THE NATIONAL BEPUBLIOAN. THUKSDAY MOKNING. MARCH 1. 1877. tor gjtotiomiB qmMta IV. J.S1UIITAU11.. I., rroprletc-r Rnhncrllitlou state),. lally tl rare byearrWa, M tents yier month'. By, Id iwr re.rl f I Tor si months andssrorurea monlus. TcnnaUsarlablr la au Advertising IUiIm, tiltrMenli a tine for ordinary adTenMnc. Da editorial .e, tl vr line, Ilrel pate, 13.30 NOTICE. Wi In lure to stale that decline to retura rejected Corotnnnlcattons; and to ibis rule wo cid msk. do exception. H'tirwjr seuMifwl triads, Hft;7 fcironutsr, f-W or partly ttowly rentier TmtltsliAlmmmtii mm llli:MAllCII 1. UTT, ler mi utttemv toattmnen of Unseat. itn sum '', V ' " crf"l " etvlyef crpanittta on .td'nilnfltralf.n, il tellies one vafrA tell rep-arc" ond r terllft tkttr intereiti. the intereiti oflhl tehtll ondof thl colored people both aW eovolljf, and vhtch will pvt forth III biilifforti tn behalf 0 a cttll policy ( "1 eel. e out forever the dlillnetton bitterer. Sort an South 4n our cannon country. R. W.llajes' Tux day on tbo ttare of Ufa which has at. Iractcd It most Interest for ajjes, U that of "Divorce." Attoso the Hebrews the fliure ooTen was aid to hare a proilJtntUl significance. Among the Democrats It hat political lostj Dlflcance. WmM the notion to read the South Giro Una report was killed yesterday b a roto ot 170 to 100. the last hope of the Allltmiltrl died with It. ExotArto feels easier now that the French army organisation has been completed, for the reason that, should she become Inrolrel In a war with Kutsla, Germany will biro to bo cantlons. Tun old TiciiBonxe trial will bo Imlxnlfl. cant compared to the trial for the presidency which Mr. Ttlden now proposes. lie proposes to tsVe his cue before the Supreme Court on a quo warranto, It Is said. Ons or tm best ten minutes speeches In tho IToute this session was mado yesterday afternoon by Judge 8. L. Horn, on the ques tion of agreeing with the decision of the Elec toral Commission on counting the rote of Soulh Carollpa. Tub office seekere will now havo a little respite from their arduous labors, for the 1'rcsldent will make no more appointments, except where It Is absolutely necessary to prevent embarrassment In the administration of the cOTCrnment. SrEiKin It is D all's carol dll excellent work yesterday In rapping down the ever rcstlets SmiTeoEit and O'Brien, of Maryland. They were In for dIUatory mo tions and to tho credit of Mr. Randall, it can lio said that both were summarily squelched. Tub cpldemlo of eooJ, sound eense broko out among a portion of the filllbustcrs yester dsy, and wo remark It with pleasure, Mr. IUspaix caught tho disease. Ills was as a general thing just and good. Owixo to tho short notice glrcn to the country as to who la to be President, the in auguration ceremonlca will not be on as granl a scale as usual. A lare number of military companies are expected, but so far no definite arrangements for their reception hare been made. Tim Inhabitants of the Black Hills expect, tog a great rush of people to that charmed bourne during the spring, anl fearing a state of anarchy unlese protected by the laws and courts of a territorial Government, which that region undoubtedly needs, and by right should have. A iioude of humble, arrogant, hungry, Im pudent, pitiful and Insatlableoffice'Seekers aro now standing before l'rosldent Hates' front door In Columbus, knocking, knocking, to be let Id, while the "brown stone front" In Gramcrcy Park remains as quiet as a dull day to midsummer. Hdmobs of assassination p'ots and counter plots are rife. But wo bellero Governor Hates will rldo In an open carrlago from the White House to the Capitol on Inauguration day, without molestation or harm. None but lunatics would attempt assassination, ana In. auguratlon day Is not going to bo a good day for lunatics. Wiiex Mr. Yeates, of North Carolina, taunted Mr. Hewitt A. Co., the other day, with having cowardly turned their backa upon the South fifteen years ago, you could see the ualreradusllyrlteon tbeheadof Sauuel Cox until It bad assumed a perpendicularity. Let us have a society for the prevention of cruelty to Northern Democrats. Mn. Srmxocn'd revolutionary procccd'ngs In the Houso yesterday awoke the muse of a contributor as follows : It wsi, the finall but oUrloiit, Who to carve at the fiait was amnltioiiii llut tbey ordered blmdown. YVlui a hiss intl a Irown, And set him 10 withlny the duties. Tun Cincinnati Etvjulrer says: It Is due Mr. Tilden to say that ho never personally had filth In the Electoral Commission. He did not encourago Its creation as has been alleged. He wanted his case to rest with the House of Hepresentatirea In u contest with the Senate, but It was not becoming In him to electioneer, Mr. Tildes has been swindled by his best friends and "advisers." This sounds very much like a dirge. PnortesoK CoNDKniiECK and his wife are clvtog concerts through the "Southern Tier" of New York. They hare quite a romantic history. Coming to this country, anl having n competency, they secured a comfortable homo near Ithaca, where they expected to quietly spend their days. By a disastrous lire tome months ago, however, they lost their all, and now, In their old age, and without rela tives, they have resumed their former profes sion. The husband Is eighty-one and the wife but little younger, but both are bright and well-preserved. Their concern aro said to bo worthy of cultivated audiences. The Taclflc coast people appear to bo really In earnest In their demand for representation In President Haves' Cabinet. They base their clalma on sectional grounds, It being necessary, In their opinion, that the vast domain west of of tho Itocky Mountains, the people of which have peculiar Interests and a commerce on the racllle distinct from the Atlantic coast, should have a volco In the National Council, It may be said In their favor that they are an energetic people, who have proved loyal to the country, and who havo been of valuable assistance to the ltepubllcan party In the last campaign. Governor McCorcuicx, of Arizona, lias a host of friends In that section, who aro strongly recommending his selec tion. Should Presldeot Hates recognize this clslm of the Pacific Coaat, and select Gov ernor McCormlck' hla action would, undoubt edly, give satisfaction to that Important sec tion ofour country. THE VOl IB OF THE ITOl'LE. Tha last rote of any Importance; to bo taken by the Electoral Commission Has been cut, and the result has gone to tho country. There Ii no longer any doubt at to the Presidency, and' the question ot the character of the -next Administration de pends upon nothing but ill own policy and conduct Tho great body of the pcoplo will be gratified that the party whole loy alty and devotion maintained the authority of the Government when assailed by vio lence, has been further Invested with the executive, trust, and that front among Its most distinguished leaders one of the ablest and purest has been chosen to direct the affairs of tho nation. They know from the convulsions which have shaken the publics confidence In the stability of our Institu tions tlnce the diy of the election, that a great duty ti Imposed upon tho Incoming l'resulent, almost. If not quite equal to the talk of reconstruction after tho armed con flict between the two sections. In fact, they fed that the real work of restoring the Union remains to bo