Jan. 4. Mr. Wll- I
' Ham E. Gentry of this placo is ono of '
tho host-known and most highly re- ,
spectcd men In Jackson County. For 1
45 years ho has suffered with Kidney j
Troublo and now at 77 years of ago ho
has found a complete euro and is well.
His euro Is remarkable because of
the length of tlmo ho had been suffer-
ing. Cases of 40 years' standing might
j bo considered incurable, but tho rem-
J edy that cured Mr, Gentry seems to
know no limit to Its curatlvo power.
Mr. Gentry says:
"I hnvo suffered with misery in my
back tor about 4.r years and had all
tho troublocomo symptoms of Kidney
and Urinary disease. I tried various
kinds of remedies, but nil to no effect
until I tried Dodd'a Kidney Pills. Now
I havo no pain In my back, and fool
qulto well In every way.
"I am 77 years of ago and I feel
bettor than 1 have frr tho last 40
years. I attrlbuto It all to Dodd's Kid
uoy Pills."
How to Keep a Cellar Dry.
It Is very hard to mako a dry cel
lar. When tho soli Is not porous tho
ground about must bo well drained.
Thon tho walls must bo covorod with
cood comont, while sometimes It is
nocossary to cover walls and floor with
hot asphalt. Country Llfo in America.
Million In Oat.
Salzor's New Nutlonal Oats yielded
In 1903 In Mich., 240 bu., in Mo., 255 bu.,
i i In N. D., 310 bu., and In 30 other
mv states from 150 to 300 bu. per acre. Now
Mh this Oat If generally grown In 1904,
W will add millions of bushels to tho
m yield, and millions of dollars to the
farmer's purse. Try It for 1904. Largest
i Seed Potato and Alfnlfu Clover grow
ers In America.
Salzer'a Speltz, Beardless narley.
Home Dullder Corn, Macaroni Wheat,
Pea Oat, Million Dollar Grass and Ear
llost Canes are money makers for you,
Mr. Farmer.
In atamps to John A. Salzer Seed Co.,
La Crosse, Wis., nnd receive In .return
their big catnlng and lots of farm seed
samples. (W. N. U.)
Tourists Enriched Switzerland. I
Tourists havo In a decado convert- '
Sod Switzerland from ono of tho poor- j
est to one of tho richest countries, tho
money per capita being larger than
that In tho United States.
" -
l At The Post P
Up nd talnp. to llva and help n
h tullvo, tnsoldrolubla h
St. Jacobs Oil
h li an universal benefactor x
x In Ilia curs of w
M h
Hurts. Sprains 1
n -and Bruises ,
. M
h Price, 25c. and 50c, x
h h
m m
j Jr.
I A Typlcl Duel. I
. typical duel In Hint reported from '
tho town of .Minsk, lu Russia. Two old
i friends, lawyers had been to the then
I tor togothor. Coming out, ono accl
dontnlly knocked off tho other's hat.
ho apologized, but the other, very an
gry, called hlni names. The rosult
was a duel in which ono was killed.
1 Neither had shot a pistol boforo.
1 1 (),()()() rimit for Kir.
This Is u ivmurkuble offer the John
A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Win.,
mnken. They will send you their big
plant and need catalog, together with
enough heed to glow
1,000 tine, polld Cabbages.
2,000 dellc-lou Carrots.
2,000 blanching, nutty Celery.
2,000 rich, buttery Lettuce.
1,000 vplendld Onions.
1,000 rare, IupiIous Hadlshc.
1,000 gloriously brilliant Flowers.
This great offer W made In order to
induco you to try their warranted feeds
for when you once plant them you
will grow no otbeis. nnd
AM. KOIl HIT 10c l'lHTAnB,
providing you will return this notice,
nnd If you will send them 20c In post
age, they will add to the nbove a pack
age of the famous Uerllner Cauliflower.
(W. N. U.) .
Small Accident Nearly Scares Work
man to Death.
