OCR Interpretation

Daily national Republican. (Washington City [D.C.]) 1870-1872, April 26, 1870, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86053572/1870-04-26/ed-1/seq-3/

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gjf.itio.ntf jjUiwMtam.
(Saadayi excepted
tftrlhtt Corntr Tenia tni J STrrWr,
(froatteg PiBBirlvihla fcvtai,)
SBllafafalihed l sBbierlben (by earrUti) alM
coats per Moalb.,
M ell eehierlbere, t00per siaami S3. 00 for ls
noatbii eat $i.n for tkrcs uoethc, livsrlablr Is
li pabltskcd every latire'ar taenia g, aad ia far
aliked It eabserlbere tl th follow lag rateoi Oi
copy ob pear, Si, threecopUaea year, sot tea
copies a rear, IU itif I eeplci l wrappers,
ma .
Fortj-Pint Consrcu-SeeoDd Bexnlu Beutoo
Mohdat, Avail tA,UTa
Tb Vic Frcildcat tppoinM bsbsobibiU-
tla (liuau ah I.- na.t nr the ROBBta DA
tha hdiui bill, Mciiri. Uoohllng, Bayard" aad
ts of eonf-raoee en lh pert of tb Senate oa
On raotloa of Mr. Sherman thi 6 en at
asked for commltt vt eonrcrciie on th
loooeie tax bill. . ., , . ...
Mr. rrattlatrodaceablll to ttnend tb pn
Ion act of July 14, 1163. Jtrfemd to Commit
The business ootheeWBdr wis then prj
eroded with.
Tha bill to aheag th judicial lrtntti of
th United Stttee was take up. reed nd
paiicdoter bp tb objeetioa er Mr. Davie,
whoaeid It weaplalair uaeooitltuilonal, rt
fcrrlog to thcclaaa which make it manda
tory uron tliejuitleee or tho Supreme Ooart
to reilde lath alraulla for which ther ar
Th Vie Pfiildont appolotad a tb ooav
mltte of conference on tb Income tax Mil.
Henri. Sherman, William aad Morrill of
Tb Scaat bill to pro t Ida for tb format loo.
or corporation and reg latin tb cane in tb
DlitrlctefUolomMawoc IndeA elicit poaipoa
d, It being Agreed to tab up tb lldiiie bill oa
tb am inbjeet whtn reached la tb calea-
Thblll giving priority to certain ecies lo
wblcb Stat la a Prty la tb courts of tho
Uottad Statee waa pined.
Th two bllla introduced by Mr. Mortoo da
e'gned to prevent tb collection of tbo capita
tion tat oa paneogcra aad to prohibit tb
bringing of slrl! aull again it or arrot of par
aona In trenilta from ob Stal to aaotbar oa
elvll proeeeeee, aad which had been report ad
upon advsrielr bf lb Judiciary Uon rait tee,
iimt up In order on amotion to tadeflaltely
poetpooe, bat war passed otar without a tote
being taksa oa account of th abiaooaof Mr.
Tb joint resolution profldlogfor lb repair
oftb cnetoeureof th cemetery at llarpar'a
l'arry, W, V,waapBMd.
Th bill rotating to Judicial prooacdloga to
th Piitrlator Uolumbl waa pitted, ft al
low partita who bar obtalatd Jndgmaata to
lb aaaoaatof 130 bafor aay Juatleoof tbo
poaaoof th Dlatrlator Oolumbla toobtala
a transcript or th iibi at aoytlmt within
Th bill autadaloryof th thaltar of th
Mutual riralaiuraneaCompaayor tho I)la
tilat of (lolumbUwaa paaiad.
1 ho bill to further daflaa th aatur anil at
test of thadutleeaad powora of th aorooer
or tb Dlatrlator Uolumbla, Bod preierlblog
hit foaa aad tb naaaar of aolleetlag th eame,
wae reaJ. aaiaaJad aad paaaod.
Thabtll toanthorls tb alllemeat or tha
aceouBta of offlears of th army aad oary waa
rtfcrrrd totb Uoamlltao oa riaaaea, Mr.
Hbarmaa remarklogtbatll waaaotauaetaatly
guarded, altbougb aoma Bddltloaal JealaUtloa
waa saeaeaary to allow dltburaing otfleari to
toia no Ibelr aeaoBBta.wblah aovarad la mni
laataaaaa aa aggregatoof loo .ooo.ooo worth or
rropriy(iieu aou iraoaicrioa iron lim 10
Imadortogth war.
Mr. Waiaer, la alluding to th difficulty aad
dalay atttodlagth aattlcnaat or th aaaouata
or dlibarilog offlacra at tbTrtiury,atatad
that b had aavar bats abla to hara hla aa
oaat eat t lad uatll after b can to tb Sen-
Mr, Wllioo laid that altboogb tb aeeounti
or tboia olllatra araooated to ImmiDiiiuni,
tb balaaeea du thaUoTarnaiaot war vary
email. Uurlog th war our pay departmeat
die buried oo thouiaad mlllloa dollare, with
a Ion or only quarter or a mlllloa. There waa
noth tag Ilk li la th blalory or 4b work. la
th war or UlS there waa a Ion of two mtl
HoBB,aBdl thaMeEteao wartbar wae a Ion
or eererai nuuarau iboimhii uonara.
Tb (olot resolution dooatlog aapturaj aa
bob far tb rurpoiaof aonitruetlDC a moau
meat at Wait Folot, to tb memory of tb
regular army officer! who fall la th rebellion,
waa paiied
Tb bill of Mr Hehuri to reform thaelrll
eerrtea m i oi in uniieu n'aiai, waa paiaau
orer under th object loo of Mr. Pomaroy.
Th Joint resolution far th relief of certain
AtniiatB nt olualarawaa taken un.
Mr. itamtlo atatedlbatlt waa deilgaad for
tha relief of tb otDcere of th Ulmaa brlcad
wLlch compoaedth flrit colored troop that
war rer moiterad lato th aarrlc. Many of
tbaiaorfleere weraoctermuiteredlo, although
they icrrad for tb whole tlm. At that tint
th ottccr who wnt lato tblc builneie per
lormca a great acrviaa iuu vobiiuitisii
lab. taw ll waa not known whether tha nlan
of organliloc colored troop would aucceed
ana li n iiiu mi viuaara woum omur tnv
bm or th (allure.
Tb bill to iepl tb teat oath waa objected
to by aararal Baaaton, and waa paaacd orer.
Tha bill cxamDtloc paiaooartala th Dis
trict of Uolumbla from taxation waa paiied
Tha kill to rrralal tha foralrn and coaatloa'
trade oa tb aortbera. oorthcaitara aad aorta
weitarn froBlicra oi ina ubiibu Dtaiai, ana ior
other purpoaei, waa taken up aad paicad. and
Under th call or oUtei for bille and Jolat
recolutlooa for reference only, a larx number
of bllla war latroducad and referred. Among
them war the followlagi
Uy Mr.O'Nall, of Pa I A bill ? acting tho
power of eommliilonerc appolatadby eourtc
of manofaotar. and wbteh ihUl b entered bf
atiampieo 10 a eaiarca aaaer wia BBaqiniif p
ball be for l I tad u tbl J lolled 8ttor M K.
i b ameaamcni waa aaopiaa. . .
Mr. AlllaoBior Iowa. raoTOd t Btnead lb
CUCtecdlBr naraaranh br ImooalBg a duty of
oae east per pound oa Iron bar! rolled or bam
! avaapriaiaa utfif" V 1
threeelflbtb of aa Inch nor mor than two
Ulhci thick. Th Way aad Maaai UombilM
tie bad propoiedto lmpoetho 4tF0abaM
not leu than oa and a half oor more than
four lnahea wide, nor I! than half aa taah
nor mor that two lachcc thick.
Tb amBdmai waa rejaeiaa. .-.
a .-.... . atkataanadnfali war omred
andreleetod, and peadlag forthar eooiUera
tloa oTthparagraph.thaommnteroi.
nr uuruam oio , ",vr". .. " "
ElccttoBC. reported th oonteetedeleetloB caia
of Uraa tad Mewiham from th Fourth
Lonlitana dlitrlat. Th recolutloo or th
committee awarda th Beat to Mr, Ifawsham.
TBO Itouee men, ai a p. m aajouracu,
J DLL! KB. fla Ika ( Af thaKih. .MI.lA
e'elecb, aire OatbibIxb JeLttBH.IaibecMh yeir
cf her age. Hoilea ef f aacral la aftcraooa pipiri
.mcckibTAL -April S3, at 4 e'clAik, a. m ,
jobb, ycBaiMl child of Jeha aad fraaiia Mc
Crl-lal, atad 1! moalba aad IT diya
The faa-ril will lake place freia All M ilret I Ula
afteraoeaalt 30'aieck.
WniJTLBT.-Oa the l(tk. Willis H . lafaal
Hoa of Wa II. aad Mary Whtatley. and i ?'.
noalbi aad U dan ."The Lord lataaadtba
rd hath Ukia away bleiiid be the aamc f ike
The frieadi af Iba family are rpectf1ly la? lied
te attend bli faacral ihla artaraaoa at I e'eleak,
frem tharealdeaea of klipareali, Ho Tl Coaireac
tract, Oeorgrtew,
. bfoDUyyiB -OatbamaralacaftkeSllblailaal,
lira Lovtii MeDvrrie, latbaftd ycaref bcraf.
IHITO Snditcalr a Friday aftcraooa. iprtl
tl. 170, Mr, Bliia U hMiTB.rcllelaf Ibclal
vapkueorga smiiB, ar VJiaeieam, uaio,
TkartlallTMaad trlcBdifcrrapMtrallylafltad
tettaadthefBBerei from hie fathcr'ireild-ace.
bi aireai, nivmi n aaa n, navr iara,
aeidar afieraoeB.tbetSib all p.m.
X0RD.1T.-O.. the lltk lul . MlBT JfOtaav.
wife ef Patrick Hirfaa.
The faacral w ll take plaea oa Taciday, the SCtb
lait , at S e'eleek , tt-tm kr lata ldeaee eoraer
o'TealbaadOatrMle Tha rclatlTeeaad f Mi nil
i ntnmwTri nmniiiiyiiTMM muni'
UlUURti . UAI.TKT. kUM) A. VARft
llotwion Pflntli and 'JTonth
Millinery ndDrei-MUljng.
tToii to rracmti
' nan 1ID V1RIITT illlCLII
1004 r.aiiTlvt.l. tT.a...4Mrfr.MT..lh
Fronoh llonnotn and Ilata
I. I...I In. filr.ia..li .( tk. m..l f.U41..a
A. U. UAHTOW, Ax.nl,
iaa v .ir.t,
rl-w Blw...Tw.Ulh.IThlnwlli.
Ii aaw prepared to effr for tha IPRISO ISllOlf
a Urge aad Wall-BclaeU4 8tck of
te which ab I art tea Iba altaatUa of her frieadi
aad the ladlei or Waiblagtoa Bad Tlilally,
a ntw iHonmii or
vhtc. llnMlll.c .Ilk.
lowist cin rsicis.
tins. T, BERRY,
looa p...,f lr.tl. .y.in.. o..dor frouT..!.
p-i -.Tt p.'i pi-,
Interior AdornmenU.
or the United Stale In reglaUra of bank
rupt cr. Uommltla on Kcrliloo of Lawi.
fly Mr. blereur.ef Pa i A btlltoebaag tb
itaadardof weight of allreraoln, to limit tk
amount of laid cola, aad for other purpoiec
Uommltte oa Uolsagt WelgbU and Mcaa-
Alio, a Joint rraolullon to reilor Eaalga D.
F. Prltchard to hli place la th nary, Uom
mlttee oa Neal Affair.
fly Mr. Ullflllaa, of I'a t A bill to viae tb
nam of tb widow of Major Oaneral Ueoo oa
tbapesiloQ roll. Commute oo lavalidraa
fly Mr Bloae.ofMdi A bill to citabllab a
foil route from St, .Leonard to Solomon's
laod In Oaltert couuty, Md. Uommltte on
1'oat Offlcea and l'oat Hoada. ,
Uy Mr. Judd, or lilt A bill to reduce and
lighten th burden of texattoa. Committee of
in wboi.
