OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, November 11, 1895, Image 2

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1895-11-11/ed-1/seq-2/

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Correspondenz, asks what practical mean
ing lies in the declaration of the English
Government that England will maintain
her policy. What policy ? The Triple Alli
ance, the paper continues, has not wanted,
nor does it now want war, and Russia and
France would not go very far merely to
help Armenia. The situation in Eastern
Asia has also to be considered, and in view
of that situation England ought least of
all to be disposed to drift into war. Her
\iltimate fate, therefore, must be to choose
The Emperor has been shooting on the
estate of Count yon Wedel-Piesdorf, chief
of the imperial household, at Piesdorf;
End Prince Henry of Prussia and his wife,
Princess Irene, it is announced, will spend
the winter in Italy. Consequently they
will not be able to appear at court this
As the rumors of discord between the
Emperor and his brother are likely to be
revived because of the Jatter's absence, it is
eiven out that the reason for his absence is
the delicate state of health of the Princess,
which statement is partly true. The Em
peror will review the naval recruits at Kiel
about the middle of December, and has
promised to go to Buda-Pesth to be present
at the Honved millennial celebrations.
The projected international exhibition in
Berlin in 1896 has been found impossible,
because of the project of the German Na
tional Exhibition, which the managers
thereof endeavored to substitute for the
international exposition.
The scheme, however, is also failing, and
has so far dwindled into a mere Berlin
trades and art treasury exhibition. A
squabble has now arisen over the site of
the exhibition, one clique wanting to have
it located at Charlottenburg and another
in Treptow Park, on the Spree. The latter
clique has gained the day under the influ
ence of pressure brought to bear upon tne
committee by the Government in repre
sentations that the working people ought
to be primarily benelited by the exhibi
tion. The signers of the guarantee fund
in the meantime refuse to provide lights
for the exhibition* and it will consequently
nave to be closed after dark, unless some
sagacious speculators benefit themselves
and the public by arranging to put in an
electric light plant.
The head of the management of Royal
Opera-house has always been regarded as
a high court official, but it appears that
the incumbent. Count yon Hochberg, is
The post is a desirable one to a finical
aristocrat, as the dictum of the incumbent
is absolute in dealing with rows between
actors, actresses, singers and others, and
therefore the manager is regarded by him
self and everybody else as a mighty per
sonage. The actual management of the
opera-house has of Jate drifted into the
hands of the director. Herr Pierson, who
is an energetic and refined gentleman and
a good musician. It is announced that
Count yon Hochberg is about to be ap
pointed the successor of Count yon Wedel-
Piesdorf as Minister of the Imperial
Household, and that Baron yon Hiolsen,
now manager of the Royal Theater at
Wiesbaden, will succeed Count yon Hoch
berg, taking the active management of the
Royal Opera-house in Berlin. Outsiders
may think that these changes amount to
very little, but they have no idea of the '
interest and importance which aristo-- j
cratic circles attach to them.
The delay of the telegraph in supplying
Berlin with cood reports of Lord Salis
bury's speech at the Mansion House ban
quet in London last night has seriously
retarded the publication of press com
ments. Several special correspondents
were able to furnish their papers with
summaries of the speech, but they are not
sufficiently comprehensive to serve as the
bases of elaborate editorials. In official j
circles, however, the statement of the
British Premier is regarded as being as j
explicit as the situation will permit and is |
generally considered satisfactory and re
Great interest has been centered in the
progress of a trial which occupied the at
tention of the courts in Munich last week.
The defendants were several well-known
dealers in high-class pictures, who were
accused of receiving and selling stolen j
pictures from the bruii of the celebrated i
German portrait painter, Franz Lenbach. j
The courtroom was crowded with promi- |
nent society people, artists, etc., who fol- !
lowed the case with great attention, and a
large number of witnesses were examined.
One witness, a tailor named Stendal, swore j
that he was an amateur painter and had
devoted his leisure hours to painting my- j
tations of Lenoach's portraits of Prince |
Bismarck, Count yon Caprivi and other I
notable persons. One of his pictures of j
General Caprivi he had seen sold in the
shop of a well-known and reputable dealer
as a genuine Lenbach. The prosecution
was unable to prove that any of the por
traits figuring in the case were stolen pic
tures, and the jury last evening brought
in a verdict of "not guilty." When the i
verdict was announced the spectators, led
by the artists, cheered the accused picture
dealers and the cheers were taken up by
the public outside as the acquitted dealers
left the court.
