OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, December 30, 1910, Image 14

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1910-12-30/ed-1/seq-14/

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Activity on Exchange Extends
to Minor, as Well as the
Important Issues
Bank of France Statement
Shows Unusual Increase in
Bills Discounted
Xfw Yorfc Stock L.l*t
X F Hutton & Co.. 4'jO California street,
i^cibers of the New York stock exchange, fur
»iUh the following list of bond and stock sales
Sales | STOCKS IHighj Low) Bid | Ask"
lOOlAllls-Chalincrs ...1 SMsJ S% S SVs
Do pfd 29 30
14,300 Amal Copper C3Y« 61»i 63^, 63^4
800 Amcr Roet Snpar. 43V4 42»4 42T4 43
I Do pfd »1 93
SOO'Amer Can Co S^i B^4 S% 9\U
400 DO pfd 76% 76 75«4 76^,
100 Amer C& F Co. . 49 49 49»i 50
Do pfd l]o 115
100 Amcr Cotton Oil.. 59% 59ij r.9 09"^
Amor Hide & L.. 4 4Vi
Do pfd 21% SS'.a
Amcr Ice Secur..! 17Vi IS
Amcr Linseed 11 12^
200 Do pfd 32 31ii 31 32
200 Amcr Locomotive 37^ S7 37 li 37^
Do pfd 107 108
Amrr Malt 4% 8
Do pfd 34 33
4,400 Amcr S& R Co. . 74*4 73*4 74 74^
200 Do pfd 102% 102% 1«2% 103
Araer Sugar 114 115
Do pfd 112 115
Amer Steel Faun 424 43
1.800 Atner T& T Co.. 14.1 142% 142% 143
noolAmer Tob pfd.... O- 1^ 92% &2 fi2*i
ICOJAmer Woolen 30% 30Vi SO% 31%
Do pfd Si 92
400 Anaconda 39 3fi?i 39 39H
400 Atlantic Coast L. 116^' 115 116 117
3,300 AT& S F 101 100% lfiU£ 101 1;
300) Do pfd 103 1O2«4 102% 102*,
lOOIBaIt & Ohio 105% 105^4 105 105^8
I Do pfd S9 ''91
100!B«thlehPm SteeL. 2S J /i 25% 29
300 Do pfd 59 57 S7 58
1.200 B B T 75% 75% 75% 73\i
2.7OO;Canadlan Pacific, ln^i 194 I *. 195% 19514
2^4ooiC & 0 80«4 79% 80% SI '
C&A , 27 SO
200 CGW 21«-j 21% 21% 21%
200 Do pfd 44% 44% 44W. 45^
200 C&X. W 142% 1« 1 il% 142%
I.OOOIC M&St P 123^122 123% 123%
I Do pfd 146 147
2*X)!Ceatral Leather.. 31% 31<£ Sll4 31%
300 Do pfd 104% 104V«!lO4 104%
Central of N J 260 2SO'
....... Chicago Terminal. "2 4
I Do pfd 8 20
100 COO AStL... 65 65 Ci% 69%
! Do pfd 9SH 10»»'
200 Colo Fuel & Iron. Sl% 31 31 32
Do pfd. 110% 115
!Col Ho.'t C & I 4 5
1000010 Southern.... 56% 5C% 50% r.7
..-....'. Do Ist pfd 74% 76
Do 2d pfd 71 ' 76
5.900 Consolidated Gas. 137& 13614 13<;i4 136 14
Corn Products 14% 15
....... J Do pfd 75% 79
COOlDel & Hudson... 165 164 164" 165
ID L& W 1 500 570
400 p &R G 25% £S% 25% 29 j
I Do pfd 66% 69% j
(Diamond Match SO ftt
......JDirtlllhig Sees 3.J 34
IDnluth S S & A. 12% 13
...... Do pfd.... . 21 23
3OC Erie 27% 27% 27% 2S
500} Do m pfd 45% 40% 46 46%
.......j Do M pfd 34% 34%
TnO'General Electric. 1M 152 U. 152% 153%
r..ofto;GoM£eld Cons S% 8% 8% 8%
200:Grt Northern Ore 57 57 56 57
400iGrt Northern pfd 123 122% 123 123%
'JOOllUlaois OntraL.. 131 131 130% 13:5"
l.SOOlnterboro-Metro .. 19"* 19% 19% 19%
n.500) Do pfd 54% 63% 53% 53%
Inter Mer Marine 4% 6
Do pfd 12% 12%
Intwnatnal Paper.... 12% 13
Do pfd 55% 55%
. 200iInteraatnal Pump 40% 40 40 40%
Do pfd 84 ST.
lowa Ontral 1 17% 18%
300 Do -pfd 31%! 31 31 31%
. S.4nojK C Southern 33% ::2i; 33% 33%
Sfol Do pfd 6C%| 66 65% 66%
I Luke Erie & W 15 18
I Do pfd .05 45
I.WWL-&N 144% 143%|144 144%
16.500 Lehlffh Valley..*. 181 ISOU 180% 181
Mjiokay 30% S.I
Do pfd 74% 7T.%
COO Manhattan 138% 138 14 138 138%
M 0 Mexican Central.. 35 i 34% 35% 35%
Minn 4r St L 24 26
(Do Ist pfd : 35 53
200 MSB P&S SM. 130% 130 129% 131
... D* pfd 146 147%
1.100 Mo Han & Tex... 32 51% 31% 32%
Do pfd 62% 68
4OOM3«r»url Pacific. 46% 46 40% 46%]
Notional Lead 55 «4 5. T .% 1
DO pfd 104 10714!
200i!Cetl»nal Biscuit.. 11714 117% 117 117% j
D# pfd 123 124.
1.500 Nevada Cons 18% 18% 1»% 18%
IN V Atr Brake... 68 71
1,200 S T Central 1U.% 110% 111% 111%
NyN y C & St \j ! 63 68
r» Ist pfd 104 110
P» 2d pf d 88 03
300' N ISH* Ilart 151% 10l 150% 151
\u25a0 lOOIX f Ont & W 41 41 41 42
.I.4oo!NcrlWk & West.. 100% 99% l£n% 100%
...I D» pfd *> 90
:. North American t. ft 4% 65
2.COO! Northern Pacinc 116% 115% 116 Vi 116%
lOmiifca. l?« 145'
..; J H» Dfd im 175
iP*c*c Coast 68 112 \u25a0
800;Psrt6c Mall 28 27% 27% 2~%
300jPaetto Tel & Tel 43% 43% 43% 44
fiOO'Pent R R Co 128% 128% 128% T2S%
200!Pe«J|p*K Ga*..._ U)5 105 104% 10514
00a1... .: i 7 18%
....... 1 B» pfd 1 67% 69
, IP OC& St L 07 98%
„......{ Hi pfd 105 112 ;
4001Pre*ed Steel Carl 30 29% 29% SO
400! Hfnfd :... 33% 93" 92% 93%
..~...1Ry wteel Spps Col Si 82'
! D» pfd 91% 92
«,BO0 f ß*'stin£ 150% 149% 150% 150%
........ B» l«t pfd I P7% 91
1,100 I»2dpfd 193% 93 93% P4
B^iblie S A 1..! 30 31
» pfd 1.'...'. :.v.. »1% 92%
3,B0n!R«« Island O».-> 29% 29 29% 29%
1001 E» pfd 60 60 59% 60%
....... JSIMI SS& 10. 49% 49% 49 ,V>
...St &SF Ist pfdt ...„ 60 65
100' D»2d pM 1 35%! 88% RB% 3R%
St 1.4 S W,. 1 25 20
I B» pfd v . 1 «o 62
R.«ftO;Sr**»rn Pacific.. lte^ilH-i 116 116%
l.OOO.Rocaiera Ry | 26%! 26 26% 26%
, J o^',^; r f <* : «i^i 61% 6i 7 ci%
l.iOPTwai Copper | 3414) 34 |34 34%
. 300T«>k«s Pacific I>G ; 26 I 25% 26
\u25a0;.... .".[Thlrfl Arenne. I | 914 10V
SOOjTot St L & W...| 23%1 23 123 23%
200[_P« pfd j 02T41 52%) 52 .13
P"?Q* City R T-. 1 107 110
....... iVA-ym Bag & pj gi» n
\u0084. — I tsT pfd 54 jn
27.»» D^n Pacific 170% 169%!17rt% 17(1%
LoOOi_B«pfd 93 92 192% 93 ,
500h7»ofSF 81 30.131 31%
SOO] D» pf 4. !60 .19 K9% Art I
200JU ROB*t Iron P..1 18U n
I D 9 pfd 1 R2 KSiA
2JSOO|TJ % Ilnbber 137% 35% 37 37%
3.5001 V% Ist pfd |110%hlO |110%1U0% ;
COOI C 0 2d pfd I 74 I 7S%| 71 "J 74vt,
73.100'CT S Stwl C0r... 1 72%| 71 172% 72*f1
**l »• Pfd in6%in6>i!116%1U6%
jrtsS Copper. | 44%| 45 i
100jV«rCar Cbem Co.| 61% l 61% fi2 I fVK 1
..to r fd I ••'... 124% 126
....... Wa*ash 16 1614
.......1 D« pfd ...; 34 3,";
JWefls-Fargo Ex.. ..... ..... 150 ISS
100. Western Union... 73 73 72»i 73
....... 'Wettinphonse ... e« 66U
XV It L B 414 r,
....... CO Ist pfd ll' 13U
BO 2d pfd r. 7"
100|Wfcroasin Central 56 ,%6 1.56%| 57
305,400 — *S*tal Kbsres (wild.