1223. MW SHI1XG GOQQS. 1223.
la tha Mslrlel now la alora, at prices, for caab,
which defy eampetllloa. ,
Ordirrorwark la the elt or eoaatry CKaeaUd
promptly aad at tha lo went prleaa
pvun.iaawaoi w jiiif.,J au
te order i
I. Ablf.
afa 19A3 raaaiylTaaU BTaaae,
ummi Tvainn aaa Tnirw aia aia.
Impoiieraad PaalsrU
rtUCa AND llIIKICaB rarxBHAnoiiiai
DpnOLfTgBT 00001,
IM Hlavttt at weal, bat, O auaA U tuM
febl Waa a lento a. P.O.
11 M. Vara worth, of Ill.i A bill to revise.
consolidate and amend the statute relating to
th Post omoa Department, Uommlltea Ob
poit OrOcec and Post Koadc.
Uy Mr. Sargcat, of Uallforolai A bill forth
Hilar of tha naonla of the United Ktatei. be
reducing taaatlon, Uommltte un Waya aad
Mr. Doekery. of Nort h Uarollna, offaretl a
resolution declaring that th honor and good
fattb of tb Oof eminent I pledged to th pay.
ment of all clatma of loyal people la lb South
who bad property taken by tb army, nary
nr (Invtrnmant durlna th war.
Objection waa made, and tha rcioUlloa waa.
Subsequently Mr. Booker, of V., offered
the same reiolutloB, and tb House again, by
a rote of oo te 90 retuiad to aeeoad lb de
maad forth prtrloua question and allow It to
be entertained. ...
Mr. Aycr,ofVa. asked Icbt to offer a
rrsolutlon reciting tbo amount of revcou
tb oeereiary oi mi twwmwvij vaywowtt ,w
collect, aad daclarleg that la the opinion of
tbla House th further consideration of th
tariff bill should b Indefinitely postponed,
andoathla h demanded the pre nous ques
tion! bat th House refused to second It, rery
few Totleg la the affirmatlvei and tbo resolu
tion weal over uader the rulec.
At the expiration of th morolog hour the
Speea.rr aaBOuaced that, under th order o(
tb lloac, it wac th duty of th Sergeant
at'Arms nw to preieat at the bar or th Itonse
the aaembetswho wer abac at without leav
Mr. BeheDcl, of Ohio, Immediately offered a
resoluttoa that each of tb absenteea under
th call of I'rlday night be finad 110, unlcn
they had aa aaeuie accept am totaoiiouie,
nod that all further proceedloge under th call
b aaipadd.
The recolutloo wft adopted after consider
able opposition,
Mr. Lvnch. of Ma., lnoulred whether It
would b la order to mo to iiiuis the gen,,
tlcmaa from Ohio, (3tr. Schenik who we ab
sent on Thursday while th House waa ta eee
clon, and the gentleman from Maaaaehuietta,
ODBirman oi me uuanntM i vv w" "
tloni, Mr Dawei, wbo was absent oa Toure
day Bight whll th natal approprlatloa bill
wae uader eonilderatlont
Mr Sihenek said he wai absent with tb
Ohio t isttors on Thursday th Brit day's re
araatloa ha had taken alnaa the session com
menced. and had there been a sail oftb Hou'4
at that time he would hat had no eicus to
oner. ... ..
iur. uawaiovienaa4aimiauirom iairiHi
He waa within tb grouada when th iiai7,
adjourned onThuriday night fit ml. ui.Vaftar
the hour of meeting. He bad not cof th
Natal Appropriation UUI, and w.'powd to
After a good dcalor dlicuir.0ll i, reutIon to
tiauiii. nearloa polata o n,.up, t,. m
Uullom, of Illinois, mad tn atforMo settle
HIT ItUl-UNlTtlUl.
HeTft 13 Tatraat, balwaaa Tktrteeath and rear
nfxiERs onoupa ut Bour.PTtt.iE"
for which we era aala at eats far Iba DlstrUti
tataattea. Pass PartoaU. Parlor Biackaic. Pba
tare Matte. CeritTaiaelsnad Halls, aa a
geacrai and eetaplate asiertmaatef
litrriiiai iiiii iibv. iiiia
WiIbbI aad Otll Oval aad
deelo-tf km Til . HTBOSO.
citt oywiiniwaTOi.
etbarallawBcettlMta. larApat
aad traasact a geairal BaV Ug Baslaasi. mhitl'lf
CmnciHlL CiuBT Judat Fuhtr. Thlt
court wa tnftwA at followi teste rdaji
.rfsmraouwirttna miiiam dcok wero in
dieted for Bleating a hopper worth $38 from
Cblldg & Dull a. Scott wm contlcted and
cent totbe pcolteoltaryfor one year. and
notfc Proust entered m tho case or Jamci
Frank Wamilef and M Bnchanan were
acquitted of itCAllog; a hog from ThoophllU
Joph Vanarden and John FlUzerald
were acquitted on indictment for keeping a
disorderly home,
Trtl.,1 0 k a. te J Ta.a nutate A ,1.A
uuu BUM kUU UUD Uiuu nci mtwv .
acquitted on indictment for keeping dlior- 1J
oeriy noose.
Id tha caia Af John Callahan, ch arced
with an assault with Intent to kill Dennis
Uarrl In September last, tno unmet Aiior
ney entered a nolU prottyHi.
ScraBva Court or toi District or Co
LDinii Oifurat 7Vrm.Cb1sf Jutlca Cart
ter and Joatice Olta and WjHa lat la tiant
jgstoraay ior ino vriai oi appeals i no cai
endar U tho aamis at published in this
coinmn on aionaay morning last.
Messrs. Kenned, l'nUlp and Payne
were appointed a commission for the ex
amination of applicant for admission to
idb par aannjtioiB term.
The application of tho follow In e sentle
men were referred to that commission!
Alfred Lea, on motion of Mr, Kenned, and
JfXeraon Clark, on motion of Mr. Rich
mond. Hopkins m. Delano Decree of the Equity
Conn affirmed
Welch ts. Dodge ictttcd.
Washington City r. Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad, and Baltimore and Uhlo Railroad
ti. City of Washlogtoo. Ordered to be con
tinued. The case of Brown A Itorr ti. O'Neill,
Baker ts. Corporation of Washington, were
ordered to bo reargued
Corcoran A Rigs; ts Douglas. The argu
ment in this caso wa begun by Mr, Tbomp
on Adjourned.
BtrrtBif a Court or tub Ukitbd Btit a
Jfoadoy, April S3, 1870. On motion of Mr.
J. J. Noah, Robert 1. Noah, esq., of Wash
ington, D. O., wa admitted to practice a
an attorney and counsellor of this court.
No. 147, Tho propeller Alleghany, Ac,
appellants, ts. Sarah 8. Wolrerton et al.
Appeal rrom toe uircruti'onn oi ine united
Bute for the District or Wisconsin. Mr.
Justice Strong delivered the opinion of the
court, affirming the decree of the fald Cir
cuit Court In this cause, with cost and Interest,
No. 100. John J. Jfahonr. appellant, ts.
the United Btale. Appeal from the Court
of Claim. Mr. Justice Field delivered the
opinion of the court, ajnrmlor tho decree of
toe saia uoar. oi uiauni in mis cause.
No. IM. Henry Wlaa. Jr.. Ac. nlnJntllTe.
t. Edward V. Ajlkt. On a ceniflcato of dl
Tlslon In opinion between the Judge of the
Circuit Court of the United States for the
illafaf UM.U-.1. r- T.ll tfllt.. J..
'"" ui "i ikwiiu. jir uatito jiiiucr uo-
llTored tho opinion or tho conrt answering
in ura, qnesuon cemuea in ua aiurmaiiro
and th second la tbo ntnllre.
No. 106. JosenhW Hancox. llbellant. ar-
peitau. ts. tm owamDoai Syracuse, ao.
AppeaL from the circuit court or toe united
Bute for the Northern district of New
Toik. Mr. Justice Swayno dellTered the
opinion of the Court, affirming the decee of
tbo said Circuit Court In tbU cause with
No. 107. Tha Bhlo Mattel. Hammond.
Ac, appellants, icTboraaa Morlaod ctal.
Appeal from the Circuit Conrt of the United
Bute for tlo district of Maryland. Mr.
Justice Cilffoid delivered the opinion of the
Court, aOtrmtog the decree of the said Cir
cuit Conrt In this cause with costs.
No. 104. Ja.me C. BImpsoo, plaintiff In
error, ts. Cbat te T. Woodman. In error to
the Circuit Conrt of the United Elates for
the district of Massachusetts. Mr. Justice
Nelson dellreri'd the opinion of the court re
versing the Judgment of the said Circuit
Court, and remanding the cause to tbe said
Circuit Conrt with direction to award a
renfrs faHat U novo. Dissenting, Mr. Jos
tles Clifford.
iNo.l&5. Elizabeth 8.FIercelappellnttT.
Walter B. Cox, trustee, Ac Appeal from
tbe Supremo Court of tbe District of Colum-
I tila. ift f'Htr Jmt 1at rhaaa .Itvanul Ihn
opinion of tbe court dismissing this appeal
ior want or, jurisdiction.
No. 107. The United Bute. rtl, A. O.
Bourn, appellant, ts. Charles Goodyear. Jr.,
axaencor. ADDea.1 iniiu iutnLrvuu lajuti Of
the United Btate for tbe Southern district of
New York. Mr. Chief Justice Chase de
livered the opinion of tbe court affirming tbe
decree of the said Circuit Court in this
causo with costs.
No. 281. The Hartford Fire insurance
Com pony, plaintiff In error, ts Iae Van
uuier. in error w mo oupreno uoor. ui
the Bute of Illinois. Mr. Chief Justice
Chase delivered the opinion of the court,
dismissing tbt writ of error with coats.
No. 193. Benjamin F. Irvine, plaintiff In
error, ts. John R. Irvine. Thl cause wa
submitted on printed arguments by Mr. I.
Alii, of counsel for the plaintiff In error.
No. 194. Isaac J. IIosbs.lI, appellant, vs.
Edward A. Taylor et al. Continued.
No. 105. Henry Lytic, plaintiff In error, ts.
John M. H radon.
No. 100. Enoa Long et al., plaintiffs in
error, t. regg r. rauon.
No, 197. IsaaeUnderhUlfpIatotiffln error,
ta. John U. Ilerndon.
No. 198. Jonathan C. Btartevant, plaintiff
in error, ts. Jono m. uernaoo.
no. ivy. jsaaeunaernui, piainuam error,
ts. Tegg F. Tatton.
Theaa eauu ware armed br Mr. u C.
Cook.of counidfortho plalattus In error,
and by Mr, C. Robinson for the defendant
in error.
No. 900. Bpencer Smith, plaintiff In error,
ts. Hamilton J. McCool. This cause was
submitted on printed arguments by Mr.
Wead, of counsel for tbe plaintiff In error,
and by Mr. Haw ley for the defendants In
No. SOI. Tbe Board of Supervisor of
Foweehelk county, Iowa, plaintiffs lo error,
vs. The United Btate ex. rel., Thoma 0.
Durant. This causo wa submitted on
printed arguments by Mr J. Grant, of coun
sel for tbo defendant In error.
No. 203. Tbe Board of Supervisors of
Poweshelk county, Iowa, plaintiffs In error,
Ti. Tbe United Bute, ex. rel., Clark Du.
rant. Thl cause wa submitted on printed
argument by Mr. J. Grant, of counsel for
tbe defendant In error
Adjourned until to-mono at 11 o'clock.
BsUiTOsU Eoutca.
oa aa 1 aftar Da-ember is, 1909, tk traits ea
UUraa Wllle-eraae fellewei
laawaiiiraiB win Mate SHnaina aaiir, ea
fV, , pmi I ami.i uinDiri
111 av Ba.yaa4 Uamlltoa at 11.-) a. as, lat
uanutcaaiii.wp. n BBaiMDBrc at iicup.'
m, arrlte at aleaaaarla al IJUp, m.
Tk. ..iaa.ll .. Ill I !.. I1....J.I.
aiMp SaaJfsr, at 4 p. ta , aad arrlte al
irgaitV aa. Lcarc Leaibarg at tit a.
idarrl al Alaraadrla aia tt.V
inn i(v auuiiiia a '
t Haa)llt4B. toaseot at UaaalliaB
rfw . a i.i .
