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The Sumter banner. [volume] (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, November 17, 1847, Image 3

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tBy virtue o eunt
rected, 1 Will offbr for t ter ourt
House, on tlie-firt -Mond and e.
lowing, in INiciber nxt, withi ""16
gurs of -sale, to the higpst'bidder for C
the following Sipal Prpp1erty. rcbase
pay for Titles..
One tract. of -efc s of
Land in. Clardini de do B.
Moody, Sail."3.N -o 4 rs. levied
upon as tho propty $ tnson,;at the
suit of Bnritel.Moody .. MIller.
tract o'12 acies - of;
m Claremont, ad ng latils of Jos.
1. Bossard, Est. of J. Allen andArm. Ross,
levied upon as the property um Roast
tle Puit of John B. Miller. . -
'THOS: J. WILDER, S.' S.. D.
By virtue of sundry Executions to me di
rected, will be sold at Sumter Court House,
on'Thirgit Monday and lay following in De
cember next, within the le"ralihours of sale,
ehighest bidder. for dli, the following
ersonal 'Property. Purchasers to pay fur
1 Negro, levied on as the pro
rty of R. M. Bracey,' at the suit of R.' B.
ain and S. S. Parir.
Householi Furniture, consist
ing of Beds,. Bed-clothes, Matrasses, Bed
tisads, &co. i&; also, Kitchen Furniture,
levied ou'tlia property of J. I. DuBose, at
the suit of oel Stevoison, Stevenson &
Walker, Wm;n. Nettles, et. al. To be sold at
Defendant's residence on Tucsday, 7th Dc
1 Negro, leviod on as the pro
perty of A. B. Brailaford, at the suit of Jos.
Lawton andJas. B. Richardson, adimr.
1 NcgrQ. levied on as the pro
perty of Jas. Ray, at the suit of Jas. Lowry.
1 Negro, levied on as the pro
pert of O.'S. Rees, at the suit of C.. T.
8 Negroes, levied on as the
property of Thos. D. Sumter, at the suit of
Rosser & Ingram, and Bank of So. Ca.
1 Negro, levied on as the pro
perty of John E. Bronson, at the suit of It.
Nov. 15, 1847. 3 3t.
Sarah J. Bradley et. al.
v. BILL.
G. Stevens et. al.
Will be sold at Sumtr Court House on the
first Monday - in December next, and if not
henu sold will be offered at each subsequent
sale day until sold.
A tract of land of three hundred and fifty
acres situated near Bishopville being lands of
the children of D. S. Bradley dec'd.
To be sold at the risk of the former pur
Terms of sale-Cash.
By order of the Court,
Sumterville, 9 Nov., 1817. 2 4t
.Novuana 1847.
*The bleod of our own Palmetto Regiment,
ha.s lbeen pured out in Mexico, in vindica
tion of the honor, and in prosocuuion of the
rights of our common country. Col. Butl-ar,
Liect. Col. Dickinson, Lientts. Adiuns, WVil
liams, Moragne, Cantey; Steen, anud nmany
monre of our gallant sons have fallen glorious
ly. to rise nomuore. Thec wounds of the few
survivors are still bleeding,-they have won
for themselves imnperishacble tfame, and
wrea:hed around the brow of the Pahnmotto
State, laurels which can never fade.
In h-mor of (he noil decad, the General
O:licers, the lhel and *8::ul', and Comnpany~
Orlicers of the Stat9, ivtll join Ilhis Excellenc
cy, the Cormunander:in-Chief, in the'r tribute
of respect, by wearing c'rape onc the ljgt arm
for thirty days, from the 22nd instant.
Otlicers commanding Uivisions, are charg.
ed with the extension of this orcler.
'1ly order of theo Commnander-in,-chief.
No. Adjutant and Incspector General.
1o.2 3 it
0JTAll papers in the State will publish un
The subscriber respectfully informs his
friends and (le public inI general, thait lie hars
fitted out a house as a RESTIAURA T, oppco
site Mattheson's store, andI het ween Davis's
H-otel'and iBoyd's Hotel, where will be fohurcd
Eatables of the best kind the market canu af
ford. Also, Planted Oystors--all of whuich
will be0 served up in the best style. Tlge
Bar is furnished with Liquors and Cigars, of
the heat quality.
Tlhe'subscribor having a long experienrce
in the business, hopes, by strict attention, to
merit an equal share of -public patronage.
