IVHHIMMIHIIMPinPPIHiPIPMni S W " ,u I'"' t f "-i")f !3W-"cy '(cTV --v, -9 - wpiG SHWWji s-jstWM "tsr-r:' o THE NATfONAL I.EPUBIJC'AN: HATURDAY MOBNTNG, JANULRY 21, 1882 DOUBLE S1TEET. K it y ? ! ft r iV SCOVILLB CLOSES HI3 EFFORTS TOR THE ASSASSIHt Ihl Grinning Oatltan md 111 Boll of Itaaaifrlpt Dltirtmt of the TrUentr't Ilea The Attisttn It SpuV He ITanti Tn Ilffon t Uonl. Mt Rcovlllo concluded hi argument yesterday. Hit Inst words to the Jnry were brief, and hojln dutgedlnnonoof tbosJIllecoi rhetoric which U usual upon euch occasion. Gultcau hud but III tlo to say, but as Judge Cox has decided to allow him to speak to-dy he will occupy nbout two houni In reading the speech which has been pub lished. Thcro nv n crowded court room, as usual, nnd tho lns-l day of tho trUt teeined to attract tho public more than the opening days. At ten minutes past ten, without any prelimi nary Incidents or demonstration on tho part of tho prisoner, Mr. Scovllle resumed his Argument. OUtTRAC BBOVUIIT 1MTO COUDT with him n roll of manuscript, said to bo an elab orate preface to his rpeceh. which has already been published. Mr. Scovllle called attontlon to tho testimony of Dr. Hamilton. "onoof the Govern ment conspirators," as be terms him. Tho District Attorney was tho cole representa tive of tho prosecution In attendance when Mr. Scovllle began his speech, and, with character istic alTablllly, atonco assumed tho task of guard Jng tho understanding and judgment of the jury from being perverted by any Improper influences on the part of Mr. Scovllle. Tho latter produced n diagram showing a Motion of tho prisoner's head. "That's not In evidence," said Colonol Corkhlll "It it," replied Mr. Scovllle, "ouoiact fac-slmllc of the diagram )Oii put In, (Reach lng across tho table to tho District Attorney.) You cnu take It and sco that It Is no." Colonel Corlthlll (shaking his head contemptu ously) Impose it on tho Jury If you wish i Jjdon'l put it on me. Mr. Hcovllle (earnestly) I will take a rale and rnako tho mouurcmenta right hero before tho lury. Colonel Corkhlll Ob, don't' TOUR SVCPTII IS HAD KM0UJ1I. Tour testimony will bo wonrc. Mr. Pcovllle (hall apologetically) Well, Colonel Corkhlll, I am doing tho twit I can, and lam honestly endeavoring to get the trnlh beforo this ury. Mr. Seovillo continued, with frequent Interrup tions on tho cart of tho District Attorney. Taking up the diagram oftluttcau's head ottered in evi dence by Dr. Hamilton, Mr. Srov lllc said : " 1 pro pose to show by thrso cnlartccd diagrams (holding up aomo of his own procuring) if not permitted in this way, then by measurements of this cast (tho plaster cast made by Clark Mills); nud if this is not satisfactory, then I will have the prisoner bruugbt up before you and I will havo accurate measurements taken of his head. In short, gentlemen of tho Jury, I am going to khow j on that Dr. Kcmpstcr lied when ho told you that thts-dlagrnm was a correct representation of Qui teau'a head." Colonel Corkhlll risked to bo permitted to exam ine tho diagrams which Mr. Scuvlllo held In his band, nud after looking at them a moment said wltlinancor: "This has.thelook of Dr. Spltxka's work." Mr. Scovllle No, Mr. Corkhlll, that is not Dr. Splltkn's work ; that name seems to w urry you a good (ltnl. Ouo would think you were haunted by tho rccollectlou of Dr. Spltrko. Lauiihtcr.il Mr.Scovlllc continued to discuss tho subect of the hcud diagrams, and tho proceedings wen: be coming somewhat tedious, when they were en livened by tho prisoner. Ills first utterance was from some cntiso postponed until half-iast eleven o'clock. Ho had been busily engaged In reading tha papers, uud the possibility of his remaining quiet until recess was fast merging into a proba bility, when he suddenly took advantage of a pause, and called out . "TUB DHTlllC ATTOnNKY HAS HUN OUT of monty. lie can't pay these fellows till ho can get an extra appropriation from Congrtvis. Laugh ing They had better slnld in New York, They will go home with less money than they expected. Serves them right." Mr. Scovllle read from Dr. Hamilton's cvldcnco relallvo to tho configuration of heads, A little "spat" ensued between counsel, when Mr. Scovllle, with a slight show of Impatience, retorted. "I don't object to giving everything bearing upon this case, and when tho District Attorney asks for anything in tho name of fairness I am only too happy to accede, I havosccu the rtcord this niorning,Hnd have learned tho reason forthn District Attorney's animus against tho witness Mos. It seems that Moss had to suo Corkhlll in a magistrate's court run a Tiiiir.K-noi.tMi w'tsiMiiu, which tho District Attorney owed Mci' wife, ami the record says the District Attorney paid It and 9)1.0) rcntt." Gultcau (oziiltlnglyj If they should undertake to sue Corkhlll for all ho owes It would take tho tlmo of all the courts to attend to the business. Mr. .Scovllle 1 very much dlillko to tiring ont audi things in a court-room, but when the Dis trict Attorney persists in his incun Utile person Hlltlcs ho compels mo to retaliate. Shortly afterward Colonel Corkhlll again inter rupted, when Mr. Davidge, who had come in, pro tested with mock gravity, "Ob, don't interrupt him; in Heaven's name, don't interrupt htm; ho might slop altogether I" (General laughter, in which Mr. Pcovlllo Jolned.l Gullcau found opportunity .to call out: "The papers say I spent thrco weeks iu preparing my apeech. As n matter of fact I only spent thrco or four days, nights and mornings. I want thu record straight on this matter." After recess Mr. Pcovlllo said : " I might detain you gentlemen for a week longer with just such observations as I havo been making upon tho evi dence introduced by the prosecution, but I shall not dwell longer uiion tho facts. I will cluso with a few general observations. You are awuro that nil tho laws framed for tho protection of society and tho punishment of crimo are directed against home people, not ouo Is framed for tho Insane. Another thing lowhlch I would cull you Attention is that all laws lire mado lo rover gen eral chweso reaves, and It Is not po&slblo tomako laws that will cover each panlcnlar case accord ing to Us attendant circumstances. Now, when you come to consider this rn'c now on trial they will tell you becauso UK knkw nn act was wkuno tho some punishment should be meted out to him as in the coso of the hardened criminal who has devoted all his llfo to Iho pursuit of evil plans and evil purposes. Hut I told jou thin Is not right; and when u man has overstepped the bound ary lino of canity And had committed a crlmo ho should not bo punished as a sauo inau. In conclusion he said- "It lias often been said that our Jury trials are n farce And 1 havo In my practice frequently hcaird it said that the Jury system ought to bo abolished because Jurors maLo a mistake because they aro influenced by Iho advocates; because limy nro In fluenced, not by Justlco, not by Iho evidence, but by tho last address. Hut, gentlemen, I thank Clod that thcro was a time when my Rogllsh an cestry stood up against wrong and in justice nud wrested from a dexiilc king the right of trial by Jury, ami I havo never jet seen tho time