OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, April 20, 1913, Image 20

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1913-04-20/ed-1/seq-20/

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Financier Intended to Dispose of Aft Treasures for Instruction of All
Continued From '•' Page :17
dieted by many of those conversant
with his ; immense benefactions made
during his lifetime, comparatively,
small, and are in the direction of those
objects to which Mr. Morgan's benefac
tions are already well known. For in
stance, in the case of the great lying-in
hospital in New York, to which, years
ago, Mr. Morgan gave over*sl,2so,ooo,
he uses the following language:
"Without imposing any duty, trust or
obligation upon my residuary legatee,
I request that he continue, so ""long as j
in his judgment, the same shall be
necessary for its support, the same as
sistance which I have been in the habit
of giving during my lifetinje to the
Society of the L*>?lng-ln Hospital of the
City of New York."
This annual gift, here alluded to, is
known as having been $100,000. .-i
It Is" worthy of "note that the will
was executed as lately as January ->'4.
last and a codicil was , attached on
January 6, only the day before Mr.
Morgan took leave of America on the
trip abroad, from -which he never re
turned. The document begin? with
the religious utterance which already
has been quoted. y
Article II provides that his body shall
be "buried in the family burial place
prepared by my- father in Cedar Hill
cemetery, at Hartford, Conn.," and that
the same simple funeral arrangements
adopted in the case of his father shall
be carried out in his own case.
Article 111 directs the payment of his
debts, funeral expenses, etc., and gives
to the executors the following:
"Full power and authority to rec
ognize and pay as among such debts
any promise or obligation made ,by
me, verbally or otherwise, which, al
though not in such form that the
holder could compel payment thereof
by my .estate, my executors think
proper to be paid in their own judg
ment, or because from memoranda or
verbal directions left by me or from
other sources they are satisfied that
it would be my wish to have paid."
The disposition of the estate then
follows, the first provisions being those
for his ofvn family, To his "beloved
wife, Frances Louisa Tracy Morgan,"
the income- for life of a trust fund of
one million dollars, with power to dis
pose of the capital by win.
I Morgan explains that "I give my
wife this power of disposition- in order
to enable her to make such legacies
as she may desire to her relatives or
friends or for charity." .
Mrs. Morgan is already, entitled to
the income of a trust fund created by
Junius Spencer Morgan (Mr. Morgan's
father) by deed dated July 1. 1867. The
will provides that she is now to receive
for life the income of an additional
trust of such amount that, her total in
come from these two ■ fusts shall
(aside from the income of the one mil
lion dollar fund, amount to $100,000 a
year. .■-.v-y-.-';. ;} ' ! '— -, .-'.-'.''..'•■•.'■,
Mrs. Morgan also receives during her
life "Cragstdne," trie Morgan country
place at Highland Falls. N.Y., and also
the Morgan home at 219 Madison ave
nue. New York, together with the fur
niture, paintings, etc., (except family
portraits) in both houses. The 'taxes
and insurance, upon beth these pieces
of property are to "be paid during her
lifce. not by Mrs.'.Morgan, but by the
estate. '■,•'■ ■
visions fob PAUGHTIBRS
The next articles of the will are de
voted t" Mr. Morgan's . children., : His
son, John Plerpont Morgan Jr., receives
an outright legacy of $3,000,000. His
two married daughters 4 respectively,
Ijouiaa, the wife of Herbert L*. Set
ts * lee, and Juliet, the wife of William
P. Hamilton, receive each the income
for life from a trust fund of .$3,000,000.
Upon the death of these daughters
these funds are to go to their children,
but each daughter.pas power "to dis
pose of said sum of 13,000,000 by. will
anions her issue in such shares or
proportions and on such lawful trusts
as she may think proper." The third
daughter, Miss Annie Tracy Morgan.
likewise receives for life the Income
from a trust fund of $3,000,000. and in
the event of her marrying and having
heirs the same provisions hold good
as apply to her elder sisters. In ease
of her death without children she may
bequeath to her husband out of the
trust fund $1,000,000. ,
Mr. Morgan's two sons in law, Wil-
Ham Pearson Hamilton and Herbert
Livingston Satterlees, receive each an
outright legacy of $1,000,000.
Having* thus cared for his immediate
family, Mr. Morgan proceeds to make
provision for various relatives. .
To Jennie Bigelow Tracy (the widow
of his brother in law, Charles Edward
Tracy) the income for life of a trust
of $1,000,900, the capital upon her death
to go per stirpes to the issue of Charles
Edward Tracy. ; And to his two sisters
in law. Clara Tracy Hoppin and Julia
N. Brown,' the vlncotne- for life from
trust* funds of.. |100,000 each, these
funds to be bequeathed in turn, upon
their death, to the heirs of these rela
tives. - '." * § ,' .
Then follows provisions • for "Lucy
EJdrJdge Lee, for Florence ft. Rhett,
during many years _ member of my
household, and for "Ethel Bangs Wal
lace." Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Wallace, old
family friends, receive each the Income
for life of a trust fund of $100,000.
Miss Rhett receiver an annual income
for life, of $10,000, Further personal
bequests are as follows:.: To Mrs, Mary
G. Mcllvalne of London, a life income
of $25,000 per annum. To J. Beavolr-
Webb, an outright legacy of $250,006.
Dr. James W. Mark a warm friend
of Mr. Morgante .and for many : years
his personal physician, is *to receive
for life, and-his*,wife after him, if she
survives him, an annual income of $25,
--000. ~ -^,^.-:.:..y...■.■■■■--:■-:;■ y y*^y^.
Miss Delia Costa Green, "who has
long been my efficient librarian," re
ceives an outright legacy of $&©-QQ9.'
Miss Ada Thurston, assistant librarian,
receives an 'outright legacy of '"JIO.-OOO.;
To Captain* W. F». Porter (commander
of the Corsair), ? "my sailing master, if
he shall be in my employment at the
time <of my -death, the sum ,of $15,000,
in recognition of his long • and faithful
•Services" is glveni- »' V*"i*} *.•*•»'• ''*-'"'"
* After thi», thews is given ? to, Charlisss
W. King, "for years ray private
secretary, the sum} of #25,000, ?as *• a
mark of appreciation of faithful
eervlce.J l^^^:-^^j>^y' \-.'yjyy v;f.-'-
An unusual clause follows, showing
Mr. Morgftn'-s thought for all the per
sons who "have been near f him in his
•Jaily work. This clause reads ** as fol
ipws*^y\"yyyf"T.'y : ...»,■,*'•■'•.' •y-i-'T^'st*
"To each'of the employes at the time
m^i — \in $/
Remember .that next
Tuesday is election day.
Three important questions
are ■to be decided by the
electorate of San Francisco.
