OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, December 24, 1920, LAST EDITION, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-12-24/ed-1/seq-9/

What is OCR?

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FOR SALE Real Estate
In- MODERN flTS r.xim lirl.-k on South Oran
S good foi ISTOOi
B Modern ncven room homo four block'
HeH fiotn union Mullein "-nau foi ".2."')
HB (in euy trmi. Raslly worth $sf"M).
KSH Pour seres rfrnl tlx 100m house on Rlv
IffiJIflBl erdale road. A well lmprovcl. plnre
HH 16000; $1200 will handle 01 owner will no
jHfijH ' pi rattle ita pari payment.
ya'M 0 cr8 we" Improved land in Wet.ei
V-fifl allf S-en room modern hrlek houae
ifeiflJS hay hams, machinery, etc. $10,600. Eas
H term.
''Xm iMit .i oth. i k In cltj
fib 1H and farm properly. Come and ec them,
l .3H 1S75-S377 Hudson Avenue ffeonti 161
g 'i
riMxIi-rii n. .in hungalow on
i4w8ew Jnckaon; furnace. By owner Terma.
"'Sel BnrKMln for quick mle. Phone 2347 J.
llli'KI f rrn r , , . 1 home p7 :''
TWO Iota ,,ri Van i.uren. houiii of 10th
Bfll St.. to exchange for auto. O A Ken-
nsdj basemen! I is-H Rational Bids Vi'n
FIVE room ni')i-m mni;iilow I I i.
' JfS& tnrnt. ek-etrle fixtu. lull kitchen cfthl-
ifT3 nct- WlBdl and llnoieum. $SC00. $6W
'-tM rash Balance $3.' per month. Phono
5M I '
' ICREfi "i I f.irm lnl. ClOM to
bL'S rood town. Owner will conalder Had en
property iui part payment and carry back
, 41" " for balance.
40 acres close to Salt Lake: well lm
tU proved rind can mnke cood term:".
JP M 10 seres not far from Opden It I wto
y Improved and a dandy farm.
rSjjB Tw,i v it) good 20 acre tracts.
'SMW HO nn. i in liudc. owner mlphl con-
gH aider cash.
F-H 13 aerai close to Brignam. Owner will
JTS trade.
Wm I' urea and evcn room house, owner
5 IB will ' conalder smaller property.
brffl i i r 1 1 ami four room hou.- lo trade.
HH What have you?
I iv.- riH.ni house. Will trade for llve
HNI stock or Ford cars.
B Five room house, now read to move
FaffiJB into. Win ini.i-- or aeii on good term.
MBA This la Juat a small Mat of what I hare
(Pr'B to aell and tncde.
izm ; , Hudson ivenlii Hhonr.?2?
I.. i l:i;s o I iii.1, r ' I .." 1 a- f - In
gjgjfl on hard 4 room houae nnd lrn. 6 Share.
H of water, and electrl- pump and ,;'"'' ,
hSfcU voir. Apply Andrea Apoatalos learfleld
il i 1 1 l, . i...' l -. ' " '
I.ROOM i - !. bond big ol i nJ out
Hfl luilldliiKs might trade on rani h.
nt ' " '
SI VI N ROOM model brick on paved
IH ,i t on bench; built-in cahlr.eta larr;-1
nW ...... i ira ' 1 ' ,'
I I I $:-00. lerma Other bargain?. H. J.
ffl Bakei 2731 Madison Phone 1029 or
m 40 i 6U
fa) SL. ir ..f Ihe i r.u;:i ' '
V om brl home In 1 gd n Jusl
1 nl bed at .-. coal ol $13 Slv i jell
V ... ill. h ' ' v ' s
Hi 1 r.Mirn iMini' m ' "
?.:: W ! '
WLm y 'i' ' m.i: N 1 ' s t a -1
I ,J Forced t farm
f ' from Ogdrn on niHln road. All cholc- .
I vi nnd a mi ail undi r i ultl atli ti Haa in .
IH oxccotlonollv i:o.l water righl and gomi f
' impraramanta, Including nearly new 6- i
J ' room brick house All machinery i" work
', place This farm i" being offered
j t .i-rifiro Pr1"e $M0u j;f00 aih. iMtlance i
jWialf? , an bo -handled with smll '-arly pay-j
IKS ni-nts. with low rate of mt.'-i-t
We also have a good .l-ioom modern
otlaae with sleeping poich and cemenl
, ,ni f. r ;'.""i
a i -nii 186 per month
V OGDEN m i. i SI i I BLDC
. -iZtk Wash. Ave Phone 37S. .
NEW atrtetl) modern seven room ho
3 Special 14-day offer. Price J760O. $3600
. . : rQ down Poy.'i salon at uric.:. Phone 11 W
N!oDi:UN ru.-w i urigalow i..:tnfi- five
J rooms and basement t'lcia' In. tl0i"0. In-
quire SO.'i Eccles. Pin ro- l"74 2'""
IF vou want to buy or sell vacant lots,
jcr 3 see'w .1 Blackburn, Hudson building
Phone 6?n. 7Wj
BY OWNER -I 'in room inodem lr..
:SU all newlj- finished throughout new plumb
Ing. lot 60x830 end "2 shares of v.nter In
V igilep benrh canal ! nlo n t '' rm M
4 ty first street. Inquire Ogdcn Boole
tor.- 1301 g or 761 7MB
IITS on Norlh W'i r l.lnfelon in I
paved street. No payment for five j Si I
i'rihl If vou build. W. B. Wedell Phone 2222
POUB room partly modern houae. 2r.i
iw.nty second f . Apply IMS Wa 1
ngton. 'r?"
FOUR acres land and 'our room house
Phone 3443jW
l.oVJ"! Y riKl'in ni.m romii lui. k fur-
-v 3 nial 'o "ii beach, cariim-. furnao 80 feet,
i;efl screened porch, large lot. Thone owner.
lis, 8
Sl'RRY and light double ham-.- Phon.
I I z. 230
FOR RENT Furnished
ONE laTge furnished rooma 6W Twenty
i 1 1 ' l Mri'i i 8667
FURNISHK1 front room (or or r two
Jvw gentlemen, tit Twenty seventh atrcet.
