r I:,, run of '1'urlov 'r''il :t!,:::: i hutndired aer'- 1 wc: li l id, i t1 ~) toii suit jpurcliase, bit t vii i taut h jpreftr to sell the whoiile together. 't'ermsi iiiade easy andt accoiiolatizsg to Iptircliascrs, appy to the subswrilicr. inno 21, 183.4. 21 if QT' watchmanu ceo; '. Hats. A inr'o e a r rt' '- ~t '. T.P'Tlrfl, t I. ; 1 :itnc r i:tc . 1' r:t(,"cue,] A '- i2 ne ,ttt of t*.:'"i": . itr of July ucx . WV. WV. A1;lt l)N. Wilmingtoa & AW~an5 R. R. Co 1"ir.MtNG-ri)N, is C. J itte 1611), I-:) 1. ThIe tnhtlj):iev h,.1V rovol. e ;^',ri1 r F'rr'ights, to take c tflt onu~ t he I -t of J It" I Iogs teach~ and hc~i(,"Fr~teJr ' " I: , itr n it t I%:: re""~ r f ?I trafl y;T. :i':. . 1):~ ~t) "' os tppliaiun .::h' "'':',.. t'' , 'u. u ii !itL , 'j j. I;r Al Iii- Iu 51 'I Ili..: .' lit''" r ill p)tra;" for r* vi"t to d 'i:. . ' I ..)) . :t.i ' r 'I'1rc I':I, titt..*t at .Inf'surI ,tiA par-)de at ,,' on I :^ * *."t t he I -, o Aur u'st. 'Fite 41:)t, Regimnent of Infanitry . f 1, i:- i put up bn tit,- ir er.+t .ed Honttles, and is a kl : ti'-- lotbe Ili- lIi t Sar.tiparilla ma~.hI,- a i:; et .tii", LA y tht:- Wo"ndertul Cuarea it i il:s I.-" "hi-dial copies ol whicit nro in the i . eni.i 1-t- the proprietor. Retnumber, this is the only true and oririnnl article. S'rotula , Syphilis. leretrial Complaints, Cancer, tingrene, Rhetmatista, and a vast variety of other iliiea'es are speedily and per fectly cotred by the use of this medicine. tE.A D THE FOL LOWING CERTIFICATE TAi.LAi'OmA Co.. AIa.,Jan. 2,1852. De:tr Sir :-I senl yon ti it, to certify to you that your FExtract of Yellow Dock andt Sarsa pitrilla h:s performed one of the most wonderful cures ott nie that has over been eliected ont itan. I have been nfl!icted for forty yenrs with itlew.1,i. n o tm mV lIei and t 'rt; in 188' they got "U . ,.. 1 i i t: : i i:~ tl ! tl11. ,: 1~~~~~~~~~~ ,. r. la " s')+ii 1'.''" i:1:tt : - h blrolm - ii*'ny** t.. !."1 Ir ln tl n ie t r l' riv' 1 ,.. ' , I t',1 . .. :(.! .[' 1 ' ntttt'l .: . . he 'n - t .-. !r wo' yde ev' - 'e!I fr : (It n ' : it. t -l : . : u i l n ? t' ' To !", ..: lv.".: i tr . 1.: i - .'1' ' ' i" r - r id 'O im "' .t 1, 1 i :'. i ' ni .t -, ri-!::1. til t : :: t :,:ei ! ;-. in to :. ' ".-'t " :.t i: . e-t." atoni.-hi -i't . "'y ' :ill beet:I: e esy. :- ! I t:uid s!.:t all : h .e ;:~ rihe :1 e for !