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The Ogden standard. [volume] (Ogden City, Utah) 1902-1910, September 07, 1909, Image 1

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sed dvance 11 londjy labor will SCOVERY Of THE NORTh POLE
Z iop
e i lel j Ibis Is Absorbing Attention of Civilized World I
= = Cook Is First to Shout Hurrah for
SE j Y D 9 = = = SJ S o Has lasting Renown
6eq I
Washington Sept 7Tho National
s Geographical society received a cable
gram today from Commander Robert I
< E Peary announcing the discovery of
the North Polo and tho society
j through President Willis L Moore
has abled Commander Peary the sec
retarys congratulations
11 Now York Sept 7Qlptain R A
e Bartlett of tho Roosevelt telegraphed
c t the i to a friend In this city from Indian
rate3E Harbor as follows
come It is accomplished Kind regards
to all
Philadelphia Sept 7Tho follow
p btEhZ ing telegrapm was received hero to
Indian Harbor via Capo Ray N
gal pr + F i Sept 7Henf G Bryant Land
acheiF Title Building Philadelphia The pole I
fora det is ours Thank you Signed
pul h Peary Mr Bryant IB president of I
y TyIH the Geographical Society of Phila
11liIJE delphia
f Bun I
o Washington Sept 7Through Her
b < rt L Brldgman the secretary of tho
ae yvi
Peary Arctic club formal official notl
roe C
fat on of Commander Pearys
achievement in reaching tho North
itisyjLt Poo was made known to tho govern
samu I racnt today Mr Brldgman sent a
despatch to the secretary of the navy
in which ho says that Commander
gas zcsa P ary telegraphs from Indian Har
bor Labrador as follows
North Polo reached April 6 by
Peary Arctic club expedition under niy
oG Ake
xpedkt The announcement of Commander
o Peary that ho had discovered tho
to lo ti North Pole rivets tho attention of the
tneat of civilized world I
or Whatever question or priority may
i1e exit between tho claims of Command
er Peary and Dr Cook thero can be
° Oto no doubt that to the United States be
o longs tho unquestionable credit and
¼ 4O looting renown of discovering the
0 North Pole
r ° T 0 Tim question of priority In reaching
nest 9 th pole absorbs attention
vntt 0 That Peary will claim to he the first
luct 0 discoverer appears to bo definitely as
my 0 nired from tho following First for
To 0 mal announcement has been tele
ex 0 graphed from Indian Harbor Labra
ith 0 dor to all principal American and
tIsa 0 geographical societies of all nation
u Including Brazil and Japan speclfical
t 0 t announcing that the North Pole wan
r0 discovered April 6 by the Peary Arctic
000 club expedition under command of
Commander Peary
Second A London dispatch received
from St Johns N F states that Com
I M t mander Pear states that he was tho
first man to reach the North Pole
Aide from the question of priority
Cojnmander Pearys announcement of
reaching tho pole appears to be ac
crptcd throuGhout tho United States
vA and the vorld at large by scientists
upsl us well as the general public and
there Is an absence of doubt and skep
ticism which greeted the Cook an
nouncement There Is however ap
ofAIl parent reserve of Judgment on the
question of priority between tho two
AND Dr Cook In an Interview at Copen
f hagen today says he Is tho first to
t > hurrah for Peary
tC3 If ho has telegraphed an an
nouncement that ho has reached tho
5 polo then It In true and I congratu
2a late him
OQ Cook also states that ho does not I
oJ want any controversy No further
r word from Poary has been received
I trdav nor can there IKS any further
Q4 word from him until ho reached
UO Chateau Bay Labrador tonight or to
7 morrow
rOi The world continues to he stirred
Ly with excitement and admiration for
V Y which America
tho achievement by
3o1 has solved tho problem of centuries
r London Sept 7Tho Reuter Tole
Ike t gram company publishes a dispatch
109 from St Louis N F in which It Is
p m said that Commander Pear claims
inth0 that be wan tho first man to reach the
f North Polo
New York Sept 7VllUe Com
mander Poary on board his Arctic o > L
pioratlon steamer Roosevelt Is on his
way from Indian Harbor Labrador to
J Chateau Bay on the straits of Belle
Island the world awaits anxiously de
tails of his successful trip to the polo
+ i o which ho gave in formation in brief
gGU bv the stirring messages yesterday I
bath from Indian Harbor Chateau Bay is
tt jii the nearest point to Indian Harbor
coat ilrbcrp Commander Poary can reach
the R telegraph lino by which to tell the I