'''I R rooms (urnl.-h d or unli.rn ihl d fOI
V. fl light housekeeping 60S Twelfth .'tree!.
( A. ('im!-hi i m.i no h .-itid room
jTI with iiath; close In, for lady or gentleman
.. (,&. with refcrcnoj. 204 Twenty third Street
ioiiFPN f'.'ur rotim apartment, fur
i .-I,, i ri.un.' u i
TWo nicelv (urnlKhed rooms. $15 per!
r.i.nln M'''5 A'l.i.n-
MODERN housekeeping rooms Steanr
heat. Lucerne Hotel 12
FPRNISHED or unfurnished rooms for1
rent 2'-' IS 'ftfhnKtorl . :'
TWO nlcel) furnished rooms. Gentlemen ,
ijM only. S37 Twenty third street. Phom
" J" I B94-' s'-
XIOFI.Y furnlnhid i.i .-l.-rn room on- or
two .i mi l rrn-n 2'j " ' iri-l.anl NM 2 :
CLEAN. reesonabU rooms with i.aii. I
34th SI 6
FOUR modem rooms neatly furnished
U) 1033 Oramercy. '"all after 12 s. m M$5 i
1 1 PWO partly furnished rooms suitable tor
; iK housekeeping No children. 2123 Qulncy
Mi il lERN I n-nifihed rooms (or rent bU
Twenty-fourth street 84S
ROOMS tor g-entU in. n TAtt Tv. er.t'.
J third. Ml
a' 4-Km"iM modern horn.., furnished K. lly .
HOl'SF.KF.KPIN" i room:. 'oll i 2i3
"y entj "Ixll. .s'rvl S27'.i
PI HNISHF.I at. a in hen tl n pa rl merit
So chjldjen 310j Washington tin
i.AKOFC front room, north palnt?d nnd '
; papered Phone 1S70M. 8254
FUrRTShED nnd uni'i.rii'iio-ii rooms FSr
r1" -deeping ond housekeeping. 24C8 Wash.
u.v.on "''
FURNISHED rooms, steam heated, with
I I hatha. Corner Adams and Twenty-third
s'reet . ,
I .i i ' iM i iil.-i Hoi. I. u'.'l Twi.nl flllli
f St 7?C4 I
FURNISHED ipt 1 or rooma neai
9H school, 3 In family. Possession by 20th
ThW of Detx-niber or sooner Address No.
768 1:1 A v . . -S'.li I -ake i 'ii) , riui.
MODKRN hoiiM. fnrvl.Oi. d or iinlur
n nished. No children. Mr. Scyberp, Qlohe I
Mill- S3S1
i-uK ren i Miscellaneous
triiSM IIKH'K wruelioufe Willi of lice on trin k ;
I'jJ i holcc location; rent reasonable. Phone
SIO 1349
OHIO vacuum cleanerSi $i.2S :.
1 i 789C
WANTED Salesmen
ALESMEN To eii high class ndvertli
ItFiH calendars and fano in Ogdcn rind svir-
rounding tirTltor. Highest commission
ri :H paid promptly. Heiiinv scuson oommencej
K;. y'm lanuary first. Geo If. Jung Co., Cincin
' . o. nf. :
W Business Opportunities
CAPITAl wanted to flnnni i a pis tlnum
jHfl "nd gold proposition. Wm. R. MUlci 617
Twenty-Mccond stroet. m;.;
FOR SALE Miscellaneous
i 1 I A It' I K fumed I : I . r : r , Inl.l.-. lr,'C.
I hed and ,prlnga ila .11. 1 1 Vxmlnyter
iijc All pr-HfllcnllN new rh-.n.' l.'.Hl J
KIDD1H lirMip nii springs ai mattress,
high i tiair. wicker baby carriage. 2.riS
i Twenty seventh tret. Apailnvm "
I I'-i of ' t lumber ol any dl
menalon. All In good shape. C00H feet ol
' fev celling, 35u,n0n hrlrk. 4fnife. t 6 Inch
l hl-'i pre.s-uri n.iii-r uiHiri. iim"I plpi . 'ill
sixes, all slxe values. Ross Wrerklng Co.
I el oh! U. P. round house 8633
PARTI leaving;. Drop head singer sew
I Ing machine. 427 Twenty -fourth street.
room 17 Vi
WHITi: lyghoriiM foi 5. il.. vmi Ion
1 1S36 C'lillds avenue. Phone 275!) W.
L'OA L range. g '.! n-w l ook . ndf gn .
plate, small henter. very cheap. Inquire
i 270 Twenty fifth or call 25S3 Omni after
6 p in 121
i H 1 1 . .1 1 1 . i .... ' il-. .!. i . .1. ;
fi rs i nit
WINTER potatoes ind vegetables and
; cabbage for chickens. Phone 1574.
REED sulk) oh ip 558 Pwentieth, rem.
WINTER potatoes, $i 73 delivered Wheat
delivered 33 per hundr d Phone ll-J-4.
COMPLETE printing outfit '" i
Ink tand type etc.. lor VSb Call 114 Vt
v fi-:w nn. .ii. ; : i ninoi-. t Mlored
i aulta. Dundee Woolen Mill ., on HUdjffOn
tvenui n to 1 Ih mbra theater. 6646
TTiTsT Kr.ni. ' ircentng apples! S IS
,,.., i:
oak i "unter. smokestack, bike P 883
BOSTON ti-rrler male pup. .( months old.
pedigreed A perfect gentleman, ideal
I Chrtstmaa present for some one. Canyon
Road Kennelg 189 Canyon Road. Phone
. I..., -. po . , clectrli i . o toi slight,
. . ii ' i'" n ' ' i . i 1
, New .-.Ullle; l .in. I Phone .1.1.
i ii' HCl (Cheat 1 1 3 i" i cwl call Ji 2a
delivered Backs extra. P. M. pierce.