, Biraia iron
(IB Kaws's I
i m
anlltea, eoBaaat at HastTlia
with Kawa's Pall Llaa ef tjaackea fer Pewall
tllla, ealikeriTtlla. p-rrTtUle aa Wiaikeuri
alio. Wllk RaatQer'a Lice Coaibei. wklsk leat
Lanbarg all f for Ball'a klU. aidje aal 1410-
-tf TtekalApat,
WiiKiteTOV, Dac.f.lWS,
mi Wilt linTfll aJ Daf.TT.
Trail betweci Tf A
taatelsllrtivl Baaaati
Lcatc4aUrCf-pl leaJar, alT.OOaal I.M.
m. a.a a an a ti.. m
. Laatcalf aaS Sina.M.aa4 acOB.a. sTelrala
er (rent Aaaaponaai aiacar.
Leate dallr eacepl aatardar aa aa4sr, al
Ilililifili.illi.n. lallBli
6a Saadar al 1,60, aa 1.00 . sa, ealf.
aaeUagatKclarllallaa wltk Iralae from Belt.
milk ll.,iu Iba Waat Ha ka k.J al Ika
WaaklaiioaautleB Ticket Oflieatall hear! la
Ike ar.
or new Terk, lkllaelhla aa Soataa, ae
altcrtlieneater "TkrcagaLlae.'' .
. . ai ! iraasperianaB.
L, M. GOLI. OiBeralTleket Agcal.
010. 1. KUOBTI. Qaaaral Af aat, Wasklartea.
pRoroiiLt for oRuiixa ak o patibq.
fc- Va tea's Or -tea, Cirv Hitt, t
WiiBiaetoa.D O , April tllfTfl. J
1J nratiaaala alll b rtfalvad al Ihla aBlaa
lilllll e'eloek, aa oa MOSDAf, afar J, 1170,
miiiiiwir i i airvti
it ateaBc sa Ilgblceatk
gaaraatee.tbat If tbe btJ u accepte the bidder
will eater late cos tract fir the psrlerataaie cf the
Tie kfarcr reserfei Ike rlakl te Meet ear er all
erikekleilf the latere! of ike Cvrpvrallea re
BMaje h UdornJ, "proposals rr Patlsg
'IVij g. 3 bo win.
pROpogAU rua la ma watir-kaihi.
rariDeparposecr tbeeepi
i-y'orri dinncni
Par tbe r
.ale Ike cltlcll'
u.arw ainncii. aa iiiofi
CTN, I all Ik. i n..trika all Bar Ik
f IbeCheiapeakc aid Obi caaal as Ibccllr
casal aad w-it of KT.,tb street wtit.
DlSrRlCTHo.1 -All that part of tkeeltr Bortk
aadaonhweslaf the caaal aa eail ef tbe will
atda af Sit-aih itrwt i,l
. DUfRICTKo L-alltbat rart of tbeellrbi.
pa aa alter Wet, li. isas. tralac will leave se
t)a.BitBaltlaiere . . ILtOaa.
aWFBll , !?
WitkgLKJABT gCBMgRT. PaTaaelUta.reaai
day aad althl ears, wlib no4rt laipraraiaeaU.
Tare kaadraJ amllaaaavaA U Waiunitif,,.
trai Ifew T
allaaaavaA U WaiUt ,ti f
nw WMiaii aiiRi R"Kia.
latere te auvatiTta aa
recta eaa be rar4 al IV
Ik at4 r.at.vl..
ataaBa aadar nallaaal Hotel, where reliable la
israaaiaa win wm bit a uaiaa.
talaed of the Watar
BaiiianM)rT 1101
J"f wi
rIT w
rmsof propcsala can keek'
will Krvja'r-d
j Biiwip, aTnr
ipeai DtriatBSBTor riraPLaTri,)
taiie Qvimiiini'i OrrtcB,
Sealed prepo-ali. la daplteat", wltk aar
Setae, sliced br two reapoaalble partioe. Rot
Iddere, aad aiiompaaU br a depoaltof 41.000,
wtllVaraeMfadatiB aoffloa aatll 11 o'elotk a, ta
rxlDAT. April M. pTJ, for tb dsllterr et
Wwmi tka daU cf Ihi award et tbi eettract Bad
Tka koraaa MBit ba aoaal 1a eterr Bsrtlcalar,
well broke, la fall Mk aad aeod eoadlUoB, fro bi
Ifioaa sixteen htada klaa. froii lee lo alas
years eld. aad will adapt lor cat alrt terpoees.
Pe s-areo er iUIMobi will be reeel? e.
The boraeo will ho eabioel to a rial laineettoB
r iaa uotoraniai
irted te reject asy orallblJs tbal
PaaaaaeoraproeartBi Itsketa at tkla a Bra eaa ae
iraaaaaaanaAallaaala BlaaDtaaCarafaf Klaalraa
HUskar. PBRCIfJ SMlfH.Tlikel Afoat,
Caraat Blslk aL aal Paaa ittna.
WasklaiUB. B. a
BD. B. TODB 0, Oct era! PaiMcr Ageat.
daJ-lr HaJttwa-a. Md
Lcato dallr (CBOCpl laadayjai tOOa, BL,ll.tt
"""""tot ,BitiDiirnu.
Laatc dallr (ciscpl Saadar I at tOO a.Ba.ali,U
"""'" O,0D1T.
Leave for New Tork alios p.m. aad PklUdal-
pktaatS CO p as .
SUeplacaanfor BewTotk cat 00 p. la. trata
TkroagkUahaU te Pklladalpkla, Raw Tcrk er
Boeloa, eaa be kad alike BUUob Olee el ell bears
of the Jar.
a Boo Baltimore aad ObloRaUroed adtsrtlianeal
or seaaaaie niwhi waiaiagtoB. Daiiimora,
Aaaepelti aad Ike Weal. J, L WILSON,
"ii i raaapvriatioa.
Steamboat Line.
Tbaaaw, alirtat, aad faal aldewkcot ateanor,
I.CDT OP TUB LAKB. Capt. J. - -jaJPi.
W. Daar,laraaara regalarlr be-aiiaaaCikBBV
Horoee thai kate heea aald br
will m raaaitaa
Xm ri
Biaak p-opoasta aad fall eoadlilOBief tka cob
Iraac will be farauhad ea appllcaUea al tkla
laewiuBereeeiteaiortae wboieer aar urn-
it .
t-r OeairaL
wili.um urine.
Brevet Brigadier Beaerat, Chief Qaerter natter.
apaa aa
pBOrOIAU POR arht iupplibb.
Orrrctof tbb a t g i
WlttBT'arofVT.V.t. ,11.. April M. 1170.
laladpropoaali,a daptlste. will bo reeelted
BBll)lleVfl'k, m.. ea MOHDiT, Hap II.ISTO.
br thCBadersliaed. al Wlllera Polal. Mew Tork
b arbor, for feratabiag tbe treopo ibaraal wllk
Trash fjeaffroa Jose 1,197 to Bnteai bar W. 1170.
Theentelopo laeloilag preposals taatl be la
dorurd "Protoaals for pBraUhla Pre-h bear "
The freak beef Is te be of good msrkolableqaalltr
wltkcqaal proportlnaa of for aa htad qaarter
meat, la-ck, sbaaba Bad kMiar tallow !
eleded.raaddeUtered al the exfiiierir the cob
tractor, la aaeb qaaatltlcc aad at sack tines as
mar brqalrd ....
Ae bli will bo oaUrlalaed tbsl la act nadc f .
rgaiarpaiBer, wae man giTaaioaaaia ib ran,
fresh b-r, froai Ibe eheoof tbe Actlag GonwlHarr
l pre m st plsee of bcalaeec aa reilaaaca
mm ma nar oi maaiaa vi. F
a a . a. a Ika a. ma aa atalA la aAaarlla.
Jeae It, 1807. for proposals for foratibtag
Oeacral iabiiitieia, W, X
Vi tfr e v onvrift
gaeoad tleotssaat Corps ef RaglBeeri, A. 0. B,
proposals por TRian biip.
Ornoe Acrtpa Comm'v er Sets triart, I
Mtrsrasiisoao'i Tsaa , April 4, lira i
Seated Proposal, la daplle-t, wilt b r-lf4
br the BBdaralaaed alible nBlee. al lira.. Mat d,
1870, aad opaaad at thai tine aad plsoe, for far
Blihlai tb troops stalleBod al afarfreesbnro ,
Tea a ,wllk Fresk Best of good rnarkeiableqaslllr
iBeQaalproportloasoffare aid blad qearteri, ea
elaalteoY Backs, sbaaksaad kldaertsllow
notes to ae cai oa at loarm toriorrai joisi. aaa
i all
Tbo Bf te be dolltsred free of eoat to the troepe
broast trliaiaeddowai shacks f the force. carters
to bo cat of four lanhea abate tbe keoe Jolat, aad
niaiq qnariara t'Cai iicantvoitii) i iia
id la
froBitlmc w tine, r-cjalred br the proper settlor
Itloo tbe eoat reel to ooatlaae la force six noalbs.
lhallikdar AfMar. 1-70
Opoe aocopiaae ar tbe ejTr, aeeflrilr aal bead
la tka bbii) of Itetboaiaad dollare will be reqatrcA
for tho falthfel perfornaacc of lbs eo strict.
Tbo rtaht to r-Jeet aar er all bids wblcb mar aot
bedeenad lo iba latercsl af the Oeterantst to
accept to reearted
, Bids to be laderaod ea Ike eat elope, "Proposals
forrreskBsef "
Bidderc narks prise a I at tbe ppeateg ef pro
poaals . FRABK TAttOB.
aplS Id Secoad Llcat.llta la?.. AGS.
Orrte PricBAitae abb Direr Coibhssabt,
. .. St. lofie. He , Aprtlll.llU 1
Sealed propoaals. la daplleale, will be rociltld
. n., Mtr II. mo.
I IkLa ansa aatll 11 a'alnak.
forfaraUfciagUa Uallcd giaUa labelsteace Ve
varuBCat wua
Sanelesef tbaTebscco, la parkages of aoltiii
Ibaa 1QJ BMiaads. aa af tka adi.k n.laar a! laaa
IkaatO poBBds. from wkleb It Is ma safest ared,
aaott aaoonpaar propoeala.
vaiir laapaatieai win ea aaaa er tea TOBaeeo la
Ike loaf la eoerao of naaafaatare, aa the To
accofonparsd wltk the r Ulead samples, aad
aiao er ine mssatroi nassractorc
in .avaary win r
poeadaa keif POBB li
aaioeat la pouaa, aad tki
rail In k nil an la
aad lanpet oae qaarter of Ike
aad thraaoaatlara la half
Tbe Tobacco nail, wllk asaal iterate aad eUea
tloa, be warrsaud te keep twe rtart, aad Udders
will sesutetalkelr bids.
TwesBrotlea, who will airta to aairasUelbe
exocatloB of the cob tract aeeordlag to lie Use la.
ivataaa biiihi.iii win if r laio Doeas la (no
an ef l 1,000 te that cff-el. If reqalree, will etga
Ibe bids aa well as tka proposer.
Orrics TcarBAstaa aib Dtrov Cobf , )
t. Tons, if0 , iptu , 1870 i
Seated proposal! wtll barocaited l tbleefflee
antijll o'clock m.f F BID AT, Mar. 1870, for far
taniaa ma aaDaisiaaae vaparuaaai. usiin lawa
aioooponads Bscob, etiar aides la istks er
t000poaadi Breakffit Bacoa, scgar cared Bad
ctavaiso, la boios a boa I too poesds cash
t,100poaads Sarar earod llanc, eaatasaed, la
lO.OOOpoaadcChetoo Pamllr Plonr, la barrets er
10 OOOpoaali liar Bread, la boxes..
S.OtOpoBadskllB'drlsd Cera atsal, 1 barrel! er
doable sacks.
ttrO ponadi Rice, le barrels or doable lacks.
OOOpoaade klla-drled, Bomlsr, la barrels or
doable sacks. ...
U.OOOpoaads gecsr, eqeel te llaart'e "C," la
barrels or doable lack! , , .