boiieflP world the story of his dash to the
rule The Roosevelt was at Chateau
tcdet Bay this morning barring accident or
ailed delay and when Commander Peary
lhd reaches there he probably will send
Ac hlyh confirmation of his first messago giv
a ing the results of his trip and toll for
t t tho first time how ho achieved the
goal that has been his ambition for
t EO many yearn
t Indian harbor 1s connected with tho
r < at of the world only by wireless tele
graph and a full story of the trip
crultl hardly be cxpocted from that
el slant station The number of mea
e I rgoB received from that station both
i tbe fron Commander Peary and from his
companions on his arctic voyage ahow
1 d that every effort was made to Inform
eager friends and associates of his
Tho latent word to come across tho
o gap spanned by the wireless from In
dian Harbor to Cape Ray N F was
received by Herbert L Bridgman of
Brooklyn secretary of tho Peary Arc
tic club of this city In this message I
Commander Peary requested Mr
Brldgman to Inform tho geographical
societies throughout the world that I
the Peary Arctic expedition had reach
ed the pole His friends In this city
regarded It as characteristic of Com
mander Peary that ho should give the
credit of his achievement to the club
which bears his name and which aid i
ed him in undertaking his last trip at
a time when his funds were low and
assistance was needed moro than be
fore I
Portland Me Sept 7Mrs F A
Cook whose husbands claims of hav
ing discovered the North Polo ante
date those of Commander Peary com
vented today on the reports of Com
mander Peary having reached tho goal
of his ambition
Mrs Cook said
If Commander Peary has discover
ed the pole as I am rnro my husband
has I heartily congratulate him
The New York dispatch stating that
Rudolph Francke has brought to her
a diary from her husband at Etah
which Mrs Cook had transcribed and
which would go far towards proving
her husbands claims to the discovery
of tho pole was denied by the wife of
Ue explorer Mrs Cook stated that
Francke had merely brought Dr
Cooks trunk from Etah and that she
knew nothing of its contents
Mrs Cook said that as yet she had
made no arrangements for meeting
her husband and was undecided as to
when she would leave Portland
Paris Sept 7Thc French Geo
graphical society was notified official
ly today by tho Arctic cluh of the
achievement of Commander Peary J
An official of the society said I
< fWo have full confidence In Corn
mandor Peary whose experience to
gether with his equipment of modern
Instruments and appliances insures to
the scientific world a rich feast We
dont doubt Dr Cook but we merely I
say that Commander Pearys superior I
outfit from every standpoint makes
it impossible that he should be mis I I
taken I
Commander Pear probably will be
invited to lecture In France
Munich Sept Commenting on
the remarkable coincidence arising
from the presence at tho North Polo
of both Commander Peary and Dr
Cook the Zeltung today says
Commander Peary and Dr Cook I
are known to ho strong rivals and
their discoveries doubtless will lead I
to a severe scientific quarrel In i
which public opinion probably will
support Commander Peary
Dalton Mass Sept 7Zenns
Crane of this town one of tho finan
cial supporters of the present Peary
expedition today received the follow
ing telegram from the explorer
Indian Harbor Via Cape Ray N
F Sept 6Zenas Crane Dalton
Mass Thanks your assistance we have I
won tho centurys race of the nations
for tho pole The pole Is ours Re
gards Mrs Crosc Signed Peary
England May C I a i ro t
Land About Pole as
Part of Canada
London Sept iThe honor of
planting the national flag at the North
Polo undoubtedly belongs to Ameri
ca Lieutenant E H Shackleton the
English explorer said today
The news within a week he con I
tinued that two men have reached
the polo Is an extraordinary coinci
dence We all expected to hear of
Commander Pearys arrival some time
during tho month and we sincerely
hopod that the result of his years of
effort and struggle would bo crown
i ed with success
I Poarv undoubtedly got the polo
between him and Dr Cook the polo
I certainly has been ranched It is said
I Peary reached the goal April 26 1009
lIt will be Interesting to know tho date
1110 left hit base to go to tho polar
sea and his rate of travel If Pearys
opaod coincides with Cooks this fact
will go far In the eyes of the world
I to clear up the question whether such
J distances as claimed by Cook can be
