OCR Interpretation

The national Republican. [volume] (Washington City [D.C.]) 1866-1870, April 05, 1866, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86053571/1866-04-05/ed-1/seq-1/

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lire Atimutl ptMrim
Oae Him,tttHdiri ..moo
Oaeaqeare, foar dart ( 190
Oeeeqaere,led,eTS...,i ... I 00
Oae sqeerc.alx Jays ...A.,....,,..... t SO
Irery other day edTrt.eea.oate,M per seal. ado1.
tlenal. TwleeBweekadfertleeaeBta,7Jlcr ecal. ad
Editor Ut aotteea M nil per llBe.each laaertloa.
LoenI BOlliet II MlU ptff llaO, Htb Insertion
AdTertleemeata nmIii aadertae keadaof Was ta, Tor
Bale, For Real, .toot aad roaad, eaelaeerUoa,fia seals
per llae) eafeiaent laeertloae half price. .
Ill 11 nee at leee eeeeUlate a Kiuti
AdTertleenaeaU ahoald be handed la Wort fetee
Tni hatioxaL Rtnmtteia
la ,.kltako4 .rnf Moralar 'SaBAra oxoaploj) , W.
J. WtiTiai C , So. Ml Xlitk atroot,.., la hralata.
to aBbaertboro (or oarrlara) at To" ctiU par Moata.
Hall aoboorlbora, M.00 par ai.aa .4 00 far air.
moalha .ad H M for lira rooalba, invariably 1m ai
kmob. Tlrt aoplaa oa. joar, AM. 00.
Slag la coploa, 0 oo.ta.
la paolliaoBOTorr rU7 aaoralaf i O.o P7 o. roar,
,1 O0 Toroo aoplaa oaa jaar, ,6.001 Tarn aoplaa obo
NO. 110.
The) OsnaleJ AdTeHlemcnUertaOlUaef KiNvUri DeamrtBaai
x PllUhatl In thU Paper by Authority f TUB PREIIDEHT.
rt.iiao.ii or
J1UU LOUll MTKJBDi A Blorraollaal Ik.l.k.
r Wllltia J. araraoa. Wltk Sioal Portrait, llao ,
Cloth, 01 SO.
AOlIU A Raral. Br Hro Ollpbait, aalkar of
"Too Lolrd of Rorlaw,1 ''Too rarpoloU Corato," .
Sro . Pap.r. 70 aait.
MAXWELL DKIWITT. A Itoral. Bj P.a.TrlffdrJ.
Sro . Papor. To arala.
socuLLiriorinrciiiHisi, wi(k.om.Moau
of thalr Ballftooa, aararainaalal, AMfieatloaal, aid
BailBMa Caitoaia aad.ploloaa. Br Bar. JaataaDoo
llttlo, fooriooa roara Haiabor of taa AMOrlaaa Boorf.
Uh orar loo llloatrtrloBa. to two T laoiao. lino
Clolb. Baral.4 Ed, , oo 00
FBI IO 11 ri I TBI lOUTH! al Blelimoil, Haooa,
ftavaaoob, Charlaatoo, Colombia, Cbarlotto, Bolalgb,
UoMiboroo,., ood Aadoraoavlllo, dorlaf tba raora
lMdaad laar lrl.ll Abbott, Uto Uaatoaaal 111
Haw Tort Drat-ooaa. Illoatralad. llmo . ilolb. Bor
olod Uiu. 1100
A oBl.i LlPL Br l VlaUtk, (Mr.. Cralk.) A.
tkor of Jobo Halifax, aaBllaDlaB,, t'Cbriitlaa'ablla
Uba," "A Lira faro Llfo," "Ollro," "Tb.Orllil..,"
T.l!..aoltl. r.mUT," A. lsao.Cloth.dl M.
War of thoBobolllool or. IkVllB oadCbarrbdla Coo.
a, voor obo
i aaakill.Aatbor
MMrr Bartoa. 'Craaford.'r Ha Tltla'a Latrt .'
A I. Ito .Cloth, 9. OU ! dVapar, 11 W.
HTOIKNt. For lha aia of fkhoota aad Fanlllaa Kj
Joha C Drapar. H D , Profaaaor of ltaloral Illator aad
Philology la tba Saw Tork Froa Aaadany. aad Pro
faaaor af AaalTltcal Cbatalatrr la tba Uolfanltf of Haw
Tork With 170 Ulao'ratloBa. 8 to , Cloth, X 73.
OUTDEVEKELU VyJ.B U Faaa, Aalbor of MUa
cla Sllaa.' ' As. Bro . l'ivar. to aanta.
Ilarpar Jt Brotbtra will aaod ntj of tba abAva Worka
vj nail, pwiBix r"'0 i any r-n oi taa uauaa oia.aa,
oa raaalBt af iba prlca.
Tba kboT8Brad worka art for aala by 1ICD80X
TAYLOR, aftbla ally. apl
aboii thoTaloabla ma tar coatalaad ta lhaaa to1
BtnaaaBdlBtba waakly laaaaof Iba JoraaAL nay ba
I A waaklr rtoord of Military Mora ma sta lkroagh
oaltha fitld of war.
S. Tba OOcIal Kaporta af Irmy aad Hary Commaad
ara, aad of OoTtranaat Dapatlraaata aad Baraaaa
; A fall Oaiatia of Cbaagaa la Iba jxrttfffM.J of tba
Arcay BBdHary,
4 H atlaaa of atw laTaatloaa ralatlBg to Iba art of
5 Fall aad eoaatast cor rat pood taea from tba ablaat
ofllearaof Ibo two airtleaa oa tho profaaaloBalqaaalloaa
oi ma tour i u(k.iiqbii oi anaagaa inproiauoata
dlaaaialoaa of military aabaola
9. Aa axlaadad aad thorough dlaenaaloa af tba Iroa
alad qaaatiaa, with tba odlc.al raporta tbaraoa.
T Editorial crltlclana aad obaarTationa, aad erltl
claraa oa aarraBt lllaratara,
A. Hotlffa of tba eroaraaa la aallltarr aelaaea la for.
alga eoaalrlaa ; of foralga aalllUry lllaratara, IbtobiIob,
9 la.trarllQBt to corraavoadanta la tactical naltara.
10 la laa,aconplitaraeord of OTarytblar rat at lag
io in iaia war no io iua gaaarai prograaa oi miuury
Tba ladaxaa to lbaao TOlamea, ambraclag rararaacaa
to orar tbraa ibonaaad artlclaa, ara earafaUy praparad,
aad add graatly to tba valoa or tba work
Th Aaar ibdHatt Joraaat. obrtoaaly aajoya fa
allltlaafor atcar.ta urornatloD.aot only of oroato la
tho lata tarn patgoa. bat alaoof tboaplrllaad oplBloaa
of tba Arnr, which aoothar sawapapar coald ba ax
pactaa io ooiaia. it aa toaraura baaa aaia it gua to
m waakly raeord of military noaamaata aomaiolaf of
tha dlaall aad varliv ot hUtorr .
la lu dapartmaat of CorratpoadcBar, aa wall aa la Ita
Editorial pagaa, many Idaaa Lara baaa flral aaggaalad
wbteb bava alaca bteutna lawa or naagaa Io tha baBOflt
of Iba Army aad Hary
Tho Abut iid Mtt JoraaiLla pabllabad waakly,
at td a year Blaglacoplaa may ba obtataad of bowo
bob fc-aaarally W, C. A F.P.CUURCU,
Oflea Ho 59 Park Row, Haw Tork.