Xevr York Dondn
V R r**f Si rp«..loO%lint Met 4%s . 7914
Do con;** ...:10O%lmt -M*r Mar 4%s 64
1>» 3s PU 102 Japan 4s .. . JOS'
Do ctmym ....102 Do 4%s . {15%
Do 4s rmf 115% Kan City Ro Ist ?.s 73U
Do amum 115%! L Shor deb 45,1931 93%
AJlis-Chal Ist ft*. 75%! l A N unified 48. flß«i
Amer Agrlenl ss. 102 |M. X & Tex Ist 4s 97%
Aoer T&.V cv 4s.lO5ViJ Do p«Mi 4%s ... «C.%
Atner Tobacco 4f. 80 Mo Paclfle 4b.. ... 7c'
Do 6s 105 I »D« cv 5* .. 91%
Armour 4%e 92% N R of Mpx 4%5. 94%
Atch gen 4* 9»% N V C pen 3%r.. 8»%
Do cr 4s 304 14 : Do deb 4s 83%
Do CT 5s .. 108U NV.NH& H cv 65.132%
Atlao C L Ist 4s. 94% Nor & W Ist con4s 09%
Bait A Ohio 45.. OR I Do cv 4s .. \u0084..100%
Do 3%s fl2%|Nnr Pnclfic 45. ...100%
Do S W 3%8.. J>o%t Do 3s ...•-";. 70%
Brooklyn Tr cr 4s 52%!0 S Wne rfde 4s. 92%
<>ntral of Ga 6s.lO7Sj|Pa cv"3%s, 1915. 06%
Cert Ijeather 55.. 93%) Pa con 4s .. .103
CBR al NJ ga :,». \TI \ Heading p»n 4g... 97%
Cbes& Ohio 4%a.10J%15t U & S F f g 4s. S0«
Do ref &» .Ml Do cm 5s ..... 86W
CW & Alton 3% 5. 70 St LS W con 4s. 75U
C. B& Q Joint 4s 05% Do Ist gold 45.. 89%
Do (tmi 4« ..... 97% Seaboard A Li 4s: 76%
CM* StP so 3%b 93% So Pacinc col 4*.. 91%
C,RIA Pac col 4s 73 I Do cv- 4s :..... 97
- Do refdK 45.... J>fl%| Do'.'lst ref 4s. .91%
Colo Indus 55.... .77%|50 Railway 5e:... 107%
«v>lc Midland 4s.'. 66 Do^fen 45..... 75%
- Col So r&ext 4%s 97% Cnloa Pacific 45.. 101
J)rl & Ucd cv 4s. 88% Do cv 4s :..:. :103%
Deu & Rio G 4«. »3% Do let & ref 45: :9 6%
Do ref 5s ...:. 899 iUS Rubber 6«... 102%
NEW YORK, Dec 29.— 1n the
stock market prices rose^ very gen
erally and the 'movement was un
usually comprehensive.- -The rise
embraced • not*- only '-the standard
railway shares, but took in many
of the southern and southwestern
issues and various specialties as
The further gain in Southern
Railway preferred was coincident
with reports that dividends on the
stock are likely to be resumed
soon. Canadian Pacinc was active
at a higher price. Union Pacific
and Southern Pacinc were appar
ently in demand at smart advances
in the face of distinctly unfavor
able exhibits.
The coal stocks were conspic
uous for their activity and under
lying strength, and Reading was
bought by traders who pro
fessed to have advance informa
tion that the company's showing
for November would be more than
gratifying. The market closed
with prices generally at or near
the best.
London was a buyer on balance,
but not enough to call for de
tailed comment. The Bank of
England's proportion of reserve
to liabilities fell to 37.90 per cent,
a decline of S% per cent from the
previous -week, but compared
favorably with the corresponding
week last year. The bank's total
reserve decreased more than $",
000,000. and its bullion holdings
decreased by $7,500,000. Clear
ances by the London banks for the
week were almost $300,000,000 less
than for the same week last year.
A striking- feature of the weekly
statement of the Bank of France
was its enormous increase of
about $34,000,000 5n bills dis
Belated demands for money
caused a flurry in call loans for
which the rate advanced to 5 per
cent. It is not improbable that
a further slight disturbance of
local monetary conditions may be
•witnessed tomorrow, but in the
Judgment of bankers the higher
rate is not likely to last long.
The bond market was irregular
with, especially large dealings in
Norfolk and Western convertible
4s at rising prices. Total sales,
par value, were $3,425,000.
United States government bonds
were unchanged on call.
NEW YORK, Dec. 29.— E. F.
Hutton & Co.'s wire says: Influ-.
ential and somewhat -aggressive
buying was the feature of today's
stock market and for the first time
in many weeks. Absorption has
been in progress in the down scale
during this period, but securities
were bid for today by the right
people. Professional Wall street
attributed the rise to so called
"window dressing" at the year's
end, but we seriously doubt if this
was the basis for the movement.
' Wall street is liquidated to a share
I with the universe very pessimistic
i«*in the outlook. Bankers are now
1 the chief holders of securities in
! anticipation of better times, which
• will be reflected in stocks six
I months in advance of trade condi
» tions.
Distillers 5s 76 |U*S Steel 2d 55..103%
Erie prior lien 4s. 6.">',!>]Va Car Chcm 55.. 100%
Do gen 4s 74i4iWabash Ist 55.... 108
Do cv 4b. ser A 74 I Do Ist & cst 4s 64
Do or 4s. ser B6a j Western Md 45... 86%
G-en Elect cv 55..14S j Wasting El cv ss. 92
111 Cen Ist ref 4s 97%|Wls Central 45... 93%
,Xew York Mining Stocks
Alice I.2sjLlttlc Chief . 05
Corn' Tunnel Stock 20jMesican 70
Own Tunnel Bonds 19 Ontario '. 1.50
Con Va Mm Co.. 70'Ophir 1.10
Horn Silver 30iStandard SO
Iron Silver 1.65 yellow Jacket 35
Leadvllle Con ... 10)
New York Curb Stocks
NEW YORK. Dec. 29.— E. F. Hutton & Co.'s
wire says: "There was little in the way of
price movements in the mining department of
the curb today worth special mention. A little
firmer tone developed in Chino. which rose to
21%. Many of the prominent Issues barely had
a market. Belmont was strong."
Bid. Ask. I Bid. A6k.
Amcr Tob ..413 415 ]Ray Central. .2 1-16 2^
Braden 3 13-16 X% Ray Con 18^4 18i£
Brit Colons.. 7 7% San Toy 22 30
Bte Coalition IS 19 Standard STIU 14 18
Chi Subway. 4\i 4%\ Do pfd ... 47 B2
Chino ... 21*£ 21i4!Standard 0i1. 617 620^
Cons Ariz ..1% 1 7-16! Super & Pitts 13?4 14^4
Dolores 3V. 6^lTri Bullion... 7-16 9-16
Davis Daly.. I*4 l* 4 !Un Copper .. 4i£ 5
El Rayo ... 376 4»|| Do pfd ... 10 20
Ely Cent ... 6 7 jUn Rico .... 1 3
First Natnl.. 1% I% I Yukon 3% .1%
Giroux 6*4 6 13-16 Fraction 16 17
Daisy 5 S Jumbo Ex ..24 26
Florence 1% 1% Xev'Utah ... % 13-1G
Greene Can.. C>% 7 Mason Val .. 9% 10
Gug Express.l9o-200 Ely Con 29 33
Inspiration ..S l^ 8 9-16!Belmoot 4% 4%
Inter Rub .. 33% 34 IXev HIUs ..2% 2 3-16
Kerr Lke.6 11-16 6 13-16' Mays .... 66 68
I/a Rose 4 l £ 4%jjune .... 17 18
Miami 19% 19<fc!So ITtah 1 1%
Mln of A.5 11-16 5 13-16 Colorado .... 34 3<!
Montg Sho. .. 5 10 Tuolumne ... 4% 4^
Nipissing ... 10% 11 Soo . 33 35
Ohio 1% 1 11-16 I B ......... SO «
Boston Stocks
BOSTON. D<h\ 29.— E. ,F. Hutton & Co.'s
wire xays: "The Boston copper shares are,
exhibiting a somewhat stronger tone on a fair
volume of trading, which has been better dis
tributed than for some time past. Other de
partments of the market are showing some
irregularity,' but prices in the main are strong,
v.ith a good investment demand still notice
able. American telephone and telegraph 6old
at 143. which is a substantial rain."
The following list Is famished by E. F. Hut
ton & Co., 490 California street, San Frunclsco:
Bid. Ask.l • Bid. A«k.
Adventure .- 6 6%lN*wth Lake:. 6W 6>i
Allouez : 38 39>4 Old Dominion 37% 38
Arcadian ... 3 3% Osoeola 127 123U
Ari«.Com .. 14% 14^.!Ojibway 6% 8
Atlantic 5 6 (Parrot liv£'l2
A P- 4>,a 4S4!Qulnry 70 " 701,4
Do pfd ... 14 15 ISliannon ..... 11M 11U
Balaklala ... 6 7 (Santa F»» ... 1% 1%
Bt« Coalition 17>4< 18*4 (United Shoe.. 55 5514
Oal & Arlx.. 48 48^, Do pfd ...28^29'
Cal & Hecla. — 540 •& Bost 5*6 5*4
Oentennlal ...15% 16% Super. & Pitts 13% 1414
Coppr Range 67 67 V* Super Copper. 41% 43
Daly West... 3% 39i|Tamarack ... 60 51%
East Kutte.. 11?4 12 ITrinlty 4% 4^4
Franklin .... 9 - 9%1U S Mining. 55% 36»/»
Granby 37 40 ) Do . pfd ... 47 4"%
Hancock 20 20%|Utah Ap«... 214 2%
Helvetia .... 1% 2 Utah Coas .. 13% 14'
Isle Royale.. 16% 17 Victoria ..... 2' 2%
Indiana ..... 11 ii 12 Wolverine .. .116 117 "
Kerr Lake .. 6% 0% Wyandotte .. 1% 1%
Keweenaw .. 3 3% Winona '..... f>% U\l
Lake Copper. 34»4 34% Greene Can... 6% 7
I/a Salle ..v 6% 6%jGlroux v 0% 6%
Muss Con .. 8 8% I Ray Con ... . 18U 18%
Mich Mm ...3% 3% Algomah .... 7% 8
Mohawk .... 45 46- Bos & Maine. 120 123^
Xewhouse ... 1 1% Bos & Albany.224 225
North Butte, 29^4 29% Bos Elev ...128%129
Nev, Cons .: ISI4 18% United Fruit.. 191 192
Bonton Curb Stocks
Bid. Ask.) Bid. Ask.
ArU & Mich. 8 10 I Ely Witch.... 8 10
Ahmeek ....17f> ISO llnspiration .. 8% \u25a08%
Bohemia .... 8% 3% | Key stone .... 2% 3-
Boston Ely.. f>2 !H I Live Oak .... 23% 24
Calaveras ... 2 2^ I Majestic ..... 37 89
Cactns ...... 28 25 |Mnson Val . . 9% 10
Chief Cons.. 1% l%|Xev Douglas. 2% 2%
Corbln ...... 4 4%!Onrco " ... ....2 1-16 2W
Chemung 6 7 Ohio ..;..... l^i ial
Chino ....... 21 21>4 S«n Antonio. .6%
Davis Daly. .1% 1 11-16 Sup & Globe. 8 10
Eagle &BB 60 80 South Lake... 7 7%
London Closing; Stocks;
Cobs for money. .79% |L«uis v & Nash.... 148
Do for- acct..79 7-16 M, X & -Texas.*.'. . 3254
Amal Copper .... 64% N V Central...... 115%
Anaconda .*...... 8 " Norfolk & West. . :103
Atchison .104 Do pfd ...../.. 9"%
Do pfd .106 j Ontario & West... 42
Bait & 0hi0. ..;.". 108 Pennsylvania ..... 66
Can Pacldc 200% Rand • Mines '..'.... -8%
Ches & 0hi0..... 83 Reading ; . :::;:..:. :,liy.
Chi Great West. .22 ISo Railway .'.". ... 27U
Cbi, Mil & St P. 126 J :Do pfd ... ..... 63%
De Beers ....... 17% So Pacific- .......117%'
Den & Rio G.... 29% Union Pacific- ....175
Pfd 72 Do pfd . . ....... 04%
Erie ....... ... 28H U S 5tee1. ....... 7414
Do Ist pfd..... 47% Do pfd ........120U
Do 50"...;.. 36 Wabash ;.......— 16%
I Grand Trunk .... 23% Do pfd ......tt 34%
I 111 Central- ..136' Spanish 4s .....;. ©0
Bar Bilver— Steady ; . 24 15-16 d: per ounce,
Money — 3«4@4 per cent.
