CITY REAL ESTATE. Gflfi^n A GREAT BARGAIN: 25q75- -ig>XOP\s. Capp,' near 16th; choice lot all ready to build upon; street paved with basalt blocks and accepted by city; cheapest well-located lot in the Mission. For sale by y ... BALDWIN _ HAMMOND, *■?''•'•>.. ' \ „ 10 Montgomery street. ol \ A FIR ,; MODERN RESIDENCE: 8 •_ I'iM/n. rooms and bath; rooms large and - commodious: south frontage; 15 minutes' walk to station: lot 65x185; street work, cement walks, ■ water, gas, etc. : the best neighborhood in Oakland ; owner a non-rt-si.iHnt and must sell; mortgage, ?. •.. $3000, can remain: positively a genuine bargain. : J.S.MYERS. 1002 Broadway, Oakland. * wsm "- Q>QAAA RON FAIL CALL AND LOOK *„ » >\>yj\s. at the brand-new and modern 7 and 8 room houses Alden „ Garfield are building and selling at $2500, $3000 and $3500; good lots ; street "work done: very. central location; easy terms, and . cannot be duplicated in this city forless than $4000 and $5000. Call at our office, 902 Broadway. Oak- . land. A LDEN ~° $500— NW comer on Addison st. : street work done: double that money asked for any other piece on the street. lllliyJ ll^ _p.i_* " *' » ' » LM"I_ ° y M. L. WURTS, Opposite Dwight-way station, Berkeley, Cal. ° BERKELEY PROPERTY ATA SACRIFICE; beautiful homes cjieap. W. E. SQUIRES, Ber- ry man station, Oakland. . _JkQ^)_7_ HOUSI^OF 10 ROOMS AND BATH: *4P«j»»'fl/. cement'basementand walks; all street ' S^S* done; near station and university. • Apply to jOS. J. mason, Dwight-way station.' ;:.:. ;-: -,';■•*. ' * ' articles of stolen, lost and , unclaimed v property recovered by the police force of San Francisco as - detailed in an Inventory thereof on file in the office ' ' the clerk of the Board, of Supervisors, and -con- sisting of jewelry, wearing apparel, pistols, knives, 7 etc. Open forTnspectlon on morning of sale. .. - .. j -. ' WIDBER, y: J ':';- City and County Treasurer. : \\ COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. 1 00 ACRES FINE .VALLEY' LAND: -HUN- > n„_; •' XlK l " X water : a Portion will grow alfalfa ; good JSKS^ , ' ct i?- ; '. amll - v orchard; 2 miles from ,ere tvi',."^ m , iU ' 3 , fl " om ,his clt y: Price f9O per offer. in , dn ;^ c: th '° to » flrst-class property and oners splendid chance for investment.- ALBERT f.. tKAM., 410 Montgomery st. 12 ARG Am— 46 ACRES SUPERIOR LAND; 25 -»-» acres full-bearing orchard; bouse, barn, etc.; y. .?' at * beRU M"I location; 4 miles from rai1- ,?,;,.;? County; 3 trains daily ; price, * 4000. ALBERT E. CRANE, 410 Montgomery st. . 30 ACRES, ALAMEDA COUNTY, CLOSE TO !o__ own ft nd school; nice little farm; bargain: eu.v,"^ syu ' r, " 3; investigate this. ALBERT E. CRAAE, 410 Montgomery st. - Q ACRES, CLOSE TO DEPOT, ALAMEDA is County; house, barn, fine water; 4 acres In £. r , a UM nice little home; $1426; easy terms. Air BERT E. CRANE, 410 Montgomery- st. . i?ft^oon CHOICE PIECE, OF TOWN PROP- *®PVI\J\J. erty, with 3 houses; always rented; Paving good interest; fruits, flowers, fine climate; 35 miles from this city; 3 trains daily; send for particulars. ALBERT E. CRANE, 410 Mont- gomery st. FOR SALE -80 ACRES LAND : PARTLY fenced; good well of water; half mile from school. . See GUS STRAND, 719 Market St. - AND; AN EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN of 160 acres of unimproved land in Kern Coun- ty; opportunity of a lifetime for a person with a few dollars: $320: remain at 7 percent. Full par- ticulars. MURDOCH, West Houf,e, Agnews, Cal. IK YOU WANT A RANCH FOR GRAZING x purposes or an orchard already improved, where only a small cash outlay is required, balance pay- able in 8 or 7 years, apply at 326 Montgomery st„ San Francisco. . MARIN COUNTY— SOOO ACRES 26 MILES from San Francisco. ■ •'..- -....;.. RANCHO,DE NOVATO. Tracts of any size desired ; fruit, grain and vege- table land- • no irrigation; both rail and water transportation; $40 to $75 per acre; easy terms, town of Novato; graded school, hotels and stores on the property; send for circular. ■ ■ ' Dairy for sale with or without cows * SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 64 and 65, Chronicle building. BARGAIN IN ALAMEDA COUNTY ; 320 acres of foothill land; plenty of wood and water; only $6 per acre. Inquire JAMES CA- HILL, 408 Twelfth st., Oakland. ."lir ANTED- 60 HEAD OFl SMALL MULES, 11 broke; also 2 carloads of high grade cows, in exchange for clear Oakland real estate; will pay part cash. Address P. O. box 86, Oakland. H 11 AND 20 ACRE PIECES— A I FOR CHICK- I 5 en ranches; on 8 and 10 vears' credit; $25, $30, $70 and $100 per acre; within 1 mile of town. D. H.TWING, Sonoma City, Cal. ■; ■/. . J, T. PETERS. mills BUILDING, OFFERS • in Sonoma County three of the finest tracts of fruit land In the State In subdivisions; on line of railroad: terms easy; send for maps. - - '"•:'• HEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— THE V WEEKLY- CALL, sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $1 50, post- age free. ••■.'.-• •'•."■- -■ ' '— ■ -' '•■ "-j'.-.'-i'.-': MEDICAL. "" ■ "^ ! -A SURE &AKD -i SAFE CURE FOR ALL XX. female diseases: ladies may have the benefit of the skill and attention of a. physician of long and successful practice. . A home in confine ment, with best. care, with the privacy of a home and conveniences of a hospital. Those who are sick or discouraged should call, on the doctor and state 1 their case; they .will find in her a true friend. All consultation free. A positive cure for the liquor, morphine and tobacco -habit. •'• Every case guar- anteed without injury .to health. " MRS. DR. GW YER, 311Va Hyde st., bet. Ellis and Eddy sts. A NIAV "ESS-NO MEDK TNE, INSTRC- ments or worthless pills used; every woman her own physician for all female troubles;- no mat- ter from what cause; restores always In one day: if you want to be treated safe and sure-call on men's physician : knowledge can be sent and used at home; all cases guaran teed. DR. POPPER. 