A workman In a big building com
pany's yards nearly died of fright a
fow days ago. Tho foroman heard a
yell and much commotion among n
j lot of carpenters In tho yard and
i rusln.J to tho scene. He found ono
of tho men on tho ground with a two
inch bit apparently sticking through
his side, white as n ghost, and prac
tically out of his mind. His follow
workmen had sent for nn nmbulanco
and wore about as badly frlghtenod
nn ho. Tho foreman took out his
knifo and silt tho man's jumper and
shirt down tho back. The bit camo
I away with tho shirt, tightly rolled up
j In It, and tho man was absolutely un
scratched. It appeared that ho had
been Btnndlng against an unfinished
caisson In which two-Inch holes wcro
being borod. Tho bit was run by
compressed air, and when It camo
through the planking was very hot.
It wa3 tho heat from tho bit which
mado tho workman think it was In
his body. Now York Post.
i 1 am sure Plso's Cure for Consumption saved
my llfo threo yearn oro. Mrs. Titos. Koiiuma,
Moolo Street, Norwich, N. Y., Feb. 17. lOQUi
I Webster Was Willing.
I When Daniel Webster's, market man
had sued him for a long unpaid bill
I and got his money ho was so scared
I at IiIb U'jicrlty that ho stopped calling
I at tho door for orders. Tho Godllko
j Danlol asked him why. ono day, and
i tho man confessed that ho supposed
Mr. Webster would never trado with
him again. "Oh," said Webster, "suo
I mo as often as you like, but for hoav-
' en's sake don't starvo mo." Thoro
i was never a timo when tho great man
, was not willing to owe as much ai
anybody was willing to let him owo.
I Mm. M'lniilow'ii Soothing Myrun.
For children tecllilnu, uflcn Hie kuiiih. rediirea In
i aainaiatlou,alUy pain, curei wind tollo. McalrolUs.
' Cats' Well.
In tho south of Ireland, noar Inchl
, geelah. is tho "Cats' Well," tho waters
j of which are supposed to oxert mar
I veloii8 remedial effects upon ailing
, tabbies. ,
No muss or failures mado with
Writer Believes It to Be the Language
of Sincerity.
So far from being nn cvidonco of n
national levity and lack of seriousness
slang Is tho language of sincerity. It
is tho result of nn instinctive effort
to get as far away as posslblo from
everything like pretentiousness. It Is
tho nntlpodos of bathos. It Is tho
language of tho wholo people, becauso
It Is oxpresslvo of tho national sonso
of humor that Is nover so keen as
when it contemplates with a joy llko
wlso unutterablo tho spectaclo pre
sented bv a fako cxp'iscd. It Is blunt,
It Is en e, It Is brutal sometimes, but
It Is always sincere. It directs against
tho cltndols of ovll tho mighty en
ginery of laughter. It doos for our
nascent nbusos what tho mordant sat
ire of Martial and Juvenal failed to do
1 for decadont home. Prof. Hormnn
j Sponccr In Booklovors Magazluo.
Corn Sauce.
Cool: a dozon oars of sweet corn for
' flvo minutes, then cut from tho cob.
Add to this corn a hend of cabbage,
cut flno, two chopped groon poppers,
ono rod popper, chopped, a cup of bu-
1 gar, flvo cents' worth of ground mus
tard, a tablospoonful of eclory seed,
threo pints of vinegar and salt to
taste. Mix woll and boll for twenty
' minutes. Put up In nir-tlght cau-J.
! Htops tlio Cough anil
I WorkN orrtho Cola
I Laxative UromoQiiiiilno Tablets. Frlce25o.
Habitual Criminal Law.
Great Britain Is to havo an habitual
criminal law rcsambllng those of somo
of our states. Tho plan now under
consideration Is that of an Industrial
ponal settlement for tho special bon
eflt of such "hnbltuals," whero special
efforts would bo mado to reform them,
and opportunity given of regaining
their liberty by Industry nnd good con
duct, but only on probation.
A Slory of Cromwell's Timo
Author of "Tho llow of Orango Ribbon." "I. Thou and tho Otlior Ono."
"Tho Maid of Maiden Lane," Etc.
(Copyrliht. 1WI, by Doild, Mead & Company. All tlilita tctennl)
CHAPTER VII. -(Continued.)
