OCR Interpretation

The Evening standard. [volume] (Ogden City, Utah) 1910-1913, January 21, 1913, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

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j limns are worth more for advert aaSa!! slowly rising H
Forty-thlrd Year-No, 18-Pnce Five Cents. OGDEN CITY, UTAH TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY, 1913 Entered a, Sendas, Matter at the Potc Qo7e7Utah. '
Wyoming Legislature
Cools Off and Settles
Down to Business
Cheyenne, Wyo. .Tan. 21. With the
-most staid decorum possible, the low
er houBe of the Wyoming legislature
went through the business or com
pleting its organization preparatory
to hearing read thll afternoon the
message of Governor Joseph M Ca-
In tho interim since yesterday's
riot in the house over Speaker Pratt s
committee appointments. Democrats
and Republicans had gotten togetner
and agreed on a Bub-committee on
j, elections for the one offered by the
d chair. The speaker had placed him
self with an even number of each of
Republicans and Democrats on this
committee and referred to it the con
;r test6 against three Republican bouse
memberc. In the substituted com
mittee which was made today the Re
publicans have four and the Demo
oi at three members This is ad
vantageous to the re-election of Sena
tor Francis E Warren, wno, if the
contests are overruled, has enough
votes to win the senatorship
Cheyenne, Wyo. .Ian. L'l Members
of the legislature and officers of the
house particularly today have only
expressions of regret over the un
fortunate riot and scene created in
the house yesterday forenoon The
Incident has no doubt bad a steading
effect upon whot i sure to be j -e--sion
of close controversies through
out. No 111 feeling among the meiu-j
hers peisonalh is apparent
Indications today prior (o the open
ing of the legislature all point to
the putting through of the Republi- I
can program and the formal contir- ;
mat ion of the speaker s committees
Wyoming Governor Se
e verely Scores Dishon
est Companies
i .
itS p.0..f)nnn v.' o . Tnn 21. A severe
HI arraignment of promotion companies
Avhicn lie declares are disbonesi anil
fUfcf. Bomo of which be designate lai
was coniained In the biennial mes-
1(1 V " ge o'" Governor Joseph M Care to
1 the i2th Wyoming legislature today
"The time has come " declared the
governor, "when Wyoming should take
a positive stand ,-:
II transactions of fake promoters " Some
of the acts of one corporation are
fCf bonded in the rr.ts-ri:e- at ' i ii.-ur.ai -
obi r irs of the centui
61", Governor Carey resents the view
cp that Wyoming cities are "fron i
H towns" and that therefore open
.re bllng rind violations of the liquor laws
are Inevitable In his message todav
he urged the legislature to vest in
the governor authority to enforce the
laws when the local officers fail to
do so.
Recall cf Elective Officers.
Among other recommendations were
a workmen s compensation act. a tax
E commission of three members, the re
call of elective officers prohibition
of minors working in mines, the reg
ulation of the employment of women,
and the short ballot in local elec-
Because In times past "selections of!
public land have been unwisely made
by state officials, who took land
that were not worth $10 an acre, as;
they were supposed to be under the
jfi allowance for the government. Gov-',
ernor Carev advised the legislature j
Wg "to memorialize congress to rem.,:
the state to convey back to tne gen-
gfV erai government the land-; th;it are
worthless and which have therefore
been patented to the state, and m lieu
thereof that the state be allowed to
take other lands that are of value of
at least $10 per acre."