done. After years of vain effort, because erroneously directed, tho two divisions 0! tho people which mot on the field ot battle to contest tho question of Us further continuance, now confront each other In tho arena of politics In open and un concealed hostility, upon tho subject of Its proper government. Borne of the Southern States, after a lapse of more than the tenth of a century of questionable peace, find themselves as completely and effectually under Northern domination, by civil means, as they were during tho war by military power; and they complain with reason, that while they are chiefly inhabi ted by native-born citizens, and geograph ically and nominally Southern States, they aro controlled by strangers and rendered in character, Northern States, by reason of the sentiments and opinions of their rulers. And while they could not legitimately complain of this fact, if the change had been brought about by the ordinary course of immigration, there is sufficient Justifi cation for remonstrance against govern ments originally established by military power, and slnco kept in being by a union of objectionable elements unknown In former days, and representing no sub stantial Interests, or but In small pro portion to the whole party of tho States concerned. The people of the North havo long felt the injustice of these governments, and now that tho clsss whose privileges and Immunities were believed to bo especially committed to their charge and safe keep Ing, has, In a largo degree, again cast its lot with its ancient head, and asks no fur ther protection In its rights, the occision for their encouragement has disappeared, and a new and moro efficient and popular means for the preservation of tho tfnfui of the colored race Is demanded by the chsnged situation. There Is some sympathy felt personilly for the better class of men who have settled In the South and become identified with theso governments In a prominent way, but it cannot avail against the positive con viction in the public mind of the impolicy of upholding unnatural power In the face of the protest of those who In reality con stitute the Slate. However patriotic the Intentions of such among whom werecog clzo Governors l'ACKAUD-and Chamber LAIN they cannot bavo weight when op posed to the obvious interests of the country; and if they cannot maintain them selves by virtue of the support of the pcoplo the only legitimate source of power there are no considerations which should Induce Tederal aid, and no authority to warrant it, beyond the simple act of recog nition and the strict enforcement of the peace. Thlslsthovlewof the people, who exact of the succeeding Administration that it shall rcconcilo the two sections of the country and cultivate friendly relations between them, restoring their former fellow ship, and so uniting them In the cxoeutlon of the Constitution and the laws as shall guarantee the cntiro Independence of the States in respect of their locil concerns. and the absolute freedom of the colored race in the enjoyment ot tho gift of citizen chip. Tin: (.oldcx OITOKTL'MTV bOUTII. Tor filly years, there has not existed the opportunity for tho Southern people to benefit and develop that section of the country, that is about being offered them. We mean this, in exity sense, political, material, financial, tic. A President is about being Inaugurated who sends to the people of the South these most important and assuring words. "Assure any ofour Southern friends, that I am impressed with the necessity of a complete change of men and policy. I shall stand by tho Ideas outlined in my letter of last summer." This, more fully interpreted means, not only the cntiro right ol self-government, but also a large and liberal policy In re spect to matters ot internal Improvement, of which the South stands In most press ing need. Except at Intervals, amost per nicious policy on this latter question has held sway in our national councils, for long years, to the utter ruin of our foreign commerce and internal development. Wo trust this disastrous policy will be speedily changed. It Is indeed little less than na tional suicide. There are hundreds of leading, patriotic men at the South, capablo or rising far above the miserable party politics of the hour; let all such, then, hasten to strike hinds with the conservative men of the North, on the one question of building up, and the work is fully half done. Be assured, the backbone of the entire country Is with you. l'ay no heed to the Ignorant gabble of ten cent politicians, or the ranting! of some local Journal, with Its three hundred circulation. Clo In, statesmen, both North and South, enact the laws needful to make your country what the Almighty Intended her to be, and, our word lor It, the now desolate regions of the South will soon blossom like an Eden, the waste empire of the Southwest yield up her fabulous wealth, whllo tho uJtoU country will bo repaid a thousand times over any possible expendi ture or liability it might be necessary to Incur. DUTY OE Tnn IlErtinUOAN aitXATK. As then is Justice on earth and manhood In tho ltepubllcan party, there wilt be no further compromise. Tho Democratlo party may at well know this now as to know it Saturday the day for compromise has patscd. The day for inaugurating the President-elect Is near at hand. The De mocracy opposo the decisions of the Tri bunal, and are delaying the count. Delay is dangerous at this luncture, but tho Re publican Senate can defeat this Democratic scheme. Its duty Is as clear at the open face of a cloudless day. It the Democracy attempt any further delay of tho count to day, then the Senate holdt the destiny of the nation. The Prettdent or tho Sen ate, under the Constitution, has the right to count U10 role. It will bo tho duty, therefore, ot tho Senate, thould this emer gency arise, to elect a man of will, nervo and courage as its presiding officer, who shall. In the Senate Chamber, on Saturday next, count the remainder of tho votes, ac cording to the Constitution and established precedents, and declare the malt In the presence of tho Bonato and as many mem bers of the Houso of Representative! as may choose to attend. This will thwart the conspiracy of the filibusters aid work out a result which will be sustained by the people, the law, Justice and the military forces of tho Republic. ElltUPE INT.ASr. Turning from tho peacelul solution of tho Frctldentlal question In our own country to the political situation In Europe, we And a great dlfforcnco in tho affairs of the respective continents. hue we bave assured peace Europe is threatened with a consuming and devastating war. Russia and Tutkey are still actively preparing for tho Irrepressible conflict, and the troops of the Czar along the banks of tho Pruth are getting ready to cross tho Turkish birder on their way to Constantinople. There arc alto active preparations going on In the English military service, nor are the German and French nations idle. Although the cable dlspitchcs bring moro reassuring news In favor of peace than usual, still tho extensive mllituy move ments now being mtde by neirly all the great powers bear witness that Europe Is under grave apprehensions of the future, and Is putting its houso In order for any emergency that may arise. Assault on tha Trlbuaal. The vIlHanous auiajts that are belag made by the Northern Demoeratle prett upon the Judicial Tribunal, are unequalled In the an- naltof partlssa hats. Io repaltlar these at- saults, Mr. PniLLirs, of Ksnsat, ttld rtctntly In the House : Iamnothtraas theaiutliat er apolc-slit or the measure. The day Is past for alther. It Is a fact, and a notable one, it was a nsoenlty, or lireoir from tbe sonvlctlon taat It was a nsoeiitty. 