OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, January 07, 1911, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1911-01-07/ed-1/seq-9/

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Well Up to Standard of Banner Years of Past and
Demonstrate Sah Francisco's Solidity
That the year of 1910 was wel^up to
trie average "of the last four years In
real estate transactions, building oper
ations and financial affairs generally
Is shown by the annual review,* which
Will appear in Thomas Magee & Sons'
real estate circular, as follows:
',There were 8,638 sales of real estate recorded
in San Francisco during the year 1010, represent
ing it total of (31.291,203. This la a slight .I*
i-rea*<> from the totals for the year 1908. but is
«n Increase of about $200,000 OTer the figures .for
the..rear 1908. anil practically equivalent to the
total of sales for the year l»07.
The record, therefore, for the rear 1910 is
practically on a par with that of the three pre
ceding year*. That our reaL estate sales did not
Bo rwloiT the 130.000.000 mirk for any year qf
the last four is evidence of our remarkable re
covery from the effects of the fire and from the
effect* of the financial depression of 1007 and
100 S. The steady nature of the activity in the
real estate market Is shown by the following Up
ures: IPQO (last eight months*. 5.136 dale*.
$1*2.124.219: 1907 (full year). - 24 sales, $31,
--«l«.15O; 190$ (full year). 7.418 gales. $31 083 -
571; 1000 (foil year). 7.072 sales. $33,879,073:
1010 (full year). 8,528 sale*. $31,201,293.
That the activity In the real estate market has
been more general Is shown by the fact that dur
ing the year just closed no sale was recorded for
over $275.(i00. while In the three previous years
many single sales were made for more than
J.VTO.OOO each, several of them being for more
than $750,000 and one for $1,750,000, and by the
increased number of sales recorded. There was
an average of 656 sales over the sales recorded
In 1908, of 1.110 over the sales recorded In 1908,
and of 324 over the sales recorded in 1907
Th« fact that San Francisco practically had
no municipal debt at the time of the lire (only
$3,500,000 of bonds having been sold by the city
up to the time of the conflagration) and the fact
that the mortgage debt on San Francisco real
estate at the time of the lire amounted to only
11 per cent of the actual value of land and build
ings, haTe, In our opinion, been the basic factors
on which our rebuilding was accomplished and
•mr financial stability proven.
In the last four year* a great many bonds
haTe been, voted and sold for public improve
ments, amounting at the present time to about
$70,000,000, with *17,450.000 worth of bonds
sold, but still San Francisco is one of the very
lowest in bonded debt per capita, as compared
with other large cities in the United States, as Is
shown by the following figures: New York.
$150.09; Boston. $112.92; Philadelphia, $56.03;
San Francisco. $41.81; St. Louis, $37.74; Balti
more, $38.28; Chicago. $8.90.
Sine« the fire, covering a period of a little
more than four years and a half. $190.000 000
■h»« been expended in San Francisco • for new
buil.'.lngs, which has consequently Increased the
total of mortgage Indebtedness. " San Francisco
has today a mortgage. Indebtedness of only 18
per cent of the actual value of land and build
ings. In reference to the mortgage debt on land
and buildings here, as compared with the real
estate mortgage debt of other large cities, the
following figures show that Ran Francisco has
tti.> lowest percentage of mortgage debt of any
at the larze cities of the country; New York
39 pr-r cent. Boston 33. Cleveland 31. Plttsbnrg
CO adelplil« 26, Detroit 24. San Francisco 16.
• In reference to the percentage of mortgage
debt on real estate In San Francisco, as com
pared with other years, we herewith give the
percentage of mortgage indebtedness of the
various years since the lire: April 1. 1908, 11
per cent; April 1. 1907. 14; April 1. 1908 17-
April I. 11V19. IS; April I, 1910. 17*4; December
31. 1910. i«.