Wants Authority to Buy Bonds
The message recommended that
authority bo ghen the Btate treas
urer to go into ibe open market and
i AO buy up the Btate bonds, amounting to
some 3114,ufi(i, which are not yet
available fr'r redemption aud which
bear 6 per ceDt Interest. "It will
probably com more than a quarter
million ' dollars to pay It off In the
manner provided by the bonds." the
message said of the indebtedness in ,
question, 'if the Interest should be
compounded The treasurer should I
be authorized to buy the bonds in the
open market if they can be procured, j
on aT 1-2 per tent basis The state'
baa the money available to take up!
the bonds; It is only necessary that;
anthority be given to make the pur
chase." Referring to the aericultural devel
opment of the state the message said!
that the year 1912 was the mot pros- I
perous in the history of Wyoming
and that the agricultural production
was probably four times that of any I
previous year
The Chicago & Northwestern rail-I
road, the message recitea, has offer
ed to deed to the state land at Doug
las aIued at 115,000 used for the,
state fair grounds, provided the state
will erect thereon in the course of
three or fo r years, buildings and im
provements to the value of $50,000
The governor recommended that this
offer be accepted.
The governor did not discuss the
escapes from the state penitentiary at
Rawlins and the lynching of a pris
oner within the walls, except to call
the attention of the legislators to the j
fact that ome unfortunate things
have happened, but nothing more than
other penal Institutions have experi
enced" Scores Secret Societies and Clubs.
In connection with the law enforce
ment the governor scored secret soci
eties and clubs which dispense liquor,'
and declared that when they do this
without a license thej aie violating
the law Additional legislation along
this line was recommended.
Another recommendation urged In !
the message is that an amendment to
the constitution be submitted making
that instrument mote easily amended
in the future
Recommendation was made that the
legislal re appropriate monej to erect
;) Wyoming building at the San Finn
cisco exposition In 1915.
Miss Gould With Fiance
and Bridal Party Go
Through Ceremonies
Tarrytown. V. Y Ian. 21. Miss
Helen Gould and Fintey J. Sbeppard, I
whom she will marry tomorrow, todav
rehearsed their wedding in the great
drawing room al Lyndhurst, Miss
Gould's country home.
The Rev lintel Russell, pastor of
the Irvington Presbyterian church,
'who will perform the ceremony,
'prompted them in their replies and
I instructed the attendants m the roles
i which the will play
These included Iuis J. Sbeppard.
brother of the bridegroom, as best
I man. and Mi-s Gould's little nieces.
I Helen aud Dorothy, daughters of
, Frank Gould, who will be flower girls,
and the bride's only attendants The
wedding party arrived by automobile.
Messengers Bringing Gifts.
A stream of messengers bearing
wedding presents poured through the
grounds of Miss Gould's estate to
day. Gifts came from wealthy frienus
of the bride-elect; from tnends from
the Bowery and the east side for
whom she has done much in the past;
from the army and navy; railroad oi -ganlsatfon
and various Individuals
Among the gifts were a handsome
' rope of pearls from George J. Gould,
a cordage ornament of diamonds from
Frank Gould, a set of tapestries from
Bdwlfi Go-:ld. Howard Gould, it is
, said, has given his sister a rare art
I treasure w hich he purchased recent -I
lv in Paris
Number of Guests Restricted.
The wedding guests have been re
Btrlcted to members of both tami
liee and a few friends Not more than
75 persons will witness the ceremony.
Most of these will come from New
York tomorrow by special train The
ceremony will take place at 12:30
Miss Gould and her fiance bad nor
i ken out their marriacc license earl)
this afternoon Robert Da saw 1
lerk ol the town of Greenburg, await
ed In his office a request from M
Gould to come to Lyndhurst and Issue
It there.
This could he done legally and
would relieve Miss Gould of the or
d al of scrutiny by the curious who
1 had gathered outside the clerk's of
fice. oo
st Paul. Ian. 21 Knute Nelson
! todav b. ote in both houses ol the
I Minnesota legislature was returned
'to the I'nited States senate In the
house Nelson received 117 votes In
'the senate 61. Nelson received the
'unanimous Republican vote.
A Shopping Directory
3 You Should Use
d v Tt tells vou of the newest pro
nto 1 ducts and the latest merchandise
Jt fives information of the best In I
everything up to the minute. It
guides vou to the most reliable
R stores, 'it aids you In economical
. buvlng It protect! you against I
buying inferior grades of goods
a Manufacturers of worthy pro-1
ii T duct6 advertise them in THE
STANDARD All needs of the
person and the borne ma be sat
;el1 Isfled through THE STANDARD'S
I advert Isen i uti
e? Think of the service THE
standard renders you through
its advertisements. THE STAND
ART) is a directors of necessities
and luxuries LOOK through this
directory toda and every day.