Hi nd streei
5 1 X yards nov ig i p 10 Inches
ride. Phoni j : i W J3
i ii 1 1 . poM i , i . .r ir'
i jiarantaji d jjnggi I ji ; oln BW
PE1 IGREE1 pun bt od whlti
: ifi-ri . ' i '. ' '
CH i:i; TTk TToTT on.jition.
gggj Vdaini ' ''
UBD ond pi b 'c p il 16 i iranl
M'l i.i cldci Phoni Mil
('KII.NT I locks. 34-1" 'I:-: I I ISO
ROM! 1.1 ai rv Bio k TWig and Jonn
than tipples Will deliver. Phone H-J"1
H IVAN UK A i i' . -' ' i 27M
Id iLII A Jouiith.in ippb --' u
oiv dining table, i'i:.i chairs kitchen
cabinet base, !Vinlt:iK.' cot. 2o.'6 Tuylor
Phoni 1 7fO 1
m m 1 1 wants ' :. im i foi Chrl
Guaranteed aingcra. Heai them ing
2 3 20 Ijncoiu 7 no:;
, i.i' i,. si 1. 1 1 lew In piano? nnd phono
niph.i sev .T. M. Pnntorie & Son, Twenty
ninth and Hudson Terms without Inter
ewt. 7886
KIMBALL pie: r pi ino Big bai gain, !i II
164 rhlrtieth. 7887
i scai.i.i Li lor suits talloi meaa; in
redaction. Oordau . 211-Ti I rn.nl) I f 11
fit Phone 419 H-7
SEVERAL good building lots, south o(
Twent) fifth atn-et and vnsl of Madison
Jive location and lowest cash price. Rojt
; i : enre Standard F ilner 1 1 g
vn tfo Immediatel decrepit, worn
i out horses Call P C. Erwln, 2732 Lln-
..'ii I Loo. s- t.4'1
HIOHEST prices paid foi men's old
cloihe.a 25& Twenty-fifth street Phone
1-7 '
:M PT V ...! i I- ' hi r-.-i r ; ! "14.
HIGHEST prices '' for second nand
oods Btowe, 1800 Washington ''e66
LARGK .I. hi r,i:-- i nl. I t the Rtapil
rd raniln.T offlc. 30
WANTED Male Help
st;ij v m C Auto School, Los An
p i, no i-.ter fetarl i I I ;
WAN I ED Female Help
1 1 1 SO lad to work in Isboralorj at
Spcrry Flour Co. Good position to the
rtghl pa i ' Apr ly t ol I ' 8 S0V2
i'.U'.K f"i i.-' nerul housework i' iII JT.'.T .!
: KXPKRIT'Nrn v. lnc crlrls wanted nt
' Caplnu'a Oovn Sfiop- pood wacres, 6385
LIVB '.' ntS Men or woni.-n for selllni,
Koods at least 100 per cent profit for
you. Quick repeaters. Address Kenart
Svnthetlc Products Company at 211 EeSt
Illinois Btreet, I )..-airo II' r,
WANTED Miscellaneous
LARGE fienn ruKJ wanted ut Standard
Examiner of'ce 4?7?
i ex soldlrr, married. out of a Job.
wants any sort of honest work to do.
Phone Adjutant. American l.cglon, 876.
M 1 kind' carpenter. COncreti Or other
jol. .. ork nil :il : I. '. of.-"
BX i KiiiKN' 'i :i i auffeur and trui it
driver deslre.v position. Ilox 10. care
Sand."ird-Kxnmlnr r. 8509
i !l kt UNS laundered house leaning;,
Ironlnn, mendlni: 8138 Qulncv avenue.
M S' v.i.'li, i iiny 1. 1 ml TTf urn k : ! .' :
Qulncy avenue. 8497
i ' KTA1NS laundered: SlSO Wish w oi k
by the hour Phone 3175 8425
yoi'NU Jupnneao school boy wiahes situ
ation. Phone 1255. 5? Twenty-fourth.
f'l.K A MNG. - renin ., tin-: of
fen tilers. Phone ?2M-W 7656
f T.Cltl 0(1 ON .-ul eltHle ' 'I III Kol.irt
c Ml i: i Ii Bjdj 8517
SKIM, i IQ ioii jii inioowu ki c.Mei
K'U X- Hfrrlck f7l
VI 1 1 vr national I anV s do tor big bus I
nea. i do lor the. man m woman who
works on a salary. Ell Ilz, 227 Hudson
butiding 7929
hemst i ' -1 1 1 '-' '. ". i - ,i '
ALL ilsed i i ii-- pleating Pliotii 3318-M
i Mil 1 "KK.N M M.-Nr'.., ', ,. ,. lite, n
I3j W . shlnpton 7T.7
DRES8MAKINO, beading embroidering
remodeling Work guaranteed. Phono
ini .i nan
HcmstircninK plcot edge. Pultons, pint. -Injt
and pleattnp Herond lloor W H
WrlKl.t v or a Mr;. II l.iymrin. 1161
FOR RENT Unfurnished""
l-'IV't; loom apartment. Pl.'.m 'tin
Addinfa 2S0D Afi.im.i-. vr.sd
N i ' v thri e room hduse 1337 Qrant.
KH K nice larfte houaek. eplmf nmmu.
modern except heal. Will rent two. three
or four rooma. Reasonable 2747 Wash
ItUjtOB 1673
FTVB room modem hou?c lth garage.
Vppl) Phope 61, 8381V
FIVE-ROOM apartmsnl foi rent; no chll
dren; furniture for al. 'Ji)06 Adams.
i lO 11-' i r III .
nVE room modern hoUSC for lent, phone
2643-R between 10 and 2 p m. 8363
IpiAPJl nnd room ,vltl, Imtli lor Ke,,ile
men. $86 per monlli. rC9 Twenty third
l'VVi I I'entleinen w illing to loom topi thi .
iciy vr'.in. liornJ anil room in private
modem liome on tli bench, l'lioiic 319y
fi n .- '," rd ve.'.an. 1 '.2vi f. I a-
i i i tr'"'
Mo ' i n Hup touring
t'h.nlmers touring.
', Maxwell touring
Nash tourinK.
i 'iHklimd touring.
"Ids it-ton truck
In vrolet I 'on tr-jck.
' Nash 2 ton truck.
Ml In flral rlana meehanleal rendition.
1 l'2o0 Wash melon Avenue OgdeB
: OWNER :hevrolet iedan In fine
condition, cheap for c.ih. A. W Hadley
Phone jtjg, j ff '
REO ton truck in perfect 3iiw I sxtrs
i cord tires. A snap. 472 Twenty first St.
W need room for storage. We hae come
good exchange cats at from SO to 6'-' per
cent less than you can buy in the spring.
I Compare those remarkablo prices with
' othera.
Max Aeii touring 1917 J3
Oakland Bis Jii;
Mm x well touring
! Maxwell roadster
i n.Illlac tiug J?"
h .lmera So 1.
i1 a'ltl rh(.T cars for thu mechanic.
Studebaker 55?
;Reo "5
2337. Hudson Ave Phon''f;j'
une 4 f -. iinder 6 pa-utenger Overland
, touring car
one 4 cylinder ." pagsefltser sasutweii
! touring cnr.