Very naturally the percentage of Indebtedness
was raised by the Increase in mortgage Indebt
edness caused by the Immense building open
tion* slnco the tire, but the assessment of land
and buildings has since the fire Increased to a
larger proportion, so that it caif be seen that
ihe percentage of debt is now steadily decreas
"ir. It Is rahi that when the tnruonit to
1» road* in March. 1911, Is announced, this per
rrnui'a of debt will show a still further de
A loss of $148,000,000 of assessed value was
shown r>n the tax rolls as a result of the fire.
About $139,000,000 of this amount, however, has
Ncen restored In the four yean since the fire
showing that all but $9,000,000 has been re
covered. The assessment of I9i\\_ will umlonbt
'■'II- more than make up this logs, so that five
rears after the lire <vur assessment will exceed
that' for the year 1905. th» year Just previous to
the fire, the highest assessment in i the history
• ' the city.
The remarkable part of this Increase Is that
we are now assessed $48,000,000 more for build
ings than we were assessed for before the fire.
Tlie Increase noted In the assessment of build
in its li due to the fact that better bntldings
have been erected since the fire than were on
the game cities before the oonflagratlon.
It is very significant that. the total assess
mp'it of real estate and Mings amounted in
19<V» to *40i.w58,550, while in 1910 It amounted
to $433,206,243.
In the conflagration 28,000 buildings were de
stroyed, while permits, indicating the rebuild
ing of 30.31R buildings, have been granted in
the period since the lire.
The largest sale of the year was that of a
portion of the old Baldwin Annex property on
the northwest side of Market street between
Stockton and Powell streets, 30 feet front by
an average depth of 75 feet, with a. new two
*tnry building, for a price reported to be about
$300,000, but actually ■ about $275,000/ There
were three pales recorded, the . consideration in
each of which was $200,000, viz.: The lot,
northwest corner of Mason and Turk streets,
looking into Market street, 42% by 75; the lot.
I The Most Successful I
I Real Estate Sale of I
I 1910 was I
Although put on late in spring, half of it has been
sold to home builders. Six houses were erected and
all are sold.
This beautiful residence park appeals to those
who know.
The marine views obtained overlook the Pre
sidio, and will nevei^ be marred or spoiled by
factories or smoke arising from them.
Only 15 minutes from Kearny street in your
motor or 30 minutes by Sutter street cars.
- A residence park in San Francisco—a suburban
residence right in the city—with the grandest
marine views and pleasant surroundings, can not
help but attract. Only a few lots left; see them
AT ONCE. Go to Lake street and Twenty-second
avenue, or send for illustrated booklet.
H O A G 636 Market St.
I north corner of Townsend and Seventh street*.
275 by 275; and the lot, northwest corner of
Geary and Mason streets. 137V2 feet on Geary
street by 40 feet on Mason street,' with "I," In
A full I list of all the large sale* recorded
during the year shows that there were" four sales
of $200,000 and over. 12 sales from $100,000
to $200,000 In amount, and 00 sales of $40,000
to $100,000 In amount..
The figures for the month of December, segre
gated from the figures for the year, show 891
sales for $2,785,502. which Is somewhat higher
than the average for the year 1810.
This section, comprising that portion !of "the
city north of Market street and east of Larkln
street, and Including the best i retail property
In San Francisco, shows a total of 512 Rales,
I amounting to $7,414,012. While the number
of sales Is. fairly.up to the average for the.
last three years, the amount is considerably
below the totals for the last two years, al
though It exceeds by about $730,000 the total
for the year 1907. The principal sales made
in this section during the year just closed, in
addition to the three sales already mentioned
above, were the following:
Lot on the west side of Front street. 91 2-3
feet south of Pine. 02 by 137Vj.soia for $IV>.
000; building and lot on 'the west slue <*f Mason
street. 27T.j feet south of Ellis street. .'.."i by
S2H. snld in trade for $140,000: three story
building and lot on the northwest side of Market
street. M feet southwest, of Sansome street. -i
feet 1% inches front by average dentb of 77
feet, running through to Sutter street, sold in
trade for about $125,000; the south side of Cali
fornia street 84 1-8 feet east of Battery street.