Attl'Klt'8 MAGAZINE.
Tba praaaat aaaala. of Coagraaa aaaaot fall tobala
aaay toapacta tha iuit mumaatoaa la thobUtoryof
our Oiivaramant. la aeeordaara wl h rrqaaata ra
paalrdljp arg-d from ma ay a a art ara, tba Ed.iora of tba
MagaiUawill axtaad tha "AIobtblt Kico-Dor Cca
Binr Eraura," ao aa to praaaat a fall accouBlof tba
promlooal maaauraa propoatd. Iba argomoBla by
wbteh tbay aball ba adrvoalad and opposed, aad tha
float actloa lakan la tatpect to tbcm, with abatraela of
alt Important docuniaota which will bt rraftar form a
part of tha htatory of tha great crlaaa tbroagh which tha
aatloala paatlog It will be tba aim of tha writer of
the Record to preaeat a fair atataaieatvf lacltaad of the
exprexsad optalooa of raprtaeaiatlvo meat Bot to aat
forth blaowa Tlawa
The exUaaloa or a partlcelar Dapartmeal wilt la bo
wlaa affaat the gaseral acope of tba Matfailee, which
wltlcoallaua lobe devoted to Literature, Social Im
Provencal Bad Art Ample arrange mo a to have beea
uala.wth old and aew cootrlbutora, fvr furaltblog
natter la every liapaitmaot.
Each Bum bar of Harper Magailse cootalaa from ATly
tooaahoadrad parceal more matter thaa aay other
Amtrltaa intgailoeUiutd allha tame prle, aad nearly
doable the qoaotlty ooatalaid la tba popular UrltUh
taagailnea, aotb aa tba 'Corn-hill, "Temple Bar,"
and 'LeBdoB Society;" and aeveBlyflva per oeat
mora Ibaa tba ba f crown Brtlttti Magaaluea, atch aa
Blaekwodd," Fraaer,' aad tba "JJoblln Calver
llarper'a MagailBO,oaa copy for ooa year ft 00
Ilarpar 'a Wakly, ooeaopy for oaa year 4 00
Aa extra copy of either ilia Weakly or tba MagaiUe
wilt ba i applied gratia to every dab of Ave aabacribere
al Bt each, fa oaa romlttaaco, or alx coplaa for BJ0
Boaad volaaiMof tba llagailoa, each volunacoa
talalog Ino aombcra for alx luuutba, wlllba furolabed
for B3 per volume, aad teal by mall, poataga paid
Boaad folao.ee of tba H aekly, each vol nine eon talalog
tba ao lobar i for oaa year, will be furuUbed for 7,
Height by eipreaa patd.tba weight of tba voluueo balag
btyond tbat allowed la Iba nail.
A. limited Bomber of advertlamaBla wlllba la
eerted Is the Uegailo at the following rateei One page,
$iX t oaabalf page, BIU t ooe-qoarler page, B78 Tba
alrcolatloa of tbeMagatlna la larger ibaa Ibttof any
almUar periodical la tba world AdvtrtUamaata will
alao be iBaerted ta iba Weakly at W0 a Una on
thelmlde, and B2 a Una on tba outalde, for each Inter
tlooi where adrarllaemeata are dlaplayed, tba charge
will ba for tba number of aoltd Uaca contain ad In toe
apace which la occupied
Tha poatano on tba Mtgiilne le now 31 canta a
? 'ear, aad iba Weekly 20 centa a year, payable quar
arly, aenl yearly, or yoarly, al tba offlce where re
eel veil
Sabaerlberato tba Manaitai aad Wbrkit will lad
OB oaa a wrapper Iba Aumbcr with which thalr aub
acrlptloa txjiirt, aa aalered apoa oar book a In ra
nrwiitp a aubacrlptloa, It le aeilred that tba number
with which It le to canivttnc abould ba atated Tha
name of the aubacrlier. and full add rati, deluding
County and Blate, ahould be dlatloctly written t Tbua
' Renew aubacrlptloa to tlagaalue or Weekly com
manclng with Number . John Adama, Jackaoa,
Plka eouBty, Ohio."
Ja changiag tba dlreelloa, tha old aa well ae the new
addroaa abould ba gtvea Tbu ' Change addreaa of
Klagailna or Weakly from Joha Adama. Jackaoa,
ka county, Ohio, to Mary Adama, Fra&klla, Alle
gheny eouaty, Pena "
The Magaitaa and Weakly ara alwaya atopped whan
tbe term of of aubacrlptloa expiree It U not ueceeaary
o give notice of ditconUonanco
Tbevolumee of tha Magailna eommenca with tba
Nambera for ouaa and Vtctmbtr of each yaar. Bub
aerlptloaa may commence with any number Wba
no time la t peel (ltd. It will be Bodtraiood that the aub
acrlbar wlabea lo begin with tbe Aral number of the
curtaat Yulume, aad lack aumbera will ba aenl ac
cordingly, Tha Vain ine of the Weeklr eommeoce with tba vt ar.
When bo lima le aped 11 ad, It will ba under tlood tbat
tbaaubtcribor wlabea to eommenca with tha Hnmbar
Btit artar tha receipt or bit order
Back Bumberatut both Uagailne and Weekly can
alaaT ba auDDlleJ
Ib remltt bx by mallaPoaT'OrrtcaOaoBaoraDaArT
npoa few oik, jutyaiitt to tfn order qf lltrprr A
torvthtTifU prefarablo to baok notaa, a, auoulJ tha
Order or Draft be loat or atolta, It caa ba renewed
without loat to tna aanaer
fill Beveulh stre st,
The damaf a canted by the late Are has beea so far re
paired tbat buataeae will be retained
Whea, ae formerly, tbe rule will be strictly enforced
throughout lha aatabllsbmsat,
Mr. 0. takes this opportunity to thank hlinnmsroas
friend a aad enttomere for past kladaeaa, aad to aay It
aball bo hie eoaataat aln to eonltnae to merit lha ysry
liberal aaeoaragemeal heretofore extended to aim.
aad -4 1
Jt aebaarlber baa obtained from the Orphana Court
olWasblagtOB county, la the Dlatrlct of Columbia,
latteraof ad mlultt ration on the peraoaal estate of Jamas
Waterbury, lata of tba city of New Tork, deceaaed All
tiraoaa having olalma against the aald deceaaed ara
areby warned lo exhibit tha pane, with the voaehers
thereof, to tha sabserlber. oa or before tbe 17th day of
Marsh aeat they mayoiberwlse by law be axaladad
from ait aaaaai oi taa aaio oaioito
Olvaa aadsr my band thla t7th day af March, A. X,
nay or atareu. - u,
MART D, bllEA,
APtIL 1. lMd. ProiM.ftL. fur rd1ar ftad T
iiW. -mwr ( t.x tirMt wtt, froai
tni via oi ii urtw ini 10 ion. oi J. nri
Berth, will b rtlTd at thla oBm attll 11 e'llock u ,
tkti ad la pavlaf t ttrMtf lb .! to b bq! ovtr
ifni or im ibk btvibcbm la aumt ir, aa mt.b
iBtbtB dMp.
