OCR Interpretation

The Sumter banner. [volume] (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, October 19, 1853, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86053240/1853-10-19/ed-1/seq-3/

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So. Carolina---Sumter Dist.
y W. Lettris, Esiuirr. Ordinary for sUid Dis
\Vherens4, W.C. (X . Gnrv hh alIp liell to te
for Lettere Of Admini.s-trsiim 'IIn 111 4 | nindl.
gntlar the a'in d ch: 1ttels, rights aw eroli
tors of W. C. u'ry latw Of the District Mfore
baid, d1 0eca1st.d.
Theme are, heretfore, to cit atid nonilish ilt
un4l Mil-miaur, the kindretd ittid creditors cof tht
said deceasedi) to b t and appear lin-fore mo tt
our next Ordinary' Conrt for iit s:id Distriel,
to be holhlen ait. Sutiler Court 1losie onl Friday
.the 28th1 day of October inst; to hliew cause, if
any, why Lthe4 said athninistration should not be
G(ven under il hand and seail, this I7th
lay of Octolir in ist year of our
r l.. 5.1 Lord, one ilusl.tud eight htimdred a1 nd
fifty-three ankd ill tihe 78th year of
Atmerican indepentiiece.
Wi. LE"WIS 0. 8. 1).
Oct. 19th, 153. .51-2.
So. Carolina----Sumter Dist.
By W1. Letris, Esquire.Ordinary Jr said Di..
Whereas, W. 11 MIcliveen. hati applied to
ite for Leticrs of Adwinistraton, oil till all
Pinultllar the 'nds nnd chiaintitels, right. mind
Screditor of IAeeCe .NlCElveen, late of the
smid Ditritt, (ecenadsiu.
Theve tire, therefore, to cite and ahinoiish all
and singular, t1h kindred and creditorts of the
said deceased, ito be and appear be-fore .e at
our next Or'linary's4 ( 'oirt for lie ail I)imtriet,
to he hldien at Suter Court Honse ol Frida y
thle 28th day of October inst., ito sihiew cause, r
snlly, why the sald administration shonld not. bo
01 rantedl.
Given kinder mly iand and seal, this 17th
day of (.)tobIer in the year (f oir Lird,
[L. S.] Oe10 thousand eight lulndref und81 lifty
three, and in tile 7dth year of Atieril auk
W. LEWIS, o. s. n.
Oct. 19th, 1853. 5l-2t
So, Carolina----Sumter Dist.
-By IWV. I, I \l' I N, E'-sr., Ordinary for
said District.
Whereas, M. M. Ihlb1w. hanthi applied
to tme for Jeters of Adummistration on il I
and singttilar tihe oods and chattels, rights
and creditors of :lany Chapman, late of
the D)strict aforesatid, deceased.
These are, therefore, It) cite and admilln
isl all and singular, the kiidred and credi
tors of the sitI dece.sed, to be atil appear
helore tme at our ne.t OrJinary's Cou rt for
the said District, to be holen at Siuiter
Court House oil Friday the 28tiit day of
(Octobdr Just, to sliew cause, if any, 'vlt
the said admillistration should not be
Given under mny hand ant(] seatl, thiS
17111 day of Oct.ober in the year of
[.. s.] onr Lord, tin1e t11141111 eight 118un
dred and fifly-three and in tile 7i&h
year of American Imlependence.
WV. LE0s . S. -.
Oct. 10h, 1853. 51-2t
ly Q LEW IS, Esq., Ordiary fin- saji
Whereas, V. Cou llet , hatlh applied to
mte for Letters if Admitnistraln, tinl all
and sing-ulhr the Lroods aid ch:ittels, riLights
- id creditors of late of the said District,
decea sCI.
These are, ierefore. to vite and ad1o1i
ith all ild sintnlar, ti kindre(d amd credi..
t-nfA (f the sai deceaisred, to) 1 a1 tlappear
beforc mile at our next. Ordinary's Court for
the said District, to be holdei at Suiter
Court lione oil Frtdny the 9t.'h hiv of
Uctoler inst.. to show canse, I alv, whv
tha said adlinstration should not be
.Ui en under my hnd anl sal, this
17th (lay of October in the year of
t.. s-J otur .ord, one thiusavid eight hunl.
.dred and Aifty-titree; and in ile
78th yeat- of AmCficai Ildepen.
\i. L i-,o. s. n.
to t, 19th, 1853. 41--.l
Bo. Ci ililarotl lo 41elna--Bum trDist.,I
Byd W. dtLr EWI A. E L. Odin ay o hei
1414.1 )isric , It'isCtrit
WHIEs Re.\, A.trirsn, t hacth ti apiedi
and l tilarlU ir the good an rhatles a rils
an rdtors of .le $4d c-itei.Ioge le ofii: I!te
tsaid lis rit, ied. 111:t t 11c
CThre are,11 lte rr, th ~ie and s :ihnn
tor t sai d11( sed , if bmally appea
the said administ ration shoul1 d no1.t be grantt
Given nuderfl my 1hand( anud sealI; ihi
10th dlay of Oct. inl tlue year of
([.. s.] our Lord1, onie thoiusandi eight hun-i.
dred and18 fifty.ire; anld in the 781th
. year' of Amuerican 1 inded ence'liI.'i
M~R. F. purposles spending a shtort time int
Sutllervile, atnd respect flly solICIts ithe platron
kga'C its dltizens. A few rertinens (of hiii
yl ~ube seent in the Grand Jury Itloom inl
th sout du, and he re'specftuly intvites1
thle public to call and examine them.
