OCR Interpretation

The Sumter banner. [volume] (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, May 21, 1851, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86053240/1851-05-21/ed-1/seq-3/

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njdom6 ~ ~ P- 7n rsoex
0:4K,)AN 11 11rqL -eq
9k.9 tlI.piost interesting.and Curi.
ous, 1ii I tires in the insect world
is 1he I'q4' le. For many hmnd red
years the h bs of these wonderful in.
sects have been caref'lly stndied.
Sone persons have spent their days in
observing thCS little busy animis.
E~ryt.nointion of bees has three
kinds-the queen, the drones, and the
workers. It is estilnateil ituat a hive
ustually contains from six to twelve
thousend bees. , In some smuil hives.
however, tlie number is much less than
si* thousand, while large ones have
been known to have as many as twen.
ty thousand.
Thera is only ono qeen bee in ench
Nvarrm, vhether l arge or' small. The
averngo proportion of drones is aolimt
fify to eaci thousand woalking bees.
- 0lence, about nineteen-t wentieths of the
bec.s.in every hive are workers.
.* T-rne znaosla.
hI'io drones are the largest bes i
- 11e family. Their bodies are thici,
it';l'r and el uinsv, and they are abom
tfe size of' two working bees. Their
wings arc large and long, nid tOy
tAako a loud, buzzing nois wlen fly
ing. They have no sting andl may he
bundlgd without harm.
'The .droncs are the male hes.
iThey live a life or idleness, taking no
part in the labor of the hive, l.adeed,
they have not the power to colleet ho.
I ney, or to provide themllselves with tfhod.
They have neither honey-bags, such as
workers have, to contaici ectteil
0we sweets, nor cavities upona their legs lir
the pollen.
Were a drone deprived or the privi.
leges of fecding on the stores of the
have it would die. In one respect thev
have nore liberty thain the workers, for
they are permilted to cter any hive, and
live in the same m:ann ier as in ther own.
The drones appcar in ihe hives dur.
ring the latter part of' lay, ail arC
tistially kiled or driven out to starve in
the mon th of.luly. Soani-im--s a fi w
are permittcd to remain mu:ch luter in
the season.
Tt: FoFs.V n:,.
4' aThe queen bee is the motier of tie
family, and governs the hive. She is
]onger and more slende r t han the dIrone,
but not as large, and is Iarger i every
respect tlan the worker. I Ier legs are
.Ionger, but her wingZs are shorter ill
proportion thun those of the dhone or
The queen is very seldoun seen
-othtimes she may be observed durig
- ibo time ofrswarming. 8hao i:av oce:
Aionally bo find in her roval cel. when
o boes :have obeen destroved with
ho puipose of obtaining their
Dn IiS, aMi4 is acottnpanied by a guad
109~i .iye.v thein
* .e ip$ th a sting ut sel.
ILeXOspL against rival queen?.
- ny be taken in: the baro landl
ond 'vill seldonf sting wihen handled
d aref'ully. A 'i(orkter, taketn in thec
same uan~r, wonumd oc dropped like a
The~ chiefofil e of the queen is to Iav
eggs, one of which shec deposits in each
tell. Thcee'ggs are of' two kinds
* jrone-eggs and worker eggs. W hen
a worker egg is dep'jo.itedl in a //r/
it becomes a queena bee. TIhare am
seltloin more than five or ten of' the'w
*cells in one hive.
- 1:ovAu. cr.u..
W The queen usually conlan:nces 24w
asW the genial warmth oif spr: ng, ece w'
About the first of .May her *gre at lyn
*takes place, wh'len sh'e dep'josites troma ma..
to two hanndred eggs per dayi. In u~'i m
climates this periodl may takew idro'e :ather
At first she deposites~ 'liv ni'orker-:.
then she lays drone eggis "for' a few d.:-s,
and after this againt prodnees wiorker-enps.
During the titne of laying t he~ dro zeg
the royalells are built; aind whaen thle lpal-en
- comnanenees layinag worher eggs for thle
second t irme, she dIeposit~es every few d ie,
on r thes0e eggs in a rov: Ial rit, and till
theci the queen are piro-' Iince.
The drones are plrodnlleed tio h
in twenty-four days, the wo: l':s mi1:'
days, and the queens ml sixte len tais
Though a young gneen~a tbee h: a :. ll
sagrowth, the workers ill not a I,'w .t to,
comne out of the (celi as long' :as the old
queen remains mn the hi 'e. Shaen!.lth
young queen etl'ect herr escape froma lhe
ce'', the ol one wiiouald se:zo anad ktii li hr
immned aecly.
-growth, anid beg'ins toi lay -j.'.j jf, ,' '..
*old one, knowing it to be the cry uf a r'ial,
for liberty, is aiirioused, andt attempajts tol u
ait the royal cell to dlest rov its i2mate. Ibit
the 'ivorkt rs preve'nt herfrn tmin thi :a
andl now, finding that she nll hmlfh-ir ha s
absolute authority in thae finaiIv, shie comi.
rnences aL sudden vibr ain ot her wmai'!m
*runs over every pa rt of t her omi' btoliiwi'd b y
*herg-mbjects, and a great connotajin ei'.
When notice ha:s lthus bien fairly coei
muni~cated to (lie whole fanmily, thet (2'qen
rushes toward the outlet, the wvord is given:
to Sw'armn, andi away go the woarkers, as it
pu~irsued by len thiousantd foies.
* ~ ~ 'iWhi~e swvarmiing thlay ci lte'r arouandl
She quieen,.and wherever she aligh:s, thilre
the wiihole company imm::eiately setule.