Ulddan will ttala lb prlca rr taitrt yard for ptT
gandtxr bU yatd hr fradlaii lb pavlaf to b
laid 0 a bad of vara g ra vat alibi Iitbt. dat-p, ud for
litfatt of obarp aaad aa tap of tba grafalt iha pavlar
taba waUratnuad tbraa llmaa with a aliatT-poaad
rannar.aad tobawoll waiarad'bafora balag ran Had
tba lat tlmo. aad Ibaa oovarad with aoaraa abarp aaad
tbawbolata badoaatd tba aallra aatlafaatloa af Iba
ConmUaloBsraf iba Foartb ward, aad tba Aaatataat
ConmlaaloBara. Vobld will ba ratal tad Balaaa tba
par t ar partlaa ara kaawa to ba raipoaalbla. Tba
Mayor raaarfaa t kimtalf ibarlfbi to raloct aar or alt
bid i
All tba aid eobbla.atoaa, flag -foot wart, aad f attar
atoaa to ba tba prapartr of tba Corporattoa
Connlaaloaar Foartb ward.
Aaalataat Cnimluloaar,
p4'lalbitapl0 Aaalataat Commlailoiar.
X Mitoa'a OrriOB, April 5, IMS.
alALKO rROPOSALB will ba raaalvad by tba aadar
tig aad aatll It a'eloak aa , oa FBI DAT, tba 11th day of
April Bait, for tba bnlldlag of a Tbraa-foot Barral
8a war, (latlda dlamatar.) tba walla to bo alaa laabaa la
thlakBaaatoBlatraatartb(balwaaa Foartaaath atraat
aad Coaaaetlcat btobbb, to oobdm! with tba aawar aow
balldlag la Foartaaath atraat, la aceordaaaa with tba
act apprvTad Jaly S7, 1M5, to bata Maaholo aad
Staaeh'trapa with Xalaral 8a war a from aach aoraara aa
ibaCamnfaaloaaraottbaFlrBtaad Baeoad warda nay
Blddara will alala tba prlca per UaaaWoot for tba
Tbraoofool Bawar, par Uaoal foot for tba Latorala,
lgbtaa4aaba laalda dlamatar, foar laabaa wallaipar
Trap aach, par Mao-hola och,whlcb abalt laelada
allaxcavatloaa,Ao, Aa.itbaoaocaaaralblddar or bid
dara to ba raapoaalblafor alt daaaagaa doaa to gaa or
watar pipaar aa will Bora folly appaar la tha apeclflca
Tba right to daallaa aay or ail propoaala, ahoald It ba
daatnad for tha lataraal of tba Corporattoa to do ao, la
pactlealloaa caa ba aaaa at tba offlaa of tha Com ml a
aloaara of mproTomaata arary day batwaaa 10 o'clock
a. ta. aad II m jalao la tba City Borrayor'a offlaa
arary M taday aad Friday.
Hobo bat practical nacbaalca aaad bid
CommUtloaar Flral ward.
Comralaaloaar Baeoad Ward.
Z.M.P R1I10,
apd dtd Aaalataat ConnlaalOBan,
MiToa'a Ornci, Cttr Hail,
WaaaiaoToa, April S,1W4. (
8aUd Propoiala, to ba aadoraeor oa iba aaval
ope "Propoaale for laying watar nalna," will ba re
ceived at thla office until nooa oa FR10AT, the 13th la
ttant. Blddara will alao apoclfy oa the envelope, and
oalba face of tha bid, what dlatrlct tha bid la for.
There aralhraa dletricta, which ara bounded aa follow t,
DISTRICT HDMBER OKI laeladee all that pari or
tba ally aorthof iba Cbeupeaka aad Ohio canal aad
City canal, aad weal af Bevaath atraat weaL
BI8TK1CT HUMmRTWOIaeludet all that part of
the city north and aqrthtut of the canal, aad eaet of
the weal aide af Seventh etreet watt.
DjaTBlUT JfDMUIH TUBKB laciBUea Bit IBM pan or
tha city which la batwaaa tha eaaalaadtba Folumae
and tbe Eaatera Branch.
Spaelflcatloaa aad forme of propoaala aaa ba bad by
application to Iba Water Regtatrar, aad auth propoaala
oaly will ba coatldarad aa ara written apoa iheaa rega
lar official forma.
Batlafactory bond aad aeearlty will ba required fron
the partlaa with whom the coat facte aball b made
ape a 1 13 nivrutnw n muu,n,mmjvi.
Orrica or deaitr An- Qjabtibiutib, 1
Wam Botox, D 0 .March 97, ISM f
SEALED PMOPOdALS will Le received aatll 11
o'clock at boob, oaTUESDaT, tha 17th day af April
next, lor i waa gooa -)io iuiinuiu iua,iimoi
track connecting the Horfolk and Prlanborg rallmad
with tba Beaboard aad Xoaaoka railroad at Suffolk
Bidden will etala the price per ton la caah for the
Iron tha Cbalra.Bplket, aad Tlee to be laclnded
70UiM)-omOtOBanr good 43 lb. rail, la track leading
fron Richmond, Frederick iba rg aad Potonaa railroad,
at Aqnla Creek to Yuba-Uam Wbatf
Blddara will atala lha priea per toa la caeh for tha
Iroi the Tlet. Timber. Bplkea,aad Chalra to ba la-
eluded ...... ..
Propoaala ahoald ba eadoreea "mat ror icaiiroea
on," aad ad dratted to tba ondertlc nad
mbt7.tnt Brl. Brig Oaa. aad A. Q. M.
WaiiivuTOV, D. C, March S, ISM
Bealed eroDoaale wiu ba received at the Office of tbe
Supervising Arabltael. Treaaary Depart ma nt, Watblog
ton, D.C.UBtU 11 M.APRIL Mb, ItW, for faralthlag
Iba BurglarProof aadtha Barglar aad Flre-ProorSafee
required by the Treaaary Dapartmeal for one year from
tho acceptance of tha propoaal of lha aueceafnl bidder
Bpacmcaiioaa aaa arewiaga lor o BB(giarrrooi
Bafae, ahowlng tha form of coaalructloB at preaeal uaad,
vln alternate vlateaof Iron and hardened ateel. caa ba
obtained apoa application at tble Department.
onrgiar aaa dTirorrooi ihuoo win ooaoaeirociou in
tbe name maaaar aad caaed with a anllable Ire-proof
covering, tbe plana and epeelaeatlOBS for which matt be
aubmltled by the bidder.
Befa lo ba abtpped la perfect condition within a rea
aonable tine from date of order.
Tbe Locke will ba fnrnlabed by Ihte Department,
but nualbe put la place by the eoatractor, aad ba la
ferfeel working order whea lha Safe la turned over to
be proper offleer of lha Govern meal
Tbe blda to be per superficial foot, meaeared oa the
oattlde, and to cover all ebargaa whatever, lacladUg
painting and door Satarea, (eieepl coat of locks.)
Propoaala will al.o be received for Barglar aad Pow
daro Proof Locka, to ba aeeonpaaled with earn plea.
All blda mutt be aeeonpaaled by the guaranty of two
reipootlb.cper.oae lathe enmof Alxw, thai lha bid
der will accept aad perform tba contract If awarded lo
htm tbeeuffltttneyof tha aacurlty to baeertlBad to by
tho titatricl Allot nay of tha dlatrlct where lha bidder
Tha DeparttneBt reserves tha right to reject any or
all the blda, or to award tbe eoatraelfor BergUr-Proof
Bafae to ooe party, aad lha Barglar and fire-Proof
bafee to another, 1( It be deemed for the tntereat or tbe
Oovtrnment lo do ao aad no bid will bacoaa'dered
that dota not conform to tbe requirements of thla ad
Propoaala to be end oread "Prop -tele for Bafae and
Locke'nadaddreeaedtoA B MOLLETT. Aetlag Su
perrlalBg Architect, Traaaury Department, Wetting
mho tnAftapS Acting Supervising Architect.
