ff -,- & . IU ... mmmmmmmm SJ j .- .. . . C.Vt BATOTDAT, - ,-..IW- 17, 1882, alraaUa rniM MM aaaaaf ityi H!' ill mara uunii. t A dispatch from Nwbni, HeniCWHn, December IT, itte that two cuuUte sri runntnt for Cotton ,l)it 4trlcv-os. mpon th frM laser piairurta, sm th other in ojrpoeltlon to confiscation sad cmnclFttoa. Tl suecet of tbt Utter ttyidtetd, sad upon the pound that he btispporUd by ths power and Influence of Military Oojernor Stanlr. ., Previous dispatches veer to ,h ", th the tannine Union men, who are lil In favor of emanerpatisf slav, which. they know U the onlj meant of putUnf down the rebele, vera oppotedeUocether to thlt attempt to jet np an election of a member of Coafre, which the; look upon aa a (air trick to tare the slave, holden from the operation of the Impending proclamation otth 1st of January. Thelook npon It In precWv the. lltht-. to. which It U re tarded here and elsewhere, ANrwbern eorreepraitoat of the New, York Trlbmu tutce, that la TfoitiTCaroHaa'aU the ownert of .lares, and all the dependent of ucb owners, are In pea rebellion, or In ayst pathj with It, and thaJhettempU of Oot.' Stanl j to patch ap a riwBlallnsi with thera are complete fallnree. No'progre, la made In arousing a genuine Union feella.-,'exeeptbv those who appeal dlrectlv,to the poor, who are son slaveholdlng, to aaalat In putting down an Institution which deprlrea them of the oppor tunity of earning wagee. This kind of appeal It effective, and not' only galna us friends, but has largely recruited onr, armlet with soldiers. YVo shall net er succeed anywhere at the South npon different principles. The lalaTehoIdlng aristocracy, are, by position, oar Implacable enemies. We mutt utterly crush them by lib erating their ilares, and by a JatqutrU among the poor whites. We must carry revolution Into the Tcry bosom of Southern society. We must confront revolution by revolution, fire by Ore. Nothing short of this will (are us, and if we hesitate much longer we are lost. That lul laby of knaves and fools, " tin Union c$ u nut," has outraged the common senso of the country long enough. The Union, at It was, It burled In a grave from which there la no resurrection. No Union It now possible, except of free States. SECRET ART CHASE'g FINANCIAL. BE. COMMENDATION. The Secretary of the Treasury, In compliance with the request of the Committee of Ways and Meant, has prepared and sent to them ablll embodying his views. The trst sections of the bill give antborlty to raise three hundred mil lions of dollars for the service of the current, and six hundred millions for the service of the next fiscal year, and to ralso those sums In any of the modes heretofore sanctioned by thlt Con gros.as the public exigencies will require. These modes Include the Issue of the six per c nt. bonds, seven-thirty bonds, seven per cer.t lionds, or bonds having less rates of Interest, and also the ltsne of small notes bearing three elxty-five percent.- Interest, and legal tender note, bearing no interest. The Secretary, In a letter to the committee, expresses a strong desire to have the limits as to modes of provision, and amounts to be pro vlded in each mode, defined as precisely as pos sible by Congress. The remaining sections of the hll authorize the formation of banking associations, to Issue notes furnished by the United States, alike In form, and secured alike by United States bonds, but payable on demand primarily by the Istnlng assoclstlon. The bill, In Its main features, It the same aa that Introduced by Mr Hooper at the last session. In his letter, the Secretary xprrsses a profound sense of the importance this measure to the negotiation of loans, to the collection of the Internal revenue, and to the security of the people against the evils of an enormous and Irredeemable paper money circulation. Cosixuuona Dots wat surprised on Christ mu day by being the recipient of one of the most costly and magnificent casea ever made In this country. It la of chestnut color, cover ed with line black spots, called the "Tiger wood," and peculiar to California only, from whence It comer. The mounting It of massive gold, chased In the most elegant manner, with the following Inscription engraved thereon: "Presented to Win. P. Dole by the Indian Bu reau, 18C2." The cost wss t'J), manufactured In New York to order. It was sent to Mr. Dole without any form or ceremony, the clerlu well knowing Mr. D. to be a man of action and sot display; sot to much for ltt Intrinsic value, but as a slight token of that esteem In which he is held by them for the manly, gentlemanly, and Impartial bearing he has always manifested In his official and private Intercourse with them, May It be his support and protection to a ripe old age, ud the donors ever green In his mem ory. Mrs Dole was not forgotten by her many ad miring friends. Iler table wat heavy laden with presents, many or them rich and costly dia mond rings, silver plate, Ac , Ac. Tot Diruuuric Coara During the thus called crisis of the Cabinet, the Star was lm posed upon by the stupid ttnry, that the foreign diplomats unanimously approved the rcslstsnce made by the President to a reorganization of tho lablnet, and that they considered tho reslgnstlon of Mr. Seward as a blow to our peaceful relations with the various Fnropeon Governments. On the bc'it and tnreet authority, we affirm that the foreign diplomats, above all those representing Governments more directly In , , - ..,..- terested In the eTolntlont of our atTalri, e- hiTfd and lehave with the ithnott tH$crtUmt and that none or th. diplomat uttered a shadow or preference for this or that person for the Cabinet. If the dlnlomatsexDres&ed anv nnlnlm. l,at. ever.lt was a general one concerning the logical neeJaati. t . n.., '. ... , !, unity or pnrpo-e and nnlty ln the selection of ways to reach such a purpose. t- r, . iJT Dnrlng the Crimean campaign, after the death of the Marshal But. Arnould, Genrril Canrobert, a ravorlte of Louis Napoleon, was n..t in ..