,0?0 poesds Adanaatlae Caadlra, rail we!b(,la
J.SOOpoBBds Leaf Lard, la caddtcs, packed la
TkcBaaaleoBdtltoBs. wkUkcaa be eseerUlacd
ea applleatlea al this ens, will be reqelrsd.
Proposals nest be an ads la daplleale, aaprlated,
forms, to be bad at tbta oflse, ladorsod "Pro
posals for,' (aanlar the artlclee,) aad ad
aplgtd Btt MsJ Osb BBdO.B.
Proposal .
uvrica oiriv Cow. of SeBsttttao!, I
,a.IU. .p,B IS,V I
i!KVrop,, Istl'M aatll IS n.. ea
KB..iVl.,h Vwh t w, '"raraiiklag tie
Wrappiat Ween 0c(al aad L.7... BavelVeej
af-aM,'.?: if,v-" "-u- -
Hifn..l 111 k ...J. I1 ..-. ..
Ik.Va .To..V mthV a. a.
iniiwM laaaptieaie. sutiagtbeqaaltlt
oi taeaaeto artloios, aad addraaadto
ai Btlaa
''Praiwuil. rA. Bf.il...
Bvt.Capt.US. A., A. U.S.
rROrWL1.';Jlk'.0;isTnB nARBOR
UBirapRtATaa Rantatia's tirrioi.)
Be SioWiaroaiiaaraaaT, I
Seated pro-eeala whl boracaited at this odea
atilSo'eloca p ro of tbald dar of Mat, lS70.er
faralsblag Iba roqal.lte raatertals aad dolBilhe
work for ibotmproreneat of the Harbor al Mil-w-akeo.
Bldctnastbemsdcea form feralibed fren tblc
one, reran larormauoa rciatite to tee wera
The nam to reieei aar aad all bids is r-eerte .
Proposals to be lador.ad 'Propoels for In
0rricsC 8 S. Diir. H ,M., I
.-..--.--T Fi, Jf. II , Merck ft, llMt I
111 LID PRO PdSALif, la daplleale. will bo re-
e-lT-datlktioflecasttl II o'clock s. n MOR.
DAT, Marf18TOfrlB!d"Ilrerrori-OfotlowlBg
amoBtU of Baeea to tbe,ConmUesrr Departmeat
i in poaie airaie aem 04 1
utr Coa-'Tor Scbiistiici,
DirAaraiar or DACOTA, (
pAvr., Mica .Aprtld. 1170 I
POAL, la dapltcale, will bare
eatfodattkeofflee ef tbe A.O.B at Poi
M T . aaltlll s'alaak m TlltlalD
1670, for snoplrlag act Doaf from tka block, from
'sit Hka
U the
v . -ea-r is rasaiai regaiarir m.ujhj i , .
tweea tka aboca porta, laadlae al AU.aaana.Vaii 1 a,111.1 fSJ!
Waskloatoa. OlraVaat. Plaer Pala? ""at . I fIhPl
oai,ad rorticss afoaro, taavlaa tie? eoth-mast I ,rrf !
Wharf, Waakiagtoa, eterr HOBDAY aad TI1UK. I sereloaable
I'-IiJ'iP n jrafarotaa:, leatsc Norfolk evert
TPgSDAT aaj FBIDAT, etlp m. '
Thlest-i-reoBBeeieal Meifolk wltk Ike BOS
TOM BTlAMBk,aadPralfbtwlllbe wafblUed
Wot morecBUaded leforaalloB applt le Jooepk
L. OalttOeorgslowBiIlooa W add arbor a Co,
lBaaJrlaiV V Oroaer. Borfolh i er te B P.
KUWB aku.fjaathewbarf.orattbe Prlaclpai
arflaa. ooraar Ii Tork ai-aaaa aaJ Virtual k
otroet. WasblBgus, oroa boad l
ivnni riiin r vu .
- lauiun, v, v.. ', lo u.
api if
.- Tick etc cold to aad from Barlaad.
TJQIrelaadaB ikeCeaUacBl. Per fall la
-BB-MafarnatloB appltlo
jail If .. Baaken. Wasklagtoe,,
.rw"" ..-. .-
Heraafter tbe lac Bteaiqiklpe BO, KBIOHT,
T B. BBTAB, Prea. J. A. RUPP. Trees.
Washington CUT Btvinrs Bank,
Coraar of iVJ' " street aa LoBtSnaaa atiaae,
Opaadally Jtoib , a, n. to I p. , aal
JslMr .
i. aa leuai
YORK froia Plr p. Bail Rlter,
ii w n ,r mil ii u
Ior fall lafornallOB.appIr
.1 ana tiiukou-i ,at i;
fl rJBBDAf.allSn.
aaai AdaaaaA wkaif faalaf HlakslreaLueorie.
lowaetal the eoraer er aatea J-;;'7 "
-cwiorBatoaae. -. w. env--".,.
iiii'if -..-
a- initt AHH OIlTLlMtll OAR BATB Pit
Ij.- I, ..I -. lli W.u..k.Ull.
saeTbetweeB Testa aad Bletsalk streets west.
wllbDf OARDMBK,ef tkeRleor Uocpttal.UBl
U BUtaa Arra niiw-ii i iiij'hih
rairVeiperlaate 1b this parttealar braaak
'. B,-Vpoalhereealplof $10 adtlse aad tt4
atae will be seat (roe br at preaa t ear ef Ike Al
laaltoBlaUa l.lt.
OrriOB Darov QtAataaaAaraa,!
fPAI.I, P . HB . A Iflllf.l V
Waa. Data, aa La A Bi III. 17) 1
Will WaulA ai baklla aaa tin a. a TOBIDAT.
liny, ai vitiseari rraar, coraar oi taniopa
at La-a iirmti ,n ioiiowiob aaw aaa
ihla Qaartrtnattar'a Btaraa anl ranalrad
fortfaaa, till
io.vii pwaaaa aaaauia vpa, aaw.
1.3M peaads Hallag Rope, Bear
Xi poBads Tarred Rope, bow.
S.SM poasdi Boiler Iroa, aaaortod
II lad aaAa Rsaad Iroa. aaaarla.
t,4M poaad Flat Iroa. aasorud
c.477poasd Copper
tstoan WrMklagPanpa.
TSUam WklsUes
.Vaiponadsrisnpaad JBtePscklsg
,i- poaaaivioDipvBitivM ciaua
SAOpards aoai
J air 1. 1870. U Jeae DO. 1RTI, l!,','il0 th
troops at Port Skew, af . T. i fort Bills. H. T. t aad
Port BoatoB. M T. i aad to tka Iroops al ('amp
Baksr, aar -lanoaa Cltr, from Jaael,ll70,w
jaaaou, iai I, laaiaaiva.
aa delltere al tkoso poata taoaok qaaatltlec aal
Perl Bssoon. K M . ttooi mh u,ab
Port Oarlaad, Colorado, O.oopoesds Bsooa.
PertMsRae.Jr, M ,S.0u0poeads Bsoon
PecirannlBjsJf, 11 , MKUPoaads Bases,
Port Hafcr. fl. M T00) poaada Baeoe,
Btddere kate the prttilegc ef eBsrlai eaalklrd
Pork last-ad bf all Huei
bellterr will aot b rtqalred aatll Jsaairr 1,
1ST I, BBlaas parttes are preparad la raske delttarr
1ST I, aalets parttes are proper
al aa earllar dar, wklck mast b
also tko enseal aad at what tl
THI ORLT M'lCu,ByJ 00R1 .. KB
Dr. lOUBBTOR kaSdlseoteredlhaaaaalaaHaia
speed r BBdealr efeelaal rsmedtla the world for
Weakaeasof Ik Back at Llnbe, StrUtaras, Agss
Ilea eflke Kldaerc aad bladder, I a tolaatsrr Die
skargoi, inpoteacr, aoaeral JDcbllltr. Bertoas
asis, vtipapeis. -aagaer, fw epirui,
fistoBofldcae, PatpltatloBef Ike Heart. Tlnldltr.
Trenfallsfi, plaiBBBi ef If -tor OIdIasa, Du
asosaf tae Bead, Throat, If eeaerthla. Afectloas
II tka Last, btonaeh er Bowele thoeo terrible
Isaracre arlala froa the SotlUrt Uabllsef loath
- out aaa Bouiarr praaiiaoa aon laiai ie
ef rjltsBOB.hllBbUatlkaTrnoat-illltaBl kpc er
todIio MSB
cepeelsllr wke hate boeono the tletlnc ef Sell
Urt Yloo, that dread'elaad desti-ellte bsblt,
Whllh aaaaallTlwaaDa laaa aallraal raalkaa
ea or Ika Banalaaaltad Tata aia aad
aaaacof toaaaa
BniiiBaiiBUueci. wli ntsbl etkerwUa katece
treaaMlliiealof Isaaua with the Ibeaders ef ele
u MABtilAQB.
Karrlod Poraeai, erITeaaa Mea coBtenplalla
Burriag o. Mlae aware of phrdtal wakasB, er
gaBlcdebllllr deformities, as . speo-tlf eared,
UewkevleaecaiaMir aadsr the care ef Dr. J
ar rellgfoaslr cosSde oa bis koaor as a gsatle
sa, aadcoBcallt relr tpea hie skill as a pkf
Innsdlatolr Cared aad Pall Vigor Restored.
Tkle Preadfcl Dleeaoe whTek readiri Life
IssrablaaadMsrrlace I mpoaal bleta tbepeaaltv
rild bp Ike tletlnc of In proper tBdalioace.
eaai pcreoai are toe BPllo connlt czcoosec from
Btivtiiiswirt laoarssaiai eoBBoqeeacoc iaa
met as ee. Bow, who tbal aaderstaada the cab
jaot win p-Hii I.MIT IBII1MBDW
ilea la leel wooer br laoee faille li
kabllitkaakrUcpradeat BoaUese.
ealtkr ePBDrlaa, the moat oerloei
mtia v-mr aaa mil
K, a raraicai
a of rroerei.
rar. Har-aaa Irrllsbllltt. DrBeotmla. Pal.
pi U tloa of thelloarl, ladlgaatloa, talltatloaa
beblUtr,B Waatlag eftbe Praae.
ha. Cob
Uftkaafltde gotag from Baltlnoro street, a few
Ira itoib im
doers fron tke eorasr. ralfaelte ekeerte asms
i " iii wiiivbi I ail.
The Baeoe raralske. aadar ikes ooatraclc nasi
aateaek, narked wltk aameefcoatraetor aad dale
iBihtors, aad nail be clear sides proper! r
red, pal apta elscle gacBr Backs of lOopoeads
f mssarsotaro. Rial iBspeciloa ae trial ef
uaroB to ea ma.c at ssca poet prior to aeoeriUBee.
Tke Pork mail be ciaal te tka best Mom."
racked tapUklanaderroueleaa salu and pal ep
a soaad barrel, wall koopod, eoatalalaf each Stt
poaaasBsi, natfeea wiiaBanaofeoalraaUir, data
of nsaefaetaro, thegroae aad as! wetcht, aa If
aar barrel lefoead bpob laaae to eoatala leae lhaa
marked apea It, ike ooatraetor skall make good the
turn vBim suHi it parmoa.
Twe or more fallf rsipoailtiie
i Uallad etatec br net meal
ibsv sales of aar.k daSelaaataa
Xlds mast be nadc eeparaUIr for eacb poatp
posed losappl
: te re
than prate tbe eaecossfal oae
The asaal reqalrenoBU ef bidders, ae ladliaUd
lapratloasadtortleomoata Iron tkla efleo, aiat
be compiled wltk. Tke rich I to rejeat all bide
eeroaaoiBoie le retorts, bios win ae
rear easts msa-
pose losappl t. Two pr nore fallf rsipoas
tanleamnsfslgBrsck bid. gasraateclcg t i
oad le the falf talac of tke Baeoe aad Tork
fond la tke bid, la esse tbe bidder ledoreed
reasoBibte le reaarvsd. Bldi
tne.dsr e
srsarercqaestedtobe preieat Ib
Address the BBdereiiaad al Saala Pe, N. H.
porsoaorbt repreaealatloB.
Saoress toe oBseri'c
r order efBretol M
aJorOeaarslO. W Oettr.
BrU Mj.BiC.. U.S.A.