One f cylinder svon parnengcr BlUOe
! linker tour'nn car.
on- 4-yllnor Rulck Roaduter.
j iin yllnder Mitchell sedan tourlnt:
6fW Cj Under nearly new Studebukrr
I tourln? car.
p. t MnxnCBtTi i f
' : -; "
I '!'.) I . .me w mi!'
.-ro( llgM. inotormeter. rurtalrs. werrt
.Ti. In-, to-jl. tlner- e-tra Urea Insured
! for $900. Now 37 '0 S46 Capital. WIW
.til.: M
i )!;. - - M tN'S RKNI
ii 8 i 'odge f passemiar
131 Dolge rram'e'
iti8 Du'ck passenfrer
120 RjicV l-pasaenger
191 S Bulck Vour rcadater
ir17 Bulck L--4S ' -I'jrlng
1919 Chevrolet 6-uassenger
1 5 I S S'.uielaker
I 1914 Hur mobile Z2
i 19 "'hnlmera
1914 Overland 6--.'aaaencer
Iflfl ' if EUffhl Cl ummv roadster
I 19m Saxon Six
I 1919 Pord tour'ng
1911 Ponl delivery
1920 Fortl Coupe
'These are nil late moiel9. They have
i been renewed mer honlf ally well as In
appearance .md the terms will suit ;ou.
2SCi Wash Ave. Plione 32C
PARTI who found two fifth loan si""
! Liberty lotns. Reward Return to Og
den E tal I -i. I S 1 :
rERLING silvci rosarj Return to
.. Lincoln Ret oi I '',.:
SMALL black purse containing 110 cui
. rency and change Notify Mrs. G. D.
Layton i 'i all Rows i d 8500
Frv.-H - f l.-s )anl. 2i2: Oranl
Phone ir'""
SMAI.I f I'll I- r1 "I' '"lor.' has Ion?
I hair one white ee: name Krltz Reward.
Return to American Railway Express.
i - seel
V.BSTR lCTJ Return to Chxistenson's
. .it Rate ghoe s' in M5f
Tin ksiiy at nicies' club, wallet con
Lalnlllg checks. Return to W. H. Van
N . I -i -I..'' flu). Ue.Mi' S.'?1'
Al'TO license plate No 34499 attached to
tail light Return to Snri'.'arU Examiner,
I'.eward. HS
WANTED Situations
I MECHANIC A 1. draftsmiin . I'-ln-s I oil
I tion. Phone N J S595
i V- L. taao your old rnge as first payment
i od any new range, or will buy youi old
ranee outiirht Hume Furniture Co. 4471
MODERN jti am heated storage. Weher
T . 'Ion, i 'o V I iii'l.ein 7 1S1
Information Bureau
ANYTHINGA TO 7 Bought, sold or
ti tded Phone III f72
Bramwell Rook and Stationery- 23S2
Washington avenue. Phone 360. ;0o8
I T't.Vh N.it'on-il P:in'.(. oufh'-.-i-1 rorn?r
I Twenty-fourth nnd veshington Phono Gl
'carpet cleaning
Carpet cleaning and color restorlnrr
Satisfaction gMarantc-ed Phono 2436.
1 1 n Carpenl Olcanlng Co. for first,
class work. Upholsteiinjl and mattresj
1 making. Phone 27S2 .1 K. Van Kampen.
Expert cnrret ch anlng upholstering,
mattresses made over, feathers r novated
.Call E. .1 Hampton eV Co., 2666-W. 4234
I'hone 133 22Ss Gu Wnslnngton Ave
New Method V ntiats are special
'lata In aU branches oi Iientlstry 2469
'Washington avenue. 2209 I
Ogdcn Engraving Service. Co Makers
of fine cuts In cue or more colora. 416
Twenty fourth at reel. Phono 463.
Western Hide & .lunk Co., 2323 Wash
; ington a -, gnui Phone sci.
I J. P Corry. Phone 2401. 423 I.'ccle Rldg.
Oeo. D Ilennett, corporation and group!
j Insurance a ipeclalty, Phono 124 W. 1514
Prult, shade treea and ehrulis. Order
! now for spring dollvei.i. Phong 3564-W.
Mrst class tuning. Phone 7?6. S080
All kinds. C. H Zerbo. Phone 046- t
Willard Kay, renl oatnto and loans
'2474 Washington Ave Phone 403. 1 7 4
I Steamship Agency 2J70 Washington
avenue. Phone 1166-8S4T-M S82 693fi
MoCgrty it Co.. liHUlIng ruhhlah and
i shei Phone L'ul
(larbnev ond ruhbish hauled, ccsspolls
land toilets cleaned. John Clilpp & Co.,
Phone :'.- Hunson vvenuu, 1789
Wo aro exirls on relining and repair
line ludi.-a' and men's clothes. Suit, madl
rdei 124 Twenti mti. streol
Trunk und bag repairing, around cor
ner from Standard. UallMeher's, 237': Hud
I son. 1118
Kxpurt window und wall p.-per Clean
ing, American Window Cleaning ph t6i
Notice la hereby given that the assess
ment Of taxes levied ly the Hoard of
('ununl.mlorii'U of 0;il.n (ty. Ptali. bv
ordinance adopt ed ami paused on the 2l)tli
day of December, PJl'i, uikui the property
iiLuttlnc on both sldoa iif "l-"" avenue I,,
tween Twenty -fourth street and the south
city limits of Ogdcn City for the purpose
of paying foi nulng the roadway of said
street with Portland ccrm-nt concrete
pavement twenty led In width, anJ nlso
foi grauln,?, OOngtrUOilng Clllvertg, drain
age and Irrigation systems, togethei with
all other things necessary to do and to
fully Complete euld work In Paving Dis
till t No 132., haa be-n completed und the
i lists of th. property and thf taxes levied,
I made.
The Hoard of Commissioners, as a
I Ruard (if Equalisation and Review will
nu ft at the r.ffie.. of the Muyor In the
j City Hall on December 27. 28. 29. 30 ond
!31. 1920. all dates Inclusive, between the
I hours of ten a. m.. and twelve o'clock
noon, and on said days Will hear and
consider any objections and make correc
lions of any tax which said Hoard nmy
i deem unequal or unjust.
