OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard. [volume] (Ogden City, Utah) 1902-1910, April 15, 1909, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058398/1909-04-15/ed-1/seq-5/

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d Ii B v
i + + + + + o + + +
l t rp t
j Toggery f
T Talks t t
w =
t +
T i
r Arbor Day tomorrow but you
V 4 do not need to buy a now suit to
i wear when you plant your trees 1
a t If youneed some overalls or
rough gloves you can get them +
I hero 1
I t heroWe fcae some nice straw hats i
J or Canvas Hats for out ard f
J wear sun proof kind at 50 cents T
Our boys needfuls this your arc t
t ahead of any previous year Best j
Suits you over saw for the +
f money Hats 01 caps to match t
Just look at our South Window t
Weve especially prepared to J
J 1 take caro of man or boy in the f
T way of working clothes or hats T
t or caps Were after your busi t
t t ness and we are iuro that you
1 can save money at
t 4
I hG t
1 IIOf course J
f I
i l + + + + + oj HH + + +
r Ind Phone two rings No 50
Bell Phone two rings No 56
Ind Phone one ringNo 56
Bell phone ono ringNo 56
L Was Looking for TroubleT
Hughes stalled out last evening bent
upon trouble which he had no partic
i ular trouble In finding He first en
tered a restaurant on lower Twenty
fifth street and ordered lunch It
was served him and he ate It with
an apparent approval When he had
1 finished his repast Instead of doing
the regular thing that Is
paying for the meal he called every
body in the house all the bad names
+ H + HHiHi
I r 4
V Main feature I
T See the people In their homes +
J i before the eruption of Mt Ve x
T I suvlus The persecutions of tho t
t Christians Is avenged by an f
+ Overruling Power The flight of j
C e C the people Tho waters lighted f
+ up ns if a sea of fire and other 1
interesting features connected +
4 with the destruction of Pompeii y
+ Another leader L
I Showing tho peaceful home of a J
I t planter and his family visited
by the Riders f
1 n t
0 A few words about prescriptions
Your Doctor fights disease with medi
e cine If the medicine is not right
lie cannot conquer the disease
Quality Is to Drugs exactly what
r Character is to a man
Drugs without quality are like a man
without character Worse than use
less and positively dangerous
e Quality in drugs Is a hobby with us
Ask your doctor about the quality of
our drugs
Physicians of Ogden have so heartily
kq supported our Oiling of prescriptions
p upon the highest possible piano
i and havo so freely expressed their
I perfect confidence in every detail of
c our prescription work that we fell sure
qi of your doctors earnest rccommenda
4 Prescription Specialists
cr When You
fI arc allowed a choice between a
qi3 good or poor article you choose the
T bettor of tho two
If you have your choice between a
mediocre or strictly high chias article
vLY your choice will be for tho Best
4 When choosing the Flour for your
i1C dally baking decide on tho Best Flour
p host because Its scientifically milled
from high grade wheat and has Purity
its watchword
given In tho dictionary and outside of
j II and loft tho place and the Proprietor
cfiorl twenty cents The follow then
entered the adjoining place which
happened to be the M M saloon
and made things lively there by kick
ing a hole through tho gloss door In
the front of tho building An officer
was called and Mr Hughes now lan
guishes in the city basilic It Is es
timated that Hughes one kick set the
proprietor of tho saloon back about
STORAGE at rcnoinnio ratos In
good brick building If you need any
ream consult John Scuwcioft Sona
Freight Engine for ElyA now
freight engine arrived from the east
yesterday morning for the Nevada
Northern and was sent west last even
Ing to Ely
Advertisers miiirt nave their copy for
tlio Evening Standard tho evening be
fore tho day on which tho advertise
went Is to ippcar In order to Insuro
Demurrer Filed Defendant has
filed a demurrer to tho complaint in
tho damage case or John E Butler
against the Rio Grande Railroad com
Kodak Finishing Trlpp Studio 340 25th
Equity CascThe equity case oj
Wheeler vs Foy was again taken up IIi
district court yesterday afternoon bjj
Judge Howell J
COALRock Springs CaRtlo Oat
nnd Clear Creek Gillette Coal Coj
Hi1 West 37tb St Phones 1074 j
Letters of Administration ISGuedJ
In tho matter of the estate of the latq
John Tomlsk letters of administration I