I'se it for reference to the best
stores the best merchandise. Take
notice of advertisements that tell
I you how to know certain high
grade products from inferior qual
ity. Read tiie advertisements in
THE STANDARD closely and
constantly everj day, then you
A, 1 1 have the satisfaction of
knowing What to Buy and Where
to Buy to best advantage
Lives Poorly But Leaves
Over Half Million in
Rrocklon. .Mass Jan L'l Known
as ,i pool man, Horace William
How ai d. a recluse, had a fortune of
over half a million dollars His will
Hied tor probate In court hero yes
terday baves $400,000 to charltj In
cluding $185,000 for the establishment
of a home for the aged In Brockton,
and large sums, to the Brockton bos
pital and other institutions here
Howard, who had only recently
ihed in Providence, In a room for
which he paid only $1.25 a week, al
ways dressed poorly and .seldom spenl
mon than If. cent.-, for m : I His
only living relative, Mrs. Maria P
Howard, a Bister was not mentioned
In the will. Sh. lias announced she
will contest it.
Kern County Oil Lands
Case Will Have Far
Reaching- Result
Eos Angeles, Cal.. Jan. 21. A bill
in equity was filed in the I'nited
States district court today in which
the government seeks to recover from
locators lbu acres of oil land In Kern
county. California, thus making ef
fective the executive withdrawal or
der Issued by President Taft Septem
ber 27, 1909
The bill is directed against the Mid
way Consolidated Oil company and
39 individual defendant-, and while
it specifically involves only tiie acre
age stated, the result of the action Is
said to bear directly upon thousands
of similar locations throughout the
I'nited States.
I'nited States Distiict Attorne M -Comtek
said today that the suit was
to test the executive order as cov
ering the period between Us issuance
and Tunc 21, 1910. when by act of
congress the President was specifical
ly granted the power to make such
withdrawals. The claims in question
were located within that period, and
the government contends the order
was sufficient to exempt the land
from appropriation.
The defendants bold that the pow-
er of withdrawal did nol become ef-
: fecthc until the act of .Tune 2". 1910.
and the government seeks judicial
j ruling on the point
Thousands Fleeing From
Villages and Ranches
Some Lives Lost
Guadalajara. Mex.. Jan. 21. Thej
olcano of Collma broke Into violent J
eruption last m - lit Thousands or)
-people are fleeing from the villages
and ranches in the vicinity.
It Is feared that there has been
some loss of life in the remoter set
Hundreds of refugees arrived In
this city this morning on a train com
posed of box cars which had been
picked up on a siding at a nearby
village Th? fleeing people had found
It necessary to shovel away a quanti
ty of volcanic sand before they were
able to move the cars and tor many
miles along the way here the train
had to be stopped frequently to deal
the track of debris
Deadly Gases Emitted.
Very little lava was ejected from
the crater, which, however, emitted
vast quantities of smote and sand,
while suffocating gases formed an un
usual feature of Hie eruption
gale was blowing from the north
west, and this probably saved man
of the inhabitants of the surrounding
I districts, as it caused the flying sand
i and deadly gases to pass over their
Sand Covers Railroad.