1 tblnk existing- rormi were adequate. Had ther been applied tfcs remit would hava beet precisely the same, i'artlsaa bltttrnais had eleudsd lbs election with a dsnbt, aad tbt demlnant party, victory In its Krai, aceeptsl your proposl. Hon that It might not bo said tbat an American President bad been nafalrly cheien. tvhats ver posterity may say of It. tbs oltoteral commission waiontof Uncle ham's tblosa a tribute to bis traditional love of fsir play voluntary, dallbor. ate, unprecedented. Both parties ware apeeattd to for tbelr ablest and purest representative. Tho Sanreme Conrt. tbo hlshest reereientatlraa of the national some of Jaitlco and hoaor. held tbe scales. It we aamt appeal at all coald we eflertotbe contemplation or tbe world a blghor or better tribunal, er a fairer repreiontatlro or all that was good In our Qovernmont and people t " "Oatii," in tha New York OropMe, says Mr. Tildex once said to me tbat he never had any youth. That was Just In the style of Weem9 and AnnoTT and other moral authors, who think tbat by violating the laws of na ture we get closer to the Ideal of a God. Who cheats nature out of his youth cheats bis youth. For youth Facst told himself, accord log to the legend, to the devil. Who there fore would aell hie youth Is werse than him who bargains with the devil for another youth. Youth Is the time thtt God walka with us. It Is the hopcfil the generous part of Ufa. Itls the time of love, of the flutter In the heart, of the discovery that we aro be loved, of bold resistance, of hearty Inllgna lion tho blrthtlme of all real ambition. Come back, O SAtirar., to the day of thy youth I Pluck the discarded blossom I Feel the generous puberty I Go down with chil dren to their Innocuous sports, their unim portant prattle, their aweet ani vicious flitl cuflsl Mr. Cl.Ar said ho woald rather bo right than President. I would rather b young than right. Anybody can be right. Auybody'e wife Is always right. Bnt bring a lawsuit for that purloined youth of yourt. Send for David Duplet Field and get him to attach It. Put an alio! on It or a widow and I think In your cate the widow would be both the allot and the youth. Patbick Donas, one of the most extreme and violent Southern men, has written a let ter to President Haies, In which he ssyt : "You will ko Intoomce tinder sometbingor a cloud, but you hove It la your power to dispel every mist and shadow, and toablno forth re splendent In tbe clear aonllzbt of Immortal fame. II yon rise to tbo glorious dignity of an oceailon sjch as heaven searceatlordato any man once In acentnrvtlf youabow yourself a patriot instead ofa partisan 1 ir, knowing no North, Houtb, Kail or west, you prove yooreelf President ortbe re. public, and nut ofa party tbe whole country will rally to youranpport. The long suffering Konth will stand by you as a unit. With tbe exooptlon of a fewdoscn msllgnant fanatics, the entire 40,000,000 ofyour countrymen, of every ereedand color, will endorse and sustain you. Peace, real peace, will once more spread her white wlnas over our long-dleoordant land. True reoonstrae tlon, delayed by psielon and by folly through many dark and weary years, will at last be elfeeted. Tbe Union will bo restored In deed and In trutb, a Union of hearts and hands, or In. tercets, sympathies and Inclinations, as well as of mere territory, mountains, lakes and streams, 1 be old fraternal feelings that animated Ameri can bosoms when the herolo blood of Virginia and Maseaebnsette mingled at Monmoutb, Saratoga, Trenton and Yoratowo, will bo reawakened. From Maine to tlaurornla, and Irons Minnesota to Florida, tbe altar Area of unaeetlooal patriot ism will be rekindled. Under the lnQnence or re newed confidence and hope, business will revive 1 our languishing industries will begin to raise tbelr beads 1 long-banished prosperity wilt return to our etores and our workshops t and from every village and hamlet, 'every hillside and valley, from ocean to ocean, will aaoend a glad, universal hymn of thanksgiving to tbo All wise and All merciful (lod of Nations, fur the good time coming" come at last. Tub general panic atlll reigns in Nora Scotia. At present there teems to be no government, ro Psrllament, no civil burial, no Judicial quietus, no anything that Is requisite for a proper system of government. So far they antedate the year 18(19. Tho Causa of the Horning of a SJallfornln Court Ilouee Six Fuascjsco, Feb. 21. Investigation Into tbe burning of tbt County Court Uouee at Hatlns, Montgomery couaty, a few weekeago, ebows tbat tha building waa fired for the Durpoee of destroying the rccorde and covering up a defjleetlon In tbe lax collector's oolee of several tboutand daUare, r.ultcrUlQji.l. A d.ipitoh from llt.Rrtd tsju. "Tbt Blcoeptl. china lit! .adopted the imc condition!," FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. 8VC0XD BVSStOK 8KNATK. Tha rtn baring eiplreJ, thl Stoat reiam.d lttieitloD, at tn 1. m. ThUUAIRUId iMfer tha SentU commtu fitcattonfrou Nathan Clifford, President of the' EltetorilCottmliiton that theOommliiloahiTlnnhad under con fid ration tha qveitlona arliloc on the counting of tha El toralTota or South Carolina and harlng come to a conclusion theraon, the Commission wat ready to communicate tbat decision to the two Uouin In Joint conrcntton. On motion or Mr. C RAO Iff the Secretary or the Senate was ordered to tntorm tho House tbat the Senate is ready to meet the House to rtctrre the decision. At fire minutes pest alersa tha clerk of tbe House arreared in the Senate chamber, and an nnuneea uiat the House had pasted a resolution announelnst tbat ft would reoelre the Senate at teurmlnutts pest twelra o'clock, ror tha purpose or continuing tbe count ot the electoral rota. At nine mfnutai past twclre the Chair called tha Senate to order, and the Senate Immediately proceeded to tha hall of the House in a body, Tha ttcnate returnod to its chamber at thirty minutes past twclre, and thoCnun announced that tha Senate harlnrmet the House In Joint committee to continue the electoral count, and objection harlng been made to counting tha rote or South Carolina, the benate had withdrawn. and the objections to the same would now be laid Dtioretneiseniie, The objections were reid, anl Mr. RUDKRT SON Offered the following! Heiohcd, Th.t the rota of booth Cirollnt be Counted nolwlitittun Jtiiif thu olitretloni thereto. Mr. MEiUUMUN ottered a resolution, tbat It Is competent to receira testimony to sustain tha toTcrWlaxocpUontmade to tha counting of tbt rote of (South tiarolisa. Mr. LDMUNDSraisod the point of order, that the Senate has nothing to do with tha testimony under tho law creating tho Lltotoral Oommls. sion. Mr. SHERMAN called Tor tho reading or tbe law, which was read. Xtlr.MLItlUMUN inMltwas reryplaln that although tbe Commission would not recetro tes timony. It was competent ror the Senate to receive It. Mr. EDMUNDS read the law saying tbat this decision or the Commission shall stand unless the two Houses aro or the opinion that It