covered The ice conditions around
I Pearys camp In 1SOS should approxl
I rat fjnrwhat the conditions observ
ed by Cook
in extremely unlikely that the
i it > >
metal cylinder left at tho pole by Dr
I Cook will be found by Poiri because
t of the drifting ror the Ice If Pear took
a more owtprly line there is a pos
1 aiblllty of his coming across the
cylinder but such a find would bo ex
traordinary for a fall of snow would
be sufficient to hide all traces of this
tube I
Peary from what I know of him
would be the first to give credit to any
one who preceded him Peaty deserv
ed his success ho has devoted his lifo
to Arctic exploration and nobody has
a wider knowledge of Arctic travel
In conclusion Lieutenant Shackle
ton said
While Pearys success will stop at I
tempts to reach the North Pole there
is a lot of scientific work to be done in I
the Arctic regions which It will bo
impossible to carry out on marches to
the pole on account of the quickness
of travel I
The question of the ownership of
the land of the North Pole Is to come
up in tho house of commons I
Sir George Parker has given notice
of his Intention of asking Premier I
Asquith whether this territory is not I
considered as belonging to Canada
and if Dr Cook has planted the Am
erican flag there whether or not this
act gives the United States any rIght
of possession over the region
Details of His Conquest
Expected in Twenty
four Hours
New York Sept Commander
Robert E Pearys own story of his
successful conquest of the North Polo
will In all probability be given to tho
world within twentyfour hours The
explorer and his party are due at
Chateau Bay today and from there
all arrangements have been made for
the quick dispatch of Pearys narra
tive no matter what Its length may I
be to all pipers of the world I
Messages received from Peary and
his companion indicated that they had
found the North Ple April G of this
year and that on the return to civili
zation Commander Peary has prepar
ed a readable story of his Journey to
the mysterious goal of centuries and
the retreat from there to civilization
This story will first cpme direct into
a New York newspaper office which
contributed liberally to the Peary ex
pedition and which had a contract I
with the explorer for his first story
The coming details will he an elab I
oration of Commander Pearys first
word to the chlllzed world after he
had reached the polo which was sent
yesterday by him from Indian Harbor
to the Associated Press This first
bulletin from the famous explorer was t
in every large city a half hour after its j
receipt in New York and from all na
tions come reports of the excitement I
it caused following so closely on the j
announcement of Dr Frederick A I
Cook of Brooklyn who la now receive J
ing the homage of the world In Cop
enhagen that ho was the first dls1
coverer of the Nojth Polo I
Dr Cook was at a banquet In his
honor In Copenhagen when Command
er Pearys dispatch to tho Associated I
Press was road to him Dr Cook lost I
little time In sending to New York a I
number of cablegrams in all of which
he expressed his gratification that
Peary had also reached the pole and I
announced his belief that Pearys ob
servations would amply verily his
own claim that he had been to the
furthermost point of the compass I
Dr Cook was particularly joyous
that with Commander Pearys suc
cess which ho did not In the least
doubt all the honor for the achieve I
ment was now fully American In a I
telegram to New York Dr Cook dc
dareR that the science of exploration I
will benefit Immeasurably through the j
fact that Poary reached tho pole by a I
route different from his thus covering i
another large unknown space and with I
the Cook observations clearing a mys I
tery which has perplexed geographers j
many centuries
That the North Pole phould be found
and its announcement chronicled at j
about the same tma Is but one coinci i
dence In a strange series of facts which
has kept tho public of tho world ex II
cited perhaps as never before for
a week I
Among these coincidences are men
I tioned that tho pole was found by two
Americans that for the first limb two
I polar explorers attempted to reach
the apex of the earth at the close of
the winter season over the frozen
I polar seas that their first announce
I ments of their success were quite sim
ilar that both mon had devoted their
lives to exploration of polar areas
that they bad been connected with
l scientific organizations and lastly and