Trho old queen always flies oil' with thae
* first swvarmn.
-After the ol qneen has thus left the
Shive the workers release the younag onle.
hot conmes forth st ron:' and lull of eniergy,
aid ait otico assumes the governmenat of
the colony. - If there ho yet enough, of
,. orkers loft so thant aniother swarm c'all het
spared, the royal cells are still gairded by
(ho wiorkers.
WVhen this queen hears the perc of :a
youtng rival jfist ready to esrape fromi her
ell, ahe attemphts Its destruction, and if
aproventeth~y (lae workers, follows the ex
prbglo of her predecessor, andl leaves the
- ive with another uswairm. After this thae
- scoryl young queen is role-ised.. uand takes
*tdgeerfimenmt of tijo. ataly.
Ir-rowe~ver, the workers docide, af'ier a
Y $a~s iftfat tn oin car bie spared
0 ~'liy, the'youmg queen is per.
pai~44l jae royal cells ,
tfis grevetnin Iton
~dnary git in t ohisitory
of the bee is, that I' deprived of a qucon,
vhen Ohero are no young lueens or egg
imi the-rpyal celi, tlmy takoe Itho iarva ofl 3' a
Wvorheri pkice it hi a- royal ell, or buildn i1 c
of' 1hese els nroundl it, whero, by being
Ion roal-jelly it becomes a gneen.
This is truly a wonderful provision of
natiure, and probably, hias no parallel.
Without suich a remiarkablo arraiagement,
this insect nuight soonl becoilne extinct: for,
if irroparably dcnrivd ..of.. their .royl
nembeir, the whole family forsake the:ir
toils, givo up their you g, roimi abon. in
alarm, refusing to cat, anld in a few uivs
Ihev nll die.
Ill s1M1 ER11 It I NN II
Suinterville, So. Ca.
.-1. (.1G. RilCIlARDI)IN,
W. 1. B,. II A NS\VI'l' 1,
WEDNENSI)AY, My 21, 1851,
eLu s. A. Wnrrrn: & Co"., are
At.\p-:t for tlhe mimner in Sumiut'rville.
TheW Maret
8 r mn N.Iv. .iMay 17 - s-. he f:ll.s of (.' t.
toll in (.har'eton tl-day nn oiitairl ti) 6!
hales, 1.1 priccs raii ng froni (0 :1. Ift!).~-.'
lhi inl set. u sta',
1 '11 t \'.! I-10 Ie I ' ' I ('rtu ri
Tlw .Ma:cw: (1.) T , f jh~
.\<h ir l e " th .3.bilr s ;114 'osoth ior4
(&f! teLatohwre~o Conivention,whe
11!y. it :ays, '' .-s done its work faV. 3iin:1
NdI firmly ilgie l ecso ,t . ;r
0f'a innimuty v-,rthy the prouid :mid vah
Lant -people u hose op inn m-Z A:rt! rmi'
Couitral Comiltte.
a leI rn :h .4t lhl l' '111ft 44n lige ( '43
I e Stat~l I l li 414 is3. '4 .\ 3ja4,!'1 t br.*.
Iit e t I. t (4 i -I n3 l 4' 1*4n to er.'3
ern4I 14'hts3 .\'ne tion.: of Srihl .'441'44
Col. 31A. V IA :m:,
( i . .1 in N 3 't 11.\ N.\v..
(' !. .A . 1. (,'
(A-1l. \. I1.1.! IN '.
,;II-c I ' 4 . w I I .4 11 . . h-,
1111d I )4.3I140 lis Iris i3' 3:3 :3V 343 .
t Ie loni. . I. :\. Yb.., T ' w
h.i .u.\\' ) . -:u.
of : . . . ' - a m .t i,
dir ~ ~ ~ IP1 a q(is MtlltOO Mr. Foo-rr
an;! wh b wa, c and represcn g Mis.
poan~ on the Cgrt South--rn no t
11I1 ill .'! bi3iel 343 ltt! 'Mr. !(0-r.
Liitoll "(ndreree.in .s
.iL'pp II [ w 3' o'tli(whle' *gd ,ag 4n
'i aiini th ivrl ingga eo h
i'' pi ' it 'en nr r'iae hm m
3rnor l'rrp hema ye'4lehna
Fi~n So,. .3\? p.
\lw ni. .' 4 -
nrtf ('.41 t he 1 - --
!4 L . - ' '
u.,!.i...,. .n4
tro.-3 - -,N:
Th- \\~ .n -
:rre! l4 br3T
134-.N-: -
14'3 4r:En' l I
:3 th . - .4
-( rt.y a r4. 34.4.4 j
be I bh. -413344'4 3;
11143 tr44.21 4. u. . ..
'theortia :V 431 .44 .4 l
ll''' 1n 44nly 14 u un
op a' hnrVe II 0334 - nr h1
country, hat, 411.l' th14 4 r 4:
i t fo 41u la1 433n .3. a i 143 .43 t i3,
(very4 hiT i of141 .-II j41 444e ;.*3
excellent I ai (33431.1.\n 43 '5X:-4
4xmnton ,:niol
the Virgi. R Cdn~dietatIon of 1829-30" bly
11utch Rt:PIa ANANTP, Esq. These sketch.
eq or the great men Wvho were congregatel
there are full of life-like dlescription, intor.
esting inrratavo andl ranocdoto and nanstorly
and discriiithig criticisi and anaalysis.