The activity of the volcano decreas
ed during the night; but volcanic dust
I is now settling on the house roofa
and 'be Streets of this city The rail
road station aieni al Zapotitlb alum
doned his post during the night and
: reports that volcanic sand covered
the tracks in places to a depth of sev
era I feet
The last violent eruption of Colinia
occurred In 1903
Treuton. N J. Jan. 21. President
elect Wilson announced this after
noon that be would not relinquish his
office as governor of New Jersey un
til March 2, the day he leaves here
for his Inauguration at Washington
New York. .Tan 21. Unable to de
cide the knotty que I on ol where to
bold the annual intercollegiate ath
letic Karnes, the executive committee
of the Intercollegiate Association of
Amateur Athletes has decided to leave
the matter to the association as al
whole. The meeting will be held next
month. By the arrangement the as
BOClatlon hs!s been following the last
lew years, tiu meet would go to
Cambridge, Ma.:-?.., on May 30 and 31,
but objection has been found because
the deed ol" gift of the stadium, es
tablished by Henry Iee Higginsom
provides thai no contest be held there
on memorial day Syracuse and
Pennsylvania universities have also
' applied for the meet.
The use of fixed hurdles, is to he ;
recommended by the executive com-!
1 mittee If adopted it will be the first
i time they have been used in Amer
ica. They are generally employed in
hurdle races in England.
Naval Militia to Go With
Fleet Through the
Big Ditch
Washington, Tan. 21. The navy de
partment is eonsidering plau to at
tach the naval militia to the fleet
I which w ill make the initial trip
'through the Panama rzzzl The na -al
militia on the Atlantic coast will
ko through the big 'Mich in their own
ships while the Great Lakes organize,
tions will form part of the crews of
j t he Atlantic reserve fleet.
Thig information has been com
municated unofficially to officers of
the National Naval Militia associa
tion so that the naval militia will
have suificient time to arrange for
the trip. As In the mobilization last
' October, the naval militia will be en
listed temporarily In the regular navy
and will be discharged at the con
clusion of the cruise
While the program for the trip has
not et been determined, it is prob
able that the fleet will sail from New
York down the Atlantic coast, pro
ceeding to San Francisco after goinn
i through the canal. t San Francisco
(a grand review- and sufficient shore
leave to give officers and news of
all ships an opportunity to see the ex-
' position grounds will he features of
the expedition.
Union Pacific and South
ern Pacific Men Dis
close Merger Details
Washington. Jan. 21. Representa
tives of the I'nion Pacific and South
ern Pacific Railroad companies con
ferred today with Attorney General
Wirkersham about the decree to car
ry out the mandate of the supreme
i ourt ordering the dissolution of the
I'nion Pacific-Southern Pacific mer
ger. The attornej general has previous
ly discussed the situation separately
with I'nion Pacific and Southern Pa
cific representatives but this was the
first time the two interests had been
brought into joint negotiations before
the attorney general The conferees
today Included Robert S. Lovett,
Frauk A. Vanderlip. Mortimer L.
Shiff and Maxwell Evarts.
The result of the conference was
not disclosed although It Is believed
to have related primarily to the de
tails of the proposed transfer of the
Central Pacific railroad from the
Southern Pacific to the I'nion Paclf-ic.
Root Calls For Repeal
of Canal Provision in
Senate Speech
I Washington, .Inn 21. "The I'nited
31 iten should either Bubmii the Pan
ama free toll question to impartial
arbitration, or retire from the posi
tion we have taken." was the declare,
tion ol Senator Root in the senate to
day in a speech favoring repeal of
the free toll provision of the Panama
canal act.
Senator Root took the position that
i congress should not have passed B
j law last summer that discriminated
against foreign shipping and granted
nee tolls to American coastwise ship
ping That action he declared, had
iK'fii "a source of regret to multitudes
of our fellow cmseuB, auu nas
'created a painful impression
throughout the world."
Senator Root wa an active oppo
nent of the free loll provision when
the canal act passed last August and
his speech today opened a fight to
secure an amendment of the law be
fore it kocs Into ettect Senator Root
declared today that congress had been
liied out before the bill was tal
up last summer ",,d u,a' the meas
ure never received proper considera
tion. We were weary and exhausted and
our minds were not working during
that period," he declared.
