OCR Interpretation

The herald and mail. [volume] (Columbia, Tenn.) 1873-188?, October 26, 1877, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86053406/1877-10-26/ed-1/seq-3/

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Friday Morning1, October 26th, 1877.
AH nilUun onilli mr In run fr olFo-r. fire
ti'lrr ('. nvnt-t, ami mull be icx-owjittiiied bn Ihe
I 't'h, in insure (. ;(',
Tli Ilrnll loronc Pollur Twrl!
I 'lulls of ln or ovcr,Sl." per year.
Tin- money must .tHvojaccompauy clubs.
!:!(! A.
KM v.
TKAINsj nouth.
No. fi leaves .
No. I'
. :17 A.
:jn 1
Jfo. 1 leaves I, r. M.
No. i: arrives - ')?), a. m
Nos. :;nnd 1 will run Tuesday, Thursday
nl (Saturday.
, K. Phillips was lu lhe city T uesday
Mi. William Lipscomb went to Nashville
last Sunday evening.
Mr. James Montague, of Wayue county,
v us In town Momlay.
ilr. F. U. Hemphill returned nont msca-Joo-a,
Ala , last Monday luoiuius.
Jiiu Bcaslcy, ot Bear Creek, came to town
wirrilHV with a very handsome lady.
lirv. I Vr. J. I '. Mitchell leturin-d home
Monday evening from I Ttsbylery alCIeve-
Mr. Nmi'Mi 'auiiou, a .opular y-'iiug
men bant of Nashv ill'.', nun in town this
vt eel.
Mr. K. II. Potts tell a few daj s since lor tLe
I ..st to lay iu a second Mock ol goods lor O.
C. t iwi-u.
Air. Jam -3S I'. Street. tbe second best hard
ware maa iu thestaie, visited .M urfreesl oro
tins w eek.
Mr. 11. A. Wilkes if Cullooka, went to
I .outsviile wtib a cut" loail ol Due beef cajdle
last -a'urday.
Mr.. iilf, i"r tbe licautiful At Iss Mary
Lauder, la visiting ber relali ves, Hie Misses
( Jaiucs II. I ewls, I'rehlileut cif t he Nar
row (B'ie Kullroail, was in town on Mun
tluy ainl XuesiJa.
Mu.ior T. A. Ilarria reliirnel inmi Nasli
ville lasiSuuUHy. u here lie eiit week
tteiiuliiK the menu.
Miss MaryC. l'olk anil Miss MlDUie Branch
weiitto I ,-m1s llle last Monday, to visit rel-
aiivenan'i iriciii-.
Mator Amos li. Klchnrdson, of
Ji mi.. wuin lliucity thin week,
candidate for vJhaucoilor.
Kohvl'l X. Holllns, of Nashville,
lie is m
was In
town Monday, and called ou our merchants
In the Interest of his house.
;ol. Andrew lleiitlej-, of Ijawrenc-eburjf,
iiHHel llirniiuli t'oluuihia last .Saturday, go
Jin? home Iroiil Nai-liville.
Miss llebecea .loui s. of Hprint; Hill, who
hat been visit iu fol. t'ooper'n laiuily, re-I'lrm-il
home last Katuiday.
). V. Kratton, of Hickman, anil
his neighbor, Jese HiD'hain, Just across the
line, tie in town yesterday
Ivi. -ui peuter lelt Weduesilay lor Seluia,
.Ma., where he will remain lor sometime,
lie is all enei fel ic and live trader.
Kev. s. IV. Mitchell, II. I'.. Titeonib and
Leon 1'ricrsoii were in Nnshville Hulurday,
on their way buck from I 'resby leiy.
Mr. Sid A. Craig, of Nupier' Knruac-9, a
nice neutleiiiHii, ami oue ol 'our spiciest, cor-re-spumlkuti,
was iu town yesierday.
Misk I!., of Wllliiuiisjiorl, passeil
I liiounb here lb'-oilier day on lier way to
J ranUllii, to weli, you cau guess the
i'.l. I. I!. Coopci bus been ijiiilo sick. His
li i' iuls ami their name is Icnm- were fjlad
10 see his yenial lacy last Wednoday iu
I'apl. Johnnie I li'ineiilfil Andrews wlU
soon so Into bir.iiie.ss in this city, lie gle8
MiHleii bin ki ts ami tin dippers as bridal
.Mr. Wm. I me. of Milan, Wosl Tenn.. came
up a lew days since. Ills beautiful u lie had
preceded hi'm. He is a nice genlleiiiau, uud
r.ne Is lovely.
i ol. lleniy I'.vatis, a prominent mer
thauto! I .oiiKv i!le, w ho luurried one ol the
;uosl neHiililiil ladies in our couiily, was in
own I his week.
i Mpl. W. .1. WhiMlioiue returned, from
Mli.-lb villa on hist Saturday nigbi, where
lie had b'-en called lo the dealh bed ol his
venerable mother.
Henry II. White expeels lo to I'at-
terson vi Mr, I a. Ills excellent He will go
down about t be mldd le of I icrember, wheu
lh homo will bo ready.
Mr. .1. Mmiyiiis; Seiuine-, a prominent
on iik nierchaut ol Memphis, was in town
ilnsweek. 1 1 is sweei heai t is a benuly, and
lives near n not ber beuuly.
lieu l.ipseomn, liie enamplon eow man,
.-;li,ieMj a car load ol call leaud two ear loads
(r iiSJt! fa f.oolvl(- lam wh.
r Here v.nu' ly il'ljl:! tosell them.
lie wcii t
'z'eoie Tavb r, i - ; . our ol our most pnp
ubir lav. yss returned luili;o last Sunday
I roui N ash ille, vl ere !io bad l.eeij si' lelid-lb-;
.land l.'xli;e ol the 1. t. ).!'.
j 7' J ''ek, i;iliock, Kv(., of I'r.iuklln,
Teiiu ' k j" 'u town last smid.iy, and went
hi ebiii.-h lic" ls 'l ,ru"' I'emoi rai, all able
Matesmau', and a ten', "eople s m.iu.
idie-A Alt l ille. ol Ha:n.Ublo. passed
IhiuiU'li here Ibis u-. ek on his iini" to Lau
rel ml!, to erect a mill lor Willis Jones
sons. Mn:oi .1. M. Waidiu wv-s w ith blui.
Mis- niile i'lilow lelt last We.luesday
iieirni, tnr Mississippi, where s,lie will
-petu I no inter, she i en ejLeellenl i'0i;il
bt ly,:iud we hope ber visit will be tt Jlea.v
ani one.
.Ml i. P. Nicholson came out from Nasb-
llll lab! S'lllduv to see in. mol her and lani
it . an I reiin lied Mondnv He is an ap
pointee mi the Memphis V Ilia, lesion
Mr;-. I.. A.Si.llivan.of Auburn, Ai k.,allfr
n inns isit lo her brother, l V. I'hilllps
biiimv, bit tins week lor home. Her
in olio r, . .;. riitlip-, went aklar us JVanh-
lib lib Iter.
lion W.i'. Whltlboi no iiri lveil at Shelby
il, .irle, Ins mol bei ' ileal b. Ileraudowu
j.i luinl'ia Saturday, spent Hnndny with
,-it. Mimiy, iiml Jeji f-unil.iy eveiiiui; for
VVar-ailli;liU lli .
jlov.n.i.v i aijx-nler shipped car load of
.aule. lo Seima. Via., on last Tuesday. Mr,
4 ii pcnier leii ivrfoniu l.ib iuiH on Wed
iies.iay, to fll slock and unite i olJecllon nu
Jjl ytais' busim-ss.
it now posii iely ao erlaineij, tba ir
.1. U. Ii; bee Will tMKe ol ( , 1 1 1 II 1 1 .1 a IHslrlel
.is Tiesldiiia .' ider. H'eare(;lad ol It. He
s u ulik pi -her. and a xplendid mau.
l'etnisl In' will reiiiJe ii i oiumhia.
Mr. t. JHi lor, of I i)IJs)ks, 'JVim., pur
cliMed a liw: I 01 land ot Mr. s. It. st;.j,i;, ri)
L'ei i 's i reek, -li.uii 1 1 w v miles and h Iimiii
ai i v- w( "I lnn. Wk-ouie lo all sue, i a s
Mr. I'. Jle uijl eoiniijeuiw im provcuielils
si.y.'l ll'-f'. t'iittfT' . ,N'.
," v. I "luiuiHOii i.'iid Ins son leii lor t'u I -
leolta 1 '..I'Oo l"l "Of, (jjrj io e iiotii
x ism .,.. r- t"1 pa y
A nytlier
II iHi'i'inuu Vutiitfil
siei remains iu lexas.
i v r i ,.
laid. II. Kstes, ,lr.,of Memphis cam UP 1
f"W iIrj Uijn to nil-nil lo a case In haneer
loi hislalliei. I aid. is a noble ouuic man,
and is univeisaily liktsl and adlillntf here.
1 le mae h si houisart(umeiil belore t han-t-ellor
I- icmiiikf.
.M-fsrs .1. s. Canc,., of Huulsvillc; W. Jl.
I'.sbl, W. It. listen, i.eo. T. Curloii. J.
liisuop, II. Auoir, ". r. Hopkius, Sam
HyiiiHii, Jesse I leneli, W. kV". Su I .-liacher, IJ.
I'. I'rteisoii, l;. M. toiodall, ot Nnsliille,
were Iu lown Ibis week.
lien. .1. Al. W t! tins and datlKhter, ol Mo
bile, fain,, up Wednesday exeninit. The
1't-ni'i.il ihimi nK wny in Washington. Uue
ol his lo .-ly daughters, llolse. reteiiliy diet!
In I o'oi la ni hea . disfiise. She w as eilll
ateil at (lie t'oluiiihlii Female 1 nslit uto.
Kev. .M iik lbeit 1 rwin.ol l.awreiiceburg,
i--ime lo i miiiiihiH i'm'Mbiy e ening, slept in
I lie ! iiiei I'aleir l mil uii-lit, lelt VS'eillies
da y inoriii j on t be Way iie.-Ooro hack, not
iul nt Ml. I'ieasiiut, tode in a wagon to Jlen
ly Jones', mid I lieu took ii horse lor
Mr. .1.1.. Stumps, of s.heltr-vile, came
ilowli on llu Niiiidw Uantfe yesii rilav nmrii
Hie. lie bi's a not ion of eMabl isli i ng un can
paekina cMuhli'-l'ineiiL Wo trust be will
ci line, as it is capable ot bent; made a larae
b.isuiiss, and Mr. siauips appears to be u
Jive man.
i;, v. Wbbe and Judge White left rolutn
but alion; iiioiilh ago, on a soul hern sign
palming lour. liv. returned home H tew
il-ivs suice. 1L says he v Isited Koine, .a.,
n bcic be saw Tom Helm, who is doing well;
lil-o v.enl to Pallon. .., and went out to
the place v here 1 lie J Ii ! Tenn. cauicil.
s J. II nu y. ..i Adi-i'in, ich.; J. M Ani
iiieiiiiuii , hi Muntsvllle, Ala.: J. 1". Cypei't,
N. .; J. W. Wuislfiid, of rinla.; Ii. J'.
Niiui, 1 .ouisv Ille; .1 . f. Mo'-rison, I 'aytou,
i ibin: M. W. Ilutler. Toledo, iflun; .lames la
x Is, Nt'ft Koss, Iiid.: A. M. raltersion, Ivtrolt,
M b'li.; i .co. .'. Thin mau, t ineiniiati: John
1. illlirU'-ei". Sewauee, wero lu the city re
tell 1 Iv.
J ,j. John .. U"il!:anistiii and wlie.ol Mar
.ball, and luiuorund looojerol Ma.ior T. 1.
V lllianivju.tbc model t'omliitioi ii; !.be Nar
row Halite, isiltsl t oluinbla TueMlay, and
returned the s.tmouiiy. Ks.i. Williamson is
one ft ibe purest uud besf ijieii in the land,
and has raised a lari;e taiiuly ,' bcaulilul
,.! 1,11-elv .laii 'blt is and noble sous.
IV .1 inli fws. president ot the National
it... I.'... ,., rv' A vMiriul ion. bus Hl l'ived. ill
. .,i,ii..-iii v lib Judi:e i;. . I'HI'iM, b di-
l.-c ironi ew oik. J'ltiilenl Andiem
vii., picse.nit-il with a nicet'ib' licatkd caue,
i iv.ii, .. dollars, by I he lice Keel"
.is' ss.iciatioii.as a testimonial o their bitu
i, :.r.i in.'iiis hiiis uf head and hei'rt
:.d Ui.i tm'ioiiHli knowltdneoi the lutritale
it o; kij:.;.-I.: the "litt.o busy lso. Judae
):. 1. i'''l!'Kw called upon o "lonely
and Ivu li, - as u ui;jtJ"Uisbtsl speaker
. uct;a d 1 be vast eese mbiuuv; 'Hell yaiu
nil a I I ,m, .rV I nsi 1 1 lite t liMt lie VMS u'V
iy betl lo :ti unit-see in an oil baud speech of
.'.i.-ul i-.u hour, which lie d'd so uraceiillly
.,..1 ,,"iiiIsiiiiii I:-. Hint rouiiiLs : aiiidause
K-aiii nu ."'oiii lues ait llironii nsseniWeil
;i.ur .i;,l li.xw.i' . the voiiur o!-lttol' He ill:
- l!, .1 t(lel:l IO COIIlC trj 'i'fUUI'il'ilK'. alll I M"
vv'nild tine; oui peojdr ready wtth-oper. Hi 'i'S
to itcon c ihi-jij, inl with liis silvery tongue
id iht in liuiy captive.
v -
. Mr. . U. liambill, of Shady :r'e.e,
s.'iids us 1 be niosl rt iiiMi aable I risti potato
ui'i'K'i' ''. It will we'Kb about 4 pound.
It is eiirioiisly shaped. 1 1 was rsi-etl by Mr.
11. .i. t'uiniiiins t Hickman.
Alice West did not run at Atlanta. J.
I'. Jlrowns Miliums saddle Ihihi' link anu
t .'u-r pp niitiin. They w 111 be at MontKOiiic
ry r.''M week.
m - VP llftVe a Kpieiiuitl siocik o one run ii
in" tvliill we are oijcjuik
sell tu kxjJ rlolhJDS as i made.
low. We
LuniiV .V
-I ash buyiTi of dry poods and clothing,
mild un to lii.ibij A Jrieisu's Mr bar-
JDS. I let. i'lilil'l.
Tne r.elie of Hober ts' r.end. was in town
Ovetc ;atsfor incu aDd boys at T. H.
W H W Illinois.
Hats! Hals ! I Stetson's best Just received
atT. H.JkW. H. WillUnis.
ttnbry A l-'riersou are now offering great
barxalosin carpeting, in "Jb-r.
T'lie beat stock ol Llothingin Columbia,
BDd at lower prices at T. 11. & W. 1J. WH
llams. Handmade I oots and shoes warTaatod
to give perfect satifciaction at T. H, & W. II.