Oct. 12, 50 2tpd.
MVTesubncribet' at iittifon'4t~s Tolwn,
BY in this District, on Saturday hlst, at
the paradel grotundc or on his wny hdd at
Leather Purse wvitht a steel clasp contanin
ing somie Ten Dollars ini motney, together
tvithi several papiers anid receipits; atmongst
wvhich lie rementbers a duo bill giten to
A. A. Gilbert by Gorden & Co. for Forty
hollars, one'in W. Fetnnel for Twenty
Dollors, both of which hanvo beeni paid by
amne; a due bill by A. Blaker for $11 or
more; one by Tr. D. McQnteen for $43;
one by B.- F. Brogdon for Five Dill.
Jars, togethier.with varioust receipti, some
in favoir of Gurdon & Co., iv'ith others in
favor of the gubscrib#ur. Any person find
ing the same and delivering it at thte Ban.
nier office, or to the subscriber, Mvll be
handsomely rewarded.
I.r Watchmnan copy three tmes.
ANA WAY from mie on the .24th of Septem.
her, Williany D. Magee, who was lawfully
bland to me by his motrer, Mary SMagee, on the
3rd day of December, 1851. Snhd -hoy in 17
yeara 0old, dark cohO5|eeted, with r'omatn ndse.
wheb he left Ite htad ow er new blatk CalifornIa
h!at; he 'Uas been at worlo at the lIack-smith
S Trad e for about 8 months. t will pa TEN
D)OLL ARS to any prson that wilf brlng'im
to me or Iodge hhn IiJail whpe mtj~r.
If. any 'erslon or emi ya~ro
liim, thtey may expo m~be du gb~af
Bishop~ville, 5th Oct. 1853. K .Om
iPTe Cam dn Jour'nal and DaJngot
flag,-will each publIsh for one mfonthi, aisen4
chi acounta to thu Nuelie*Pr4 ,at lI-4..vIs...
In Equity---Marion Dist. s
J. J. liariee anid wif . 31 or$40
.1.J. id le 'lid i e Bill for wile of
Rt. J. Scarb71oronghi. Land.
In pursuanc 4(.o f decretail order of the
Coullrt of, l (1IiIv inl tills catse, I will oll'er y
fOr saile at %a rioni Court. imuse door, be
twInVI the tsuav1l huidrs of illsale, oi i lt first
Moundaly inl December ndxt, the Iiulowing
All that I'l.mtation belongioni to lilt Ite
A. L. ta rt-otough, dece;aed, situate oil
Cattilsh, wililn I IaIf itle of the Vilaige
of liarcmi, bounded oil the South lv the
Wilmington and Mincnester ail Itoad,
con41taii ig abou4411t seveIIJen hundred acres,
of which ;bout seven hundred ard cleared
an41d ill ;high state (if ultivat iom. On i the
premitse:. 1ar tvwo Dwe fing Hiouses, Gmll
Hloune, Negro liust2n, aiId al the out
bulitlinIgs tecessary for largre Planting inl.
About three hundred Acres of 11.and ly.
ing Sluitlh 4f* the Willinlgto and lian. A
Iche-zier Itil Riiil, and ill th111 immediate
vicility of the Villoge.
ITeris of1 sai', diO.-Iorth Cash, tor the
ha l:ince. a. rcr-di. Of 4ine(, two, an11d three
yearsi in dual allil instahieunts, ;nterest F
front the di v Of sale patyaible ninually.
Purchasei- to g ve Bond with lipproved P
pertal sureties aid a ilorlgage of the l'
pise~lli5 and to pay fur p:ipers.
Comniissioi-r's Ollice,
i;arioin C. 11., Oct. 1, 18,53.
Oct 5 49 [di G
In Equity---Samter District.
John R. B~roughitonl,)
Letitia 13. Broughton, & p
Alargairet L. Broughtlon,
By their noxt friend I UILL.
James IR. Drock;
N prsunce( of ;In older ill the a1ve
stad cla'se, I will (f111r at 1b111 1 , oni
het, first Mlenday in Nov-ieldr next, :
;mnoler Court Hlouse, that Phiitaitin or
I'rct (if 1Lnd, estimaled t4 contain about
ix Th'lousand crt-, Iyinr in (Ilrenidoin
Co(untyv, 8amtler Distric, at for niear Pluhonl
Post (lliev, belongin 1g) the lte E rd
Brallglton. juitr, de,4ceasvd, a41 upono
which he res:led at the) time of his dea1th.
Not toi iv sol for le.'$ than stiveli iliousand,
sevien hundred and fifty dolrs.
