OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, December 02, 1910, Image 11

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1910-12-02/ed-1/seq-11/

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Regeiitst Secretary in .19.10 Re=
Depldres Success of
;:. v Recent; Amendment
Ceelares Institution Should
tfaSc Autoniatk: 3 .Cent Tax
gi jb -Insure Growth
''\u25a0'H:;*?-^'.^.- 11^. University of Califor- ;
-nfa^:ic^qrj|ljig a to -the' an.nu»l* report vf |
>^i'.lf«ndc'i-'soti, secretary" of 'the uni- j"
is }*: perftiaoeht . Wx I
ta-.i^iVf.at-lca'st .V.ccints, Vhich will al- j
lovr.rhr tlj*>. main tenancy and grmrth of j
th£- ". f feel "of •. financial In
fl'.J^n.rf.f. ..•._. The report fortbe^'e^r. end- <
Iht^afi«,v m l9ip°; was faatJe pub-lie to
.n.en.cTersnn -deplorts; tiie. success of the.
'piit: -tax 1 , amendment --and declares
•fistt. -its •; afruimaitic repealing: of . the
Airily .erf it-r. tax.--fn.nd- lias ci.cated fortbe
;!vifr>-i.ty:...'ar.*'most ' serious, financial
proWem".* \u25a0:\T.fte report \u25a0 cojnllnues: .v.' = - '-'
';. The coming-' lG^islacrtife " will hare. "
t:h«?;:-.-.TesponsibHity of!; provMing" •
ii*?iiMl)y ;;\vh ich' tfi« .lunJversitv's '
work -..of- education '-iVray bo. conun- "
ued.-^ Three ' times, the'^legfslature 7
Of-fCaiiforiVia- -ias-.d<\olared.)ts faith
::;.,t !io .^rihtfi-^le-.tliat the university \u25a0
BhOUld .be supported by jaii-,«uty
irwti.c; tßXrtfirml.v'-t?stahlishSd in th-e^' :
laws of A"a_Hforpia; that" £hp. uni ver- •"
pit y: !r;ay ' pia-h :«eoi?n4en"tfy .tor the"*-*
eojitrhtianee -of its 1 .
-' map." but its -natural
.\u25a0f-vf-.l.opm*:rit..', with Arise foresight •
\u25a0f^rvthe \u25a0fu-trur.e': \u0084*-\u25a0-_•\u25a0.- uvf : ; ;-*•.;
Ol -the. . &--x*nt;=taxVth<?;j*gisiat.ute
; rcv\ie.l:ihat on^fpurtlr should be *:
\u25a0-.?' vi ••'. a? t.be * : "p«rtftaflent 'building
find.':. -.:This : " meatil-XH-iit' approxi-'
-.•=•')• '\u25a0\u25a0 lISO-.000 a- jyaS-'" w"jt>'uW toe
ratable f.or-.." i e : reo.thiVr !: .: 1 ' j j I ,i . equip- : "i
rirsE 1 birildlng^s" ppThia^e-rvr :in. char--'
»i>.tfF>- •'. Establishing-, tlicir " plau».
upon the-: basis, of \u25a0."•thi^i- penhanent- •
: V. -idlng tu«d,;.J:hft. JCe^eivts deefded '
upon •:a • 10. : year- policy as'-to the
buiidlngi -o.peratlcn.6 •" tp' c-bec -be urid-^;-.-. ' ,
takf-h.-.-.: As pforemoSt- «eeds."' |hey= h
laid the .fduhdaubhp fpr'.Agricultur.'e 0 .
l-.all.'ta cost f-^OO.OOOr.'tjjey c proyfde'(}- •
f o-r ejeel " bo^okb-vadks; .Iwith a . ca--.
l'S"oi,ty:-of.;3o.9iJf><>.b'-y.ol i irm'*s; c afl* other • -
f urri.Jsililiies \u25a0•\u25a0•ifb^.i'tliiß : frPw ".. $»?ort.ftW "• '
\u25a0::sii:V.«»rsity.:iifera'rs- b.elri%' ; .b;iilt from \u25a0'
:\y.fi:. -b.eq.ueSif : :c.'fe-.-Gh;*rles . Frankliii "•
; l>f>^;...lhey ,purch-a£ed . i 56.' acfeS ".of •
arrjeaTti*' needed -Ta^»dir.a.dJ.QJtolßK tiVe*.-
Berkielci- eatiipiils; • .and-lhey Diannod '
'i .v-^re.ctionvbi^a \u25a0,?i*')0r;000-.chi»mIstt'y.. ' .•
.. • nau. -; \u25a0•...\u25a0•--:.. /.-s: \u25a0.:-.•<«.".;" • :: oo * '- ' • \u25a0' \u25a0
\u25a0 j'. ii^.r.e r.oom^raore'.eqV.Jppi^nt. more •
- .lif6Yi^joiV.for':tfa'cK-ing:';is..niade\iin.
; j'^raAV-f. by-'t'li>'."injfli;x. of Ktydents..
;.%TJje i :-'-prp-vi^i(.'.n' ''."ot-^-legtsli.tio.n \u25a0'
•.vii^reby. •ili^vwonk.Q-f'th'punivrrsity .
\u25a0- '\u25a0 \u25a0:•.' \u25a0be. ; ---^urpl-v--\arid.:-'vinivei7sally. •,
r;, i -^dfr>r...le^islatjh-n wftoreby there ' .
-.r,uv -\u25a0\u25a0t>f : rerta.!r.tS:' c .<>.f Jncreage "-ih'the .
•jrrorisjon. \u25a0 f'irr % .th?" -jiiii varsity. \u25a0 eveii
": 'ets- ityifiu.mbp^.t)f.^eriidents- and Its :
\u25a0 -^irk :' far-'. t-)i*»" people, o*. <"aliforrvfa .\u25a0;
'. T}scr«aiseS-^3tHis.* ts--a*lltie- and death
, ;r{^V-sti;a.a.fi&r:l.he ' •. •,:
\u25a0' '. ..vA" .\u25a0vital."' 'n^«d* ii?'!a'.new building" .'
\u25a0'."i'sCzt-vts^'yXvxt h halfithe .general.
'- \u25a0><?citatioh-"boj[J«lfrig-^.?vglVlch will; be
. }-. -lio/ir. dawn •feh-OKtly;-,' s *."„•.\u25a0= '•;„'•• .• .'; '-..
j3CfM?I":-"rpgferi?s, v . 'add?-,- Henderson,
. fyrr4s?-foi*,*f\e^.b;uirtiiiijf,"bf- a neir Ntorth j
.'halK.'w-.h-irJi'-Pha-llVl^ei^xir^' of -the plan j
r : or;'-.tSe':;.Gj.featoY/t:hlyei-si'jy. of Calitor- ;
h;"a.-"-: :llhe-_s : n-ucture'.\y.yi -be '4>ujltM-ju«t
« a st" "\u25a0£> f\ v h e ; .p" !'-e? e n t -."b'.u i ldi h g'S :xvj\ 1 eh" i 8i 8
h^i3;i"o : .be .i jire. Jyi^nafce. to the- library !
.\u25a0ti.* > ar-whiPhr' i i^--!it < .an<Js: -\u0084 •'••'•; .--, . =\u25a0!
\u25a0\u25a0:'\u25a0 Atebing-'rtrli^r. 0 n.eeds .of' the university
r.6fritf.J.-OTit.-.b"v.*'}Jrs3e'rspn are: A
- ATeyer-yoir"; Iricluding-a filtration'
:: : . and-.p.uriiioWtion plant. nTtered water
\u25a0; ••.•r'^ssp'rvoir.' «.nJ-;-ltv«. protection sys
•".\u25a0.i^m. : *jp'- that.. nSe'- may be made af
..\u25a0.'tti'e.-.'^'a.tershipja .lands, 'recently ac
: -\u0084<i3iU" <i <i..and.an ladecfuate water sup-.
