OCR Interpretation

The Sumter banner. [volume] (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, March 28, 1855, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86053240/1855-03-28/ed-1/seq-2/

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Enr rons :
Ageuits for tiac Banner.
The followinig persons have been ap
pointed Agents and are-authorized tor re
ceive, and receipt for, all saom due the
Sumter Banner. Any person wihing to
ecote a subscriber to the Iu:iiier, by
handing thnm their unme and address will
have the paper forwarded promptly.
They will also see to lorwarding all ad
vertising busiiess connected~ with the
W. W. WALixr Jn.,..Coubihia- S. C
S. W. Wm-rAKEu,..Wilnington, N. C.
WIL.LAIa LFo................". .
W. F. B. H1AINswonTu, St'rville, S. C.
1R. C. LoGAN, f
W. S. LAw-rON & Co. Charleston, S. C.
No other person is authorized to receipt
ftr the Banner.
IgI" Persons .wishinr to see us upon
business connected with the Paper or Law
ean find us at any honr d'uring the day
at our officejust back of So:.o~voss' New
Store. i9T All letters addressed to the
.3mmer must be pre-paid to insure atteii
t'I n.
Rteport of the rCtiad Jury.
In another columnn we give thie report
of t'he Grand Jury of 8nuter District,
and the orders of his honor tie Judtge.
One remarkable fact connected with tiis
Grand Jury, is that they have fotmd no
9' ne bill, in any case brought hi fore them,
and their rt.urns meet with general ap.
proval ; that every granid Jury hereaftt r
imay conscienitioutsly dlo hkewise, is our
steadfast hope iand wish for hme fiiks.
Some wise and* judicious reforms are su
gested in tile report which we should be
happy to see taken notice of bly our friends
The. Bible CausC.
The following appointments lave ieen
handed to us for publication, and wo iolueri
with pleasure, trusti ng that its publicationi
may he productive of much good.
'The Rev. Eowis A. Uot.i.Fs of Charles'
ton,South Carolina Bible Airent will vIsi
the following places in the prosecut ion o!
his duties:
Presbyterian Ch. Sunoterville, A pril 27th.
" 6 "1Mt. Zionl, Llay Gll.
" " Uishopville- 11 13Ith
" Pine Tree (Kershaw) " 2(tIh.
During the visit of time Agent to Simi.
terville the district Bible Societies will be
-reorganized. All denominationis fr eidly
to rhe dis'ribution of the bible " wi thout
noto or comment" are earnest ly requested
to co.operate in this best if causes.
Mr. L It. STEARN-, wh-se adVmt'ise.
nient appe:.rs this week, is now eigoagel
in boring an Artesian weli fo Mr. Cooper
of Salem County. Mr. S. olers his pro
fessional services to the citizns of Snim.
trand adjoining Distric' s, anid Mr. Coop.
er kindly offers auil a w.elcme whom mniy
feel disposed to visit the works on his
Fire is perhaps the-greatest evil a
communlnit~y such as outs has to drea 1.
Our property consisting of almnost all
wooden buildings, with no fire enlginies
or' means of extinguishinig a laze, and
a very poor* supply of water, and
searcely any insurance algainist loss, a
fire in the t~usiness part of the town
would necessarily bring ruin upon ma.
ny and distress to all. T[no soinert
ther'efore that we nmake utse oh' prLcaut.
tions and1( prevenitatives the he:tter.
These remarks suggest theimsel ves
as we sit d. wn to make a niote of a
fire which occutrred in this place cmn
Washi-ngton- street last Monday night.
and resulted we are sorry to say ini
the destruction of the dwelling house
of Mrs. TIhomps'on.
Th'le cause of the fire we are infor~m.
edwas the car'ehessniess of a servanit.
. A WalnIhug Off.
From a letter receiveid from Meesrs. W
S. Law-roN & Co., of Chmarlestonm, we are
itntotimed that the falling~ off o f receipts of
Cotton in the United Staies, up to this da~ti',
and as compared with last year reaches thet
bel~ge number of W-.!000 bales.
Niew Oiuods.
Wer arundler ol-tigamions to Mr. A. M.
NEwERnY' atnd his kind assistant .\l r.
Scarborough, for tmany nice aind fancy ar.
ticles of new sunuer good.s ; a large sup.
ply of which thmey hive just received..andh
to whichi we wvould call the attentioni ot
Bltarnun anong; the. BabIie'..
From ou r northern exchainges we
learn that during the pre'se'nt, tmiombI
thero will be ai groat baby fir, ini New
York at BIrnum's4. Museum R~ooms.
Somoe ten or twenty prizes are ollfered
by him for the most perfect speoimnens
of' babydomn. Of coutrse all the world
will be there at so manny cenits a head,
"chiidren hltf price" and l3arniumi will
realize a few~ thomusaind diollars by the
operation. \Ve see the ntame of one
lady wtho ha attained comisideralhe
distinction in the literary world, and
'.hnc was for many years a resident o
our owin State, Iieitionied altonl.g those
of the judges over bthydoin.
There is to ts something veptlsive
in the idea of gathering together some
scores ( rosy checked inocunts to be
- tared at, wei.gied, measured, arx] ad.
jidged, like so rmoly fiiktted ipigs or
Illocls inl the imirket.. There is a
walt uf relii, n Iclit---even of decenev,
ill such ainl exhibition; but wle tti't.
coifess, it is at lit Sejtiuec to the fi
nicial holnors paid to tle bratw n ant1d
mu11scie Cf Williain Poole.
csba nad tila Admiuiitratiofa.
