OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard. [volume] (Ogden City, Utah) 1913-1920, June 13, 1913, 4 o'clock p.m. City Edition, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058396/1913-06-13/ed-1/seq-7/

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Woman's Page
How to Fight the High Cost of Living
Young Housewives Economize in Many Ways in Order to Reduce
Cost of Living Does Not Order by Telephone Ready to Meet
Rainy Days Without Fear Economic Luncheon Dishe3.
A housewife who really trie to re
duce the hish cost of Uviuc can econ
omize in main ways W e are a fam
ily of three myself, husband, anrl
little boy of 5 Before my marriage,
six and one-half years ago I was em
ployed In an office, consequently had
no experience in housekeeping sew
ing, etc., but by careful management
and perseverance. I have learned to
accomplish quite a bit I do all the
sewing for the boy. in that way get
ting better material for my money,
r.nd I enjoy the work. Patterns can
be bought for 10 cents apiece, and
besides I get ideas from the shop
windows downtown I bake all the
bread we eat. alternntine with jrraham
t. whole wheat or white bread 1 buy
leaf lard In fire or ten pound lots
and render It myself, this can nicely
be used alone or with one-half but -
. tor In enke recipes which call for
butter I read the recipes published
in newspapers and magazines and
profit by the experiences of others in
simplifying methods and reducing
high cost, etc. We read the adver
tisements and buy groceries, house
hold utensils. tc , on sale I never
order by telephone and am not afraid
to carry a package I try to make
use of all leflONers Meat from soup
made up Into hash and served hot
on toast the next morning, makes a
substantial breakfast dish, or can be
browned, with onions and flour, for
luncheon Sometimes In making soup
stock 1 buy a large veal shank, trim
some of the meat off. and use it cut
up with fresh pork for chop suey. In
boiling asparagus of celerv I use the
liquid with an equal part of milk, sea
son add butter, thicken, and we have
a nice cream of asparagus or clery
60up for dinner or the next day for
luncheon We buy good materials for
our clothes Mine are made simple
and neat and so they can stand an
alteration and not too modish An
other hint for mothers is to buy good
shoes, especially for children. One
pair will outwear two of the cheaper!
kind. We live within our means,
keep out of debt, pay our rent prompt
ly, and are able to pay our doctor
bills when they are sent, and have
always put aside each year enough
to enable us to meet the "rainy days"
without fear.
For the economic housewife who
seeks new luncheon dishes for the
summer these three recipes should
prove a boon
Tomato Entree
B Take firm, ripe tomatoes and wash
i thoroughly, cutting a thin slice from
top and bottom, slicing the remain
H der in two thick pieces Chop pars
I lev and onion together and sprinkle
I over exposed side of the tomatoe9.
Season with salt, red pepper and pay
rika. Drop the sliceG into a pan of
hot olive oil and fry until the coating
I of parsley and onion Is brown. Re
move from pan and place one slice of
tomato on a piece of hot toast which
has been softened with a little brown
gravy On top of this a poached ce-;
will balance nicely, and with a dainty
spray of parsley over the egg a very
attractive dish may be served. Allow
Ing the eggs to poach at the same
time the tomatoes are frying the en
tree may be very quickly and easily
prepared and the beauty of It lies in
being served hot.
Deviled Corn.
Though not attractively named. ou
are sure to find this simple little re
cipe pleasing to the palate Etlher
canned corn or corn 6llced from th
ear may be used.
Melt four tablespoons butter and
add five tablespoons flour Cream this
and add one and one-balf cups milk,
one and one-half teaspoons salt, three
fourths teaspoon mustard, a little pa
prika, Cook until thick, add quanuiv
qual to one can com, one egg and
three teaspoons Worcestershire sauce.
Fill buttered ranien.nlna or scallop
shells, sprinkle with butter and crack
er crumbs and bake until crumbs are
Stuffed Baked Onions.
Everyone knows of the healthy
propertlf-6 of the lowly onion, but a
despairing cook ma find the follow
Ing welcome to her table.
