OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, October 10, 1912, Image 10

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1912-10-10/ed-1/seq-10/

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The Cash Value of
Municipal Beauty
IT may not be high argument, but is it intensely practical to learn
the cash value of beauty. Outdoor art has a value in dollars as
well as in the added pleasure of the appreciative eye. Nothing
so strongly attracts the stranger from beyond the mountains, looking
about him for a city in which to set up his home.
To destroy unsightly blots on the city's face—billboards, huge
signs, tumbledown buildings—is a profitable activity. To create
new beauty is even more profitable. When a community sets about
the task of adorning and ornamenting dwellings and streets, it is
engaged in making money just as certainly as it is when at work in
office, store or factory.
It is remarkable how civic pride and civic effort grow with the
growth of the beautiful inhabitants of Detroit, Dcs Moines and other
cities which have gone heartily to the work of making themselves
beautiful, are notably proud of their citizenship and eagerly ready
to lend a helping hand to every new proposal of betterment. They
pull together, like a good team in harness. And with each year, their
pride and their achievement increase and bring forth fruit.
This is a matter of immense importance to ourselves. We have
not risen to our opportunities, but that is spilt milk and not worth
crying about. We have the courage and the optimism to do wonders
before the world comes to make holiday here, if we set about the
task. It seems to be a leader that is wanted, more than a willing
army. The army is right at hand. The women's clubs and leagues
are probably the best nucleus around which to crystallize an effective,
earnest and permanent public effort to make this city one of the most
beautiful capitals of the world. The task is not easy, nor can it be
performed in a day. But a concerted, patient, courageous and en
thusiastic movement maintained by the women's organizations would
result, in no long time, in splendid success.
Back of every effort to create the City Beautiful, The Call will
gladly put all its energies. It stands ready to do any part of the
work which is a newspaper's province. It will lead or follow with
ihe same hearty cheerfulness; the same hopeful optimism, the same
faith, the same loyalty and the same love with which, it trusts, it
has ever been ready to cherish and to serve its city.
That will indeed be a glad day when, looking down from some
neighboring height, the delighted spectator can behold not only the
beautiful panorama of sea and bay and hill and moun
tain, but also, set like a gem in these lovely environments, a great
city as magnificently beautiful as it has proved itself, in every stress,
{magnificently courageous.
ACTING GOVERNOR WALLACE told a meeting of clergymen
in Los Angeles on Saturday, that he commuted the death sen
tence of wife murderer Figueroa because he does not believe
in capital punishment. He added that his objections were not so
much ethical as practical. "Capital punishment," he declared, "is for
the poor, not for the rich."
When A. J. Wallace took the oath of office he swore to uphold
find to enforce the laws of the state. The law of the state of Cali
fornia reqtes that one who commits premeditated, deliberate homi
cide, with malice, shall be punished by death. The governor who
swears to enforce the law and who refuses to do so because he is
opposed to it, commits perjury, and in his conduct there is every
clement of treason, except the overt act of levying armed force
against the dignity of the state.
Neither is it true that there is one law for the rich and one for
the poor. This very wretch, Figueroa, had ample means interested
in defending him. There was money for counsel, both during Jiis
trial and after. And it is notorious that his plea for commutation
was pressed by able attorneys. If, in this case, there was one law
for the penniless man and another for the man with money at com
mand, that law was not in evidence in the court, nor in the just ver
dict of the jury, but in the action alone of the governor who overrode
the verdict and the law to commute the sentence. The decencies
should be enough, of themselves, to restrain the governor of the
state from inciting contempt for the law, since it is only through
the respect which good citizens pay to that law that he himself is
permitted to abuse it and to pervert the powers of his office to such
gross outrage as the condonation of cruel and wicked murder of the
innocent, with no other rebuke than indignant words.
He is not a good citizen, no matter what place he holds, who
aids to spread the mischievous, the dangerous and the false teaching
that the proceedings of our courts are commonly unjust; that those
courts have one law for the rich and one for the poor; and that the
whole structure of our society is rotten and corrupt. No wonder
ihere are anarchists raving on the street corners when the chief doc
trine of their gospel of discontent and destruction is echoed with
approval by the executive of the commonwealth.
THE bull moose newspapers are beginning to find out that there
is a republican party in this state, after all. The indignation ex
cited by the disfranchisement of men loyal to the republican can
friidate and to the republican party in the nation, has impressed itself
at last upon these blundering larcenists, and they are in a blue funk
of comical panic.
