OCR Interpretation

The Sumter banner. [volume] (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, September 06, 1854, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86053240/1854-09-06/ed-1/seq-3/

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Anatomical Lettes And
* Demonstrations.
ft. MYDDl''ON MCiCiEL will com
m sutuece his private course on A natomy
and Physiology, on the first Monday in
November. at his Anateonical Rooms, op.
posite the Medical College.
Dr. MIcIur.L offers the following advan
tages to Students ttending the Medical
session in Charleston. A complete coui
of Lectures is delivered during she seawn
on Anatomy and i'hysio!ogy, the Professor
illustrating his course b.y prep:aratiun,
,drawings and models. Dissections -a're
'ondneted on an improved plan, consisting
in interrogating ech member of the class,
and making him demonstrate his own d.e.
section. The Student may hereby multi.
ply his opportunities for acquiring a knowl.
edige'of tine of the most impurtant and difli.
cult departments taught in the OollAeuO.
-Saturdays are devoted to Micro-copical
Examinations are held regulativ 'every
It ght on each of the several branches, giv
ing the class the beneht of a reheaesal, in a
:condensedh forir, of the subjects lettered on
by the Professors of the Medihil College,
so as to recall whatever may have escaped
:attention, and to correct errors entertained
by misapprehending the meaning of the
4 Dr. M., will find pleasure in recon.
mending the proper -ext books in general
use, in introducn! his pupils to the ac
quaintance of the several l'refessors, and in
facilitating the Students -a all matters con
nected with their studies.
Reference may be made to Dr. M, at
.;his residence Queen street, 74, or at his
Anatonical I Rooms opposite the College.
Terms, Ten Dallars.
The subscriber is also prepared to take
.private pupils who for the ordinary office
too of one hundred dollars a year shall have
.access to a large library, dmagrans, plates
and models, and be furnished gratuitously
with the ticket to the full course eelivered
in the Surmter lledic:il Institute. lis
.pupils will thus lie inade lamialir with dis
:easo at the bed-side, and be made partici.
pants in many surgical and olsteterical
cases occu? ring in his practice, while they
become acquamited w.th the methods of
mixing and administering drugs. The
strictest attention will be paid to the Mi.
croscope inl connection with Anatomy and
.Pathology, and examinations held every
Professor of Anatomy and Physiology.
W. H UM E. Prof. of Medical Chemisly.
F. M. ROBEllT SON, Prof. of Obstetrix
and Diseases of Women.
R. A. KINLOCII, Prof of Surgery.
It. F. .1lt:11EL, Prof. f Materia Medica.
Fee for the course 9511. Lectures corn
r ,ence in Apri. and term:nate about the
uiddlo of 'July.
August 23, .5 t 41 tf
Palmeno Iron Works.
TlIE piroprietors of the above establish.
stena, having ienished themselves with
all the -rc'tcssary muase-inery and tools for
conducting ke 4GUNj).RY AND 31A
ClIlNE lHUSINFSS. together with a large
-stock of materials, are stow ready to con
tract for the making of Stationary Engines
'of any power, all kinds of 4f 4 uorkCast
Iron Front.', Fencing, a-nd other desc~rip.
tions of Iron Work gener.rlly corduced in
a well rej'ularted estalishmnent..
Mr. GEOItGE SINCLA4R will give
'his ut. prv:.-;ion of all work. hlis old friends
and patronms will find him ready to furnish
Zall orders with desipaitch Perses desiring
to patronize a homee institution comn be as.
sured that their work will be done andl
warranted satisfactory. Our prices wili lhe
as low as any inneelar ,-stabbsihmeneat in the
muntry, and termy liberal. A edure oet
ipubbec patronage is respeetfwily solicited.
-. WM. GLAZE~ & CO.
Augurtc, 18.i 4 lim
Accommuodation~ Wbarf,
sells Cottons, tra~ ie, eg, Sacon, and afi
:other articles iif produco.
Strict and rrpit attntjegm giyen to the
FORW A RDING of Goods anid Proco.
August 9, 195 t '~~)
Trwo NEW STILL.S ana WORMS earrfing
from 18 to 21 Barrels Virgin Trpentine. W, ar
kanted'by the maker for tweleo :onth.
Apply to
Wilmington, N. C.
Aue-ast 9, 1854 41 lem.
- BY order from -Head Quar.
era," you aro hereby ordered to as
semablo at your usual place of ren
dezv-ous on Thursday the 7th of
Septembher next at 10 o'clock A.
..Mfully anmged aryl equipped for
$lrill and review.
The Commnissionedi aut' naon-commaia.
pite officers will aseemble theo day preai
pes for drijl and inettuetion.
The $mfer B.kmen. wijI be mnspecte&.
Ily orde f
Capt. J. 11. N. UAM(E;T.
L. L. FRtASERt, Jr., 0. 8. 8. It.
August 16, 1854 42 t
Claremont Troop?