Boll the desired number of medi
um sized red onions 20 minutes or un
til the yellow core has loosened. Slip
this out with a pointed knife and
chop It fine together with parsley,
greeu pepper and a tomato Season
with a large quantity of salt and hM
pepper With this pasty substanre
stuff the onion Plaee in a baking
I pan in which one tablespoon butter
has been melted. Pour over all one
cup of the boiled onion water, one cup
tomato juice and a litt'e meat graw
If convenient Season this liquid, ma
king It especially hot with red pep
per, as the sweet onion will counter
act It Bake in oven 20 minutes, bas
ting frequently. Serve in individual
dishes with small quantity of liquid
Now Is the Time to Get Rid of These
Ugly Spots.
There' no longer the slightest need
of feeling ashamed of your freckles,
as the prescription othine double
strength is guaranteed to remove,
these homelv spots.
Simply pet an ounce of othine i
double strength -from A. R. Mclntyre,
drugs, aud apply a little of It night
and morning and you should soon see'
that even the worst freckles have(
begun to disappear, while the lighter
ones have vanished entirely. It I
seldom that more i lan an ounce Is
needed to completely clear the Bkln;
and sain a beautiful clear complexion.
Be sure to ask for the double
strencth othine as this is sold under
guarantee of mone back if It falls
to remove freckles. (AdvL)
Salt Lake. June 13. Salt Lake got
a private dose of the aftermath of the
late Japanese war scare Thursday af
ternoon. when In response to an ur
gent request from the secretary' of
the Japanese legation In San Fran
cisco and a number of prominent lo
cal Japanese Mayor Park asked Chief
of Police Grant to prevent the produr
tion at the Rex theatre on South State
' 4fr Cleaner, Whiter Cioilie
fflfcflff Less Labor on Wash Day j l
eenu'inr K 5M With water first softened with Lewis'
" ' r " B' Lye or with soap made according to the '
1q ' ll'. 'r BSB Lewis' Lye reap-, from grease scraps J Hft
J teii.' mm EjB you'd ordinarily throw away you czn sure of jfm
E7 better results, and cleaner, whiter clothes next Lmk
raMH wash day
i a Lewis' LyeH
gggjJP . ha Standard for Half a Century H
j aB.' gg2 is the acknowledged supcriorof any commercial
f """" I lye obtainable at any price. Guaranteed abso-
' 1teWF ST JniliV'f? i lutcJy Pure a11 ' fcdl strength, it is the only lye M
; f5il hg!Z LSif ' made and marketed by manufacturing chemists, V
JLAv rfTlNGT andis
I Sl?JWt Unequaled for Cleaning, Making Soap, 1
'( ylmhJ ' Softening Watrt Destroying Vermin, B
; &sn7 TS r-Wm D,sln'ect,nR or 8 H8 Conditioner.
fSatf . ii' "aKaVaW"1 JE& Oenuine Lewlt'Lyc is only lold In cans bavins tb
'flWH ' LfflPI Quaker Utxl as b'rr pictured. Your erocer bai It and
lEtf '-MVaWflO iBBn vouches for Itj purity and sUtosrth Writ" for free boolc-
Hassm TlMira1 -Jmm let of iiitrtrejUont and new uies of Ltwlj' Ljo In tbe LI
-.V J& borne and on tbo farm.
(screen doors
I ! Call at Volker Lumber Company and select your SCREEN
L r DOOR We have a large assortment and can give you satii-
I , Keep out the flies
j j If you want to build, call at our yard wo have the largest
i: and best stock in town at the lowest prices.
.4 If you intend to build, call at our office and examine our
" V plans. We will furnish you plans and specifications for the-
nicest BUNGALOWS you have ever seen.
Volker Lumber Co.