The rate of discount in ; the open market for
' Si? 1 is 3l fc P p r cent and for three months'
j bills 3% @3 9-16 per cent.
Condition of the Treasury
\u25a0 WASHINGTON, Dec 29.-^.t ,the beginning
of business today i the condition of the .United
States treasury,. was:'* < .
balance •In treasury offices, .$33,448,-
Total balance in general fund;: $83, 294. 188
<^n^e n K^6d y OSr dar^ sl^ lM2 -TT 1 *
Sfew York Money Market
RK '' Dcc " ' Sfl— Money on ; caU, firm
at 3%@4% percent; roling;rate, B%iper.cent;
closing bid. 4%; per cent; offered at 4% r per: cent!
Local Stocks and Bonds Active
Oil and Mining Stocks Are Active
Time loans, dull and steady ; 60 ; days and -90
days, 3% per cent; six months, 3%@4 per cent.
. Prime mercantile paper. 4@4% per cent. : -'
Sterling exchange, steady, with actual business
in bankers' bills at $4. 82 <& 4. 8225 for GO day bills
and at $4.8510 for demand. -
Commercial bills, $4.51%@4.82.
Bar sliver. -53%c.'
Mexican dollars, 45c.
Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds, ir
Chicago DlHCount Rale
CHICAGO, Dec. 2&. — Exchange on New York,
5c discount.
"Northern Business
PORTLAND, Dee. 29.'— Clearings, $1,095,020;
balances. $283, CSO.
TACOMA. Dec. 29. — Clearings, $640,558;, bal
ances. $41,599. '
SEATTLE, Dec. 29.— Clearings, $1,650,115; bal
SPOKANE. Dec. 29.— Clearings, $012,182; bal
ances, $6e,(Rl.
Loans, Exchange and Silver
Prime mercantile paper. .....-.'.. .5 :@ 6 per cent
Loans on real estate..... sy>@3 per cent
Sterling exchange, 60 day 5...... — &A.52%~
Sterling exchange, sight — <?i4.55 ! 14
Sterling exchange, cables —^C 4.86%
New York exchange, 5teht. ...... — ftj .05
Hongkong exchange, Bight..:.'.., — -<5!.. 44%
Hongkong exchange, telegraphic— 0> .45
Silver, per ounce : ....... — (i$ .53%
Mexican dollars, nominal.... — fig .50
New York on Paris 520%
New York on Mexico .'.. 201%
Paris on London .2.". 26%
Berlin on London. ;.*..20.42
A long and varied list of securities was traded
in yesterday and there were a number of. note
worthy variations. California wine was higher
at $54.37% and City electric at $62.62%. Asso
ciated oil was lower, declining to $48.62%, and
Paauhau sugar wns also lower, down 'to $19.
There will be no -session of this exchange to
morrow or Monday.
Pacific Coast borax was ex dividend of $1 yes
THURSDAY, Dec. 29— 10:30 a. m.
Bid. Ask. Bid. Ask.
48 qr cp new — 115% 3s qr coup..'. — —
Ala A Wss. — 100 O G.L&n 55.101% — ;
Am REI r»s. 94 — ' Oak Tran Os.lOS —
Asso Oil ss. 98 100 Oak Trail os. — 104%
Bay CPC ss. 101 14 — O Tran Cn r>s — 104%
Cal C G 55.10«% — O Trac Cn 5s 97">i —
Cal G& E g O Trac Co os 92 —
m &ctss — 99Vi O W gtd ss. 94% 96
Cal st O 55.101U — Om Cable 6s. 106 .—
Cal Wine ss. 93% 94% Pac G Im 4s. — 90%
aty El 55.. 91% 94% P E Ry 5a..104%105
C C Wat ss. 97% 99% Pac LAP ss. — : 90
Do g mgs» — 94% Do etd 65. 101 —
Ed El LA. 5s 99 — Pac T&T os. — —
W LAP 6s. — — P &'O II 65.100 —
DuPt P 4%s 83 — IP & O R6s.— —
First FTrss — — (People's Wss 69% 69%
F& C H 66.101 — iPowel! st 6».. 09
H C & S Ss.lol-4 Hap EG&RJs.IOI 101%
Hon R T Os.loo 105 S Diego R ss. — —
L Tahoe Rss — 105 S. J L&P 55. ; »5"J4 96%
L A Elec ss. 9S — S FEI Ry 5s — —
LAG-& El 5s OS — SF.O & SJ5s. 104^4106
Do Cor s*. 9«% — Do 2d mgos 92% 94%
LA Ry 55.. 100 — Do Con 55." —
LAL. gtd ss. 90% — SJ& SCR 4%s '— 85
r^\P lem 55.102 — Sierra R 65.. 100 106
LAP Cal ss. 99%100% S P of C 6s
Marln W 58.100% — \u25a0 (1912) 102 V> —
Mkt st C 65.102% — KPC 1c g r.s.l'lO'ft —
Do lem r»s. — 99 - S P B R 05.127 —
MA'& MtTDs. — 102% SPRR Ist r4s 06% —
Natoma 06s 00 — Stkn G&E f.5.105% —
NRof C os.lllH — SV-Wy mg4s 90% 90%
N C Ry 5». .100 — U G & E os.loo —
NCPCo 5s — 09% UR of SF 4s. 6S —
NCPCn 5s 90% 90% Val Co P 3s. 99 —
N El Co ss. — 95-
Marln Co .. 55% 61 |S V Wat Co. 49% 50 I
Peop W pfd 41% — I
City El Co. . 62% 65 Pac L pfd... — 7i", '
N Cal Power — 64 Do com ... 70 —
Oto W, Iv&P 63% 65
Cal Ins Co.. 75 — Pac O Cms Co. 153- 175
Firemn's Fd.230 260
Am Ntl Bk. — — First- Natal. -.215 . —
Anglo &L0n.149 — Her Nat Bk. — —
Bank v of Ca1.202%2C6 Union T Co.. — —
Cent Trust.. 123 —
Ger S &\u25a0& \u25a0 L.2550 2900 IMut Say Bk. CO 72%
Hum S 8k..124 135 |Soc Say Bk..— 330
California ..125 — | Presidio IS —
Dti Pont pfd — — I Giant Con ... 5314 84
Do com 152 j
Hawaiian C. 34 34% Makaweli S O 32% —
Honokaa S ClO 10, Onomra S C- 35
Hutch S P C 14% 15% Paauhau SO. 1!) —
Kilauea.S C. — \u25a0.. 14 t^nlon S Co,. C 4% —
Amal Oil Co. 20 — [Union Prov .. — —
Amo Oil Co. 45% —' United Pet .. — —
Palmer 0i1..' 1.C0-1.651W Coa»t O pf — 101
Sterling Oil.. — 2% Do com . .
Union Oil .. — 101
Alaska P A. — 88%lPoc Aux FA — —
('al F C A. 104% 107%j Pac <\u25a0 Borax. lr.l l.'fi
Chl Wine A. 54 54% I Pac T&T pfd ft-'V, 07%
MV& MtTm. — — Do com ... 42% —
N Alas S Co. 05 115 Philip T& iT 34V. 26
SALES - . . '"
' Morning . Session '
">0 Associated Oil C 0.... 49.37%
275 ABsoclated Oil C 0.. ...........; 49.50
90 California Wine Ai«sn ,54.00
50 Giant Powder 53 . 50
50 Hawaiian Coml & 5ugar. ....... 34.25
10 Hutchlneon Sugar P1antati0n... ,14. 87%
25 Paauhau S P C 0..... 19.25
25 People's Water \u25a0Co (pfd) ...... 41 .50
7 Spring Valley Water Co. . ;..A .50.00 '
100 Sprlne Valley Water C 0........ 4n 87"-A'
$3,000 Cal Gas & El'G M & C T Hs.. 90.00 ':
$2,000 California Wine . Assn : ."5 ...... .-; 93 . 50
$1,000 California Wiue.Aßsn ss. JM^OO
$3,000 City Electric Co ss:.'. ..... M 50
$3,000 N Cal Power Co Con 5»..\..... 90.75
$2,000 Pacinc Tel & Tel 5s ....: .100.00
51,000 United R R of S F 45. ....... 07.75
10 California Wine Awn 53. 50
50 City Electric C>. . . . ....... 62.00
200 irutrhln!-on Sncar Plantation. ..14.75
100 Pacific Tel &TH (pfd>. ...Vn.T.OO
25 Spring Valley Water . C 0 ... ..' .. .' 49 R7U
$R,C»OO Cal Gas El G M & C T 55.: Oft.oo "
?5.000 Pacific Tel & Tel 55.....;.. 100 00
$3,000 S P II R Ist reftlg 45.. . . .... 96;.VK
$3,000 Spring Vfll Wat gen'.'mtg 45.. ; 00:50
- Afternoon* Reoslon \u25a0'.\u25a0'
Board — : /
100 Associated Oil Co. b SO . . . 49 50
J0() Associated Oil Co. b 30. .:..:.. V 45)'. 25
25 Aspoclaterl Oil Co.. \u0084 ...... 40 00
10A Associated .Oil C 0 .............. 48.75
\u25a0 20 Associated 011 Co.. 48 62%
s"AFsoe.iated''OH'-C0.".'. ........ S.. 48 87U
-40 California Wine A55n.......... 54 00
5 California . Wine A55n.'.. *...;... 54 25
35 California Wine ; Assn. . . .'. .... 54*37 U
20 City Electric Co .... 626'%
45 Paauhau S.P C 0 ............... 19 2'
50 Paauhau SP Co.'..'. .19." 00
100- Palmer . Oil' Co.::. vlvlrMv - Vtaii,
. $5,000 People's i Water Co 35 ...... 69 ' nsnsn 5
\u25a0 .Street— : - , . .'- .-'"-\u25a0 -
M.OOO Lob Ang-Pac R R of Cal 55.. 100 00
$10,000 Pacific Tel &1 Tel ,55. . ;:: . . :. . .10o!o0
Bid. Ask. : :\u25a0\u25a0 .-. Bid. Ask
City,& CBk — 04 ; Sutterstfbds.looll —
Metrop; Bk.. — -Bfi Pac G&B r.s. *)&\u25a0"& (H»"«
S Cru» Cem. 44 46 Do pfd ... 88" '88$
Cal Cot Mills — - S5 , \u25a0
• SALES ' -
$4,000 Pacific Gas & - Electric 55. ... 99.50
Aside from a g ain of 10c ! in' Belmont yesterday
the * mining, stocks. • both" Comntockg and - southern
Nevada*. .were; quiet, with no, variations of note.
