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The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, April 16, 1912, Image 11

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Spokane Chamber of Commerce
Urges Oakland Body to
Aid in Campaign
National Conference to Be
Held in Washington
April 22
OAKLAND, April ir,.—The Oakland
I -or af Comf&erce has been urged
by the Spokane Chamber to assist in
■ impaign for recognition of the
aresl In Hie holding of the conventions
of the national rivers and harbors catj
g! CSS.
A national conference of chambers of
commerce will be he'd in Washington.
AprU 22. to which the local chamber
will scad and the northern
"I'ganixai ion urges that these repre
ttves he delegated to enter the
campaign for" an equal recognition of
tl •■ west with the east In the moetinßS
national organisation for the
purpose of forming w!ii<-h rh<-' lonvcn
i ion is to he held.
Tbe subject of the annual meeting of
roposed organization will he dis
cussed, the rtuestiop being whether the
meetings ■hall be held in one city or
in different places from year to year.
Spokane Chamber is advocating
• i.iiii-. of the annuals alternately
in the states tributary to the Atlantic
coast, the Mississippi river and tbe l'u
cific cast.
. _ -ivnt would bring the
ration to this coast every third
The city to be selected by the As
sociated Chambers of the Pacific Coast.
BERKELEY. April 15.—A district
mass meeting at Wilkins' hall was
hild this evening for the candidacy of
!.. J. ! i c for councilman, and Mrs.
•'..■ Barry and Samuel C.
- • for school directors. Speakers
led Fred Q. Athearn. the three
- Superintendent of Schools
k 1". Bunker, and Thomas 11.
Bunker said that much of the diffi-.
culty lie now faced grew out of bis
s in the schools of nraintaining
absolute equality for pupils and teach
ers, and permitting no favors. lie
place,! his fate, and his faith., in the
broken relatione between himself and
c board of education in
■ nds of the voters.
There will be meetings every night
tl is \vck in the school tight by both
sides. The majority directors, Herman
' Stern. John A. Wilson and Mrs.
Klin-!- Carlisle, will have meetings as
Wt :
Toeed. • - -Claretßsart hall. 9W HflfcrrtM
i-'.M'l. ami the Aha \ jsja apartment*. HVtegraph
Weiine~,i; ( r evonir,:;—Lincoln hall. Aleatruz
\ . ■' »tre«t; Sirs. 11. s. H"wani's
;>•-:.tenet?, 2422 liuvanf street.
Tbnrsda.T evening—Athens hall. College avenue
ami Russell p-treet.
Friday evening—High *ehoo! aiT'litorium. All
siun way sad Grtwe all set.
recall forces have announced
- • ■ ''Ws:
TtK-sdar exiling—Hillside club. Arch and Cc
Wednesday evening —Hawthorne BdMMI. Ninth
»ik| Harder Btt-eta, and Jefferson school. Rose
and Sacramento street-.
■ .lv evening -Oxford Mbeat, Osforil and
streets, aad Athens ball. College arenue
and BeateH street.
Speakers at these will include the
candidates. Hunker, Athearn, Prof.
as li. Heed, Dr. W. C. Morgan. E.
j'. Lewis, Dr. David P. Barrows. Miss
Blanche Morse and Mrs. Kane CooHdge.
Blamed for 21 Cases of Disease
and Four Deaths
. KKI.HV. April 13.—John Olson, a
driver on the schooner Acme,
owned by A. \Y. Beadle & ("a, is under
'•igation at Roosevelt hospital hy
\\". A. Sawyer of the state bureau
gieae as a remarkable case of
natural typhroid carrier.
To Olson are ascribed 27 cases of the
■. four of which were fatal. Most
of t&Eßtn w.re among the crew of the
•i. Attention was called by the
L'nited States marine hospital authori
the prevalence of typhoid fever
me, wli h 11 c pesoH that tn
■ - ■ • followed. Olson, with
was taken to Roosevelt hospital
and his case was singled tort.
tor Sawyer said tonight that Ol
son would be treated in an effort to
• hove the typhoid tendencies.