I j Yards at 237-245 24th St. J W F. VOLKER, Manager
W BaamsMallaaaaaasaaWBaBBaaaaasBaaTBB
street of tho moving picture feature,
"SonB of a Soldier "
The Eclair company, one of tho
largest In the country, manufactured
the picture and has announced exten
sively In its advertising literature that
the action and story of the play Is
based on an Imaginary war with Japan
In 1920
The film was not allowed to be dls
played In one or two eastern cities,
where anti-Japanese feeling ran unu
sunlly high, and the Pacific coast
states are understood to have forbid
den Its display there. Tho Salt Lake
papers of last Sunday reached San
Francisco In time to get tho attention
of the Japanese officials and a hasty
protest was lodged against the Rex
being permitted to show the pictures
Thursday and Friday
Thief of Police Grant met Manager
Dais of the Rex at noon Thursday and
notified him the house would not be
allowed to display "Rons of a Sol
dier " Manager Davis Immediately
nsked If the mayor, aceompanled by
the protesting Japanese and those
from Snn Francisco, would not view
the picture at a private run at 1
o clock Thursday afternoon before
making the order final The perform
ance was given and while the pictures
show several pitched battles between
nierlcan and Japanese armed guards
and soldiers, the officials finally con
sented to allow the production of the
This rich looking little garment is!
made of linen In white and light I
green, the latter being used only In
the narrow strip on the shoulders that
widens formlntt tb sleeo bands
The embroidered edge and flowers '
are done in pink with yellow for the
flower centers and natural shudes of
green for the leaves. A daisy hat f
yellow straw with a black velvet band
is worn.
Mr- Fmmallne I'ankhurst does not
Impress us as the kind of women up
on whom the neighbors would drop
In occasionally to ask for her recipe
for baking-powder biscuits Colum
bus Journal.
Vn6hlngton. June 13 Dispatching
of one. two aud four room school hou
ses by parcel post Is tho newest fea
ture adopted by the United States
bureau of education The school
houses are not intended for actual use
but are models on which to erect
structures In small communities.
They are of cardboard, nrohlteetur
ally correct, and altogether complete
In hygienic detail. Already a num
ber have been sent to points In th
west and Bouthwest, where the eree
tlon of school houses Is contemplated
Tho models were designed by Dr.
F B Dressier, the bureau's specialist
In school hygiene. When Dr Dress
lar had completed the plans on which
the models arc based they were gone
over carefully by two well known
firms of architects that make n spe
, i.tity of school house construction
The models, correct as to scale, glvo
construction work In detail and In
formation as to cost
"It Is believed these models." said
mi official of the bureau today, "will
be of great assistance to school au
tliorities In Small rural communities,
who cannot afford to engage a school
irchitect and yet who are ambitious
o have their school houses up to date
In every particular"
Dr. Dresslar asserted that any cir
Renter could construct a building with
, tio other aid than the working plan
Washington. June 18. Woman suf
frage as a means of lessening crime
was advocated here yesterday by C.
E. Sebastian, chief of police of Los
Angele! In an address before the
! closing Messlon of the annual conven
tion of the International Association
of Police Chiefs.
i bief Sebastian declared that
' through suffrage, recognition of po
lice women In Los Angeles had been
obtained and crime had been mate-
' rlally reduced "
I Suffrage, he added, had helped to
! break down th fale modesty whicn
had prevented public discussion or sex
! problems
1 The chiefs chose Grand Rapids as
I their meeting place next year and re
elected all officers except the ser
gai nt -at-arms
Telephonic devices In the detection
! of crime were approved by the association.
Brlgham City. Juno 12. The stork
lias had a busy week In thU county.
During the weet babies arrived at the
following homes: Mr and Mri Wil
liam J- Lowe, a girl; Mr. and Mrs.
Charles T. Anderson, a boy; Mr and
John E. Balrd. a girl; Mr arid
Mrs. James Hansen. Wlllard. a boy.
Mr and Mr Ora Hunskare. Honey
vlile a DOJ , Mr and Mrs Edward L.