Don't let y the : ; election pass •;
without going to the polls
and voting.- y
of my death of the firm of J. P. Morgan :
& Co. .of the city of New York, except
Charles W. King, above named, an '.
amount equal to one year's salary of |
such employe at such time; to each per- j
son who shall survive me who was at
the time of the : dissolution of my firm I
of J. /S. Morgan :& / Co. "of London, an
employe ; thereof," an . amount equal ':■ to
one year's salary of such employe at
the time of such.dissolution." *-. ; ;
■} The old : firm of /J.n P. Morgan*' * ' Co.
was 'several years ago succeeded by
Morgan, Grenfell & Co. y
VALET RECEIVES; *15,000 . - • /
y Mr. Morgan*/^ valet, Edward; Phillips,
receives a legacy of $15,000, and various j
annuities are provided to other servants
"in recognition of S faithful 1 service." j
Further, -a \ legacy;: of $1,000 is f given
"unto each servant of. my? household, j
whether in New c yyork,/?"/Cragston,*
Princes gate or Dover house, who shall
be in my service at the time ■of my
death and shall have been continuously
employed by -me for not less than : five
years ; then * next preceding, other than
those above mentioned to whom I have
hereinbefore: given legacies: or ; annui
ties.";.'./";, 'j/././/,■/;,../,;,./,/ ;/// .;.,/;-
The will bequeaths to .the* trustees
of the estate and: property of the 'dio
cesan convention of New York the - fol
lowing two sums: $500,000 upon trust
to apply the income for the support of
the ministry, of; St. George's and
the sum of | $100,000 in 7 trust, the | in..'
come of which is ' to* be applied" for the
support of Protestant - Episcopal mis
sionary stations. ';', , „'"*." y.- J'f -.
Another charitable bequest Is that of
$100,000 to the House of. Rest for con
sumptives, to be -designated ias "the
Amelia Sturges Morgan memorial fund;"
This is in memory of Mr. Morgan's first
wife. ." y -—■■.. y . •... ; ; -.-«y:-;.
Another clause, of the will interest
ing, in.view of Mr. Morgan's,well known
habit" of ; making many private; and ,un«"
.--.- ;•■ *'"•-•>'*- '--:''r:-. : .yy.y- ■ ..- ,»:y--y ..•-*;>- '■'--■;■ .-* yy-.'aav .-':-;-;• ■..-* ">•-" -V-, -y.","--; -'-. -..:--y y.y :■ : ; y'•-.. ■ - y.y* •
WaWkVaßSSaWmßMaWkWaWaWkmaWaWm >_{__ ' ' !■■■_____s_______■■_■
Be Here Monday Mk Don't Put Off Your
KUPPENHEIMERS b\ Coming Beyond -
At the Finish B Before it's too Late
■- _HI _v "'■■■",".'- _____ *
_|nt ____t
_____________■____■________■ 'BB • ; mmamammaammmaWaWaWaWawm
____r K_P A _UPI ___fl_a __a
R m THE •ik
/ Last\
JHr Say! This Town and Oakland /Must Have Emptied :
' J|» Themselves of Men Folks Yesterday. For, My, What V^ '.',.
J_y a Crowd of Goor" Natured. Patient, Mild Mannered '
Jjgf Men! We Say This Because Their Patience Must -^^
MSB Have Been Taxed and the Attraction y^^L
iHk . Some Buying, Eh? When Men Are Seen " BB
wgL Buying Three and Four Suits at a Time MM
— — r -- ■■■■■•> ■' -» k\\W : -'
«___-> BE HERE TOMORROW ____?
% The Creditors' Committee B
% The Creditors 5 Committee #
■ iM*! At the Former Establishment of M
m ntnltl LI UNO B
!___ A AAiiA ■ bcf^B.
% & SONS /
:A-\'- : '^^:--'.'-.^^:;^~™.^^. : ■'■-.. '' '
% 122 KEARNY B
■ I aC (_•'-'■ laKwfalllv I ' _B_r '
_________________________■---■-_________' Bm ' '''" *' " ' ''" '
Be Here Monday % # I Hearing the Finish-
The Days Are m __r ing line
- _R l_ J *•__'-- ■■ -■ '•
Numbered yB Come Monday
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ - .MBf :- -. _ Ihmhhh________________^^
____BHH____flßaflHa_i HHB HI ■'' ' *', i__p ; ' I
I known gifts to charity, etc., is the fol
| lowing: ■
1y"I ' authorize and empower my ." said
executors/ and k trustees in their abso
! lute discretion to continue during the
j period of ;the* administration of my es
! tate any allowances or payments which
at/the 5 time 'of my death I shall have
been In the habit of making regularly
to any -person/or persons'for,: their aid
or support." " ,* -• • : -~-y "y!
y s The residue/of«the property is /be- i
; Amateur Thespians of ": Redwood,* City
/ successfully Stage Vaudeville - -•■ j
■ " -.. - Entertainment. ■- • 'J
! :: 'REDWOOD CITY. April **19.—Alhatt>-*
} bra theater was /crowded' to the doors
j tonight when the. members, of the Red
wood I City ' Woman's club staged their
vaudeville ihow. The most tal
ented .of the \ amateur" thesplans took
part in the • program, which waa In
charge of. a committee headed jby Mrs.
James Eva. » :^y^;y:': ■\yX ; '-"":y.. l y''
v: The program consisted of 'music-by, \
i the choral section =of i the club, Chinese
dialect : stories by Dr. J. C. Perry, cos
tume !dancing! by Eugene Gusseford "of
the Alcazar theatre /and/the ■• presenta
tion of i a sketch J entitled "Mere Man"
by the following cast: *'".-'""'■ '*•
■■"■■ Lady * Betty,' a * serious ". girl. Miss , Vera Ger
wlti: Dolly, a lasy elrl, Mrs. Ralph Parkinson;
Maia'e, a blushing sir!. Mis.** Emily Hess; Irene.
an American tin, Mrs. :, A.- W. Porter; Miss
Goodaby,-■* a * girl no longer, .' Mrs. James - Era;
A * club president, * Mrs. Fred Lippman;- Hon,
Mrs. . Rlckerbjv a*- widow, Airs. John P. Wellar,
Amelia, ; a maid, . Miss Claire * Shields. ; *
: Mm. Hugh Bennett Hong. 800 Wild
avenue, is ; searching.; for ' her husband,
who disappeared April 13. i, She fears
he was despondent and committed sui
cide. .. ...,.."..::-;.• -'.-'*
:.' Piles, l disease*** of * the - lower. bowel.
Dr. Reese, j 820 1 Market, S. F.—Advt.
queathed. to Mr. Morgan's son, -jJohn
Plerpont Morgan Jr. . - ;
The will Is witnessed by John G. Mil- j
burn, lawyer of this. city;. Edna M. j
Blackman of Brooklyn and Lewis Casa
Ledyard Jr. of this /city. *
, The /codicil -* changes : aiy beauest of
$250,000 to "my friend. Mary Mcll
vaine," i t rom an / outright 1 legacy/ to a
life annuity :of ( $25,000. :; It Is witnessed
by Joseph ;■ H. Choate, Elbert H. Gary
and Lewis Cass Ledyard Jr. y\
! Marriage Licenses \
<• . ■'" ;—, _— —— v'■"'■■'—•■
L/ : 9A*V FRaHTCISCO -yyyi-;-;'
The *i following : marriage 1 licenses .* were i issued
Saturday. , April 10, s 1018,- _ vV •*
ANDERSON——Oscar Anderson, 21.