IN pursuance of orders fatmr *' Head
Quarters," ye~' are hereby ordttecd to ati.
ucemble in Suiioiaville on Thursday thie 7th
fieptember next at lt0-'clock-, :V..'b, fully
armned and eiquippedi for drill and review
T'he commrissioned and mrenemUmissioan.
edl officemrs will assemable the-dy previous
for di ill and lnetrtuction
Uiy order er
R. C. WVEnU. Capt.
57 Watchman copy.
TH iE .ubs.ribe ofibes 44. Farro, having on
it a dwellinig s'in out housest and the best teafer
ini the dia'rriet, sii'ated a short distance from
te mown oif Sumstervilh., for sale or to Rint.
Tuname mades easy, arro logv at
Bead quarters.
.RDE MIOR I?, ,Tune 20. 1854.
T illowing Regimonta will parade fo
review And -drill at such times and place
as herein in'it'ed-:
The 39th Regiment of Infantry wil
parade at Dominick's, on Tuesday, 2.th
The '9th Regiment of Infantry. wit
parade at Jalapa, on Thursdav, 27th July
The lth Regiment of (C.walry will
parade at Martin's, on Saturday, the 29t1
of July.
The 4trh 'Regiment of Infantry will
parade at Boyd's, on Tuesday, the 1st o
The 41st Regiment of Infantry wil
parade at Park's, on Thursday, the 3d o
The 45th Regiment of Infantry will
parade at the Burnt Factory, on Saturday
the 5th of Augact.
The 35th Regiraet of Infantry will
parade at Uni'nriate,-Mrr 'Tueaday, the iItl
of Auguait.
The 9th Reg~nrent of Cavalry will
parade at Glenn Springs, on Thursday
the 10th of August.
The 36th Regiment of Infantry will
parade at Timruons, on5aturday, the 12th
of August.
The 07th Regiment of Infantry will
parade at WVilkina\ on Tuesday, the i5:1
of August.
The 34th ,Reg'nee.t of Infantry wil
parade at Yorkville, on Thuridlav, the 17th
of August.
The 46th Regi me It -of infantry will
para;le at Elenczer"alle, on Saturday, the
19th of August.
The 21st Regiment of Infantry will
parade at Lancaster, on Tuesday, the 22i
of August.
The 27th liegiment of infantry will
parade at Rich Mill, on Thursday, thy 2tl:
of August.
The 26th Regiment of Infantry will
parade at Clhesterville, on Saturdar, the
26th of August.
The 6th Regiment of Cavalry will
parade at Youngs', on Tuesd:v, the 29t:
of Augt t.
The 24th Regiment of Infantry will
natade at Bell's, on'TPlursday, thu 31st of
The 25th Regiment of -Infantry will
parade at Wi-nshoro', on iturday, the 2d
of September.
The 25.th Regiment of Infantry and the
5th% Regiment of Cavalry will parade at
Or ne'ar Camden, on Tuvsday, the 5th of
The fuith and 44th IRe. ginent of Infan.
try will parade at Sunterville, on Tliurs
dav., the 7th Septe:aber.
The -officers and nonr-eommissionel ol1i.
cers will a.semttble on the day previous tur
the reviews of their several .regiments for
drill and instruction.
Volunteer Companies will be thorough
ly inslaecipd, and ,the books of Beat Con.
penies will be exanned.
Generals ,of Division and of Brigade
will, with their :tdr ri*ttend the reviews
of their respective cvanmtands.
ien:eyral of " ig:;d ate charged with
thbe extngtipn of this order-.
.iidsde-Camp to the Cwomader-in-Chief
are requ'ired e' si.rentd the reviews in their
several Brigadee; arnd those not resrid::ng
in thte rigades to bervee r nie
to attatid~ te oe r nie
Bygrdnr tof heCumraamviltsinCie f :
Adjbmant and Inspector Qecneral.
CIlhNA ad e aitt -Tea's,
.Granirte 'arie aind eakfast flates,
break lishen, IHotter Itshie,, Soup pojwls,
Oustard Stands, F'ru~i Saands,
lower Vases, Ch'ina and Class Candlesticki,
.reserve D~iahes, IDecanteta, Tumblers,
Wine Glasses,
Glss Pitcher., and a number of other articles
haxst received and for salt- by
IMarc 22, )8M 21 it.
B00T8>~ 8110ES, TRUNKS,
GAITERS, &,,, &I.
TI1E @Mporium of fahiot anal Quality,
wheegay be found a r,9mplet.Aswfriuent o1
, adiea Mens' Brays'' Miarses and Childrens'
oots, tk.oes, Gaiters. &c., of almost ev~ery stylt
and qtality. 'They aro 4resl: good. antd are all
lwarrantted to give satisfacjtonfRU~
Neart door to R. C. Webb, & Co.