318 Kearny st. flt^rtO PAID FOR FAILURE TO CURE ANY- (tJPtJUI/ case of irregularities:, no matter what cause; method painless; low fees; elegant home in . confinement. Call or write. Inclose stamp. Dis- eases 01 the eve - treated- successfully. MRS. DR. SCOTT, 110' Turk St.- . ■ y y . AHi LADIES CONSULT FREE MRS."- DR.. DA VIES, 14 McAllister St., near.- Market: leads all competitors; only qualified, trusty spe- cialist for safe, quick relief ' of irregularities, no matter w oat cause: treatment scientific, harmless and painless; never -home In confinement. - DR. HALL, 14 MCALLISTER, SECOND FLOOR, next Hibernia Bank; diseases of women. .-."'.- •"•" AUDET'S. APHRO TABLETS— THE GREAT modern remedy for the cure of neurasthenia, impotency and all disorders of the sexual organs: $1 a box, 6 boxes $5: send. for circular. J. H. WIDBER. cor. Market and Third, sole agent. ,: , : TF.IRREGULAR OR ANY FEMALE DISEASE ' see Mrs. Dr. Puetz- and be. content. it— . DBS. GOODWIN, SPECIALTY DISEASES Ok , . women; ladies near or far assured quick relief ' of disease; irregularities restored dally; safe cure i guaranted; no instruments; home, for patients;' best medical attendance-; low- fees; free; Drs. Scud- jier's puis and capsules warranted. Market st. ' MwR. WEGNER, 419 EDDY' ST.-IRREO-" ularltles cured, in one day; no -instruments; pills and safety capsules guaranteed; travelers at- tended; no delay; private home for ladles, '.■; "YSTPEXU's i- BENCH PILLS. . • .v..- ••..'•;' -• • -i A boon to ladies troubled- with irregularities: do danger; safe and sure; •$2 50, express C. O. D.; ■ don't delay until too late. OSGOOD BROS., Oak' ■ land, Cal., agents for Alpeau et. Cie, " : . •;.-.' :::'."'. DR. AND MRS. DR. SCHMIDT, FORMERLY of 121 li Mission, now. 1508 Market st. : month- - . y irregularities cured ■ in a few. hours ;. guaranteed ; ' : ' no instruments -used: sure preventive..- '■. ---.: .-. -■ . : ■■■-. """ EDUCATIONAL. .7 , ; NGI_SH^BB^X^fES?TAUGIIT^ DILLON, 14 McAllister St.. room 4g.:.;''*.;.-.. ,-■-••• '."\rERTICAL AND POINTED HANDWRITING' _ V taught. C. EISENSCHIMEL, 235 Kearny.. •;.. = YEW MORE PUPILS FOR GUITARrEVEN-- X im;s only : special attention. -122 Taylor, rm."2B MISS M PERI N-I'l ANO LESSONS ; DANCE m-rndsic furnished; terms to-sui*. 1643 Mission; HEALD'S BUSINESS- COLLEGE. -.24 -POST : ; Book business practice, shorthand, typing, electrical engineering, telegraphy,:; modern.; lan- guages rapidly taught:..: Write for catalogue.'; J PRIVATE ACA DEMY DANCING". MISSES II EDDY. Hyde; terms reasonable: -. y •';.-. ILLIAN BEDDARD,.yTHE ENGLISH ao- ': tress, coaches ladles and- gentlemen -for the 5 dramatic profession: appearances arranged..- Shake- . spearean Academy, 406 Van, Ness aye. ' '■:• TIEHL'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, HISTORY bdg, 723 Market; investigate; special offer. „ SCHOOL ELECTRICAL, CIVIL, MINING, ME. . chanical engineering, surveying, architecture, assay: estab. '64. VAN PER NAILLEN.723 Mkt. MONEY TO tO AN. - .': MONEY TO LOAN ON SAN FRANCISCO REAL estate. W. J. GUNN. 410 Montgomery st. IST AND 2D ~ MORTGAGES, ESTATES, J. pianos.alimony ;any sum. MURPHY, 62B Market. T ST, 2D OH CHATTEL MORTGAGE, PIANOS, J X estates, insurance, etc. SPECE'S, 30 Montgy. MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE OR COL- laterals. JAS. E. DAMON, 303 Montgomery. MEND LOAN - OFFICE, CROCKER building, room 57; telephone Main 6122. OX MONEY ON REAL-ESTATE SECURITY; D . SHADBOURNE JR. A CO., 313 Montgy st. ANY SUM. OF MONEY ADVANCED ON your furniture, pianos or real estate; low rates; call and state your proposition or write: open evenings. J. NOONAN. 1021 Mission st. I . • . ON ANY SECURITY, AT LOW HATES -.DEAL 7 - Ing confidential. 43 Crocker building. MONEY LOANED ON JEWELRYANDOTHER valuables at the Security Loan Bank, 1106 Market St.. nr. Mason; private entrance 7 Turk. ; : ° PROPOSALS. ? '..' ": VTOTTCE IS HEREBY '"GIVEN THAT THE i-> Board of Directors of the Escondido Irrigation ; District v. ill receive sealed- proposals for the par- chase of $80,000 of the bonds of said district, and bids will he received therefor at the office of the said board in Escondido, Cal., until 10 o'clock a. it. on the 15th day of April, 1895. '--.' • = ■ =. o- ■- -■ .A; J. WERDEN, _ Secretary of the Escondido Irrigation District." Dated March 16, 1895. ,- - > ■_____■ _, _—__——_____________________—■ — mmmmm ■ , DELINQUENT SALE NOTICES... ; D~ ELINQUEyf 8 A LE^OnCE^GOLDEN Eagle Mining Company— Location of principal place of business, Han Francisco, California; loca- tion of work*. Devils Gate Mining District, Lyon County, Nevada. ' . »:.. Notice— There are delinquent 'upon ; the following described stock, ~r. account of assessment (No. 1), levied on the Bth day of January, 1895, the several amounts set opposite tbe names of the re- spective shareholders, as follows: .-"--■■"-. - -„•-• -'-' v; "• .. __•-;. - No. . . . Names. ... So. Cert. Shares. Amount. . Morris H0efUcb... ....-.;. ...'6 10,000 $1,500 00 H. M. Levy, Trustee ,7 20.000 3,000 00 .H.M. Levy, Trustee.; 8-- 1,000-. 16000 H. Levy, Tru5tee......... 9 1,000 150 00 1 H.M. Levy, Trustee.... ....10 1,000 150 00 1 ' H. M. Levy ,' Trustee. .;..... 11 1,000 ' 150 00 H.M. Levy, Trustee....'.. • 600 75 00 E. B. Holmes, Trustee 18 20,000 " 3,000 00' E. B. Holmes, Trustee 19 7,900 1,185 00 i E. 8. -Holmes, Tru5tee. ......20. -995 149 25. ' - _ And In accordance with law, and an order from j the Board of Directors, made on the eighth day of | January. 1895, so many shares of each parcel of such stock as may be necessary, will be sold at pnb- j lie auction at the office of the company, room 50, ; Nevada Block,- No. 809 Montgomery street, San Francisco, California, on MONDAY',. the fourth ! day of March, 1895. at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. ' of said day, to pay said delinquent; assesiment | thereon, together with costs of advertising and ex- penses of sale. *-: ,o «« '--'•.