when I would wish to sec that right abolished. I feel moro iccure and more wife in this modo of administering Juvtlco thau In any other so long asjurlrwaro bonivt; it does uot require that you should havo read Kent or Bluckslouo. It requires that you should have honest hearts and clear heads, and, abovo all, that you should bo fearless to Uud for the right regardless of what mny come, rcgard ldu of w hcthcr your iellow-nicu may approvo it or not. This Is what I shall .expect of you, gentle men, and I believe that you will do it. I IMVh Till. CASl WITH YOU, guitlcmcn, thanking jou for your kind attontloii Bourn applause followed Iho conilutlon of Mr. ficovlllo's sicch, which was promptly checked by thu Court. Colonel Corkhlll stated that nn behalf of tho prosecution be would withdraw all objec tion to Oultcau'6 addressing the Jury. That this trial hail becu long and expensive, and he did not desire lo givo any opportunity fur un objection upon which to Sound a demand for a now trial. Colonel Heed with some vehemence maintained tbut the Dis trict Attorney had no right to attempt to influtneo the juribysuch an Imputation as he had Just made. It was einipl) equivalent to tho ncsuuip tlon that they would ot uiume convict this r.iou. He did uot h'esltutc to assume on the contrary that they would hot ujNvwr as UMiQUirrEU i uiutic if the defense asked thut he bo allowed to ipeuk Jt as because he had an undoubted right to bo beard. Colonel Corkhlll objected to tho criticism nl the counsel. Ho had no right to make them. Ilo (Corkhlll) had cast no reflections upon tho gentle man, lie bad courteously withdrawn Iho objec tions or tlio Uovermuent. Oullenu I apprecUlo this unexpected courtesy of Corkhlll'a. aud I du't wholly agree with Itecd, Your Honor. ,Judgo Cox staled that ho had decided lo allow tho prisoner to speak. Mr. Davldgv, who had lust coino in, Inquired Is tho prisoner tospeuk, Your Honor? if so, I would like lo inquire about how much tlmo ho Will occupy T" Gulteau I shall deliver to the Jury my tpeccb. which has been publlhcd In all thoncKHpripon. Mr. Davldgc I have not wen II. Gultenu Well, then, 1 would advlso you to get It nt onto and read It. t kiiam, want Aiirr two norna. Your Honor, I speak rapidly. After aome consultation between tho Court and counsel, as Oulteau was not prepared to spenk 1 day, tho court was adjourned till to-morrow. Mr, Davldgo stafod that Judge Porter Is In qulto fccblo health, and will proliably bo unablo to speak before Monday. It Is probable, therefore, that the court will adjourn at neon to-morrow until monday. OrnitAlJ OKTTISO JlKI.UOkMIHT. (lultcan has often threatened In the court-room to slap his guards in Iho face, aud yesterday ho attempted to carry out bis threat. The proceedings, however, wcro not disgraced with such Heretic. When ho waa being taken out at recess ho stopped to speak to Mr. Renville, when llalltlTTall, wishing to get lilmoutof the crowd, attempted toshovo him along, when tho prisoner turned savagely and struck at Iho officer with his manacled hands. Ho was at onco seised and hurried out of Iho court-room to his room upstairs, PROSPECTUS The Weekly National Republican, WASHINGTON, D. C. A JDoiiblo Sheet of Ulght 1'njjos, I-'Jfty-sIx Columns. Ml 111(W, GLOniOUS OLD YALB. Mnlli Aiiiiiml Dinner orilir Vnlr .Vtnmnl Aaftorlntlon nt Uir ArlliiBtnn, About forty guests w era seated In tho dining hall of the Johnson annox to tho Arlington Hotel last evening to parllclpato In tho ninth annual dinner of tho Yalo Alumni Association of this city. Among those present nearly all tho clo&scs of tho grand old Institution of learning for half n century were represented, Hon. I'eter I'urker representing tho class of 'HI, whlto Messrs. E. M. Bcntley and 1'. A. Ran dolph wcro of class '80. Tho cards of Invitation were ornamented In tho centra by a faithful sketch of tho old brick row and the fence enclosing the old college grounds, while around Iho burdcr suggestive representations of tho vari ous stages of collrgo life wero grouped, Thoaeat of honor was accorded to President Noah Porter, of Yalo College, while to tho left of tho presiding gentleman. Captain Button, sat Hon. Hugeno Feliuylcri 1'roftwor Freeman, of Oxford, England, Fenator J. It. ltmvlcy, of Connecticut, Hon, W. V, Crapo, and other distinguished guests. the otiikr rABTicirAKTs wr.nr. Colonel a. II Clark, of tho.class of'.Y,; Messrs. C. f. Aldrich, or the class of'7; Win, A. Meloy.of tho daw of "M ; C. W. Uy, of tho clow of ft2; II. C. Hallowell, of the class of 'W; V. W. Crapo, of the clamof'fia; U. W. Katon.of tbocloxsof '70; r.O. flusx11,of the class of '76; K Whittlesey, of the doss of '12; 0. 1. 'Whitllesoy. of the class of '78; Samuel Porter, of tho class of.'7; Kit. Tylor, of Uieclawf of 'M j Simon Newcomb,of Mioclaasof '75; 11, M. Ucntley, classoftO; lion. L. Tlcacli.chunof 'U; Ocneral U. I. Gibson, class of 'W; George P. Sccly, class of 'W; Walter Allen, class of 'C.1; J. C. Hornblowcr.clnssof CM Hon. II. I. Dawes, class of '39; C. K. Dultou, class of '60; l'raiicls lllller, class of 'K; K. E. 1'ratt, claas of '58; T. 1). Merwlu, class or '77; Proftssor I.. I'recmau, of Oxford, England ; Fena tor Joseph K. I law ley; I'eter Parker, clam of Mil Colonel (larrlok Mallcry, class of 'CO; F. S. Williams, class of '69; lion. Fxluards l'lcrrepont; F.J. Woodman, class of '7ii; II. K. Wlllard, class of '70; Benjamin Uglln, class of '(3; 11. A. Itnudolpb, class of 'SO; Hon, Kugcno Schuyler, class of RD; W. 8. I'ltkln, class of 'J8, and "Dr. lltiynlon. Tho banquet itself was a very elegant affair, such as Mossrs. Itocsslo A Co. aro deservedly noted for. lion. Noah Porter offered grace, and tho discnsslnn of tho delcctablo viands was Inter- hs pcnied with Jolly collego songs Messrs. T. J. YV oodman and V. K W llllams leading on. Tllf TOLUOVVINU lOASTi were offered and appropriately rcsondcd to, the remarks of President Porter, Senator Ilawley, Hon. Kdwards Pierrepont, Hon. W, W. Crapo, and Professor Freeman being especially happy in tho many humorous and well-appreciated sparkllngsof wit and pleasantries indulged In: 'Alma Mater: Florcat; responded to by Hon. Noah l"orter. " Tho Corporation of Yalo Collego: Dum sumus in ills inclnsi compaglbus coporls, muncro quolam necessitatis ct gravi opcro pcrlunglniur ;" res-ponded to by Senator J. It. Haw ley. "Tho Academic Department: Scrlt arborcs quaonltorlsaeculoproslnt;" Hon, If. Pierrcpolnt. " The rnlvcriltlcsof England aud America ;" Pro fessor Frocman. "Tho I mw School: Prohldcum, popularlum omnium, omnium adolcscentlum, Clamo, poitulo, obeecro, oro, ploro, ntque lmploro Iklem;" Hon. W. W. Crapo. "Tho Divinity School: Video to alio spectare;" General Whittlesey, "Tho Sheffield Helcntltlc School: Doccam omnia subject esso naturno caquo ab ca pulchcrrimo gerl ; " Proijjiisor Simon Nowcomb, " Tho Schoot of Philosophy and tho Arts: Qunm qulsquo norlt ortcm.lnhacrocxcreeiit;" Hon, Fugeiiu Schuyler. " Tho Wooden Spoon : Conlemnamuslglturomnes Ineptus;" Mr. Waller Allen. "Tho llurlal of Kuclld: Nocturno adltu occulta coluntur Sylvcs Irlbu saepibu' densa;" Colonel Mallcry. "Tho Monlton, : Nam tl curont, bcuo bonis alt, malo malls: quod nunc abest;" Mr. l'rnncli Miller, " Tho Dlcnnlals : Which Coino Onco a Y'car; " Mr. William A. Mallory. "Tho Collego Fence; Millions for Defense;" Mr. 1. M. Ilentley. Other toasts wcro offered aud tho " w co sma hours" airlvcdcre tho fond sons of glorious oldYaltrc luetanly parted company. The oillcers of Yalo Alumni Afsoclatlon who wero elected last Novem ber, aro: President, Clurenco E. Dutton; vicc prrsldenU, FrauclsMillcrand Kllphulct Whlttlesyj secrotary, William A. Mcloy; trcaiurer, Francko h. Williams, historian, 1. 