T'llere is evidently a crisis iapplainig
in our relatios with the lSp:tiisi Govern.
ment in wideh there will be great nced oin
oir part. of firiiess aiiti decisioi. As
holile as we are to all atteilnts n tIh
part. of tile Citi ns iof outr eositry to rev
olutionize uailiipy Cul, we imuitit never.
th., le.-s contfoss, that thle wanton cruelly
aind the revoltiog tyrraniy so lonlg lr"W.
tised. by Spaish ollicials mii that ishai ii are
but to well Calclitil lster 10 liamong
the people ofi tle Ulnited Statei such Int.
raiuiding expiditions as are the daily theme
oi riproach againstus in ai ill loregn lands.
l'erl;i ps there are 1l0 civil zed IeoeIC tin.
der tle still, who are sbtijecied to such
cruelty and oppressin rio their rulers
as d. people ol Cuba. The tyrraiiy um.
der whicih tiey gr)aln is as call ieius Is
it is oniistant. 'I'i pohitical survedihantce
to wich every inhabinit Of that islain1l is
subjected is of itselt sstilicieit to g.ad a
people. callouis 1lsigh they muay be, Into
0: ii and desperate rebellimn. There i,
scarce ;a circutistance that can be ctnciv.
ed of ill ni the couiiCt of their goveruiteit
that doscs niot appe d1 ti tlat spit it ot retis.
tantce to wrong inoplanteti by naiture ill thle
breast i every bing. With a ier - wpophi.
111sn armjiedi to I, ep 1thems in suljectioiaid
lording it tver theimit with the ImiitslIece
tht bel Is to tle tiihitary prufsso:'s ii
a guvernmet wthose h ighelt. sictit iS
tihl swyordl; with ni i . her im i:ni i the
capricous wil tiit aI ercenary dc.jit w-hies
coll'ers are ililed with the irnuts tit proscripl.
imons azid ip rinical exactjion, it :s a iii;ir.
vel ti the thiii(., aig n Inl th it G brs st:11
gruans mn her Ch. s' f -evl:igi, in tih'
vcry Q;git ti the lires oi lis'ieriv iuring in
Amnerican aliars
The atiqisitiont of Cuba w have Iiver
lesired, nlti5ss peat'!lully and wIlliligly
ce.tled bsy Spain. '.vl if ;c'l1uired tiidr
ites u lavorable circtiistai, C, we have
ieared that its ooveriinmnt, wuild present
- probleimi ditiiuliit a di merost ii thdI'
soltion. in oit tncy w.th our. fret!
instititionis, we csu Il. not mit:shw it a de.
p-nIdeney, and we iare it cret it iito I
isovereigi St't The id-jndem-e 1
thel cohones, cf 811:1:n, has1. always 4-pened
with onl!v a tigle eN i, ionly a neW
era of revolmi 'ion i rebiy. Th:t o:e
excition provedi it) it! i. rile of ad
pot who goveriied as ti'retully aid ais;
justly as a tdespiit 4iwd g1vern.
Our relations wi-h Sp till have now a
::iited ani atitude inl which wir gv.
itieni ci niio lons eor rer.iin iiactivs. .
uitu:nt-sert ith digimty of the loilry atnd
we w .arred wv i ngl od lirly y ir- ago
TIhec uoii right of search ti tIs iday
andit exercised ini such im:iltier, as ti cal!
for itrim prslipti amti eniertc actio I insi
the phurt of th~e ieiraI g' vermneniit.
11er ttieils ini Cuba, by a forms oft tril
contrary to treaty siitiuitionsi, have shied
the blo i t of one who ch tiimted to bie
:imhiiledi amil miS id uponii iy till Amzseri
Icani Cosusl at I iivaisa. Securitarv .\l Au:t:V
whols wousl ic. ri' ac1~t wih iinidie pri.
(<arinest'y aiginst thle cuirse they' -:medli
iesii;vcsd oni pur1siin-. Iia languzage l1i.
imporst ofi w h: i. ens uint. he ii neiunder
tsisd lie emiii kiedc thtem iagsunst .liizhhuig
Asiisrie:im bhhtsi. Thei deed hiss boen
shine andi we hive ino doubit lie :siiunsus.
trahn will imahe tie tt aeiipjt it ar. with
vigor; but pari bzi.ed ais t he goverslnio it ils
by the sppsitionii ati perverseon- oII,
a bisgse partio sof th t pi'.noph-i ofi the Noriih,
whoss wi!l! tcsen~~it tos tilte ani stepl iii
tsen. the digyui ii l is country unh'e~s
mionst rati- is wilt be huoi a feeble sine.
iof listrrstilnilis 1:iie, lurisnig ect isli.
iitterly att varianice wuih (each sthir, bisving
chli'ercast iobjectts aimls ands insinlion55, thi
itreskshusg ushlir whoi lcts uS ihisugh lie
weire expre-iing the voice of a ns :isun wdl I
lindl uh his coniuitjted it iarfusilihhuiler.
Thle anitagonuiii sif lie Nor. h anti Sosuthi
wdtl horver reiider I he thossughlics siimii
whio sharus tois e P'rshlent ofi this Consse.!e
the dug ii the I~buted Stass. Thel ii.niii
of unaion :uiti o na/linal" hoiuru are
;aroteings the iitinthsus ofi the pieopjli.
Outr buicrinigs, contsequenit, liuon thie
fourcedl andii onnu.t ura l ln- ii nhi no i
I ve, wil hioirever rendser tnsu atory all at
temsiii ott the piart ofr anyi ilhanuiit rat isn
hotwevir capiale ir' lpatriote ititmaisy lbe i
rendher itself even respiectale si the eyes
ofi thle wvorld whtete tile ilaivery que stuti
follow~ing resuluiilitn i5hih was sad td by
th lIIlutse 1of 1ipeet iii ii e s iif the
Iliisois 1ruil:itionli:
Resold, TJhat a lineo of $fs00 he
hereaiilter imsedt~ oni anyi haslv v hts
tihall lictitie ini piubiilit it aniy' poit iii
thte Stalte, without.sis litsh puitting on
entliantn's raesl rnl.