Ma~r. 22, 1851. e ier
TOarriye by the next 'rrain, a chicir
. ot of Groce71ie f'romn faltimoare, waell
ae*.Clariged anti Cot'ee Mteganr superior
Rio anad fava Cftces No. i. Mtakerel iri
Kitta, Soaps, Sterch &c., whk ican be
bought low fr~org,
March 15th, 1851 28 t f.
Glena Perfuimery &&ag
A general assortmaent ot the above- ar
ticles. to which the atten:ton of the pu~blic
is cailed and particularly to the &i a at
being well adapted to the use of families
F'or sale by A. J MOSES.
letee 21, '54. 34 if
18 ptepaaed to do all raanner of work in ht
line, with-steatness ansk despate b. lis trat
are Caeni H~e is still at hlas old staud ju
above the Town Hall.
Feb. 8. 1854. l5 i
Just Arrived and for Sale
i'ire-Sereens, WVmdowEhade',
and Fixtures, &c.
Violins and Guitars,
Vrolin and Guitar Strings,
Piano Music.
L. B. U(ANI(8.
Augutst 9, I8M 41 t f.
Francis R. Shackelford,
Contmhission~ Mercrhatnt.
. 'TlP suhbscrilber respectfully calls th
attlention of the P'latera of Sumtter ID stric
to t-he above Carde. arid solicits a tshare a
their pautonag'e. '1ie most satisfactor
reference can he g.ivern if reqruired.
Charleston. Atusr.. 9, 1854' 41 4t
Yarn and Osnaburg&.
TILE subscriber, Agen' for the DeKalbellu
fury, offers their goedg manua ues
2r7saR Mt
Dr. W, Js.Dargan & Co
R ET~ML, DEALERS in Drugs, Medi
cines, taints, Oils, Dve Stuff, Pa.
tent Medienes, Window Glass, Perfumery,
'Farity Articles, and a variety of other articlei
usually kept in Drug 8tores.
||" Next door to China'. itteil.
Jan. 2, 1854. 30-tf.
Eppi's Sarsapar la,
(S3 blOW IN UE ,)
And a variety of other popular Patent Medi
cines, for male b~y
Feb. 29, .1854. 18 tf
A Lot of Paint Boxes,
Wate- Uotors,) for ale
tlt N & rt
Feb. 29, 1854. 18
Garden Seed.
A large supply, kept constantly on hand
Feb. 29, 18 ;t'
Excelsior Family Starch,
In pound packogea, powdereJ, lso the
' bh1y celebrated Corn-Starch, yor ale by
Feb. 29 .1854. 18 .f
Genuine Cod Lifer Oil,
lirepare'd by Rushton, Clark & Co. AI.6,
'cold drawn Castor Oil, (very fine.) for iale
Feb 29, '154 18 if
Fancy and Toilet Articles
A beautiful assortupent. Call at D)argan'
a-nd examine them. Aiso a variety ofNote Pa.
'per and Envelopes, for salc h7
Next d.or to China's Iiotel.
Feb. 29, 1851. 13 tf
New Establishment,
Dealers itt lEnglish, French ar~d Atcrican
DIrugs, iMcdicines fgd
l'aiints, flils, Vatnihi.fes and Dye-Stuffs,
Glass, Puty-, Clue and Sand Paper- Paint,
Varnish, 'Camel Hlair and Wiitewa#h
Bruh@+, Fine and Choice Perfumery and
Pancy Gondir, Pure Liquors and Wines, for
medical perpiees., Lancets, 3carificators
arid t .uppcng Glasses, &c.
All the Popular Patent 31edicines direct
from the proprietors.
Agents by appointment for Dr. Jvnes'
and Dr. Dennis' celebrated Fenily Medi.
cines, also for Farrell's Arabianr Liirneit,
Mortimer & Mawbray's Ilaipton Ti.c.
ture. Carter's Spanish Mixture. &c.
All articles from this 1EstablishnottQ are
warranted fresh and geniise.
Physicians, Planters and country Mer
clants Fending to us, can rely ti:pni getting
Prime Artirle, and having their orders
promptly execited.
July 26, 183i 39 6in.
0fye Wil.Gt11 lIan, R. R.
ILUINGTIN, N. C. July 11, 185 1.
IN consequenrc of loses sustained by
the escape of fugitive slave,, with forged
passes, over this ine, and to gu.ard aginst
it is futtrre, the fvllowintg rules will take
eITee't on and aftgr the 15th inst..:
Tlickots to pass over this (Colul will, ini
no crzse, be soldi to ai n-yro.
Owners of slaves ijonst, in person, pur
ductor, thme negr for whom it was bought.
GenI. Sup. W. & 31. R. -R.
A uud, 1854 40 e'p.
Chioice Old Brandy and
WVe hv're waw in mtote somec very supe
rior t'd Blranly:, whieh has been selected
by our.selves, for medicinal purposes. Its
age and nuidmness together with its purity,
Iwi be of gr-eat connsequecnce to inival ids~
who are necessitated to use it.