A disastrous fire occurred at Ottensen, a
Buburb of Hamburg, last night, when
Dietz' machine works and the Steinle
Company's tar works were destroyed. The
loss is placed at 2,000,000 marks.
Thirty-One Bodies Taken From the Ruins of
a Burned Schoolhouse in
GRANADA, Nicaeagua, Nov. 10.— A
school here, in which it is calculated there ]
■were between 100 and 150 children, caught
tire yesterday, and in spite of the heroic
efforts of the authorities and people the !
building was destroyed.
From the ruins so far thirty-one bodies,
including that of a teacher, have been re
covered. The lire is believed to have been
incendiary, and two boys who were se
verely punished by the teacher and sus
pended are believed to have been the
authors of the crime. They have been ar
rested, but so far have not confessed.
The Cunard Lintr Campania Slightly
Damaged at Queenatoten.
QUEENSTOWN, Eng., Nov. 10. -While
the Cunard line steamer Camj>ania, Cap
tain Haines, from Liverpool yesterday for
New York, was anchored in this harbor
this morning, she lost one of her anchors
and some of the chain attached to it, and
damaged the hawsepipe. The damage
was temporarily repaired and the steamer
proceeded at 6:30 o'clock this evening. A
pale from the we6t-southwest was blowing
when it sailed, making it impossible for
the local pilot on board of her to land, and
he will therefore go to New York on her.
The finest en'graving — cards,
invitations, ( announcements,
etc — is done at dockers'*
227 Post street
215 Bush street
Constructor Hichborn Asks
for a Larger Naval
American Warships Affected by
the Lack of Proper
Building of But Two Small Vessels
During the Year Advo
WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 10. -The
first ship of the new navy was put into
commission over nine years ago, and, ac
cording to Chief Constructor riichborn,
the demands for ordinary repairs on the
earlier vessels for the preservation and for
the maintenance of their equipage in a
proper state of efficiency are yearly becom
ing more serious, and Congress must here
after make much larger appropriations for
this purpose. Constructor Hichborn, in
his annual report, declares that modern
steel ships, with their extreme subdivision
and elaborate systems of ventilation,
drainage and mechanical auxiliaries of all
| kinds, require much greater care, both
| when in commission and ordinarily, than
was formerly the case with the old wooden
ships. Neglect is followed by much more
serious and far-reaching deterioration and
it is absolutely essential that the most care
ful supervision should be exercised at all
times and remedies promptly applied in
order that the efficiency of the vessels as
men-of-war may be properly maintained.
For several years past the construction
bureau has been compelled to economize
nearly to the danger point, being limited
by a repair appropriation of less than 3
per cent of the original cost of vessels,
while in the British navy the figure varies
from 4 to 9 per cent, the lower figure ap
plying to the heavier armored vessels.
Constructor Hichborn insists that- $1,500,000
i is needed for this year, where only $UOO,OOO
was secured trom Congress for the current
A significant feature of Constructor
Hichborn's report is that he officially rec
ommended the construction of only two
new vessels to be authorized by Congress
at the next session, instead of the great
increase to our force of heavy battle-ships
which was unofficially suggested by his
paper read before the naval architects in
New York three days ago as being
promptly needed by the navy.
The vessel? he recommends are two
small composite sailing vessels of 1000 tons
displacement, to cost only $250,000 each.
These, if authorized by Congress, will be
the first two vessels without steam power
that have been placed in the naval service
for many years. No argument regarding
this recommendation is submitted by Con
structor Hichborn.
Constructor Hichborn devotes consider
able space to pointing out the necessity
for greatly increasing the number of dry
docks at the navy-yards, the efficiency of
our cruisers being seriously affected by the
difficulties encountered in cleaning their
submerged portions. He recommends new
docks at Portsmouth, N. H. ; Boston,
M*ass. ; Mare Island, Cal., and Norfolk, Va.
Until the indefinite time in the future,
when the big drydocks at New York,
Puget Sound and Port Royal are available
for deep-draught vessels, the new battle
ships must remain undocked.
Chief Engineer Melville and Constructor
Hichborn concur in the estimate that
$5,895,679 must be provided for disbursment
next year on account of the vessels author
ized by the last Congress, for which, how
ever, no appropriations were made. For
repairs on the Chicago $300,000 is required
and for the Hartford $170,000. Constructor
Hichborn renews, with emphasis, the re
quest he has frequently made to Congress
for an experimental tank, to cost about
$100,000, which it is proposed to use to test
models of ships before the resseis them
selves are built.