"j'-Jyi'-W -thus sec.urevi far the univer- '
, ••jity.vT.b4 'c^st.-of the .reservoir- and
\u25a0: ' ivfte' .diFtril*?utiug- system is..
- jeniraated. at f 150,<'00. \u25a0-'*"
. i^v.-A-^pei-manVnil "iiitirmary to cost .
'\u25a0\u25a0'... t%tir>.Uro."- j-'or the' uni-versitv year ' i
\u25a0•..-.^liK.VJune; «o',. : <. 191.0. "the daily \u25a0
\u25a0\u25a0' ,-4<. ( .e.rfitr<s- : -.'of- difperisary treatuwhts
\u25a0\u25a0%in*.lK<'-.-'inflrnia-ry : \vas 66rS and o£ .
\u25a0 ' I'Vfj- jja'tients : 9.2.;"the'"tr?tal number
i ?sj6ffe t 'fifl*p4ta3 daysJ was- 2,-578". -.and the
;. ? '.r.?v*£'ptim'li.er . of dispensarj"' consul-. ;
\u25a0'":\u25a0•• "rati-d3?.s-..'.c*r.' treatments" 1-8,625, .as
.•-agaJfi}?t:.ll3;7l« last year.' • > • • " .1
\u25a0: i:>" A Vpaseum-of zoology and zoolpg
-•\u25a0•••:\i:-fll .-la ; b orator y, $j> s o>, ooo.
.' v.-Vi?- au-diteri.um. $l,ooi>.o<To. -. •• ' > -
v;-:." ' Ai^vmiis'eum :«f: «f ".art, archaeology .
: ;.'.:^anfl- -atithrppology, $1,000,000,' to
\u25a0:hQld : ; ; *xceediag:"ly valuable collec-
• vitf^rxs pro\'id«d through the expen
\u25a0..^{tur^'by Mrs. Hearst of more than
I \u25a0 '-t : :i6"?,!&oo."ajiJ throuigh gifts -by other
\u25a0 '.fr)ends of the university." :' '.
\u25a0 '••' •' '-%Ji nuni-ber of dormitories, to cost n
- '.\u25a0froni- $100,309 to .$200,000 each. \u25a0
\u25a0'.'\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0 : '"A- botany building. $250,001).
-.\u25a0'\u25a0 i^n endowment "for professorships, ,
".;?2;000,000; $100;0Qp u-fll endow -a
• V -Endowrcent for the medical de
\u25a0"•partment ajid the university hospi.-
.•-': taL • . •«\u25a0--.-:•*..*.
;..••.-\u25a0 Additional dormitories and other
...'\u25a0buildings and equipments for the .
. university farm, including a class
..."•'•toom" building, a 'rural adminlstra
•! tfon building, a ranch house and a
: "barn for beef cattle v •
-"< An organ for the Harmon gj-m-j
' naEium. $10,000.. ' ;'-- ' •
i-,.*.An organ for the Greek theater,
' $10,000.'
Several concrete footbridges at
$1,000 to $2,500 each, atid several
'•concrete wagon bridges ranging in
cost from $4,000 up.
'•; ; 'twenty fellowships,, to be en
• dowed to the amaunt 'of $10,000
each, and a number otscholarpTiips.
to be endowed to the amount of
• t $».000 each. ' • •
Loan funds to be helj as an en
dowment and the Income to be
loam-d to needy and deserving stu- .
Additional endowment for the
I.ick observatory on Mount Hamil
ton. " ,
Endowments- for* the university
1 library. t
The work of the farmers' institutes,
the university farm and other branches
of the department of -agriculture are
treated fully in %h<> report, which .le
rlar«»F that* the university has a regis
tration of one-seventh more students
this year than last.
lteporting on the finances of the uni
.versity. Henderson says:
The fncome of the university for
the year ending June, 1910, avail
able* for current- use for general
educational", administrative and
scientific work at Berkeley was
J1.023.3C4. 24. Including the income
for 'the professional schoojs and
the university hospital, for the .
Wilmerding trades school, for the
l3ck observatorx and for the econ
-omic work of the department of
agriculture, the income available-/
for current use was $1,225,594.26.
The total receipts for the year,
including moneys intended for
building operations and including
• additions «to the endowment and
plant, were $2,808,842.76. Of this =
« total, the receipts available for im
mediate use amoanted to $1,625,
222.57 (this is after excluding en
dowment mwney and the Kearny
vineyard and* Los Angeles medical (
department gifts). Of this total
•available for immediate use. .4.18
per cent was received from tho
t nited States, 65.23 .per cent from
.the state of California, 12.88 per
cent fronrthe income on university
endowments.' 3.47 1 per cent from
private gifts. 7.17 per cent from
w "mounts paid by students as lab- c
r-ratory fees. «vta. t a"nd 7.07 per cent
• I from misvellanfous sources.
The expenditures c for" 1909-1910
w fr p $1,732.R66.29. Of this^ ; $944.
232.70, or 54.49 per*cent was spent
for 'general educational and scien
tific work; $271,073.52. or 15.64 per,
cent, was spent for the library and
Miss Clara- Stow;
; Who Is Member of
Dance Committee
for general. admlnLstrati\^3 pur
- poses, and-.5517.r»60.X)7,' or 29.8Z;per
cent, on permanent improvements.-
The salaries for educational', 'ad
ministrative and scientific positions-
. -atnounted to which rep
. resents 46T.6 per .e'ent of . the .total
. current expenditures .othor than'on
permanent improvements. V • '\u25a0 \u25a0
Of this amount expended in'-sa-la
ries, tt4.990. or 9.'lpr.r fCnt t was
for administrative salaries, .inc4ud- \u25a0
i rig: the library ,"-and $511,276.17. or
90.29 per ccitt. for educational, and
scientific salaries. ' TM^s total -er
pendlture of $.511,27^17 for educa-
\u25a0 tional and PoientiHc : . salaries' was
41.71 per .cent -of :'the amount 'avail-'
able .for. curr<?i\t .university . "ex
penses.» ' • " • '\u25a0'\u25a0'. \u25a0..*•' '.. - -
..The eiidowrrfent. of the university
on June. So.il olo, was $4,462.7t9.96,
and the. income for. the year on thi?
endowment pool."- in which Are
- merjrod. .for investnient .purposes.
. ;tll endowments the terms of which
permit,' was 6.20.6-. per. rent,in'.rate.
- The property of -the. universliy
valued on its books on.June
-\u25a0SO, JS-10. sit-'512.391.144.14. .' Of ..tHis
.total. ' $3.577';604.35 represents'.j'n
v^stments;. $6.522,4^5.70 lands Vnd
buildings for educational purposes;
T1.481.275.97 equipment, and 1*09,
"775.12 cash -on hand. .
Annual Musical of Glee f "Club
Aternßers Tonight
• BERKELEY ' X>e6. 1.-^The annual
concert of tU^ university gfe.e clui> 'will
be ljr.ld 'in Hirmori g-yrnnasium tomor
row ni^rht. The. proceeds of the concert
•will be -used in -makine: the vacation
trip, through .th.<? squtUse'in part* of. .the
stale, • '\u25a0\u25a0 <- c .' \u25a0 '. \u25a0\u25a0}-.-\u25a0 .','_•: • \u25a0 •
'\u25a0An octet- of 'grleeclyb and' Txebje clef
•members will- he a feature. The sing
ers> are: Misses • Jeanriette" Miller,
-.Phyllis XloGuire, Alices McComb .and
Imelda Kinslow and Ralph j. Mac Fa
d laither B..Marchant, R. C. McGee
hvA H. 1.. Cole?. < -. / ".• - •
Tlie patr.ons' and patronesses for the
concert are: '_?-.".',-..' V "\u25a0••
Doctor WhPPler and! Mr. and Mrs. Clinton
Mr?. Wheeler I Day \u25a0 :
Pn.f. C. H. Oaylcy.andiMr, and Mrs. Harry Al
. Mr?. Gayley |- ston WillfamS' •
Prof., Edmund O'NcilJiMr. and Mr?. Henry
and Mrs. O'Neill •.' j Marrijiez
Major E. M. Lewis and -Mr. and -Mrs. A •G'
Mrs. Lewis' Krepman--"
Prfif. A. O. I^uwhner Prof. Richard F.
and Mrs. Leuschnerl Scholz :• \u25a0 -.;
BEftKEL^-Y. t)ec l.^-The debating I
societies have closed their activities j
for the term on the campus and will I
devote their efforts to the preparations j
far' the .mi<lyear examinations, ' wnich"
start; shortly. The officers of "the 1 * (wo
chief debating -societies chosen for the
next term 'are* . .
