OCR Interpretation

The Sumter banner. [volume] (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, June 28, 1854, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86053240/1854-06-28/ed-1/seq-2/

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1" It!) C t11;WI 1 1.4 l Jiltgtt a nd M all-ts
1 lie s l' LD~ *u~l ' 7 lt bed :in thd eirgb l
Mario C.4 I L. whr ro l c'ul
.t I i' i t. l" ( IC44.4l
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*\ I44 4 ' ' ' . t 11 71 I ll. 17(11'
.1. i'iL..D
('orre p, .d. of [lle iir.
.NE ' YoniK, Julie 2.
Dear B~anner": Since Captain Rtyt
ders' miarriage, mnentionied in our last
anolthier notorious indiv~idual has fimil
ldwc'.l suit1. E. C. TV. Juidson, distin
guis .'id ini thle yetllow covered lit (ra
ture of New 1 or!: City, and noted lui
':Ircl~ 11 1' i : t d o -I-, .':t:
tI':(I. -kt : t e l t IL itt . the :l lat~'. tllr
I i'ri 11t" 11:'( h XV t leasr 't l~ ~ ie
alict t. he'!: CL uilin S~i:iv :u
! I!
" i.'i1, " ire : I et1 t ' ' f ire
yi.**'*,r'In. 1'" t' , * : f
' t! ' S 1r , 1 !
I " 1 . 1
c , " Jl I
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1''? m)11t I
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r.\ I. ."(, ;i,"': I c w' . ddree t
(,.t I j .4, i.) ))::ca'.l. 1 4.'4)Jil ZLI 4, ."
gc .1 t""i' t:44 42u422er ut p. tiy 1- . he
cii 4'a4ii Otd fil mi Iltary duty rqlu ired be
pcr4'or. iie.l ini fall and winter.
WJ. WVi: )'+)a or will y'ou tint vote to cnn
tinue theo prl'.unt apipropriationl of the free
scJunl fil u i for the purpose of popula~r edlu
cation. and ill! you or Will you nut vote
for suci implrovemen1't of the presen4t sys.
I a~iJa11 Vol4 fir the present appropriation
4ifl4n onto c t 011iu , it is t his. If1 a y
scihwnc i!ca!l ht!4 couopted during the first
r-s-'no tiee x legI1is4latture, li'rcehy
41c Jr '"'Itt n1'' ! '4jsr 'lt inn or eve'1n a 1"('r;. ir
'it :+:1\ 1, "1 .1 ' ':!I i
" j. I 4... t , ' :
..':1...+ \ . iii44' 1 V4 '"', (
1'1 r 'I ! I t 1 of
V~h4.r ~4 a I ,,r (; ..
.:t :h ,t \1.,
44441. . 4 II .. . . l~ . I
tI .!I-)' Ito :'4 I : .14. . ": . .. ri
f ',1111 \'V'''44 444 t''4'lj r'l r!'-' 121"~ S.'- " IS , '!t " (r : 1o I=,!I id - t f n
i'i44'2Ir ,1t In 1t(" '''ii 'virh. it It r ''ur~n
bcr it,
1 ": " ' i\': !t"' I.4' -14M 1)t*~ N om.
1 \,' r l', 10 '().444 U i,'.e4
! 1. 42 1 .r t'4 1 .. , 4 1.1
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1:1 ~ ~ i7 7 " ll il ' '', ... \ " .
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l!" 't ~ l t I i, f: 1 "t r i " ,
Ir. ;t ii 1" , I' '' " 4',' 42,Ct .(41 . l '.: '4t4r
1444 11: 1 V. ,4.il: : l' " 4 a..: 1 4 (
Fur thne JBazinrr.
U!1 ! 'vve,' I iat a w'-*;! cc ! irdl
WV1u's svect ant] silv'ry voice, once heard
Would mnake you listen wihile I sing ;
Ah ! then alone,
In hotftest tone,
I'de tune my' little throat
Tro sing thy praise
In fondest lays,
Until thy hreaHt
By lovesi alluri'ig; note.
A rid wl:^ni I've woin thee. I '.votdd fallI
".)i : . r .;':rl, ruj or to 11.13
fo'r Ill ! sar i-n' 1Ing e ba r.
*,It ii 1. 19 !0" irn-l( ::1 t i{'~ 'd:!,' that
'" '" .: . 3 ' '( t T . '! !:i.) :( t ::
',!!o ~ V.i-.. tta i 1, v u: 1i rate
" . 1"i ,:) ): :! :1 ! ai fi':' a:id (l"'
in'i711t"(it it p 1 1 ; j yu;l 2 n~oi'i.n i t"r
111 Ii) llt air 1 la I *i 1 ;..ti ki~1 i IS lIC
asitits!i r:; t:.:iW "tor Thani iii odier
c(. t 'covr go: a ct C u! t.,r''i:m from the
p it all ,.): 1 '(1 t l
o i~i I i V')IVr mII::t papa 'r .i
I r a i-t
t.; ll l 1 ' at it.~ I : 11Ii !'
t hc
' '1 1.: t1 l t:- t1 " - L. J :. 111
t,- . -;l a :; Ic pe' l*' i ~ I ha'1 li
in ta~v"+i isat .tesriph to ae duuid
....i..1.....1t Ce Inv ti vn ran~ run'+
norible Vurdcl'? oni Long
ted-Wtt i ?iuiterc rs .htj~t~d.
