zUHl -- W f!5H TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 7, 1920. THE OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER . 13 FOR SALE Real Estate L i rvE room brick on paved itreel Price 1 s.'KOO. Terms $300 onsh and $20 month ly $2in"'0 cm i run for five yenr. O A. 1 k.nn.d I tnh Natlon-I HMp Rhone 01S 1 1 M g i i ; "i vi 10 icrei close to Ball Lake I nrn? and one-hall mllei from Rood email town; form nil under cultivation: KOvl four room house: pood barn, granary, anlcken house, machine shed, garage ni IfOOO worth of machinery gOCS with the place. Price or farm Including everything 700n and 11000 Will handle or owner Will trade eo.nl t) or $3500 for clt' property . . 1 I give giKwl terms on holnnce. 1 have .several olhei farm bargain.. IU BCroa of extra good Mil, plenty of fnilt and water; geod seven room house. kjftsV One acre .md four room houw foi rile HH nri easy term or owner will egcliangv. HH What have you to Offer? MMMM Now lour room houe ready rot H nancy. Owner will considei good Ford H car a5i firot iwvmcnt. H -Good five room brick house on -outh Five room frume house Jocd InVOBt H d.i 11I pM) K per 'nl on $3"'m. Own H er will sell 011 easy term! or will confide, I have many other deal. Come In and KOV OBIFFJN . 1 1 , ton v 1 Phoni 6x70 1.. 1. T- 1 in- --.ill Tw.-i. clxDi I li.1 WL aa" - Buys flv 1 1 modern hricl WmWmW tinted on bench. $17.Vi cash, halanc MWMM terms. This if real narwaln. 5:T:.h Six room house, situated on Wall :8M and Thirtieth. This place must he tm sold nt once. Possession nt once. jMMm Term. mMW $4760- -i fin five mom modern home JH rlone to union depot. Term.". linm. ijjH diHif posse anion. BgKH $ln Mod. in hrl. k bcng.ilou. s luat'-d m 9H outh pari of town. New garage, M m ne fruit trcei Bnrgi ' fW- FltOEl II i i 1 I .Ks VlM '("? Hudson Ave CRm . 5b iM..NTi. 1:1 ii.i m LOAN rl i A INVESTMENT CO. A'rk '' Hudson wo. Phonc ft; Xjsl $3100 Five room brick, lol f-o by 1M fll feet, on Seventeenth rtreet Ban iiffl $4.10ii Modern five room n Washington Ea e ii .-oli 11.-1 v merit. I HfiHB terms on balance. J 1000 Modern four room brick, south par atJs-J 1)f r, Mg lot with cast front and MMMt gnmg.' . A nice home for the mon H Terms. ,, . WmWM 1500 Modern five room home well lo MmM cated on the bench. Term. MMW IS 100 N'CW five room frame In north rmm Will ao epi good ford MM 1 M Some . hol.-. I -rim., in and i'"--k f" LU FIVE room modi rn houi bulll lit feA- MM 1 nr.- attractlM "VD wn I '' il varrl and enough fn.U for fnmlh so so chicken run. Easy terms. By Own. , r. lirinker ayj nue " i 1 M)B s M l' r.-m 1 . I.re J'' 7lY completed strl tlj 1 Odern tl - ;'; ' ' . iiJak io d location on bench Enquire Ml Mnd Phoni J I H FIVE room modern bunalo fir- SMa .onditlon Good locnUon. Good terms. Phone 3529 J ' I I v OWNER Five room modi rn 1 and si bu 1 loi I ir ic heat For IBIi price and terms ec R. W, Altmnn. ICtl Orant srenui Phone 16J W I I V1J r..,n, mod. rn hrl. I '.''V . ,A, iH: Very desirable home, clo.s. In 1 000 Will W handle. Balance $5500 payments Kelly .'. Hcrricli L , I 1 i; room iii-.-lern li .- k. .- I" ; ' n, WMM nraae, basement, cement porch and &Mm walks, furnished or unfurnished ." ie...inc rin.ne u Li ; rnrU room hrl-k. i-o-l h'rn in. I out- --r- buildings Onlj ?: '" , Ji Thlrt-. Iif'l-i ll ' LLl H rvE om 1 odi n 1 rl w on Adam neat aSSm Twenty th:rd street. 15ou .-ash haunr- KH ,o:r veni-s A haisaln I'nr.- $4jin Kolj crt C. N c. 602 Ecclcs Bld.. Phone W TWO iots ;'."Mr". on '! Tw.i,; JUDi fourth street, for sale nt a bargain, .oy wnrr. l.-mvili-e .M4" B tVI " II in 1 it an! i" 1 ' C,J v '' '" ' hi ' v. J. Blackburn. Hudson bulkMn rwn l sell reasonabli new, np to date four room modern house, two VrCls. full haeement. full kitchen cabln-t. hard wockI borders, up to dal. electric f 1x1 n Mm ln-aouth part of cltv Phone 16b'i .1. ImnM ill newly flnlMicd tin otiij-hmil. u; w pluml. H R'g" lot WlSO and SS hares of w stcr In fll ogden bench canal. Uicati d al 53 Twcrv tx first street. Intiulr. Ogd n Bpi -tore. 1801 VN W 61 . BEST buy on Washington. U fmW 111 feet deep, between Twenty-fifth and BK Twenty -sixth for $2U"". Half rh . ' . M Epperson, 408 Twenty.sDcth street ' jL 1 hone tajW L21i I ( iT cn N01 tl' iiiihlncti n - n.-.vb paved street. No payment lor five yaars If you build W. B Wedell. Phono Wj MODERN srvm room l.iuk iH Hcreentd pfirch. furnnre; betith. ar line lion.- 1 ni 1 - ' ' ' FRTMENT h..Mf-. FiRht apartrpenta. ! KU Only $5260 Brlntjs in $150 a month. Easy DH terms One four room house only $80o 1H?, One lour room frame modern $3000 Basj 1 terms. Inquire JM Thlrty llfth strtdt. i n! K rnnm l-.itl-. .I-.