It seems that they actually were so dull of wit and so lacking
an any knowledge of human nature as to believe that they could secure
republican votes for their candidate if they abused the power they
held temporarily to deprive *hese same republicans of the right to
vote for the republican candidate. A "child of a dozen years ought
to have more sense than they.
All over the state the republicans are up in arms, their fighting
blood sizzling by this gross and cowardly assault upon their rights
and privileges as American citizens. That they—many of them old
men who bear the scars of wounds, got in defense of the nation's
life—brave old men who walk among us in the honorable uniform
of the Grand Army of the Republic—men who voted for Lincoln in
the dark days—and others, their sons and daughters whom they have
trained in the traditions sacred to them—that these men and these
women should be denied the exercise of the great and fundamental
right of free suffrage for the party and the candidate of their choice,
is an outrage and an insult which no free man will lightly endure.
They mean to have a reckoning with the men who have done these
ihings—the republicans of California do.
There is with them no longer any minor question of politics, of
the tariff or of this thing or that. The one great, overshadowing
is this shame put upon them and upon the state. The one duty
is to avenge this insult to their manhood upon the pitiful and con
temptible political tricksters who gave that insult.
The republicans of California, to the last man and the last woman,
will march to the polls on election day and then they will administer
a rebuke to this meanness of political trickery and to these tricksters
that will effectually put an end forever to any repetition of such aa
outrage upon them.
I hey can not vote for "faft. That right is stolen. But they can
vote. They, will ypte, too. And I personally believe that the^^p*
vote no third term ticket, and for no man who had a part in plan
ning or a hand in executing this shameful outrage upon free citizens.
THE rather slushy, but wholly willing young man detailed by the
Bulletin to accompany Governor Johnson and celebrate that
hero's achievements in spasms of gush, has at last written some
thing of real interest. lie sadly remarks that after having been five
weeks in the governor's comparfy, he feels assured that if Johnson
had been the presidential candidate instead of Roosevelt, the contest
would not now be, as it is. in doubt.
To be sure the Bulletin hastily cut this out of later editions, but
it escaped the eagle eye long enough to get printed in the first. And
it is interesting as a confession of faith coming straight from the
governor's traveling car, and having, of course, the governor's full
I am going to prophesy, because it is so easy in this case. Within
30, days after the election, Governor Johnson's friends will account
for the overwhelming defeat of the bull moose party by saying that
Roosevelt was the bad mistake. They will blame the collapse on
the disclosures of his double dealing with Harriman, Gould, Morgan,
Archbold and Vanderbilt, and a few other things which have come
to light concerning the true character of ihe man.
Within another month or two Johnson will let it be understood
that if he had been nominated, the result would have been victory
instead of ludicrous defeat. And then he will groom himself for
first place in 1916.
After that it will take the .pained and indignant colonel a few
days to find his breath, when a roar will go up from Oyster Bay that
will make all the bulls of Bashan hide their diminished heads.
I confidently look forward to a time not far distant when the
colonel and Hiram will be exchanging those refined terms of endear
ment in the use of which both are such masters. And I mean to
turn back the files and read this fulfilled prediction then with that
glow of righteous pleasure which comes to him who can buttonhole
his neighbor and say, "I told you so."
THE Southern Pacific has made a substantial reduction in com
mutation rates down the peninsula, and the development associa
tions have accepted the new tariffs as reasonable and satisfactory
to them.
All hands are to be congratulated upon having reached a solution
of this vexing question. San Francisco is vitally interested in the
development of suburban residence districts along the peninsula.
That is her natural home building territory.
With reasonable rates provided by the transportation company,
we may confidently look forward to a rapid growth of suburban
population, and a decrease of congestion in flats and apartments—
both consummations devoutly to be wished.
GH. ANKER, chief clerk In the pas
senger department of the North
* western Pacific, was riding from
Long Vale to Eureka on the auto
stage. The chauffeur stopped and
picked up a few school children, giv
ing them a ride on the steps, but the
load did not arrive at the schoolhouse
until ax ftw minutes after 8 o'clock.
"Now you'll get It for being late."
Anker said to the youngsters.