„ -*■ B - HOLMES. Secretary. ■-' ' - Office— 60, Nevada Block. No. 809 Moat- gomery street, San Francisco, California. •POSTPONEMENT..;. - ! 7 Notice Is hereby given that by order of the Board , Of Directors the date of the sale of delinquent stock for assessment No. lis hereby postponed to MON- ' DAY, the •_*,>-! day of March, A. D. 1895, at the ' same time and place. -. *->■■ •■-•■.-' ! ; E. B. HOLMES, Secretary. 7 : < ; :, -GOLDEN : ; A. LE "MINING COMPVNY.' ! , „v FURTHER POSTPONEMENT. 1 Notice Is hereby given that by order of the Board of .Directors the day of the sale of d-llnquenl stock 1 _ for assessment No. 1 Is hereby I further postponed to WEDNESDAY, the 24th. day of April,. A. D. \ 1895, at the same time and place. - . *. « K.B. HOLMES, Secretary. ; THE SAN FRANCISCO . CALL, MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1895. „i ' PERSON AL,S.7 •:'..: . nXC— HAIR-DRESSING,' 25c; ! ANY, STYLE. MO B. SPITZ, 111 Stockton st. ■■-:-.- - . PRIVATE LESSONS IN STAGE AND BALL- • room dances. PROF. LOVE, 121 a Powell st, GENUINE STEAM AND ELECTRIC BATHS. MISS STANLY*, 110 V Stockton St., room. 14.* T\riLL MISS KATIE MORAN, WHO WORKED 1 1 at NW. cor.of Gough and Jackson sts. In 1891, please send her address to A., box 10, this office. -: CANCER— PAINLESS TREATMENT; ELEC- triclty. MRS. LEE, 327 Ellis st. . ,• ' > ■ CLOAKS, CAPES AND SUITS RETAILED AT mfrs^cost. . Factory, 20 Sansome St.. upstairs. WANTED— INFORMATION CONCERNING 11 CATHERINE ELIZA > CAMPBELL,, or MANSFIELD COMPTON, attorney at law, resi- dents of San Francisco in 1856 and subsequently. Address DONZEL STONEY, 4 Sutter st; . . - *'. MRS. VILLE-SN YDER HAS REMOVED her Oratorical, -. Vocal and Dramatic Academy to 519 Van Ness aye; vocal classes Monday, 8 p. m., $1 mo. : dramatic ' classes Wednesday, Bp. m,; Fri- day, 3 p.m., $3 mo.; children, .Saturday, 12:30 P.M., 50c mo.; private lessons; stage for practice, y ADVICE FREE ; DIVORCE LAWS ASPECIAL- tv ; collections, damages, wills, deeds, etc. G. W. HOWE, Att'y-at-law, 850 Market., cor. Stockton. BEY DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTUR- and save . big money; : exerlasting enamel letters, signs and labels are made only by Baker Manufacturing Company, 491 Halght st. pHARLEY'-CURE~YOUR DANDRUFF, IT VJ looks bad and leads to a diseased scalp; one bottle of Smith's x>andruff Pomade is guaranteed to cure or money refunded; price $1, at all drug- stores. SMITH BROS., manufacturers, Fresno, Cal. CUT IN PRICES OF SWITCHES, WIGS, bangs, natural curl: La Verite curling fluid ex- cels; hair dressed -25c. La Verite Hair-dressing Bazaar. 1170 Market st., over Maze. ; -. - . OK CENTS: HAIR DRESSING; ANY STYLE. CiO B. SPITZ, 111 Stockton st. ■, KINETosi -opes FOR SALE; PHONOGRAPH outfits bought for cash. . . Bacigalupi, 946 Mkt. HEADQUARTERS LONG DISTANCE TELE- phpnes, cheap; send for prices..' Klein Electric Works, 720 Montgomery st., San Francisco, Cal. TriSITLNG-CARDS ENGRAVED AT ROBERT- V SON'S, 126 Post st. •:. ,- =t: : HIGHEST PRICE PAID LADIES* OR GENTS' cast-off clothing. Send postal, J. F., 15 Russ st. PACIFIC STATES DETECTIVE AGENCY, 20 Ellis St., rms. 1 A 2; telephone, main 5506, S. F. "UIINE SUITS, $15; DRESS PANTS, $4 75. F Misfit Parlors, 14 Geary st. "ITTEDDING INVITATIONS ENGRAVED AND »> printed. ROBERTSONS, 126 Post st. 7 . OLD -BUILDINGS BOUGHT AND SOLD, store-fixtures, doors, windows, lumber, pipe, etc.; cheap. Yard 1166 Mission st.. nr. Eighth. T\TB COULDN'T DO THE BUSINESS WE'RE » 1 doing if prices were not right. Carpets, new and second hand, from.. ...25c up Oak Bed Sets $17 60 up Mattings, per yard.;... 7c up Linoleum, per yard. ; ................600 Kitchen Chairs..... .....;. 26c ! Kitchen Tables ..........;. .;....'... $150 EVERYTHING IN PROPORTION. Largest stock and store in the city: lowest prices; easy terms, If desired. J; NOONAN, 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission St., above Sixth. Open evenings. - •-■"■ *- QECOND-HAND AS WELL as NEW . BARS, I O showcases, counters, shelvings, mirrors, desks, i safes, chairs, scales, etc., and a very large stock of them, too: be sure and see stock and get prices be- fore going elsewhere. J. NOONAN, 1017-1019- -1021-1023 Mission st., above Sixth. _ . GAS FIXTURES AND PLUMBING. ' 623 Golden Gate aye. H. HUFSCHMIDT. PIANO LESSONS, 25c HALF-HOUR; GEIT man lady. 1126 Howard st. - / OLD GOLD, SILVER. .GENTS' AND LADIES' clothing bought. COLMAN, 41 Third st. WINDOW sua DBS MANUFACTURED TO >> order by WILLIAM McPHUN. 1196 Market. CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— WEEKLY. CALL, sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $1 60, post- age free. ■■ ■ • . ■ ■ ■ -■-. ■■■„.-.■■!- ! DRESSMAKERS. ; FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING. AT PRICES that defy competition. 828 California st. .' yy ;.. 7-y . -.-. DENTISTS. '.'. .'■•. .;--.- AT CHALFA^S'S,BMAB&NCOR. MARKET, ■ JCjl- sets of teeth are made to please or no charge ; .on bridges, crowns and gold I plates prices reduced ; small gold fillings only $2; painless extraction.-, "y. vA .NY' ..TOOTH ■•' FILLED OR .- EXTRACTED XX. painlessly by my secret method without dan- gerous cocaine- or gas; won 8 first prises; prices rea- s onable; -work warranted; all- operations expertly ■ done; remember .1 -have removed from 6 to 20 : O'Farrell st. DR. .GEORGE W. LEEK •'• ; ■■*■ y. DE .1..1. LEEK, 1 fifth— open evenings! and Sunday until noon. - DR. C. --.E- BLAKE'S- INDESTRUCTIBLE ■JJ. teeth— LATEST INVENTlON— Especially for . bridge work; positively guaranteed never to break; any patient once seeing-, them will admit this is the ..tooth.. most wanted; also DR. -BLAKE'S enameled platinum crowns; no display, of g01d. 7 '" • • THE. HIGHEST ART. IN DENTISTRY.. ■ ■■•;': Prices moderate. •■ 'Office 406 Sutter, nr. Stockton. RQ.OME DENTAL ASSOCIATION. 769 MAR? ket. bet. 3d and. 4th, gas specialists; only reli- able agent for mess, .-ex tract ion: artificial teeth frm $.">.; fillings from $1 : extracting 50c, with gas $1 DP.. -RE A, .9. sixth *>l".: ALL DENTAL WORK at lowest prices ana >varranted; open evenings; ■ d_ 7 ASET FOR- TEETH; WARRANTED AS S. C.BIGELOW, Trustee. ■ ■ '*"- '-'.'