A variety of very select \Vines, conint
Old MJedelra, O1.1 I~ort Wi.s,.
lItowni Sherry, Palio Miserry dr
Imported by ourselveit, all of which we
warranit genuine, and of the very best
F~or -ale by
Court floue Range, Columbia, 5. C.
IJuly 20, 185.1 39 if
Land For Sale.
T Ul' Subscriber offers for sale a v-auabl,
tract of l.an~d containing 516 acres, all
it) one .body, situated two intdesn above Cal.
.vry C2huitta and (nurteein miles helowi
.Surgterville, and half a mtile from ine road
loading fr-a n Caini's S.,vannahi. A lso,
piec'e ti M acres lying in Fanitee Swamp,
conve-nient. to said kat for stock range.
Th'i~s l.,nd is' well lixed wath a goend dwell.
ing house anid all inecessairy otj ix bildings.
AlIso, all plantation too's, lilackh:nth'.
tools. and a very tine I landmnl* all the
stock belonging to the lace, incluinm
Ilogs, CattI le eep and G',ats. Tlhuis laind
will be delivered to- the pturchaser nexl
N.'-ha houol wili eith--r be sold sep
erateer WMthe stock, &c.., to suit thi
IAignstu -,. 1854. 43 tf
Boots. Shoes & Gaiters
an rettivred fromt Philadelphia a large
stock of rLadmes' and Gents' fine gaiters anc
shoes and Gents' ina bmois, for sale by
A. J'. MO.9ES.
ane 2l, '4. 34 t
A lat-gt assourtrnent of straw, teghtorn
Pnaima and Pahn Leaf hats just receIve<
from P'hiladlpluda, and for sale-b
June 21, M 34 i
Tiesueti, Rerages, Colomred ilke. Plai,
-snd fling'ed lse~k silks. Priunted anid P.lai
Jaoonetm. &c. &c. -.
*. '-1 Jts.-OKMCs &Co
. June 2Bbt1'tr.. -'...c;5
DaR. Etrotn : Please atIWOunce ,tol. J
M. NF.i.LN as a candidato for 8C't'iar fo
Caremont ounty, at the ens'uing.4tion
and oblige 'h, . gi 'ri ..
F ebruary 5th,. $5a ' I tf
D' Watchman please copy.
MR. EDITOR : You will oblige mans
citizens by announcing Col. Y. I). fIh.lAD
ING ale a candidate for 'Iepresentative foi
Claremont County, at the next decksion o
our Legislature.
Feb. 6, 1 854 1-3 tf
EF' Watchman please copy.
YIr. Efditbr: The Citizens
'If Qlarcndan County are desirous that C. W
.EY'NOLI)S, represcnt them its the W2eY
Legislature. ty-annooniing him a CandidAt
for that etce, you will oblige them.
0Ms' We are aikthoriietl tt
announce Maj. A: C. SP'AIN as'a candi,
date for Representative from Claremoni
County. at the easuitng election.
Felb. 22, 1854. 17 tf
i Messrs, Editors: You
will oblige many voters of Clarernnt Elec.
tion District by announcing Col. R. LA
ROACilIl MERIO' asht candidate for a
seat in the Lower Ikanch of the Legisla.
ture of the State if South Carolina, at the
ensuing efecion.
Feb. 2-, 1854. 17 tf
We the friends of A, R
1 RADIJA Esqr.. take plea-sure in an.
noun.cin him as a candidate for She'rif
of Snot,cr Pistrict, at the next E!ectinh
Mar. 29, I89. 2.2 tf
tr We are aithOrised to
announco Mr. JAMES E. WITIIER
SPO)ON, of Salem. a Candidate for Rep
resentative for Claremont County at the
ensumng election.
March S. 1954. .19 tf
A Njumber of Voters take
pleasurn in announcing Col. WIl.LIA.l
A. COLCLOUGlI as a candidate for Sher.
iff'of Sumter District, at the next election.
March 15, 1851. 20 tf.
rYfr. editor: Please announce
Capt- T. I. FRIERSOs as a Candidate-for
Sheriff -of Sueter 1District iat the cnusuing
Aug. 2., jl5
Mrn. :siero: :-Please announce Mr.
RO1PilT W. DURtANT, a candidate
for Tax-Coalectgr of Ma'em..vunty, at the
next election, and oblige
slANY Voren!.
January 14s H52 43--tif
cs' '1b friends of Cant,
P. M-. GIUONS announce him a candi.
date for thje oilee of ax-'Oetitector for
Salem Cunt., at'he ensuing'elaction and
deo~~ N)s V'rnp.
Oetobr 1 1.
FU 1? ORDLy.A R r.
(LT Mr, Editor:-YQ.v will
please announce WILLIAM 11. BRUN
SON as a candidate for the Office of Ordi.
nary of Suitnrr District, at the ensuing
Arrl 27th. 1I)2 27-tf
tr Wa are authorised to
announce Col. GW(). S. C. [)NCHIA-ViP
a catilidate for Clerk of the (Cortt of Sum.
ifer I)is:rict at the ensuing election.