The regular iinnuM '\u25a0 meeting; of ; the ; stock ' hold
ers of the Goldfield Consolidated * mines company
will be held at ; Evanston.v Wyo.. the principal
place of business -of - the corporation.* on : Friday
January 6. . :.';•:,. /;\u25a0:\u25a0•>%!,
.The mill report of , the Tonopah mining company
for the " last . week ; shows that an average •of< 98 -
out of. the 100 stamps . were dropping | constantly
crushing 3,362 tone of. ore of an average; value of
$24.a4 per ton. >" The < shipments \ from X the * mill
consisted of 53 "\u25a0 bars , of ' bullion, 7. valued \u25a0; at $45 -
078.79 gross." and 40.tons •of concentrates valued
at .; $20,072.78 gross, r making the - total •< value of
the ; shipments $65,151.57.;. -The average extrac
tion of the mill for the week was 90 per cent." •
\u25a0 The i exchange ; will , not be An session Saturday
or \u25a0 Monday .v : i..-..- : \u0084^.\u25a0 •.-':•-'.\u25a0\u25a0«:\u25a0\u25a0.• •\u25a0'\u25a0".•\u25a0\u25a0..\u25a0.'\u25a0\u25a0 ;.v;. \u25a0":\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0:, i?; .v.W
The: total" tonnage of dry oro Shipped » to" mill
and smelter<by..the Tonopah-Belmontmlne ln;No
vember,. 1910.- was ; 7,615 • tons.t against 17,681 ; tons'
in October, hut the gross yiald for : November was
valued at, $241,188,*, against J2ir».056. f0r October '
a. difference of mow than $26,000 in' favor, oMast
month, ~* while itho net profits for.- November; were
$127.032. ; against v |102,4f19 f for "% October;-'' or v an
other difference * of . $25,000 1 in i favor ; of; the" com
pany.' The gold contained inUant month* output
was; 8,223 ounces; and the' silvers wo .332,176
ounces. ... * '•\u25a0;\u25a0-:•' ''•',' : .-""'y s '' : \u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0•'\u25a0' '.'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0,"''
'. FWJowlng wwra '\u25a0: the>Valog on. th» : Ban Fraa- .
cl**co'«tock exchsnri} yesterday: \
' *\u25a0 COMSTOCKS ' . .
•\u25a0-• •„* -. Regular ; Moraine \u0084 Session '.
400 Heat & Belch. 2<? 200 Cons Va]M. . ,'.'-. .71
100 Caledonia . ... , ; 27 s 300 Qj»W*> \2^LT 1 *">«
1500 Con linperittl. 02 - •.; \u25a0*...:
''".Afternoon Session ;. r
1000 Andes ....... 05 500 NGould & Cl 15
1000 Best & Belch.' 26 300 N Gould & O. 16
;400 Bruns Chollar.* 20 100 0phir. ...... .1.25
500 Bruns Potosi.' 20 600 Ophir ::..:. 1.22%
200 Challenge .... 07 300 Seg Belcher *.. 07
: 100 Challenge . . . . OS 1000 Seg " Belcher . . »8
500 Chollar ... ; . . 15 500 Sierra - Nev ... 13
500 Chollar . . . . : . .16 , 300 Sierra Nev .' .'_: •12
000 Con Va M.V.. "71 300 Union : Con .... 27
100 Gould , & Cur. 16. 900 Union ': Con . . . 26
- 100 Mexican ..... 711 100 Yellow Jacket. 3G
500 Mexican ...... "70J v . ;~*"
\u25a0'Informal Session
Andes ........ 05 200 Con .Va, M. ... 72
1000 : Do, b 30... , 06 :200: 200 Hale : & " Norc . 12
,-100 Belcher ...... 37 1(K) Opblr '.-. . . ;: .. .1.20
100 Best &- Belch: 26 -350 Occidental .... 42
: 300 Caledonia .... 27 400 Occidental" .... 43
200 Caledonia .... 28 800 Savage "...:... .11
800 Chollar .....*.\u25a0; 17 v
Bid.Ask.l ..•\u25a0 : , Bld.Ask.
Alpha — 01 Julia Con 04 —
Alta — 03 Justice ....... 03 —
Andes ....... 04 . Or. Kentuck . Con . . — 10
Belcher ......> 36 :'\u25a0-.' 40 Mexican ...*... '71 73
Best & Belch. 26 "27 N-Gould • & .C.WIS 16
Bruns Chollar. 20 — Occidental .... 41 . —
Bruus , Potosl. 20 '• —Ophir .-. ..... .1.20 1.22
Bullion ...:.. — 08 Overman ..... 23 30
Caledonia"".... 27 29 Potosi ... . — '35
Challenge .... 07' 09|Savage' ." - 11 . 12
Cbollar ...... 16 17 Seg Belcher . . 08 10
Confidence ... 35 45 Scorpion ... ... 03 : 05
Con Va At.... 72 75 Sierra Nev .:. 13 14
Con: Imperial. 02 03 Silver Hill ... 02 03
Crown Point. . 34 — Union Con ... 26 28
Exchequer ...— 08 Utah .........01.03
Gould & Our. 16 17 Yellow Jacket. 36 • —
Hale & Norc. 12 13| ; :
Regular Mornlnc; Session , " -
100 Com Fraction. 17 100 Old Con M. 8. 42%
200 Gld-Con M..>. 8.40 SOO Midway ...... 15
100 Gld Con M...8.45 1000 Mustang . 04
- \u25a0 Afternoon Session
2000 Atlanta ......; 13 550 Gld Con M.. .8.45
100 Belmont .....4.60 2000 J Butler, s's. 25
7CO Belmont ...4.62% 200 Jumbo Ex .... 25
300 Belmont .....4.65 200 Midway 15
200 Belmont ...4.67%! 500 Midway .. 10
500 Booth ....... 0811000 Mustanz ..... 04
100 Com Fraction. 1711000 North Star ... 05
000 Com Fraction. 1613000 Red Top Ex.. W5
100 Florence- ..... 1.40 1 5000 Rescue E, b3O 11
400 Gld Con M...8.40|
\u25a0 Informal Session
500 C Eureka,b3O.l.2o!loOo Man Big Four. 07
300 Florence- ...:. 1.35) 170 Nev Con ..18.37%
50 Florence ....: 1.40 230 Nev Con 18.50
2SO Giroux Con ..6.75 300 So Eureka. .6.37%
200 GlrouxiCon -;.6.80 200 So Eureka ...6.50
1000 Jim Butler .. 24 500 Ton of Nev. .8.10
2000 Lone Star ... 03 330 Ton of Nev. .8.20
•" 500 MacNamara .. 19 100 Ton of Nev..8.25
Bid. Ask. I BUI. Ask.
Argonaut ....1.25 — jCent Eureka... 1.15 1.25
,' - Tonooah District
Bid. Ask. I Bid. Ask. i
Belmont .....4.65 4. 7o! North Star ... 04 05
Jim Butler .. 24 26|Rescue Eula .. 10 11
MacNamara ..' 18 20 Ton Exten ..; OS 99
Midway . 15 , 17 Ton of Nev. .8.20 8.25
Mizpah Ex . . — S2 West End ... 53 55
Montana *...".. 83 So}
Goldfield - District
Adams ......— 01|Gld Kewanas.. 06 08
Atlanta ...... 13 141 Gld Merger M. 08 09
Blue Bell ... 02- 03 Grandma ..... 01 03
Bine Bull ... 04 05 1 Great Bend . . 01-; "02
Booth ... ... . . OS OPlGrt Bend Anx. — 01
CO D. .. 15 17JGrt Bend Ex. — 01
Columbia Mt.. -02 04|.Tumbo Ex 24 26
Com - Fraction. 16 17 Lone Star .... 03 04
Conqueror .... 01 02'Oro .. .". . . 05: 06
Cracker Jack. > 01 (Sjßed Hills 1... 02 03
Dmdfld Trngl. — OJjßed Top Ex.. 03 04
Florence ..... 1 . 35 1 . 37! Sliver Pick . . 05 06
Frances Mlik. 01 '- — Spearhead Gld. 06, —
Gold Bar Gld — 10 St Ives ...... 15' —
Gld Con M. . .8.40 5.45 Wonder ...... — 01
Gld Portland. 01 02| Yellow Tiger. . 05 07
Bullfrog District
Amethyst .... — «. OlJMont , Bullfrog. 01
Bonnie Clare.. 02 04 Montgomy Mt. — 01
Blfrg Nat Bk 01 02 Tratnp Con .. 02 04
Hoinestake' K. — 01 Valley View... — 02
Mayflower Con 03 041
Manhattan District
Man Big Four 06 07 Mustang. Man.. 04 05
Man Con 02 04 Pine Nut .... — 01
M«n Dexter... <>5 •'\u25a0.('« Stray D»g ... — 02
Mineral Hill., -r- 01 Thanksgiving.. 02 04
Other TJisi riots -
Eagle's Nest.. 02 04|pltts S Peak.. 59 60
Fairvw G Bid 0.1 04{namsey —1 01
Fairvw Eagle. ,V> . 40! Raw Coalition. — 03
Fairvw Hailst <•• 04 Round <-Mt ....-39 —
Jack Pot ...: 02 04 Tecopa Con ...-,'— 35
Nev Hills ...2.15 2.171
Assessment Directory - Comstock ; Mines
Company — '\u25a0 No.' * Del. board Sale day Amt
Chollar ... ... . . 14 Dec. 5 Dec. 30 .10
Caledonia ...... 83 Dec. 8 " Dec. 30 .M
Yellovr Jacket.. 3S Dec. 17 Jan. 24 .15
Union C0n...... 24 Dec. 18 • Jan. 13 .10
Be«t & Belcher. 04 » Dec. 24 Jan. 19 .10
Belcher 93 Dec. 30 - Jan. 23 .10
Con. Imperial 71 Jan. 1 Jan. 30 .01
Bullion 19 Jan. 5 Feb. 7 .05
Utah ...... 12 Jan. 6 Jan. 31 -.05
Mexican •."..... .102' Jan. 6 Jan. 31 .20
Alpha C0n:.. ... 15 Jan. '9 Feb. 3 .05
Alta ........... 79 Jan. 12 Feb. 6 .03
Sierra Nevada.. 24 Jan. 13 Feb. 8 .10
Andes 72 Jan.:ls Feb. 9 .05
Julia Con. ..16 Jan. 15 Feb. 16 .03
Exchequer ..... IS Jan. .20 . Feb. 14 .05
With the pxepption of Palmer, .• which was ac
tive at $1.60., the oil. stocks vrerp. quiet*.yester
day. Premier was weaker at .71<372c.
Thr> exchange will not bu 'In . session Saturday
or. Monday.. \u25a0
The Hanford-Sanger 'oil company, has levied an
asKPßesraent of 4c. delinquent January. 17. -•
The ; Pantheon No. • 1 ' well, which - went Into the
oil sand : recently, wns '• baled out - and -the \u25a0 oil
stood 1 1 .SOO feet \u25a0 in ' the \u25a0 hole. ' It will be * put on
the pump; Immediately : ami is expected to make
a good producer.
Bid. Ask. l : Bid. Ask.
