'A.J. G 0 I trn now receiving ONE OF TIJE LARG ever brought which I will sell low for eash or to appri experience and the ready money to buy g( Urticles renarkably cheap, vizI A LARGE HTOCI OF DRY GO IIATS, 'A PlI, SHOES, COO'1t BUILPING MATERIALS, CA ! I IlA UWARE, of all den-ripit. STONII JUGS AND JARES, 61 CARRIAGE TIRMMINGS, C.I!P. LEATHER OF ALL KINDiS, sa WATIONARY AND CONFECI CROCKERY, in dinner setts and o GROCERiES, ol all kinds. -And alanost any articb . Sept. 20, 1851. Sheriff's Sales, BY virtue of sundry Executions to me di? rected, will be sold, at Sutmter Counr House, on the 1st Monday and lay follow irg i November next, within legal hours of s.je,'t the highest hidder, for cash, the bl lowing property-purchasers to pay for titles: ()ne tract of 144 acres of land, in Fork .Ilack River, adjoining land L. Wither spoon er. al. levied upon as the property of W. M. HIorringtrin at the suit of L. 11. Jannks, to be so d at the risk of the former iturchaser. (.i e tract of 80 acres of latid it Salem, aejoining lands of R. Kelley, at thle siit of W. 11. H1olleyllna n. . One tract. of 116 acres of land, in Clar endon adjoining lands of P. M. Butler-et, ;il. lev i'd uiponi as the property ot Wim Rhaime, at the suiit of .I. J. Davis. All the undevided right, title and inte rest of'T. W. S. English in the land known by the namo of the Mill tract lying in Salcmn, in Sunter District; devised to him ynder the will of his grand father, the late Robert Englisi. Alt the undevited right, title and interest, of T. W. S. English in the lands, known by the name of the il an. cock lands, lying in Salem, Sumter Dis trioti devised to him under the wiln of his grand father, the late Robert Eiglish. All the undevided right, tiu and interest if T. W. S. English in the lands known by the name of the Tomiinson Lract, lying - in Salem, Suiter District, devised to him under thet w-1i of Isis grand fait her, thie late Robert ';nglishi, levied upon as the proper. 1y of T. W, S. Englihsh at the suits of A. M. & R. Kennedy Black and lones, B. W.Chambers, mid B. A. Jones. One tract of 550 acresof land inl Salcli, adjoining.innds o tJas. Lowry levied on aF the propterly. of iUoert .towry at tile suit of E. Tomnlitnen. One trctofhinli in Oldrmigont adjoin iwtr land$i or hrae! liot and where D. 1. MeL %arin-Jivie4 aear Manclester, levied upon as the pooperty of J. P. Brown at lie stilt o the bttte for Texas. . Oie tract f (1300 acres of lanis in Clar. endon adjcniting lands of 11. Crhitt et al levied upori a6sthe proper- y of Thos. lIlan cosk, at the suit uf the Stato for Taxes. (ne negro levied on as the property of .l. 11. Br6oufon at ihe suit of -13ank of tie State of South Carolina. One negro aevied on fas the ptroperty of W. L~. llrunson at the suit of Banks of the St ate 2 cases and A. J. Moses, 11y. Tres e,.ts:, ands IR. Rt. Thamses. Onie negrn levied Ott as this property of Jas. 11. MlcKmight at the suits sir Jas. 11. Chirietroas, W. W. Blenbow, Rt, R..inigle, & W. Macauber. one negro levied on as the propierfy of ,10s. S. Sprott at the suit of WV. Lewis Or. dinary. - '0ne negro levied on as the property of Thos. D. Sumter at the suit of Jaus. Ray 4 cases. One negro leviedl on as the p roperty of C. W. Lesesne at the suit of N. Crasne. Onie negro leAied on as the property o! W W. Benbow at the suit of L. B. Rhaine. 