probable Immaterially the wives and
families of the two great rivals have I
been spending the summor at tho same
Ittlfl outnfthoway town on tho
Maine coast I
I Aricrg tnt members of the Araerl I
I can Geagraphlcal society now In this
I city there IB an inclination to believe
that the exciting news of the last week
has been tho culmination of a record
breaking race between the two ex
plorers from the dom of the world to
tho first telegraph wires which might
bring them fame and fortuna Cook
found tho North Pole April 21 100S I
and after a Journey of terrible hard
ships he made his winter quarters
Jut about a year ago near Etah from
which place he bail started for the
pole From preliminary reports it is
believed that Peary reached Etah last
fall and after remalnjijg In the winter
lht > northern shore of Grnntlnnd ho
started on his dash fqr the pole last
According to one ofbis messages re
ceived here yesterday Peary located
the North Pole April 6 last almost
a rear after Dr Cook surveyed It
His retreat from the pole apparently
was not hampered by tho difficulties
which Dr Cook met because It is be
lieved that when ho reached Etah dur
ing the present summer ho was in
formed that Dr Cook had already dis
covered the North Pole that he had
been in winter quarters near there
and a few days previously he had I
started for civilization with his great
news By that time the Pear relief
ship Jeannie had reached Etah and i
Commander Pear on board the Roose
velt which had wintered at Etah
started south as far as ho could go In
the hopo of submitting his claim of
success to tho world before Dr Cook
This is indicated by the fact that ho
and his party put in at Indian Harbor
Labrador where they were not ex I
pected There is nq cablo or tele
graph line from there but his mes
sages were yesterday sent from
there by wireless to Newfoundland
While the messages from tho Peary
party have been exceptionally brief
so far it is believed by Herbert L
Bridgman secretary of the Peary Arc
tic club that after filing his news
paper story at Chateau Bay Labrador
Commander Peary and his party will
proceed with all speed to this city
where they should arrive within fie
days I I
Dr Cook has announced that he will
sail for this country September 23 and
it is possible that Instead of two sep
arate welcoming demonstrations there
will bo one grand celebration of their
The consensus of opinion now seems
to be that both men reached the North
Pole and that Dr Cook was there al
most a year before Peary and that tho
latter because of his superior equip
ment was able to gel out of the frozen
country in a years less time than it
required Dr Cook
It Is probable that their return to
this country may be mado a feature
of the Fulton H dson celebration
which Is to be held the latter part of
this month and the first of October
Dr Cook has not forgotten John R
Bradley the New York man who fin
anced his successful adventure Mr
Bradley has received i the following
cablegram from th9 explorer
Copenhagen September 3 Neith
er In frigid triumph 2t > thc pole nor in
the stormy haven of tho present have
I forgotten that to John R Bradley be
longs at least onehalf of the credit
Am hastening for home shores Will
wire plans Signed
Mr BridtmanJ whgAwas perhaps
more familiar with Perils plans than
any one man said that after dividing
his party Into three groups one to
make geological observations another
to take meteorological notations and
a third to establish bases ot supplies
he probably selected five or six of his
best men with from 501o lOll of the
best dogs and made the dash for the
pole In the party that accompanied
Peary to the pole Mr Brldgnau be
lieves were the following
Capptain Robert Bartlett command I
er of the Roosevelt and a master of
Ice conditions Dr J Goodsell sur
geon Edwin G Marvin of Elmira N I
Y George Borup son of Lieutenant
Colonel Borup U S A retired Prof
D B MacMillan Freeport Maine
and Mat Hensen Pearys negro ser
vant who has accompanied him on
all previous polar expeditions
With two noted explorers reporting I
the discovery of the North Pole dis
interested geographers are satisfied
that the claims of ono can bo easily
checked by the data and observations
of the other
Dr Cook cabled that his data will
be submitted to the University of Den
mark Pearys data will be in New
York in a few days It is believed
New York Sept iHerbert L
Brldgman secretary of the Peary Arc
tic club and a recognized authority