LEANDRO, Apri] 15.—The es
iishment of the commission fornr of
government and the regulation of rates
charged h;. public service corporations
are the subjects to be discussed at a
dinner to be given under, auspices of
the Chamber of Commerce in the Ma
sonic templa the evening of April it.
Prof. Thomas H. Peed of the Univer
sity .if California will be the principal
The committee includes J. J. f;ill. p r .
<•-. ii liilh r, I>. W. Toffelmiar and c. n.
ai.amkla. April 15.—The Oakland
1.-:-, opened a two .lays' meeting i
• First Presbyterian church. Santa
and ('hestnut street, to- I
night. Rev. if. <". Harriot, the retiring
moderator of 'he presbytery-, was the
Ipal speaker. Tomorrow morning
a business session will be held by the '
presbytery. At noon a hutcneea will
ed by the women of the First
bj terian church.
ALAMKDA, April L">.—Charles W.
Kelson, for many years a prominent
A lamed an, has been appointed assistant
genera! manager of the Talroe railroad.
Accompanied by his wife. Nelson has
pone to Tahoe to live. Mrs. Frank
Fabene and Miss Ethel Parker are their
■>• OAKLAND. April 15. — Registration
for the May primaries shows ) 7..". s'.
s mHi and 25.295 women, a total of 63.
-->'•'•. Saturday up to midnight 1,#23
men and :.'.<:*] women registered, a
total of 7.01 i lor the day.
Mpha Omicron Pi
Will Keep Open
P.r.r.KLLLY. April L".—Alumnae
members of the Alpha Omicron Pi so
rority of the University of California
tvith act4ve members of Sigma chapter,
the local branch, will be hostesses at
1 reception to be .given April It, aft
frnoon and evening, to students and
faculty women.
This reception is one <>f the closing j
events of the campus anions' the <oi- I
l"uo women. Students who will aid in |
th c a tja i r are : J
M.*s Digit Rut M -s Ediui Carrott
M'ss olive Cutter Mtes Osimklm Meredith i
Miss Flnrenee Weeks \ii«s >hi.v Caasereh
Mips Irene Flanagan Miss Dorothy Kh-liard- I
Miss (iraee Weeks MB |
Miss Margaret Barley Mtas r.ita Keane
Miss Pin ills Muguiro Uin CUadis MSSBt*
Mis- Emma Pla-k
OAKLAND. April 15.—Alleging that
first he bad hen permitted and then
denied the right to interview patients
in the cancer ward at the county
infirmary, Attorney (Jeorge Klder de
manded an Investigation by tbe board
of supervisors today. Rider represented
an institution at Berkeley whose head
claimed to cure cancer, and said that
the state hoard of medical examiners
had demanded a demonstration of CUTS
before the firm's license would he ap
proved. Klder said that in behalf of
bis client he sought to talk to the pa
tients of the ward at the Infirmary
prior to giving the demonstration.
BERKELEY; April I:..—Mrs. Peter
Rogers, the poundmaster's wife, said
today that she would apply fora special
police star because she was roughly
handled by two men when she assumed
for a while bar "husband's duties.
Two men. Prank Oilessi and Tessitor
Vitor. bakers of 74 2 Delaware s°treet,
were arrested by Policeman Kohler on
Mrs. Rogers' complaint-
Mrs. Rogers received a° telephone
j complaint, meant for her husband, that
j a stray horse was in University avenue:
Mrs. Rogers haltered the horse when
; Vitor and Oilessi came along." seeking
' tbe horse, which belonged to them".
Mrs. Rogers refused to give up the
animal, and Oilessi struck her and Vitor
] tried to wrest the halter from her.
REDWOOD CJTV. April 15.—Tn a.
communication received by the board of
supervisors tod?y }■'. A. jlihn, a land
owner of Santa Cruz county, sets forth
a plan for the construction'ofc.n" boule
vard along the ocean shore from San
Francisco to Monterey. H°e suggests
that the boards of supervisors of" San
Mateo and Santa -Cruz counties formu
late ptans which will extend the°south
ern terminal of the proposed state
highway along the coast from Pes. a
dero to Monterey. Ilihn says that the
state should bear half of the cost o£
construction, and the two "counties
should raise the balance by- special ,
taxation. He estimates the total cost
of the proposed boulevard at $900,000.