-j -e .v. . "' put In command or the French array. Canrp - bert was untnecessrul, conrcssed his Incapac- Ity for conducting extensive operations, w - ,ii., -. i. I it 4 j i , , l.tly prayed to be relieved, and, when General Fellssler, ajlghttr, took the command, Canro - bert returned to hit former Inferior position. and ro one In Frince, or In the armj, made a fuss abont Jt. 11 ' T wrarr-eix -idditiosal Fatuaitui hare recently been appointed, and, by direction of v . u . ; i ji i 1 . the Fresdent, twelvs dlsmltied for Tarlout rtitPBIi , t.UOTMVlr- C.t' V I . AarTcnvxTevWrBsflxs't"fFSrlttS., L , IjM'tllffercnt hospitals, gotten np under the auspices or lira, secretary Bmlth, and other benevolent ladles, were Is almost every Instance complete succeae., buome Mthe.lMtnltala, n.qwtTer, throngs MegM-arrival or a Mrtloa oMhe supplies IB Hssll tear vaa delW ani lcn WdlttnWt$'iMe J.? J commodstlng spirit aid Incompetency of the pacers la charge, had very unpleasant effect) l .. ... ...if... ,v .JI. ... evrv cane'1lrf1rtrlat.'MJ.rBltai,yrfl hall, Jioble ladlealDotlsg parents, anxious Uters.-fntereeted "brothers and loving maidens wmjoln,.wHhlrteBlJ.eaa.Ia thanHnj-ym for, thlt great kindness to the absent ones, they, who have to cheerfully corn's forward, aVsteh' Immense sacrifices, to serve their conntrv In this hour of trouble. But we need offer tou no words of rratlttid?and encouragement) for v J- "JJ..t.S 1-V -''' juu wnu were mt lurmnue as to uv present, (anil we trust most of yon were,) and wltnesa the grateful pleasure with which your generous offerings were received, we know are fall v com"-' The Preehlcnk and Mr Vadyhot content with tharlng'bonntlially of "theli stores to the com fort of the'aoldlerfoarthUocculdn. rejoiced the hearts of the brave volunteera. at antral of the hospitals, with their presence and soothing I ana consoling woras. nianywere the excla mations we heard of "nonest man1, God blest youj," "Mere It one volunteer who prays for Jjourjong life an happloa. "May lleaven proteci yoni " " novfdence must have Selected you to rule us tn sn:h an boar," ic. Vo are prevents the publication of the' elaborate report which we had prepared. t OriRi. A-aplendld concert will be given at the Washington theatre, this evening, by an array of artists seldom heard In one concert J Two prima donnaa will make their debut M'lle. Cordler, whocreatedtucb greaUenaatlon mine new operaor Dinorah, end M'lle. iMo renzf, laid tn be the finest contralto that we hive had In thla country. The male artists of the company are well knows and established favorites. The programme offers several nov elties, such as the Shadow Song of Dinorah also, the hunter's song and the great aria for baritone from the abovenamed operaj the In comparable qntntctte from Verdi's Itlgoletto, and many more. We'ancrt that a finer pro gramme has never been presented to our music loving public, and predict an overflowing and brilliant audience. Tickets may' be had, and Matt can t e recurcd at Metierort'a' music stye. :- r T i . PXISESTATICOt TO SCCUTIKT 8MITn To- inour. The clerks In the Interior Department, we understand, will 'meet' this evening at the Interior Departmentfrom v hence, about eight o'clocr, they will proceed In a body, escorted by a full band of music, to the residence of ex- Secretary Smith; "89 n atreet, (above Jackson square, wuere ine presentation or a xnagnin cent service of silver plate.wlll take' place. The service will be placed on exhibition to day In the viludow of Mr Semken, Jeweller, where all who desire can have an opportunity of eeelnglt. A Brrr.cn prr'it Narouoi'a iktocTe. The N. Y. TVilnnie of Thursday contains a pro gramme of 'a ipeech to be made by Louta Napo leon to Mr. Dayton on the coming New Year's day. Whoever the Trtouns's Informant may be, hef la certainly not a person moving In the dip lomatic circles of thlt city, which will be very much surprised If the French Emperor indulges In any such tUp4rap aa la proposed to be put In his mouth Two TnoceanD Dollars' worth or Tkr kits TXT Reuaivino. We understand that two thousand dollars' worth of turkeys having failed to arrive tn season for distribution on the4 oecsslon of the Christmas dinners, Mrs. Smith will have the same distributed to the va rious hospitals, In equal proportions, to-day. VF Some of the planter on the south tide of the Rappahannock are ending' their slaves South, under the terror of the approaching 1st day of January. Many tlarea, however, In spite of all precautions, escape over the Rappa bannock Into our lines By this escape, I f their owners are rebels, a is almost always the case, they become forever free, under the benign legislation of the prcent Congress. IMPORTANT FROM WI.YC11CSTFH OCCVTIED BT VXIOX TROOPS AFFAIRS AT WIA'CUFSTFR, We have tome Interesting Intelligence from a gentleman who arrived here this morn.ng rrom Winchester, which Is once more under the fUg of the Union BaMmori Amninn, Xth About the ltlb Instant, the rebel forces un der General Jones, numbering about 3,500 men, Infantry and cavalry, tootrthelr departure from Winchester, leaving only a cavalry picket In the town. They moved up the alley ton ards Woodstock, vthcre theyncre, at the last ac counts, encamped. Among this force was the Maryland rebel brigade, and we Iears that they left a terrible bad character In W inchester, havj Ing broken open and robbed the stores before Ibey left. Their extreme destitute conditlrn was, however, some exetlie for their depreda tions. The people being almost In a starving condition, the departure of the rebels was hailed wuu joy, even oy ine rcwi aympainirers. On Monday morning last, the rebel pickets, Hhlch had been left behind, tuddenlv dlssti- peared, having got wind of the approach of aatmai f 'nta-in frfYnrtai Than itiMardai jltfl rtr rvAtav j viuu si wj's s as, j p uunviui uias ai let the people knoi thecauseofthelrilcparturc. a,aav sjv niviHiutj) luiouaia ess a u iivrak force of 800 cavalry, under c mm and or Col inenexi morning, iucsaay, at v o'ciock, n,cys. oeiDir pan oi una ixmeT'a com m ana arrlTCxl at Ulncliestcr. from Itoiuncj, and took possennlon of the rlly, to tlic great Joy of Hie Unlonlftifl, a wrll the graUflcatlon of tho rebel ftympathlzers w ho were ready to welcome any one who would firing with thcra the neeoe cessariea of life, Hugar wat selling at 75 centi reagancs ui tut, nugar was Ecuing ai a ceuit perpoundi