ought not to stand, and tbe only action now was for tho Senate to adopt or reject the decision or tbe Com mission. Mr.MERIUMON held that the matter could be recommitted to tho Electoral Commission ana hare further action on tbe question. How. he asked. It the Senate to know what the facts are? Ho wanted tbe facte and tbo testimony laid before the Senate to see if tbe evidence bean out the objection. Mr. iJAYAKD laid that the twoHonsas must concur or non-concur In the decision of the Com mit! ion. He had urged tbat all the facta should bs open to every Senator tnd Member to etch House, but tha Commission bad decided other wise, and he could not now sustain the resolution orthe Senator from North Carolina, for all tbe evidence they hava U now before the Senate, and was before the Commission. Ho did not belleva any such orter as contemplated by tbe re sol at Ion was necessary. The evidence Is now. and hat been bcloro tbe Senate, and each Senator Has all the Information regarding Mouth Carolina, and the resolution of the Mens for is not In order. All there is to do It to concur or non concur. Mr. MKItKlMUN said he dlfiered with the Sen ator from Delaware. Ha said tho Senator had argued on tha assumption tbat tbo Senate was in legislative session, and, therefore, the evidenoe came before them under tbe rules, but he did not consider the Senate as now In lenlslatlve session, and It was competentto havo this evidence before them. The GUAR believed that tho point of order wat well taken, but preferred to take tbe sonso of tbe Senate. Tfeycatandnayi were demanded and called, tnd the resolution ofilr. M kith mo was decided out of ofder. Yea. lt naya.43. Mr. liotl V moved that tho testimony to road. Mr.LsCUAN asked If that was not virtually tLo same motion that had Just been voted down. Mr.CAMERON.OVisJ said there wasnotcstU monyriow before the Senate, as tho committee had not ) ct rtbprtod to the Senate. Tho yeas niiauayi wera demanded on the mo tion offered by Mr. Hoov, and It was lost. Yeas. 211 nays, 41. i The question then recurred on the resolution oflered hyMr. ItooKnTacr, and the CHAIK de cided that further debate would now bo include J in the two hours allowed by the law, Mr.McCJtEMtY laid the average Amerloan politician could hardly resist tho temptation to lnftke, under ordinary clrcumstanoes, a ton min utes speeob, and tbat tempts tlon was none the harder to resist even though tha speech which he makes cannot In the least a floe t the result, and now, under the law, In the brier time of ten min utes, we are compelled to show all the disgust anJ deep fecllna; against the monstrous decision of this Electoral Commission. Vituperation and Invective fall to do justice to the great wronr, and it Is a question whether solemn sUenoe would not bo more fitting to the occasion, and better conrev tha d'smit m Speculate as we may, and talk as wa please, the question was settled, and tho arguments aro closed, swd ha did not know but that It was set tled beforehand. The Democrats trusted with faith in tho Electoral Commission. The number set en was considered among tha ancients as a very remarkable number, and at possessing much virtue: but the ancients never had a Refuralng Board of eight, with the Sana. tor from Indiana at Its head to confront them. If 11107 uuunuucitcuiuEu kvdo mat. me num ber seven would hava lost to them Its charm lit voted ror the Commission, and he did not In tend, here or elsewhere, to evade thorullrespon siblllty or tbat rote. He expected to be denounced lor bis vote br that lnrire and knnwlntr ! wh knew all about It beforohaod, and he expected to 1. a. a, Via kv.rt.ia,iw , .11 ,a..ta. HL. - . ajnsn tug iuiitiiiu us tan luuatj WHO lTOrfl DOt able to see Into tha middle or next wtek. During his remarks his time expire J, when Mr. Whttx took the floor, and yielded to Mr.Mc Cnarar to finish hla remarks. Mr. McDONALD deprecated the decision of tbe Commission In not aolng behind the returns and Investigating tbe elections. He claimed tbat the elections In South Carolina, as wall as Flori da and Louisiana, were:arrled by fraud, and tblt decision gavo Mr, Harts the Presidency through fraud. Mr. MORTON repelled the talk about fraud, and said that If there bad been a fair election Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, and Uaorg-ia, as well at Loulalana, Florida, and South Carolina, would have given large ltepubllcan majorities. He reiterated with boldness and vehemenoy his former assertions of fraud, murder, and intimida tion In the South. Mr. SAUE3HUIIY said wo wero approachina the end of theconsumalion or a great outrage and a great fraud, but that thould not deter hfiu rrom denouncintt; It. The frauds in the South were Instigated he satd. by high powers, and tbe expessewas borne by the United States Treas ury. Mr. Haves will be Inaugurated, but he will go Into the white House without any title, and will enjoy a position to which he has no right. while Mr. Tildcn would feel a pride that the people had elected him President, although bo Lad been robbed of Its possession. Mr. LOOAN said that it was not often that a parent would strike hit own child, but we hear saw the Democrats denouncing their pet, tbe cjicciuiri tvwuiuAiMtwu. cTv.jtJU iT ineir votes. He raid there was considerable talk about fraud and ha believed there had bean fraud. Yes, he asked, where can you find a greater fraud than tbat attempted In Oregon, where tbe name of a United States senator was attached to It as af firming It. Sueba fraud was attempted In that State at would make an escaped convict blush for shame, and then Democratlo Senators come here and talk about fraud. He alluded In severe terms to tbe part played by Senator Kkllv, and tald Republican Senators had been censored for a less ollenee than Democrats had been excused for. He claimed that the per. tont who were opposing tbe decision or the 00m mission, and who talked about resisting it, wire persons who did not love tbelr country, and bad no patriotism, who would rather see the country go down In gloom than to tee their hones and wishes for office thwarted. Mr. EATON denounced the decision, and tald he bad adlspatthfrom twenty-one of his con. ttltuents calling upon the delegation tn Congress to resist by all the meant In their power the con tumatlon ol fraud. Mr. EATON tald they would resist by all Con stitutional meant, and he did not Intend to aid la ina conaontuientgi inii great iriuu. Mr. SHLKMAN farored the decision, and thought It was dishonorable for those who favored tbt Commission to talk about Ignoring Its decision, and said If tbo decision had bten In favor of Mr. Tllden, be would have resisted, with all hit power, any effort to prtrtnt Mr. Tildcn from btlng inaugurated, Mr. PATTERSON tald the Republicans of Beuth Carolina did not atk any favors. They were willing that the Commission should go behind the returns, and If there had been tlmoto inves tigate the matter be would hare voted for the resolution offered br tbe Senator from North Carolina. Ha tald the Republicans courted In vest! gat ion, and wanted all the acts or the Demo, crattjlnvestigtteddownln South Carolina. He read from statistics to show that the Democrat! cast more votetln tome cases than tbt census Showed Inhabitanti. Mr. WADLEIG.U laid he was on one or the In restlgatlon Commltteos. and ho was willing to assert tbat great fraud