Alma ...... — I. oo! Kev County. 1"> —
Am Pet cm. 50. 00 60.00lN*ev Midway 15
Amy ;.«;....: .85 . — iNew Pa Pet -47 50
Apollo ..:..' 07 10 Occidental .. 15 —
Akso OH ..49.00 49.23 Pac S Pet.. — 30
P.lue Moon.. — 10 Parafflne; .. . 73 75
Brooks-hire.. — 1.30 Palmer ..... 1.60 1.62
Cal Seabrd. - — 23 Peerloss .... — ; 4.50
Caribou.... — 1. 25) Piedmont. ... 10 '15
naremont.. .1.15 — |Pr«mier. .. .. 71, 72
Coalinga C. — ' 40| Record ...'.. 4.50 5.00
Coal Mohwk 1.00 I.lo! Republic . . . '— 47
Coal' Nntnl. 22 — IS F &McK.ll.OO —
Con Midway -- 18 21|Sauer ' Dough — 2.00
Cresceus . . . ' : — ("0 Section -25 ..25.00 —
Dabney .... '— lOlSesnon \u25a0'"; . . .. 8.00 ' \u25a0 —
De Liixe .. I.SO I.32lShawmnt.' ."• . 50
Dominion -.. — SOlSllver Tin... — 1.30
Empire .... — 2i75 Sovereign :.*.— 17
Enos ;....... 68 •—S W& \u25a0 8 .'. . 35 ' 40
Fulton ..... — '"1.25 Sterling:-'..:.' 2.15 \u25a0 2.25
Gyprv ..... — 4."v'superior -."...';— 15
I II! Crude... 24 . '^ Turner -.... .1: 10, 1.25
I Junction ... 2.V — United ' Oil ...70 —
Marlci»pa N. 26 '—Wolverine ;.' 40 —
Marlcopa 3« — 2.60!W~K Oil C 0. "2.37 2.40
Mascotr .'... 2.00 -—Yellowstone. — 25-
McKlttrick.. IB 20|Storage ctfs. 34 'j., 33
- --:--.' "SALES
.10:30 *. m. — : ;
' : 20 ' Amer "\u25a0 Pet ; (c0m). ................. 50.50 .
1000 Con Midway V... .."................. i.20
200 DUnois Crude ........... .". . ..; . '.*; ; - '. 25 V
300 Monte"Cristo ...•.;..'.....:...;... 2.45, ;
100 Pa1mer....^,:. .:,..... ........... 1.60 :
.: 100 Premier; . V .. :rr?r.~.T?V7. . ... ...... .72
400 Sterling, \u25a0.:.;...................... ,2.20 -:
3 Storage certificates (7,800 bbls) .... . 34%'
1:15 ; p. »m.— " - . .
2300 Palmer ....... ..... .".". . . .......... 1.60 : \u25a0,
1000 Palmer. R 00...".'. 1.60'
"100 Premier ......";\u25a0;..-..•-.....\u25a0.'........ .71
' \u25a0 : . \u25a0 Street—"- ':'--• ' " ,".' "-* '
20 Associated Oil .:........— 49.37%
200 Claremont '...;..............'.;..; 1.25 .-\u25a0
[Special' Dist>«tch~Jo The Call]
LOS ANGELES/ Dec. ; 20.— Associated oil was
the big ; trader ; on \u25a0 the : oil » stock c» change i today.
The 6tock* dropped^ on ' an' apparently > firm "; market
and I the Helling : was : heavy. The stock opened at
the . San Francisco selling price,' f 49.60,' Bagged , to
$48.50 ? and ", later I to : $48.25. V Union > was nrm r. at
?1 00.75. Palmer sold ' at \u25a0 $1.60, " and \u25a0 Columbia was
traded in ! at $1.05."-'' Union ; Provident was firm : • t
$99. \u25a0'-" California > Midway 3 advanced ' 2 ipoints \u25a0t«
57c. : Mexican '. common uwmf quiet, \u25a0':: closing $at
$36,50. Consolidated Midway : was \u25a0 steady at yes
terday's; prices. -.The. call:" : ' ' : : ! ':
: Producers— \u25a0 j ' \u25a0• Bid. Ask, ;
Amalgamated Oil C».}~.';;'..',..Z1'00: '\u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0 — •'(%
American J Crude Oll^Oo.T.r.T".* :,•*?—'\u25a0, ;; : .50
American Pet. Y Co. "\u25a0\u25a0 (pfd) ;-.; , , ; \u25a0 "— 05.00
American'Pet."Co.;'(coni)» tV..",i53.75-;t V..", i 53.75- ; , 57.00 ' '
Associated 0H..., .-..-,\u25a0...'.,\u25a0,. ;4T:75 48.50 .
Brookßhlres oll.~rrr.r;T.V«".. "1.25 -l'.T5 V*
California -Mfdway 011'C0. ..,.% *.55% -;58 ; '
Central >\u0084..-.:;.,; V.v.v:. 1 ,;,, 1:52% UlfiS?;:
Coalinga'; Central: Oil ; Co. V.V>", ; — .63
Columbia . \u25a0.,::,.... r^:".". .%,,'- I.oo' 1.25'
Continental iOlli.;v.",vtr;r,.; " \u25a0— \u25a0 \u25a0 ,35
Consolidated Oil ' C», ", 19<i -IQ%
Enos on c0,.,, ;:n1:r,7. vr. —
Kncltd*Ort ; C»,;;T,%- w,rr., ,;, -'— • *,sf!.-
Fullertoa ] Oil ';,;.r,,,;v;. '.",;," v-^ 5.06 "t
Globe *-.7'.rr",v;;,T.T.v;vV"."~.Vi; -'.r f fifi' . - ,15
Jade Otl^Co, ;r,r,.v.;r^i.Tr ; '.8014 \u25a0 - !
Mexican jpet, Ltd; *; (pfd>;.v/,^ 68.00 "60,60 >
Mexican s Pet,^ Ltd." t (cam) -,ir^86.25 , '85.87U
New Pennsylvania j, Pet. O*. J •' * .45 ; . ,00
OllndaVLand'Co..: > .....rv.;,;. \u25a0— * .«7 \u25a0
Palmer > Oil C0:r:r,..v;> ,.,.!/ — ; i;TOV?
PereeusOU-Ce, /.,„-.,..,;,,; \ — - r.20
Plnai:oni(jß?r t v^v.-"/^v;-!-'; - SiSo
Klnerßanoh'-iOll' Co ."iViVT.*. '.•\u25a0':\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 — -' '\u25a0:'\u25a0'-": an 'i.i
Traders. Oil ; - Co. :.,.v, \u0084%;;-:\u25a0 >— ; ;' ooioo " •
Union f . -, /•'.;, ;-;-:r, :.:.;.;.:• vi 00.75 \u25a0 .- - iw.87%
h aioa. '\u0084 Provident j Vg£?i ; ;". \7. . ' i>3 ; 50 '•• •- \u25a0 09 . 75 ?v
the Markets
New Turk \u25a0 stocks and . coppers
higher. aaSsafflßSaßSßMlßßJß»i
Cotton 'quotations -weak.
Local • securities very . active.'
Mining; stocks still dull.
Wheat i firm,"' but '.• barley .\u25a0breaker.'
Hay and beans - unchanged.
Live, dressed and ' cured meats as
before.' : \ .
Ejjs:»» * lower. .t. t Butter and . cheese
' unchanged. -.
Potatoes and onions steady.
Fresh fruit market Inactive. V
Live poultry selling; vrell.
United Petroleum ...... .100.00 ' 101.75
United OH C 0 ...... ...-.., .... .76 —
Western Union : . . . . . ; ........ — 100.00
' • Nonproducers
Oleum Development : C 0.'...... .02? i .03
Mtwwjfty^vitimjm 1 si 11 1111 111 1 n 1
-: 10 Associated Oil C 0...... .......... 49.50 i
1.000 California Midway, C 0.' . .. 7. . . . '. . . .55"
1,000 California Midway Co. .56%
2,000 Consolidated Midway - Co. * \2O
1,500 Jade ' Oil Co-. ............:...'....;' ;31
20 Mexican-Pet. Ltd. (c0m)..... %'...: 38. 25
200 Palmer Oil C 0 .... ....... . . . . .. .V. ": 1 .60
• . • Afternoon Sales.
20 Associated Oil Co.. 45.50
• 90 Associated Oil C 0 .....-...:....: ..48. 2.">'
\u25a0'2 American Pet. Co.* (pfd) .'...:.^ .. 57.00
1,000 California' Midway C 0 ......;..... . ' .57
4,000 Consolidated Midway. Co.. . ... . .19%
120 Columbia Oil Co.: 1.05
'5 Mexican Pet. Ltd. (c0m)......... 36.50
30 Mexican Pet. Ltd. (com> 36.37%
50 Mexican Pet. Ltd. (com)... 36.25
30 Union Oil Cp. .". . ... . . . ......... ..100.75
3 Union Provident Co.. 99.00
Off board— . r " - *
20 Union Oil Co. .100.75
500 Consolidated Midway C 0 . . . . . . . ..". .19%
2,000 Consolidated Midway. Co. , b 30. ... .20%
\u2666-- — — .—\u25a0-—. — \u25a0-—- — _— : ; >.
Wheat and Other Grains
; Wheat— The market continues firm, with prices
unchanged. '• "\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0-•-..-.-
California club. $1.47%iffi1.52%: Sonora,
$1.62%@1.67%; white Australian, $1.55©1.62%:
northern club, $1.47%@1.52%: Russian red,
$1.47%;. bluestem, $1.56"4-ix1.57% per ctl.
10 a. m. Session „
Xo quotations. .
Earley— Predicted possible rain in the northern
part of the state weakened both spot a'ud future
quotations yesterday. -PJtStaemtmHa
No. 1 feed. $1.07%@1.08%; choice. $I.lo®
1.11 "Ji; off grades [email protected] per ctl; brewing and
shipping grades, $1.12%(31. 15.
10 a. m. Session
Open High \u25a0 • Low Close
May. ....$1.14% $1.14% $1.14>i $1.14%
2 p. m. Session
; Open High Low Close
May. .........$1.14% $1.14% $1.14 H *1.14%
Oats — No further change in prices is reported.
The market is quiet.
Red for feed. $1.07%@1.15 for ' off . grades,
$1.17%<31.27% for ordinary to choice; red for
seed, $1.30(31.37%; black. [email protected] for feed
and $1.85<t» 1.40 for seed; gray, nominal; white,
Corn — "Western states yellow,* in bulk, San
Franclaco" track. $1.25; white. $1.26; mixed,
$1.24:. old. \u25a0j<glOc higher: sacked prices, 7%c
higher: white Egyptian, [email protected]; brown do,
[email protected]% per ctl. .'.".»-•
Rye— sl.so<<jl.6o per ctl.
. .Foreign Futures
Wheat— Doc. "March May
Opting 6 11% 7 00* i. 7 00%
Closing 6 11% 7 00*4 701 %
_ Wheat — D e p. Mar. -June
Opening 27. 0.'. 27.90
Closing ".27.85 27.95
Flour— , .
Opening -.'»..; 37.35 37.40
Closing ..rrrrTrrr;- 37.40 37.40
• \u25a0 \u25a0 • .' \u25a0
Future Grain ami Provisions
CHICAGO, Dec. 29.— Because of a cold wave
predicted for exposed winter crop states and on
account of Manitoba export rumors, wheat devel
oped today: decided strength. The close was firm
at, the. top prices of the session with a net ad
vance of l@li>ic. Latest sales of corn dhowed
a gain of %&%cr. ns compared with last night;
?atß'? atß ' S^ rlse of y*@y> c an<l provisions varying
from -2@sc decline to an Increased cost of 7%@
10c. \u25a0 . \u25a0 . . . ... ' \u25a0": \u25a0" - \u25a0\u25a0 . . \u25a0 \u25a0-. . .