-I- 1 ' . -;' WW Twent second street. Apply 2? liit;t"ii ! - THREE acres and six room house. Phnn wksl'' i-, ,n; ,, iand :vi tour n orn ho Phoni M4I 'A H Following propertlci must be "Old. and , we want bids on one or all. Terms 1 an t'Ml he had on pail of pun har.e prie. , Eleht acres excellent land at Thlrtu , 1 eighth en.t Qranl six room house sever- !5Sfl al chicken housea. quite a ni. e orchnrd. ,fcH ,.ood new gorago and coal .ions. AIM 'itSM 1 ireral Improved md unimproved rarms 3H atock in scv,-ral pood money maklnt; com 3tH panics, several secured notes drawing 1 fimm per cent The above property inuel r JM sold Call at 623 Eccles bulldlne for an 1 ' part or all. Will soil any piece of pioi I erty nt u. very cheap price Come at aw once. ! J THi; WALKER CO wmt f'::'1 MONEY TO LOAN vniNr , . loan -rn uiimwvi 1 esta1 Welly Merrick 7M WHAT national banics do foi hip buii Mi neas. we do for the man or woman who, works on B .-nlnry Ell Plx Hudson' bulldlni: 7?2 SECOND-HAND GOODS Wtf ttKH your old 1 .nm- an first payment on any new raneo. or will buy your old rni:c oiitrlirht H'jm Fnrnliur Co. 4171 1 4 FOR SALE OR TRADE 1 ( ird ti u! k body toy touring bo It Will sell or trade. First claan order. 757 M Wat hii.L-i.-.n Phone 3B31 xfu;; ! WANTED To Borrow u ANTED to iorrow M000, thr. e years at j FBs? t 7 per cent Interest on first mortgage HBJ new home worth $0000. Address P. O. 1 OX 'ifi7, and will cull I WANTED To Rent irj. VOUNO mo tiled couple want two 01 three IH liouoekeepinK rooms. Can furniMh b"t Oj Pel SnCI Rhone "177 T. 8050 l'Ol'Il or five room modern house b) HH December 15 Write or call Carl Holmes. M rtah BlIlpoHtme Co , 121 Twentx third. 8019 WANTED To Buy " HIGHEST prices paid foi men's old' mW clothes. 259 Twcutv fifth street Phone, lti7 Si'T'i TWO fresh COWI Rhone 245 or Box i r 1 1 No ; ye-.: ; i i-TV bottli 1 hi 1 bat rei - Cail :jii HIOHEST prices paid for second nfinn goods, Stowc, 1800 Washington CS6 , I.Alit.l' ileiiii ra,r3 wunleU it C10 Stnno ard BjtamlnSJ offlie 43X0 BOARD AND ROOM Ml ij , l:ii'i and n for two voung Kills u" with references iiti3 Wall jtiz HOAR I r, rn I room itl. irivate fa ml I HJ . Man and wife or two younc men. Box' HJ lib. Care Stondatd. 7S82 ; 1 FOR RENT Furnished 1 Ft f:.ishf.i unH rooms for sleeping and housekeeping. 21SS Wash 1 tnyten. T 1 1 Or ihr 1 hi iU 1 eplnf nS, fur nisher! or unfurnished, with bath CsJl SfterC K.J West Thlitath tr.t n"'I LARGE front sleeping room with clothe los. t HI Rlnfi-Td im mi. TWO modern furnish' 1 housekeeping rooms 2'ti l Washington. Phoni 12a M' ).. STEAM hi 11 ini.- roon ;miu. JOM 11 RNISHED front room with bath, suit able for two gentlemen, 2 it ;rant Slin I 1 K MSI1 r.l 1 1 coin. liKht lio'i eV 1 Dp use 0 phone and bath 2528 Madison. Mi II TWO 1 owns furnished Also furniture foi I sale 457 Twent v-aeventh street off Vo.h ' Ington J093 TI AM I I'd ni.,' .tininl No (hlldr.ii ilQj n nslMngtO 1 $054 TWO upsairi room', for llghl hbusekeep iiir. l'Tf.1 M.ulivon Rhone .'.U." W IQSJ I ir.oin d.i liiniNckeeidnc Phone U9t v- j "' ONE sleeping 1 f housekeeping 1. . m reasonable 0.1J Seventh St. Rhone Jl j M Vl"" i VK lurnisl.id r n 1 . one or iw. e.nlle n l-.i . .r ! 'tri .- Rhone .'"u-.l v f1 I TtVii ri-nn for IlKhl h- i -ping. 7.".-' - Ird Bl " ' - SM u.i. furnish 1 d room oi re-, 5 -1 1 : Streel g0J HOl'3EKEEPINi 1 tm Phone l"s be fore noon, or call 807 :th. afternoon. 1 1 T WO Bleeping rooms, gentlemen pre ferred, also tWO housekeeping rooms. 274fi Ma.llyon Av j "- MOD f.V ro. n . ilt. I ath, 1 Ii '- n' reasonable j :i;i. Madle .n a . 798 I Fl 'RNISHED Iro m 26 19 Llm -In Ave ::'.if Fl RNISHED apartments for lion mi :n'- d-.nn T980 , - l;:. I - 1 1 1 I 1 room . I. n 1. d h ("orr.ei Adams and Twentj'-thlrd street I 7966 Hi 11 iMS. Y.,le.-; Hotel ;n Tw-n', Ijf l ' 1 . 1 SLEEPING rooms a'lth heal and bath fo;- one or two pentlemen. IS4 Twenty- el.-htli slm-I. I.I :i:i'i' ; n.oin. mm I'"' 1 , 1 ' 1 men preferred. 26b4 Adams avenue. 787S GOOD steam heated aleeplng room foi renl ' - Twentj UUrd ttrci 1 ' 1 SI 1 T I M . ; 101 on. 01 In o peoidi .).,- Phoni 1 150 v 7010 K' 1' l.-lli ..ma room for om 01 tvo n.i Q.-n 2122 v. a 1 Ington 787 I - n.; ., ... , , m. . n n.-it. i Orant rivenue 1 . n n-il.le T-! ..' , FOR RENT UnUirnished .in R m ' i 1 tment foi ! I'hon. 8761 - 102 ONE 1 an h fumi- lied roi ni Tor cnTle ' n an. '.'On 'Washington Av sf I J WANTED Miscel aneous l.Ml'M. .linn cn i.lIoU hi Standard Examiner o'"cc 417? hun KtN I Miscel ancous 'i!i acmiii el. liners. $1 "5 u d". I 7896 FOR SALE Miscellaneous I -. . V 1 Y I ei 1 ; 1 ' I Ro K In-i . I- ami onl I I 1 14a Twentj ruth 1 tr.-. 1 lM WICKED baby bug tj foi sale Real 14 Weal Tim n: -first street. Rhone I'OsS-U. -.lol TWO room house barn, eond ho' e feed, wagon and truck garden tools. $7on worth of crop Mic bargain. Don't coil Satur day lit Seventeenth street or P. O Box ire '' ii n R'Q FIVE mom bouse '17 Patterson; also saddle pony, billy goat, two nannies sel m I i'i u in.; I. or-. 