bare boon issued to Robert G Ageec
under a bond recorded of 1000 1
Hock Springs Komwercr Castlo
rte Anthracite and CoKe M L
Jones Coal Co I
Amended Complaint FlledAs a reJ
suit of arguments heard In district
court on a motion to quash attachment
proceedings an amended conxplalflt
was filed yosterday morning In Iho
civil action Instituted by the Pioneer
Land and Irrigation company against
Edwin T Woolloy
Peerless Sodas are bettor and fresh
er Made in Ogden
Auditor of Accounts Loaves for
south11 J OToole auditor of ac
counts district forest service left
today for various points In tho
south to confer with forest supervisors
regarding their accounts He will visit
tho headquarters of the following fore
ests Wasatch Nobo Utah Manti
and Fish Lake located at Salt Lake
Payson Provo Ephrlum and Saline
For fancy painting and decorating
call on or address F E Woborg 325
9th street
Chief of Police Thomas E Browning
vas a Salt Lake visitor yesterday of
official business
Get Your GarmentsNew Spring
and Summer goods Factory prices at
the Knitting Factory 302 25th St
Filed Suit Against E T Woolley
The Pioneer Land and Cattle company
yesterday filed suit against Edwin T
oolley to recover 750 alleged to
be due the plaintiff company as a bal
ance on certain stock of the Superior
Brick Tile and Milling company
claimed to have bcen sold the plain
tiffs for conslderatfon and which after
wards proved to be worthless
Coal Rocky Mountain Rock Spring
Coal 400 a1 yard Phone 27 John
Salt Lake Vsit ExGovernor
Heber M Wells Charles Barton and
Edward G Ferry with their wives
were Ogden visitors last night They
will return to Salt Lake today The
party came up from tho capital In an
automobile for a little outing The
chauffeur for the company was Louis
Whittier The entire company took
quarters at the Reed Hotel last night
Bud had dinner at the Potter cafe
EZMoncy Kelly Money to loan on
Any good real estate Geo J Kelly
Young Ladies Will Serve at the
Potter Manager Potter of the Pot
ter cafe stated last evening that due
to the prejudice existing in Ogden
against colored waiters he had con
cluded to discharge all his colored
help and employ young ladies to serve
the people who come to his place to
eat The change will be mado today
Asks for Letters of Administration
Oscar Barlow yesterday filed a pe
tition asking for letters of admlnlstra
tion in the matter of tho estate of
Sarah Bitten deceased The petition
rehearses that the deceased died in
testate on the 27th day of September
1907 leaving 58 heirs The estate
consists of real estate situated In Da
is county the value of which Is not
given In the petition
Funeral For Frank WhiteThe fun
oral for Frank White will be held Fri
day afternoon at 2 oclock In the Fifth
Ward meetinghouse and the inter
ment will be hid In the Ogden city
cemetery The remains man be view
ed at the LIndqulat undertaking par
lors between the hours oDIO a m and
J p m on the day of the funeral
Granted PatentC H Hughes of
Ogden has been given a patent ou a
device known as a triple vave
Orpheum Coming to Ogden Martin
Beck tho vaudeville man head of tho
great Orpheum circuit and one of tho
leading theatrical magnets of the coun
try arrived in Ogden yesterday
to confer with David Eccles H
H Rolapp and M S Browning In re
gard to leasing the Grand Opera house
for vaudeville purposes There have
been persistent rumors for some time
to the effect that the local play house
would be turned over to the Orpheum
people on certain nights of the week
guaranteeing to the people of Ogden
the good things in vaudeville which
havo thus far been entirely denied lo
cal theater patrons Tho coming of
Mr Beck from New York Is apparent
evidence that tho contemplated deal
will bo put through
Removing Telephone PolesThe
activity of the Bell Telephone com
pany in amoving its wires from var
ious business streets will soon make
itself apparent especially on Twenty
fourth and Twentyfifth streets where
tho unsightly poles and tholr burden
of wires will bo taken down Man
ager E E Harrison stated today that
the work of transferring the wires to
the interior of tho blocks bounded by
Washington avenue Wall avenue
Twentyfourth and Twentyfifth
sLreetn is rapidly nearing completion
The Twenty fourth street wires which
are now underground were carried over
the new viaduct by a 22gaugo cable
of 100 pairs of wires From the far
ther end of the viaduct the wires will