ialt.tlperpoundj butter, (1 a tl ), pfPP"i 13 pf pouudi molaefes. $0 ptr fiallODt . . lJri... S!,"H cloth, tl SO, only used for lining colllnl". Sut lers were arrlvlnz with stocks of the necessa ries, and prices were rapidly falling when our informant ten. 1'oor n luencster, 11 presents a '""J "P"-'. un?cr the tarlpus changes 11 lias "K' l.". "Id lit future Ii by no Meant o. tsbllshcd vet. The railroad from Chsrlcstown lo Wlnthcs. Icr was entirely destroyed by the rebels, Svho burnt tho bridge, destroyed all the ties, and carried on mo railroad iron towards staiuou The construction of the Baltimore and Ohio , Hallroad was progressing rapidly tdwnrds I 'i'l'J'V,3' ,n?, "?? fTf ' ""8 1 A good portion or the railroad Iron haa been 1 straightened by on lugcnlout machine, and re j stored to Its former condition. l ,T b,0".Tl.lry.f?.r" "' fllnc,,r(" "f i stood to lateud Ihe permanent holdlna; of the p., being rnstalned by a large lorce ip I proaihlng from Mlddlttoun, This secures our I possession of the whole Upper Potomac re O,"1"1 "" "X tlmuloa of '""' ' I General Kenloy Is In command at Harper's Ferry, and II Is undurstood thai General Kel. ley's headquarters are at Martlnsburg. A Ttoantferlngof tlieiwople In J'" Valley It ' dcacrlbed to us as most terrible, almost threat- t tnlng famine) all their stocks having been swept off by the contending armlet. LAIEHTfciI,FxR fll. mOM TRC AK-MTOr TItst POTOMAC. mn-mm .. . . - .- a, LNEWS-AIX qotct. 5 f. :H?' tl fBI W. :1 f, HBLltSAL-tliSl LIND.f. N,.4Jly'-r fV, sgtfiatntAiiiT oWai ' SO. 1843. ntr aha last 'sSStmitiJrN Nitw Yosi, DecSEJithe Inves'tlgallolinlJ iibuui uwm ins nTPrntn nt nnwa tnt rttit Of atrteenJisadred Ihsatstsd doHarnlltbiimd in mi city alone from special appropriation, and twenty millions for recruiting, organizing, and drilling i vrjlnnteeri- nar1v linir Ka hMn paid On fraudulent accounts, and neatly one thousand persons have been engaged In the iucn oui, iney are not an criminally corapiu rated.) i . a ' -? LATE PROM EUROPE. jraftf Hrbi!h)f pjtsss o.V amsjiwax it it AFFAIRS. - ATLANTIC TELKORATB COITTAKT. "' SifXihq AFFAina. ' ' HlUrjl.DecemberCO. ThaiteamerEnmna arrived last, night, with a week's, later dates to the 13th Instaht. Bho will leave here in the morning for Boston. The Teutonla and Etna have arrived out. Political affaire are nnlmnortant. . . "The Atlantic Telegraph Company had a very auwacwrj ana encouraging meeting. ImnrooL, Sunday, Dec. 14. The news It unimportant. ' Piru, Saturday, Dec. IS. The Bourse Is steady. ' k Londoi. Consols, Kl a 93 In United States Ores, W. The ihipping Octttli says the war" steamer Ariadne has been ordered to leave Halifax, end after visiting New Xork, loin Admiral Milne's squadron at Bermuda, and the mdvement looks like a concentration of the disposable force of Milne's squadron In loealltlea of recently re ported outrages on British shipping by Federal cruisers. "'' "- , The QoztUt thlnka that Admiral Wilkes will hardly venture upon further, moleatatloni or violation of neutral territory recently formed. The London Emancipation Society has Issued a 'circular to ministers of all denominations, urging them to give prominence to the subject of negro emancipation. The Aar save a.' moat enthusiastic meeting has been held at Lambeth, to express sympathy with the anytl-slavery policy In Amerlea. During the present year forty-alx American ships have been registered at Liverpool under British names. A general meeting of the Atlantic Telegraph Company wat i held atiLondonion ihetwclftn Instant. The Hon. James Stuart Motley pre sided, lie stared the term on which It was' proposed to raise tlx hundred thousand ponndA of new capital. It'waa ststed' that Vlthln three days seventy-five thousand pound sterling had. In response to circulars, been subscribed; Therewere rumors In Parle of unfavorable new a from Mexico. There are urgent calls for rciniorccmenis, wnicn win ne sentiinder trier ucvice or csuniisninir a roscrve af.Msrtlnlqni-. The Archbishop of Paris has gone 'to Rome, It Is rumored, In the name of tho'Emperor, to explain to the Pope tho Emperor' vlewe'wlth regard to tho concessions necessary on the part oi lue ronuucai laotcrument. n y irn anc iioiiau laruamcni rcaasemuica on Ine 11th Instant. Farlnl explained his policy, and nromiscft auminisiration reiomis nssca miiavi'a' syefrm of decentralisation and development of coosuiauonai iiuenica. Jiecuiogizcatncarmy for having, under a painful trial, established the authority of the lava, lit aald. (with w umu vuuuucuva m iuv avmuii'iivuincnt OI Italian naltr) we abstain from maklni? nrnm. Isee which might not be followed bylmmeirlate effects, and await the course of events wlthont :BtHi KltUi r Tanjsrc kcemMi era muA Illusions and without dlscouragemesU Mc through hla-rowotet a written proVest against ULl'iV tn.fd'?nm3l,nan?1.1.".n7 VU tuc "pllon Wtalp evidence oti the part of preserving the independence of the roastrx.1.. n .. L L , . . He concluded by appealing for concord, whleJi ,h" 0'rrnln"J, which b had( deemed Inad la Dertoulfled In the Klnc. mliIb1e, and the court was cleared s few mo- ln duel between (larabaldUa oldest son nd Colonel Pallavlclnl. who caDturod General fin baldl, the young man la aald lo haveTecclvcdn "u "" P'S "a. court ine junge au morul wound In the side, and that tho colonel ' locate rendered a dUlon.,(iialalnlng the rtaa.scrioualy Injured. ' , course of the Govornmrnt. "" . . a".er!l rrAm. n" m!? tyBtaj cxplan a-, The first witness swwrn was Uem. Col. F. T. Hon, In the Colei, on his .conduct In Mcx co ,,,i., .. nt .nfl .hirAr pV-jUwie. He read confidential inters addressed to him Lol"A-A' "' andvhlerof PorterV staff. byAdmlralLaGravlcre.contalnlnirBtrsnirede,1 He as closely questioned ln'regsrd to an tails In relation to the Mexican exndl.lon. According to these letters. Almonte declare I ha was authorized by Napoleon and Arcbdnke Maximilian hlmeeir, to put forward the Caudl- dato of the latter, and that the Frcnelilrdops ivouju guramreine i roue m siexicoiotiiirarcn-. "r.