*-;-; Bay * Point, and Emily ■: Soderlund. *, 18, ; Bay
"■« Point.-.> ;-".■•--.- .-•■.•-:- <~■■? .-■:::•■-■ ■ --..,., ..-«•:..-. -.-
BEEDR-^-COONBY—Albert l F. ' Btsde, 21,*: Stock
ton, and . Elisabeth M. Cooney,'lB,;39lB Twen
ty-third street.
-EGGERB—MasIe O. Bent hall. 28,
-'-' Sulsun, - and Hilda M. Eggers,;■: 10, s Cordelia.
KRIBTOVICH— Louts V. * Bogdan,* < 26.
3003 • Mission s street, and Vies - Kristovlch, / 28,
;•;3761*Army*street/-v'-v^-:r .-.-v". -'iy'.■■■'■-■' - "- -■
JIMENEZ—Jose Cortes, 30, 1315
.'; Montgomery : street,- and ; Maria • Jlmeiie**, 20, I
1315 Montgomery street. •
COUNTING—DOVEN—WiIIiam * Counting. 18. j
.' 3505 Twenty-third street, and May Doyen, 20,
315 Plymouth street. - - . !
ELLIOTT—'SCIIULK EN— -N. Elliott, i 21. j
172 % Preclta < avenue,■ ■ and a Louise Schulken,| IS,
■■' : 1116 -Hampshire street. - t- ■'
LACK IN—MANUEL— C.Glsckin.*24.-1501 j
Twentieth ; street, and Jeanette I. . Manuel, 23, !
418 Mississippi street....* , - .:--■■':- I
JAHN—BERGHOLZ—PauI H. E. Jahn. 83. 8530 '
Twenty-third street, and Erna E. Berghols, 26,
.< 14201 Post/ street, r- - -***. •u 1 ----s ■' '■■'•■ ; : -.- '■-'—'•'•' -----
KINRADE—VOSS— N. J ' Klnrade, 83. 1957
i% Pegs street^ and Julia R. Voas, 23, 216 Vir
ginia street. v -7>j.-:v-», •;,': -,---i . ---.-;. >
., f elder,l 22, 1390 Pacific avenue, j and Anns, ■M. 1
' Jensen, - ,* 10. 710 i Fourteenth : street. -v ; % I
. j Conglogue. 122, \72 - Hartford street, and Joseph
*.' me ■M. Thoegersen, 21, - 1224 Buchanan ■ street. j
NIELSEN—John VL.'* Nielsen. 25,> 186 I
- Came: avenue, =. and Hilda J, Sacbse. : 19, 248 |
C Lily 'avenue. ..-.-..■ ■''>'.■■;,--- ■ ;■ |
PETERSON—CALSON—Robert A. Peterson,/ 23,
<* ~ * **^"^-i*"-*■—■'—■—■'*■ — ■****■•****■- ■**■**■**■—-
Births, Marriages and Deaths
■"' and * Hilda M. > Cslson, 20," both of " 609 . Vermont ■
street. •*' ' ' ~..■--
PIOMBO — ALBERTOZZI—Louis Piombo. 25,
SSII% J Mariposa - street, and ■* Angel* Albertcxsl.
' 19, 555 Filbert street. " * , ' *.?.'.'-'-; *". -■ *
'?< mann, 25. 530 > Waller s street, and " Marie A.
i>' Schimpferman.'- 24, ■• ,10 Ramona ■ avenue."
SPATH-JoHNBoN—Leopold * Spath, 44, 2402
*-, iTwenty-fourth I street,*- and * Mamie : Johnson, ; 43,
«'i 1323 Vermont street. *•> • r
WESTOBT— ROTH—William *-Westoby.; 22,' Beni
~'f- cla,'and Roshanna Roth. 22, 568 Fell > street.
WHITE—KENDALL—Andrew W. White, 39,'
1260 Golden Gate avenue, and Etta C. Kendall. '
35. 20 Bourbon • place, i -V
, OAKLAND . ,-•' ' „ ,
"The* following '• marriage licenses * were - Issued
Saturday, April i 19. ; 1913: * -V.
- senlck,*. 32. and Mary Widowltz, ;■ 34, both of
-'-Oakland.'- - S -L:.?.**--.-, '"■; -±.:*>x\ •:-;■--:: ■ .
FRICK—SALTER—RudoIph: C. Frick, 27. Ala
-" meda, and " Henrietta *A. Salter, . 25, ; Nlles.
GREENBERG—MELMON—Joseph Greenberg." 30.
*i O'Neals.* i Madero • county,« and Mary i Mclmon,
-■'-22. Oakland. *-. •*-"*' > - ='- :■-:-,'-y:--< - .•« ■..---■
y 28, v and - Nelsena Anderson,:2B,'; both J of.- Oak
land.> r v.-*--':'-..:-.*>,.-,»-.. ; ; ." •'■ *,„->:-.:.. -.** -.-'
McNEIL---DWINELL—Roy; T. McNeil. 32, i Oak
;* land, and Josephine Dwinell, 37/' Fontanelle,
lowa. ■■:-<■■■■■ Vf.j-y.-,-, .'v-r . - "- C-.f.»--,»-:-V'..•'-''
MALOS^-REIDT— George Malos, - 21,.: Oakland,
* J and. Alice ; Reldt. 16, , Alameda..,-■:'•'.-/ • ' : >
MENDOES—ANTONE— Mendoes, 20. and
Minnie Antone. 18.-.both of Oakland. •
64, and Ina'A, t ;Polkincbonie,-:24,:both of Oak
--' land.'.-'^-^•v.-;--,'i*--*-*--.' ; .--s ■"••'-: ■"•.•:.• "=-*-",-:"" -_' ; -''
RICKLIFS— ANTOINE—Gys A. Rlckltfs, 35, and
Belle Antolne. 31. both of - Oakland. ■■* r. - ■-:
WESTIN—WRIGHT—Oscar- C. Westln, 21,- and
;. Kate' Wright. 19. both .of \ Oakland; * yi ~: ' : --.
;V-;Vyy-' BIRTHS Vr ./ : -y/ y '' r i
CARROLL—-In' this city. April -9, • 1913. to the'j
* .wife of Thomas Carroll, a son. ..-. *J " :
COBLEIGH—In: this city.' April 14. 1018. to- ths I
rtwife -of A. , 11. Coblelgh (nee v Guepther), ;a |
- son. ."-.---• *- -. ■ , -■ ~. j
CREEDON—In ; this .city, i April i 14. 1913, to the !
/wife'of Jeremiah -Creedon (formerly Catherine!