--■ ARTHUR SMITH, Trustee:. * A Japanese- Paper Uniform. - -" As we" write we.'are clad in a suit of paper as .supplied to the Japanese soldier on ser- vice. It Is : thoroughly: l i ht, easy 7 under the arms -and over the chest. The trousers, it ; is - : true., are knickerbockers," and • lead to the ; impression: that the Japanese soldier, invariably; wears his left leg - shorter j than his right; but this, we ' believe, is the V re- sult of art ; rather j than nature.:; It is said that this | paper, never tears, is very warm, and seldom wears out. We should -recom- mend that the poor to wear :*P."* M. G. under their coats -this" cold weather. A. man might makea ! ; hand- some :- : living ?byy- having* advertisements printed on himself, after the manner^of the praying 7 machine. These clothes would •_ also ;-: make ■ good pajamas, being elegantly Htted 7 with tapes and > buttons, ' just like ' ■ real. ;.: Lo Ben likes them. ;' We got into them without tearing them, but we "are >. not \ quite ' sure whether we ? shall ever get out • again. 3 Later— We got out of them, but * they are* very ; difficult "to 7 fold up.— Fall Mall Gazette.. ; . ' *■ "" 7 « —^. —^ ■ ' —^— ';."•■' : "If j --you don't take Langley's Directory/ you don't get the names.'.' - Out Monday. y •-. . ;. .-;■- ?■■ ;.-"-'• - • ■ ■ .;.-. -.-. -.-.,- '... HOTEIyAEEIVALS. PALACE HOTEL. : ,-- " ..'. : • 7 Mrs E Morris A child, HI Krlehn, St Louis ■ J Campbell A wife, Cal J A White, Boston .'- II J Davis, Omaha r v* "H W G McClellan, Pa : 7 E Leseure and wife, HI Mrs C P Kellogg, Chicago Mrs P I shorn, Chicago O J McGUroy Aw, Wis -%' J B Stocking, Wisconsin Miss Mascom, St Louis Miss L Mascom, St Louis J Jacoby, New York ; ;- A B Bowers, city : . C X Offleld, Chicago G W Roope, Boston . CC Irwin and wife, Pa " J V Beckman, N V -7 Lieut G* B ; Cassatt and Mrs J S Cone, Red Bluff. Wife, Ft Walla Walla Miss Cone, Red Bluff * ~F A Cundrlll Yokohama W T Smith, Elk, Nev y F Lane, city .-> > . •'•' A Goldsmith. NY : . 7; Mrs O W Guilds, La Miss Chllds, Louisiana "H E Spellman &w, Ohio Mrs M T Ballard, Day ton T T l_ne Angels Camp -".' C W Cowles, Chicago '•■-' P T Evans, Riverside • > '■', J F Kideer and wife, Cal B M Newcomb. Oat Hill H Phillips. Cal;: ~ Miss B Liechtenstein, NY J M Liechtenstein, N V A Rahl and wife, Colo - - Joseph Stern, Mexico . *' GRAND HOTEL. P A Buell, Stockton AS Levinskv, Stockton ' W Hal ison, Cal .-' H M Slater. Oakland W M McKay, Napa J H Cooper, Vallejo L G Harries, Vallejo ,7?. '•■' G Van Gorden, San Jose Tom Fox, Sacramento • Justice Young, Oakland - A M Peache, Cal v E A Mlzner, Cal . Mrs D W Small, Wis - Miss Smali, Wis J Thomann, St Helena E C Peart, Colusa J C Jones A w, Sacto Walter Bruce, Chicago 0 J Gates/Eureka • *. J Puhman, St Louis -• C H Fink, Crows Ldg . Miss E Hlrsch.CrowsLdg Miss J Fink, Crows Ldg i E Z Bowen, Visaiia J Solomon _ f, Nev , J L Tucker, Sacto 1 H Craven, China Mrs O P Wyland, la ;••■'"- J J Smith, Chlco ' • JO Trafton, Los Angeles J Anderson. Fort Worth A Towle A w, Towle ■ Miss F R Hal*ev, Towle Miss Ina Towle, Towle B B Pettlt, S Cuts Obispo .' S Rackliffe «fcw,S L Obispo * 7-7 > RUSS HOUSE. V . JO Jones. Sierra S Leeley, Loom Is : F Hussey, Santa Cruz -., Mrs W Parr. Seattle Mrs W B Griffith A son; B O Collins, Los Angeles Seattle R Ben _ w, Redding * R M Johnson, Carey . W • Hammell, OrVass Val J Weber A w. San Jose ; J Harrison, Dunsmulr F Stanley, Stockton .J L Dunn, Benlcia 7.; D Allen, 'Wisconsin . •-■' J Staley, Kentwood .-,' J O Hocking, Socto W Walsh, San Jose * 3 W Eddy, Eureka C Hunt, Fort Bragg :'-y-;' H Whitney, Fort Bragg -MC Huntress. Ft Bragg Dr Wliltten, Utica J Dillon. New York .. -. Mrs Wallinsom, Chicago H Dillon, New York Miss A Smith, Chicago S Hamilton, Oakland M Taylor, Palo Alto '- W Earl, Dixon S La Montague.Los Gatos Julia La Montague, Los ELa Montague, Los Gatos Gatos r G W Gibson, Williams, L L Gates, Healdsburg NEW WESTERN HOTEL. J R Gunigle, Los Angeles D Crotty, Calcutta J(i Pollard, St Paul • A E Johnson, Cal •r v; F (i Fitzgerald, Oakland (' R Drew A w. Me Annie Johnson, Tacoma Chas Day, Chicago A A Armstrong, Chicago J J Whipple, Cincinnati J S Sprague, Cincinnati - , . ; . BALDWIN HOTEL. M Levy, NY S Coster, Alexander X Remenvl. Hungary E W Conable, Mg (on Co 3 T Normile, Chicago C A Jones, Reno Miss Stein The Passing of Steam. It is confidently predicted, and seems self-evident, that the complete disappear ance of steam, both as a motive power and as an agent in the industrial arts, is a ques tion of only a very short time. It is prob able, indeed, that a single decade will put it upon the retired list, so far as machinery is concerned at least. The problem of the motor stands directly upon the threshold of success; a year or a month may suffice for the one step in advance. A single happy inspiration upon the part of one of the many clever minds actively engaged in searching for the la-■■•' Santa Cruz— l2oo bbls lime, 52 cs cheese, 15 bxs butter, 1 bx eggs, 10 rolls leather, 4 pipes Cala wine, 3 pkgs carpets. . - Pigeon Point— bxs cheese, 0 bxs butter, 3 sks abalones. - *„- • • ...'■- «-.--•. -<-. • . - Ames Port— l92s sks beans. Consignees. Per Pomona— Paladin! ; Amer Press Assn ; A H Heney; Brigham, Hoppe A.Co: C E Whitney A Co; Dodge, Sweeney A Co ; FB Haight; Bancroft.Whit ney A Co; Feiling, Cressy A Co: Getz Bros A Co; Higgins A Collins: Hills Bros; H Llebes ACo: C Hel wig: J H Newbauer A Co; Atlas Iron Works: Marshall, Teggart A Co ; Norton, Teller A Cc; Dal ton Bros; standard Oil Co; South San Francisco Packing Co: W P Fuller A Co ; Wells, Fargo A Co; Wheaton, Breon A Co; Christy A Wise; G X Por ter; E It Stevens A Co; H Dutard: Wlckson; Greenbaum, Well & Mlchels: G de Luca: J R Han- IfyACo; Humboldt Mineral Water Co; J J Mont gomery A Co; McKay A Co; Mo wry A Morse; Wm Blake; A R McCollough ; D Vervalin A Co; Geo L Sweet; J M Moore. . Per Noyo— W B Sumner A Co; Anspacher Bros ; J S Kimball; « (i Harblne; Waterhonse A Lester; W A Mitchell; Sutro Railway Co; Union Lumber Co. - -,'•.