Upoli the prens-ns is aI Crist Viil!. inl
golod Condition, :,ti a S siw I1lill. I'he (
strentil u1pon which tiI-se .1!dE are 1o1cated
is anunzailing one a1n4 is very valuable.- k]
The lands Le u1pon the \Vaer4e In,
emital:IIIinflr b4)Oth 1.v and high nII ds, milt(
:tlibrahg ani unsurpasved range for sto, k
o4f all kioids--the Winhl ost'iir n(fe of
tile ih st vaiie I' Ilntaitons ever o'ered C
for ,tale in 'ilmler Ditriel.
A 011 fr lt hi1I will be In t hbiuls
of the Clolr ss.ier, sj.owVing44 it-i 4..eet,
booun4lI~nries, &-.
TKI:4s:-oe i fuinirt i part f tIe p hso
Imniley to be paid il cash; hli- h-thiic '' 'o V.
able iln one, two mnd tlle , ea v4 )r. with1 1Il
terest Iri h d..y of -lo--ti; po)1(CII .
toi give himil ill per:onnil Securnlv. and14 a
motirtgag:4-rn ill t! hl.d for tie credit ponion
)f tIhe lali purI4Jchll a'se mao44v.
W. F- It IlA\ NSWORlt'il,
CIIIIissI4m1"r ill E 1l111Y. 1
Sept :2:3, 18 53. 4d1 5: 4
Theunders igdl w: ChlI re-1seri.
1ullyiform h1:2. frienid-, and4: 4the
p ie-414( g tenral IV, Ihat he ias letts4 d
that ex'~ten.ive2 a1d wel litnown 4sfbl:shI. 'I
miti, thle I'hA .VTER' IIOT/-. iand
is now41 readyI for Ih receptom~f4 441 i 'sitors.
Its t'liglble loca4ti441, he0,n4r 4''I14ivtint 1t
all Ih1n. bu40iness5 loca2litie 5, 'Ii I4ll commendI 4
1i4 those w-ho visit the4 ('4ty 44n lh4me.,,, 4nd41
4444 exert ons 444 e'xpense- w ill be0 5jp:44red by~
t114e IPrlpitor toprmste con 4rta4'
c'(Ionvemenc of(4 h4 iis gues'.ts, and44 rnde4r hi:s ,
house5, 1n everIy respect, worth of1 pub~ 4lic -
p4:12r44ma:ge and: suppom4rt. Ie is pleased41 to4 "
add14 that4 lhe has42 s4ecu1redh the .-ervice, as 1
lloie' 1per141, 44f M\r. J. WI. L.A.is I, s(o Jl4ng "4
and1( f.-vorablyv kno14wnt 44 he11 trav elling~ comi.a
inunn~iy of' this an~d thei adljae(r('4t Slebs. I
Sep) 2, 1I~3, 4I8 .t
Fall Goods! Fall Goods! K
litVITLI2R & N A IC~ltY wond14114 respefnk 4 etl~ '
that( they hav4 e just re.'ceived~ a hirge and wetl ~e
eted S4tck ofd
emrc44flCin4 every(~ gality and44 slyle of LA III l' S
DIllSS (G.O)S ; lleavy Goods44f, &c-., 4 .rocer
ies,4 11(4ot4 and14 b1hoes 441 everv1 desc~4ript4ion1;h1ite-st
style4 I Lata and1 (:af4:; Ilmardware andI Crocker y;
ltteady V .ade (141 iintg, etc'. e't2., to wh.Iich4 they
piartic-ularly inIvite!11(-l atte tio . 4
-- Aillo--4
A ot1 (of CIIOICE 8EG Alt. 2
Oct~ I>'.? tr
A COTILLO14N PAlIl'Y will beL givenl at 114e a
Tonn11 huat 044 the niighit of thle 20thl October a
nex-t. Ih
L. G1. Pate4, J. M. Wiler I
J. 1B. White, A. M. Newh~ery,
Y. N. lintler, John Tl. G.reenu
J. G. Wite, It. C. Web.fl.
Tickets of a1dmfiion14f Three Doullars, to be haid
of euher of the Junlior AI~lanage-r.
Sep 23 -19 td1
(nICE iS IiERIBy GIVE N to (old
cu tsthlImers and4 the commllfunity generally
that by the 20th Iinst5., 1 will have in store
a full st'ck oif
in my line, consistiner oIf CL.OT1IIS, CAS..
SIMERES, arid VhiTINGS, of every
description. 1
o4f every dlescription; with a conipIete ias
assortment of
Ready Made Clothing, 1
carefuilly selected in the Rlaltaimore and
New York iiuarkets.
Sept. 20, 1853, 1.3.WNN
-Th~e subscribe:' having dliscontinluedh the Drug a1
Business wi detvote hli' whole tim to he pac.
lice of mediceine. TIhoine Wialaing lisa profession
cl survices will find him at all Omes at his resi
dance in the Villege.
R. 8. MELETTr, Mt. D.
. 1853, Il-.
'~-~i~gRope and Twine,
El"4EIVE and1 for sale Ilow b .
RtR) &. NrraBaRnYn
svena oueam m n co am e ma- c.a ma a
253 & 255, Kiing-Strect, Chtarlestoin S. C.