About twelve o'clock ont F'ridily night,
two servant girls in the employ of Air.
Jatne:; Wickmoan, at Cutcltogue, :n South
old town, L, I., were awukenied by the cr;ea
of some of the inmates of the house, and
on listening, hear:! repeated as if somie
body wale being stiruck on the head1l and ali
80 heard Airy. Wickhamt "x claimn, " Nichto
la:: dont't kill hint.'" Upon t hi" the girl
supposing that Mr. Wick ham was being
inornicretl, got out of an attic window and
lie.! i the: t!eare4 )s tt n^''r, and :t'ir',ve tire
'l'!t' ' le v:3rti 1:!1!1ir-' !c'~ '; :si:^d, ait'i
bu1tt, who was 'r,::ninr'' ,. unr'I;l''. in thI
cty. ;tel r c thit ~tc'r. 1P~ Y welt, ring'
ara'i r, . ii n' ll, ,it gasp 01 litti ex
i~ii. :rnah w!" our. i itt!oiri: Ilft. tlhe
r' :t , I'll w e* hl' 1 '. ' , ejIIijem rlnI U'1oil.
CirtU= , *th . r ip *!ln ( l' re.t)'ery. Mlr
Pu~t 1V\~'!t.' I&' *ta'.c, s devi, :tt
401.:: i rich, ti'''ct 'er iit er ii rnnii, wvas
I >rthe rot lit? M1r,. WV. was
lbat 1irtv.i'0m v'a rs of age. ;% Ittn!io W
t he ir. 'rI t., .. 'II an ct (:cli Cthat hr, can~lrot
survive his iiij :iric. *t :o Ie, toio, is int sutch
a conch: ion as to, hr: U rabic to g::e* arty ac.
ctu it of the rlc':;peratr ic itrdrerr. 'filet
(!rl w~m roltruittel 0 it a jr.trn.an
l111i :lie Ctine of MIr'. \v11tll,~t Wt
worn Wadr by the Fer cit ~irb, it is stt
I) h!a Dane 1:10iI ') hadir l l~nit thre
I~,! ,. l .t., 11:1 .. ) ..p is' ut~ .r - :
it i~ t
ho ir"a. M r. \V.
:!'', r'-''-- I t~ 111:, i. \ ,ti (!t th n rc init
i!:;hal t a het rtat.cr ,,,o i?~tt lin, hei
'! N'iii' o
1!: "Al u~l: 11'i1 'ut ,c o" "t t'ir .
Inr.Iiii'', .jvermr0tttr-::nt'l it is ontly
WI7: t.t ut' t . ib .ts l'ii~cg :ill jnlact
V,: S .:1 ci'ir'.v! tt tai browUS of e
.. l i ta .. t [it 1Xct ,:ii:. Of thi..
lit ;". 1':: ~.0:0:', tU..t c ti w u . u ' is"t
;1:'ti l. 'a ,tri :ra Vie, atnd 111;C11 to itt im
t!:mIe. (itit:, r. -ctt~ lii st tnl r,:
p.r. :; ., b..t tL tlha lu.S: f it: da~b.-t
t;:ait :lccin~tir. W\~itll that sj:'.t of,
rjiit. btit Jc'., t.!d an~d CL ic i.-i, ilt.
ciatsin, Wvhich hta.; ever beent it ~irliitsa
it ini theo character 'f thew mon e of
CI, o~ t:I ti, 17.'1 dil it'Tg l !'.~ o~ t SI" a.'
A San I:Ci-::r r rn ' Ms!e si
S rEAM;::.-Last 1w1int , :a L"entlemp.v
"n w :e a ted Iig'i-!:nnan a:ri'"d
in 'lhiadeli ha' with hi i:e son. and
having t ired a fiurnish- i o: e, sent to
England for the rest of his finiily.--.
Soon ainer, a letter camtie From his wile,
saying they would take passage in the
steatner City of Manchester. Subse
quently another let' er caine, stating
that she had not been able to make
her arrangements in time to sail in the
Manchester, but that she should cer
tainly sail in the City of Glasgow.-.
Some time ater this letters came which
she had mailed at the Lime of embark.
ing in this ship, and now he was un.
speacably Lap;-y with t e aino:t eer.
t3iny (i' see ng h{s u iWte and children
in a ic J.y.4. ;.tt aa! d!.y afa-r
:ay anal inileiiti utCir lintAth elapsel,
wi i tut any ail:trancee of the stearner.
Daily could be be seen at the s:earne.'s
n.hart until all hope li fled; and now
it is stated he in a l:l:,iet as iu:n
.: or IN. a JI a.i .