There are other prose articlce of meril
and aliiow., the poet icl pieace is tihe 2Ind
Act of i Iir:na by W. GiarMonu S.31us.
We commiend thIS 1agizine to our read
Gomv. of tlf) ' Lady's .Book," it', ng ie
htIuoriusly says, now of ago. The Junac
imbiher of his agazine, which we have al.
r(civy reevived, cOtiuple ts i1t 42nd vol iini
nil is tfin Iiiisling stro e (i' o iir. G m y's:,
laborci durinlg ik 211 years of service. I low
much ar( no iterat tire, Taste and re.
tIiernent ind'btedl to his well directed of.
fortk during this period. The Lady's 1llaok
wvhorever it (,()es exerts a sofitcning, beaiti.
Fyinig inatlnence ; it has eniled forth aid de.
I 'on' ,c thecO blriIltevst 111ms1i ill ot
ucounat r y' ae . av of u io presit gemsac ini onti
lerantre*0 lspar!;e ti inges.
\ rhve no t yt hladI thme 1i o exajiini th<:
cI:e t' o If ih lnq No. 1ut we are 1l.
W y .!in g N1 'o ta l i te L.ady's Iloock or
trca-. Ihlc! pliaes arle ahniirable and ti<:
ir t e a i carcy lit! 1a1irai: sied fur vigor,
la cc ccn'cI.na'':It tit lIi'iems the 1st :acin
Ic a ih - '\t vh ,;ac Widl b1 Iic om ose d en1.
ccO c: i.41; fr ii !aely contrilaitors.
T4 loraphic ;ijtimary.
.1n ival of th a Cc. ambria.
I...'rpoo! d it ) list h lr i inst, have heeti
r It vy I the C'iiirhra whicb stiamei
'r''cie I i'a 'x cw 'T i acy, at U 1'. \
'A' Ae. n r.:rXca hl alrraed.
The l"Donni~n ithl. Sincer Ilm-sail:1ng
f .. -n fi.:tiatdc cconsiderabh . h 't
.l " L %. i i' : le flit I A 1-4 ai :-Ni, th.
-lvvwe hincr 20.(10(0 Ia!e.
li ,. ~ .t .litii-:r was dil;. I'
a rcnon. ':uqgar ii :!l
-- ! -: . ' iri la in :1;. I
I'ra c i : n- b1n( . cc wos5 l :1.1
M ' . .w:: cni., ? ici-ci uchanai'cd
9 I .'.-: \NI l.i ccci iuc:: icjIelledi Icy |1ct
n h- I.. In C, in per. v -; 1 , ith
nt;wv lri.lrh n , t- iuinber 4)
T tn iiiry iecl .s aitained a;c.
ar-r . : lan'c ll (f1Ccca ccno3s (oi
!h ici'ne ta..
\; .a 11rial c'r s h'c i
n i' 'i r I-adte mI w at o1
:q1 1 .. a'c'' Kc--mcrI Ii wl'a~c ,
- .'-crca :c c.-tacin Kossolhiii twc
-- :Il modt ask the pro,
'c -in I ca.d a. ce.-('Crk1s.
G uCl(ou-suna1. R.11. Rom)
I n a ih ic c-tnc (YNO li. i'rsient o
h.- - .' ici ('ilaUicibia Rlaiiiad, give
h - 1 . - h' r 0:'a eC. of it
ha..n J.::a,,ry.- to thbc
.9 a n niine v!'. March
It did not :.I I,-!! Neo ry:
")aring the tour motithc, there wert
.1,52 pa3- W1Onger. pr Oucing4235 9;i
Iiq e ameA n it 1.t1 reh
I:ma'fcri a cr, "ervice ir keeping up Iii
rcoad,) iiacima ico 7.(t;M 14, leavjing:
fon 'nanth 1 ii!''hag , co' tton ccm
!w c e r-c d."--- F ''e(c ccir'ts R acp air-ona
Icii Ia c :a c'. 'iu : a y cr; Co lc'i:: t.
',\ ' ' - Ir6 '. -F ! :s a Fn a - ciri i
.l .h Fr *c .c thi-c c.tv are iac bouc '; ,
- n.I i.'hI, iccn Im-a init
a T ' . .uc a hon:e''c c ci
ccaF'c'ocndan~. excen ri
- f .hc cc '. cc r-c
bee Icor ia'..oH
- a Ic-r ha . T
- - a thc r c -t
9:h, 0 s. --- Tie
at c''"., -.:m w:
a b FiincthcR\
n : I :bF.v \\ F 1 :
T Fir R v \\' ('. (c .me
\ F . .\ 'i i , 11c F h
n'h up th F .y ~ a p
dF n n'l Fa '' lna-r cn Sc'n lt v,( the
Ia w ere v/l frihil ill)
n d innuc an fc waand whd(
w r dde ever day. The
orea neI , a I Xcalld e h
a d iicccingian s rvei
th i ' . I i iis a ot aknown f~'rmai wh tiic
b'' I F 'Ia'lgo ' c cii ttie lcc the wer
Shall we Seced(?
"Shall we Haoede?", WV4f shonid we
lot. accedel If Ihe Uiion haniied to an.
swer (lie purpose for which it wai created
-i it has been1 so perverted as to operate
alit a curse iistead of a blessing upon the
Hotiern section.-if it only serves to Ag
grandize the North at the expense of tle
Souith-and it' there it1 lothinig uponl which
to base a hopl that tle former cointemplates
any change in her policy ofn sin,
wli .I all acknowitdge she ha Gen pur
stlilig, wO ask wly--wy the outh should
not secedel
Is she i t able to rerel the asiults of
lier enemies! Then lshe is already ol.
shavied. Is she afraid to Ili k the a1tempt?