Ix-ave your measure for n suit of Clothes
with T. H iV W. H. Wlllams. They guaran
tee satisfaction.
John T. Voss a splendid policeman, has
been iiiite sick, bulls now belter. James
Dowell Is bis mib.
There will be a protracted meeting com
menced In the lluplist Church the lirst Sim
ilar in November.
Citxiuet lias not subsided, yet, iiullug .
from the number ol games played dally on
North Harden Street.
Jim Tucker, sent us a remarkable rad-
dish, three feet long and very large. It was
raised by J. H. I alvert.
O. C. Owen 'a handsome new store is re
ceiving nuuierous calls lroni tliose wlio have
read his advertisement.
Kinbry A Friersou have openeil another
new lot of Indies' cloaks that you should
see before buy ion. li'-'-ie-t.
Mm. Dr. Dawson, of Mt. l'leasaut, and
hersister, .Mrs. J. M. Lurney, ol Ark., weie
In the city on '1 nesday last.
Air. Kd Williams is erecting a handsome
little cottage on Embai Ko straet, which aibls
ini'eli to that portion ol the city.
The closing exercises of l'rof. Clutsam's
singing ehuts will take place at the C. V.
ehurcU to-night. ICvery bHly invile l.
T here was no (lervice al ibe I'renbyle
rian e'nircli here last Hnuday, Dr. J. i
Mitchell being absent, ha ing gone to Cleve- ;
1!iX It. Rains will move lulu the new
liuildlua, cerner West Main Street and the.
I'ubileS'iuare, Tuesday iiitfbt the :nli lust
and be rend v lor business W ednesday moi ii
ini; li'islness will continue wltimut inter
ruplloa at the old eland until Tuesday
nlgbt. .
V -real manv isople were in lrwu on.
last Monday, ami the candidates lor tbe va
rious county olhces were out In lull loree, .
from the talltsi to tlilowest iu Ibe race. It
is a long time oft yet, lioys, but enerisy ami
perseverance are me imiiui,
lohn Marshall row", named tor
' . , ... ...
the greatest law) ers I ha ever liv ,sj. in , lu-
itessre. was ,., town "". 'VaTshail
Khiiilwn ire assure to oe ursiiiy as oiu
lxiugton's colts are certain to le good ruii-
U?rTj,M" " "wieiBlde" Kiven at Che res
ld uch of Mr.Wio. i 'berry IiiM Friday night,
by his two sons, l'olk and Nelson, in lioLor
of Misses Auuie C.uniirll and Itosa Mason.
A large crowd v. as present, all of whom
seemed lo enjoy themselves until a late
hour iu a delightful manner.
Aris H. Halus has been muHc Hick, and
is still unwell. While we were lu Nash
ville, his teacher ill Chemistry at tbe un
derbill. Trot. I.upton, made eniiiry of lis ol
Aris, remarking that ho was an unusually
bright pupil and hard workiug student, and
he fell proud ol him as a specimen ol his
Tue chinches were all closed Sunday
uishl, except the liaptisl.on aceoiiut ot tbe
rain. In the morning, there was no service
In tbe I'resbvlei Ian liiirch, and many ol
the rresbylerians went to hear the new
Methodist preacher, Dr. WrUjhl, who was
uulte unwell, and did not preach as well as
usual. He paid a high tribute to the proph
etaol the old testament, ranking t bom away
above even the ideal characters of mytholo
" v.
w' The Mavor's election, which takes place
on the 17th of next uiouui, seemed to pro
duce a great deal of excitement here on last
Mondav. A great many gentlemen of the
con nlv became deeply lulciesU.il lu talking
over ibe nrobablo chances of the two candi
dates, and bets were freely ottered and taken ,
on the result. This bids fair lo be the most
holly contested race l.r the mayoralty that
we have had lor v eais, as the li lends of cavil :
are sanguine. -
I-riday , i iftober 1'iib, was s I its the last !
dav lor taxes to b-- paid In, without addi
tional cost. All last week the ollice of the:
Trustee was crowtled with iieople wliowaut
ed lo save the cost. Mr. Edwards and .Mr. J.
Klam cam-to tbe ollice bright aud early,
and reinaiued until twelve o'clock at night,
scarcely taking tune to eat a mouthful. Fri
day, t he lust day, wus woise thau all. In the
way of crowds. The ollice was lull all the
time, doiug as they do at mill, "waiting
their turn," and I lie poor fellow bad to'
staud and wait tor hours "belore It come :
their "linn." Itusluess was expedited as
much lis jsissible, Mr. 1 Edwards being assist
ed bv Mr. Ulam and Al r. j. t . Alcijaw.
- Or. S. 1'. Jordan, of Ml. Pleasant, was In
our city on Monday. Tne Doctor is over Mi
years old, and does not had,- to bo more t ban
l.'i. He taught school here more than lilty
yearsago. tieti. Wash .onion, .1 udge .Mar
tin, Hen. I'i Mow. Judge Nicholson, aud many
other prominent men, went toscimol to him
in their lioyhood. He has survived a great
man v of t hem, and looks as I bough be may
bes;iared many years vet. He waseducated
at the l'uiversity of Noilh i arolina, and
was a school-mate and room-mate of Tresi
deut Folk, and graduated in Ibe next clnss
alter President roll;. Me is a line geulle
of the old school, liesides beiiitf a thorough
scholar. christian and couileoos gen
tleman, he is also one ol the be-t informed
tiien lu the county.
Hr.i.vi.D l-r Pl.-'V"; "l.oii
over Tin: ttit.vri.
A newly married Udy was in town Tues
day last, bti.v iuic vineijar. Love and "nick
nacks" having alsiunded too IreiJy.
Mr. Vuji I'olt. of Ashwotsl. purchased a
very Hue thoroughbred mare at Nashville,
and several line trotters lroni Col. Overton.
ii n. Harlan, who received tbe appoint
ment tnlhe vacant seal on the Supreme
Ueneii, is a cousin of Major lieu Harlan, of
thlscouiste. lien. Harlan has risen to the
hlgli position v, itucju! ever having served
ou tlie bench.
M is ue Crimes a Hisler of lion. W. O.
(iordou's wife, died iu the residence of her
brolber-in-lat . John N. Meioney, on Knob
Creek, Tuesday lasl. ami was buried on
Weduesday al tbe Kuob creek burying
ground. The Neely Mills, so long and favorably
kuowu to tho lurmers of the vvesl Hrliou ol
fll ceiinly, have neariy completed their ex
Iblibive iipproveiueuls. and we are pleased
to note, will be'ln work about Nov.'ih. The
Mill is still "v. ncd by i lie. eelys, w bo will
endtavortodo I heir best for I lieirei.iJoiiiers,
not only in making a line inulc ol limn .and
B Jarge "lurfiout," but also will be as accom
mtxa(Ili as possible.
--Major Jaies li. Akin says the grub
worms tire destjoj nig Li yoi;ng wheal. Jfp
eot his seed wheal lroni b ntii;K; . w . 1.
Ileum, ol Leslugtoii, seiil bi'il Ibe bushel
w.itoh took tie preuiium at tbe l'xniglon
and Paris j-iilrh. Hesowed li.andtl came
uii, ami the grub-Honn ai'o t aling it up.
T ue Malor also boiigbl tlie liold iledal. and
the Sliver t hail. The oold Medal is the
whitest, but the Sliver Cbait is the beav lesl.
Tbe Silver Chaff came from i aiiada, and has
....I.- i.o.,,, ruik.e,l iii is v one vcar. Mr. llearu
sowed H'S pounds, on two acres, and thrash- ;
ed ii" bushels.
Tlie JIkkai.o i'-u enr doll.ir sunJ a
haU'a year, one dollar in flubs.
--Dr s l. Sfockarunud osi.t'eulifu: l.i ide
are v (siting H.'Ottsboro.-' H ' ' ' '
'"cal't''Th-i!: i"- Perklus was prououueed by
rT,..iuni. iiulvres tho fluehi bwkiug man
'at llie re nnt.n at Fryukln wii i,.e Ijlb
aillie re-nntoii at I r;,-UKfin wii i,.e ijiu. i
Kev, Balaam I Hersou. coltired, oi ( oltnn- I
bla lsfceiaetyry of theiolored Baptist Btalc!
.oueulloii, now ill tcsoon al Winchester,
" . I
oarer within our kuowledge.
'The Ki.liaul
AH. must hoiRir us with au
-fi'". Wl -(" J'lf'r-t ,i,.r..
Vjlss W liners, oi ..lotnit, lotuiitei ui u.
M Withers, ol Confederate lame, died al
Mi'ilwav. '.(ia.i near Alacou. on the lillh Inst.
xnewasouher way lo Washington City,
w here she was to spend Ibe winler.and died
suddenly of he;.r: disease.
i , IJ ,-. .r ,t I iu tilui'ii.
Air. air, ... ,.-"-.. 4 - ,
aud Miss Jennie Aul bony, of Ones eoi; lit y,
were married in Pulaski yesterday evening,
and came to Columbiujou the H o'elocs.
train. They are at mo Nelson Jiouse. vve
wish them joy mid happiness.
-Miss Mary A. Williams and Mr. J. C.
File were luai ried al I -.turel Hill, ( Vlob-r II,
.',',, bv Kev. L. IViiniiiKton. Tbe marriage
took place at ihuich, and many ieis,ous
vere lireseut. iuuludiilg Major J. l. Waldie,
of Dav ton, Ohio, autl J . Alack Ciabler, ol 1 o-
Alack Cabler put in an American Tur-
L-lllo W heel at Laurel li ill. made by Stout,
ii Ills ,v Temple, it Is a L'(i I licit Wheel, with
a capacity oi yards sliuel lu-i lau day, I ( r
spindles, and K' ltHiins. lie sold a n inch
American T urbine Wheel to Shoal Mills,
l.awreiieeburg: capacity yards per day,
IuikS spindles, '' looms, employs ii.' operates.
The well known and popular (. raw lord
House lit Ciiic.nmili. under the manage
ment of Mr. Lewis Vaiuleu, Is losing none
of its lame. l'oluiubiai;s, who find them
selves iu Cincinnati, cannot do Vietler tliau
go to tlie Craw lord. .Messrs. Caddis autl
Atclntyre, two 01 .1:0 ; p
I in & Cl X iwS i,uu --" ' r . ,
tiillee, aug. j-. .-Iy. .
We understand that Williamson couuty
will have at. ieast one t autlidale, each, in Hie
1,'eli' at llie nexl elui t 1011 lor Hie olhces 01
Circuii Jujgr eml Attorney -( ieueral. Per
haps there will bo more B'-t when it comes
down tolhecounly olbce.s, there Vlll I," -well
a great many. The lioys will be drop
plug!; lib their V'ssliorll.v .- I rmillni ,'.-
"--II is rumored Hiai llio ffou. John V.
W'rigbl, ot Ctdumbia. who kiici cedn Judge
Mai tin, deceased, as Judge of our Ci iuiiuiil
Cour'. bv iii'poii,ti:;eiit of liov. Pol ler, is
likely IO adopt I-raiiklin as hi permanent
Iwuju tuuii, We hope tbe riiiuor is true,
Judge WrigUl will liud llns a dell'rlitiul
place lo live in, a. id Vi iii tie most co,dial!y
welt'onied. h'riiiii.tLn )i , .
Mister Win. J. W hit t hot ne, ol ( oluiubla,
oue of the uiost hospitable, inoaue, princely
nud obliging gentlemen we bave the pleas
ure ti, ,;?-,ovv"5 claims 10 be the only sur
viving private ,.'m 1 he Confederate army;
and yet one of li 's ov n pa aisvx last week liau
the temerity to divest him 01' tiU .i.in:ng
hoitij;' and iu the salno l-sue to tlub lnm
both Alaran J (-cueial. Mister Whlitliorue,
you have our pei'iiilssio;; kick sotuebotly.
jbpjiiOP l)ogjttt, presiding ul Ilia ijelho-
UlSt COU ICrCUve 10 i-ii:i'i,.--i 101 t
M .CM I l.-r-UU . i llllll l SUl,lWt, llll".
erstli'h universal scatter and chaugt. 01
r.. mes"tcn; TeuD. wsee. P.-obably all lor
he best, flappy Columb.A ' ,Happy jn
1.. ..r.o liTitr 1 lie tervlces oi Dr.
Wtiiihi. wnose prc-n-hiiii; ability cannot' bi
;i ,h.' -.iMteoi Teunessee whose
scholarslil,, perhaps aitu:! ahead 01 any
pre.'lier bt-lougiug 10 ine iruutswi
enrewho.e modesty, i 1 possible, surpuiS
tliat 01" a sixlerh j t.:rold girl -whose (tiali
t u-s, all etimbineti, make him a noble 1 hris
11H11 iteiitleman. 1 know w hm-col 1 spsk. 1
any to tlie Columbians: indeed you ai'e blest.
J'iHilfi-Ht Si'i!t"t I ',ioiAt'ii Jit :'c e.
lt -r.". ..Pillar'-'"' portly fo.u. tu haini- to ciiuraliiiate oui-seives inai ye qre i ioucaiu ell liis kltil.eu gloiy. Mime .if
T,J, ftwi i,.rv bc ,'c'i "'.'.V" olT I 11 1 uI.BwwhIow s snetch was von ! laiH iuperli 6iokin wa's done ly ADss Katie
some i'. n- ";.., . . i'leasaul . propriate, and raptured HiC ljvid. J uuge , . i ,, , i,, T i.,,,1,
"'"iSf in Ids relatives and friends here.- 1 tUii'? sj.eecb seeniod 1 to give tht. re-uuloji t, ,' lolllJwiug dishes: ci.lek. n sh
"ZJ i," ,! ,r. lapolli.tT .''. ... ,.ct . t.. .n. ! lad, pickle, crackers birds, cakes, jelly,
Tlorsl.'V,V.f the columtha Herald and ! and Ille who got up " " UlUHI"' .14 vUlHlvl and Hie most delicious coffee
, I l.n l.i-sl liiu.ll unil coll 1 1 1 V 4 i I c li I 1 1 e c 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , it .' 1 1 1 1 1 1 Isc. . . . i - V The Ll'iJTllH. a ud lO'lUlltd
The autumn's leaves of yello" gold,
Teil or Tune's swill, silent nia-ches,
And we are growing, growiug old,
While parsing on Lite's broken arches.
The fall davVarelx autlful and lovely ne-
witcblng In their way as tbe sunny hours of ;
liowery May. The invigorating and bracing
atmosphere Is revivilylng, the days are i
lovely, aud the nights are charming; tbe
crescent moon looks down from cloudless
skies on forests brown; the silent waters '
have forgotten their spring-like ripple, ;
while they relied front limpid Ijosom eems
of ulghl as bright as ever sparkled down on '
Como's lake, sung in a.ure, cerulean tinted
as Venetian canopies, and lovely as the '
skies of blue that look down and smile up- :
on the tireciau Jsles; but the olive Isles o! ,
Histoiic re'ce, where Miss Sappho loved,
and fierhaps sung nursery songs, is iillc
distant from the subject to he considered;
that limp-backed, kicking, siiialliug,colicy,
dirty unsed babies thai our polished young
bachelor friend ol Mt. l'le:isant claims to
have a weakness for. Youug bachelor, of
course uol having the ground-side of a wa
termelon look about the head toeiilitlehim
to be enrolled as au honorary member of
the ancient and veteran reserve corps of
the buttouless aud darnless brigade, bet'er
give your genius play, Walter, aud join the
great discontented hen-pecked army, so '
thai you may indulge your tastes lor limp-,
backs to your heart's content.
