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Loudon free press. (Loudon, Tenn.) 1852-1855, October 20, 1852, Image 2

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JOHN W. O'BRIEiif Editor.
Of New Jersey.
Of North Carolina.
GUSTAVUS A. nENRY, of Montgomery.
Dist. No. 1 N. G. Taylor, of Carter.'
" 2 Horace Matsard, of Knox.
" 3 George Brows, of Monroe,
4 Samuel M. Fite, of Smith.
& Jordox Stokes, of Wilson. -
" C James M. Davidson, of Lincoln.
- " 7 E. R. Osborse, of Giles.
" 8 John A. McEwes, of Davidson.
" " 9 A. G. SnREWRBERBT, of Henderson
" " 10 Joseph R- Mosbt, of Fayette.
From an advertisement in another column, it
will be seen that onr connection with V'. G.
Browxlow in the Printing Business has been
dissolved by mutual consent, Sam'l B. O'Briex,
an younger brother, will be associated with us
as a co-partner in the publication of this paper,
under the firm of Jonx W. k Sam'l B. O'Briex.
Just entering upon the active duties of life,
we have chosen this point, Loudon, to which
the future holds out so much of promise, as the
theatre of future usefulness we hope, to ourselves
and the community that is fast springing up
around us. But we are not unacquainted with
the duties we have undertaken. An experience
of txeche years in the newspaper business has
pretty well disciplined us to its toils and per
plexities. We fully understand them all, and
consequently do not undertake this enterprise
as one would join a pleasure party for a mo
ment's recreation. The duties of a public jour
nalist are onerous and responsible. To be use
ful he must secure public confidence by the
discriminations of a correct judgement, and a
strict adherance to truth. So far as we shall
conform to a model, we shall aspire to the ele
vated 6tand occupied by the National Jntelli
gencei'y a true representative of what the Anieri
can Press should be standing as it does, far
above the wrangling of cliques and selfish com
binations of men, battling for the jood of the
whole country.
Our politics have always been, and will con
tinue to be Whig. As such, we place the names
of the Whig nominees at our mast head. Mr.
Graham was our first choice for Vice President
Gen. Scott was not. Mr. Fillmore had proved
himself a safe and able statesman and was at
thelead of the most popular Adminstration that
has existed since the days of Washington we'
desired to see him continued in a position he
bo ably occupied. So did the Whigs of Tennes
see. With them, we had another choice. Mr.
Webster was passing by the last chance that
his time of life promised would be his we de-
sired to honor the country and gratify a desire
-yuiwt i ' miric.' piohi tctii n no Tin? umiuif.n
Whig Convention with a larger number of friends
than either Webster or Fillmore he received
the nomination, and cordially approved the
Platform, in common with Southern Whigs.-
Fillmore has gone into his support Clay would
have done so had he lived the great Wlug par
ty have adopted him as preferable by odds in
every respect to Gen. Pierce and we can see no
good reason why we should oppose him by set
ting up a Retail business for Mr. Webster, when
the idea oT his carrying a single State has be
come very nearly as "obsolete' as he himself
declared the establishment of a National Bank
to be in the days of Tyler's perfidy. Wc go for
Scott and Graham we want them elected.
For some time, however, we have felt the in
spiration of a nobler aim than President making.
Demagogues have long told us with all the elo
quence that the hope of lucrative offices could
inspire, to follow them with a loud shout and
hoist them into power, and the springs of pros
perity would gush forth in more than a thousand
streams and mingle in every valley. As a peo
ple we followed them, even until they became
corrupt and insolent and thought it their privilege
to barter us for gain. But where is the happi
ness, the prosperity they promised ? We have
spent our strength for nought. The great prob
lem of National prosperity cannot be solved by
political wrangling. We already enjoy the
blessings of a free government, and repose under
the grateful shade of our own vines and fig trees
lei us cultivate them! Aye, that is it letcs
cultivate them ! It is true that our country
at large has grown in greatness and power but
we are not indebted to wrangling politicians for
aDy of it. Good men have turned attention to
the construction of Railroads, and in every way
possible, opening facilities to market The glo
rious results are, Agriculture is beginning to
flourish the Mechanic Arts are beginning to
pay Knowledge is assuming practical impor
tance and the complicated machinery of society
is beginning to move glibly along 1 Farmers
are beginning to feel that it is more honorable
tc; be acquainted with the most approved plans
of enriching their lands and economy in raising
stock than to be into all the secrets of politi
cians. And they are right We shall aim to
diffuse this salutary feeling to the greatest ex
tent we can. We intend devoting the necessary
space in our paper for this purpose.