Thent the legitiniato inference to bo drawn
im still less creiditaile to her boasted
chivalry. Or, is it, that althottgh we coi
Cess we have been wrongerd, ye't that we do
otit conside-r ile wrongi we have hitherto
sni'bred, iliciently nigmravated to justify
s'cre'sion'! and that, Ihierefore. we wou hi
rallier "hIar ilhese ilIs we have, than fly to
others iht we know not. of! "I
We fear that this is too true, iiil that
"ilwre's tle respiet that mi:ikes :a Inity of
F0 long life," unil timt is tih "CosIie ice
that ikes cowards of tn allI."
"Afl ndli th e naive4 hue1 fre1 hio
a isekfted Wi-r %%ith tw he ile- erv.t 41,ol'thornht;
AneM en-I,,rpriesm of great 0i i iul nonnit
W'ih th is reard iheir eirre-tiif nt t% nny,
And lose the mnwn of aenion."
hit. such if tives and silh reasoiiiner
will nit hiaIr examitntion. and if we siu-h'r
"ihi - ) to lie miltin-ne -l b',- thern, the fate I
of the Io-liiles iirvy iibe ouirs. and we
wil our enciniuj both fatl by thle sword at
Wo lrive heet. wrongei, s:'y or Pilhti1is.
sitli r n ld, h t still not to th it degrece that
w h :irrant t.- in Ibreak iig Iit Ihi,
"glriI3S Uin"-'the list refug3.e for the
do~wn toden'' &C. Let nta- invetuigrate
li:s a Iltlo.
[I thet fir't yhtee, to submit1 tn one wvrong,
lilding out a direct enciirment, and
rt* a powerf4I teiitifi its our eni
t i. to inflict :1 Seif illd i.1 a ti a imore atir.
grvactd one. Ifow oelarly fhis frili 1s
- deiontrated i it he his. ior of this countrv!
I flt Monlth had not 1) !uNohyi-ly litfeIci to
the ta: coiunsels of Ihe (iC;oiprrmni.i'rs*
it low0 htil haid at:iifii:l . p iforh her
ri'hi: --all h-r right's lt il(. Iilliont p-rtr
Pi i ll ta--- ho 1-iia es 1tat tha ( .
prmit of ascorfainin;.r ham iny in).
ti i -r with iiipinity, wonhl ever be the
VCoT l tinm iterieut rid tip n! 1: it is not
tihe frst. nIor tle secaod. inoir tihe teith, nior
twetilth instatnce ;( vringf pernp#2t rated
n her fy the Norib, t u biIchi l'e S-116
I w') comliing . Te :t pl;tl hle
:and Ireftaied acts of ar:nr:-5 losvi ben
1o1 nU'ltted uplon her dtjr::ijr thel. lon series
ut~~~~ Cviiy- 1:
' t wenity or thiry year. past.
Intherue serfofaave, if thajoeii lion tihiiiIiN
,Iiuch longe~rr to suich conifes isedh -!. Ijs
I'ulat (i; 41 lin e inark, I the hmwory ofih
Fedleal Goverment <irinti tih, l airier
of a centnry, rshe will becouie mo weak nil
11a N . .Istrang, ns to put. it uit of her
-t-, the sihickic- o3 her aibaitjin
oppro b! le wonld.
li th place. if breakinz ni tl
Urnn a great calaimity to the
World, nL. tihg the injustiee (_f its
legiilation to%\ardtthe Sonthern section,
wioe fan Wi. he? Cc IL I ertr-i1lV tie
guilt would .i tf > the shiouilers of
the otlth. - hr::lf compelled
to go og aqfe erth
turnl uper t~ e1uestion of hgow michl
- i8imlh carn ptoaubly bear and how intwiy acts
oif oppireslon ishe ca n prissibly iina:iige Lu
pu't up wvith;' .b iri ab.-olte ..tcrvat.in and'
file "" 111. .-A m 11ie , om r lol
of a tI t .axt mly fonbont haer
.the face,-!hot, is it th lint'ie! 1 on of her
a -* hit to ia her nt all, aidl.have
- , ', lahe co:nun'cl! Weak a,
nn:h A aterran cioonieis w-hen t he
S:ni~i, they thcld not hivsitate a tui' nent to
- i'lo ite ani Ii ui antaiiOn'r con~stitutiontal
i.ht by the a-wo r I.Th'le', never "altih.
33 iirat S:ats sub~iiit. nlow,.whoi arie ulnor
rI. t i were the inothe'r Colonies
a bi i h p ' . it :!.ses n1ot by, ar -
that theC e.'.tth13i of 'hhety
i h r~le re.,! ' of a it,2.hit onl of fte
, rbit thi're n3ni 3: o u'.:'ger he
henVa- at or tlh' oppressr'd of otit-r Iand~s;
-- 3'.. c..tary , the thre. t, reverne
331a tain . Cltten atid
asI w. on: of3 thlu
. . ; m: hI e a; f ; r i
i .. .-en.:2, Ii f r Io eea N d
r a b's'in a 3 a 0
r* - n,, fo'r faillier
byine o t p -. i.
n:.at 3 r b t th
-a . ii rl t.
r h.,r 3'
Ciii of a Iitt anali Convenation.
