gy i 7ii?b?" ' y ""IH1IHHH - , . ry j I I ' TR.U TH. 3 I Ingo tho Republicans had 44 per cent of tho total vote, tho Democrats 27 per cent, tho "Americana," 23 por cent, tho Socialists, C per cent. There has been nothing since then to disturb tho normal condition between Repub licans and Democrats. If thcro Is any change it is gains to tho Republicans. The stronger ticket with which to boat tho Kearns crowd Is undoubtedly tho Republican. C tS It would require that 4,000 Republi can votes bo transferred to tho Dem ocrats to bring up tho Democrats to whero the Republicans now stand, which Is an impossibility. The com mon enemy, tho Kearns "Americans' must bo beaten by tho Republicans. Tho game of tho Kearns "Amerl I cans" Is to keep tho opposition dlvld- ed. Should they succeed in doing so I they would havo an easy victory. Will I you peoplo who want to conquer the I common enemy play Into their hands? I The only possible way to defeat tho enomle3 of tho state and city Is to voto tho Republican ticket. Chairman Darmer of tho Kearns party says his party Is lighting tho Mormons pure and simple and if his party wins no Mormon need apply for any city position or any city work. Mr. Darmer tells tho truth. How do you llko tho prlnclplo which calls out such a declaration? It is worthy of tho Kcarns-Cannon aggregation. You Gentiles of tho American party must bo very proud of your leader, tho HONORABLE Furious J. Cannon! He's a nlco man to follow. No won der you are proud of him. Tho Tribuno says It is not a knock er, but its editor in chief, Furious J. Cannon, Is In tho east slandering and knocking Utah with all his might, and tho Tribune Is making a feature of his lying, slanderous speeches which keep both capital and desirable cltlzons from coming to Utah. A number of peoplo who aro known to bo Kearns "Americans" havo Ille gally registered. Several were caught at it and others aro known to havo registered who havo no right to voto. They will bo attended to If they atr tempt to voto. If you want Georgo Sheets for chlol of police then voto for Ezra Thomp son for mayor. J & Candidate for the city council Mar tin of tho First precinct, made a bet that tho "Americans" would elect threo councllmen. Ho specified two In the Fifth and ono In tho Second, omitting himself and his own pre cinct. Martin has little confldenco in his own ability to win. As a matter of fact tho betting is 2 to 1 against him. Harry Joseph made a wager on that basis. & J Wo notice by tho Telegram that tho Durllngton railroad Is extending Its road to Salt Lako merely to "make good" an alleged prediction of tho Telegram. As a prophet, seer and revelator Joseph F. Smith "Isn't In It" with tho Telegram. The peoplo found in tho "Ameri can" headquarters aro to a very large extent, bums and loafers, a hard looking crowd. If you don't beliovo it go in and see for yourself. The Democrats had a rally at tho house of tho city sexton at the grave yard tho other night. That Is lit and I proper, tho Democrats should Join tho rest of tho dead. Since W. J. Lynch has been at tho head of tho police tho department has I been exceptionally efllclcnt. Thero havo been no Internal disturbances and harmony has provt!lcd among tho men. Crlmo has been reduced to a minimum. Judge James A. Miner Is a truo bluo Republican and never voted any tick et but tho Republican. Street car holdups havo ijrcomo unfashlonablo since Lynch became chief of police. Tho attempted hold ups which havo occurred havo result ed In every case In tho capture of tho thugs. j . An effort to elect Morris helps Thompson that much. Every effort to elect Lynch drives a nail In tho political coffin of the Kearns gang, the party that is found ed on hato and revenge. Tho "American" party loaders are renegades from every political party, a batch of "exs", soreheads and agi tators who havo been retired for the good of tho public service and are running a campaign of hatred, re venge and ruin. They aro against tho national administration, against the state administration, against tho city administration, against everything and everybody that will not submit to their corrupt dictation. No loyal citizen, with self-respect can afford to lino up with tho Kearn3 "American" crowd. Tho only way to get rid of this political viper is to voto tho Re publican ticket. Tho battlo cry of all honest loyal citizens, irrespectivo of party or creed, should bo beat tho Kearns gang with Lynch. Tuesday, October 31, is your last chanco to register. Don't forget about It. If you aro not