-.l Prtn, i.n r..i irfl,.. ..' t.. ' O'Donucll and Colllantea, recommending a strict execution of the treaty or London, ne I to embark for Spain. J I 40 conclusion, ne expressed ms orinlon that the French expedition would not hsye the de- sirco. re-nil fUTXST. Loinow, Dec. 13 The Imperial Bank of Russia has reduced the rates of discount to five per cent. The announcement tha HussUhas consen. ed to the candldatnre of King Ferdinand, of Pcrtngal, to the Greek throne, is unfounded II Is rumored that Et. Petersburg Will shortly be delared to be a free port. rnoM cALironvi v. smp ytetxo rrnr ostatsei. FROM CHINA, JPAN, ETC Sax Fuarnm n. oca ui .. ,XmCrc "Ah So.'. s5.TK -."".'-IK m,tl. !S?SSj5 V S55SST o. W5, Mic uiajrn trarD, crcr snipped irom Hni'l Konfr for San Francisco. TWrrew nnr. i enKerswere saved, i ifr"X.. ,e w ".. uncuDE?1V A irgo of teas, Mhlch recently arrlvtil here cargo from per ship Joseplilua, from BUaugUul, wa seriously Injurcl. All will be tent to auction, vu hiuuui vi iuc uuui-rwriiera. aJwcuiuc-r v. inc snin 11. k. iat a i.n i mwu i.-uaricreu wiiu a loaa oi ayc.wiaodaontb WJIl Ul dlCXlL-U. Letters from Hour Rom of the r.n, uliimn estimate the stock of cotton an altmir shloment for England at 0,000 hales. Tito vessels are loading, the carLo-Uilng one pound etrtllns per hale. i ne cargo lost on the ship wej month com prised principally teas, tuear and rice, Itelong Ing tn Chinese merchants, valued at to und a quarter million dollars. Advices fioin Japan, Noi ember S3, st.tc thst the American steamer Wyoming create 1 much a linlratlon nt JeJdo She sailed ror Shanithal on the SSd. fiereral ships tcccnlly tailed direct for Lon don 'ii ith valuable cargoct of teat and alike. FROM MISSOURI. APPREllEXRFD IXSURRFCTIOW St. 1jns, Dec. 20 The ITallecl: Xlfe Onsrd left the city this intrnlng for Gray,' Summit, Franklin county, on special duty. It Is sild that they are ordered to that place to prevent trouble irom negroes from apprehended loaur rectlonj but Inquiries liao failed to elicit a re liable fonndatlpu fpriuthnuuors. Thrro are but few 'negroes In Ihaf Ycuiily," not enough to gn npaulusiirtecllonon a largo seal- Arrival of the Dark Moiileiunia. Ntw louit, Dee. 20 The bark Mnnteruin. haa arrived from Bt. Thomas. She reports that the rebel schooner Retribution ran the blocU le oiriVllmlngtoo, Nov. 21th, and nrilred at St. Thomas the 7lh of December, with a cargo of three hundred un,l seiintv bamls Of turiien. Hue. one hnudred bales of cotton and one hun dred barren of roMq, flie had a crew of fif teen men, and three guns ln the bold. Kf - ... i..t .. I " """"""W "" ) ter E. K. AMndehlp hue been ordered to tlte tcaiacr MMHcburttf. J ( 3&VP2!SSZX W1 Of IU the Rebels lnts Helly Sftia(. all Natleeaal Feres there Oref us.., wftatsaest. JsmetUa am Memphis, I , I uw, uec. . rsrossei presoo .4.1 . ... a. . .' nusai ucrinrs. arrivM ntm rarsn ' imrbcts I v un a hurtdsy teierrsms were received at hoi ly Springe from Jackson, saying the place waa mjnaaaf la rebels, and asking for reJnforce ImeTnnnmceUibatMftooBaTbtt'MeJM poo, were seat to Jacluanr iThe same slfht the commaneer at uouyjjpnaga.MBig appnaea,oi rebels approaching that place, pickets were tta tloned thus) miles est -U the roene. heawthe) rebela teem to have tome In between the roads, at the pickets made no alarm. The first Tieard of the enemy, they were In town; Bring at our sleeping men. Soma retlatasc waa made, but or course feeble. "In a short time the Federals were overpowered, and compelled, to surrender. The attack waa made at daybreak. A Two hun dred Federals were reported killed and wounded, and ISO captured, who were afterward paroled. The balance escaped. 1 1 It Is reported In Memphis that the rebela have i gone toward Grand Junction with tho Intention of tearing top the road, but nothing 'It-known positively. At HoUy Springs tbybumkd largo quantities of cotton, over twp hundred wagons, a depot fhU of commissary store; immunttlon, ac., vaiuea av eoj,wA'. inenumDerDTreoeis Is estimated at 5,000, and aru'nnder.Van'Dom. A Small rbl rAl-lmaiiAkMll.fcll.aBi1in.-lia bf Memphts,i Sunday sight, pillaged aeveral stores, carried off 100 cattle and 180 mule. Ex citement In Memphis exists Ineohaeqvienceofa meeting called on Moriday night to consider the best means of defence. .Xhi.'.U ,i Gen. Thomas has reached iletehajprenarlnk to mote down the rfver. , It Is reported here to-night that Jeff. Thomp son It moving on New Madrid with 3,000 men, from' Pocahontas, Arkl", and that he was within 40 miles of that place on Monday. ., The rebel force operating In Northwestern Tennessee burned Uwlon City and the bridge overihe Onion last night, EVfry effort Is being mad to mccicm, ,., ; , -j ; THE MeDpWXlJr, COirHTOF.ntO.riRT ' aL a"niruT, tice. SO. ' ) J Yesterday Gen. Slgel, In. his, ,crots-rxamlna- tloBaauingjlesIted to give tome explanation of bis previous testimony. Gen. McDowell ob jected, and the court cat Into secret session. Upon re-openlng the court decided, that Ctcn. Slgel might make corrections of what' he had already laid, hut that other explanation! 'mnti be delerrea till the close-of the, croaa-examln. tlon. Here turned negative answers to the fol lowing questions t Whether he knew or did not know the strength of BlckdfifivWon.whli.hhad been assigned In the general order, (he (Slgel) had admitted to have beenlo'thadutyorover taking Longstrrct at or neat1 Thoroughfare Gap? Whether he knew or did not know that the lthodo Island cavalry had lccn lent up from Ncw'Baltlmoro on the west, aide of Ball Bnn Itldge to attack the rnemy'a flank, while he should be marching through Thoroughfare G'tpl Whether ho knew or did not know that besides iBIck'ett' division two brigades 'ofcavalfyandcr Gens. Bayard and Buford bad been sent to aid In tho movement I Being asked. If he thought the eleven or twelve lhouandmeliJ-orwMch This 'expedition nnder lUckcta copiied, were a tnfuclent provision to, bold the enemy Jn check, nfreplled It wat If Ihe-troopa had been moved at the right fime"ahd to the rleht lolnta the court adjourned tlll to-day ttlinl m. J 'THE PORTER COURT-MARTIAt, Fsidxt, Dec Sdth. In thla court ycatcrdayGen. Porter presented ments for the purpose of deliberating thereon. n .. " i '-.v.. ' . . .. .-i Interview of Gen. McDowell with On. Porter. ln Whlc-Ia tho former expressed hla dlaapproba. ., . ... ... 