S( it' i taal
b !.r fto. 9: ';..' of
th e I d r.',i t iI 31 Iior*' 3ler
II lit 11 - r fth.' '-stala.iucne t of' civ:i
I tua i.i u I b'h now'i
b t h . a:. 2e., - - t I ii: t he -
:" h:i - hl- .U s 3.no. 'hata t
Ii .2 ' 9 T II' a 31r11 ow atinif,!a
31 'oratt r m \\-' 31., 3 a ,'' .e.rl
hon , th' Io t w II' nM he th e t r .~ \tl
Id ha. hoh11 a I ''- - Iu e ifd nonoail ite the
lIo.- :Ihie l' \'ehter a the conduhur of ci
Poortt .101ba (sny 'th l. etter,) i dead, and
h -ei n ':1 d , tunIdi, to send it to1
hon~.' Q4'ate a :-1.fuent rea2.,3i3!
state Sovereigtit y t6 o W'
'y. .' 1
Nothiu CAg i beCnlore, Ip liflreetfroh tho
jourial orthe qo Ve at
weVre pertieSl to it, hevegIesigned o yield:
the riglitor Secession,.noi to elnfer upon
.thil edral govrnincif, the right t.or
a State int t wi l lulItiraiv frort i16 con.
federacy. The samnie truths arc tangh'zlt, hy
the tinnner in which several of the Itates
ratified the constittition.
Below are the iets of ratifeation by the
Stateni of New York, Virgiiia and lh.LI
"NEW Yonic-We, the I)elegatce of the
people of the-state of New- York, duly
eleced, * t in Convetltiew, havinr n.
itrely conisidered tle ConstitIt iolt o Ih
1 inited States of A nierie.. igreed to on I
17th day orSeptenber, in the year - 1787,
by. the (General) Convjentioni, hlien witn. I
bled nt P'hiladelphia, (a copy whi'reof
precedes these presents) do delvare and
imake kiown:
"hiat all power is ertg:ially vestd i in,
and conse(nently deprived fron the piple;
and that Governmint is instlitited hv themli
for their colmnni interest, protection, atid
"TIht t enjoymnnt of lile. liberty anil
the pursuit o hIappriess, tire essential
rights, whic viver iy Goverinieit ouIlt to
respect and pres'erve.
"That I he powiers of Govermntnt nay
be re.-aninitied by the people, whensiiver
it mttay berorie ticeC.o.ary to their happi nei,
that every power, jurisdictioi and ri-ht,
vhich is not. y ie lisnild Constit ut ion clearly
delegated to them Cioniress of the
i tilted Siatates, or tihe depatrtrttioil' of the
Sriverntltieit Ihereof, rei'iis to Ile peo' iple
of It several States. or to their reispecti T
State Governitnnts, to when they (the
pe ple) nIny 1i te grated the saini. A:l
that the-Se chinse in saild Convent ion,
which declare hit Congrevs shall not have
or exerie -c vertami i pnoer,, o) not itiply
Ihat. Conigress is entit led toI any powers
lot given by tLe said ConsIt ition: but I
sneh classes are to be constriied either a.
exceptions to certain simcifled power , or
as inserted nifire!y for giretater e:tion," it t .
I1hme in Cention at 'ithtkeij lite,
i thte oitnv of Dlchre-s, in il Sull o:
New York, ot the '161h day ,f .11:v, I
By orde r of the nivention.
-'Atitoz i - Gr:.o. I 'n ;ioj, l'r-aMt .
.lzhin M ' onti, A. U. hai.er, Secre
p op!e of V rh nia d nly i it.Il inl palr
anee 01 a reenaul~fnntition rrinl fihe G;eneral
Asernly, antd now w;i"t in tovolitt.
hiavitng fitly and free.V invet gatei n
dji:eUsIeed the procineei'"s of th Fdera.r
onteuilinon, and be"'i i prelarcd :,s no! as
the tItost iatire dihbriration hath etmbl
as to iecidt ther-n.- i, in tie niame :id
behalf if thi peopl of Vir Iin:a, d cl- 'hare
al nkl known, tiat ilh' lixer .ranted
ton1ier the Conistitut-on. hin::% depr:ved1 frain
the pe llule of the *'nitr'd :.", IaV b"
resuined by thern whenever the sarnt' ilm
he p rter:d to their sittry or oppressiion;
and that everv powovr mt granild O.t'reiv.
reninms wtht th t.i and t thdicir wil; that.
.thtrefore, tin right of any daoinii un cm
be cancelled, or abrilged, re-traiiedl or
Moli lied bv thie Cogrew., liv the eate,
or flouJISe Of Represe-ntatieatnin;y
capacity; by 1te PresjWeit or any De lart.
iment, or otlieer of :l U nited Sit tii' 'sxC-t
in those instaices in which powers is iven
t010 U4tt1.it for those prpwes,
by thecse fresewttWMrft' to
Unnistitutiott recomtmendd on thie i
day of September 1,, bythe Federal
Jlotne in Con ventionr, this ~27th dic:ty of
Juine, 17@ ly order of thle I .iv'iventen.
*Extg. 1):: ortzioN, i'realentt.
"*I toi: lsr.A f.--W .~i, b R''late of
thei jieiih: if Rho~l~de J ,dand and 'rnvidence
platationr:: auty neted andh met int ,
ven t rut, h ingv m-vttn:elv iiinsidlr -d th"'
onsiitui on for the Untiedl State.ti4 of t-.
ericai, agireedl to ont t he 1 7thI th of
*- &c- d declarte an it make kniwna:
' -i-t Th"at ltere :ire cetaini nairal
Irigts, of whtch mieti, when ltey tornt a
oti coiact, c:utit,?ld;rivo ~orde
mil nt lf fe antd hblerty. withi lt. ii
oIf neturaog, poascsiittng ari ptro'uiig
pro; erty,. ando pitrsuing and oi:ainang
hip;ntew. and aity.