1-kinnrJsClarko; execu tive committee, tiarrlck Mallcry, F. A. Scely, li A. Pratt, Profcwior Simon New comb (honorary), aud II. K. Wlllard. T Is derotwl to Nown, INillUctt nnil Goncrnl Infornuilion. It llto Bent NowBpnnor nniiiuin.il ni thi aixihnf flovnrnmmil. mid in nil miittora nprtliilnr; to (spvcrnuiciitnl. 'ifil Poliiical and Soclrtl ofTiilrs nt tlio Nnlloiml Cnpital, is Bti)erior to lcndiug papora ot nltim i-ltUf nltlnil nf tlin lTniiin. Duriur tho Rtmlotis of CoiiRrwm It will luwiisji a Bfitiflfnctory report ot tho jtroccctl ,. and will nl all tlmoit irlvo uomploto titid rolinblo information of tlio ofllcinl doings In tlio varioii Kxocutivo Dopnrtmonts. . , ,, , , , A fitltliftil rooord will bo civou ot till iipnointtuonts, promotions, dismissals, ttssiBn- iuont, nud other mattont ot Inlorest conneetcd with tho Army nnd Navy. In polities, it will ho Stalwart Kcpiiblioun nnd an Earnest Champion of Liberalism Against Bourbon Democracy, nnd will mlvorato in n fcarlrjw and Intlcpondont raiinuor what shall appear to bo for tho host "pRCo'l'Co'.fo votc.1 especially to tho ABricultural and Producing Intcrcsta of 0,nT;1,,JJ?nUj rocord of th0 inUirMtinn social ovontsof tho day, making Its So ciety Department a featttro. The location of Tin: JtKPtmi.iCAN gives , it superior facilitlcn f or prcsMtiriK to il readers faithful reporter all that occurs ot tho nntioual ccntro ot I-itoratnro, Sciftuoc and Art, whilo ita inCorconrso with ptthllo iucu enables it to mako ft hp ('rial fwlturo of tho Social nnd Political Events and Gossip peculiar to tho National Capital. In Tclographio Communications with all parta of tho world reached by tho win, it will contain n full record of tho latest occurrences ot homo and itbroad. Its Bpocinl eorrespondeneo from all parts ot tho world will bo an interesting fcatnro. In its eilltorialB and iU Foreign and Domostio News, tho management intond to maintuih tho lilghest standard, and mako such improvements at mny from tinto to timo b suggested by the rcquiruraents of a rirat-clasa newspaper. Sample Copies sent Ircc. TfiiltMS, wltli roHtnjrc Prepaid j Ono Year, $1.0; Ton Copies or moro to ono address, each, $1.00. - THE DAILY NATIONAL REPUBLICAN Is one of tho best Nowspnpora published in the country. It contains nil U'O.NowLocal, General and Political. It is sent by mail, postage oald, at tho low prie o of WOO per year, or Um tlmo ut CO cents por month, Invariably in advance. Address NATIONAL REPUBLICAN, HALLET KILBOUnri, Mamao WaBlHilBton, . C. i a a a Unitku Status Housr. op IlHi'niauNTATivw, Washinoton, D. C, January , 1883. To the Anlt-Mmtrbon Voters of the Southern State ; Tho undersigned, Members of Congress from Southern States, desirous of promoting tho union and cordial co-operation of all tho untt-Bouibon elements hi our section, in tho good work of breaking up what lias been a solid Bourbon South, heartily recommend that our constituents and friends do all in their powor to extend tho circulation of Iho II eekly National ItertiibUcan. Its pulil his advocacy Sotitlioui States. our constituents and friends do all in their powor I political Editor, Gkoiioi: C. GoniiAM, has shown such power and judgment in ency of liberalism in Virginln, that wo want tho benellt of his work in otlicr Ho has too trno tiioa ot tlio political aiiunuou ui uic ouuiu, mm m I1U OUUbU, Ullll ITU um ... . .. ., ,., t ,,i i- . .. l. ...1 1 ....li..!,, ,a nml nn,liii.if nmllniia ran nent toat ms ltoorat counsels win uo cran kouh m iiiuuuutim "" i ui.uu.i rn people, nnu ineniis in too Auniintsiruin tion. iiervveou ino auruivru nnu otiuiuuni jiv:upii-, uuu .,.iiio ... ..." "y " " - . , Wo hopo to seo 2e National llepubtlean widely circulated throughout tho entire ' 0U '' L. 0. 1IOIJK, Second District, 'Hmnmee. A. II. PETTIBONE, First District. Tennessee. ' WM, 11. MOOUE, Tenth District, Tennessee. .10I1N PAUL, Seventh District, Virginia. . T. Van I1011N, Eighth District, Missouri. 0. IIIIBBS, Second District, North Carolina. NICHOLAS FOUD. Ninth District, Missouri. JOHN F. DEZENDOBF, Second District, Va. JOSI'MMI .10KGKNSEN, Fourth District, Va. M. G. UltNl'Jt, Sirih District, Maryland. PiiTiiusuurtuii, Va., January 4, 1883. DiiAit Mn. Kii.nounKJ It glvos mo plcasttro to commond The National Republican so well and ably edited to tho earnest friendship of those who would uphold tho Constitution and tho laws, dis courage Bectional lines nnd class legislation, foster publio education, and respect tho rights and care for tho propor inloiosts of all tho people of a common country. YUrMtrUly' WILLIAM MA1I0NE. 7'Ao Wcelily National Jtcpublican is just what is needed in, the South. Independent Democrats who rofuso to act witlt tho Bourbon organization will find it, as the Irginia IJendjustcrs havo, a fearless, outspoken, and judicious promoter of harmony and co-operation of all tho nntl-Bouibon elements nt tho South. I wish it micccsB. II. II, lUDDljhllhltUbK. THE2 AflT AOE. SledllntlntittrpnnTliliiEKNrrnniid Viiaecu n( llin Anirrlenn Cntillnl. Artcanprqduco nolhlngmore heautlful, cither in form or color, than thalwhlch It most beautiful In nature. Art, therefore, must ever Jio Imitative rather than creative. It may, however, display ingenuity In combining and arranging forms and colOrallmt nature htu made, thm producing tho aomblance of a now creation. Dut lit the cxerclae of tlilt liberty great caution must bo observed, elao tho work vr 111 appear unnatural, and Iborcroro de fective. Many auch combinations that are much prnleed nroalmply inonnlrosltief. Ancient artltts delighted In produclnj them. Tho absurdity was pointed out by Horace in his dlscouno "UeArto l'octlcn." Centaurs aud merraaldi are broad ox amplos, yet scarcely moro so than many allegorical piccos by modern artists in oil or marble Bupposo ouo should wish to rjtranHTALADV vnirrtD vtIUi some small object, which should bo charm ing to her becauao ol Its surpassing beauty, what would ho select t He would havo toro to nature for tho cl 0, would henotf I'ornhat has man over mads Uiat is to beautiful as a pearl, an ame th)st, a diamond, or n roeot Docs Homo ono say that art can make a rceo or a lily at beautiful oa tha natural flower? I admit It; but tho artificial flower Is beautiful because it it like the natural one. It is not an original creation. Qeuit of natu ral beauty aro always small. The preelout stones ara small! bo are tho most beautiful Sowers, birds, and aiilmala. Genu of art are likewise small, for 111. their likeness to natural gems that makes them germ of art. Hawthorne could not suffi ciently admlro a certain , odd rr or acvLTTPJii by his friend Power. It wan a baby a hand done in