and Intimidation was practiced In the South. Mr. MERRIMON claimed that tbe army was a source oflntimldatloD, and If the toldlert had rot been there tha Democrats would bare polled more rotes. He tald tbat the negroes wanted to rote tbe Democratlo ticket, and the toldlert be ing there prerented ft. Mr. DLAINE said that he wanted It to aro on record that tho negroes were 10 eager in South Carolina to rote the Democratlo ticket that It took the whole army of the United States to re strain them, Mr. CAMERON, (Wli.) said he was on the committee that went to south Carolina, and be denied tnat the toldlert prevented a fair election. Mr. CHRISTIANUYTalso or tha committee, tatdtf the army had not been there the election would have bten a faroet there would bave been no election at all. He tald tbat no Senator or Member could have thought that tbe Commit , tlon would go behind the returns of a State, for ft was talked about and wat well known tbat thoraeauld not possibly have been time to do 19 before the 4th of March - j , Mr. KERNAN briefly opposed tha resolution In a two-minute speech. . The time for debate having expired, the yeat and aayt wero called on tbe passage or tha reso lutlon, and resulted, yeat, 80t nays, S3. Mr. CONKLINO announced himself at paired with Mr. OonDbN, who wat 111. Several Senators were out of the chamber on conference committees and did not rote, otherwise tha TOta was a party one. On motion of Mr. EDMUNDS, tha Secretary was ordered to notify the House of tha action of the Senate, nndtbu the Senate was now ready to meet tha House la joint convention, to continue the count. At 6 is the Clerk of the House appeared, and notified the Senate that the Houso had massed a resolution not to sustain the decision of the 'Elec toral Commission, and that the rotes of South Carolina be not counted, notwithstanding the de cision of the Commission, and tbat the House It now ready to receive tbe Sentte and continue tbe count of the Electoral votes, and at 0 1ft tha Sen ate proceeded to the halt of the House, 1 The Senate returned to Itt chamber at fifteen minutes past seven, and tha CuAia announced, tbat the Stnata had met the House In Joint convention to continue tha electoral rota, and ob jections having arisen to counting tha vote ot the State or Vcrmont,tbe Senate had withdrawn, nd the objections woald now bo submitted to the (Senate, Mr. EDMUNDS submitted the following 1 Xrinlrfd, That tho rote of tho Mate of Vermont becoanielnntwlilitandlngthoo)jK,Uon, Mr. MERUIMON tald In relation to one of the objections known as objection number one, that bo learned from a reliable source that dual return! wero forwarded from Vermont to the President otthesenate. Tha President of tbe Benate hat tald that only one set or returns had been re ceived, and the question whether there wat any manner in which the two Houses or Congress could come Into possession ot tbat other return. Mr. COCKREJUL thought that a little at ten, tlon to tha Constitution ol tbe United States would have made the case perfectly plain. He reedthetlauaoofthe Constitution and the law, and tald tbe count to be pursued was perfectly plain, and If Vermont did not know by this time how to comply with tbe law. Mr. EDMUNDS tald he would use up hit ten minutes ;by calling up the yeat and nays. Ha woald cot dignify this question by a Single re mark. The yc at and naya were called, and the resolu tion ofhlr. Edmunds was adopted unanimously. On motion of Mr. EDMUNDS the Secretary of tha Senate wat ordered to notify tbe House or the action ofthe Senate, and that the Senate 11 now ready to meet tbe House and Continue the count or tbe electoral rote. On motion of Mr. CLAYTON the Senate atT.4) took a recesa until to-morrow at 10 o'clock. HOUSE OF HErilESElSTATIVra. At toon at the House was called to order, at 10 o'clock, the Speaker presented a communication from Mr. Justice OLirronn, announcing that the Electoral Commission had decided the South Carolina case, Mr. HOLMAN moved that the Senate be noti fied that the House would meet them in Joint con vention at tl o'clock, Mr. JJURCHAHD (Illinois) and other Republi cans suggested an earlier time. Mr. ATKINS (Tenn.)aaid there was no quo rum present, and ha objected to anything being done In theabseoceof a quorum. Mr. HALE (Maine) said there was a diversity of opinion at to whether the House could transact legislative business) but, by unanimous consent, he thought tbat the Houso might go on with the (sundry Civil Appropriation bilu That would let no precedent. After a great deal of dlscusslonand futile of. fortt to reaeh tome satisfactory arrangement, Mr Atkik a Insisted upon his demand ror a call of tbo House. The ruled that he had a right to de termine if there wts a quorum, and he counted a call, when there appeared 3J In the affirms tbe House, when he announced the presence of 110 members., Mr. Fjukkus and others, da mended a division on the question shall there be tlve and lit In the negative, whloh was a quorum. The yeas and naya were demanded, and the House byaTOtoof7ftyoaitoi50 nays, refused to order a call. The time wat thut consumed until ten minutes to oloven o'clock. Another effort wat then mad for some arrangement ror business. Mr. HOLMAN aaked that unanimous consent be given that tha Benate b notiflod that the House would meet them In Joint convention at ten minutes pan twelve o'clock, and that In the meantime the Houso proceed with tbo Sundry Cmt Appropriation bill. Mr, HOOKER. (Mast.,) objected, because ho hold tbat at tho House had been notified or tbe decision of tha Commission, It could not do busi ness eren by unanimous oonsent. Mr. TAYLOR mored that the Senate ba noti fied that tha House would meet them at 12 10, which motion waa adopted. This was agreed to, and then the Houso found Itself in a position where ft would hare to tit fdly doing nothing, unless unanimous consent could be glrcn for bust ntss. It waa finally agreed that tho Houso should go on with tbe sundry ciril bill, and Mr. JIolmaw demanded tbe previous question on the hill, and such amendments at teparate votes were not do. manded on. Tbe previous question was seconded. All tbo ameadmentt mado In Committee of the Whole were concurred tn.Jand tbe bill passod. At 12 o'clock tbe House was called to order ai or Wednesday's session. Mr. FIELD, (or N. YM) asked leave to report a Mil In relation to quo warranto proceedings for tbe Presidency, but Mr. Hcbchabd and others objected to any business whatever until after tho Joint Commission. The Senate then entered, and tha two Houses went Into Joint Convention. After tbe objections had been read the Senatori aeain. at 12.30, withdrew to their chamber to con alder the same. Mr. SPRINGER. (Ill,), immediately moved that tbe House take a recess until to-morrow morning, and upon tbat the yeat andnayt wero ordered, and the motion was relected bv a roto of V3 yeas to 170 nays. The following Democrats rotod In the negative: Jlewn, Alufwortb, JUrly, Bell, Blount, Brown, (Ky.)Biirchard, fMUt,)Cainnbll, tjioj. lr, thaplii. Cutler, Durban, Eden, Egbert, l ton. Oante, Ooodt?, Uordin. Hancock, Harden berih, Harrison, Uaymond. Hewitt, (N. Y.) Hill, liofinau. House, Jfokt, Jones, (N. It.) Hour. .ainar,Baiiirrs, (lna.jsanuora, (Uoon.)LflAloyuc, try, Lord, af organ, Nel, New, Udell, PkeMos, Piper. Powell. Itciran, John Heillay, Kobl l'.J BiTMcr, 8 Tier, blngletou, BUreoion, Hw Ttrliox. Teettfl. lliointia. Throckmorton. WI owcii, jicirsn, jonn ueiiiey, ttODulus, (W. y.Warrcn,Yattcrson, VtelU,(Mo.) btia homo, A. 8. WlllUmt. WltlUms, (Dd.) Willis, WlUUlre, Wilton, (W. Va.) and Wood, (N. Y.) Mr.SHEAKLEY(Penn.),and Mr.O'DRIEN (Md.), moved a recess until 7 sa o'clock this eve ning. Tho SPEAKER tald he would not entertain the motion as It was entirely of a d.latory oharactor. Mr. SI'RINO Lit and others appealed from tbo ucviBavit vi tug sjitaiiti Mr. WOOD IN. Y.,), moved to lay the a ffial on mo inDie. 