OCR Interpretation

The Mercur miner. [volume] (Mercur, Utah) 1895-1913, February 03, 1904, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058273/1904-02-03/ed-1/seq-6/

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I Daclt aches all
H ho time. Spoils . -,-. :..j
four appetite; )$SM
I wearies tho body, sxJewiuw(o
worried tho mind. jK-rt433atT-
Kldnoys rauso firm ri
It all, and Doan'n Ji
Hove and euro It. Spi &JE9HL
I ' ol 201 Cherry st., OndF
I Portland, Oregon, RWBh
I inspector of J HflSnf
I rans- Contlnon- w&Rtt-Tl
U al Co., says: "I fly
I jioy Pills for I '
Hh to a c k a c h o and
F other symptoms of kidney trouliln
' which had annoyed mo for months. I
H ihlnk a cold was responsible for the
H whole troublo. It seemed to settle In
I my kidneys. Donn's Kidney Pills
H rootod It out. It Is several months
m ,)lnco I used thorn, and up to data
H- thero has been no recurrence of tho
I Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by all
I dealers. Price, SO cents per box. Fos-
ier-Mllburn Co., IJuffnlo, N. Y.
H Why Acquaintanceship of Long Dura
I tlon Waa Severed.
I "Oh, yes, I know tho plaintiff very
H "Koll," said a wltnoss recently In a
H dantago suit. "I used to visit him at
I Ills shop evory day and swap lies with
I "Used to?" quorled tho examining
I counsel, "what do you mean by that?"
B "Just what I said," retortod tho wit
H mess. "I used to go there."
I "Oh," said tho attorney, "you don't
H -visit him any more? Old you bavo a
foiling out?"
H "Well, not exactly, I Just quit going
H thero."
I "Toll tho court why," said tho attor-
H "Well, Judge," said the wltnoss,
I acrewlng hlmsolf around In tho chair
H and facing hlra. "Ho told mo once ho
H bad a brothor who could jump forty
feet into the air and remain up for
H twenty seconds."
H Day of Scientific Feedlna.
H Tho search for tho fountain of youth
H baa not been abandoned, as tho num-
H orous dietary experiments abundantly
H Attest. Science is tho modern Ponce
H Co Loon. Tho era of strictly sclontino
I living for tho most of us has not
H dawned, and Is afar off, but may wo
H eot hope that the time Is coming whon
H tho most casual caller at tho lunch
H counter will order as many grams of
B- protein, fat, carbohydrates and tho
H rost as his physical or Intellectual noo-
Hj ossltlcs soom to requlro7 Tho man
H who Is about to produce an oplc will
H aoe to it that his bill of faro contains
H tho rcqulBlto amount of nitrogen and
H phosphorus and that ho secures a sum-
H clent number of calorics of hat value
H Heat From Firing Guns.
H The ho.it dovelopod by tho firing of
Hj boavy guns is remarkablo. Luring
H some rocont trials In Germany a gun
H that had been fired sovonty-Qvo times
H moltod solder placed upon It, whilo
H another was hot enough to soften
H That Coffee Was the Real Trouble.
HJ Soma people flounder around and
HJ take overythlng that's rocommondod
HJ to thorn but Anally flud out that cof-
HJ too is tho real causo of tholr troubles.
HJ An Oregon man says:
HJ "For 25 years I wus troublod with
l my stomach, I was a steady coffeo
HJ drinker but didn't suspect that as
HJ tho causo. I doctored with good doc-
HJ tors and got no help, then I tool:
H almost anything which somoono elso
H had been cured with but to no good. I
HJ was very bud last summer and could
HJ cot work at limes.
HJ "On Docombor 2, 1902, I was taken
HJ ao bad tho Doctor said I could not Jlvo
HJ over twenty-four hours at tho most
HJ und I mado all ptepnratlons to dlo. I
HJ could hardly oat an thing, overythlng
HJ distressed me and I was weak and sick
H all over. When li. that condition cof-
HJ fe-o was abandoned and I was put on
HJ Postum, the change In my feelings
HJ camo quickly nftor tho drink that was
HJ poisoning me was removed.
HJ "Tho pain aid slcknoss fell away
HJ from mo and I began to get woll day
HJ by day so 1 stucK to It until uow I am
HJ well and strong again, can oat heartily
HJ with no hoadacho, heart troublo or tho
HJ awful sickness of tho old coffoo days.
HJ I drink all I wish of Postum without
H any harm and enjoy It Immonsoly.
HJ "This seems like a wonderfully
HJ strong story but I would refer you to
HJ tho First National Dank, Tho Trust
HJ Bauklng Co., or any morchant of
HJ Grant's Pass, Ore., In regard to my
HJ atandlnr and I will send a sworn state-
HJ tnont of this if jou wish. You can
HJ also use my name." Name glvn by
HJ Postum O., Ilnttlo Creek, Mich.