Camden, Nov.3, 1817. :i t
The subscribers have just opened a hand
somne assortment of Fancy Millinery Goods:
consisting of the latest styles of Blonnets
and Flowvers ; Plaid and Ombra Shaded
Ribbons. Also, 'itndsome assortrment of
D~ress Goode: constatinig of Plaids, Plain and
Figured Silks, Tarlton Plaids andI Raw Silks.
They thank the p)ublic for their past pa
tronage, and solicits a continuance.
Dress-makin (lone in the laterst styles.
October 27th, 1847. 52 3t
An exleeit arid well finished PIANO in
perfect order. Also, a first r ite SULKIEY
AND HIARNESS of Reynold's make, very
little used. '.,The terms will be liberal and
*4coremodatinig. Apply to
-k~ *A. J. MOSDS.
.4 4
I 4 r4t.
a i . .
the of n~o h
een n mn ettherpiirted'
or pasto. T sami Lettor'v esd
an eecution on h s.Bone on ch A
epgnnt as y him.t#Joahn, .tDiv
i .an ac. McDulmi again-it
.i H.ixirn fo4" 117 f .)fhih account wAv'
:e ' - by , M . uned n. i ' letter Avis
sOi4 dirodted to Obnhi I M in
vi.. '!he miey atdd pers Wv Ge 'd
In' epremeuc.e of.. ofp.
kon- aindere, -and-dellf 'to we so p
*ders (n the resoen' a T. Sp o,
with Philitidular cha ' to epson Sandajs
not to loost tho.leter andi. contents an1 i
char-'dd himp:seve tiatimes'1ithe preselce'A
W. \ Spatn, to'jevbr- careful of the leticte
which ie promised,'faithfully todeliVr to .
H. Dixon. It is, said the letter-.Vas lost by
Swepson Sanders on his way froi-iii fathevrr'
to Joh ii. Dixons. All the Banks and indij
vIduals.who, may receive a Bill ot iaidi le
cription. Will please investigdte when h.i
person received the il . 1 wenid give .1
reasonable ltewaid f, r lio money liid papers.
and will give the wlol6 of. the tionoy if a
discovery is made that the letter was- Oroken
open and the money taken from It; for I am
determined to bring the person guilty to such
punishment as the laws of South Crlina
provides in such cases.
Sept. 14, 1847.
From a notice in the Sumter Banner, dated
September 14th, Captain W. H1. Bowen, evi
lently intimates, and *isles the public to be
oive, tlt mly sort, Swepson S-nders, (a youth
of sixte-mi years of age,) broke open and
took from a letter, he had entrusted to his
care, for Mr. John H1. Dixon, a oic rindred
dollar bill, The annexed certificate, from a
gentlenian, who was with my son, from the
time ie left my house, until the letter was
lost, I deem sutlicient to show, tat his insin
nations, Were altogether groundlces. Air.
John Dixon, the gentleman witlh whon mty
son was hoarding, at the timefor the purpose
of going to school, had no suspicion, but that
the letter was lost, by accident or the care
lessness incident to youth. IT Captain Bo
weti, had adgertised the letter, without en
deaver;nig to injure the reputation of mty son,
anl tihe money could not have been recover
ed, I would not have: hesitated, to make good
the amount.
Nov. 12, 1817. JOIIN SANDERS.
I do certify that in the latter part of August
last, I left time house of Mr. John Sanders in
company with his sonl, Swepson Sanders, ri
dntg ml a buggy together. After going some
thirteen or fourteen miles, Swepson Sanders
exclaimed I have lost a letter containing mo
ney for Mr. Dixon. We imtineliately tuirned
-hack, and rode until after ntarht came on,
without beiig able to findl the letter. I then
proposed to S. Sanders, to return back to ny
fathers, and go back early in the nmornig I
search of the letter. He did so, and as he
informed me, could iear nothing of it. I am
contidenit the letter was lost accidentally, as
I saw it in the lpossession of S. Sanders, a
short distance after we left his fat her's honse.
Nov. 12, 1947. 3 tf
Smoked Sahmon, Ttatgutcs and Beef;
Pickled do Auicrel and Tongues.
Sardines, lobsters, anchovies, capers, olives,
Imtitat~in lraglish and N'or:hoarn chmeese, mac
Crushed andtt loaf sugar; nssorted brown do.