119 warn once. Mr. O'BRIEN desired to address the House on tbe point of order, but Mr. Drown (Ky.,), ob Jcctod. i tn Mr.O'DRIEN thought It was very Indelicate and improper for Mr. liaowv to object when the braAKEtt was willing to hear him. Mr. bl'RINQER insisted upon belngbcard and was called to order In all parts of the liall, whoa the Speaker said the gentleman was violating the rules or tha House and would take his seat. Tbe ouestlon was then taken br reat and niri and the appeal was laid on the table by a rote of A 1 ;) v va usajj. Mr. WOOD (New York,) then moved that the House proceed to continue U10 objection to the decision of tbe Tribunal. Mr. SHEAKLEY;(Pa,), renewed a motion that tbe House take a recess until 10 o'cloek to-morrow. The CHAIR declined to entertain the motion and directed the clerk to read tbe detlslen ot the Tribunal. The Clerk preceded to read when Mr. SPRIN QER tald tbe SraAKKR mutt be aware tbat tbe gentleman from Fennirlvanta had made a motion for a recest. The SPEAKER. And the gentleman from II llnolt must be aware that tho Chair has deollnel to entertain tbe motion. Mr. SPRINOEHmade the point of order that it was ine uuiy 01 iao uuair 10 entertain an par 1 lament ai-T motions! that ha moit Tint tha num. tlon, and tnat It was tbe prerogative of tbo House to take an appeal. The SPEAKER said ho had given the greatest illllUUB IHCflO qUCBUUUI. J1U I1IU QUI KDOW what the motive wat in making these motions, but he knew the effect wat dtlay. Mr. O'DHIEN tald no one on his tide wanted to delay. All they wanted waa tfaHr rights. (Laughter.) Mr. SPRINOER Insisted that It wat the duty of the OuAin to entertain a motion for arecctt. Tbe CHAIR declined to entertain It. Mr. BP1UNQEU would appeal from the decis ion ofthe Chair. The CHAIK declined to entertain the appeal. Mr. SPRINOER (excitedly), and from that decision 1 appeal to tbe people of tbe country. The SPEAKER then directed the Clerk to readthe decision of the Tribunal, and the objeo' tlons, after which Mr. Phillips (Mo), sent up and asked to hare read tbe testimony on the South Carolina case, covering teveral hundred peg"- Objection wat made to the quettlon whether tho paper thould be readi It waa submitted to tbe Houso and wat rejected by a rote of 17 yeat to 177 nay 1. Mr. WALL1NO (Ohio), mortd to re-eonsldtr thevote, and Mr. Wood moved to lay tbat mo tion on the tablet and upon that tbe yeat and naya were ordered at if so. The latter motion wat agreed to by a rota of ITTreas toTSnays. Mr. VANCE (Ohio), then moved that parti one and two of the South Carolina evidence bo read. Tbe SPEAKER tald that the House had re fused to order tbe reading. Mi. Hl'HINOER tatd that tha lfottia had aald It would not read It all, but tbat waino reason why a portion of the paper offered should not bo read. Tbe SPEAKER tald that the gentltman would certainly not hold seriously that a part of a paper could be read, when the Houso had rejeottd the whole. The trouble wai as to the reading tbat tbe law prohibited It. The SPEAKbU bad nothing to do with tbe (Taming or that law, but tbe gentleman from Illinois had. Tbe regular order was then demanded, and Mr. COCHRANi; (Pa.) offered a resolution ibat the objection to tbo decision ot tho Trlbuaal be sus tained, and that the rotes be not counted. , , Mr.O'DRIEN, then tried to get another Tflte and motion for arecctt, but the SriAiun re (used to entertain the motion The debate on the case waa then opened at tt 10. Mr. HOOKER, (aMIss.) argued that tha Elec toral Tribunal had violated the law, and had da-i Seated the expectations or those w bo clothed them with iKiwer and authority, and ba argued with a remark made the other day, tbat those who created the Tribunal were not bound Inlaw or morals to abide by the finding of the Commit, lion, became It had not exercised tha Jnrlsdiotlon It wat clothed with, and had not onqulrod into tha evidence. Having rerutod to take jurisdic tion, It had not performed tbe functions of us crea tion, aad its decisions wtre therefore not binding.' Mr. L API! AM (N. Y.liold ha had opposed the Mil on constitutional and parliamentary grounds, but he felt bound to defend tbe aotlou of the Commission. Referring to this particular case ot South Carolina, he tald that he wat one orthe members who formed one or tha special commit tee appointed to Investigate a if airs In South Car olina, and he wanted to call attention to the fact tbat la tbe report or that Committon they unani mously declared that Hayes and Whaeler had carried the State by over SOO majority. One of tbe members of the Tribunal (Mr. Abbott) was a member nlso of tho South Carolina Committee. He signed the report that Hayes bad carried the Slate, and yet tn tbe Commission he roted not to count tbe roto for Hayes. And yet the gentle men on the other side talk of fraud. The only frauds he had heard of wat the attempt to pur eriMo electors In Florida and Louisiana, and the attempt to create one by money In Oregon. The ctrher dispatches had been deciphered, and they all point unerringly to Oramerey Park, and yet Tiloen and Senator Killet say they know noth. Ing about them. Mr. OOODE, (Va.), laid the question that now f resented Itself, waa what thould be done under hectrcuinatanoes. He believed the Democrats should do at they would be dona br. They must accord to tbe Republicans what tha Democrats would hare demanded unanimously If tbe de sMilAn ISesi tveaetn In Ifcftlp famr him who htt been declared the victor have the office, ftr It Is1 lonominateuintne Dona, it wouia do unwise and unmaaly to violate tno law or to attempt to reverse tha verdict of the Tribunal by any in direct meant. Mr. Ooona eontrasted the tit nation of South Carolina now with what the wai yean ago. Mr. LAURENCE. (Ohio,, la alludlor to tho charge made before the Cora miss loo yes terday, that fraud was practiced tn South Carolina on acoount of the presence, or troops, showed that aut of tha whole number of tooopt there, there wai about one loldlor to every 700 of tbo white inhabitant! or the State. Mr. HANKS (Mass.) argued that there was a necessity for the presence of troops tn South Car olina, for the committee who went there bad found tbat what wera called tbo citlien military were bandt of armed white men, who were hostile to the State government at well at to the United States Oorernment as It existed, Mr. PHILLIPS (Mo.) tald tbat the tight who formed tho majority or the Tribunal had achieved an Immortality ol Infamy. Ha charged that Mr. Hoau had de. calved tbe House by hit speeches before the bill wat passed, and asserted that It could not bavo been passed If It had been understood tbat no proof would ba admitted. Mr. WALLACE fS. O.) denied the charges of fraud made against the Republican! of South Carolina. Alluding to tho remarks of Mr. Oooni, be told there were grave