Cattle Freeze, Straw
Hats Out, Snow Block
ade, Tulips Budding
.New York, Jan. 21. ' Cattle Creese
to death in the west;'' first straw
bat out In New Jersey;" " traffic
blocked by snow in C'hicaco: ' tulips
budding up-State 1 These were head
line ronti;isN foincidrni with an of
I cial forecast of "much colder" here
With the mercury al neqr ?u voster
daji it could lie much cold without
altogether unsetting the phenomenal
mildness Of the last few das, but
early this forenoon there was hard
ly anv sisn of an Immediate freexing
up. For the last three days the Tanu
'ary records of 48 years standing have
'been repeatedly broken. It was just
1ni years at;o today that Fulton es
tablished a Hudson river record by
navigating one of his steamer.-, on
this date ag far as Albany record
equalled today for the first time
There is not a particle of ice In the!
river The icemen are reported
"glum" and the consumers In the
jsame mood.
Fowler Offers Sugges
tions For Currency Re
form to Committee
Washington. Jan 21 Former Rep
resentatlve Charles N. Fowler of New
rersey outlined to the house currency
, reform committee his suggestions for
revision of the monetary system to
day. lie proposed that all national banks
lie authorized to do commercial, sav
ings and trust company bustness ano
make note issues, as Canadian banks
do; that all 'holding companies" of
banks be prohibited and tbat all naiiKs
be compelled to carry the same
amount of reserve, always in old.
All banks should be under federal con
trol, he contended, as banking was
interstate business, and that clearing
houses should be established at all fi
nancial centers to be designated as
commercial zones, under the manage
ment of boards of control elected by
.the banks. A bankers' council to act
as a court of appeals for each one,
composed of business men and bank
ers, he also proposed A deputy I'nit
ed States comptroller would preside
over each board.
Central Reserve Banks
By having all banks in the I'nited
Slates contribute ironi 7 to 10 per
cent of their deposits to a central
reserve, Air. Fowler estimated a cold
reserve of upward of $150,000,000
I would be created, to be held in tr st
for all commercial .ones and its dis
tribution in times of need would be
controlled by a board chosen Irom an
the zones Such a plan. Mr. Fowler
told the committee, would enable such
! an organisation as he outlined to
control the movement of gold to and
i fiom the I'nited States and enforce a
discount rate for cold transactions
Its chlel results, he said, would he
1 to make each bank independent; to
make each zone independent of an-
1 other and complete! decentralize all
, bunk credit in the United Slates.
Crusade Has Good Re-sult-Izzy
Five Days
Telling His Story
New York. Jan. 81. With the grand
I jury the disti ict attorney mid the
! fire " commissioner at the heels ot
the firebugs and other- comprising
New York's arson trust.' the num
ber Ol incendiary Hrea kindled In the
Citj has fallen trom 81 pel week m
January of L912 to 37 a week this
year, accordinu to estimates by the
! fire commissioner today.
The total number of firea in tne
Citi BhoWS a still more marked de-!,.,-e"ase.
from ::26 a week last Jan
1 uan to 147 In 1013. .
When ihe grand jury resumed its
iesslon today further indictments
,M iile.ed members of the trus
expected. Plvf ndlctmenU
! charging arson have already been re-
l"T'v the Painter." whose con -sion
bus led to the most of the dls
closures continued his storj before
Se rrano" jury. He has been telling
I- for five days
New York. Jan 21 .m.n.p., .
l.-hief of the suffrauet, ,, !;,
o Washington tor dKS55
i. n. niizht before Inauguration,
"Seneral" Rosalie Gardner Jones,
ent broadcast tods M8nera order
X ' l li enumerates essentials foi
nnli elves the Itlnerarj
the journey anU V-
join the hike for an hour, a day, al
week, or the w hole distance. The ex
pense, estimated at about 52 a day,
must be borne b the marchers The
essentials lor the trip suggested are
large shoes and woolen stockings,
and plaster, ganse and vaseline for
the treatment of bruises.
The departure from this city will
be at 9 a. m., February 12. The points
S en route each are Elizabeth, New
Brunswick. Trenton, Bristol. Burlin
1 ton, N. J. Philadelphia and Chester
Pa , Wilmington and Newark. Del..