on Arctic exploration contributes an
articles to the Independent which will
appear tomorrow on the Dash to the I
It was written before Commander
Pearys announcement had been mado
and deals chiefly with Cooks claim
to having reached the polo on April
21 1903 It says In part
The announcement that the North
Pole that lure of the century has ac I
tually been reached comes so sud
denly and from a quarter so unexpect I
ed that intelligent judgment on the
fact is difficult Naturally writing for I
the public and forwarding this account
by cable only the personal and popu 1
lar phases would be presented and any I
statement of scientific results or data
would be deferred But Dr Cook
would probably not demand that scien
tific rank and weight should be given
to his expedition It was simply a
duel with naturoman stripped for the
fight encumbered only with the bar
est necessities determined to make a
life and death struggle for one thing
only tho goal But tho world will ask
that science though not directly In
terested and served shall verify the
claim and shall attest the result
And therefore Dr Cook will doubt
less be only too willing to offer the
data upon which the confirmation of
the narrative will rest Records diar
ira notebook locations courses and
all data so well known to expjorere
will be produced and placed with the
archives either In original or In dup
licate of the principal geographic so
cieties of the world
I Had he by any possibility opened
any of Ponrys cairns at Cape Thomas
Hubbard or Capo Columbia or any of
Svcrdrups In his farthest land and
archipelago the evidence would be
conclusive and all the doubts forever
silenced Reading between the lines
and dismissing atonce for what they
inns be worth all the vlfg opinions
anti comments with which th papers
are Just now bo heavily burdened the
tale stands or falls by Itself without
witness or testimony
After discussing past polar re
search and the outlook for further ex
ploration the article continues
Maybe this IB not the time nor place
to Intrude ethics or etiquette Yet
those who have followed Arctic mat
t ora dont forget Peary made all this
possible and they reserve until the
facts aro known their judgment Es
kimos had been trained by him land
explored and seas charted and only
an unlucky delay of contractors for
which he was In no way responsible
kept him at homo in the summer of
I 1307 Everybody knew the facts that
his work was unfinished postponed
and the fitting out of tho Bradley by
stealth the Bradley wns Dr Cooks
ship equipped for field work and
stores and supplies for land and sea
Ice marches while of course within I
the prescriptive rights of her owner
inited remark among men who re
spect honor and observe fair play
Pearys plans were all as open as
day and all of his countrymen knew
that fifteen years of dauntless and
undaunted work In which he had ac
complished many times more than all
who had preceded him were to bo
crowned by one final attempt to reach
tho coveted goal of centuries That
his men methods and reasonings I
should all bo appointed and the long
struggle finished before he had had
his fair and final opportunity is a
transaction upon which the American
people will render just Judgment when
they know all the facts and in tho
meantime the past is already secure
Patience and more light
1615 UORSE
Classed as One of the Beet TwoYear
Olds Now Racing But is Forced
to Give Much Weight
Coppertown who disputes with
Kilos the right to he considered the
best twoyearold that showed at the I
Montana tracks this season is carded I
to make his initial appearance here I
tomorrow and visitors to tho Fair will
see the best horse of his ago that has I i
over paraded to the post in Utah I
Even should defeat be his portion he I
will still bo entitled to the champion
among twoyearolds that have per
formed thus far in this state His de
feat tomorrow would not carry with I
It disgrace aj he Is asked to concede I
considerable weight to youngsters that
have shown to be clover performer I
among them Yuba accounted by i
Captain Hackott one of the best ani I
mals ever bred at Anchorage Stock
Farm There is a nice field engaged I
in the race for the juvenile division
and it will add to Coppertowns glory
if he succeeds In giving weight and I
a heating to the lot opposed to him I
All tho other races have filled to
tho limit and as the fields are well
matched and contain good material
tomorrows racing will It Is safe to
say be as Interesting as any that I