Copgress — Speaker. Delgef 'Trowrßridgp ;'" 'speaker*
pro t«n. T. '..R. Kittredgf; !• tr.eawrer, . L. S
Ulack: clerk. Vf. W. O'Neill ; (fxecutlte commit
tee — F. M. Ship^.rr. J?. It. SternV and B. S. Clen
dennin. • ;• • . - ' .
Senate — President, G. A-. W.ork; vice presi
dent. J. U. Oalklns; .secretafr, J. R. Douglas;
treasurer, A. W.. Drnr/: executive committte,
A. A. Calkins. and J. Gn Sweet.
.OAKLAND.- Dec ll — The board of
public works adopted plans aficl speci
fications tl;is morning : for a firehousc
to.be erected in Elmhurst, a section *of
the annexed* district now without ade
quate fife" protection.
. The council already had appropriated
money for the construction and equip
ment of the building, and Secretary,
Nelson was 'directed by the works
board this morning: to advertise at
once for bids to erect the structure.
The work will be completed, so that
the eomp.any can be organized in a'few
\u25a0• — \u25a0\u2666
1 • ' Marriage Licenses - I
OAKLAND. Dec. I.— The following marriase
licpnscs'e were issued today:
Frp<l*rioV A. Scott. 2!), and Alice L. Johnson,
41. both of Santa Uosa. • *—
•FVank Rinaldo. 24. fsan Francisco, and Lena
Demiugo. 16, Oakland. .
Josoph Rngplro. 22. San Francisco, and Fran-
con Domontc," 10. Oakland. c
Ixmis Rasmuuspii. 2-S. and Nellie M. . Richard-
son. 33, t>oth of Hayward. - *
CV>lTin M. Rood, 2*. nnd Francos *A.' AViltinp,
24. lx>t»r»>f Berkploy.-
William --E. Crist Jr.. 24, Oaklatfd. and Minnie
Puhrmann. 10. Bf>rkPlry. ' -j—
Krauk M. Aftbill. 2S. and Harriet A. Piprr, 2fi,
t»oth of (iHklHnd.
John W. Priolp. r,O. Oakland, and Norina K.
Rawllujrs. 25, San*Francis<-«).
f^~7&* r_-^^ Superb Trains de Luxe and Day Expresses with
{ _^m^- Restaurant Cars between Cairo and uuxor. gg T a ~ O J^l^i
iraS* -""-'z^ cially ventilated Luncheon, Dining and Sleeping
,^j*%£ Cars. The coolest, most delightful and most econom-
fr " ical method of seeing the ancient and modern features of the
*"'-jiA" '-jiA \d^" Write for illustrated pamphlet "Winter^ in , Egypt", and full information free
* f° r 2c' postage from
Tg*tfWsFdjk Town & Country Bureau or The Dorland Adv. Agency, 389 sth Ay., New York
~^SJO} r <scr' — ' ' j M' - . ; afford :'• comfortables accommodation^ at *^moderate? terms. \u0084 f ,
Students *of SStatse s University
; 1913 Class Preparing for * »
Annual Hop |.
t \u25a0 \u25a0 • \u25a0 .
' •-\u25a0 ~ .. . '" - ;'\u25a0'« . *
BIfRKELEY,' Dec.\ I.— Preparations
are being niad.c for the* sophomore hop
which will be helJ.'about the middle of
next February. 'J. XI. Douglas, presi
dent of the class, has appointed these
c,-i<»-.rnit {<-,.«.; to riij>ic> }ho_nrranerements:
General chairman, J. T. £rlbm>r; floor man«g»,
K. .\u25a0.".;.*:..... «. ..,.!.... ..... .... • \u0084 * *
iArrangcnu'iitß^— l'. *>l. .Turrcy, . clialruiau; B. F.
Mogll<m.,J\ lU-Jlrcr. it;-; C. -MK:lpl!hu<l. -S. H.
MacraiUlcii, \\. A. Myprs. . -Cw^urtolyu Powers,
. C'lawStow. llarriPt IndSJtFajr Frisl>ie.
Perocntlon — J. J. Alexauflrr, ctTaTrman; R.fj.
! 80-gland.? Jj A. Stroud. p.M. Drunihellpr, H.«M.
I'ripplobou. J.»JV Siuipson. Barhara- Noehtrieb,
Kvpl3-n St<;cl, Elolsf Scliooleraf t,, Clerlmond With
tTP. < \u0084 . • «' \u25a0 \u25a0 *;
•Kooept ion— Lloyd Sloa'ne. • chairman: .J. 11.
MoCormack,' C. W. Snook. W. I>. «Ba*;l.v.'^...W.
linm-nlic; r..' M. Fouike.. >rarjorr OardlixT. Myrtle
Anderson", =UHi>n A'yf-r. Amy -Waltts "Ada Clint.
ELLEiV TERRY WILL • '*\u25a0•\u0084 '!
:.'•>'. .APPEAR:iN : OAKLANt)
Clubwomert to Serve* as ;Hbst
'-!^)k >' esses to Actress '\
': : 9AivLAND, .Dec. I»— sEllen .Terry will
appear in Oakland tomorrow. afternoon
untlar the. auspices, of. the boaVd of di
rectors'^and! memhrrs- "of tTie" Oakland
Club and give a Shakespearean, lecture
at 3:30 o'clock in Ye Liberty, pla'yhpuse.
Tire* English actress will have>a 'bril
.liarit audience./ Society and'elub' circles
-of OakJand.vAJam'.efla. anj Berkeley,. •n'ill
be- rppresente<l.-and a,"largfi!party will
epos's from Skti .Francisco: *. 'In tlie re«
oeiving line will be jthe 10 -we'll known
.clubwomen' who compose "the board.'of
the Oakland club.* , _ "\u25a0 •• \'
% .Miss' Terry will introduce a half dozen
ar more, of her most, famous roles in
illustration of Jier theme of "Heroines
Triumphant. V ' -In _; order that the pro
gram-may not be marred by . street
noises the theater .management has in-,
stalled a new. device which deadens all
outside sound.'- •.• .
The proceeds of '-tomorrow,' s "enter
tainment wiUVbe devoted ( tb club .effort
ii-i-behalf of tlie women and ichildrea
Oaklun<l." -i « '/^--i
/gasj&tove starts Night,,
i ' fire in ; apartment s
S BERKELEY; IJoc- 1. — Occupants of
ihe Brooks apartments. Kjttredge
and •• Phattuck- ayefiue. .were
alarmed last "nlgrht when 'fire brnke out,
i-n the ReQ. Front- clothing'store* at 22J57
Sha.ttuck avenue.- The damage is estl
.matfd* at ,S4OO.- "11. A. Garflnkle, the
proprietor, declared, that a pas stove
used in. pressing. -evidently had *over
tu,rned. .When the firemen broke into
the building they encountered a large
volume of gas. which rendered their
work hazardous. » I" ;
! . ••. ' »r;» r ; "A.TL.AXTIC OCEAN TRAVEL , 4
SPEESICENT GR ANT... Dec. 17, in a. m. I^. "By new 17.000 ton steamers, equipped with
$ 'PENNSYLVANIA Doc 22,11 a.m. f-» 'nil modern . safety appliances. Electric
tAMXEIKA, Jan. 5, 11 a. m. ' r£ BathF. Gymnasium, Eierator. etc. •
tUnexcell^U .RitK-Carlton a la;C«rte R£«- - IZ. S. S.^EVELAND ... .i.. .Dec. 6.10 «. m.
taurant. Gympanium, Electric BatUs, F.le- E S. 8. CINCINNATI . / Jan. 5, Feb. 14
vatrtr. Palm Garden. 'Srcond Cabin-only. m^ mmmm S.S.CLEVELAND ...? Jau,. 28
IHamburg direct. . \u0084 , *. • » Tourist Dept. for Trips Everywhere..