Kellrheri. slaughter. .-. : fe-.-.*:-:..*''"*Vi
HAHN—In this city. April 11, 1013, to the* wife i
of -Walter Hahn,;s son. .1, . -v ■'-.-''-~ --J» : •"-'
HARRlS—ln*this.city, April 17, 1913, to the
V? wife i of '; Lee * Harris c (formerly - Essie : D. - Col- j
ton), a 'daughter . . .; - ..--.-■ ;■ --'J
JOHNSON—In; this city,* April 14, 1013, to the j
~ .wife- of • John; T. Johnson, a - son. - * --*-"' -1
MacDONALD—In this city, April 14, 1913, to
the i wife? of 'J. V. ■■. MaeDonald; (formerly Anns I
" --Manning), a son.;■--.•;■-=--..--: *-.' ■ v --- ~ : ■-. ;|
NICOLL—Inr this **city; March* 27; *■ 1913, "to : ths
:; t wife of Arthur F. : Nleoll,**a. daughter.
g-L i ~, .ii.ii i,i .•..]'.f" ;■«,' ■■ , 'iifi.ff
y,'* OBITUARY. ~y
BYBON X. ELLIOTT, JURlST—lndianapolis.
g April ilo.Byron |K. j Elliott, former Justice lof
B the Indiana I supreme j court; g author '-'of- severs!
| * lawbooks, : which • hare * been, accepted ■} as jj au
thorities throughout the United States,: and on*
'-■-. of the foremost: lawyers in the state, died at
his home '* here * today-''-" He was .78 year* old
--and a classmate of William Dean Howells, the
•'■■ author. _.:. -.:.< : y {'■ . ■ -,; ■.'-■ **•: ■-. - »..'.,..;. -; . *, - - \\
BON OF INVENTOR— Barringtnn, 'R. L, April
: 10.Stephen tA. ■ Jenks. .: president - : of a several
f- textile companies, and son of the inventor of
I the ; spinning«ring which revolutionised , the In
dustry, died here today, '-.y ,;,. ; : -".V.-,
'..' ~~ /DEATHS- y •-'-.-■
Aekerman. Albert 11. — McCreagh. Cant. T.. 51
Bailey, Charles H. .82 Manning, Emma -..*. 87
Baker,:: Elizabeth ... — MarkhamyMonro*-'.. 54
Barry, Michael H... — Murphy. Jobannah .. —
Crocker,,. Fearn r M..21 O'Doqojjrhue, Timothy .—
Puvall. Alexandre .. 80 Nathan, Marcus **• •'-*-
Falrchlld; Mahloq D. 85 Perrler,- Mary * .*."-..'. 58
Flood. ? PrldJd ...,... — Pfefferkorn. Christina 88
Gaul, J0hn,.,...-.,,. — Prather, ; Thomas ~.57
Gerrtes, - Alexander. .'.S3 Rotbmann.'- Oscar ;..: 49
Goldberg, Simon L.. 68 Shoor/i Moses -....... *■—
Good.iEilaa ~....:. 7-' Sullivan ........(Card)
Grant, Mary ...;,.,, .70 Tlbbetts. Julius 8..52
Hennlg. Gustave 39iVoi*ey, -.Josephs.,,.. 57
Hocnlpphaijs, Mrs. - j Winter,' Joseph 4 T. ,", '—
\ Gertrude .v.....'.'; 751 Witt'eh,* Ida A..'.... 47
Klesow, i John jf C.... 87 j Ygera, i Manuel ... .*. 33
Lnnny. Johanna ....80 • :"'-."-'
MeGrath. Sister Fred- I Lange .......... (Csrd)
erica A.,.,...;,., 87 1 Zett '. .*.:;....... (Card)
ACKERMAN -fn Oakland. April 18, 1913. Albert
' H.. beloved husband of Ella Hlrsch Aekerman,
son :of Emma- «nd the late Hart. Aekerman,
brother of i I. ■ It. Acker-panyEstelle£Mayer.
y Rose and Flora Feldenueiiner, a native of Ban
.•", Francisco. -' ; y * -i ;■?•'• ■*'-.* -"." : iJ 7yy<"-- : y-'
BAILEY In Berkeley. April is; 1013, Charlea
Bailey, dearly beloved busbantl of Lena-H.
Bailey, . father kof * Mrs. * Luclle , Waller. 3. Hxt,
Cerlne)Baldwin and Ethel and Paul Bailey, a
~ native of Massachusetts,:aged 82 years and 23
days. .'-•'■"'•■»?> -;"">.."-- -y,. <:j.>»i""«i •*.:.*<■'
Funeral services will be held tomorrow (Mon
day!. April ft, at 10:30 a. m.. at the chapel of
' Jameson & i Nichaus, ", 2434- Telegraph avenue,
'. Berkeley. ?-y >-".'. -•'•-y -;• ■**■;■.-t.v-
BAKER—In this city, April 19, 1913, Elisabeth,
*. loving daughter of .the late John- and Elisa-
E: ; beth - Baker, and 'loving -slater jof . Mary Baker,
a native of New -York city. * , ~; ■***■;*....-■'
BARRY—In this elty, 1 April IS. 1913.]; Michael
....H.,v nearly beloved- brother .of James .T. ' and
George F. Barry, . a native of West Maitland,
Australia. - A member of Pacific Coast Com
'■•• mercial Travelers' y Association, - (Australian
y.papers please copy.) 1 . ,£,-*- .■■,„■ v.S . f y.y ■>-%:;.'.,
-. Friends and acquaintances arc respectfully in
: I vited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Mondavi,
* April 21. 1013. at 8:30 o'clock a. m., from the
parlors of Carew 4 English,. 1618 Geary street,
y thence to St.- Bri-jid's church,-where a solemn
.. requiem : high mass will r : be-celebrated. for the
- repose' of £ his.* aoul. commencing '«'at* 9 i o'clock
!la. S in. Interment . Holy Cross .cemetery, by au
j-,. tomobile. jv<- ~-,.' - ;->-.,■- ; ".;;.:• - ,yK .... _y
CROCKER—r a this city, -j April' IT," 1913. \ Fears
y M. R.", beloved daughter of William and Carrie
SB B. Crocker, and sister of : Mrs. Ethel j May But
' let- and Mrs. Theodore Martenstein. a 1 native of
San -Francisco,' Pal., aged 21 years 3,months
and IS days. (Clayton, X. V., and Sonora,
Cal., papers please copy.) y -
Friends are. respectfully Invited to attend the
•-- funeral * today " (Sunday), April-.20. c* at 2:30
■ p. m.; from "her late residence. 935 Oak : street,
- Interment j Wooillawn cemetery, \ by/ automobile,
DTJVAIA-— a?Li»ermore. v April 14, 1818, Alex.
g andre, belove4'-'husl)ap'i*- of * the- lata "a Rosa
Dtivall, father of Mrs. Amelia Stevens, uncle
!: of ! Mrs. Roale' Cop, v grandnncle of Alice.- Eddie
and EmU Con. a native of France, seed 80
; years.;. : :■-. ■, -*-y---;'yyy-y'-y yyy 1 -• ''-.-. -. X
,;>* Friends,and,acquaintances are respectfully 1*
..': vited ,to -r attend --the ti*pert*.l P servlcea ft today
(Sunday).- April ; 20, at It o'clock 'p. m., at the
■■■' chapel of Julius S. Godeau. 41 Van ' Ness ave
-7 . nue. *,- Interment • (private) Cypress Lawn eeine*
' • tery. "by aHtos.*?":-..■-:>-:■--- --.■•.-.--i-y:--'?.~ ■•'•' -■'*-J
FAIRCHILP—In ; Oakland, " Cal.y v April IS. 1813.