Atlanta Invaded by Visitors
From the Queen of the
Arrival of the Advance Guard That
Will Celebrate on Illinois Day
at the Fair.
ATLANTA, Ga., Nov. 10.— Five train
loads of Chicagoans came in to-day to at
tend the exercises on Illinois and Chicago
day at the exposition. Chicago was the
first city outside of Georgia to take a lively
interest in the exposition. When Con
gress was asked to make an appropriation
for a Government display at Atlanta, the
Illinois delegation, with one exception,
stood nobly by the South. The interest
manifested by the World's Fair city was
sincerely appreciated here, and long be
fore the exposition plans were completed
it was decided that there should be a
Chicago day. The merchants and railroad
men of the West saw an opportunity to
break into the South in a commercial way,
and heartily and substantially backed up
the idea of sending a strong representa
tion to Georgia.
To-day the advance guard of the move
ment reached here. Prominent citizens
went up to Marietta, twenty miles out, at
the foot of the famous battle-field moun
tain, Kennessaw, and there met the train
bearing Governor Altgeld, Mayor Swift,
Ferdinand Peck and other representatives
of Illinois and Chicago. Colonel John
Chandler of the Fifth Georgia Regiment,
speaking for Governor Atkinson, said that
he was commissioned to turn Georgia and
Atlanta over to the visitors.
"The army and navy, the homes and
hearts of Georgia, are yours," he said. He
reierred to the friendship which has
sprung up between "the Chicago of the
South and the Atlanta of the West," and
declared that the ties would grow stronger
and closer, and that the people of the two
sections would get nearer to each other,
both socially and commercially.
Colonel Turner of the First Illinois Regi
ment responded. Speeches were also made
by Governor Altgcld, F. W. Peck of
Illinois and Mayor King and H. H. Caba
niss of Atlanta.
During the afternoon the visitors re
ceived many callers and were taken in
charge by the Atlantans, who showed them
over the city._ The air was much cooler
than it had been for several days past, but
it was balmy for the Chicagoans.
To-morrow will be Illinois day at the
exposition. Governor Altgeld, Mayor
Swift and their party were escorted to the
grounds by Governor Atkins, Mayor King
and the exposition directors. The two
Governors, the two Mayors, President
Woodson of Hie Atlanta Chamber of Com
merce, President Peck of the Chicago
Southern States Association and L. L.
Knight of Atlanta will speak in the Audi
The World's Fair directors will arrive
to-morrow night on a special train. They
are guests of Stuyvesant Fisn, president of
the Illinois Central Railroad. The Illinois
and Atlanta military will be reviewed
after the speaking.
Cleveland Manufacturers to Visit the
Cotton States Exposition.
CLEVELAND, Ohio, Nov. 10.— Nine
palace car coaches will leave Cleveland.
Tuesday noon on the Big Four road
bound for Atlanta, with 350 prominent
Cleveland men, representing all the large
manufacturing and commercial interests
of this city. Mayor McKisson and mem
bers of his cabinet, with other gentlemen,
prominently identified with Northern
Ohio politics, will also make the trip.
The main object of the trip is to bring
about a more friendly relation and closer
commercial connection between this city
anrl the south. The train will arrive ia
Atlanta at 1 o'clock Wednesday noon.
The Slayer of Catherine Ging Denied a
Sew Trial.
CHICAGO, 111., Nov. 10.— A special to a
morning paper from Minneapolis says:
The Supreme Court has aftirmed tne de
cision of Judge Smith of the District
Court, who refused to grant Harry Hay
ward, convicted of the murder of Miss
Catherine Ging on December 3 last, a new
trial. Judge Canty is at work upon the
opinion which will accompany the de
cision when it is handed down from the
Supreme Court.
Unaware That He Is Soon to Be
Relieved of His Post in
This Country.

Pending Direct Notification by Pope
Leo, the Apostolic Delegate
Is Silent.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 10.— Mgr.
Satolli, the Apostolic Delegate, had an
unusual number of callers at his residence
to-day and this evening, who came to see
him regarding the announcement in this
morning's New York Herald that he was
soon to be relieved of his post here by
Mgr. Laurenzelli, at present the Papal
representative in Holland.
"Archbishop Satolli is in total ignorance
of the matter outside of this publication,"
said Monsignor Sbaretti of the delegation.
"He has not received any word from the
Vatican touching the subject, and conse
quently can neither deny nor confirm the
report. The whole question rests with the
holy father, and in case he should see fit
to make a change in hia representative to
this country it would be his right to do so.