HJ Bllll there aro many who persistent-
HJ Jy fool thcmsolvus by saying "Coffeo
HJ don't hurt me," a ton days' trial of
HJ Postum In Its place will tell tho truth
H and many times save II to. '
M "There's a reason."
HJ! Look for thq JlUlo book "The Road
to Wellvlllu" In each paokage. '
An Almoot Forgotten Crime Brought
to Light by the Betrayal by Hln
Wife of One of the Murderert.
It Is bo'lfM'd thftt u murder iry-tory
of sovi'ii years' standliiK Is about to be
rlrarel up lu Fait lake City, threo
nr'ii Oeurce W. Mitncy, John Hire and i
A')l Hunter having been lodged In
Jail, ihrrgcil with the murdor, on thn
nl -lit of Folrnnrv T5. 181". of l"ro I
Bupt'er. a inlseilv uiiib I'lln-miH.'er.
who vns fniril tinii'lml to death In n
cabin in Rait I nl.o.
In a dl nu 1 rcnfessloti made heforo
S o it Kn e y a Ccu"ty AtWirnr-y !
VXt ne't. Vt'iity states that on tho
ulyhl In ;u''Uom Iih nud Ichn Rirvaml '
A'" 'i-it i went to Huetlur's cabin
to t'i : ." i- cf i ol' lug tin' oil nrn-i
of JLCO In r.orny which t'-oy uuiler
stuc! ' j had C'!-";rJ Mi the ln-us":
tlmt lie (Minrj) tin c ' Cue lr on tli
liol and hell hlni down wl-ifii VAv
stuffed lai In hh thruut t' stlllu hit
ciIim fin- he'p, iitnl that n'tor ptoceQd
ing thus far thoy were fiiglitcnoil by
A section of Senator Quay's territorial bill provides that one of the senators
representing the territory shall be of Indian descent.
somo ono knocking on tho door, when
tho tlneo would-ho rohbora mado their
escnpo, leaving their fctlm nlono In
his death struggles and without ovon
looking for tho money which lod thorn
to commit tho crime.
Tho man Rluncy was never suspect
ed of any connection with tho murder
of DiiPtlor until very iccently, when
ho let fall somo slight allusion to It In
conversation with his wife, who re
ported what ho had said to the olllccrs.
Muncy, tho man who makc.i tho
confession, Is DO years old and a Vir
ginian by birth, and Is said to come
from n good rnmlly. When a young
man ho emigrated io Illinois, and at
tho breaking out of tho civil war en
listed lu tho Forty-olghth Illinois ros
iinent. At tho close of the wnr ho was
dlsi'hnrKod with tho rank of sergeant,
anil at once rc-enllstcd in the rogulnr
winy, senlng threo years. Following
this seivico ho drifted to the fnr west
and has lived in Utah, Idaho, Wyo
ming and Montana.
John Rice, ono of tho trio behind tho
bars, wus arrested on suspicion at the
tlmo of tho murdor, but was released
from lack of dlroct tNidcncc.
Soon aftor his discharge John Rico
went to Tooolo county, where ho en
gaged In tho sheep business, and was
later married, having now a wlfo nnd
sewiral ehlliljon, and with his depar
ture tho murdor of Iltiotlcr wns prac
tically dropped as an impenetrable
ilotii Rico nnd Hunter deny nil
ktiowlcdgo of tho cilme with which
thoy are rhiirgctl, but It Is claimed
that Rlre hns lot fall aevcml lemnrks
which It will be haul for him to satis
factorily oMilnln. It Is said thnt when
h" was rcuiid nt Oiantsvlllo and In
formed that SheiinKirqry wanted to
seo hlni, ho exclaimed; "What In
does thy sheriff vnntwlth me; It must
bo about that Muctlef case."
The statement Is n n If that Muncy
anil his wife f o-Mipntly quarreled and
that he had threatened to hav" her i
sent to the insane asylum. She, In a
splilt of leveiiKO, (rave the ollleers a
clue which LI to Muncy's arrest.
High Winds Sweet 0er Colorado and
Wyoming Towns.
High winds prevailed Monday along
tho eastern slope of tho Rocky moun
tains in Colorndo and Wyoming and
considerable) damago to property was
wrought. In Denver two mon lost tholr
lives ns a direct result of tho gale,
Charles Ormsby and William Daniels
camo In contnet with a livo electric
wlro which had been blown from its
fastenings Into the street nnd wero
Instantly killed by tho shock.
Reports are boIng received from
points In northern Colorndo telling of
tho destruction of farm buildings nnd
haystacks iu tho country districts, nnd
tliu falling of trees, small buildings,
chimneys, etc , In tho towns.
Five Children Cru, ced.