Ve are receiving our usual large supply of Fasacy auad itaple Dry
'oods.-Ako, Plantationa Goods of every variety,6e-sisbting ofd
We still aIdere strictly to the Oic P'ice system. Or goml are il
arked in plain figmem, and our torms enable us to sell, EVEItY tTICLE, ut the
W. (;. BANCItOI' & C'.
253 ard 255 King Strect, one door belhA' Ventwtirti.
September 10, 1853. 40 4m
s A-tenit for the I.Kalb Manufacturing As Agent for '. B. 'oetsn, Publisher
Comany their Yarns mnd Osubu rgs any of his publicatim' t ltie mauie
at FIrtory Prices, at W holesa'le, pte. r tail. as lie eils themiii for in1
INDOW BLINDS, adapted to wiidows PhilaIdelphia-coinp Isi rig lie best and
of 18 lights, 8 by 10 or 10 by 12, litest pubheati on<., lv 1he m :t p p
LOU R on consiginment of the best brands, larand celebrated witers in 'he world.
.Family, etc. W 0N O\ SAX!!, 19 lightis. 10 by 12,
ItEslt'iNG KET'LES, of all siZes. French GUass, prined and glazed at
A'TENT Copper.riveted Gin IBands. 15 cents.
Cotton Bagging, Rope and Twina
0' various Qualities and at the Lowest Prices.
LASS JARS with covers, for Preserves SCHOOL HOOKS. Anexteulsive a-4s'6rt1
and Jeflbes. ieit (A Eilk, lienci, Greek and
\INTS, Oil, Glkss, Varnish, &c. I atii; A\tso, 'rding mid lrawi i(r
M E, P'l;tister Paris and Ilydradlic. Ce- t.tper, Qii I. Stei 1'eis, Inks, vtc.
.ilieit. I1LENNElN IU8T~tE. A ve pieces alt tile
, nelht.
NbLENS8 CHAINS and Fixtur-es for
Z;LI 2 LT~ 3
0)04) pucunds, *,Inltt", 1;)I N hicli the highetst liiiitiket price \\ill heL JIm idc, 1i
(,1' 1.11 C a shA e xt enrshiviez a r
Semt t, 185:. 4 5 hG j
DR. WQ. JlS.. DIteGAN, & cO.
One Dor West of A. w. rIoses New Store.
)flhxrs for' stile oii reasoniable terius,ai Cl1olce
W1(1 xvell selected stock of
I )ye-st tills, Silver Lancet Csc:;, Flavoring" lxtriicts,
ep.ts d OisI Saia7r, 1853-ile 45 tijly
SpiriWt ofS; Reast JMo. ses'N w So ps,
Best VitiegVai~i Drutslic., (all kimds) I'c 1 aii1d In
Toer for, sale onraonbetemscoc
beniarls, Evan's Lanc es, '''iNS Perf imery, tibs
Pai vitn CrOiiis riapr, ( Giety) Leovi Syrup.
st. <italify HfMeAkdira and Port Wine anl Frencli Brandni
For Medical purposes L.rpressly.
Genuine Cod Liver Oil,
Thonisonian and Patent Medicines.
ogether with a variety of ot her articles, comprisilg the stock
of Drutgist or - Physician.
Ala ShhWhite.G 30-tf
'The undtersigned hiavinhg centeredl in a c i' E I.xA
iipartnier.hip in the city of Chanrletoni.I
i he iincn an 'lir:in of C:i1 A Al3' 11 B 'll . MI 1( lI 91 ,f, 53
Ill S )01..\l & M011 , fo r thei purpose ceis
tranis;-tin aii geneiiralI F.\C(''( TRAGES p'~i ~a t do ~iaii 'ol.~o
ul CO~ .M Al81 )N H USI NEsS, re.spec't- ~ ,~~oc,~ ~,:1 .,:7
Ily tender t heir serv'ices to thiir I rienids, 'd:.- s
'chricltaces anid lhi' puhh it r;erlly, ip~iirIdailrI ohr
the selling ofi (Cetlon, ort puhsing, I 1,8 -.ni ( us
Goucods oft ;any dlescripitiont.
Any' or all of ihie prodnts~ or imcmnifac. c liio lH-iptiis
red! art iclIes of the c'omlt ry will bie re-L i a i~Vlte(hilris:t1,212
'ived uponhl consiigmneni'lts, i<hspo'ed ( e dl3
-ottlyt, and iio the best aidvaniiage. A tro.-i ~l' ae(al~i'.e'abt,
ichi11 :tow a ti-re mayi bei. only a limited jl.I 111 I7 -2 t,
mandiii for ani arlt il conisignedl io thieiii a1. pnaeoe c~cri~ito LI
arket will bie found where it will ccom. ' ltO~~t X t
;iiil its value. .J .IC I
Thc reemvinig and forwa rdin~r of' Goods~ IKIi-. ,(hiii)flh.IleJgHo
ill ailso have their promapt ainenitin.