When he shall recall Monsignor Satolli
the latter will co without delay. "We do
not, however, and. will not make inqui
ries of the holy see touching such matters.
Then, you will see, we are always in igno
rance of the action of the Pope until we
are notified by him, and we have not been
in this case."
Monsignor Sbaretti regards the proposed
successor as an eminent ecclesiastic, and
he has nothing but praise to say of him.
He was asked if he would tell when Mon
signor Satolli intended to visit Rome, and
his reply was :
"When Pope Leo XIII sends for him."
LONDON, Exg., Nov. 10.— The Standard
will to-morrow publish a dispatch from
Rome saying that the Pope's entourage
has observed during the past few days that
his holiness has very perceptibly broken
down and that he is suffering. He himself
says that his vital powers are waning.
Missouri Jtourboti* Protest Against an
Early Convention.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Nov. 10.— A meeting of
the "sound-money" Democrats from every
Congressional district in Missouri was held
yesterday afternoon. A protest against an
early convention to select delegates to the
National Convention was made, and a re
quest to the State Central Committee to
propound a discussion upon the silver
issue was formulated and signed by all in
attendance. It was agreed that Demo
cratic supremacy in the State was menaced
by the free silver movement, and that the
best means of counteracting that influence
was to allow ample time for discussion
prior to the convention.
The free silver men on the other hand
desire an early convention, as in the pres
ent temper of the majority a free silver
resolution would be adopted and delegates
to the National Convention would be in
structed to vote for free silver.
The resolution adopted last night will
be presented to State Chairman Maffit to
morrow. The meeting was presided over
by ex-Governor Francis and was repre
sentative of every section of the State.
Iron- Workera for a rittsburg Finn Will
Leave Their J'oata.
PITTSBURG, Pa., Nov. 10.-At a special
meeting of the Structural Iron-workers'
Union, held last night, the grievances of
the men employed by Buchanan & Co.,
contractors, received consideration, and it
was decided to order a strike of all men
employed by this firm. This action means
that several hundred men will not go to
work to-morrow morning, and work on
several large buildings in process of con
struction will cease.
The firm is one of the leading ones in
the Pittsburg district, and has not yet
signed the workers' scale, although re
quested several times to do so.
Embezzler Bergatrom Arreated.
NEW YORK, N. V., Nov. 10,-Detective
Quinn last night arrested John Victor
Bergstrom, who was ticket agent in the
general office of the Great Northern Rail
road at St. Paul until September 30 last, at
which time he disappeared and a shortage
of several thousand dollars was found in
his accounts. Bergstrom acknowledged
his identity and confessed stealing the
money. Since leaving St. Paul he has been
in Sweden, and arrived in New York on
Han Into a Freight Train.
LONDON, Eng., Nov. 10.— The Scotch
express train on the Great Northern Rail
way to-day struck a freight train that was
partly on a siding at St. Neots, in Hunt
ingdonshire. The last cars of the express
train were thrown from the track. One
person was killed and five injured.
foundered. In the Elbe.
HAMBURG, Germany, Nov. 10.— A se
vere northwest gale prevailed here last
night. Several barges foundered in the
Elbe. No lives were lost.
Detailed Account of the
Recent Rioting in
Armenians Claimed to Have
Been the Aggressors in
the Massacres.
The Sultan's Efforts to Check the
Mob by Pacific Measures Were
WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 10.-The
Turkish legation has received from the
Porte an account of the recent Armenian
riots at Constantinople. It is in part as
"Of the different projects that the Ar
menian revolutionary committee contem
plated, that of creating disturbances in
the capital of the empire is not the least
audacious. It was by causing the Sublime
Porte to be attacked by a few thousand in
dividuals that the movement was to com
mence. The police were informed in time
and naturally solicited the £ood offices of
the Armenian Patriarch to prevent the
outbreak. The Patriarch contented him
self by declining all responsibility and de
claring the impossibility of his acting in
the matter. Thus, their preventive means
having failed, the police were obliged to
take all sorts of measures, in view of the
events which were expected to take place
on Monday. September 30.
On the day aforementioned the leaders
of the revolutionary party, attended by
their followers to the number of some
10,000, assembled in the Armenian patri
archal basilica. At the completion of the
religious ceremonies the patriarch who
had attended the function, proceeded
to the patriarchal residence, attend
ed by several of the clergy and fol
lowed by the multitude which had as
sembled in the church. A young girl who
stood near the patriarch gave the signal
for the breaking out of the mob, by mak
ing a seditious speech. The bells of the
church were rung with unaccustomed
violence and shots were heard.