will be had during the season
Following are the entries for tomor
rouFIRST RACE Five furlongs sell
ing thrce year olds and up God
father lOG Yankee Tourist 103
Black Domraino lOG Al Hampton
105 Irish Mike 114 Mossback 111
Chitterlings 100 Dutiful 109 Rub
I rlc 104
SECOND RACE Five furlongs sell
Ing tbrec ycar olds and up Aquiline I
101 The Mouser 111 Mazapan lOG
Belle Brady lOG Faneull Hall 105
Inclement lOS Jillett 111 Swager I
lator Ill
THIRD RACE Five furlongs purse
twoyearolds Camera 107 Rey El
Tovar lOG Mlnnodocla 107 Copper
town 113 Yuba 103 Tansy 101
I FOURTH RACE One mile Belling
fouryearolds and up Huapaia 109
I Crello 112 Manila S IOn Diamond
Nose 109 Belden 112 Contribution
100 Lady Alicia 109 El Parsano 109
HlColCap 103
FIFTH RACE Four and onehalf I
and u
furlongs selling threeyearolds
up Rose Daly 109 Pelham 109
Happy Chappy 109 Charlie Doherty
112 Prolific 109 Nappa 112 Lucky
109 Alivla
Male lOG Whcatstone
Notes on the Races
An expert who watched the races
on Monday passes the following judg
I ment on what the horses should have
i done
I First Race Dora Paine should have
won by at least three lengths Llllum
I second Silver Grain third Start
l good
Second raceYellow Foot should
have won Gabanlss second Belle
Brady third Start good
Third raceHannah Louise all
right first Mollie Moutroso should
have been socond Jillett third Start
fair Fourth race Antara should have
won easily Santo second Rose Daly
third Start good
Fifth raceHuapala should havo
wan easilyAk6arben second HI Col
Cap third Start Rood
The qrowd should be kept out of the
ExGovernor Odell Vho Was Summoned to
Bedside Says Railroad Magnate Is Very
Sick Man = = = Talk of Operation Revived
Arden X Y Sept Alarming ru
mors regarding the condition of E II
Harriman havo been revived follow
ing his relapse of Sunday night It Is
believed that tho attack that caused I
I a hurry call for a New York nurse i
i and probably two nurses one for day
and one for night was a temporary
sickness caused by a sudden change
of temperature or an indiscretion in
diet which tho sick man in his
weakened condition was unable to
throw off Dr W G Lyle Mr Karri
mans private physician calls the at
tack acute indigestion In his state
ment last night Jio said that his pa
tient was better
One result of the news has been a
swift reassembling of the newspaper
representatives whose presence a week
ago at every avenue loading to the
Harriman house finally caused the
sick man himself to Issue a statement
regarding his condition and promise
I that If the press of the country would
withdrew Its representatives ho would
see that It was informed of any subse
quent crisis In his condition For this 1
I reason an effort Is being made to se
cure daily bulletins from Dr Lyle
While Mr Harrimans last attack
In itself may not bo serious there Is
always danger of grave consequences I
In the case of a man as weak as Mr
This It is believed accounts for
anxiety of those surrounding the sick
man It was said today that although
I the progress of Mr Harrimans latest
attack has been arrested his tempera
ture remains high and he is exceed
ingly weak The best Information Is
that he is in bed and although no
confirmation of the report has yet
been obtained from tho house little
doubt exists here that there are other
physicians attending him besides Dr
Whether these doctors remain con
stantly nt his side or only make fre
Quent trips from New York has not
been ascertained Talk of an opera
tion has been revived The sudden
flashing of lights on tower hill about
midnight Sunday told the peo
ple In the valley of tho activity that
reigned on the hill Men wore sent to
turn on the electricity at the plant at
the foot of the incline railway The
telephone operator at Arden was call
ed out of bed and messages were sent
to New York for nurses and doctors
who were brought to Arden In a hurry
Monday morning
ExGovernor Benjamin B Odell
came from his home in Newbureh to
day and was taken up to the Harriman
house on the Incline railway
Mr Odoll told a passenger on tho
train that Mr Harriman was a very
sick man Tho oxgovernor has long
been a close personal friend of Mr
Harriman and it is believed from
the early hour at which ho loft homo
that he was summoned to Arden last
night It is believed that tho party
now nt the Harriman house Includes
exGovernor Odell Robert E Gerry
Harrimans soninlaw Dr Lyle and
two other physicians all the members
of the immediate family and several