"Not on your tintype I" responded one
of the "hopes" of Humboldt "Did you
notice that female we passed two miles
back, riding on a load of hay? Well,
that's teacher, and she won't be here
until 11 o'clock, anyway. Let's play
One o' Cat, fellers! I choose to be first
at bat!"
J. G. Lowe, district passenger agent
of the Western Pacific, Is back from
the annual convention of the American
Association of Passenger Agents at
Denver. He aaya that it waa a "regu
lar" meeting, well attended, full of
force and the well directed enthusiasm
that accomplishes things. Lowe also
declares that Denver proved Itself the
beat of hosts.
* * #
E. D. Lomai, passenger traffic man
ager of the Western Pacific, is back
from Denver.
* « *
Edwin Gould, brother of George J.
Gould and a director of several Gould
properties, will arrive here within a
r few days.
* * w
Vice President Brown of the Denver
and Rio Grande has awarded to the
Baldwin Xiocomotive works & contract
ifor six-Pscifte type passenger locomo
tives at a cost of |25,000 each, to be
delivered early la January, 1913. Thajr
' "v '"
will be used In the passenger service
between Denver and Pueblo, but are
much larger than any before used «ln
passenger service on the road, and will
haul trains about 50 per cent heavier.
Also they will make faster time. An
order for 30 freight locomotives was;
placed recently by the company.
Abe Martin
I t I've been t*. lots ©* /oonhty fairs but
I I've never seen anybuddy as ugly as
! Mrs. Tilford Moots. Ij©ts o' fellers are
| takin' th' stump this faU that ought t'
[*«*•■ a holisr lo*
TRACY—Reader, Orovllle. What became of
Harry Tracy, tbe outlaw?
He committed suicide on the morning
of August 6, 1902, In a wheat flerd near
Fellows, Wash. He was being hunted
by a posse of citizens of Creston In that
state and was surrounded. In a running
gun fight with his pursuers he was
wounded in one of his legs py a bullet
which cut the femoral artery. He bled
profusely and crept Into a wheat field
where he tried to llgate the artery, but
was unsuccessful, so becoming desper
ate and carrying out his assertion that
he would never be taken alive he fired
a shot from his revolver into his head.
* * #
GOLDKN OAK—F. W.. City. What is 'golden
oak," as used by furniture dealers?
The best "golden oak" Is obtained by
what Is known as "quartered" oak, that
Is the log being sawed In half and these
halves sawed In half again, making
quarters. Kach of these quarters Is
then sawed at right angles with the
two sawed sides, thus giving the flakes
of the wood In their greatest area and
beauty. The wood Is then filled and
stained—this treatment, however, does
not affect the flakes, which show \ip a
golden yellow, especially after the, var
nish coats have been applied.
*. * *
FARE TO SAN JOSE—Two Old Timers, City.
What was the ; btage fare from San Francisco
to San Jose lv 1854?
Prior to July of that year the fare
was $8, but In that month It was re
duced to $6.
* # w
AERIAb—A. 8.. Winehaven. Give fhs nam*
of a iournal that is devoted to aerial navigation,
aeroplane construction, etc;
The "Aero and Hydro and Fly," pub
lished In Chicago.
* * *
A DAY IN* '72—Mrs. R. H., City. On what
day of the week did December 30, 1572. fall?
EMETT 8. HUSTED, assistant manager of the.
Hotel del Monte, is at tbe Palace with his
family. They are on their way east on a vaca
tion trip.
w * *
I* BOWDXTCH, Mrs. Bowdttcu of Albany and
Mrs. Charles B. Sturgis and Miss Sturgis of
Boston have, apartments at tbe St. Francis.
* * ♦
LAWTON THOMAS, an expert accountant of
Fresno, and F. E. Bellamy, an Insurance oper
ator of Denver, are guests at the Stewart.
* * #
L, W. BEERHOFF, a merchant of Aptos, and
A. L. Becker, a merchant of Long Baach, are
recent arrivals at the Argonaut.
* # *
A. X. ARDERY, vice president and general man
ager of the Virginia and Trochee railroaai Is at
tbe Palac« with Miss Ardery.
* tt w
COLONEL 3. T. DOUGIWE of Chicago, who wis'
in tbe milling business here 1b early days, is a
guest at the St. Francis.
* * #
B. F. GRAHAM, who is interested In a large
tract of land near Fresno, is •pending s few
days at the St.. Francis.