- . - . - . -...',.-.. ;..*,-., PerSunol— Dairymens Union: Deßernardi A Co; F B Halght: Martin, Feusler A Co; Wilson A Dev llbfss; Ross A Hewlett: American Union Fish Co; Tlllmann A Bendel: DE Allison A Co: Wells, Rus sell & Co; Brown Bros it Co; WyWittling & Co; Robin's it Gerdon: Murray Bros. - Per -Weeott — Russ, Sanders A Co; FBHaight; Brigham, Hopne A Co: . Wheaton, Breon A Co: D Vervalin A Co: .1 II Newbauer A Go; G G Wlckson. A Co; 'Norton, Teller A Co; Dairymen's Union; Pa cific Vinegar and Pickle Cot C E Whitney A Co; Gets Bros A Co;: Ross A Hewlett ; Witzel A Baker;: Marshall, Teggurt A Co; E R Stevens A Co; Witt land A Co; standard Oil Co; Baker A Hamilton; H. Llebes A Co ; U Dutard :• D E Allison A Co ; Chas Jacobse.n c Per Alice Blanchard—H Dutard 7 Thos Watson; Geo Morrow A Co; Thomas Loughran : Pac Eleva tor Co; Balfour, Guthrie A Co; Porter Bros A Co: Hoffman A Alexander; Hulse, Bradford A Co: JH Boggess -..Ohlandt & Co: Max Goldstein A Co; Ber tln.A Lepori.; J. Capella- Dalzlel & Moller; • P' G Baldwin; Greenbaum, Well A Mlchels ; , Kohn A Nathan; Macondray A Co; United- Vinegar Co." -Per Gipsy— ll Dutard; Chas Jacobsonr F X St*> vens A. Co; M T Freltas; O B Smith; Dodge, Sweeney- A • Co; Dairymen's .Union: .Wheaton, Breou A Co; Henry Cowell A Co: Hammond* Brod ;':'• Blake, • MOffltt A .Towne : Herman Joost • Goldberg. Bowen A CO; Western Sugar. Refining Co: Standard OH Co:.W T Garrett A Co; • Stauffer A Co;- Enterprise Brewery BIRTHS-MARRIAG&-DEATBS. • 7 [Birth, marriage ana death notices sent by mall ■ will not be inserted. They must be handed In at ■ either of the publication offices Mad- be : indorsed with the name and residence of .person's authorized to have the. same published. . * > y BOB?). ;-.'■ - ■'.•■ : . EDWARDS— In this city, March .-, 1895, to the .•• -wife of George Edwards, a son. •-':,.-'.' .GROSKRENZ^in this city, March 26, 1895, tO the ■•• Wife of Frank Groskrenz, a daughter. •'-.-.. : LEWIS— In Oakland, March 29, 1895- to the wife ; .of John Lewis, a Bon. HANSEN-In Oakland' March 25, 1895, to the wife. of George A, Hansen, a daughter, .. BERWICK— In San Leandro, March 29, 1895, to ■.:- the wife of .Charles C. Berwick, a son. -:•. '--.- ".•'. -' y.-.;.- MARRIED. HAMMOND— GRAHAM— In this city, March. 27, ; • 1895. by the Rev. M. M. Gibson, Hugh ,W. Ham- ; . mond and. Miss Lizzie Graham, both of San Fran- cisco. 'V. ; ' ; •-.' „;•; '.'■■. 7., -.":; DIED. : 'y '' : 77: l '•'.' '■'■'.■ : .'.- - : .'. ' Anderson. Martha' '/■■>.., Harm6n, Foster 8. ... ■■*'■ ; Buckley, Grace L. •' Johnson, Ralph L. '.•'- -. Coleman, Thomas P. ••'• • Jenson, Antone — • :-;■ Carpenter, William H. Knlll, William H. ■-' . ' * • Connors, Julia ■ /• ■ Lawson, Mary •. •' .-; Dooley, Michael ' ■";-. Murphy," John T. : Davis, Sadie W. . '•'.. McMahon, Philander ■■• Dennis,* Alfred S. .• . . Ryan, Mrs. Captain " ". Enright, Dr. CM.- : " •. • Schilling, Adam ; . : English, Sarah A. .- ■ ■ • Stoutenburgh. Isaac A. y Fitzpatrick, Rev. T. -. Schaffer, Louis - • V Fitzgerald, Margaret ' ' Tanlere, Eugene > Gallagher, Catherine M. Van Horn, Mrs. T. C. - Gibson, Henry Y. .. •',*• Valeur-Petersen, J. C. ANDERSON— In thlscity. March SO, 1896, Martha, : beloved wife of John Anderson, a native of • County Donegal, Ireland, aged 28 years 8 months .-• and 15 days. ■ '■- •; ' -? *. ''■ , Friends ,\nd acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY • (Monday), at . 1 o'clock p. it., • from- the par- lors of H. F. Suhr, A Co., 1209 Mission street, . near Eighth." thence to St. Luke's Episcopal ■ ■ Church, corner Clay street and Van Ness avenue, .'. : where funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock p. M. Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. v7y BUCKLEY'— In Alameda, March 28, 1895, Grace • : Laura Buckley, aged 10 months.;- ■ ' - -. . r',-*= , CARPENTER— In Oakland, March 30, 1895, Wil- liam Henry, beloved husband of Harriet Carpen- ter, and father of Mrs. A. A. Batkin and Tom and Edward H. Carpenter, a native of England, aged 70 years 1 month and 29 days. ■ y •. - *- ■ Friends and ; acquaintances are respect- ' fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Tuesday), at 10 o'clock a. m., from his late resi- y dence, 1865 - Fourth avenue, East Oakland. In- terment Mountain View Cemetery. ■■ CONNORS— In- this ; city, March 81, 1895, r Julia • Connors, aged 67 years. * - y COLEMAN— this city, March 29 1895, Thomas . P. Coleman, a native of Ireland, aged 68 years. DAVIS— in this city, Sadie ' W., wife of Fred A. ; Davis, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. .... Sprague, a native of Maine. 7 \ .\\ ...>-.!.^: '■'■ Clara County, .-'.'.March 29, 1895, Dr. Charles M. Enright, beloved I son of Mrs. Margaret Enright and the late James - * Enright, a native of California, aged ■32 years 7 ': months and 7 days. - > „ * _Q_rFriends * and ; acquaintances are respect- . fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Monday),, at 10 o'clock a. m.. from the I family residence at ' Lawrence, 'thence < to St.* Claire's ' -j I Chnroh, i Santa Clara,', where a 1 solemn - requiem : • 7 high v mass ' will >- be • .- said for • the .. - repose of : . - his soul,' commencing at -l 1 o'clock a: _. -. Inter- "■ y ment at Santa Clara. 7. -y* ' ," -.-■ 1 ENGLISH— In '■ Oakland, Martn ! 80, .1895, at . the ■ residence of; her sister, ; Mrs. L. McNalljv Sarah Anne, • belovefl wife of Joseph rM. •; English, a na- • 7 tive of I'aterson, N.J. ;..*.-• .:•;■. *.-■., jj_rFrfends ' and ; acquaintances : : are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Tuesday),"' from St. ' Mary's | Cathedral; where a I solemn requiem mass . will be | celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at ' 10:30 o'clock • ' a. x. *: Interment private. ?. y. ,;-:.-»^' -:,' ;■;?