Sv Levis. Mo . Marck 14. 1173.
proposals, la daplleale. wtll bo recelte
rl leueto reeelted aaless peotpatd aa eaa
Ll.li,.lai..la ka aia. i,lhi -ablar Pa.aj.aa
wiittagakaaldautoaeo,ea so a pertleaef ad
Xsmber eflke Reral CoUet e of largeoai, Loadea,
gradeatefronoaaef the most emlasatCelleaaa la
Ike pBltoe: I tales, aad tka greater part of wkese
fife kae bee a ipsa I la tbe keepltale of Leadoa.
Parle, Philadelphia, aad elsewhere, bas egeeteJ
aemeef tke moot BetOBtsklaiearee that were eter
kaewai maae-Ueablo wltk rlaelaa lathe bead
aad eara whoa asleep, great earteasaese, bejaf
aiarnodalsaddsaaeaadsi baskfalaas, wltk re
qaa a tbla tkla a. at leaded sometimes wllk a deraage
cai ef the nfad, were cored ImatodUtclr,
Dr. J.'eddreeees ell Ike-e wke kate (alaredtken
wklsk rata balk bedr aad mlad.aaSttlaf Ikon for
Hk aka.! aa .IbJ. aAatalv atljiprlaaa
-..-.. --.---.,.--..--. -. '---T ...
one oi iceaaaaaameiaasaoir oaoet
earltkablUnf rostk.tlst Weakaess
tad Limbs. Pa as la tha Head. Dim.
aaaafaiahl. Loos of Hascalar Power. Pa left ado a
f the Heart. Drepepela. Bert eaa Irrltabllltr, Pe-
i oai oi iaa viinui, aaiiaaa, uoaoras vi
aa Ika aala are
Htmorf, Coafasloa
T heea are si
eflke.Bsck I
tsai eneal of Ike Dlgeetlte Paaetli
llllr, Brnptens ercoBCanpttoa.
klaaaii.r.-Tka faarfal aaoala
Rack le be aWMdod-Leaaa of M inert.
Uses, DspreostoB of Spirits, Xtllra
tketr tltor, beeeBalBi weak, pale, aertoee aa
enaalated, fcatlaa a aragslarappoaraBeo aboattb
area, eeBgk.a-ectjonyjaBBBnpuea,
at sack limes as mar be reqBlr.d
Tbe eecks or Ibe cattle sia
afetnaat akall kai al aBT a I
jolat, aad Iba bressl trim mail do we.
Tbeeecks or Ibe cattle slaatblerod aadsrlkls
groemaat shall be cai of el Ike foartk tsrUbral
1 Portable Caatac Boala
Together wltk a large as-ortraeet af kfsrlae
Stores, Hardware Crockerr. HlsrhsmltksVWksel
wrlikia'. rarnaalara. flaJil.Tt' aad Tlaaara
Tools aal klaleriata.
lerwsiuasa ib Baiie-siearraicr.
Bala le eommeaec at 11 o'clock a. m , aa coa
ilane dallr Belli at) Ika arttslee are sold
Br ordsr of Bretol Briiadler Oeacral Pred. If r
ers.Cklef QBanernastet Depanmaat of Lontsl
aaa. B. L, STRAHO,
.aHfU t.le-L Pel aad Penol Qaariarmaatar.
Tkaahaabanr f.ira aaartars ihall ha cot off from
Ihrooto four ischss abota too k see Joist, aad of
ilad qaartoro from six to elgkt Uckse abota Iba
gsmbreler hockjolat, .
Bide mar bemadaollkerforfBratiklag tke beef
at oae i for at all tbe posts abate aamod.
bids from a Srm mast iperifr the Bane aad ad
dress of oack member thereof. BlJJsrs are latltod
to be prsaeat le rospoad lo their bids.
BaibbldleaecaroeoBBidsrsttoB mast eoatala a
wrlttaa gaarsatoo from two responsible parttoa to
tfassff.tilbsl the (Adder It able to felfll aeoatract
laaooordakie wltk tbe lenni of hla propoeliloa,
aa tkatskoBld kle propoeitloa be aecnled ke
wtll at oaee eater lato a soatraat lBaocirSaaee
there with .eel that tker areprspa' tebeaome
aia sarin., aiTiaa iuva aaa igunaai niai
forlts falftllnsBl. The respoaslblhtr ef lbs
(araaioro nasi oo auowa or ina odbibi eariia
aala f Ika dark af Ika a aar aal District Hoart. bi
of Ike tlalte StaUa filstricl Atteraer, le beta
eloied wllk Ike bid. ,
Tkerlgkt Isreeertldte reject aar r all bids
Par meats lo be nude at eacb pet moalklrl
seen inaai as mat ob-bobbo, u aoae ce una.
to bo made aa eooa as rocsttod.
nAi4VAkTSBarirrB HiuTAav Dtsvaiev,1
vtB er Tixas, I
vrrici vni MsiiiiiiiiTiii
as. apnin.
rlollsala. wtll
alikiaafl-a aatil I KID AY. taaBNb dar af If AT.
1170. at ll m , for faraltblai sack qaaatltlssor
larer Loag goraeeaenar be roqatred from the
lit dar of Jase. 1170, aaill tke Slstdsrof Jfar
1571, at seek of tbe reUowla--aamcdJ'eatsi
last! a, PortOrlOB.
rerpasCkrlall, Port MsKatstt,
Tort Clark, Port Qultmaa,
Port fioBcbe, Part ktekardaoa,
PorteioskloB, Baa Aateale,
(art Paile, Waco,
art Dsacae, ....
Tke bar d loag forage te beef geed.ctsaB
nerckinukle qealltr, perfeetlr enred aid i object
Dollter- te eonneaee as sooa as practicable
after tbelsldar of Jaas.1870. aad coatlaee la seek
qaaatltlec aad at each tinea as tbe Keeel-tsgOffl
car mar reqaire, a am ine siei est er mar.
Diara win aiaia. m
klad of Parage tasladi
lUl tbe Slsl dsr ef Mar. lSTl
, aeparatelr tea price ef oack
adei la tke proposal.
Attorneys, Agents, Eto
Hot aad sell, alearrsat market rstec.
O'.ders for Sleeks aad Boads promptly eaecalei.
cUraal Esreaae Sunp f nralued.
V""1' ?i.!,r.l"f..pl.',t: V MWV. lM.i Mr,
the matter by oflerlDg a r.taolutloatotsnlt al
Tb House refuted co adopt tbaniolotloBi
butaofurtber procdinga were takes, aa no
further cssusci wer offered.
Mr. Logan, or 111., aiked leave to effcr a
recolutloo rciiucitlog Ueneral UUca A, Hmttb,
(looerel J A braltb, and Uaocral EJp 8.
Parker to act as a oomtnlfilon tc procure ao
appropriate burlslplaoe for the remains of th
lat (IcBcral John A, Hawlluc. let Scerctarr
or War.
Mr. Uo, of N Y., suggcitcd tbal It be also
added that the coir mission b avlhorlicd to
rest a moautaear, lo tk memorr of tb d
iu. r uiu,, oi inj i saiu ii ini'- iu ,u.
tlemao wou'.d kllow hint to itate that tb re
raatBBof Oaoeral llawllas are still uaburled,
aadar owllne in iha nubile taull at tka
Uoagrr.aslooar earn try, li waa sban to tb
onuB.rt mat idic waa me case.
rr, f.ogaa said that was why b offered the
oBuiuiiu-i iaa waa aiso wining in aeoe, r.
Cob's ameadment. Th amca-neat was In
orporated lo the resolution aod II wac uaaa
IPtouiiT atromi io as amsoaao.
Tbe House ihca oo nutloa of Ir Bcheotk,
rcsolted Itself lato C-mnltNeof tbe Whole
ami resumed eoaslderatloa of th tariff bill.
Tb peadlag question was upon aa emend'
meat otfered by Mr, -eager, of MUblgan,
when, tbe House wa Un la conmlttee, br
aildloeto th ita ret-rank ralatln. la traa la
labs a protliO "thai aar smh aadj.ehlpplog,
or puBiniiii "uuu iwiii nato veea CUH
tsmped, or partially prepared for any Article
,T1BL1 B01ED. ,0HE W1IK.
n. it. ngB.
'restaurant AND D1NINO-BOOM,
C.ri.r Rl.lk til I .ItMt., .iip.lurl.lO...
UTHtHtbU.T.rr .Irl.. jM.b lU.i.r'.Ml..
". X4v J".VVA .gVtl,,f.A'- '
eeioeraie Aaiu .-.-. -".-.-.
alaarlltBe,frenla, as. astllllp. m.
OfflceKe 1300 P, bat weea Tblrteealh aal Pr
apli-lm lee a th streets.
(- a iMian fAHHIullT a grraSISTBBOBil
roar Wapswobtb, t. ,. April T, 1870 I
Proposal!, la dBpllcate. with eopt of tblc ad-
JarUaemeatailachod, wilt be reeel r a er taeaa
.i.j aiil ta nl.liW i . Ila I. Una.
for 0Bplrlg PKfoH BSKP lo the troops at Ihlc
Pwh..iA TiaariAkr.aa-. nf a aanl. marketable
j"- " . ---.. r TI a . A iJ
oaatltr la eqaat proporwoas w i a
taarterc. taecfce, skaaks. aad Vdaer-lallaw to
s exaleded.laBdlobedelltcredal Ikls post free
., ... t.n.W.aallaw aa amaw aav f.ABa tltaa ta
time, roqatred bread ob sack dsys as tke cow
toe ail a a e-ser skall deslgsaM.aet si seed lag foar
U??!lka-fi.a.aUlaalaBabUrjrrbarU bo
dallter-4 aadsr Ihla agreemoal shsil be eel ef a)
ibafoarlk te rubra I Jolaiaad tke brMeltrlssmed
dowB. Tkeskaakcef rerqa,arlera sbau easel
off fron three to TTeer laskoc abota tko kaselolal.
as oi sua ! - --. ---
aba-alke lanbrslorbookietsL
SeparaU propeeals, la tap-cele, will aia be re
aalved brthe aadsrsliasd. ap te tka same boar
aad daU abate Baoetloaod, for oepplrtag oonmts
awaMetseeroaBa. iisunanw nMWH.i
., . .--HA ik-mn.lt aaa akotoa Prask
fieefac thor aer. from line te time, roqalre, cock
aeclrlela aad perter-ke-se aleak. aUadlagnbe,
Vkeae eoatrMta to be la farce da moBths.er sash
imi urns as tea " vw.--'-T?- i'
aan n.tiiui, bill Wa alal
Tke attealtoB of bidders le filled te aoctUa IS of
Ikaaatorucaircic. appreted Jalr IT. lbt .
Proposals noil boeadorsod dlstlactlr.
mr rrea -cci,"aaaaeereesao i
aala fn Vraaa Maaf.
Port Sbaw, M. J.
aadaddreesad i
0. tr. S. Dcpl' W Dakota,
d a .
Orncaratsr CoaaiisAaTlpasiiTiiCB, )
DirABTBt-r ortaa Hisaorat,
ST. Levis Mo . Merck 17. 1S70. 1
gfaia-nrotHMeloladaoileetcwtli bereoelteda
L . r ika n.iwl rnnmlum. at Part Liir
eawerik, Kaaa. aad at tke efflos of tke Post
Commtaaarrairsrl kill, ladlaa TsrHlorr.osltl
llo'slcck.n, PltlDAT, April O, 1170 r r sap
PI rlOI BSI OSSI, iroaaieo Bioca at ib muikhi
Port BUI, ladlaa Tsrrltorr.
tort arDocBia,
follawlaa ttostat
or nuini
PoriHats, Kaa.i
Pert Larasd. Kai
Pert Dodfc, kfaasas
CartpSappit, ladlaa Torrlterr,
PartLVoa. Calarada Tinllor
Port Be r a eld e. Colorado Territory
rt Kara aide, Colorado Terrltorj
il fla.laa J. flaraJa T.rrtl.rw
Tha a-arrlaaa at ataa art aaaa Boala wtll ha a anal I
darlsc tbe sammsr. as it la CKpecud that Ike
troops wtll be la Ike leld.
iiie socf(e mat tie diss aoror ine folicwlsg
teiBBroapet ronsaraaa aa noera, with
set I
.1 '
idtay Terr
tie, Tadlai
i, ladlaa T
aa Territorr.
rort Olbaoa, ladlaa Territorr'
ronamiia. atkiwi. m ....