SOU feet front by Irregular depth of 137%,
sold for $120,000; the improvements and lot on
the sooth side of Pacific street. 137% feel
east of Kearny street. 105 l.y 97*4. told for
$110,000; lot at the northwest comer of Kearny
and Tine streets. 72& feet by 4.'. feet "> inches,
sold In trade on a haslii of $100,000; the lot
at the northwest corner of Pacific and Davis
streets. 1<« 1-8 by ISTH feet, sold for $100,000:
the two story building and lot on the south
side of Ellis street. 137 feet 10 inches east ol
Powell street, 2V 4 feet front by Irregular deptr
of 64 feet, sold for $95,000; the lot at th«
southeast corner of O'Farrell »nd Mason streets,
SB by 87 feet, sold for $94,000; the lot hi
the northeast corner of Oeary and William
streets. 56 by 87M feet, sold for $90,000: th«
northeast corner of Mason and Elwood plac«
(137Vj feet'south of deary street), SJH tv
137 tt feet, sold for $80,000; the lot on the
north side of Golden Gate avenue, 192^ feet
west of Taylor street. 68% by 137 hi feet, sold
for $79,000; the lot at. the southwest cornel
of Battery and Sacramento streets. 124 by
90 feet, sold for $73,000, and resold for $77,500;
the south side of Turk street, 137U feet east
of Leaven worth street. 92 by IS7' 2 feet, sold
for $70,000; the Improvements and lot on the
north "side of Clay street. 137% feet east of
Montgomery street. 45 feet 10 inches by 122
feet, was reported sold for $70,000: the lot at
the northwest corner of Butter and Leaven
worth streets, 1",7', feet by 77 feet 10 Inches, .
with "L" in rear, »old for $70,000: and the , |
lot at the southeast corner of Bush and Lea Te- i
worth streets, 93 by. 173 hi feet, sold for
In this section, south of Market street and
east of Ninth, the sales for the year Just ended
numbered 254. and amounted to $2,904,121. show
ing practically the same volume of business as
during th» years 1907. 1909 and 1909. The prin
cipal sales In this section during the year were
the following: , ■ , I
The lot at the north corner of Townsena ami ;
Seventh streets. 275x275. sold for $200,000; the
lot and Improvements in the southeast side of |
Mission street, 175 feet northeast of Fourth. Ml
100 sold for $136,000; the lot. 'east corner of
Market and Main streets. 45:10 feet front by
137 feet deep, sold for $132,750; the lot.
southeast side of Market street, 230 feet west of
Sixth, 25 feet front In Market by 16.' < feet deep,
with extra lot 28x75 in rear in Stevenson street,
reported sold for $100,000; Improvements and lot
In the. southeast side of Howard street. 85 feet
southwest of Third. 40x80. sold In trade for
000: the lot. northwest side of Mission
street. 275 southwest of Fourth. 45:8x160, sold
in trade for $75,000: the lot. southwest side of
Fremont street, 183:4 feet sooth of Market.
01:9x137:6, solfl for $74,500: the lot. southwest
corner of Sixth and Stevenson streets, 50x7.1.
sold for $70,000, and the east corner of Third
and Brannan streets, 137:6x137:0, told tot
$70,000. (
In the Mission district the sales recorded dur
ing the year were 2.145 In number and amounted
to $4,012,184. These figures are In excess of the
totals for the years 1900 and 1008. The Urge
sales In this section were: Lot at the southwest
corner of Mission and Fourteenth streets, 286
feet In Fourteenth street hy 240 feet In Mission,
and 244 feet In Julian aronue. told to the state
of California for an armory, site for $100,000.