\wo yT ar; W h :1 I 1,"1.i talke s tix lao:Illet. mny sores luol1 nearly tMi h-::lle.I. Mly tortes got wvell as if by e 1nen- :. i Ihv tnw ut..d in 11 loui.it bottle. of pu E"I tract Vf 'ellowt !)oekh aiars:lpatril!:'." and I now\\ cit: ider tuv rif well. i1 eni t:i1l of the alliited to :r: iis in-:d - ri r. forI :be 'iu it w:il1 ure . t:? '-l - t ,! cu--e in the wortld.- l.ay a:,i._ al1 ;'r".'" ..-."1 j:s ry it, - 'ro lai:n ii- great Inti i , 'nutkriim m anki~ud anl.1 entreat thoon to take it, for it .! et:ra themn. My c\ ---- i' t'well knwn in a hl~a ; rtion! tof SouhI~ CI.'r'"i:ma . ereitao l A lab um., anu I iit - !h'1 i !'! -.'"' t!"." :bov\e 1, r1 . t ini ite Cth- :1 n.i l'e .ui:ld ti i T '. ll~tp ' ('": A !.lan -, l : !( 'II un f - r .er .. !'.i: . 1' - h.. w . : I :t - I . IA:6 : .. t p . - T h - - 'r .t< .:1 1.i' -n -'. .t t I.:r -.' I ife A i i 1 . ,. " ! t \, t t'.. 1. ! 1. ... r t : 'l..........i.. L V 1 ' :. . . ..'.I ' , . . w ,,i .. r - I l1 , l? .n1. " - .r A. ADER3IN. t -- 1 i i ele h- hte i:- r c it l an~i n'.w 'i:-r" lor - t.. h e'e' tleled auui ,f~ Thait ctmnen't he :-utrp a.sed by anth~ingt ini thmis miarket. I leoa rece'ived imanty ntew. stylesi whi'ch, putrchauers w..oul do w..ell to e Xamtine bo fore bo'ying elsewh'.lere. BRO A I)'i.(T YIIlS, CASSI ERFES AMN) A ful!rtn at large supiply of I ritiery, Shiirui, Drawe'.r, Gloves, uuitders, Crav.ats, Ilanal kerchief', &c. &c., ALS \ i . i e oio II.A Y tD CL T!! ' . n ;- B n i e1 . ; S- l t:0.1 i "i .?- ' d1;;et icu. & I!. n'. y ~ Imar:inmir k. turnte -i 131k. Whtite Fancy iti(ntnt51l~i 'lip Wito & ae il rn IGlov*, 'ok. & Draer ..... n ine Ihi :tu: liik an Facy lr C.it ..l . . alt- -r? l .. - .!, 1. -- .t lil, 11 , a ! -2:.-'.- E' -: i ', ie Ie~ .:' t- r.: .0 .-:e .! ut,,'i t il 9an ! Sa 1 3"P-. ?TY} . _-- .^r r-nf.wuR:'"t:fa .. .'lT f si Y c ''''run &v! 2a r .m oi 11:,1.af 'I'nc kitlowting ll be(. the Scihedule untti Inrihcl notice: I Train. 2 'I'raiat Leave WVilniugtoa 9. P. Ni.I 7.3 A.L A. " Brinkluy'a 10. :37 " 8.28 "" Flemuington, 11. 27 " 9. 24 Whjteavillc, 12. 00 't 9, 67 " ""Ghrist's, 12. 28 At i110,2'! " Fair 131u11, 12 55 " I10. 52 " Nichols' 1. 21 ' 11. 22 NI tima. 2.-(0t " I12). (1:3 M 'srr Wn1fV 4. (O " 1. 47' "Florence, 4. 321 " . 14 " 'Pittnost'k', 5.'0!' 2 5 ' i tl : . I . 