registered you won't be allowed to voto. Tho supremo court's appointment of A. B. Edlor as court reporter was a good ono and meets tho approval of tho bar. Mr. Edler Is a young at torney of ability and good character. u WHY WAS AMERICAN PARTY OR GANIZED? (With apologies to Tribuno.) Senator Thomas Kearns, of "Filo pony" and "Islo of Alaska" famo, or ganized his personal political forces two years ago and dominated tho city convention to the extent of placing In nomination a solid Kearns ticket. The ticket was defeated at tho polls, for tho simple and very sufficient reason that Republicans would not stand for such a llagrant attempt at Individual bosslsm. This Is why No. 1. Still Senator, Thomas Kearns worked diligently throughout tho ear ly days of the campaign last fall and up to 10 o'clock a. m. of tho day of tho state convention, In an attempt to again assert that Individual bosslsm which had been so ruthlessly sat down upon tho year before. Tho attempt failed. This is why No. 2. And then It happened. Thero is really nothing moro to tell; but. now that we havo riveted tho attention of our readers, we will continue his little storyetto from day to day and endeavor to introduco enough new features to make It inter esting. Since tho date of tho events chronicled In tho opening chapters of this narrative, thero havo been a num ber oi now "characters" Introduced, among whom can bo mentioned Frank J. Cannon. This "character" we will endeavor in futuro numbers to show up as ono of tho leading "whys" of tho aggregation. THE COUNCILMANIC NOMINEES. Tho outlook for tho Republican Councllnmnlc ticket Is exceptionally good. In tho First precinct tho candi dates aro Frank J. Hewlett nnd Ste phen Stanford. Tho former Is a busi ness mnn nnd manufacturer, cmplo. ing a largo number of hands in hln factory, thereby causing money to be circulated and assisting in tho upbuild ing of tho city. Ho has been in tho Council for several terms and has given a good account of himself. He will certainly bo re-elected. Mr. Stan ford Is especially a representative of tho working element. Ho is n man ot good, sound common sense, with more than ordinary ability nnd intelligence, nnd appeals strongly to tho voters ol his precinct. In tho Second, J. W. Currlo is a giant of strength, an old resident, a man' who Is respected by his neigh bors and who enjoys their confidence and esteem. His profession is that of an assayer and ho Is well known and trusted by tho mining men of tho State. J. A. Ekman, his collonguo on tho ticket. Is a business man, who has been tho architect of his own for tunes. Ho has built up an extensive business in tho Second precinct. Ho knows its needs nnd wants and Is alto gether a most desirable man to sit In tho Council. In tho Third, the fight will bo fierce. It Is tho battleground, tho pivot on which tho election turns. T. A. Canis ter and E. F. Parry aro tho Republi can candidates. The former is a na tive of tho Third, highly esteemed by all who know him, and respected for his honesty, sterling worth and busi ness nblllty. If ho Is elected, nnd he will be, ho will countenance no job bcry or crooked work In tho Council, and ho is just smart enough to detect anything of that kind. Mr. Parry Is an old nnd highly es teemed resident of tho Third. Ho has a host of friends In all tho political parties and will make a very desirable member of tho City Council. In tho Fourth precinct, A. II. Pea body and Joseph Johnson aro tho can didates. Mr. Peabotly occupies a posi tion of trust In tho Commercial Na tional bank. Ho Is a man of affairs, whoso probity and Integrity aro above suspicion. Ho has a large circle of friends and will run well at tho polls. Mr. Johnson Is what might bo callod an integral part of tho Fourth pro clnct, having lived thero so long nnd being so well known. Ho is manager of tho accuntlng department of tho Consolidated Wagon and Machine company, a man of high character and trustworthy to tho fullest extent; a man of substantial means nnd vitally Interested In tho wolfaro of tho city, and particularly In the Fourth pre cinct, whero ho has largo property In terests. Tho Fifth precinct used to bo tho banner Republican district of tho city and thero is no reason why It should not maintain that reputation. Tho Democrats havo no show thero, hut between them and the mlBgulded peo plo who havo gono after tho falso gods of tho Kearns-Amorlcan party, tho Republicans will havo to look to their laurels. Tho candidates aro II. N. Standlsh and Dr. A. C. Bower. Mr. Standlsh Is