1 :w buggit - ISO and up lo i 1111 ' siirrli s $75 up to $125 Sidney Stcv. m ncnl 1 WESTERN electric wnshers. Better made , Leas parts. Perfectly safe Sidney St. v . 1 1 lin;.. in j' ' 0 SO - 1 . i - v . ' iv with it 1 ' 1 ' 121 without coulters $2" cash, while th. last Sldhcj Stevens Iniplement Co. oy i , 11. no foi sale 1 he ip Ti nms Call lei 0 P m. 570 Twnl fifth .street. ! SKfil ' ; 1 1 : 1 . Li- 1 ! M''l ' ' i 1 . 1 1 ton ' ' ' : BRAND new 1 onu cornel It '.. e II 8012 TWi ' fi -.ii m Ii It coWi Phoni Boa n v P 1 5025 1 W ' ' w .1 I o. ir I. 00. 1 01 : I loll ior Monro. 79 I HARD coal or cok burner, hew; heavj automobile robe Cheap. Phone 1081 7982 SAVE 75 bushel on apple 32-22W. j 79M v NESAP si pli b, ii bui hel 1 Julie . ... ...i i : . n i-iion i -T : 1 T vvo 1 ' 1 i foi ash ' Vise Bit igei n w ing machine 377 Adiims. Phone 8207-M. GOOD clean Jonathan apploa can b had at R '.-lmphell'a Rlv.i.lale Rhone t I I 7046 I iBTl 1 'IT Ki.s range: foui holt tnd ovi u 827 Thirl nith treel r. 1 1 p 1 milk 1 " foi tali 1293 8t ... .x lUI 7JJJ ik dminK table rugs, chalra kitchen cablnoi base, sanltarj cot -5n Taloi I mo riione 1 f'T ) v 1 ti'I! pot tm- 1 :;. .1. 1 r ills Ears V Steed, Phone 11 M. 7f2u WHEN you ti'i about mi 1 bout Blvj n chunk Meat Houaa, The very best for much less than all Othei market.-:. Roln Round and T-bone steak I5c pound. Meat hunk beef 15. pound Plate ).rlj.k t 10c and llM-C pound. Whole pork ijouldera 25c pound Veal, lamb, mm proportionately low Fred L. Blvy, ,-iop 61 Twenty fourth Mic I. 7''.'J - M M went " ' 'hi I I Guaranteed sinperi-. Hem them slng. Ml i fhcolri " '" ' r, I I , ih.iI tm o, i I. h:lp .f I II. once. 3141 ' jhlldj '' nui " -' FOR. the heal values In piano. and ph graphs " J. M Rantone & Son Twenty ninth and Hudson. Terms without mler eM i Greenings. Rone Beautlei and Ganoi .1 n i Phoni j i ' 7865 ROTATORS and V t n I 'I ''ell 1571. 766S e alw .. have an ipple within th reach of every family, Sctlsfactlon guar anteed Rhone g-22 W 7j66 I. i M t: M.I . .:.i i piano I in. ' i :;i in i 'o II :io4 Thlrth th 7167 PULLETS and market poultr;. Western ' in. ni ! '! A SS iRTKl i p.",i.lfish an. I ..'iprl.ee 9, . 1 1 Wei cm i train A- Feed 1 '". 733-; ROI' v. Int. i -ota nd . s ' ii. II It 4 II lee U -i j . I'.r. r.l .1. 7230 UNCAL1.RU lor uil lallOl nwoo. nl reduction. Gordon'B. 211 -Sj Twnty-ftf-n fit Phone 419. tU7 DRESSMAKING A 1.1. .-ized knlf. pleating. Rhone ;3IS-M 7976 CHILDREN'S sewing Work guaranteed ?:US WMxhins'ton 7s.'.7 DRESSMAKING, in adTna ! mbToldei mr-. remodeling. Wotk guaranteed. Phone l I0G J. 7856 HirMSTiTrniS'; ami piccl edging don at Singer SeWll.g Machine Co All work guaranteed 8388 Washington. 7318 Hemstitching picot e'lce. matnnh pun -lug and pica imp Second floor W H Wrlcbt v oi Mru it lp mun lltt STORAGE Ml 1 1 'RRN te'im e -it. -I .tm.ie, v, i.r Taylor MOtOI ' !g 8j8j I ludl "n ' 7S1 FOUND WILL pa n v a ho idvertlsed foi wrist watch lout le t ween Browning apartments and Ogden theater cnii at the Standard Examiner officer.' 1177 0 FOR SALE Autos 1 v i'. v fu IAIN J 1920 Bultk. Mine as new; bct buy in Ihe r I f - . Cnnh Or easy term. Box A., nir. Slnnd'.rd K indn'-r " I ' p'l'i i e. , i i, i nu i ..i - ' '" " mochanlcall) perfect A renl harfnln III taken t on CO. Cash or oaa term. Box . , ,m . Si p.'. . r.t I !vi nun i 1. i i:i . 'in v . i lend tour B lop. . new tlrsi new raids battery. Must soil al once. Will aacrlflce for 1880. ; - D . . enlng rn,,, n re I lop d' llVel llttO I I 0W tir. . afust see this sos i Pprtcr evenw. v sn P 1918 ford coupt tot nah H i-o 1916 Dodge. Jt.'.'i Oall n and 1 .00; WaShh i '"'i ' i " " "ORD tl cheap for .-ash !66 T i ntj .. i 1 1 . ; -( .Hi t,.n i. in i, no - il- "i ' am I'hon. ij s HOfiO , nt- i i-tii; i n -i roadster. Phone :i4'-. R ?i2 BROWNING'S DEPENDABLE USED CARS .Overhauled and ReflhlBhcd. terms' Overland chlimtn)'i BX 50 overland 5 p.iaaenarer. M Btiick fix' paHemf'i I cylinder. Stodebak-r five pat h. ncei I cvllnd.i. Willys fl'-ven paacenper. 1 C Under. t Overland five pannengcr. M ?n Bulck rondater. 4 cylinder. , 2510 Orant Rhone 3M1 rr a 'Tii ' ' LLT new Ford roadster with .lemountable truck body. Barcaln Phone i ; '" J , iffBi ri ii k r baby grand, fiyt P5n' . t-o,. 1 condition. Will sell l heop. 2nn v. Ian - Photv 1 14 W fW 1 CHEESM VN H BTCNBW1 D AUTOMOBILES 1919 Dodge S-paastnger lull, i lo.ice roadster ipis Bulck l-paeaensef' 1920 Bulck (-pasnehger mis Rui. i Four roaddter lf17 Rui'k n-15 touring R'lf (Tier..lei 5-)as.Feiger til1. S ud. -baker RH4 Hurm hllo t . i?17 Chalmers 1916 Overland fi-pmsenKer 1915 C-.1 Eight Chummx rradter 1916 Saxon Six 1919 Ford touring I ISIS Ford delivery RiCfi Ford Cpul B These are all late models. Th y have been renewed niccnanlcally a well as In' appearance, and the term.- villi sul' ou. CHICRSM.W Al TOMOBI1.R 1 2500 Wash. Ave. I'hone 325. :-. LOST W1IITI wool r-.-i.inll. t clove. Hindi r !