*'''d. Thtat alli ponter i-iward.'. ve'rl in
andu coarpient.'yiu dv(er .d fo iciie
thant tLagostrates. thle r-tifor ,are it,-u
Tlritste's andl Ae'~gts, tuuatnd lti
.uni'alei to thteti.
"id That te powers itf tver0.tI
iry the re-aSsin. by :he peruo'-hi- w o.
top tes -iTirh tts he tret f ai ta
rspechtiel i to tmb l--t" appont i
r'te.l Iiies hmd etrte v iwrp ditch'e.- jor ti
thesso h ' .d S ae ,o o t e 1 -
harlt'ns f the G~overu lillritoo ttn thne
I ies ti th li-e h~t'of itt ;oh wt-er.a '
org~ thrrltf'l ht t e G. overiita ne:t, li.
"7\ e t iii N ein port i n st c ntr tol \,.i .
hitrv ne 'i' plnaft'is. - ca h f .li -, phitt
ily ardlrngf thelt i Ciaver'lum l atu ti ti
ii tw eN iret lh'tli. o ttnt hiu t n
A' ~~ik i/t --).n'ei tUpd.ss.10 ttl
'.. Ne aorahn,-e d.,as rethtrne
itterean ordhat Parmis nor tIvieo
ilnetn gond il,posdee oro the side
1nade parit ofrh i'unxnforn: i~i hr
.reb. n-t. The wpthoot othwl
ctio the iteae by' the (ki'L~ha
nor rohi ted by i to he tate. 4
rese ved o t e Si tes esp clu ly, r t
the pop e
jOn th il1 int. in t)@ Ma6ssfl'
gl artire the following Folutao w
adopted by a voto of ayes a 4.
Reere-l , That Masa a aa
anew her hitdity to Elaveryat or d
t.on to fhe Union; that qlpire4T by th
hernshed r'nhniaents, she longs:for hario
ay animiu, thp difibrent parts'ofour cominmn
culltry; but 1,h cannot conceal the con
vict on that th:s can be finally and perma.
nenatly Seenred only by la overihrow of
:davery, so f:r as t to same can be constitu
tionally done, every wqere within thejuris
iletio; of.t 1he niationial govornment, that Lte
Free stat-a mitay be i elioved from all respon
.4ihlity therefor, so that freedom, instead of
' rryq, :. ::// /rme tia tional, and slavery,
/ ae, e"oCe sectional.
rys it Boston Comm:womccalth, these
Wrd^ apily express lte tru sentiments of
on tate. No honiest manii famuiliar with
:urpp, wil e:<press a doubt of this.
i esolition was to have
been kte ny on thu b1 inst.;
R r..ed. Tlat Massachusetts protests
Saain.-t tie ftgitive slave law as alien to
the spi rt of Hie constitution, destructive of
ri- . lenr dby-that instrument hostile to
thn a'nt o' clritianity, and abhiorent
to 1he fe'lingq of lie pcople iof thi connon.
we-ahh; that !:ucah a law will naturally Iail
it) sornrx diLat sipport in the heart and con
I ,.f' th1 co*ia:1iltv, without which,
any '-tm, :,w.iner or later becomie a
dcild !<-tIer.
Tu'a7. l'umavi: .Avt L..w.--The New
York Ta iini e. 'f the 2mnl inst., in an article
"a y,ia "nir the ja s:we of the cornpro.
I n- ime- a i iros witl the exception of the
Sgit i - e ~la w, has the following:
"h I. v of 16-~0 ilnst turn out to be
an a. ati enactmenaiat. Indeed, it is
pa::ely unilifiedl ~ae.idly, wihen it costs,
as1 ma t (he em af Sh3~ira:.Ile tosand dollars
lo ate f ad es'urn a t'auau-ay. But if it
ii i bit haying bIt a selfhnlifying act,
lying r; d oIn the SIatuate Book, its rpeal,
ori 4 e a-ut - I :ch iiaian, is inlevitable."
Thi :' me 1;ppr r, in the article alluded I
' , i .; a1 f l hbeieftits secured
;o Ire- il c::. Iy tle passage of the
C ( C ro:i--e. e'1c South has gained
Th - i4,,~. :.- . cared by the friends
41 aain :hate o teist with slaverv,
rta ca 'r increasing In.<th',
-i .a.aage to age m an ever in)
4 i 7 4r 4 r -rnr .GOv.RNN ENT
- a I ~ ' **' * -..'rim Cut:'.'CRT
.a- 'i in varz1 'rd a 's y lerald,
aai..2 :.s a'nceived 'here fr;,~ ..
\\ 1. iC.dors to caar?-r a
* a .ma. . ' he ervie (f tite goverament,
aor 4 i tlhan tw.eny day-,. ard no more
, c re-e froiant thisA port to
I 7:6 ::dto r : 1 0.) 11n-:; that her
.-inn:oi!w-.. r,.h!y Ch:ri.eton, and
t14 she \:i ,: rt 1 at )a m:t tomnpit's notiec,
11nde1r'- s:i' ! .id'a. Ve alsn mentioned
,hat d. 4 .- :L ily %%as lie r-eatner.