9even negroes levied on ias the proper. ty of John A Colclough at mIme suit of P'ainec cp L~atts amid state for taxes. One negra leded on1 as the property o1 Jito. A. Colclouigh accuri-y at the suo r Bank State Carolina. One negro levied on as the property o 19ariiI. Lowry at thosuits of'1T. E. Fisnet.rb KWKuhn, and L. 1- laniks. .uon negro levied on as the property o Rt. Mc1.eod at the piit of C. Dukes & ~One Horse levied on as the properte o Thtos. II. L'Steen at thme suit of \V. J ,One Horse levied on as the property o -s \. W. Caulliette at the suit of Ehzobeti .~ Ogintero. vie on ans thue.propertys. t. J. W. English, at the suits of A. S1. o It. Kennedy, A. Sea rborough, WVm. lShy Sam'l L. WVilson, J. Sidney McFadden "Kim f~acoste, a nd Jno. Matdison. Ong -pegro levied on as the property c 'iSaini. Richsbourg at ibe ispits of .las.1 *onessand V. Rt. Carpenter. One negro, levied on us the propertyc G, W. ftuo at the suits of J. M. Felde san.d. Ud.siclai'dsou. - Urie iegro levied ont as the properly 2at. ofrRichare Singleton at tihe suitc Ihe Stae~e for taxes. .,iie ns-gro levied on as the property M1. A. Stakes tat the suit of Josiah M1. Feo " le' horse lovied oun as the property< 4ffimn Chanve at the suilts of Jno. Morni OQqo iegrp levIed ont as the propertg < .Dr,.'ll.'. S. , Wdson it the suit of C. I .Wttheraputi amid to pay jail feeis amnd dot Un Oimnibus, 4 horses and gear 18ii'e ani as the properly of Rt. WV. Antdreas a ~''hdfuit of. Sam'lflradley. *One ner ro levied on ams the property< Y,"ig'l e a yh~sif6Jas.7 I Bowie. n.480.,C.jS3M s. S. 1). SShtfili'a Office, Oct. i.,0th, 185I4. IAL T1. VILLEPIGUE, COMMISSION and FOR)1 W AURDL. Aveoesusodaiost Whnr H u IA RLE.ST'ON', S. C., Bells ('oton; lratre, Flour, Jlac(, and 'hm ar*lclemt iroduse. e , ,9aiela..; rptnam .usmaann gaiit4 Io , n~ust,,lM .. f . o d s and op,euing for sale EST STOCK OF GOODS to this market, wved customers on time. Having ten years iods with, enables ie to oirer the following ODS, mo.stv domestic; ''NTTRlTUU CUTLERYle l0I!AGE I 1 1:; I X' . diry, tiari-e., L'c. &e. '10, NAR V. Lhz iri, ay )e Called for. -If A Desirable Residence for Sale. The Fubscriber wishing to ilnove West, oll'ra for sale, one of tile most pleisant situations in thie village; coltamning about tifty-tive acres of land. on which there is a very coinfortable Dwelling and every nec. etisary out house, all in good repair. The crop of corn on the place this year, will yield abuLt live lndral bulihels. Any ftirt her informatioi can lie obtained by addressing mile on the premises. W. W. A l,8TON. Sunterviile, Oct. 11, 14. l' All persons in debted to me either by rioto or account, are respeefuilly sol ici ted to cash the same, as iong iodulgencc has baeen gien to mima y, and I am ave:iw to taxmfg aly with cost. W. W. A. Oct. I1, 1685t 50 tf. Valuable Plantation For Sale. Desiring to go Vest wa oti'r our Plant a tion lor salte priva-o y. lyirg on Lvnches Greek. inlv &ix inules frimi Lichhorg Depot. Villington ad Manclheser Rail Rojd. .'he tract contains about 1t14) acres, with some 200 closed inl a hirl sta of cultivatiol 60 of Which is tile best botton anid. A Neat and cimtnhla,nas dwellinr, new Gi baoiaso and &''rev Lan(l all oIlIer necessiary out builohis, and fences in good repair. We lazzard ntwa ng in saying this place is berfectly heahblay and in point of prnet i veaness and pari o wI'r 4 is iunsurpassod by any land in the country. Call and ee, t wilI bear close inspection. 