doubtt on his side of the House, and among tome Democrats, whether he (Uoodx) was properly elected, and he bad better look to his own conscience. All that the Hepub llctni or South Carolina wanted Is a fair cbance. Mr. RAINEY tald that It wit true that South Carolina had not now on the floor inch opposert as tbe old Hare drlTcrt, but the people of the btate wera well represented. He would not countenance fraud tn any particular, and ho de nied that the Republican party of South Caro lina waa governed by fraud. The colored people of South Carolina old not hate the Democrat!, but tbelr oppressors were among them, and they were glad when a Republican was elected to office. Alter further speeches tha SPEAKER stated the question was now on tho resolution or Mr. CociittAnx, tbat the objections of tho House to the dccliton of t he Tribunal bo sustained, Mr. WALLINO, (Ohio), mored to amend by adding tbo words, "in conformity with tho act creating the Tribunal." Mr, JONES, (Ky.), offered ai a substitute that the decision of the Commission bo not concurred In by the House. The question baring been raited whether theso motion! were In ordor tbo SraAxm ruled that they were. Tho main question lathe resolution and amend ment wat then ordered and the yeas and nayi demanded. Dy making theso amendments and moving to reconsider tha fill I buttering of the House, had laid a train for at least half a doxen yeas and cava. Alter the roll had been called once, Mr. WOOD, (N. Y) tald It waa manliest tbat there were mo tions pending which would keep tho House hero all night, lie would therefore make a proposi tion, which wat that all the motions thould be withdrawn! that the vote should be taken on the main resolution that tbe Senate thould bo In vited to attend, and that tha oountabjuld go on until Vermont was reached, when tha two Houiet would again teparate, and a recess would then be taken until to-morrow at 10 o'clock. After some discussion the argument wai en tered Into, Mr, OocBBAKB'a resolution was adopted, and tbe Senate was notlned accordingly. The Sinate shortly after entered tbe hall, and both Houses proceeded with the connttug of the presidential rote at reported on the first page. After the Senate retired from the hall Mr. SPRINOER rose excitedly, and laid: X raise tbe point of order that thlt is a question to bo considered by the Commission and not by the two Houses. (Loud shouts of derisive laughter and jeering, during which Mr. SraivaaRcontln. ued to speak for some time, but what he ia!4 could not bo heard, In tho confusion, but a few feet from him. When the Speaker succeeded In restoring par tial order, several gentlemen sought to obtain the floor, notably Mr. WOOD, (N.Y..) who moved a recess until lo a.m. The SPEAKER refused to recognise anyone, and said tbat In accordance with the previous unanimous agreement tho House would now (at 7 Is p.m.) tako a recess until 10 o'clock to-morrow, which wat accordingly taken. aor. hayj:s tuiEitJiAitouT.. Ztumora That He Had Arrived In. Washing tonWhat Our Importer Ascertained. It wat rumored about the streets and ho tel t last evening tbat Uorcrnor Hayes, the Pros. Ident Elect, had arrlred In the city. Inquiry wai made Into the truth of the rumor If Oorernor Iltyci arrived, be entered the city so stealthily, tbat not eren those gentlemen, most Intimately associated with him, personally and politically, were aware of It. A reporter called at the rooms of Judge Stanley Matthews, at Woanley't lait evening. When ushered Into the room, the resemblance between Judge Matthews and tbe portrait! ofOor, Hayes wai 10 (strong tbat tbo Reporter thought, at first, that he was In tbe preienoo or the next President, who wat tupposod to bare come into tha city by balloon or some other exclusive con veyance. Judge Matthews soon assured the re porter tbat he was not In tbe presents ofOov, Hayes, Gov. Dennlson was with tho Judge, and participated In the eonrcrtatlon. "If he It In the city I know nothing of It," said Judge Matthews. 'I sent a despatch to him not moro than two hours ago," taldOor. Dennlson. "Why aot lend a despatoh to him, aad ask blra ir ball there t" Oor. Hayes Is to-night standing In the rotunda or the State JHouso at Columbus," remarked Judge Matthews. "This Is tbe night of his fare well reception, or at least that wai the pro gramme. Ha did not Intend to start for Wash ington until after the count It over. I think, though, that he will start to-night and reach Washington to-morrow evening. He may havo rcasoni lor not caring to hare hit arrival adver tised." 'These great men are a terrible bother to news paptr reporters." remarked tbe writer. 'Or rather tbe newspaper reporters are a bother to the great men," replied the Judge, and tbe re porter, reallxlng the force of hit remark, took leave of the party. cur imievuii:. Aa Inauguration drawt near the numbers ordally arrivals at tbo hotels It increasing. The teachers and Janitors of the public schools, will receive their salaries for tbe month of 1'ebruary, Saturday, The chimney of home No. 200 D atreet southwest, caught fire yesterday afternoon, but no damage wat done. The Ore originated by a pot of boiling fat left on tbe stove, wbleh spilled and faeaied the stove to such an an extent as to let tbe foal chimney on art. The following marriage llcentca bare been Issued 1 Otorge O. Burke, of Baltimore, and Maggie A. Olauw, of thlt city; Oscar 0: MoOee and Mary J, Hoye, of Manchester, Va,i Wm. T Crawford and Mary Jackson) Richard Uouser and Nancy Loudoun county, Va. Ooo. w. Oarner and Llllle DsttonjHenry Johnson and Mary M. Putnam. The Metropolitan. neat eight-pare paper, Subllshed under the ausplctt or the ladles or tha letropolltanM. K. Cborcb, baa mado itt appear ance. Tht Initial number oontalnt contribution! rrtih ana Drigni irom a numoer or writers tore most among tbe UUriil of tbe Capital. Among; lhariinla ar Th Wuhlnirton MonnmanL' r --- ,.- .....- .;. r-T.-..-i.'T-.Tr: .. .t by Mrs. Emily Edson Ilrlggi ("01iTla")i "The Wife's AppeaV by Oraoa Oretnwoodt and ArtX br Mrs. Marr E. Nealrt wrJuwivu( "i, Nature Mrs, Mary E. Nealyt "In the Orient," by Mri. Dr. Newman, and "Beautiful Bethlahtm." by Iter, J. P. Newman. The edltert are Orace Oretnwood, Mri. Neaty and "Olivia." Typographically tbe Mttropotiun refieeta tbe greatest credit upon the publisher, B. S, Itetrtl and his assistants. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. finance-. WASitiiraTOr. V. U. Feb. tl, fSTT. The New York PotV financial article tayit (laid openrd at lotf aad all sties have since been at that price. Excnante Is 4S2H91U. and 4M4 for prime bankers1 sterling) tbo nominal rates aru 483H and 481 respectively, la tbe money market eait loans an SS03 aad prime mercantile paper 39s, Government bonds aro qatet, tbe only changes being a dccllce or H tn 6 of list, 4t and 19-Ws, aad an advance of H tn aew 7s. T4ie stock market ' opened H higher than It closed yesterday for Erie and H for racllleMallt Northwest preferred and Bock Island were eaeb W lower, and MUblx an Cea tral X, otherwise there werenochanrce. After a decline or H la New York central, and H la Keck Island, the general list began to advanct?,aad prlcei by 11 o'clock had risen WOlH. the latter Lake Shore t New York advanced I, and Bock Island aad Northwest preferred Iu the' neat hair boor there waa a decline of HO, the latter Northwest preferred. From HtSO o'clock until about noon there waa another advance of Wl. the latter West era Union Telegraph. Bluce then there has been another decline, except in new Torkue&iral, of' iH, tbe latter Western Uelon Telegraph. Dtla ware,Lsckawanna and Western daring the first, half hour declined X. end Delaware and Hudson Canat V. la the next hour Delaware, Lackawanna and Western advanced 2V, and Delaware and Had onOaoall'. Blnoe noea there ba been a declloA' In Delaware, Lackawanna and west era of a, aad Delaware and Hudson of 1, In new A or to-day money wat easy at ftf- Exchanae fkitwi, iia (iiiiiBt ivivaiot'i. riKi nair, iuc (.