\u25a0 : •\' BpOKING'FOR NILE SERVICE , ? .•„ °
iai' sm m jr-n n m ami arm \ jnc iiWii o n ir» ir»V^
ftDICWT . ' * -• January 28 by the SS.' CLEVELAND (I'iOOO tons). <$0
URICnI DAYS, $325 and up. Finest trip ever planned.. Stricter
Kcvnf ••*."-\u25a0. ; 'is fl rs ' class. » /\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 .<''.' ' .
-Ifoiv Land , " ' Nile trl P 8 hy the Hamburg and Anglo-American » Nile
y%\^ -*'\u25a0,' Co.'b 'superb^ Steamers. \u0084 * --.
SOUTH AMERICA* •* January 21 by SS.* BLXTECHER (12,500 \u25a0 c tofts)V 74
OUyMI.rtJULRIVrI., DAYgi $ ' 3fio Mfl J up> . only opportunity to see South
AcroMH the Anne* America right. -"> ' . \u25a0 ;
StrnHw of Magfllan «-*»». » . - • < .'.\u25a0 - ' \u25a0 o \u25a0 \u25a0 -
WCST IVnfPC ; Three v January 24 and February 85. by SS. MOLTKE ri2.SC-0
WCJI inillEJ (Crulttci) ton«). largest ship going to the Caribbean. 28 DAYS.
Pknama Canal * $150 and up. Also MAKC?H 28, Spring Cruise of\U6
Vrmviiela '\u25a0 ; DAYS. $95 atid up. c .' \u25a0\u25a0* • •
, nmtvn • tWo v By the SS. CLEVEII AND ( 1 7.000 tons*, from New York
AKUUIMi * lnraiM».V* November I.MSII, and from San Francisco, February ..-. 17.
•„„-• ,;V^U,i U 1012. 110 DAYS, $650 aqd up. including all necessary
'' 1 Jlfc WORLD' exprnsen.' Optional Tours of 1" days in India, 14 day^, In
-' _^ .TapaiT. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 4. \u25a0 * ' \u25a0 » \u0084\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.-\u25a0*
CUBA, JAMAICA, Next Sailing December 14. by »SS. HAMBURG - (11.000
v i irTi n ,, u ,,. tons). Finest and . largest hhlp to Cußa. Weekly by well
MAY I I r AINAMA ' *\u25a0 knowrf "Prlns" and other steamers of the. Atlas Service.
\u25a0 ..I-....M.. rnuin ni..Z ' SupPrb trips nt . monerate rates— 23 /'and 25 DAY
. Colotnbla^CoNta Rica >CEU i SESi $135 and $140. 'Also tours. Including hotel qt
Went Coawt Pofntii\^" P" 1""1 ""* 8 - V :' .'\u25a0:.. :'7 "\u25a0'-"" °'-^/-- .'\u25a0,'_
BflrtKXOW * •\u25a0". \u25a0\u25a0 Vv Send for illuntratcd pamphlet arid rates
' : — — — — ; ; : ....... .. : . ..,.,.. . J \u25a0
I nile service * I P-REN.GH^.V-lilN-E^
*. . a w». ri*-^ o '* l^ * -kt^« CIE - OLE. TRANSATLANTIQDB .
HAMBURG AND ANGLO- n . DPrT TINP T n "havpp t>adk
Maintain** b y : suporb steamer!, expressly, 'Sailings Every, Thursday and Saturday. ;
built for sprviop on the Nile. Equipped with La Br«ta»ne..Deo./l llt Lorraine. Sec. 15
aI V,?;^ST D^t™ Cairo^nd £ BaToi.....Dec/ 8 I.La= Touraln..D«. 22;
Assouan. - c ' ' . EXTRA SAILINGS.
'„.,,,„ T imS, r ' S '•"* T' \u0084 These Bteameracarry c one class (II) cabin
Pur Hun . .'.-...Dec. IG Piinrnn .Tun. IS n««<u»n«>ra onlT ;- \u25a0 i
Germanla ....I)eo.Bo(Jermnvia .....Jan. 20 Ba»sengera only. . ,'\u25a0
Victoria ...... Jaii. r>\ , Chicago. .. ..Not. 26 Ls. Gatcogne.Dec. 10
Service betwo*>n First'and Second Cataracts Niagara. , r : . .Dec. 10 I : Florida. I ". ;.. .DUc.VSi^
by S. S. Indiana. . * .. -' ' . .
"Biweekly express swvlee between Luxor . ~ ~* * » '
NSSSd^SS^^® te
SStSa tS^ r 2o^Vs-'d n ratlon. Ws Office. OSS JlarUet street. • y ;, . ,
for fhmily nn<l prl.vate par'ios by special jf'rfttTJl aeßKPsgKWHHßßWsMßMsWlssiiiiiiiMM
HAMBURG- AMERICAN LINE *- .-- \u25a0 • - \u25a0- \u25a0 - .- \u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0 -.•-•\u25a0.-\u25a0...- \u0084:
| .?> ico powcii st. a^one Kr a^r SMB.) -. WEEKLY.- CALL,' S I PER; YEAR
Captain *of Detectives Com=
mends Work in .Address to/
• > Department Employes •=
OAKLAND, Dec. I.— Sneaking ,as a
representative of the* police depart-^
ment, v Captain of Detectives Walter. J.*
Petersen/'in^an address delivered be
fore-the Oakland playground workers
at the council* chambers in the city^hall
thlp'm'orriing. pleaded for an extension
of .the rnoVenient in "this
city- a,s a riclehtific method of keeping
the. youth from wrong •ways, The
meeting was presided over by/Super
.intenVlent of Play gToundß George- E.
Dickie, wj\o regularly e calls ttie work
ers in his •de*pa t rtmeni together 'eech
"w.eek for^.'dlscussion of 9 their 'problems
and* p,lans.. » '• \u0084•. --.'»
• Superintendent'- Dickfe" explained *to
:.his. assistants* the, system of standard
izlng the. athletic. contests "of the pjay,.
ground chiWfen with a .view. to x greater
efficlency^in the* instruction and; wider
Jntereßt in the work.on the "part of
children. The attendants, of each play^
ground fiave segregated the children
into classes,* composed of children "un
der 12 years of a"ge, tender 15 and*under
18- ye§.rs. *The # records* of children In,
'each - 61oss "from ' the >ario'us play
, grounds will be kept .for comparison.-
Puptls making the standard in any
eVenty <>r« making "75 per cent of the
'standard record, will be given badges
or trophies. , > v
T,he- standardized .athletic contests
• Include the running high jump, chln
'ning, • standing,, broad jump, 100 yard
idash or 60 yard dush, throwing bas
"ketS'from 15 feet, putting eight pound
"shot, pitching quoits, football punt,
ball throw and test of perception. :
Jack Prince to -Biiild 'Speed
Track.at Ejrahurst
OAKLANP, Dec. t l.— Work will, be
commenced Monday ori Jack Prince's
motordrome at Elirihurst. The track
will be built, at Ninety-eighth avenue
and ' Sixth street. It will be^for - half
mile laps, with speed grade "of 90 miles
an hour* Prince, jfaid that* the, motor
drome would be one. of the finest in th«
United States. He expects to have it'
completed for opening in March or
April, and to start with bicycle races,
followed by?' a big automobile and mo
torcyclft^meet. . ; „ \u25a0
P. I/Bnir of 2000 .Lincoln arenu*. until rrcMitly
«- roll pp tor for a tnorninff pflpor, is mfsslnp
-. and'no trace of him Van be found. According
to bis wifp. I.«n» dropped ont of sight a wpplc
asro. lPavinß a sHortajre* of $.VK>. She say«
that her husband lost money, at the^rai-Ptrack
and when ho was bphin>l In his accounts de«
cidp<l to, disapppar. • \r\
Boy -Opens -Fire Wfien He Is Ac=
*cused by Parent of Steal*
\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'*•\u25a0, - . \u25a0
ing| a [Camera
.. - ~ ».