TatAsrar Dbfabtmibt,)
Ornoaor Scrnaviimii AacaiTafT,
March 87, IBM )
Propoaala will be recti vad at thla office until 12
o' cluck n , April li, ISM, fwr furnlablng Horth Rlrar
llagglog for tbe aldtwalkt In front of tbe weal wing of
the Treaaary Balldlag, to be delivered al the work, and
of the following dlmanaloBa aad nambera, vlit
176 etoaea, d ft, I In xS ft 0 tn , aol I at thaa S la thick
SDgloaea,ofl.4laxfLOlB , aot leaa thaa Sla thick.
ITaStouea-Sfl Ola xSft 0 In , not late Ibaa 3 la thick
The eurfete of tbe Flaga mnaibe perfectly out of wind,
and tbe tooling roa with tbe length of tbe aeme ma
eblna tooling preferred As the edge will be cut after
delivery, lha plates matt ba farnlated with auffleltnt
nargta lo work perfectly true to the above dlmeoaloaa,
and all will be rejected which are different la thla re
n.rt The blda to b war enDerflclal foot. (moaaoTed
whea laid,) and to laclodo all coals of delivery, and
aiaoio apociiy mo iimo id woieu n ni"iw
Paynoata will be nade upon dallierr, with a rater
vetioa of 10 per eeal until the whole of the above it de
The Deparimeat reserves the right lo reject any or
all hlda lMt ho daamad far the Intercut of tbe Oovern
meat lodoae,4.Bd ao bid will be considered tbal does
sol eon I urn? 19 me raqoiremaoia tvi iuia uTrii.iu.u
ProDoaals to be eadoraed "Propoaala for Flacalnr.'
and add ratted to "A B Mailed Acting Supervla nr
Arcntteci, Treaeury yepanmani, waanmgion, u m
mhll'dtd Acting Bupervltlng Arcbit-ct
Sealed Tsrorotalt. la duplicate, will be reeMved al tble
0 ul CO, OB WaUflHUait D.iunuaio VI hvu
w.ak, for Blithe enrplua HARD BREAD at thla Depot
The bread la la boxeeof Sfty (AO) pounds sath, and tn
good shipping oreer. .... , ....
All parcbasss will ba delivered oa board of Irani
wittiniit iTKiii. to the mrchaier.
Ho proposals received for Itaa thaa twenty (30) Boxes,
oaa tboBiBBd 1,000 poanaa
PaymeBl required on notlflcktlon of aceeptanee ar bid
la Government fuBde.
Proposals should bs eadorsed "Propoaala for Hard
urea a," ana auareeaea 19 .. vua,
del4tf Colonel and C B. v
ETo.nl Peanaxlvaalaavsans, batwaaa Te&th aad Slav
enth streets, eoath side.
Books alageatly otplalaly boaad. ParlodUala ui
Jfewapapera aueiUly attamdia to.
Paas4 at tha Flral leealon f tha Thirty.
ninth CBiTaa
PcitiO BkiolvtioxKo. 17
A IUiolutior tn relation to tba publication of tba
Lawi yf tha United 8utei.
RuottvJ. h tkt 8at and Houii of Rmnunt.
ativta of th United 8tot$a of Amenta in Congrtsi
iHm6!tJt That tha Secretary of 8Uta ba, and he
li hereby aulborlied and d tree tad, to renew the
contract of Oetober tblrtv-flnt, eighteen bnodrad
aoa Diiy, baiween too iepantnena ot maio ana
Little, Brown and Company, of Bolton, Mataacha
aetta, for tba annual publication of tha Statute- it
Larre of tha United fltlter, until otharwlaa ordered
by Con frail, la conformity with tho Joint reiolo.
tloni approvwd raipMtlvaly March third, alghtaan
hundred and fortT-flTe, and Beet ember thirtieth,
eighteen hundred and fifty : Pnvtdod, Tbat tba
tlma within which tha annual edition of tho lawi
li to bo dallrered at tho Department of 6tato bo
itended to aevaot daji artar tha adjournment of
aach BOHlon of Confreia : And Provdtd furiktr.
That tho priea ah all not -excead tha actual o
pandltnraa y Li til a, Ilrowii.aad Cwpaay T lor
com peel lion, praaa work, paper, blndlnr, odltlna;
and tranaportatlon, alt of which ihall ba dona at
tho lowait market prlcoi, tha papor to be farolihad
at ai low a priea ai la paid by tba aovernment for
peperof the tame quality, and Hro pareant.com
nlulon thereon.
Approved, March 81, 1868.
Public IUiohitiok No. 18
Joiht BiaoLDTiox tn relation to tbapobllo landa
appertaining; to tha armory at Sprlngflald.
JU if rtolvA hf tkt S4nat4 and Jku of Rep
reuntativei of tksuHtttd Statu of Atntrica in Co
fTtss attrwthftd. That tha fl rat lactlon of a Joint
resolution approved Jane leventeenlb, alfhtetn
hundred and forty-rour, entitled X raiolatlon re
Utlne; to the public landi appartatnlna; to tha arm
orlat at Sprlngflald and Uarpe rg Ferry,'' la barabj
revived, ra eo acted, and continued tn forct.
Approved, April 4, 180A.
Preeldent of tho Voltad Stataa of AnterUai
To all and lingular to wAona tu prtent tkalt eoaw,
Whereas a treaty was raatlo and concluded
nt Fort fiullv. In tho Terntorv of Dakota, on
the twentieth day of October, in tho year of
our Lroru ono thousanu cigiu nunureu anu
sixty-five, by and between Newton Edmunds,
fJuwaru ii. a a) i or, Jiajor ucncrui n. i.
Curtis, Rriffftdicr General II. II. Sibley,
Henry TV. Reed, and Orrin Guernsey, com
missioners, on the part of the United States,
and TVah-mun-dce-o-pee-doo-tah, (Tho TVur
Eaglo with tho Rcu Tail,) Cha-tau-'hne,
Tho Yellow Hawk,) and other Chiefs and
Headmen of tho Sans Arcs band of Dakota
or Sioux Indians, on the part or said hand
of Indians, and duly authorized thereto
by them, which treaty Is in the words and
figures following, to wit:
Artlclai of treaty made and concluded at Fort
tolly, in tna larmoryoi uaxoia, dt ana do
tweeo Newton Edmund, governor and ez-offiolo
aperlntendent of Indian affaire of Dakota Ter
ritory! Edward B. Taylor, inperintendent of In
dian affaire for the northern auperlntcndeney;
Major General 8. II. Cartli, Brigadier General
II. II. Bible j, Henry W, Reed, and Orrin Oaern
ey, commlitlonen on the part of the United
Btatei, duly appointed by tha Preildent, and tha
vndenlgned chlefa and headmen of tha Sam
Aree band of Dakota or Bloux Indiana.
Abticlb Firbt. Tha Sana Area band of Dakota
or Sioux Indiana, represented in council, hereby
acknowledge tbemaeiTee to be subject to too exclu
sive Jarlsdiction and authority or the United States,
and hereby obligate and bind themielvei, Individ
ually and collectively, not only to cease all hoatlll
ties against tbe persona and property of fta cltlsena ,
but to use their influence, and if requlaite, physi
cal force to prevent other bands of Dakota .Indians
or other adlacent tribea from making; hostile dem
onitratlons agatnit the Government or people of the
United States.