a leading citizen, who has held public office before, with credit to himself and tho satisfaction of his constituents. His interests in tho city aro substantial and ho would bo a very useful member of tho Council. Dr. A. C. Bower Is so well known that It is almost superfluous to say anything regarding him. Ho has been ono of tho leading physicians of tho city for years nnd Is noted for his works of charity and benevolence. He is a largo property-owner in tho pre einct which ho will represent In tho Council; a mnn of means, probity and ability. A SPLENDID SERVITUDE. I What classical saying strikes n more H moJern note than tint of Seneca, "A H groat fortuno Is a splendid servitude?" H It seems simply a translation Into tho H Latin philosopher's sonorous phrase of H tho commonplaces of our own familiar H philosophy, as when Andrew Carnegio H speaks of "slaves of tho habit of hoard- H Ing," and adds: "At first thoy own tho H money thoy havo mado and saved. H Later In life tho money owns them." To such apparent identity of vlow In H a Seneca nnd a Cjmeglo thero attaches H tho peculiar interest many moderns H feel In tho Hfo of tho Roman Empire, because in its materialism and Its lm- H perlallsm it Is supposed to parallel our H own civilization, tho student of man- H nnrs constantly harking back to It for H a curious rosomblanco and tho moralist H for an "awful warning." Thus, with H tho modern moro or less on tho watch M to see Roman history of tho first con- M tury repeat itself In tho twentieth, any H fresh contribution to our knowledge M concerning It nttracts almost a popular M audience as In tho case of Dr. Dill's H recently published study ot "Roman H Society from Nero to Marcus Aure- H lius." M The plcturo Dr. Dill draws for us of M the Roman millionaire of tho first con- M tury seems, cursorily, to bo a caso of ' M history repeated. Tho lavishncss of M his entertainments, of which tho ox- H travaganco has been so often detailed lM (perhaps $1G0,000 for Egyptian lilies for a single feast Is a novel Item) ; his H frequent appearance in tho role of self- fl mado man" who had "como up from M tho peoplo" tho freedmon; his ac- M knowledgcd obligation to spend liber- M ally on municipal objects, as baths fl and temples, and also hospitals, schools M and good roads; his contributions, iH mora or loss nnmnnlsnrv. to tlin ml I p. iH gin or trades-unions of tho time; his 'H genulno and general pity for tho prole- i tarlat his spirit of charity, In modern M phrase despite tho hideous cruelty of "H tho gladiatorial shows and slavo pun- "B Ishmcnts; his liability to tho Inherl- Vt tnnce tax and to other special taxes H that in tho end dovelopod into a ays- H tern ot practical confiscation In those jB and many other respects tho Roman U millionaire is pictured as subject to iM familiar modern conditions, actual or jM possible. But turning to tho other side tA of tho plcturo, tho transition In status ,llH Is startllngly abrupt. Tho price that 'fl Seneca paid for his wealth was not jH figuratively, but literally, "n splendid H servitude" Tho tutor of Nero, owing ifl his fortune of somo twclvo millions to iM tho Emperor's favor, Seneca wroto his 'H confession In "tho thick, stifling air f'H of tho Terror," "tossing on his couch 'H of purplo under richly paneled ceilings !' of gold, starting at ovory sound in tho ;!H wainscot as ho awaits tho messenger ;' of death" tho summons to sulcido by M tho Emperor's command. Tho thought 'M In Seneca's mind could not havo been '1H nt a farther posslblo remove from any 'H modern association with tho servitude 'M of wealth. Yet tho Roman sago, no '.iH loss than tho plain, business-man mil- ',M llomlro today (so far as ho Is possess- . M cd by tho spirit of unlimited acquis!- 'M Hon), deliberately sought tho servl- il tudo, but to recognize it too late. This -M Inexplicable willingness to pay the cost 'M any cost In tho first century or In 'M tho twentieth, passes tho understand- fl ing not alono of tho man outsldo, tho fl preacher, or censor, or publicist, but, M in his saner moments, of the man of M affairs as well. It Is In his behalf that M a publication devoted to solid business ifl Interests, tho Bankers' Magazine, on- M tcrcd recent protest against tho servl- ,fl tudo of wealth, tho continuance of "tho fl old, barbaric strugglo" until (loath ft- fl self Intervenes; the sacrifice of "tho fl rational nnd intelligent" ordering of fl llfo despite all modern facilities for M tho safo reinvestment of n sufficient M fortuno. Scrlbner's. M H