Rio and O!d Java col'ee; supe:fite hyson
aid rnpiwd.'r teas; N. Ur 'tmus andi West
India Moissm' inli harr!s Northern Flour;
Blaskets, clampa-,me, of sutperi'tr brands;
Cinmipe and othair coirdiais ; best Fruench
Branly, vinitage 1805; suip. sherry atnd tma.
deora wines; tener fib and unlaga wines; old
Scotch atnd monnongahela w hiskev'; Jamua ica
andh Northern Rtum; Ilollanid Gin'(very old),
Old Peoach andi Apple Birandty; old P'ort wite,
very sutpcrior; oirgpat, gmr, apery e
Ott aid othier syrups.a-~.iery
WVest India P'reserved ginger; West India
preserved pine A pples; lir, peachiei, pl tums
andi thter, s. Fres.h prunes, cturrantts, ciaron'
and lemons.
Butterfly, Dianma, Repltia, Gold Leaf
Chares'on, Crownt in:r, and various other
approved brands. Just receiveJ], antd for sakc
by S. II. l.IVV.
Cantlan, S. C., Nov. 15, I'Ji7. :i tf
Th'le sumbscribeurs ret.pw:fulv informt th.
inhabitanuts of Sumtervil an I'vic iniv, th-a~
they are about op'n :ug a BAt t{i (y, /o uo.:
rm' nce on Aio-'tay, Nee-nber 1st, to:-sy
1dyjmg Blread, lbis radi (Caks of evr
1 aitiles w shiior to b. srivtd withi Ilrea.
evcry utornintg will .c::se leave thltr order,
at A. L~oryea's store.
liThe subiscribers hinig that by st ri-t t.
tent ion, good <puIity' andi punctuhalIity, to so
licit thIt patronage of the pubtliL'.*
Fresh Bread evecry m1oruning, and Fresl
Cakes of every description by $ O'clock eve.
ry evening.
d. Bi. l)AL ISON.
N. B.--Orders punctuailly attended to.
Oct. 27, 1817. 52 (um
Lisaui ed Pa~rtiiershmup.
'rTe stubscribers htereby give notice thal
upon te liP t h day of OJctobei- 1847, t hey cot
tered ito a Copartner~ihip under the nm
and fu.*n of CJI181i0I3l & McLA'URIN
for the t rantsactuin in the \'illage of Sum~lter,
vill~e So. Ca., of a generah Cuash Mercantule
Busmness. 'The said firm contu stin. of An.
gus Chtshiolm & Daniel 11. Mrl Ilamrin, gene
rat part iers, and Isaac Jnmes Chandler, spe
eil par ner~, who ias conitribumted to thte comn
mon stoak the sum of 8 1500 00, as his pro.
portion of the capital thterof, am1( who will
be entitled to receive one-thtrd of the profiti
which shall be real-tzel and gainedl in the
transaction of the said Mercanti'e busliness
and4 thtat the said Copartnershtp will termni
nate upon tha first day) of October A. D),
1840. A. CIIISilOI,
n DB n eLtIRor,
N -L jib
Es subsoaeri noW-f n large t4I
general a Jsso but of New Goods; v14:
Dry.G Grohr1b", :1ardware, Catlery,
Catpunters a s, s Crockery ; Shoes * and
ll. e, Haits,taps and Bonnets;
rCats, Vests,Pants, Shirts, Fine Blacle Cloaksi
&c. &c.; Candieswassorted; -
Tobacco segars,T&c.
ViolinsLGpitars, Flutes, &c.; and also, a se
,ec4tedJigof: Italian Violin'and Guitirstring ,
Iand a great rnany Fancy Articles too'tcdious
to mention. MI of whilch, will be sold low
for casli.
Bite', &c.
a 0kits<Emountain Butter
6 bushels Cranberries.
3000 lbs.*slaughtred Dry Hides.
Npposite China's Hotel.
Nov. 15,1847. 22 tf
The subrcriber would 'respect fully inform
the citizens of Sumtervile oandI vicinity, that
he is now receiving and openiig his FALL
STOCK of Goods,corisistng o
Drf Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery
and Crockery; Boots and shoes; Hats and
Caps, &c. &e. &c.
Oct.20, 1847. 41 tf
I have just received au am now opening
a very large desortment of every description
of Gooils, comprising Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hardware, Cudery, B a d d i ery , Crockerv,
Drugs, Paints, Oils,4 Carriage.Timn'
Shoes and Boots, flats and Caps, Bonnets,
Ready-made clothing, Cooper's ware and
Carron ware, and a variety of other articles
not to be found in any other store in the place.