'i """"i a"''"'" ,,on of th Potion selected bythelatterto give battle to the enemy. lie believed Gen. Porter lo liavu obeyed all orders, and to have puahed " from Warreston to Brletow "with all poI- ble speed. Capt. Martin, or the Third Masacbuaetls artillery or MaJ. Gen. Morell, cd'jParter'a corps, uuui7,weni a similar investigation, ana verioed tho statements or the preceding witness. MaJ. Gen. Morell was next examined. In tdt,' tlon to his movements, vhltsi.. nerving nnder Gen. Porter, but did not In any way appcarto throw blame on bis commander. The court sdJourned;illl 11 o'clock to-day. A CAUD. . U. S GrNiiui. IIosriTAi , -trmory fttvnr. i Winiai,w. 1). C. Dec. 2Clh. 16CJ. The undersigned olflcrre, attendants and pa tlents, of Armory square hospital, have read with astonishment an article tnHbe,$far, on ! our " Christmas Dinner." TAitb a single ex I ceptlon, ln which Surgeon D W Bliss Is com I pllmented, we, from our own personal Lnowl- cage, pronounce ine nitieio maucionaiy raise w'rf f t"8'"'f . .. AU the ' l$a' 'ai ,h wh0,e ,frjlr pnw,d ' p,rfwl st eon perfect ' L. Ine 6 above card, signed by the chaplain, all the surgeons, iho sltendauls, .and' wmo fir honored pstlents, has been handed us for pub. ., tiJ" . . . t. .. N?allon "" oWIged to omit Uie natuem for want of space. The card will spaak for lt iir i- . day's edition of tho, Fienliif Slui'. so Lose a slander noon one of the beat conalueted mllUs lary horpilila In this cltri And as psrtlclpvnts or the liberality of such ladiea ss -Mm Dr. Sllss, ill?s AlcKeoii, Mrs, M lllard. and others, who rava thrlr entire, time and labor, foraercraldays.ln tho prepara uon ana uistnnniion oi ine aucics contrinui ed, we suite to say that the. dinner on. Chrll masdaywas prepared endisorrrd In the be't. and must abundant manner, and at thr proper time, to all. It only remains to dep,V the. article, ,V It r fers to this dinner, as a -malicious nutrulh. AsviUT Sqriss ntrttiru., ' December 20, 18M. ' r WKiHviiiir, "' Oapte in. C. K. CV brstu., Ller.teuant, r.r. 'jiook, ' "," Ll eut, Col. dttli reg'l IT. V) V) BtWii Porter, , Oaptaln and A. A, 0. J,-E.HoLrr, p Captain. J. T. dCISEL, L. M. llvrsaricK, A AilJt. ispth Pa. Vol. n R. Mrtns, Ment. lS&tli Pa. Vol. I " ' ' " -- - U KT-Oit or about the21J of Pfprmler -among jotters, anote dratinbi 1- rroiiiinrl. Jo the order uf Andrew Luti, for fahiw, purnL.t yafnerdate.aidUueaboiitlIia JtiotDeoq mtM,r. y r stier uaie, aoouue about the -idol D he-WofDeonmbtr, otiiiiruUstrd wlvtn i-IVra Iheprodi uttoa Ihe rtjiuer w M '"' jmi ; uas oyer one auu not.n lost The maker dr the nott refers of th a note belor navment lht i!!.".wIrMwartwl!sr warlmraaid noteHlth. . . Will latni. eHajfandCsYreets: " iW' ? CHAitOs fiikltKLnl I. ts.1 , at jus uw offlj-e, corner FolJ nMJJ ier Fot. r, or to lV,.. rwt,Mwmnti,fc!rt ft TfeU ' rv si bki th tal ' Mi M U. t U sb'tatsmU V X' We L'lvf below' another card of tint m lilt nnr traiiniiMvBrviralu tiieHcnatrChtutt- i officers who .re patients lu Armory snu.ie TiT!?Vf'XS''XU!iiir,',iii. Il.nanltalt -, cmK j. Lu a umaawlll be delivered br Rev. I a.n.n-n.. i a .,,. i,.i i. I. , Wihiam lltnav t Haaaiaa Hour of service, II "-a""""-'";"' ) "!- ..,.i,..., .. . m , uitrance ny trie norm anil eaaiooors with indignation that we hat e read, lu yester dee n It d lo 37-344 esEBJs-rSl ABRAHAM LINCOLN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES prAMXMDA. r fl illssrtisT evldjliee havlnrJJBfc Inhibited aha Issat eHnaJsreF&aataiBnhaaMsn an. pslstef YlcifConJji fejf Jth4jBted Elngdoms Bwtjdeaaad JfcnsaV. aKClsblNMU. I do herebyrecognlie him Is iuel and declare him free to nereis and enjoy inch functions, pow ers, and privileges, aa are allowed to the Vice Consul or WaM Uluieu auus, : United States, YPyrTTP A V" In testimony whereof, I natf catted theselet, JMnn&iJtoJUm,M.MAX.l T(i the United Stateito.bthfreautp afllxed. fL5. , 0ver under niyji'and(at the cllyof Washington, the Setti day, of December, Ai D.M9d;and of the Indepeadao"oT the United State of America, the STlhil , ABRAIUM' UNOOLN; ei By the President ft '" K IT i.' n Wittliu If. Hawian. Becretarv of Rial e.-1 .,- jr-, j "jri";-lg.iilKt IC ABrUnAMLINCOLN.lTtEilLrp.kTO'r'rnH ) , . i UNITED STATES t?jfctOS;,;S ' ' I2begswtfiatimayeeiseirs.tr-A Ttoi SaltefictbrT evidence' havlnr beerr exhlb tM to 'ma that Edward F. Stockxxtis. baa becti appointed Vice Consul of the Free Hanseatlp Cityof Lnbeck, at New Orleanirl'dd hereby recognUehlm aituch, and declare him free ten CAfrviBQ aim enju aucu muviiuua, jiuwera, ana privileges, a are allowed to theJVlee Consul pf'tho most favored nations, In the 'United Stateal , 1 ,"' '.' W . In testimony twhereof, X hare caused, thetp , letters to be made patent, an the seal 6f j, l th lTnlli.il HtBt In hn ItMwmlfl fllar' (L'kl Given under my hand5 ;f ne-'clty'f' 1 Washington, the 20th day of December, i A. D. 1803, and of the Independence of the United States of America1, the rTltbi-; , " ' ' ABRAHAM UNCOtN.'", By the President i ! u , ;a ,i1lt kh1 William n. Seward, Secretary of State. ' ! ni OFFICIAL, l.ae .Id " V.I a- DiraaTKiwr Of Staw,, Wastlcirton. January S3, 1862. The Becretary of Bute 'win 'Hereaftetrceelvi iianbers of Congress on buslnest' on BatTnf days, commencing with Saturday, the first of next month i i i.-a .jiu I r x' W11.L.1AS1 II. BbtVAnu. J. ' T- r l ll ; V,W XlCIt AND WOUMDKD OFFI9EUK. (,r II if Sunoxon GrvraiL's OmCnf- ' ,, Washington, DeclS, 18CI." ' Sick and wounded Officers of tho Regular Annvis this r It v' will call bn'Surreon J.K1. Barnes, Uv S. Army, ror professional attcnji'J attce. uiuce no. ;xu 11 street. ff sick and wounded Officers of .Volunteers In this city will call on Snrgron'M.'Clymcr, U. B. Volunteers, for professions) attendance. OfSce 205 Pennsylvania avenue. ?- The above named Burgeons are spcciauf as- . r. 'uj 11 ,j rtlojJl,"H, SauiB, Acting Surgeon General. doc lft-dtf -Sen s woman 'In another "column-picking Bambnel.Grapcs, for Speer'j Wine. It' e td aumirania article, naeq u uoarwaia, mBvi " l nnp o 1 Tori IAD inT?Vrrn flnt fsmille In Paris, Losdoa.nd NewiTrkjJ,IUir,lJttjpiV-Jjii A'lV4vJKai1l. IS rtrsterencer to old irn-t rYine,'it is wonns trUl, aa'lt gives gnat aatltfaexlpn.'n 7 Ki SPECIAL- NOTICES.