11. L. & J. C. Mc,NDON. Oct. 11, 1 --54 50 if Land For Sale. T I. Subscriber ollers for s:tle ait a Ttract (of 1.add conta iong, 51 (acre, till in one baody, situated two analo- aliove Cal v:'ry Church, and fourteen miles he'w t:ioitervillo, a1d h1.r 11a mlile rozmaa lnii r.nl eating fro n ain's S.avanaah. A so, a piece of 80 acres lying in -Santtee Sw:iny, coivenient to said tract.or .tIC k rang. -- This 1lni is weil fixed with . ga d ll ing house amil all inecaesa lm bdings :\lso, all plantation tlos, Ulacksioa;tha's tools. anaia ve ry hieI llaaiil: ;all the stock blaonginga toa thie pu~a, inchaaahnaa Ilorgs, Cati e Sheep'j anid (G a. s. Tii. i.aaa wtillI be dehiveredl to -he punraer niext N.B.-Th'le lariat willenhar b a'-'t I sep ersite o'r with the stoack, &c.., tom snit t purclhaser. T.' \V Anagust 2. 1854 . 410 ti. NEW G00DS AND) NEW FHIM. T H subs.cribaers loing purchas'i ala iterst al .J.S, aTda! in uthe' tnirm af 'Tindial. W atson ('a., gave ntice tao thair friendus analda 11i the pub.that theay nitli carryT aon their hbusiniess, a'. lhe old1 stanad, auder have a:'. 4:et.1 ,id aure daily receiinga a Ii ru:. ''..m .a.n- and ha~.dsonm aissotrt ci Yn :analiti-s .anda St des to wa hi dwi :l , aa i. the attentliona oa the HLAdaY TNUTT, Factor and Forwarding WIL INGON, N.C. Willh give promlpt personal attentina to the~ siale, or forwacrdoag oat Cottn, Nraval-torers, or any othaer paroultce, or to the putrchase and forwardinmg of ?aierchaniisae. R .EFu?NcE O . G. PAtsiEV, Pre't Cal B'k. N. C. r Genm W. W. iIling.tE, Aled1oNAL-) 4 Qnawrni , Alaioua if Cot. tE. W. Uaui~.as, j .uli if G;. I. W. SleCAu., ( Darngon. Maj. W s sla vswrrni, Sum ter. - Oct. 4, loS4 49 y. H roShoeing, Blacksmith ing, &, &c. ciia il wiltlabe fraithlially~ execuatedi at theO d SUIE MlAChllNIE '4IhlS near the tRail Road Depaot in, Suimterville. Na ex. er1 ioans will be wi hahield tao renel er thaase SShops worthay the patronage, and capaiihle of saupplyinir thie M gchaic lal reutiremaents of the IDistrict. A F'ounadry iil by; oreetIed asa soon as paracticable, bioth for Iron sanda ii rass. Weo have an excellent Steam Enh. -ginae in rapearation, capable of drivama 11 iige dtiantity of mnachianery, thaerc.,y ean bling de~ 1d ex~ecut.o work with facility :aml econiomiy. A'l woark done at this oaitishament wil 0 be turned out uindert ih.e imiamediate. instapec tioan of the subscriber. WVe ask no bdesiaa p~atroniage. If our work is not as wel ,donie anda as cheap 05 other Shops can ac comisjh it, Iawe expect not to he employed Otheorwise wve desire only suc~h patronage os will oables us to do justice .o1i par ill tie9. . 'T. J. COGHLIAN, Ilauger. ~rr Watchmianl copv tf. keep t 20,006 Pair Plantai EDWARD DA C3 C CS , 3 EM TIITF, siblc riber ieus leave to ianounne lanid and cotllatlyh re'c iving ie snppl Gonts, Boys, Yiotilhs, nuid Chibire's fli1t.4 C41- Orders fIo:n the country faithfully r 306 Ki September 27th, 18-51 Boots and Shoes for Sale! W. S. WOO.il Boots, Shoes and Pl antation Brogans, I85 Richaridson Ni reet, Columbia, S. C. :\S now oil hain a can:ple- ;aortmet H llf the above arn!-.s., 0ic : are ll'-r. ed at th imwist pir~es for ( 'ASil or its eqIliva ent. Lbsat siock af l'iantatlim B3 ro-a is is well worthy the itt iitof oI'liniers, consiS tingj' o! .Men 's nxl and pegged llroagatins and St itch-Do~wnsi, -AI,SO-~ A gencral asiortimenit of Idi-, a -j.$ses and Chibilt'.i Sios (of all classes, -A L.S, Ge nt's lie Irel, 1'inu1y and S. ti tli e floits 0 own nantaatu re, to Iinch hie im1 iteN an1 exaN;a wt ion. ',indin.ta ol all dles'cript io---. Fine Frenciiadh and! .-et at. icn 'ill Skinls, which will lbe iade to order at the siortest nio tict'. W. S. WOOD, 1?3Itichiardon-st., Cnrjljjinha, %S. (,. Oct. 141. 