In our last we unintentionally failed to
mention that some nuregeiierated, un
keinpt, nncomlied horse thief, during tbe
Ilev. Iliib Haggard's protracted meeting al
Macedonia, stole a fine bay mare lroni Mr.
Perry While. It was I lie only hoi so be had,
aud is a very serious loss to him hi the
same night Mr. iJeore White, of Coiietl's .
Cross Loads, bad a tine saddle horse stolen,
some Texas law I ir horse thieves would be
Injudicial. Short rope nud close limb would
cheek things. - I
Mr. 1'eay. the excellent wife of the popu
lar Sxiutre Tom I'eay, lias been daiigeroiu-ly
sick. We are glnd lo state that bbe has uu
tlrelv recoverel. ;
Mr. Monroe Tucker: one of tbe most ener
gelic aud indiist.-ious fanners on Lulherlortl -
reek, recently was on 1 he creek lo see his!
old irlend, H'liiire ihlnngioii. Monroe w is
in town, but the Mayor of lUlly was absent. ,
Mr. l-niuel Padgett, a worthy sou of the i
lamented anil popular John I'. Patlgett, a
proiinsiug yt uug lawyer, and tlie laleuletl !
t'ajit. tieorge C. Taylor, one of Maury's com- t
lug men, were receutly iu the neighborhotid '
on leval bui;iucks.
.SIT. JOUll I'llUH'l i-isiti, fie, .1'
(,, bave H.fn V18j, t1:ir Rlll,t.
' M.t .e.laud.of WiUiai.ihoii. who is nrv i
' ears. old. M rs. Mti iel.aud. is.
Mr. Jtllill UUli I Pisifi, PUS -irnw
yi rs.
daughter ot tbe irou-nerved Col. Thos. Wii- t
iiaiusoii, who was a great lavtii'lle of lien.
JacksMi in Ibe ludiau wars, and tbe war ot
ls''. Possessing a nerve and will as unbeii-'
ding as old Hickory 's, soniel lines in ca.np :
almost sutsirdiuale, eHil In bat I le. and brav e
In rashness, Jackson leaned on him Willi
implicit confidence lu tue beat ol action, ,
aud llw troops would uuliesitatiogly follow
bun any wbeie. lieu. otlee, once on the 1
uiaicb Ihiiu New irleans, sent oue ol his
aids lo arrest the t olonel aud lake bis sword
lor i eliiiiug to march in ibe manner ordered
by liini. T be olonel sent back word t hat
the cuer.il could get the blnue If ha want
ed It, but uol the lull, aud he marched ou
to I-raiiklin. There is au amusing liiciticui
we have heard spokeu of bv his det-ceuduul
i :ii. l... ....'. .. ..r ,t.A.".i . .
iu couuectiou with the battle of the '.'.'id of
Deccrulier, before the battle of .ew ' irleuus,
sliowlug Ibe cooluess aud saugfroid ol ,thr
i olouel iu the hour of battle, ills reglnieiil
having been engaged lu a hand-to-hand
struggle with the British greuadiui-s, and
. Ittlllim back, the Colonel being on litu v:
liack, was approached by a Britisli Mnior
; who mistook him for one of his own oilicers,
said, ( iivo me your baud my flue fellow."
: The Colonel had ohm had one of his tingeis
i Iui it su ibal it had become Immovable
! slid, half closed, aud giving the British. Ma
jor that baud be gave him a hearty grasp,
and setting spur lo horse he dragged the Ma-
joroft'a prisouer, wJio believed he had beeu
' caught with au Inni hook until ho alter
; wards savv tbe Colouel, and saw aud felt
, tbe crooked ringer of bis again.
Little. lake shin's, the graod Mogul ofthe
j Wheel Baud Fishermen, and Captain ol tbe
' Irotilners. in e iiiipany uithliill Wbilehead
and Itill ampbell, have returned from the
mouth of Swau, wln'ic they bave been fish
; lug. Tbey report haying caught the rise of
loin hundred pouuds ol cleaned fish, which
is not as good as Jake bus done down there.
Mr. Perk Priest, oue of Franklin's jevtr
est men and most scientific anglcrsSrfd the
uumii'p isse.l trout catchci. Mr. Dick CtuK,
aud sou, recently came fishing lo Ibe Blull.
at the Ihg hpring. But tbe river rose, and
their fishing hopes it'll; llieir luck was
. luighly slim. Dick ain'l niucli high ou the
! goose larniing business now . as he used to
lie; be is ra'her contracted on the l.-nshioss
now. We iearu that the Franklin tlsli club ,
' uever did anything with Col. J. I!. Mctw
iug, the president of t he tisliing club, ubout
g iug a seiulm; iu South Haipelb in Au-:
mist. They couldn't prove anything, only
1 hut he punt-bed out a few trout ironi under
the banks for I ol. Frank Lavender and'
. Sherlll Kinghatii lo catch with the dip net.
We much regret not having Ibe pleasure'
of meeting tlie lisbiug editor aud his lueiid,
Capt. .1. II. Andrews at Col. sowell's Mill,
owing lo tbe lailure to gel the Hera d by
want ol con uect ion of mails at Fraukliu
; until a week old, we failed lo Iearu of the
time of their eoimr: but we heard ol their
lea-, iug and sell lunal Hook Springs lor their
photographs, which is said lo be much ad
mired by Ihe young ladies of lioci Spring
and vicinity.
We noticed and read with pleasure a a
reminiscence ofthe pasl,au article ou l'leas
anl l.rov e Academy , the exeellirut mode of
discipline, order, and so forth and compared
then and now. t he boy oftlmpast and the
boy ot the present., 1 1 the modern bad boy
was now kept in ol au evening after school,
and thrashed as itilu ll as be needed, he
wouldn't get home, lieloie eight or nine
o'cock at night.
Flat l reek was well represented at the re
union at Frauklln: not witstanding tlie low
ering and threatening aspect ol the clouds,
. I hero wm a very iHi'uUuoouL. Alt iavoclfs -i
(irove, the plai-eof ibe re-union, is on Hie
farm ol the princely farmer, Col. John Alr
tiHVui'k, and for location, beauty, extenf
aud feriilily, is perliaps one of file tint's!
latins sou 111 of the Hiio. The grove is beau
' titully situated on the edge of Franklin s
bloody battle ground: near by is tbe beuutt
lul t on federal e cemetery, the gilt ol the
large hearted o? McCavoek. Hery s'. ep
: the hecaJoiubsoi the gullaiit sotithei n dead,
ber best and bravest, the olleiiugs iu lle
holocaust ot war. heroes from many blales
: they peacefully sleep side by tide near the
! field ou which they died; veterans of many
a gorv Held: the shrill note ol the bugle ou
; the silent air will summons Hiem no more; 1
' their last camp on honor's field has been
'struck, aud peacefully they bivouac mid
i slumber fr.uu tlie toils of war, iu as lovely a j
1 spot as warriois ever slept the sleep thai
; kuows uo waklug.
! 'There was many a once ragged, lousy i .ld i
! reb out. well dressed, and looking peacclul
; enough; the manned and scarred wrecks of
i war; Ibe lallblul v eteiaiis, wlio unwavering, !
j followed their banuei-s, liusidllcil, through
. thick aud lliiu, to Llio bitter end, aud the 1
. soldltrsof discretion, tvho, like Job's horses,
could smell tauge a Kood pitveolf, were all
well rei.M seule.i. There vt er perhaps iipne i
orthegal inil .Ajih present I hah (daily i,l her
.iiiiiiuiii nu .uj, h. viii'i-i i re.tiiii.in in
that i-egiiiuut. Al the special talfles ofthe
Kexiiiieul, Deputy lieri). David Tj.dale,
oue ol t lie uiort gallant olliei is in that cra. k
regiment, I bought bis command mustered
as slioiiii at tbe lables as be bad ever seen
I them lu auycbaigeou the heels of the war.
Mauy old comrades met that bad not met
' since the smoke of battle had lifted Irom the
, soul hern hills, llacou, hams, well cooked
Ikjrksh Ires and Southdown muttons, wer-j in
good kU ply, at'U well furnished. There was
Ihe besl or Ufiier;' Uo uisiHi'bt,iiwi of auy
' kiud, and uo' driukiug or druukennesti,
Oen. Pate, Col. John Havagej Col. James
' Hrow ulow, of the Feders 1 Army, and f-A.
; Taliaferro aud Judge Jo Uuitd, of venerable
' aspect, with a forehead to the back ol ins
neck, aud Capt. Ifick lcCauu, were the ora-
tors of t be tlay.
Dr. Koberl, of Davidson, read a history of
ine i"iu ii
Mc.lauu pe
ale addi'eis
have as-em
over the ial
Ibe nun lenuossee j,"ginient. idpi, inca
ruaps i
on toe
em bled
lien bra
it. Fleteh lUimes v-as on hand, ami
wltu'oue oi tlie most intelligent and hand
some latlies 01; tho uiouini.
Wiley I inbry was seen with H 'icanliiiil
dark haired brunette. Judging irom ap
pearances, Wiley has found his late.
Take tlie IIfk.vi.d.
cheapest paper in Tcinic--
Tlif t'ooktuir ( lul.
The Cooking Club gave its last cntci taln
meiit Friday night at tbe hospitable 'esi
ileiiee ol our disliuguishcd lelltivv -citizen,
; Mmor I. N. I'.aruett. Amoug the ladies
prt-sent we remember: Aliss Carrie Smith
and Mr. .1. P.Brown: Aliss Loulie Sitiilb-
, wii k and Mr. Kobt Ai. AicIZay: A'iss .Vury
: Polk aud Air. Ceo'gc P. I rlerson; Miss Ijol
lie Park and' Mr. W. P. Woldridire; Miss
:i. Wortuack and Mr. V.. II. iialchui ; Aliss
Janlo l(M)uey aud Mr. A. S. Ilorslry; Miss
unte Dale and Air. P. 11. Southall; -Miss
..Maria i,rui-n uud Mr. L. P. Padgett: Miss
l,ou lie Poilt.r and iff. Johu i-air. uthers
came in, and the evening wus speut very
plcastiutlv, iu talking, wall.iugnud singiug.
' nie voung ladles are gisirt talkers, and civil
cany on a cjnv ersation Willi Hie dullest
1 man on auv subject. 'They are well rend, in
novels, niuslc, Insioiy, politics and geueral
literature. 1 f ou v, unt 'o (auee, Ibeycaii
tlo il in a wuv lo cbarui 1 reiicbnien if you
want music, tbey can play like fKiDonstein
,,r s ...V like Niisson. Then, if: ou went
irsiUK lik; Mlsson. ineu, 11 jmi wr.u
oinetbin;f lo eat. tbey can cook.' The tabl
was set and tlioj' u(i,iu,euce4 filling lU hab
past ten o'clock. Tue nupper was coiilnu
uied as follow s: Chicken salad- M iss Carrie
smith: cake Miss -9111 ith wick; cream M Iss
Marv l'olk: cake and chicken (-alHil Miss
Doll'v Park; ielly aud cake Al iss Woniack;
tbiuktn si'bid -Miss Auuie Dale: cblckeit
salad--Miss Alalia i;it,en; jnno apide sner
bet Mrs. W. J. W h iltliot lie; leiiioii slieibti
- Miss l.t.ullc Porter; oranges npples.grapcs,
biscuits, sandwiches, cocoa-nut, cake, peach
treu.li:. pickles, cratkers and coilee Miss
Kosa Jiafuett.
' Alter supptr. Miss Cutrie Smiiii sati-i-suv-eral
popular new songs, Including "A'ollier
will object." Miss Carrie, has a, clear, sti'tin'
vgi,ce, b!glly lailiivaleil, mud shesiugs with
grt'!t txpresslou. lier singing wus dclishl
ful, aud was highly appreciated. Aiiss Ku.sa
lUruelt also sang several songs, with her
uiagulllueul voice. Tliey two lqdie sing
nud piay as well aud correctly us hail' the
This meeting was a happy closing ofthe
series of entertainments, which hav e beeu
tue U oi society lor a year or more past.
Tiie youug mi n ot Columbia a;e tu'-jv,'1'- 1
be tbe most filarial and gtillaut yoliug men
in in.. sttii. iu the way ol civinu eniertaiu-
untie ine most, approp.i i- j OUntftrai sherbert, lfghtUreatl, lilseull. am-!
et'casiou. Jle said: e i ,n..,lw i,.- n,,. . Da.v
here to day to drop a tear I ,, ,,',, ,,, i.n iK,. i,,i, i ; simi
ve.-:oniJt. i.obi.viri.se.ai.u , iK.imic: nfnl would bate done honor to Del- ! thoo
i" Mei bo- 1 t;:euls, ami the youug 1
k!euw.tObhow liteiiUftut the
.T was ev- llVerallty, r-htl K a yes
change,, l 'hen, mjTb a.fpper.
t;:euts, and the youug ladies arelelermined
lilt , oi'i'itvinit'i i .
ear i.t,l lliey have mv-
pcis, k:.d 1 anied them
BSStfiCJaSaSr,. ,),, 11,1,0k, ir, 1.5 ;
lher in their carl lages. sureiy in-, young
New 1" ear s calls on New ear's Day.
Phillips, Jackson k co.'s "t.txsi Smibl)'"
wblsky is reeoni mended by physicians lor
its i,M,i:y nud "ne flavor. 11 is guaranteed
iree from any adulteration; and improves
everyday. It contains no hoadaahe, and Is
liiouerate in price, ,-soiu oy uu ueaiers.
am )l-'irn.
The principal talk lu town and county Is J
'M 1 1 roail- A 1. m 1 1 1 ti A4t of tliA ilav. on the!
lroet ..rimt un.l vc'Iiil xninn rn.il.
rond mau or another, ha a fellow i - orner
a ,k..m,. ir. i.im ti,. i,n...ioco on.i a i
and Tuscaloosa roivl through our county.
. r. J . .. : .
A nl nr a h a a Iw.I f o muunuuii if finul uiwi
cess of the protect than ever belore. Nearly
every man, white or colored, who is ap
proached upon tiie subject takes more or
less stock. Some men have taken stuck in
tiiis road who were never known to con
tribute to any publlo enterprise belore. The
engineer, with his corps of assistants, have
surveyed the road within eight or nine
miles of l enlieville, and are now making
an estimate of tbe cost per mile for grading
aiukcio.-s-tleing the same.
The contract lor building the county
bridge across Duck Kiver has been awarded
to a company from Dayton, blo. (me ol
tbe party is now here, makiug arrange
ments for the commencement of work. He
says by Ibe 151 h of January next the job
will be completed.