inarblu with wonderful exactness. Raro goms of beauty exist In tha bird kingdom. Some va rieties of the Booth American humming bird, for Instance, aro of exquisite form and color. la brilliancy aud purity tlielrhucs comport with tho loveliest stones and Ihecholoot flower. A few specimens of thet f rax Ilo gems of bird life may be teen at the Smithsonian. I hava novtr found in any Jewelry store an article of beauty superior to one of tbMe delicate creatures. AselTlllnUon advances art is porfeoisd. .is a rule, lb latter keeps pace with the former. " Why, then," It may be asked, " are wo, whoso civilisation is tha best In the world, so crude and unoriginal In our no tions of arlT" I answer, became wears In snob haste. Wealth Is tho product of industry and en terprise. Art is the ohlld of wealth nnd leisure. Tho bouso must be built ksfbro JT UAM EE SKCORATID. Our ftnt task hat been to overrun the continent andsnbduolr. Our forefathers cut down forests, slew wild beasts and Iudlans. and built log-cabins. How could art flourish in their day We of later generations nro stimulated by our opportunities to accumulate weath. Wo purchase nomo recreation becauso wo need It, many luxuries because vre can afford thorn and because wo are vain; but wo havo not jet tho leisure whloh la essential to tho enjoyment of art and to Its vigorous growth. For tho present, therefore, wo pay tribute to the Im porters. Wo accept tho dicta of older nations as authority lu art matters, and if wo linvo money to spend decorate otir bouse3 wlui the iatot trans atlantic erase, or with Imitations of tho tame In plaster or chromo. I suppose that If Mr. I'mug had llvod in Germany, or Bclghim, or England even, he would hava been a great artist Instead of a great manufacturer becoming rich at the expense ofnrt. urr xnx abt act. in our history is aparoachtug. It will flourish here as everything elto that is true and good flourishes hero as in iu proper soil. The tlmo will cpmo when American sculptors need not reside iu Homo or Florenco In order to obtain prcstlgu in New York and Washington. Nor will our painters think it nececsarj- to imitate this or that oontlnentol school of art. The pair of mag nificent Yellowstone landscapes by klonin in the Senate wing of tho Capitol and the beautiful " View of lit. Corcoran " la the Corcoran Art Gal lery aro specimens of what may bo achieved by men who believe that nature in her various aspects furnishes art with its truest models. I have been roueh interested lu studying tbo rude specimens or ccramlo art at tho National Museum, which are valuable becauso of their historical significance. They will form the subject-matter of my next meditation. h. A REMARKABLE MAN. DEPARTMENT NEPOTISM. lVlial I lining llnno liiMrnr Vp I lid It.i urd urNonic of tlm l!nii!oyi-r A IlwunucAN reporter, In his rounds yesterday, ran on a member of tho Soldiers' and Ballon 1 .ensue and inquired: " What l thoHoldloiV nnd Pallors' taaguodotnt! on the subject ol ' nepotism in thtfl)cpartmciilsr " " Well, wo nro looking after tho matter with cam nnd expect to givo tho ' nepota' a ' lively turn ' in the course of a short tlmo. We are now looking over tho reports of Iho Departments furnished tho Ecnato tinder tho Kcllogg.Plumb resolution of MnylO,1W " Wluit do you find In Ihcm V "Wo find them very Imperfcd nnd designed to deceive. Flrat Ihorank.corapany.nnd regiment of soldiers arc not given, thus giving no data in support of tho claim made, Pccond To say army,' or ' navy,' or 'volunteeror 'regular' nor tiollherls'jcj'or'no is no evidence ofservlco In tho United Htalcs army or tho United State navy during tha war, A man who served lu tho army or navy ought to bo abloto give his rank, company, and regiment in which hescrved. Third Wo want to know llietruth about this matter, nnd shall ask Congress togct it if it takes 'all summer." As now stated, a man may luwe been In the army or navy or volunteer tervlco of tho confcdcracy,or liisomo foreign army, Ueawean to nothing, ha certifies to nothing, aud therefore whereself-lnter-cttls at stake ho may'fabrlcatc. Men sometimes swear falsely to advance self-interest. Tho Oot ornment requires a good deal of sworn testimony lo establish a email claim vrhcro Iho motlvo Is no ttrouger than lu this cue. When vre learn the rank, company, nud regiment of tho employee we shall then bo equipped to verify or discredit his statement. We bad during the war what Is known at the 'Interior Department Ittglmcut' nndother Department regiments, which were mado up as temporary guards Cur the Departments, but who were not aoldlers lu fact. They worked for the Government ns clerks, Ac, and not as soldiers. These gentlemen vcro not soldiers and cannot claim It. Wo drslro these facts brought out and fair dealing show n all around. No soldier ask for more than Jmttct. We see that tho reports da not give the congressional district to which each II credited. This is very Important. The legal resi dence should be given, slating town, county, and State. It would be a great asllslaotlon to know whore these peoplohall from. Ninety-nine hun dredths of the people would like to know. Let us havo it. Mfth Anotbcrlmportant question should be looked into. How many unnaturalized for eigners are holding luoretlvo positions under " Uncle Bam t" Wo havo heard it said that fully two hundred are now In Government service in Washington. These gentlemen should be sworn on litis subject." "It It tho Intention to publish the names ot the nepotltlsT" "Yes, sir; every mother's son, as toon as the matter Is submlUed to Congress. There aro uot eral hundreds wo have not yet caught up with, bnt a Utile Umo will tel I more." " Will Congress take an interest In this matterr "Yes, sir. How arc Congressmen treated In the Departments? They ere charted with overvlhlnz. and matiy of them haven't Influence enough to procure a char-woman a place. I tell you, many Senators and Congrastmen are ''on their car' and want things changed," WHO OSCAR WILDE IS. HOUSH Of HlU'nnSENTATIVES, Washington, D. C, January 4, 1883. I rccoRnlzo in tho Tccent viowfl and spirited touo of Tho National JlcpnbUean, in ita tieatmentof Southern politics, obioad, comprehensive, nnd patriotic i statesmanship, and I beliovo that its circulation in Tcsiw would materially aid liberal and progressive torces. G. W. JONES, M. C, m Fifth District, Texas. LANIER VS. KING. Tbt IiIrM OSM'ru CoEitpiMis. Another crowded liuue greeted the "Ideal" Company ut 1'ord's last utgut, "Tho Cxar and Carpenter," an ojicra but little known In this city, iv irs presented, It is u bright liltlo work, full of pretty concerted music. Mr. Whit ney, ns tho Bvt gomaf Irr, stood piominent among tho soloists, nnd dlsplaved his eplcndld bass volco lo excellent advantage. Miss Mario Stono did the coquettish niece very prettily aud received several encores to her bolos. Mr. Tom Karl, although etlll sullerlng from his India poiltinn, sung his pnrt with good effect, nnd was enthusiastically encored In hU " Lovo Song" in tho ncond net. Mr. rcssenden ns r(T hanho$, nud Mr. MoPonald us Jtttr the Our bnng and nctcil their rrepcctlvo pans with cood Judgment, 'iho gem of tho concerted music vrus thu