be carried on poles to West OLden
All exposed wires thereby will bo ollm
mated from the viaduct Mr Hard
I ton also stated that the poles on
Twentyfourth and Twentyfifth
streets will be down within ten days
Selling Electric Stock Men ropre
Renting themselves as agents of a con
corn owning the rights to an electrical
Instiumcnl which will transmit type
written messages are endeavoring to
soil stock to the pcoplo under what
seems to be falso pretenses Several
prominent business men have tele
phoned to this office In regard to those
representations One gentleman says
he was told tho banks of Ogden were
buying stock In the company but he
learned there was no truth in tho
statement Professional poddlors of
stocks should bo made to prove what
thoy claim
Visitors From Indiana Mr and
Mrs S U Morris of SholbyvlHo In
diana on their way homo from a
visit In California stopped oft to spend
tho day with Mr and Mrs Joseph
Chez on Twentyfourth street
Arbor Day was observed in the city i
today by local officials and prominent i
citizens A considerable number gath
ered on City Hall squaro this morning
and assisted in Ute ceremonies of
AnbOI Day treeplanting
Mayor A L Brewer planted tho
first a while birch and In his remarks
stated that he hoped tho tree would
some day shade a population of 500
000 Judge A R Iloywood then selected J
a linden shrub which he carefully set I
out and expressed tho hopo that the
tree would thrive to Its maturity and
assist In shading tho west side of tho
elf antI county building
Other trees were planted by J S I
i Lewis M S Browning Detective i
James Ponder Captain Brown Don
Maguire Dr DIckson Fire Chief
Paine William Toler and J W F
j At Weber Academy a number of
trees were planted Including a white
birch sot out by the studont body and
named the Weber tree
A golden willow was planted by
Mrs Dr Rich who named tim same
I Charles C Rich
In Lester park Mrs Christ Flygare
planted a golden willow naming the
fame Allevlena also a white birch
named Julien Mrs Horrocks plant
ed a golden willow named Pioneer
and Mrs Eva P Lewis a linden
Other prominent citizens officiated
at various points throughout the city
planting trees and adding to the In I
1 crest In the occasion with appropri
ate remarks I
The Difficulty I
Mrs Watson a woman whose pre
tensions to beauty nature flatly re
fused to assist In any way saw In a
shopwindow a boiinot the sort of
thing that a modiste In town calls a
creation just a knotting of velvet a
fold of lace and pink roses but a
snaro for feminine vanity because It
looked so simple and easy to wear
She hurried In examined It closely
inquired the price and at last tried
It on Then after a few moments of
disappointed staring she took It off
I dont think Ill havo it after all
Miss Demmon she said What do
you suppose Is the matter with the
thing Im sure It looked ever so
much prettier In tho window
But ray dear madam answered
the milliner with quick conviction
you must remember that you have
your face to contend with now
Youths Companion A
The Puzzled Pianist
Oscar Hammqrsteln has all appli
cants for hIs opera companies exam
ined by a throat specialist Not till
he Is assured of an applicants good
throat machinery does ho dovote any
time in hearinghim or her sing
lilt Is a good idea Is It not said
Mr Hammerstoln the other day In
the past I lost many a valuable half
hour listening to worthless singing
singing so bad In fact
Well one afternoon my pianist
turned to a tenor aspirant and shout
ed angrily
10 Ive tried you with the black
keys Ive tried you with tho whlto
keys and Ive tried you with the black
and white mixed I think you must
be singing betwon the nicks
Tales That Are Told
lOr was one of tho kind who wouldnt
believe that coffee was hurting mo
says a N Y woman You just
couldnt convince me Its use was con
nected with the heart and stomach
trouble I suffered from most of the
My trouble finally got so bad I had
to live on milk and toast almost en
tirely for three or four years Still I
loved the coffee and wouldnt believe
It could do such damage
What I needed was to quit coffee
and lake nourishment In such form as
my stomach could digest
I had read much about Postum
but never thought It would fit my case
until one day I decided to quit coffee
and give It a trial and make sine
about So I got a package and care
fully followed thc directions
Soon I began to get boiler and was