Our job printing ollice, conducted so ably
by our clever and geuial friend, Mr. Martin,
is lu a nourishing coudiliou, and doing an
excellent busines.
You will at once nercpive t hat in a short
time our county will le coming to the lrout,
with her iron furnaces aud immense, tan
neries, and money will lie made as easily
iiere as In the gold regions of tile illack
Win. ii. lagett, Lsq., accoinpaiiii d by his
charming daughter, and the beautiful and
accomplished Miss Molly Heaves, are visit
iii!! relatives in t'niou City, Tenn,
A laiae number of our citizens attended
the Wnverly Fair last week.
L. S. (jioodrlch, who Is always a welcome
guesl among the people of Hickman, has
been spending several days with us tu the
interest of the railroad.
Miss Ida V., with her winning ways and
sunuy smiles, leaves in a lew days for Nash
ville, wher-j sne expects to spend the winter
Willi her sisters, Mrs. Mc W tinier and Mis.
lkl ton.
The beautiful and tasciuatiug Miss Ori
bv. is visit inn relatives iu Waverlv.
Air. Kieliaril Meece.au old and highly re
spected citizen of Swan Creek, died last
week, of pneumonia.
our farmers have availed themselves of
Ibe unusually favorable weather, iu gather
ing and seeming their crops, sovviug wheal,
rye and other small grain.
Hog cholera has leeu raging considerably
iu some parts of our county, but we vviti
have au abumlauce of Mirk for home con
sumption and some to spare.
Tin HkkAld fir uiio dollar
half; vuv dollar in clulis.
mid a
"L.-Jif by leaf the bachelors fall." A nota
ble man iugc, which excited a good ileal ol
inier st in fills community, took place ul
I be Inne-e ol the bride, three miles east ol
belt;, ou Thursday, the lsth lust. The high
coulractiug parties were the gemul bache
lor, Mr. Hed Ktllrell, Jr., aud Mrs. 1 annie
Irwin. 'J'lie eermouy was performed by the
Kev. S. P. Whitteu, alter which the happy
eoupio repaired to the icsidciiets ol the
' groom, where they are en.ioylug the lies! of
If 1. u.i.l oil llm l..li,.it,. ..I .. ,, I....I
health and all the lellcity ol a pel led
wedded bliss.
Now, "Uncle Kedden,'
hand. . '
take lier by llie
Iu this cold world of ours;
Aud lead her where the walks of lifo
Are sunshine, love and flowers.
lieinriuber, she is .i,-.i ivr ,
And as you wauder through it,
Make her as happy as you can.
As you know how to do It.
Thus baud lu hand, aud heart for heart,
ou've started out together;
Make ltle one sweet summer day,
A nd dou'l have stormy weather.
If storms should comepnd clouds arise,
Dou'l uuderlake to burst one;
'They'll clear away, you'll never "fuss,"
1 1 you dou'l have lhev'' one.
Lmi. Wm. P. Kirk, an old aud highly es
teemed citlzcu ol this county, died al bis
resilience, six miles south of Ibis place, on
Friday last, after a brief illness. 'Squire
Kn'k,"we believe, was a native of Lawrence
county, but since the war has resided the
greater part of the time in this vicinity.
Tie was the father of Capt. Lewis Kirk, of
Col. Biille sJleg'l, C. s. A.
Col. J. Wall. Thomas with his uil'e aud
tlaugbter, SKetl through this place a few
d.lvs since ( ii''c lor West Tenn.
filed, iu this place, ou Thursday of last
week, rNortli slockard, formerly the servant
o1 Col. M. !.. Stoi'kard.
Mr. Haixly Ovveii, tv ho lias Imvii stopping
wda his bititber, left for his home in I rank
lin. Teun., last week. There is no truer or
bet ter fellow breathes new world air, but
like an elephuuloii a tight-rope, he's too
heavy tolie graceful. May his shadow nev
er grow less.
Miss Mary Nicholson, of Columbia, while
riding with her friends, was thrown Irani
her horse, and It was supposed at first that
she was fatally hurt, but we are happy to
kuow thai her wounds were only slight.
This occurred on Alouduy last.
We are loud of poetry, music and some
thing gixsl to cat. and we announced in a
former communication I lint out; of Tbe so.
rial events of Ibe greatest moments, which
has agitated our social circles, spiares and
1 1 jungles, which came oil rtceiilly, is de
scribed by ihe rhymer Owen Altreditli.
Here goes,
'I be land of his birth.
The lace of bis first love; tbe bills that he
owes; .
The twaddle of frWids and the venom of
The sermon he heard wlic
he lusl weui;
The money he borrowed;
l to church be
t lie money lie
spent, -All
ol these tliiugsa man,
I lielleve, rna.v forget.
Ann not t he vrorse for forgetting, hut yet.
Never, lit-ver, oh never, earth's luckiest
Hath iiiipiinixbed, forgotten the hour of
li is ill ii ut i .
Or suppereilher.i
o.ir gi.'ant ie intellect, enfeebled by the
wear and tear ofiour work, is unfilled lor a
clear comprehension of the merits ot Ibe
Cookiug Club::' lo vyhleh v, e vi't-i'e invited
last Friday night, at tbe elegant rtKidtuiecof
Mr. S. I,', kitlicll, Thik club biouglit aixnit
such a. diversity of gaiely. sueh as eating,
Hil ling, luusic and dancing, our space will
not pt - mil the recapitulation of the tlii--tracliousour
iftitii tifHft: lri hi' tit.-, and
all the resl of I he purases iu all tin- lan-UH-es
could serve lo convey some idea ol
I li is. brilliant allair. Tlie elciinl bouse,
we have spoken ot belore in your columns,
was thrown oeii lroni lop to bottom, and'
In illlaul ly illumiuated. The ball and ol b- '
erroonis were heaulitully decorated with
feal hers ferns, evergreens and dell-, ale, rare
llowets. i here were a good many mv ilu-
lions sent on I, and allarice pail of the beau
H lasiuoii and ilesti nctlon uf ibis country,
Ix-sides old Kentucky, as wclljepieseiileil
in a beaulilul blonde and a dashing cav a-
, j ui , h costuui..s ,v
;t , i,.,,.'. ,.vj.Hi Agues K htrell, I
M . . . TB. . - -C
by t bt; lovely Mis. .Martha io'dlor; autl '
thei.e two latlies have more of the radiance '
of human k induce, and can dill use around
thetu more ol the aroma of pure good na
ture and iiuallccl.ed glee iu a uiinule, thau
auy half a dozen ol our veteran society
leaders can in six weeks. At an early hour '
daucing Irom music ironi the piano com-1
mtjiiced. for the devil uever attunes bis
temptations to the mtid melodies of that1
iiislrumeut-ouly the strains Irom a violin
ti re supposed to -iet Uim lu motion, autl ou ;
this ottcaaiotl the social wheel veut liu;.-
ing on life Blue Daurabe until ; upper was t
Runuuiiced. Flowers of the rarest varie- :
ties were everywhere lu the most lavish '
prolusion; they dragged their sweet length !
from the wall; were heajed iu artistic con-;
.union, i u the mantels, and exhaled their;
sweetuess ou tlie supper table, wlih.h was if
ine caaes, saiao, jeiry,
rolling siiioke evapoiaTed aini vervadcd the
iitiicaeuiug system, iiuuiiivu
-led with theentire nliysical orgauizatiou.
bri,alb,.d-itself tn()ii:'houl fbo sou I. nud
arowed upon its liken nream (but is., hless
im;. Tbe gio- materiali'it may revel v. llh
bi'milkin all its Mtenl heaviness -but
such cotlee as Ibis is l.jod for tbe thO ttut-
i.i iiiukit-pf iliim uirB 01 an ino t.i.vt.nr-
ti, luMtniiliil brunette. Miss AddieC
...I iru d nu klll-HI, l)K IX1C. i-Us-i
. I .. I- l V iat'lu'1
wi ties. Ki.d a bcuutil'Ul pound-r.aiie, ti e
lady of all tU cAeu, i. pd vltlj ber' ijaihe
ezdiiisitely worked ill t he cntf-i. Mist- -I
la, the charming aud hrilllaul blonde, iu
I troducetl eiegaut dishes, couiuused 01 Us
I cult, chocolate, cake, lisjtilbread, cliess
!cak"8iicl a splendid turkey stulled itilb
oysters, which gave it a very delight iui Ha
', vor. Those dishes uiepare'l by tlpsblng,
' iove-Ji aud wilty 4iiss iiuniie ., vyeie bis
rult, Kistes, ambro-ia and exu'iisite' maible
; caka. that eombluetl delicacy with a de
! ltc.ioits tlavor, "and was artistically orna
mented. After supper dancing was resumed
on the best Hour ever prepared for Uiry
; leet : we say daiielng;, fyr tbute L.igl.t as
1 well bea t lirvvlthoiitthe fulrsex as a p-uiy
vvllhout (laiieihg. Among the strange laces
j wc unlleod tho stately blonde .Miss Mary
N., of Columbia, who shone resplendant
among the llimug; M iss Auuie J., ol Ken
lucky, .with blue eyes, light hair and as fail
as a maguolia, whose great Intelligence,
i'.greeable inanuers and many accoiupUsli
, liieubj. reuuei-s hr very ditngerous lo the
: peace 6' ti ' iml oJ our incuy l-eauties; Miss
Bessie B , a w insime little black-eyed ..
,., .. aud piuuaut talker, very iiiuth ad
loired. M'ui Lou W. IL, blue-eyed and
light-haired a great favorite with her own
; as weil as the opposite sex. Among
others niav lie mem ioned tbe bewitching
. l iss Amelia C, and the lovely Aliss Naomi
D. T'liLs delightful party broke up at twelve
o'clock, to meet lit uodistaut day.
We uutn-ed a local lroni tho tohelhyville
1 mi, c iuf, edited by a long eared Cussius.
; who seems lo be animated by bale and
lunuer- a cold, cowartiiy anu juaiiuaui
vampire, who sucks character from others 1
to lituielit liis owu - this moral Anakliu, be
sid s whom DemosthenesaDd fi icoro, 1 lay,
vVeljiier, Calhoun, Wasbinglutt. ami ai
l. oii. all melted iuto one, would dwindle to
a pismy less thau the Meas Dial ciawl over
Join TTiunib'a baby, says that he saw a
barefooted family, whose clothes com
menced too soou aud quit too (puck, pass
thi-oiigh Ibe deligbttul town of Shelby ville,
uol lou'- since, Koiug cast, aud he supiosus
Irom the dilaiidated appearance, that they ;
i niarvel ol beauty. The cakes, salad, jeljy,
must have lieen 110111 .Maury county unu the missiug daughter or uol.
the Mt. P.eessut neighborhood. N'otv, this I Kev. W. H. McKnight preached five luner
sobcr model of propriety Ibis miserable ' als al Taylor's (. Impel tue lli'rtl MundTfrV of
p.ju ukivr-tiiia ixjUi;ttid editor- must be October, ltev. Al r. Kiug preatUetl al '?!eu
as iguoi antas a horse, or he would ccriain- , wood the sauio day. ' . If. li.
iy know that Maury county is Uu; gaiden ' ; '
snot ot the Slate, aud ML l leasant is ' ihe
well cultivated ixntion of it. Tlie sun nev
er shone oil a more gloriously feiUle
and Leaiitirul lnud, and there is, not a poor
'" K'"ffi,V "SSffl rJX .1';
mint Julls on every plantation. We have
the prettiest women, tbe handsomest men,
the nrisbtest mris smartest boys, and the
ii,Ut3t 111, bins of any county on Hie Amei-
: cull ooutiam.t, ftnd all ue need to render it
a inradise, is about a half a doen circus
1 ,-lowns hand-organ monkey,
I pulieis, Uliots' graves, such as the editor of
ir o
j mo stieniy ville. t.uiir.ir(i, eruuui
lu-iid sal, '
' UIKier Ille new resuno Ol iwev. JOhll J'
- ! Hi'.ghes, as Presiding. Uder, eralwaced last
! balurday and Habbatli. J-.igut years aao lie
c'osed bis labors bre as Kluor, alter ItaviDz
corvAtl a kv.v rf 4ttr VA r with na
wv t1"1 ye ns. frnvf
I tlme u1 ? n1 "Pu ,b? l"tles as
a J un BU1W.UVU iui bicu Jjr
presldinz officer of tbe Church Judicatory.
and as a minister of the gospel, with the
sole object of doing good aud advanclug tbe
cause of religion. Bis sermon ou Saturday
as well ns that on Sunday was eminently
practical, aud well calculated to arouse re
tlectiou and action upon the all important
subject of luo soul's salvation. There was
uo sectarianism lu these sermons, but the
pure unadulterated gospel, which every
Christian could endorse., while tbe wayward
aud wandering were afleetioiiately urged to
tlee from tbe wrath to com e We will not
attempt a synopsis of ttit.se discourses.
First because we could not do tbemjusliee:
and secondly because they : are too good
not to be repeateJ, and might lose tueir
force by being anticipated In Ibis way. Ful
some eulogy Is every wheraout ol place,
aud esectally in reference t?sacr'l things,
or to leaf's ministers, fcfr this reasou we
make it a point, iu sjea.king of the able aud
eilicieut ruiulstny wilh'vvhicn this place is
aud has lieen tlessed, to put on the breaks
and suppress ruuru of whiH our heart and
judzment dictates. Tbe new preacher, Ilev.
W. M. Doyle, preached two sermons both of
w n leii were very goon, au'i were well re
ceived by the congregation Next (Satur
day and Sunday Is the time "ppoiuted for
tinarterjy Meeting at Neapoii. The hand
some little c.buicli lucre, wbleh we call Bai
ley t haiiel, will doubtless beotowdrd lo its
inmost capacity.
The Kev. F. A. Thornjison wag to hare
preached at the l'resbylol inn Church In this
place on last Sabbath, bul iu couseUeuco of
the meeting at the Meioomn- ihurtb, lit
caned in ins appointment. His many
irieutis ueie nope mat ne win, at an early
uay, lavor t iieiu wiin one oi ins gxxi prac
tical seinioiis.
There will be pleaching at the Cumber
i laud Presbvleriau Church iu -t-kis place ou
Saturday and Sabbath next, Ho preaching
. ai any oi ine otuer cuui vues.
Mrs. Housley, ol Thompson hstaliou, after
: a lingering aitaek of lyiihold fever, depajrod
tins ine ou lue iiiu nisi., anu was ourieu on
llie next day at jUiLxJ's burying
groiiiitl. 'To add to the wtuiuess of this
: mouriilul event, her huslwi'il was away
. ironi uonic, in jexns, aan 4iid not ercu
know of her sickness.
lu last week's HutAi.ii the death of oue of
Mr. Iteurue lteaios children was mentioned
I Siucrj thai, (wo 0111411 1ihv tiled - Belle,
: about eight yeaisto.d, dletl nl 'J o'clock one
! evening, aud Inez, aboul II ve year old, died
next inorulug al xi'cioct.. Tlius, iu loss
' ihan oue wtK'k Mr. aud Wis, Hr us, who
Were devotedly attached lo llieir children,
have been called lo give up to the cokl
grave, their three youogest chlliireu. 'Their
two oldest, sous, have been spared to them.
though Ihey, ns well as their parents, have
been v ery nek, vv itii the sanre terrible dis
ease diphtheria. 'The warin&d sympalb
' of the entire coiiiuiunil r is extended lo
tbeni in tiiclr sad ellltclioit And bereave
ment. MKM. .10HN lll'bt.,
loug known fy our older citizens, as Mrs.