"At these signals the mob proceeded to
advance, its number being constantly aug
mented along the line of march. The
police agents, who encountered the rioters,
commanded in vain that they should dis
perse, and cause their pretended petition
to be properly presented and submitted by
delegates, whom they might select from
their own number. They paid no heed to
their remonstrances, and displayed their
poinards ana revolvers, with which they
were armed, with the cry ol "Hurrah for
Armenia," and finally reached the Nouri
Osrnani quarters and those of the Tavouk
Bazaar, where they hred upon the police
who commanded them to disperse. The
police acted in moderation, according to
their orders, and endeavored to disperse
the mob and arrest the ringleaders. The
mob attacked irrespectively the police and
inoffensive pedestrians, crying loudly as
they did so to the Mussulmans that the
day of their destruction had at last
"One dead and several wounded among
the police and private individuals were the
victims of these madmen. The police
finally succeeded in dispersing them and
making a number of arrests.
"The leaders, however, managed to as
semble again in the patriarchal basilica
and were rejoined by a number of their
followers. They continued the insurrec
tion, insulting the Mussulmans of the
neighboring quarters and firing pistol
shots. Shots were iired from the Arme
nian patriarchal basilica itself and from at
least a dozen houses inhabited by Arme
"In view of the obstinacy of the rioters
the Prefect of Police waited in person the
following day upon the Armenian patri
arch at the patriarchal residence. The
prelate, however, declined to receive him,
giving as an excuse a protended illness
and sent to receive him two members of
the council.
•'But, unfortunately, the ends of the pre
fect, which consisted In obtaining the dis
persion of the rioters through the counsels
of the patriarch, were not obtained, not
withstanding a second visit during the
succeeding night and the formal promise
held out by the command of the authori
ties not to act severely toward those who
had been the victims of their faith.
"The patriarch, while pretending to ad
vise the leaders of the movement to a
prompt disbandoning, again insisted on
the entire impotency of his counsels. If
one wishes additional proof of the mutin
ous designs of the rioters and of the en
couraging attitude of the ecclesiastical au
thorities, one has but to call the attention
to the testimony of a certain Agop, a mem
ber of the 'Hintchaguiste' committee, and
who, being arrested, admitted that the
revolutionary committees had determined
to create trouble at Constantinople by
attacking the Mussulman quarters and
killing all the Mussulmans they encoun
tered. The Armenians in the service of
the Imperial Government were to be the
lirst victims. The deposition was con
firmed by those of Mihran and Hampar
soun, who were arrested the day after the
riots for having acted as intermediaries
between the chiefs of the movement, who
held themselves in the Armenian patri
archal basilica, and those of their followers
who were without. First Agop stated that
in giving them instructions one of the
chiefs of the committee had said to them:
" 'If our question is not decided we will,
in a month, rise in force against the Gov
ernment. Then we will also distribute
weapons. We will fall on thejtfussulmans
we encounter and we will kill them. 1
"He then added that their 'supreme
efforts would be directed toward exter
minating the agents of the secret police, in
attacking in a mass the Sublime Porte and
the other departments of state, and, after
having killed all public functionaries, in
attacking the Mussulman quarters, with a
view of thus enforcing a realization of
their designs.
"The patriarch does nothing but cause
to be circulated long lists of deaths, en
tirely fantastic and imaginary, desiring
thereby, for the greater advancement of
his cause, to makeit appear that the num
ber of deaths has been much greater than
that established by the official inquests."
JTealy Buy* a Xetctpaper.
LONDON, Eng., Nov. 10. — Timothy
Healy, M.P.,;who, it ia generally believed,
will shortly be dropped by the Anti-Par
nellite party, has acquired the Cork Her
ald, which has hitherto been an organ of
the Parnelhtes.
Golden, Jubilee of a St. JCouia Catholic
Church Celebrated.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Nov. 10.— Just fifty
years ago the Church of St. Vincent de
Paul of this city was consecrated, and to
day the golden jubilee was celebrated with
solemn and impressive ceremonies. The
church had been elaborately decorated
with flowers and evergreens, and to pre
vent an unseemly rush for seats admis
sion was had only by card of invitation.
The musical features of the religious
ceremonial were directed by Professor A.
C. Elmer, the double quartet and grand
chorus being strengthened by a full or-'
chestra and the electric church organ.