able to eat carefully selected foods
without the aid of pepsin or other di
goatants and It was not long boforo I
was really a now woman physically
Now I am healthy and sound can
eat anything and everything that
comes along and I know this wonderful
change Is all duo to my having quit
coffee and got the nourishment I need
ed through this delicious Postum
My wonder is why everyone dont
give up the old coffee and tho troubles
that go with It and build themselves I
up ns I havo done with Postum I
Easy to prove by 10 days trial of I
Postum In place of coffee Tho reward
is big
Thoroa a Reason
Ever read the above lettor A now
ons appears from time to time They
are genuine true and full of human
Detroit lIch April 7 lUOUTho
following telegrams between the Cadil
lac Iotor Car Co and the Lee Motor
Car Co of Los Angeles Cal are self
Los Angeles Cal April 4 1909
Cadillac Motor Car Co Detroit
CADILLAC THIRTY won mile high
hill climb Kcdlands Calif defeating
even thing In its class oer the min
utes making the entire climb of six
teen miles with a rise of thirtyeight
hundred feet In lwentnlne minutes
flftyflvc seconds without boiling the
Detroit Mich April 5 ODLee
Motor Car Co Los Angeles Cal
Good for you What cars did you de
feat Answer collect Mail newspa
per accounts CADILLAC MOTOR
Los Angeles Cal April 5 1909
Cadillac Motor Car Co Detroit Beat
Maxwell both models Reo both mod
els Chalmers Detroit Buick Tourist
four models Including special racing
car Kissel Kar forty Studebaker E
M F Lee Motor Car Co
Are agents for the Cadillac Automobile
In lecture hall at Weber Academy
Mr Craft of the Forest Service gave
a talk on Forest Service history and
purpose The students then adjourned
to the grounds outside They repaired
and rolled a running track and mado a
bicycle rack in the rear of the building
and then dug a trench 200 feet long for
the gas pipes The girls under tho
direction of the lady members of the
faculty cleaned the building and
served an excellent lunch to 300 stu
dents Tho faculty members planted
six Japanese climbers Each class
planted a tree The seniors burlesqued
the juniors by planting a sago brush
on which lemons were tied The
sophomores planted a rose tree sur
rounded bj eleven hyacinths eleven
being their class numeral The hya
cinths were the colors of their class
and the academy At 3 oclock In tho
afternoon the students had a dancing
matinee during which an announce
ment was made that no school would
I be held on Friday
E L Murphy a husky young man
of 23 years last ovenlng approached
an old man of GO years asking him
for the price of a meal The namo of
tho old gentleman was not given but
it developed that he Is a man of somo
nerve and Incidentally a man that is
fllll able to matte his way In life
oven against the caprice of younger
menThe old gentleman refused to givo
Murphy tho money ho requested and
proceeded Immediately to give him a
rather severe roasting for begging
Murphy became angered at the old
mans advice and started out to glvo
him a trouncing A fight which was
u spirited one engucd the ejdcrly gen
tleman coming out victorious Mur
phy was arrested and landed in Jail
tho old gentleman being requested
lo appear at the station today and
make explanations When Murphy ap
peared at the jail he lookted as though
lie had been In contact with a buzz
saw The contest occurred on lower
25th street
Bees Laxative Cough Syrup Is guar
anteed This is becauso we know what
It will do and want to convince you
It is especially recommended for chil
dren as It Is pleasant to take and Is
gently laxative For cough colds
croup hoarseness whooping cough
Price 25c 50c and 100 Sold by Gee
F Cave and Depot Drug Store
Des Monies April 11 It was an
nounced tonight by Major March of
the mllltarj board In session here
that an army balloon corps will ho
used during the maneuvers at Fort
Des Moines September 20 to 26
Tho aeronaut drills will he under
the direction of Captain Quary and
the equipment will Include a dirigible
balloon of latest model
Attacks upon an imaginary battle
ship will be made
Los Angeles April HLoa Ange
les Democrats celebrated Jeffersons
blrlhda at a banquet which T < r s at
tended by more than a hundred prom
iucnt members of the party Theodore
A Boll was to have boon tho principal
speaker but was unable to bo pret
Several Interesting letters from
pi eminent Democrats of the nation
eluding William J Bryan and