1 Thomas e ilinait, whose death was men
tioned tu the Hi K.M.bof last week, was oue
ol the noble relics uf a past geueratiou,
whose like we will seldom look upon agalu.
: With au intellect, which, in the vigor ol
' early life, was oi such power and grasp as to
, eonimand 'he adiuiratiou of alt who knew
her. She couliuued to (he c'ose of lifd (o re
tain a strong hold upou the esteem of her
, I rierjits, and the ailecllooale repaid of kin
dred and lumlly. Many heart in Ibis vi
cinity condole with Col. vAtmaii, lu the
: Ins. of Ins noble mother. '
i'ij;s js vt,.
Kev. .1. AL Ionian and family led for Clif
ton on lasl Monday iniiruiuit,
Air. Id ward liuford, one ' Nashville's
, oest and mosi successful niercUauts, of tlie
II i m ol llllliiiau Co., together Willi his
K.-auliliil aud Kccouipllsfietl wife, was out
on a visit lo his n Ulives lu this neiglibor
hoihl a few days ago. i
Mr. liios. l. l igucis) aud wife were at
cbuicti jastsuuday.
Dr. J. AI. Moore is about iiurvinic to tbe
Will cbcairs place, near the Wiaxllawu
.Mills, aud Mr. Will M. Clv-ahs will move to
ins lather's aud give bis personal atleullon
oiue ousio'-ss oi llnil magiuili.viit larm
Alaior N. I-. t iieairs' health, we regret lo
learn, is feeble, aud has beeu for sometime
past .
nev . n. i i-agau called lu at etiurch ou
Saturday, on his way to B'tljarscla Circuit,
me neni tu ms prescut years moors.
Kev. B. F. stone passed here on Saturday
lo his work ou Douglas Circuit.
M-.W (loops,
in rich profusion, aud of choice varieties,
crown tne eon uters anu suel vex or the drv
jmods houses of Messrs. . I. W. Cbealig aud
I. v . Alexauder. J liere has ueter been in
t u is place such a splendid display of flue
goiKis, noiii siapie auu lancy, aud tuey are
being offered at prices to suit Ihe times, lo
cash purchasers or responsible customers.
The "Old lleliable'r drugstore of Mr. A.
McKissack, has on hand al all limes, a full
supply of drugs, medicines oils imints and
every article usually kept at a firi-t-class
pi:, KAiisuAi-r.,
ol 'Thompson Slatiou, whose ..serious sick
ness we reported lu tbe Herald last week. we
iwe jilad lo iearu is doing well, and bis
symptoms improving, with a. lair prospect
of bis early recovery.
( ol. c, oi Columbia, in jiav-ssg the toll
sratc house near this plat?, saw that there
was distress and sulleriiig, and thought
I litre miytit be netd of extra comtoiis, and
dropped with tbe family a II t'e dollar bill to
help Ihetik The gift was uuolicled, and
Ihe i:eiicrous donor did not etfport that any
would kuow it. save t-ut-lamily, but we
louuti ii wtil and hiiim tcJl .
Hants t'r.
I he melancholy (lays are tune,
I ne saddes'l of the year
oi wailiug winds and naked woods,
'i meadows brown and sere:
Heaping the hollows of thegrovt,
The withered leaves lieictT;
T bey rustle to I he eddying gijst
And tu the rabbit s tread.
Where are those able writer- that so high
ly represented our village 111 I lines ot yore?
1 hey must bave perished with the llower; as
iiotbiug has beeu heard, lo delude their ex
istence, tlierelore, vve will; but no, I hear
I beui answer, as did the stolon slarlim;:
"I It re we are." Well, to-be-sure, we would
like lo hear from yon. lfou huveaiiy
news please lav or us vs ith it.
News we have, aud pleuty too.
Here are news we kept for yu;
So write your items, write nway.
Anil we will vyi l to some other day.
T haufi you, iipist worthy tiorrc:spomciits,
we will o.perl to heur lroni you kijoii.
We are having a imlel time in our hurry.
No marriages, uo di albs, no 1aw-suil, lio
politics to discuss. T here was a Tittle diili
cully Hie other eveniug, bet ween two gen
llemeii; bul as the eombstaiiU were riding,
no :;real liarni w as dune. No lemuils were
lullicied, with the exception oi a lost beard.
Al essrs. K. C. Church and J. H. Cowley
hit,,e relui uisbed their stores with a splen
did assortment of dress gotals, hals, boobs
and shoes, together with a variety of laucy
goods, notions, etc., which tbey will sell as
chean as any body for the cash'.
Kev. W. M. Kobisou and family are ex
pected here next Saturday, aud we trust we
u II have the lu tin lie pleasure of hearing
an able and comprehensive serinou on Sal
urdac nigbl, and on the following day and
night al-o. ' " ' ' ' '- '" ' '
Mr. Alaugreiu.s buildings are done. We
kiWw ol youug Alrl C, who . Will lie glad.
Clayton, you wished to kno-c, so we will In
form you that the parlor Is finished aud
luiulshcd so you cau call.
ijot KIMflfHU.
weeks and months have nassed
; you have heard fn-tu out It inllj , and
uly excuse we can tdler. Is that vour
other orresHii-.cnls ae so terrlijo news;,-,
they get ahead 01 us. occasionally wo hear
someiiiine and Ihiuk it bow nice lor llie
- ! I lerald and while we ai-t walling for soine-
) tiling iogowiiiiii.ii comesour. emiiellsli
; ed by tbe dooueucuol Mt. ITeasaut,or made
' poelic aud Iteauliful by Ihe gifted Vuxo
, 1 tis, so we have concluded lo wfile vvllhout
1 news-telling.
We are aliuo'.t deluded into tbe Idea that
we are iu a city since lheeiier"etio iiid hup
uiarnrui ot etiverc( ljildrifh have bc
ted their saw-UJill in our in i,;uborhbtd. We
, like only a store, i-ostolrlce and cooking
I'clnb to make us feel ouile city-tlsd, and I
1 suppose wc are to have llie store very soon;
! and then how delightful to get plus, needles,
snuff, tobacco, and whx, without- veuturlug
into regions "where vre r,r uot it i.onie.V'
THe little belle 01 Mt. Joy 4s at lioine again,
! to tho deliuUt of the )iiufessioal men,
(tone she will flvt rtUJciu apjr .i"-
. . -
vVe beg leave to correct a 111 Uuke in your
last issue. 1 1 was the. l'atofcoiirud talen
ted Mark Lrvvin seeu at tlie Muxuell iiuutje
' iutoad of luo'.'.,' .-. We congratulate I iw
; reucebiiig ou securing so nice a geiilleiuau
, to preach' lor them this year.
We arc very sorry we cannot give you a
I list of marriages lo take place in "high life,'
but our young people will have to wait uu
! til ad t he suruhuni is made, aud cottou"
picked out, beiore tbey can flud time to
marry. We will be glad, IJien. to let you
kuow of souie elegant vveddiugsT
Several uety cases uf measles lu this neigh
( ipossom himliiig istlieoi'ierof the nights
now Occasionally tbo 1'rugraiuiue Is turn
cu to a iox hunt.
,ir ueigbborbood has suffered a severe
loss in tlie removal 01 Kev. s. H. McKnigbt
and bis esteeuied wile. Tby have moved
lotbe ITeasaul ihy neighborhood, taking
with tbeni there charming cousin. Miss
Manic 1 ., aud she has lelt some very discon
solate lookiug bat'lidoM otbiud. AskJ.S.
( i. what Is the matter wit ii him and why are
bis weary d:iys so long now, amf why he si Is
looking into that- w ell, so inucti Sortjlnim
making and wheirl s.i ing is; occupy ing tlie
men and w onieu time now. aud chestnut
and bickoryiiul huiiliug Inps Hie juveniles
from worse business,
W.P.. H. Matthews had tho uleasurc of
making .Miss Julia Ami Watson and Jasper
Tliontas liareKtun exlreiuely happy by tying
I he siikt-u knot thai made tbeni oue aboul
twelve o'clock last Weduosdi; night, by
noonsliiue, in the big road, liarelstou has
not seen lus tlbti-jo-Iav yti, aud is not
I'K.kinj; lor him; that is to ssy, uo is not pal-
tiug hiinscll to any trouble to meet him.
The oltl gent Is rat lier out of humor, and Air.
II. doesn't know whether lie is looking
A Sew Knllroit.l.
Tiie people of Hickman couuty arc jubi
lant over tbe uevy railroad which js leing
ti;,vye.i iroui Bon A',ua Statioh, on tho
Nash ville, Chattanooga, and St. Ixiuls Kail
way, by I enlrcv ille and 1 Jiwrenceburg lu
the direction of Florence, Alabama. The
company proposes to put twenty miles of
Ihe road in operation, which distant- has
aireaay oeeu survey a oy Mai. L. b . Fal.-o-nett.
The citizens ol llie couuty spoken of
earnestly hope the paople will lend a help-
in.r l,ut,,l in II. la ...,1 ... w I.i
u4 ........ ,u vumpiiiic, W 1 1 1J II WlU
1 bring them the transportation, (bey have so
; I'h55 needed, in sending thelfr products to
market. 1 here is also to be a new bridsn
iicitKts j.tieo. iivi,ni VA:uu(;viiie. xttn(er.
Mrs. Hallle Adklsson's youngest daughter,
Tinimle, died on Wednesday, the IStb inst
aud was burled at McCain's. She was about
three yean old.
Clltie A Co. have thrashed 210 bushels of
clover seed up to .the present. They will
quil now until they sow their wheat. Their
saw mill has been itle for sometime, 00 ac
count of the engine getting out of fix. it la
being repaired lu Nashville by J. B. Komans.
Tbey will bave It In operation In a short
time. A la rue lot of logs have accumulated
ou the yard in the meantime. They bave a
corn mill attached, and the community feel
the waut of this more than the saw mill,
Mr. A. W. McDonald's bouse is so far com
pleted that be has moved iuto It. When
Mulshed he will have the nicest and most
comfortable residence In tbe vicinity.
Some of tlie farmers are romplalniug of a
fly destroying the wheat. They are wishing
for a big Irost to stop Ibis. There Is a great
cry of I he laboring clars lor homes another 1
year. The farmers are sowing most of their
i-.no in wneat, conseuuaiiuy tney win not
need much help, what is to become 01, or
how the farm hands are lolive, under pres
ent aspect of affairs, it would be hard to tell.
Mrs. A. c. Thompson lias commenced a
suit against tlie Trustee of A. C. and N. A.
T bom iisuu . tor do wer In the land. Some
lawyers were in the village a few days ago
laitiug evidence 111 tne case.
Mr Samuel I Ivans, who has been liviug
ou the farm of the late A. It. Kerr for two
years, is going to move back to lilies county.
We regret very much lo lose Mr. F.vans. Jle
is a eood citizen and a kind neighbor.
Air. Joseph Hobbs, who was accidentally
shot iu the calf el the leg eight or ten years;
ago, by Thos. raig, has oeeu a cripple ever
since. At the present time, little bones are
working out 01 the old wound. i
Airs. Lizzie CoeIaiid has recently return- !
ed from Alabama, where she has been at-I
tending court in a suit against the M. A U.K. !
K. for killiug her husband. The railroad
company, by some hook or crook, got the
........ , . . , 1 , 1. ... 1 1 ,
-TV u , , .3 A" , . ,7 , At V V. I , , L .
Willie Walker has uuit clerking for Mr. I
Sowell. He has gone to the north side of!
the river. James Fvans, sou of Samuel j
KvaDs, is now his clerk.
Borne person, a few nights ago, shot and.'
killed Cape. Clme s bull bitch uuder the
barn lu his absence. The Captain looked to
her to protect his family at ulgbt In his ab-
Tbe scarlet lever is in the neighborhood.
His iu a very mild form.
Leaves front Linden.
Wc bave been sMniusf dreaming awav the
lime since our lust coiumuiilcaliou so rap- j
idly has that venerable sage wiuaed Ins
lllxhl Into Hie regions of dark oblivion. :
Memory is busy with the past, aud we are i
carried back lo the, lays whtu we lived in J
dear old Maury, the home of our youth.;
However pit asaul I he so lecollecttous "hoy I
cause us many bitter jutngs to kuow that j
they can never be realized again.
Lain, rain, I can hear its pll-a-pals agaiDst
the window pane. The deep, shrill holes e,f j
llie pig, I he loud bellowing 01 the cow, tlie'
cackliug ol the beu all give warning of -a!
learlul rain. j
The gum monster, death, ha again visited '
our low 11, and snatched from our midst, the !
Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Pearson. Noll
two months , lliey buried their onlv I
daughter; and a tew years ajro, they lost
four children iu oue week. We lender our j
warmeslsympalhies. And.Oh.giTef-strick- I
en parents; rejoice that there Is a home be-1
yond the grave where "Ibere Is no more'
parting, and sorrows uev er come." I
Messrs. HousseJs ,v Newstate, have just
bought a largo and haudsome supply- of!
goiHls, Ibe latest style. Persous w ishing to j
purchase snould ctve I hem a call. Jake Is!
always ready lo wail 011 his citslomeis; and '
invariably pleases- iiiilirlti:; Irom the num
ber of v isi lots he has. ;
Mr. T. W Sims, one ol the most eneivptle
lawyers In the couul ry, has gone to Waynes- '
loro lo atlend court tins week. He has ai
ureal deal of vi"rt-iiu, to attend.
Mr. James L. sioau, n nrst-chess lawyer of
this place, is at Decaturville. i
circuit Court adjourned here last week. I
T he case-, l-dlieller vs. Young, was decided j
in favor of defendant. j
The intelligent Dr. S. A. McDonald and;
his beaulilul cousins, Alis-es Stella! and 1
Cutbrie, of the Farmer's Valley neigbor- j
hood, visited their friends and relatives of j
this place last. week. They are Just the
young ladles lo lake captive all hearts. ;
'There lias been a great deal ol sickness for
the pal two weeks. But thauks lo an all-'
wise Providence, lots community Is much i
improved lu health. !
our termers have been very successful. I
A lew days ao we bad the pleasure ot see- i
lug some delicious bread made of new coru. J
( mly Alaury couuty farmers could eijuat il. !
Mrs CuiiDtugbaiii. 01 Savannah, has been 1
visiting her parents here. She left lor home
yesterday momiug. Jlor sister, Miss Jennie
LVI wards, accompanied her to attend school ,
at Savannah, Fints. t
Ma ntn .