The partially Improved lot at the south corner
of Mission and Tenth streets. 112x102, sold In
trade on a basis of $60,000: the lot and Improve
ments, northeast corner of Valencia and Four
teenth streets. 55x150, leas I- In rear, sold for
$45,000; the three story apartment house and lot
at the northeast corner of Doloreu and Nineteenth
streets,. 85x95. sold j for $37,500. and Improve
ments and lot in the west side of Castro street,
104 feet north of Eighteenth. 45x125. sold for
$26,000. The usual number of smaller sales was
made In this section. s^gliSS
Rales In the" Western addition numbered 909,
"TUB JsHK? r*F I
-C4sr cokk&z. or post*xd vajc ac^ss avekujs •
and amounted to $B.«StS,OO«. These figures en- |
I ■ •ceil the totals for-the years 1808 and 1900 by
over $500,000 each, and were slightly below the
totals for the year l»07. Notwithstanding the ■
return to the downtown section of the retail I
stores from the Klllmore street and Van Ness
avenue sections of the Western addition, the
sales in this section have increased over the
totals for the last two years. The principal sales
made in this section during 1910 were:
. The block bounded by Hayes, Or»ve, Ashhnry
streets and Masonic avenue, sold for $116,500;
the lot at the northwest corner of Larkln and
McAllister streets." 120x137:<;. sold for $100,000;
the block, with Improvements, bounded by Dp
visadero. Tonquin. Broderlek, and Jefferson ',
streets, sold under fore.-loseure for $76,844; the
northwest corner of Post and Scott streets. 137:6 '
. xIS7:6, with extra lot adjoining in rear, gold for ,
■ $70,000; the apartment house and lot in the east I
line of Van Ness avenue. 74:S feet'south of
j Washington street, 40x120, sold in trade for '
How to Help Yourself and Help San Francisco
San Francisco ; You . '-* ' Consider the profit to be made between When the 12,000 shares are sold and
Never was. a city better loved than Can help keep people here the present purchase price and paid for .•'"•■' *
"Lcved Saaro^d nCi.hc° -odd" loved at A"d "'£ T *««« *- — . f '«<fHf£"'e P*~ , , There -Il^-ash .mount** to
home Yon ran ™ ",'«♦« tU ™,;i ' «U*. A Company Enough to pay the $861,741
To be a San Franciscan is a distinction business Called the Residential Development And leave in cash $338,259—51,200,000
To be a San Franciscan is to be a *„. , s>, . , „, Company of San Francisco ~"——~ •
. cosmopolitan: And ™%* a lot of money v for your- With a capital of $2,000,000 $338,259
San Francisco has individuality «■ . no • ,♦ ■'„-•, „;-; „• , Has been formed will be ample to build boulevards
Metropolis of a thousand-mile empire B«yingat wholesale and selling at To buy the property Improve a portion of the property
Financial center of one-third the area n r"*" ~ 1 - And prepare it for sale in villa sites Pay interest on the mortgage—the •
of United States Safeiv •" The Price to be Paid is $1950 an acre Sales will take care of the rest
Located on the greatest bay in the Surely ■ ■*" Less than $8 a front foot -. The profits will come after that
„ world ; . PmhaMv """ N° "adjoining property now sells for Can't help but come
Converging point for railroads and roDaDly . less than $40 a front foot Big and strong
steamships , T , . V, \, ' Most of it much higher ——
City of commerce and trade .* i "IS Way Good chance or profit, you say ' The public
Growing, expanding, developing Adolph Sutro. former ' Mayor of San And no risk " is invited to participate
Her present is but an index of her ' Francisco' ; -No chance to lose ■■- y For "'Pride and Profit"
. _future . V. ;;^ Was a very large land owner -Can't help but make money • — '
You believe in San Francisco ' Who saw far into the .future . ,If the company is well managed ' Your $ 1 000 -
You have seen her rebuild on her And believed in San Francisco '——— „ ■„ : , * V I
' own capital Purchased San Miguel Rancho Th*» mnai wav ' will earn the same rate of profit
More substantial and beautiful than And planted-great forests r a n!t a v tc Ine usual way r . As the rich man s«H|
before Of evergreen trees Capitalists usually form a syndicate All are on the same basis
Thrilling with life, and hope, and His estate is now being sold • • A close corporation The proportion will be the same
activity, and progress Seven hundred, and twenty-four acres 5* £ J \^K Whether you invest much or,little
Index to a wonderful future ■>;■ of San Miguel Rancho V ntJ U? an, • retail Jt That 8 how you can «° lnto the real
Her business centers are superb Ideally located in San Francisco And make big^money estate business
Finest shops in the world Covered with trees - l v otl can t .do. thai >/winnrt In company with men of standing .