1. ") 'I'..'"'I~ i. t''P I, l ' 4a..: t X'lit l ti l."," 1 : 1" B : :i: 1!) :) i It I( 1'~ ~ ~ r~'*i')", 1' i (; :, .. i i . I,. i . ''1 !L .i " fr .,.i,1 e l. I 'f. . ~ ... . .t .o ..i 1tn ~ : .f'l~tn .4,5.4 ~ l t..:Ilt t a:ikit~ Lir. 1 wint c mot -. ". \ \ t. t! 1 ., '4 1: ' .'II 2 t l :'5' 'i 5 t I' i ' ii i''1 412i:E-O 1.1'i i'ath I br s; ".sr:\ k.f shroe ve-r'r". grad ta:Iy uln wvta I. sa "h,"'12w by ntIihtl y I.,ripiri tiI:'r ':+n. w at elf si'''' ii'' 'vI i''s .":iii.'e"I gr.'nt IL- at 141- ii"'tI yt.;ir 1T1. sial usi k'r jiu'i I l' itI ; ilii:ir i'iI 1(1 - t! ' h orll It s i irl:141 p2 It 'slth, n 'sri -r I nn!~ fu to f,"111lit vote1 Vat~ It1h(t !'' 2.i !," I ,!"t it }:.": ' u ": 1r.: : '. ' . .*2i* '.,I tr I' ' , It t 1 ' . . Vi . r . a.. ,: : : !,c ~ ~ ~ 1 Ii, i.: 1 "! 1. . ( . i . .!4. ,. All *2 . . . At Bi hopvile. Yoark mgarkets., a hIarite ,1!14 comipj'(i'i %;toe I 01l-GrnrI. for thei : pring and] 8:1nul~ iradi f Coin pristjr in Part, u l'1r th Ii': i o'air'' Iwead., viz Staple & Fancy Dry G~oods,. Among whi(:h, is a line aissortmecnt of 11usi REAI)Y MADE CLO'VIII N(., -110ots & Shuor.. I~ti' fashiable I Silk anid St rawa 13'ni nei.. (anl'nni hoa~ A SPn-ma, Le'ghorni, and 1'. L. IDo. Ilr~la we & Cutlery. C,:rriaarc Ha11rdwaare and Tlriminrgs I mar, l ih. I Ioimow-wvare, Saddlesn, ride~' on*' a,1{ I+in1~;~vv ( '' ;,1 "2ti~ :" ' tt . r :i r .I wi .r c .Ivnr: in 1 r -*"'g a . '.l:a:I ,' l ER Ta-C 'ii: A'.I.:r. 15, d1-5i1. (!O- t'j L N[AVtil & FASIIONAt:1il; !'h^' sCI crihL~r wanId Ct.p'iui eallc Iteainin I(. his large an lI 'a I.a- ao s rtcd1 I t:'jck o)f (!lli 1(13 a a1 ll'rvg 3 IJL'l:a.:Ic.i. l'narin coinr~rai I3'r'" is, ratt! 21.. I I'., ti'n"-mid 1 n-,r .usirce, in dra:.s II: TIh.11 ,nd8' Mri!i~i: 6 . 'l" t" ' I ' : 1 Aai 1 .'! & r','tS t s3 lsi. 1; In d ~ l' I :'" L.li ii. 11 i''l\.7. II' I Noitice, I, , ' .... ! \ :);r. a... ,!..i. . tll CCI lCit i:"} V.i. ; 'aI it~ ," I: Zn n '' . . , "a e ~: ' t~c,: itvI r.\\ Itttit tar Iii f l + C I te TINI I !I ); L. 1V: C: () \ i). 1 :.e ETA 11 b I) 'xLR in~ Drugs, Arndi r~iw.. 1:it! 0"7 I )yo) Stufrs), P'a ^Ii DI'li"l -, W1to .v ;!av,", Perfumery, ainey Article . aui~i a y'ak lty of othier articledi oii:m Iy kept in D)rug Sior.!M. N~O. V. l)ARuAN, W. J.s. J)ARGAN, M. U. g r ' Next door to Chaina's IHotel. Jamn. ', 1851. 10-if. Epping's Barsaparilla, (t1E :;T NOW IN I'. E,) Ant n~ variety o~f otlier popular Patent M:.di ini'i, for Kale by !)r. WV. JTAS. I)ARGA.N & CO. Frb. 29. 