Bids will be ooBBtdsred for ear of Ike posts aep
aratelr orfor aar two er tkree poets, or all ef
men (oaet-er.
'atnn HbtibIt Varla Harkar. Ha a tii Wi
rerie Ltob, Heraoide aad Oarlaae.
Bids will be cossldsrad for ear of tke pot la oepa
raislr, er for aar two, ibree. or fear posU, er all
of them tofitbsr.
raL. aaaaad. Ihtrd aai rnrth aurUnaf
tko tear bat Is. for tka rarlods sadieg aeptombor
t.tl7D. Deeamber 11, U70, Marsb Si, U7I, aad
rrgpn.i. win ( wiiimi ia roaaiwiil OO
feralsboA from ladlaa (Texas) tattle or from
Amortcae Cattle
The Baef maat be prime aad tlriUc tit, with
eqeal portloaa of fore aad btad qaanore, (aoeko,
shaaks, aad ktdssy tallow lobe easlnded.l Tke
ascka of Ike caitlo shall be fat off at tbe foartk
e rubral Jolat. aad tbo breast trimmed dowa. The
akaakaef fore qaarura akall be cat off fron tkree
tofar laebss abota the hasa jotat. aad of klad
!!, 1M.I am vuitawa
Tke ao a tractor will be roq aired to feraUk.wsIck
asd tssae tke beef ea tke erdor ef Ike Pesi CemaJe-
"l.'e place fron wkleb te luaclke BeefwlUke
araisDoa or lac uoteranaai as well ae nae-
bodeUrralaed apoaby
Alfert Wallace IkeOoreramiatwIH faralsh a
goodeorralaad alaMkUnT-koase.
Tko coBtractor aloach of the posts will be re
gal red to bets ea head at tke pott br Ihe Srst of
uimbmti ibu. ei iaai duw piiiiii or ora aaa
100 toes of liar wltk wklsk to food klc ksrd
Proposals shoe Id state tbe price prr est poaad,
Earneatalemkractag three moatka at a tins) wtll
i node for eashaf iaa three trstqeartora of lbs
..airul ,,. it Ihl.iAT ilia tnlAlAilk,
saccoodlag qaarter, aad for the last q Barter apoa
laosaiisiacMrr aompiBueasi taawaitao
Proposals will also atate at what price per
Kead. aal. will befarelskedsachaBmbsrof cat
itallstearobotweeB foar aad si yeare of Age.
IB aoo Beaiiat ooaoiuoa, araraca woiaai oi
.OxipoBBde. asd aoae resetted aaderaWpoBBda)
Tkoeoairacie will all be for eaa tear, com mea.
ClagJBlt I.1BJU. ipe aarnsoasai some
posu wtll be tnall darfsf th sanmsr, as It Is sz
peeted last the troops will be ta the Said, aad
d arise tbal lime aaarly all of the tioope will
ef thi
eksaks efiore-qaartors shall be col off from tkree
toioar laenaaaao-a ,aa ,, vi
qaarUrs from slKlo alibi lashes abate the gam
brelerkockielal. Book beef, wke a ao dressed,
Tke coatractor wtll be roqatred to f aralsk.wslik
asd lssae the Beet eei-e oraer oi toe res on'
The rlakl la iscsrisd le rel est aat er all bids
eaaroa. . . . i ....-
r.r,i'j:s ,:Trv:e. TkPi.e.rrr.Mwkihto v "l
atrercketh salad aad bed y-e heel applrlnn.
wlaiapltrtkal arg BB,tb hope of his
.m. W artda el kls naraata. shaald ba
taaukad frem auprospests aad sBjormeats ef Ufa.
TtheeoBseqeeBoe efdetlallBB frem Ikcpaik ef
...... -a r.i.i.. ...! ...... l.. I,
nr laaaiaiaa. - .. - !,
rcteellhata eoaadnladaadbedr aretheoieilBc.
deed, wlikeel Ikese, tke Jearaer Ikrceak life
ones a wearrpllgrlBureiihe prospect hearty
dsrkeae telke tlewi honied booomoo shadowed
wltk despair, aad Iliad wllk tke melees holy re-
S.tla laal iaa hatmlaaaa af aaalha. uai.
bill k tod wltk tkelrewa.
euiaiee pIA1 of JM--DD1I,C1
Wkea tke nlcreldod aad Impradeal
palatal dlsease.it lee eftsB kappoaa ikat
limee aease er saamc, era rasa eretseetert, urs
aim irem appitiae itmwia, nan aaacaii i a
aad respocta bll.tr, cab aloae ba Trie ad kin. Be
loaders, wke, laeepakroof earlsg.
alar a a bat aaa. haae him Irl Aia
waalh.ar aa Iaa aa the smallest fee csa o eb
falls latelhebaBdcef If aeraal aad dsstgatBipre-
B1 ! !
Im Irl I lag moaih
theimaUeal feces a b
air laa-a klaa wllk n
kealtkteelgh eter fcTtgallleadlisppolBtnest tor,
btlkeBieeMketdeedlrpolBea, Meieary. baiUae
lie ceaitllBtloaal ernptoneef thle Urrlkle die-
ais.saea aeaaeeiioa oi ino naaa. Tsroai. aaaa.
JktB.ac .proBrasstaiwltk frtihtfalrapieltr ttll
calk pats a period to ktsdroadfal aafferiaf by
aeaaiBi aim te taat aaisootsree eoaatrr iron
wkeseboarae BOtratslerretaras.
Tke meat Ikoasaada eared al tkle lastltatloB
wllkla tke laal eliktecB rears, aad tke aaa-weas
SaraloelOperattoBB performed br Dr JekasteB,
wlUeaeed ky Ike reperUra of Ihe "Sea," aad
Buay ether papers, aollsea ef wklck appeared
eisla aad'agalB before Ike pabllc, bosldce kls
laBdlBC aa a geatlonaa cf iharater asd resreas,.
kUlir, Is a bb clealgaaraateo to Ike afflicted,
Peraoaa wrltlagtksald bepartlcetei la dlrssl-taitkalrtelUi-
lo hlslasMtetio-uja tke fellow lag
nart JOa- M. Jfjtffea ftjs
Fioviilon Stortf.
ea tka hoof aa mar b Bailed for by
for faraUhlif o Beers aad tbstr families with
eabotemoatha Bldawll
aoioo iih aasa aa i"r aT .
rrepeealenastbe laeloeed Ib aaeatelcpe. la
dorsad "proposals 'or Proak Beef al .'aad
ledreased to Ooloeot C. II. Pea roe e, C 8 , Perl
LoatCBwertk. Kaaaae. ...
Bach copr of easkproposal nait hate posted at
Ila kaa a inn, Afthfa adaarllaamaat.
Tha aadaialaaed raaarvai the rlaht lo raloet BBT
er an oioooasrae
ky a
By connaad f Brctet Major OcaaralJ
Rsiaolds. OlOKaBB. ALDAN,
Brctet Meier aid A U M , U. S. A ray, la char
Ottee Chief Q M. ep1l
Tke pises rrrn wkleh to Is. as Ibe user will be I ,v.":",tV.":" "" ,;"J "SI-TJ T .i,.
OrrtcB Barer QoABtaa-Astia, I
caicAoo. fu.,Apruai,lBfU. I
Sealsd proposals, la dBplleaU.wlih copy of Ikls
BdtertlremeBlatiaekcd, are lettut asd will be
rooeitoe attaiconeoBBTii i:
It re. WgDBlSDAT.
laeuatiee :
biokea. la fall boob aaa goee eoaemoe. nom
tea a II!) lealsteea (1) kaads klgk from Ste II
BlaeiSiyaara eld. aad wall adapted for tke i
Al'-VAMeffsrcdwlUbeiBbleet te a rltid la
cpocttea. aad oaly theee who eoaferm to the staid
ard for Srs.class Cat airy Heroes, wtll be reeelted
Dall-er- lo ba made wlthU tweatr (SO) day a frem
aw i Hiintb
r- uh,i aoiinib ...
eommoaciBfee - ---- ---- rropoaaismasi se ipiirapiii h ;
jest to Ueappretal of the Connasdlag Ocisral f I af ft fsast Iww peraoaa, lo the sffecl that the bidder
the Departmeat ef the Bast I tonpoleattacerrr out the terns of the coatraet
laeeieolfaiioreor ooScleBCTlatke aaatltr UwMU bin. aal that he will live ample
qeaailtr of rr-ah Beef eilpulatej Mb. J. Itajrad, I mit tbsrefon the respoaslblltly ef lb garea;
tbaa tbeConnUsarr al Port Wardiworth, Hew I tors nasi Vc oertlled to by a clerk ot a Co art of
. Ii.JlI. !) lava nawa tSBtl thoae. I !...
Offle la Thomeeeae Law BallUag,
eireeb eppoeite raieas vmoe.
jsloecr byperchsee,aBd tha eoalreetor will be
cksried with tke dlffereace of cost.
The fOBtractor wtll be reqalrel to eaUt lato
boads for ihe sen ef two theasaad dollare, dreed
by iwe recpoasible saretles, wheee aamoc
1 pe nsanoaoa
i, . I7A at Hawk WaAaWfl
arbor, at which tine aad place Bidders are
--..- r.rr nv .t i :
neaiioaoa iaae vi . . . . . ..
rhe proposauwlll beepoaeaai lie sicca,
tha 7th of Mar. 1870, BI Port Wads wort a,
I 11o'sloek-.
adswortk. act
muo-im oa, ia pirth st., opp. curl
1 II, H All rill.
' Joailcst or tbo .
CennlaUeaar of Deeds for the Slatee ef Peaasyl
taala, Iowa, Illlaols, Wlaceasla, Vlrglala, Wesl
Vlrglala, South Carotlaa, ke.
Offle 034 P atrat, norttavreat,
naV-tf JfaarScveatk clrect.
A Itme7atl-t-r,
Ostie X. 5 Loalclaaa at. , cor, iH st , opposite
aetS-tf Cltr Msif.
PainU, OUi, &c.
AtUattcB Ucallcd lefeapaUakef
Wklsb I an effsrlag special ladaesoMaU forcaih.
Also, dealer la
Oca Oil, Lamps, Chlnaeys, Wliki, Aleehel,
Kesla. Ac
gtg AUTIH.
o. 310 0 street, aad M LoBlslaaaatsBBs, hat,
i th aad Bateau ct!. aader Soalea Heace,
aptm it
ITbitbd If At bi AailMAL.
ftiitl aaA. (1 An, 11 la lBTll
Bydlssstloa of ihe Chief ef urdaaaso, Uallcd
Slatsa Army, I will effer for sale at public aaitioa,
oa MAT. a. 1170, at 11 a n a lot ef coed need
Ordaaace stores, siBtuusg ei bbbob ace nor
tars. Cavalry liddlcs. Uaraefs, Leathsr AciobI
tiaialogaisof properly offered, with term! aad
ir.it Ll.lt. Cl., U, . lli.jtCcm..ll.,
..iyo.r-.d.b.ll mWutl,tM
101. u.r.or. .i ...
"""".'"JT."..LV:.........I. ......
e."o.lLlin...i.l.lirufl.rr. i.0-1.
oronu tob cons aid bat.
Of rli P. T,f Di.OT QVIITIIH ... II 1
lsTOTlr far b labia g the Dalied Sutec QetcrBmaal
Ult bVe.loi Cora Bad fiay la sash 0." ill Has aal
rtsBChllmcB aa mar b ml,f?.',iIb?V1T
desicsaud pUses, fren May 1st aaUl J air
eoaatr asa-
'a ran a aiailf. KSasafc
ir noBie -asiisi
Uat. UOloaa, ..
tb Cmb aad liar l b ef good narchaaUbli
a1idaoVcwlMstaUlkelr prteec for Cera. ?.
I J. P Wtatt'a farm. Jackcoa eo
; Probable , rVlfdi,F'
ilodCorB, l.tKW bBahelii bay. 1
ke.loICora, 1,000 bBabslsi
at Uriah lira- thin. JC-CI
Probable amoaat reqelrcd per
Core. aiOO beshelci Uat. UOUai.