1851 5 0 i f In Equity---Sumter District. .11l1hn It. ii glitonl, IA'tia It. lirn-1;.;htiaa. & I i5y lh-ir i e'- frie nl , .lamesa 1U. lritwk. lIpsay 11. liri ahtaon. *J IN puir-m s $ 01Aior-- inl Ih abov : tatet e:-ta. I will 4ufr at I blic sal., to the liati .iloridlay 1!1 NIvetmher liell. :it Suttlier Ct' 1n r, jjous* -,. ,::ta tian a4r iract f han I etV iia IIad t e.t 11.110h 11 .X 11111V.1111d arres, a\ ii ill Ch:it .'h; i o-- tv Sulilitor II -i. i-, si iiea~r tili amu i- i i-, It '11l1.1126 i-4 the es tal f the11 1.11.- jln n h :g tn .r., de eraqad :n1!iJupon wh.!iah at raeilh-d 'at ii h tn' ofi hi' teat hi. Not aa be sihl I r le'' thana sev' l-pon te preni esc i:, a I *ras \ lill, tand a ':an .h1ill w'lla 'al i.. aait ill nilttl* i ri i or r.--TIl tbilts lit taiaoat lha,' tt-aet ii. du.iali t c nill inga. hth la ow'' ani:I highl laits anda alibrd. an) lin sturpas-d rnae for .:itocks ofill kital'-the whoiile consithtitt- a ne a oa f th.-l iot '.aluiale 'iatanon:~ii, evear tlI-ed lar .sale in thii. ihs maneiy 1o be pall ini ca:lt lh; t l:e hia alahie inon two t.. anIa tharee t'enni.t wh intr-i tia peraanlial .ecurity, andl i iaiirn~aagt al thet la:od hir thei credit poartion ofa the .-.il apurchaie iaw Wi. F-. 11.\Y NWo!tT|r, Comia'r. in lj'sy. S. I. A, ANDER80N, Suntaterviil-,-, S. C. 1aespecI fully infaarmsn the loph- ti o hf a .n ter I 1:,ric thIat hie hias.insti rece-i'. I wnl niaw alla-r. for satle die bst aeh-ie.;,I 'Tljlaataaatha'Goods, Thiticannt u~itd lay anaythaiitu in lthis mnarketl. I i'le hs ite~ived may it-n' :tylat whicha piurchaut-re wouaid alt w.ell ti e xiaineii bet Il( )A\)IJI.()'IIS. CASSI.\al~ l'l .\.\ NI V hNT I 1 N G S. ---.-.0 A fuull and harge sc:oily aof ITasier'., Shairn, Drawers, Glavesn, Sat: paener, CraLvatS, Ilanad. A larg~e alssortme;. *f Iti-A laY AI~l LO T1IlIlNC , wh.licl .ih ibe stahl laow.. K'jY ( armnts inannifactiuredl bys t iheOscri her, alnd wvarranted to give eiathfaaraiin. Or dearna from a1 dlistance' pruomptly iattnded ta. A. ANI)1ItSON. Seapt. -1th, 185t. if' SUIM'1'EmVL bIR, 8. C. E. Souansaaei'sj utlice' ash Capt. I'. Smauater, a Iali 'I and well saelectaed sck ofl FAX 1.1..\NI DW IN TfIli Ua.ady aM ade Cloa lth ta ll hid i ah is and sizes, w..Ii he w.ilI d 'paw' of at least /intal /l fre Pr c'en/a lowe r than anya' thelr hoisal. itn townVi. TPhe) publaEli a nre r spteltlivyi nieited to call anad exZais laor J. S~hlI\VUiIN, Noperiaitttendl'ant. Or . 4th, 185L dW II it' t i['TJE RVI ILE S. U -I Olhiet' three doorA northb of ht C. 11. .Jun, 21, I$8t 'Ji i f Old Brass and Copper. Th'le Subsacriber wt'ill puay 12.2 cents pel pound in caish for anyi) gntan'.ity of old lirat. tor Copper. delivecredI at. his shops, near I ih IWihaiit.ounad Manchester R. 1R. Depo fiat S5umiiirv.ill e. TP. J1. COIGIllAN. I'nbrun ry 28, 1i.3 I 18 tr. ....~~J .3..... ion 131ogans at the F LYS BOOT AND SHOE 0o the PI ite'rs and! Merrehgiiit. of aSi 01er and es of IPIA NTl'A'1'IC N 8I1101-;S, Imealeeer allI '4Iagis, of' every * . v ind, andlI froal tilc lil A~d pruoptly attczled to. nig Strect, Lladrlston, S. C., a fewv doors ab( D we P.E y Exprecss. Al) \\I I."Ni'MUS CI)MIANY's L INEII l avif I.vel 'CI .\CC1:le1 Ca) N-luelf11r. oi!, Ilip Al EI":l IANTI~;arnd ClTEi7IlNs ia, wlt"# I-A-tU.; tar v*roctirln~j I lenvv t0 :1 (l aii c~y tl/ nl 1iiICl e (IN ho iaaat i- ;a rc a* 111"I! ;I as 1i' )ralilt! sct ily wrO. aipra of driey o a ni k ;z 'l'haa.. o ia.rhe lalloen ro ie~cl la (!,I l) a lls o., h'iiani'rvIfe 1 idiiaji4 for a ai lls I S 113,2~ 1 ;-5 1, 4 tf The firs aiw 00~rji th Iii ic ntihat lie h iaa .-. ade oAw okhp iar~ Ii Deil iiiU Stim evl , a I C~vi) ti 1(1 llier Gun. briaaeaai I*lae. oni It as.i vempovd fia raIC wokn e 1 *1'. IIa p i r p z w T . J . C .G I Aia a N . Newj.27, 1'-. 