Pontifical mass was celebrated at 10:30
a. m. by Archbishop John J. Kain. sup
ported by the local clerey, assistant priests,
deacons and master of ceremonies. The
sermon was preached by Archbishop P. J.
Ryan of Philadelphia. Archbishop Ire
land of St. Paul also took part in the cere
At 7:30 o'clock this evening there were
solemn pontifical vespers by Right Rev. J.
J. Jansen, Bishop of Belleville. The ser
mon in the evening was in German, deliv
ered by Right Rev. Frowin Conrad, O. S. B.
A Brutal Negro Lynched After Making a
SAVANNAH, Ga.. Nov. 10.— A Morning
News special from Homerville, Ga., says:
Lewis Jefferson, the negro who last
Tuesday night attacked little Miss Wilson
Freebet. after having been pursued by a
determined posse, was captured and placed
in jail. He made a full and complete con
fession and said that he had committed
more than one similar offense before.
While he was being taken yesterday
afternoon before the Magistrate at Argyle
for a committal trial, the officer, in going
through a thicicet near town, was over
powered and the culprit hanged and rid
dled by bullets.
Efforts to Float the Steamer
Puritan Have Proved
The Combined Strength of Three Tugs
Fails to Dislodge the
NEW LONDON, Conn., Nov. 10.— The
steamer Puritan of the Fall Kiver Jine is
held hard and fast on shore at Great Gull
Island, where she went asnore at 3 o'clock
Saturday morning. She lies just where
she struck, notwithstanding the combined
efforts of three powerful tugs and two
steamers of the Fall River line — the City
of Brockton and the City of Taunton —
which had immense hawsers out to her
The City of Brockton and the City of
Taunton, two of Captain Scott's tugs and a
tug of the Chapman Wrecking Company
pulled long and hard at the Puritan, out
she would not yield to their combined ef
forts and lies as firmly aground as when
she struck. A tierce sea was running all
last night, and the wind, which had been
on the southern board during the preva
lence of the fog, shifted a little in shore.
The wreckers believe that she is lying In
no worse condition to-night than when she
went on, and a hope is entertained that
she may be saved.
Superintendent Gardiner and Captain
Scott stuck by the vessel from the hour
they arrived there, until to-night, when
they came to this city. Captain Davis of
the Puritan and his crew are aboard the
steamer and will stay until she comes off,
or until it is apparent that there is no
chance of saving the vessel. The former
result is confidently hoped for. All the
freight on the Puritan was taken off and
forwarded to Stonington for shipment to
At high tide last night tugs tried to move
the Puritan but she would not stir an inch
and the effort was abandoned. The
steamer's condition was improved some
what by running big anchors joff the boat
so that they can be '"heaved" on and the
steamer kept from swinging further in
shore. The sea pounds her at the stern
and lashes her at the sides.
So Effort let Made to Float the Steamer
ASBURY PARK, N. J., Nov. 10.— It was
expected that an effort would be made to
float the steamer Irawaddie, ashore here,
at flood tide, but after waiting till nearly 2
o'clock it was learned that no move would
be made at that time lo take the vessel oft.
Captain Wardell and a picked crew went
out to the steamer and found everything
all right aboard the vessel, but she was
rocking badly and making for herself a
cradle of sand.
The strong south current carried the
vessel ahead about 100 yards during the
night. She is also about ten feet further
shoreward than when she struck.
This morning a" tug took off the pas
sengers and they were sent to New York.
Attorney. General Harmon Will Ask for
an Early Consideration by the
Supreme Court.
WASHINGTON, D. C. Nov. 10.-The
Supreme Court of the United States will
reconvene to-morrow after a recess of ten
days. When court adjourned on the
afternoon of the Ist inst. there were sixty
eight cases under advisement, some of
them having been carried over from last
year. It is expected that opinions will be
delivered to-morrow in about fifteen cases.
What they are cannot, of course, be stated.
The court will be asked by the Attorney-
General to-morrow to advance for an early
hearing the appeal of the Government
from the decision of Judge Ross in favor
of Mrs. Stanford in the case against the
estate of the late Senator Stanford, where
the United States, under the laws of Cali
fornia, seeks to establish the liability of
the estate for about $15,000,000. of the debt
due the Government by the Central Pacific
Railroad Company, of which Senator Stan
ford was a stockholder to that amount.
Forger Ward Will Be Brought Back to
Stand Trial.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 10.— The
Attorney-General of Tennessee and G. C.