The iinlicipated Habbath -.school celebra
tiou, ou Saturday, the IMb. Inst., has beeu
post-toned until May, '7H, owing to au ap
prebeusiou of sprendiug I he measles, which
is prevalent In several sect lous not far dis
n,U ni.i.iieseh.wdsoro r,.i,ii ..wi., i,
nig ot shorter iluralion than lieretofore.
.,r i .i,,,,.'!., .i.-,i.. ',,... ii., ;:
Misses owlcy and Johnson, and Prois.
Church and F. Bryan have closed.
Sorghum making seems to telhe order eif
tin; day. F.veryone is busily engaged In
trying to finish belore a freeze catches i!.
It is not so abundant as it was last year,
however all will make more thau enough
lor home consumption.
Il is very gratifying to theconimuiiity to
learn that tbeservices of the Ksv. Mr. Cher
ry, a learned divine, have lieeu secured as
preacher for the M. K. Church for the en
suing year. He Is highly spoken of, and as
being well worthy 01 the vocation he fol
lows. The Cumberland t. buret! is vet
,.-,;l,..,,4 .. n,.in. i.., i . . . ' , ,
KeholrV wlio will H I t he 1.11 liVit iiT
?.renin S-m IZ, , L.. .. U??J!,111 ne1 !
The universal lAvorite 01 the village, a
lovely brunette, has about recovered from a
slight lndisposn ion, and will soon enter up
on the arduous duties of a school-girl in
Ihe Female College of Franklin, with tho
view of completing her course ol studies.
'The simple but interesting game of cro
ijuet seems lo have many votaries in this
tills section, for nearly overv Saturday
afternoon lucre cau be seeu mauy gathered
on I hti nice green sward iu iront of Ksij.
Sparkman's stately mansion, to engage in
luis most pleasant exereise.
Sociables are occurring occasionally. A
very pleasant one wasgi veil at the hospita
ble home ot Mr. i:i. church receutly, in
honor of t tvo of Williamson's most, beauli
lul young ladies, Alisses C, and W. Also
one al llie residence or Air. J. ! .. Tate, ou
Friday eveniug, imh nisi. Atany wero
with such a cen ial host and buster ro at-
teudus. Vet I could not bul think tlmt J
vn ' I'riilvswiil'liviili'il a rrloo.l ..I h,,. o
little unfair la liaVins her tt, introduce i
... U il.,. r i'iiIumii- i.riiir " w... t
r.kc, .as she lern.s ll,, 'engrossed his" mind !
lirilll'lllUI I' I
.... .' . . ... .-
i ne ueaumui .miss ivausas i; or tue rtn-'.'
Pllnaslieaiu oi l alters Creek, is fxnee:!! '
in tlie itelLthtiorhood oaite himii. Mm- her
a see,u. Mav ber
sojourn lie pleasant, so as lo induce her lo
visit us more oiten. village,
To J.. MeC .
My Dk.K Fpuno: J have received i.ilelli- !
iircstit.. :i lid fllnllspil I lli'litsel VM il I IturAii lit- '.
r.i.i.T... t''v.rrvii.i..-'.,.7si ; ..i.;i.Ti niginsatiei waids
...i i..i. ......i.i i.T....ii,. i. .. 1 ...?!.?:.:..! 1 der, lor iwool Ibe s.iilH-r.xt
-, iv i a , u uccu itnci ni,: , i.. . ,. m i.i... I 'C
lo the crowd, i who wero weil acquainted, : ;s t , Wii Hrailr,"ad ma i. .,?
as she wasaluiosl au enllre stranger, and ! "f, " v" ...o. ".i m i ', 1 '
did uot know but what those persm.s wero J," Ji, ," Vy.ulnr. ,ullT.l:r'i' wa,i
also strangers at lhe lime. However, she .i u - w -n 1. Zt , Z " .ru.'! "1
,.,.i,i,- .,....,. ,i... ..,.i,i.i.. I conduclors. well, C. went round that
-n,..a, t - , , , iiifliii.iiiv ,
genceol v-our intended yoyags and e're him lint as he was to lake chariie of the
you read these lines you will have launched ; train of course he put oil the best appei.r
your vessel oi- that peacetul, boisterous, ance possible. As day broke, C. and Al lit
happy, troijlilotis sea, whereon many of nur out for head.iuarlers, with iv,i men .iolall-
lellow-crcaiures ait; nraveiy coulendlnii for I
the maslery iii the great baltb! of life. My
ow n baiK is yet upon mo shore; but from
llio overhanging cutis l nave gazed upon
the te.upest-tossc.l beings who have gone
belore, and litvvc iidnil lt d their enemv- and
their peiseveiHiice as they struggled against
adverse winds. Turning from Hie sea lo
I lie laud, I bave seen others approaching
both willing and anxious to enter upon tbe
hazardous voyajie. 1 have sotiieilm
thought that if il were; pissible to view Hia
course til'lbe voyage frm the start lug-puiul
as it w io ne . eu iiinii iii0 js.rt oi destina
tion, many would be deterred from the un.
del Taking. But l d,o uol e esire to diseour
"p : "f i toiio io ensexiur-
age you, by ; no ineaiis, yell would have you t
nndcrsuiuu tiiat vtitiiout..j;ccHvv ot he
.(jssib!e lor you to makeasuccessful voyage,
And when yon xball have irone from Lbs
sceiiess.i familiar to yon, when you shall
I VOlir (llll 'as- i
soelalcs;, in celibacy, , whi yof, sliti'.l' have I woik Iu llieir lives, a I least lor years; tbeh'
vealf ed that y6i( Will uo mure eugagn In haudj were as soft as a lady's, am! Urts u
hYfti .Il---lU'WU'U -;--vlslousfa:uce,and the CreTes on ! :'l iua.1 were
Oi Uy l'"" u before yon like i verv ereal: aud pulling, or lnlfter ciindtict-
spectres of the night, and will not down at I
vou bidding, ami you suau nave cone Ilirtn i
1111011 your voyage with only yourself aud
your tlrsl in-vle lo,r a vrew, pieu remember
that you bear with you my best wished for a
sale, pleasaut anu pr.sperous trip. May
he'aveii sin lie propitiously. Alay s.(ualls be
like the visits 01 angels 10 the mundane
sphere. Aud. a,s the yt-brs, ono by one, go
OUt lUbU 1 1... CLtlUH , d 3 1 , UU J,, III 111,11
bands rise up arounn you 10 assist in steer
ing the whether-beaten old era IT Into the
haveu of elerual pcae-e, 2oJ.
Letter Irom 'fexs.
Si'it'iM; HiLi.,Ti;$As. 1 let. luth.lsTT.
Tv It"' .''ti'or I If raid awl Mail:
s have seen nothing In your paper from
our little village fur a loug time, 1 think
veil can llnd sice in your columns for a
few Hues Irom an old Teuuesseau, who fol
lowed lieu, llood from the valley of Virgin
ia to the ever memorable battlefield ol
Franklin, Tenn., where our much loved
I Teburne fell on the brea.st-work, while lead
in" his victorious little band eii to victory,
uutlcr lhe galling tire of au overwhelming
lorce of the enemy.
1 1 was said, then, tbsvt T'e?as was nothing
hut a deu ol qut-tbroabj and robbers, but!
have been here for six years, and I never
aCVO IIUC l"l 11-, Ji:l"l
more law-abiding kind of people any-
saw a
where, thau I rind In Te.as, This portion of ;
'Tt-xasis almoil entirely te.ileu up witu out to caiup,aud living so rougii.elc. "ixou
Teune-.vaus, and tho majority is from Alan- , here, "says be: "1 solel out my railroad slock
ry county. Several fam Mies lake your pa- : before I got started, but 1 thought i would
iter, and arc highly pleased when they get . make that trip any way, so as not to eiisap
lt irom tlie olliceund sildown by theirejuiel ! point the directors; but I'm done, darned if
lire-s- Ics and read tho news aloud from j I ainl. and il you will go 'round aud iook at
theirold native home lo their families, who old Al. Bailey, you will say he', dune too."
sit uud lisleu with ait attentive ear to hear j 1 uever weut 'rouud to see Al.C. was pilia
what has bappeued neai their old homes. j pie enough for me, nor did 1 smilo during
Cotton picking Is all tbe go uow. Hands 1 tbe time. 1 IhQugbl "insc.lt to injury" too
are g' ll'ug ironi s- t-eut. 10 ji per uay anu 1
are hard to gel at that. There is c great deal 1
of cotton in tlie lields ycl, and fUl be lor a j
long time till near t uristmas.
jr. FUltor, can you not send ns a car load j
of 'girls.so that tbe siragglingTcouessee boys
can marry and go to work? Tbey have lo j
go so far to see the girls (lie grass gets away j
,b?',.CSrandS I
here, lfyou can, aud oblige a true 'fiBml tQ
Tennessee. ix.it. si.
. . . . . , ... ,
Colombia High School.
J.:7I nf llimiirvr the M'Mth ending &jitcntljrr
esfi. ISii.
iTPi.nratory f lass-ForSchoIarshlp,Missea
I ily Cooney, Kate Webb, Jda Txlwards;
Master K. L. Mullen: For DepDrtmeut
CDarles Gordon, William (iordon.
1 ntermed late Class For Scholarship, J. J .
Wlnion. K. I'. Wilson: For lieporttiieot J.
M. Williams, J J. Wilson, H. F. Wilson.
rAdvanoed l Htss For Hcholaiship, W. 8.
Fleming, c. B. Walker, V. Williams: For
IVportuieut-T. W. Dlxou, W. A. Kultle, W.
T. Tyler, C, , Walker, V, T, Whll,
To sav "they all do It" is au infamous lie,
And started from Dauhury's devil;
Socb placards are seen by every eye,
And are sure to create social evil.
We And them in show windows every place,
No wonder wherever we wander;
Such, should bring a blush, to the virtuous
Who on it, may look aud then wouder.
o. . , w
Shame on tbe man, who would vend such
About woman, the beat of God's creatures; .
His eye ne'er auain on virtue snould icok.
But rivet on JJvmi Mvutlc features.
If such cards as these are permitted to pass,!
Witboulgenuiuerebukelrom some source;
Tbcconsettuence will be that virtuous lass,
Will adopt the sauie language of course.
For they will not know the meaning as
j Yet unwittingly use the base term
1 To Auouis, who thinks he divines her in
And licensed sin, soon takes a genu.
Down with the
Who dare to en
placards, iudict them iu
gage lu the sale of such
And build around virtue, a glorious fort
Keep such from their gaze is nmnjU.
No bookseller then on his window so bold
Will keep these lonl words for their gaze;
No more can their couteuts be read or be sold.
Nor cause virtue again such amaze.
Ve Husbands aud Fathers will thank ine I
1 .......
1 1 1 yj , ,
For boldly denouncing this evil;
I ........ . ; , , , ,
VJ,"rT, "s.u,t. "lu, ln V. 7'"w
rhat tliese things will lead to the devil,
TRf rtRk
"T'ilrt rr thnfiym rhiulluffi'ii fmr.
IVc't'c seen w.ii-.hjti'J'xl h'lfiet rl:roif.'
Thesnntmer tlays bave left us now.
And the k-eu white frost lias come;
At autumn's shrine we all must bow,
Aud coiiuosseurs come home.
The watering places all are closed.
j io Hie giddy, whirling lluoim
1 ne spnugs win once sa 111 no ltozeu,
f u irlllluess to their song.
Tli ii' utvxril a -, as we passed the place,
Alaeie famous, uear our city,
One footprint e'eu we could not trace,
Ou the campus late so prelly.
So charming, so alliaclive, to cvorybodv
The Siitjifmr Wi ll, looks lonely nov,
We stopped, we dropped a tear,
And silently did bow.
Tis sad to think ol days gone by,
Of pleasures once enjoyed,
We can't recall lliemili'ouuh wc try.
Bill feel au "achtug void."'
Vet we must make the la-sl wo can,
Ol seasons in tueir turn,
And Ihoiigh we must give up thece,
Cet wood aud coal to burn.
' Al'KOMTt',
M any unties around your tHce cltisk r,
1 n mjrrads of gems ef. sparkling luster--Long
may your happy smiling lace be
T hue, though, iucxoivtblc uot lose a blem
ish, 0 n wings ol love may you be wafted
N ever to return.
Could we but reach Ibal ctlcslial rest,
A nd be al peace a ml forever blest,
Jt ecelve the praise aud honor due,
K estore and aid us Lortl our ellorls to re
new. AtKOSIIC.
W liisome is thy smiling lace, !
1 n pleasure and lu grief - ;
Let not your smiles deceive,
L et your remaining days lie piece.
Keserve thy geutleiicss of uiiinl
A ud thiuk of things divine;
11 ecelve the trulh when it appeal--,
I Ji caven will sustain you nud endear,
i A nd when your last moment shall have
M ay Heaven receive you lo your sweet'
j home.
! Hemlnlscences of the Third Teiiurs
! Kes;lmenl.
To tir Fl H"r nt thr Ik i 'iM inni Mult:
1 In looking over the HKKAbn I see au ac- '
countof the re-uuion ol the Third Teiines
.' see . Kegiment, ami of what this one aud
that oue bad to say aboul il, etc. Doubtless
many old camp-yarns were spuu there that
'day.ami many giaid jokes told on each
other. As 1 have one tnal is
Hiuooil to be
lost, 1 will tell It to you. It was d u ring the
brlghtestdnys 01 lhe conlisleracy, wbeu our
army was eueamped at Bowling Hreeu, Ky.,
Col. Brown was wanting another horse.
, For some reason he couid not leave bis
post to find oue, and very naturally sought
tb rough lite command for some oue whose
1 judgment he could trust, lo go and buy one
'for him. C, of eompauy "('.," having a
good borso record, was the lucky one. Well,
after being duly and truly prepared with
the licessary pa-es, he started for eiinsgow,
Ky. in due time lie returned horseless,
: couldn't riuel any I hiug near wbut be waul
ed, ' s he told Col. I! ; but C. says ne never
II leu 10 1100 one I ui I
tried lo rind one. l or the next week lhe
r'lr at ' '',ll"",'l!, wU come off, aud he
wanted to go there. W eil, alter talking the
mtng over to ( (H. 11., anei (eltnig ol mauy
of tho fluftst horses 111 the world, and thai
they would be at the Fair, aud ti was such a
Kood place to make lhe purchase. Col. B.
1 started him oil again. Well, C, stretched
a two week's furlough out of that, and 11
' tinned again horseless, Willi a long lace
and sad counleuauee he told ol 11, 11 and
I that.ee , how lliey could go, etc.; "but ( olo
' nel your limit to me was loo short. I f you
; bad uot limited me I could of got you the
1 finest lu theSlate;'' bul 1 . said, liii!,il il he
1 ever thought ol Brown's horse till Hie wbls
J He blowesd at Bowliug ircen, wheu he re
turned." But this is uot the tulug 1 started
1 to tell you ol, but only a prelude, which had
I lad C. to think lie was "one ol t be b'hoys''
j at headipiarlei s.