Hansen, a girl; Mr and Mrs Oliver
Stauffer. Wlllard, a girl; Mr. and Mrs
Leslie W Anderson. Thatcher, a glr!;
Mr and Mrs Charles Whltwortb. Har
per, n girl-
Rear-End Collision on
New Haven Road
Brings Terrible Scenes
Pathetic Story o f
New York Newspaper
Stamford. Conn . June 13 One ad
rlltlonal death was added to the list
of those who were victims of the col
lision of tho first and second section
of the Springfield Express hero late
yesterday, making the total six.
Gregory Hum", a newspaper man,
employed by tho New York World,
died this morning The woman's body
v.hlch was not Identified last night
Is that of Mrs. W H Seeley, wife of
the manager of the Industrial bureau
of the New Haven railroad. The con
dition of seven passengers who are at
the StAmford hospital was good this
morning All of thorn will recover.
The Dead.
The corrected death list from the
wreck follows;
throp. Mass.
ing. L. I.
ford FRANK K CONFIELD. Springfield.
The Injured.
P. D Jennings New York, head
cut, probabh fatally.
S W Paterson. Red Rank, N. J .
head cut, critically Injur-id
Everet S Benson. New York, In
Jured In back, condition serious
Margaret Rroderlck. Farmlnctr.n
Conn . head cut, condition serious.
P. J Garrliy. Hackonsack. N. J..
badly cut about head, back and legs,
may die
J J Martin, New York, body and
face badlv cut. probably fatally; may
The engine of the second section
plowed half vraj through tho Pull
man car "Skylark," the last car on
the first section Tn this car there
were 31 passengers and practically all
of them were Injured.
According to an official statement
given out by the railroad, the lndlca
tlons arc that the enelneer of the sec
ond section ran by signals.
The first section of the train,
which made up at Boston, reached
here on time, but was halted momen
tarlly to change the powers from
steam to electricity. While awaiting
orders to proceed, the second section
rounded a curve at high speed and
crashed Into tho last Pullman car
The engine plunced through the car
for forty feet. Simultaneously with
the crash, the wreckage took fire
The blaze was easily extinguished,
Early arrivals on the scene found
Rev. Anthony Berhler. a Catholic
priest of New York, coolly directing
the work of rescue Although injured
himself, ho refused to go to a hos
pltal until others, more seriously hurt,
had boon taken care of. He Is at
the Stamford hospital with slight In
Juries. Telling of his experiences, he
said :
"I was seated about midway In the
Pullman There was no warning, just
a smash, and the next Instant the
whole car was topsy turvy. Men
and women seemed to be almost bus
ponded In tho air. and there was a
mass of everything conceivable flying
about at random Then all seemed
to nettle except the escaping steam
and the hot coals from the firebox
that soon burst Into flames Wom
en's screams of helplessness and ter
ror, and the deeper cries of men,
some In mortal agony, filled the air
The women were brave as they wero
lifted out of the windows with bloodv
faces and torn and cut bodies. They
deserve highest praise "
AH the wreckage way removed dur
ing the night. The Inquiry Into the
collision was begun before daybreak.
A Beautiful Complexion H
I 'hi. ml h TOtir rre. T. - II t en H
of Ik hH'lt onn in Ik rM- D
(or 1 wi: piful" to (I' H
ralJfQl oatvbtil-. n in b tQlnii'v
tfc ntlr7 of tb "i ' ' '- i " ttier
bj NV.VKR i UT tlm, .mo arb ji
I tt'T - XhlM nl Ik - of all l f hl
BITOKE you tW4 line1 pnnr.
TLoudiof IS inl r.rlln Klf 17
wron i BlDf tkJi
HrrV lh itory: 1 ot th lut t-.
ikti la ILnroyt, ad during my tr,vi
I lcTrl .a old ParUlaa by1Ma.n
raakjLB Kc EaBMllD. 1 trWd bl
r-r.rrUoo tmt woaipltly tnul
I lh rMolU-I wu dUbud I J
thaadrrucb-l Id brdlT hlle
my own y. From blm I i-urobu Lb
formsla ai4 I coapUtcly cotlnl II
Lbrocboor i wi r rVo.