- turn to 3573 Washington. Rhone 8563-Wi I Vi I IN BLACK purse containing 815 between I Washington Market and Hori'ock's store. !: nirn to i723 Jeffer.-on Reward 8099 BLACK velvet hand ink- in. i in Wright i or between Wright's and Woolwortli's, I r.l phoni I0( U 8057 I R ' R to- i ' I n- ii I.ewlS I nj p.. rftrd Phoni 1610 8038 I -.. ' 'W N' ma ' i. rand on r.u-hl h't . rphoi. 14 797 I i M T' i I . .-ii- piate .No .'l'-l'i nttfi.-h(-i to' tall light Return to Si in.iard Rxamlner Ri .: ird C505 ! WAN I ED Female Help j HOUSEKEEPER. Thone 231 Mi71 GIRR oi wtiniiti fci general I v. oik Rhone 3376 or call at 25fi5 Tyler avenue J 8073 WOMAN l"i light housework and .are of! children during day widow preferred Apply iiftcr 6 p. m. 2356 Washington ' avenue. 8068 WOMAN foi housekeeping Inquiri al Dee Hi pltal 801 1 H M I. (rui Apply in P' rs.jn H.-ulv ho lei 7? 50 ! l-;.VRr:BH-:NCT-:r ;ales!ad for . lnnk . nd j suits Permanent position. National. Washington avenui 7898 i:ri:rir t.i ' cuiiu; -u: . wanted ai Caplau'i Qown Shop cood wairi . E388 WANTED Male Help ! W.W'TRH S,-.inp farmer to fee. I ier . cow and 8 months old calf this winter. , Phone 1607-n y"H i.i a ii mini to take management of newt business in Ogden, sec stark a.- Thomp j aon. Room 208 Marlon hotel. Hour. 10 io i j .lit ami to 8 : 102 VI ALE un --ill. inl i .i I -i i Coal company's plant nt Superior. Good salary-. Stat.- past rccoil and ex por'.enoe. 'Address Premier Coal Co., 528 ' , i i. . iniiidT.c Ogden, Uta 7901 T ' I p in .- hoot . - an', i .1 Phoni ':' 7881 SI f : M i . A Auto S. liool 1... n .1 i . So h. tt. r Start right 700S WANTED Male and Female I PERIEN'I 'Kl ' o keep. I on Rill rough's addln machine. Must bo good p mnan Rhone 370. 2564 Wall avenui I i;itKS o.i- 17 foi postal mall BCrvlCC 8125 month. Experience unneccesao'. Foi fn-e r-artlrulars of examination, wrlle . .T. Leonard (former civil service) examin-. .ri Sifl bJqultablS Ride. Wa.shliiKton. I '. Seal WANTED Salesmen SAI.KSMRN wanted m II om n hh trees and phrubs are In demand. Cash' W eklv Address Capital City Nursery V, . Sah ni. ' ITS 7335 WANTEDSituations I '.til " i . .. I Ii da' oi hoill Phone 3503 I S,7'i VOUNG lapanesc school boy wishes situ ation. Rhone (295. 25D Twenty fourth 806$ I :. i - ...il v. I'h ton 1 1 ii- k 472 T in nt. first street. BOjtl YO KG man familiar with all branches of accounting, w itdtea apeclal work or extra t.et of books after G p. m. and Saturday afternoon Box 20, care Staqdard-ISxam net 8061 .'AT' N BSE si i.ool Lo. wants fltuallon ;i :,. 1 8026 . V. i.l V V..-.TII- .. ... i 1 Hi,, .lav I ml. r- '' tands maternity nursing -'79 jith St. 1 8001 1 1 1 1 RTENCE13 typist wants poi Itlon work at home Neatness and nccuraci I eruaranteed Will call for work. Phone : - j ... 1 SQQ2 1 ri .1:: 1 .' 1 1 ', : . . 1 " 1 1.", rr home preferably where there are two adult- Phone Reed Hotel Room i IS.. 7!h"1 1 COMPI3T43N1 stenographer desires tem porary position 01 piece work. R!ioti' 972 7919 1 M ' NT K Z ho,.l wlihes position. Address 259 Twenty fourth atrei t. 7R.i? j 1 I .1 :. .". I 'i : d'. tm-' and 11 novutlng of I : . ' 1 . I hone .'." I '. 7s'a. , LEGAL NOTICES ALIAS SUMMONS On Cross Complaint of Defendant Ralph E Hoag Company a Corporation In the Dlctrlct Com t of the Second Jndl rial HlKlrlct. In and foi Weber County.: Slate ol Utah Bvorm Investjhcnl Company, a corpora I lion, plaintiff vs, F Allan McOulrc, and Bdlth MoOulrc, hla wife; Charles DJ.I Flah and lane Doe Fish, hi wife; and Ralph E, Hoag Company, a corporation, defendants. Th- Slate 01 I lab to the ai,l h femhuits. ! F. Allan McGulrc and Bdlth McGuU-e, I i bin wife; Charles V. Fish nd Jane Doe ITlsh, hilt wife. I Yon are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this Hiirnmons upon you. If served within the count) in which this action t brought; otherwise, within thirty doys after serv Ice. und defend the above entitled ac-1 tion. and In cage of your failure so to do I Judgment will ho rendered against you j according? to the demand of the cross com plaint of the defendant, Ralph R. Hoax Conipan .1 corporation, which has hei n llii. I with the clerH oi said court. Thla action Is brought to obtain an ac I counting from, and judgment iu-."iln8t, the I defendants McOulra In favor of tho cross 1 omplalnaui. rekindling the real property I described In the complaint and the crods ! complaint, or any residue remaining after th. payment ol the umk. i Indebted I ness 1 s . 1 1 1 1 t Minn, and adjixlrm,; thai as tu the cross coniplalnnnt the defend 1! Information Bureau T2.00 PER LINE PER MONTH COOKS AND STATIONERY Bramwtell I?ook und Stationery. 13(12 Washington iti nue, Rt-on,. -;c.i 305' BANKING I'lah N'-ilion-il I. ml: . .u I ti-i.t rnrn'r T'ent fourth an.) Washington Phone 61 CARPET CLEANING I'arpet cleaninir and color rotoiinp. 