Every i'~wrinin will hie used to 'ontitFec ~ulnE bodre
I biusies ent 'Ilrusted to i Ie ir enire in snch 11iibic'Liii1(( .luii S EH\H ,
mianni er to mai~ke it iolnitual ly prolitable .t3 iii 111,
i agreeable. Rc li~o'oelLc leea
ibhera I advanrces uipoin consi gnnientls atl$ 3
ill lie mi Ie. trihiiEilriltrd M 1in le's
F"rom their long experience in blnsintess a 3tli $ 0
ih genderaI a';ci aintan ce with Ii hle waas Arc isnii'to Vsk- ulnFiII
idi desires of the' people, with a1 pledlge to at Iah 125
3vote their ent ire time andl skill to thle WJ 1AC I&.SN
Lsiiness, thIey flatiter themel~ves' that t hey I 21Kn i bn)(11.ib i 1lt
ill be enatdeid to give entire sat istactciin.
A share of pat ronage is respectfuly so- ha od o pn
it B. W. CIIAMIBERS, O ', tr (Ct,
H1 EN flY L. C:1IlSOLM, ~tl'.1re hilhsa . et
W. ('.3100tIXp r
White Goodsr
W o~se CAt 12 1.2l .coUINa 1
Clarke & roth r upero quaty Whhieis Ctrnnbriead .Frnc
not anrcs t 25, 7 1 1et..,7 - a n d
Who hve jst rceivd jzr 1i~it o wd s andii lookat Jiiinsu at 12 2 1., a5
iiBestorignn ofies of Heiho p aws
Faic Gocris.hCrown bair'dWhite2 l.Cnisat 0.216
andsescijil huacu lt o (~e~ilugtoando 214 3 e
~ Ich heyiia li th ateliiol ofte Cross har'dI (biend Cambri.tra ig e t
Februry 2~ 18Y5.7-1f E -ectord Noti.et ,
A LI1operscoice asrienttoteEtf of' I
W.1). i Ihs J. ACOBg I ita.i~ SONt
lpilandoamg~ria,& ~ sme hi ebrod' tsim n to mVS
DRich ECOSm[JdeedLac SleevesIA,ati
)R b~I!ONA)J!J URExtraL - Frin gtboidre Musli pleeveop
I'rp~iatin ow xtesielyu~el s a 3 oatl8iad 3. 0
A rich a--sorcubntitftWofordEMuslinSFrillI
harga, Denti0tD E N omet, '2 liC oSt eet,
Prepare tad ad lq NO paror. 25Chentss, C
July 3 DARG3 A4 & C. SA-U0 d . in's mie . alf H ose u01
Clre &1- p ro the..J uy n, 18rdered37ren
ew York Advertisements,
- - FRtOM 'THE
2*2 Nassan St., New York, anu 10 State St..
1t910n1, who are tht Agents of the bet umi most
id.ly eIreUlated inewlapers In t. United
tatus aid Cantadas iad are authlorizeidto ltake
lvertisementm anlti uhseriptionts at tlhe fthlilL1
rm lowest rates.
Out. 12, 133. 0 tf
Enrysaa's P'altmu1 ou& W&a0i's
ire nfitiling inl the eire of C6uns, 7o.s,
\STtliA., litoecui-ris. Sona'l'uItnoAr. 11A is
ONSt'atrrioN, AN) DiiAssr::s oF -ruI I.1Nus.
l'lhey haie n0o taste of Imedicini, and any child
vill trike theim Thousands live been res
oreMt6 bcilih thAt had tiefd're duspaired. Tes
imnmony given inl hunire-s of caimes. A singmu
lose relievem ini TEIN MINU'T'1S.
Ask for llryan's Pniomnie WItfers-thte origin.
11 and only genuine! is staiiped "lryan."
kpriou ds itre ofereh for sale. Twenty
ive cents a hox. Sohl by dealers genernilly.
I BRYAN & CO., ltochester, N. Y., Proprie
ors. Wholesale by
1. M. COllEN & CO.
Oct. 15, 1853. 50 3m
M00 lhs Canvasied Ilia'rh, (some of 'Stag and
Shays" enring) for stle oin consigmuent--loW,
6ery low for CASif, by . O
P ElltY 110SIES.
Oct 121 50 tr
HUTLER & NEWiBElIV liave removed front
heir firiner stan, it: lhi one l'rimerly occupied
y lI. 1). PIlINGL.E & CO., one door North of
l'. IIOYl'"S Jewelry Store, where they, wotild
bie plentked to see thlilt friends nid 4ustoetrs.
Oct 5, '853. 49 tf
TilE silbscribr respctfully informs
the public that he has the Ist pack
of I)ogs in the State, for huntiig Rtunaways.
Will hunt at A5 per day and *25 if lie ne-gri is
euInight,or half that anmit if ron ill. Adiress
It. A. 31-'I'ON,
Merchaitits Bluff, P. 0., S. C.
Oct. 5, 1853. -19 tlj
Office Wil. & Man, R, R. Co.
W i.musi-roN, N. C.,
1114 t8e pteum'r. 1,353.