-, -y . : ;■■ yyv; ; FITZPATRICK— In this city, March 29.1895, Rev. -i. Timothy . Fitzpatrick, ■ v rector -| of --■ All-Hallow's H Church, a native of Ross Carbnrey,' County Cork, ' '■ Ireland, aged 53 years 1 month and 27 days.'-.-Ci.j . ;-.' 7/ «_r Friends .- and f acquaintances ~ are * respect- : ■ fully invited Ito I attend ; the funeral THIS DA V, : r-j; (Monday), at ; 10 o'clock a. m., from All-Hallow's I Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be j 'celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at -10 i O'clock a. _. r Interment Mount Calvary >?. Cemfltcp-^a^flj-^w^yiß^Elltf^'^^W'^PTßiCT j !Y. M. Officers and members of Loyola Council ■- 1 No 32, Y. M. 1., are I hereby notified |to assemble at Myrtle ; Hall -■ THIS * DAY . (Monday), ■at 9 * o'clock a.m.; to attend the funeral of our late brother, Rev. -Father Timothy *.' Fitspatrlck. ,- - Fines for non-attendance. v By order, • • JOHN J. RYAN, President. . J as. J. Donovan. Rec. Sec. FITZGERALD— In Santa Clara,' March 31, 1895, ;-■ Margaret Fitzgerald, a native of Ireland, aged 60 years. ..'.-:■■'.;■.-;. :-j ■ ... .y. ■■;■•,. y\: ■ ,/y 7 - GALLAGHER— In this city, March 30. 1895, Cath- erine M. Gallagher, beloved mother of William TX - and George H. Doyle and Joseph G. and Edward B. Gallagher, a native of County Galway, Ireland, _ aged 55 years. ° .;- *3*FrlendB - and acquaintances are respect- . fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Monday), at 8:30 o'clock f m.. from her. late residence, 1221 ? Valencia street, thence to ■ St. , James Church, • where a solemn requiem mass '. will be ' celebrated for ' the repose of her soul, - commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. - Interment Holy r Cross Cemetery. t ,' ; . 7. GIBSON— In this ctty, March 81, 1895, Henry V., . beloved husband of. Nancy J. Gibson and father a of Sadie I. and John T. Gibson, a native of ' Penn- sylvania, aged 45 years 1 month and 8 days. [Lebanon (Or.) papers please copy. J ---.:- ;■;-'-.- JOSTFrlends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the. funeral TO-MORROW (Tuesday), r at 2 o'clock p. s M., from the par- lors of the California Undertaking Company, 123 Stockton street, corner Geary. • Interment Laurel .Hill Cemetery. ; ;- - HARMON— In this city, March 27, 1895, Foster B. Harmon, a native of Missouri, aged 59 years 1 - month and 16 days. :■ ■; ■ .'■ • JENSON— In this city. March 30, 1895, Antone Jenson, a native of Denmark, aged 40 years. * JOHNSON— In Buena Vista. Cal., March 29, 1895, Ralph L. Johnson, aged 9 months and 18 days. .KNILL— In this city, March 29, 1895, William H. .' Knill, a native of California, aged 3 years. LAWSON— In Oakland. March 30, 1895, Mary, be- loved wlie of the late Harry Lawson, and mother of Marie, Annie and ! Lulu Lawson, Mrs. E. B. Wilson of Sacramento and Mrs. H. J. Rossi of Idaho, a native of Dublin. Ireland, aged 59 years. «Wlnterment .at Rio Vista, Cal., TO-MOR- ROW (Tuesday). ."..?■ :«-v.-v'y MURPHY— In this city, March 31, 1895. John T. <; Murphy, beloved husband of Julia Murphy, and '.. brother of Eugene, Hanora and Ellen Murphy, • Mrs. Redmond Walsh and Mrs. John- Shea, and son-in-law of Timothy and Hannah Sheehan, . a native of . the parish of j Dromthaeriffe, County Cork, Ireland, aged 29 years. . ; --:v7 ;7 ''-y McMAHON— In this city, March 28, 1895, Philan- ; der McMahon, a native of Ohio, aged 68 years and 5 months. '.7:sa*o!SBsiß_ps©£^ RYAN— this city, March 30, 1895, Mrs. Cap- tain Ryan, beloved mother of Mrs. R. W. Gavnor of North San Juan and the late Mrs. Mary Scott, a native of County Tlpperarv, Ireland, aged 82 years. - - ■ jayFrlends . and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Monday), at 8:30 o'clock a. m., from her late residence, 324 Jones street, corner of Ellis, thence to St. Mary's Cathedral, O'Farrell street and Van Ness avenue, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. Interment - Mount Calvary Cemetery. SCHILLING— In this city, March 29, 1895, Adam. beloved husband of Anna Schilling, and father of - George, Joseph, Sophie, Addm, Bertha and Annie .-Schilling, a native of Baden, Germany, aged 54 years and 14' days. A member of Pacific Council No. 8, O.C. F. - ■■-■ Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Monday), at 2 o'clock p.m., from his late resi- d ence, 1255 Eighteenth street, above Douglass. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. STOUTENBURGH— In this city, March 30, 1895, . Isaac A., beloved husband of Hermine Stouten- burgh, and father of Edgar C. Stoutenbnrgli, a native of New York, aged 69 years. Friends and acquaintances . are respect- filly Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Monday), at 1 o'clock p. m.. from his late resi- dence,. 14 Va -Moss street. Interment Cypress i Lawn Cemetery. SCHAFFER— In Oakland, March 30, 1895, Louis Schaffer, a native of Oakland, aged 3 months. TANIERE— In this city, March 28, 1895. Eugene Tanlere, a native of San Francisco, aged 33 years. VAN HORN— this city, March 31, 1895, Mrs. T. | C. Van Horn, wife of T. C. Van Horn, and daugh- | ter of Lena Knock and sister of George, Charles J. and Phillip A. Knock and Mrs. Fred Homer, a native of San Francisco, aged 32 years 1 month and 3 days. .... Friends and . acquaintances are resDect- • fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Tuesday), at 2 o'clock p. it., from her late resi- d ence, 423 Bush street. Interment I. O. O. F. . Cemetery. Remains at J. B. Metzler's under- taking parlors, 636 Washington street. VALEUR-PETERSEN-In this city, March 30, . 1895, at his late residence, 1717b Haight street, ' J. C. Valeur-Petersen, brother of Emll Petersen . and nephew of Adoiph Petersen, a native of Den- ■- mark, aged 38 years. [Lakeport papers please .-oopy.J- . . ' • e.i;' Friends and acquaintances and members of 7 Dania No. 2 and the Scandinavian Society are re- spectfully invited to attend the funeral TO-MOR- ROW.