* Mahlon .*: TMekerson Faitchild, ; beloved husband
> of *iMary: E. - FaircUUd,•-.-father 'of i Mrs.
Theodore H.. -Thomas.* William F. Fairchllsl.
-, Mrs. R. Masson ■? Smith,. Mahlon ?David'-; Fair
'.*.child.' Mrs. Frank UaH^Watters;onds; the|late
-JMrs. ; Charles R. Reach, a native '-of Oneouta.
•." K. V.. ngr-d . year*. 7 ;months;and-7 ■ days.,
.■x Friends are, respectfully invited to attend! the
I ( funeral tomorrow (Monday"'. April 21. 1913, at
' v 2 ' o'clock - p.' m.*.";. from ? ; the k residence aof his
i daughter. Mrs. F. H. Watter*. at «Bfl I.eriila
y avenue, _ Oakland, Cal, y Interment private. ll yt^;
FLPOD— In this elty, 'Aprlv^loyilSl'a,*;?' Rridid
,j * Flood, beloved • wife of trie late 'Patiie*j*; Flood,
; H and devoted . motUer ef James J. ami Thomas P.*
! '-. Flood, a native of J? County -Alonaghan;* Ireland.
: \ Notice of j funeral •' hereafter. Remains at the
7>' residence " of,* her son,'* Thomas -F. > : Flood-,"-.- 1728
Hyde street.; yyy -■ -; *.'.'.."*>. * ; .y *
GAUL—In this city, April 37, 1913, John, Gaul,
m beloved son 'of ■ Mary i Qanl. .a , native' of Ottawa,
- Canada, : aged!49>-yi**aTs«3 months and 2 days.
f (Pittsburg. Pa., Buffalo, N. V., ; and OttawA,
y] Canada, papers. please: copy.) v - ..-> y~ -,
..:.' t. The ; funeral .- will f take * place ' today 'i (Sun
day), at 2 p. m.. from the parlors of 8. A.:
•f,i White. 1 1214 ;Eddy*street;near. f.aguna. •' Incin
;;* eration Cypress I.awn cemetery, by automobile.
QERDES— In San Mateo. April 18, 1913. Alexan
% der -Gerdes,"* beloved husband- of Agnes , fierdee,
S and; loving father of j Herman Gerdes; 5 and step
m father of ; Hugo X Raster, Otto: Kuster, "Mrs. 3J.
I H. Schroeder, i Alexander Kuster I and }. the * late
! '; Victor; Krister,*!; a « native Jof l< Oldenburg, t Ger
| many,* aged 83, years months and 22 days. A
l!j| William A. Halsted yE. P.* Halsted i
1 IrMstodl '&' €®o
I 11922 S-orfttar Store-Bit--- ||
JliJ j Phone Franklin 6265. j!
'Established by Win. A. Halsted. ISB3
I;; No connection with any- other ea- jl
J il .tabllshment. -- •II
* •< .y _,[. ' ~_ r , „ ... '** "
yyy. WHEN THE '» undertaker ?,■:■:
•ATE HALF *b« »Funeral £ Exp£n*ey ■
,_...;-;• - Telephone .. * --*T/il
Market 711. -'- Oakland J 4043. •
-Independent off. too Trnst ."'"*,
- furnish '•'' for '. $75, ~* embalming shroud,
. . stiver j mounted, .; cloth ** covered J casket, '
, hearse and two esrrisfe* SH five
',-« personal supervision. ' - - *■* .*-
. you $75? the casket = alone, and. «U
* * " their prices 1 are J proportionate.
Godeau Funeral Service Saves -foo Half.
SfAuto' ambulance, *• carriages and 1 antosTfor }
iy*?*-,* hire. ■- '■■'--•■ --. -■-■■ ....-.-
*" Van Ness f Aye. '--•" ? fSIO Webster St.
Sf JW! Celumhwa : At*, :! : y..; ;■' Phage; Oak.*; SMI'
' member *of Concordia' Lodge No." 122. I. O. O.
::y F., and .San; Francisco: Scbuetzcn Verein. f »
Friends and acquaintances are respectfully mi
■- -r- vited '-i to ' attend * the * funeral a services». today
(Sunday), April 20, 1013, at l; o'clock p. m.,
lat | the crematory( chapel. '• Cypress; Lawn ceme
tery. Funeral services In -"charge of San Mateo
y. Lodge * No. % 265. -- I. O. <O. F. Remains, at the
y chapel :i of t George ¥;W- v Snelder ; ; & ;.-. Co., San
W Mateo. Please emit flowers. j '
GOLDBERO—In'New. York city. April 18,-/1913,
••*-*;Simon »L.'- Goldberg (formerly,* of> San ;• Fran
•*• cisco), husband of Jennie Goldberg, and father
■" of .-j David :L. and . Sidney Goldberg ; and > Mrs.
" Rachael Blumenstock, ; and brother of /.a 1 "*
';■>-. Adolph. J Joseph, ■ Carl, Saul i and Louis. Gold
■ berg and Mr*. - Augusta Cohen, a native ;or
Germany, aged 68 years. f :*y-C/4/yr* >*■ -
GOOD—In this city, April 1 l^dniU'EXttn.'-Q^'
v beloved / wife of Charles «■ Good, *5 and - lorins
?. mother *, of - Mrs, -v William J Redmond " and Emit
1 Furrer and the late Paul. Ernest, Herman and
i» Julia Fnrrer, a native of: Canton ! Bern, Switz
y erland, .j aged 574 j years; and ; 10. months. ! (Ban
Jose papers please copy.) t-r;-* i •■'■
•-- * Funeral; services - and J interment :In the fam
ily plat at Oak Hill ; cemetery. San" Jose. Re-
I mains at the parlors of H. F. Suhr & Ce..J»l9
H .Mission street between'-.Twenty-flfth and Twen
/"/ty*»lstl». until i tomorrow (Monday), at 9 a. m.
Jn-:?.T»ccma,y Wash.. April W. * m? '
gMary, beloved i wife of Patrick W. Grant, and.
* beloved mother of George Oscar/ and Alfred
\i Branch ?a - native of i County Galway, Ireland,
y aged ■70 years "and 7 t months. :.>i;f: :l\-~'-i
HENNIG—In this city./ April 18. 1913. Gustave
S Hennlr, I dearly i beloved husband of Josie Hen
.■ ntg, »nd devoted father .of Gustave " Jr..