Ity tlhe zaziWf Railm.
The latest news boy telegraph fron New
York brings Eturopean dates to the 31st
It was tnilirttood that tie conference
hal agreced upon the first two poitnt s, aind
tiat the critical third point on which dhe
question if peace or war tirs was under
con)sileratitoni indl woul' occupy several
days. The denleiiitiin ol Seba stopol wouli
not be dteinnldi!d. on the oilier hand
acinother dispatch says "All conjecture
as ill the result is idle.'
Tiht- prospect for pecace was regtardied, tit)
t) Iet latest nneomenv'lt at Vienlia, as ex
ireinnely proh'etnatleal-ineeti. as ahnoist
ieitcless. The ptoceedirll s (if tie Coin
Ierence, be'ing private and c-ntidental,
however, but lilt'e C111ui lie definlite'ly
known byv ouitsiders. 1-4 is stated howmever.
tht; t ie sessletions ;re quite storilly.
At Linnion the ilplession jappe:mrs to
le 11tt %%sia will int aced(e teo nite con
dit eois regirlinr tihe lhiik Sea. Tif!
coniicrence will probmbly spht ott this quiies.
The Imperial Giard of France lelt Par.
iS onn Tuesday tir tIe Crimnea.
'ihe toil eleti- e lisiatn ariny in tit!
Crina .S Oie hundred an'd ificen thon.
The psitioni (if the( allies is nlow coent
plet ely hu Inl by an11 n 4.1losurei- of,1701r1ni.
dahle ent retinblnentis, exterali Ing to the
ieights at lllak'ava. Ininrtant events
are shortly antipated. 'tie cuidition of
tie troolis wans iproiving.
On tine night of the 15:hlt tine -renhii
t roops c:arr ed th' milt(! of ninbuscaeI's u'.
u jdct ib tine h i e cuseiin shairp shnieri., anl
at the sm n tn' e thlike n.;s:ain i uule a
sorlic but they were repulsed.
News Items.
'Ilh, reports trtein Chlnin .er- to tine ell'.t
thait the- lusur'.1s a-re! '~runllg groind.
A\ new' ide with re-ilret th e i holera
was titei a iort Ine since', by ;ni
A.merntin pih';sic:ini. Li. nInnnit:nlis Ith-t
sere.,of ;ntly kind will act ;I S .'eve-nta
live' te thee: ceoler.i. lit! atcco4erdingly re
nn.'ini' (n the appelalrt-lni! e)l the cle
ra all p1eleie' sn ill be leioculat4l by can's.
it. ssun. The ic:i h1as inen clat ltt.il
NX:, 'eter sburg11 wit h very s -ua ury
Th!e S.everal' Tol-ogeX'ii~ i Seininaries
connected wit h the l hl! SNchol; l'reshlyle
r;;n Cinnrcb, tin-re are 2c3 theo!ogical ,fit
dins at present. divieled animr eah.
l~inent s lho-; at 'rinceton, N. . , 115;
aIt .I;(.l.h-nv, he., 51; at SI *lneniiniciirv,
\ ;, 2:; Cohnnni, S. C . :U; New A ilb:n
ny, iu, L"); ibaivilil. ay.,:1i7. ihe li's
lie-', tIh e ai Lnown to n! at. lI'ast 6eiur.
other.-; tuelVl tIh ey tuner prov:nlit
inntrction, and probibly fromni 1-2 to 15
innre', thusn uninhe n: i'tta lcbout :Ion0, see
thln th:~ e annual~l i'uppjly' tnf uiii tersc i
'<nt churhebi for lhe next three Vear-, wil
.. about 110. i' 'hn ie Hone anld For
t!g I ern tink ins0alitcint, minthere (i
anc aeinc Il inecnat 0:i0 ;1 n thne noeniber~ el
i urches, all i e s ppill'dI 'i1h :1! i
er-s, in all.l.tin t he Ili l ir 4f -It) %:It' in
cii ocea:-ihed by du:ath e : c y- ve :r.
'The .ilneuettis 8i'rncnt tic die cy.lp
ted n r'sit eli, with In -:'. one'e dentin
voeee, eh-el:irig thn:et In) lornliner shill bie
"Nori hins rio awaycn wvithn yournn wife,''
n:n ni i i e iel l'o alno lie'r."'' hIeeIr lit'
lew ! I ptyl b;nn,"' nighiei tine <hco~nsoleei
G.in:ini, wiv o killeil .\Ir. Sp lie~r in
\\'yin-v. I I, \'.t., aell on actcount of let,
hasi bee in arr, en1e.
.i~nnes'' A hi il!, iih barbieri whon :nhinii
teered clreceeruin toe a genetleiin in in n w
'Verl I, aiindale'rwarei.is tiibae.i inin, heas been~i
talien in Ne Or'e'n~s.
Th le'Ilernahel say'. .\lri. Souh.!e is e'n.gard'e
cnn (ere'p erlieg cc t' ii hueo~s lenoioly eof le('
t)-itel eiiitielee, winich wv.hllepreshltel
hie (hnellId elo .0.3', nunt 'eiliiinii iliit
iiii''ihilti'nl elevec.oentee'ilits ini rcei tleei toe
i;crnthi -.eennetey wtic in eeg id to Cnnblhn.
Thle~ hi.ll rt'eeanl tavermn leecnnse~s pass.