1 4 tf ;111d a gll 't lv ItvA to'; 1116:l ( '0 h1l .11" t\. .1 9 S 1 LI To te Pantrs o ~utI% K" t 4,L-1111 ( il " 4 if Motlon. IR 'hnter's and Factor's EMPORIUI, ,-t 3 *0 30: T Vi Ilia imsbu rg Districts, that he has now ou vith an tunrivaled siick of Ladies, Misies, ist fasllonable Workmen. EDWARnD DALY, we tile [Ierchant's Iotel-sarme side. . if New Establishment, R I10 E ;,r & 1 T H S 0. ON, )arslr in E ib, French urnt American Urn'-iN, Mdedit'ines- anad ints ~, O.), Varin hes ari. Dvy.Stff's, hiunity Ghne anid Santd l'aptr. Paint, Sarmish, ( : ;2n.-l liir and Whiteltashi trnsbe.S, Fmte aind lico Perfunicry and 'antv Gtoo-I, Pure Liuors and Winest for. r hical pur pse, lancets, Ecarificators md Clipping Glass-es, &C. All [he Popislur l'ntcit Medicines direct rain the proprietonrn. ALrerits by alipintiment for Dr. Jaynes' nd I)r. en cel'Iricl Fmmlilly Medi nes, ilso for Farrell's Araisian Liniment, lortimer & Mawbray's Hampton Tir-c. ure. Carter's Spanish Alixture. &c. All articles from this Establishment are varranted fresh and genuine. Phyaiian, Phaiters and country Mer 'hans sending to us, can rely upont getting 'riime Aruiles, nod having their orders iromptly execnted. July 261, P3,51 39 6m. 1 natomical Lectures And Demonstrations, It. MYDDLErON IN CIIEL will com. mence his private course on Anatomy nd Physiology, on the first Mlondny in ovembler, at his Aentonical Rooms, op osite the Medienl College. Dr. %:lii-. olfirs the following advan. ages to it':.nts attending the Medical osk.Fsi)n in Charleston. A complete course >f Lecures is delivered during the season in Aiiaoiy and Physiology, the Professor E:nstratingi 11S ourse by preparation, irawmytgs anld toodels. Dissectims are onduc ted oi an improved plan, conSisting a it interronting cich member of the class, F mil innhogIi him demnonstrate his own dis. ac-tion. Th'le Studeneit may hereby multi. DyV his opp~ortnineius for acquiring a knowi. sige'of one of the most important anid difli. suit departinents taught ini the College. 3aturdl.is are devoted to Micro-copipal I1~sammintions are held regularly every ght on eaich of thme several branches, gmv ngthe class the benetit of a rehearsal, in a tendmiens~ed form, of the subjects lectured on iy the I'rotessors of the Medical Collrge, mo as to reenll whantever ny have esicauped i tientioni, anid to correct en~orS entertainmed Jy misapprleending the mneaning~ of the Lecture. Dr. M.,, .\ill find plpasure in recomn ma'niling 'ie p)roper 'ext books ini general uise, i':T. iatroducity..lhis pupil4 to theo ac lua.ntance of theaseveral Proesradi brXittigth tudentsn all matters con. ,ectoil with their studiof.. . itRtferenge may be inade to- Dr. l.', at hi~s residenice Queen street, '74, or at his Anuatomi~calI Roomms oppoasite the Cotlege. Te'rms, TIem.. Dollarsi. - Thle substcriber is also prepared to take private pupils who for the ordinary otlico Ien of one hunmmdred dollairs a year shall hmave accekss 1o a hirgo hiirary, dimgramns, pilates amd ,models, and be furnhshaed gratuitously with the ticket to the lull c'iu~sedeliered mi the Snnner Medical Institute, His ppia w.vIll m bus be made famnijii with div n at the bed-~side, and be made partmi.i pinis m nmny surgical atnd ob'stet~rical case's occur ring in is practice, while they liee nie mjnannmieds with the rmethmods of iing ind aidministering drugs. Thp .tictest attenttioni willI be paid to the Mi. earoscople mi conniectiona witIh Anratomy anmd l'authlo:ogyv, aind exasiminations irld every Cm!.uunr.s-r-oN Sc~si~:tmn MENICtL~INsTTUTg. Pr-o ur of Anaio~ay andu P!:ysiyoigy. WN.11 MIIU s. Prof. of .1).dicau/ ('iiy. I-. M. It IltEltTSON, Phr ./ Obstetrix and. Distses of I nz'fe 1I. A. ~N l ilANI, Prof. of .Surgory . I. V. M 11:11llah, P'rof. of aleriaz Aediga. Fe2 for the course *.