I H~ I Stockholders of thIe I- Wihntolin
I and Il:anchester Ratd Road Cornipan,
ire lierely notilied .that Ole Nineteeiith
(19) liis:ahneit o F'IVE~ :OL.LA'S por
Share iis require-d to Ie pid liv the first of
O(.tolber, 1853; and the TWE\TIETI1
(*201 :nd LAST INSTAL1EN' oF -'IVE
DOLM AlRS p'r Shzare on the thirty-first
(31st) daY of Deciemher. 1853.
By order of the IBird of' Directors.
.JOHN 31c1IA E, .h.. Treas'r.
Solp '21, 1-53. 47 lii
Wi \atc imit please copy onle imtoith.
Look Out For Bargains!
V i E subscribers are openiig and receiv
i tig a Iresh ii.d tbry l'aro asttNme:1t
of every descrip lion of Gbrids to suit tho
cimounry trade, wihich will be sold as low its
en;nI to ojugiwht itn any market for esh;
great paims ias beon itken in layinig ino the
$!uet:. Our s.tck of ldies' Drrss(Goodslt
.s comttple:e, emb'rnimr evirv :article inl
themir Itid. At'; Rea Idy 3bule Clothing.
litsls d Cap.', loots alini Shows, &e. &C.
Alle as,k is for huyer., to call and e.xanq.
.n tifohr themselve. -c"W\~e esp;ecial lg
inv;te' Ft atuetntiotn of Il'ltiters tn our Nil
Ito(OOODS'. Nr'-eys Pho~mns, IPnseys,
iAhm. ' t enn be sae tb alhViIlng vin us as
'itr .VTOCK IN~ L. lsRf' E ad we arc dc.
Sent. 21, l M3. .17 ti
>L Tha vatile andI well knownt
1 ph. jtico. D)1)i'iOSE'S luDG.
r :..in Lyvneheims Creek, thrie miles
tro i -Ftrjhopville., conutmitngt 700( acris
I'ying'ii onboth sidos' of sa id CJretek. 1'Tere
is, t.4 w io harp.ime sitiitiomns ott theu smnie
onte toin Di.tiino listrict: the in. er ini
Smt itr. I deeim it tuseless r toenter into a
deiscripioni, as thle puirchas'er muist andiwtl .tl
lie his own jiudge. Abouit 25() neres of
cliaired hiand ;good'i ran ge for 110og- or
Cattle. S.,lhiln w.ill be" isold low.. aind on
actm od iiuin tiiirFerms-u. Pnses.sion giveen
min the Firslt a ofi January next. Fonr Cur.
ther piartiuiI.N, appl'y to the stubscriiei- on
Sep 10. 1&5:h. 47 lit lj
For Sale.
hligly imiproved Famti in lhe vicinity of
?1 m tetrv ie, contintiing tilutt two hin.
droledc of landti, only fifty of wh'licht is
c lea red the balancw el eing well woodet.
Sa id Farmt has on it a commnodions lDwelh.
ing I Iouise, tnarly teion, witht Stabhles and
sut itatbie Outbli Ilitngs all ini line order.
Alson a Gairdent in a high state .vf cultivation
andu a line 'rtuit Orchard. TIermns liberal.
A pply at tItus otlice.
Sept. 21, 1853. 417 IC
$1,50 JMerchants Hotel, $;150
Ol hA LL tnot lie surpassed lby any T WO
O O.4IR IIOUISk ini the Chty;..will
oL t pronmiso mutch. and perftirm les
JAM E$ M.- H U)RST;'
Chiariesitmy; Se pt, 29. 1853. 48o relt
.For Sale.
~U chester ( aif Roadl Copany Stock
for saile, anty persoti desirous of' purchitiig
did stock will ple~mbt call on the subscri
ber~ at his office i Stinterville.
J1. B. N. IA MME'r,
.. Attorney.
March R2, 18523 212tf
Forwarding merchant,
Atg u, 41 ly
Meeting-St., Charlegstong,.
$100 Reward,
g RUNAWAY, on last Tuesday the
17th instant, my Boy RICtIARD. a
. white iiulato, about five feet three
)r lour iiwhes high, t.olorably. stout built,
ihout twen two years old with straight
ight cijioloed hair. has t very sulky alp.
witrance, . and answers quick and short
vbien spoken to said boy has a short thick
.not, his hands short and thick, chubby
Iiger.. li iid the scar o: a blister on
ib f''relicad just ahpve the eye-brows. he
nay 1ry to hide it by wetirig his cap or
at dhownt o'Vi lis forelica. lie will he
itire to pass Iimsetlf for it white nan for
io is very white and has been taking great
are of his skin flor s'in tuii. 017en he
eft lie had a clotith -ap btac!'con And a
lnrk couoret pair of pAhtI., .ijeill, he
sure t' eliaige hiis cny Aid clilieni as soot
s lie. catn; lie also wears his hair in front
itraight down to hide the scar of the blis
ter. He is a shoemaker by trade,. though
lie wmay not go at the husiniess, expecting
that lie will i be so advertised.
The above reward of One Hundred
Dtllars will be paid for his delivery in any
Jail in the State. le will be sure to give
hiiself another imine.