The subscriber having laid in his Fall stock
-with a view to the purciase of Cotion during
the Business season, would respectfully call
the attention of the Public to the saime lie
will give the highest market price for cottpn
or other country produce in Cash or lIaricr.
Sumterville, Oct. 13, 1847.' tf
Near Proridence anctlradford Springs.
The subscriber olibrs his Plantation. between
Providence and Bradtord Springs, for sale.
It contains Eleven Hundred and Fifty
(1150) acres; about 250 cleared; the rest
well timbered. A good dwelling Hous6e and
the necessary plantation buildings. This
place combines, in an eminent degree, the
hadvantagfes of health, good land, aid good
water. A purchaser might "go further and
fare worse."
Sept. 29, 1847. 48 Ot
One door abore McLeans old
Rlespectfully returns his thanks to the citi
~e ns of th i's D istrict, for the encouraging pa..
?rounge they have thus far given him since
his commenicement inl businleEs.
lie is nowsreceiving' and opening a very
in his line, which he proposes to sell and
miake upi upon equality, on ais god terms as
any in the place. Ail persons wvishing to
have work done, are respiectfully solicited to
give him a call, hemore purchasin~g elsewhere,
as lie wdil endeavor to give general satisfac
Sumterville, Oct. 20, 1817. 51 if
g a e subsrib~er has just returne d from
& the North wi hi a f'uli and wv~1I wi..'ted
r:ock of Cl.O)CKtS, WAT1Chili, and all
kin i o' JR IW I LRY. A'S'*, PISur L.S, Fine
''UT'i'ty, l2:RFv'-;:iR , TOV~3 and
Kick KAr'c:c'ries Ci C*wry desc'ription.
Thei' abovne sto -k is th. lhrgest that ha~s
*rer b'een oibired in Sumitervite. Has h~e:>n
-('le:ted wth great care, and cannot fad to
i'N.r:hosers may vxpect to find great bar
The~r su,rribr returnis his grs'atful ac
kno.v ons or paset favors, :dsol!cts a
Fi'.:7MAN iiOxYT.
S'm. ir 1 ' !, l'a17. 4C, 1v
N. b~-- ' h , -u.d je~we'ry re.
T1ha. sus'r.r ' now r re~v.un from New
Yo rk, Rxso', andi' I hi i h ;1, at beaimu I
an . ed sejer: 1 .: .. 'iiur't of I)ry Go'ods,
(;rocer es, liaudv r., C bntery, Its, Shoes,
11a's, Cai's S:msi .ry, Stc ionecry, Confection-.
ary, I'ornmurery, (gabrs, & c. & c
As there was n painis spare(d in sele'ctinr
Gioods of thre latest style anud b'uying themi for
'aSsh enitirely', the suiseribe'r is'satistiedl that
hie cant sell theom as heapi as~ they cain be. ha~d
in Charleston, or ainy othe1r im:ket in thie
State. l'ersons wvish ng to buy Goads woul
find it to their interest, to call and examiono
this stock before purchin~rg elsewhere.
J. 'T. SOL.O.\ONS.
Agent for R. For.oatoss.
At the smore formieriy occupied by D). Solo
mos :i doors above thie Court I louse.
Sept. 15, l&17. 4G tf
Plauat atious for M;ale Onl Raf
iua (reek.
Theiu subscriber offers for sale -li plantation
on Itaftin creek, containing about six lhun
dred acres, ono half of whinch is cleared aund
in good order for cultivation. It is situated
near the Camden Branch at' the South Car
olina Rtail Road, four miles from Boykin's
mills, an'd the same from two other mills, and
twelve fronm Camden. On the premises is a
comfortable dweliing and all necessary out
buildings. It his linre wvater, and Is of uinex
ceptiomnah!o hoalh. For informatiomn by let
tar, address the subscriber at Camden.
Gert. 18. 4r< rnm
.Dglea etozinformn e
esbli neral! th -yfhy
.n w i ph
rel oi. raoi
' 4aineinA weie
And splendid assori o f
.suitable for tie Fall Trade, coiintin of
Muslihs, Cambtlcs, Calicoes, Lige
-mgs, Shootings ard-Homespa;d
lthhTSatinetaf Tweds "a a'erw4 gro
.cloths, )Blankets, &;c..f r oition.-.