I'! ii te 'ln it'! eel ilii:-3iiit, i 2ltiei.
liy. by 15 :o 'i.I. It prneeinhiacs ihe gr.ecnt
le e.>S iict'll'ns iller tint lir't cJ .lIe', la.
dle lhOt lilitiriere w-ileltietu iecieee ii
e't'ce',''' The uit lien ieen-e~ ii.' le eee tin u
tIl 'eeiita .ine'ldid'lle' he:een'e it, e ilI hJte:nne
The nh cm tiabl.e' Weanin :lehnrtise',a
reit' t e-liii hi nbe Slneew tee e'eecne til'
.anit ;>!h, (; hn, 7th nd mii h~, c- tine .\emeri
t'aln .blnu'elien, ieV w nil' I'cil'.ec tee the'
a!nlntllo $hti00 ine olpert'd, ;tieni ac teini.
oill-e eel elheeinier.'icctedi linme d huhLies wiji
i w ifrl t ile:lne,
prhineeery tilit hnas~ bnee cn ee l in
et iniiii ie, by, nnicnjor.t ies rafilne r troln
'O e l il00. Intn innjuohabh! nlhat ieee ;eil.
.;)e'v niee'nieh.'I Ii eel lie ehe'eil ie tilt*
Ie''e cslacIn tin'. lie tidlor eel tine' Jid'r e e ltl/,'
hen neennn ueL.'ed im nh-- I'e'e itver by~ ai
lineeh, emtiedlj(nee.'e ten a .clieechle n adc
Theni 'i1issceieluin scys thant t'en thoneus
cd oil elarn, be ne bten redce in I .exningtoen
.Ailelhur, lio :wIct seil lers front thne snlave.
ieelnlinnu States teo iee tenl'ninacs, ciii tre
thee lecsiesiian en tee eergacnn.ze, carni nen ten
leaeve lithe lboretr enar ten :nnilong hKannsaes a
in~cavt Stateto ee eocnicri.
Mr~e. !inehcnnni, Ii. S. Mmicistter lee lingr.
Icandi, hacs geven notice to ICt e tnerenmIenet
thnat Ihe will n'it'ngl cnal renntinn biene on
te lireIt of An!ntie ii's. Ilees lice i':n.
nt hie bnetnt'r Iiile'ed undier the new act titll
The Chevalier Vikolfl'is out in the Her
ald with a contradiction of Mr. Soule'
assertion that Louis Napoleoii. just beforo
hi coup d' elat, proposed to send a secret
eivoy to the C6iteti Stites, in order to see
what. chance there might be of stirring up
a revolt ion onong us.
A bout sixty.live thougnd hales of cot
io vailed at over tirec millions of dollars
have been destroyt-d by fire in this coui.
Iry during the last tireo months..
The St. Louis llorald raises the name
of Sam I soi as a candidate for the
i'reidency, subhject to the decsioni of the
democratic voters at tihe p)oll.
The Pl ar ter's Bank of FairlieHl has de.
clared a dividemd of eight per cent, for the
I.t ix iinothli.
The husineis of shipping Enropean- pinu.
pers f'or New Yorl,sms quite lively this
S pring, in the principal seaboard cities of
France an41 G.rlally. Thie latest. con.
.simnent of I-egegary consist.s of three hn
dred and to entiy Swiss. There are no-re
to lollw, it seems. Mayor WoOd, it is
sIaid will not permit this ragged regiment
to und.
Soveral attempt s have been matie in
Charlstoil to set fire to the COiton at tle
SouIith Carolitt Rnilroad Depot.
The gre:it foir nil rive agatinst tilie
over the Nw Orleains curse was won by
I .xi ngtn. Ti I mo of th Iti s were,
Qst. 1.17 -2. I 5*2,3.i. 1.;- 1 4h1.
rrow iand Jic Blackhrn ran wtlL 161i'.
r.a.;t week was the Jewisli pmssover. It
wa obioervoed aiimg ti'a Isrielites, in
(14)1m113!ntora.tion i u'lthe, departre of thke
Ichibdren of Israel Irom Eigyptian hon~htge
andl si.%very.
Serioiis riots otetirrotl in i t tiaiti l'ist
W 1 il4; ere wnid tihel iii th ignig altI
lidshrd between lte Ainerie:tis aid
I'ro:n a linticte in ihe Cho:mia " Timics"
we earn that All applia:on for l-'xeculive
e-1tlmency muspt be accompanlied with a
reTort. it tile c:tse froi tle presihing
judge; oitherwite they will not be cor.sid
The New Ynok i xpress of Tu'tiisday
SAVyV W"!~s idght. Capinin Turnbull, oil
hle E' ghth b V.nrd puhee, arieste 1,n a
war-ralt, insiiedfby Aiiplfr Potd, Pat
Hetrn, (i 01 tike iot celehrated IlIi.
biers i the ci:y, anid ktteepiig a gamling
I!ce at 5S7 A ii.lway, whre he a.
hii W: 1 I years pAst; mietimes, aoird
ing to rumor, inking as high as .1,(
Ilr "'2 .000 a ol.:ht. Pal is :an 1r11- h: nial,
52 p-.-rs of age, 1 iti s saidi to be very
A d.-eent w also m:icr b1 C:1ptain
TurnbuIillpI the g. lunling hous', 537
lho:tiway, kept by Jo epli S. liall, a
8 tinherner, I, keeps a mii:ignli 'lient
piare, amnwhdns mIlle a1 foritlne erpl:11ly
asbige prbipas Pat I Iearn. I Liid
wa;:s an arrestil by crder of Miiyor
Wood, who has i ll de to 4llhvr
.! ce ap' . itt apprin:dl all such
<lIut'Irs :s ;ti-e if) lie fttihl li tleir res
pcrtye d;'tt tts.
\ Dut oter ~jrsas ftring
th11- iim of Io t'onth C.arl:... iilblica
11on, so - *'eati, it is .t~e, w . the excite
.\r.\ebtr, ihrt iarmll. 11er himslfi
her oi ('onrei I, i Itlig in te nmo'
ats ttest. c:nel t bo in~ great trl'p da-.
piStloiS, iaslanir iml for a1 idrawer fo~r tih'ir
hin jfthe lin, thirteen fri:~:ates. t went
.ii (r5, o ein I d*.whelel steantier-., seven
stolre .1i11ps :ni wo re'eiing sqhipi.