* * ' #> •
EARL Z. GIBLOH, traveling passenger agent of.
the Harriman lines. Is at the Palace, regis
tered from Cincinnati. *
* # *
EDWARD MENDELSOHN, assistant agent of the
Santa Fe at Los Angeles, Is among the recent
arrivals at the Manx.
* * *
GEORGE I. LuTXIN, a shoe manufacturer of St.
Louis, is at the St. Francis with Mrs. Lufkin.
& & 4f
MRS. 3. E. ROOT and Miss Kate Coffin of Pa
cific Groove, Cal.. are guests at the Columbia.
ALEX JEFFERSON, a rancher of-Fort Bragg,
Cal., and wife are staying at the Turpin.
* » #
R, L. TAYLOR, manager of a real estate firm of
Sacramento, is a guest at the Argonaut,
w # #
8. N. GRIFFITH, a capitalist of Fresno, is at
\tbe St. Francis with Mrs. Griffith.
* # »
A. A. SAIDY and H. M. Harris, business men of
Denver, are guests at the Manx.
*w * *
COLONEL XAFFITER, TJ. 8. A., and Mr*. Lsf
flter sis guests at the Sutter.
* » *
MR. AMD MRS. BLACKEN have taken quarters
tor the winter at the Court
** - *
W. 8. MABOH, a paNtther of Cordelia, Cal., is
registered at'tle Argonaut.
is staying at tbe Stiwati
• ;,-..- ,■ .-.'".. *••-.,%.. ■/* '. '~'-.
FRANMLYN HELM, a promoter at Los Angeles,
.; is stayingat the Palace, -"..■' .■ ■* H *c.
Tke Garden of Dreams
IN the -garden of dreams let me rest,
far. far from the laboring throng,
from the moans of the' tired and
distressed, from the strains of the
conqueror's song. As a native of Bag
dad, or Turk, I'd live in Arabian
nights, away from the regions of work,
from troubles and hollow delights. In
!the garden of dreams I would stray,
! and bother my fat head no more,
ja-wonderlng how I shall pay for
groceries* bought at the store. Ah,
there in that garden I'd sit, commun
ing in peace with my soul, and never
again have a fit when handed the
bill for the coal. In the garden of
dreams I'd recline and soar on the
wings of romance, forgetting this old
hat of mine, the patches all over my
pants, the clamor of children for shoes,
tho hausfrau's demands for a gown,
the lodge's exorbitant dues, the poll
tax to work in the tbwn. Alas! It is
as I supposed—there is no escaping my
fate, tot* Ike garden of dreams has
been closed, a padlock Is fixed on the
gate. The young, who are buoyant
and glad, may enter that garden It
seems; but the old, who are weary and
sad, are werned from the garden of
sfcaaaa afeiaa*w a*m**
One On Wilson
Woodrow Wilson Is one Southerner
the Yankees made run. —Columbus
Pass It Along
"Twinkle, twinkle! little atar," the poet said,
■ and.lo!
Way Up above the earth so far tbe stars
r-twinkling go.
—San Francisco Call.
"Roll on. Thou deep, blue ocean, roll!" another a
voice was beard.
The ocean rolls obedient to his mandatory word.
—Louisville Herald.
"Blow, blow! Thou winter wind," the third one
gave command,
And every winter now we hear it blow to beat
the band.
—St. Louis Times.
"Flow gently, sweet Afton," soft sang an
other one;
And ever since he sang it, that's what the
Afton's done.
—Houston Post.
"Roll on, silver moon," commands the ancient
And thro' tbe starry vault of night she rolls
obediently along.
—Hoquiam News.
"Let tbe great world spin foreTer," sang Eng
land's famous poet;
And a4.i1l we see the great world light out in
baste and go it.
ICE CRHAM—Curious. Who first thought out
Ice cream?
The credit is given to a colored man
named Jackson, who lived In New Or
leans, iln the early part of the nine
teenth century he kept a confectionery
store in wh,ich he made a specialty of
frozen custards, which were made In
cups and set on Ice. He then conceived
the Idea of placing the ingredients of
what constitutes ice cream in a bucket
and freezing the same, covering and
surrounding the bucket with Ice. This
became popular and he became rich sell
ing his buckets of frozen cream at $1
a quart. In time his primitive methods
were improved Bh atrd 'the ice cream
freezer was Invented. > '
*' * *
friend of this department in a let
ter from Groveland writes that the
author of the poem in which are the
There's a land where the mountains are name
less .