North Cast. Havre de Orace, Abbing
ton. Chase. Baltimore and Laurel Md
The arrival In Washington is sche
duled for March i .
No evening dresses Is needed, as
no social functions are planned.
Grave Situation at Vera
Cruz May Demand
Prompt Action
Washington Jan il -Disquieting
reports of a c;r.ie situation nt Vers
I'm.. Mex . toda caused state de
partmenl officials to Beriously consid
er defachlnc one of :be warships from
the first division of the Atlantic fleet
at t.uantanamo for Immediate duty at
the Mexican port If no reassuring
news comes during the day this may
be clone
Continued disorders and widespread
rebel activities in southern Mexico, In
which, official dispatches today say,
small i owns and ranches have been
attacked and pillaged, women have
been carried off and bandits have de
moralized the populace, have aroused
apprehension for the safety of Ameri
cana in the disturbed zone That the
iadep, government was providing n
i or no protection for foreign inter
ests has been made evident again by
the recent action or American plant
ers in announcing thai the) proposed
to pay tribute to the rebel Zapata to
protect their growing crops aeaiu.-1
other rebel bands and raiders
firavr Renorts Received
State department officials admitted
today that their reports were of ?
condition so grave as to indicate taht
ihe presence of a United States war
ship might be necessary to protect
Ann -rii .ins
The first division of the Atlantic
fleet composed of the dreadnoughts
Wyoming, North Dakota. Utah and
Florida. arried at Colon last night
tor targel oractlce, while the remain
der of the li: fleet Is at Guantanamo
ny of the dreadnoughts make about
20 miles an hour The torpedo boats
Roe. Drayton McCall, Terry Paulding,
Sterrett 'and Warrington of much
faster s'-eed. coubl transport marines
a little quicker. The distance from
Colon to Vera Cruz is aboul l.&Ou
miles and the distance to the remain
der of the fleet at Guantanamo Is
about the some. The big ships could
make it in three days
Gang Headquarters
Keeper For Auto Band
its in Hands of Police
I Chic ago. Jan. 21. Frank Madia, I
'owner of the Michigan Avenue garage
which was used as headquarters of,
the automobile bandits surrendered I
todaj while the city's police force was
In the midst of its search lor Robert
Webb. the gang's chauffeur, who
I yesterday shot and killed Detective
Peter Hart
Madia was surrendered by his at
torney, who adised him to tell ev- ,
erything he knev, of the desperadoes
who lor weeks line laughed at the,
police and hae levied toll on shop-
' keepers and others in nearly every
part of Chicago
After murdering Detective Dart;
With the officer's own revolver, Webb;
made his fourth escape in eleven
days Hs rt',s "nc of lhe U10t0r '"ew i
that shot Policeman Frederick Stick-
I en on January 9. On January 14 he,
jumped from a window and eluded
the police: last Saturday he was ar
ested and released on the word of
Madia, gang headquarters keeper.
. rdaj he killed Hart and fled.
Modification of Recent
Hard Coal Decree
Is Asked For
Washington, -Jan I The hard coai
roads affected by the supreme courts
recent devision have petitioned tor a
. modification decree to p i mil them to
j continue the so-called 66 per cent
i contracts wuli coal companle which
I have leased al lands of theiu.
I The supreme court held the con
tracts In -.Iolation ot the Sherman
aut i-trust laws.
I How ei s rheumatic now."
I "Oh: mi rheumatla doin' fin
I I'm the leilcr that's gttlin' th" worst
of It.