.l1-1lES LOWRY.
Bra(leyville. Sutioter listrict, S. C.
M ay. 21ht I, 1852 30-if
E.:jT' Caideni Journal and Cheraw Ga
zette puiblish fi've t imes-.
ALtus Giots vs. F. Bnowi and
. JNcy ht:s wile and others.
it appearing to tmy s atisflietiotm that F.
Brow an1 jd.jenicy his wVifet. John 11oSman11
;ntd Caitharine hi wife and Lemnel Bos.
man. defenidans InI thie above stated case,
reside beyind this State : It is therefore
ordered thi it they do appear and object to
tie Divisioi or Sale.cf tli Real Est tie or
Williai Giois, dereased, on or before
the fi'st dny of October next, or their Con
sent to tIle samte will be enitered of reco-pa
.,.W. LE Io. s. in.
Junei~ 36h, 18?)3 35-I f
Improved Cottoit Gins.
Thankful for past favours the subscriber Wish
es to informn the pubile that he still manutfac.
ltures cotton (,ins at his eshihiiiiitnt in State.
hurq, on the most itnproved and aipiPoved plin.
w hich lie thiniks that the cottn ginned on one
of those gins of the late iniproveient is wortih
at iensi IL quarter of a cent more than the cot
ton gintied on the ordinary gin. in also nian
uilariires theni on tihen must sinil construetiot.
6f1 the flnest finish and oh the lest materials'; til
wii, Steel Saws and Steel Plated Itibs Case
hariened whilh lie will sell for S2 per Saw.
He also repairs dii tlits anid puts tiem, itn coin
plete orxlr itt the shortest riotice. All drders for
Gins will b'e diip aihi pundatiall led
to- VILLAMo Ei . -.s
Staebiurg, Sumter Dist, S. C. Feb 17, 26
Executor's Notice.
A i . persons living demands against
the Es:atle of Mr. Itarvey Skininer, dec'd,
are riquested to hand thein in properly at
tested t) 1 he subscriber; and all those in
'leb:ed wi!l :na ke immtilediatc payment
. -ExerL:ulor.
July 20th, 183 38--3m
For Cash, And that only
The celicapest GROCERIES ever sold
S -umt rvilleii-n he hail rrom GORDON
& CO., Lt Dr. Melletts 01d stild.
Scrars of ilie fnest qiiality and iiiost ap.
proived l;t ntds in lie w(oild; logether witi
Preseri-ed Fruits o 'ditTerent kinds, Syrups,
Nunts, &c. A tiire of th'ie ptibbet pattrton
"Ee is desired, pirovided it is aiccomipanied
bty the C'ASH; but nit nothlerwise.
June 1Ilth, 19353 3-mif
Do not Defer, but Come if
Mr. REICII, Merchant 'jailor, b'egs
leave to mlforit the gentlotnen of 8ainter
vylle antd District that lie has jtust returned
wiath a spintdid assortmnetit of
Clothls, COnssimereas, Dr'ap'dt ee,;
Vestmngs, &c. &c., aund in short ever thirgv
liat is requiretd for a fttlI. strit.. flaving~
matde the choice of his goods, hiltiself, lie
doubits not bitt whta t le cant iEtat .thle most
faistidious. There is no use to htate your
cloths .mtde fin Chatrleston of- by Yatkees,
whtlti you .can have them imade as stylish
and its ell if tnt bettei- thtant anywliere
else iiht lit. homte, antd this Mr RFv.teni
ptrotmises to de4 nay, Ite Will add that, if his
work is not tuirnbltt Mf leah equald to ainy
dlotte in this counlhtr' Ihe will tnt chiarge
ai hitng. As for his prices theyt~ shiah ihe
it Ne w Vork rates. Ali ho noks is, give
bhtt a trial ! ! Comte sout anid pie, out
stome of those beautiful Pants aind Vrest
pattierns, it will Soon be warta and you wvili
want thteini.
Mr. Ricit iives next door to John F.
Illaynisworth al must itooite Dr: W ijtr
A pril 2Gthi, 1853 ..-t
Excutor's Ndtict,
All persons having tdetmands against the
Estate of the latii Col. John J. Moore of
Sutmter District, are requested to hand
thiemi in properly attested to the subscri
bers, anti all those indebted will make
payimetnt to the same.
.vJ S. MOORE. Executors.
luarcht 15th, 1853 20--tf
The Celebrated Lecoultre
other Shaving A pairat us..
For same by
Butter, Lard; Bacan & Corn
PR1IEI MonanUtter. (ini small Firkins)
do.' -*do'. Iaf Lard, do.
North Caroline Bnicon,
dou. CORN.
March 25, 1851 - 24 tf
heNegro Shoes,
Thaubscriber hias made arrangements for
the manufacture of from Four to Five Thousaiui
pair. of the above artIcle by theFALEC Fd'r
reference as to quality, he would ,respeatfull
refer persons who may be diujb dto urchase
of him, to those who pet~ d. him last year
Au to price, he will guuu tee thena as low as
can be ofler~ded
May2 . R ~%UA.