August 16, 1851 42 tf
nounce J!. L. JONES a candidate for Clerk
of the (Court of Sumter District at the en.
A ugust 16. 1854 42 t f
(LT We are authorized to
announce T. J. D)INKINS, Eaq., a Candidate
for Clerk of the Court, at the enduing election.
AprIl 16th J8511 .2 tf
IOr M. Editor: J'icase an
nlounce Mr. J. J. SiclIIAIL, a Candi.
date for Le'rk of the Court., (or Surntei
District, and oblige Ma -1e g
-April 13, -1%2. --f
nf WV. J. N. 'Iam:-r tare desironts of put,
ting hirn is nomination for ilse fh-et n
Cleru of the.Cotjrt of Siumter District, al
the ensuiing elec'on.~
May 2 1, 1853. 20--t f
Y{We are atithorized
b> anoune A.E. IOOL s acandidatt
frSha..rifTof Suttet- flitrict al tlam ensti.
Dece mbe r 21, 1852 a-.i
Mr. Editor:-Please an
nlouncue JOllN N. M.lEOI) a canididati
for Sh~eritT of Sumter District and ob
lifre MAYY Faren~s.
-J'une 29th, 185i3 35.-tf
1IT are author ized to annoiunce W,
LE WJ.9 a candidate for Ordinary a
hie eim~iing electionl.
June '28, l't'65 tf
'FIJE eubticriber. are now resciving thet
stouk of Stpring and Sumer goods, which haiv
heeon uelecte~d with great care, and cannot fat
to guts e a~itfs.o int style,quagty, antd pries
Our siock comp~ises all ariclehic tth the
waftis and taste of the commiunity dentand, an<
we solicit a call from nrt friend, and the pull
hec before cal~ing -elwkewhre as we have man'
new styles wichb cannot fail to please.
Mar. 9,. 1854. Sg
A-kont of fine Dacont, Sidee, Sitoulden
and Hfatm just received anad foir isale by
June 28th 1854. fl5. t f.
The vte-1trlar having completed his er
to atltats far makibgt1.h, BhusI ansdf'a
tte i oors bege i ve' to'ipforms hiefrienadg an
thle .public, tht besprepat-ed to- tfrntui a
short nolive, Eash of all ieat pripieil andglazed
-lhinds to unit any .ize wtidoati, patted of -*et
-anid Paojell Dooif att aid or make~ apr
1 .n.ef publihasge ir re$9 hl solied
a ji work iis all dng. by.,aw age ont of goo:
etanw maperial..
50 "Migtst of 8, 10 Eas4t ready for delIvery
toisUI-wiftdowtofl9% 15, or 18 t|t1
American Arts' Union
The iAnerican Arts' Union, would respect
fully an4b6v~ce to the citizens of the United
States ant i a ladas, that for the purpose of
cultivating a tetd'for the fine arts throtughout
the country,'knd 'with the- 'view of enabling
ev. f fanmily to bemeposesscdofagatiory of
They have determined.. In order .Ceal-te an
extensive sale for their Engravh gs, anid thus
not only give ermpolym6bt to a large number
of artists and other., but inspeire tmong-our
countrymen a taste for works of ass, to present
to the p'chasera of their engravings, whea
250,000 of them are sold,
i501,00 Gifts, bf the actual cost of $150,000.
Each purchaser of a.9ne ollar ngraving
t,herefore, redeives 61t only an etngrav ing
ly wort, the nuney, but also a ticket whtoh
entitles him to one of tefa i(te when they are
distributed. --
For Five Dollars a h1ig 'finlished engraving
beautifully painted in oil, and five gift tickets
.will be sent$ or five 4olbr's worth of uplended
.eta'v gsc e setected from the Catalogue.
A co'y of the Catalogue, '9gether with a
specimen of one of the engravings, can be seen
at the ofice of this paper.
For each Dollar sent, an bngrawing actually
I Wvorth that sum. atwi a.1it tictet, vigl Imamedi
ately be forwarded.
The.C wit ttce believing that the suWroes of
the (great N1tfonal Uhdertaking will be rhate.
rially promoted by the energy and enterprise
of in e4igdlit and perseveting-Agents, have re
solved to treat With such on the mot iberti
Any person wi.thing to become an Agent, by
sending (post paid,t $1, will reoei'dsWetaeat
mail, a one dollar engraving, and a "Gift Tick.
it " a prospectus, a catalogue andother no
cessary information.
On the final coinpletion of the sale, the Gifts
will be placed in the hands of a Committee of
the purdasers to be distributed, due notice of
which will be given throughout the United
Slates and the Canada..