Many handsome business streets Destined to be the home site, for }° »aven t the 000000 And; experience in San Francisco
Commercially San Francisco is wealthy people Aor the organization Whom you know and trust
supreme Who will pay good prices for attrac- : Tl_ ~~ Successful men in real estate and
..— — •/■ . tive locations Vine new way finance
But This superb tract is as large as that The Residential Development Com- ■_, c~~ T T
San Francisco is behind the times in - art :of the Western Addition , TT Pan of San Francisco : Call to bee Us
one respect ;• bounded by Van Ness avenue, Has 20,000.shares at $100 each We'll give you all the facts
She has allowed surrounding places First avenue; Sutter street and And proposes to ■■ sell 12,000 of them - Show you every detail \
• to attract her citizens to build . Broadway V,- Leaving 8,000 shares in the treasury Maps.'plans, particulars; contracts
■homes, - - '■'> '. Consider the value of the land in that "' _ . ..,, _•. ',;: '.'•'' Names of directors I and managers
On the beautiful hills of Berkeley , section of the city today Unly $OO I ,/4 I Figure it out for you
At Claremont and Piedmont,'Marin Consider,what this splendid forest will are needed to ; buy the property. As we did for ourselves '
and San Mateo, ; and every- be worth when it is improved The balance remains on mortgage •- • ——
- where but in San Francisco '•' ;,„ m■ urn •'- '■•■''"•■ •■ ' ■■' • ■ ' ■ '•' > ■"" • •-' ■ -' ■' . The Shares
Thousands have gone away .f" , .' /}y^^^ ==^___^==z l^T^— M'^^| Are $100 each—not less than ten sold
And built beautiful homes « - - ( (//m^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\ ' to one person
Investing money 4 elsewhere < , : A W .^^^^^^^T^^^^^Oy) | Ten dollars payable before January 16
To the detriment of San Francisco jW.-~ \ I • T '-' ' K# Ninety dollars payable when 9,000
Where the. majority would ' prefer ' Ofc§§^sM':' c*,^ | V^\l ■ shares are subscribed
_. 4 , -to hvf £ v, . • ;■; - , Jj/B^=^^P T 1 ' Allotments made as orders are re-
If they,could: find the same advantages ' r-^~~^_j^ __J-— —■*. " 11 """^^bSwi/111l " ceived
Away , from rectangular streets, noise,: • y^^^^ ■ ' . J^XUIH ! "it won't take long
t'^S-^V, gltStel T ' nyn^TT^ :^ lltt • Too good a thing to drag
In a delightful neighborhood j v ■; !a cupPHO"^<rv^Ol^O ; I t Wf W))))\ ■ Decide quickly .