BERKELEY. April 15.—Mrs. Chris
tine E. Anloff, who became the bride
of A. K. Mickle, a Grand Army veteran,
at Larkspur yesterday, will hereafter
make Santa Rosa her home." that being
the residence of the bridegroom. Mrs."
■fickle was a leader in the Women's
Relief corps and other organizations
here. Her . home was at 2120 Grant
street. Mickle is a well kno\Vn Santa.
Rosan. The hride is 57 years old a°nd
the bridegroom Go. Thier wedding
took place at the home of the bride's
youngest daughter, Mrs. A. D. Coil
man, at noon yesterday.
OAKLAND, April I.'.—W. C. Price
has taken charge of Champ Clark's
campaign in Alameda county. The can
didates from this county on the- Clark
ticket to the democratic national con
vention are 11. M. Fitzgerald of this
city and Prank C. Drew of Alameda. ,
Suburban Brevities
April 15, -Tbe A 1 iii;i. <ia Motorcycle ehib will '■
;»-i<-e tt* first i>;iii teaiorrow evening iv Saclaal i
bait. Bay station.
ADKAN TO SPEAK- Oakland, April i-.-"Wliat j
II an ArlTertUing Man"? Krederi.-k S. Xelaofl
a ill answer the aueatioa before the member* j
at the Oakland Advertising association at their I
weekly meeting at the Saddle Il.«k 'afe to- j
morrow. JfeiaVS is secretary-treasurer sf the
San naaelses association.
CANAL IS TOPIC OF TALK -Berkeley. April'
15.- Dr. C. A. Tlsdnle of Alameda, cuinty
coroaci, letLiued taalsht an the Panama canal I
and the We«t Indies. fr<»m which ba rereatly I
reCSrsed. before the brotherhood of the r.dh", •
Avenue Methodist Kpiscopal rbarcb ihi> even i
inc. Mlm Helen Heaps' and Mr<. J. Rollla
Fitch >ans.
AprU 15.—Tbe atcowd baptbasel nerriee a-bSeh
lvill have been belt] in the Firs! Christian
'hnrch in the re-ival now in projjreie* "trill
take place Wednesday nieht. Iter. n. 1,.
Mclfatton. who is conducting the reTlral. will
..ft", iate. HHI «-itl>jcct tom..»rrow night will be
•'The Conversion of Saul."
For Freckled, Rough
or Spotty Complexions
I Frdhi The Dermatologist >
The freckling, discoloring or- rough
ening to which delicate skins are sub
ject after exposure to wind or sun,
often appearing in,spring. may'read
! ily be gotten rid of. MereoHzed wax,
spread lightly over the face before re
tiring and removed in the morning with
soap and water, completely peels off
the disfigured skin. Get an ounce of
the wax at any druggist's. There's
no more effective way ..:" banishing
freckles or other cutaneous defects.
Little skin particles come off each day,
so the process doesn't even temporarily
rear tbe complexion, ami one soon ac
quires a brand new, spotless, girlishly
beautiful face.
Wrinkles caused by weather, worry
or illness are best treated by a simple
solut'on of powdered saxolite, one
ounce, dissolved In s half pint witch
hazel. Lathing the face in this pro
duces, a truly marvelous transforma
Members .of Sigma chapter of
j the Alpha Omicron Pi who will"
be hostesses, at the sorority rcccp
| tion. °. • ...'.* i .:*'?'•'
Home of S. M. Marks Is Entered
and Valuables Worth
4200 Taken / : ;
KKRKEL.TCY. Ap'rH 15.?— The home of
EL If. Marks, secretary 0 of the People's
i Water cnmpany "of Oakland, . at' 27 II
Dwfjght way.•was'broken into last night
by s burgl.arV„.wlio escaped with val
uables amounting- to $°200 t .'