-t). Lecture com' mnce in, April and ternunate about the mid le ii ,July. August. 28, 1S54 4t.. t ROU'TS, SHLOES, TRUNKS, TI GA ITERS, &C,, &C. THE mpornim of Fashion and Quality, whemreu navy tbe found' a co'mplt.asssoranent of 1.adie,-. Menis Iloymi' Miiracs and Chuildlrens'. Ituiot, Shoes, Gaiters, &c., of alamost every mtyle adquiy.They are fresh goods and are all .i. Tr. IIRUNSON. Next door to R. C. Webb, & Co. .liair. 22, 185-1- 1 - - if Yarn and Osnaburgs. Til E subscrib~er, Agent for the DeKalkt ti| factory, oilers their goods at mannfactursr. prices.PERIRY MOSES. May 3, 1851. 27f Just Arrived and for Sale. Fi'reSereens, Wmidow-hhade-a, and Fixtures,- &c. Violins and Guitars; Violin and Guitar String., Piano Music. L. B. HJANKS. ' August.9,.18M ' '' 4L It. GREAT 801U JACOBS, .]FOR ALL BO 1:uchps, Cholera, Dysentary, Diarrhn'ra, CI ALSO, ADMIRABLY ADAPTED Most Especially The Virtue ti Jacob's Cordial a 1st. Ii '-ures the uturst cases 'fDinrhr. Ond. It cures the worstformp of Dysentar 3d. It-cures Catdjlirnia or Mexican D rhica. ... 4th. It relieres the skrerest Cholic, Ofh. It cures the Cholera Morbus, 6th. I cures Cholera Infa ntum. A re w Short Extracts fro " I have usedl Jaeob's Conial iln ny f6inn judgment a valuable remedy. I "It gives mie pleasures in being able. to re rience, and the experivraee of ;#y neighbor for me to believe it to be all that it purporu Wn.II. Vtin)ERwooD, For "I take great ple.asura .in. recommending ti diseasew, for whicif I believe it to be a sover ever tried by ine." . . - - ; ' A. A. GAtI "I'have usedI 'Incol/s Cordial' in mny tami by those who have tried it, inaluees n, to he: of the kind, anot I would recommend its use I Mirx- G. Doinntss, Va "If there in any credibility inl human test above alli-ther preparallons for tIuw cure of il fivor cuing in from all quarters. it'Inus I be iftnt all other 'patent' preparations.'" -. . . . .. - - AFr...INO, ( This eficientremedy .in Aravellbig into. into Itussia, and gaining commendation Wit For sale by DAInAN 4 Co., S.uptervi gton T. . WonK.AN et Co., Camde P'rincipal DepotP, H1A . And by the Principal Merchants and July 26, 1854. Dr. W. as tDargan & Cc ETAIL DEALERS in Drug.,Me cities, Paints,.Oilp, Dye SM0T',.311 ent Medicines, Window Glass,- Perfumeri -ancy Artig.les, arnd.a variety of other artick sually keld in. Drug siores. 'o. W. DAROAM, V. JAs. DARGAN, M. I .T_ Next door to China's Hotel. Jan. 2, 1831. 10--f. tpping's Sarsaparilla, . (BES'I NO0W IN1 U-SE.) . And a variety of other popular Patent Medl Ines, for sale by Dr. W. JAS. DARGAN & CO. Feb. 29, .I54. 18 tf A Lot offinrt Boxes, kWater Colors,) for sale by DARGAN & (, Feb. 29, 1851. 18 Garden Seed.. A large upply, kept constantly on han, y 1 DARGAN & CO.. Feb. 29, 18 tf Excelsior Family Starch, In pomnd packages. powderet Als- th ighly cleb0rated Corn-Starch. for sale by . DARGAN & CO. Feb. 29 .1854. 18 if Genuine Cod Liver Oil, Prepared by ltuhion, Clark & Co. Alsa old drawn Cator Oll,.tvery fine..) for sal y DARGAN & CO. Fe"'. , 1854, is if ancy and Toilet Articles A h. a.::: "ortment. Call at Dnrgan nd '.-:i ii-n. Also a variety of Note I'r er and . 'oes, for sale by DA RGAN & Co. Next door to China's liotel. Feb. 29, 1854. 