[Special Dispatch to The Call] o . , '
• OAKLAND, Dec. I.— Harold Smith, -19
years' old. shot, and 'slightly, wounded
his i \ father,- .'Henry' G. Smith,- a money
lender, In:f roht; : of- their home, I^5S
Seventh street, eafly this evening? The
son fled with the revolver, a' 22. caliber
weapon,' and "his father "was taken [to
the receivirigj.hospital.for treatme*ht.
*Smlth quarreled with his parent. o^'er
a, camera whicK i;he:s"Quth was accused
of, taking from' the house. The son
started out'iof; the pjaceaod was fol
lowed to the sidewalk by ' the parent,
where 4 the younger .man turned and
fired. \* * ' , * ' .
.The ,bpy«had,slately. been livlng-with
his mother,, Mr?. M. J. ; Fox of 1060
Forty-seventhe 1 .. street. The wounded
man's brother, Claude Smith, was. shot
andtkilled last January by.Fred'Jurgo
witz, his employer, at East Fourteenth
Street and T^wenty-third. avenue. * Jur
gowitz was stcquitte.(J on the ground
of self-defense. i} " - „ # '
*Young SmlJh was arrested at the
Sixteenth street station. \
OAKLAND, Dec. t l.— Tlie resentenc
ing to v death of Mark A. Wilkins. con
victed of "murdering his -paramour,
VernJe' Carmen, at IJlmhurst. two years
ago tJi - will, not take place' before Su
perior Judge Waste tomorrow,, but has
beem*continued-»until next ."week". At
torney Hugli Mclsaacs, Sounsefof : »Wil
kins, s is in Loe»Ang"eles and will not be
able to reach 'here for several days.'
"\Vilkfns appealed, his sentence, but the
higher tribunal sustained the !ju*]g
ment'of'the superior court and ordered
him»hanged:.^ * i .-. •.
HELD FOX ASSAULT— Oakland. Pec. I.—Abra
ham Kafoury was held for trial in the ,su
pprlor » conrt , . this v mornlnt: s by Police Ju'dEe
Smith on a charcf" of apsault with intent to
tnurflflr, for ph«>otinK and woundlnj: his sinter
in law, Sirs. II? Kafmirj\»Op.tober 7. . \u25a0
s*gTc~?*'^. * Bte»mer»i leave from Broad-
* /£J'^ S^s«\ W * T Wharves (Piers 9 and
AVvß3s3d \-A Low raten. lnelirflng berth
V<V aP^oi 6 o 'B*' 8 * R° nn d Trip Rates.
V» * yty "' LOS ANGELES
» Ad^fcWS/ s \ SAN DIEGO
rresldeht...; *f.*..z. ....?. .Dec. 6. 4 p. m.
/Queen......... *...".. Dec. 14, Jan. 1. 11 a. m.
Pueb1a,. .::..".. ....... ..Dec. 19, Jan. 6. « > p. m.
fmatllla//. ..* .......Dec. 28, 2p. m.
•Santa» Roea.. ...*.... .Der. 2. 10, 23, 11* a. m.
'i "Only steamew.callinjf at Santa Barbara.
Connecting f at Seattle for £kagway. Dawson.
Fairbanks and all points on the Yukon.
' President. .\ . . . ..... r. ...... ..Dec. 11. 11 'a. ,Mr
Governor.. ...*. ...Jan. 3, 11 a. m.
l»uebla....!..*.Dec. 7, 11 a. mf; Dec. 24, 4 p. m.
Qu_een "...... Dec 2, 2 5. m.; Dec. 20, 11 a. ta.
Umatilla ...Z..... .....Dec/10, 11 a. m.
T0peka... ...... Dec. 4, 0, If, W. 24,^23, 11 a'. J m.
*SAN PEDRO.* r *
Curacab «.7th of- each month.- 12 m.
ALASKA CRUISES 1911 Lesire Seattl*.
Spokane. .June 14. 28; July 12? £8; Aug. 9; a p.m.
v Right reserved to change this schedule.
Ticket Offic«HT-Palace Hotel, 653 Market at..
16 Market at. and Broadway Wharf.
*' -\u25a0 + Telephone Kearny 492.
OAKLAND— II2O Broadway. Tel: Oakland 3890.
C. D.'DUNANN, General Passenger Agent.
\u25a0i %Sl3P \u25a0"''\u25a0'• Teh uantcpec Route
Refjulsir Fast Frelsjilit Service
sailing? from New York every six days.
maKingr direct connection with Pacific
steamers . sailing from Sallna Crux.
Mex., every 'six days for San Francisco
YORK. Also to Mexican and all prin-
cipal . European ports under throußh
rates and throijgh bills of lading. Sail-
ings from San Francisco every 12 days.
* For rates and further particulars ap-
l eral Agents, 8 Bridge ». New
York .Williams." dimond & CO..
General Agents, Pacific Coast.
" •\u25a0-_.. SlO Sansome St., San Francisco
while, excelling all others for grandeur, , beauty
and pleasures \u25a0"'And this splendid . trip can be
made .In two weeks - and a \u25a0 day by sailing on
S. S.. SIERRA (10.000 tons displacement). Th#
A'oleano '. of KHauea-^-the '.largest In <h» world —
Ir tremendotisly. active Just now_ and a few. quick
dispatch trips haveibeen arranged. .'Never before
has.lt'. been possible to make -this* desirable trip
with such SPEED 'and .comfort. i and the price Is
10w,. 5110 first class, to Honolulu and. back, and
?41 - for I side trip " from j Honolulu to Volcano, in-
cluding rail and auto to Kilauea, hotel at Jlilo.
also' volcano House." No other trip ' compares
with this. Be sure to visit. the Island v an«l DO
'IT -NOW, Awhile the volcano Is active. S. S?
.SIERRA sails Dec. 3. Dec. 24, Jan. 14, Feb. 4.
Write ;or wire Oceanic • S. ; S. Co., 678 Market
street, San Francisco. .\ • ,: . ,
S. S. Chlyo Maru (rla Mani1a) ..... ;. .......
« : . . . . ... .... • • '•'. . .'. ... -Tuesday, . Deo. 20, 1910
1 S. S. Tenyo Maru.. About Tuesday, Jan. 10, 1911
' 8. 8. Nippon Maru. About Saturday, Feb. 11, 1911
Steamers sail from : company'a , piers, Nos. 42.
44 near foot of Second street, at 1 p. m.^ofor
Yokohama and Hongkong, calling at Honolulu.
Kobes(Hiogo) and ; Nagasaki and Shanghai and
connecting at \u25a0 : Hongkong with steamers for
Manila. India, etc. No cargo received on board
on day of sailing. Round trip, tickets at reduced
rates.- \u25a0'\u25a0. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-'•' ~\ 1 ' \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0''-- :.-*: .-* \u25a0/\u25a0 "•-
For freight . and passage \u25a0 apply at of flee, . 240
James Flood building. " W.« H. AVERY, -
\u25a0\u25a0•\u0084 : Assistant- General Manager.*.,
New Through Passenger and; Freight' Service
-- ;.',.< • \u25a0Without Change. -- - :
S." S. MAITAI (3,398 tens) tai15. ........ .De0. 14
S. S. AOHANGI (4,263 tons) sails Jan. 11
-. Sailings 'every. ZS days; connection at Welling-
ton and v Auckland \u25a0 for ; New .- Zealand : ports and
Australia. >•" i- 1 • --',".--• ~' •".--- '••;-.- \u25a0-,--.