Two maoih r I out a frw
aaaBBlM to woman friend f ailn. ar. J
lino Ibal tltn I lluralir
wamd wilh rwoowiU for (bla Parinan
' larailB. Woaia bat bl( 1
m a( ruy hem-lailo''l m to
tktra mer of my praaaxatlaa. TJ a
...ora " t1 marbtt
lhl awaalnf rae Enajnalla, i : I will
mat M woman bappy ibt muoii.
loo on b amoB ItW " 7" dwlr.
Mr Karlrlan Faw Kaamll coram
blnbnvarka, raol, frwol, bloi-b.
blafkbcadj, Ian awfwSj H"wt ipoU. 1b
olnlely bo roaaia '7; Fl
Bilouta If all Ibal't Bw.d o you
orfM aallny oorBplHf; II can't rb
off Uakftyou bwtifdl !ui.it
KwSM Toorkin In iqalilt condUlon.
inii on'frb 7 tT '' earry li
prT,ta ebapplaf . RmU Wt tb. m .t
amulnc pr.paratloo In U wk.l wrrl l.
An I n" w. lo ord.r io lntr.dBc l la
AmrrrUi.llt"nr1, H
racMpt of or. f cnl iiaBii . If hHp ..7 U
p.fkln.. plr l-nt lo wrap,
pin,. .To .iwlll wnd-'"' T aV
our aampl to carry 1 kr pura I
kn.w XZlfc tb.t a(.rr you b... tri.d
u.l. Haritian raamalloa, y.u will t.
wM.lr d.llfhtrd. n'"1JV",T,lj
t kwrVl nnihlnc l l h" wh"! orl.
Atwr yuu ir"i orTL"t!l
H Valr tial ."', ln nt
.uuiui. nr'lOcaUln il r
769 Caxton Bl g
r mm qawri H
We Can Make Hard Wafer Soft
I I Hard Water is a nuisance, a bother, and expense as every wo-
man knows. It can be made "SOFT AS VELVET" if you 1
know how. Many women in Ogden are now regularly using z I
Our agents will call at your door to offer you I
1 One 10c Package SOPADE FREE I I
1 When you buy 25c worth PEARLINE f I
JAMES PYLE& SONS Jdgewatcr,NJ.Mte:Ye",NE H
Coroner I'helan of Bridgeport formal
ly openlnp an Inquest, while Independ
ent Inquiries by the railroad com
panies and the public utilities com
mission were also launched. Enplner
Charles Doherty of the colliding iraln,
who could not be found last nigh',
was at his home In New Haven this
morning and sent word that he would
be here during the day for tho In
quest. Thought of Duty and Mother.
Netf York. June 13. Gregory T
Hume of this city, who died today in
the hospital at Stamford. Conn., re
tained above all his sense of news
wh 11 terribly crushed yesterday In
the wreck which caused the death of
five persona and the Injury of about
twenty more on the New York N a
Haven & Hartford railroad near the
Stamford station.
Hume, a reporter on the staff of
the World, was returning from a visit
to his mother at Pine Orchard. Conn
and waj a passenxi-r in the Pullman
car which waa telescoped by th"
electric engine of a train behind
When Hume was hurried out nf the
wreck, suffering from a crushed pel
vis and compound fractures of hot1!
ankles as well as painful Injuries, he
said to thos' wJio were carrying him
"Call up my paper rlttht away and
tell them there Is a blp wreck hero
a bin story Tell them I am sorry
I won't be able to work because I'm
smashed up. Call up m mother,
Having dono his dutv the first
thins that flashed into his newspaper
mind he collapsed and was uncon
scious until he died this morning
Work on the railroad between Mld
vale and Wasatch over which granite
for the exterior of the state capltol
building will be transported, was be
gun yesterday. An expenditure of
approximately 140.000 will be neces
sary to complete tho road, and J O
Jacobs, Its lessee and builder, expects j
to have it finished by August 1.