That during said days between th-
hours of nine a. m. and five p. m. said
. lists and plats shall be opened to public
' Inspection at the Mayor's office In the
City Hull
Uy order of the Board of Commission
ers. Dated this the 23rd day of December
i 1920.
City Recorder.
Published December 21 1920
Published !n Ogden Standard-Examiner
I Paving DlMrlct No. 133. (679
Notice la hereby given' thet Weber
county, Utah, proposes to make the fol
lowing public Improvements, to wit Con
struct pavement on that certain strip of
roadway eighteen (IS) feet wide In the
j center of that a'.reet running from th"
south city limits of Ogden City. Ctah. at
the south end of "K" avenue. West Og
d-en. t'tali to the property line of the
I Globe Milling Company, a distance of 12X7
; feot. together with work Incidental there
.. ...-ordlng to plans, specifications and
I profile on flic in the ofiice of the county
And scaled bids are Invited for said
work and will be received at the office
of the county clerk, in the county court
house, Weber county. Utah, until ten
' lo-iL a. m. on tl.e 24th day of January.
Instructions to bidders, ptanii and speci
fication." for aal.i improvements can be
:ieen at the office of the county clerk.
; The right Is reserved to reject any or
I all bids ahd to waive r.ny defects.
Bj order of the Board of County Com
1 missioners of Weber county. I'toh. this.
th. pun di-.j oi December, mo.
(Slimed) WALTER N. FARFl.
, ( g County Clerk.
NOTICE OF N.u- MEtlllaJ ut
Pursuant to the articles of Incorpora- !
tion and to a resolution of the Board of I
Directors of the Ogden Savings Hunk I
passed at a regular meotlng of said Hoard
held on the first day of December. 120.1
and entered In the minute look of said
oration as a part ot the pi o- i cdlngc I
of said meeting.
Notice Is hen by given Ihat a meeting I
of the stockholders of sniri corporation 'si
hereby rr.llcd and will be held at the
banking rooms 'if said orporatlon, at the;
COrnOl of Washington nvenui and Twen j
ty fourth street. In the City of Oltdeii.
County of Weber and State of Utah, on
Tuesday, the nth day of January, IMIJ
at the hour of 10 o'clock a, ni.. for the
'purpose of clei ting r Board of eleven I il
i rectors and of actimr upon the propo.';l
i Hon to amend Article Seven of the Artl
I cles of Incorporation, so as to Increase
I the number of Vice PresidenUi from two
to three, and to transact any oilo i DU '
j ness which may properly come bcloro the
I tocivlioldern.
Assistant Cashier.
I Dote of first publication December 20,
j 1!20.
Hull of latt publication Junuars in. l'J2l
Annual Shareholders' Mcetlnn of The Na
tional D.ink of Commerce. Ogdcn, Utah.
Pursua.it to the urtlelea of a.s o,ititlon
I notice la hereby given that the annual
shareholders meeting oi the National
Hunk of Commerce, win be hi Id nt Ihe
banking room of said bank. 24;iS Washing
ton avenue In the City of Ogden. County
Of Weber State of 1 lab. on Tucaday. thci
I 11th dav of .lar.unrv l'.'2l. at the hou: if
10 o'clock a. in., at which said meeting a
boord of fifteen directors will lo lecte-J
for the ensuing y.'ar
By authority of the articles of associa
tion, of the National Hunk of Commerce,
of Ogden Utah.
Dated December 11 U'20
J. H. RILBST, Cashier
Date of firjt publication. December 11,
Tiato of last publication, January 10,
1921 2M
Consult County Clerk or the Respec
tive Signers for Further
In the District Court of the Second Jud!
cIhI District. In Mtel .'or (he County of
Weber, State of I tah
In thf matter of the Estate of Bridget
I Harrigan. deceased.
Creditors of the estate of Bridget Har
rlgan. deceased, will present their claims
together with vouchers to the under
signed administratrix at the law offices of
Chez and Barker, rooms 400-401-402-403
First National Honk Building. Ogdcn.
Utah, on or before the I'Kth day of .lanu
ury, 1921.
MAI ; . R ET K EE UE 1 1 B R
Attorneys for Administratrix 7741",
No. 3340
Estate of Peter Wilson, Otherwise known
as Peter Olaen. Iecea.ie,l.
The petition of P k KIrkendal, fori
the lasuanoe oi u tters of administration
of the estate of Peter Wilson, otherwise
known a.- Peter Olsen. deceased, to K. I
W. Easlon. In the above entitled mat '
ter. has been s t for hcurlnjj before Hon.
A K Pratt. Judge, on Monday, the 27th
da oi December Ui2". at ten (10) o clock 1
A. m., at the county court house, in the
court loom of said court, In Ogden City.
Weber county, Utah
Witness, the clerk of said court, with
the seal thereof affixed, this 16th day of
Decembi r, i?20.
l'.y nie.i niltli Deputy I'l rk
Samuel C. Powell Attorney for Peti
tioner. S' .ti 1 tj-ir.s
No 3341
Estate of Xmlja N'ujasevlch. Deceased.
The petition of Bob Mlllch for tho Is
sunrn-e to llut;b I. Head of letters ol a-J
ministration of the- estate of .arlja 'u
Jascvlch. deccasi-d, in the above entitled
matter lias been set for hearing beforo
Hon A. W. Agee, Judge, on Motidav . lb--27th
day of December 102u. at two (
a ni., at the county court house, in the 1
In the court room Of .said court. In Og
den City, Wehrr ccnintv. I'tnh
Wltnesrf, the cb-rk of Mtld touit, with
the seal thereof ufflxed. thla 13th day of
1 lee. ml. , 1 1 J2fi
By Agnes Smith, Deputy .'lerk.
Harris A: Jcnsoii, Attorney for 1'iti
1 loner.
In the District Court of tho Second Judi
cial District of Utah Within and for
Weber Count.
Estate of Perry McEaln Wallace, De
ceased. 'redltcira will prosent claims with
vouchers to the undersigned "t the office
01 Stuart P Dobbs. Suite 20J.-2H Colonel
Hudson building. Ogden, Utah, on or be
fore Kebiunry 17. l I.Jl.
Adiiilntsi r-itoi
Stuart P Dobbs. Attorney for Admliils
trator. 8370
new YORK De, . 24. Prime mercan
tile paper unchanged
Exchange heavy
Sterling: Demand J3.GS',: cable $3.
52H. Prance: Demand 5.88c; cables .". . noc.