OCEANIC S. S. CO.; General Agents. 00 Clay at.
Ticket ; Office. 673 Market at. , Tel. , Kearny , 1231.
' HAVAf 111 II •' s - . 5.5 Sierra \u25a0 (10,000 tons ; dls-
UUIWLrULU pUceme'nt) sails 11 a.'-m., Dec^
3, 191 p. Special round trip ; $110, ; first clas«. I
Maripoaa Sails lla^m.t Dec. 28.': .; j .
Special tTabiti :\u25a0 round ? trip i $135, - first 'class.
jOCEANIC LINE.: 673 Mkt.;tei: Kearny. 1231
linll n I lit' II S." 8. Lurllne ' (13,000 ; tons ) sails
HI Nil 1 I noon - Dec - 7> for Uonol^ and
lI U II U LULU v Kahnlul. / ' : \u25a0*..*: --*-.
-' S S ' f Wllhelmlna -(13,500 \u25a0 tons) sails noon.
Dec* • 21* ' for Honolulu and s Hllo. Round trip : to
Honolulu, nrst class, $110 and up."
. ..™r°'MATSON NAVIGATION CO.."' \u0084
\u25a0\u25a0' - 26S Market at.
BERKELEY, Dec. I.— Members of
the city council, park and playgrounds
commission and board \>f » education
met today in the-city hall for a discus
sion of parks and playgrounds for*
Berkeley. ; It was tH©> -consensus of
opinion that the city should take steps
at once to", acquire playgrounds near all
tha schools, and a bond issue probably
will be urged to bring. this about.
"The. park, and playgrounds commis
sion will make a definite. report to the
council. -
At a meeting today purchase the
block bounded , by" Grove street, Allston
way. Center and .Milvia streets was
favored for. a civic center and the
Bunnell.:property opposite the "Wash
ington school for playground purposes.
:ton. VK.-l. — Miss Eleanor Terry, danirhter of
'Rear Admiral" .Silas W._Terrj\ retired, and
' Ucutenant Fllipho* Camperfo of the Italian
' nary, formerly naral- attache of the Italian
- embassy, at. Washington, vrwe married in St
Thruna* . Episcopal church here - today.
WL Q^ST a 13 ral Ga D KB Bra A M X K^fll O IB k iri f*^a fl K^V4 If? C*l*rX
Leave (Foot of Market Street) Arrive
.2.15* NDes. Tracy.* lAthrop. Stockton.
. Lodi. Gait, Elk Grove. Sacramento.. 11. 18b
6.40 a Hay ward. N fles. Saa J0te. . . . : 7.08 a
7.00 a Riehmoad. Port Costa, Benicia. Suiron, 1
. . Dixoa, Sacrum entq, Roseville. Marys- > 7.28p
tHIs. Reddiag. Dun smuir. J 10.38p
7.ODa Hmira.- Vaca ville. Rumsey.... 7.28 p
7.00 a Davis, Woodland (Marysyflle. Oro-
rille). WiUiams. Maxwdl. Willows.
Hamilton, Cornin jr. Red Blaff 728f
7.40 a Valleh. Napa, Calu toga. SanU Rosa,
t Martinea .....>:... 6.CB>
7.40t Avoa, San Ramon, livermore 6.48f
7.40 a Nil?s, Pleasanton. Livermore. Tracy,
LsthroD. Stockton Lodi. Sacramento.^ 7.28p
7.40 a Tra;y. Los Banos. Kerman. Fresno, 4.28s
B.ooa Newark (Ceaterville). Saa. Jose. Lea
" . Gatos. Wright. Fdtoff (Bodder
. * CreeO, SanU Crus : 6^Bi
8.20 a Port CosU, Marjfc c*. Byron. Tracy,
Stockton, Mereen, Fresno, Gosbra
Junction (Haaford, Armoaa), Visalia,
Porterville. Bakersfi dd. 4.48p
8.20 a Yossmita Valley via Merced. 4.48»
B.ooa Niles. (Sm.Jose), Livermore, Stockton
(*Matoa). Valley Spriag. lone. Sacra- . "--
mento «.28p
9.00 a Bonora, Tuolumne and Angds 4^Bs
9.00 a Atlaatia Express— Sacramento, True-
kee. Ogdea. Salt Lake City. Denver.
Kansas City. Omaha, Chicago 8.28p
9.40 a Ricaaond, Port CosU. Martines,
a»y Point B.oBp
10.20 a Vallejo Mare Island. Napa U-2S*
10.20 a Los Angdes Passenger— Port CosU,
j M&rtinej. Byron. Tracy. Stockton,
Merced. Fresno, (Hanford. Coalinga,
Visalui.) Bakertfidd. Los Angries.... 7.45p
10.40 a Saa Francisco Overbad LimitedT-
Den7er. Kansas City. St. Louia.
Oaiahs, Chicigo 6.28p
1 1 20a Shasta # Liaiited— Portland, Taeoma,
Settle 9lBp
liOOn GoldSdd Pass.— Port CosU. Benicia.
Sacramento. Truckee, Hacen, W»-
.' busks (Yerlngtoa. Mason), Mina,
\ fonopah. GoldSdd. Law». Keeler.... 7.48 a
il2jsjor»Davis. Yolo, Williams. Colusa Junc-
tion. Willows ... 2.48p
teOOti Marysrßle. Chico, Red Bluff. 4.28s
I^JH Nues, Irvingtoa, Saa Jose 2.4£p
1.40p San LeanTro. Niles. CeaUrrille. I 9C£a
Newark. San Jose. • 7.48p
ZOOp NeMrK. 3aa Jose. Lss Gatos. Wright.
Fdtoa (Boulder Creek), SanU Cms. . 9.EBft
2.40p Saa Leandro. Nfl es. San Jose. 9.28 a
. 3.00p Benicb. Wiaters. Sacramento— Wood-
! -. land, Knichts Landing. Tudor. Yub»
City, Marysvaio. 10.48 a
3.20p Port CosU (Stockton), Martinet,
. • V Byron, Modestn. Merced. Fresno. . 12.08p
3.45p Via Sausalito, West Napa, St. Hdena,
Oilistoga 10.38 a
4.00 a Vallejo, Naps. Calistoga. SaaU Rosa,
Martines, 3an Ramon. Livermore... 9.28 a
4.00p Niles (Centeryflle. Newark), Uia- ( 10.28 a
more, Tracy, Stockton. Lodi \ M.lBp
4.40p Saa Leandro, Hayward. Naea, Pleas-
.. antoa, Livermore, Tracy, Nnrman,
Kerman, Fresno lI.ISp
6.00 a Vallejo, Port CosU, Benicia. Sacra-
raeato. Lincoln, Marysvflle, Oroville.' 1128 a
6.00b Davis, Woodland. Yolo, Arbuckle,
William*. Colusa Junction. Willows. . 10.35p
Bi>ap Russdl. San Jose, Lo» Gat 05......... 9.28 a
6.23 i &»b Leandro. Nfles. San Jose. 7.4€ a
6.03p Owl Liaiited— Us Angeles. B.oBa
6.4 Up Eastern Express— Ogden, Pueblo, Den-
ver, Kansss City, St. Lo uh, Chicago,
Port CosU, Benicia, Sacramento,
Truckee. Reno. Sparks , 8.28p
&40p Hayward, Niles and San Jose «.48p
|7.03p Vallejo, Port CosU. Martinet, Bay
Point and Way SUtions $M.lBp
7.40p Richaiaad. Port CosU. Martines,
Cornwall, Byron, Tracy, Stockton . . . 12.481
8.2G» Oregon Express — Davis, (Sacramento).