'an a h un .a :.' contract. to be at
h . : v ont. Whenever
wan'd f-ir :p - ey cp. She was adver- a
tii !) " .I with passen gers, .or Cha
irres. lo-48nrro.. hat thae order of the gov
eriha ant takes prccedencae of any ar
r imwn mna;t a th. owneis. She has lecn
lyiat heoof .Wrarren street siince
and ha:1s he'r coall on board.
She w:: rre-i to be ready to s
v'sudIv a z~J:ji~ nil na3 -114Q pp"! frj
She I-s how e~r, iefzr r 'ai ~ in
i7'~L~..il.'rguab jot be looging tollhe
weLr. m troil .,p o turard yesterda , ani
ie iiaty a n Gnvernor's Island -ave
receiv. or ler i toi.. be ready rat a mnomaent's
ma. cc, w.:h :: rns,. and : amnmn~ itionf, for some,
mailary e.'':rha:,. 1h'ubtless, laey will
44" l' t: on a .rd the Cresent~ City.
4 er ~a .'i ii SCerty aind miystery
'' I r Uyd Th '4V4.aiineit, it is believed,
nosr Tr a;: I o trenatenedi secessiona
of ' N C::h.(' 'Ea. Wea matderstaiad the
''lowm i4- -. -tae thae oi'icers com~an~a ir
IheL et (.hm-4 J. [. Gardliner, (Mexiaco)
er': o W..: ' ; i '~ t .l ajor Wilia mie
4 .\d~ 4r:':et (U-ptainus Getlv, do.; Dc
Srmvn, d. 4it. (.. Drum, do.; IIudsoun,
I'ubo e lIk-oth, Wviander.
.\::4 To n: Th orr,. car Soa:-rn Can'
- a .-W- nl raomi thea. Richmaaonda
i.mne :m :oh;?lres f- rom agi acitizen oaf Vir
ai~ t the .. pe44'. of ii Sauth Carolina. It
w a' c't'ie tat that :acltion of the late
I 'h r b- ait'n.:n in haas bceen ajnile inl
u .-h 4ruggestions of this~
wrs r. I., :'u'r o'vI part we had honped
I:ti na h a' w'd ar1t less precipitately
non sa - 4 ,; Io hr flixed deteraiina
. W. . Ca: r io:ajneedIthat she
'4 n 44b 4nI4 bor cars to the
44 (4 - '4 .and Ilitler, andt Unrn.
- u4 a'' ar turay he her action,
r a~r -e~* ea1 andor our readaers;
4'. a a '. th . a ni hi'ra cimntest againast
he :of.:on 411m in hr etanicavors to de.
4t hi r 1-'; 4'r]444.4. or sympnhathies rare
ninow.a aa o p-art with haIaer enaemiaes
-. hb- , ' 4 tr'zad ha.r soil, matny ia
.x .-a-n t wd. I thiuik Co)rwinl for his
4,0 P 44 . i aa a lhusand hospitable
-a w --. .x6 4 ;or' 4i,.
I - 4----ala. fo theC city of Mex.
-~ t44 .14:4 nir. have ben receivedl.
A inrodneed in thle Senate
na ss aat o mgthare or an anniaua tax
SAr.: -r caira:-y ag"ainist the Govern
44nent h li baa'aenl:renvt redl in Yncatana.
44ne 4 ndenm4144d crimainals, aided lay rcol
th**'s 44 : Ia re.timaenat, had united anad
..... ::...I d t or the~ athtorities and
4..Nr ='1 . a Uapi.id. AX 4Crreatsat and sev
14:4 .4ohle b Ii beeniC'a funnai3 guilty, andl
.\ i re4osiion: inl the Senlate to forbid the
fort1.<:r nom4.;:..t.an of foreigners on thae
is-thilOms duarin the dlioensen~ of theo TJeh.
haet ('r-r tre:;y was negi:tived lay a vote
Th"~ .\yu.:ie'~to of the city of Mexico
a rin! pC :~. r a'': t 1) ask ae5 in t Gen-a
wil :4 1144 c4 ' :441 .S'tate.
Tn a4a:n,, -: ilae indiaa naurderersa in
ith" Si:ats 41a" he 'epublic are as fearful as
T lh-e Ml-onhomery 'an WVest Point Rail.
read, in4 A 1:h1 44n' hiavinag ran extenat of nine
wymor:k i ual fiaishiled. it is thto 'first
wrofah kind ever completed. in. that
Sinte(. It hit niready.it in sai4i, poured in-.
to~ Alaileh te rocery and cotton tlado ofV
ia hrg~e anmber of counoties in G*eorga'andl
Alahafny, rand lta- dope, rQemarks' the 4a1'j
thana all other a anC3 pitt to~gethaer.
ai *I v toi ei
kateo Cuba movement. 'rhe T
nue Cutter Tianiey, Capt 1i'
bee for sente i Dg t
Satilla River, and ofter he aerv~,
cr Fnney at that place, ity
that some persor s onaert dil
pedition were at a plantatiriale
'I Th Deputy Mark
the offlafrs of theCt 7,
pluntation and arrested the abooe
Individuals-, who are upp
of the Columbus company, " P -
taken on board of the:- Tnnen.ss 4
placed on the steamer. Magnoll
brotglt to this city. At St. AI
27 men also toolk passage on the agt o.
lia, their passages haring been pidby
Collector at that port.
The Cutter Taney is still cruisii
the South coast, but is expectedto e
to this citv alort y.
The examination (if the two individualw
now in this city under arrest iill not take
place until the Taney arrives. They liave
we understand, given bonds for -their
There is at this time a considorablVg
number of mon.in our city, supposed . ti'
have beeri connected with the expeditiotir'"
Ti.c steamor WVelaka, whieh arrived ar'
Saturday last, brought s&ome twonty-five or
thirty from the South.-They are mostly,.