' As all tlie o.d soldiers know, the. Ijnya a!
j ways knew more about what was going to
bedone than any Brigadier ttcncral m the
lo be Military ( 011-
ine railroads, so
and so il prov ed, for
l here tame the eir-
and ."''(,'; men
l" re sirt
iJilr-f nt mmIuk T1T01 oi St.iar.?.7
llgllt 11CXI IllollllUg. 1 HO OHIe. (lid Hot
rt'-T,-"L.r'JH" :L .'.,,'.t -: .!-. "f
"- loiinu oul euai ne and Al.
Var ...... v. v-' fctj t(v n II fi "Sli -
vllle."iusl iHtsharo '.t on bis ,r. i
. ; T.' .Vi. ,..',.: ..:... ., ,. " . ' -
MJ".,'.,.V7,'r!.'u? ver
rr.r...r. . '
ere. I coil v. th-l's
allseiiled;' he wouldn't have a red cent from
one ot ine oio .jru. so alter talking every
body to sleep In I be company he retired, lu
dream of his promotion, diamond pin,. Hue
clothes etc.; but long be(tre old "Sol" ling
ua I ha iMuliirii fllrv ( ,., u u , , . I . . ..... i.i.,..i i
sbaveJ. clean slilrt ou rather Klmnilur i.,'
.l lo t-o with them and IiiIiit ti,..ir ir-...
sacks and cuus latck. il shev were not. vmii.
ed. Uu the way dow u A I. and c, settled all
the little preliiiilnaries, as lo which traiu
each would lake, etc. Arriving at bead
(iiarlers and knocking lor some half hour,
Iney finally succeed est m arousing a fellow,
who told t hem lo go down lo the depot, and
wait until be come, which he did aboul d
i o'clock. Calling lor that detail frota the
I ard, C. and Al. answered proi-.tUy. "flriug
! that hand-eyer up on the track, 1 says the fel
I low. i Kigbl then you oubt to have seen
! C'a. loons railroad slock Ijegau dcclinlog - I
', COUlel lelt ffdih his coilliteuaneiM Tb'iuub
me boys stepped lorwar.i anil hrouirht tini-
train on tUt track. The irllow jumped
aboard. "Now b-s you both look like
good lough, ijtoiil fellows 1 waul yon lu
u..i,ii7,:ni 'kvim i-,n ,,i,u ...
Klver." W. Mr. II 1 1: , ... the lact was.
nbit luir mill hail r,blilv' ilmm u ,u,-'. l.u,..i
lup bE old liaiul-i ir, Ih i llio hardest kind ol
w ork, but nae; nine ooys, ian tuey ooiu are
little vou know, 1 they jumped a'oat'd, aud
glancing aft adieu to their coivipa,nlaul wild
had accompauled, thoni teov, n to the train,
they pulleij ot,t. 1 if course their compan
ions coiildn't laiieli at them there the
thing was too ferlous. The fact le, nobody,
aiter seeing that woebegone look on C's. face
could helped but shed tears. well, oue
morning tue bugle having socuueii run-caii,
I 1 ha Sai-Lteant was ri'.uoiute down his iisl 11s
usual aqt ctellca c s. name, nurrau came (
I fron the tent', aud but came C, lhe most;
j pitiable specimen of humanity you evei ;
' Saw. Di'bU 1 1 nil-1 ri wdic ' , -1. v wiu mr,:i
1 . 1,1 1 I uL-l.iik.i.l u,,t-n iit liripiwtiil.l
Imhntlnn hls'sliirt collar, or wear his sus-1
panders. Tlie lact was, he wore out his !
imnds. tbeu they took anu straps and made 1
harness, autl bilcbed iu horse-iashlon, till j
lie wore all lhe sktu oil' his shoulders that Ooods sold a a lower margin at A. Bo
he could get at, then he turned goat. Yes, ; SLNTII A L A BBO. ,lbau al any either house
Air. Hkkauv he butted It with ills head, till ' la Columbia, SJ.
he actually wore a hole through his hat,1
and a patch of halroH his head as big as your yearling Jersey (laltea lor Male.
Iiand, aud that lsu't the worst yet. He had 1 1 i-uvetwo vearliuit Jersey bull calves,
theairiug-haltsohadthathe. couldu'l dnU JJ,f,""u lUtill at Mty ok
in rauks
One day when he was un guard, a soldier
wanted ttl know what he'd done that tbey
madu 1 1 1 111 mark lime for. Well, after roll-
( call was aver, 1 went up to '., aud asked
' bim vi l-.cn his train Malted out. and whv lie
didu't stop al the hotel Instead 01 comiug
muelt; out 11 curtsa e . irom ran roan api
tiohs, aud he has uever been kuow u to ride
on a railroad siuce, u bless ou half lare rate.
October iird, is, ,. J.K.
t'olnmlils Uistriel TfRauare l'e.v!er-
j n;sr kovd Of "l aki 1 ki.y .MEKUMes.
Klkton station. Nov. :!, 1; Pleasant alley
sUi(iUi Nov.ln.ll; Kichlanel circull, Nov.
,?j is; Trinity circuit. Nov. 21, Z; Alt. Plea
ant circuit, Dec. 1, 2; ( ulleolra stai ion, Dec. s,
,. ,.vnllvlUe t ireuit. Dpc. I 1. hi: Marcella
I- alls circuit, Dec. -M, r Pulaski station, I iec.
1 s.'. :yr. unes circun, jau. , 1 oiuuioia siee
1 l'h Ja" 1-. ';!; Pros)ieet circuit,
Jan. IS
Mt. Pisgah circuit, Jail, "Jti, '."; Nelio aud
Williauisnort, Feu. i, U.
'Jtie Disl'ritit Stewards will please meet at
LyuuvlllesilaUon, on Thursday, Nov. 1, is;;.
J. 1. BAilKtK, P. F.
Overcoats for everybody at Foumv .V
Fkikhsos's. UrL-I'i-ll.
KufusKlng Polk has an app liniment at
A list of letters remaining In the Post
Office, al ColunibiaLTeim., for tho week end-
'Mwmrr .111 10, t.
Crawford. J. 11.
Porter, IUclilT
lHivldson, Mrs, F.
Daniel, James
Olluiore, James
Hamilton, l iara
Hall, W. L.
Hudson, D.
Kennedy, Jda
le, Ahc.e
Lee, Mlnuio
J"olkevT. C,
Polk. Nancy
Bobbins W. D.
Itol-erts Mary K.
1 Sober ts. Malinda
Klgln, Aliss L.
Sowet, D. C.
siDipwun, Hymaii
stank. William
Withers poon. M.T.
Wllllamsou, Huslo
Williams, Johuo.
' lxH;erldge, William
1 Alarshali, Airs. T.
' iseison.jcunie cj
: i,".'
.tristiii, t ettrr
Persons calling for the abov e letters;
please say advertised.
W. N. Hl'eiHF.s,
Hemphill's Kuropean Hotel and ies(au
raul, Nashville, is well known to all lovers
01 good ealiang. He keeps, Hie keeps the
market affords, and better, for he
sends abroad tor some 'delicacies. His din-ning-room
Is clean and nice, his watters
polile and bright, and Lhe cook an arllsl.
I all and see Hemphill.
McKlree's Wine of Cardul Is advertised
in another column. It Is recommended by
Homo of the best men in Tennessee. There
is great prejudice against advertised medi
cines; but this is a home medicine, made ut
home by a good man, known and respected
as a man of Ood. The cures effected by 1 his
niediclue are numerous. Testimonials can
be had of hundreds ol the first lathes In the
stale, of cures effected. We believe we are
doiug a service to humanity lu asking all
women to read the advertisement ol the
Wine of Cardul in another column.
Let n be Thankf ul.
surely the iveople of Alaury county have
reason to feel gratified to the Oiver of good
things for the temporal blessings t hey bay
; received this year. They had a large wheat
crop, and the snow covered it and preserved
: it, and caused it to make an abundant yield.
The moo Ih of May was dry, and the farmers
were enabled lo get their cotton antl coru
crops clean and lu good condition for tbe
uninterrupted rains which rune gentlv to
the earth 111 June and July, making tbe ears
of corn fill ou.. The crop is above ibeaver-
. age, aud tbe tanners have ou baud a supply
01 old corn, not wltlistaudiua: th-y shipped
, many thousand bushels to Cottou Kilt. And,
as a climax to all this, tbe Fall has been a
bcaulilui dry one, aud tlie nost has been
late in coming, thus giv ing cottou time to
mature aud opportunity to open, aud llie
farmers lo pick 11 oui. Surely, surelv, our
tanners cauuot complain of Old Alaster"
this year.
Tu tlf llit,- i.i (,. il, niltlaifl Mint:
Itelug a constant reader of your valuable
paper, 1 observe from its contents that von
delight lu giving accounts 01 weddings, illu
iugs, etc., so I present you an opoi tiinlly
oluivlm; a brie! account of mm in oui
- iifluhborhocd. given lo Mis Auuie McMll- i
1111. a sweet and uprightly little blonde 01
three summers, and bids iMir to make us
. In lllianl aud aiuialilea lady as her mol ber.
I would use some new adjectives lu describ
ing 1 lie din iter, but t he store lias long since
been exhausted, and I can onlv repeat:
, "The dinner was elegaul." Kadi guest paid
it s compliment, by partaking freelv. 'i he
cnit-nainiiig Airs. I 0111 Jones, tbe popular
Mi's Loa Willie Hoge, and Ibe beaulilul
Miss Nettie Kosstau, accompanied ly Alas
ter Willie Jones, added ninch to Ibe'enioy-
, inciil ol ihe day. Among those piestiil
were: .Mrs. J. H. F. and daughler. Kale;
Mrs. 11. and son, Ira, ami others. 'The clul
(Iren especially enioyed it, and went home
wishing lor her uext biillidav to roll
arouud. Sr.LPoM.
Vtiiiiat'iiraln IreHiand.
Not lona since James Fverell sent some
extraoidlnary ears of corn from his larm In
Obion county for exhibition In the museum
ol I In-Bureau of Agriculture, statistics and
Alines, lien 1 ocktill, of Davidson county,
saw it a lew days aao, and has si nee ordered
tea bushels. 'Through such exhibitions iu
the Bureau Museum larmers might find
purchasers lor any tlrst-class article of pro
duce. .1"" "in.
Mr. Lverelt is a native of Alaury county.
TToiuns .limes to Sallle Welislei .
F. T, Brown lo K. F Williams.
.LP. I lanlels lo M. A. Su! H van.
Preston s. Fleming to Laura A.
John ( i. Met and less to I ,eora .
T. C. Worlev lo Mary Campbell.
K, K. Kerr to Kebeeca Ihyaut.
Jtsse W, Maxwell to A va .. 'Terry.
A. C. Fleming lo Carrie (iiddctis.
1 KIT II .
In Ibis county, October "Ulb, inlitit ol
.Marshal Martin.
In Ibis place, October '.'.nt, I'.igenla,
(laughter 01 Wyall and F.uuenia II. Hat rison.
iu this place, October Jllli, Inlsul of A. o.
1 Hirris.
In this cnunly, octotier -Ith, Infant 01
To lie J minions.
For Rent.
A dwell ine bouse. Apply to K. .tisnt,
on South Alain Slreel. oclJii-tf
For sale.
A nice bouse and lot lu Columbia lor
sale cheap. Apply to H.Cornell, ocl.ti-ol
Soil: I ui m Mills at :
al J. I'. STKKLT v e
:real I y
reel lie
'(I prices
i ider
I O.'js.
.Mills al cost at J. P
J. P. Street .V Co. oiler Sorghum Alills
reduced prices. ocL'ii -w
J. P. sireel A Co. oiler 1 be best
tier Al Ills at cost.
ij'.iality i
ocL'ii Jw.
Fresh oysters In ice, and celery just le
reived al WAI KI.vs A Cll lollli.
There is al ays
ii llord's store.
a "rush" iu
Walk Ins A
Wat kins (iifloi il are doing a big busi
ness in sugar and collet, tiive them a call.
Wi II.
" I iiclc Tom my '
cigar, -for a nickel, and
e II a i r l.v A- Ktsil lo.
For the largest stock of flrst-class Butcher
Knives and Sausage Cullers, go lo .1. P.
STKFI-. f A C '.'s. ocl.''j-.'w .
t all al .1.
iilld Tongs
P. st reel A eo.'s lor Shovels
Dog Irons and oal scilllles.
Just rcceivest a lot of Hue Toilet slippers
for Welti's, tall anei see them.
i-.r.M. W. B. DjlilUN..
Fat iiie-i
:.ell and buylhelest b y. you
'ol'.TI.' W. II. DohiiiA-.
For lioots shoes, hats, etc., go lo
( 'UU. W , B. Donin s.
.New Buckwheat Flour, Cranberries, Fresh
oystois, leieiy, and Alince Meal, Just re
ceived ul in j-tl. I !. W'.bAMRLls,
T he K ing of lhe world cigar. Best cent
cigar ever i it town, lit i kln A. Kimiio.n.
Try lil Kty del Mundo" cigar.
O.li-ll. CilAIHN ttltl -IIIO.S.
"All a hoard lor Henry ville," the "L'licls
Toiiiuiy " cigar, at ( iiai i in a, Ki.sii rvx'i.
The lime tried and !'ire tested- F.laiuc Oil
sold by Josh . Bailey, is the licsl as well as
thesaiesi burning lltnd ever usel. It wll!
".el explode. uug.'.l-U.
Keep your feet wai in ami dry by buyiug
Ijools .end snots lioui W. ll. DoliUi.ss.
'JTiu largest stock of clothing at lower
puces ihauevei uttered tn olumbia.
e- Slone and Cppras,
rlor sale by Walk ins AM
' i Hold.
The best hats at W, TJ! Ko iji .vs,
; ii(eal. . l acked wheal, nrlis
inont , for sale by Wai kins ,v, Oirl'
olL'l f.
Choice vbovv ebow t'.nd plain ph-kb-sby
the 'luiii't or tridloii, for srtle by Walkins
liilfo'itl, ol-.
All kinds ofriesli veiietables, blllter, Vggs,
elf., loi sate by WalUlnstV Olllol'd.
The newest tlevlgus and shades in Dress
ioods Ut A. K( 1:MH. 1,0. BKO.
iidter lioots, shoes aod hats for less mon
ey than any body. ioLill.i W. H. Dojjw.ns.
n kiud of carpets lower than lor years,
Black Casimere Alpaccas,
which are well
worth seeing, at
- A
dollars apiece. ocll'.'-tit. J as. 1 . AIooKt.
N. llolman Is prepared to furuish every,
thing ever gotten up in a confectionery.
Kspeclal attention given to lurnlshlng Wed
ding and Party Orders. K'-ejis 011 band
Fresh audy and Cake's of all kinds, at
jirici-8 that defv coinpetilluu. (rTl i-ll
New li'.'oLv scarfs aud shalls at M. Ilullle's
AI. Kitltle is oilerlng a full stock of dress
iioods al less than cost lor Fall wear. kill.
A word to my creditors. You must come
forward and nay me, or your accouut will
be put out for tullectioii. AI.KlfllK.