AtTiCLi Si conn. Inasmuch aa the Government
of the United Slat sa la desirous to arrest tba effu
sion of blood between the Indian tribea within Ita
Jurisdiction hitherto at war with each other, tbe
cans Area cana 01 ubsoib or oioux inaians, rep
resented tn coanoU. anxious to repect tbe wishes
of tba Ooveromawt, hereby agree to discontinue
for the future all attacka npon tha persona or Prop
erly of other tribes, unlets flnt attacked by them,
and to osa their Influence to promote peace every
where In tbe region occupied or frequented by
Articli Third. All controvertle-or differences
arising between tba Sana Arcs band of Dakota or
Sioux Indiana, Involving tbe question of peace
or war, shall be aubmltted for the arbitrament of
tna President, or auon parson or persons aa may do
designated by him, and tba decision or award shall
ba faithfully observed by tba said band represented
In council.
Abticli Fourth Tbe said band represented In
council shall withdraw from tbe route overland
already established, or hereafter to be established,
through their country, and In consideration there
of, and of their non-Interference with the persona
and nroDortv of cltliens of the United Ftates trav
eling (hereon, the Government of tbe United
States agree to pay the aald band the sum of thirty
doltara for each lodge or family, annually, for
twsnty years, In such articles aa tba bcoretary of
the Interior may direct rrotuM, That aald band
ao represented In council aball faithfully conform
to tbe roqulrementa of this treaty,
Articli Firia. Should any individual or Indl
vldaals, or portion of the band of tbe Sana Area
band of Dakota or Sioux Indians represented tn
council, desire hereafter to locate permanently
upon any land claimed by said band for tha pur
poses Oi agriculture, or omer similar pursuits, 11
la hereby agreed by tha parties to this treaty
that such Individuals shall be protected In such lo
cation against any annoyance or molestation on
tbe part of whites or Indians, and whenever twenty
lodgea or families of tba Sans Area band shall hara
located on land for agricultural purposes, and sig
nified tbe same to their agent or superintendent,
they, aa well as other families so locating, aball re
ceive tha sum of twenty-Bra dollars annually, for
five years, for each family, In agricultural Imple
ments and Improvements! and when one hundred
lodges or families shall have 10 engaged In agrioul
tural pursuits, they shall ba entitled to a farmer
and blacksmith at tbe axpenie or the Government,
aa also teachers, at the option of the (Secretary of
tba Interior, whenever teemed necessary.
Articlb Sixth Any amendment or modification
of this treaty by lha benate or the United States
aball ba considered final and binding upon tha said
band represented In council as a part of this treaty,
lo tba same manner aa If it had been aubsef)uently
presented and agreed to by the chiefs and headmen
of aald band.
In teatlmony whereof, tbe commissioners on tbe
part of the United States, and the chiefs and bead
men of tbe said Sana Area band of Dakota or
Sioux Indians, have hereunto set their bends this
twentieth day of October, eighteen hundred and
sixty-Are, after the contents had previously been
read, Interpreted, and explained to the chlefa and
Nbwtoi Edmihix,
Edward B Taylor,
6 U. Curtis, MaJ Gen ,
IIcmrt II Siblki, Brig Gen , .
lUxttr W bar.',
Orris OccnxaKi
WaB'Hvh ore o pris-noo tab,
The War Eagle with tho Ked Tall, bis x mark
Tba Yellow Hawk, bit x mark.
Shohkah-wi tb-ko,
Tba Fool Dog, bla x mark.
Cam SaUitn
Tbe Bear'a Heart, his x maik.
The Man tbat Fears Nothing, bla x mark.
Abe nine, bis x mark
The Bear'a Eara, blax mark
Chan dish xan sappah,
Tbe Black Hoop, hie x mark.
Zs'Ti x a sab -a Apr a,
The Bird Necklace, bla x mark.
Blfoed bj the commliiloneri oa the part of the
Ualtad States, and br tha chiefs and be admen after
tha treaty had bean fully road, Interpreted, and
explained in our presence t
Jill, u. 110a a k,
Chief Justice of Montana Territory.
Brt.ItCol. U. 6.V.
E. F. Roth,
Secretary of Commission,
W. B. Woodi,
Burgeon U, S. Vols.
0. S. Momiioh,
O. K. Gciibibt,
bla x mark. Interpreter.
Chief Crow Fsatber,
Con ce-we-A-ka, bla x mark.
Ptr-be-se, bis x mark.
It id Hair,
Pa-ha-aha, his x mark.
THnSaittD Eaoli,
Wa-cban-ke-wam-barlte, bla x mark.
Black Bbar,
Ma-to-eapa, hta x mark.
And whereas tho said Treaty baring been
submitted to the Senate of jM United Statci
for Its constitutional nctToirtbercon, the Ben-
ate did on the fifth day of March, one thou
sand eight hundred and sixty-six, adrfoe and
consent to the ratification of the same, with
an amendment, by a resolution in the words
and figures folio King, to wit:
la Ixicrnvn Srsniov,
Suits or trb Lirrsn Stitxh,
Ultra a. ISM
Itttolced. ftwo thirds of the Senator! present
concurring,) Tbat tha Senate ad r lie and consent to
ine ratincaiton or too treaty, made ana ooneiuaea
at Fort Sully, In tba Territory cf Dakota, by and
noiween me commissioners on tbe part or tna uni
tad States aad tha chiefs and headmen of tbe Sanai
Area bead of iWwfaA IDakota or Sioox IodlansTf
with tba following
Article 4, lines 4, ft. asd fl. a.rike out tbe follow.
log words, vlt: "and of thalr non-Interference with
tbe persons and property ofcltliena of tbe United
Dtaies traveling merton
Attest: J W ForskY,
And whereas article sixth of said Treaty
provides that any amendment or modifica
tion or it by the Senate of tho United States
shall be considered final and binding upon
the said band of Indians, represented in
cotwoul, as a part of the Treaty, in tho same
manner as if it had been subsequently pre
sented and agreed to by the chiefs and lu ad
men of Bald band:
Now, therefore, be ft known that I, An
drew Joiixsov, President of tho Unitid
States of America, do, in pursuance of the
advice and consent of the Senate, as ex
pressed in its resolution of the fifth of .March,
one thousand eight hundred and shty-siv,
accept, ratify, and confirm tho taid Treaty
with the amendment as aforesaid,
In testimony whereof I hare signed the
same with my hand, and hate causod the
seal of the United States to be hereto af
Done at the city of Washington, this
seventeenth day of March, in the
jear of our lit ml one thousand eight
rfau hundred and sixty-six, and of the In
dependence of tho United States of
America the ninetieth;
lly the President:
William H. Seward,
Secretary of State.
Tho Flr In tha Oil Hegion.
pRTROLRtn CXRTRR. Abrll S Tha heaviest
losers by tha disastrous fire which occurred on the
Jiyae ana figoert farm, on Saturday morning, are
tba following'
W. H. Haldeman, 4,000 barrets of oil la tanka
and barrels, and 2,000 empty barrels
Haldeman A Hassan, 3,000 barrels of oil tn tanks
Miller A Edwards, 32) barrels of oil In boats on
tna creek.
J. P. Coates. 1.000 barrels or oil In tanks In
1 red In lha Home Insurance Company of Mew
Hat en, Conn
Captain Watterson lost seven or eight boats and
oarge', vaiuou ai aooiu fi.tiuu
J H.Frtck lost 3.000 barrels of oil. moat It In
tank lit also owned tno Pittsburg House (a
large bold) and a wareroom, which were destroyed
His loss altogether la about $20,000. He bad
Inauranca on toe hotel In an eastern company.