Th'e :larh-lstuo C ,ir 5:1vs Ilami r
tilsm. \Vhlenl the lnew owin're issuid un-i
der t he ai 02 ihi' I:n, ( tnlrrl'5s it i rbt
wi , lixwever, lat til .sly fromi thiN
alire cltti*i'ne tlleIli~ te--~r
n titi i l it:in 11 t (-1 aten I ~ir nece1ss .ir
of h2.II ie ii ev r w e e o ex riiti raltsi
iler ti'i resa slty. .:lione (Cutel.''ew
th i tohu wi \tg geniik einnte the iio~~si
of hr. in Vas'-ingtron, if- Tihie bn.t
flilt i iretiluti-i 5111n tEi' ath di t!v
erny-laelnts ah b-irre'; goI butter ith
lory hIIeti.: o 13' is ihten iets
th 1:1z1 'n ;h nsi gt wlver uit,* lneln cent
pound, i gis 111ish po'atioes ii sev my-ive
Coitile Cini NeI r, on th ble e iilth, woas
4avanv . h.i iriion he lthi ha'nga edu
the most distant exiremitios of the empire.
By the time Ie arriv-es at Oniacamund,
the telegraph will have been completed
to Peshawur, and he wi'l- he enabledi
though two thousand miles distant, toreg.
ulate tie negociations with Dost bahom
edl day by day.
It is reported in Paris that the Emperor
Napoleon is goinig to London to receive
tle garter witch is vacant by the death
of* N icholas, and that he will inot go to the
Crimen hefore that, if lie goes at all.
There is anmother report in Pris, wt hich
may prevent the departure of the Emperor
for the Crimea. It was said that the plague
with all its hidleous syinpiorims, had made
is appearatce in the allied army. It havd
beei catised by the great numLer of corp.
ses which were buried very negligently.
Thr Eiperor wowtd not incur the *isk 0i
expostire to such a pestilence, in addition
to tlhe perils of wvar, at least so says the
Loudon Economist, pretty good autliori
The Emiprrss of the Freich ist likely to
be a guest at Buckinghiam Palace shortly
aiter E;ister. The I.imiermior is represent
ed as aboltiely "porsesied" by the idea
of tikiig Sebastimpol ; aid is incessantly
stoiyimg tle means, surroutided by eharts
plaii.,.tid omther accesories.
iEngi1WI laild itmported :111,154 :3.533 pmoutnds o1
toiacco in 1854, frmii which site received
at revenpe of J'4,t-13,47d.
At time auction sale by Mr. T. A. Whit
mev Iins mornin zg, of the' negruesi of anas
sigied estate, sixteen of themi, one child,
liroight $16,970, or an average of about
lwitd. They were tmostly carpetiters
a:i,4 fai ly set vatits. iie at siperiir car
penter mii phimber, 26 years of ag.-,. coml
mandled -521151).
Col. M1.\lullen,a representative in Con
gr!.I rom Virgtia, stated inl a puile
speech a few dayai smce,. that ii reply ti
to at intermigaicry wl:ch ie propoutided
to tl ai otedi New Ilitmpshire know noth
in, amil tree-smiler, Jolm P. lale, as to
tie object G the knioIw.notIinig organizi.
tiin, I th re muarked that "we imean to ai.
litoi:.c the Suili, a., d we intend tn cO
IPresentument of Gira.ad Juray.
()mt hearinig i(m presmilm it-, it is or
dered, that sO oneih I- as rebates to the
camiseway and bridigies, at the Swirmmnu
l'ens, Sicape ('er Sw4;inanp, tie coipiil
;ii1( ai .ti eved It il J1ihn1i Moitgiommerv and
lR.ihert Iteinbert, the Commissamers hav.
mg time same Imi eli:srire, it rules en
dor-ed icpumring them to remove tlie tnui.
nce coipl.mdi 44 by repairinlg the,
cau 'eway 14 ai briies, or titihaig to do so,
that the-y 'hew cal in,. at tie next Court,
MIN they shibl lot he imlieted.
It is ordered. that so muitch as relates top
tie roa:1 md birilues at Wite's mill be
cpild and serted mn Natiamel Brailford
ie Uimmasimer hi ~mntig charge thereoi
winh a rile reiprlini hi 14o remove the
jilt sineu by repairitiL : he rimd aml bridge's,
or Uani og toiO si', ilmmt he shew cause, at
the next Term, iy lie .,bld nit be im
d1 c:ed.
It isea.
It is fathi oredered,. lhat .sc-imuch as
reulatis toi t e roid :rom Mirs. N 11. . imdges'
p:a;tntnii toi Suimterville be cipi. i1 and
.i:r~mdi t l h ird 1. Caim the Cminimis
sm ir i lur..:e o tme riad, witho at rule
aeiirinr liun tim miopeii si roaml,.or I- i.iiig
i* -its ii, that hi ah-wL' caime :at tIme Iex
Termai, w hiy lie sti~uh not het iieted imor
It is turiilber ordtered, thaimt so iimtch :s
ruhmtes toi athe griounl stoiry oii thme C:turt
t.lomai he copedti maid se.rtmd min time Co~im
aimss milers ofi l'anblic Baidomgs, wah a
rulle eiaiorised reijiirinig tilmein tim rmepmtr aidi
unit d i tiiproperly th li,-amei, oir laithniu ti
dlo .,i, ti lit theiy shtew c ause at thte niex't
it is ifuri her oirideredi, tha lir mumtch as
relites ito t1m: .bl i tias si tem, antd thme Free
Schooiil 5ysuin bt e ci pa~mtiii ami turiishied to
thi' emnmiir andii t'jiprsetatives5 of (ihiire
tmomit tio bei by thiem iid hefore ihe Leg
i-limi, at. tha' neixi sesi~mii.