We have Jived long enough, and our range
of observation has been sufficiently extensive
to know that neither Whigs nor Democrats can
lay exclusive claims to Patriotism. So far as
the fundamental principles of Republican Gov
ernment are concerned, all are alike zealously
devoted. When political orators proclaim that
the country will be ruined if this or that party
is successful we pass it over to our more cred
ulous neighbor to believe, if he desires to. Not
a word of it do we believe. - Both political par
tics have been in power, but we have not been
robbed of a single privilege. But there are
differences of some real importance, relating,
however, to minor points. The foreign policy
of the Democrats is more liberal than that of
the Whigs. They are for extending the area of
liberty by the annexation of territory and by
entering into the quarrels of Europe, and for the
propagation of Republicanism by conquest.
They go beyond what we conceive to be sound
doctrine oh these points. While upon the other
hand, in their Domestic policy they fall below
the line of policy best calculated to promo the
general welfare. The Whigs are more con
servative in their Foreign policy, while at the
same time they occupy higher and nobler ground
in regard to Domestic economy. As a party,
they have more regard to the observance of our
Treaty stipulations with other nations, and they
offer greater protection and encouragement to
American labor and enterprise. We therefore
act with the Whig party not that we appre
hend ruin to the country by Democratic policy ;
but, because the Whig policy offers greater en
couragement to industry and enterprise among
our people, by protecting American Manufacto
ries by a Tariff on foreign fabrics, sufficiently
high to meet the ordinary expenses of the Gov
ernment,incluJir.g liberal appropriations for our
principal Rivers and Harbors; leaving the pro
ceeds of the Public Lands to be distributed
amonj the States for Educational and Internal
Improvement purposes.
Like all our neighbors and friends, we have
come here to make money ! If we can do so,
and at the same time advance the public good,
we shall claim the title of good citizens. Our
materials are all new, just purchased in N. York
and Philadelphia. Our Type are small, easily
read and beautiful being the genuine Scotch
Face, now being introducd into all the Printing
offices at the North, and justly admired by all
Printers of taste. And we intend to publish a
paper free from the influence of selfish combi
nations and factions, and neutral upon no ques
tion that may come within the legitimate range
of the Newspaper Press. We shall not attempt
to please every body farther than to publish the
best paper we possibly can, regardless of local
prejudices and interests, where they conflict with
the public good. And we shall expect all rcho
may ialce our paper to pay for it. And we
would be pleased if all would pay in advance.
This is much the best plan. It will not only be
one-third chaper to subscribers, but it would en
able us to publish a better paper, and at the same
time keep clear of debts a thing that every
man should shun as he would the old Boyl
We shall keep our readers fully advised as to
the Southern Markets an important item to the
business men of Fast Tennessee.
A City Charter having been granted by the
late Court, pursuant to act of the Legislature,
for the purpose of Incorporating this place, an
election was held for Aldermen on Saturday,
last, which resulted in the election of the follow
in " jrentlemen, who serve nntil the 1st of Janu-
arv, to-wit:
This is a good Board, being c;
of public spirit, enterprise, an
posed of men
Men too, fjdetermination, who will not fear
secure the peace and comfort of our citizensl
Wc trust that they will study well the interests
of the community, as they have in charge, to a
great extent, not only the present prosperity of
our town, but their wisdom or folly will give im
press to the future character of the place.
The Nashville Union publishes a cor
respondence between Hon. C. H. Williams,
and CoL S. C. Pavatt, in which the latter tries
to extort abuse of the Whig party from Mr. W.
by informing him that some of the Whigs were
denouncinghim as a renegade who would give
"a kingdom for a horse" upon which, to ride
back into his party. In his reply, Mr. W. re
peats Lis former declaration that he could not
support Gen. Scott, on the ground, thatln his
opinion his nomination by the ilaltimcre con
vention failed to nationalise the Whig party,
but that he was still a Whig, unchanged in any
of his political opinions.
Messrs. Gentry and Williams occupy about
the same position. They are both good and
true and patriotic Whigs, who have fought long
and hard enough to entitle them to a short re
spite from their arduous services in building up
and sustaining the Whig party in Tennessee.
Two more patriotic politicians are not to be
found in the Union. They oppose no factious
opposition they merely retire from a contest
in which they cannot consistently take part
not even attempting to influence their most in
timate friends to follow their example, as is
abundantly demonstrated by the fact that Mr.
Williams' own son is one of the sub-electors for
Gen. Scott! If Gen. Scott's administration
proves acceptable to the South, as we have no
doubt it will, Gentry and Williams will be its
most able supporters if otherwise, not only
Gentrv and Williams will turn against it thou-
sand of Wkiga will go witb iLom.
But we have no fears of Gen. Scott. We be
lieve him as sound as any 'man can be on the
Southern question. He will carry this State
without difficulty the Democrats at Nashville
now ask two thousand votes on a bet and
E.H. Foster is out for Scott !