malo nexlcltc In tho second act, eung without accompaniment. As a whole, tho production vvns n graud success, and now that this work has been fairly Introduced to tho publio its leprescntntlon will always bo lecclved with favor, This excellent lompnuy clo?i its engagement with "llratos of runxnnto" this nftrrnoon and "The Mascoltc" lo-nlghl. Dlnlrlrt .Ainilr.. Building permits wero Issued yesterday U Miss Maria Uallcy, SOS I'HIh rtrcet northwest, to mako repairs, cct S-fli S. Dovviu, Virginia avenue, be tween i'.lghth and Nlnlh streets southeast, to mako rcnnlra, cost JIM. Tho resignation of Mr. 11, s. Illllutt ns Inspector of food has been ncccptcd by tho Commissioners of tho District of Columbia. lias been tinusfrrrcd to duly as food IiiHpector, vice Klllott, nnd Mr. William J, Cook appointed Inspec tor, vicn Mackall, transferred. Tho commission losnake uu examination of the tln-alrcs, churchei, A.C, with reference to their wfety lucasoof panlo by Arcs or otherwise have ouucluded tho examination of the publio school buildings-ami will mako a report next week. Tho uhuroheswlll be Inspected next. llullding Inspector ltetvvlsle yesterday notified School Trukleu W C. Podgo that lh school build ing at Mount Pleasant It now finished nnd asks that he sat n time when he can mako nn examina tion of the tamo for ucceplauco. Ncrlul a'erftjrluni.eA of Jtisliii ClirnB'. Tho l.umenco llarrctt Dramatic Club gave a special representation of "Julius Ctosar" at thu National Thealro yesterday afternoon, It will bo rimcmLorcd that this organisation mado lis bow to tho public last spring, Mheu tho same tragedy was presented wilh nu excellence thut bad never before been scon in amateur per formauceo, Tho presentation yesterday was to show the cmineut tragedian for whom the club Is named what piojrcus they bad made. Iu tbo loner left-haud stage-box were Mr. iJiwronce Darrelt, Gcntml W. T Sherman, Judge MaoArthnr, Mlsa hchrelner, the elocutionist under whoso Inttrist tlon tho club attained their high omtorlcal pro ficiency; Mcrtrs. n. 0. Lovejoy, W. N. Itaplry, and Major A II. S. Davis, while Kattered over tho auditorium wore several frloudi of Iho incmben. Mr. llarrctt cxpres-ed himself as highly pleased with the efforts of the young gen tlemen, making ctpcctal refcroncotn iUaiatnrot Mr. Mahoney, the ChMtujof Mr. Huufnrd and tho .tn'imvof Mr. Havld U. Jiang. , . "The Wtsrlsl." The gital realistic nnd uttlaculur play, "Iho "World," whloh it now the dramallo sousatlon of tho day, will be produced nu next Monday even ing nt the National Theatre with nil the wonderful afltcuilual havo mado It famous In two hemi spheres Among tho noted features are "Tho in fernal Machine," " The Had In Mid-Ocean, "Tho l,axl Drop of Water," aud '"Hie Lunatic Asylum," A tJrsii," ' Wait It lit Why, It It a wart on the man's nose. The man's noso looks Ilka a beitf Yon, tho uuii is a beat. He Is a Washington lieat. He Is alto a "cudjre." Tho wart looks Uko a precious stono t Yes, It li a seta and cost the man much money, POLITICAL NOTES. To tho rVlllOr Of TlIK JtKPUULICAN! ' Hearing that tho contested caso of Lanier vs. King, of the Fifth District of Louisiana, would probably romo up next week, and that Mr. King would charge among othor things that Major l.nnlcr was a desperado, nnd had killed a Federal offiocr after tho war, and was driven from North Carolina for murdering ! man, ic, 1 beg, ns a North Carolinian, lo make a statement In connec tion with theso charges which will, I think, satisfy overy one of their absurdity. When tho war broko out Lnnler vv as a lad of but flrtecu years and had but recently entered the Unlvcndty of Norlh Caro lina, nt Chapel Hill. In commou with almost tho entire school ho left his books uud enlisted in tho confederate scrvlco, where he dtcIdcMly distin guished himself for gallantry, iU'. Alter tho sur render of Leo and Johnston ho, nRTPHMNo to ms iiohi:, In Nash County, North Carolina, at onco com menced to assist In gathcilngupwhat remained of his estate. About this tlmo there appeared In his neighborhood a number ot camp-followers, vv ho, dressed iu blue uniforms, began tho most outrageous persecution of tho prostrate people. With some other gentlemen hv went to ltalclgh, N. C, then commanded by General C'anby, and re quested him to givo protection to their friends. To their application Oeuerul Caubysald: "Have you no lighting men left!" An afllrniatlvtt an. awer being glvru, ho said: "Thcu go back and drlvo thoio people nwny," They returned, nud gathering-together such old boldlcrs as were at hand, went out in pursuit of them, nud in tho fight which took place vv hen they met several per sons on BOTH MliKH WISRE K1M.MI and twcnty.lhreo of tho carnp-lollowcrs cap tured, Theso men were!put In Jail and duly de livered lo General Lognu when ho ptusecl through tho town in tho Jail of which they wero coullncd, Learning tho clrrtinutaueca of Ihclr capture by hli order each of Ihcm vvns " bucked and gagged " nud placards placed on their brcasti, nnd tticy so stationed thai the nrmy passing could sco why they wcro thus punished. In thut protecting their Dr Jninm M. Mackall Persons ana nomei, .nujur i.uiuer nu nu irivnuj nuncKcti nunc uui uriguuuv, wuu iihjk r.,ii;iui uniforms only as a dUjtul.se. Ucucrals Cunhy and Jiogua never found fault with what was done, nnd It Is pawing strnngo that It it lelt for an ex confederate at tblt lute day to try and uso It ns an argument ngnlust tlm admission of Major Lanier to tlio real In Congress to which ho wat hou istly elected by tho cltlrent or the Fifth District of lAultlana. From Nathv lllo County, 1-anler, who was then rxit nineteen, went to lllllsboro', Orange County, North Carolina, to enter the law schriol of Judge Ituffln, chief Justice of tha Statu, and unavoidably was n witness to a fight In which a person named "Dock Check" was ono of the principals. nniNO Sl'MMONIU) AN A WITNRsS before Iho court, he gave uvldenco which greatly oxasperated Check, whercuou he (Check) mado violent threats against tanlcr1 person, who heard theto throats, nnd, knowing that Cheek, whan drinking, was a detpcrate ma;i, went to Lanier nnd told him to 1m prepared for trouble. After this Lanier and a number of persons wero In front of a drug storo talking, when Cheek discovered him, nnd nt onco started toward him, drawing his knife at ho came. Lanier promptly halted him, but, seeing that he wat compelled lo protect hit life, atoucc thot him down. Lunler had lost his right hand in the nrmy. Thinking Cheek mor tally vs minded, he wat advlfcdby friendt to leave, thus saving auuoyance nnd expt'imv of a law suit, It it due to the unfortunate Cheek to sny that so koon as nu nEcuvanto coiucIouMieest h nl one asked for iJinlcr, aud tald he did not wish hlin Interfered with, that ho alone wat to blame. Cheek it a well mau to-day, nud has never expressed a dcalro to havo iJinlcr arrested or otherwise annoyed. This Is the mur der lie is charged with by Mr. King at having caused him to leavo the Slate. Lanier Is a cousin of Senator rtausou, and belongs to a family of the highest respectability In North Carolina. He It nn amiable tentlcnian, but does uot know tha unuiiniiof fear. If (ho Hcnubllcnii nartvhad mure such men in tho South (and it looks now as If THE UNITY CLUB. tlio time was not distant when they would havo nil nils cry noout invimiuauou woum thorn) cease, N.C 31 In Cm I-I'll SKJIT. According lo the Cincinnati Star Miu Annie ixiulio Cary Invented tho story of her cnRsgcmcnt to Mr. Loi lUard In order lo pUy ajokoon a woman who was listening to tho conversation between Iho singer and a friend. Mist Cary enmity toward Mr, Lorlllxrd wu not iircvioosly kuown, l'or tho "conllngont oxponsea" of the latt Democratio Hnuso or lleprcsentatlvc4 wo find charged 6,000 for horses and wagons aud 87,000 for water-coolers. There has been an Impression that Congressmen did not cousumo much water. Tho division on eulogies of tho 1'os.l-OfUco Do partmont having been abolished, clastic eulogies on tho Into alleged clilofor inspectors or tho I'ost OMlco Department Thomas L.James, will herear tcr bo fllod In tho Dead-Letter Olllce of said De partment. Scavengers, lickspittles, nnd sycophants will hereafter govern themselves accordingly. A llaptlst preacher iu Indiana has been lectur ing on tho quc--llon, "Can a Democrat go to Hcavcnt" Aftor dlacussiug tho subject for thir teen cvuntugs tho reverend gentleman concluded that ho could not go tbero as a Democrat, but that if ho would icpent nud vote tho Republican ticket two or three times ho might. McDonald and Voor- bces would do well to begin 'renting at once, to say nothing of Beck. Mr. Uelford propoaos to do away with tho com mon nud objectionable practice of n member get ting Iho Moor Torn certain period uud then par celing the tlmo out In horacepnthlc doses to cer tain favorites, and has introduced a resolution amending rulo 11 to as lo prevent It, If the rules me so nmeuded, u member getting tlio floor foran hour will havo to speak It out or admit that ho lias bitten olf moro thnn ho enn chow. Tho hill of Mr. llazcltlnc, Grccubnckcr from Missouri, to "colp" fractional currency of the denomlnatloiii oftwcnly-ilve and finy couls, pro vides that therd shall ho sixty thousand of each denomination Issued, It furthor provides that In no caso shall the currency thus "coined" bo termod or designated as notes or promises, to pay. Mr. Harcltlno will be "coining" milk tickols next and calling them milk Instead of promises to sup ply milk. Itopvcseutatlvo Parts, ell, of lllluoit, has intro duced a 1)111 lu tho House to cnablo American cap italists to purchase In tbo forrlgu markets Iron or steel steamships, to bo used exclusively In tho for eign trade, uud to bo navigated under au Ameri can rcgUtry. Iu speaking of this bill Mr. 1'arwoll tald : "Although nt tint tight It might appear to antagonlo our American ship-building interests, it is not so luteuded by mo, and It will not so ope rate. As a matter of fact, tbero Is no Arm in this country now engaged in building such ships for the foreign trade entirely, while wo are pn)lng tribute to tho extent of 1100,000,000 annually to foreign vosel. Tho object uf Iho bill It to savo to American capitalists aud American teamen us much of this amouut as Is possible." A day or two after tho ctoctlou of I87G tho late E. W. atoughton sauntered In Iho rooms of tho llunubllcan headquarters lu New York, He was very much depressed, and thought tlio elections had rrono airalnU tho Ilepubllcaus. Ha asked Ziie.li Chandler, chairman of tho committee, what he thought of tho result. "Why, we've won, of course," tald Znch. " Dut what do you think of Florida 1" continued Btoughton; "nroyouiureof Florida?" "Yea, I am sure or Florida wo have iron tho victory and wo shall keep it," tald Chandler. " out they say Tiiuen nas tciu a repro Mutative to Florida, nnd I think our Interests nwylcnre." retolned Btouirhlon. " Do IhoyT" tald Chandler; "when do they say OovcrnorTllden'a man ttarledr "This moniluB, wa me reply, " Well," said Chandler, brightening tho cigar by an extra puff, "all I have lo say it tnai ir atr.TU den'a man gets to Florida before mine does he will havo to travel fatter than any oxprett train ever went. My man Icrt yesterday." Is'Carntullon to Uli-rb Ileltra. " It was almost a UU turn round the City Hall yes terday. Had It not been for the attraction of the Gultcau trial, which nlwajt draws crowded houees Wednesday and Saturday inatiuces lu-clnded-tbiro would havobtcu actually nothing douo. Tho courts have all adjourned, very few suits were filed, aud ouly onu marrlago license Issue). It vvns at first proposed to present Clerk Meigkwlth a pair of white gloves, but as lilies seem to bo more tho thlinr Just now a magnificent specimen of that uisthctlo llower will be ordered nud presented to him ou Mine future occasion yet to be announced. jMiiusmrlHilf Madame Janatuchok. tho eminent tragedienne, will commence nn engagement at Ford' Opera House on Monday night. Madamo Janauschek It at tho very head of the hisirlonlu profession, and there Is uo lady now upon tlio ttago who can com pare with bor. Sim will prettont during tho week 'Mary Stuart," "Illeak Houao," "Mother and Bon," and "Dohorah," Isitorratlnc Paper by I'roftwvaor Kn.tuinu Allrncttve Dllsirellnnrona Proersuntisp. The regular nicctlngof the Unity Club tookplaco at the residence of Mr. William Hntchlnsou, No. 02 O street northwest. Trofcssor J. It. Eastman, or tlio Nnval Observatory, read nn Interesting paper on the "History or Meteoric Astronomy." At tho closoorthocssaythecompnny was entertained with nn Interesting varied progrnromo, made up of piano solo, by Miss Hutchinson ; reading, by Dr. Duncan; song by Mr. E. G, Whipple ; piano solo, Professor Doyle; recitation by Miss Nargucrlto Spauldlng, eongby Miss Clam linker; recitation, Dr. Frank White; song by Mrs. Josle Logan, nud recitation by Miss Bella Dacon. To those of her friends who had not licard Miss Bacon, her excellent reading was a pleasant surprlso, her manner being natural and unaiTcotcd nnd her selections appropriate. Mrs. Logan's rich contralto, with Its wonderful power in the lower register, was warmly praised, ns w ns nlso her method of tinging, which showed tho superior schooling alio had received, AMONQ TnOSK lMlESKNT W'KRK Colonel J, C. Smith and wife, Professor Wid- dovvs, Mr. nnd Mrs. Dickey, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lincoln, Mrs. M. M. Day, Mrs. Taylor, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. D. Smith, Mr. Wlnslovv Upton, Mr. Chamberlain, Mr. nud Mrs. Burke, Miss Farmer, Colonel, and Mrs. Chase, Miss Liuira Thllp, Miss listn. brook, Mr. Hodges, Dr. White, Mrs. nnd Miss rctllbono, Mrs. Day, Mr. Whipple, Mr. and Mrs. rord, Mrs. Morrcll, Mre. Mills, Judgo Hoyden, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Mr, nnd Miss Hpaldlng, Mr, tlddons, Jr., Miss Florence Sullivan, Miss Hopper ton, Mrs. F.Ilot, Mrs. Naylor, Mr. Charles Davles, Mr. and Mrs. Dufour, Mr. nnd Mrs. Trembly, Mrs. Colby of Chicago, Itov. Mr. Kent, Mra. It. B. Nlles, Miss Webster, Mr. Roberts, Mr. nnd Mrs. Holmes, .Miss Damr, nud Mr. J. B. l'hllp. ARCHIBALD FORBES LECTURE. Ass Kiifrs-liilnliitf TntU in " Ulnu Tlmt I llnve Met." " In ono profession ho has done light cavalry service," said Senator Ilawley last evening at tho Congregational Church, In