The road Is an old grade owned by
tho Denver & Rio Grande and over
which In former years ore shipments
were made from Little Cottonwood
canyon: The grade Is still In good
condition and tracks still remain for:
four miles from the Wasatch terminal, j
Material for the remaining six miles
to Mldvale is at hand, so that tho,
work of completing the road can bo
Tho road will be extended one and
one-half miles from the old Waaatcb
hotel summer resort to iht UPPei
quarrv; from there a spur will be,
connected with the lower quarry. The
granite will be loaded on freight ears I
by means of derricks and will be un
loaded at the capltol silo by the j
bam means.
Salt Lake, June 13 Announcement
published yesterday afternoon to the
effei ' that Newton Farr, candidate for
appotntmenl as United States marshal,
had withdrawn iu favor of L. It Mar
tineau was declared by Mr. Farr to
he at least "greatly exaggerated "
The denial upsets another attempt
to narrow the contest down to two or
three men. for Aqulla Nebeker still
maintain! that he Is the choice of
Jtah'l Democracy for the place, L
K Martlneail I an see no one In the
Meld excepting Martlneau and tnose
uise ones who like to follow TJncIfl
leiM knlnht's tips are banking on
Mcorge A Storrs of Utah county, as
the real "dark horse" sure to secure
the indorsement of the national com ,
In the meantime, now that the latest
l;irk horse" has been In the open
for nearly a week, there Is consider
able casting about for a successor and
those who have stated positively that
Aqulla Nebeker's commission has al
ready been drafted at Washington arc
doing the most active casting.
"The announcement that I had with
drawn from the race must have come
from someone who knew more about
my business than I do myself," said
Mr. Farr last night "The fact Is that
I am 6till In the bunch and will be
right there at the finish and going
eome, too I was not even asked
whether I had any Intention of with
drawlng, but I cannot see how th
Box Lumber, Hay, Grain, Feed and
Poultry Suppllet.
New address 2219 Wash. Phone 802
I 1 1
Denver & Rio Grande
Round Trip Fares
CHICAGO 956.50
ST. LOT IS 52.00
ST. PAUL 55.70 1
OMAHA 40.00
DENVER 22.50
Low rates to other points.
Sale Dates
June 3, 7, 13. 14. 21, 28.
And later dates
Good returning to Oct. 31.
Electric lighted sleepers to
Chicago and St. Louis.
Dining Car Service
Best Anywhere.
Sundav Excursions
To Salt Lake $1.00.
F. FOUTS, Agent,
Reed Hotel Bldg.
C. A. Henry, Tkt. Agt., j
Union Depot.
Do you know they arc made
in Ogden?
They are also guaranteed by
Ogden 's most reliable house
action of some Interested person in an
nouncing that 1 am down and out can Bl
really affect the outcome. Anyway, 1
don't propose to accept any turndowu
locally; for the commission, you know, fw
comes from Washington." rgw
Get one of our yearly contracts.
Work fully guaranteed.
2470 Hudson Ave. Phone 181
Ogden and Salt Lake
Missouri River Points 40.00
St. Louis. Mo $52.00
Chicago. Ill $56 50
St, Paul aud Minneapolis.
Minn $55.70
Peoria. Ill $55.40
Memphis. Tenn . via Kansa-s
Cltv, 3L Louis or Aaia-. H1
rllfo $59 85
Also reduced rates to other points.
Stop-overs Allowed.
Return Limit, October 31sL
June 13, 11.
21, 28. Itfi
July 2, 5, 10, 1?, ('
Dates ot 23, 31.
Sale Aufrust t, 0, in. 11,
16, 22. 28. m
Septembor 10 and 11.
For further information addres
General Agent,
Atrbiuson, Topeka & Santa Fe
Ry. Co. V.'i
233 Judge Uulldlnp,
Salt Lako City. Utah.

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