HelgUn francs: Demund ti I9c cables
6 2tc.
Guilder.: Demand "1.23c; cables Sl.'sSc,
Lire: Demand 3.37c; cables 8.99c.
Marks unchanged.
Greece: liemand 7 2"
Montreal exchange tin Now York 15U 1
per cent discount.
Time loan firm; all dates 7 1 ft 7 " per
Cl!l AGO. Dee 21 -Wli.nl No. 2 red
$2. or,; No. i hard i 7 7V ' Vi-
Corn No. 2 mixed 71Vc; No. 3 -How
Oats N" 2 white 47f?4814c; No. 3
white 46 47 lie.
Rve No. 2 lUStVl,
Parley TJiiSc.
Timothy need not quoted.
Clover seeti not quoted
Pork nonilnul
Hard 113.06.
Ribs 811.OOCcl2.25.
Quotations Beore Holiday Re
main Steady With Small
The trading In mining atocVs on the
Salt Ijk BtOCk ft Mlnlnc exchange was
firm this mornlnir with llehi rale-
Tlntlc Standard was steady, fradlnir
400 share. at 3 05. Cardiff chanced
bHnrii, at tl f'5. with South He. la .-lllnp
at 6Cc
Eureka Bullion sold 4oao shares at lie
Lenl Tlntle Htan.lard advanced with 000
ahares Melllnit at Sc. New CJulncy brouKbt
41;.- for C00O shart - and Krnma Silver
gold at 8
Aliilori w.ib steady, trading 41&0 shures
at 12c.
(Quotations furnle'ied over private wire
of J. A. Hogle 4 Co, Ecdet BldQ.l
BUI A-lr
Alta ('on 5 01 iil'i
Albion 12 .12,.
American "on HU f'2:4
Alta Tunnel , . . . Of.U .07
Ileaver Copper 001
Blc Hill 024 .084
Bier Cottonwood Coa! on
Bullion 02.; .05
Black Metnls . 1 02 07
Columbus Bexall 32 .3
Crown Point 02 04
Colorado Con. . 03 .04
I 'entr.'fl Kureka .OIU m
Cardiff 1 0?Vi 1.03
Drauon Con 10
Daly West 3.60 4.124
Bast cr. wn Point oc 02
Ffml Tin Coal O0i I'll
Kjv.st Tin Con or. .013
Burcka Mines 07 .o"i2
Gureka l.lly 0','i .QsU
Kureka Bullion II .114
Kin ma Silver . .024 " 03
Bmnlre Mines 03 ....
Gold Chain 02 .07
Crand Central 43
Howell 074 .'0
Iron Blossom 15 .20
Iron Klnit : 1C 1 S
Jcdge Mlnlnsr . . 2. SO 2.10
Keystone 70
Leonora 021 .OH
Lehi Tlntlc OS ,034
n imv 014 .02
Mammoth 86
Moscow 08
WcMgmn-l fath 004 .00
North Standard 0oS .001
New Qulncy .044 .'Jl'i
Opohongro 004 .00
Vafldrlvar 20 40
Plutus 20 .26
iTlnce Con 27 .2s
I"rovo 03 .034
Pnionia 01
Rloo Arjrentlne 03
Rleo Welllngtun 05 10
Sella 014 .024
SH. iCInit Coal 124 1 03
Sll rCInn Con 39 1.04)
Sioux Cons 024 . 0
South Hecla r.2 71
South Standard 154 .20
Sliver Shield 324 s"
Tar Pabr 004 02
Tlntie Stan-lard 3.074 3 10
! Cool- S-.ni 004
I -Ion Chief 024 -04
Went Toledo 03 .05
Walker 2.10 3 00
Woollawn .. .. , ' .09 10
Yankee 05
Butna on 4 .07i
Daly 1.D0 2.40
Opening S.ilec.
Kureka LUy 4.11x1 at 54c
l.ennora 4000 at 24r
New Qulncy :onn at 4e
lYInce Con 300 at 274c f.00 at 2s C
Sells 4300 at 2. : 235 at lc.
Smith ITi-da 200 at u.3c
Silver Shield 500 ut 29.-. loi-u at 30c,
2000 at 31c.
Tlntlc Standard 3110 at J3.03.
Woellawn 100 at R4c.
Closing Sales.
All ion 4150 at 12c.
Cardiff 100 at si 06
Debt Tlntlc 3000 at 8c.
New Qulncy 2000 at 44c.
Bmma silver ,2000 at 8c.
Kureka Bullion 4000 at 11c
Silver Shield 500 at 3 1 4c; 500 at 32c;
3000 at 33.-
Tlntie Standard 100 at $3.05.
Woodlawn 100 at 84c
Hid Ask
Amal. Sugar 8 8 9 SO
Amal Smear ifdf !".B0
Ktiih-idnho Sucar 6.60
Cement Securities 117. 00 120 I'O
Con waaon 103.00
Lion Coal Bonds 15.00
West Cache Sugar 100 00 :oi "0
Wyoming Sugar 10.00
Of den-Portland Cement fS.nij
iigden Packing 26.00
People's Sugar 1 75
BeiMgrowera Suear 5.('0
Plrst National Hank 370 On
Security State Bank 14f. 0o
CHICAOO. Dec. 24 (United States Bu
reau of Markets.) Cattle Itecelnts 3000,
beef steers strong; early closing steady to
weak; bulk of sales $10 50T; 13 00. top
Jin 50 all other classes steady with yes
terduy's average. Compared with week
ago: Beef steers unevenly 76c to $2.00
higher; mostly 11 uu to 1 50 higher; fat
she-stock 50 lo 7fc higher; canners 60c
higher, bulls steady to 25c lower; calves
60i to M uO higher, stockers and feeders
60c hlpher.
Hogs Hccelpts 15.000; lights 50 to 50c
higher: others mostly 15 to 25c higher
than yesterday a average, but closing
weak; top $10.35. bulk of sales $3.fi5fi
10.20 pigs 26 to 36c higher; bulk dexlra
.e (., 130 H.und nlg.s ?y C5't 10.21'.
Sheep Receipts 2000; not enough here
to establish quotable basis; fat claaSes
loo ksteady; no feeder sales. Compared
with a week ago. Pat lambs and v.ir
lings 75c to $1 00 higher, aged sheep
strong to 26c higher; yards closing early.