Matthews of the Memphis Commercial
Appeal arrived in this city this morning
and will have an interview to-morrow with
Secretary Olney regarding the arrange
ments for the extraditing of Ward the
fugitive Memphis forger, who is under ar
rest by the authorities of Honduras
Althoueh the United States has no ex
tradition treaty with that country. the au
thorities seized Ward and are holding him
to await the arrival of the necessary papers.
Ihese will be presented to the Secretary of
btate to-morrow and probably an aeent of
the Government will be sent to Hon
| duras with them.
Four Men Killed by the
Blowing Up of an
Torn and Mutilated Bodies De
nuded by the Terrific
Cast Before the Unchecked Train and
Ground Beneath the
NEW YORK, N. V., Nov. 10.— A special
dispatch to the Kecorder from Warwick,
N. V., says :
With an awful roar the Lehigh and
Hudson engine No. 10 blew up to-day and |
caused the death of four men. The dead j
are: Herbert Beetner, the fireman, of
Easton; William Cooper, the engineer, of I
Philadelphia; Martin O'Neill, conductor, j
of Belvidere; and James L. Sloan, a brake- !
man, of Phillipsburg.
The force of the explosion was so great
that the boiler was thrown from the
trucks, but the latter remained on the
rails. The train, consisting of thiity cars,
although it was running on a down grade,
was stopped by the braKemen, but not
until it had run fully a mile and a half.
The victims of the accident were hurled j
in all directions; their clothing was j
stripped from their bodies and the tattered !
garments fell among the branches of trees j
along the tracks, where they remained
hanging. The first body found was
Cooper's. It was pinioned under the
shattered boiler. He had been crushed to
death by the mass of iron and steel.
O'Neiil had been blown upon the rails
and run over by the train, his body cut to i
pieces and otherwise horribly mutilated,
while Sloane was hanging unconscious on
a barbed-wire fence, fifty feet away. He I
lived only a few minutes, dying in great
Fireman Beetner was blown out of the
cab and landed in an open field twenty |
yards from the scene of the explosion. His j
coat, vest and shirt were torn from his I
back, and when found by ihe rescuing j
party he was wandering in a dazed condi- j
tion. He died soon afterward.
The cause of the disaster is supposed to
have been due to low water.
Collision Caused by a Disobeying of
Train Orders.
NASHVILLE, T^yrs., Nov. 10.— One man
was killed and another fatally injured by
a collision of trains a half mile south of
Franklin to-night about 10 o'clock. The
collision was caused by a freight train at
tempting to run into Franklin, when it
had been ordered to wait at West Harpeth,
six miles south. The passenger train left
Franklin' on time and the collision re
Fireman Love, on the passenger, was
killed and buried under the wreck. En
gineer Ed Corbett had an arm crushed
and is fatally injured. None of the passen
gers were injured and none of the freight
crew were hurt.
Charges and Counter • Charges
That Will Result in a
Major White and Captain Ewing Open
Hostilities at Jefferson
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Nov. 10.— The military
community at Jefferson Barracks was
thrown into excitement yesterday by the
disclosures of counter-charges involving
Major Robert H. White and Captain C. B.
Ewing. Major White is the ranking sur
geon at the post and Captain Ewing nas
been engaged on special medical duty.
The strained relations that have long ex
isted between the two doctors terminated
in a rupture two weeks ago.
Captain Ewinc made a written request
for permission to be absent from the post
several evenings each week, giving as a rea
son a desire to attend a course of lectures
in St. Louis. Major White indorsed the
application as follows:
"Yes, let Captain Ewing go. He is of no
account, anyhow. He is of no assistance
to me. He is of no account as a doctor.
The officers and their families will have
none of his services. I know of nobody
It's worth your while to look into the
merits ©f the best ready-made clothes be-
fore turning to a cheap tailor— in fact, any
The old bugaboo tale, "a ready-made
look," no longer applies to the rightly-
made clothes, but if you want quality in
clothes you must go where quality is.
Our $10, 812 50 and $16 business suits are good.
Overcoats from $ 7 50 to $56— new ideas.
Trousers from $2 to $ 11— the best m»de.
Hats— without Hatters' profit— try us.
Do you know our 60-cent .Neckwear T
Kearny and Sutter.
more in need of a course of lectures tha^
The commandant, in granting the leave,
returned Major White's equivocal indorse
ment to Captain Ewing, who lost no time
in sending the following note to the
major: . *
"You are another. You are no good
doctor yourself. You need lectures badly.