18-711. - 1 if A Lot of Paint Boxes, (Water ('oors,) for re.' by 1)Atf i(:1N & ., - a ( rden 2ocd. A I*'.' l r~iiip! on irr: L.xcei t.r Fa ri y ;-Larchi, l I ,",'1:i I ;,:' . ,. '':-.I. "A.= the *"h :i 1, :,1 I;L r 1t ~ I Genuine Cod Liver Ci', P'repn raid by Itltnuro. Clarrk & (.. wV i)AIL(:AN . e b 1 , 5 .'" ifSp a n i s h i C i g a r s Lt) FINE CIIL1N'J ''0!aA(U, furyJrt~ 'ancy and Toilet AAr"nu.iZ icLt-]:! ':' sj.RiuCfce 1rr ?aId Ge~neral I- a . ' I P I 1. -1,. . ^ 1.1ii ' *! IA ' 1-. 1 t: T .. 1'.. .... ..... .Ie 1 . .. . .. . - c" " 't i , .! r n." - . . i i. Il' 1 .1: ('ht i . *ii.'!' ri 11 i i .. l1 _ irk.~ I! . L * j.. ...i 1' i.'' i Mi. oft i' :i : ".r." I:i ..B2RT. ('.'UE 11~".,, )L-".L2 fl1 "i . '._1.. C. ....... Mn. Esot-ront: Please anounce Col. I1f M. NELSON as~a candidate for Seniator for,%CaeotCutatIIeun lcin and oblige MANY' VQTEna. l'ebroary 93th, 1851 13 if OTi .W;ttchuir(ti please copy, Mil. Ei'vizOit !You wi~ll (blige many (itiz, lt. by ann~founin~ig Col. J. U). BLANflj lNt; as a. candidate* fur Itejlrrsentntive for Clnrinnnt County, at the next N sion of F'et. (;, 1831, 1:'5 tf Iir Editor: The ! le' l"! (.ltr .r"n Io ln t} areii tri ll e ' Vuioi, t Iba i I..~~ !t~\ID ; r.:'. t lii n l'{ th I.gai-nAlirc. 1;} tui'JfinirlJg himt 'Citwji ais . : ir iiiaA tiee,:,ut WiI ohi- :.a SWe are an1t , r'reed 1t6, 1?:r k1cir: atI V,: t:n (Xa rcnjuqy tj i ~ Iie"s SI Edft O t .You '.9. lloi.&,re -natty Votrs or L1T:-IpQnLt Elev .ilu in the L~ow(r Jlrancd: of 1I i&J."T01ia Itire of ie State of :-'i h Gar _lihu, at thLe FA. 22, 1 i1. 17 ti We the fricends- or R':. M1Ii.t)kI1M ];;yr. tk piea'lrein n fl ::e r i a i Iii:: a tanidIt~c for Sh r iT ci ~ :ii ~r I) 11:,1N t' 1'1.1 Ella 1. \1:. 2'.1S4"'?t V-19ar athise JXC~to ,t ~ ,:t 1,t' ! 'andiduta ;o, i' o: ' iiitr I)r nn'.(u at theig A r ?;7 mo of odrs ctlurnr. tt. tt " ;, ".I'! g !.:i.\V. 11 fl . _ I . * t~ " '1 "i .&l "j.' ?^' t ~l wn " Il :S at-nin t~'oo ax Collde f~ori.r h"i~ Cu;tyn. 11.ni ta the ensuing eto ii uib"ii . ,AY~OE -izl , dtr-You Will a,:. unc: Wi1..' 11"."r o Rf lobte ~ON;o. ac~idd.~e or hefi: our Ordtr s wiry~ ~ ~~~~L. of Sute 5iticatte-ssu * M~AANY VT(TER . Ap nril 27t , I5:7-t. P-Y4 The frindsof d Cato f[1 C r '" f i t lni Court t ther,... en oinnr, ...l riio '