Cattle Receipts 211 market good:
choice heavy alcera $7.r0f S.25; good
steers $6. 00(37 60; fair steers $5 0096.7.1;
choice feeder ateora 80. 0097. 00; choice
cows and heifers $6 . 60Jf6. 26; fair to good
cows und heifers 14 006.00; cutters $3 00
'U 4 00 fanners $2 00n3.00; choice feeder
cows $4 0004. SOi f'H bulls $3.75ff4 00;
bologna bulls $3 007j4.00; veal calves 83 00
y ;i on
Hogs Receipts 52l ; market strong;
choice fat hogs. 176 to 250 lbs., $9 S3:
bulk of nales 89,860.86; feeder hogs
$7 OOfiS.OO.
Sheeii Receipt! 1025, dsjnwnd fair:
choice lambs $U 00ii 10.00; wethers 86.00
'ii '..no, fat BWeS $1 .006.00, feeder lumbs
$s.oofi :.oo.
R c. Miller, Plngrec, hU.. 1 cur hogs
J H. Egbert. Ashton. Ida., 1 car cattle
Uals Downing, Buhl, Ida., 1 oar cuttle.
L. L. Keller, Kvanston, W o.. I i ar
Keller I tressed Meat Co., Kvunston,
Wyo., 3 cura cattle.
CHICAGO, Dec 24.
Open High Dov: Close
March $1 fi54 ? 1.iiS4 $1 i54 $1 C3
M;i! 1.61 I 61 4 1 CO 4 1.1514
May 76 :5'-4 .74 .744
July .764 lift 73', .744
May H .494 .434
July " .49 4' 484
Jan. 23.00 23.10 23.00 23.40
Tan. 13.45 13.45 12.97 11.00
M.v 13.95 13.95 13 40 13.60
Jan. 11.1K 11.97 11,63 II 62
.M.i 12.75 12.75 12.25 12.25
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Dec. 24. (United
Stales Bureau of Murkets. ) Cattle Re
ceipts 950; for week Killing steers gen
crnllv 50';i 75. higher: spots more; fat
cows und heifers 25i7 50c higher; eanncrs
und vealerw steady to COc higher
Hogs Receipts 1100; market 10 to 13c
higher, bulk $.r.0f(i'9 75; thirty-two head
en. i. . hogs to city butchers $h
Sheep Receipts 300; for week. Sheep
- t. ad 50ifj'75.- higher
NKW YuKK Doe. 24 -Tin easy; epot
$32 00; futures $38.60fj33 75.
Antimony 6 37i'i5.60c
y.lnc easy; Host St. Louis upol 6.iJ0j
Other metals unchanged.
The Ogden Auto Directory
Oily spark plugs prevented by our guaranteed system. Franklin
Crarage. Uarlow Bros , 2466 Grant 8044 j
Master Electric Primers start your car instantly. Guaranteed by
Bsurlow Bros., 2466 Grant avenue. 8044 I
Ogden Auto Radiator. Co , 2329 Hudson Avenue. 3740 j
Hudson Auto Top Co., 1717 Washington. 3773
L().K) The Price of Wales and ii i - Bister, Princess Mary, I
are shown starting for a hunt in West Xorfnlk, England. ij B
Other Steels, Oils and Rails
Decline After Down
ward Crash
NKW YORK. I. C 24 Kcplosle Steel.
whl.:h unsottleil the stock market by its
sxtraordlnary drriine of uimi-ist 22 points
last Tuesday, made another sensational
drop today. It stopped nt 30. then rallylnic
to 35.
The re.t of thr mirket 'srn not much
illsturtc.i by Renlorlo's rratl'- move
ment, although mr-int leaders verc one to
three points under openlnc prices
Stock exchanas authorities an- lnvsti
rHnic the recent transactions In Replo
jrle and an Inuulry also Is In prcYe.s:r
ooncsmins; similar paovsments in :tna
dlnm Ste.l ami MoiUtOO Oil.
Varlal Is ar-cc-'lnns to yesterday's Mer
ited rally were mads at the broad open
ing to irony's stock market, shlpi'lncrs
nrnvlnp the only conspicuous exception.
Italls of the Pacific and CO&1 dlYlalOHS
rose substantial frstctlon "nd e-iulpments
I continued lo strcnptln u r.n slcns that
l the rail rca.il corn pan 13 are about to cn
I ter the market frr supplies Oils, cop
I ner" and food products were distinctly
firm and Virginia-Carolina Cbsmlcal
1 itr.i d mt amons th speailtli nl a ' iif
point advance. Turt of the rije was can-r.-'ied
- ithln t'0 first half hour, howevtr,
when Crucible Steel. Baldwin UocomOtlvO
an'i Mexican Petroleum dowelbped a r-
aotli iar trend.
The reaotlon made consldernble in ad
way durlnrr t'i rnorninnr, recent features
of wealuises, etrx :Ially Replpcle and Va
nadium Steel, de -lliilnc roui1 n.ilnts. Cru
elble. Bethlehem ami United States StecU
reacted l to 2 points and eQiilprnents 1
to m. Heaviness then extended to the
oils HoustAn. Rfyal Putch and M-l. an
Petroleurri lNincr 2 to Hi points. Leather,
test lie and tobacco Issues M well as mls
cellnnfeous shnres r.-fleeie I renewed
HiiiMa'lon. Sears -RoebUClt I reiklnn I
and motor special! Ics f. rf. iilnu 1 t" '-'
points. Balls were dull and compara
tively stead yalthouch Investment snare
such as Oreat Northern and Canadian
Pacific lost 1 to IVfe iMilnls. Conditions
In the mnney market were unflhan I I tier
splto a reported heavy Inflow from in
terior banks Call leans opened and r
newed Into next week at xevnn l" r M"V
Beplocle Steel was the fiatur of the
mld-sosslon. then .show-Ink' an .Mr. me
decline of 19 points on relatively few
s:.l.s followed by a rally of m pfints
Crucible Steel. I'nlted Krutt and M tl
can Petroleum extended their owiei uid
equipments, leather and motors alio r.r
latered further decline.
CHICAGO. Dee. 24. Material Mutbacks
In the prlee nf wheat ac mi " n u-d new s
today that Arjcnllna wa offering kup
plles to Europe at seven cents a bnshel
under quotations In the I'nlt.d States
BenrH mads much also. rf freedom with
which deliveries un 1 leceinh.-r . .iitraetn
went around here. The only buying was
of ii nattered s.irt, but tin- market shuw
ad an apparent absence of power tu ral-
bpanlnjl prh es which varied from un
changed firures li..V lower, with Mart -h
h.'.i. lu l.Cfi and May 1.C2. were f. l
loi .1 b) a decided iteneral MB
Corn tended downward with wheat.