Among tba number of wells destroyed are tbe
following The Coquette, the Thirty-four, Otlve
Branch, Hatllstcr, fcagle, Jersey and Maple Shade
The Coquette Company lost twelve thousand
barrels of oil In tanka.
Tbe entire loss Is put down at 22.000 barrels of
011, and sizo,uuo in properly.
Twenty boats and barges loaded Tor shipment
were also destroyed
From Portreea Monroe,
FoRTRtas Morbor. March 31 The steamer
Eutaw arrived from Norfolk to day, having obtained
suppiy 01 ooai, ana satiea ror new York
The double-tur re ted steamer Mlantonomah. Com
mander J. C. Beaumont, arrived at tbe .Norfolk
nary yard yesterday, from Washington, and she
will fit out and be coaled bars, and be convoyed
to New York by the gunboat De Soto, now lying
Id this harbor
Efforts will soon be made to renatr tba Dismal
Swamp canal by partlea In Norfolk During the
war It waa much Injured, and aa the United States
Government owns two fifths of the work, It U pre
sumed the sum of $200,000 will be appropriated to
aid In Its reconstruction
Tbe James Island light vessel Cbesapeske Bar
has resumed her station Also, tba I'pperand
Lower Cedar Point light vestel, Potomac river.
During the continuance oft he Baltimore Fair for
tbe relief of tbe Southern sufferers, tbe old and
new line of steamers bava made arrangements to
lnue excursion tickets to return till April Htb,
at $4 each
It la expected tbat, after Monday next, tbe Sea
board and lloanoke railroad trains will pass over
tbe Weldon bridge, as energetic efforts ara being
made to complete It by tbat time
A Chimcsi- Xt-'xisvATir CiRinsm. D. J
Lake, En, of this city, lias secured from ltev
Justus Doolittle, for twin!) jears a miMiion
ary in China, a tompleteset of Chinese utsh,
dating from 245 R. O , down to the present
dynasty. Tho earlier specimens, before the
time of Christ, aro of mont uncouth shapes,
some res'emblmg a razor, others a padlock,
although the common haim U circular with
the customary square hole in the autre for
convenience in strinirinir In size, they ar
from three inches in limmetir, and half tut
inch in thickness (in numismatic measure-
mrnt, mxo -e,j 10 iuim tn me mzc 01 ine
nickel tent.
Accnmnamimr the collection are a few
sainnles of old Uhincfe lciral tinders, fho-
tneutles, and greenbacks, which tothe Ignor
ant tje might seem tiie wrappers or tea
chests. Mr. Lake has purchased the entire
collection, and will probably deposit it in the
J,ake Forest uimemty. imcago rrtoune.
Tiifrk arc, it -appears, 319 thoroughfares in
the cuv or LrOiiuon, and lbJ 01 inese are only
of u .sufficient width to allow of a singlo line
traffic, while there 101 whuh afford u double
line traffic, and only 70 which afford room for
three lines or more, mere are ou.guy vem
cles passing daily through tho city.
From tbe Transcript 1
"If ye be risen with Christ seek (bote IMngi which
are above,
I saw the hill aide Oak, with towering form,
Fall In bis pride, tbe whirlwind's eho ten preyj
The Ltty of the vale outrode tbe storm,
Shtniog tbe lovelier aa It passed away.
Friend, seek not Happiness In high ettate,
To Mary 'a heart aha fliea from Herod's palace
I marked a spendthrift Moth, squalid and lone,
With shivering wings; his summer flowers were
While the blithe Bee, making their aweeta her own,
noraer ana earner soe, no dawdling drone,
Sang In bar home of honey, richly fed.
Friend, seek not HarDlnei In floatler nttunra.
In each good work of life tha good God hides bar
Jewelled with morning dew the new-blown B-o.0
Br logs to tbe enamored aye bar transient dower,
Tha lire sap atllbrnna fresh, the sound root grow a,
When all forgotten fades tbe red-lipped flower.
Friend, aeek not Happiness in tba bloom af Beautr.
But In the deeper charm and steadfast Ufa of
Lo, the redatfeteor startles with his btaia
The gaiinr. e struck earth, and disappears t
While yon true Star, with soft, undenting raya,
Shlnea In our sky through circling months and
Friind, icek not Happiness fa the world's false
But In the light serene of home Joys, pure and
Power haa ita thorn wealth may be Joyleii glitter,
Belshasiar'a feast grows dark with fear and sad-
. "" ' , . , .
FrUnJ ' dl od b"ot7 wn". nd oarea em-
Tba gilded cup 1 grief lurka behind our gladness
Friend, seek not Happiness In goods of earth,
Bat learn of Christ betimes the secret of ber birth
Child of the soul, twin-born with Faith and las re
In the clear conscience and tho generous heart,
Twin lived with them, with them she soars above
The earthly names which man from man do part.
Seek then tbe seraph where she may be found,
High in a heavenly life, not creeping on the ground
Hekfts set on tfalrga above, not things beneath,
Find what they crave around them day by day t
Souls risen with Christ, u.ulck with bla spirit,
The air ot Heaven, e'en while on earth tbey stay.
Bearing tba Crnas, tbe hidden Crown they bring,
And at tbe tomb they bear tha Easter angels sing.
Cutter t 1800.
'I he Commissioner of Internal Revenne has
the following elrcnlar in relation to stamping
instruments issued without stamps or In
sufficiently stamped:
Orricn or ibubx.u. Kstbbcb,
WAaaiatiToa. March IS. IMS
The first internal revenue act took effect
so fur as related to stamp duties, October 1,
18G2. Instruments executed and delnered
prior to that date, though they may be re
corded afterwards, arc not churgcahlc with
stamp duties.
If any instrument subject to stamp duty
was tailed utter October 1, 18G2, and prior
to August 1, IRiU, unstamped, or instill.
oenlly stamped, the appropriate stamp may
bo aflixed in the presence of the Court,
Register, or Recorder; as provided by section
1G3 of the act or June 30, lHfil.
Any Instrument issued fince August It
1RC4, unstamped, or inMilT.eJenlly stamped,
may be stamped by the Collector upon pig
ment for the proper stamp, and of a penally
of fifty dollars; und whero tho amount of the
stamp duty exceeds fifty dollars, on pa) meat
ulsu of interest on said duty at the rate of
six per Tent from the day on winch the
stamp should hae been uffixed.
If the instrument U presented to the Col
lector within twehe calendar months from
Its Issue, the Collector U authorized to remit
the penalty, provided it shall appear to hit
satisfaction tltut thu omission toslainp it was
!y reason of aceidcnl, mistake, inadvertence,
or urgent in ccssity, and without wilful de
sign to tiatU urihlftt the pigment of stump
If the Instrument fa not presented within
twelve calendar months the pcuuity and in
terest must be paid to the collector before he
can render it ulfd by fixing the appropriate
stump, without regard to tho caive of the
omission to t-tainn it tit the tune of its inue.
The Cominiris.uncr bus no power to remit
this penalty.
Deputy collectors, unless acting its collect
ors under section .t'J, lme no uutliontj to
affix stamps or remit penalties under section
The stamp to be ulTKcd to any Instrument
is that required by I lie law exidthtg at the
time when the instrument was made, signed,
and issued
When an instrument is properly stamped
under either of said sections tho stamping
relates back to the time when the instrument
was issued, and renders it from the beginning
as valid to all intents and purposes us if it
had been dul) clamped when made, signed,
und issued.