There was big ' buy! ng of both wheat and
corn by "\u25a0. the leading bulls.-- Primary receipts
were small, notably In the northwest, and there
was reason for belief that. sales of cash wheat
here, were larger than reported. Talk of reduced
estimates on the Argentine crop had consid
erable effect, and so also . did mention of better
demand In European centers.
Statements, that 30 boatloads of Manitoba
wheat ' had been worked for export had a tonic
effect. .. Purchases for • prominent - bouses took on
large proportions, and In the last half of the
day made the market almost buoyant. The
May option ranged from 96% cto 97>ic, closing
lUc.net higher at 97J4c.
. Foreigners were said to be buying corn here
today .:\u25a0 In consequence of alleged , losses to the
Argentine . crop. Purchases for local account
reached a huge total,' two houses alone taking
more ; than 2,000,000 bushels, r May fluctuated
between 47% c and 4S%c and closed %c np at
48% c. Cash : corn did :\u25a0 not follow the upturn In
futures. No. 2 yellow finished at 46<@46%c.
Oats made a fair response to the . bulge in
other grains. May -sold from 33% cto 34% c and
In the cud was %c net higher at 34%@34^4c. - .
Provision? 'were ' active ; but irregular. Pork
closed ' the same as last night to : I%c higher:
lartl up"2%@loc and ribs 2%@5c decline to 5c
Chicago Grain and Provision Futnres
(Furnished by E. F. Hutton &-Co.. 490 California street.)
TTie leading futures ranged as follows: ;
- WHEAT— . .Open. High. Low. Close. Dee. 2R Year age*.
December..... $o.fi2''4 $0.03*4 . $0,921,4 $0.93% $o.«'^i $1.18%
May... ... :.:.... .96%- .f»7H .96U * .n7'4 .96*4 1.12U
July .......> .93 .93% .93 .93% .92% 1.02
December .47 ' .47% .46 T « .47% .46«4 -«2T&
May... .45%-. .48% .47% \u25a0> .4«% .47%. .«7
July ....".. ... i .... .4Sj 8 .49% .45% -49% .48"& .66T»
December .SI- .31U .31- -.31« : .81 ; .44^
May .337* .5414 .33% .R4'm .33% .45%
July .*....... .33%. .34% .35% .34% .33% .43%
PORK—- • -
January .'.".. .19.30 19.45 J9.20 19.45 19.45 21.82%
May 18.50 18.62% 15. 37% 18.62% 18.55 21.80
July .."............:......... .... ..;. .... .... 21.72%
January .........10.35 10.42% 10.30 10.42% 10.40 12.30
May ..;..;.. .......'.lO. 05 10.17% 10.00 10.15 .10.07% 11.90
Ju1y >........................ 9.95 .... .... * .... 10.00 11.85
SHORT RIBJSU- ;.'*..:. -' \u25a0' .
January ....:....,..... 10.25 10.35 10.15 10.22% 10.27% 11.37%
May ........................ 9.67% 9.77% : 9.63 * . ».75» 9.70 11.40
Jnly:.-..^... ........ ..........: .... .... --.'.-.. .... 11.37%
Caah Grain nml Provisions
•-\u25a0'\u25a0'• CHrCAGO,' : Dec. -\u25a0 29.— Cash ; quotations were as
follows: . Flonr,;qn!et::No. 2 rye,' Bo%@Blc; feed
or mixing barley. 60@70c: fair to choice malting, '
78@85c; r flaxseed.' No. 1- southwestern ' $2.80, No.
.1 northwp*tprn; s2.43; 'timothy seed.: slo;, clover,
$15 ; \u25a0 meps < pork, per : bbl.':: [email protected]% : •-, lard,
per 100 lbs. ; $10.42%; short ribs, sides '(loose).
[email protected]; short clear sides (boxed), $10.62%®
10. 75. j^^^iaßKßßßßß|ESga?s3a«^S>S?*j3fef|?f
'• Total ' clearances of i wheat arid ! flour were equal ;
to 180,000 bushels: Primary receipts \u25a0 were 431.
000, bushels. ; compared -\u25a0 with : 637,000 '; the corre- :
spondlnj: .' day a year V ago. Estimated receipts
for tomorrow: Wheat, 28 cars; corn, 380 cars;
oats, 289 ; cars; ' hogs. - 27,000 head/-
Articles— \ \u25a0 ; 1 , Receipts. - Shipments.
Flour, barrels .;............ 40,200 . 20,900
Wheat, bushels ;........... .43,800 -60.700
Corn,- bushels irt—T.Trrrr. . . .858.700 492.800
Oats, bushels ...............765.000 '462,000
Ry©. bushels ?r:"V77Trr.'r. ...; 8,000 :....
Barley ,~ bushels ". . . . ... ... ; .160.500 C : J> 87.400
*v CHICAGO,;, Dec. 29.— 8. F. Hutton & . Co.'s
wire says: .;,. :. : '\u25a0'• .\u25a0 :\u25a0:. _\u25a0 •.- ;.-, \u25a0. •/
\u25a0' "Wheat— Higher cables,- smaller northwestern
and ; primary, receipts,', larger, local I shipments and
some export \u25a0 business reported .In < Manitoba \u25a0 have
been \u25a0' the t influences \u25a0 today. • Qnite , 1 number of
the - shorts • have covered, '.there has ; been : further
big buying,:, both .< of i wheat - and - corn, >by th«
leading bulls and ' the market ' has shown furthsr
TOngtstion. .Thera " bas < b«en mo demand . here
for , catib whoa t, and ' even ' the ' car. lot sale* have
drugged,' '\u25a0 but v. the f Inspection /department ? shows
cancellation^ of ? 235,000 ;bnshelß.-; and: the 'trade
h as \u25a0 assumed , that , sales ; arei larcer than reported.
The. ft Liverpool .; market:-: wan .up.'r'mont,-' of *the
EXiropean \u25a0•\u25a0 centers - reportinj Jredueed s estimatM
of i the Arjran Uiio - crop ; and better ." demand from
the ; continent. " France ; was r said 'to \u25a0\u25a0 be ; buying,
but * Paris > wheat .was unchanged', to \u25a0 %crp only/
and * flour i}4<aiiC;Up^i' Argentine nh'lpnients for i
the ;S week \u25a0$ nre o. heavy,' £ Manitoba ".- export sales
overnlgiit? were ; reported "at ?30 -carloads. No
sign " of 1 exports -of 1 States i wheat. I *, Mora
ralng •havejifallenv'over'.thei winter ;. wheat > belt,
except s in 11 - western ? Nebraska, ~; Kansas ', and Okla- .!
homa.' , It -; Is £ now.; Knowing In * eastern ! Mlssoorl
and^lnithe'wheat.coantryiof -\u25a0 Illinois.' v .rr-. v, : ,'
%"\u25a0 f'Corn^-Wot weather orer th» com b«lt^ -further
diminishing » of 1 f armers'j sales I and I higher I cables
resulting j from ; fnrthe-; claims of T losses to \u25a0 the
Argentine ' crop . hays ; been ; the > market* influences
. today , There \u25a0 has \u25a0' been > far s more effective work
for. higher,- prices; however,"; in '.the enormoqs pur
chases made by commission houses acting for the
leading \u25a0• longs , In i wheat J and > corn.^vj Primary - re
ceipts \u25a0.-'\u25a0 today " : are ' ''\u25a0 practically z- three '\u25a0 \u25a0-'. times as
large, as i those of ; a year : ago, : aad ' the' movemeDt
from % the ! oountry , dealer ; canttmxas t9 <\u25a0, the - limit
of t cars ' arailalila, > Caah . demaad • flat, : Shipping
sales, -.75,000 "Oaah corn has not fol
lowed : futnres. : '>^9SHsVniPEP>vlßßß9iipMtf
2-?-' 'Oats— Ha ve > m ade I very I faint r&spaoee 1 1» the
bulge imfn f other,; STaina,ViTra4e ,' baa t not < increased
as mtich as in others; also. X|Th« primary, arrivmls
are more than tltfeo tinta6 as-large as a yaai :
aea^fcash s oete ;; are f steady. Shlppta^ - salas,
115,000 'bushels. 7.; ''..' " '
. 'XewjTork Grain' Market
H KEW* YORK,*? DBc.*i 39.— Floar^-Wia steady.^ to
firm with a fair. Jobbing trade: Reeetpu, ' 80 238
barrels; ! tßhipnientß,"fi7,9s7. > ;v : •\u25a0.:.. -. .-. '
v$ Wheat-^-Spot,? firm : * N0. 1 2 : red. 9S%c '/' elevator
and : esyjc ; f ,{c.l bjtafl oat; t No. \u25a0 1 northern Duiuth,
Barley Weakens— WheatStill Firm
Eggs Lower— Butter Unchanged
f1.19% f.' o. .b. afloat. Futures were firmer on
the . firmness abroad, higher northwestern cash
markets and a better export demand, closing %<3
%c net higher. December closed 9-Sc; May.
$1.02%; July, $1.00%. Receipts. 8,400 bushels;
shipments, none. -
Northern Wheat Market
TACOMA. Dec. 29.— Wheat— Blnestem,RoC,
forty- fold. S2c: clnb. Sic; red Rusitlan. 70@S0e.
Receipts— Wheat," 68 cars; oats, 5 cars; hay, 9
SEATTLE. Dec" 29.-*>Wheat: MiUlns quota
tions—Bluestem. Ssc; forty-fold. S3c; club. S-e;
flfe. 82c: red Russian, 80c. Export— Btuestem.
82c: forty-fold, SOc; club,' 79c; fife, «0c; red
Russian. 77c. "_
Yesterday's receipts— Wheat. 22 cars; corn. 2
cars; -barley, 9 cars: oats. 9 cars; hay, 14 cars.
PORTLAND. Pec. 29.— Wheat: Tract prices—
Clab. SOigSlc: blnestem. S2iaS3c: red Russian.
7Sc: valley, SOc; forty-fold. 81@S2e.
Receipts— Wheat. 41 cars; barley, 7 cars; oats,
5 cars; hay, 21 cars.
3llnneapoiln and Duluth Grain and Flax
MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 29.— Wheat— December.
$1.02T»: May.: $1.05%: July. $1.05%. Cash —
No. 1 hard, $1.04%: No. 1 northern. $1.03%®
1.04^i; No. 2 northern, $1.00%@1.02*i; 3
wheat. [email protected].
Cdrn— No. 3 yellow 42<a42''ic.
Oats— No. -3 white. 30«330>4c.
Rye— No. 2. 76%©77^4c
Flax— Closed "at $2.40.
DULCTO. .- Dec. 29— Flax— On track and to
arrive, $2.39; December, $2.39 nominal; May,
$2.44 asked.