( jtug. UovernDaenU dal lite snb-Trratnry balances at New Yerk to-dar wem lold,t72.lin,imi currency, f44,lt,i70. The snb-Trrasury paid oat on accouut of Intertxtt. u.OUQj ror bonds, 17,000) Customs receipts, lift, f. mi. COUDOU....ltPf.S-20'S, 1109 HI a-Wa, 18S J0T4New fires nM a-2o'a, lSTtO, new.,, iosh 10.40 coupons m t-20'S, ltG7 HlHl The following arc the eloilnr rates for the active stocks and tlorrrument aecnrHOx, tilejrrapliM to ' II 1, cooke, Jr., A Co., from tho New York JjtockKicbanct. ttLMe bondi nnlet and nominal. Tennessee's, old. ..43S13.S, Carol i a, A. 0,11 io H iv KDnwini'i. new i lAiiiiouri 10 lennrtMti Bvnvs..,, ii'tniii, m bi. tio.i Vlrclnla t't ft.) il.oulilana I'a. do new , m ILoatilana, new. ilana, new a-( B 0' WW B I'l M una I's ,, 14 no coDKi...,,s'fj do deferred, 7 lvee LfTfta ueorftiae's Almltimi .Ueortzl 7'f 1 Alabama e't, 14 'deoi-Klat'oldaMmda IM't.' Arkansas tVi... rto, v,muiiu, viui.i,,ii ArKauBa)i w a. ,.,,, eWtfm M. Arkanias M bAio .r ...ii. -I., e'-i rzaz-.TZ .:' . iN.Car..tncclaltax, Itrtis Arkansas (Jen tti9 O, LBrUJIIlB, Utile tea e IUOIU. a..,,.,,, ttia.lVl b. Carolina, new.. U I Btocks aeilre and strong. Pacific Wall 1 Wabash 9 Western Union 67'j! Union I'aclffc Sl Northwestern II A. A P. prfi'rrd., do. pref M Hluourl Paclfio Rock lalaud. 10l!( MlcbUan Central,... 43 f BainlPaul 17'j lrl. ft llndson.,.,. 4 do. prtf. 47H'jeney Central, , 10K O. C, A I. C. 7V1M., I,ck. w.... ei? Krle , 7S,IIHnoli Central 03$ ta uinmnai L Ht. Jo.. ll'ilPlttabnrr.. iJsaKt cmorc.,,,,,,,,,, aw- 1,0111 iu carry., ,. a N.Y, Central wI'Money,...,.,; 1'i (Jliloft Mliilsslpnl.. I'iUold closed... lOltT The rloilBis or to-dar, as conparcd with tha opciiiDjr price una morning snow aiucm enan gei in lricri, liio io opailne; nrlc Itock Island . .., JipercL ralnt raul preferred Jf Delaware A llndson t " Jincy Central ?( The following hate fallen btlow tbo opealug Crlces 1 bicago A Northwestern MpcreU Lake lunrc, H New York Central 1 MlchUan Central H ' The following are the total sales of stocks at tha N ew York Stock Hoard 1 Pacific Hall too N. Y. Central 11,61 Vi rttern Union... Ohio at stUsiMlnpl, TM orU.weBuroMM.i iuu.wabih ,,.. do. 6rcf., 4.200 Union Paclfio Bock Island lvooia. ft P. prrlerTel., Hatnt l'ml TM Mluonrl Pintl a do. pref.,.. 4,Boo Micblaan Central,. 7,WJ C O. A I, C l)el, Hudson..., 11, 1M 9 Ulj.rav nutilHl.. nanoVbalABU Jo.' LLe hiinro zi" isri, uicivt at yi . is,iju The followlnr are the buying and telling rates for Ooernment securities; Securities. Haying. Selling. U. h. Mixc ism. registered... . rire-TwentU,1963 Y Ire-Twrntles, J. A J., mi... FIrc-Twentlei, J. A J lt7. Ktie-Twentles, J. ft J 118... Tcn-Fortlr Mew give Per Cents Currency Hit cs ,, Congress Guaranteed a-6Va.,.. Uold. ili per cent. U. H. Condi , Foreign Exchanges. Three day bill BlxtV day bUU 111W 1072 im 11W 114 11 W 1x4 71 V lMtf 1UH 119 $ I JtJ avi Hlt.VlAi, AOTlduS. LZiYCifrirv RTTOT' HOT BUD A WATXB, witit main Birpantnit TEA, COFTKK AND CKUCOLATK. bvisn nuiik Ani) ninsuAit n A -Wl'LUID LIUIiTNINO EXCELS ANT remedy ever known for the Immediat enra of Neuralgia, Headache, fte. Bold at ConghUa'e Temple Drag more. ocit starPLEunisr. pain in the side, Back, Ac, instantly disappear when Fluid Mgbu ning la applied. Bold at CougbUn't Drug IHore, Hasonlolemplt. oel JUT- PRESCRIPTIONS PREPARED AT Coughltn'a Temple Drug Store, j? and Nlatb street, at moderate prices. tepe-if ST- FRENCH, ENULISH AND OOMESTHJ Articles ror ladles tolict use at Congblln't Tempi Drug Btore. sp-tT tt- HUMPHREY'S SPECIFICS, POND'S Extract, Homeopathic Medicines, told at Tmrla Drug Btore, 1 and Ninth street. aepa-tf T 9 PER BET, EITHER JAW, BY DR. A. N. C. Welsooborn, Dentist. No. FoarteenUi street northwest! also, Uold Fillings done at rMoa able price and satisfaction given, J23-tf CREMONA VIOLIN3, Mr. Uoffuik has fine Htradlnarhis, Ouarnerlus. Malncr Violins, Montaguann Violas and Fourui Jlowst for sale to prltaio tmrtlest 4(17 Missouri avenue. tcnn - TEETH $8 PER SET. EITHER JAW by Dr. A. Pratt, graduate or Ohio College or Den tal hurery..and of the Rush Medical College, (JbU rago, 401 Bitenth street, east aide, corner of 11, Katractlngcblldren'Bteeth.iacenu. jell-tf J5-TO All, WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I I hereby forbid all persona from harboring or trusting my wife, LenalscbwarU, on my account. aa t will pay no debts contracted by her, she bavlog left my house and board without Inst raise, nihl-ll JlUlN BCHWABTZ. . -NOTICE-THE ANNUAL ELECTION for Directors or 11.U National l-lfo Insurance Com puny of the United States or America ror the 111 tulng car will bv held at thoofllceortlieCoutpaay, rornrof Ninth and J streets northwest, la tbe City of Wash I uk ton, D. C, on Tuesday, Martb 15, 1B7T, at 11 o'doik A. M. ml-mt JOHN M. HUTI.EH, Secretary. .WbOFT CORNS.-OALI PROMPTLY on Dr. BCUULTZ, 903 corner Ninth street aad t cuaiaftitaiiita, iiumti asp tsatatsts, aiv. u BUI, corns are always seated between the toes, and art I called ao from their being at all timet In auamas. l moist siave, -lueraDenot oniy exceedingly pain ful, bat often dangerous. Prof, K. wliun. of London, tarsi "On one occasion 1 examlneoTa tori corn which bad eaten In the bones and produced In flammation in the Joint. Diseased bona originating: In soft corns It of no Infrequent oecarrenee., Dr. B, treats every species of Corns, 11 onions, Nalla, Ae , painless encTeffeclual, a certified, for twenty years. Call era too late, unit aTY 1M U. A. SAUBATH AFTERNOON, AT 8.30 O'CLOCK, IN LINCOLN HALL, O 03 PEL MEET1NU FOR YOUNU MEN. Music by Y. M. 0. A. quartette. Congregational slnglug, led by cornet and organ. jaM jsJJ-S GOLDSTEIN A CO., LOAN AND COMMISSION bttOKEttS. LOAN AND COMMISSION lirttlKKHS LOAN AND COMMISSION BKOKEKS. LOAN AND COMMISSION liUOKEUS. ESTABLISHED IN tOffl. ESTABLISHED IN laSX ESTABLISHED IN 1831. JJTAUttlSUfcU li IBOi. Northeast Corner or Tenth and D streets. Nortbettt Corner of Tenth and D streets. Northettt Comer of Tenth and D streets. Northeast Corner of Tenth and D itreeta, PRIVATE ENTRANCE ON TENTH ST, PRIVATE ENTRANCE ON TENTH ST, PRIVATE ENTRANCE ON TENTH ST. PRIVATE ENTRANCE ON TENTH BT, Liberal Advance! made on Personal Property to any amount and for any time desired oa very reasonable terms. Also, Uoodt told on Gomraliiton. A large stock of Uoods on band, (new and teo sold very low for cash. jan-tf A OARD. To all who are suffer! nir from the errors ami Indiscretions of youth, nervous weak-i 1 neos, early decay, loss of inanbooti, te.. PJ win semt a recipe mat win euro von, rasi ur I'll Ami K. this great reined r was dlscoTcri bv wlulonarv In Houth Amrrlra. Hcnd aaelf-aJ Iarcssru cuyrHinv iu me nev. juitKrit x, 1 BiatlonD, UlbieUouse hewxerkcUr, fi r -j a