(Tuesday). at 1:30 o'clock p. it., from Odd - ' Fellows' Hall, corner Market and Seventh streets, ' '.where the funeral services will be held under the - auspices of Alta Lodge No. 205, 1. O. O. F. inter- ."■■ ment Cypress Lawn Cemetery. I UNITED UNDERTAKERS' EMBALMING PARLORS. Everything- Requisite for Flrst'class Funerals -.*••■•; -\ . at Reasonable Rates. ' ' Telephone 3167. 27 and 29 Fifth street. j ii i.'.*_ ._;. ... .*'. '„; '.. 'i . — f — „ ■■'.'...'.'. „..':' . ' 77 McAVOY A GALLAGHER, I 7 FUNRRAL DIRECTORS 4 EMBALM SO Fifth St., Opp. Lincoln School. •'.".. .7 Telephone 3080. 1 CYPRESS LAWN CEMETERY. I IN SAN MATEO COUNTY: NON-SECTARIAN; 1 laid out on the lawn plan; perpetual care; beau- tiful, permanent and easy of access; see it before buying a burial place elsewhere. '.' .v .- City "fflce. 9 City Halt Avenas. ■'J. •'".'. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP COMPANY DISPATCH STEAMERS FROM SAN _flPjA_ Francisco for ports in Alaska, 9 a. m., _______£ March 6. 21; April 5, 20. May 6, 20.- -■ V For British Columbia and Puget Sound ports, March C 11,. 16, 21,26, 31, and every fifth day thereafter. •■• •.'.•' - -: '.■..• . ; For Eureka, Humboldt Bay, steamer Pomona, every Wednesday at' 2 p. _. ■ . .'•'.For. 'Newport; Los Angeles and all way ports, March 2, 6, 10, 14. 18, 22, 26, 30, and every fourth day thereafter, Ba. m. * ;-.. -"-.,- -... For San Diego, stopping only at Port Harford, Santa Barbara, Port Los Angeles, Redondo (Los Angeles) and -Newport, March 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24. 28. and every fourth day thereafter, at 11 a. _. For ports in Mexico, 10 a. m., , 25th of each month.-: * ? -, :- -■■Ticket Office— Palace Hotel, 4 -New Montgomery street. '-'- ... - - ; , ■ >.- .-;._<-,. : GOODALL, PERKINS A CO., General Agents, -.-■■• ■ • • ■ ■ . 10 Market St.. San Francisco. * _■_ D A M TO PORTLAND \Jm K. QL HI. AND ASTORA. STEAMSHIPS DEPART FROM SPEAR- O street wharf at 10 a. m. every five days, con- necting at PORTLAND with direct rail lines to all points In OREGON, WASHINGTON and IDAHO. State of California sails March 30, April 9, 19, 29. '"- Columbia sails April 4, 14, 24. , : . Until further notice rates will be REDUCED to ' SIS CABIN., /■' - S6 STEERAGE. . 2 7 For through rates and all other information apply to the undersigned. '■-. " V-.- - Goddam,, PKRKINA A Co. FRED, F. Connok, * Gen'l Supts., Gen'l Agent. 4 New Montgomery st. ; 19 Montgomery st. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. __e3W-____ Coolgardin gold fields AkP^OTtß^ (Fremantle), Austra- ■■"''. __SPS^HnfciWK»r ,»a;_.«220 first class, JLWcF LiyNQmlv '$110 steerage. Lowest JPgl_^gS_^*^~ w ■ rates to Capetown. m m-m^^ p j{>y^9^ m^ Wouth Africa. By .Wft. \B_i Steamship ' Australia, nam _tAUT «Ba Honolulu only, Tues- w__\ _ Ni___lr /Jam -Australian steamer JEW A HAW A sails via - y Honolulu and Auc_- lantl Thursday. April Cook's Parties to Honolulu, April 2. Reduced excursion rates. -. Ticket office 138 Montgomery street. .7 i • : Freight office 327 Market street. j J. D. SPRECKELS A BROS., General Agents. -" ' ■*".-:■ — - ' v.. - : .'-, I'. — «~ — : — — '*• „ . , — ■ ' COMPAGNIEeENERALETRANSATLANTip yyly French Line to Havre. I /COMPANY'S PIER (NEW), 42 NORTH _«-_. • V River, foot of .Morion st. -Travelers by _Bfl_K ! this line avoid both transit by English rall\»„y _„_' r the discomfort of crossing the f channel In a. small boat. New York to Alexandria. Egypt, via' Paris, I first class $160; second class $116. "LA TOURAINE,' Capt,' Santelll .'.;.:......... .. : -*:.'.."...:...:...*...:....;».....;. April 10, 2 :00 p. _t . =LA NORMANDIE, ('apt. Poirot . .... ..."... . "'. _ ......;.......;... ;.....;:..... April 13,6 .OO a. M. I LA G ASCOGNE, Capt. Raudelon.. .........." -'-' ..;....;....-. .i....... ;..:...-..-..... April 20. Noon LA BOORGOGNE, Copt.Leboheuf.....r..... ..*/,» y ........ ..........:;..,,.-.;..;.AprU 117, tOO a. it. r tST For further particulars apply to y A. FORGET. Agent, ■-■' 1 ;*•-•'■ . No. 3 Bowling Green, New York. - , J. F. FUGAZI A CO., - Agents, 5 .Montgomery aye., San Francisco. 7..:. - ROYAL MAIL STEAMJACIET COMPANY. STEAMERS LEAVE 7ASPIN WALL __M_^ fortnightly for the West Indies and («___3 ■ Southampton, - calling *. cn <-- route '~i at ?- Cerbour^h, '. France, and Plymouth to land passengers. : - ' ■ '••■-' ■ -." |_ Through bills of lading, in connection with the ' Pacific Mall S. S. Co.; issued for. freight : and treas- ore to direct ports in England and Germany. 7 ts Through tickets from San Francisco to Plymouth, Cherbourg, Southampton. First class, 'sl9s; third class, $97 60. For • further - particulars i apply to PARROTT' A CO.. Agents, 306 California st. - , - ' - -.- > . • • .: AUCTION SALES. EDWARD 8. SPEAR & CO., ':'". Auctioneers, 31-33 Sutter Street, POLICE" sale. THIS DAY Monday ............April 1,1895 - • .- - » At 10 a. m., In our Salesrooms, ' f •*» *j*l r^ NOS. 31-33 SUTTER STREET, » We will sell, by order of J. H. Widber, Treasurer V of the City and County of San Francisco. '.'-'.■ Sundry Articles of Stolen and Unclaimed Jewelry, - 1 Watches, Pistols, Knives, Clothtag, etc., recovered -.1 by the police. ' - : ______@__B____S_^»k -■■ _, " . - — also jrasßEtf.^fjjra A -Lot of TRUNKS AND CLOTHING, by. order y ; t Of the Coroner of this city and county, i y , ,^y . ■;{ EDWARD "s. SPEAR A CO.. Auctioneers, '! . : :■,?. :"■:" .: - ;■-- 31 and 33 Sutter street. WILLIAM BUTTERFIELD ~ Will sell at Auction THIS DAY, April 1, 1895. at 313 PACIFIC STREET, near Battery, : Elegant • Polished Walnut Bar, French-plate Bar Mirrors, Colored - v Plate-glass ; Nickel-trimmed \ Swinging Doors, Glassware and Contents. of Dining-room,' ;'""' Kitchen and 15 Bedrooms, Rubber Bar Mats. Lino- leum, Tables and (hairs. -. , • WILLIAM BUTTERFIELD. .'