Willows, Redding. Ashland. Portland. •
Tacoma. Beattle. Spokane 9.08 a
O.OOp Chiaa and Japaa last Mail — Ogden,
Cheyeaae. Denver, Kantaa City,
Omaha, Chicago... .:. 2.48p
9.00p Port CosU. . Benicia, Sacramento. Col-
fax. Truckee. Ren0..... lO.CBa
9.40p BakersSdJ. McKittrick. Monarch,
Moron. Fellow 8.28 a
" 9.40b Richmond, Port CosU, Tracy, Mo-
desto, Merced. Fresno, Hanford,
Coaliaga, Visalia. Tulare 8.28 a
9.40b Hunter's Train— Saturday oaly. Eaa
Jos« and Way Sutioas J7.48p
11.40p Portland Express— Sacrameato, Marys-
vi!le.Red Btus.Weed.(Klamath Falls).
Ashlaad, Roseburg. Portland, Taco-
ma.Seattle ..rTT.. IZ2Bp
: NETHERLAND'SROUTE— From Pacific Strctt Wharf.
Collinsville. Emmaton. Rio Virta. Isleton, Ryde, Wal-
" aut Grove. Vorden, Courtland. Clarksburg. Sacrameato.
Stsamsr Navajo. leaves San Francisco BXO a. m. dally
except Sunday, stopping at points shown, arriving Sae-
rameato 6:00 p.m. Leaves Sacramento 9.00 p.m. daily
except Sunday (no stops en route), arriving Saa Fran-
cisco 5:00 a.m. .
1 Sttamer Modoe or Apacfw, leaves San Francisco 1.00
p.m. Daily, except §unday; arrive Saa Fraadaco 11.3»
, p.m. . '
Mirkrt Strwt Wharf— Daily — Hourly from 6.00
a.m. to 9.00 p.m.,- indusive.
To Oakland and Alameda— l6.lo, t8.45 a.m^ and then
10 and 45 minutes past the hour until 7.45 p.m.; then
- 8.30, 9.15. 10.00, 10.45, 11.10 p.m. aad 12.15 a.m.
To Alamada and Fraltvala via Hortwh— tam> at ab<v>.
Ca for Morning. ." a for Afternoon, t Sunday exeepted:
\u2666 Sunday only. 5 Saturday and Sunday oaly.
• / aSunday and Monday only.
v^^^v Schedule Effective
November 1, 191^0
>I£Ua San Franclwco
Leave | . \u25a0\u25a0- Yift Samallto s | AniT»
7:45 a Petaluma. Santa Kosa.'" Healds-
burg. Cloterdale. Uklah. Wll-
lits. Sherwood. *GaerneTllle, \u25a0
•Moate Rio. •Duncan Mills.
Sebastopol >.'.:'..... «:2."S p
S:l"» a ••Sonoma, •*Glen Ellen 15:33 p
S:lsaPt. Reyes, Camp Meeker. Caza- i
dero .... l t0:33 p
±8:43 a Petalnma. Santa Rosa. Healds-
- burjt. Cloverdale. iGnerneTlUe,
\u25a0 ; . Monte Rto, Duncan Mills J7:35 p
10 :45 a Petalama. Santa R05a ........... 4 :33 p
p Pt." Reyes. Camp Meeker (leaT«a
w - /from :~: ~ J7:osp
p Petalnma. Santa Rosa. Braids-
. burp. Cloverdale. \u25a0 ITklah,' Guer-
- ' neville. Monte Rio, Duncan ..
I Mills, Sebastopol ..11:05a
4-45p]Sonoma,. Glen E11en...'.......... »:SS a ;
s:ir>,p|P«taluma. Santa R05a.. ... . 5:35 a
' SAisalito. MUI - Valley, ; San Rafael — Daily
every \u25a0 .*>o minutes from 6:45 .- a. ta. until S: 15
a. m."; hourly until -2:45 -p.- m. (except the 2:45
p.»m. does not run to San Rafael on Sundays*,
.then 3:1."» p. m. and erery 30 minutes untU 6:45
In" m.. then 7:45. 9:45 p. m.. and 12:01 a: m. \u0084
7- Fairfax— Leares ,t7:15, 8:15. - 8:45;
0:45; 10:45, 11:45 a. m., 12:45, 1:45, 2:45, 8:15,
3:45; 4:15.\4:45. 5:15.-5:45. 6:15. 6:45, 7:45.
0:45 p. m..'t12:01 arm.
San Quentin vi* San Rafael— S: 43 a. m.. 1:45
p. m.. J3:45 p. m. \u25a0 \u25a0*-
Tiburon ana Belvedere. Tia Bausalito— Week
days: 6:45.- 7:45. 5:43, 19:30 a..m., 12:45.-3:15.
4:15, 5:15,*8:15.p.- m..;H12:01 a.' m." S«nd»ys—
6:45. 7>45. 8:45. »0 :30, 10:45, 11:45 a. m.W2:45;
1:45. ' 3 :15. 1 4:15.^5:15.-. 6: 15 p.na.r 12:01, a. m.
"Sundays" arrive :.7:3s p.l m. : "'SuniJays ' arrive
7:05 p:~m.. tExcept Sundays. {Sundays onrr.
only. iTilraron direct. - f {Thursdays
:~- Pacific transfer company's <aj:*nt» J are author-
Ued to check baggage -direct from residence.
In a fit of despondency Rebecca Good
man, wife of lUprris Goodman, a tr&v-* a
cling salesman living at 635 East Grove
street, ended her life .yesterday .by
hanging herself to the chandelier in
the parlor of her home. The husband
found her body, which was suspended
by a twisted sheet.
OAKLAND, Dec. 1. — The Tricity ro
tary club at its weekly meeting today
at the Hotel Athens indorsed the new
charter. Rev. W. C. Poole. G. S. Mere
dith and G. W". Frick were appointed
as a comrnfttte to request the tlersy
men to announce at Sunday's services
the importance of voting for the char
ter. The election will be held De-
Leara (Third aad Townsead BtreeU) Arriv»
t5.10« Valencia Street. o«an View. Cotea.
Cemeteries, Baden, San 8r0a0. . . , t*-35«
6.30 a South Saa Francisco, San Jok, (Tilroy, S
(Holliater), Sargent, Pajare. Wataoa-
Tille, Santa Crat, ; 7SOp
7.10 • South San Francisco, Palo Alto, Saa
Jose, Way Stationa 7.3 C»
7. 1 0« Mayfidd, Lot Altee, Lcs Gatot t?-20p
SjOOaWhors Lint Limited— Fato Robles
not Sprints, Santa Barbara, Loi
Aatsies 9.30*
8.05 a The Coaster— Saa Jote. Pajaro (Wat-
goivrille, Santa Crui), CastroTiCs,
(Dd Mont?, Mon t erey, Pacific Gro-re),
Sallnaa, Sol«dad Paso Robles Hot
Springs. Saa Luis Obiipo. £urf.
(Lompoe). Saata Barbara, Ventura,
Oxaard. Los Anides tlMf
aio« Mayae!.i, Loa Altos. Los Gatos. Wright.
GlenvroodC ßoulder Creek), Santa Cro a, /
Witwnvill*. Castr oville, Dd Uonte.
Monterey, Pa cifie Grofe 9.tXp
9.00 a San Jose. Gilroy. Salinas, r*aao Robl? s
Hot Spnnis. San Lais Obispo —
Tra Finos — Watsonyille. Santa
Crux, Dd Monte, Monterey, Pacifis
Grore 4.CC>
10.40 a South San Francisco. Burlin game. San
£ Mateo. Palo Alto. Saa Jose f6.?Ca
10.40 a Los Altos. Monta Vista, Los Gatos. . { t t."i c J
1 1.30 a Valencia Street. Ocean View, Cctaa,
Cemetaries. Baden. Saw Bruno l-35p
1 1.40 a South Saa Francisco. Saa Jose tB.2C»
2.00» Dei Maate Express— Saa Jose. Gilroy,
"* Sarjent (Watson ville, Santa Crci),
Dd Moat?. Monterey. Pacific GroTe.