.Vyith boulevards and trees and hills I KllO^^ ' % .:\ssF IlK^I '>i - The .option is short
In San x^rancisco . .;! •^ej»^« 3h^^^m^____ I W$ AoYltmi "■■*■ ■ ■' ■
They'd stay here ill ||y S«^^* | /// il\(r/'))) P t
And : build here ' I ' T^^'^U^^.;.'.- J^ :'_M|| ■" . /. AH payments are to be made" to the Mercan-
A"ti7i vnt » i,_ nC^ 7? r?r-v — < -fi&'-r&Z'l'J,' ' <( -v P^<'l(uiJi tile Trust Company ■'."',,,"
And vote here do it y^jNff-. >J&g2K& L— »■ 1 To see the property by automobile or for
And be glad to do it. Mt^^B^iWoZ< ' ' lilwl Baldwin information apply Kearny street,
'. '^iSßireffy £==?-■* Xi Baldwin & Howell, 318-324 Kearny street,
T , . Besides •, ' . WSsR ll i " ~~n i-gC^r^^^^^^H^^^ « -' J^7 i ~ Also for information call upon any of the
.p, . ... . f IL ]^^i^|H^^« C£=4 S Also for information call upon any of the
There money in it for you in two jj M^m^i^^pfe^S6i I /5\ lllvSSv^ following real estate firm*:
ways '*■ •;. ; 3BM , 'JtS^^St^^^^S^^^ml' // O ':^>'^ Shainwald, Buckbee & Co., 27 Montgomery
The more people who build homes in ™ ,-^V ffi ?-' - "-' mm^l / "'&? W\ v T r>- street ,-,,0
Snn Fnnricm ' ' -■■ -»Mt.»wMywaa^Mr: i<>7 A. J. Rich & Co.. 121 Sutter street •
Th Ktt Francisco v « HM, J T ;|IU\ Lyon & Hoag. 636 Market street
Ihe better for all ot us ') | ORH HHH^/ 62? Yon Rhein Real Estate Co., 141 Sutter
And". spend their money here ;^':'l^^:^? / '■■ &/$ V - J-'w- Wright.&'Co., Mills Building
And pay taxes here V'l^!l§ ■ $/\ V \ r'B»t.& Co., Mills Building
And add to the wealth of the city ' '^^S^^^P / £S^ M Harrigan, Weidcnmuller & Rosenstern, 345
\ i i . -. ~^B?W*^ / /i\7 Montgomery street
And give employment to, people here \\\\\ r^A^^V^i^'^^l^ / -Rs^ ■A- V Behlow & Lucas, 205 Montgomery street.
And trade in our fine shops , i I 13.^^ .y''l3;^/, / <q^ v " <K^v/i/ Abrahanison Bros. & Co., 251 Montgomery
And be really and truly citizens of Ml ? "■':■•- " %- Wf^/ u~* n. +■ v NK#/i T, , street vv>S/ '.%:'?: i
San FrLrkrn ' • ° 1A\\.,,1 ' -^ —■ - Mraion-aenst^-^ \ John McGaw & Co., 232 Montgomery street
ban . 1 rancrsco ' - . - : -^-."■"""'""" """"""- """' " '1" ————■■J ' Guy T. .Wayman, 232 Montgomery street ,
! $(0,000; the improvements and lot at the south
east corner of Devlsadero and McAllister streets,
■ 82:04106:8, sold in trade for $GO,OOO. and re-
I col 4in trade for '$03,000; the residence and lot
at the northeast corner of Washington and De
vioadcro streets, 50:10x110, sold for $55,000: the
improved lot in the north line of Hayes street
92:H feet west of Fillmore, «5x137:6, less small:
L in rear., sold for $55,000; the lot at the
northwest corner of Polk and Turk streets, 137:6
x 137:6, sold for $35,000; the lot and improve
ments in the cast line of Fillmore street, 5u feet
south of McAllister. 57:6x137:C, less- I, In rear,
sold for $52,000; the lot and Improvements at
th« northeast corner of FUlmore and California
street*. 82:7x52:3, sold for $50,000. -
Sales recorded in outside lands and homesteads
were 8,988 in number and amounted to $5,029,
--583. an Increase over the figures for the year
1909 of 11,838.000. as welt as an increase In" the '
number of sales of r.r.5. These flpire* show mucU
higher totiils than for any year since the flre,
while (he number of sales indicates general ac
tivity in this home building section. The totals
for the ypar were made up of many small sales
in the Richmond district, where the activity lv
aaJes and building operations has been marked
in the Snnset district south of the park ami In
the homesteads section beyond the Mission. Sales
of large parcels in these sections wers as fol
lows: Block bounded by Kultou and C streets
Tenth and Eleventh avenues, sold for $79,000;
west line '.f Sixteenth avenue, 25 feet north of
A street, 500x128, and the east line of Sixteenth
avenue, 2T> feet north of A street. 500xl27:«
■old for $55,000; bliK-k bounded by H and I
Twenty-second and Twenty third avenues.
j sold for 145,000; block boondeil hy H HD ,] I
streets, Twenty third and Twmty-fourth avenneK
! sold for $49,000: the southeast corner of Geary
i street and s; eTra tb. avenue. 240x225, s«ld for
Money Will Be Expended Large*
ly in Improving Good
Business Sites
A few building loans have been made
by the savings banks this week,
though for the most part there is a
notable lightness of this class of mort
The Savings Union made a loan of
$193,000 to John G. Barker, Calvin K.