3Thomas and Myrtle:Hennig.fand Jo-ring son of
F. Jofeana v and? the late * Frederick Hennlg. and
Hloving brother of Fred '. Henpig,and Mrs. ;C. G.
S Boldsorff, a ; native of Germany, aged ;39 years
§>» 81 months ■ and \24 - days. A member of - Verein
■.;.•■ Deutsche Foresters. *-; -/;-'.;„
' Frtends '" and * acquaintances.' are ;- respectfully
:-' lUTlted to attend the funeral tomorrow (Mon
/; riey). April 21, / 1913. at 0 o'clock, a. m.,
-j from,: the parlors» of the Western Undertaking
$ Company,-1238 Valencia street.*: thence ito St.
Charles church, where a .-requiem- high s mass
-- will *be * celebrated for * the, repose of his soul,
i- commencing -*at-9*Bo a. m. - Interment s Holy
'[} Cross cemetery, by carriage.;'-.-.■' ■-.-.;-:-•.-.-•>'..*.-:.
HOENINGHABS—In Sals* Joss,' Cal.. April "• 19.
| 1913, < Mrs. Gertrude Hoeninghaus. relict .of the
late Albert 3.-. noeninghaus, and loving mother
c of ■H. Hoeninghaus, Mrs. G. ■: Furey, Mrs. E.
1 Anderson and Mrs. A. T. Singleton, a - native
*of Germany, ] aged 75 years 2 months \ and 3
days. --~\ ■■■■:■- r ,'. .'-'-■'; ; ;- -*-.• •-'.■- -•-. ■;'.•>..*/'- .;■":-:
KLESOW—In Guaymas. Mexico, April 10, 191*.
y John ; Charles -Klesow, late master a* arms of
S the cruiser California; beloved son of. John F.
k-j Klesow-and.the late Wllhelmina Klesow, and
,'- loving brother of Millie Riley and* Henry Pan
horst, a native of San Francisco. , Bleed '37
years. y Camp .' Rolnhold.- Ricliter, -' Spanish , War
Veteran, and v Bennington * Aerie, F. -O. E. -■ r
|9 j * Notice of fantral hereafter, tj Remains at the
parlors -of H. F. Siihr ft Co.. • 2918r Mission
y street - between - Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth.
LTJNITY—In this city. April 19, -1913. '\ Johanna,
beloved. wife of the lata James W. Lanny, and
loving mother of James •<■ W. and Charles *W.
, Lunny, a native of Ireland, aged 80 years.->~S.
; Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in
| vited to attend the funeral Tuesday,, April 22.
1913, 'at 9 o'clock a- m-, from the residence of
m her son, James iW. • Ixinny,. .789 Dolores street,
m thence to: St.: James church.; where a requiem
y high mass will be celebrated for' the .repose of
<- her- soul, commencing; at 9:30 ; o'clock a.« m.
Interment 5 Holy Cross cemetery, ■■- by * electric
*;, funeral car from ; Twenty-eighth, and Valencia
streets. .;,.,, _*- . .-- ',',
McCREAGH— r_ndsdale,' Marin county. April
.»; 19, 1913, ?• Captain Tbomaa J. McCreagh, be
loved ;- husband ;-■ of Ellen A. MeCreagh. ; be
- ■.. brother •of John -E. and - Minnie McCreagh and
- the t late . James MeCreggh , and ' the late Ida
Dillon,. a native -of Canada, - aged 51 . years 5
months and 10 days. A member of San Rafael
■ Lodge No. 1108, R. p. 0.. E.» and San < Fran-
I cisco Council No. 640, National Union. * "V
:yFriends and acquaintances are respectfully In-.
* vited to attend the funeral services* Tuesday,
a April 22, 1913. at 10 o'clock a. m., at his late
' residence, Landsdale, Marin county, = thence by
. 11:80 ,s.t; m. train to National cemetery, - Pre
sidio, * for; Interment.
MoGRATH— In this city, April 18. 1913, at
Mount St. Joseph's Infant Orphan Asylum, at
•r » 15: p. m.. > Slater ' Frederiea Alice McGratb,
aged 87 years and 10 months.
'':-.■ A solemn requiem .mass- will be celebrated
for the repose of her soul tomorrow (Monday),
•/.at 9 o'clock a. pi., at" the chapel of.; the Insti
tution. Interment * Holy Cross cemetery, by
electric funeral car leaving Twenty-eighth and ;
'Valencia streets, at 10:30 a. my Please omit
: Bowers. :..-.---
MANNING—In this city, April 18. 1913. Emma
Manning, widow of the late Joseph G. Manning,
3 and t beloved mother of Mrs. • Isaa*e Jennings of
Salt. Lake City. Louise Manning and F. J. H.
Manning, *as native of Bristol, England, 5 aged
87 years 1, month and 15 days.
1 -/■• Friends are ;.respectfully, invited to'| attend
§ the. funeral services tomorrow (Monday), April
; 21, at 11 la. m., at Gray's chapel. Geary and
• Divlsadero. streets.■;..■ Interment private. ... '
MARKHAM— In this city, April 17. 1913,- Men
roe Mark hum. loving father of Bean Mark
ham, and brother of Robert Markham. i a«red
54 years. A member of Pacific Lodge No. 136,
F. & A. M.
~ Notice of funeral hereafter. '-, Remains at the
•mortuary chapel of the Golden Gate Undertak
■ Ing Company, 2473 Mission street near Twenty-'
.""- first.- ■;_-_ < .-v.--..' '• ■...;-:..' : ■■■. "y.-yy-y;
MURPHY— San Luis Obispo. April 18, 1913,
Johannah. relict of, Timothy Murphy. .= y
Funeral will take "place tomorrow (Monday),
;yApril 21,'; at 1 o'clock p. m.,, at Holy , Cross
ycemetery. v .. . ,y--/i r. *.«-'-.=..•.;.•■»--: '■'£■;■; y
O ? PONOGHtr_--In this city. April 18. Timothy,
dearly beloved brother r of-P. J. and Marian
• O'Donoghuo.. ;•-. a member of ; Richmond' Camp
No. 470, W. O. W. .*--'-.■"-::. y--y>~- **->-;. ■--* -
The -funeral will take place tomorrow' (Mon
day), Anril 21. 1913. at 8:80 o'clock a. m. from
y the parlors of J. - ('. O'Connor ft Co.. 532 Va
. lencia * street, ' thence to - St. 4 Peter's "church.
I where a requiem hleh mass will be celebrated
H for the 'repose" of his soul, commencing at 9
o'clock a. m. Interment private.- ■:■■■ v..
RICHMOND CAMP NO. 470. W. O. — The offi
j I cers and members are respectfully requested to
* attend .- the -funeral* of = our "late neighbor, T.
O'Donogbue. from the parlors of J. C. O'Connor
& Co.. , . -.. H. C. BOCHIO, C. C.