At 2 o'clock Tuesday n rnlng tho
rosldonce of Peter Chit8i,nnson, at
Council Uluffs Iowa, was destroyed by
flie, his (lo children, rnnglng In age
from a linbo In arms to 11 years of
nge, burned to death, and Mrs. Chris
tiansen burned so that sho will die
Tho husband wns in tho country nt the
tlmn. No one knows how the Hie
sartod. Tho dead: IMna, 11 years:
Frank, S years; I.lla, 4 yenrs; Jane, 2
years; baby, G months.
v "
BBBa ' !aBBI
wl - 'aBBBB'BBBa
jJbbbBPJ5 'rsiBK-' & ' i Z&$ " ' "bbbh
9tV V s. "tf&'y ts" 9 wflBBB
I Mrs. Huefhson, of Chlcasfo, whose I
letter follows, is another woman in high
position who owes her health to the use of
Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
"DkauMks. Pi.skiiam: I suffered for several years with gcnoral
weaknosg and beariuir.dovn pains, caused by womb trouble. Sly appe
tite was fitful, and I would lie tvnuku for hours, and could not sleep,
until I seemed moro weary in tho morning than when I retired. After
reading one of your advertisements I decided to try tho merits of Iydia
E. Plnkham's Vegotnblo Compound, and I am so glad I did. No ono
can doscribo tho good it did me. I took threo bottles faithfully, and
besides building up my general health, it drove all disease and poison
out of my body, and made mo feel as spry and active as a young girL
Mrs. Plnlchnm's medicines aro certainly all they are claimed to bo?'
Mas. M. E. Iluaiiso.v, 347 East Ohio St., Chicago, 111.
Mrs. Plnklinm TelH How Ordinary Tasks Produco Displacement.
Apparently trifling Incidents In onion's dally life frequently produce
displacements of tho womb. A slip on the btalrs. lifting durlnff menstruation,
rtandln(r at a counter, running a sewing machine, or attending1 to the most
ordinary tasks miy result In displacement, and a train of serious evils is started.
Tho tlrst Indioitlon of such troublo should bo the signal for quick action.
Don't lot tho condition become chronic through neglect or a mistaken idea '
that you can overcome it by exercise or leaving It alone.
Moro than a million woinon have regained health by the use of Lydla E,
Plnklinui's Vogotablo Compound.
If tho slightest trouble nppoars which you do not understand
writo to Mrs. Plnkham, nt Lynn, Mass., for her ndvice, and a fow
timely words from her will show you the right thing to do. This
advice costs you nothing, but It may moan lif o or happiness or both
ed Mrs- Le,ah Stowell, 177 Wellington
jfjfyillaSfo St, Kingston, Ont., writes : '
JlJ5fflrffi5BaMi "Dear Mns. Pixkhasi: You aro indeed ft '
wJF'l godsend to women, and if they all know what
v. j-i XZJJK vou con d or them, thero would bo no need
Vg) 5?J of their dragging out miserable lives in agony.
Ifcnf vb "I suffered for years with bearing-down pains,
Md m &? womb troublo, nervousness, and excruciating liead-
!?r t aclie, but a fow bottles of Lydia E. Plnkham's
WaW- frhv Vegotablo Compound mado life look
fjpHJETr f now and promising to me. Iamlightand
fCL J happy. l I do not know what sickness
Lka i is. "i I now enjoy the best of health."
TtWwr' Lydla E. iinkhnm's Vcgetablo
I f VI Compound can always lie relied upon to restore,
health to women who thus suffer. It Is a sovereign cure for
the worst forms of female complaints, that bearing-down feclinr, weak
back, falling and displacement of the womb, inflammation of the ovaries, and
all troubles of the uterus or womb. It dissolves and expels tumors from tho
uterus In tho early stage of development, and checks any tendency to cancer
ous humors. It subdues excitability, nervous prostration, and tones up the,
entire female system. Its record of cures is tho greatest in the world, and
should bo relied upon with confidence.
OCnnf) FORFEIT " cnnot forthwith prodnce tha origin! lttn nnd tlc"tiiri ol
Jfenilllll boT etuuonlli, which will prom tUelr absolute Ennlnenaa.
VJUUUU LydU U. rinklmiu Medloln Co., Lynn, Mm,
Nelden-Judson Drug Co., Goneral Agents, Salt Lake City, Utah,
"Not how clioap, out how good "
Whitaker & Dallas, Makers, S.Vins
Bait Floral Detlgni For All Occailona.
Prompt and Careful Attention Given to Mall Orders.
Demand tho Utah Hand Mndo Horso f
fn. Collarfrom
-uV 'tfl your dealer
V EKE"" S Superior
to the me
ll A. rl VZ" ohlno mado
novor hnvo trouble with liamo hold
ovsitb pon fnioi list, salt ik cm , Utah i

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