Also, a large asportmeot, of a n Caps,
.pols aid Shoes, Stationer Saddlery, ag
gi.Rope and Twirien'4lardware, Cutlery,
roceries, &c., &i. ofrhe,:most appro ed
quality. Persons, wishino' to make "euteha,'
ss wdll fd: Wvell to c4and examefor
Sept. 20, 1847. 47 tf
THlE- subscriber bets leave to inform the
Public that, oi. Monlay, 4th October, he will
commence running a-Two Horse I CK,
bltwoee Sumterville.and Darlington ,C H.,
on the following days, viz:
Leave Sumterville on Moinday, ata A. M.
and arrive at Darlington C. H. same dayat
7-P. M.
Leave Darlington C1. on Tuesday 4 A.
I, and arrive at Sumterville same day, at 7
P. M..
. Leave Sumterville on Wednesday at 6A.
M. and arrive at Darlington C. H. same day
at 7 P. M.
' Leavo.Darlingtoi-C. H..on Thursday at:6
A. M. and arrive at Siniterville same di4. t
7 P. M.
By this arran ement personsTray i
on this line from Darlington, will be detaine
but one night in Sumtervillea fthe Stye
leaves here on Wednesday and Tr 1 .
ings, and arrives at Gadsden in ti6 n
evening train of Cars to CoTumbid, -
i'The route will be supplied 'ith
fiil-Driver, good horses and a co0fortable
Oct. 1, 1847. 49 ti,
E3'IThe Charleston Courier a-.nd Chieaw
Ga:ette. will publish once a tcek until f'rbid
and send their accounts to this ofice for pay.
)hce 2 doors Nurthof the Court inuso.
Are now receiving from the North, a verv
large and splendid at:sortment of Seasonable
Goods, contisting in part of, Cloths, Cassi
mcros, Rattinets Vestings, Linens, Secarfs,
Craivats anid Stocks-plain, figured and strip
eJ Alparcas, and other desirable Goads for
ladibes' D~resss Also, a erdendid vairiety of
Calicoes and Chintzes, and the very best seid
cheapest assortinent of Bleached and Brown
Muashmns in tho Town.
Tihe above Goods have been selected with
the greatest care, expressly for the Crmaden
Mdarkeot, and having been purchased on the
most advanamgeous terms [for cash,] willibe
solhl at a very small advance on the Norther'P
Also -A Large Stock "f
Iarlhvare, Groeeries, Bagging Rope,
'li woe, IJ3eots and Shoes.
in;; sichooI at
This school will be re-opend in the large
-ia i c-o:nnhmasi bi lding, op; 0 te the Episco
pi Church, on the secoad Monday in No
cember necxt.
Boar:!, i:i Ihuding all items, $50 00
r: a~tou n m pelbnm and Reading, 8 00
i he abhove with nVritng and Arith
me.,,-i - . 10 00
Trhe abovO w.-th Crammar, Geogra.
i1hy ando Ii s:ory, . . . 12 00
'Ihe ablove wvith igher Br-'ches,' '15 00
t-rench, G er:iman, and, L .tin, eac-h 15 00
Ma aind Guitar, each . . .. 15 00
rn-............-..... 20 00
C.- ui lPiano and Guitar, each, . . 2 00
Um of the Ihrp, - . . . 5 00I
tmr.,wing~ and Painting, . -. 12 00
Cormpetenit teachlers in each of the above
studties are engag~edt.
Madame F-EtUAs from Charleston will give
a couirse of danch-ing lessons at our house du
ring November and Docember--terms $12.
Mrs. H ASSEIL gives every day & Singing
lessoni free of charge.
Thfie. oug ladies' rooms will be supplied
P arleur boarders can be admitted.
P'ayment in adivanceo from the time of ad.
umittaiuce, but none for less thmin one quarter.
The -lion. Chancellor IlAiRPEn, the lion.
P. BU-rLER, Dr. LAnORDE of the S. C. Co].
leoge and Mrs. M. C. JzMnn in Columbia, hav.
inig sent their daughters to Mrs. IIassL.LL d m
ring the last two years, have been kind
enough to allowv their names as r-Korences.
wilN OICK~:
There wilbe a petition prerented to the
Leg slature at its nyxt session, to disconatinut
as a Public Road leading from Lawvson's Ford
to the great Savannah, commonly known as
ho Hopper Road.
Clarendon co., Aug. 9, 1847, 43 14t -
The subscriber havinr taken possession oh
the personal Estate of Bordamin RL. Hede
deceased, as derelict. rThe creditoreof s~i
d ycoese, will therefore hand their demands
to me for payment.