M aii..lla.t.gtBS'i
P Btreel, bitwise Thlileealh aad rourt-eelh
streeu. (C-.-ea.. aepltf
core will bo farala-cd by this dsperimsat
Brdsmailbe made esparatslr fer easklocallly.
aadlkaartleleecoBlraeUd for nasi be dslltcred
brtbeeoBtraotgr free ei eipease tome uotsre-
at Ia Ka nil. la aarreal feada aa the
eomplstlea of deltterr aad eeetptaaae of all
korsss aoatracted rot aader terms of tkla edterllee-
Tbcrtgkt te rsjcel sap aad all bid efferel la re
WpYoMsalawlllbelBdorcsd 'Proposals for Oat
Airy Bersoe,'1 aa4 addreeoed to tke aadcrslgeed,
tad mail gtv the fall acme aad addrooe of the
'' ..... ..j
Uiaaers arersqainra . (-- -.--br
some rcspoailklc person, al tke epealag f pre
Army, Chief lernMUr Mnitary Djtlstoa ef
tha Mliaaert A, J. McOONMlULS,
orri.i rcii.i, ilDifotc 1. 1
j .. u. . n.ll B ibta I
SKAL1D PROrOBALI. la d Balls ste, are latlied
by IPC eaaersiiaoa ea'
,1, nayiuion
red la
.Li, Is dSPll
BUllI eTclo
ibi wltk the f
orUtloafor the Boof Iron Ihe place of aiaeihter
"". ..-.a v. -.. .. ---s
rropoaaiBBDvsiaaiai . - - in..
Proposals will also cute al what prise per act
poaad will be faralshsd sack Bomber of Cattle (sit
Milky eeadliloe. a terse wolgkl er eaa Uea
ladpoBade, aadBoSeroeelted aadar eliht kaa
red poaada,)eB the hoof, ae nay ke called for br
ia Commlssarr tf Sabslsleace at aack ef Ike posts
earned, dartactbe abotemoalha.
raymeaiMoe nui mi.iair it iiimiii
ay bofBralsbedfor tbepanwise.
J a iniwa ii-iiir -s
fer Prseh Beef at '-Aad
laebaopyof oask proposal mail have posted al
sarttSed check rot aU. aa a wrttlea aaar
aaloafrom Iwe reepeasLbla parties fer Ibe per-
fornasieef theooalrset.lf awarded, er tke bid
wtllaolbccoBAldercd. . . . .
Hide front partlec wke bat heretofore failed
will aat KaaAaalAaraA
Bidders wtll eol be reeelted aasaretlss.
jVE -A. -EL K. E3 a?7i
BtOTM, Ste .
tj -tAliti VoITTto Vkb, Itjtiio-trf
na mn AT
nntri" anrnv
ltalw. l.awrl l. '
IttT.tf a-OMtatbatraal M-..t 1 nil
of abld admit of more tbaa eaa eoaatrastloa, tbe
There will be aoaaVlettlaraor acUlag eat al
Blaaka for ernpoeala will be f anrtsked ea aunll-
eatloBUtkteoBee, lb offlieef the Dcpol Cot
mtaeary al Port Leateawerlh, ead Ike offices ef
no wsatsr lnaaae aaa -'jsocay moaaiaia
BldieraAralavltedlob pretest el Ike create g
rtkeblds. , n . M K.MOKUAH, ,
properly addressed.
lis hoada copr of this edrartlssmeet
Blaaka for propoaala will be faralsksd ee ap-
iu.il..!. rfila na. Iha aSlaa af Ika tlarwht flaaa-
mlssaryal Port Loatcawerth. aad Ihe efleo of
missaryai rort oa-oawerie. a
the Pool Commissary at Perl bllL
wimaat wnim
kle partlec ler Ihe perform'
Aehldwlllberooaltod wttbeat a wriltaa t
aaieeirom two raspeaaipi par in
a sea of Ibe coatraet If awarded.
WnaralBafilddavlaaot MraoaatlvkaoWB totbe
flBderslgasd, htspropooirnBil bsfaJorsedbT the
Comnlaaarr at oae ef Ihe poets aamsd aa to his
reaposslbllltyaad eapaUUty ef earrrlag oel tke
Btdc fron paillcs who hate heretofore failed
WHlBolbceoaeldered , .
Bidders will aol be reeel red ae sareUse.
Tkere will be ao aabdetllBg or .sills ost
BiddVre are latltcd to b prsest the malag
eflke btdc. , . hf,K. MOKOA'a,
Ubivbd Static Iboibiib Orrtca,
ClTV Hall, fawstoa. Mass , April 13, 1870. f .
Proposals will be received at Ibis oilce aatll I
p. n. of IheiSihef Mar asat for farslBhtsg ths
uatertali aad worknaasklp reqatrsd for tke eoa
eiraetloaof tha Via Wall. proposed lo be belli at
theBorih header
, Bootee harbor.
Tl,.UilU. r
l...llllMr.ril! MapUt l..ortm.tl
1'I.A.T ITOIlltt
Countbir Settles,
Wkl.k will hUll U. rl... a kolllr
"""",' JC.. aTA-ii.
.hT tf W. mj .... .. T..lhar.t.
"ripo.l. .111 In ;...l..l In r r.M.M
T. pp1 .1.11. ..uFuf.ii ..!. ik. pir
eoairaaiara. iMtinaxi r'i - -
alihcd apoa appUcatlcB. . ,
r BBihority at the Chief Qaattoroaster,
pariw.a.v. ,--.-., , M-A--
Bittlcat.Cel.,a.MttT, B. A., Depot Q. If.
TJaivstt Svavbc kaetBBtVc prrioB, 1
Ssaisd pr"Psals wUl be reeelted tUIIP-i-iCT
the Sd of Mat Beit, for Ihe eoBstraetloa of a
wbarfalPotslAllertoB. ceaslstiagof a brldiclft
(.at wtdeaad feel toil, tertalaalUg la a pier
-IhafTaltaA Ulaiaa
parimsat with tbe foil owl a f IJioros,
,aia ally a, iaa a. as, a iu
of MISS PORK. teeoaUJa 100
Eaa aes meat aaaa, ion aait-a, ia uu
coped ak barrelsi nsal l berraafrom
nut or stale, aad pasted la w later of
1,C0Q Poaadc freah iroaad ZZX PLOQB made
1HVIII ."!. V.I1VB. ... H V. H1...VII,,
whsal of bast qaalltt oae-half to be la
Iroag barrels, fall ksadltaed. aad halfta
doable eeeks ef 100 poeads eaabi tke laaer
aack of twilled ootloc, aad oaier oae ef
oaay or itroag borlapa. Briadi mast be
130 Bes-ris CO poeads le the bkckell prime
acwWUlTBUBAMS. wellaaaaoaed. dry.
aad of BBlformslicilobopBtap la doable
tacks of 1W peasds ecki tka iaacr sack ef
tiriusa eouva eaa tee oaur oae oi Baaay
lOfiOH Peaadeof atrictly prltae 110 COPPSB.la
doable aacki
g.000 Poeads of sttlely prime BIO COFfIL
UO PeBBdAcarofeUr-seleetedTlA, la erlgiaal
paekaaes SUO roaads Black ead IWO poeads
ibolce OrecB . Pasksisa to be well strapped
wltk grccabltkorr aiiape, aad la peiisei
n.VAibbis. Best urarsBiic .once.
19.900 beshcloef good ataad..,
tloo cable yards of Brvkso Stoaa for coaercte.
rnm.tiaalKafaat (iraalta Taalaa. fik faatklsh
ilouOiBBalsf feet Oraalte Coplsg, coarse I feet
KacbBsalgh, . .. .
I o.w waa rraa.ta uii ,w. , , , .
The workuBBsktp Is to bs naJsrtlood aslo la
ef Mlssoarl
AraiLlc, 1610
Vlttrict at Cot eathfo. B'aikUpte pw-efy f witi
ja the Case ot J abba W Plait, adnlalilratoc
f Maarlai Lore, deceaied. Ihe ad is t autre tor
arore ate aaa, wira tee approaauoe oi ib
Rertoaal aetata of aatd deeeased, aa of the assaia
i bead, a far aa the same hate beta collectcA
aaa taraea law moasytwaoB iniim ama
eredltors aad helra ef laid deceased arc eollBsd to
attaad, with lhatr etalne properly toachsd. of
they nay otherwise by law be cacladed from all
aaaBlla aIA AaaaaaaA'a a Lata nrosldsd B COPS'
of tkle order be pabllsbcd eaee a week for three
wecka ia tke dally Baticbal BirvB.tcAB pre
tioes te tae saa Bar . .-
Testt A. W1BSTSR.
eplS-Talw ReilsUrof WUIs.
tthititi tTiTH Ririir nprira
U WAsBiaerOB. D 0., April T, 1870.
in (TVia. ai
i.U, 8 W. 0..I
prills. 1870. I
Sealed proposals wUl be roeotted al this oft
aatll lo'sloek. p at. of TCESDAT. tke lletdei
istll lo'sloek. p aa. of TCESDAT. tke Sletder
I Ma ikI. ror'aralahtat Itatiaaa t tke Uat ted
Butea Marlaes, at tho fallowlsg eutloas fron 1st
Jcty, iwa !tk Jeae. mi. tin
uiTiHuuTn, row nampsairoi
HAlti BSTiSwB, MaaaackBsetUt
BHOOKLT". KowTorkt .
PHlLADBLl'lllA. Pesatf leatlat
WAIHlHUrOJfClTf, Dl-trleletCoUnl
PBBSACOLA, Plorlda . ,
Bask Batlee lecoatlstor twelteeaeees of Pork
er tueoa, or oae poaad aad foer eeeooe of Ball er
rrese Atoori eiiswee eeaoaa ai ,
riear, or Iwalve oeaeecor Uard bread, er eaa
poaad aad foar oaaoee of Cora Meal , aad to eterr
oae kead red ralloae grteaa poasds ef Beaae er
Peas, or Ua poeads of Bloc ar llomlav i Ui poaads
of arse a (toffee, or elckt poeads ef roaaled tor
roeatd sid raBd)Co-o,er oae poaad aidslchi
maatlBe or Star Uaadleei fear poaads of foapi
oaeeecofTeai ifteeapoeadtaf Began faarqaarta
er ttaeaari oae ponaaaao ioer eeaooeoi
M..H.. a. In. riaalaat u., nn.iaitf aoaari
tkree poosdc aad twelte oaaeei of Ball, sad fear
. ii ...... Ia Va A.llvara1 Hiua Ilia or dar aT
".-.--"v,.T-"T'-T-:"::;"r.Tt.- ".-.-' .."
.iiga - ,
laale niton, of
gd qaaltly. wllk aa eqeal pripcrttoa ef klad aad
loraqaaruri Beks aadkldaer tallow to beea
clBdedithePerkBo. I prime Me-ePerkilke floar
aaewaa aaira p.iin i- . "' ""t
place where the eUUea Is lots ted i tha Coffee good
Kloil-caiara-eo. newur!eater iiaeqaita
leal aad the Hsaas, Ma-car, tsa41ee. Soap, Ball.
Ac , to be of good qasluy.
All kkd. Mil k. ...vupk.1.4 br Ik. Mlawlif
Th. ;tl.r.lgi.lf
B. r.r ..111. i Ik. ka.l.r ..d .tr.tck.rMir...
4. Ir.r uti tk. ..pl.g mum p.ifoalrak.1
Ik. w.ll.
lUn. p..
Bool ibindcr,
. ni r..i.Ti..i. .i..i,.b.twMt T..ik.i
Kl.i.Etki rln. .inth.ll.
Bik..llUrt UUIl tMul. r,lMlf'u
UlUtllU" ..1.1 rp?.UMlMU.
'mWO brlWf 1..1IJ1 f-lf..
Ik.. k'r.oltr.l.., (' o koxlr.l.i.u.
"o..rlb..b.ll..l.d with .!., .Pl.t..J
d.ull br 1 1. wl.l. .d .p.ll.llo... .p., '
1 IBDOri
able aaa le-or, iooib,b -- ---.-
"oassary to-be eompleitOB of tka wkole wark,
4nesl iavUo slate eeperatel, .Ike (wUerBAa.
lerlal, workmaasklp Bad labor lor astabllsklBi
Uruta moorlaga Beoetdiagte specllcatioao aa.