Introducing tho cele brated war correspondent, Archibald Forbca. Placing u plloof manuscript upon tho desk Mr. Forbes began to rend his lecture, "On Kings I Havo Met." Ho read with considerable forconnd expression, nnd his gesticulations were mainly confined to his head, which ho kept In constant motlou. Ilo wore n dress suit, with a while handkerchief protruding from hit breast poekct, a la Oscar Wilde. Hespokovvlth a decided Eugll.lt accent, and the only attempt made at a Joko vvns In a reference to General Sheri dan, "of whom somo of yon mayhnYO heard." This was received with npplaae. Some of tho de tcrlpttvo pnuatrcs iu the lecture 'wcro very line, hut the Interesting features were the details about celebrated personages and events which historians think beneath their dignity to mention, For Instunco, In referring to n popular ovation to tho late Czar of ltussla, where hit little daughter was lined rroni ner carriage over tbo heads of the enthusiastic people, Mr. Forbes raid thut the metal plnlcs on tho heels of her shoes glittered In the fiosty tunllght. This created n laugh, as well as tho remark that the family nf an Indian prince was to old'that it was said that lilt ancestor had a bolt of his own In tho flood aud would not gpenk to Noah and his crowd, There wat a good audience and their at tention was held throughout. m Tlio NtrssM-Iloiid Csskcs. Tho hearing of tho t'travv -bond ciues vvns re turned jctlcrday by Judge Bnell. Tho processor Identifying certalu bids and contracts was pro ceeded with, despite tho objections uf the defense that they had nothing to do with tho casct In hearing, the Court Invariably ruling; in far f the prosecution, An ultempt wat made lo selllo upon sonic plau fur tho prirato examination or thexe paper by the defense, but the courso or the prosecullun wat to regardless or decency nnd Iho rights or the defense that ft fell through with, and Iho tout! adjourned until Tuesday, .. Pollciiii Dinner, A pleasant little party or Loulstanlam metal IxHCknm'a last night and dlscnsscd a chotcouicnu of the delicacies of tho teaiou nnd an abundant tupply of extra dry. The quintette did full Justice to themselves and the dinner, and after the tahlo had liccn cleared, ov'ir the "walnut nud the nine," passod the time In Jest nnd ttory-telllng until an early hour this morning. 'There were present MoMr. J. fl. I'ltkln nnd 8". riatovr, Colonel William Koy, and Major William Simpson, all of Louisiana, aud (orcounoJarepreMiitaUvo of Tus IturuaucAV, non. T. A. Sykes, orNatliTillc.Tcnn., 1 In town. Mr. Sykes Is a remarkable man. Be was born In Pasquotank County, Norlh Carolina. While a tlnve a little girl one Sunday asked him to get her a watermelon. He proposed that the should teach him the alphabet, and ho would par her a six pence for her services. After tolling through that summer Sunday afternoon, at night he found him self master of thoto magical letter. Tbo shop where ho worked as a cabinet-maker was noar his matter's hounc. Through a bole In the shop that ho made by punching out a knot he could com mand a view of his matter titling at hit meals. With one oyo on the knot-hole nnd the other on his book ho prosecuted his early studies. Ills master dled.bofore tho war, and tho nleco ot his mistress married a young man who, on the out break of hostilities, went Into the confederate nrin Mr. Syke-s promised this man to takocaro oftho family until ho returned. So well did ho keep bis promise that, although free, be continued to labor for the family until the 18lh day or Aurjutt, lito, when tho confederate soldier returned, who nas never anovvn any symptoms or gratltudo ron Tins cheat gAcnmcc Tho result or tho war loR his mistress Impover ished, nnd this noblo man supported her for tho flrshthrce years of his freedom nud until bor death. It is his purpose to erect a marblo shaft over her grave to her momory, the spot being unmarked to Ibis day. Mr. Sykes was a member of tho first Republican Slate convention in North Carolina, which mot In I8C7. He served in tuo legislature of North Caro lina In 18G8-V as the member of Fasquotank County, and so satisfactory was his services that ho was re-elected to the Mros position for the years 170-L GovcruorJnrvls present Governor served through both terms wilh him, and Hon. Samnel F. Phillips, Solicitor-General of IhoUnlted Stales, WAS A yKLIflW-MtJlBF.R durlug his last term. Mr.Syketwusa memberof tho llcpubllcan State executive committee from the time of the organization or the party In that State until his change or residence, and was a del egate to tho convention that nominated Grant In 1ST.'. Iu 1872 he removed to Nashville, Tenn., where ho now live.. He soon mado his Impression as a born leader upon tlio citizens of his adopted State. In 1676 be was elected a member of the county court, and iu ISM he wet elected to the home of representatives In a district where Han cock polled a majority of 1,100 votes. He has served In tho present Legislature with distin guished credit. His career Is before, not behind him, being only about forty years of age. What a lesson his life, conveys r Ho says ho has no pa tience with any man who says he has never bad a chance to acqulrenu education; that If he had only known that some day bo would own himself he would have been far better equipped In that re spect. Tlie IlnrhelorV Oerninit. Tho popular social organization, the Bachelors' Club, gave a German last ovenlug nt Marlnt, which was very largely attended by tha best cle ment of our society. Everything was dono In the best style, nnd the ovent wat a very enjoyable one. Mrs. General MclCeever received tbo guests and Lieutenant l'atno led the gennan. Mr, Oscar Wilde arrived at eleven o'clock, in company with Congressman and Mm. liobeson, and was introduced to Mrs. Mc Kevver. General Introductions followed, nnd tho dancing was suspended for the time and tbo german was resolved Into a reception. He was pleasant andnfublo, and created a very favorable Impression, Ho re mained for some lime, and then retired from the hall. About twelve 0 clock the dancing was re sumed and continued until a late hour. To Ilia Editor of Tin llzrcBUCAN : Tending the arrival in our city of tho test hello J. a., Oscar Wilde, a few Items as to the animal' pcdlgreo may not be uninteresting. Notwith standing that Mr. Wilde comet among us at an Eoglirhman,ll Is nevertheless n fael that his first opportunities for studying tho testhetlo ware from the windows of his nursery In Merlon Square, Dublin. From here tho annually recurring view of tho Dublin students and their " motla," return lngfroma"baUer"xDonnybrookFa!r,furnbhc4 one of the tint germs of thought toward forming his boyish Ideal; and tho morning carol or the Sandymount fishwife, as she warbled, "fresh fresh, cockles" ncath. his window, tho oarllest poem of his childhood. If there Is anything In "hereditary tendency," or, as they put It In Mr. Wilde's native Isle, "In the nature of tho baste," Oscar must sure enough bo a queer amalgam of genius, eccentricity, nnd "cussed ncss." HU father, Sir William Wilde, was a Dub lin surgeon, who as an oculist gained tho highest round f eminence, nnd whoso name, lu