NEA'Th XgOn )nd h uiasa
DRY 00O8
Browning & Leman,
Vo. 209 alad 211 ~iing.Corner
'OF ARKEi' STRlE'd',
Wi ofler to FAMILIES and PLANT
ERS visitinr Charleston this spring the
STAPLE DRY GOODS that has ever
bevii offered for inspection in this cijy -
1liey inite an exatnination and 4iiaqro
their friends and purchasers generat
their prices will cInpetefaun ably witlz'M.
larket in the United uales.
Terns Cash or City acccptance.
Successors to
' .C.& E. L. KeIntinoN & Co
MAity 10, 1853 28-tf,
Ihereased Stock 4
John O'Connor.
Who hIi's made n'e. improvements and
Considerably enlarged his siore, and is flow
receivinIg fresh goods by every train of
care and ofliers to the public for the sum
mer inil the following urticles low fer
lce Crepm and Lemonnde, (daily) Ice,
Orange s, Liemtons,Iime Apples and all thtq,
Iropical lrdiital also a line assotrtient ofr
T(Iacco and Cigars, with a choice lot of
Fainily Ukoe~eries. .ulso a large stock (if
DR Y Ei OODS, &c.
Pickled Salmon dhl Preserves, Flour of
the best brands wsi'anted, also a large lot,
of lacon of which he receives a new sup,
ply weekly. All of which he guarantees
to sell at tie lowyest kAcs fr' casi
April 5th, 13 '--tf
Business Card.
Cotton Ictor., and encral Commis
sion .AerCdiuans.
D B. McLAURIN; Esq.. will gi.j r
A sonal aid special attention to the in.
terests and orders of his friends in 0ii4
S-.ate atid the adjoining Counties of NorLli
Carohina, who may favor these Housei
with their patronage. Consignments of
produce to thd fouse in New York, either
by way of Charleston, Georgetown, or
Wilhiingtion; will bb covered by insurance,
if i!otice of th illipmnent be promptly giv
May 3, 1853 27-tf
All persons are hereby cautioned not.to
trade for, or receive in payment of any
debt, either or both of two Notes given by
the subscriber to R. J. Priee, the one for
two hiundri ai. fifty dholTers, anid the oth
er for two huidred and tbn dollarp, as tid
Notes givcn ftr tiib 'pariate tracts of.Iasl4"'
were to be paid after gpud and lawfdl tiaj
were made to me by Prike; which condi.
tions werb put in witing. and are now 'kf
my possess-on, and whic iiiftaitis the
further uiderstanding that. iii the event of
his failintr as he has done, to make subit
titles he IvodItt hrrit the amonnts &c.
A pril , 185-3 2.t
tI-J Watchman cop. -
..Suustavie, S. C.
Respect fully informs thme people of Sum
ter Distriet that hie hias inst receive. anmI
now ofl'ers for .atie the bege, selected andj ,
most choice stuck of
Mprimn and ~Inumer.GoodIs
Tht cannot be surpassed by anything .In this~
market. Ale has received many new stylew
wvhich, purchasens wonuld do well to examine be- ~
forei buyind elsewlere.
A full and large suppl. qf Joiery, Shirts.
Ibrawers, Gloves, dspendersi Cravata, Hand.
kerchifs, &c. &c.,
Sirge asidrtnien.of.Ilt ADY -MADE CLO-.
TllNG, widch will tie soldlow... ..
!' Glanmetts nian'iifactured by thle subscrj.
ber, and warranted to give satinfaetioni. Or
ders from a distanee promptly attended to.
April 12th. 153 g
Nevr Tin and Sheet-Iroit
Ware Mlanuifactory.
.JAMES II. DUE would respectfully
infor mi the citizens of Suamterville uand the
surrounding conntry. that lie is now open
ing a TIN MA NUIPACTOR~Y in Sumte
vylle, and is now prepared to fill'all order4'
it the tin line. Merchiat will find it (d
their interest to purchase. their Wtate' fring
mes, as I intenid to sell lowv i' wdtfadl
that I sell. .
WORK executed wvith pron ptness and in~
a wvorkmantlike tmanner. T1'he cash wjll
be expected i enij' instance on flitihing
or delivering of ery job. 1' inteitt sel
cheap anid for th'e.cash oi.
Sut6 df Souh Ci
Sumtei' Disti~~f
inA W. BnowVN, who is in the e~tosy
of the. Sheriff of Sumter Distric j~b cer,
taitjYrits of.Capiats ad Satisfacje' pn, at
the smt.~ of Robert Latta hav4 -tl .d in
my~ offce, to ether with t4 ee m
oath, of his satate and els
to the Court or Comnet Pljg~'
that-he may be admittae h
of the Actls of the Geral Asse~B
for the -relief of. intolventt debtoe"
ordered that.thi said ft'bert I4~ish ii
others, the Cpetitors to whom the .qid
W. Brow~n,.is amoj wise mnlbe~e,.j
they are biebf stimned;' and
lice to appear, before the saa 'O rt at
Sumter Court House, on thIjoeth ay
of November ntext, to .h ~ if~t~y
they can, why the payer u e pe~t~

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