* Receipts of Produce December 29
Flour, qr sks I.6S7! Leather, rolls ... S9
Wheat, ctls .... 1.6051 Tallow, ctls 100
Barley, ctls 7,4Bs'Hldes, No 333
Oats, ctls ...... SOOlPelts. No 135
Beans, sks ...... 5921L1me. bbls 230
Corn, ctls 17515u-rar. ctU 10.810
Bran." sks 1931 Wine, gals 59.500
Middlings, sks .. 225! Brandy, gala .... 100
Potatoes, sk3 O.riOS'CalfsJfelas, bdls .. 70
Onions, ska l,34o[Paper. . bdls 635
H«y. " tons .. 430' Lumber. M ft.... 75
Wool, sks .. 127TLlvestock. No ... WX)
Feed, sks 580! Apples, bxs 150
Mealfalfa, sks .. 40 Ralstns, bxs 7,530
Calf alfa, sks ... 300|
Yellow and white cooking oils are tower. No
other changes. \u25a0>\u25a0 TVrvm
Cottolrae— l half bbl. ll%c: 3 half bbls. llSc;
1 tierce, ll%c; 2 tierces, ll^c; 5 tierces, ll%c
per lb.
Hams and Bacon — Ham, 16@17%c: picnle
hams. 14c; California hams. 16c; fancy bacon. 4
to 6 -lbs. 29% c; 6 to 8 lbs. 26c; 8 to 10 lbs. 25c;
10 to 12 lbs, 23% c; sugar cured. 23% c; light
dry salt bacon. 8 to 10 lbs, 23Q24C; 10 to 12
lbs, 216222 c; medium bacon, ISc;, light medium
bacon. ISc.
Lard— Tierces 13% c. 50s 13% c, 10s 1444 e. 5»
14% c. 8s 14% c; compoond lard, tierces 10% c,
60s 10% c. 10s ll%c, 5a U»ic S» ll%c; yellow
cooking oil. 66c per gal; white cooklnjr oil. 68c
per gal; salad oil. 74c per gal; caUfene. He for
1 tierce, lOftc for M tierces and 10% c for 6
Beef — Local prices are quoted. Export lots,
inspected by the government, are SI per bbl
higher. Extra famlty beef. $17.50 per bbl: fam
ily beef. $17. per bbl: extra mess beef, $17 per
bbl: smoked beef. 20%e per lb.
. Pork — Extra prime. In barrels. $29; clear. $31;
mesa. $29; pig pork $33.50; pigs' feet. $6.25 for
half bbls, $2.45 for 35 lb kegs and $1.40 for kits.
Meat Market
Slaughterers' rates to dealers and butchers are
as follows:
Beef — 8%<39%c per lb for steers. B@3%c for
cows and heifers. *
Veal— 9@loc for large and 10@12c for smalL
Mutton— Wethers. 9@9%c: ewes. 7H68%c.
Lambs— lo%@ll%c per lb.
Dressed Pork (per lb) — 10@12c.
The following quotations are for good, sound
livestock, delivered In San Francisco, gross
weight: "•
No. 1 fat steers, over 900 lbs. alive, s%@s«Jc
per lb; under 900 lbe. 5%<85%c: second quality,
all weights, s@s"J4c; thin, undesirable steers,
No. 1 cows and heifers, 4"jJ@4%c; second qual
ity, 7 4@4%c; common, thin, undesirable cows,
Desirable balls \u25a0 and stags, 2%(g3c; half fat
or thin bulls. 2@2%c.
Calves— Lightweight, per lb, 6@ff»4c; medtnm.
5%@5%c: heavy. 4%@5c.
vSheep — Desirable wethers, 4%@5c; ewes. 4"«4@
4%c. -
• Lamb 3 (per lb)— Unshorn lambs, 5%@6c.
Hoes — Hard grain fed. weighing 100 to 150
lbs, 7%@7%c; 150 to 200 lbs, Sc; 250 lbs up,
7%c per lb.
Horses and Mules
The following quotations for horses and mules
are furnished by the Butchers' and Stock Grow
ers" Journal: - .
Desirable drafters. 1.700 lbs and 0ver.. 5275 @300
Light drafters. 1,550 to 1,650 lbs 225®275
Chunks, 1,350 to 1.500 lbs.. 2C0®250
Wagon horses, 1.250 to 1.350 lbs 175@200
Delivery wagon horses, 1,050 to 1,250.. 1250150
Desirable farm mares 133 <3! 150
Farm workers ;.."..." 75@100
900 lbs. 4 to 7 years... |125@150
1.000 lbs, 4 to 7 year 5................. 150@175
1.100 lbs, 4 to 7 year 5..:..... 200@225
1,200 lbe. 4 to 7 year 5..:...*.......... 250*3300
Over 7 years old range from $15 to $23 lower.
Note— Shippers to this market must have horse*.
close to type, -; with : age, bone conformation and
style,. to command extreme quotations.
Butter, Cheese and Ess** .
Eggs continued to " arrive " freely from all dis
tricts yesterday, and although there was a good
demand for the upper, grades of fresh stock the
market was lower on extras. The decline was
l%c, the new 'price being 37% c a dosen. Some
'liberal selling on the, exchange by. receivers who
feared that stocks would not clean tip before the
holidays was responsible for th» decline. There
was nothing: new in butter or cheese. The f ocmer
was officially declared firm on the exchange, bat
the - firmness - did not extend to the street. In
fact, a majority of the trade reported the mar
ket easy on fresh, extras.
Sales on the exchange were as follows:
- Butter— SO case* 'of . fresh . extras ;at 85c a
pound on the Informal call: *
Eggs— s cases of . fresh extras at 87c, SO at
38c and 13 at 37% c a dozen.
Receipts were, 14,000 pounds of butter. 66,000
pounds of cheesa and 1,350 cases of eggs.
» The following are official qnotatlens estab
lished on the floor of the dairy, exchange. Prices
in: the street," while • governed by the exchaaga
quotations, generally range from l%e to 2e
higher, owing : to ;the ..various charges to be
added. - . ' ' t^fcHEHBMBMsnBB
Grades-; Dee. 24 Dec 27 Dec. 28 Dee. 29
Fresh extras... 3flc 3Sc Ssc 33a
Firnt* <rr.*r.".V. J T'.29e SOc 31c Sic
Storage extras. ,2De 29c SOc 29e
Cheese— California fancy flats, 17c per lb, ttxxnu
do firsts, 14c.- firm : " do second. 13e, firm : fancy
Young "Americas, -17c, steady: do- firsts, 16c.
6teady; Oregon . flats,:-' l6e.' weak; Wisconsin
daisies, _ 18c. r. §te«dy : 7 California c «tor«g» fiata.
steady.: at 1 15o : for, fancy and 14% c for * firsts:
storage Yon»g Americas, ; 16e, steady ; Oregon
\u25a0storage flats,'.- 15%e, ; firm; do Young . Amarlca*,
17c. firm ; eastern storage. I*^6 loc. steady. •"
: Eggs— California - fresh, per dosen," eases la
clQded; iSmnMßßsnßSßtjsfsßasßSfjßSßsMßsißpsrt
Grades— Dee.- 24 Dee-'at Deo. 28 Dee. »
Extra* * . . . ;. . 38 % c 39c 37% c
Firsts '..U^... .3sa < 35c Sse 35e .
Second% ;;;:... 33c S3c S3e \u25a0 SSe
Storage -€rtras..32c 3Oc " 30c
Eaitern extras..2Bc . 2Se 28c ...28e' '
Firsts ,:r.-.....260; 26c . 2«c . ..;26e\.
• Portland Butter Market
.-. PORTLAND," Deo.' 2o.— Butter— Ctty creamery,
extras,", solid paek, » 3»~; eastern," 28@33e. -
Ess Market la Xearby Conntles
[Special Dispatch to The Call]
-': PETALUiIA; Dec. 20.— ?T0 an overstocking ef
the market with fresfl steels «ffgs !s attributtij a
decline of 1%0 tni tie, pi ices paid for ergs today,
ThaiPetaluma! egg exchange paid 36 Vic for ' first
grada < eggs. ; • Independent dealers and speculator
paid 86 Vfc \ toj 82e,s according * te ' grade. The dn
maarl fpr.ecrg Is kaen.^fl(BfaCMfasJHWHfa|
SANTA GRpa. Dee. 20.— Egg qnkatlons shew
no material sign _of eh an -re. poultry men stni ra
celvinir no .better • thau BOe 1 far eggs at superior
quality. - By ; paying \u25a0 spet cash i t»e ; predaee mer
chants i find \u25a0 a ready market * tmt ' ergs -at SSe per
dozen." ;. Feed is 7 high; „ but * rain ia - thjs suction
has beea sufficient to make green feed abundant.
Potatoes. Onions and Vegetables
Business in potatoes and green produce centln*
ued quiet yssterday. and the market, for tender
garden vegetables was easy on liberal arrivals
from the Los Angeles region. String beans alone
were firm, belnj in limited supply., .Prices for
potatoes and onions were maintained despite the
dullness of trade, as the markot waa controlled
by a few handlers, who were very firm ta their
Potatoes — River whites, $1.25-21.50 per ctl:
Salinas Burbanks, S 1.75<31. 90 P« ctl; Oregon
Burbanks, [email protected] per ctl: sweet potatoes.
$3ic3.25 per ctl.
Onions — 91.40ig1.50 per ctl for local and $1.63
for Oregon.
Vegetables^ — Tomatoes, [email protected] per crate: green
pess, s@7c per lb; •tring beans. 15-gl7%c j*-r
lb: lima beans, 64?7c P«" Xv summer SQUcsh.
\[email protected] per box; southern eggplant. atfJlOo r<r
lb; green peppers, s@7c per 10: garlic. Ocper
lb; cabbage. 65c per ctl: hothouse cucumh»r».
S3c(gsl per dozen; cauliflower. 40'gi50c per dozen;
turnips. 65c per sack: carrots. 73c per sack: cel
ery? 75@S5c for small and $L50(32 for larg*
crates; mushrooms. 75c<351.50 per box.
Deciduous and Citrus Fruit*
• Business In fresh fruits was merely a reptitlon
of that of the preceding day. There was no par
ticularly active demand for anything on the list,
and after the small wants of early buyers were
filled the market became exceedingly dull and
continued so until clgsin? time. There were no
berries or grapes received.
Cranberries" — Cape Cod. $l3<fs\4 per bbl for lata
Howe and $10-311 for early black.
Apples (per box > — Fancy 4 tier red, [email protected].>:
Newtown pippins, 90c<3$M5: cold storage IleUe
fio-wers, $l<ai.2s; fancy greenings. 73c@$l:"com
mon to choice fruit. 40®65c; Christmas apples.
Pears^-Wlnter Nellls. [email protected] per box;
cooking $1<@1.23.
Persimmons — sCci7sc per box.
Citrus Fruits (per box)— Navel oranges. $1.50
@1.90 for choice and [email protected] for extra choice:
tangerines. [email protected]; grapefruit. $2.50@3 for
seedless and $1.50<52 for common to choice:
lemons, $3^,1 50 for fancy. $2.25*812.50 for choice
and $1.50<g2 for standard; Mexican •limes. $4<&
Tropical Fruits'— Bananas. TscSsl.23 per bfcaeh.
for Hawaiian and $1.50^2.50 for Central AmrtK
can; pineapples, [email protected] per doxen.