"Cromwell wants only that Parlia
ment should know Its own mind, and
dcclaro Itwlf dissolved. God knows
It Is high time, but Vnnc. and more
with hm, would sit while life lasts.
Martini, my heart Is troubled within
mo. Havo wo got rid of one tyrant
calling himself King, to glvo obedi
ence to a hundred tyrants calling
thomsolves Parliament? It shall not
be so. As the Lord llveth, vorlly, It
shall not!"
Thoro was a meeting of tho Coun
cil at tho Speaker's house tho night
after Israel Swnffhain's Indignant pro
test against Parliament, and Crom
well, sitting among those hclf-scoklng
men, was scornfully angry nt tholr
deliberations.' Ills' passion for public
and social justice burned, and lu a
thunderous speech, lit by flnshos of
blinding wrath, ho spoko out of n full
and determined heart. Then he
mounted his horso and rodo homeward.
Upon the Threshold.
If wo bollovo that llfo Is worth Hv
Ing, our belief helps to crcato that
fact, for faith Is In matters of tho
spirit all thnt courago Is In practical
affairs. To Jane and Cluny this be
lief was not difficult, for limitation
always works for happiness, nnd dur
ing tho ensuing year llfo kept within
tho bounds of their mutual probation
and of Cluny's military duties, was
full of happy meetings nnd partings;
days In which Lovo waited on Duty,
and ngnln, days In which Lovo was
lord of every hour; when they wander
ed together lu tho Park llko two
happy children, or, If tlio weather
was unfit, snt dreaming in tho stately
rooms of Sandys about tho little gray
house In Flfesliirc, which was to bo
tholr own sweet homo.
So tho weeks nnd months went by,
and though thoy wero not nllko, they
had that happy dmllltudo which
leaves llttlo to chronicle. Jane's chief
oxcltomeuts camo from her vIsltB to
Mary Cromwell and Mntllda do WIclc.
The affection between Jano and
Matilda had tho strong root of habit
as well as of Inclination. Thoy could
not bo hapty If thoy wero long apart.
Jano visited frequently nt Jovory
House, and Mntllda qulta as fre
quently nt Sandys.
Ono morning in tho spring of 1G53,
Jano was roturnlng from a two days'
visit to tho Cromwolls. Tho air was
so fresh and balmy sho wont to Jov
ory Houbo, ro8olved to ask Matilda
to drlvo In tho Park with her. As
alio went upstnlrB sho wondered what
mood alio would find Matilda In, for
thoro was a certain mental ploasuro
In tho uncertainty of hor friend's loin
por. Sho found hor lying upon a sofn
In hor clmmbor, hor llttlo foot, pret
tily shod In Biitln, showing just bolow
her gown; hor hands claspod abovo
her head, hor long black hair scatter
ed loosely on tho pillow. Sho smiled
languidly as Jano enterod, aud thon
"I havo been expecting you, June.
I coud not keep tho thought of you
out of ray mind, nnd by that token I
know you wore coming. Prny, whoro
havo you been? Or, whero aro you
"I havo been spending two days
with tho Cromwells, nnd tho morning
Is so fair, I wondered If you would not
drlvo an hour in tho park. Do you
know that Cyralln arrives from Iro
land to-day? Ho would think tho
journoy woll taken, If ho saw you at
tho end of It"
"You aro a llttlo Into with your
nous, Jane That Is one of your
faultn. Cymlln was here last night.
He spent a couplo of hours with mo,"
then sho smiled co peculiarly, Juno
could not help asking her:
"What Is thoro In your way of smil
ing, Matilda? 1 am sure It means a
story of ionio kind. '
"I Hhtill havo to tell you tho story,
for you could never guoss what that
Biullu waH mado of. Korst, however,
what did ou see and hear at the
"I heard lu n passing uiiuiuur that
Prince Rupert Is on the sons forovor
that ho Is nt the French court, whore
ho Is much mado of."
".Inno Swaffhnm, havo you no fresh
er news?" nnd sho pullod out of her
bosom ninny shoots of pnpor tied to
gether with a gold thread. "I had
this yesterday," sho said, "by the
hand of Stephen, and I may as well
toll you to prepare to moot Stephen do
WIclc, for ho vows ho will not leave
Englnnil again until he has speech
with you."