New York Sept 7At the Union
Pacific offices this morning no direct
information concerning Mr Hard
mans condition was obtainable
I shall have to refer all inquiries
to Dr Lyle said Judge Lovett I
It Is true that MY Hnrrlman had i
another attack of Indigestion but I I
understand he Is feeling much hotter
this morning
Representatives of the Harriman I
banking Interests were with Judge Lo
vett during the morning but It was i
declared that no significance was to I
be attaches to this
Twentyfourth Ann u al
Encampment Is Held
in Washington
Washington Sept 70Id veter
ans 2000 strong are already here to
participate In the Twentyfourth an
nual encampment of the Union Vet
eran Legion and every incoming lu
is bringing its quota The Indies 9f
tho local auxiliary are making pre
I parations for the reception of the na I
tional auxiliary which will be well
the states
I represented from
Tho final details of the program for I
tho encampment have been completed
I I for its Inauguration at 7 oclock to
night rho opening session will con
sist mainly of a reception of the dole
Wednesday will he tho principal day
I Thero will be a meeting of the creden
tials committee In the morning fol
lowed by tho opening session of the J
Twentyfourth National encampment
I In the afternoon the officers and dele
gates will be received by the district
r officials and the chamber of com
I Rev H N Condor chaplain of the
house of representatives and past
chaplain in cltief U V L will pro
i nouuco the invocation Responses will
I be made to the addresses of welcome
by National Commander T J Shan
non Past National Commander A B
Hayes and Past National Commander
I James Tanner Singing and music
will be distributed throughout the pro
gram of the day
Vespasian Warner commissioner of
pensions will deliver an address and
1 Charles B Hnnford the I
actor will
deliver a recitation Star Spangled J
Banner l
I The other days of the encampment Ii 1
j will bo glen over to short business
meetings and sightseeing trips In and J
about the national capital L
i B f d A t N G
II 1r l 1b n r r
uf u u
Little Mining Hamlet >
Washed Away by I I
Wall of Water
Montrose Colo Sept 7Reports
from Tellurldc Colo tell of the break
ing of the trout lake dam Sunday re
sulting In damage along the San Mig
uel river valley estimated between
500000 and 750000 Saw Bit a lit
tle mining hamlet is said to have been
washed away by the eighteenfoot wall
of water Tho town of PlacervIIlc it
Is feared was seriously damaged as
it is almost In a direct Hue of the
No loss of life Is reported as at first
signs of the dam weakening horse
men were sent through the valley tc
warn the residents
Crops In the lower valley were ce
riously damaged
O A ipfC
fOp vllru
Examinations for Those
to Be Selected for
Census Work
Washington Sept Examinations
Ifor approximately threw thousand tem
porary clerks to be appointed In tho
thirteenth de
census bureau of the
fpnnial United States census aro to
begin October 23 The examinations
are to be hold nt various cities
throughout the country according to
an announcement relative to the exam
iuatlons and appointments which have
been Issued jointly by thC department
of commerce and labor and the United
States civil service commission
The appointees for the census work
will be given salaries of GOO per an
num at tho beginning but promotions
to 900 will be given to those who
I render satisfactory service Tho ap
pointments arc to bo on probation sub
ject to termination at the end of ono
month or any later period provided
the appointee falls to make the re
quirements All appointments will ex
pire by law on Juno 301912
New York Sept 7 Published reports
ports that race track gambling
been openly revived caused Governor
Hughes to send four special repro
sontatlvca to tho Sheepshead Bay
track where they are observing con
ditions Complaint was mado to the
governor that the recent antlbettlngr
law was being flagrantly violated
that bookmakers were accepting wag
ors from all persons and that records
wero being kept The governors rep
resentatives who will be at the traok
several days arc said not to have se n
an serious violations The book
makers had boon warned beforehand
that tho governors special agents
would bo at tho track and If thero
was any betting It was not apparent to
the casual observer But this action
of the governor indicates that bp pro
poses to keep a close watch on race

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