Leuty's Hotel, in this town, is one of the
best houses in the South. The proprietors,
Messrs. Reyxolds & Lecty, are liberal and
high-minded men, and know how to make their
guests comfortable. We hope they may be . as
successful as they merit. See their Card in an
other column, and call on them when you want
something good to eat I
JBSi Our friend, James S. Boxham advertis
es in to-day's paper for a number of agents to
sell his "Improved Garment Cutter." He has
the best lot of Plates we have seen, having re
cently had a new edition printed, superior in
every respect to his former editions.
Bu The extra-session of the North Carolina
Legislature which was convened by the Governor
for the purpose of arranging the Presidential
Electors, have passed a temporary law giving
one to each Congressional District, and one for
the rtate at large. " : ', '
525" Ward and Cabell, Whig candidates for
Governor and Congress, in Florida, have been
ESS" Hon. B. F. Butler, the author of the no
torious Buffalo Abolition Platform, upon which
Martin Van Buren stood as the candidate of
the Free Soikrs four years ago, recently wrote
a letter to S. P. Chase, in which he takes the
ground that Gen. Pierce's election would le the
most effectual mode of accomplishing "what yet
remains unaccomplished of the measures enu
merated in the Buffalo platform 1 " It is pass
ing Strang how Democrats can have the cheek
to object to Gen. Scott on Seward's account,
when the entire Buffalo gang of Abolitionists,
headed by "Little Matty," late Abolition candid
ate for the Presidency, and Butler, the author
of their Platform, are all zealously fighting fcr
Gen. Pierce, on the ground that they can thereby
best accomplish their hellish purposes against
the peace and quietude of this great Republic !
Seward, vile as he is supposed to be, has never
yet attained the leading position with the Abo
litionists that Van Buren and even Chase and
one or two other Abolition supporters of Pierce
have! He has neither been a candidate for the
Presidency nor the Vice Presidency. And yet
the Democrats object to Scott on his account
while they seem indifferent to the fact that all
the old Abolition candidates for the Presidency
are zealous for Pierce !
2?" We see that our old friend, Browxlow,
of the Knoxville Whig, has-at length succeeded
in finding euounli men in the State to form
a Webster Ticket so that it is now known how
many Webster men there is in the State! If
the Democrats were as anxious to elcctthis Tick
et as they were to get it out, and would vote as
they urge the Whigs to vote, we could commend
their zeal for Mr. Webster but they will not do
it Mr. Webster is undoubtedly the greatest
statesman now in the world, and if there were
any chances of his being elected, we would give
him our humble support But there is none.
Running him at this time, and under the circum
stances, can do no good. It is a factious oppo
sition to Gen. Scott, and a deep laid, if not a
corrupt scheme to elect Gen. Pierce ! The issue
is between Gen. Scott and Gen. Pierce one or
other must be elected. Whigs, choose ye be
tween thorn! Will you take the one with the long
cherished principles of your party or the other
with an inglorious abandonment of the great
principles for which you have so long contend
ed? The Washington Union of late date
contains a lengthly communication from Ro
chester, N. Y., in which the writer makes it ap
pear that a faction of Democrats in New York,
at the head of which was the Rochester Daily
Sun, were exceedingly anxious to run Gen. Scott
for the Presidency a few years ago. The plat
form they laid down endorsed him as the very
man to correct the abuses of Van Buren's Ad
ministration, and as a pure patriot of the Jeffor
sonian School having been bom and reared
upon the same soil with that illustrious appostle
of liberty. The object of the writer is to show,
that Gen. Scott has abandoned his old republi
can doctrines, and the argument he makes use
of is, that all but two of those Scott republicans
"will give Pierce and King a hearty and efficient
wuryt.". . JitU.&'g1 l?,IUliHULJy.&l
thr.t a few men who were anxious to run Gen.
Scott in 1839 as a Republican candidate, have
abandoned him in order to support an old Fed
eralist, is a beautiful argument to prove that
Gen. Scott has abandoned his old JefTersonian
The Asiatic Cholera. The London corres
pondent of the Philadelphia North American,
in his letter of the 27th ult., thus notices the ap
pearance of this fatal disease.
"That terrible scourge, the Asiatic cholera, is
steadily moving from east to west, as in 1835 and
1847, and it is more fatal to the population than
it was in those years. In central Europe it is
sweeping away its thousands. From Persia, the
cholera has spread through Turkey, Poland, and
Prussia. It has proved very fatal in Warsaw,
and also at Dantzic. Accounts received from
the Posen state that the proportion of deaths to
the number of persons attacked continues alarm
ingly high out of sixty-eigh1. new cases, fifty
eight were fatal. In most places there was such
a general panic that the courts were adjourned.