It iii uritier iormderied, that so insichi ats
rha es t1m tel in:vo th~le Pomor he cotiedi
aiim aervedl oni time I 'mmiimasiimrs oh time
l'ur ut ih a trueiend, rsmed, requiirig theiin
tim ca;rrv cut ithe r- coinm~eemdat~o ofi thme
timmi .Jury, or l..ihntti tmo iimsum, thamt they
Lio iause.mat thei niext Temrim
Apirl lI th, 1355c.
\Ve thle G randt . mury fur im Spriig
Temrmm oi thme (:ourt oit Cmmoinu Piics for
Saitemr litrmitt I a.5, tieig leave ito premsem
the caui-.'r and:.im uriigm. over Si:mae O'eri
Swt:miay. knownti as-th li'mwtiuimmmg Pea, asi
biemii ui. a binl ciomt mon andt cdattgeromus to
time cr..vueibmg ionim mmaiv. Thils rouami is
tuder thei jur mieno imi .\ ~lr. Johnmm .lonmt
gommy ii time S-.tim Hloard andmi .l.r. Rtob.
I t imbert mot ti Clhm 'iimnt icri.
\Ve amo pre ii ent time rmmaid aiim bridges
at Whliite', iiti unmiler time jisdlicitn cmi
.\lr.ih Nahane lr~irlr, asm ting ini a bid
t'mnmummsamimamr iil Chiremmonit II mmrd tor
ne12emt iii mluii ii fa ihng ito oipmnt thme Itmiad
t-ainitg iramm .\ilrs. It. II. Iildgia's plantta
mmmni mun Charmiunhum tim Soimervmle.
Vte t mi er pure'sent thle present tmilitarv
iir iii~ a syste~imm ui dmiums aiim copplressive
oi its mipemratamm andi* ( nuisanice.
We al pesent time systetimmof relievin.r
mand suppomirt mmg thme Pocor ams tademisplatte anid
wroniminetral ithe adiptan mmf a l'ouri llus
ami tai im its n'team.
Weu fiitiber prem-emt thle Free Sebool
Sys'tmein ais hecmig impertj c/.
te almso pree-it thei grmd'u~i story of
thmCumi lue as lbeumtg mni a romlteia cooi
mliio mmier wiantt iii propemir vemntaabon.
Th'le iemmdmier min time i'uliic lktilding,
aire ii a goodmi cimimht mmm.
1'laijmmr Ilinhar.i1)Delahiehml, of thme
Ui ted ~m Stamtes Co r~ra of' Entginmee rm.
.'laijiir Nhldecaii, of' the (Ordiianeo Dc.
p aim wient, iindc Capmtin i AletClelian, (if
tIme C:aalry, hav~e satiled ini the steat
er froimI histomn, eni rnuto for Sehast..
poi l. They htave beent ordered by the
aniichmri ties mat Washinigtn to ma~ke a
tibiu r fiobstervat itn mii th lieim of htos,
ilit its ini the Ciirimen, andi( e~specially
to inmsptect thle siegve womrkst whetre thme
allies have now conenmtrated their for.
cs 'l'hne nre noamnanined by a
Paym.ster of the United States army,
inA their expenses will bo borne ruim
tie National Treasury.
MIEXIcAx FauJoLEs.-There are two
varieties of frijoles cultivated in Mex.
ico; the one small, of a black color,
growing (in the coast aid in the hot
climate (tierra ealieiti;) the other of
a brown color and a larger size, in the
high lands, under the temperate and
cld climiate of that repuiblic. They
grow in. small bushes, and yield abun
dantly. The tiie of plainting them is
the months of April and May. The
frijoles are tle piincipal fod of the
Mexican population. When ripe and
dry, they are generally soaied: in soft
water three to four hours, aml thie..
Cooked in water with chopped onions,
and pork or lard, withoit salt.
The culture of' the frijoles has been
tried for the last few years in Prussia
with great success, where they have
been reconim ended to the farmers as
a substitntc for potatoes. They are
a substaitial, heal lby, and most pala.
table liced. Like the potatoes in Eu.
rope, they are always met with at the
Ibles ol the rich and ptoor.
For a tllieate dish, the following
direction is used: Soak the frijoles iii
soft water fr three hours, and boil
them with chopped (uiolins and lard,
without salt, in ;ie evening, uitil they
Lrt ieadr'y Jone. The next, day, take
sullicienit lard, put elopped onmions in.
it, anid when, very hot, add the frijuies
with their gravy tW it, and let them
boil quickly fbr a quartev of an htuir,
seasonu.ng w ith pepper anid salt. Care
must be taken not to let the grav)
boil aill away, as when dry the'y ave
not ein Savo y .-Isnt's Afgyazine.
Miss Bit m .-Paul Julien reent
ly gave a grand concert, in New Yo-rk
fear the betefi t uf* the poar. "Th
Musital Wo rld " ntitice's it, and
nainilg oither chCI b ities.. has tie fill.
lowiing notice of our Columbi. sung.