After opening le off to Vft Q a'lvance. In
cludlng May at 7C to 7r.,c. the market
hesitated a little, and then receded all
around. '
iiats paralleled tho actl-m Ot corn,
stnrtlnix at Ho .In line to C pain. May
and then K' lni; downgrade.
Higher prices on Iicrs iravc pm ihm -some
strenKth at first, but weakness of
KTaln was subse'iuently more than off-
BBvenlng up In wheat fur the holiday
tomorrow brought about eomwthiu r of n
recovery In the laat part in Ion
ClosInK prices w.-re unsettled. 1'ic net
lower t" V' higher, with slaruli II. Co
to i ISU -m'1 M-l to j MM .
The corn close was easy, to 1Ttc
net lower, with May 74 4 to 74 'ic.
NKW YORK, Dec. 24.Uberti bonds
r,0Hml: las fin
34s Hl li
First 1 -5!
Second Ifl M-W
First 4i4s
Second Us
Thlr.l l ".20
Pourth 1H ' !
Vlciory ;is M,6
Victory 4ss 94 u4
CllU'.MKi. I'ec. 21 -Butter blither;
creamer ' extras &4e; atundanls 4G4i'
i i.h-. higher! receipts 1961 caeee; firHi
rdlnorv flr.-'i- r.TCiGle. at mark,
cases Included, .r6ir02c; refrigerator firsts
66c; refrigerator extra &7c
Poultry alive hlKhei ; fowl II98&O,
springs 24c; turkey 0c.
KV VlltK. Pec. 24. Holldaj In raiv
and refined suur tddUy. Future, opened
eaaler under llquldfctlori for over the holi
day. At noon prices were 10 to 1 iolnt.s
1 Last Sale) fH
All! ilmi . H
American Beet Suar
I American Can 23j IH
1 American far &- Foundry 117 J
American Hide ft Leather pfd 3S
American International Corp '-'"f
American Locomotive Tft
1 American Smeltlns & Reffc 3S IH
American Sugar '' JM
. American Sumatra Tobacco 4'J'a
American T. & T ' Pl
I American Woolen i!
I Anaconda Copper v 32 aH
Atchison 0 H
AU., r.ulf 4V W. Indies 101
Baldwin Locomotive S2
n ltlm r.- 1 Ihlo
I Uethleh. rn -' I "R" 33S
Canadian Pa'-ific , H3V
Central Leather
1 . (M
Chicago. Mil A St. Paul 25 1
Chicago, R. I. & Pac 24
ihlno Copper 174
Colorado Fuel & Iron 17 gH
Com Products
Crucible Bteel
1 fuUi Cane Sugar 17 ,
Krlo "Vi
General Electric .. .. ll3 ; fM
I Oenernl Motors 13U I H
I Goodrich Co -S. m
' r.rcat Northern pfdf H
; r.rcnt Northern Ore Cfs 26S ll
j Illinois Central J reev
I Inspirat ! m i"ui.ji. v 28 ll
lnt ?
International Paper 44 r
Kennecott '" ner .. ; 15Vi
! Louhn-ille A Nashville
Vnv-veil Motors Jg
' Mexican Petroleum 157
Miami Copper, 15
Northern Paclfl.- 784 4H
Oklahoma Pro-1. & U.-f
Pan American Petroleum 73H JH
Pennsv l anla JJJfi fBH
People's Qas J
: V
'Shell Trim- A Trad 3fi I
-..iithern Pacific
Southern Railway 21
Standard Oil of N J. pfd 103
8tudbaker Corporation 41
, Tonnessea Copper J?s
Texas A pacific i6 1 H
Tu! u ii TTiwlucts 4S
r s Foi 1 Products Vfl
P. S. Ind. Alcohol 63 H
t nite.i states Rubber sjii
United States Steel .. . Jeji H
I'tah Copper '
Wlllvs Overland "j I H
Vmcrlcan Zinc ad and sm 6 a
Montana Power I
v. attuitc ArUona H
Invincible Oil 21
OMAHA, Ni b., Dec 24 l'nlt.-d State.-.
Bureau "f Markets 1- Hops Receipts J.-
000 marl-. I ?635i hlirher on pood and
(holcc but-hers to shippers; mostly fSBM
sirailv ti. I.'. - hiKher on cummon (rrades
to luirkers: bulk iroofl nnd choice me-
.Hum llu-ht butchers io oofio.i5: top I
510 to; bulk stmnK weight ami packing
aradee 9.r.0fiS.?0.
Cattle Receipts 3100; first sales she- PH
Htock steady: blddlnc; unevenly lower "n
1 beef and butcher stoi'k; veala-50c
' 'shoei' Receipts 6300; market compared I 11
with week ago: Lambs Jl.&Ofil 7". !
b.-., r; vein link's and sheep 50 "il 7o'-
liiK-h- r: feeder grade 251i50c higher. H
AllNNKAPt'l.lS. Minn.. Pec. 24 Flour 1
Dtnged to 10c hither; In curhiad lots 1
famllv patents quoted at $9.309.55 a j
l.arrel In 98 pound cotton sacks. J.il
Bran $20.oo"r OO.
CHICAC.o, Iiec. 2. PoialoeH slead . IH
receipts 23 cars; northern white sacked I
$1.3541 1.50. bulk $1. 50'. 1.55 . wt
I ' IH
n'f.w YORK, Dec i -Par sliver, do- iwl
uni ha nxed; foreign ; gjH
LONDON) Dec '-' Bar silver 42d pet
Monei and discount unchanged.
WAflHlNGTON, Dec, 21. -A corn- fM
piercial treats between lira7.ll and YM
Belgium haa been comjaleted whereby IV
cro'dll imountlng to 114 250,000 is km
opened to th.- Belgian government at II
the Hank of Brazil, tin department of I
gidonla Stevens to Prank J Stew I
.ns. putt lot 10. Id.ick 25. Plat Ci H
North nc(lri survey. $750. 1 , 1 II
L. Em II Nelson and wife to First I W
Natiomil I.i- I. ..1 1 iKilon. all lot 1, J
block , plat it, Huntgvillg, $10. LM

xml | txt