"It is feared in England that the cholera will
go over the same track this year that after
reaching the western ports of the continent it
will first appear on the eastern coast of England,
and from this country it will pursue its course
westward to the United States. It is well, there
fore, for our countrymen to be warned in time
that their cities and towns may be thoroughly
cleansed, and the draining carefully attended to
by competent persons. Some preliminary ac
tion in this respect may be the means of saving
many lives."
J&3?" The Duke of WELi.ixcToxdiedatWal
mcr Castle, in England, on the 14th of Septem
ber, in the 84th year of his age. He was born
in the county of Mcath, in. Ireland, on the 1st
of May, 1769, only a few weeks before the birth
of Napoleon Bonaparte, in Corsica. He leaves
behind a long list of campaigns and battles, and
a name soilecl with but few crimes, and will
known in history, as the only man who could
withstand and conquer the victorious legions of
Napoleon, as he did at Waterloo.
We are happy to lay before the good
people of Roaxe County the first Newspaper
ever published within her borders; nor does it
afford us less gratification to!eable to present
to East Tennesseans, as neat iaper as is pub
lished in the State. Had we a beautiful little
wife that we could think as much of as we dqbf
our paper, we would be as happy as the day is
long! ., J'
Free Soil Nomination The Pittsburgh Free
Soil Convention nominated Hon. Jno. P. Hale,
for the Presidency. He accepts the nomination,
but says that not an other word is to be got out
of him as to his opinion on various questions I '
' fi6F Our thanks are due to Capt. Doss, of
the Steamer Mary M1 Kinney for River favors.
The M'Kinney leaves this point regularly alter
nate days, with freights and passengers for Knox
ville. '
Judge Anderson has resigned the office
of Judge for the 2nd Judicial circuit, and CoL
Robert II. Hinds, of Dandridge, has been ap
pointed in his place. . .' .
The Gratitude and Admiration of a free peo
ple are due to Major General Winfield Scott.
Washington Union, April 10, 1847.
This body met in Nasbvilleon the 14th. We
have not seen the published proceedings, but
learn from Messrs. Farham and O'Briex, dele
gates from the rvnoxrille Division, who passed
through this place on Monday evening, that the
attendance wa3 large, and the proceedings were
conducted in harmony and general good feeling.
They represent the cause of Temperance as be
ing in a prosperous condition in V " 4le and West
The friends of the cause in East Tennessee
will be pleased to learn that the consent of the
Grand Division has been obtained for the estab
lishment of a Grand Division in this end of the
State. The following are the proceedings had
on this subject :
Nashville, Oct., 16, 1852.
On Friday the 15th inst, during the Annual Ses
sion of the Grand Division of Tennessee, the follow
ing proceedings were had, viz:
A communication from Knoxville Division, No. 3,
asking for the organization of a Separate Grand Di
vision for the Eastern Division of the State, was read
and referred to a special committee, consisting of
brethren A. A. Nelson, John Frirrell aud William
Morgan, who subsequently submitted the following
report, viz:
- Your committee to whom was referred the commu
nication from Knoxville Division No. 3., asking for
a Grand Division in the Eastern Division of the State
would most respectfully report,
that while wo would be glad to look upon tne la-
jf our brethren beyond the Mountains yet the
jortionate lengto oi our Mate, ana me natural
iors. hold them in perpetual quarantine; there
fore, we think their request reasonable and jnst, and
would submit the following resolution.
Retohed, That this Grand Division request their
Representatives to the National Division to ask for a
Grand Division in East Tennessee, dividing the two
sections by such a boundary as in their judgment
mav seem best.
Submitted in L. P. t P.,
After the adoption of tho following resolutions of
fered by brother Thomas II. Caldwell, G. W. P., the
report of the committee was concurred in by the
Grand Division:
Re solved, That tho organization of the Grand Di
vision of East Tennessee shall not take place until
after the annual session of this Grand Division in '53.
Rcolced, That the Grand Division of East Ten
nessee, if organized, shall assume their proportion of
debts of this Grand Division, according to tho num
ber of contributing members or Divisions.
A true copy from the minutes.
A. NELSON, Gr. Scribe,
G. D. of Tennessee.
This splendid new light-draught Steamer,
owned bv Messrs. Jaqves & Hexecak, of this
place, now running on the Western waters, will
come above the Shoals so soon as the River
rises, to run between this point and Knoxville,
Strawberry Tlains, Dandridge, up Little Ten
nessee, and ud Clinch Kiver to Clinton, see
the Manifest of trip from Pittsburgh to Nash
ville, in our advertising columns. Wc are anx
ious to sec the Loud ''ti
er men as live.