Champ Clark wero read
Washington April M Already the
navy department has well under way
the plans f9r the Incieasj in ships
provided for by the last appropriation
bill Proposals invlling bids for the
construction of seven torpedo destroy
ers have been issued ani the bids
are to be opened on May 2D The re
gaining features of Increase include
one colllor two battleships aad four
submarines while tho government
may at its discretion purchase a de
stroyer with its vitals below tho
A Queer Census
When I was last In India said
the globo trotter they were taking I
the census The roturns wore most
remarkable In tho Allahabad census
35 cItizens described themselves as
men who rob with threats of violence
There were 226 flatterers for gain
Thore wero 25 hereditary thieves
There were 20 howlers at funerals
There were 145 ear clcaneru There
were 76 makers of crowns for Idols
There were 14 hereditary painters of
horses with spots There were nine
professional falao witnesses
It seems remarkable doesnt It
Maybe though if we too told the
strict truth to the census taker our
own census would seem quite as
quaint as that of India
A true Hero
A hero Is a man who can pun out a
handkerchief with a hole In it In a
I street car > nndnot thrust It hack In
his pocket as If It were a smallpox
1lagNew York Press
More Inviting Goods or
More Attractive Prices
Were Never Ollered
One hundred handsome silk dresses in Foulards and Messaline all the very latest shades
and new models to select from at Jj1250 to 2500
Each day brings us many new and exclusive tailor suits ranging in price from 1750 up
Beautiful and authoritative new models in shirt waists are here today High class lingerie
waists charming hand embroidery lingerie smartest tailor waists we have ever shown Crit
ical shoppers tell us they are the most attractive and most moderately priced waists shown
in Ogden
rIIIPi 11P c
Van Guard of an Army of Horsemen Arrives for the Big Meet Dur
ing May From 500 to 1000 Followers of the Turf Are Ex
pected From the Pacific CoastAll the Stalls at
Race Track Engaged for Runners J
W M Murray manager of the Og
den Racing association arrived this
morning from Los Angeles and San
Francisco Mr Murray states that ho
has secured all the best horses ho can
accommodate Practically every stall
Is engaged and 150 or 200 more horses
could have been secured had stall
space beqn available
The horsemen on tho Poclllc Coast
are very enthusiastic over tho corn
ing moot and from 500 to 1000 are
expected on the opening day
A special train leaves Los Angeles
with 150 horses on April 22nd for Og
den to be followed with car loads of
horses daily from Emeryville Cal
Mr Murray states that this meet
has been sanctioned by tho PacIfic
Jockey club This alone assures tho
success of the meet Tho officials for
thc meet are as follows
Presiding judge A J Bum who
presided at Salt Lake and El Paso
meets last year He Is known as one
of the best judges in the country and
can bo relied upon to keep the sport
Mr Manard will ho associate judge
Mr Manard Is tho sporting editor of
tho InterMountain Republican of Salt
Earl McQuado will bo the secretary
and will have charge of tho scales He
Is known as ono of the best news
papermen on the coast
Paddock Judge and timer will be W
T Little of Chicago He Is well and
favorably known In all racing circles
By Tad
New York April 15Young Otto
will start the boxing game soon In i
Australia and thinks he will make
some of tho green stuff If successful
Writing from the Hotel Cecil London
the knocker out kid has the follow
ing to say
Dear TadJust returned from gay
Paree and thought some dope might
interest yon I knocked out George
Proctor over there In three rounds
and a few days later made a trip to
Plymouth whoro I put Sid Stagg to
sleep In five Two knockouts within
six days Is not so poor Is it Two
wins in two different countries in a
week I am beginning to think that
your saying was true that I recov
ered my punch in mldocean Lets
hope so at any rate
Next week Im going to Jom Drls
coils homo where I fill a weeks en
gagement and after that will return
to London to get In shape for my go
wlllT Young Josephs which Is schedul
ed for tho 20th of April
I saw both Lewis and Jeanette while
I was In Paris Willie is a scream
over there He is beating everybody
from welters to heal Jeanette Is I
doing line too hut has a hard time