common with Sir. Philip Crampton, Sir Henry Marsh, BIr Domlnlck Corrlgan, Stokes, and OTarrell, holds niche among tho medical salnUol the ancient City.ofEblnnn. But Sir William was ncllhertalnt nor icsthelc In fact the very antithesis of cither. In dress, personal appearance, and manner he loved to bo oulrt. His hair was worn long and brushed behind ills cars, after tho manner of oar frontier scouts, aud bis appearance on tbo streets. generally driving Uko a lunatic, has often given rise 'to mot "Wilde by name and wild by nature." Tho old gentleman had still another reputation on tho Don Giovanni order that in point of naughtiness waa "too utterly too, too." About eighteen yean since ho figured as defendant In n civil action brought against him by the daughtorof a brother physician. Tho tin scrupulous uso of chloroform was tho burden of tbo charge Tho injured maiden was a tplustcr of somo thirty-five or forty yean, strong minded and a bluetlocklng In her way, but tho jnry, discredit lug the necessity of an anesthetic in her case, gave her a verdict of slxpenco damages without leaving tbo box. Oscar Wilde's mother was alto a genius, but ono of a very different type, and with a reputation pure as snow. Among the bright gallnxy or contributors to the old Dublin Nation, including Davis, Mangan, D" Alton Williams, Lcyne nnd Mary Eva Kelly, none shono moro brilliantly than"Bperanra" (Mrs. Wlido's mow At plume). In IMS, Just when the Young Ireland enthusiasm wat at its height, "Speranza" wroto her soul-stlrriug poem "Courage," eommcnclug: Lift up your pale faces, you children of aorrow, The ntght passes on to a glorious to-morrow. Harkl bear you not sounding glad LUicrtys psoan From tbo Alps to thn Isles of the tldalem iKii.n T And tho rhytbmleat march of the gathering nations, Aud the crashlog of thronoa 'ueath their flcroe ex ultations, And the cry of Humanity clcav, lng the ether With hymns or tho conqneriog rising toeethn Ood, LlbMty, Truthl How they burn heart iihd brain Tbfso words shall thy burn shall they waken In valnT 'Tia bard tobellcvo that the son of tho patrlotlo woman who penned the above spirited linos could find no belter mission than to don tho motley, cap, nud bells of the fool, aud play Watnbn to an American public. Ono thing certain, did Oscar appear In his present rig and roloboloro the foot lights or hit nntTvo city neither tho eminence of Hlr William nor the patriotism or Speranza would cave him from such a shower of rotten eggs a never before fell from the Olympian heights of tv Dublin top-gnllery, F. r. C. Mlsiirsilssr Facta from Luul.laliii. In tho contested election caso or Smith vs. Itob crtson, from Ihe Sixth District of Loulslaua, now befbro the House, the singular fact it presented that (intofatolalllcpubllcuuvotelntbedlstrictornearlr 17,000 only 5,S voles were counted and returned for Colonel Alexander Smith, tbo Republican can didate. In Ibis district, it seems, at tbe last elec tion, In nearly nil ofthewardt or voting-places In the lanto Ilepublicau parishes, no commission ers of election wero allowed to the Republicans, at ic.quircd by the election lawt of'Loultlana, nnd la tho canvass oftho vote cast tho Republicans were nut permitted any supervision whatever, and Hilt may explain what became of tbo other 11,000 Re publican votore who were registered In that district. It appears also that there is lu thlt district a very large following of GrCcnbackers and Independ ents who nbttained from voting at tho hut election becauso they did not havo any candidal of their own In the field. This should have given Wmliluirton Opernlln AstorlMlnii. Tho Washington Operatic Association held an adjourned meeting last night, at which there waa a largo attendance and the usual unanimity In Iho transaction or the business. Tho trorcutry wat In structed to report lo tho association the names or all persons who havo made themselves Itablo to dismissal by reason of abneuco from three suc cessive rehearsals, with, a view of making room for active member. Mr. McLcod presented hit resignation at a member or the executivo com mittee, and Lieutenant James F. Oytterw as unan imously elected lo fill hit place. The association wnt then placed In tlio bandt of Frofrssor Eousa, vv ho at once proceeded with the rehearsal of "The Smugglers," which will be brought out on the Tth ptoximo, Lanrenee Jlni rett.! Mr, Lawienco Barrett's scholarly and llnUbcd performance of Jlamlet was witnessed last night by n large and Intelligent ntidleuco, who testified by their frequent npplatue their great gratification. Our opinion of Mr. Barrett' excellence In thopnrt of the moody Dane was formed long ago aud has been expressed In these columns. With each season Mr, Barrett shows new excellence In cycry character ho impersonates, thovv lug that ho Is not satisfied to stand still upon tho reputation ho ha acqulred,but It oonstanllyttudylngand con stantly striving to discover new beauties In tho text, new eflbctt in representation. This nflornoou Mr. Barrett will appear as Ukttdicu, and to-night he will close his engagement with " Richard IIL" trict, already Republican and be no doubt did carry the district, but vvns counted out by methods peculiar lo the Bourbons of tbo Solid South. In Hie parish or West Feliciana, one of tho largest Bepnbllean parisbcalu tho dtstrlct.aud where there Isovertwoive hundred more colored than white yours, not one iluglo vote wot counted for Colonel Smith, whloh shows upon the loco of It that fraud tho most barefaced wero practiced by the Demo- i iDiuparu i i fuallv e teat InCongreaa, and we bid him Ood peed in hi crallo returning officer of that parish. No doubt Dut wnai Luionei nnum is jiisiiy eniiucn in ni effort to oust hit Bourbon competitor, whooe title to the teat appear to i datlon.ond violence. lo the toaVapncare to be based upon fraud, intlml- tlillon Moldlera' Alllxnee, At tho last meeting or the Union Soldier' Alli ance the following resolution wero unanimously adopted; Jlitobed, That the Union Soldiers' Alliance, kuowlng him to be a gentleman ol most excellent character, and believing him to be well, qualified. by reason of extentlve experience In different branches of tho Government Priming Office, to discharge the lmoriant and responsible dullest pertaining to tbe ofUco or Public Printer, cheer fully unites with tho soldiers of lViintylvnnla, Ohio, Illinois, New York, Indiana, Connecticut, MasMChusctti. and other Stales. In earnest! r reo- ommendlng tbe appointment of Mr, E, W, Oyster, of Pennsylvania, lu that petition. Renlrtd. That the annolntmant Fnblto Printer would be a giacoful tribute t" Hi; soldier ol the country who have co cordially and earnestly indorsed him, and fully Justlned by hit record at an honest and conflenilnut man, tv aoldler and n faithful and capable ofllcinl. . ' lct Married. Ill tho tweet, balmy, dellolout happiness of lovo't first young dream a youth will not only In slst on cracking walnut for hit girl, but In pick ing out tho goodies a well. Two years after mnr. rlago he will not even let her liave the nut ci acker until he Is Ihrjush, Olrlt, got iuurcIcgV uan D. .UUJuu. 1 ..j.! - .y U 1,-t . fcAlir-ir,f-w. 'xUiL-L '.&I&&V