100 Marbte busts of WV6shirik
ton, at - - $100. $10,000
100 " " " Clay, ?00. 10;000
100... . " " " W e bser, 100. 10,000
100 Calhoun, 100. 10,000
50 elegant Oil Paintings, in
splendid gilt frames, size 3z1 100. 5,000
feet, each,
100 etgant Oil Paintings 2z3 ft. 50. 5.000
500 steel plate Engravingr, brill
iantly- eol'd in oil, rich gilt 10. 5,000
frames 24z30 inches, each,
l0,006 elegant stel plate En
gravings, coto'd in oil, of the
W ashington Monmtent, 20
by 2C in. each, - 4. 10,006
237,000 steel place Engraving.,
from 100 ditferent plates,
.ow in possisdosi of, and
owned by tue Artists' Union;
of the market value df, from
50 cents to $1 00 cachi - 41,C10
I first-class Dwelling, in 31st,
street, N. Y..Ciay. - . . 1,000
22 building lots in 130 and 101st
each 25:100 ft. deep, at . 1000. 2,000
100 Villa Sites,.eontaining each
10,000 sq. ft.'in the surburbi of
kiew 1 urk City, and com
tuanding a magnificent view
of the Iludson iRiver andl Long
Island Sound, at - - - -509. 50,000
20 perperal loans of cash, with.
aut iuierest, vr security, of
$250 each, 000
0450 ' " l 10.'- ' .:000
(100 ' '50 '' 5000
250 ' ** 20 '' 5,000
2000 '10,000
Reference ?n regard to the Real Estate. F.
J. Visscher & Co., fReal Estate Brokers, New
York,#rdors, (post paid,) with money enclesed
to the addressed,
505 Broauway, N. Y.
gg The Engravings in the catologue are
ntw toady for delivery.
Aug 21, '54. 43 6m.
Just Received.
LAblEA' Boottees and .alking Ries, Gai
ters, Kid-Ties, &e. ents' Cal Bea, apa
Boottees, LadiAc' and Qente. Ovet S6eA.
Also-A Ed.~ *tsortgiept .#f d~ee Tig.
W~are, S~dlery, &o.
Ladies' . '# bMerqca N'ork-Boxes,
Pu'-jtBoxes, I t.r~ Monies, Segar'-Ciies, Brace
lets, flair and eth irushts; Dreseing, Tuck,
and Pecheet ("em h, &c.
Novels, Poet*ed Works Mud Sched4 beekts,
anid a Anue ass'ettment of litationary.
Brown, Cle,4med and dshed Sugars,
Rio a04 Jav.S Cotea, Molasses, Cheese,
Rtisonts,.Urkd gu,f-'our, Candles,
Stuap. 'l'4, 6tati, P~etlas. S'dns
Also, a fine assertannt of Cq0ing UtenstIs,
For sale byi2 . .8000ONS'i& C'd.
AMarch 22th, 185$ i f
Land for~ Sal,
En the Town~ of Sugg
I ofl'er for nstle that part of thi' tract :4f
land in Suemterville. known as the Nort.,n
land, ly ing between the allagt and the
run ot 'lTurkeuy Creek, in aill aebout two
humired acres, i wiml divide it into lotte to
suit purchase.s but would muc-h prefer 1.0
sell the whole together. Termsc made
easy and accommodlating to purc~hasera,
;ppy to the subscriber.
Win. LE W(S.
Jne2, lliI. 2! if
117 Watchmnan copy.
AJust Received,
AFreude aepplyu f PIING AND) SUiMMER
G0(DE, emnbrario pay thing and EVERY
kMng, selected -by t~tr Bubscriber himoself,
whose long experience aud knowledge of the
Ropes, muakte it co presumption in him to say,
that sorse of them are theaper goods than hare
.ever been brought to this starket.
Brown Hiomespun. 25 yards to the dollar.
Gentlemen's Hokl* iloves V5 se. a pair.
Beautiful cololed Muslin at 1$ )-4 ete, pr
yar I. French Urllings ;0 etc. a yard. a fne
assortment of Fancy Goods.&bt auteeaieM
be sold.
Groceress, Crwckery Hardware, Ihats, 4*d
Bonneic, Ladios, Gensn and Youths aboescand
G:,iter,, Gee end common. Tor eunimeftte
would to too tedIous, het crge anrd see and I
'sau *atrank We~isat ,bt .a
pricec PlERRYW(YES.
A pril 5th, 18i'i *4 tf
Att imnprecd breed of fine mhanghai
fowls, consisting of eeranl grown and
some 80 half grown chickths, may be seen
at Mips. iSarah Terry's. 'these wisfring
to improve their farm- yat'd etore would do
well tu edI and purchasn as they will lbe
sold low. For any fu'hetinfotwation ap
ply to Mir Sin'ah Terry or to
, at' .& A.Ieo
W' atchman copy 3 times.
To Arrive,
Berng~e tIdie..tep inted Jaenets. Fresnch'
Cambrickas.-Fine assortnient cf 6intg
hams, black and colored,- atid'EBneroidered
Goods, &c. &c..
.4 & .~ T.81n S -.
.., .. - FOBART WRB baA& 8e' y---.