1 Satlsf'icticm guaranteed, Rhone 2435. : ' 1 ' Ogden Carpent Cleaning Co for firt Class work. RpbolMierlnK1 and mattreaa making Rhone r7:: .I K Yon Kampcn. Export irpd cleaning, upholstering mattresses made over f athorB renovated, all 1 . 3 Hampton te Co., S586 W 1231, CHIMNEY SWEEP Ogden ehlniney an'cep. Rhone 364. 7681 CITY JUNK HOUSE Rhone, .':,r' 60 Washington Ae 79 SCAVENGER 8cCarty A- Co hauling rubbish and ah Rhone zois VV 748 DENTISTS The New .Method DenllRts nre special Igta In all branch.- of Iv-ntistry. 247f I v.-15hinpton avenue. 9209 ENGRAVING Oeden Bngravlng Service. Co. Makers of fine cut. In on.- or more colors. 41C Twenty fourth street Rhone 463. LIFE INSURANCE .1 R. Corrv, Phnn" 2454. 120 Rccles Bids'. 104 I Geo, D Bennett corporation and group insurance a specialty Phone 124 W. 1511 JUNK AND HIDES Western Hide A Junk Co. 2323 Wash ington avenue Rhone 861 "c im Pink House, 2059 Washington avenue, Rhone J10. PAINTING C H Zerbc Phone 945 J PI NO TUNER- M' -t .Ii- 1. mint: Rhone 7'u, ROOFS RCPAIRED All kinds C. H -erhe. Rhone 946 I 6169 REAL ESTAT E Willard Kay, real .-.utate and loans, 2171 Washington Ave. Phone 4! 1871 STEAMSHIP TICKETS Steamship Agency, 2370 Washington avenue Phone 1166-2347-M-882. r,.3 ". SCAVENGER Cartiat,- and iiibhi-h hauled ccsspolls and toilets . leaned John Tiipp A: Co . Rhone S2V 2 ! IN Hudson Avenue, 'J731 STOVE REPAIR, NC - Stoves repaired moved. Cleaned and ret np Rhon. 85B4 W 7867 TRUNKS AND GAGS Trunk and baic repairing, around cor n. r from StandarJ Callaeher'a. 2373 Hud son 2118 WINDOWS CLEANED Expert window and wall paper clean big. American Window Cleaning. Ph 563 LEGAL NOTICES ants Fish have no Interest In aald prop erty. ( R IK 1.1.1 .SWORTK. Attorney for Defendant and Cross Complainant Ralph E. HoaK t'ompanv a Corporation. R. O, Address; 51$ Pavld SccldS Build Im; Dirilen. I tuh 8097 ALIAS SUMMONS. In the District Court of Davis Count v. State of Rtah, Hi -1 fonnaton, Plaintiff. va Stewart Johnston. Defendanl The State of Rlnh to Said Defendant You urv hen by supimoneil to appear within twenty days lifter service of this alius summons upon you, if served within the county In which this action Is brought: otherwise within thirty days aft er ficrvlee. and defend the above entitled action- and in case of your failure .0 to do Judgment will he rendered against you according to the den.and of the com plaint, which haa been filed with tie. clerk of said courL This action Is brought to obtain ft judgment and decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony 'now and heretofore exist biK between plaintiff and defendant HARRIS & JKNSON. piaintifr.'-. Attorneya, R 11 Ad.lrr.si; Suit" 3 1 3 foi. Hudson Building. Ogden City. Rtah. 7 1JJ LTTTUB VAI.RKY MINING CO 361 Twenty fourth St.. Ogden. Rtah There ate delinquent on the follovvtntc described stock on account of assessment levied on the Stb day of October. 1!20. the several amounts set opposite the names of thu respective stocknoldera aa lollows; Cert. No. Nam" Shares Amt. K Ralph S CorlcW 3000 J60.00 13 Reter MalLion 3100 60.00 19 J. W P. Volker 15o0 30.00 21 Chas. H Husscy 1500 30.00 22 Ed. H Miller 10n 00 23 Raul M. Iy.e 40 80 27 Oscar P. Randall l.'.OO 30.00 30 Antonc fensen 2000 40.00 31 Antone Jensen 100 2.00 32 H M. Olmstead 100 2.00 88 Mrs. C. J. Tribe 50 1.00 34 George W. O William. .. 250 6 00 36 William D. Tribe 50 1 00 39 Arthur o. Houseman. . .2000 60.00 40 George T. Rlndtiulst . . . 500 10.00 41 Chne. J. Tribe 1500 30.00 42 William D Tribe 1500 30.0 1 43 Isaac Parr 1600 32.00 46 Kred W Ralllson 100 2.00 61 Oscar P. Randall 100 .00 66 J. W, P. Volker 100 2 00 57 John A. HutChlOJ 100 2.00 58 T. A. Devlnc 100 2.00 69 P. A. Mattson Ro 2.00 t.7 Bertha R. Rorlew .... 100 2.00 CS K. Campbell 250 5.00 69 Ieo J. Walker 100o 20.00 7(i Isaac Farr 500 10 00 77 R. D Roberts 1500 30.00 $4 A. B. Corey 500 10.111) 87 Taylor M. Cain 200 4.00 SR Krad Ed. Tout 200 4 00 01 C. H. CrOslinK 10O0 0.00 92 Harrop & Aadneson .2000 40.00 93 J. A. Summers 1000 20 00 04 John A Hut. -bens . . 1M0 80.00 05 H. V Irwin 500 in.00 96 P D. Roberts 200 1.00 97 -ntone. Jensen . 200 4.00 98 1. F. Farr 200 1.00 99 P A. Mattson 200 4 00 lol Arthur Hausman .. .1500 30.00 anil in accordance with the law and order of the hoard of directors made on the 8th dnv of October 1920. so many shares of each parcel of such stock as may be nee SSSar) will be sold at 361 Twenty-fourth street. Ogden, Utah, on the 12th day of December. 1920. at 2 o'clock p. m. lo pay the delinquent assessment together with the cost of advcrtislnB and xpenso of sale. CHRIS AADNESON 7789 Si re tar; n l Tn-nsurer. PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES Consult County Clerk or the Respec tive Signers for Further Information. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Edetrlct Court of tho Second Judl clal District of Rtah Within and for Weber Count Estate of John A. ClotiRh. Deceased 1 'n dltoi 1 v. ill pi . til ' I ilms Willi vou. hers I" the iuiiersi)rned at the ot rices ot s. p. Lobb, 2os :'ii Colonel Hud son building, Osdr-n City. Utah, on or be fore the Itt day oi February. A. D. 1921 l IGHT C, CHAPMAN. Admliil itrntor Sluatt P. Dobbs, Attorney for Admlnls tralor. "" NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the District Court of the Second Judi cial District. Stnto of Utah, Within and lor Weber County. In the Matter of tho Estate of Frederick Everett. Deceased Creditors will present claims with vein hers to the undersigned, at the Office of DoYine, Stlno f.- Gwllllam. No. C25 David Ecclcs building, Ogden, Rtah or. or bcloiu tho 15i.li day of Match. 1921. KATE '".Rit.ER. Administratrix with Will Annexed of the E.itato of Frederick Everett. Deceased. DeVinc. Stlno & Gwllllam. Attorneys for Administratrix. 7270 BUTTER AND EGOS. CHICAGt. Dec. 7. Butter cader: creamery 36 "1 I c Eggs higher; receipts 1974 cases; first." 77fi 7 V. Rvultryalh e lower; fowls 17'7j25c. TRADE TURNS TO CHEAPERSTOCKS Higher Priced Issues Are Meg lecteel on Exchange at Salt Lake marked the session on the Ball Lake I Stock A: Mlnlncr exchange this m-.rnlnc. Tintie Standard failed to register a I Kale. Silver King Con. traded at prices j ranging from 9Sc to 81.0C. No other, sales were transacted in the higher priced ;;toeks. Rureka Riilhon fell r,ff im value and Ir. nrlre, sellini: 1000 shares at 12 anil 12:-. Jron Blnaaom--was strontr 2000 shares ehanplnn bands at 21 and 23c. Rrovo brought Sc. while Eureka t.ir sold at 7. All-ion held up w. II trading at 12 and 12'.c (Quotations furnpjhed over private wire of J A. Hogle &. Co Ecd'.i OltJa.) Bid Ask Alt on .001, ;004 Albion .'. 12 .13 American Con opj i:'lj Altn Tunnel .nr, .On'i Big Hill . . . 03 "4 j Bullion 02 ..OS Black Metals 02 Columbus Rezall .. 39 .35 Crown Rolnt 00 Colorado Con 03 .05 Central Eureka 01 -OaM i-ardlff 1. 10 12'. Dragon t'nn H Daly West 1.80 2 25 Kast Crown Rolnt .02 East Tin dal 01 .01V4 Ra-t Tin Con 07 Oi Rureka Mln.n 0k' "N Rureku Rllv OGU .07 Eureka Bullion II Ji 12 Rmma Silver 02'- 01 Rm-dre Mines .0". fti? ' Hold Chain 02 .07 ! 1 'raitd Jentral 16 I How-ell O'V-j . . ... 1 Iron Blossom CO 25 Iron Rang 1" ' Judge Mining 3.00 3.80 ! Kevstono C .71 I Leonora . 024 03s! I Lehl Tintic . . 0BH oi May Dnv 0J 02'i , Miller Hill 02 Moscow 02 10 ' Mlchigan-l'tnh OP, "-'' I North Standard 05 os New Qulncy Oa 01 I Onohongo 00Vi .00 Naildrlver 37 'Rbittis .27Vj 30 Prince Con 28Si I Provo 01 -jm Pale ma Rico Aren'ine 03 04 ' Rico Wellington . ."7 10 I Sella 0Ui 01 H ! 811. Kins Coal 1.70 1 I Sll King Con 1 fO 1 10 Sioux Con 02 U 0.1 I South Hecla -59 70 South Standard Ifttt Silver Shield 27. 30 Tar Baby 01 02 Tlntlc l entral . . , 01 Vi Tlnilc Standard 3 70 3.72i Utah Cons 00; OUj Rncle Sam 00'j .01 Victor Con H -0 Rnh. nt'hief 01 .07 W.-.vt Toledo 02 .04 Walker 2.00 2.00 Woo1 lawn 09 Vi .10 iumn MSS .os Daly 1-30 2.25 Opening Sales. Albion r.OO at 12- 3000 at 12,c. Altn Tunnel 1000 at r,e; 1000 at 5Hc Eureka Lily 2100 at 7c. oluinbus Rexall 100 at 34e- r.r0 at 334c Iron BloSSOm R:o0 at 2R ESast Tinii - CoaL 1000 at lUc Leonora 100n at 3'ic May Day 5000 at 2c Michigan-Utah 1000 at 2c. Eureka Mines 1000 at 7c. New Qulncv 6000 at 1c Eureka Bullion 500 at 12Uc; 1000 at 12c. lYlncc Con 500 at 29c. Etovo 2000 at 5o. North Standard 3000 at 5V,i . Sells 2000 at me. ' Silver King Con. 200 at 1.0Q. Cloting Sales. Alta Con. 2000 at lc: 2000 at c American i'on. Copper. 1000. at 1C. . Alt Tunnel 1000 at 5c. Big Hill 200 at 2c I lr..n Blossom 700 at 23c. : May Day 1000 at 2c. Eureka Bullion 2500 at 12c I Rrlnce Con. 350 at 30e. lTovo 4499 at 5c Rico Argentine 1000 at 3jc. I Silver King Con. if, at 9Sc; 17 at $1 05. South II rla 200 at 61c I Silver Shield 100 at 2Sc. Woodlawn lOOO at 10c; 2500 at 9c. OILS ID RAILS STEADY MARKET; Speculative Issues Decline at Opening and Cause Gen eral Losses NI'.W YORK Dec 7. Oils and rails Imparted a measure of stability to tho stock market today but this was over Shadowed by the weakness of specialties ! Sab s approximated 750.000 shares. Heaviness of speculative Issues par- ! Ocularly the chemical group, contributed I to the lower trend of prlros at the open ing of toda stock mnrket. American : Agricultural chemical. yeeterdays weak est feature, registered an early loss of .IS points and American International I American Woolen and Royal Dutch lost 1 one iolnt. Domestic and Mexican oils were firm to strong, especially Texas & ' Pacific Houston and American Linseed. I Steels, rails and equipments and motors manifested further Irregularity at nomi nal advances and declines. Exchange on London continued to weaken, breaking lri under yesterday's final rates. A seven point rise in Mexican Petro leum and 12 point loss In Wlllys-Over- lnnd provoked feverish aggressions in the last hour with variable recoveries at the heavy close. Sales Increase on Local Stock Market Twenty-three cars of meat stock were purchased on the local stock market yos- terdaj by buyers representing Rtah and California packing companies The sales were made to- Oehl Racking comnany. San Bernar dino. Taj 3 cars cattle. Cudahv Racking company. Salt Lake, 1 car cattle McFarlnnd Packing company. Salt Lake, l car cattle. 