The burglar,, who "had used, a .jimmy on
the front, door, made -a hasty exit 'by ;
/in tipper" story window when Dr, Lewis
Arnold, a' relative of Marks, canie home j
late and fpurid th.?. front door blocked,
lie finally iriadp -a'n entrance, nnd .while
up. the : stairs= to. Investigate,
hear*) a = window ' slammed on the sec-:
ond floor; .The burglar dropped to the
ground "and got away over a back
fence. . • ■ :
The police think that the same burg
lar bro°ke°' into Miss Nellie; Hollihgs
worth's tHMjssr nearby ai Zs-~>
street, Tha : front door at this place
also was jimmied: The burglar- ob
tained jewels worth $!>O. » ° • .' "' ;
Councilman John"A. *W4»*Oft reported
to the police 1 that an. unknown -man
rented a bicycle'last wt'ekat his' place.
iof o fjttslness.. 1-8.1'r.: Harmotr street, to
make a trip to San Jose andj f&Uecr to
return ai agreed-time.
- a
UOTHEKS' CLUB TO °aTEET™A lame.la. April
Porter ReuooJ Mothers' Hut. sriU°nitet
toiuoir >w aftslaooa at •'; *>'clock at 3 the aebvßal
'ttalldlßg.. The club wan organized recently
and" already has ■ larj:* taeabcrabip.
We are making and
JBm» selling a -
many more
JfeAHL NEVER any less
aaaaV iHS aaaaanBWaaSB«BSBSSB™«BBBBaBaan»«n
Remington Typewriter Company
o (Incorporated)
Band Master Is Engaged toj
Conduct Music in Annual
Children's Fete
the Oakland playground department for
director of the music In the annual May
playground festival to take place at
Lakeside park May 4. The festival will !
be held in the natural amphitheater. J
where arramgeanenta will he made for :
the seating of .".000 spectators. Bx-1
tensive plans Wave heen made for the
pageant, and it is expected to make the,
festival a spectacular affair.
The festival will he an exact repro
duction of the early Kngli.sh May day
celebration, and much attention will he
paid to the arrangements. Included in
the pageant will be Robin Hood and:
his historical followers, morris men,
knights cur horseback, jumping Jacks
and 'other interesting features. These
characters will be assumed by the chil
dre nY
The celebration will he launched with
an overture by the' band, under the di
rection of Paul Steindorff. followed by
the pageant of May day characters and
then the . rowntng ol the queen. There
also -will he milkmaids', morris men.
wreath. Jumping jack and peasants'
dances. Tilting and archery contests
and chariot races will he staged. The
fun- will he livened With Scotch high
landers st:d brownies. The <lav wj! l
' RICHMOND, April I."..'—Construction
of the two new grammar school build
ings was begun this morning.
The building to he erected at the
corner of Tenth street and Bissell ave
nue "will be two stories, of class A
„reinforced concrete.
It will contain 18 classrooms and will
cost f?0,090. It is being erected by
Arthur Arlett of Oakland.
The other- two story building \Vil) be
erected at the corner of Richmond and
Montana avenues and will contain It
classrooms, it will cost 165,000.
Irank Kicas. accmwd by A. A. Wise. OS
Fourth street, of the theft .if iron rained lit
$-tW>. was lieid o. answer to tiie superior court
oo a charpe "f grand larceny today by Police
Judge Mortimer >mith.
The Enemy
of Mankind;
— ■ I
Sprays. Douches, Ointments, j
Snuffs and Stomach Dos
ing Have All Failed to
Cure It.
Catarrh is a \ tie and disgusting dis
ease because its revolting symptoms j
can not he hidden.
• Man-y people despair of ever getting {
■rid of catarrh, but if they will go I
"about it in earnest they can stop the j
discharge in a few days, banish snuf- j
ties, hawking and spitting. '
To end the misery of catarrh breathe !
J'IYOMKi. (let a complete outfit today j
and se* how quickly catarrh can be j
confiuerffi with the soothing, healing !
antiseptic air of the Eucalyptus for
ests "of Australia.
,".'A HYOMEI outfit (bottle of HTOMBI]
and bard rubber Inhaler) costs $1.00.
Pour a -few drops IntO the inhaler and,
breatheit; that's all you have to do.'
.Breathe It five or six times a day and
watch the symptoms of catarrh dlsap- I
| pear .one by one. HYOMEI is a tried j
j and true remedy for catarrh, coughs,:
'COlds,; croup and catarrhal deafness.