Spring Mantillaa
1OI~~ SE1 )N BSAK m 1E LAINES, FROM 12 1.2 cents to 50 centr,
extra Colored Baregeen at 9. cents
Fabr' e Gossamen% new and desirable.
199 PIECES WHITE BitllLANTES FOlt DRtEsSE., at $.140 for 12 yard,. -
Yard'wide Uelored FrenliChintz, at 12 1.2 cent+, worth 2. cents.
NEW AND RICH( 11YL1f, p6OLcR1E;D SI.K$, at ..ti cent yard.
'laid India' lk., extra wide, at 75 cen-h per yard.
20 Pieces Summer Vetingr at 12 1-2 cents por pattern.
inen Orilir, VtMrJent's wear.
English Long Cloths, &i
.ust received, 50 pieces more of those fine English LiN Cl'ths. at (2 .gct. peryard.
Yard wade extra fine American Long Clrumaa, at 12 td ents.
6.1 wide Brown Sheeti ng, at 12 1 2 cents.
Vk ,VW N UN E N.
509 yards Brown Linen, slightly spotted. ai 12'1-2 cents-damaged in shipping. -
00 hal, .piecea Irish Linen for shirtint, at 37 Al.2 .ents pr yard.
Extra fine Irith Linen for franiug, at 50 cents.
50 pieces Russaa lDaper, at 75 qints.
300 yards Russia trash, at 6 1.,e cen-e per yard.
Iluckaback and Scotch Diaper 'owplling,.12.1-2ets per yard.
35 pieces yard wide colored Muslina, at 6 1.4 tets, worth 12 1-. eseti.
New Styles Ladies' Parasnln.
(Ognt'a .ilk and in )am Umbrellas.
Ladies' Light Colored Kid Glove , test nanuaucture, 75 cants.
Indies' and Children's Long and Short Lace .Vitts.
Ldies' Black Ne'tt gloven.
50 dozen all hinern Ilamask Deyhies., at 75 cents per duzen.
75 doz.n choice then Oamawk Napkini, at $1.50 per dozen.
Superior Brown Windsor Soap, !lair Oil, zrar t ul oise.
French l3vender Water, Toilet Powder and Chalk.
Day Water, A air, Tooth, Nail and Goanb Brushes.
Lich assortanent of Featber and Paper Fans, &t.
247, carper of King and Wentwurih-streeta.
May 3, 1854. 27
Such as.,Cholera, Dysentary,.iarthea, G1ehlra Morbu, iugs Cholic. Cholera Intantas.
Most Especialy Painful Mnstruation.
The Virtues pf JacAb's Cordial are too abell known to require Encnmiums.
Ist. 11 cures the worst casts of Dirrhxa. "nth. It cures ,Painful Menstruation.
red. It cures he worst forms of Dyentary, 9th. It relieves Pins in Back an,] Luir,
3d. It cures Cali'ornia .r Mexican Dir- 9th. It Counteracts Nerrousness and De:
rha-a. Fopdcncy,
4th i rtlitt'ts the tvest Cholic, 10th. It restores Irregularities,
5th. It cures the CAolera ig.yrbus, 11th. It dispels gloomy, hysterical Feelings,
6th. It cures Cholera Infantum. 12th. It's an admirable Tnir.
A few Short Extracts f'erm - tters, Testinoninis, &t.
" I have u.ed Jacob's Cordial In my fea:ily, d have .fpnd it a most efficient, bnd in ay
judgment a ,aluable remedy.
* It.glves me pleasures in being able to recommend Jacob'. .ItaL..e sun p:n J e:p=
rience, and the exrrinere of ay neighbors and friends around rme,js a sueCit tuaranted
fee me to believe t to be all*at it p tr to be. viz : a overeign remedy."
Wm It. t WooD, roruetly Judge of Supreme Court, Cherokee Circ'it.
"I take great re a lcoiyinemnding this invtfatle medreme to all afflicted with bowel
,lseas fat whi sseve it to bie a sorereltri remedy-decldedly superior to any thing else
A. A. U.AnLDI D. G. Ms.,of the (rand Le of Gergia.
"I have used 'Jacoby Oeirdial' in my tamily, an this. with all I hea'r about t as a emed
those who have trird It, Anduces.' e.to believe at itstrad. at the head of every preparation
the kind; and I would telend itsMse in the d~s uses fur Which it iscomu nded.
im au 0. labarn, Cashier of lanik athe state ofm una.
'-rter eay creibiit hsama tes )~q, 'Jacob's Cordial' must san pr emineal
shove all e"ther papraioa tIrhe e ofWor ~a'dngea y~aea the ran. nat tetmoy ls It
f nuiowntttAuag vfes it mb4te very far .in advance,.as eurative agent, of most
"This efficient remedy is i~rel gatbtlb in r dat .Boh Bare use hi G ans
into Russia, and gaizalrig eagrumendatsen wherever used.'
Georgia .ie~ersonian. M1at 17th 18153.