-she is owned bv as clev
We learn by a passenger on the Cars last
nigt, that fire occurred in Athens, yesterday
morninr. which consumed the Circuit Court
Clerk's office, destroying the papers, ic.
The Whigs will have a free Barbecue at
Charleston on the 30th. Gus. Henry will be
nresent besides a number of other distiniiuish-
x 7
us thev will have a splendid time. How manv
will go from this place.
XSaJ-Rcv. C. rendergrass passed through
our town last night on his way to Chattanooga,
to fill a list of appointments to preach and re
ceive money necessary to defray his expenses to
California, to which point he goes as Missionary
from the Holston Conference. He will sail from
New York about the middle of next month, in
company with Bishop Soule, and others, and
consequently will have but little time to procure
funds, which makes it important that the peo
ple should be prompt and liberal in their contri
butions for this purpose.
BgUThe Democratic papers have been indus
triously circulating, upon the -inthority of one
Parson Winsloir, that Hon. Rufus Choate would
not go for Scott, and that he is for Webster. The
Boston Atlas denies this emphatically, and says
that it lip s assurances that Mr. Choate wholly
disapproves of this miserable attempt to get up
a Webster Ticket ! The truth is, this is noth
ing more than a factious movement on the part
of a few in State street, Boston, the great body
of the Massachusetts whigs are for Gen. Scott,
and he will carry that State.
BfL A raft of lumber containing 60,156 feet,
from the yellow pine forests of North Carolina,
was recently sold in Norfolk for $17,000. It
was bought for the New York market. From
Norfolk this raft was towed up the Chesepeak
Bay, and thence through the Canals round to
New York.
gf The Webster whig papers of 'Georgia
hoist the names of Scott and Graham under the
Webster ticket They see that they have been
imposed upon as to the relative positions of
Scott and Pierce, and that Scott can show as
good, if not bettor recWIi ..)Jgluue,n T r Vr aWC
fe ' , v- - v. " fof John i ariiTl'tis'tl 3TTmly son ot Mrs. Martha
fion. Pierce can on the Southern ouestion. Gen
Scott will receive the vote of Georgia, so soon as
the Legislature meets if he does not carry the
State in November. .
Ifeg The Editors of the Augusta Chronicle,
Richmond Whig, Manchester American, North
Carolina Whig, Brownlow's Whig, H. C. Advo
cate, The Screamer, the Nashville Whig, Ga
zette, Tennessee Organ, and Franklin Review,
have our thanks for the favor of sending us their
respective papers while we have been here await
ing the arrival of our Press. The Nashville
papers should be directed via. Chattanooga, as
they will reach this place some twelve hours
earler than they could reach Knoxville on the
other road. . '
The Aldermen elect for this town met
in our Office last night, and proceeded to organ
ise by the election of Maj. Brown, as Mayor,
R. T, Wilso Recorder, and B. F. Davis, Treas
urer. .
Rev. E. E. Wiley has been appointed
President of Emory & Henry College. He has
been connected with this Institution as the prin
cipal Professor, ever since it has had an exis
tence, and deserves much credit for the high
stand it has taken as a Literary Institution.
: KE?L The next Session of the Holston Con
ference meets at Wythcville. Va.
Hillsborough, Aug. 24, 1852 .
Thomas Loring, Editor of the Commercial.
Sir: I have not seen a recent number of yesr
paper, but. learn through the Raleigh "Register
and Hillsborough Recorder, that you5 have pla
ced at the head of your columns the name of the
Hon. Daniel Webster, kr President, jwith mine
for Vice President. Whilst Im gratefully sen
sible of the compliment you design to my?elf by
this course, and do not doubt your disposition to
deal with the entire subject in a spirit of eaSdor,
I deem it proper to declare, publicly, that it
does not meet my approbation.
To this I am impelled by two considerations.
First, Gen. Scott was regularly and unanim
ously nominated as the whig candidate for the
Presidency, by the convention which assembled
at Baltimore, after a declaration of principles
which, I believe, meets the approbation of the
country. By the same body 1 wa.s in like man
ner, nominated for the .Vice Presidency. Both
of these candidates haVaQPePed e nomina
tions, with the principles declared by the con
vention as the rule of their action on the Sub
jects embraced in them. Good faith and honor,
therefore, require, that after such acceptance on
my part I shall not sanction the use of mv name
on any other ticket.