Helen Gould Orders a
Feast at Mission on H
Her Wedding Day
New York, Jan. 21 While heini?
howered with gifts hcreeli and busv aaiHa
with preparations for her wedding, 1MB
Miss Helen Gould has madi Mi itrmv aMH
Of homeless men in Xew York happ - ilH
with announcement that the will re- LaH
ceive a treat tomorrow at her ex- !R
pense. Tomorrow is the dav of her bbbbbB
marriage to Flnley j Shepard. of St. LaaB
Louis, at Lyndhurst, her country LaS
home, near Tarrytown. LaaaBBBE
The feast for the poor will be
served by relaj to o thousand men Lbbbbbh
in the basement of the Rowerv Mi - Lbbbbbbe
lion, m whose work Miss Gould has 'aBBBBBK
long been interested. A musical en- aaaan
lertaihmeut will also be provided. iLaaan
Mi B Gould decided upon this plan LbbbbbbI
yester.daj afternoon while messen- 'LbbbbI
were besieging her house bear- iHj
ing wedding gifts by the hundreds. bbbbbh
Some of the packages, it Is assumed. IbbbbI
i Hue from thi Row cry, w here she has H
made man:, friends by her philnn- aBBBBH
thropic work. One was a soup dish
sent by 267 girls of the bride's sew-
Miss Gould and her fiance and her B
two little nieces, Helen and Dorothy, IbbbHb
who will be floVer girls at the wed- 'Hf
1 ding, aud Louis J. Shepard, who will iLv
1 act as best, man for his brother, went Lbbh'
to Lyndhurst toda to rehearse for Bif
the wedding I' was learned today iBa
that the number of guests invited to
the ceremony tomorrow is not mon fl
than 7j including all the members
of the Gould and Shepard families. HBi
except Mr. Shepard's mother, who i iHR&
Rag Time at White Hi
House Condemned and m
President Criticized 'fcv
Vashington. dan. 21. President
Taft's taste In music was criticized
and the popularity of the "turke
I trot" the "chicken flip' and othe
modern dances were condemned at a
meeting over which Mrs W. Murray wr'f
Crane, wife of the senator from Mass
tachusetts presided and today capital
society is suffering from shock. The
arraignment of "rag time" in the
White House and the dances in ques-
tion at society s functions was made
at a meeting last night of the Mon
day Evening club, a Y . M. C. A. or
ganizatlon. Louis Ottenberg, a law
yer and a leader in the club, was the
critic of the president.
"I have heard. " he said, "that one
of the reasons wh President -elect H
Wilson requested the abandonment of J
the inaugural ball was because of the H
New Year's program played at the H
Whits House by the marine band I H
looked up the program and found that fr
ont of twent -eight numbers, the ma- H
jority were rag time " H
Society Is Blamed p
Mrs. Charles H Israel, chairman of ifc
the committee on amusements and E'
recreations for working plrls of New f
York, laid at the door of society the H
blame for the questionable dances in- N
dulged In on the floors of public .;'
'What soclet lacks is self eon- ji
trol. ' she said "Society as a rule, jfv,
bow ''r. doea not dance these dances ft'
n an Indecent way But what soo fe-
does not realize is that the little girl &
of the dance hall reads in the papers m.
that Mrs. Blank danced the 'chicken B
Hip' t her sreat ball and does not
know that it is not the same chicken H
flip' she dances in her dance ball.
Society gives the seal of approval 1
for these dances." H
Other speakers condemned tho jc'
modern dances. H
Washington, -Tan. 21. President I
eiu Wilson's inaugural ball was k
abondoned officially today when the
house committee providing for the L
ceremonies on March 4 struck It out r
of the congressional resolution which I
covers the program. H
oo u -
Juneau. Alaska. .Ian. 21. -The gov- I
ernment lost yesterday the first ot .
o series of anti-trust cases in which I
monopolization of wharf facilities In I
southwestern Alaska is charged. $
I'nited States District Judge Over-
field dismissing the case against the
Kortn Pacific Wharves & Trading I
1 company and all Individual defen-
; dants. .
i Several cases against steamship
companies, allegln? monopoly ot
freight and passenger traffic, are still
Belgrade. Servia. Jan L'l. AJI the jf
Officers and men of the Servian arm)
who have been on leave of BBSCJiee I
t nc received orders 10 return iuj f
iK-drntcl? to their reeimenlii. s.

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