: For "sale by druggists everywhere. E\-
Ijtrs bottles if needed. 56 cents. !
OAKLAXI', April 15. — Oakland is
seeking the lIH-1 convention of the
International Brotherhood of Locomo
tive Engineers. This year's gathering
is at Harrisburg, Pa.. May 8.
T. Jordan, local representative, has
informed the Chamber of Commerce
that be will try to have the next con
vention postponed a year, so that the
delegates may visit the fair.
He will do what he can to bring the
convention here.
Several other cities are bidding.
$1,000 FIXE IN OAKLAND— Oakland. April 1.'..
Fire enrly today in The engine room of tin-
Sun Milling company. Third ami I.evrls stroeis,
resulted in damage amounting to ft.ooo. The
Maze- was caused by spontaneous combustion.
No Salesman's "Word"
—is as good as this—
OBSERVE the Shoe pictured below! is under the finish viz. —to the Makers.
It has Style a-plenty—hasn't it ? So, here you have an absolutely known
It has Comfort too, as your Foot quantity of value, with all "Lottery" element
may prove before purchase. eliminated.
But—how long will it wear? Yet the price is only $4.50 per pair.
No Salesman could do more than guess at —Equal to 75 cents per Month for high
the answer to that question. grade Super-Stylish Regal Shoe (pre-repair)
Because,-no Salesman could tell what is Wear,
beneath the finish. Just half what the average fine Shoe
This is why we (The Regal Shoe Co.), ($3.50 to $5.00) costs you, per Month, for
who made, the Shoe, now give you a legally average Wear. •
executed Bond with every pair of these Shoes. Six new Styles in Oxfords and High-Cut
That Bond secures to you (without quibble Shoes, are now ready in the Six-Month
or question) a full Six Months of Continuous Regal Shoe line atsA.so.
Wear before Outsoles* or Upper Leather Observe the Aristocrat" Model here
break through or wear through. with. One of the smartest 1912
Six Months "continuous" Wear means Creations. Made in Oxfords as
-ITT II ™ * I SSot
V'V pyr J&m mmWrnKr
I V tal . iM jn'
* * Vjg«Ba|rl{7ljfrj?yoWJy«Bßk^^
. vi* t * >* y.J*vi:&t».SHSSStf3SSMiM
Regal (Six-Month) Shoes
*4.50 per pair
San Francisco Regal Store, Phelan Building, 772 Market Street
For Men, Women and Children.
Oakland Regal Store — 1426-28 San Pablo Aye.
For Men, Women and Children.
r* '-3f Do You Feel This Way?
!P (S) you * cc ' a " tired out ? Do you sometimes
think you iust can't work away at your profes
sion or trade any longer? Do yon ha\e a poor ape*
/SffflEtf tite, and lay awake st nights unable to sleep ? Are
flffl&lffljßnH \ your nerves all gone, and your stomach too ? Has am*
"UP 1 * IJEjfjfS \ w| bition to forge ahead in the world left you? If so, you
aßßji ' might as well put a stop to your misery. You can do it if
ffiSffn y° u w '"- Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery will
flffifflf , fIL make you a different individual. It will set your lazy liver
Sb¥ '• «l to wor k- W »H set things right in your stomach, and
JBJUff 4 §ft your appetite will come back. It will purify your blood.
*||§2 I / if there is any tendency in your family toward consumption,
■ a W j J it will keep that dread destroyer away. Even after con
sumption has almost gained a foothold in the form of a
lingering cough, bronchitis, or bleeding at the lungs, it will bring ahout a
cure in 98 per cent, of all cases. It is a remedy originally prepared by Doctor
R.V. Pierce. Medical advice is given free to all who wish to write for same.
Great success has come from a wide experience and varied practice.
Don't be wheedled by a penny-grabbing dealer into taking inferior substi
tutes for Dr. Pierces medicines, recommended to be "just as good." Dr.
Pierces medicines are of known composition. Their every ingredient printed
on their wrappers. Made from roots without alcohol. Contain no habit*
forming drugs. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y.

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