finding men to fight I have an offer
to go to Vienna to open tho boxing
game there and if its a go Daniel
Boone wont havo anything on mo in
tho plpneer line I expect to be homo
about tho middle of August and If
there Is a chance would like cither an
other go with Cross or a chance at
McFarland Remember mo kindly to
ll my Now York friends Yours truly
Toronto April I5Tom Longboat
In suffering from a ntonq bruise on his
heel which Manager Flanagan says
might put him permanently out ot tho
Mr Murray > will be the general
manager and starter
H Stover known from coast to i
coast also manager of the Butte Mon
tana track will be assistant manager
B E Mclver will be treasurer
Following are some of the notable
horsemen who will bo hero to race
during the coming meet
From Los Angeles there will be
John More with 5 horses J J Quin
Ian with 6 S Polk with 4 A Good
win with 5 B D Davis with 4 Joe
Cooper with 3 H W Hoag with 5
E Beatty with 4 Joe Mason with 1
L C Williams with 6 T Chrysden
with 2 G W Robinson with 4 C E
Faut with 5 C R Jones with 1 C F
OLeary with 2 A Bornmelster with
I 2 Mrs N A Scrlbnor with S This
Is a total of 69 horses
From San Francisco will come W
Stanfleld with S horses F Dayton
with 9 Dr Rowlcs with 10 J B
Dunn with 10 J B Branner with 6
D S Fountain with 5 H 0 BIdwell
With 12 Cradle Ramsey with 12
J Kearney with 3 Jalnes with 6 S
Judge with 3 M G Miller with 2
T 0 Wobbcr with 4 W Hawko with
5 H Mack with 4 H Stover with
15 D Dennison with 7 L F King
with J Kylle Bowlan with 3 The
Flcur do LIs stables to A L Valentino
with 3 C Bowman with 4 F W
Doss with 5 and others equally well
known making a total of 149 horses
or 218 from Los Angeles and San Fran
Manager Murray started In this
morning to put the track In flrstclass
shape to accommodate horsemen I
running game The doctors who have
examined It say the hone Is affected
Tho Indian is unable to walk without
palm In any event Flanagan says tho
race with St Yves for 5000 a sido
is off
Brantford Ont April 15 Denial is
made by Mme Lillian Nordlca the
singer who arrived here last night on
a concert tour that she Is engaged tp
George W Young of New York She
said that there was no truth in the
statement that the engagement had
been announced at a recent dinner In
New York at which Mr Young was
Paris April HHenri LcMoync
who gained considerable notoriety last
year by trying to prove that ho could
I manufacture diamonds was arrestod
hero today
LoMoyno was arrested on charges of
having secured money from an English
diamond mine owner on falsa pre
tenses by asserting that he could man
ufacture diamonds Ho was placed on
I trial but fled just boforo the final
hearing of tho case Tic was sentenced
to ten years Imprisonment This was
in January and sinco then he has been
New York April HTo spread the
sentiment for tho creation of a per
manent tariff commission tho mer
chants association of Now York is
sending out subscription blanks to
raise funds for an cducatlbnal cam
paign A letter sont out declares
that there IK a splendid chance for
success at this special of congress
provided you cooperato quickly
communicating with members of con
We have seeds for all whothor It be
grain vegetables or flower We pride
ourselves on the purity and germinat
ing quality of our seeds
352 Twentvfourth Street
Iis the
High Patent
that is the
Printing Co
A good printing shop
doing extra good
Cor 23rd and Washington
Ogden Utah April 12 1909
Notice IB hereby given that tho un
dersigned treasurer of Ogden City
will at his office on and after this
date pay City Warrants bearing reg
istry numbers from 1001 to 1729 In
clusive and further that all such war
rants not presented to me for pay
ment on or beforo April 22nd 1909
will cease to draw interest thereafter
City Treasurer
Date of first publication April 12
1909 Date of Last publication April IS
gross or by aiding financially and In
teresting your friends to do likewise
A marrlago license has been Issued
to Fred C Watkins and Ruble Nelson
both residents of Ogden
San Diego Cal April HTwo per
sons wore seriously Injured one prob
ably fatally when a touring car con
taining VE Worden business man
hls wife three children and Amasa
Inscho a hortlculturalist was run
down by atralu Mrs Worden was
seriously Injure about tho body and
II Inscho sustainet Injuries tohis back
and legs and may die

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