Dried Frnlt«, Raisins. Sntm and Honer
Fruits — Evaporated apples. 9-JJllc; apricot*.
11<313c; fancy Moorparks. 13%<514c: peaches.
6<{J7e: fancy, 7%<§Be; prunes, 6U<Ji7o bast*:
figs. 6(37%c; pears, 10<gl3c.
Raisins — Layers, clusters — 8 crown. $2.50: 5
crown, $2; 4 crown. $1.40; S crown. $1.10; 2
crown, $1: seeded. s®3">ic for choice and s%'£a*
5%c for fancy; Thompson's seedless. S^c; loos* ,
muscatels. 4 crown 4%c. 3 crown 4*it. 2 crown
3""4 c; seedless, 3%@4c; raisins !a sweatboz at
Fresno. 2%©3 c. *
Nuts — Almonds, nonpareils. 13c; IXL. 14c; da
plus ultra, 13c; peerless, 12c: Drakes. ll%c:
languedoes. lie; hardshell. 7%«Sc: shelled ;
almonds, SStJSSc; new walnuts, 15c per lb for
No. 1 softshelts, 14%e for No. 1 standards; No.
2 standard, lie; pecans. 14^@13«; peanuts, J'j
f;sc: pine nuts, lS@2oc; ItaUao chestnuts. '
Hooey — Water white comb, sage honey. 11@ i
16c: white do. 12<312%c: amber do.' loailc:
! Sacramento river comb. 10@13c; extracted. S^i^a |
9c for white, 7© 9 c for light amber and s'-- ?V: \u25a0.
6^Jc per lb for amber.
Beeswax— 27% Q3oc per lb for light and 2319 '
28c for dark.
Po-nl try and Gam*
Live poultry continued to sell off well yester- .
day. and as receipts from stat« shipping polnw
were light the market remained la good shape I
toe the selling Interests. Large hens and younj; f
roosters were particularly firm. Early arrivals of i
dressed turkeys were 106 cases. With most sell- ;
ers 2?c a pound was a top price for fancy stock. '
though an occasional case of exr*ptionally fine ;
and large birds that .w«s wanted for a special ;
purpose may have brought lc more. Game was '
In free supply and easy, with sales slow.
Poultry (per dozen) — Hens, $.5.50<5J6 for small.
$5.50<a7.50 for large and $8(5510 for extra; young
roosters. 55.J50iH6.C0; do extra. $7(88; old roo«- .
ers, $4.30<33; fryers. $3.30<36; broiler?. $3.50<??4
for small and $4.50'g5 for large; ducks. $7'<ilO: '
plzeons, $1.75«12; squabs. $3 <Z 3. 30; geese. $2.3J>
@3 per pair: llv« turkeys, 24@23c p«r lb; dresmert
turkeys. 26@2Sc per lb.
Game <Der dosen)— Mallard ducks. $3flT3: can- •
vasbacks, $4«X6; sprig, $3i5J4; teal. [email protected]:
widgeon. J2&2.50; spoonbills. $1.73@2; gray!
geese. $3<34; white geese. $1.50(82.30; brant. $3i
<??2.30 for small and $3.3004 for large: honkers, i
$6@S; hare, $L73<32; cottontaU rabbits. $3.
Beans and Seeds
Beans (per ctl)— Bayos. ' [email protected]; small \u25a0
white, $3.23413.60; larra white. $3.25®3.50; '
pink. $333.25: red. [email protected]; blackarn. $553.23:
lima, [email protected]: red kidney. [email protected]: cran- '
berry beans. $4^4.35: garvanzas. $2.3053.23:
hor!«e beans. [email protected].
Seeds — Brown mustard. 4%c; veflow muatarrt. '
— — \u25a0: flaxseed. s@sHc; canary. 3"@3?ic; nlfaffa.
lS@l9c; rap«, l@2»ic: timothy. SWc; hemp, 2* »
@3c; millet. 3c per lb. 2
Dried Peas— Green. $3.73@4 per ctl; Nllejj €
nominal. N^
Flour and Farinaceous Goods
Plotnv-Callfornla family extras. $3.40/85.80 n»t ;
without discount; bakers' extras. $5.4085.50; '
superfine, $4.50(34.70: Oresjon and Washington
per bbl, $4.60<854.50 for family bakers' and pat
ents and $4-34.25 for onto.T; Kaasas patent*.
$6.70: do straTshts. $6.50: Dakota patents. $7.40;
do straights. $7.20: do clear* $8.60 per barrel.
Farinacoous Goods — Baclnvheat flour. $4.20; I
buckwheat flour, self- rising. $5; . buckwhPat \u25a0
groats, $S: cornmenl, yellow $3, white $3. extra
cream yellow $3.25, extra cream white. $3.23:
corn flour. $3; cracked wheat, $3.30: entire whest >
flour, $3.20: fartna. $3.60; srraham flour. $3: hom
iny, large $3. small $3, granulated $3: oatmeal. '
$4.25; do groats, $4.25: pearl barley. $4.20: rte«»
floor. $8; rolled oats. $4.23; rolled wheat, $3.30;
rye floor. $3.23; ry* meal. $3.10; split peas, t»'
low $$, green $6.50; extra cream roll<»d oats. I*O.
lbs $7.50. 2 90 lbs sacks $7: rolled flakes. ISO ?h
bbls $7.50; 2 90 lb sacks $5.23; rolled wheat. 130
lb bbU $4.73. 2 73 lb sacks $4.23.
Hay and Feedstnffs
T?o changes axe reported la any descriptions \u25a0
under this nead.
Bran— s29@3o per ton.
Middling*— s34 @36. 50 par ton.
Shorts^ — $29(ffi31 per ton.
Feedgtuffs— Rolled barley. $23(^24: rolled oats;
for feed. $29@31: mixed feed, $23@23 f or •
average lots; evergreen chopfeed, $21 per ton for,
car lots and $22 for jobbing; linseed oilcake
meal. 20 ton Jots, $40. 10 tons lots $10.50. 3 ton;
lots $41, smaller lots $41. C0; cocoanut cake or ,
meal at mills. $24.50 In 20 and 10 and $25 In 5
ton lots; Jobbing, $23.50; corn meal. S3 if?.*.*: '<
cracked corn. $34@33; alfalfa meal, carload lota
$17. Jobbing $13; red star alfalfa meal. $13 ia
car lots ana $19 Jobbing; Modesto alfalfa meal. .
$17 In car lots and $1S Jobbing: Stockton meat
falfa. $17 In car lots and $1S Jobbing; Caproca
oilcake meal. $16.50 per ton ; calf alfa. $19 In •
car lots and $20 Jobbing.
Eay — Ordinary wheat. [email protected]; choice. $13<a
14: wheat and oat. $9'g11.50: tame oat. *S^l2;
volunteer wild oat. $Sx»0; alfalfa. $9 fell; stock
hay, , $5.50(^3.60 per ton.
Straw — SSQoOc par bale.
Hides, Tallow, Wool and Hops jr*j
Hides — Culls and brands sell aboot mv
der ijuotatlcn*. Heavy salted steers, 10@l/J^<»;
Ught medium. 0(3»% c 5 vu > iixt ' SM»<S9c; cowhides, .
SVic; stags. 7c; caltsd kip. 10c; salted v«al. .
15Hc: »alted calf. 13^4c; dry hides. ISc: dry:
salt hld«s, 12c: dry kip, 17c; dry calf. 22c: aheep- ,
sites, sheaxlliigs. 25©4 Cc each: short wool. 4<>->j :
70c; mediom. 70®00c; long wool. 90c©51.25:
lambd. 20Q50c; horsanldes. salt. $2.23'g3 for ,
large aad 41.5052 for Taedlnai. 73c<S$l for small '
and 23@30c for colts: hcrsehides, dry. $"2f£2.25
for large and $1.23<23 for m«dlTJai. 50c33t for
\u25a0mall and 23m30c for colts; goataltlas. prime'
angoras. 73c@$l; larze hair goata. 30S*0c: me
diwm. 20®30c; small. S'glSc.
Tallow— No. 1 rendertd, 3%56%e; No. 2. 4@
sc: grease. 2®2Wc.
Wool — Spring cup. San Joaqnln, year'« staple,
O'£Hc; do S months, 7@llc; Humboldt aad Man- •
docino. ISQIDc: Nsvada, 12^14c per lb. Fall
clip — Mountain free..9aUc: northern and valley.
7{glO<!: Baa Joaqnln, fall lambs, 7QlOe; do 6s
fectlv* and heavy. s@7c per lb.
Hop* — Crop of 1010. 13ai7%c'p*r lb to grow
t General Merebandlae
Bag«— Grain hags, 5%c spot and «^4@6«4e
1911 delivery : San -Qusntia bags. B%c; wool ;
hags, 27«e for Z\i lb and 29^c for 4 lb; fleec» '
twine. Ine per lb.
.Coal — Pennt»ylvanla anthracite egg. $16 per
ton; Wellington. $D; New Wellington, $9; Coo« .
Bay, $7: An*tralian hous« — Richmond, etc.; $3; \u25a0'
Pelaw Main. $O: Stanford Richmond. $D; Ccm- :
berland. $13 In bulk and $10.30 la sacks: Welsh
anthracite. $13; coke. $16 par ten la bulk and
$17 In sacks.
Ccal OH. Gasoline, «tc. — Water white. Iron
barrels or drum*. 8c; 150 degree oil. Iron barrels
•r drams, 8tyo: spaetal do. 10c; nearl oil la
ea*«Vl3e: astral, 15c; star. 13c: extra star.
lSc; Elaiae. 23Hes eocene. 19c; red crown «nd
metor gasoline, in bulk 17c, in cases 24c: engine
distillate, in drums 7c, eases Tc more; Stf degree
gauoline. In balk 300, la eases 37^c; varn'.sii
makers' and painters' naphtha. In balk 14c, fa
cases Sl^ic .
"Oil — Quotations are for barrels. Lteseed, $1
per gallon for boiled and 880 for raw. cases 5c
mere) castor oil ia cases. No. 1 71c, Baker's XX
$1.1<@1.19l China nut, cases. 63r(?73e per gal- •
lont eocoanut'oil, ta barrels, 71^|73^0 for XXX,
SSHQTIc for No, I and 66(gt8S^c for No. 2, ac
ewdinj to quantity] extra bleached winter sperra
ell, 80cj natural winter sperm oil. 80c; natural
whale oiL 55c; pare lard ollvsll winter strained
lard oil, 90c; pure neatsfoot »>ll. 85c: No. I neat*,
foet oil, 63c i/herring oil, 50c: salmon oil. 50c
boiled fish oil. 50e; paint oil. 45c.' *
Torpeatlßd — 09e per gallon in cases and a2o la
bulk, drams and Iron barrel*. i#a|KtHia;v>^
Rosin— B.' $».3O; FT $a.35: G, $9.43; n. iSAft.
I, • $8.55: K. $9.60; WG, 110.40; WW, $10.7,f ocr
barrel of 2«f» lbs. . ft.
.Bed and White Lead— Red, 8 M @9c; white" •!«
@Z%c per In. , \u25a0 -.-, A /*
Th« Westera •o*3f ceflaias compaaj tjaote* a

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