"Anif-ingst those whose artistic preR
enet has gladdened many fri-ends inl
this city the icast few weeks has be'eia
that of Miss E, len lrel'nilan, time South
1rn sky-lark, whit stings and soits so
cibarmiiing-ly, aid whic.se very success.
bin concert s a. the So0auth we. have no
ticed Iroi timhe tW tiniet. Miss rely.
wiln ha;1 '.evin fin sinne tittle undier thet
iiterrupeted, yet, Still onti.tied, titi.
tiO of thlie accOMilislied and high
brdil Ssg. bdial'.i--hi nl y pipil.
it is sign ificanit, of her sniceess, bothl
reset. uad. pros'pet ive, that Sig
idialli thus in erests hiaumtself for oi
fhir young cont ry wC 1t1n. She cvh
iot, h.ive a moire.' careful, atc;cCiiibbed
anid e'xpe iice ie' caheb'er. Sig. hitidial
li, taken- all in all, is as fri a ziiger,
and10 cert ain :y 4 as rre-q. a puiv vr
ite', ats we l:ve ever lInd In this coun
try. fiA sJrited p:-:ormnce at. the
late charity ec-meert in the Ahealea)
w.s pshaps the re leeminlg. trattuse of
ta otir .ise very mediticre AuS vicl
eevent-thoughdi rich inl peciniary sue
cess. Miss liet Breian. sails ini
the prinig far Italy, where shi intends
teo pcrfee hersellf inl her art."
A Cirresiondent tof cne of tle Cal
ifornia pap.rs say s that Mia. s caf gld
ald silver exi.t ini tile counitry lever
ebatetd fre ini MNiei hv' the Gaildcen
partie's wvh liad gone~ tli.iier in search
cf the pertiius-mvietalIs fouti r-vaum erous
goildi laelitrs bhat were obliged to)
abeandconv thlem, ow'ivg: tea the hcastilityv
cat tihe hmians avid' thi difllitculty oaf'pro
eniringL sui pplivs. It appear~iL9s toc bie
bveyvind a d niht thait j.nl' doe-, exist
ini ihec head waters ofP lie Sai. Pedtro
anvd Gila, andl the writer fl-cam wheen
we egiorae says that the wholie ceimit'ryi
is as riTh in gleld deplosits :is Califeurn
iat. lie also- addts t hat uiit.*in' twventy
milies oft Ash Spvrivg tliere are sil ve'r
vmtie now in the pcossesionc of' tihe
A pac'he I-'ianus riehier avid' miore e'
tenisivec thani the famtous Chiheuahuia
vetivies near' C arcl i tas. It the WVest
erav seelcti thet.re are also- said to b~e
eeiines ofi almoist putire ecopper, and
arinc tid tes'n aliron has been tonind in
abuaniti~vce. Shioucld this nlewis he ver
alilieed, this strip ofl territory will noat
pIreeve soI bad a beargain as has beena
genert'ial ly bielie'ved.
INCestnia av C(vur t.--W e are glad
to learn that onie ofi the inicend varies
whoii have bee'n the cause eaf the de
structionev ecf soc miuch property of' late,
has been Jetect el avnd' prop er. y takeni
car'ee ef. A- vegro lboy. about tiinrteenl
icears ofl' aget, the pi'operty oif Mr.
Fravicia Ceabia, hazs beevn n-rrested fcr
arsein, ehargecd withi ettivlg fire to the
coattoin at the Riailroade y'esterdlay evenf
it-g An exavmiinationci before Magis'
rate Schrodaer elicited siumlicit evci
dlevice tol warrant his bhing comittnved
fovr trvia:t.- ''harlecs/on paper.
Antn Dnvor Lvrrni'ts Tol nE PREaPAwDI
The following is an extriact fr'om the
view peestaege act:
"a~ -1 all drop-le'tters, or letters
palaced itt avy post oflice noit for tranis
mnission th rough the mail, but for
detlivery only, shall bce charged'wvith
poastalge at th-e rate of one ent each;
anid all letters which shtall hereaf'ter hie
vavertisedl as remnaininga alvir, (yr nn-i
calle I far. in any post afil'ee, sbhall be
c'harged' with one cent eaeh, ini addir
tieon ro rho reenvlar poisti.Fo, rioth to be
ai~counttedl for rhi otlher postages nowv
a re.,
Pnnl.An.LrvPvA M. E. CoNFER ENcE.
This bodly att its late sessinasse
resoluitiouns expressiveo of a desire of
the conferenvce t'o promarote a closer
union- with other Protestant churcha's,
andl~ inv'itinig the ecclesiastical beadies
of a 'imilar irade to send delegates to
its next session. The conference re.
fnieed a regnest to ui-ato in ani applica.
iinn to thn- noxt Gcneral Con forenna
to alter the rules of' the disci ill
relation to slavery. *The riexto nfer
enee is to be held ,at, the Trinity
Charchl, Philadelphia. The number
of members wthi, tho bounds of ile
conference, inclukl Ag probationers,
is 56,460. The co'leetions for miss.
ionary purposes were* 1'0,85, nid for
the American Bible Society $1,628.
Charteston 11larket,
Corrected weekly by
W. 1. Lawton & Co.
Charleston, f3. C,
Charleston,. April 18th, 1855.
UrLAND CoTToN.-The sales of tli
artitle yesterday were 23-4- bales ar foi.
prices. Our quotations are prime 7 1-2'to
10 1.4c.,.and fine 10 1.2, per lb.-The ac.
counts from Liverpool up to 31st ult.,.
show sales of 82500 Bales at full prices
no change in market.
RtIC.--Clean 84&00 to 85,75 per hund.
red lbt.
GnAi.--Corn, Sf,00,.to 81 10c per b
Peas $1 00. to 81,05, per bushel.. Oats
66 to 70 cents per bushel.
Flour.-10 00'to $11 00 per bl., for
Soutlern. $10 to -t14 for good Northerm.
BACo.-This article is risi ng, aides 10c.
Shoulde rs 9. Hams 12 1-2 to lic.. per lb,.
CoFFEE.-lio 11 3.4, to 13c, according
SuUAn.-Browfn, 4 1-2 to Go accord..
img to qjudaity.
MIOLASSEs.-Cuba 22 to 25, N. 0.33 to
:35c. per g:il.