Tho whole umount of penalties paid to col-
lectors for validating unstamped instruments
should be returned on form .18, with other
unassessed penalties, and the money deposited
to the credit of tho Treasury of the United
Mutes, with other collections.
r.. A, Horns, Lomniiisioner.
credit tho papers whuh reach us by the lout
r.ngiiMi man, a Bunsiance aaa ai usi neeii
discovered which will take the placeofcotton
and rags in the manufacture of paper It i
found in the southern provinces of Spain,
and is known as ' tuparto grass." 'I ho Lon
don Kcouomtbt fpruks of this dixcoverv as
'Mr Idojd, of the Walthamstow Puper
Mills, Is stated to have had a great share in
the merit of this discovery; and Mr. Mark,
the HritnOt Consul ut Mulaga, has drawn up
an interesting report on this subject, vv hull
has lately been mudu public in tiie nuiiiiu r
ctai reports. This grass is the produce of waste
lands. It re (puree no expense m cultivation
and little In collecting. It Is best iirotmgatcd
from the roots, not from the seed. It Is pe
rennial and propagates of itst If, and Improves
by a regular yearly gathering, if plucked
with sufficient care Murk has devoted great
eaie In his endeaxors to ascertain the climate
and soil which aro favorable to tho develop
ment of the plant; und it tmpeurs that tho
atocha requires u dituledlj not und dr cli
mate, that it grown 1 quail) vvdlhithe pi aim
und up the mountains to'u moderate eleva
tion, and that as regards sod it flourishes
both In calcareous and argihucous soils, or
when these soils are blended In the form of
marl. 'I ho greatest quantity is sHlppcd from
the province of Almeria and Ma rein, but it
Is found, though in less abundance, ,ln alt tho
southern provinces of Bpain. It is ulao said
to be plentiful in some parts of the opposite
coast of Africa, and shipments are made from
Oran to England.
" A woman imprudent undinannUh grown
Is aot more loath'd than sa effeminate man."
1 .Photographo of Fresteh Celebrities.
A correspondent of tho Nalton writes that
n few years ago, while in 1'arfo, ho amused
himself by stud) Ing the faces of distinguished
Frenchmen, chiefly authors and artists, whoe
photographs were exhibited In tho shop win
dows of the Roulevards. Home of his de
scriptions aro as follows:
' Alexander Dumas, Pere. A face whoso
features have an uninistttkablc basis of tho
negro In them. Raid, bright, Jovial, some
what coarse, and decidedly earthy. Indica
tions of a tough epidermis and a strong con
stitution. Plenty of self-esteem and vunily.
Victor Hugo. A inaguificent head the
brow piled up square and compact, where all
the Intellectual organs seem well and evenly
developed. Immense ideally, above which
tne moral laciuties arcn ine neamnio a well
founded dome. The hair gray and cut clone
to the bead. Eyes not large, but deep and
Intense, with a soft fire. Large ears. None
In harmony with tho rest of the face, which
Indian? to squareness. Mouth full of de
termination, jet expresslvo of feeling. Thick
moustache and very short gray beard.
Jstmartiue. As complete n contrast to
the last as can well be. A h'gli but retreat
ing orow. v am, supercilious eyes, isose
long anu pomteu. .Mouth rigid, yet weak.
No beard or moustache.
JtUtsJanin. A largo head and face, full
of Joviality and bonhomie suggestive of a
portly person and a life of intellectual ease.
Thiers. A head and figure which perfectly
recall the English 1'unch or rather a cross
between Punch and a Yankee clergyman.
Face very compact. Short gray hair; no
beard. Wears spectacles, through which he
looks Intensely senatorial und dignified.
(Juiiot. Aery old and cry grave. A
large, intellectual brow. Thin gray hair.
Eyes not bright; the luuacles beneath them
swollen und baggy, 'J hia, fixed mouth. No
Theophik Gautter. A face indicative of
an Intellect rather deposed than not to make
a pillow of Its accompanying indolent tem
perament, targe, heavy features. Affected
slovenliness. Seems as If ho required a
strong stimulant to set him going, but us If
capublo of much Intellectual power.
MtchthL A face of an old man, benevo
lent, serene, and intellectual, but not reveal
ing any other special trait.
Udmoud About. Young, hearty. Jovial,
witty. (J ood, handsome eyes. Looks us if
he would soon get acquainted with jou, and
be the best or company.
Kwjeve PiUetun. An Intense and serious
face, bent downward in thought. RIack,
Eiercing eyes, black hair, und thick, black
Madame George Sand Long oval face;
largo dark e)cswith drooping lid. Face
express.!.? a combination of a dreamy, o
hrptuous temperament, great benevolence,
and intellectual genius.
Gustaie Don. Rather handsome: dark
gray e)es, full of unmistakublc genius; a
good head; mouth and chin indicating firm
ness and perseverance.
i fttnen taint xou would take ror a
full blooded Scotchman. Inclined tn bald
ness; his long, thin hair loopcdovirlus head.
Full, earnest eyes and full lips.
Jean Iauh Geioine. A thin, stitnrninc
f ice; rather high cheek bone; u proud, sud
look; noutaeiie, but no beard.
(fusfatt Courint, A bro id, common face;
with high check bones; thin long hair and
beard, hus a bold, conceited look,
J. D. C, Cont.-A simple, honet-t, pleas
ant face, dean shaved; a coarse!) shaped
mouth; big burly frame; not the least trace
of the poetic about hun, though his French
udmirers claim this quality for his picture.
Jiona llonheur. A face not expressive of
genius; features somewhat hard and fixed,
expression bright but unsjinpathctic.
J. I. E. MetMonior. The licad Is so much
tnelimd forward, and theees cast down
ward, that nothing (un be divined of his
character und genius UN figure U email. !
Jfateat The lost fate in the world you!
would take for n musical artfct. You might I
take him for the most dogmatic of doctors, 1
whether of law or physic. You are purzled
to (onteive how any musk could ever have
tsssued from n ijun with such a fate as that.
JloMtiu.'l he v etc ran c ompneer has grown
cdd. His features do not express whut they j
should. The full, dark ()cs, however, ctill
sec in to flash with spurkling me Italy. I
foiiHw. A good, bohd, iniiifieal fat e;
good, high head.
Aubtr. Has the nervous musical tern
pcruincnt, cluefl) indicated about tho brow. 1
Drat It of Army Ofllcero. ,
The Wur Department has issued the fob I
lowing ircular: I
WAsuixaTun, March 2ft, 100 f
Sir: Itisinx sudofhee lo inform uu of the ,
death of two most distinguished ofluemuf
our Department.