T12 iala:t-e ii Olrea i', lni" a ;
Ru-s ia. '. I ussii sohlie , in tit)
IDobrulschn (as we f 'retold sorne time
ago) ire dyiig oh like rohthp
tie iu i:, aibu.t'; (f Foeh:i y have
riser. in their rear, and burned their
imilitary stores. 'Jhe accounts we
published some days ag> of victories
gained uver the:m at several eoitts on
the I )a:Titbe are con::iriue:1. The mili
tary diefence, and niitary stores at
the I:::.min I.iverpool on the Euxine,
Odena, have been de.truyed. Tie
Russian Black Sea fleet is cooped up in
Sea :St o''il. The Circa.;inias have,
without, ios.Ing a roomtlent, cculen:.1
and'1 b.gnm1 to ip r. il I.'its ona thler
c.asl, (di'itma:ntled ..i d scrted by theiU
invadiers. 'Thie "reue :iave al;eady
.eat arin to these gailant .nioai .
ecrs, and the Eng1'sh are about to
a ni "n accred:err a.en t to :.ciamny ;.- -
uiitese inauhilyiing disasters of 'ussia
;:i the south, if et nestly and plroi:ply, Y
turned to account by tn al, wi
Solt I raisause lie i m pitt )eople Of
any tnisco:tic o it nst is tiled into Lti:gm
by ofileial relert i of their g vernia.t
r'preninCi gt r3 et L as vi toie. 1:1
jila Nojr~h. too(, ; a 'i 1'r lo'. -.ve r
o e Autoaert. I1. hay dclei::.i
P'eter sburg in a stite ol siogc, and th13
::ring an ;iscont~i.et: of ul nobh-sUl)
and :erchny tea- w la~v-mre
tan m:il ; .1 u . t'1 e . 1 ; ti )
b): (: !: td y ::n eve t reu;wIIterI t 114
. . .er tir .- :;t (-11 lie .:!i
i:: ':.. t he l it li .: e t i ,di) ---eead
w!! 'C. nh o 'mt .t m
Ai 1 i ' 1 I : i Ie 'r . : : a ' . o a i o . t he
-~i i3311 13 .0 L-l -ate t
M eI o i . . a 1 ". .- c . ti ::~
are no to h,. a!!aivled j156tt nunla rt il
Ilicin i.T), h.cides ftinily ad t*: ' i.
limg expens"; children under- ratan- -
(.13s of a , 61t25; over SIven and al -t
der -I 'ix tn .M . III, ti' i'u
L . Iai ctn i i:e for Ord.ars :a;
Jlune 6, 1., 3 i
lTissues, Berage;, Colotro I Silks. Painm
nand frined Black Silks. Printed and Plain
Jaconetts &c. &c.
-For sn1e by
June 28th 1851. 3.5.. f
Quarterly Review.'
To:'s Per o i es ii tn only one~ . ao its
e . :. cnrf r- i.m o.1e .uth :33and
i:.;9:s.s :re r. ie :a at the best evi
;.cn1.n . he n'.:: o:t t Soumth, an I is
:-1: ay, to :ve :mor';lo n to the fee!ings,
t'.e in'ere.st :m I :nn-fli:-e of this~ Section
of o ir C oun:ry. Its pr s3 is to faiy
rptrteent o'irseh-Ps, an. not to misrepre -
.-:e t o3tiers. 1t imsit tOia tou tally the iruth
as yoru :n.s1L'::3 'ti i:, and :.,rser't the in:.
;at the $.mo1 time .. it w!!i fe : .c r~iiHd of
c.r peopie fro::: tlat .4 e2 of hiterary
thraldomn andt depentlene'j inder which they
have too long h. bored. We claim, thent,
f'roml all lovers of' the South andI lrienids c.i
a truly home~i literature. that support tor
our W o: k which v.iii enableun te give it .
a free course, and1 thuS mak~;e it oinently ..
worihy of , the t wad'c adu1:iaia ar.d ouzr
ownl pride.
C. MORTIMER, Publisher.
A nr'l, 1% i.
L-1w Range, lBroad-'st., Chiarieston, S. C.
At Frierson's old Stand,
THE fo'owin comprisa ai part ofth .'i
h,.avy andI varie d stock of Goods wh chi the
'tubscriber is now receivman at F rierson's
ol.i Soin i
Muslin (10 L-lines, Siss and .figured
Laces, Edlging, Tringnwings nTrrtingsi,
R~Libe::- &t. &.tt.
Ready Made Clothain,
A!e' deriptions of ;ru~eies,
C'rocl.ery a iargo hot.
Fancmly C).>.s3, a large varey.
Al ofr whch will he rold thennmer than
aniy othier Ilouse in tawn. C'ome1l'and see.
Jane 2, ll 3o if,
Land For Sale.
Tract blan . ilaoS containmtg s
h.Iundred andlsi~ty nin ace.o no
ess, itaated 4nthe Eastsiloftei.ck
River an.d $n Road, Onm the pre.ises
are a two atO JIge 1' nrnd all necousarf
.buiJhing,-andbnuf bylandls nf Jhn d.
McFaddin,'G. W. Cooper,..Dg, A. Ifr.
eraon. J. S. Wh~itworth. Teinms reasdnla..
bie., Apply to the subscriter on the preiu.
ises or write to lacil Riv'r P?. 0.
Junie 28, 18%lr.. 35:4

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