-- " VTONDAY KVENIltG, Der.'aOtli, 1M. JAMES E.MURDOCH, tth tthe n 1 .louie or'HSpntsEirrXTJrrt or'Tttr'C11 J The prooeed to be apDroprU j ,tte'Stl, Allocutions for true reUef of our u lfc .t ,itlilv IUIWAaiU VsUIJiWaUE. puasWIbnOt Isilitl rnOOBAMMC-rAUT ft (U 4 Poem IhiJldlnjjtortheBwp -V . . lontttUow. Selections from the TrM)70f Hamlet , In DUlorue and SotllSquy . . Shakespeare. Poem-DrfnioK- T Burhanan Read Ancient and Modem. Greeee--Xact jty tj r from the Poem of the Giaour - Byron BlUd On Board the Cumberland; or -..r . The Fight with the Merrlmac . Geo It'Boftfr. FAT It . rt r rrlA .Th Stsrssnd Ktrlne Krancls de Haei Janttar, The ICtslnic, (lTwiJorfr Tnenramoi rarra ii ji ton- -f xtraet from the new Poem,ti4 an. ti Wa oner of the AllfBlt T. Buehaiunllrad The JUtirht Brlirade; or, TIw Charge of the ' trf.ii "Stx Hundretl" at Bftlaklava - uTenayMB Sections rrom the Trsfedy of Julius Otsair, eubnicUK'Mark Ajitonyf Boll- i I00.U j-ovir O-nr a Body ln the Canl-uiVe tol, mid tl e Funeral Oration la the Forum --.-., SUaLfipeare. The Uth, JHamlrtt MWeaf bmy SaronL" f Ghost. "Swear.") Shalceapeara A P0FT1C INVOCATION TO fATlltOTHtf lUaaling to commence at e o'clock 1 i Tickets of aiafiBton. price Flttr Cents to be had 1 the hotels and book stores' " " -'7-td , , ! .: IJ- The He . . C. II. Malrom. of Ne .rpSH JttuTde Island, will breach at. Temperaocsi Hall, to- InnreAU) fCnnilafAin lha CtlTArv Bat nt lit rh Ul-eft fienlreiat 11 a m . and 7S Ti Cltitena and -atranreri arc conStallrlnvitea " -"- den ai-lt vi w m- - M.a. - v . ... ... .1.1. . mm.a ) h0Unf 11 VAL irthl'Kvu'lti'SoithS on Monday evening-, December eeth The public are tuimMfilllvlnUle-l to attend. . . , f vnuicn, cornrrui riiin iuiu irtvuuwuuukiug ..Ticket, admfttlnr a fenileman tad 'lady durlnp lt.l..i.l Mi.uai. tn lu. hrt at Shllfit,l'a ILnU s ore, corner of Seventh and D, and ai the door of lurcunrvn , . -. .ST. NnTirELah-Ttmc Oufl Conkt AlltThe exhibition of Fletcher Chanel sabbath Ncnoo. win taice place at aBKjunare e tntnti, suumtra on mv aiihtiiattsi Avonui. btiai?D Ninth and Tenth sts , oa TUESDAY, the aoth day of December, at 7 o'clock p m porsopen at flj, o'clock Admittance fur adults, iqcent'l chlldrtn,locati. iru , .a (rl- iiBMhuiax.ihA iuntsiiaiiiu t)ommiinlcfi- tlnnAfthA M W. Hrkml LaAam at the District of Columbia will be held at Masonlo Hull, corner of Daod Ninth streets, on Saturday, the ait Ii Instant at 4 q clock, p ro Punctual attendance is requestea f 7t t fai'lIJ ..TtUT KIiDntl ' 'tl ;, i-Uid Oran 1 Secrctarr, a . - n n , - t , - 1 . o o x DRAKr'8-.pLANTATlpN B1TTKRS. Tlte; purffjt stehgthen, ani IhTlgpraie. , Thej create healthjT appetites ? . ,. , 1 The) are an antidote to chanre or water and dirt Thej overcome elTects of dissipation and late They strengthen (he bj stem htfen.iri.1h&fillt.tl Ihrj preTcntnilasmattsaad Intermittent revets. They purlfythe breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Pjrsprsla and Constlpntton Thry cure Dlarrhcea, Cholera, and Cholera Mor They cure Liter Complaint "and Nervous Head ache .. . i ttii r thi neii uiiich in ine wuriu lurr . ittike the wetk man strong1, and are exhausted I nature ereat restorer Taey are mnJeot riurt J si ttoU Ituu, the eelebratedCallsayallark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a t mtrmt, without regard to are or time of day. ,1Ulx:lnr a gentle stimulant Sold by all Orocrrs, tMultUr a gentle stimulant Bold by an urocers, DrUiTrrsts Hotels, and Saloons P. H DI1AKK fc 1 tl) . Ml liroidway, New .ork if Ifa ' . - )i naifriL a BKAIala. Ho. 3dl.seveath street, IO between 1 and K streets. Is the plasetobuy I rour wlnUr CSotMaf . JJ leU tbtliv TfT thtn. TJ 'W.aV'W AlXah M I Htfsssssrtj J CtntrtfJnm.jrnmmMt Mh com- "' "a thiuBguatU all an dUpoeed of, the atock of an Itj- porttar house III ell FOM NIW YORK, ,'y mwtt C9H WHtHIIV nnVBl JUTn( wttGT ijedjooislfttogfr, ,A , X . niualin ILiiiIrr!. . X 0 v oek-atartea.t .1 t t fin A very extensive assortaaeat of valuable tA I mCMWAOKaoniaVv? mini! AJKHTLEMENS FUR WUFfUW and UUlt 5. 1 Ve respectfully call the attention of the publto ox eiecaat aura, aaa noees, saeae up e'hrat uinurutams of BreaUtfaf, OM Of lb iTorxio out rrMi Tork for Ktall trad.ftnd to m tola for cm XW NVtlN l I Will VMUiri..B4 Id.M .ua.uyALJuaco, , tSL' ' II LifL-Jl t'l'J -:- .. IV fW. at. WAIsli M, V-, AMllO! aieet. COFEIt.VMl.Ar .VALE OE. CONDEMNED 'tilTTLNCC KTOXtS AT Acrno On TUI 8. Ca-WUIselVtaTroaT ofTSeT Anetloa nooms, alat K uStlSKfi'"' r!!RT -"fr','? r.Vl'f ?U: bkL " "all seer j j'Teti flour. I i Is iNS ii sea lis Green coiree. seajs apm retail I If 111 ahofi ii rl tbl Deef Tongnes. , mt awm- Vat" 'fsSRSls Molasses v i r r it iv Mens Hard Bread1 '"'- 1. J Aid jr Terms caan, in Government Fundi T .-. j order of Lieut. XOlm CU WACK'" t H V I , "W.eL! ValI a! &7M " fliill --l!t1ltar.Jj aMrtlewm.i'' BB"v vr.'ii WAl;i1co'A.tU;.ri!., BArjf iiovie jurotTJAXtvaxjurjAinv l'iuai-.Br virtue era aeed ol iriiat made lir cnel- laa, MeGhaon fc Co , far Ufa bet!! oi thvceedlton or aald (Inn, I will, on T VE10A1 , loth laataat, at Ixn'etock M , on the premleet, expose to puDlts ale. to the hlrbest etdder. fdr,eMh.,thatwU- lkaown ealaMlahlnrat, the Metropolitan 'Batha, ine nirorst viaaer, toriaaanjiiaai-weu. ealaMlahlnrat, the MrtTOponlaipBatha. eontatatar lt.lron.BatfHuW (vasoriajid shower,) I Boilers, utlHUoth on the noor, MattUx sad Car-pctlnc-.S Oak Atm-Chalrs,- dole Towela, l Mir rors, II Combs and Brushes, U Soappiahes. 