18 tf luns, Ammunition, Fishinj Tackle, &c, JOHfN KRIIDER; MlatUuni~tturer, Importa r andL Whl.la and Retail Dealer in Shot, (Gun., Ri/les, Pistols, Fishing TPack/e. an all kinds of Sporting A pparatus, Tr'ielbter with a general assortmenit of kIAT1ERIAI.S FOR GUN MAKERE N, E. Cor. of WValnuvt nrad ileconid StreetWs. Phi ladeIlplaihl \ll of which, and such other articles a 3elong to his line of business will be' sol as low as can be afi'rded by any establisi iient in the United States. In tutimnony of his slill ae a manufactu ir, the Franklin Isititute of Phiiladelphis )as awarded to him sine 18-40, two certil pies, six silvei- niedals, and one mecen premium; and in 1854; the Crystal Palac f New.York, awarded to him a medal, tI anly one aw~aruded for Shotj (luns and R~ lies in the United 8tistet. "lKrider's Sporting Anecdotes," illa trative of cecrtain varieties of Atmjercm Game, with remarks on.,thpe Ch1Itriteer the Dng, Field iDogs, Smipe, Woodcoc R~aiJ5 Partridge,,Dunk ani3 Pidgeon mati shiooting, ont the Rice .1Danting, Rei Ilir~d, G rass Plover, Hluhllheaed or Golda Plover, Canvass JAick. atnd Red lleadj Duck, American .Widgepn, .Scaup Dui anid Canada Qpnse.-- ?rice.$1,.. , .Addr~ess JOhhIN KRIDEIR, edcond al WVai ntnt, Philadlalphia. Aug. :10, 1854. 44 y Choice Old Brandy and .WIN ES.. We hdg nott. itj store some very-sn' rior ld .Ijranafy, which has boen select by ourselvw, for medicinal purposes. age anid mildness togethier with its puri wvilI hwof nrent consequtence to inval wvho are necessitated. to use it. A variety of very select Winos, consisti of O1ld MYeera, Old Port- Whin Brows. Sherry, Pale Shernry Pure Claret Wine, Ignported by ourselves, all oaf wvhich wvarrant genjaine, and of the very lit quality., For sale by 13OATl W~Itdit & ni-I1d1i0c ..Coturt f lotise Range, Couattabia, 8, July 26~, 1854 39 - IMatthlessen & O'Hara, Clothing *arke h o u s i'45, SetsL Hlay, corner of Queen Strea . .. IIARLJESTON, S. C. WOU LD respect fully call the attent of the Merchtants of South Carolina, d< ing in REA DY MADE CLO IHING, our extensive and Varied stock of Cloti of all qualities from the highest tp lowest. All goods. from our Latabi ment are warrantect both for stylo Workmanship. ' . c:#* Partiular attenj iven lpofd WM. tf A TT HIESSEN . . . O'I3ALtA li' Setg3%3% HERN REMiE'D Y. CORMY&L. WEL DISEASES. olera Morbuas, Bilious Cholic, CholeraInfantum. TO MANY DI)13,A.'I OF FE.MALES, Iainjil Menstruation. -e loy ireil kn etil th/'quite Encomiums. . 71h. It cures Painuil Alenstruation. 81h. It reiere.JPqins in Back an1; Loiis ir- 91h. It .Coun flracts Verrousness and Des. 10th It re:>re. Irrr-Iul'rriies, I 1h. It dspels gloony, lyster'edl Feclings, 12lh. J's. qn admirable Tonic, ini Letterm,.TFetaoanials, &Z-. ily, and hatve found it a mtost efficient, and in my lita WAM n W lVAn~ , Judge of Supreme Court, Ga. ,ornmend Jacob's Cordial-my own perstmaaal expe. and friends around me, is a suflicient gmarantee to be, viz: a i'overeign remedy." iterly Jludge of SupretmeaCuart, Cherokee Circuit. mis invaluable inudicine to all. allicted with bowol ign reinedy-decidedly superior to an y tidugele i.rpiao, D. G. M. of the Grand J.astge of Georgia. ly, and this. wiLh all I L.ear alnit It ia arenedy. ieve that iUstands at the heal of every preparation n the diseames for whibc it is compounded. siter of the Bank of tha, State ofGeorgia. lutony, Jacol'.s (Iord&Im. unst , sloiRd pre-eminent owel.Jiseastes. I-rom the ians if testimony in jia very far im adance, as a curative agent, ofmost 'ahilmer Marine r.nd f ire Insn'rancc lantik, (riffin.. elebrity as fast as Bonaparte ptrsed hl culunmns rever uite." .. Georgiia .Ii|J-rsonian, Ma-u17tl1 IRM. I. W. ILI$S & Co., Proprietors, Savatnnah Ga. lie; T. A. 11Ar.t;%y, 11. G. MAl GFGot: )ar. n ; F.si.gn 4.