000 0 alio as Ua half barralo of abea' ft gallons
eeebl bosl qaslttt pare WuiaKY VlHB
UAB.Io be free fron ail forelca acids or
i ail forelca acids or
isee. ef Bettor m oeal
llrlacU gralaa blrar
Bsoiraiiis eaa Said
is lo be aew, fail-
hooped, oae Iroa hoop oa eaea eaa, iroa
koopaaad kaads t be related, aadbsaga
J to oad with Ila.
'J-ads load, hard BROWM SOAP, well
rled, mad by bolllag, aad fron lood me-
isnaieaiy, iroa iron a ey, lotuvia a-i
it oinsr iviitr,ugii.
othot lijartous sabouasi
lit aadstrsaatk, reqatr
..i. nr ! ia aaral.ali
oaaee Tke paikaiee lo be asw. fail-
i. ror'dlaalaB. rcmotlsffSBd deposltlag earth
forbsek slope, rc'Csiablts-lag slope lafroalaf
will, aad other steer etioas aot ef foaadatloa per
t Per lavlag thapatlai aad prcpariBgaarfMC
for work aot lesladed U Ike abota llena-
est'B WOiBi aa ivtiuwai
f Masoas orsloasiaiurs-perdsy.
a iImiI lalhAraranar bit
Tokeofoica wltk cut or track aad driver
10. A good korse, karacse, cart aad drtterper
"T ...-.-. .... -J
11, or Ptaianeia it u. i iiupwh .yn t,,h
The shore 'rtusi.er day" will he Badcrstood
lo eo ter aa 1 laeladc a aoral aad (aithlat sapor
Ko -IdrorworknABsklewUI be CABtlJeredea
less all ths abate clotee tuns ef price shell be
iupMBMtdsiuerbeCBierUleed forlhceapply
eflba separate cUaaoe of tuaurial loch lids, bow-
a..", kll nasi be aspporud br tbo ilcaalnrsi or
Lrwf .. r:Ll;..f.v'a,.
il aad j
'The tifht la resorted to reject any sa a""!
BoteoBarde-edcBJIelaaUrl'averable taibejaltod
-jXsJoiQl-. U, I, X,, IflOoL A-tt.iV
or oinor aaoiiaraugaa,
9,000 Vooedi puod fiae SALT-d.OOO ptoadc la
BacbSBBd S.sjUO la goodsiroag barrtls,
1,000 PoaBdcSaaTAULsi BALT-faiood.cleaB,
dry spirit barrels All old marks I tut
flhlltsreud by patellae the kesda,
IV) Poaads pare steoiJ BLACK pgprSB.U
qasiurpoaadpsiksfts, packed la bwics
J . r . u the
giateef -, hereby gaaraalcc lht la case the
forecotagbld of rf.lb ..V
. i... ....( ha aaaafifJ. It a At Iha -III I. with.
10 uo a ays OI racaiv. vi ,aa mi .- -v.
I Bli ISVM , I wt w avaiia-. ,- bbw-i
greaa.approtedealhcBUhdarofMsreb, 18701
11 le ordered that tbe Utilneay Ib the ease be
cleoed ea tke Itk day ef Jeae aett thai the
uncror BliagarKBmeBia aaa b-i a
Krt be United te tke ITtk day ef Jaae Bail Bad
al ccld petlUea be heard ea the Cd day ft
3ie im
KhfoBvSroBH.ef Kew
n, llAallla af Wtl l.ia
Tec, If. r.. pray I eg for tke eauastoB ef a pausl
.ra.ti a ! aa iha Bth ia ef Ja r. laid. Bad
rolsaeodielwedltlaloea. aembered roaptclltelr
IMI aad MIC. oa Ike lei day of Jaaaary, 1SC7, for
lllserdcred tkal tke uillmoay fa tkle case b
alul a tha tth Aa af Jeaa aaati tkal tke
time fer Sllsgargamsals aad tka Xiamlasi's re
tared thai tke leillmoar la tkls
ia tke Tlk day ef Jeae aozti i
lllsc arcamsals aad tka Xiarals
port he limited te Ike ITU day ef Jeae asxi.
aad tkal said petltlea be beard ea the.Tid day el
Jeae Bail. ...
' """ "" ".,A,Mol'L"-yr.aI
ar11.Taw flommtsaloaet of PaUat.
OHPaAMB1 COURT. , . ..
AratLS. 1170.
ifetrin v L.tHeaoia, rrmninaian wuitiw.it e
Ib tha ease of Micbabl Ubbbb, asocator of
Bryaa OreeB.deeeased, Ihessscetor aforesaid has.
wllk tke approbatlea ef the prpkeee' Coart of
W ask 1 aite a Coasty aforesaid, appolaUd 8 star.
dar. April the SOU. A. S. 1S7U, for Ihe Seal sal
tUnsalBaddlstrlkettqa of tke persoaal estaloet
said deeeased, aad of Ike assets la kaad. aafsr
aalbe same hare beea eelles led aad tpraed law
Soaoyt wbea aad where alllhe erediior Bad
lire of said deoeaaedareeoilledttfatlead, wltk
elr elalrna properly toeeked, or they mar elbe--wlae
br law be excladed fron all bessStla sat J
deceased'e estate i provided a copr of this ardor be
pabUsbedeaeeaweekfor tkree week a telke BA
TieiALBBrsBUOABprcrloas lo tkesaid day.
Teat. . 4.wA8..TJSl.
P11-TB3W "'"'" ma.
! . Anna . , aab D u W an Wl I Tl
,td - -shall fall io eaur lato coatraet as J. -
aforcild,wagaraBtceto make good the dlffsr- Orriosor Acrit Ass'v QvAaviBMASTBa,
sacs btlwseat-eotfer of sail --.BBdthatwblch Ciar WiariBlD-oetT. bvada,
na-be accepted. A B, Uearaator. March, 1S70. 1 .
Wltaesii 0 1), Oaaraator. Sealed proposals, la triplicate, wlft be reeelted
IP, al tkle eafca aatll IS o'cfock.ia .Taaedar. MaT'
.il lotk. 1170, for ferBlsktBg theQaaitcrmasure Do-
i ' l it- iv.i ik..t,.....,.l ..,... at rn W laAalA BaAtt. HawaAa. wtLhi
...A7..i.in.iu of -report, aad ablate Iks follewiacssppllss. for tbe rear eadlag Jaae
To be elf aad br the tailed States district Jadgc,
Usltsd StaUs district aitoraey, or collector
Mo proposal wtll be cos tide ted aaleee aceempa-
lKtv.v.tv.,.k,;,',?.d'..i.ii.k tk. ,,, win
...d lk.p.r ...t.t.1.1 Ik. lr.t t.Mrtta. I. tkl.
,""S,,.".'Slk.,'.7do,..d rr.p r
""""'" v,?AKBlB,,,H.',cr,
Mijor aad Qa.rto master
a Pi 9 Tatw U. B. Marias Corps.
The abet CBioraste be ef Iha best qealltr. sad
resdrfer dillvcrr WllklaSfteca dare fiondate
" AtlDsl'tsrc roqatred ea all paoksgci, ail ao
ckariacfor paakscee allowed . .
rjsinplscrsq aired of all artlelaeescept Pork,
Tkepropoiaieto-e boaadbyalltke coadllloBO
otaally allaibedlo my adtert-amsnts for sab
lliteBseSioree mJlh Wv-AM,
spU-M Ospl.O. I. Br., it. Oof., -. kVaiar.
ever mesisoror apuac m ii.ibijh, ! f",
tUtag facltiU-a fgribelsadisg of the materiel
aad lis trae-port lo a place ef deppeit oa seers, as
aaltbsr wkrfBcr roadway will be coaslrestedet
prasiDlby tkoUaltedkiatee
TbeUaftedBtatas shall eel be boaad lo Iheac.
eeptaace of aay bid. wsstksr formsisrlal or work
naa.blp, BBless the esgtBSsr oBtisr lo chario
sbaUba i sattsfled that tke same Is for tbe latere.!
rta 11
oUheUaltediutee, -,.
rreiereaeo wut - " . .-v-. -..,..
acter ef
ret the work, aad the blaek forms of eoalracl
?' ?.V..'!iIt!.l,.V Vf.V r-1.-..?
iBsare eoBsldsiatlOB are rsqalrod to be made on ,
wtllbeepoa lolBspestioalu IhlsoHse from Ihla
date lUl IUC Close ounoo.aii.aB. -1-A.V L Ji
Itihof May aeit m , J, O. POBTIH.
Irctoi Maoi Ua..U. I. A..U. OwLaasUear,
Ornrs Caisr Com. or Scbsicvbwci. I
Baw uaLBABs, La . April 1. lsltt I,
SesUd propusala, la dBpluaU, ac latltcd aatil
11 o'clock, m., oa tke loib dar .of Hay )870, for
faralikagihc Ualted Suus babslstcBce Depart
maat with the (OIawIbi stores, ilii
for 6u0 barrels Mesa roik, of Ike beel,ahUty-
Va. . fidO barrals of Pleat, caaal to tkaQovsra.
msatslaadBTd Keck barrel uf floor purekassd
will be required to weigh IM poaadc. aad all
rioar abstractsd at pretloae laspectloas, or
mistlBB iron ina par iib ine oiooreaat, win
be reqelrcd lobe made ap by tka coatractor.
rorg,OUOeaaaCoodeased MUk Bordea'c Kagla
-i ,..... . .
foriuuBitsoi masacrei, no , . ,.,
ke aUtcarUalee lobe oflhc tcrr best qcaltri
aad pat ap ta saperior paskagss, aad to bedel it-e-d
sitae lahsisteace depot s ib.c.ir wltbla
tie dsts after tkeopealsief tka bids.
Ho bids will be reeelted from peruse who bare
failed to comply with their oagsgemeals with aay
. ilslV-JV, UalUiSUles amy. M'4
lords ef hard wood, or Stt) cor Ja ef soft wool,
more or lees. ...
w,0uo poaads barlsy, moraer Use.
St) toes ef bay, nore or le-e.
S7 Uas ef straw, more or lose,
Tke wood to beef good mcrchaatableQBAllly
Bad aot less tkaa aia laekea la dtameUr
Tke barley lo be-cleaa of good mere hi
qeallty, aad well sasksdla good, stroai si
Tke bay to beet loodmersUaatableqasIl
weeac aaa buses, et the crop oi
ib, well eared aad well baled
i straw to be of aood ucrchaats
I sacks
iron weeos eaa busbs.
" wait ai.it wiu " ,. iiia
The straw io be or aooe iertBBBia-i.H-"
""'"V". .. -.--Wlaneld
TSfta iisrH W oo iiiirn-i "Tr....i..
eoll, MetUa. at sask llms ead la sack qosatllle
as Ike AotlBg Acslsual yaartermssur at Ike Pusl
"BjaaWbe received for a.rrlorthe whole
'. PMIWv-. ..ui be a deposit of a.
aa aaaariir that (be blddsr W iieaeeaie "
?r.7JLo .Isi to his bid, shoald II be acsspUd,
lWdt w HI sutelbslr prlcss lagold cola, wtl
Usb lie i Bneaat la fa U ae well as la '., .
lie rlcbl Is rsssrts-lo rsjset ssy aad allbldc
I copy if tblc BdvortlssuBBl wlllaccompaaT
l(e bid wlU be reeelted after the boar opccl.cd
iBlbcSrslparairapk or thU adtcrtlssneal. ead
L'lK illtH..alSaraA lhal doao BOl OOmPlV With
... . . .-- .-,. ..,. I., k. h,a,l all
Oiaavia ti n..,-w) r -- r" -- - - --
''.oBtracts, padsrlhta adtartlceueat, are aot b
hceoB.lderod la force aalll approved by the lie
iDdorso earslop.s, 'Propoaala for Army Sop
pllaa' -"Wood,fer 'Barley," he., aa the ease
uisr be. bbA address Iha- lo tbe & ell a a Attlstaal
Oaarteri-ealcr, Camp Wlateld bcotl. ggT
sid-U l.tUnt,,llCtilty, A, 1, ti. ii.

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