Uolonel 1 heodore N Howers was accident
ally thrown from a train of cars on the Hud
sou Ilhcr road, and lusiunll) killui.onTucs-,
day, March (I.
ucncral beth Williams died nt lloston,
Friday, Mureh 2.1, of disease of the brain. '
'lints, 111 less than the brief space nf three
weeks, have we been dtprivid of two brother
officers and friends, whom wo mutt all sin
cerely lament It is not tho purpose of this
communication to ucite their services und I
commissions they nre lull well known to all (
of us us 010 their inuuy virtues and udnura
ruhie nans, vv nue iney win Miemiy and
kindly dwell in our memories there now re
mains no external tribute 10 de pud them, 1
extent to wear the usual mourning badge,
whieli )ou ure respectfully requested to do. 1
1 am veiy respeciiuny, our uneuiem ser
vant, E. D. Tow.saFp,
Assistant Adjutant (j'cncrul '
Tn O vi v tvur Ct Lion, Heat the cast
ings to a red heat, and plur.gc them into 11
bath of clear muriatic am), to detach the'
Feulisuud thoroughly duim-c them. Then
immerse the iiou in u halh of melted zinc,
and us soon as thu iron has tooted to tho
temperature of the rim, remove it. In this
way beautiful galvaniztd cuttings can bo
miide ('a tv should be taken, however, in
plunging the tastings, when wet with the
11c id, into the zinc, or the zim will be thrown
into the f.u e nf the operator. T he 7 me should
be covered with Kind, and the (anting im
mersed very slowl)
IU11 road OrriMi.The formal opening
of the Delaware and Eastern .Shore Kail road
to Primes Anne, Mar) land, took place on
Thursday of last week. Though tlio track
had been down and the trams running irregu
larly for several weeks, xct the road had not
been ret cived or opened for the use aud ac
commodation of the public. Now, however,
that event, which for more than a 5 ear hus
been announced to occur In a few weeks, has
transpired the railroad Is completid und
opened to Princess Anne, and two truins are 1
Mirin(r( dntlir ami rvimtla tli TVii TYi-r ,'- '
From the Cnleage Journal.)
I've read, I think. In some old hymn.
Ere man bad fallen from graca,
That angela dwelt on earth with bin,
Tbe first of all our race.
And often, In oar Eden fair,
They tune their harps of gold.
And charm tha still aad Uit'nlng air
With stories sweetly told.
No more, within onr tin-racked world,
Tbe angel faces gleam 1
Long, long ago, their wing were furled
Beyond Death's awful stream.
Yet sometimes, 'mid tbe Jostling throng;
That runs Life's eager race,
I think I bear an angal'g goaf ,
Or see an angel face.
60 la my heart a vane fear springs
ometlmea when I'm with thee.
Left thou unfurl thy angel wtngi
And fly from earth and me.
CAuago, March 28, 18C0.
Zfew Counterfeits.
Peterson's Counterfeit Detector for April
1st gives tho following descriptions of new
tountcrfcits which have been recently Is-
bucai :
Treatnry A'ofcs. 10s A new issue, dated
March 10, I8G2. The red seal is badly exe
cuted, as Is also the border of tbe note, which
Is made up of repetitions of the letter X.
Ocncrul appearance bail. A great number
arc in circulation. 50s, United States Treas
ury, (greenbacks.) are in circulation from an
enlireiy new plate, said to be the best conn-
leneii jcimaucoi tho uovernment notes.
Ho look out for them, as soino few have taken
Catted States Legal Tender Xotes Is
counterfeit Large numltera of one-dollar
counterfeit greenbacks are In circulation.
Excepting a few minor discrepancies, the
fpurious note is an exact facsimile of the
genuine bill. The general appearance is al&6
v ery good. The green ink is of a somewhat
btfhter shade than that wed on the irenuine.
and some parts of the note look scratchy and
l.l..n.t 'IH, A A r...i n... AH tlin . aAA.II
work on the lower richt quarter of the note
are printed in green; in the genuine they are
wkto. The head of Chae is darker. Bill has
a coarse appearance.
fs, imitation the portrait on the right
and tho figuro of Liberty on the left aro
rather coarse. Well calculated to deceive.
j and 10s raised from Is. Portrait of
Chase on upper left corner.
10s, mutation the portrait of Lincoln on
the left end Li very dark, and the e)cs poor,
whde the toes of the femalo on the right end
can scarcely be BeciL On the genuine they
ure very distinct. 10011 out lor them.
H imitation; poorly done; engraving
coarcc, and the bill looks blurred. Iho
preen ink used Is lichtcr than the jrenuine.
The dies and 20s are one eighth of an inch
larger than the genuine.
50s, altered from 2s; In the genuine 50s
the siirnature of the Register is on the left.
and the Treasurer on tho right end of the
lull. In the altered note they arc both on
the right end, with two Btnps 01 lame work
between (hem.
roi, imitation. They arc so well done that
all the bunks refuse them.
lot's, imitated. Upper left spread eagle
Fittm? on 11 rock. Too ceneral annearance
of the bill Is good. The wings of the engle
are coarse und the cloudmg streaky. The
imprint of the American Rank Note Com
pliant the top is larger than on the gen
uine. On the rigid end of the back of the
hill the 100 in tho circles aro inverted thus:
loo." In the genuine the 100 in the circles
on the left end read thus: "001;" in tbe conn
ttrfi it they oro thus: "100." The puper is
ulio liriivur.
A MoYlng Story.
T lurl)-si thousand "moves" take place on
nu uveiuge every year in Paris; the largest
number of removals take place on the 1Mb
Apnlj the next largest, on the l.Mh of Jtm
uar) ; then tome the removals of the 1Mb
ltd) ; the fewest take place on tho 15th Oc
tober, und )ct the police show that last Oc
tulier no let than h,all "moves" took place.
Ah the cholera was then raging in Paris, thu
number is below tho average of October.
The hiiiucs of removals Is curried on by
firms of great fkili in moving furniture. They
wiUiuuk the furniture of tho whole houso
and kite hen in one van; they know how. to
paik us well us stevedores ;tney rarely Drean
nn) thing. The more fragile objects are car
ried in u HWiugiug wooden basket, tilled with
htruvv and ha), under the huge van. Theso
movers' firm ure well organized, and will
ngrie to carry furniture from one part of
Frunte to another. 1 ho nbov e figures do not
appl) ti pvtty removals the "moves'' of
tenant who pay $M a year rent which take
place on thu bth of the above-mentioned
inonlhs, und ure made by hand-carts, Say
Ihe .Kj,000 moves coM & each (which Is tho
very lowest amount paid) this gives 0180,000
a )cnr spent in removals I Add $2 handsel
money to these parties, $72,000, we luc
c-'"J U00 epent m chungc of residence.
Area oC tha United Slates.
Hon Mr. Harlan, Secretary of the Interior
in a teeint letter to the Rev. J. C. Fletcher,
n plied to a question concerning the territo
rial extent or this country, in order to afford
the latter certain data for comparing the area
of Ilrazilwithlhatc-rthc United States. Tho
following ia the result, first in acres:
Tula! area of Ihe PBtlle laaUa of Ihe Et-lee and Teiri
lorlt. l,tOO,M9,033
Total area of tfaoee Sutea where there are
B' pulrlle Ian la 47,M,tWO
Area of Indian Territory 41, l(U,1f
Area of District of Columbia. 38,400
Oran 1 total of arsa of the United fitatee, la
acre I,S21,S8SI2
Or three million two thousand and thirteen
square milts.
This does not include the urea of the great
lakes just within and forming a portion of
our northern boundaries, neither does it In
cludo the marine leugue on the coust
llrazil, in 184 hud an urea of 3,004,460
square tmlis, but it Is estimated that since
the sttllimeut of her boundary lines with
several of the adjacent countries, her area
haH increased to 3,100 000 rquare miles.
European Russia has an area of 2, 142,504
square miles, and all the other countries of
Kurope havo a totul of 1 H7,b2b &uuaru
Tine lat Rnmcn steamer at New York
brought an Ahtssmfan Ibex, several Kanga
roos some New Holland ostriches, and a
greut variety of Australian birds for a me
nu trine.
Five companies of mounted troops are to
be orgunized to hold In check and punish tho
Kickupoo Indians on the frontier. They havo
ueeu wurueruig mini lies 01 late.
OrAXVnrri. (urn nut Tint tn hn Otinntrell.
but Hamilton.

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