1 ear sheep. HOttser Racking company. Rom Angeles Weatern Meat edoipany, San Francisco. C cars cattle. 2 ears bogs Highland Cattle company, San Fran-, clsco. D cars cattle. OGDEN LIVESTOCK MARKET. Cattle RecelptH 114: choice heavy steers $7.50,8.60: good steers fK.QOff 7.00: fair ateers ?5.00EiG.50; choice feeder steers $15,001 7 .00; choice rows and helf ers JTi OiRTi 5.75; fair to gixsl cows unrl heifers S4.OOW5.00. cutters I8.50Q4.00; ianner8 $2.00ff"i 3 .00; choice feeder cows $4.00ffr4-50; fat bulla S3.75fi)4 00; bologna bulls JJ.oorl 00; veal calves $9 0010.00 Hoga Kecelpta 154; choice fat hogs. 175 to 250 lbs. $10.10; bulk .f sahs Ja.fiOv 10. u feeder bogs $v niRn J.uli Sheep Receipts 224; choice Iambs $9.ooi 10.00: wethers $5.00fi ii.00: fat Bwi i I4.00OG 00. feeder lambs SS.00 9 00. ARRIVALS. F. -J- Iirako. Victor. Ida. 1 car fheop. Thomas Bros . Ashtoif, Ida . l ear hogs. Thomas Bros.. Driggs, Ida.. 1 c.ir hogs. Leo Peck. Oreenvfliei l car cuttle. AT MINNEAPOLIS. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., Dee 7 Flour ;,0e higher; In carload lota, family pat ents quoted at $! 10010.06 a barrel In i ound COI ton packa Bran $2b.00. The Ogden Auto Directory WHERE THEY ARE AND WHAT THEY DO Halter Electric Primers start your car instantly. Guaranteed by P ; Barlow Bros., 2466 Grant avenue. 8044 Briscoe Touring Cars, Gramm-Bernstein Truckg. White-Robinson. 1 2300 Washington. Phone 340. 3739 , Ogdon Auto Radiator Co, 2329Hudson Avenue. 3740 f Hudson Auto Top Co , 1717 Washington. 3772 I 1 WHAT THE 'SINLESS SABBATH' 1 REFORMERS WOULD TABOO j I f soar black. . i Rn . IIAKRY L. BOWLBT. 1 By fJOKBX A. J mors N E . stuff Correspondent. NEW YORK Rev. Harry L. Bowl by, national secretary of the Lord's Do.) Alliance, who is directly a n:i-tlon-vvlde, movement for "Sinlcsji Jibbnths," outlined . for me today his Idea of 'an ideal Sunday." If hly plan was put into effect there would be but two things to do on Sunday go to church ami stay home. Mo would taboo movies, baseball, tennis, newspapers, balloon venders, Btoree, traveling, autO riding except j to church, theatres, bootblacks, j beachee, golf, concerts, delicatessens, resorts. i "1 would call un ideal Sabbath," sas Rev. Rowlby, "a duy on which all observe; 'Remember the Sabbath j day and keep It holy'-- a day on which people refrain from doinK all those things" that are so plainly In violation of tho .spirit of the day. whether of a commercial or uncommercial charac ter. lUTs OMMKRI I VRIvM "Our object is to drive out what has become a continental Sunday anu to defend and preserve the American Christian Sabbath. 'we arc fully satisfied that the American Sabbath includes works of mercy and necessity, but that many are construing the Sabbath on such liberal terms as to change its name and Ideals into a holiday and a busi ness duy. j 'By far the greater evil, as we see CHICAGO GRAIN "TTIRAGO, Dec 7. Active selhnc nr ihe part of houses with eastern connec tions, some of ft raid to be on foreign act oimt. brought about sharp declines to day in th wheat market. Support was laeklnp and prevailing sentiment bear ish, owing more or less to an apparent lack of export demand Besides, ther was a disposition to regard bullish fac tors as having ben mon- than discount ed by recent lively upturn:. Opening quotations, Jphlch ranged fro ni2 to 1fce lower with December $1.77 and March $1.71 to 1 73'4 were followed by a ma terial further setback. Corn gave way with wheat. After opening S to ."Uic down including May at 78 to 7Vic. the market continued weak at about 2c under yesterday's fin ish. Oats were depressed by the weakness of other cereals, starting to V lower Mnv tr, 53c, and then descending further. Provisions fell with grain and hogs CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO Dec. 7. (t'nited States Bu reau of Markets ) Catth Recolpta 18. 000; deslrat le beef nteera and butcher she-stock strung to liigh. i t'sin late yes terday, mostly 23 to ."i"c ubove last week, bulk native steers ID OOft 12 00; early top 114.00. Hogs Receipts 66,000; mostly 25 to oOc lower than yesterday's average, packing sows off least; top earlv one loan $10 10. practical top $10.00; bulk $9.C0ff9.90 Sheep Receipts 22.000; fat lambs slow. 20r lower; choice nntiv lambs to ship pers $11.50: fat sheen 25c lower: bulk native ewes $4 .00ft 4. 