~-.• R. T. HAAS. Clerk. y;. : -_-■.;. y■/:. - y '>,S y.y
NATHAN—Entered into rest, in [ Susanville. Cal.,-
Eg April 17. 1913, Marcus Nathan; beloved hus
. band of Tillie Nathan; and loving father of
' Rattle Harrison : and I Hilda Chappius, a native
*■ ef Germany.,-. : ;.y .".;.:-■;■:.;-. : : —•■:-,-.•
■ Friends are wspeetfullv Invited to attend the
a funeral ft today . I (Sunday i. _ April i 20. "at li
-s-, a. • m.. . from '■■ Cray's chapel.% Geary. and Dlvlsa.
CyiMP®ss Lawna
2W> Msw©§ Mfeg
SUTTER -easy -■' : • "■. V- .: homb J4167. j
\ Cemetery • Phone. Mission 3341. j
.? All £ arrangements . for burials or, cremations
made at * city : office <or cemetery. Special > atten
tion I given to , REMOVALS (from old city I ceme
teries. y (Satire cemetery 3 under perpetual care,* j
jroaranteed : by' our Perpetual. Care - .Fund of
, 1400,000 '-■ .-- .- ■■ <<- ■>.-■ . ■ ■■* 'V - ■"■■
j@ j[ SAN FRANCISCO CALL, April 20, 1913 J55 I
; "P* ™ifTi ff iaaa agpg se ™~ r ma - HI
<r. ;;''".~y-' ; *- :; *yyy *-:yy> ; -y i ';y--;«s'.v- ■'■ - 1 -"- ■ - .^y^-* v ♦
J J ;: -'.y -■■' '■' -. The above Certificate with fife others of consecutive dates ''."■--'" .*' •
; ; Entitles bearer to this $5.00 Illustrated Bible -I
J If presented at the office of this newspaper, together with the stated amount that •
• y covers *• necessary EXPENSE items of this great distribution-including '*--:■♦
- . clerk hire, coat of pecking, checking, express from factory, etc., etc. J
J !«s4^<S>^<&*»*s*s<3><s><s^
I; MAGNIFICENT announcements from day to day) is •
< I il I IiCTBATrn bound »n full flexible limp leather, with overlapping covers 1
( > ILLUd II til * and title stamped in ! gold, with numerous i full-page" plates X
iI M MPp» in - *o?orrom the worl(i * amous Tissot collection, together f
!►V? ol the w, * h «* hundred superb pictures graphically illustrating i
Hdidi ?.w - ? nd making plain the verse in the light of modern Biblical X
!;££***§'~MyKnow!ed^ a «4 research. The text conforms to the*
J ; authorized version, is : self-pronouncing, with copious -."'■'- -«-_^ -.--■■-■ . - *••♦
1* marginal references, maps and helps; printed on thin r1 i»A Amount I
J ► Bible paper, opening at all pages; I beautiful, read- $IeZU expense 2
; | able type. Six Consecutive Free Certificates and the items' ..--.•*
I i ■■■■■■"■■ ■■■■■' »■ -■ i■'i ■ ' * —*.-|-,-" •_ - y~_* '"'' '■■"'' ' • *'.y___y_ J
ii / Also an Edition--for Catholics - J
! ' i Th »l ou f. h su B u ,lc ». 8 i i J re ■"■an«enjfnt. w« have been most fortunate in secur- X
, > --&*>*<&? Catholic-Bible.- Douay Version.? endorsed by Cardinal Gibbons and X
( ► Archbishop (now. Cardinal) Farley, as well as by . the various Archbishops of : 1
, > > the country t Ihe illustrations cons.st of the full-page plates and map* approved 4 1
( > by *« Church, without the Tissot and text pictures. , It will be .'distributed at §
' * * '/ ?..- ltoms as ** Protestant book, with the necessary f;; }
JJ - * ■-.'..-....- > <""">
Jf.-h Any Book by Mail. 23 Cents Extra for Postage. •
"*-dero'streets.;*., Interment Eternal Home ceme
tery, by automobile. ■ ;.y-;,;/,..>, , *■»<-
PERVIER—In il this j city, April; 18, ?' 1818. Mary'
■■■ .:, Pervier.': loving mother, of Mrs. Blanch Stetson.
'■-."': Sirs.'* Florence Eppinger, A. -J. and O. Bridges
of Kansas City, Mo., and Mrs. I* E. Wilson of
- Berkeley.' Cal.,' a native of lowa.! aged 58 years
; and 29 days. A member of Manzanlta Council
-. No. 49. «Degree,of; Pocahontas." ".'
,*. Friends and acquaintances are* respectfully In
vited to attend the funeral services today
■yi fSunday). -at * 10:30 a. m., at the - parlors of
/'J H. : . F. > Snhr & Co.. 2919 Mission street between
Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth.'. Interment pri
. ; vate. ■■■•:.: -:.--v-,"-:■.--• - :* . -.-..
_| the I chiefs :■ and ? members * of | Manzanlta - Connn
cil No. 49, D. of: P.: r. You are hereby notified
/to / attend - the , funeral ': of•: our - departed' sister,
: 5 Mary , Pervier, at * Suhr's j undertaking parlors.
Mission street near ,Twenty-fifth, .today (Sun
•"" day),'at 10 o'clock a. m.* "-'-" ? --5 •-'-'"-? •'
-'i . SARAH MEYERS. Pocahontas.
5;//. ACNES K. -,POPE, Keeper. of ~ Records.
PPEFFEHKORN— In this city. April 19. : 1913. .
■'i Christina Pfefferkorn. -beloved -aunt of Fre->
-rlcka i Deremberg. a native of Norway, aged Sg
£/years and 4 days. * ; : ' ;3"*/T /■ ."./"-'."
PRATHER— Oakland. April J9.' 1913. Thn-nas
-:. • Prather. brother*, of.. Samuel -D. and William
.L. Prather. Mrs. (». W.- Waterhury. Mrs. I.
H. Clay and Mrs. Harry East Miller, a ; native
of Kentucky, aged '57 years. ..•:- '
\.'.. Friends are respectfully Invited.to attend the
''funeral services tomorrow (Monday).. April 21.
;. 1913. Nt i 3';. o'clock '• p.?' SB., '-■ at his a late born*.
>. 1441 : Alice street,: Oakland. Interment pri
./. vate. , • ----- •-■ ii/ *- ' ■
ROTHMANN-In (Ms city, • Anvil /IS. 191?,.
- Oscar, dearly beloved son of Henry and the
' late Yj*tta Rothmann. and brother of Mrs. T.
Colin. Mrs. M. Jacob*-. Mrs. C. i Kaskell. Mrs.
•' H. Ksskell - and U. K. Rothmanp. 4 - a' native of :-■.■,
-1 San Francisco, aged 40, years 8 months and «t •'_
days..'- A member of Col ma Vista Grand A*rl». _r
Essies No. 1448. and El Carmelo Parlor < ; No..'
25rt. N. S. G. W. of Col ma.-,*-.----'.:-'-. : ,
The funeral will. take place today fgundav).