"Then ho Is forsworn; 1 will not Bee
"It will bo no treason now to spenU
to your old servant. Tho Amnesty
Act will cover you. Hut I light not
Stephen's battles; I havo enough to
do to keep my own shnio of your
friendship from fraying. Now, I must
toll you bomcthlng concerning my
solf. I am going to Franco."
"Franco!" cried Jano In amazement.
"Yes, Franco. I havu porr'iaded ni
uncle thnt ho ought to go there, nnd
look after liis affairs. I hnvo pcrsuad
od my aunt that It Is not unto for
my uncle to go without her, and they
both know my reason for going with
them, although wo do not nnmo Prince
"When do you go, Matilda?"
"To-morrow, If Stephen bo ready.
And let mo tell you, Jano, Stephen's
readiness depends on you."
"That Is not so."
"It Is. I hopo you will bo definite,
Jane. You havo kept poor Stephen
"I wish to see your face no more."
dangling uftcr you slnco you wcro ton
yenrs old."
"What nbout Cymlln and yoursolf?"
Then Matilda laughed, and hor
countennnco changed, and sho snld
seriously, "Upon my word and honor,
I wns novor nearer loving Cymlln than
I was last night, yet ho was novor Iohb
deserving of It. 'Tls a good story,
Jano. I will not pretend to keep It
from you, though I would stnko my
last coin on Cymlln's sllenco about the
matter. Ho camo Into my prosonco,
as ho always iIoob, III nt ease, and
why, I know not, for n mnii moro
handsome In face and llguro It would
not bo oasy to find In England. Hut
ho has bad maunors, Jano, confoes
It; ho blushes and stumblos ovor
things, and lou hU kerchief fall, nnd
when ho trios to lie a gallant, m altos
a fool of hlmsolf."
"You uro tnlklng of my brothor, Ma
tilda, and you aro making him ridicu
lous, a thing Cymlln is not, and never
"Walt u bit, Jano. I was kind to
him, and ho told mo about his llfo In
Ireland, nnd ho spoko so woll, and
lookod so propor, that I could not holp
but show him how ho pleased mo.
Thon ho wont beyond his usual jnnn
nor, nnd In leaving trlod to glvo mo a
bow and a log in perfect court fash
ion; nnd ho mndo a silly apponranco,
nnd for tho llfo of mo I could not holp
a smile not a nlco smllo, Jano, In
deed, 'twas a very scornful smllo, and
ho cnught mo at It, and what do yon
thipk ho did?"
"I daro say ho told you plainly that
you wero behaving badly?"
"My dear Jane, he turned back, ho
walked straight to me and boxed my H
ears, for 'a Hilly child that did not H
know tho dlffrmire between n man H
and a coxcomb.' I swenr to you thnt I jH
was struck dumb, mid ho hat! taken H
himself out of the room In a passion H
oio I could flutl n word to throw after H
him. Then I got up nnd wont to a
mirror and looked nt my ears, and H
thoy weio sent let, and my checks H
matched them, and for n moment I H
wns lu n towering rage. I sat down, H
I cried, I Inughcd, I was nmnzed, I H
wns. after n little while, ashamed, and H
dually I came to a reasonable temper H
and acknowledged I had been served
exactly right. For I had no business H
to put my wicked llttlo tongue lu my H
cheek, becattm1 a brave gontlcmnn H
could not crook his leg llko a dancing H
master, Aro you laughing, Jano? H
Well, 1 must laugh, too. 1 shall laugh H
many a tlmo when I think of Cymlln's JM
two big hnudH over my enrs. Had ho H
klRncd mo afterward, 1 would havo for- H
xlvou him I thluU." H
"I cannot help laughing n little, Ma- H
tllda, but I assure you Cymlln Is suf- M
feriiig from thnt discipline far moro H
than you aro." JM
"I am not suffering nt all. This M
morning I nilmlro him. Thoro Is not M
another man In the world who would M
imve presumed to box tho Iady Ma- H
illila do Wick's enrs; accordingly I am H
in lovo with IiIh courago and self- H
respect. I shall laugh and cry ns long M