14 Flesh Brushes, Css natures, Muslin Curtalse, Walnut Desk, Louefe, and many other articles too niunerousto menttoo, toxether with the lease of thepremlees A V - 4 The sale SMflsn ladueeneat to persona wlshtaj to. enrace laflsafovtaulaeas, wM,recomineadVK to their rsn44HBlttentlon--' J- B&'i v " mti. e, Williams. Trustee, f - I 00 D, bet Elereatn and Tivrinii streets,1 1 a"l uVlr ".louieniarii ti erwsjsStB?'1': 'dec 31 T alWlSU- ,,Ai!oneers. J! -a, nv j. or MeorrHB ro.Auc.ioutr. jyCHOWfBVSt.DIMO LOTIN PKlXTIbO trm.r "WiVAHVA'r afiitiiiT-un munuAT AfcTkRNOON.th 6th Of JanilKt7.at hilf tUtfour Vf tuvsi lie Mian sriii at iuu tuii ubt vi iub hidsi detlrftble tnta lV PrinUfiff Offle Squarej said Lot frORt ln feet-a tnchet on Flrrt itrcet writ, and 0f LOCK. WH ftiiMII aril, KUCTaOn, PUP OI (D ruonlnr back ltt feet 4 Inches to a 20-fett1 alltjjr, betoff the aecond Lot la the tnuare from the comer of H and Flrrt ftrretanrtti and tttuated nearly lo franf nr tht tVilrliMif til the laVts SenaVtor Ilniirls.1 jMaeethpurchiubf the rr(atlDf Otteetoythe Gq ernmrot, thtt arctloa of Waihlnstoa ha tapltV ly improved, and no more dritraMe opportataltf for ttnproement or InYfitmrnt can be found In the etty. itnroiPi'.i'i iRfioic A thirty-feet alley runs throurh the square from east to aratln tie rear of the lots frootinf First rrrccasvc Ms o. -w 'Termar-ttCOB eaabt the balance la six and twelve Uanlba.Beeure4trraiteedof fruston the property M ffivnuMtJ. 'J AS, a McGUIRIl CO ., ' (jaee y iai 1 Auciioneerac? UnHMllKD' ROOM 'FOR REMT In a J? flrst-elaaatNew Houae. and nnrt Furniture also, a Parlor will be fuMdabed to a peraoa apply In, suitable for. teoator or a Member of Coo rress Reference (Urn and required Apply, at Mt Fatreet.-bettteea Moth-end Tenth atreets' deoJB 1W ' - - - ram RKMT-Two ROOMS oa first Aoor. mi It a j ble for,, aome, p mall hualnevs or. dwatlin. About $100 worth of Furniture has to be boucht, which Is ai'rood Mr new, being used about Two months Rent, M GO per month. For particulars, apply at the Fmplorment Acencf OHlce, f ll JVlnth street, new rrnnsfiTtutia bvwoub TJRICK IlOHSIi AND LOT FOR RALE X' A BAROA1N A Dqubia lyick )4Use, e?n. talnlnir ten rootns. with larre side Lot, situated on L street north, between Sixth aad Seteath streets, Wlll-oe sola low anq on vnaj irnni n parmrni Apply to laa a. puuuim K lu . Auctioneers and Com hterchanls. de51- ' "-." fStsH.' - , , I lie an u i ax i tR ItKJT AMD SAMV-The Furniture of JD a flral-clais Boarilnr House, with Fourteen Kooms, m in vrri dcbi oi pcianoornooaa, la lac Fourtn wardnow havtnc from fonrteen to elxteea boarders sattsfsctotr. reason alrea for selllar ur particulars, apt)l at the Agener Ufflce, Alt Klnth street, near Penasrlranla avenue , ' dmn-if , -t.i "" . Tf- T OOMS TO LET Four Fuudshed Roome, with JLX orwtthout Board, wtthlafli sctnutas' walk of Penosylvasla aveaue,, laqulre at-MoaaST naryiaaa aveswe. r 1 1 l oe au i EROPOIIAXJI FOaTHK BRBOTION OP -BtllliDIWaS' i 'orriCX ASIISTAIfT QpAKTEKMAICn U 8 A, ALISaHVKIA) TA j WP KM, IrMfil 8FALED PROPOSALS will be received at this Offlae until BAl UnDAV.'the sd day of January, iaiiT. atiao'AlsMkm . forthefurnlahlnr of materials ami Erection of Ho pktok jtuildinfs at Uie Damn, of Paroled and Fxchanced Prisoners near thla city. 1 Plana end BpeeU-eattoaa will be furnlahed, upon, application at thla oflce. aod.the time speclAedfor their ccasplrtlon .-.ivft . k ic -. j i T PROPOSAia. f t ,. The full name and Post (Mttce addreaa of the Ud' 4er must appear lo the proposal , r If a bid 1 made U tu name of a Bnn, the names qf all the parties, joust , appear, or the bid will be considered ea ine Indltlduel proposal of the party slcnlnx It i Proposals irom OmtyoX pariietwUl tulbecontld- mf. AMD AMOATH Orj AIXKOIAIICC MAtT ..ACCOM ANVCACIirOTOSlT10Y M t I Proposals mvt be addrrateo. to Captain C B. Pxnouaov vAssiiUot Quartermaster u. B Aruy( Alexandria, a , and ahould be narked distinctly ' Proposals tot Xrtilonat ilulldlngs M t n GUAHAMTrL. .i The ability of the bidder to All, the contract, should It be awarded toJlmt roust be euarantled b) two responsible persons, whose signatures must' be appended to the guarantee luluera must be oresent ln oerson when the bids art opened, or the proposals will not be consldi The resflonsimmy oi ine ruaraniors nun om shown by the tfu-iul cirtiAcafe of thti Clefk of the nearest District Court or of the United States Dis trict Attorqe aei . . r iirtnit st diruttl tn smoitnt to ona h&lf the sum to M rKelvvdon theconTrait, slftnrd bj the contractor and both of bla guarantors, will be required of the SUCCeilUl muurr upva iiKiuug iu ouutrnci Atlhn taond uiis.tiUiconiDsnv the flontraet.lt will be necessary for bidders to l,ra their bondsmen with thenv or to have bonds signed In anticipa tion and ready to be produced when the contract Is ala-nja,. Ilai 41 J J t lUaifilfsi far hand can be nrocured noon annllca- tlon being msue s.i inu ouicc, e.wierpervonati) , vy .. .. ... . .aa--... ....". la. a " ueriKjji-rn.pii. We, a . , p( the county of , and State of , anu , oi ine counir oi ( nt ip nfXw . do hcrtibr rusrsntec that Is able to rulHl the contract In accordance with the terms or his proposition, and that, should tils proposltlou be iMOff.lIfU, Will UUCC f,i4icr iiivu uyuuav, . Should the contract bVawkrded hlsor! W are pre pared to become ms sepurmes, ,..i.ii , . (To this guarantee must be appended 0e official a.rllftiiala ahnva nrntlatlad i Parment to be made upon the completion or the contract, or so aoon (hereafter as the Depot, Quar teTmastrrahallbelnMnds " - Any Informality lathe bid, or non-con rnrmance with the termsofthji adTerttsement. will ensure aL. .l..l f thsJtitnvuiaal ' The bullrtlrigi contracted forunderthli advertise ment must be erected ln accordance with the plans and specifications furnlshed.'wlth the least possible rtela) , and will be subjected t, bc Inspection of a vomnetent waster meihanto Tlie Depot Quartermaster retries to himself the right to reject all I ids I e may deem too high, orforothrrsutnclentcsijae. FrR0UJ0 Cant. Aaa't Uuartrrmaattr, II, S A ilmtrrJid XT OTI OK IS IIKUEBV GIVEN THAT JN llie CoTrtnnalilp heretolore exlaunr betweea SUIlMHIs - . fyrwwnu JJt(tv (.S -? J, A. COVFlti, John or tyle still wnttouts the btulftee ai the SftitoD, iuir t isei, $m j0fJj AT AVCTIOS. ..t A j'Sil'lJ- " T- WrarnTCHZnU " " 3i y "- TJL T"1.I . 4. - us BahiAs) u J. 1 L , Bnaalin 1Liillr1 3Gffi r. aratt rMpAetniHiaAaeoaeea ai ne wui ,1 .UWaaMnctoa, . ,,-- hXnt OatJs scottasi a. r. ' ' t MAm Te eeiMraua nwiinaBSairon uMnew.iot. K AnAnJI of llhtric. n hrrafd th 'ervatMl sWBa v J aatlos fa Mnrtri Ckirirsfei Opera e JNaeraVlimfir will have the hoaor to teak her befcisii ! vyassmtopsnaiesaa teti-jiiseioswwS) tjpTllM "- miss, sf natntiai.. . . 'TielasaeWaMyMttfUIeialfaHd'. ." ' , l ntiaars MACCArsaai, amuuiu, auairru; , lonancior Baa hoiun anirioiv-aaafT vmivuaer. ntrl l-SKRWP! stltrit knklU(o& from iRati li 'aVl inp f .frf Wvorltft. RlrOU l V 1 OiaUClSt if -IxDMisljioWA'irirvrkTs.'