- firs uubl .C VI.AND, Ila:um., Resly & Co.,Newv X' ork. vt mIIAIntAr.-& Coj., Cheiiileston, S. Civ YnT & Cp.,. New Orleans. Druigists throiugout the State. (Eatbibates. We the friends -of A, R. BRAPlIAM Esqr., take pleasureinn. Houin )o hblad- a natiitlddle for Sheriff di sandr Dist rict, akt the .ngxt Election. - N A NY FRIEDS. Mar. 29, 18--51. 22 if A Number o'f Voters take pleastre inailou(itg Cpl. W.ittIng A. COLCLOUG1 as.a candidate or Sler il of Sumter District, at the next election. March 15, 154. . 2. tf. Mr. Editor: Please annotinc0 Caapt. T. ). Ftrm-soq. as..n Can4.ldante for Sherifli ol Sutitor I)tstrict at the cnsuingl election. Aug224, 1S53. FOR TAX C L T hJUT' R. R.' ILtTots :-Pletie arioance Mr.. .RO.ERT W. DURANT; a candidate .for-I'a-Collecl or -ouSttlom Cunnty, at the next electionj and cbligb a . -.-..... - I - 7ANY YoTur - . Janunry 14, 1852 13--tt - . 8 Tihe friends of Capt. P. M. *GIBJOINS anmouce.him a etundi. date for- the oflice of Tax- Collector for - a Suomaa Counity, at the etnsuing e~locliotn and obbri :: .. Ma:y VOTEn4 October 1' 1. P O R- 0- R DJI N AIt Y_. .(I Mr, Editor:-Y . l '* please .announce WILLIAil 1I..URUN SON as a-candidato. for the Offic,e of Orli' nary af Stinner District, at the ensuinj election. . ..' ANY YOTERI April 27th, 1852 27-tr FO R O -Lit K. 6:T We are authorised to announce Col.tdl80. 8. C. iDESCH AM PS. a cantddate foar Clerk of th~e Courtof Sum ter' -District at theo ensuing election. S August 101, 1854 - 42 U' SWe are atithorised to anr nounce J. L;.IONES.a contdithite for Clerk e of the Cott f utater District at the en. .suing election. .. - ! Atugust 10. 1854 42 tI' (r& We are atithorized to6 - dtmannee TI, A DI~lS, t'qd.,.a Candiate for Cietk of theC Court, at th'e ensuing election. 1A N Y voTrERS.. s A pril 16th 1851 25i . at. d ---'--'--__ _______ O-0:riYM r. Editor : Please axi nounce Mr. J. J. McKIELLAR,~ a Candi.. -d:ute for Clerk of thie Coamst, (or Sutater a. Dtstrictm ablti oblige Mlaxy VO-rERS. - April 13J, 1852.. 25-tf Ii - eF OR -C LE RK. -i MR. F[MITOR:--MANY FRi15D'jPe -of WV. J. N.,1lI:uatg-r are desiro~s .of put' ting him itn notintion .for the~ Ogic Mj a- Clerk of the Court af Sumtter Distract, at fl thte ensnitng election. : alf May 24, I1853. 38-,-tf lisi We are autharized dto annotn A. E. P'OOL.as a canididatq rt for Shaerift'of Stumter District at thaeensu. Dceanbo 21, 1852 81 *Mr, Editor :-Please. nlounce JOhN. l'.: M1cLEOD atlithrd _. for Shleriff.of Sumter 1)istrict and .lige ... - .. . MANY FutanDs. June 29 f, 1853 '. . 856tf IIE a authuorized to announce Wv e- WV LEWIS a candidate for Urdi'ar at ed theo ensuing ele.:.ion. Ets Jun'o 28, 1854 .35 i CROgKERVY ND GL 4ASSWVfR1J CHINA anal Granitte Tea's, a -'. gGranitte Dinaer aqdl ilhakfast Plates. *Steak D~iadtes, lluttet -bhhaes, 'Soup -Rowbm, c, Custard Stafdsm, FruIts Stand,. Flower Yawa. Ubtimnda (Aas Carndlesnqeks, Prsev -Diahles,- Decwantetn, Tunmatlrs,. ..Wine Glais'es, ve Glass Pitcherse, atnd a nutmber of ai~ afticles. t just received andl for aale by .T. J. 80 LOMON64$pO. Milarch 2%,18:d 21 U'. WATCldlAKERl & JEWE!LER . - :;.8 prepmamd to udo all tmne~ of wrtI ii hwthneatness atnd deaspaqi *totv are .CASt!. lie itt still at, h~,~I~z3 above the Trown Ilal. ' Just Receivod~ - A large lot pf NorthiOahmlinaBachn and 'i.flour, al vay7s on haud a o tO Sept. 6, 185441, :0 LAD1E RI GO~hidt ird T1issuea,.Befage dohourodj Slla* 1414%j and fringed lanDit~ks,. Piitl e. and Plain *ra. .Jacptilce &4&c. Fo 'y