And tbe- rivers run. God knows where,
la Robert W. Service, and Is to be
found In a volume entitled "The Spell
of the Yukon, and Other Poems."
* * #
amount under the inheritance tax law In Cali
fornia Is exempt to a widow and children?
The tax exempts Inheritances which
vary from $10,000 to a widow or minor
child, to $500 passing to remote rela
tives or strangers.
INSURANCE— L. M. M., City. The
insurance company you name in your
letter of inquiry was one of those that
paid "dollar for dollar."
"X" ■¥-
City. For such Information as you
•desire in relation to a veterinary
course call at, or communicate with,
the San Francisco Veterinary college!
terday from Washington, D. c, and took
apartments at the Palace with Mrs. Bunker for
i the winter.
* * *
R. E. MCCARTHY, general superintendent of the
Pennsylvania lines, is at the Palace, registered
- from Columbus.
* * *
DR. ROBERT CLAUSEN. Mrs. Clausen and Miss
Dora Hersfelder of Vienna are guests at the
St. Francis.
* * #
W. H. BULLEM, general agent of the Grand
Trunk lines at Loa Angeles, is registered at
tbe Palace.
* * #
B. ANDERSON, treasurer Indian Motorcycle com
pany of Springfield, Mass., is staying at the
St. James.
* # *
G. W, METCALFE, who Is Interested in a smel
ter at Keonett, Cal., is staying at the St.
. Francis.
"*" "H" -^
MISS ANNE H. MARTIN, president of the Suf
frage league of Nevada, la a guest at the
. Palace.
*# • *
BERT ANDERSON, light and power man of Med
ford. Ore., and wife are registered at the
* w *
MRS. J. L. BLEY of He a Ids burg. Cal., is a
guest at the Columbia.
M .- - Mk - - m
DR. J. L. HENNEMTJTH of Waterford, Cal./is
staying at tbe Turpin.
* * *
3. E. ELLIOTT and wife of Bakersfleld. Cal., are
registered at the Dale.
* * #
W. A. TILLY, a lend owner of Marin, is at the
Manx with Mrs. Tilly.
*. * *
DANIEL O'CONNOR, a contractor of Red Bluff
la at tbe Argonaut.
w * 4S
DR. JOHN R. HAYNES of Los Angeles is stay
ing at the Palace.
W -3f ♦
G. G. CHAP MAN, a merchant of Caxadero, Is at
the Argonaut.
* • *
E. A. BURKE of Hutchinson, Kan., is staying at
. the Stewart.
-* * *
W. JOHNSON of Bowdon, Ga., Is stopping at
the Sutter*
*' ♦ *
MBS. L. SANBORN of San Jose is stopping at
the Court.
fc * * *
W. MeCUNE of Seattle Is registered at the
: * * #
N. ». WW* of New Turk ,1s a guest *t the
■* Baldwin.
1" OCTOBER 10, 1913 {
> '■■■■»<■ in mm--i r '•" > ** » m*»m,*mmmmm<\
Letters From the People
Editor Call: Now that the loyal re
publicans have been bunkoed out of
their place on the ballot by the gang
now in power in this state, we are
hesitating as to what we shall do. Many
a republican is a9klng himself: "Shall
I stay away from the polls?" or "Shall
I vote for Wilson?" This latter alter
native gives pause to many a straight
line republican. However much he may
talk about casting a democratic ballot,
he Is liable to weaken at the ballot
box. lie asks himself, among other
questions, "How about the tariff? What
will the democrats do to the protected
products of California?"
The answer to that is easy. If Cali
fornia goes for Roosevelt the demo
cratic administration will skin us alive.
There are some states that receive
more protection than California—
Pennsylvania, for -example. But there
is probably no state that receives pro
tection on more articles than Califo: -
1 nia. This state has gone for the re
publican electors for 20 years. The
democrats lbok upon California as
what Bryan calls "the enemy's coun
| try." If California goes for Roosevelt
the democratic house will go for our
: California products like the locu.= ts of
The democratic leaders will say:
"Well, now let us be reasonable about
this tariff business. We don't want to
hurt American industries, so let us
make very slight reductions on the
manufactured goods of» the New
England and middle states. That's
right. That will keep up the wage?
of the American workingman. And
then there are the western farmers—
we'll go light on them. But there's '
California—a great, big. fat, juicy, rich,
tariff-protected state. Why, California
has had tariff pap drooling out of her
mouth for 20 years. That's what makes
everybody out there so rich. Now, we
don't produce oranges In Ohio, nor
raisins in Rhode Island, nor prunes in
Pennsylvania, nor —but what's the use?