511e looking yonang tten, and bear the tra-,
res of camp life.
They are all, however, in- good spirit,
mnly regretting the mischances which haV6.
ror the present prevedted the consuminaJ
lion of the enterprise iti which they have. -
embarked. . --
The encam~fi .t Burni Fert:i s sale
to be entiret hr 1,ii -p. We hard it sta.-'
ted that ni-w, -of :I) men bro'-undert.
Rrrest at ---mne point on the Satilla-..W,
howe% er put little confidence in the repoit.
The fo!owing Reolitions were adopted
by the Board of Trustces of the South Uar..
ohina College, at its last neeting, to wit:
RcsoxLd unanimou.ql, That while thi
Board of Trusters have felt constrained to
accept the resignation of the Professorshi
of Aloral Philosophy, Sacred Literature,
nndm the Evidences of Christianity, by Rev.
D)r. Thornwell, from defercnce to the mo-.
tives which have impelled hin to-offer it,
they regarl with anxiety the loss which the:
South Carolina College ha in conseq uence
sistained. Ili instruction in the depart
ment of Moral Philosophy has been distmn
guished for its utility; and while he has en-'
fOrced the evidlence of Clristraitiy witha
rious and profound learn ing, and ituaoral
precepts-with eloquence, Le has commend;
ed the ncred truth w hich he taught to 1i11
minds and heirts of the students by the in"
fiticc- of a character and life in attraitive
harmony with them. It is with sincoride.
gret the Trusteos take leave of Ur.Tbpr
well on his esugnatiun of his 1' fegsoreldp
the duties of which he hNs diid argedMi
so much htonor to' himself, 'w , i'muck
usefulness to the State.
Resofred, That the 'ecreta1ry, enclsea..
copy of these resolutions to the U1e
Thornwoll, andi hqvo it .
the ComNMM pape
the' terli $ls m"- >
heft oe ir htnm ef. ugsb?
nwidthr, andi pasntlirest he .cfty frtp
stacle tJ~d inori b esrmpdevr ob~
uinder foot, with thee- th thacOW6J
and power of an armnvof giants ig~
the largeat trees. <verthrowing c
reod fences, uprooting houses,.and i
intstance.., actually lifting the houses thiqef
selves frot.t their fotundations arid sdierin~
thenm to the earth-besides doing in ither~'
way.s. very conb~uderatble damage to proped~
ty. Fortunately ftere was not. a 4ngle itn
stanice of serious personial injury. We hav.
hcard of several remnarkableoesapiand of
one or two bruised limbs, but howt there.
.aould have b~eent no one killed is aimpsd
unaccounble. The' trac~k of ithe hurri
cante, after the storm hand spent its -rage,
was indeed an appalling and a dreary spec.
IC1cNNATI, Mlay O.-T'he Associatit~ -o
for the A dvancemneit of Science, adjourned
this evening, at 6 o'clock, to meet in Alba
ny, ott the third Monday in August nex.
Eiighty-sevet nmemtbera have been ihi atton
dance, anid eighty-.seven papers registered,
but not all read, for wvant of time. Thia
htas b~en much the best mneetinig held by .
the A'sociation. T'he mtembers have been -
entertamned gra:tuitouslr ,and to-day enough
was subshcribedu by citizens to pay for the "
jobhicationi of forthlcomainig v'olumes. Pro.
tessor Agassiz remiaihe in the city, to deli
er a course of Ies tures to tho Young Men's
Mercantile Library Association.
Cn1ATTAsOOc., Mt 12.
A TcrrnimE Sarasn Ur.-This evening,
wvhile at-out three ileks this side of Ring
gold, wvhilie the ears were running at the
rate of twenty miles an hour, a cow. a.l.
temtpted to cross the road, but wvas caught:
and dragged about fifty yarde, when the
hiaggage, and both passenger cars were
thro wn off' tihej track. 'The one that we
were in was thtrownt a bout ten feet off an..
emnbankmeont about four feet htigh, uap side
dlown, and wvas literally torn to pieces.
Portunately, no one was killed, but severnah
was wvounded; thm baggage car too, was.
tortn to atoms, and strewn along tho' road.
for fifty yards. How ay one escapod .be
ing killed, is a mirache,.but a few escaped'
uinnurt; among that ntumbet 'was ourse.-.
Cor. Cassrilke Standard, Mu 15.
CoTTON Cnor rn EAs-rnus Mtsssrrerpf..
We learn from this interesting Cotton rea.
gion that the Cotton that has comoc up )oolg
excoeedingly utnpromisintg. It iv very low,
scarcely above the grountd, small, and forms
a very bad standl, S:ome are replanting.
'The wveather has been uncomfortably cool
for several days past.--N. 0. Crescent,
S.,At.r. Pox-As absurdly cxaggerated
teports are in circuilatuon, at a distance,. gf
the exietence and extent of small poxg in
Auigusta, we state that for: the laat'tive
months there have been, hut, three endes in
the city--all negroes. (One hats diod; tho
other twgi. are coun'alescert. A.gg.gg
Mr. James Minitio is exhibitingent Balti
more, a inachmno Invented 1l - hin, for wall
ing on the' watet-. -The t r: -o t
mowdus operandi is 6Ir , and thimnho I
prove ;tstatslirt ! ti.p~e~
the 20th instant. 'r Y
iee not,.Q~ara have th~oy and t(car not.

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