Lut, secondly, 1 understand that your objec
tion to Ceu. Scott consists mainly in an appre
hension that he will not do justite to the South,
by a faithful adherence to the compromise of
IsoO. Un that point I have this statement to
make: I arrived in Washington, upon the invi
tation of President ' Fillmore to the Navy De
partment, on the last day of July, 1850. On
that day the "omnibus" bill, so called, renorted
by Mr. Clay from the committee of th!rteen, was
rejected, and the whole subject of dispute was
thrown open lor agitation anew. 1 found that
uen. bcott was acting as Secretary at ar, in
which situation he continued for several weeks:
and happening to take lodgings at the same ho
tel, I was in daily and intimate intercourse with
him from that time until the consumation of the
compromise by the passage of its various pro
visions, in separate bills. No one, in my sphere
of acquaintance, felt more deeply the import
ance of the crisis, none exhibited more zeal in
behalf of these -measures by arguments and
persuasion among his friend, and none rejoiced
more heartily when it was supposed all danger
was averted by their final passage than did he.
Such wa3 his conduct, while the contest raged
and it was doubtful on which side victory would
incline, in Congress or in the country. If oth
ers, who, seeing the subject in a different light,
at that time opposed this adjustment, or looked
upon it with disfavor or indifference, have since
brought their minds to sanction or acquiesce in
it, it is cause for congratulation; but history will
not perform her odice if she fails to enumerate
Gen. Scott among the firmest friends of this
national pacification in its hour of trial. I, at
least, cannot consent, by my silence, to seem
ingly approve the discrimination made by you
to his prejudice, on a national question where
he was equally zealous with myself, and more
influential; and I know no safer criterion for the
future observance of the compromise, than the
decisive and manly part taken iu its enactment
To avoid all cavil or misconstruction. I add,
. that fullv appreciating the prcat talents and ser
vices ot Mr. ehster, no one would have accor
ded to him a more zealous support than myselt,
had he been the nominee of the convention.
Thanking vou for vou kindness and confidence
manifested toward me,
I am, very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
What ore the Whigs Fighting For. Y'e
came across the above in an exchange. It is
so easv to satisfy the querist that we cannot re
frain from doing so.' Perhaps it will reform him.
There's much truth in the line, "while the lamp
ior nis connrry more man iony years or ' ver.
improvements for harbor improvements f"or
rail-road improvements for American inu jtrv
for the development of the resources of the
country for the elevation of our people, social
ly, intellectually and religiously for the perpet
uation of the Union and the liberties of our
happy land for all the vast and varied interests
of the country, which we desire shall be placed
on a stable and prosperous foundation for true
men and tried patriots in fine, for Scott, Gra
ham, Our Country and Victory! That's what
we are fighting for. Are not the prizes valua
ble beyond comparison, aud worth any struggle
to secure them? They are, and they shall be
secured. New Orleans Bulletin.
Hear the Freesoilers. We copy the fol
lowing from the Boston Cum montrealth, a lead
ing Freesoil paper:
Gen: Scott. Unreliable. Free Soilers should
beware of any spacious arguing as to General
Scott's free soil tendencies. Every effort will be
made to gain him Northern support from a par
tial opposition to the South. Don't give it
Remember that he labored for the Compromise
Measures. He attended the Union meeting in
New York and avowed himself in favor of them.
From that day to the present he has not hesita
ted to declare his position in favor of them. He
deliberately take3 his place on the Whig plat
form and pledges himself to carry it into prac
tice. It is certain that he must and will do so
if he is an honest man. These facts should be
known and acknowledged by every man Scott
i. unquestionably in favor of admitting any
number of slaves from New Mexico and Utah;
or permitting slavery and the slave trade to ex
ist and remain there as well as in the District of
Columbia forever, and of continuing the Fugi
tive Law until the Final day of Retribution.
The man who votes for' him votes for these
, .,. .
Mrs. Eleanor Parke Lewis, a lady not more
distinguished for her uncommon endowments of
intellect than for the historical reminiscences
attatched to her family, died at Audley, Clarke
county Virginia, on tlie 15th ult. Mrs. Lewis'
Washington, by her first marriage with Daniel
Parke Curtis, of Virginia. Mrs. Lewis' hus
band was Lawrence Lewis, of Woodlawn, Fair
fax county, Virginia. He was one of General
Washington's executors, and son of the Gener
al's only sister. Mrs. Lewis was born on the
3ist of March, 1771). She leaves an only daugh
ter, Mrs. Franc is Pi.rke Butler, wife of Col. E.
G. W. Butler, of the parish of Iberville, in Lou
isiana? also a sister, Mrs. Thomas Peter, of Tu
dor Place, District of Columbia; and aa only
brother, George Washington Parke Custis, of
Arlington House, Virgitia. Mrs. Martha Wash
mgton, it may be remembered, was of the old
Calvert family, and a direct decendent of the
celebrated Lord Baltimore."'
John Van Buren. In 1848 John Van Buren
declared "that he would under no necessity
whatever support a man who did not believe
slavery to be an unmixed curse, and would not,
by virtue of his office, use all constitutional
power to abolish it."