They produce them all In California.
And* everything that California pro
duces Is protected. I>t's go for Cali
fornia with an ax. They've been keep
ing us democrats out In the cold so
long that we'll give 'em a taste of
their own medicine. Nobody In the
rest of the United States will object
to taking away their tariff graft from
those rich prune and olive and wine '
and lemon and orange growers out in
California. " It will make California
fruit cheaper for the poor In our big
Atlantic cities. Eh? What?"
And there will be a grand chorus of
approval go up from all over the
United States —except from California.
Waiving the question that the bolt
ing republicans In the southern part
of the state would richly deserve the
reward of their treachery In th£ shape
of this democratic tariff medicine it
would hurt us In central California too.
We might as well save our former re
publican brethren from the results of
their folly and their treachery. The
only way to save ourselves and therrf*
would seem to be to vote the demo
cratic ticket. We can't do anything
else, anyway. They have bunkoed us
out of our place on the ballot and
stolen our very name. Now If we vote
the democratic ticket we shall revenge
ourselves on them for their treachery:
their state machine will go to the
scrapheap, and we shall sweeplngly
defeat in this state their two face<l
leader, the big bull moose. And what
Is a material advantage, we remove the
temptation for the democrats te black
jack California for her longr loyalty to
republicans policies. For the demo
cratic leaders, mollified, will say: "Well,
we've carried California. Perhaps we'd
better give her a fair show on tariff
revision. By right she ought to get
what's coming to her; but if we treat
her generously now we can carry Cali
fornia for Woodrow Wilson's second
term in 1916."
Thus * a loyal republican can help
overturn the present state machine,
help defeat the big bull moose In this
state, and save the protected Industries
of California from the democratic
wrath to come by casting a ballot for
the national democratic ticket.
October 8. 1312.
Editor The Call: Several eastern
states have a law requiring all cor
pora tions and employers to pay
their employes once every week.
The great state of California should
certainly have a similar law. Thou
sands of laborers have to wait from
13 to GO days for their money, necessi
tating their getting credit and. in
emergency cases, compelling them to
borrow from loan sharks. The weekly
pay day would enable them to pay cash
and save the 25 per cent or more ad
vanced price charged for groceries and
other things bought on time. Where
credit was necessary, a weekly account
would be more satisfactory and less
risky than a monthly account. Their
interest would be greatly reduced in
paying for a home on a weekly basis.
It would be easier for them to deposit
in the bank $2 or $;{ weekly than $10
or $15 monthly. The advantage of
depositing weekly so small an amount,
when clearly seen by them, would im
plant in them the desire to save, and
they would receive the interest and
benefit from their money and not those
who are now holding back their wages.
Many more good reasons could be given
why the next legislature should pass a
weekly pay day law. "The laborer is
worthy of his hire."
5?5 Tyrltes street, Los Angeles.
Bit's of Humor
How History Is Made
Herodotus reflected >
"I'm called the 'Father of History,' T
suppose, because. I've grot it well
trained. It will do anything- I tell it
to do."
With a smile of pardonable self-con
gratulation on his face he began rap
idly running his stylus over the parch
ment again.—Chicago Tribune.
Muckrake Cabinet
"There is some talk of abolishing- the
"What would take its place?"
"They might let each department be
conducted by some magazine."—Kan
sas City Journal.
Up to the Candidate
"Do you believe everything that
candidate says in his speeches?"
"That's not the question," replied the.
constituent. "It's his place to see if
he can say everything I believe."—
Washington Star.
Proof Positive
"Am I the first girl'you ever kissed?"
"Supposing I said 'yes'?"
"Never mind supposing. Am I?"
'Supposing I said 'no'?"
"There! I knew I wasn't."—Uppin,- >
A Definition
"Pa," said Willie,- "what is a genius?"
"A genius, my son." said Mr. Knnw
itall, "is a man who can't collect
enough of what the world owes him
to pay what he owes to the community <
in which ha lives."—Harper* Weekly.

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