Tobacco.-Virginia and North Carolina
15 to 5oc. per lb. We are agents lor the
f actor.e.- ol those States.
W IeUC-L1ngwor ih's - wines of Ohio,
310 to $15 per d . We are agents for
LIese wines here.
BEaR CATTLE---Car oad8 ' 1.2 to 8
; 4c per lb.,nett.
IloGS.--CaF loda& 1.2 to' r 1.2c, per
lb. lct
IIDEs.-Cowhides 10' to 1(l-2perlb.
Deer Skins 20 to 21c per lb.-Other
sitiner 6-1,50 to $2,50 each.
qoirits, and' a prey to innumerable
netal ts well as physical evils, the victim to
dyspepsia. is indeed an object of commisseration.
I et it is absur1l for him dcespair. We care not
how 1(1w. weak, nervous, and irritable lie may
be, tlie cordial properties of Iloofland's Ger
man liitt-ri, prepared by Dr. C. 'N. Jackson,
Plhilatlelphia, are stronger than the many-head
ed llonster which is preying ulson his body and
uot;nd if he ehooses to try them, we will
inl.ure aspeetly cure..
" For Sale by MILLER 4' BRITTON.
CI.E, Catter's Spanish Mixture stands pre
..r..-.... - , singularly efti
caciious action (in tie blood;: its- strengthening
nad vivifyingqualities;-its tonic action on the
Liver;.iLt tendeicy to drive all humonr to-the
sturfa'c., thereby cleansing tile system accord
ing to Nature's own prescription; its harmless,
and at tie. aune time extraordinary good-effectu.
anl the rOJniber of eure. testified. to- by rnany
of hie mosit respectablo citizens of Richtmond,
Va., and elsewhere, muat be conclusive evi.
denect tha there is no- htabug ahot it.
The trial of a single bottle will satisfy the
mos-t skeptical of its benefits.
go, Sold by RICE & THOWON,
Solo agents furtho- Proprietors.
A WVARDF) at the liteA Crystal Palace
Erthibition iri New. Yorli to the oldjess
IType Foundlry in Amerie-at Estblish~ed by
ltiinny & lRamaldson in 17n1, on-.the base of
Sower's Gernmntown Fcundlry of 1739.
Tlhe long'experience of tie- several proprie
tors oif the Philadlelphi~a-Type Fondry enables
L,. Jlohnson-s& Co., to offer the largest variety
of l'rinting Types, andi all the appurtenances
of a printing otire, to be fouhd'in any estab
Iiiauhment in the United State,, and ofa-quality,
tsno, whieb is deemed to be unlrivatlled. The
comnposition of the tr-etat used is calculated to
affiurd the greatest durability; whlile-the scru
pullonts care oxercised itn the fitting' upeof the
Tiype is such as to inure acetavacy and square-.
ness- of body. &c. Outr facilities are so exten
sive as to enable uts to'fill'orderb af'imy arrtaunt.
Estimnates giyen in-detail (with the east) of all'
tihe materials reqntii-ed foar a newspaper office.
Plain-or Fancy Tfypes, Motic of'utnparalleled,
beautty, cast ill this Foundry only, Scripts,
Flowe, slorriers, Cuts,-Blrass or afetal Rules,
I.abor-saving Rs'les, lhoass Braces1 Brahs Cir'
eles and Ovals,. &c. Presses of all deetptuos
and all sorts of P'rintinmg Materialj kinit' or
which tare made by us,) will be.. rnislied et
Manufacturers' Prices. Printing ntik, of all
varietnes anid colors, Varnishes , Bronzes, &c.
We are agents for theQ Inks, &c., of the mbst
celebrattedt Amneriran and English -Manufactur
ers. ns Iich we sell at the lowest term..
Stermotyping or Elbotroryping of Books,
Mtusic, Vv ood Cuts, Jobs,. &c.- T ype used irs
stereotyping for sale at reduceed prices. Wod
Gusttedesigned athd engraved in the finest style
(Jtr "M3Hnor Specimegn Book " tthe first o6'
its clatss itn the coutry, and criginal ini its
conlceptionI and gettintg'up,) will be sent to all
priniters that have not received it, who will
dlirect how it may be transmitted to them.
Newspa;per printers who putblish this ad.
vertisemienat entire, (Including this notice)
three times befoire September 1, 1855, and senti.
t o us a copy of the paper containing it, will be
allowed their bill on purchasing articles-oL our
mnatnufacturo to-four times its amnounta
L. J01hNSON & CO.
No.68 Sansom Street, near the Hall of Indos
pendlencec, P'hiladelphiu.
A pril.-18, 1355 24 8
So. Carolina----Sumser Dist.
Ily W. L E 1S'Esq., Ordinary for said.
WVhereas, L. F. Rhame hath applioeda
ttme for Letters of Administration, on al9
and ainginr tile goods and chattles, righte
and cred~tora of the late James S. Sima~
of the said District, dec'd,
These are, therefore,to cite anid admon..
iadh all and sgtular,. the kindsed and,
creditors of the satiJ deceased,. to bo and.
appear before me at' our next Oldinary'a
Court for the staidh District, to be holden at
Suter Cast Ilotuse-on Fsidaiy the 27th,'
of April inst-.r to show ca-use, if any, why'
thae saiL adiatnistratiun shsochi not be'
Given undler my hand aeidiseaf, the
20th day of April in the year;
[i.. s.J of our Lord one0 thoutsand et he,
hutndred and fifty-five, anad in ts
79th year of American 16dopentl
ence. WV. LE WIS, o, a. m.
April 18, 1855 . 24 . 2t
Linseed O011,
O NE BARitl.L containing 32' gallons
Linseedi 0,, cain lbe had low for casht.
Apply to
Apnril 18,. 55 2irgst. &ii.

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