. . --' * v ------ Auctioneer. Crocker Building. ° : r RAILROAD TRAVEL! _____ SMFRMCISCO& NORTH PA- CIFIC RAILWAY CO. I, ' Tlburon. Ferry— of Market St* \ San Francisco to San Rafael. WEEK DAYS— 7:4O, 9:20, 11:00 a.m.: 12:35, 3:30, 6:10, 6:30 p. m. Thursdays— Extra trip at 11:30 p. x. Saturdays— Extra trips at 1:50 and 11:30 p. m. . -%; '^ • -° . - BUNDAYS-8:00, 9:30, 11:00 a.m.; 1:30, 3:30, 5:00, 6:20 P. M. 7 San Rafael to San Francisco. WEEK DAYS— 6:2S, 7:55, 9:30, 11:10 a. m.; -; 12:46, 3:40, 6:10 p. m. Saturdays— Extra tripe at 1 :55 p. m. and 6:35 p. m. SUNDAYS— ft -.10, 9:40, 11:10 A. M.; 1:40, 3:40, 5:00, 6:25 p.m. • •- ,--° : s Between San Francisco and Schuetsen Park same - ,".: schedule as above. . - * J . y Leave T „ _— __, I Arrive San Francisco. xov. L Ban Francisco. "Week I Sow- n-.lfnatien Sex-' ' Wjcjck' . Days. I days. "'""nation. | : DAYa . . | Days. 7:40 am|8:00 am i Novato, 1 -.40 am 8:50 a_ 8:30 9.30 am Petaluma, i 6:05 pm 10:3O am 6:10 pm 1 5:00 pm, Santa Rosa. 7:30 pm 6.15 PM - " T— Fulton. .- ~~" 7:40 am Windsor, 10:30 am Healdsburg, . ° ...... ., Geyserville, - .* • 8:30 pm 8.00 am (foyerdale. 7:30 pm 6:16 pm ' j " |~ Fleta, = " 1 ; "" ! Hopland A • " I 7:40 am 8:00 am Ukiah. 7:30 pm| 6:16 pm 7:40 am I I 1 10:39 AM 8:00 am GuerrUtvllle. | 7:30 pm 8:80 pm 7 ! ' I 6:15 PM 7 7:40 ami 8.00 am Sonoma J 10:40 am 8:60 am 6:10 pm 5:00 pm and I 6:05 pm 6:15 pm Glen Ellen. : ___________________________________ :40 a M i 8 :00 a M ; ~^~7' ODOI ]10:40 am[lo:3o a M 8:80 PM|5:OO *___!____ * | 6:05 pm| «:15pm . . Stages connect at Santa Rosa for Mark West Springs. Stages connect at Geyserville for skaggs Springs. Stages connect at Pieta for Highland Springs, ! Kelseyvllle, soda Bay, Lakeport. Stages connect at L'kitih for Vichy Springs, Blue Lakes, Upper Lake, Lakeport, Bonneville, Green- i wood, Orr's Hot Springs. Mendocino Ctty, Fort ! Bragg, Usal, West-port, Cahto. .Wllletts, Calpella, | Porno, Potter Valley. John Day's, Li vely's, Gravelly I Valley, Harris, Blocksburg, Brldgeville, Hydesville | end Eureka. ! Saturday to Monday round-trip tickets at reduce. ! sates. i . On Sundays round-trip tickets to all points be- yond San Rafael at half rates. Ticket .Offices, corner New ' Montgomery eat Market streets, under the Palace Hotel. X. C. WHITING, R. X. RYAN, ■ ■-. • '■■• :..;:" Gen. Manager. • ' Gen. Pass. 4f«»fc_^ \>^SAUSALITO FERRY, . U>^SAUSALITD FERRY. 7^<. - -•.'-■■"- ' °. . LEAVE — ROM Map.c„ 12, 1395. — AHRtVI ,' '•- 7.. >"*•"-' through to New 0r1ean5.....;.:.. }1: 13p O:0Oa New Orleans Express,' •Raymond, ■'■■-. - Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Dew- ing, El Paso, New Orleans and, Ea5t........... ._*. ; l:OOp Niles, San Jose and Livermore...... *«:4.>\ ..:.... Niles, Ban Jose and Livermore Jl l:ir> v . -'■ ■'.; •l:0Op Saorainento River Steamers 0:00 , fl:3op Port Costa and Way Stations........ fB:43ji -:©op Martinez, Sau Ramon, Benicia, -■:.- X *" Vallejo, Napa, alistoga, El Ver- ■ _, y a no and Santa R05a............. 0:13 a 4:00p Vacaville, - Woodland, Knights , . 'J Landing, Marysviile, Oroville and ' ■■ -5a0ramcnt0............ 11:48* ' 4:30p Niles, San Jose, Livermore, and . Stockton ....:..........,.:......;. 7tlsp 5:0 Op Los Angeles Express, Fresno, Bakers- ; field, Santa Barbara -and Los Ange1e5............. .........; 10:15* S:OOp Santa Fe Route, Atlantic Express • for Mojave and East..*... .v.. 10:13* ■*•• 3 : 30 p European Mall (via Martinez and ' ". ■' - Stockton) Ogdcn and Fa5t........ 10:45* 0.-OOp Hnywards, Nil. nnd Sail J055...... 7:4.1* v t6:OOp Vallejo ...........?............. S: 15* 0:00 p Oregon Express (via Martinez and Stockton) Sacramento, MarysvlUfe, • . Redding, Portland, I'uget Sound and Ea5t........ "............ 10:43* 10.-OOP Port Costa and Way Stations. = No t ■'.;'■ ■". -- '- - baggage carried on this train . ...-....., y 7 ,7\ . H i> '■■i SASTA C'lU'Z DIVISION (yarrow Gauge). *: B:15a Newark, Cputerville.Huii.lose.Felton, . i • Boulder Creek, Santa Cruz and Way < 5tati0n5..:.......;.........;...-...-' 5:50p i » *8:15p Newark. Centerville, San Jose, New ; - - . . * *. .- ,i r ''_ Almaden, Felton, Boulder Creek, • __-> -'■' . ..'.-... :■■:;■ Santa , Cruz and . Principal Way * '— m/ ■'" ■■■ - -;« v • 5tati0n5................... ■..'.'.....-•-1:20* '_ - 4:1 5 p Newark, San Jose, Los Gat 05........ ' 9:30* f11:45p Hunters' Train for Newark. Alvlao, .; -.. , ' * San Jose, Los Gatos and Way \ "•■-■ 5tati0n5 ....;;:;...;..-........:..... 4* { '■; - y>* COAST DIVISION (Tliird A TewViieMil. Stio~" 0:45 a San Joso. New Almaden aud M'ay-.f-.-- ~" 5tati0n5 . . .?. ........ ...,;.. -„ 1:45_» 8:13 a Sau Jose, Tres Piuos, Santa Cruz. Paclilo Grove, Paso Robles, San . o Luis Obispo atci Principal Way ".•■.'-; ,7; ." -'=•■■•''., Stations ...*...-...' "—.,....... 7:03 p -_B 10:10 a San Joss and Way Stations.,....-... . 5:O0p .•1 1: 15a Palo Alto and Way Station? ...... 3:30 > ' 7* . •2:-_(»i- Sau Jose, Gilroy, ires Pinos Santa ''/■*. Cruz, Salinas, -erey and Pacilio - Gr0ve........... ........:.'..'...... *10:40* •3:3opSanJoseandPt«iirtpalWayStatlous «: 17* " * .:25t> Palo Alto and W*y Stations V..~... *8:0« a ' 5:1 Op San Jose and Way 5tati0n5.. ....... * *8:4S« ■' 7' '- 0:30p Palo Alto and Way Stations . ....... fi:ass. fll:13p Palo Altoand Principal Way Stations ' 38a CREEK ROUTE FERRY. - From SIR FRANCISCO— of Haricot Street (Slip B)—* --i ' .7- •7:00 8:00 >>y 9:00 *10:00 1100 a m r ■ ' : - '12.30 $1:00 V" * 2:00 - • 3:00 :-' M:00 • ' *5.00 -' I : •6:00 p.m. -.- • ■■ ■." ... : w 8 From OAKLAHD—Foot '. of . Broadway.— * ,«6:00 ' *7- u H 8:00 -9:00- 10:00 *ll:0O A.M..- ll_-o_ ; ■ «13:30 ..- 3:00 «3:00 - : -4:00, •5:00 rj. '. \ 1 -••■-:. A for Morning. ;.- P for Afternoon ~". \ S °l^uar.nly. .-.:■ $ ffi^^ • ATLASTIC MD PACIFIC RAILROAD. S>* NT A F_3 ROTJ . ; E^'-"'-" TRAINS j LEAVE AND '7 ARRIVE *AT SAW Franclsco_(>larket-st. Ferry): . * 7 * - .* _s£* } 'MARCH 11, 1895."" JABBTV* t ; B . AII '.i:.- , -*lv.-- -.:.»»,.--■.*'-■ >■—.■ . ____yV Daily. J "6:00 _» ."Fast Express via Mojave.... "in".V«"_ «?_# l i 9:00 a.. Atlantic Express vlaLosAngeleii'.yTß^sl & Ticket , Office-650 Market St., Chronicle buU* ■ in_, a. F. A?Vu C. H. Pftsseijgar '^^]xfo^ Abs U General P^ 4»eet p^^ 9