"lleautiful Suow," Willi all its purity and
whtjenessdoes not eijiml Llalne OH, sold by
Josh (i. Bailey. aug. al-tf.
South AmericS and Southern United States.
Owing to their warm arid delightful cl I -mates,
1 heir inhabitants grow sallow from
torpid Livers, Indigestion aud all diseases
arising iron a disordered Stomach and
Bow els. They should of course at all limes
keep the liver active, and to our readers we
would recommend 'fabler's Vegetable Liver
Powder. Taken in time, will eifien save
mouey ami mueii suffering. 1'rice 00 cents.
The Buckeye has v irtues which Be in the
bitter principle called lieeailln, which have
been ill llized lor Ihe cure of Hemorrhoids,
or Piles. If sintering with that disease, use
'fabler's Buckeye Piie ointment, only '1
ceuts a boltie.
N. Hoiman Makes Millinery
a Specialty.
Kverj thing new and tho IhI- kI. Kecelv
iug dally ull die luteal and uewesl ImfKrta
llotis of Miiliueiv at Mrs. V llolman's.
ueie ton can never mil (
p eased
si Ale and prl. ?. SU-tt Klraw
Hats at :)
octlj U
lu member Al. Kuttlc will sell von your
I ail Alilli.iery cheaper luou an otic. scpTlf
New Fall Ooods Just arrived
at M But-
If"rAist Bets," at live .
the money, then Josh '
inlsliiforuied. 'Try one.
nis, uic not worth
llaiJcy lias Is-eii
aug. Jl- If
We can find whole families who will
vouch fortbo"Iist Bet" cigar, al Hvc rents,
al JoshO. Bailey's. aug. ;;i-tf.
1 1 I he sherill 1 1 ics to at resl .v olt lis it va
grant, rush for a "Lost Bet" cigar, at Josh li.
Bailey's, and treat htiii-lt lias a soothing
filed. Try It. aug. ;;i,lf.
The nights, for tbe ps w eeli, have lieen
bright and beuutilul, but tbey seem dark
and dreary Indeed, w hen compared to tho
light made from Llalne oil sold bv Josh O.
Bailey. aug. Jl-tf.
An excellent horse and bugy
Call on McKay V Fiot H;s.
for sale
NewMioods received weekly timing llio
entire season, and sold ai t-asn pi ices, nt Al.
J. Bi yam's. au;ii-H
Ijitlies, now Is your time to putcluise an
elegant tall hat or lumucl, at fwiccK Hint,
would astonish you, al AL Kuttlu's. septTlf
Who hnssutoked a "Lost
five cents, at Josh o. Bailey
g:l the worth ol bis money.
I!et" cluar, for
s, and did not
aug. .,1-1 r.
Woildel llll It
AL Kiillle's.
iluclion 111 Dm s
tits nis at
If You Want
First-class Parlor, Chamber, Dining U00111,
Hall or oilier Furniture, sprint; Curled,
Hair, Col ton. Cot ion Tup, or Shuck .Mat
tresses, al 'on prices, ca I i lo sec or coiies
pond w lib W eakley ,v Waiien, .N'os. II nud
II .sorm College, Street, Nashville, Tennes
see. 'ill meeting a friend 1 he II rt 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 .V Is al
ways regarding bis health. Wh'." Lccauvi
health is ol ihe Iii st con-, id. i at tons ; yet
many wilt sit 111 a cold, (lamp tlit-aiic, re
ai dicss 01 w t'iitt lu ngs ainl back ing cough ,
Discard some tl I he tplu literal pleasures of
I he day , such as I heal 1 1 :oni j, cixar-siiiok-luu,
A c, aud liiv. sl jour small change 111
soiiielliiii' that will In- a la-tin benellt.
For InsiHnce, Coiien1' CoiiijiouikI Honey of
Tar rests on l.v 1" cents, aril ttnl euro vour
Cough, Cold, and all diseases o! tbetlilOMl
and iuns.
tlwui sullen is w mi I'liii.ln ii 1 1' I
colds, a 11 nun I i v eo r-i ul h to rnao I ho k t be
real minim ss i.i Hie lalui ot llouei-, 'li,
theiii we t mild sa t he m cssii d1lil ex
pensive Dip Is o'evisted by CoinpeMind
Honey of Tar, which spenlny v : 1 , ulshes
the cdtigbs nud cel. Is incident to Ibis I Ijor
ous clime. For puiiiu' speal.eis it sijipssse-s
tbe Demosthi'iilc I'Xinii 11 id 'Veiiiiles anil
si'ii shore;" cliartng llie thri
voices rin-is vt il li Hie silveiv 1
until llio
leiici) oi a.
Tat. l'ticti
bell. I se Coiiip
HI cents u bolt.e
d :i')n. oi
N I.W I N I UI! -II" M'.
.loll n . I I el se, be I ,
oilers Ills serv i''s in laiu'i
ctli.eus of I 'olumhin ati'i
jne'ared loitoany lilicl
tailoring line eniriisb d
11. ilit e and lo yeiiei 1 1
Imesitin Pants -i; I '.untie
to S'.'i. Wat liinli d lo nt.
1-II lot.M I n'e 'ta'lot ,
1 and ( it Ii i lo I Im
icoi 1 1 y . He Is
ol '.tolk III Ille
to . h i in, .ui short,
-at istaci 1011. I'.esi
-s S111 1 s in an w ;i
Iso, eliMint ng iiU'l
rcpan lug done i ,11 -lmi l nut ice. 1 iid 1 lollies
itiadr as ood a s new . 1. special ntt'tilioii
paid to culling drill 's and Boy:; Clothing,
Slop 111 thr rear ol Dr. Kaitis' lung spue,
Jffurderwill Out.
A lew years ago "August liow.i" was ilis
cov i-re'il lo be a certain cii'. ti Im D.v spepsp,.
and 1 .1 vt I 1 0111 piiiii, 1 , a e( 1 11 1 11 1 it spcpi ie.
'.uaiie K now 11 to time l.ti-niK 'not e.i ily
! and ipilckly tiny In l bo 11 euicil lit Ms n-.-.
'H)k('i. j 1 lu gteat tin 1 its el 01:1.1 s - 1 ,. 1 i l ow -NcKon.
Kit bee, line heralded 1 1 1 1 i iu 1 1 the cunuliy
I ! one siiiiel't-r lo a uol dir. uniil, uilhotit
lUl ft I ISllie, It s ,;i ,i. lia-, tiecollie llillliellM-.
Dinugistsin I V I I! v, i iN s 111 ibe t liili-d
Slalts are sciliir 11 . No person suileninr
with Sour Siomacii, .-sicU II-a laclie, Co,.
1 1 ve-u.-ss, Paipit at ton 01 I he IIchiI, Indiges
tion. Low Spirits, etc., can lake lliree iIiim
wllfiout lelicl. (io to vour I ) i;pgss, il,
comb A Towler, and net a boll It, ,1 cculsan
liy it. Samiue bolUis I'l cents. JiineJ'l-i,
Your Attention!
When v on co lo nsi die, If .,ii wan: tA
buy ot Iook al a nic set of ciouuci, a ve
locipede or :i lietiuLilul buoy catriae,-, Ciill
and evamir.e the spiemini a-orlmenl of
1 1. N. Ne;. Inn, at Nis. .:s and li I- iirimin s
oltl slaud' Public s,ii,ir.j. Nii-hvule, jusi as
VOU lio Up towtl. lie sells I hem. ir, be doe s
eveiy lhlii'4 else in stm l,, al Hie lowest pos
sible rates. H is si m-k ol read tin matter, tu
I )'it h old and new unset I Ian, uu; hooks, rau
iiot be Ileal Soul b ol I tie i ill io 1 1 v cr. H- al
kj lias iu slock a la 14c to!h cl 11 hi of I he In u .
clesl note panei , tu iies and out ol box. s,
t lint he -e,n al votiiteilul low fairs, nud llll
lie asrts is Dial you sec bis sl lis and k t Ins
prices hrlole liut lllc elsewher.-. We bad
aimosi tiHott.-u to iiiiike mention ,,f the
splehdpl slork ol basr h-iiis and hals lie has
1111 exposition, lull II any ol our hoys wanu
anylhiiig lie has tu this Inn-, h is siiiu b
suit tiieiu in any style and at any prh-.i
lliey waul. iiugir miii.
Notif f!.
Im lhe con v " 11 leie.-o ,t rulunn and
Traders, we have e-.tiiii! illicit head'lli.l lei .
at llie I epot ol oluuii'ia. We butt: pre
pared lot, lo 1 reel t- sloe U . I a 1 1 Ice 11 ks sen le s
to weigh nil stock iomI produce sold lo
Weight. W W ill ke( Jl eoi reel slntemelltsof
all weights inr lutiiie s 1 1 ! mnnh, i.ive
eel lllbutes loi' nil s,,ck uud ploduci' Welch
ed by US, hold ourselves repoii'-ililc for all
ct lots, and will -ay lot lie 1 :t it 1 1 41 s ed' Mauiy
the (Illens oi 1 oliinihiii. and :ul 101 11 1 n;;
counl les who h:le s , eli u ptoiluce i. Mile,
lonolliyus icrsuniii, 01 1 111 ou.:h I he Post
oliceUltll lull ileseiipliou or tvliwl ynil
hav e for sale, tt hli'li will be recol tied ou'oilt
hooksaud pr.'s.iiiied toeveiy tia.e-oii Ibis
IIIHl krl, W llieli Will bl UIU ) (III bil.M I - Wl
wi 1 say lo I he- specula! 01 s on this maikot
1 hat we will ki-ep aiiuvetm ed l:,lry .sum.
ly , of Coin mbia and ailiumine rount ies,ol all
slocks or produce repoiled lo us loi sale,
i oine uud examine our honks nud coiive
nienccs lor weighing slock or ptoiluce.
Oct.'J'i--in. I . J. I'.l.ii:.v c.
By vli I tie ol a u 1 ve m mti in an- band-..
Issued Irom I In' luiiicel v I nun id luvmi
couiily, T'eiinessrr, In layiir ol J l .s. 1 iie-en-field
vs. T. . T. ( d enlW-lil, 111 case ol'
( irei'ii held v s. H nt toti I will scii lor 1 iimi.
to the Inlicsl 1 1 1 i i 1 1 , al the runil liouso
Jt;or in toe low 11 01 1 -ituiiitUM, on MoiuIh,
llie I'll h day 01 November, l-,i. a liiu l or
parcel ol I Mini, mi 11a 1 ( 111 lhe- I'M h ei v il dis
trict id Maury county, Tennessee, 1011I
bou luled ou he; north b lhe lauds eil'l . (..
T. 'reeiilitlil: e;is by Duck Klvtr; -,..uth ny
Wm. Ilaw kins' eslalr; west by Duel. Blvi r
Plld Joe oss, cfiiitallnliL' 'iil Meres, ikiioteil
at-1 be ''Brick House I-aim ' I -v nil apou
and to I,.; w ild as lhe, pieirfttv of T. o. 'I,
fireclllleld Io atlMt Sind iiloll ami
cost. W.A.A.I.X NDI-.K, sherill.
Bv W. ' '. V il In i-pO"n. DTy S ill.
( ici.,'..cr i'i, 1-;,-.
Supreme Court Sale !
J. V
L e i s and ,v 1 ie vs.
t ll'liu: ol a dcci'c(;
A. W i i'.'d h j I 10'.
Inli I '! I u t be ti lsi o
unary b riu. I ,,",, of
cut il led c.iiihc. a 1 lln- J.i unary I
III.; 1 lonoi a 1 e u preiue 1 011 1 i 1. 1 I eue- .ee,
ill Nashv ille. I w ill sell lit l ulmc oni. i t, t-
t be Ii igliesl h ud best hid-iei. at the eoiH
lioiise el'Mir tn I he love i,r Coli lulca. Ten
iiess.'e,iit I .' o'clucli v.. on sa unl;i', Nu
v.'iu bei I'', Is, 7i 1 1,1. r. inni ndei ioi'iou ol it
tiacl of I n 11. 1 t'L'lonit'.g lo "ie r -lafooi Sam
Uel W h'vel let , dee'd, ly on; in evil dlslrl.t
No. .'I, Mauiy coi'.iily, T ; 11 111 -' eoiilalii
I III" I !' acres, ni'.-.l ; or I ess, and ' m m, , hs
wllotts; Not Hi by lln lands in I'. M II. il
eo 1 oh; east bv tin- lands uild to W at k ins mul
Maves; south by John M. Alliniind Wil'-on;
West by John ,l. U il -;i 1 a 'id I . I '. ' H ( 1 Ion.
said laud will be sold lor rush. 1 tee irom Ibex
e-iiuity ol redeinp: ion.
W. N 1 1 i'V I d v ,
u preiix ( unit CD-I k
Nic-bv llio, Ti nn.. 1 i-t. I.', 1-;;,
Having this ibiyniegc-teJ lie insolvency
0! Aaron Howard, col., dec. , fo llie 1 p-ik ;
the County Court ol Alaury 1 'unity , T'eno.,
notice Is hereby given !,. alt 1 ersous bat Ing
claims against Mint estn'e to rTle Ibeiii duly
aul hetil Icatcd w tlu s,enl e h i k . on or b.-ioro
the l ull ol Miirch, s,s, i,,,- pn.i.ua diMlrlbu
llon, '11 lhe name w ill be loicver h.-irred,
J I . II 1 1 Iv MA V,
1 id. PI-1S77. Adtiiinislraloi .
D. A. raig. W. J. Straj born.
. I '. Aydelotl".
Grain and Troduce Merchants.
Have '.puued a large Waie-botiso al tin)
I uion la-pol. Tbey have, ample hlorago
room, uud solicit ronsiguiiiculs. ordeis
proiiiplly and sal isiaeloi ily lilted. A Iri sh
supply ol l ainily l.isicerles always ott
hand, at tbe very lowest pi-Ice. t'o'iie Hint
see, us. eictJi,.'.'m.
jF"o:r 3Etoxx
1 l ; 1 s 7 v :
The valuable farm ol itiioiil lour Inin lrciJ
acres, k iiowu as the John 1 1 Co"k lario, )
liigoii Hie waters ol Big Btgby Ciftk, tn tho
cxiunly of Alaury, ii-.ljoimug tin; lauds of
James 11. Web-ler, ele.-'d, L. H. Sellers.
Samuel J. sti ay bom nud othei . I will In
accordance wll h the elecree 01 Hit, Honora
ble haDcery ( ourl receive bids at my ollu o,
uniil noon upon tlie '.'"tli day ot ocloiiei,
s77, for the lent lor lK7s ol the nlxive de
Kcrlt, 11I tract 1,1 laii'l. Thr tent, r or i-entet
will be re'iuired lo evruie imies w 1! li good
si i'tuily, pavi.ble I lli Novciii!'. !-, D.'s, ami
Men rel allied upon i-iop iu him .1 ion.
Oct. I.M-sT. D. MM ool'I B,
,t AI.
Nov. J
n-ii lit
lin i.i 1 run 1
worn called for';
TO $'."'
oouiH a 'lay
j r,','',,,,,,',slrfr

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