>j April .20.- 1918, at 2 o'clock p. m."-: from the . *
parlors *of Harry : Glynn & C 0..-. 4054 24th st.
' near ■ Castro, under the auspices Vof £ Colma
;■*»Vista Grande. Aerie No. j 1848 of , Eagles.".; ><. '*-'
SHOOR—In this city. April Ift. 1913. Moses, be- r
. loved, husband'of Pearl S<*-hoor. ' fath-sr of Meal.
Nathan. Katie.- Sam, Annie and Esther Shoor.
; a native of Austria. A member of Apple wood
-Camp No. 696.. W. O. w., and California Lodge
No. 166, 0. B. A. - (New York papers * please
.. copy.) - /■'. '• -.. - , i ::-*'-V:':>'%,i •'*-} -
Friends and acquaintances are respect fully In
vited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Monday).
v. at .9:30 a. m., from : his late residence, 489
SjMinna street. Interment Salem cemetery, by
..- carriage. -■ ,■■:£■. ' ;':.:■■:< »'
SULLIVAN—An anniversary. Wall mass of re
: _ quiem will be celebrated for the repose of the
i soul of the I late Chief of the *- San Francisco
Fire; Department. s - Dennis T. Sullivan. at St.
Mary's church (Pnulist), corner of California
street and Grant avenue,, on -Tuesday, April 22.
* 1913, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. Friend*
-; and acquaintances; are - respectfully invited to
•-.-attend..-,--,--,---.*■/'.'--;,:■'..-. : \ .::.'.•
TIBBATTS—In Alameda." April IS. 1918. . Jultns
B. Tibbatts, beloved husband of -LIUto Tibbatts,
- and . mother of Mrs.' Florida Wllcogon, Mrs. C.
Hobhs, John W. and Taylor'Tibbatts. a native .
of Kentucky, aged 52 years 3 months and 16 •
* : days/,'r:'"„-- •-'•-.■-:":':.-•-..■.■:-..-■■ -..,..
Friends and acquaintances are reapectfullT in
vited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Monday).
I April 21. at 10 o'clock a. m., from the chapel of
California (electric) crematorium. Piedmont
'■-, avenue. Oakland, at entrance of Mountain View
cemetery. /- ■-*•. --: ~y.- ■. -._- -; i y
VOIBEY—In this city,/'.AprJI 18. 1918. -Joseph
;Toisey, a native of England, aged 67 years.
- A member of Marine Cooks' and Stewards' As
sociation. - :, -. : '*'.~-.. ,',-,./.**-;:',--•,. '-.: .-** :
• Friends and acquaintances are respectfully In- •
vited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Monday),
- at . 1 o'clock p. | m.. " from the chapel of . Craig.
y Cochran A On.. 11»» .Valencia street. - Inter
,; ment Mount', Olivet cemetery.
WINTER—In this city April . 19, 1918. st bis
! late residence. 330 Twenty-ninth street. Joseph
T.. dearly beloved J husband of Agnes Winter,
i and beloved : father of . Viola. Warren . and
Charles Winter, Mrs. George Himmelstoss Jr. .
and the 3 late Walter Winter, ■ and beloved
* brother y of Mrs. . C. Larson ■. and Mrs. Alice
Fisher, a native of Buffalo. N. Y. A member
of Veteran Firemen's association of Ran Fran-
Cisco; Court Bohemian No. 8023, A. O. F. and
United Association of.Steam Fitters, local 590.
Notice of fqneral hereafter. ■*"•»-» J /
WITTICH— this city. April 17. Ida A., beloved
-*■ v wife of --Alfred *Wlttleh, aged 47 ' years.., •-. .
. Remains were forwarded from the parlors of
Leary Brothers, 2917 Twenty-fourth 'street be
. tween Harrison and Bryant. to Napa April 19
*' for , interment. -'-~ -'--,
YGERA—In San Rafael, April : 18. 1013. Manuel
f? Ygera, nephew of .S. A. i Pacheco . and Mrs.
. Peter Crane, a native of San Rafael. Cal.. atred
83 years. ~->K member of -Tamalnaia Parlor No.
'-64. N. 8. G. W., and San Rafael Aerie No.
265. F. O. Ev.-' : ; -■-,.--- *>■ ■■/-.<-.:.. •-•;.■..-•• vV'v-.'--.. ■."
-*. Friends and acoualptances are respectfnllv In.'
vlted to : attend the » funeral services . tomorrow
(Monday). April 21. at 9■a. • m .. at the resi
dence of his aunt Mrs. Peter Crane, thence to i •ffl
St. Raphael's church, where a requiem mas* y
- will be said for ; the repose of * his - soul.» com
mencing at 9:30 a- m. - Interment 'Mount; Oli
vet cemetery, San Rafael. •-.-•'-- :•-
St. irARKUS 'CHTIBCrT and st. markt-s
PRACEN VERElN—Members I are requested
..to attend the fnnernl of the late-Mrs Lon".
pasp. MRS. SCHI.ESSELMAN, ; President."
LANGE—We. hereby express our sincere thank*
to the school children of• Sansalito.'.'C'jl.. nil
yoqr raanv friends for their klnd-sympathr end
floral , offerings extended to us in I our *reefnt
~. bereavement. :. .;* 7- - •.- »-* - y/'-*
':'/:;. card■ OF THANKS. „: % ■
ZETT—We herewith desire to express our heart
- felt thanks ; and appreciation to the m*-**--"^
• friends and. acquaintances for ' the peantifnl
floral offerings| and \ tot the many kind( word**
of sympathy. extended during the sad hours of
our late bereavementthe loss of a lorine
mother.;; a. l. zett.
'-: ' •'■■-•':•'■■.--:-.■:;.■■.•-.•"?.-■.■".-■."■;:.-■ GEORGE J.'ziSTT.
t~r.j//_ : >r- FLORISTS \ 7ZZZ
; 16th »r..Valencia—Union store; funeral wort »
.; specialty at loweat prices, ' Phone Market 57*5.,'
li^^^l]?n^WW(Wl* , ' ~or* l Sb °P- SJ * Powell' st.:
fiViwuy if ■jvw'vwkjjai, p h. * setter 27M. >AH kind* 1
Tel. ■■; Mlealea - 8986. & Pup era I. work a ; specialty. j*J
PARK* FLORAL.' 1487 Haight at.; phone Para
-- S36— Cut flowers. - plants, etc. R. t Groves. Pro***.
CLEIS A : JAOOBSON. German florists*, artistle
deslsrns specialty. 042 Fillmore at.: Park M**-.
I ■! j g I
BHIBELEY-MANN CO.. ■ the" leadlne* fiorlats.** 1301'
Sutter; Franklin .2094.; Frank Bhtbeley.,;Ma*T,'
UNION FLORISTS, phone Market 3280—Funeral
jI [ work a specialty. 8017 Kith at. near >flf-flee.
. ..-■ . -. ■■ ■■■■ , , ■ , "M I
BROADWAY Monumental r. Works, marble and
granite.- Contracting all |over state. .768 Bdway.

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