.of.E DotiAk'v J , Seeuratl),nreeatx1rt . ' aeati 1 canbeaVcunkl at Mr. Metsetoll's Musk; , The sale of seats will eosnneaec this asoratag. uooTaopeaai'T'al lo convener at eo-aiow. den it i I mvi .. I Hf f 'i1 ,1 OROVEirTIHsATMU , 1 , , IX Jt 'fvsafJtVto,Utirw;a ''J, l .-. ,iu .11 ,7 ' ii,o V ci H,1-A ) j liosard Oraver ;, Msaafen1' ' .ll TMta axTomsAavKVwnMa, ' n "' rl noRt ,'t.i-.. l i n o j to i It ri ct ill B KiNiFil Tj ,mn 'rt I II .ii i i insitFtsstu ll to ei:nmiiii. ,t) I -tv LAST NIOHr K)SiTIVatltl!0J'l ' '1- !bfthwrrtateaM!a. Ulvol 4JU rl" .1 n mvmttmbZ t V7ilh,(,HalMI'H'lKinMfCTI(,13 3 ( f yiiut Trb skst CHAaactvnayi vi ' e i ( 1 1 1 ltd ii i i maun the wa: roit' iNcrtttNMNcr,1 "'Ji d,. iiMir r r ,ii.iii. . iiio 4lr laml Darlua button . ---.i , f-,Ta aohjaaoar) i sally ssrubbta. V,.' ifc JjFRfiaSft .y,. .;, .' Toeonerua.Wlththe . "-Hlf .. . karU.1 "WSMTVv-1 . .x,tnjl "1 LWcuiiiM' ": o WK8 Gen. Beaa - i- " .'fiV.Jk aa ' savers p' ' ill of mmAjC'" if ti; ' i, i mJ On Jacksoa Ja J i..i ,! s M,J- f. Bartf, hll Gen Stuart i-.- -.y.-jnlrlinir.-! nit.M(riouU; v rl " u.-.n ,'irrr:"- 'iSjt '-"i -. y mitlffl uAuasaafauritAa a,,vaai( fi d,eft-l Mf OTSill rl i I tlaa i ,.-Sfaa. Aniiiunanua. a ai.A a aaa., " JWT 1'l.ua l in v . i i'r -r TMh tlrft,xrlgU aoeMiVnsunfMiifa awnan.t "' ,'.T wruviilJuK.r u ' MJf luasBgcranairiulMOW'rjt otraonii aoraf til, i tAlao of Jlollliiav Street Theatre, Balttoaora.) -, ' ' ; TpE tjJBTTNianf1 IT'3 ofour)ouni;AmerloalTlmDoana,', 1 aitss cAnouNKJIKiimai, In the mannll!cen operstlo sDeetac), , ,, - ITI Atf. (ri00kQt0Vk,ttTECn, asd most nrAtrriTTji, sprKintr . i Vhleh has erowdea thl1 theatre,' entlUii thr ,'' r" Mr". PFTOIl mctiiNdsr'1 '. '"'wrBUu,111!; 0junarea?er...1J ',', yr'Jll. n MONT)AT BVEMINO. 'o ' will U ptixlue! Mrs. Mowatfa eoaaearof ' ti '' KIT JiFAKlON., 431 ' 1 f n in a ! -"4 t ijrtl i r rUCCaOIT AOMIUIONji na -n ,l,)rf Dress Clrela and Farquette, 40 cental Orskaatl (,. , Seats, it cental J'aWllr Circle, W eealai frlvate",, Boxes, '--"- - T, ' - Doors esea at IVo'eleelli seeferaaaaee loaasisa' . ' tea at I o'clock. iU 1 .dan i' -l i I' i , , l -VTIZOIPH LCRKMaaiaTa l3IROVa, ' , J.1 (IVonsylvaata avenue and saveata Btrsetlri, t Optn JEWrv Aftrneon af JMafntf. ' .li ' ' DOCBXr fcOMPANT.' -' ," ' "" ' Bi-THRH OP WE OtD rATORITTS ' .?, From Alexandria, where for two weeks ther-ap" ' J nesred below M.ooo PEorLn waa uasaif mma ....,: -.u at.. .l. .. . . l.. .. .raH'fiyj!?.. Jill ft- - JOVrOAI'FFtX'l)Ellf Jt rrr Sin f l(s OnuUrf, n alu: JIMMVRETNOLDS, TPirffilw inn the truly Orlaiaal aowoi .. it ' o I ., Tllh,SHf JW?OD FAMILV,NIW,,ftW, vU nd a host of othen h m '- FRIDrVV rVrVlNo,romilliTit.Urr fienefltof' im - .k ".rv 'r:.": ' . , . . aeo Taw-eir en' w fmmr i- . 4 ih rW'ANTO'a l"'fC ,Yh Qtla - lUX 1 atl-ial (YY ed(onthe perthaldefirennsylTanla Avs-m nue.brtween eourth, and Twentieth streets, with from sU to fourteen roomi,ta reasonable rest A flrst class tenant can be eecnredV PleaaeaMrese "0. a." Dox fiud, Post Office dee TI-w ..,3m (a a." Dox fiu, Post Office dec H-OW ,31, m -v .c - 1 Rfi 9 SjS'ttad' iUTAMfJCP-A ood Ane CeMW iPPfM 'i ". d. r YafipftV'" SSl1llll J 1. Htetcr ?uw rtMt9fltbl'awrAanrrTwmhA-MtPstKeU4' 3 a streets' -tTrANTKB.-AaiRl.lo do teeUtfl house,,,, ,1 woik of a family of three (rawa petaoas. , I avenue and Ninth street "' ' deetj ' ,-' r .... I (I TTOUSE AHTBD,lf posslbls,lathtbeatral! .lu XX part or in eitvirom anous tea n aoous tea 10 ivveiv. is be li.Ul, and, th Wet o(r , , RcYrttaces VlTaiTlt K-?1,, , f, O box tM," 'eMW ll,p If, Rooms. A fair Teal Will be quired " flease adoresa'P US VTIIBSK WANTED A wobVnSrho hie adme V XI experiencr to hkb vwrwvi m na. wwtsi nni asvitasMlfisT ttsa much utrf liflO. tSUSt KlVB KOOd references such mar apply at 4l,NUMbiUe(N, posne iftf raivn) vma fie 34 If WANTVD-Ona'orTwti MT1 is CARRIFRS to deliver this Paper. Call at this gtBee. deesa tf f i t' 'u t ,( . OlAaTHMABXEa'a &CFOT. Ai e.ahdbia, Va , Peo It, 182, 11 WAIHTEDI-ltMEXBcrtensed INTKRS fur the Quartermaster's He TirAiTin , CARPENTJ.RV rartment at Alexandria, trxvala Applleatleos '' a be made to Mr J. DoiiKhertri superintendent, at thU depot. .- a. aa.HuuH'rii do ta lm Captain A. ev,t Armr. WAItTCDnve Hnnilrfd (ood. aehcr, and experlencd TI'AMTrh, fiir Ihe Quarter mnater'e bejiartmeat In tLU ettyi-i ", ' ' r- ' pplvtop If now, General superintendent, st mts omcr.j a ii y. ."!' do ll-l" Capt and Q-M,V. Armr.. i 1 l'l ' .. I II '. ' ' ' ytt-a vnsr.n.f ,ltia and Fantlamen to eonault W lAolalne, a deacrndaut of Attroloxlst to Napoleon thedrVat.on all afTalri of lltt, at 411 ' tli-i enth street Diseases examined and eured In a rew sidings nh . aeos ' ' i l1 'M i" ' . "' ''. .1 " TxrAMTKU-it tut new xora tmrioimaas AIUS, WIUVT, J Penns) Ivanla avenue, ' :e, No ill Ninth street, near ,.. J .ue.TWKNTY.FIVIitMlWiil. V l.wlthjoodrererencet.asCdota','" 1 SIHIWIIIIiruuiftLa)niinKii"n,.vwv.l Lhambermalda, Laundresses, Waitress,, Nurna, ana aeamsirsases Aiao, vouns iuca m,i. wait on tables In Private Families or Hotels. Also j wanted, houses Immediately, wlttM ltho.Vit S"2Ua Allure twi ItU their aaiautaa to sail. f MV"ami '' may 29 tf TirANTEP-Forajeentlsmsn and hswlfe,( T Double Tarlor, with Urst-claaa furniture and. board Price not so much a consideration as e am' ' Th beat dtp reference xlren and required. Ad dress "Banker," atiheClly Post oaee. ti DH. PISII1II.A.TT, Of No 431, corner of rJihth and F strws, Opposite the Central Foil once, Can be consulted on UCVMATWAJIKcnOSS, an Immedlal I torn bis I t torn bis lengthy practice, In the aolence or mdi- ... haa la anaklail tn nfllar tlmsill to th IrtlLllfj ftB clne,heisenabi UlntheDnlyonelnWasblDKtoo'PWl'0-'Itt'd-. Ing speedy relief. ' AU cases curable will be gnran- tied 11. warrants a sure wllb.us tn. us. al.natr eurroranrothtr daaierous medlslae Recent sase eused Intnoorthreedars , , t, i.-iw N D UttanaidraiiedtoDr. F.athUoBW.tto, 411, corner of ninth and 11 streets, opposite (inu seal Post OBce, will receive Immediate atteattoa. " 01 T 1 1 ' i - J d ' J ll ii .j . i j i va 1,1 tjiT- 131. I J Jt-1 . i r-i - urtr ntlU tfti.V I 1 6