The officers and their families are always
eager for my services. lam a good doctor
and an honest man. You have been mis
using Government property for three
Counter-charges were at once filed by
each officer with General Merritt at Chi
cago, and a court-martial will soon De
The Detective Who Had Followed Her Dis
charged by the Committing
NEW YORK, N. V., Nov. 10.-Mrs.
Robert Seaman, whose maiden name was
Elizabeth Cochrane, and who was best
known by her norn de plume of "Nellie
Bly," appeared in the Jefferson Market
Court to-day as complainant against Harry
Hanson, whom she charged with annoy
ing her Saturday night by following her in
a cab wherever she went.
Hanson was arrested last night and
locked up on a charge of disorderly con
duct, but was bailed out an hour later by
Mr. Seaman, who declared that the arrest
was the result of a mistake.
Mrs. Seaman in court to-day said for the
last three weeks be husband, who, she
claims, is for some unknown reason jeal
ous of her, has been having her followod
by three men, one of whom is Hanson.
After hearing the evidence, Magistrate
Mott decided that the defendant had not
been guilty of an illegal act and dis
charged him. Mr. Seaman did not appear
in court.

Denver's Healer to Jtemore to the World's
I'uir City.
DENVER, Colo., Nov. 10.-On the 16th
inst. Francis Schlatter, the healer, will end
his public work in Denver and after a rest
will depart for Chicago. He began his out
door work on the 10th of September and
every day since, excepting Sundays, he has
been kept busy every moment. Not only
all classes of people from the city have
flocked to him, but they have come from
ail parts of the State and from many more
distant points. Reports of many cures
have continually neen made and now his
believers can be numbered by the thou
.Schlatter has steadfastly refused all
money gifts, and no accident, scandal or
disturoance baa occurred during his stay
in the city. He has acquired a National
reputation, but no amount of attention
seems to change him, and he continues to
be the same simple-minded, ignorant man
he was when he arrived out of the deserts
of Arizona and New Mexico.

California Fruit in Aetr York.
NEW YORK, N. V Nov. 10.— Only ten
carloads of California fruit were received
here Jast week, against sixteen cars the
preceding week. Most of the fruit con
sisted of grapes, which continued to ar
rive in bad order, so that the average price
was low. Good prices were realized for
choice sound grapes, double crates of To
kays selling for from $3 50 to $4, and Corn
ichons for from $3 to $3 25. There were no
receipts of pears, but there were large
sales from the stocks in cold-storage ware
houses at good prices, winter Nellis pears
selling as high as $4 a box.

Henry Woerz Vcnsioned.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 10.— A pen
sion has been issued by the Corumissioiej
of Pensions to Henry Woerz of San i?mn*
oisco, Cal. -
1 h
J**kt r«lH«! I
f**s «IK MATf
Both Inclusive.
Exclusive Styles.
Prices ? Let Figures Speak !
$2 50 per garment (all sizes), Vicuna
Colored Underwear— extra good.
Fancy Embrofdered Night Robes, sizes
14 to 17— each.
Very latest and nobbiest in Shirts, with
fancy bosoms and cuffs, $I— "specialists"
and $1 50— sizes 13 to 17.
Sweaters, all colors, good quality, $150.
Imported Fast Black Stockings, 25c.
House Coats, Gowns, Bath Robes—
specialty— sb, $7.
B3T" Mail orders have gpeclal care.
Power Horse-Clippin? Machines... $37.50
Challenge Hand Clippers ...$1.50
Newmarket Hand Clipper* $2-00
Brown & Sh.rpe Hand Clippers ...$ .OO
Clark's Hand Clippers $3.30
Grinding and Repairing of All Rinds
818-820 Market St.,
I'heian Block.
A JOK FOUEIM'b theTalor. For holiday trade
all the latest designs of Woolens now in.
Salts Made to Order from 515.00
Fant9 Made to Order fr0m......... «4.Or>
OvercoatH Made to Order from. .820.00
j-ull IJre»s Swallow-Tall m _ .
ported and Silk-Lined from 840.00
Perfect Fit Guaranteed or ffo Sale.
201, 203 Montgomery St.,
724 Market and 1110. Ilia Market »t^ '
/^\ Jj- Gißbon's Dispensary, ;
a Dr. Gibbon's Dispensary.
?i%"F A *X*«*- E.«abli,h*
in 1854 for the treatment of Piivatu
Diseases. Lost Manhood. Debility o?
rtisease wearingon bodyand minnand
r,h D l*^ se^ ' hedoctorcureswheo
others fall. Try him. Charges low
Ur.J.l.ulliiiUS, BOX 1937. B*2*3!:

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