50. OMAHA LIVESTOCK MAMA Neb. Dec. 7. United States Rurcitu of Markets.) lings Receipts 10. 000; market 1". to 25c lower; bulk medium and light butchers $9 GOfid 85. top 19.95; hulk strong weight and packing grades $9. 25ft '.' "0 , mile .Receipts 7000; beef steers mOSt 1 steady, top fed yearlings 118 76; bulk steers $7.60ft9.5O; she-stock steady to Btrong; other classee generally steady Sheep Receipts 11 oofl. few earlv sales of lambs 25 to 50c lower; bulk of sale lambs and sheep fully 50e lovv.r to lambs $10 60: yearlings $7 50; ewes $1.oo. feelers steady. KANSAS CITY LIVESTOCK. KANSAS CITY. Mo. Dec. 7. (United States Rureau of Markets.)- 'attic Re celnie 10.500; beef steers stow and steady, prime heavy steers $14.00. Uf,,.v, Hucelnts 1 7.000 ;. market oloslnfl active, unevenly D.'ic lower bulk of sales 9 50 9 $0; top $9 95. jheei Receipts 7500, market weak to 25c lower; fat western lambs $11.00. MONEY MARKET. NBW YORK. Dec. 7. Prime merean tUi papet unchanged. Bhtchange woak. Sterling Demand $3.434- New Ycrk exchange on Montreal 13Vt per cent discount. Tlnm loans firm; all dates 7Hft7H per cent. METAL MARKET. NEW YORK, Dec. 7. Antimony 5.75 K..87j. Tin firm; spot and nearby $3o.2... Laiad iulet; spot $5 00. Zinc steady; East St. Louis delivery spot 6.156.30c. rubers unchanged. FUTURE QUOTATIONS i 'Mli'Ar.l i, lU-c. 7. Closing quotations: Wheat December $1.70',; March $1. 67 ('..rn December 7::-,4c: May 76C Oats December 4SUe; May 51 -(. Pork January $23. 6. Lard January $n.75. May $11 75. Ribl January $12.65, May $12. hO. it, comes through great and well fin anced commercial corporations such t ns the motion picture lndustrj anil H professional baseball leagues. M.i.D puritan srnuT.'- I mm "Puritarw and Pilgrims observed tin Sabbath more strictly than It has 'MWM been observed at any time In the .H United States within the Inst 50 years WWa and the need of the hour is to put more of the puritan spirit in'.o ui MM American Sunday" The lot of the reformer Is hard." says Rev, Dowlby In order to make others observe the Sabbath, we must have publicity and everyone is trying L. 1 to keep us from getting p." M r'S VI. 1 M N LEAGUERS. Among the retormen who arc mem bera ot tho international reform bp ri iu fighting :l "Sinless Sun- da) ' are: ll Wayne B. Wheeler, chief counsel llLH to the Anti-Saloon league, who will jH ii the International reform bu- WM ti in conferenct In Washington th- mm I week of December 8-10, when the pending Sunday "blue law" bill for JH ,the Distric t of Columbia will be cou- , O sider. d and probably urged upon other states, jjjH The Rev. E. C. Dinwiddle, legts : latlve superintendent of the Ant.l Silooii league, who s.ivs the District of Columbia Sunday bill in but an entering wedge for the adoption of a ' federal constitutional amendment en- H forcing nation-wide Sabbath observ : ance. Ho has opened offices in Wash I Ington. in the national Sunday observ anCS campaign. I LOCAL SECURITIES. ! bpi Ask 1 ym ! Amal. Sugar $ $ 12.75 fWMM A mat. Sugar pfd 99 .00 mUmm t on. Wagon 101.00 mmuWM Cement Securities 118 00 120. On WMM Utah-Idaho Sugar t.7s Lion Coal Ronds 85.00 WMM Wfsl Cache Sugar 100 Ou 101 00 WM Wyoming Sugar 10.00 WMM Ogden-Portland Cement 95. oo I ."-Icing 25 00 -Mm People's Sugar 5.6U -MM First National Bank 321, 5u wWM Security State Bank .. lie. 00 WM SUGAR MARKET NEW YORK. Dec 7 Haw sugar o,ulet WM at 4Vc foT f'ubas. cst and freight, equal MmM to 6.71c for centrifugal. Mm Refined steady at V75 to 9.00c for fln.t Mm granulated. Mum. Ppturee opened lower, but later ral- MmW. ll.-d and at midday was about unchanged CASH SALES I'HIOAiRj. Dec 7. Wheat No 2 red MMW MM Corn No. 2 mixed 79c. Hutu .... I White 50O61c, MMM j Ryo No. 2 $1.63,. MMm Barley 94c MMMt I iau $ir. oo. MMm MEDICOS SEE MOVIES. (By International News Service.) BOSTON Xray motion pictures JH showing the sholl-smashed arm of a HV ; eoldler being restored to normal und lln shattered bone being replaced bv MM ten Inches of grafted shlnbone was HH shown to Boston surgeons nt the con ference of the Clinical and Surgical association of Boston HH1 op fOl'LDN 1 IT N I WIFE; HE THI ED TO DIE ROCK ISLAND. III. Andrew Loft- MMW qulst, 48, tried to commit suicide be cause he couldn't find wife. He had been brooding over Billy Sunday's scr- IH mon, 'Bachelors ' and H said to have come to believe he was damned If he 1 did not marry. j PARTICJUL LB PRISONER. DALLAS. Tex. Bryan Kayhe didn't mMM like the cellmate the poHce gave him He told the newcomer to ' climb out" and when the stranger couldn't or IH wouldn't. Kayho beat him with his shoe. He'll have to stand trial now for assaulL oo MMW By special treaty the Maharajah of Kashmir exercises the right to prohibit the Importation of pork plea into his territories. LwM LIBERTY I BONDS ! INVKSTMJKNT SECCRITrES j J-frHoftle&Dj I CCCU8 aUWT ISO MAIN STT ! OOSCN SALT LAtvJi j il