Knickerbocker and H. P. Bostwlck on
two parcels of property in Howard
street near Second and in the north
west side of Mission street, 275 feet
southwest of Fourth. Part of the
money will be used in erecting a four
story store and loft building:, 45x190
lot, in Misison street, to cast upward
| Of $60,000.
The German savings' loan of $75,000
I to Rose Nordwell an property in the
i west side of Battery street, it fe«l
north of Jackson, 114x185, Irregular,
I was a renewal.
Tho Hibernia savinars made a build
ing loan of $4d,000 to the Sheehy estate
company for a brick structure in tho
south ,«iup of Clay street, 4<i feet west
of Sansome, running through to Com
mercial, with a frontage of 97 feet In
Clay street and a depth of 119 feet.
The loan was for one year at 5^ per
The German saving's' $125,000 loan to
Henry T. Lally on the 34x127 fopi
property in the north side of Pacific
avenue, 171 feet east of Gough street,
was a renewal.
The $30,000 loan of the German sav
ings to Charles Bach company on two
properties in Stockton street north of
Francisco was ■ renewal.
The same bank made a building 1 loan
of $46,000 to Charles W. Baird and as
sociates on the 37x110 foot (irregular)
lot in the east side of Kearny street,
100 feet north of "Washington. The
structure will face Maiden lane.
The Central Mission and Hayes Val
ley improvement club has petitioned
for the construction of a safety sta
tion at th« intersection of Haipht,
Goußh and Market streets, at an esti
mated cost of $2,250.
Spacious and Attractive Build
ing to Be Erected at Van
Ness and Post
The contract haE l.onn let for the
Peerless automobile huiMingr. It is to
j be a class A, reinforced, fireproof struc
ture of the most modern type. Con
struction lias begun at the northeast
corner of Post street and Van Ness aye
! nuc. Thp owners are the Cahn invest
! ment company.
The building fronts 120 feet In Van
Ness avenue and 246:5 feet in Poet
street. It will he the largest automo
bile building !n the state of California,
I and will be devoted exclusively to the
| handling of the Peerless and Everett
automobiles managed by H. O. Harri
; 808.
The exterior will be treated in a deli
cate cr>;, r tcfaame, using- the combina
tion of cream white and emerald green.
This building, when completed, will
represent as clean and simple a design
as can be produced. The architects
are MacDonakl ft Apple^arth.
WEEK TOTAL $639,543
The "building inspector's report for
the week reaches large figures owins?
to'■■'several large buildings for which
j permits were Issued. The largest of
j these Is the class A hotel.for the south-
I east corner of Kearny and Sutter
streets. Following is the full report;
Class A building. 1.. $295,000
Cl«»« B building, 1 112,000
Class G building, 2 I*B,ooo
Frames, 32 81,418
Alterations, DO. v . 14,328
Total $030,543
The record for the year 1910 shows a total
I amount of building contracts entered int.. of
' $£2,873,042. Adding these figures to the previous
record shows that'since the lire tbere hare been
ißKued 30.31)! building permit* for a total of
$170,300,206. 'Hie total amount of building con
tracts entered into since the fire was $172,090,
--020. As nearly ail the buildings erected have
cost much more than 10 per cent over the orlct
n»l contract price. it ig conservatively estimated
that the total value of. buildings erected since
the fire amounts to not less than $190,000,000.
This Ik without doubt an extremely conservative
estimate. :* :.VV--"; V ':- ' . ■>*■■".■'-'.:--; ' •

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