John Van Buren is now supporting Pierce
with all his soul, leaving his business in New
York and traveling hundreds of miles to make
speeches for a candidate who has declared that
"the man who would dissolve the Union, did not
hate or deplore slavery more than he did."
Yet the friends of Pierce insist that the South
should give up Scott for Pierce, because Scott
is supported by the Free-soil Seward! Rich-mond-Republican.
"I have served the Union for forty-odd years,
and feel myself a citizen of every part of it; and
whatever of life and strength I may have shall be
devoted to its preservation." Win field Scott.
la 1833 And 183 1, Mr. uaham was a member of
tlia-North Carolina Lugi.-Iatttrc, when he voted against
allowing the people ttf-vote for Governor. Voters dt
yon hear that? Can you support a man who is for
taking from you the vi;;ht of suffrage? This is true.
The facts will all be pvll:?neu soon. uem. Manner. .
The above paraziroh appeared in the Democratic-
Banner, published in Henderson, Ky., on the 5th of
August; and the Kaleigbi Standard of last week res
ponds to calls mada upon hira with a promise of fur
nishing ia his next issue the fact3 to sustain the
charge. In the succeeding number of the Standard,
however, the editor is silent on the r object But
whv is he thus talent we know not, uniem no has k-
certained that this thunder can avail nothilg against
Gov. Graham in this state having been tiled by his
opponents when a candidate for Governor: and there
fore he intends senuinz it abroad throngn other
channels than his own paper, to produce effect where
the iact3 of the case are not known.
There is AJsehood in the assumption that Governor
Graham was opposed to giving the election of Gov
ernor" to the people. The Henderson editor may have
made it ignorantly: but the Standard can have no
excuse in repeating the slander. That Mr. Graham
favored that amendment in the constitution waa made
manifest on many occasions, authentic evidence of
which the Standard can obtain. . Our people at home
are well enough satisfied in the premises; but for the
information of the poople abroad we give the follow-
iDg condensed view of the transactions attending the
amendment of our constitution.
The great object which we gave rise to the move
ment which terminated in the Convention of 183j,
was the equalization of representation. The Consti
tution gave to each county two Commoners and one
Senator, without r-gard to the number of inhabitants
the injustice of which was apparant on the slightest -
examination; thus, tne county oi Jones, wim aiea
eral population of 4.400, had an equal representation-
with Lincoln, with a population oi i.ouu; ana coi
nmbus, with a Federal population of 3.700, equaled
.. . S !.L -
in reprcfT' rj n nn tne- eounty oi vrange, wuu a pop
ulation oiTu.c'TO: ihis operated greatly to me dis
advantage of the middle and western counties. The
thirty-tbree eastern counties, with a little more than
one third of the Federal population, and paying less,
than one third of the state taxes, elected a majority
of the members of both branches of the Legislature.
This was considered a great evil, in comparison with,
which all the other proposed amendments were of
minor importance. The power was held by the East
and her disinclination to give it up had been mani
fested ia her pertinacious resistance to the division:
of some of the overgrown counties in the west; Row
an, for instance, which now forms three respectabl
The injustice involved in this inequality was seen
and acknowledged: and for more than twenty years
continued efforts had been made to effect the amend
ment in the Constitution in that particular." But the
attachment generally felt the Constitution as it came
from the bands of its patriotic farmers, and the influ
ence of the eastern counties, whose interests would
be effected by a change, rendered all the efforts una
vailing. Under these discouraging influences at the session
in 1333, bills wore presented in both branches of the
Legislature "to provide for ascertaining the sense of
the people of North Carolina relative to amending
the Constitution. " The nonse bill received -.. final
action; that the Senate, after being retained before
them until the 8th of January, was "postponed nntil
the first day of November next," by voto of 36 to 26.
On the next day, bcir Thursday the 9th of January,
Mr. Beard presented to tu Senate a preamble and
resolutions, proposing cerUii amendments to the
constitut:on to bo submitted o the people. These
resolutions " e referred to a committee, which on
Friday i. 1 a bill "to provide for ascertaining
the sense ot the people of North Carolina, relative
to a Convention for amending the Constitution."
This bill passed its third reading on that day, by a
vote of SI to 30, and was sent to the House. On Sat
urday ihe bill was token up in the Honsi, and inr
initehj jtoxtponed, by a vote of 64 to 59. This bill
contained a clause transfering the election of the Gov
ernor to the people: and Mr. Giaham was among
those who voted against the postponement. On the
next Monday tho Legislature adjourned.