W. LEWIS, 0. tl. D.
Sort 0,.1047. 40 .,f
ess t r gone
di ed oI' tr 'Wo thh
lftsr toMec paid)!
uil e ni
-M'ET5 -
saifC t 41ahofJil:W *
yesWtr An p0 -n
. ndii1~ i'W6~ i~n hf
Cobde rn-o -e~ a]
0- .fB .
Has i ore ano I%
-s e nd y ed -e>a d a d
.. *iid H69.
F a T sAD i -F 184. H
-of of iorY ognd
~ nd children: a7.
A fun 'asortrnon filk and N Silk
Hosaer,:.. Merino, imbahiol edona
Iipswo4Gern Ltofitand silk hitidijan
Pants for Ladies and Oeutleien;
Fall Glovyoofever desc
Silk and sP'ilk Glovs,
Ladies antae entlemen's best Paris Kid
Gloves. P
White Muslins and Cambries
Booki Mull, NanCsook4 ishpLa in
Strip and checkdB a plain, stripd #ud
Chc d.nJconets Cand Cambrics, check -
Lawns, tappets and stripes.
Insertinigs an ~d ital&ts *
Labes and ee guods.
Ofevery description And neweststyle: .
Of thvarious and bes s color, of
well known Manufacturies. -
Silks " d Fancy Goods
E'nbracing every variety of plain and figured -
Black, watered, colored and changeable uilks
Dress Goods
Of rydsclitn,Dla plaid and figured
ashmo gs and Mouse DeLaines:
Particular attention is requested fo a few
Wichly Embroider'd Cashme ies,
And louse De Lanes decidealy the EIcheat
and most beabtiful goods of season:
Also a large assortment of Vilvit, Satin- and
Taffeta Ribbons.'
Fringes and Gimp inimings,
Of every description and the newest styles
Of all kinals and qualities including Silk,
Broche, Thibet, Csshmere Turkeri &c.
Together with a few Canton Crap. Shawl,,
* from815btoSo $6.
Silk and Woollenalaids.
Black'lud'olored Silk ve1vbt., French and
#cotch Ginghams.
French, English and eAmerican Prints.
Housekeeping Goods,
Viz: Linen and cotton shootings, of all the
various widths and qualities,shiirting linen.
of the most approved make and finish:
Damaska per yard, Damask Table cloths
and Na~pkins.
English and American Long cloth shirting.
Marseils Quilts, Furnitnre Dimnity:
American and German wvhite. and colored
cotton worsted Fringes: Huckabak. and
Dowlas, Towvells and Towelling &c.
Cloths,QCassimeores and Vestigs,.~
In the greatest variety and most approveeZ
Satinets, Tweeds, Kentucky
JEANS, of all colors qualities and prices.
Apron Checks and Linseys. *.ji
A. variety of Servants handkerchiefs, also
Gmngham and fine Madras Han~erciefg.
A full assortment of Silk and Linen Cam
brack lhn~dkerchiefg4 A very einio as
-- so'rtment of
'White and Ried Flannels,
Including fine Welch'and Gause Flannel.
Red, Blue and Green Blankets,
Negro Blankets, Kerseys, Northerniand
Georgia Plains of every description..
9, 10, 11,-12, and 13 1-4 Mackinaw, Whi
tney and Bath Blankets, inieluding ~eojne
of the finest evet imored
Be ickinns, Bleached anid
BDrown Drillings, of every description:
Blue denims, Buriaps and Russia 4heeting
Furniture Prints, Quilt bordering, Quilt
patch work &cc. &c. &cc.
Ofevrydecr Buttonis,i
Of vey esrition. TlzreaWSpool Coo,
NedePius, &cc. &cc.
Linen Shirts and Shirt Colla~~
Stocks, Suspenders, Cravats &c. &c. &cc.
In rear of the main Store onItree
is a large wvholesale 'toom contalin a Jar 'I
supply:of Staple Dry Goods, wl vmy
the attention of every class of country pur- a
The above Goods were soeetid in 4ew
York by' the prpieo. uih fnual c aind.
attntonan ar olaed;atthelostmar
ket rces, without fea, copt on.
One Hundred Tusand ~Era Li.she ( ~ *
(or'salo at & it.4t~per Tbhousad by
Oat. 1~ A 3. MOSES.
N.(CAROLINAii JC1~ K e..
2500roundsjorthDarolina I c

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