• (Salinas) 12^C»
2.05 1 South Saa Fna cisco. Palo Alto, San
Jose 8.4o»
fZO5i Los Altos, Monta Vista. Los Gatos... t3.l'f
3.00 a South San Francis co, San Msteo, San
t Joso. Gilroy. Tres Pinos, Ssliras.... 13.!0s
3.00f WataonTille. Santa Crus. Cartroyille,
Dd Monte. Monterey. Pacific Gro-re. IO.ICa
3.15 i SaaU Clara. West San Joee. Los Gatos.
Wrispt, (Boulder ' Creel). Santa Crus. IO.CCa
4.00* Sunset Express — Tncnn, rtrairs.
£2 Paso. Houstoa. New Orleans.
Paso Robles Hot Srinca, San Luis
Obispo. Saata Barbara and Lcs
Angeles »0.55» =
4.00» Kansas City. St. Louis. Chicaco !0.55i
4.20 a South Saa Francisco. San Jose 19.CCa
tS.O5p nurtin^ame. San Mateo, Palo Alto.
San Josa and W ay Stations 0.4 5i
t5.20j Red-rood. Palo Alto. San Jose. ».ICj
t5.20s Los Altos. Moata Vtsta. Loi Gsios... t3.23j
t5.25? Burliassme. San Mateo. Saa J05e..... 3.25j
f5.30p Loop— Valea ria Street, Ocean Vjcrr.
Cemeteries. South Sao Francisco.
23d Street. 3d and Townitnd *6.4Ct
5.40p Saa Bruno. Saa Mateo. Redwood. Palo f V 25i
Alto. Santa Oara. Saa Jose... I 7.35 i
:5.40» Loi \\U3f, Los Gatos Z9-5*
tS.OO? Millbrae. Saa USSeo, Pslo Alto, May-
fidd. Los Altos. Loa Gate* tSXOa
t8.05a 23d Street. Visitation, South Eaa
, Francisco, Valencia Street t7.!5i
6 30s South ?aa Fraa cisco. Saa J05e. ...... 5.45 1
8.00 s Th« Lark— Paso Robles Hot Spriugs.
SaaU Barbara, Loa Ansrdes 9.30*
&OSs Lou Anedes Pawen pr— GilrOT, Salinas,
Paso Robles Hot Spriass. Saa Luis
Obispo. cant* Barbara aad Lcs
.... a3Ca .
IO.TOp Saa Josa and Way SUtioaa 7.20(
1 1. 45p South Saa Francisco. Palo Alto. San f 7.4 5 1
Jose \tlOsO>
LOCAL FERRY TRAINS-Vla Oakland ?T*r. '
To DiVlmd. Btfkalsy, Barryman. Eatt Oakland anc J
3 Fruitvals — Daily — From 6.00 a.ni^ and erery twenty
minutes nntil 7.00 pjn. inchuive; then 7.40, 8.20
9.00, 9.40. 10.20, 11.C0. 11.40 pja.. 12.20 aac
1.20 a jb.
Ta Sathsr and Mitan vlt Stvmth St— DaOr— Frtns
8.00 a.m.. and erery twraty minutes nntil 7.C0 p.m.
inclusive, thea 7.40. 8.20. B.CO. 0.4 a 10.2 a 11.0.
aad 11.40 pja. "-'
Tt Stonshurit— Daily Except Sunday— loo. 7.00. B.CO
9.00 a.m.. 2.20. J.CO. 4.00. 5.00, 5.40 pja. Sunda?
only 9.C0 10.00 ajn. LOO. 2XO. tOQ. 4Xa 5.C0
5.40 pjn.
T» Oakland Flrtt St.. FrulMla, Alamstfa. via H«rmhm
— Daily — From t&OO. 6.20 a.m. aad eTery twenty
minutes until 8.20 aja. inclusive; then 9.00, 0.2Q
10.00. 10.20. 11.00. 11.20 aja.. 12 su 12.20 .1.C0. 1.20 i
2.00, 2.20. J.OO, 1.20. :3.40 pjn. and erery twenty
" minutesunta 7 pja. mcluriTe; 7.<0. 8.20. 9.00, 9.40
- 10.20. 11.00 aad 11.40 p.m.. 12.20 and 1.20 cue. *
Additional traia to Oakland First St. 2.15 aja.
Ta Wirt Bcrkslsy— Daily Except Suaday— From 6.C(
a.m. acd every twenty minutes untilS.2oajn. iariu.
sire: thea 9.00 aja. aad every hour uatd 4.00 p.m.
iadasive: thea 120 p.m. and erery twenty miaut ?i
uatU 7.00 pja. inclusive: then 7.40 p.m.. 8.20. 9.C0 lUO pjn. aad 12.20 aja.
Ta Wnt Btrkttty— Sundays ndy— From ».00 %ja*
thea 7.00. 7:4% 8:20. 9.00 sun. Inclusive: thsa 9.2 C
aja. and every twenty minnt«9 7.C0 pjn. tactasiT?:
thea 7.49* p.m.. 12a OXO. 0.4 a 13.20. 11.C0. IL4O
Pjb. aad 1120 aja.
Ta Corbln — Daily Except Sunday— From 8.00 ajn. and
ev»ry 20 minutes until 8.20 a.m. lariaslv*. then'
6.00, 10.00 a.m.. 12.C0 m.. I.CO. 2.C0. 1.C0, 4.C0. 4.20.
4.40. 5.00. 5.20. 5.40 aad ICO pj.. /
T« Corbln— Suadayi oaly— Fraca 1.00 xa- thsa 3.C0
a.m.. 9.20 aja. aad every twenty minutes ust'J
6.Cop.m. - <.
Ta Stsga, Richmond. Pullman— fl.ooam.s.4opaa6V2Opm, :
Union Traatfcr Co. authoriied to check Bajgajt
direct from rssidence.
| Rxmd Trip frwi Saa Fraacim, $1.80 *»
| tt.sM fmttea tf.MßfWMte tf. Tanuigite .
! Wtekfrr! S.wUy W«ekJky" San^y WteUar Suixby
; S:4sa 8:«af 7:20«: 11:50 a ?:23a 10:40 a
( 1:45p 8:45« 1:40p 1:40p 11:40 a
•4:45p 10:45* 2:40? t:SOp 4:45p t:«?
...... 11:45 m 4:50p 2:50p * 9:00p 2:40?
...'... 1:45f 3:50? .• 3:40?
2:46p ' 4:40» 1 4:4Qa
•Saturdays. t Mondays. % Mt. Tamalpais only. '"
Ticket Offiess^ g74 Jlarkrt _ TeL Do U? ! M 4407
General OSce—MHl VaUey. California. Tet M* Valtoy 91
"Jnirs tf liailp jlx" vi "Mair In" an *!wqs e;a hf tants
T". 8. f-tratton. Recelvw, D«pot 12th and JCiaaioa.
L«at» Saa Fraaciico— *9 a. m.. 8:20 p. 0.
Lea*. Arleta— 4:lo a. m.. t1:55. V»M > ta.
Imti Tsaitaa Ol«a— fttii. $*:00 p. m.
. «Sta«« for Saa Orsßorlo and P«sea4<s».
All traina dally. «xc«pt tw««k days oaly;
tSuadaya oaly. . \u25a0 -\u25a0 ."'•»
Mire I»lan¥Sivy YirtCVal!eJ^l«ajSfrt.Hel«s
Botts leave 7.-00. 9:45 a. m ;-\u25a0 1 230, 3:20.
6:00. &3O p. m. Meals a la Carte.
. j>ock and office. Horta Knd Ferry BnildlaA.
. vfiuwe*: K£*pvAQ* I Bone C 470£
\u25a0 iimfc«M^ll«lllTWl*iMl IMlM^ml^lllll'lllMMlll^lJillW

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