On the evening of the day on which the bill was
rejected, a meeting was held by the members friendly
to the proposed amendments, which was addiess?d
by Messrs. Martin, of Roc kinrbam, Moore, of Stokes,
Fisher, of Rowan, W. A. Graham, of Hillsborough,
and others: and a committee was appointed to pre
pare an address to the people of the State on the sub
ject of amending the Constitution. Of this counnittec
Mr. Graham was a member; ami the addrerawhich
was prepared by them and publis-hi'd, contains the
following paragraph in favor of the election of rn
f ' i'.Hiiehp"ScnFTm:'tlh. the election- tf
your Governor is vested in the ileseral Assemoly.
and it is proposed to transfer thj txen-Is of this
power to the people. It ought t b? a FuHieient rea
son for this change, that tho Chief Exccutire is thw
officer of the People, and they .Uvi.-e to make thfv
election themselves. Are you prepared to admit that
this would be unsafe or unwise? The Govi-rnor h.;.
no power or patronage, by which be C3n coutrol or
corrupt the election. According to the theory of fre
governments in this country, he is intended "to a? I ai
a salutary check npon the legislative encroat hme
This is the great axiom of freedom, which, vour Hill
of Rights affirms when it declares, that the '-Lcgi-la.-tiTe
and Executive Departments of the Government
opght to be kept forever separate and distinct from
each other;" and yet it is remarkable, that your Gov
ernor is kept in a state of absolute dependence on the
Legislature. They elect him annually, and regulate
at will bis salary.
"The legislative Department of this Stte's Gov
ernment, is, in practise, subject to little or no control.
The Judges electod by them, it is true, hold their
office by a permanent tenure, but even they are paid
according to legislative pleasure, and the very nature
of the judicial office excludes their interference with
questions that are merely political. And if the pub
lic will were so effectual a cheek as political theorists
say it is, the causes which have impelled us to address
yon, would never have continued long enough to
make this appeal necessary."
This address wa3 signed by Mr. Graham, and by
all the other members of the committee; and the ex
tract here given, which so decidedly advocates a
transfer of the election of the Governor to the people,
we had opportunities of knowing expressed nothing
more than the sentiments which he then entertained
and ever after continued to hold. ,
Early in the next session a committee was raised
to consider so much of the Governor's message as re
lates to the subject of a Convention. Of this commit
mittee, Mr. Graham was a member. On the 4th of
November, Mr. Craig, on 5ehIf of the committee,
reported a bid to the Jlonse, but no action was had
on it nntil the 23d, when, after two days considera
tion, it was recommitted to a select committee of one
from each congress5 onal district. On the 27th this
committee, through Mr. Kittcrell, their chairman,
reported a substitute for the bill.
I; was at this stage of the business, when consider
ing this substitute, that Mr. Outlaw moved to strike
out the section providing for the election of the Gov
ernor of the State by the free wnite men thereof;
which motion was decided in the negative, by a vote
The result of the action of the last se ssion and ap
pearances now, rendered it extremely doubtful wheth
er the bill couid be urged through. It was therefore
a matUrof much importance to jin friends.? It should
be recollected that the great object for which the
movement was made, to obtain an equalization cf
representation; ami a3 Mr. Outlaw and some others
had expressed a willingness to submit to this amend
ment, but were opposed to any alteration in the mode
of electing the Governor, was it not an act of pru
dence to reconcile them, if by the ?acrifice of the loss,
they could secure from the defeat the more important
measure of reform? It was with this object in view
that Mr. Graham voted in the affirmative on Mr
Outlaw's motion. Not that he was opposed io giving
the election of governor to the people, for this he
heartily approved, but that he had a still greater de
sire to obtain the more substantial aud important ad
vantage of equal representation. And tho people of
the State have sustained him iu this act of patriot
ism. In two campaigns for Governor, thi3 vote of
Mr. Graham's was read from the journal at almost
evtry cross-road in the State first by Mr. Hoke, the
mrwt popular candidate the Democratic party has yet
had, and afterwards by Mr. Shcppard yet on both
occasions Mr. Graham was elected by triumphant
But notwithstanding the rejection of Mr. Outlaw's
amendment, the bill paired the Commons, by a vote
of C6 yeas to 62 nays; and finally passed the Senate,
by yeas 31, nays 30 the same vote by which the bill
passed that body the year before. The Convention
of 1635 followed, and the Important amendments so
long sought for were accomplished.
It ia now too late a day to bring forward a charge
of this kind against Gov. Graham. Even if it were
founded in truth, It could have but little effect, when
it is known that even in the Convention the amend
ment giving the election of the Governor to the peo
ple was opposed by Nathaniel Macon, Weldoa N.
Edwards, Richard Dobbs Speight, Gov. Branch, and
others of high standing in the Democratic racks.
Capital eannot be made of it in this State; and very
little will be made out of tho State, where the facts
are understood. HilUborotigh .V. (,'., Recorder.
1 5? Zachariah Chandler is the AVhig can
didatc for Governor of Michigan.

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