as I live, nnd remember Cymlln Swnff-- H
"It wuh too had of Cymlln but very H
llko him. Ho has boxed my cars " H
more than once," M
"You n ro his sister. That Is differ- M
ent. I will never speak to him again. M
There, let tho matter drop. I wish M
row, you would either take Stephen M
or solid him olT forever. 1 am in a M
Infrry to bo gone, nnd Sir Thomas M
also. Go nnd send Stephen with a M
Yes' or 'No' to mo, I am become In- M
diflerent which, since you aro so much M
Many lottors wcro promised on both M
sIiIuh, nnd Jano was glad to notlco tho M
'iigerness and hopo In her friend's M
tolco and manner. Whatever her M
ords might usuert, It was evident M
sho looked forward to a great joy. M
And ns long ns sho was with Matilda, M
lano let this samo spirit anlmato hor, H
iier lido home, however, was .set to a M
moro anxious key. Sho wns a llttlo H
uigiy also. Why should Stephen do H
A'lck intrude his lovo upon her? H
Twlco ulrendy sho had plainly told H
him that his unit was hopeless, and H
ho did not feel grateful for an af- H
I'ectlou that would not rccognlza its
limits, and wns determined to forco M
Itself beyond them. H
Sho entered Sandys with tho spring H
all about her; her fnlr face rosy with M
tho fresh wind, and hor eyes full of- ' M
t'to sunshine. Cymlln nnd Stephen H
wero sitting by tho llrcoldo talking of H
Irish hounds and of a now bit for res- M
Mve horses which Cymlln had in- H
When Jane entered, Cymlln and jH
Stcphon both roue to moot hor. Cym- H
llu was kind with tho condescension jH
of a brothor. Ho aixiko to her as ho H
spoko to creatures weaker, than him- H
self, and kissed her with tho air of a H
king kissing u subject ho loved to jH
honor. Then ho mndo an excuse to H
tho stables and gnvo Stephen his op- H
portunlty. Tho young man had kept H
his oyo tlxcd on tho beautiful faco and H
slender form of tho girl ho loved. Ho H
wont to her nnd clasped her hands H
and snld with a passlonnto eagerness," M
"Jano, dearest! I havo come again to H
nt-l; you to marry me. Sny ono good, H
kind word, When you wero not as H
high ns my heart, you did promise to H
be my wife. I vow you did!" H
"Stephen, I know not then what H
mtirrlngo meant. You wcro as a H
brother to inc. I lovo you yet as t H
loved you then. I cannot bo your wife. H
I mn already' plighted." H
"To Lord Nevlllo. You shall never H
marry him, I forbid It. I will hunt H
him to tho gates of death." H
"It Is sinful to say such things." H
"Let my sins alone. I am not In tho H
humor to bo sorry for them. I say H
again, you shall not marry thnt scoun- H
ilrolly Scot." M
"Ho is not what you call him -far H
from WM
"I call things by tholr right nnmos. M
I call a Scot a Scot, and a acoundrol, a M
scoundrel." Ho throw hor hands far M
from him and strode up and down tho M
room, dospointo and full of wrath. jH
"You shall marry no mnn but myself. H
lief oio earth and heaven you shall!" H
"If God wills, I shall marry Lord H
Neville." H
"Oh, Jano! I a!. nil go to total ruin H
If you do not marry mo." H
"Shall I marry a man who la not jH
lord of himself? I will not," M
"You havo mado mo your enomy. H
What follows is your own fault." H
'"TIs a poor lovo that turns to ,
hatred; and you enn do no moro than H
joti aro let do." H
"You will hoo. Ily my soul, 'tis H
truth! Oh, 'tis ton thousand pltlos H
you will not lovo mo!" H
"It Is nowise possible, Stephen," PB
Ho Hung hlmsolf Into n chair, laid MH
his arms upon tho tablo and burlod 1
his faco in thorn. "Go awny, thon," H
ho sobbed, "I wish to seo your faco no H
moro. For your sake, I will hato alL H
women forovor," H
(To bo continued,) ' H

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