1for sale by #DAa A X .ej- to., Suvennaeh. D .
lington ; T. I. WoaxuAta 4- Co., Camden ; ETisar.a .4f &mats Culumbia, 8. C.
Jh.yvLAe, H JARALt.. euly & Co., New Yurk.
Primcipal fleprd*, H YAvt r,VDH An&~tALz & 4,.C alstn 8. ..
. j. WatnauT & Cu.s New1Qrleans.
Andn tite Pfinipal Merchants and Druggists .tarog~i~ t the state.
The subscriber w. id respweiffillg' call" .JIE~ 't?L ARE. I'IRELY Y E
attnton o islatgt anid kelassorted ,iDC!n the cure of all Biious Corn
IAtock of pants, Z '~tpa ,Costiuceness, iver C, .
DR28d0008.as.d-'" *
Challas and' Berege LleIAine., f TE.ltC T oi . BLOE U'II
J"lai,e,oared Bareges, pr~inted da- -r1 LYEN KIIDNEV ANt)Of
'rintediand pla* *aeonet Muushns ECRETORY ORGA NS TO A-HEA I.T*v
Iplin. ard Jinew $Astreet in dress TNE A ND ACTION; anidassa A nti S~oua
dji~ iugharna- , Tily Medicine the. tthoogua.
ac tea4'Sl Mafw'la in Silks Prie 25 co;ts er ben.
Dotted flgig isa It(Galins, Mull A.
i Pus e N dem iolaes-% Chemi. ~ * R V '
eettea. Infants istae &e. PE~CTORAdf R?0N 41 JUs;
AMetander's Mid ?Bloiesj k,~olR Tbread A re rf r Couges ti,Idtzara, Jrren.
Glaves E.- . ehirts, Crep Wppng cougA, Asthm~a, Caa
At low and gi(fir pfices. mptian, and @4dueses aru fros a d.,
is ir f.NU. efunged Mrte tke Sseaack, on to relieve tAS
(OSNA BURGS; Whrin 6tr~e tist""' NA a it fo eating too Aearty
Bilue Den)|stes Te ik &E-. foo, in ,rak an . d hpepi its.
Bleached and Brot# ':r~t i &1.4.. War'emjtedj 1# be Peinrely Veu,
10 1-4, and 11 M-4 Atibte.'
Linen Table clottu,,. Isiajes erC. *t:4 5'tYW at i an Expsetorant, Tonio,
Long Cloths of all qualities. .aed Aperie~pt.
Fronting Linc ns., Pi I o0*-ase Line,,a. Tbhey pron~fe &pstoatioin, Leoeen ,te
by L. W. ?W.,NK(. P "-go end Clear the Lungs adid ether Se.
..tory Orgae'! rgorbid ntter, anet there
EA' iBLY~1% Figw, Prune., Raisins, is not anothe~ redi-d in th wvhole Materla
Ptres 'ies., Candies, Nuts &e &c.. Mitt tapthl of ~aparanar such healing
b.R fA4. prpr&~ Ag &di Vgtal Orgns as
AMmnst anything else to he called for ' eC~iees rd
1for sale bg L. B, IAN K8. y a.rgu r Apetite, -aitd Sralgthen the
April 5, 1834. 113 tf Prioe25 rtn's pet bibr, contatning 25 does
A, ANDERSON, gel E4ensWi sdt't idit' n
pe~r tedlars and eertiates of eures.
~ ~ ~'~~!,%Y~ BoWi kftl or the above named Pills s'. far
utntervhlle, 5, Eaeinti~gb
Respectfnlly Informs the pe~ape of Bum- , Lad PERKY MOS Eh
ter District tt be has eut receive J and U o a sesM'pE a su ly of Dr. Specer'S
now offers for ale the~ .slace au IM V table Plsi aa'd r. Hlutl's Celebrated
imost ehgl to of ~ls, whidhs sta he Chill. and Fever the lirst
Spri-ng ai Sumume daJ1 ioa.
mariet Eeas received matiy nr ss p& tfO h p N tia
which pecrsasers would dOwel to examine be
H'l CL S4 9SfltERE AND -bI~~B 1t;IU
IP sund.i- s.s ee la.h eb..
A' fult an t 4Weluf 4f~h~b brs selves togdther, under the above tianie
DrwesGlve, ilPen d.~si. 4,~1 and atyle, fort the tranhction ofeli i.
kecif,*. 'i nees in the werea'AWile lnb and math.
--.-. n~$ ~ lfouit at the olii sta&l of Wat. 'W t.t3
A arg ted'inl 6!6 llS WA.whe e, they will) be hapjly to' see and aee
T G, Gament time 'o~ t'sdk . elb shl /Indfadhd7ublie.
ber, and warranted li' a4 s ieh.- -cwt C .
dem fro adsane .. . , 21, R.W
April seth t
gumtsk raised and' &9siteuille eured
Afss a'GM 4 iChlemo cjer 7e

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